H it mistakenly fell off of it gonna add when we start the meeting I think he's GNA put it under his section K is legal coming I haven't heard other okay there it is we want to call this city council meeting to order Monday June 10th 2024 and we're going to ask Council MC to F Le invocation and we'll follow with the Pledge of Allegiance dear heavenly father we thank you for your day we thank you for all your blessings Lord we thank you for allowing us to come together to do the will of the people and your will Lord Lord tonight it's going to be a good night want to honor some people for uh selfless sacrifice and putting their themselves in the line for others Lord and um what we're talking about Lord we pray that you'll be with Robert Nelson that you'll heal him Lord and we just thank him for all the sacrifice that he's made on behalf of the city every time Lord you be with him and his family strengthen him give him healing and encouragement God it's Jesus name we pray amen amen I Al to the flag of the United States of America the for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for all all right we have a presentation that U Council woman Amy Hein is going to do at this present time okay thank you there was an anonymous tip stated no is more unselfish than one who risks their life to save another and today I'd like to publicly recognize and celebrate uh Taylor Laing house and Dan Coen who without hesitation put themselves at risk to save the life of another during a recent DFS Triathlon event held at Chipley park over at the lakeyard in addition I'd like to publicly recognize Chief Sheffield and two members of his team Sergeant kby clo and firefighter Austin Harris for being on site to render services so last month about 18 participants anxiously awaited the sound signal the start of a race beginning with the first leg of a triathlon which was a 600 meter swim 10 minutes before starting the organizers learned that that the life bars they hired were a noshow the officials knew the event could not safely proceed without lifeguards so Taylor learned of this dilemma and along with Danny came up with a solution they went to Danny's house collected two kayaks and the requisite safety gear and they returned in in minutes flat Taylor and Dan then altered their volunteer duties to become the lake monitors for the event two swimmers will forever be grateful for their presence and unselfish acts of those two volunteers that day just minutes into the swim Taylor recognized that two swimmers simultaneously found themselves in distress in need of assistance seeing their struggles and acting quickly Dan and Taylor once themselves immediately went to their aid can you imagine yourself being in a kayak approaching a struggling swimmer it's a risky position noticing the swimmer starting to panic Dan threw a life vest and swung the notes of his kayak to position the swimmer from sinking his boat after a few moments of talking and calming the swimmer down Dan was able to safely bring the swimmer to Shore and instantly headed back out to a Taylor the second swimmer in the middle of the lake experienced difficulties and struggling was utilizing Taylor's assistance the participants leted Taylor let Taylor know that he was okay but he just needed a minute or so to rest Taylor stayed with that swimmer and shadowed him on the remainder of the course until he reach until he safely reached the shoreline waiting on the shoreline fire chief Sheffield and two of his members Sergeant kobby cook and firefighter Austin Harris were there offering to render Medical Services to the swimmers as needed today I'm presenting Danny and Taylor with a life- saving certificate that reads this certificate is awarded for your willingness to volunteer as a guardian of the swimmers in a triathalon event you were in the right place at the right time your courage and decisive life-saving actions assisted those swimmers who struggled to stay afloat your unself actions prevented a tragedy for chief Sheffield and each of his members with with deep respect your certificates will say with deep respect I award this certificate to you for your quick action for rendering medical assistance to swimmers who struggle to stay afloat too often the unselfish acts of firefighters and paramedics are overlooked or dismayed because they are just doing their job I want you to know your commitment to helping others has not g unnoticed you may just be doing your job but the work you do truly makes a [Applause] difference Austin you guys you could come forward we really appreciate what yall did thank you so much [Applause] [Applause] we do thank you thank you Taylor uh before we move on to the consent agenda we wanted to give uh a chance for Kobe to introduce our new airport man yes thank you mayor so Andre if you please stay in for a second this is Andre Lewis Kent he's a new airport operations manager Mr Lewis Kent comes he's getting out of the army within the next two months I believe uh believe he's a Green Beret the US Army and so he's well equipped for the operations of the airport he's been around airfields and so I think him and the staff very along very well and he's what we're looking for when it comes to operations of our airport welcome aboard [Applause] all right okay at this time we'll go to the consent agenda and we would introduce motion to approve with as written or if you want something uh pulled off this is the time to tell us motion to approve second we have a motion second any questions uh we are at who give me a I don't remember I think I was I I hi hi hi Carri thank you very much all right on the regular agenda we'll go to our interim city manager Kobe Townsen for 4 C1 well may we're gonna have we're gonna have an addition to the agenda so we'll need to okay I'm sorry I didn't so we're regular agenda is there are some cors any dele um no deletions at this time okay go ahead with your ads so we're going to add under 4 B2 CRA vacancy this is for councilwoman heav okay all right and with that addition do we have a motion to approve motion to approve the agenda with additions second all right have a motion second all in favor say I I I all right I I I Carri thank you very much all right we'll go to Miss Amy is that right you want under there 4 B2 correct we'll go ahead and do do this do your sure okay so I brought forward a an appointment for the CRA uh vacancy and I would like to appoint um someone who had will be a great fit to that it's got management experience Finance experience business experience she's a licensed uh professional real estate uh agent and she lives on the circle she's been a member of our community now for many of years um and I would like for that to be Lenny Hatcher motion to approve second I have a motion second any questions you spell that name h a t c h e r l y n n i e all right thank I'm glad you goes by Lenny but her her name's Lynn just L YNN okay so we have a motion second all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much and for those who don't know Miss Patcher she's sitting right here in the audience all right all right welcome board good deal all right all right now we'll go to thank you mayor Mr all right 4 C1 uh bulletproof vest program this is something we do every year the city Marshall goes after and receives the total Grant is $3,120 30 the match is 50% so the city would be um paying $ 6,565 again this is a routine annual thing but I believe Mr ainson has some stuff he would like to disclose on this so because we're effectively riding along with other Grant programs in this and is State administered um some of the standard things we usually request changes to in the contract such as V you being within Walton County are not applicable at this time we basically have to live with the grant agreements and documents that have been done at the state level and we ride along with those that means if we have get into litigation we have to go over Leon County we have to deal with their pres and um alternative dispute resolution Provisions that may not be consistent with the city I always call those out to the council we don't have any real ability to change those but if anybody ever says well wait why do we approve this one like that that's why I say no objection is legal form of sufficiency with those notes any a motion to approve second I have a motion second any questions just m I assume the chief's got the money buil into this budget for the match on the ground correct that's what we will be okay thank you anyone else any question all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much Kobe we'll go two thank you mayor I had spoke with Ryan our principal AER from per cray the the update provided to me is that they feel confident that they can complete the audit by early to mid August um he also believes that by doing so we would be removed from any list that may be transmitted to the Joint legislative auditing committee and so he um and so he thinks that's the deadline they can receive they can get to they have ran into two objects that Mr McDaniel is working through the asset management um I won't I don't know the exact specifics Danielle can speak to those but there was a issue with the asset manage with some of the changes have been made so she's worked going back fixing those that way they will be proper for the fiscal year 23 audit Additionally the city in the past until recently until we updated the resolution the way we buil natural gas we had there was two rates there was a usage and there was a volume rate the usage had increased every year I was supposed to the volume rate had not been increased um when that stop we're not sure yet so the Auditors want us to go back and find out when that stopped so M McDaniel is finding that again the new resolution with updated formula doesn't calculate that volume anymore so we don't have to worry about moving forward however she's got to go back find out when it's stopped figure out what the Lost Revenue was from between then and now so we won't be unless the council disagrees I believe I spoke with Mr Atkinson I don't think it's the position of the city to go back and recoup those funds is is a mistake on the city's have and so we'll we'll figure what that is and we'll move forward but that that's the update on the audit and it's other than that um there's been no major issues to my knowledge any questions that good you okay thank you U the finance job description we have posted the job description um and so I I'd let everyone know that I would bringing it full back and if anyone had any comments or concerns would like to see something Chang in it that's totally up to the council it has has been advertised in six different locations we have received a couple applications they're being vetted through HR and at the next council meeting we we intend to bring back that first round for y'all's consideration to see if y'all like to move forward anyone at that point so this is totally for the council if no one has any um questions or concerns with it we we had there no need for discussion but if you'd like to talk about something we can do that any questions I just have an observation um you know generally these job descript provide uh the person who's going to fulfill them with some knowledge expectations uh uh the what they're expected to know you know at a minimum um I think we weakened this when we upgraded it back in 22 I think we should maybe re-evaluate and compare the two um from 2018 to now uh to 2022 because I think that you know we really this is a critical spot for uh the city one of the top positions that really could you know make or break the city as far as success goes so I'd like to see about making it a little bit stronger um for the candidate that uh we might choose moving forward I understand that you've uh done that all already that it's been advertised but correct and I also understand you know the basics are in the charter but I still think this provides some additional generic generality this is actually not a charter position just for the record okay so how does how does the language in the charter there is no language in the charter it's in the code in the code I'm sorry this is if y'all wish to change something we can do that and update the advertisement and allow the who have applied they this is has these changes been made are you okay with these changes um as I spoke to all of you I felt it appropriate to go ahead and move forward with this to start this process and if the council's deemed necessary to change it we can do that yeah just a suggestion and observations the council can always impose requirements that it requests that are more stringent and what is in your ordinance you cannot be less stringent than minimum requirements set by thein any other questions and of course you have opportunity to to weigh in on this up until the next meeting and then you make decision if uh go ahead try to make a higher that that's the plan to bring that first round back to the council and then from there y'all can decide if there's enough to move forward interviews or to continue the search until we do get that is it promising your applicant pull or people I have not L yet councilwoman I know HR has begun to put the Matrix together and delineate between qualified and nonqualified so y'all will see both thank you yes anyone else all right KOB if you want to move on to the capital improv thank you mayor um so 4c4 cap Improvement projects list I know this has been we've been on this for a while um so we're bringing it back this is an updated cleaner version uh staff we've done a lot of work to go through it get updated cost estimates to figure out what was actually applicable and not um You' come to find out I mean there's a lot of projects that were on here that were already part of a bigger project that cost was already there and so I I can go through however we like to go through it um a lot of the stuff you everyone has seen for a long time I will preface with um a couple points before we get in deeper there are a couple things that aren't on here and that's intentional so um sewer line replacement OB we've been talking about for a long time here at the city we are going back to a former report that duberry had done scoping down all the city's lines at that point we'll take that map and we'll section we'll go down into phases and sections of the city what's the worst Where Do We Begin and then from there we'll find out what the total cost is and then you know if the cost is a hefty amount we're going to have to break it down even further C is going to have to bite it off one bite at a time and so that's where the sewer line replacement will come into effect here in a couple weeks we're working on that and as soon as I get that I'll bring that back and you'll see phases on here if that's coun if that's the way the council wishes to move forward Additionally the inii has been completed staff is working with the engineering firm to review that information and so the two main um objectives of the inii they going to come out of it are going to be cleanouts what cleanouts are clogged where they are certain ones being redirected wrong way they're not Capp and then manhole rate rehabs so that report's going to identify cleanouts that need to be fixed and then from there we'll we'll see what what they are what it cost how long is it going to take the city to address that issue what's that look like over a 34 fiveyear period um same thing with the manhole rehabs they're going to they identify ones that need to be total rehabed some that need some that need to be cased how however that looks would do the same exact plan What's the total cost how do we get to that point over a multi-year period And so that those are the second things third bypass PPS we had spoke about that here at the last meeting and so not every bypass not every lift station needs a bypass pump doberry has a criteria they use to identify if it's needed or not and so Jacobs is going to take that criteria compare it to the LI stations that do not have them currently if they meet the criteria then we delineate what size pump do we need do you need a medium siiz pump or a large siiz pump at that point you find out which one call each one cost you take them how many you got you multiply them you add them together and that's what's going to come on here for the city to know you need this many bypass pumps at this dollar amount how long is it going to take us to procure those what's that look like for us um PD build out I Know Chief Hurley has been working hard over the last year or two to try to get the money together to finish out some of his Bays over there and so we're working with him on the money that he would receive this year from the sale of OPD so he's working we're getting a task for from duberry to tell us what it's going to cost to do what he's wantan to do of course he might want to go you know above and beyond it's it's cheap early but we'll figure it out we'll add it on here uh fire department building you know that building needs rehabs if that rehabs are less than the 50,000 they won't come on here they'll they'll be talking about at a later date in in the budget process but if those rehabs are from C 50,000 they're going to need be placed on here as identified problem need to be addressed and so those are five items that aren't on here currently so if you looked at this and you said well where are these sewer lines that's where they're at we're going to be bringing them back this is a fluid document M uh we won't be every single week taking putting and taking off but as we do get things updated we'll be putting them on there and how they play into the grand scheme of the city and so this is the document um if Council has any questions or if y'all would wish for me to go through them each section briefly I can do that as well that's totally up to to all of you I just want to say um as I reviewed this and then we we sat down and had a discussion about it as well um I'm very impressed with the effort and um the thought process put into revising this list uh the list that we had before um just have for lack of a better analogy it just had a lot of baggage um and and this this list is concise uh there's been honest effort put into the numbers that we see in front of us as real numbers not just guesstimates uh so I I think this is a a fantastic revision uh clay do we need to now that this has been presented if if the council so chooses do we need to basically have a motion to adopt this as the new CIP I do think we should have that okay um for discussion sake I'll go ahead and make a motion to adopt this CIP as presented second we have a motion second now let ask what would this look like and we're fixing go budget we have the rest of this up to date when within the coming months we hope to get the all that go through those reports and have that information but when we get into budget this year you're going to see in that document either a five to 10 year layout of this here so this isn't a tomorrow thing I know we know that but you know it needs to be spread out we need to identify how we're going to pay for these things over the Long Haul and when we're going to do them and so we're gonna we're going to take that lay that out over that time period and you're going to see that in the budget and we're going to have to identify projects that can be done or at least be started especially ones that have design money to AC waterm and the effluent line effent line received 300,000 from North the Water Management District AC water M the council did accept to approve that srf long that we will take that on and so we're going to have to figure out the other half of it the rest of that those funds whether that be impact capacity fees or operating fees out of these utility departments to cover this so get this stuff started and get the ball moving at that point then we can begin to identify the bigger funding sources any questions go ahead well this what we're about to uh vote on and and accept this is going to uh also include the pages that you're going to bring forward that are going to be on a separate list the sewer and water corre no so they will once we get that information and I'll give you my hand signals I've share everyone this visuals that map shows the whole city well then if we identify on that map that the lakeyard and Main Street are the worst parts of the city when it comes to sewer lines will hone in we'll say okay it's going to take $10 million to replace all these sewer lines we can't do that one year we're hone it again we're gonna say it's going to take 40 years to get around this whole area I'm going to bring that back you're going to see phases it's going to say Phase 1 a b 2 those that you're saying are already on this particular list I'm talking about the list did you just say there was another list that you were preparing also I think he's going to he's saying that he'll he be prepared to amend this list this this is the main document and we will amend it as time goes on so items that are completed will be coming off items that are new will go on or ones that aren't here now will be added on but we won't I know in the past we've talked about it we've seen it we see we looked at it one time a year and that's just not how we you can't do it that way we've got to we've got to look at it periodically quarterly um so we see if we're on track or not thank you anyone else yeah I'd like to mention KOB Kobe and I have had conversations about this so at Florence Park you know just got new uh $270,000 worth playground equipment plans for that tree and beautification board you know has talked about it it is a huge Plus for the for the city but it's only part way done and we have discussed that you know this is not a concrete as fluid uh document as you say Capital Improvement projects but I just like everybody to consider let's finish finish that project the tree and beautification board has no budget they have no money to get anything done now city manager here has recently met with with them and and mention trying to appropriate some money in the budget for them to at least have some operations on as far as restrooms that councilman Valley has spoke about in the past uh at Florence Park we have tennis courts right down the Street no restrooms um pickleball courts proposed coming down the pipe across the street no restrooms so restrooms are needed somewhere there pretty pretty soon so I would like you to consider you know getting that uh on this priority project list at some point in time um and connecting sidewalks in that area there there are none there are none so it it should be um it should be something that's doable there's a lot of money out there that might not necessarily we have to come out of our cultures you know to to get these things done but um we can seek that funding at some point but that's all thank you yes [Music] siring Mark hambley a citizen I was Wonder I've only seen the bottom of this list at the top is there anything mentioned the library our library ability as you know is in terrible shape Jess you scroll down to the bottom to facilities right there thank you um you see the last line so that we had the city consultant came in and didn't assess of the water on the library and so this is the cost that they proposed of course we have to bid it out see it looks like truly but they proposed this this would me remediate all the water damage coming to the roof replace the roof and to fix the problems that are there now and so we put that on here because it's a city facility we are going to propose some changes to the interlocal I believe m rinson is reviewing that I've been working with Caitlyn the director of libraries for w County and so um that's that's step one in there right and so that's on there we'll pursue funding I believe the county speaking to Caitlyn the county has the ability to pursue construction dollars for libraries that we do not again that's a partnership that have to be worked out if possible so that's why that's on here and of course our plan is to have this this large structure bill out here on Baldwin Avenue I don't know when that's going to take place but the library does a lot of care and attention thanks very much appreciate thank you anyone else I just I just wanted to say that I support councilman uh Harrison's comments about the uh the parks and the restrooms over there and maybe getting some of those onto this list as well absolutely Tony so on that one I appreciate you know bringing that forward um we discussed bringing that forward officially at the budget Workshop so U my intention was to bring those forward as formal items and then add them to the list at that time there's nothing to say we can't add them in advance of that however it would be a abstract number at this time I'd rather just go ahead and let's get the real number um and then we'll go from there yeah that's something we can definitely discuss and at that time we could provide to the engineers what it is that the council is looking for they can provide s plans and sketches on what that looks like and then a rough estimate on what it will cost to do such Services Mr Mayor since we're talking about our pars your name Dan Co yeah Danny Coen defunc Springs go ahead um since we're talking about our parks and we were talking about sewage systems a while ago is there any plan about um not taking storm water runoff and piping it into our Park Chipley Park the lake uh and if so we're on the priority list is that because as we it is on the list uh it has not been updated for a long long time Jesse will you scroll back up to the page of this sheet uh there so this line item has been here and I do have for discussion on there um the council and and the public have spoke about us for a few years I spoke to the mayor about it and so the numbers is on there this is something that's been there and the reason I left it without having an updated number is because I need to know you know what the council's thoughts on are on this and that this is lakeyard and so I think it warrant the discussion on the item so that's why it's on and this this included no filteration no treatment this was simply uh getting the water you know whenever it gets massively you know overflowing gets it out of there so to treat the storm water coming in off the streets is not even thought of in that price tag so just but we are we are talking about it we'll have to revisit it uh at the proper time but uh can the uh since there's a lot of petroleum products coming off the street into our lake is there um a possibility of just having the storm water diverted to a location other than our lake so it won't just continuously pollut it uh certainly possible uh okay so can we talk about maybe how this might could happen or where on the list it is or I'll get to storm water I'm think about it but I'll speak on storm water second all right pick up on it uh so I I would move the uh diversion of storm water into the lake above the discharge of the lake level um I have serious concerns about lowering the level when it is high we've seen how long it took it to get back down which is a problem but we we also understand that it would have been much lower and lower than we've ever had it if it hadn't been at that higher level so mother nature you know left her own devices will'll we'll find a way to do things right if it starts to cause a problem I would then support the diversion and the discharge of the high level however we should prioritize the pollution lumination uh from the lake above uh the discharge level it's it's going to require a lot of engineering it's going to tie into our sewer storm water sewer uh numbers and design and calculation so um we're going to have to discuss some of that at budget time as well there had been some suggestions made in terms of how we would possibly begin to finance that um but um but I would support the discharge uh being placed below the pollution prevention but there is some things that we can do in advance like eliminating grass from the below the sidewalk and not putting clippings into the lake the D did speak favorably about catching the storm water and treating it before it ever hits the lake um and but you know unless you've been there and spent the years I I personally watched that Lake flood killing trees left and right flooding the basement of the Presbyterian Church uh no one can walk around the lake except on the street because the water over on the northeast corner goes all the way to the street it is a mess and uh I don't know you know I think the oer has more to do with the how low the lake will go versus how you know you drain it out yes sir I believe the the last time this particular topic came up uh the council requested uh Jacobs to provide some data on the water quality testing that they perform and I think there was even a request to not only test the water but to even test the mud if I remember correctly or or some of the sediment in the lake so I I would certainly like to see that data to understand where we are and to establish a baseline if if we're going to proceed I I do support um looking into solutions to prevent the runoff from the roads going into the lake for sure but I I also want to establish some some sort of Baseline data like is this is this something where we can truly look at the lake and look at the data from the water quality testing and say yes we have we have a polluted lake or is this a situation where it's we need we need to address this this is not an ideal situation but it's not a critical situation I think we need that's where I would like to start is looking at that data and and preferably from what I understand uh more than just one test I think I think they're supposed to test it periodically if I remember correctly from previous conversations so would certainly like to see some sort of sampling of of data there not just one particular test that says yes or no and in recent history now of course all on do is take their word for it but they did test it on some regularity and it was uh of course you know you're not comparing it to the freshest cleanest lake in Florida but they were comparing it to Lake Stanley and and back Lake and it was uh had better ratings a little bit better ratings than Lake Stanley so uh of course you know now things have changed a lot in the automobile industry used to whenever I was a teenager there was oil on every street you know you might slip and slide because cars had so much oil leaking out of and burning and things have cleaned up a great deal on our streets than they were 50 years ago and uh but it's still nasty and uh and but it needs to be tested yeah uh do you know if Jacob is still recording that on their monthly reports to you to where we could we did get a test report I did get one last week I'll check to see what it tested but I'll find out but I'll follow up on all this and then maybe somebody could just put an executive summary together of just those that particular data so that we could all look at it on one pager yep that'd be great thank you andad so uh the testing that's currently be done is for bacterial so it's done for for disease causing agents not for petroleum Metals heavy metals any of that so it's not testing for every chemical we're only looking at bacteria right now so again it's two different things it's not just one right but when we had that conversation last time and Jacobs was was present I think we we were pretty clear that we wanted additional testing Beyond just the feal matter testing that they were doing at the time yeah I think we need to follow up on that because I I don't think we've seen any we certainly haven't received a report on that right be nice because you know all the swimmers I just you know when I'm walking the Lake yard I see people swimming in the lake on a routine basis so well again it's being tested for bacterial and the normal safety concerns um but for normal swimming activities no one really tests for for those other elements it's like you go do a soils test on your house you're not testing for heavy metals which I'm more interested in because a lot of the houses have lead paint they're testing for you know pH levels acidity soil types not not they're they're looking at a different things so we're just we're just a little bit outside of their Norm but we can we'll make them do it I mean we'll get them to do it and and Kobe who on our team is monitoring that so if I'm going to go swimming in the lake I would certainly hope that we would be having somebody on staff that knows at what level some warning should go out and we should stop people from swimming in the lake or do we have that in place already some precautionary so in Jacob's test they do provide it to myself utilities um and our project manager now so we do review the results and what we can do is I can follow up with Jacobs figure out which additional test would be appropriate for it um for some of the stuff we've talked about with the dirt and the water beyond the bacterial and then um we can add that to the website we can add results I don't well people are aware well and then have some level or at least bring back to us to say so that we can make a decision whether we would want to stop the swimming based on if it ever reached up this level you know well they already do that in terms of the safety number the bacterial number who does that that's what Jacobs provided to the city man our team then tells the public who tells me not to swim the city manager and last time we had a bad test it was announced immediately if there is a bad test it is announced to the public I want everyone to know if there is a bad test you will hear about it you don't hear about it if there's not a bad test is it just by radio is it by regular mail is it by how do we announce that and I'm just curious from my own curiosity I will follow up I will find out I haven't been a part of one since I've been two and a years I'm not aware that we've received one so I haven't been a part of a notification that but we can put something together okay I want to say that the one bad test was a was a flawed test because they took it in a in a bad location so they actually took it from a from a you know what time frame for us has it been a while yeah it's been more than a year no it's been a while they take it from the duck Landing I took it from a Ducks n yeah well anyway but they tested immediately to follow up with a second test and it was it was fine have a motion a second mayor yeah I was going to address storm real fast so um storm water I've been three citizens have reached out to me over the last couple weeks and I've went to their properties and met with them and looked at their their issues and so we passed those along staff to address but um I'm unaware and I will follow up with duberry on this to confirm but I'm unaware of the city having storm water assessment there's some sort of storm water study to see for example let's uh I can't think this for a second so forgive me but um West to the courthouse I think we've talked about this previously there's some massive drainage ditches that people have built driveways over those are the type of things I think City needs to know which we know that but other places have same issues and how can we address those just like we address sewer water natural gas and everything else and so we're going to look into that and see if we have it if we don't we're going to try to do that all right all right we have a motion second all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much kobby all right my last item May uh the first budget Workshop of the year I'd like to get that schedule on here two dates have already passed which is fine um I have identified the 17th and the 20th either four or 5m if that works for everyone here that's June June 7 or June 20 I mean 17 works good for me I'm good I'm good with either I'm good 17 better okay what time we can either start at four or we can start at five that's totally up to the I think C hav had a had a time four is better for me especially if we're going to have any discussion which might take longer yeah I've got something 16th with the TPO I'm trying to see what time it's 16th to Sunday I'm sorry the 17th July J Monday next Monday either next Monday or next Thursday guess it's on the 18th mayor were you were you good either confirm Monday but either one Mr I'm good either day there is on the 18th so it's fine 17th would be fine does everyone prefer the 17th at four o' or prer 5 o' four four F it's a workshop you don't have to do it after five so you're good we'll do it the 17th at 4 o'clock I will work we'll work in the next couple days to get the agenda out um I think I've mentioned to some so I'm going to run over what I will put on there um I'm going to put on there the council priorities what is the council we've talked about individually we'll go over some of those items um number two I think we should have community's priorities item to invite the community to come and talk speak to us and let us know what they see and what they would like to see moving forward and then City Marshall if he prefer if he would like be on as a sole item we can discuss that if that's something he wants to do so those are my three main ones is there anything that I'm leaving off to the council wishes to discuss in particular that time work so the the idea for this year and um this McDaniel's kind of been roped into this and that's fine we're gonna push through it is this is the first Workshop to go over this at that point we'll take the council and the community's identifi priorities we'll take those back pair them with staffs what they presented to us what we have coming forward in the next year and then later into um July so about a month apart when we get closer to that tenant having to set proposed Mill and talk of that we'll have another one we'll discuss what we've come up with we'll bring it to youall present it to you let you see it we'll talk about it um and then after that depos we'll most likely have a third one in August for everyone to take that final document and approve it in before we get into September so those two meetings of September that's going to be a lot less than we've done in the past it's a lot more work on myself and staff but I'm willing to do it and I think it's going to be cleaner I think it's going to be faster and more efficient so if council's good with that that that's my idea for this year and will you already have like the proposed because we already know what the certified values are correct so we'll take that estimated we'll take the estimated value and do the mill the current millage rate on and that's we'll start with that I understand it'll be estimates but still that's so we'll get that atend out this week for 17th at for HW all right everybody was good for that date all right we'll move on to our planing director Mr Wallace finally get us some Wendy's right yeah and mayor so for this item as well because this is a development order approval and then the next four items on the planning agenda that we'll be dealing with are small scale amendments these are all quasi judicial while we will be doing rezonings and in the land use Amendment and separate motions we'll go Ahad and swear everybody and we'll conduct the hearings contemporaneously anyone wishing to speak on D1 the final detailed plan for Wendy's restaurant on Highway 331 South 2024 rz5 2024 ss06 2024 rz6 or 2024 SSA 07 needs to be sworn that includes if you want to ask questions of the board please stand raise your right hand repeat after me at this time Mr Wallace that includes you all right seeing no one we'll swear Mr Wallace Mr Wallace please repeat after me I do hereby swear or affirm I Do by here hereby swear or affirm that the testimony I present the testimony I present will be the truth will be the truth the whole truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth nothing but the truth thank you mayor that covers the next five items all right m w yeah keep me busy tonight actually Mr McCormack's keeping me busy tonight uh our first item here is a review of the detailed plan for the Wendy's restaurant located down in Bay Springs and this is the last remaining vacant lot along three 31 uh directly south uh the Chick-fil-A so this is for a new Standalone restaurant um we have reviewed it duberry has reviewed it signed off on it so I'm going back to the council tonight for approval to issue the do once the capacity and impact PS are paid I will glad make the motion to approve the final detail plan for Wendy's I have a motion second any questions Council any questions on public now there none sworn May oh that's right that's right all in favor say I I I I I I I Carri Mr W yeah and I I will say that I will have another development in Bay Springs coming back uh if not the next council meeting hopefully the first one in July so this isn't the last um project happening in Bay Springs or they're filling up quickly thank you all right okay so our next item is 2024 D rz- Z5 this is Mike McCormick on behalf of parallel 10 is requesting a rezoning from an R2 multifamily designation to a mixed use designation for 1.3 acre parcel on Ki Burgess Loop and this is essentially just south of the holiday and express for uh to put it in the reference location wise he is making this request he would like to uh he travels to the area quite often he would like to construct a small office building for his own use and perhaps one or two apartments upstairs for him to stay in while he's here um so that is the reason for the Mixed juice request I believe it is the first mixed use District we have in the city um so it would be and this question was asked at the planning board meeting is it a spot zoning and I think any time you have a district that doesn't exist it's going to be a spot zoning which is generally frowned upon but I do think the fact that it's surrounded by residential there's commercial across the street uh in this case it is acceptable at that [Music] location um what so we we have the uh I think it's a UPS Store what's our package store on 90 on the west side of town back ship isn't that residential above that I think it's behind it isn't it on top it's residential on top of that so Ian we already have some of that some there may be some uh that are either that were pre-existing and our grandfather in um but I scoured our zoning map and could not find another location in the city it was actually zone for mixed use so with our commercial um like our c is outside I mean I know we have a special provision or an explicit provision within the historic downtown for that but correct you're saying is the C2 wouldn't allow it otherwise correct yeah the the C1 and the historic district combined is the only District that allows a residential use in conjunction with a commercial use okay I I mean again that's a that is a way that people do some people do want to live not everybody um but it's certainly be an option my concern is this it it is actually a good cleanup to have these two items looking at them together not considering them at the same time but my concern is that we're we are taking that corner to commercial which is appropriate it's the intersection of a major thoroughfare and a you know a second road which is going to be commercial or at least it should be near the intersection so I see that but the portions that are being left out are my concern doesn't isn't that all part of uh Mr McCormack's development why isn't it all being put into the commercial well if you look at uh the at the staff report exhibit be the the existing zoning uh the council previously approved approved that is a C2 District uh directed to the west of this parcel the parcel that is shown on that map will be considered later on the agenda tonight um for a commercial designation there are several Wetlands throughout this portion of land and that may be the reason why it's left out it is separated from the residential portion by those Wetlands um but why he did not include there is going to be a small triangular shape piece of property in the middle there that is still R2 but whether or not that's uh developable land I I can't tell you that I mean I understand how we see it on a map versus the reality on the ground is one thing but um I also believe that we should be consistent in treating these all at once and and all together um you know keeping it I actually that's what I was assumed it was it was just trying to keep the tax valuation down and intentionally not doing it but um I mean why why wouldn't we require all of it all or nothing I mean if it's all there and it's all part of the same ownership or is it not the same ownership or control uh it's under both of these that I'm presenting this evening are under different ownership okay okay I guess my only concern is that it's not uh it's not really cleaned up there's still there's still some you know stragglers out there some pieces that are being left out um and again it starts to look um starts to look out it yeah I agree and trust me I wish it was cleaner and that we would not be reviewing these individually if this is the way that he wants to go but it's what I've been presented with so but I do agree at the corner is the intersection of these major roads is the right place for a commercial uh to think that we would have someone in a residence you know adjacent to 331 and a busy intersection that's going to be difficult with the commercial development is going to be you hard hard to see residential happening there on that corner yeah do we have a mo to approve motion to approve and conduct public hearing and first reading for 2024 rz- Z5 second I have motion second any other questions yes sir been you had to square in is that correct CL I'm would you have SAR there that's that's your call Mr chairman I'd ask though anybody wishing to speak ask questions on any of these next four items let's go ahead and do gonna give the whole crowd one more shot at if you want to get you want to speak on any of these next four items you need to come get sworn in do you swear or affirm the testimony you present will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir all right I did the short version there to help us out I'd like uh Council to help my memory here um a lot of times the two years I was on the County planning board somebody would want to do a change in zoning and they said they were going to do all these wonderful things and then we would pass it and the next thing you know now that they've got the zoning changed then the price doubles for the value of the property now that it's and then they flip it and that's unfortunately legal so the reason is am I remember correctly you're correct as my admonishment always is to the city council when dealing with small scale amendments and resoning you need to adjudicate the decision based on the comp substantial evidence that supports whether it's a consistent Land Development code and comprehensive plan but you should not make your decision based on any representation of what may or may not be there because they are not bound by those representations today thank you um so the only thing I'm going to ask you and the planning department is when you look at our city and how it's become and we do these spot zonings and we do variances and we um we've got plenty of gas stations we got plenty of fast food joints we got plenty of credit unions we got plenty of car washes you know can we clean up our Land Development codes for the city and there's a such thing as a master plan and I know bigger cities have that not smaller cities but maybe we should think in that direction and I'm not encouraging you to vote for or against what's up right now I'm just giving you information I'm giving you information that if you really want this city to look better we need to start doing something about our Land Development codes and the gentleman may be sincere on what he wants to do with this and um maybe he wants to dou the price and I mean get the zoning changed and then the land's worth twice as much so well like I say you can't always pay attention to what they said they're going to do but this guy has kind of from day one to this point has been spot on what he plan to do and this would really enhance his ability to continue but uh but not all not all of them are matter of fact you know I think this one is he's been the one who has really stepped up and like I said keeping me busy with everything he is doing okay go ahead I I I mean the the prime location of where that property is it agrees with commercial designation in my opinion yeah um because it seems like everything right in there suits that purpose I don't know I don't know that makes use can we put that on the screen whoever's running the screen please this this particulars RZ the plat 05 this number [Music] one um it's actually the county it's is County and they had been requiring sidewalks yes Mr Wallace which plot is this that we're talking about uh it's the hatch area show me on this one in front of with the outlined in Black the purple one okay okay thank you not necessarily McDonald's but getting the hot behind it yeah go ahead but that but he's wanting to change that from a residential to mixed juice correct which would allow for his building a commercial his apartment upstairs correct but as playay mentioned it doesn't necessarily that there may not be the final product yeah we cannot Place conditions on will be able to do anything allowable within the land juice and Zoning categories you assign to which is not solely what is proposed so mixed juice allows commercial a combination commercial residential yes yeah and I would I would more align the mixed use district and what uses are allowed within that District with our C1 District which is our most restrictive uh commercial District we have so you won't see a gas station here you won't see a lot of the more um intensive uses that might occur in a a C2 perhaps so we have been discussing mix use now for several years especially as it relates to downtown and we've actually from the Das even openly encourage mix use and there's even mix use occurring downtown uh right now I don't have an opposition to it being out here on Cory Burg's Road either um as Council M Val stated earlier some people it's perfectly acceptable for them to live right above a commercial business um if if it eventually results in some affordable housing or additional housing for that matter to me that's a win um so I I don't have an opposition to mix use anywhere in my opinion because if if we're we're building housing in addition to commercial industry that's a win on both sides anyone else pull up good old Google Earth a minute ago looks like the the wet part of this property is the Western most boundary of it along that back Edge so I'm I mean it appears like he's trying to utilize the the good land that he has there I mean he's an investor he's he's pouring money into the community um and he looks like he's just trying to get his dollars worth there along that piece of property there which is already a joining commercial property so I just you know anyone else go ahead I'm just going to go back to one thing that's just bugging me um mixed is a lower intensity so that's actually a good thing because it will keep it down um so I support that uh commercial on that intersection makes sense it's the right way to go it should have been that before so I've got no problem there and I won't oppose it because of that however I do have an issue with the road which I believe it's the road access that we see as the parcel adjacent behind the restaurant or is that the yeah that's correct yeah so what I have a problem with is keeping that R2 when it's serving almost purely commercial reasons uh and just for the purpose of keeping keeping tax valuations down me either clean it up or don't and that's a concern that I have because if we just start seeing I can see this entire commercial development and all the roads are R1 yeah and technically that what that should happen what you see there as the rideway which is is it Bill Holloway uh road is I believe owned and maintained by the state um although there's some confusion about that period of time that's part of the confusion trust me we've looked into this thank you for bringing up one of the issues yes it should be for a period of time but that's part of the issue weing um so I don't know why that retains and and R2 zoning because the rest of our rideway contains no zoning um a lot of times you'll Zone to the center line of a street just to keep it clean here we did not um whether or not that road was established after the zoning had been established in that area and it was just an error um when the zoning map was created um I don't know so really you couldn't do anything on that R2 rideway um but yeah it does still show up on the map as um but being zoned R2 understood but again it's serving a Pur purely commercial use because it's servicing almost exclusively commercial uh unless you tell me that they're not going to do any kind of more commercial on the west side there and all we're going to see is houses there which I don't think is the plan so again my my concern is that it's it's a it's a tool it's a mechanism by which you reduce your your tax burden um I say you know if it's part of a road servicing commercial it needs to be part of that development if there's some extenuating circumstances that we can't identify the actual ownership at this time and that's precluding us from doing it for some period of time I understand but I would hope that that's going to get cleaned up in the future if people want to take wetlands and put them into conservation and reduce their burden that way I support that um but you know let's commit let's commit one way or another either you're going to keep it open for future development or you're not right and if you're going to keep it open for future development put it into the category that it belongs pay the taxes that are part of that if it increases the value it increases the value if you put it into conservation it doesn't do that but it's taking money out of Revenue if it's being used for commercial purposes out of adalum Revenue if it's being used for commercial purposes but it's being zoned at a lower use that's that's taking dollars out of adorm Revenue that should be committed towards the maintenance of those facilities and the intense use that you get with commercial well and again going back to the fact that it is a public rideway there are no taxes assessed on that on that piece of land um now whether the state owns it or the city owns it that's to be determined but there is no taxable value we don't know who owns it at this point because it could if the state if the state owns it there's no taxable value if the city owns it there's tax value we don't believe there's any third party interest outside of the state or the city but it's not part of their development or an association that's part of that commercial use there's not an association out there that will cover they don't have anything so it's in right away right now it is in rway yeah so it shouldn't have any map designation it really yes again should be white like I 10 and Co okay because when I look at that it looks like it's part of their development yeah well as always I would caution everyone not to put too much stock or faith into the Property Appraiser's Maps just like their Maps now make you click through three or four disclaimer check boxes saying okay I know I won't use this for anything official multiple times nowadays so they say it too it's not just me well I feel better about that particular piece but we still have the other triangle that gets left out but for the purpose I still support the mixed juice have some concerns I'd like to see that cleaned up as we move forward and in the future and and trying to show the maps properly so and Mr ainson I don't even know does that even require uh once something becomes public right away it can essentially be taken out of whatever zoning designation have because we're going to have the same thing there there is no zoning design of any significance so Bas just goes away at that point it may be on our map but the zoning does for the future in SM but the zoning designation to ter at that point yeah but no one's been able to accept it yet because it's still in the state the question we can't accept something that the state already has the right way over right and the state apparently still does have the RightWay over it based on some references we you're finding okay even though that was not the original intention but they certainly have never come back for you to accept stated number of years agreed something like that was many no that's what it you're exactly right mayor it was a limited duration of course um for the state to now say they don't own it it's a separate issue is this is this what we started believe the conversation but this is what uh was debated and discussed very heavily back in like 2018 2017 wasn't it wasn't this the the infamous Road no no no no no I think you're thinking of the 280b been that this is the opposite side disregard okay oh yeah that 18 okay but anyway all favor say I I I I hi I car thank you very much okay and this is an ordinance adopting what's an ordinance number number to be determined an ordinance adopting a zoning map Amendment to the city of defc Springs Land Development code changing the zoning designation repealing all ordinances and conflict herewith providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date number two okay I'll move on this is the small scale map Amendment uh for the same piece of property again we are going from the medium density residential to a mixed use for the the same 1.3 acre parcel motion to approve hold public hearing and first reading for 2024 DSS a-06 second all right have motion second questions this is just a followup we got to do land use just s do tracks right along with it yes sir any questions all in favor say I I I all I all Carrie thank you very much this is an ordinance number to be determined is an ordinance adopting a small scale land use map Amendment of the city of defc Springs Conference of plan changing the land use classifications repealing all ordinances and conflict herewith providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date all right thank you sirar we go to number three okay Mr MCC corick again on behalf of penopoly properties has requested rezoning changing the designation from R2 multif family residential to C2 commercial for a 12.7 acre parcel of land on Ki bis Loop and this is just west of the the piece that we previously discussed this has came before the council once before uh for a first reading uh at that point he thought that he might have some interest in residential development so we held off but because the code states that if it has not been acted upon within six months it's essentially denied so now he's resubmitting uh the same application for the same piece of land uh going back to commercial clay uh on this attachment it's on the agenda that's labeled if you go down all the way to the map it's the very last page that's titled 2024 s-06 okay that's it that is attached to this one so was it noticed properly it was we had City Park had an issue with links but the notice was correct but link notice was correct the links got mixed up and I believe on okay on your desk is correct and no adver you are good no we gave Mr Ali a hard time this morning motion approve second I have motions second questions all in favor say I I I I I Carrie okay again it's an ordinance number to be determined it's an ordinance adopting a zoning map amendment of City defc Springs Land Development code changing the zoning designation repealing all ordinances and conflict here withth providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you very much we go to four okay and this is the corresponding small scale map Amendment for the same hi hi as Carrie Mr walls okay it's an ordinance number to be determined an ordinance adopting a smallscale land use map Amendment of the city defenc Springs comprehensive plan changing the land use classifications repealing all ordinances in Conflict here withth providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you Mr W you're welcome thank you and these will be the last four items will be on our next agenda on the 2 forth for uh consideration thank you so thank you all right we'll go to Mr anus yes sir mayor we have two annexation ordinances scheduled for first reading in that odd Quirk of annexation ordinances since the statutory Amendment year or so ago I will need to ask the council to approve us to conduct a public hearing hold first reading advertised for second reading in public hearing for adoption and I have a clerk assign us an ordinance number on each of these so that we can complete the proper advertising the first one before you is the Daryl hooks one which is all first straight and is contained in front of you and I approve it as to not creating enclaves and otherwise being consistent with chapter 171 for volunteer indexation so I do need that motion so move second I have a motion and a second questions comment anyone all in favor say I I I all I I I Carri that ordinance number please sir that will be 969 so this will be an ordinance to be numbered 969 upon its adoption an ordinance annexing to the territory limits of the city ofix Springs Florida certain property and redefining the boundary of the city ofix Springs Florida so it's conclude there in the property indexed Hearing in accordance with the volunteer indexation provisions of Florida statute section 17144 providing reability conflicts and effective date thank you next one is the mark bird amendment that is a 40 acre track um proxim off of Bob syes Road would request the same motion to hold first reading Hing advertised for second reading public hearing adoption and to assign ATT tenative ordinance number so move second I we have a motion second any questions anyone all in favor say I I I I I I I carrye and this will be n 70 yes sir says an ordinance tely to be numbered 970 an ordinance seix territorial limits of the city of ping Springs Florida certain property and redefining the boundaries of the city of DX Springs Florida so as to include therein the property index here in in accordance with voluntary indexation provisions of Florida statute section 17144 providing for separability conflicts and effective dates so those are my two annexations and the only other thing that I will go ahead and just say since I have all of my council members and you mayor here tonight is that the southern district of of Florida district court in federal court in Miami has as of about 5:00 our time today issued a preliminary J Junction against the um implementation of form six filing for each of you elected officials so that applies to all Municipal elected officials Statewide so to the extent that anybody is eagerly rushing to repare their form sixes U right now there's an injunction in place we will keep you posted you have questions please give me a call uh can I just ask one yeah so go ahead and file the old form in advance of that no you for the ethics commission to say what you can what you're able to do the injunction says that the Senate bill that was passed is ineligible to be enforced by the state until further order of the court so let's see where it shakes out um you don't have any due until July one technically so hopefully we get guidance between them and them thank you thank you very much all right we're going to go to Citizen comments this time if you want to make a comment you can come the podium state your name and your business if it it and we give you three minutes all right we'll close the floor for comments and we'll go anything else uh on legal not for me no sir thank you okay um legislative Kobe um thank you mayor thank you k um so recently we've had some some heavy rains some storms some wind storms several little microbursts that have done damage around town but every time we have any kind of event even just rain what we're seeing is uh some large trees that are coming down and the ones that are susceptible to this especially susceptible to this are the Laural Oaks which are also the water Oaks now there is another type of Laurel Oak which is not what we have in town which is you know somewhat protected um but what we have here is one that is susceptible to rot in a short lifespan the reason that I'm making this an issue uh for Council discussion Beyond you know just the normal you know parts and beautification conversations is that when we put our First Responders police fire and public works out on these sites after a rign or during a Reign it creates one a hazard to them and it puts overtime burdens on the city because it's not a scheduled removal these are things that are happening during events during storms during rain so what this tree beautification board has uh done is pursue uh recommendations for you know certain species to be planted tree replacement policy Etc but what I would like to do is ask that we send back to them a request to uh create a policy and informational brochure again just develop a policy recommendation just to be clear they can't make policy they can send it to us though uh recommendation inure regarding elimination of the water RS now the intention is that we follow the policy it's already been established for and by the city and replace them as we remove them but the intention is remove them on a schedule when labor is available when we have downtime or when it's scheduled again no overtime no hazards and eliminate the potential for power line dis uh disruption energy disruption gas line damage if we get into any kind of root system or or any other Fall Again eliminate hazards so the first thing I'm going to ask is to uh send that to a request to them to prepare a policy and a brochure and then uh the second part is to uh work and uh do the same thing with planning to make a recommendation so that we prohibit the planting of water ropes in our rways and that we not accept any developments or right aways from developments that include the water RS because we know that it creates a future problem for us and then um as part of this I spoke to um the extension office and uh their forestry agent has some guidance in terms of uh available grants there was a grant that we missed the beginning of this year it was an urban forestry one but it's an earlier one it's not the one that's being currently pursued by the city um that included for tree replacement tree removal and exactly what we're trying to do but what I'd like to see is a uh to authorize our Grants Department and um and even Tri beautification if they have contacts through the extension office to pursue grants so we can remove them not just from public rways but actually to help our citizens or residents with the removal of trees on private property which the grant would allow because taking one of these trees down can be $1,500 or more depending on where it is now you can get it for Less uh depending on how easy it is to get to but um what I ran into personally was about two grand and then a little bit of trade and and pay so uh again I don't know if this requires an actual formal motion clay can you advise on whether this guidance would just be made as a recommendation or should we make a formal motion I'd say let's go ahead and take formal action of the council because it may take some additional action of staff to carry this out Beyond just general direction so if this is the council's desire I do think this is one of those you need to go and put in motion form so we have it in a minute somewhere thank you do we need to break it up individually or can we combine it I'm fine with the I'm fine with it being combined at this point in time however council members if any of you have a concern with what he's combining we can break it out so in other words if hey I'm not in favor of this but I'd vote for this just let it know I like what your suggestion I do have a concern U only about the P going on private property if that was excluded i' I would vote differently that piece of it so on the private property we are not trespassing or removing anyone's trees without their permission what this does is it provides funding for anyone that Wishes the tree removal to occur to be paid for through a grant or F consent request and both so again this is not the city is not going on anybody's property without a request from that person and it's only to help them protect their property and it would not use City funds it would be using grant money I understand that but if your Grant money's limited and you've got seven people competing for it how are they get picked and I would just like to soate that piece of the okay I'm okay with all everything else that you're recommending and suggesting okay I'll break it up into two motions then yeah um there is a tree inventory the city has I'm not sure how accurate it is or how how well it's been maintained in in the last few months or or year or so but um that is one way possibly to kind of decide who who gets portions of the grant because one we don't know how many of these trees are in the city and to wholesale take them all out trees don't grow back overnight even if we plant them um and we don't want to and and and I agree with with uh councilman Valley that they are not a great tree uh really for as far as lifespan and and all that they they are dangerous tree once they um have some Decay and rot inside and that kind of thing they they'll start breaking out in halves you know and fall on people in houses and cars and power lines and everything else so it is a problem um I just think we need to you know look at it in a way and the Tre board can decide this and with the input of of of the the forestry folks and um H how it can responsibly be be done to to eliminate Target The Most Dangerous Ones or or whatever and that would help decide how that money is divied and the grants are awarded and and and take it in a responsible way to get get those Dangerous Ones out and gone and and done away with but 100% agree with with with that I just don't want to leave us a lot a lot of lot of gaps necessarily and take on a huge huge burden um to to get it done yeah certainly one Hazard of removing in Mass at one time is that you have a lot of young stock that's coming up all at the same time and so you you create the same problem again later where it's a longer lifespan and if you diversify that tree stock you'll get different lifespans but if you planted all the same thing you know of something else and next got an 80y year lifespan you're going to face the same problem in 80 years now we're not going to have to deal with that but someone else will so the intention is not to create that problem and again you achieve that by diversity you diversify the selections and you stagger the ages uh the life spans and and again you got to plant them in the right place it have to be an appropriate location but that's why we need the advice of the tree beautific City beautification and tree board and uh the extension office so i' make a motion I'll make two motions uh the first motion is to task the city beautification and tree board with developing a policy and information brochure regarding elimination water Oaks Laural Oaks and two to uh Place water OES on the prohibited plant list prohibiting the planting of water Oaks on rideway that the city accepts and uh pring the planting of water Oaks and Commercial Landscapes within the city limits which are part of the development order that's the first motion so or second I'm sorry thank you Mr motion second so I'm offer two two comments here uh first one is it seems a little counterintuitive that as a tree City we're Banning trees um my my concern is and I just went through this at my house um I had I had a walnut tree in the front yard that every time a afternoon thunderstorm came through I was out picking up limbs uh peans are notorious for shedding limbs in in a windstorm um my house was missed by literally probably about six inches um by what I just briefly what I was looking at this afternoon about the definition of Laurel Oak more than likely that's what almost hit my house two weekends ago during that nasty weather so I empathize with with the with the concern here about Laurel Oaks um I'm not opposed to prohibiting them in the right way that we would accept I am opposed to Banning it uh putting it on a prohibited plant list and banning it from you know commercial planting because it technically is a native species to the area from based on my uh quick research this afternoon it is considered native to central Florida and west Florida so I I just have have that secondly um as as someone that believes in small government um we get into Banning and I know we had this conversation about a different topic at at the land use committee but we get into Banning trees and plants and all of a sudden what else we're going to start Banning so from that perspective I just I don't think the government should be telling me what I Canon Camp plant on my own property I understand if we're going to accept it on a rideway and we're dealing with with a developer we we probably can have that leeway but um placing it on a prohibited plant list and and you know marking everything with a scar letter A because you know they tend to break all all trees tend to break I mean I think we've got a Leaning Pine Tree over there near the tennis courts that's been leaning that way for a few years so I I just for a couple different reasons I can't seem to to support this in its current form so uh let me address that so we already have plants that we prohibit and require so when you go for a development order there's recommended plantings required plantings required number of plantings and it will U I believe generally prohibit Chris still here but it will prohibit things that are on the Exotic and invasive species lists you know like the popcorn trees that we deal with constantly so we already do that as a as a government and that is part of our role and if we have a tree or a species of tree um that has a lifespan that's you know usually less than you know 60 75 years is what we're seeing on these really big ones and we know that they cause property damage both on our property and and individual private property and on city property I would see that it was our our duty to prohibit that um yes it's native but not everything that's native um is made for an urban environment or a city environment you know do I see this out in the country away from structures yeah I don't care that's fine but a development order typically is happening on something we're you know we're Landscaping you know 15 foot section swaths along the road and putting trees that grow to 150 fet we know it's going to fall well is more than 15 feet tall is going to fall on some public space or on someone structure uh if we continue to plant them the pictures you have one of them hit uh corner of a house porch that's probably going to result in Insurance claim the other one was a private tree that felt on that fell on their own shed uh not once but I'm pretty sure it fell on it twice um and then the tree neighboring it fell just a couple of weeks ago uh and it's been down and is still down so at some point it's become a fire hazard so again you to say that we don't prohibit some things I we do already prohibit some trees and it is it is unfortunate to have to prohibit some um but that's because we're going to have a replacement poly to bring in the things that are going to last a long time and provide a safer environment for our neighbors um so again I completely understand but I think it is important to protect ourselves from from known hazards I mean yeah why not tree can fall uh branches are going to go but um go check these these out I mean the fungus gets them from the inside you can look at the stump on the one up the corner it's it was had a quar of rot not very big but it went all the way down to the root base and that all the way to the top and on a normal rain it just went so again um that Pine Tree by the tennis court is about 200 years old you know if it if you got I'm losing half of them 200 years I can maybe negotiate that if I'm losing 75 80% of them within 60 years now I I've got a pretty frequent problem on the private property um I'd hope we'd draw some uh you know some qualifiers in other words some people's yard is full of those live BS and many of them are only 30 years old maybe three or four of them are 70 years old but uh I don't want to get in business of clearing clearing property that's a separate motion and so that's not part of this motion at the moment but we can talk about that one the next one okay anyway this motion is on the floor any other Mr Mayor how are we gonna police this well as develop especially on private property we already do uh we already have Public Works that Mark identify trees they they know the trees that are having issues and know the ones that are sick they know the ones that need to be removed first versus the ones that are healthier and can stay longer and again we're not talking about the private the other items are being done because we review those including the landscape plans get reviewed by by our consultants in advance of any development order coming to the Council we review the plant species and how many they've got of everything going in so it's already done who does that uh our engineer does it on behalf of the of Mr Wallace so anytime that we have a development order that requires any kind of landscaping it's included in that development order and in fact you know we have can we just maybe modify your motion to just include it on those on the ongoing nothing you know from this state approved moving forward but just just on development orders not on private properties you know I'm talking about your ban list I'm sorry you I understood from his concern that this will be banned like me as a property owner I'm no longer allowed to plant whatever's on this list only only uh if it's part of a development order so if a private residence any residential property will be Exempted from that if they want to plant water Roes they can plant them it doesn't ban them from from being planted on private property this is only for commercial uh Landscapes which are those that require development order and so it's only rways and development orders so in in a commercial development setting take for example some of the ones that we approved tonight if there's existing water Oaks on that property will they be required to be removed as part of the development order if this went into effect that would be part of the policy to because we have still developed the policy as part regardless so we're putting sending it back all we're doing right now is sending it back to uh beautification and tree and planning to develop a policy and and how to implement it so we're not actually doing the implementation right now we're developing the policy I I I understand I just have have an issue with what what appears to be a native species a native tree I understand Banning uh invasive species that are not naturally from here I would love to I don't yons are are banned but I would love to ban yons and yet we've got them planted by the state in the in the medium but anyway I digress I just want to get rid of thorny Vines can those but uh again um I'll stand by it as it is I I don't think that why why don't we do this based on the discussion I I still think Council direct should because is going to advisory boards is appropriate but it would appear that this would start with the tree beautification board asking them to run it to planning so perhaps Council M Valley would you be willing to consider making a motion to ask the trian beautific the city beautification tree board I'm bring C's iPad here to develop a policy in related materials regarding Laurel Oaks um and to work that through the planning board and then have them bring it to the code and land use review board as well before it comes back to the city council so let them start let them bring all that up that way it'll hit the planning board it'll hit you and Mr Beer bomb at that level and then Mr cron can throw something at me I see him out there because I'm about to make him do some Oracle that board why don't we do it that way because we're about to fragment this in about three different motions is what I'm starting to hear and I don't think we can give our advisory boards that kind of Direction and expect any kind of return in a timely manner so would you be if you'd be willing to do that I still think that is a motion that we would need I I think that would be fine because that's that's really in the spirit of what I what I was trying to bring forward anyway so I'm fine with that as long as a second I thank you all in favor say I oh M oh I'm sorry while y'all are brainstorming this and put putting together a plan Danny Co defc Springs um don't say Laurel o everybody calls it Water Oak I just learned a few minutes ago that it was called Laurel Oak also um water Oaks are tick and time bombs uh they look healthy one of the pictures that was up here a while ago is just is atypical of um it looks like a healthy tree there's no disease and when it falls over it's Hollow on the inside you can't detect it uh so as far as elemina goes the priority would be what's threatening uh public infrastructure you know power lines uh falling over uh crossing streets inhibiting emergency vehicles stuff like that and if there's and if there's grant money available to do this hey that's a win so just throw this into your um thought process and uh I'm a big- Time environmentalist so when you hear me say you know water Oaks cut them down you know they're a nasty tree they're dangerous thank you thank you all right all in FA say I again I I hi hi I was scary thank you very much and then Mr Mar I was going to do the the one other one uh just requesting that uh make a motion that uh City staff uh identify grants for the removal of water Oaks and Laurel Oaks on public and private property and advise the council as to their availability at this point I don't think you need a motion on let them identify those and work that back because this point they're going either identify them or they AR right unless anybody on the koun says don't identify them I think that's pretty straightforward reest you good with that Mr you good with that all right all right we done Mr that gu that's it that is it thank you sir okay all right now Kobe all right I'll go through mine pretty quick so I apologize we talked about Finance position um Miss Danielle mcdan who sitting here some some of you have met may not met she is acting as the interim Finance director she was the city's accountant she has been since believe October of 23 and so until the council um decides on the hiring of new Finance director she will be serving in that role and assisting me and I'll be assisting her until we get to that point of a new Finance director so this is Miss McDaniel she will be doing the number for the city thank you a reminder June 12th so this Wednesday 9 to 12 uh we're be doing the head shot here in City Hall so if you have that availability please come by and get your photo so we can work to get that wall completed um next staff and I had discussed about the yard debris pickup we have been getting calls and that we had talked about this weeks ago and that we we've gotten them in and so one of the ways we hope to curb some of the either missing or not understanding why we're not picking up the yard debris what that looks like why why what in the code is causing us not Pi yard up we had we're going to implement a card info card so when staff goes by and there's a pile that has a mixed stuff in it yard Bri in house whatever you're doing doing contract work they're going to put a card on that pile tie going to check why we're not picking that up if there's an issue is why we're not doing that so there there's multiple reasons we may not the city may not pick up what you put on right away but it it tracks City's code and so they're aware of why we're not doing that we're going hope hopefully that'll help out and former citizens on why we may have not picked it up and maybe get some better response times Mr Mayor go ahead can we I hate to say this this topic has come up several times before and I really think we need as a council to address this um this what you're referring to occurs in my neighborhood I see them mix construction debris and and yard debris together and then was and dry correct white goods put on my yeah and then it takes weeks for our hardworking Public Works gentlemen to come around and finally sort that out and actually get it picked up my opinion is if they're doing that they need to be they need to be notified of it and after a certain amount of offenses if it continues there needs to be uh consequences for those actions of continuing to pile that debris up and I know there's some issues with um maybe identifying those people but I I think we need to have a workshop or something to to discuss enabling our um employees to address the situation but at the same time I think we as a council need to provide them some direction because as Mr Mayor and I know you brought it up several times but bulk pickup is is definitely an issue that we need to to address so I'd like to see maybe either tack it on to another Workshop or U maybe add it to another meeting you we'd have like a four o'clock Workshop to to discuss B pickup and options and enforcement and fees if if we so choose Thank you totally agree um Old City Hall so I did speak with uh Mr Atkins and myself we've been we conversed on it I've responded to the bank the bank is uh want to do some more due diligence with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection I spoke to him today um the city we believe we have done everything that we need to do at this point and so the bank is working with the state to maybe get some more information so that's the update on that we're still moving forward and they're doing still still doing their due diligence property we remind us when that expires I knew we gave them another six months I thought was 90 days I believe it's August I think believe it's middle a I'll find out for sure though I'll find out um next item we had spoke at the last meeting when we brought up the jetting of drainage down at on the Alleyways so we have received some rough estimates and quotes from contractors in the city uh and just outside see on what that looks like it ranges anywhere from $1,000 to $150,000 to Mill all the Alleyways bring them back to their base um and then repave them now what that base is we don't know we're gonna have to look at that hydrology report and see if they five layers where the base is or we're going to have to have engineering or whoever does project go out and identify that base and then that'll be provided to the contractor but those are the estimates we've been given based off R BS for the Alleyways so we will continue to talk about it but I know I brought that up we some questions about that so we look into that um jetting the drains staff may have the ability to do that um unfortunately now our vron is down it's being worked on but we do have a large size vron may be able to do it so we're going to look in and see if we can do that in house for now but that's my update on d uh quick reference back to the um some of the grants that councilman Valley as mentioned we have identified a USDA Grant dealing with trees in the city um the ability to do a urban Forest management plan a fruit Forest here or plant other trees in the city or even potential I've taken that to the tree board um I've given them a month to discuss it amongst not amongst themselves but when they get back talk about it see what they might like to propose to the city do next year for that Grant and then from that point we'll bring it here to the board to the council and see if there's a desire to pursue that there is a match to it and so that's why we bring for five um so this is a quick update not update but attachment to the budget workshop on Monday again for the community we will have an item on there for community priorities and I will be reaching out I believe I received the bless from the council we need to see people there we need to know what it is that you are looking for so we can work toward those goals here at the city um pickle ball courts I have forwarded to each of you the site plan for the pickle ball courts that's for your review take a look at it again we'll talk further in that especially I guess at the next budget meeting um and then once that's been identified if we agree with that stop plan we'll move forward the Liberty Partners most likely preparing an application submitting to the state and then lastly Lake Fest is June 21st to the 23rd that was rescheduled date and so we will be there we'll be preparing for that over the coming weeks and um we'll get ready for everyone to come into town thank you thank you very much something I was going to mention you thre me for a Lo there with lest um Daniel I appreciate you stepping stepping up taking care of us been here and well I've heard great things long before today but want to thank you U at this time we'll go to the council and start with Mr coners I nothing Danielle thank you for stepping up to the responsibility and Lenny congratulations we're really glad that uh when is the cra's meet is it the last Thursday of every month it is the fourth Wednesday every month so it's the fourth Wednesday of every month and I think it's here correct right here starts at 5:00 we'll have we'll have Mr oi reach out to Josh irvan which he may sure he's watching this to get contact info so he can reach out okay that'll be great that's all I have thank you um Daniel thank you also as well and I say this every meeting with with uh our inter room city manager um we all have a lot of individual conversations with him during the course of the week and leading up to uh City Council meetings and it's just there's a lot there's a lot taking place in this town and and a lot of growth and he has jumped in here with both feet and has taken on a lot and I think people should know that and and I just think he's he's doing a good job um time will tell right but he's he's doing a great job he's keeping us on our toes and giving us what to think about and make decisions about to move this the city forward we appreciate that um so I keep hearing about I was told about this family with a little kid that keep walking by the playground to see if it's open every day and wanting to jump on it and play when uh when will we'd be able to at least let them play on the equipment that's there even though it's not formally opened I will find out um tomorrow I we'll have contact the company and see why they're still got it wrapped up and then we can and um do a public notice as to when that's can be expected to be open that'd be great and I I look forward to that I think that'd be it's a great thing for everyone in the neighborhood um and a f minute walk actually covers a lot of people so it does cover a lot of people but we do have a lot of work to do still still got to deal with sidewalks crosswalks lighting and hopefully bathrooms and I know Mr Townson is working on bathrooms and and the Pavilion uh which was also donated um by Main Street and fpnl and then also um the parking so I know we've got a ways to go but um hey let's celebrate the winds that we do get happy to see it wers I know because you were involved a lot with the when we did open up small portion of the lake people swim in uh I have paid a lot of attention since that the water has receded so far out that even small fairly small kids can stand up at the Rope out there now it's great for a waiting pool but if I were a 14-year-old I wouldn't waste my time going down there because there's nowhere to swim you know I don't know we want to consider having another slot when the water's down that we take the ropes out another 25 fet or something so it's that the discretion of the city manager I believe uh once the schedule was established by the city council the manager can modify the location I don't see why we don't just allow it swimming in the entire Lake I I agree completely agree they're doing it anyway just just so we know I'm walking it I mean I see them outside of the roping love it now I do I do agree with having an area where there's more eyes so when you when you define an area does create eyeballs because it means that people are collecting there and when you have more people it makes it safer especially if they're small kids and or people that aren't such strong swimmers so I I don't uh I completely support opening up all of it um but I would say you know having some area where people know that they're going to collect has has some safety value so I would consider that but um but just keep in the back of your mind but I support opening up the whole thing do we need to put signage around the lake is we'll bring that back'll be thinking about that because whatever parameters we think we need to have we do have a couple of dots out there that we need to take some precautions on and I'm still up on the grass carp I have not let that go completely to clean up the edge um but um that because that would help a lot with we we go away is that something that the entire council is interested in me looking at I know we don't need direction we don't need motion on agenda but we can I can reach out to the appropriate agencies and see about that because grass in my opinion is an issue but it may not be an issue everyone it's fish and wildlife and it's 10 per acre that you need surface water supp and the only reason we haven't done it is because of potential costs which we don't even have a hard number on but yes uh Florida Fish and Wildlife is the one that actually manages to ter for that would assist with with the location and we to be careful okay I think we sorry if if you'll allow me I I uh to fulfill my obligations on the Eda I need to give a very brief summary about the the previous meeting that happened this week or or last week actually uh we uh welcome some new uh members uh chelco had a little bit of a change in in Staffing uh as well as Northwest Florida State College so we welcome some new members from chelco Northwest Florida State College um we also welcomed uh new people to the uh executive committee from hanok Whitney Bank as well as HCA Twin Cities Todd Jackson um as far as officers go our new chair will be Miss Ashley Rogers of Dunlap Shipman our vice chair which is chairel will be commissioner Danny Gladwell uh we also selected a treasur and a secretary the treasurer will be Stacy mcgil Ray I'm sorry I'm m i butchered that I'm sorry uh and secretary will be Todd Jackson of HCA Twin Cities um we approved a new lease for the offices uh there where the Eda is located in Northwest Florida State College we also approved uh pursuing a defense infrastructure Grant and we signed uh or we approved a prea application for a Triumph project uh we also approved moving ahead with a guidebook for development that will allow uh uh the Eda to uh hand out to people if you are interested in bringing something to the area it'll be a guide book on whether you're developing within Freeport Paxton Defan or the county at large it will kind of have an outline of who do you contact where do you go what what's the typical process so that was uh a good good sign as well to have that developed um we continue to see investment in the Eda we're up to to a total of 14 investors for a total of $70,000 being raised from the private sector um we uh then there's there's a couple of uh events going on here a plan for Walton 2040 um there's the Okaloosa Walton housing Summit and uh upcoming on June 13th is the business Leadership Council uh for the Eda uh that will be at the shiaka center uh at Northwest Florida State College um and then UAH uh reviewed some different uh maps and information that he had brought that can help us with looking at Economic Development it was very interesting uh how many people drive in The Links at which they drive to work in South Walton so we have we have people driving from as far away as Southern Alabama and as far east as believe Port St Joe those zip zip codes were represented so there's some people that make a very long haul to get to South Walton to to work um and of course our our ZIP codes here in defac were very high up on the list as you know he was able to to showed the listing there as we were pretty high up on the list so obviously there's a lot of people that live here but work in the South End so good uh Eda meeting and look forward to the next dialoging with egin dialoging with Egan yes yes that's right we also um approved him moving forward with dialoguing with egund about uh some future developments and land uses U probably will end up mirroring uh what they did in oksa County with some of the the the land over there so we we he's going to try to work that out I don't know how much of that I can can say publicly but there's there's some dialogue there about uh handing over some of that that property uh into into their conservation which will help them with their mission but it will also help us as well so some very good very good progress he's he's definitely working all of that for sure and that's all I have thank you thank you all right we'll call this meeting jour