we're ready going to call this council meeting to order today is Monday April the 8th 2024 we ask Council to Le invocation will follow Le dear Lord we thank you for this stay and we thank you for all your many blessings we thank you for allowing us to come together and do the business of the city and and your will Lord we pray Lord that you will grant us wisdom and guidance tonight as we go through this agenda and give us the right answers to all the questions and decisions pray that you'll bless our new city manager and our new councilman in their new roles um grant them guidance Lord and wisdom as they fulfill your duties and the will of the people in Jesus name we pray amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all righty all right I ha even say the word short but it looks awful short tonight and uh okay and we will first go entertain a motion for the consent agenda uh to approve as written or if you would like something taken off please mention it this time motion to approve consent agenda second I have motion second any questions uh we are with Tony I think it it's time yes all in favor say I I I I I car thank you very much and uh with the regular agenda we have any other changes yes mayor I'd like to add under 4 C3 um Public Works administrative assistant assist all right anything else no sir not this time okay all right um just a side note um on the minutes it says that it was a March 11th um special meeting at the bottom it's not a special meeting so I will make that correction okay yeah motion to approve regular agenda with those changes second I have a motion second any questions anyone all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie okay under the regular agenda under four C we'll go to Mr Kobe thank you mayor um the first item is surplus auction the county has an auction coming up on April 20th the city has a list of items on your agenda we would like to auction off that includes um a lot of items from it that are either obsolete or no longer fit with what we're doing six vehicles from the police department two vehicles from Transportation two pieces of heavy equipment and then one piece of Light Equipment one vehicle from maintenance one vehicle from Administration one from planning and one from public works these are older vehicles um that we decided months ago to get rid of uh we worked internally people have vehicles that they need so we would like to get these auctioned off on the 20th rather than have we do it two separate times motion to approve second all right motion second any questions mayor if we can have added to that motion to authorize the city manager to sign the auction contract agreement once the chief gets it finalized subject to legals approval motion I amend my motion I'll amend my second okay so he literally just sent it to me four minutes ago and I forwarded it to both of y'all so you should have it your inbox here I review tonight we get signed in the morning so that's good enough but the council doesn't have it so I I'm good I'm just letting you know what's the um percentage that they're charging us um see says in the contract quick well he's looking for that I will say I met with the County Administrator staying Sunday on Friday good conversation on some other things going on with the city and the county and he was in favor of this as well the same gr we hired a couple years ago no we use a different company um usually I can't remember the man's name but no this is the one the county uses oh okay um but I cannot remember the name of the company we typically use okay believe it's for o and network is what we typically use the past says 0% there but I know that ain't correct it appears that is a buyer's premium so while they're not they don't charge us a fee but they charge a buyer's premium I know last year they did like five or 10% over what so you bid on it for $2,000 you're going to pay five 5% over that the contract the chief has sent me includes what the chief said 0% sales price per item and no sell or buy back fee for property on the commissions but it does indicate there will be a buyer premium so it is not say what that is but that's not a charge to us that's a charge thank you questions all in faar s i i i i i scary thank you very much uh go back to Mr okay um 4c2 is the Eagles Crossing utility easements this is just for us to get the easements begin laying the utilities and Eagles Crossing um utilities map I believe that's a master Pump Station behind Best Western it run south to 280b um and then it will come over to the veterans Lodge property I have reviewed revised and those are approved motion to approve eagal Crossing utility easement second I have Mo second any questions anyone all in favor say I I I I I all that's okay thank you very much this time we'll go to Mr ball public hearing got a my addition mayor oh I'm sorry got good right here in front of me fine so um for the addition um typically we would not come to the council for this but the Public Works administrative position has been vacant for a while um I wish to fill that position to work with me and then at a later date they would transfer over to Public Works the individual will learn both however the policy under Section 4.2 states that if I want to hire someone at a rate of greater than the base salary established by the Council on pay schedule I come to you for that approval um and speaking with the candidate and going back and forth $40,000 is what it seemed would be fair to hire her that based off her experience um the current minimum is $ 34,44 um the B position was currently budgeted at 58,000 had additional duties tied to it that I don't peree using right now so I'd like the ability to hire that individual at 40,000 um but I will look at some other avenues on how to get there what what's best for the budgets in for the city but I'd like to get approval to bring her in on 40,000 motion to approve second all have motion second any questions anyone all favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much all right now we'll go to Mr W under 5 a how soon you C you think to be bringing them um so she accepted this morning I was waiting for that before I brought it to the council so didn't you um she wanted to turn in a letter of notice this morning we told her to wait until after tonight so hopefully by the person of next week would be wonderful we'll see how soon she like give notice find out all right all right good evening uh Mr ainson do we need to be sworn in no it's first reading okay there's a gentleman here there is a gentleman here who would like to speak so I just wanted to make sure he'll speak but he'll get to speak again at the adoption area Okay so this is 2024 ssa-5 it's Jim Busby's request for a small scale map amendment to amend the future land use map from agricultural to Industrial uh if you look at the window it's the property directly across the street from City Hall here the current zoning of the property is already industrial uh the future land use map retains that agricultural so he's requesting that map Amendment from agricultural to Industrial we would need a motion to hold first reading and advertise for second reading public hearing and adoption question go ahead uh could you refresh my memory what does that and what does that allow industrial use uh it is our most intense uh commercial type zoning District we have in the city most of 90 West is zoned industrial so this is consistent with the zoning the long 90 West um I don't know what his plans are for the property several years ago he had a plan approved for a small shopping center there um I couldn't figure out how he got that approved with the agricultural zoning um so I don't know what his future plans are but it is our most intense commercial Landes do you know what type of in what can go in that type of virtually anything in the city virtually everything can go industrial is the one that's the most wide okay yeah and and many of those uses are i p the restrictions that might help with yeah there are some uses that are more intense than others that require special approval from the council um but a lot of them are just Allowed by right and you say the applicants here uh I do not believe Mr Busby is here but there is a a joining property owner who is here who would like to speak okay yeah so with industrial we're talking about the light district the I zoning category correct yep so any commercial use that could be allowed in either of the sea districts is allowed wholesale warehouse and storage is available and then there are no prohibited uses but there are use exceptions allowed upon special approval and that is pretty much everything that's not allowed else where that's manufacturing fabricating similar Enterprises a Foundry drop forging paint varnish manufacturer manufactur of asphalt brick tile cement and about everything else associated with that that you could I'll SKT reading all of those institutions for housing care and treatment of indigent aged and convalescence dwellings except as except as accessory will permitted use at a hospital so that's your U that's your list arguably you can do a little bit more in a but you have more prohibited jues in EG Mr May yeah go ahead so that led me to question when I was reading over this with the industrial I read that that same thing clay I think that you did um and some of those Industries cause a little bit of concern with the wetlands being right behind it but then I read under your analysis here where any development of property will require City Review coordination with do and D what does coordination mean does that mean that they have the power to say no you can't have this certain industry here or well they will do will regulate any entrances off of Highway 90 West D will review their storm water management plan um so they will issue the permit for that they give their stamp yes appr okay yep so we review it we approve it but then it still has to go to that next level of State approval through D okay thank you so and and just since I believe this probably the first time you've had this come up councilman Harrison I will say the special approval part you have a very defined requirement for special approval I read a portion of probably the most pertinent paragraph there so obviously any commercial use can go there and then the warehouse can go there that they have that right has to come back for development approval to get special approval though they've got to come and it says got to go for the planning board than city council and in upon approving that you shall consider the location size height spacing appearance character and use of any building structure or use in their apperances access and circulation of vehicles and pedestrians streets parking areas yards and open space spaces in relationship to adjacent property of special approval shall not be approved unless the development plan is found to conform to all applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance and that the health safety and Welfare of the public are properly provided for continuous and yearby residential Pro property so to get there it's not just a request and it's not a rubber stand it's a high level showing to get a special Improvement and technically that tetch all makes it harder if somebody can qualify for the variance language in our code it's actually easier to get a variance than is a special approval if they can satisfy the threshold so there's a lot of discretion left to any of those other uses thank you go ahead um I I share Mr Harrison's same concerns about making this an industrial um category right next to Wetlands but clay can for for the sake of all involved can you refresh everyone's memory on the requirements that if it meets requirements we must approve it so so again you're just doing first reading tonight the full public hearing for adoption when that happens this will be treated as a quasa Judicial matter uh the standard is are they in compliance with the Land Development code and comprehensive plan if they meet the required elements of that and are not inconsistent with Land Development code or comprehensive plan and then you have to have competent substantial evidence that it does not comply to deny the request so at this point Mr Wallace's opinion is it is consistent it would not be spot zoning and it would be it would match up to our comprehensive plan correct correct and it's uh City Hall property is is zoned Industrial um strangely enough but um we have an industrial zoning designation where we sit tonight yeah so is really the only piece I'll say this is probably the only piece that sits there well it is the only piece that sits there that is a within the city limits that is that fronts on US Highway 90 is it Mr Wallace I believe it is yeah if you look at the map most of that is to the north technically it is clearing up is clearing a piece of spot zoning which is also consistent with comp plan so I certainly we'll have chance to your testimony from the public to see if there's anything changes go ahead so that's actually what I want to point out everything on 90 uh for about 12 13 blocks uh from 331 to the West is already future land use of industrial there is institutional that's in there as well but then until you get uh I guess that's past um EDS is when you start to get into a C2 or commercial use so really this is a cleanup and it and it makes sense Shoemaker drive you got go all the way to Shoemaker drive before you get any commercial so between shoem maker and this one we're saying is already all IND industrial everything everything is industrial with the following exceptions you do have well okay so back obviously the park is there that's Recreation little car out for the Wayside Park and then you have the college you have an Institutional is college the only car about that's institutional everything else is a so this is essentially a cleanup however you know I and and I will vote for this because it is a cleanup but I I do have reservations about the amount of industrial that we have along 90 within the town um because it is so open-ended it does allow for you know things to be visible so uh definitely do not want it to creep to the east of 331 ever U but I think at some point we may just have to have a discussion in terms of limiting itting on 90 you know some some visual aspects to deal with it because the industrial does allow for the display it does allow for things to be stacked in the yard in the front of the building you can have pallets you can have materials you can have you can have a sand pit on right in front of it so um I do think that we can do some things to tighten it up in the future but I wouldn't I wouldn't hold back this this change though yeah I I would say it's odd that one of your major corridors is industrial typically your industrial zoning is reserved for an industrial park there's some history though because the property we're sitting on was a sawmill and it's the most industrial use that you can imagine so that's what was here and so that's the history doesn't mean that we have to stay with it forever doesn't mean that we can't start to ran some of that in but in terms of consistency and the change on that part it would be consistent with everything else and as we make changes what we can do is look at changes that change the rules for all of those within a geographic location if we feel like U we need to do that can someone tell me what are these green uh what what is that plot the first green one here yeah right that one whoever put that Mouse on that right there which slot's that the behind the park so that big deep behind what's the yeah the Little Triangle the front's the park or yourself the very front one is the park which is gray in this image because it's current land use is industrial as well and so what is that street that's going on it doesn't exist it is a street on a plat that has never been built or developed okay but our shore line run I think follows that well we do have a line that runs down and that's why it's never been abandoned that is tell so is the one that comes uh this is this street in existence stop here stop there the M right it's w but it does not go all the way through right no just the black lines on your map are what's actually rode okay so I'll uh make a motion to approve and hold uh first first reading second I have a motion a second any other questions public com any public comment yes sir name's Tim Traw um with regards to Mr Busby's uh request for the minute we own my family owns property that is right back up into the right I own five acres um to the right side and my mother um owns the adjacent property right back of there all of that property is zoned agricultural and has been Zone agricultural since 1921 we have lived there since before 1921 my whole family has lived down in there just as you said that this used to be the U harbest and meal quarters that area there that you're talking about that where we live at is what they call the meal quarters that is where we live at that is where all the black lumberers people that work for Mr harberson live at lived at at one time there are two houses that are still down in there um at this time that over a hundred years old where we live at right at this time there's one street that goes into that area right now um that the city abandoned that goes through that property that Mr um Busby is um I guess the city abandoned that is um on this adoption that you're talking about tonight North 18th Street North 18th Street it is included on this that is our access to our property at this time now somewhere in the courthouse there is a document where he says as long as there's a crunch all living that they will have access through that street I have not seen that document but my concern is what will this change doe to the five acres that I own and the adjacent property that my mother owns okay property values are you know currently up and down there are eight of us plus the grandkids plus extra five acres that I own that on the other side of bash which is the green area that you see so what kind of effect and changing the zoning is that going to uh have an effect on my property I have plans for my property but what is this going to how is this going to affect my property and how is it going to affect my mother's property I have kids I'm I'm we have grandkids and everything else there so what are we going to do how is this going to affect us nobody's answering those questions I'm not a realtor okay but what is this going to do we are against the change from agriculture because it's been agricultural all these years there are other property owners along the wall bash area there on the left and right but because their property is not within 500 feet of Mr Busby's property they were not given notice and I've asked them they said well no they said what we weren't giv notes because we aren't close they have concerns also so well these my questions I don't believe that such a small area should affect somebody else's property rights I mean it's a drop off guys it is literally a drop off it used to belong to Mr AC Ander which also worked up here at Harvest and Mill quarters that's what that area there where he's planning on do whatever which he's been trying to develop for over a decade now to do it's a little drop off he had to fill in he had to get D um permission to fill in the weapons he literally did if you check the history of he had to get permission to do it because he had to fill in weapons in order to do it he has not been able to develop that property yet in all of these years so what can you put in there the roadway goes straight down he can't fill it in anymore but as far as changing the zoning of it from agricultural to Industrial just because everything else along there we're against it I've talked to my sisters and on the property that I own separate from my other family's property I may want to do something with it at some point I plan on it but with that going on I'm I'm concerned about it what is it going to do to it um clay what if it's changed from agricultural to Industrial or let's just say it stays agricultural what could he what could the property owner not do that's Pro that would be prohibited but would be allowable under industrial so let's pull that back up so agricultural has the following uses allowed without review says no building or structure a part thereof shall be erected or what are used in Aller in part for other than one or more of the following uses single family dwellings home occupations hospitals Correctional institutions convalescence home nursing home similar uses Church covenants monasteries Parish houses libraries museums similar institutions um publicly owned buildings Golf Course Country Club similar Grove or produce Farm similar agricultural uses cattle or stock grazing raising less than 100 poultry and then accessory uses then you have the special approval uses cemeteries dumps airports Public Utilities Dude Ranch riding stable there's it goes all it's a through Q I'll be reading them for long time but um prohibited uses include manufacturing industrial establishments wholesale warehouse and storage establishments um junkyards automobile truck or trailer display sales oil asphalt petroleum products Building Supplies contractor or construction or equipment yard or display or storage of any secondhand merchandise so basically what you've done you basically say that don't get any of the C2 uses and you limit some of the wholesale warehouse so that's the primary difference that I would sign thank you so basically he's got a blank slate and he's doing this and that and you don't really know what he hasn't presented any plans he doesn't know what he's going to do I've talked to him he says well I really don't know what I'm going to do this is where I'm at I have no idea what is going to do the city council doesn't know where what he's going to do I don't want anything to affect my property value I don't want anything to affect my mom's property value or anything I mean there's um already a sewage line that goes across the property already that runs into the city's lift station that has been put in there um it overflows every now and then um that comes from the restaurant there that runs across the abandoned 18th Street U there's no regulations on it and stuff I have to go out there put lime and stuff on it when it overflows because they tell me they don't understand me when I tell them about stuff like that but I mean I'm just asking that you know hey have some consideration for what we have V that we've been there so long Mr buzby's not here he has not been able to say speak as to say what I'm going to do I wish he had been here tonight we could have asked him some questions but he chose not to show up um know so that you could have asked him some questions as far as what he wanted to do what he his plans are or anything like that my goal is to preserve what we have there and like I said my grandfather came there and was working at this same site here he got his pay there at the um you know at the pay office here that's just how long that we have been down there um in that same area there like I said that's what they call the Harvest and Mill quarters and that's where we have lived all of our Lives I just do not want anything to affect our property values uh that we have there and like I said we have plans but with this being an open slate and we have know don't know what his plans are to do I just don't want anything to you guys is what I'm asking and thank you for thank you for sharing and Council I'll just remind on a small scale Amendment the actual intended use is not something that is presented to the council nor necessarily A permissive consideration we Mr Busby here and he says I'm going to well I'm going to do X Y and Z he's not bound by that he gets his L juuse he can do whatever's in it what I would say is if he's doing anything outside of commercial uses or a wholesale warehouse or storage use anything outside of that's going to have to come back before the planning board and the council for special approval and you would have an opportunity under the welfare analysis to determine that this is an impairment of value or neighborhood or public use and creat to new so you'll get that opportunity in the future on any other one but it is to the council anyone else excuse me sir for the record it's all in favor say I I all right I'm a nay on this one no no I'm sorry um can I we call for a vote but can I ask him a question or not well who who to to Chris or to Mr crw or the mayor come on Mr crw Mr CR is there any other uh designation of that property that would be suitable for you I mean if it was commercial I mean obviously there's another property owner involved here that has a right to do things with his property but so I'm just I'm just wondering where you are is there anything other than agricultural designation that that you would be happy with my my situation is is I'm not for sure where trying to talk with him is is it has just been open and he doesn't you know discuss what his plans are at one point he told me that um he was going to do X Y and Z he didn't do it and that was five or six years ago and then he's just sort of all over the place at what his plans are um I'm not as far as trustworthiness with him as what his plans are I'm not getting a direct answer for him as far as where I'm at with as far as his designation with that I'm trying to nail him down as far as what he's wanting to do right so that I will know where I am at with my property or with the two Parcels of property that are there so it does not affect um because it's just such a small parcel there that it could affect what we what we have there with with our plans that we have um and I'm just know I'm I'm just worried because there are others that are down in there too because I don't know what the uh the future land uses have that may change is where I'm at that I could you know but I don't know where um the city's going to notice that they have uh know you have your land amendments and things like that that your going forward with but I don't know what um as far as land use and everything that we have planned know we may want to U do some things with our property but it could be affected by what he does and that's where I'm at I I don't know what he has going that could affect ours and once I know what he has going then I would feel a little more comfortable saying yes I would do that but until I know and my family knows what his purpose is I I can't say but I've got to know where we're at is my biggest thing because like I said you know when you have property and I've got five and there's another seven you know over there um and the other people are saying well where are we at with this because know one parcel here one small parcel could affect another large parel and you may not be able to develop the other parel because of the fact of what one parcel land designation is is where I'm at that's what I'm trying to say Thank you Mr CR yes uh have you thought the other way around how much if if he did search projects there how much that could increase the value of your property yes sir I have yeah okay because I mean there's a huge variety of things that can be done and of course the gentleman B that you said around 10 years ago yes it and of course you know he came over here and he bought uh I guess some vacant land that's here in the woods big hole whatever obviously he wanted to do something but you know asides it just sit there so you know it'll eventually be something there I don't know there's a hundred things he could do I don't know if he could list those to your satisfaction but I'm just want you to thinking you know his shoes for a while too because I mean he came over here made an investment and um and he's want to do something with property the thing is we're trying to come up something that work you know he's he's not g to have you dictate what he does no we want to be something you would you know be acceptable do you yes but anyway I uh but uh we have to do certain allowances uh not knowing what they'll do and I don't think none of other none of us will know what he's going to do and I think he's trying to get the property in position to where he's got several options I think that's what he do and uh he's not gonna do anything with it as it stands I don't think no C so I'm just mentioning that to you so you yeah be considering both sides of this thing yeah communication is the biggest thing um with him um is my is where I'm at um and it's been absent um it's my but my biggest concern right um and that's where I'm at with him um and I have not um had much communication with him at the reaching out to right is is where I'm at right now I understand yes sir yes thank you yes sir well we closed public comment technically mayor okay well well we we probably shouldn't have gone beyond the one question probably we appreciate ites the applicant Jim Busby so I don't know if that would happen well your opportunity is well passed fortunately nor you sworn so I'm sorry okay all right I'll go to the final vote but what I what I would say I want to ask Mr Wallace have you spoken to Mr Buzby Mr Wallace or as applicant um yes uh but it's been four to six weeks ago I believe last correspondence sure we actually had conversation yeah last correspondence we' had was at the uh planning board meeting all right all right I okay I Carri and note this is only scheduling the public hearing for adoption Mr kensaw it is not approved you'll have the opportunity to come back um I would ask the applicant based on the conversation and questions you heard here today while you not bound to what you represent and I will advise the council that an approval or denial should not be based on the representations of what someone says they will or will not do I believe it would be beneficial for the applicant to be prepared to make a presentation uh at the next meeting under road for the record um it was council member Josh Conor and council member Amy hin that voted nay on this motion right corre you read by title please sir okay this is an ordinance number to be determined it's an ordinance adopted a smallscale land use map Amendment of the city of Def phc Springs comprehensive plan changing the land use classifications repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing SE providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date and this will be back on the 22nd Council agenda thank you very much all right thank you thank sir all righty uh we'll open the floor up now for citizen comments any citizen comments all right close the floor and uh play G thing yes sir all right on legislative request Mr Valley safe rout for school Grant opportunity thank you mayor uh all I'm asking for is permission to uh pursue uh the application and gather more information so we can present it to the board but because of deadlines we would like to go ahead and allow the Grants Department and or Liberty Partners to get started on that uh they'll need to come back to us with any matches that would be required as part of this of course not to jump ahead but we'd still have to be awarded something before any of that would apply but I would just like to the permission to have the Grants Department Andor Liberty Partners move ahead with seeking opportunities uh for safe routes the primary location is for um West defunc I believe that's 18th Street that goes from lioke to West defunc Elementary uh but there is another one at uh at the middle school which was the alternate to the Bruce Avenue that we've discussed in the past and I'll make that a motion uh to have grants and Liberty Partners pursue opportunities for those two projects in particular second second go ahead is there any money attached to what you're talking about they have to bring back in terms of any matching funds that would be required right but how much are we seeking to obtain what's the maximum that we can obtain well there's a maximum would be the cost of the project so however much it cost to put in sidewalks for those areas as we're looking at because we don't currently have any sidewalks that are um actually we don't have any sidewalks that are go all the way along 18 uh but also the sidewalks that we currently have aren't wide enough to allow for bicycles uh so kids can't legally ride a bicycle mean no one's going to get them a ticket but technically it's not allowed so have we already done the work to figure out how much that would be or how many you know no man' we we will actually use some of our um uh estimated per foot allowances uh to use as a placeholder uh but then the will go as we get awarded uh it will be for design not for implementation so this is the very early phases of that because we don't have a design for you 18th Street um 25th or 26 not all the way the one goes uh is it 20 is it the road between the little e field and 25th yeah okay all right I thought 18 help okay um all right so we have a motion second any other questions comments all in favor say I I hi I I all Carrie thank you very much and Kobe anything I do have something you want me to go first or go right okay um the maintenance department has began work began work on the lake lakeyard Pier on the West End um to do some that replacement that was on the CIP already had most materials on hand so we just supplement that we're going get that finished um you might have seen dump trucks and skid steers at the lakeyard here recently U transportation department has been fixing sidewalks on the bottom half of the circle and so the skider and stuff was bring that dirt back up to that sidewalk so you don't have that six inch or eight inch drop off so body it doesn't get hurt um I have been working with Chris Wallace he's worked with the county in Freeport we have a meeting set up on Thursday to discuss developments within the County communications between the cities and in the county on those for capacity issues um so new County Administrator very open of that we hope we get some traction so we can get that information shared to both municipalities um continue with Chris Chris did represent the city last Wednesday myself mayor Fire Chief and Chris went down to the sum that the wal County Chamber put on at the sand Hilton was a very good Summit I had a lot of people from the community discussing a number of topics in Chris did present on infrastructure and growth in city of f Springs um the airport the state has contracted with a particular company to provide data um collection systems to airports and we're one of them so the installation equipment is free the first three years is paid through the state um at the end of those three years if we don't wish to have anymore we don't have to have it but it will allow us to track data on flights coming in and going out to help us with any our grand applications and stuff of that nature CIP we had discussed bringing that back to this meeting I've held off myself and staff worked very hard on cleaning that up working to get estimates that actually represent what cost is um and so you will see that intention at the next meeting with a lot of updated numbers and a very short list a lot of those things have coming came off because threshold you've all agreed to um or we've seen a better fit than somehow somewhere else how we can take care of those the couple months back I know the council had discussed align reigning one of the tennis courts as a pickle ball court and we've got that cost estimate from a company it's $1,200 to do that through one Court temporarily um and so I want to bring that back and get the council's feel on what they would like us to do they would like us to move forward with that or not I I was the one that originally uh brought that motion up um does that include changing the net to meet the pickle ball requirements because I know the net is a lower net or is that strictly just the striping from the email that IED it's just a striving but I can make sure on the net okay I I'm I'm in favor of doing it I think we our park should serve as many options as possible so I I would would be in favor of doing it I know we had some U concerned tennis players speak out but at the same time the the court should be available to all people and I I've had I've personally seen within the community a good amount of traction for pickle ball so I think it would be a a good thing is there any way that we can measure uh let's just say we approve it and it happens but I'm so statistical oriented on you know know sometimes it's it's nice to know how many people are actually going going there to use it once we do this to know if we want to expand that you know to more than one court because this is just a temporary fix right like those folks that came and wanted us to do uh an entire that was part of our prior conversation was that we were going to have the um the QR codes for people to send feedback and then we were attempting to uh track and and see what kind of attendance we were getting but as long as we had something to provide feedback is what we had discussed at the as part of this original motion so is the 12200 that we're going to approve include that little QR code or is this like an additional cost Qs would have to be done by either marketing or someone in house we can develop those but we already appr you the number he has spam as a courtesy check more than anything so can't really take action t one way or the other but I think he's just trying to listen to y'all public meeting proceed ahead or yeah I just don't want you to wake up one morning and someone call and tell you there's lines in the court we know about pain on certain surfaces yeah Mr Mayor um I can tell you that more and more people are playing pickle bump on the on the course as they are right now they were about eight teenagers out there last night playing uh taking turns and rotating on on on one Court um so they are it is getting more and more popular for sure yeah I think and we've just had kind of open conversations we haven't really but we do own the property on the west side of the street and you know I would hope that not the too far future we could set up over there and maybe have pickle ball one side t on the other whatever so staff has identified an opportunity through a fer app Grant um the possibility of getting funding for that as I mentioned you know a couple meetings back um we're going to try to get we want to get a rough sketch or an architectural drawing of the park what the council wants to see that Park to be because we're going to do it we need to do it and so we will get that sketch put into the Grant application this Council approve such and then move forward with developing that Park which could be a pickle ball with you know bathrooms and Etc yeah great yeah okay so I we're not you bringing this up for vote get a consensus okay all right okay um go ahead just a few more items here I know at the CIP meeting Mr Greg chrisan had brought up some sewer some lack of sewer on SLO and forth um I received another email from councilman Harrison of a lady here in town who also you know said that she didn't have sewer in her property on the south end of 11th Street myself Rand will be making rounds tomorrow I'm going to go look at SLO and fourth look at 11th see the possibility of extending sewer and we'll be coming back at a future date with some ideas on addressing those those individual like to get on city sewer so we'll be bringing that back just wanted you to be aware we're following up with those individuals so so last thing um staff and I we had a meeting in City Marshall um last Wednesday and the biggest thing do that meeting was I wanted the staff to bring up anything that had been put on the back burner anything that would have been you know set aside that we want to catch up on to move forward so we hope over the next two or three meetings to be bringing that back to you things for you to review and update um and then I've asked them to take some time to look at Small Things what are some things here in the city you would like to see either in your department or just a city in general um because we want everyone to want to come to work we want everyone to have a good experience while they're here um and citizens to come into this building and get services that we would all be proud of providing to them so some of the few things that are going to be coming up I will be coordinating with all of you we will be doing um head shots so everyone that director city council member um City attorney City Marshall we will be putting photos up on the wall so when people come into this building they see who they're interacting with who's leading their city um we will also be bringing back updated purchasing policies and Personnel policies there's a number of things in there that multiple directors superintendent see need to be updated my intention on that is when those things come up you will receive it um at least two weeks prior so you won't get it on Thursday and vote on a Monday you get it on Thursday and you'll vote two meetings later um so we got plenty of time for feedback um we're going to improve onboarding processes here at the city for new employees new hires we want them to be prepared when they come in um if you P if you put in purchase orders you need know how to do that the next day you st here um so will be doing that evaluations um the city has had we have an evaluation policy we're going to improve it um people need to know where they're at how their super how their supervisors feel they're doing um and so we will be they will be separated between your what we call regular employees after you got your one year probation and the probationary employee will have a different set of requirements we are going to be working on asset depreciation schedule I know the council has talked about this for years I've been here two years and I've heard it 30 times so we'll be working on that there's the potential for a new software for work order systems mainly to do with the maintenance department in the fleet shop that's going to allow us keep track of the cost we put into these vehicles and Equipment when these things need to be replaced when they're costing us more than what they're worth um so that will be hopefully getting put in here soon and then lastly um you know we I've heard it also again bunch of times we want to move into a data back decision- making here in the city we want to know what needs to be fixed not what we want to fix um and so to that end we will start seeing more reports from different departments here on a monthly basis so everyone's aware of what we have going on and so we can make those decisions the correct decisions um and then my last thing is U so we can all go home the police department's video If you haven't seen it today their Eclipse video is the Talk of the Town so you get a chance to see it it's it's going all over the place are do you have it on Facebook or where does the public go to see it under the city of defunc Springs police police under the Marshall's web okay page I was all excited to see it and um prepared I even had a brief conversation this morning with you Mr Kobi and uh here I realized everybody was talking it's at three o'clock well that was three o'clock Eastern so I was all set 2:30 and it's like wait it's dark outs yeah so Chief I will go looked at your video I will stop thank you mayor uh I wasn't say uh K I was going to follow up and I'll I'll follow up later but just as a heads up just want to check on the sprinklers for the trees The nuttle Oaks on on Baldwin uh we've been watering those by hand still out of concern since they're starting to bloom and then um that's all I have n sir I like to Cor our interim city manager taken that's a lot he is he's obviously taking note to comments and feedback in the past and he's bringing it Forward at this time so good job sir very excited about nothing thank you no things me keep keep them this link Kobe okay well all right thank you very much and we will call this meeting a [Music] journey I never turn my mic on