it's ancient no answer half no answer okay little looks like all right let's do [Music] it all right it is 5:03 on 6:27 and we'll bring the beautification and tree board meeting to order um new business we've got inter room city manager Kobe Townsen here to go over some items with us okay um yeah all they all kind of go together we talked about a little bit last time um and so I don't know if youall have it I have the Grant application here again but um you we want the grant we want to see what it is y'all want to see like do we want to um how many trees we want to do is there particular set number where we want to do them out do we want to do that urban forestry master plan do we want to do um what else is in here um one of thing the council Council Valley is here tonight he will be coming about the water Oaks that the council decided to not plant anymore in the city um part of his asked that he got approve by the council was come to y'all and lead the the pursuit of that educational programs about why not to plant those and stuff that nature you can pay for Education stuff in this gr as well and so um that's what I was talking to miss wiberg earlier about I don't need the specifics but if you say we want to see 10 fruit trees here and we want to see the plan done I just need to know that then I'll go to staff they'll give me the number and that's what we'll apply on the Grant pass this around this says the four categories four categories can be um mingled they don't have to be the grant doesn't have to be just about the one category I like the idea of the fruit Forest when you talked about that I thought that would be something that we could even put in the the community garden um as kind of building that out into something bigger well and last week um I don't know if you watched but I brought up Pat kovell one that was sort of my hopes was doing the food for in that area Okay um and that was just the the idea I had but then Tony was asked that if we would really versus jumping ahead and taking on another project finish the Florence Park um which I have Mi feelings about how to you know right because it's a long time before our project is finished and so it's sort of hard just to put all your X andone basket and then the town thinks what about my part of the community and my part you know and so um I just you know went over there and looked and it's just very sparse and you think you have kids and what if we could make it more sorry turn that [Music] off make it more um you know friendly I I'm I am of the opinion of let's get some small winds under our belt MH and I yeah we want to see Florence Park finished out but like you said everything in one place maybe isn't what I think would be wisest for our idea of small winds too that's where I think sometimes we get caught up on the really big projects where I just want to see us get some yes um so they pat coal yeah you know now as far as the Florence my thought on that was know the trees what he talked about that program that uh the gifting program you know that we had did several years back um I'm still in favor and I don't know this grant how we could use this but as far as Florence goes I still think there needs to be a landscape designer I mean if we're want a part to look like you know just some input and Tony was talking about a guy coming that was moving to the area that would have that okay uh but yeah as far as fruit trees um you know I'd like to see it over there that one and then whatever we need to do well it's it is sparse and sad so that would be that would be a cool spot to put it up think yeah Evan what do you think have you been have you visited Pat I have not okay um but I I I don't see why you couldn't have F trees at multiple for sure that would certainly might be fine yeah they're often very attractive trees in they have right exactly yeah do we have any irrig do we know if we have any irrigation out there already that I don't know no we would um that's something we want to do I to get with um grounds who cuts the parks and there SPS already out there so we have to buy you know cheap irrigation systems to put up we do that or when they cut grass they go out and they water the plants water and when I say irrigation what I really meant was water I'm just not speaking very well these days well they make it mean you can buy very simple cheap irrigation apparatuses that don't cost very much right okay all right cool um K excuse me Mr Townson and I talked um before the meeting um that you guys had talked about you know renaming Park so I don't want to let that slide off of what we want to talk about too but I'm staying focused on what we're doing um I would love for it to go towards um if we could do it like if we could use some of the money for a Florence Park design and some of the money to put some trees in there um in there in Pat Koval um and then maybe if we had I don't know how much that design board would cost and if we would have enough money left over to put some somewhere else yeah what would be your second pick somewh well if going back to the name change then I think if we wanted the family to be happy with the name change um and then the that other Park if I was talking about revamping it you know if you don't want to just change the name you want them to have these prow about that community and if you look back at the master plan that was the number one part that they said needed to be addressed um so if we maybe did Petco one into and address the name change you know maybe go back to the family and say that we're going to put a plaque here that it once was but you know something but um I would say especially since on the master planet was the one listed as most attention you know that would be my pick as far as trying to jump in and improve yeah yeah and maybe have enough money for a sign uh for the name change for some fruit trees at and yeah irrigation and then design performance Park does that sound good to you guys reasonable to me yes what's that sound like to you Mr Johnson so that's what y'all not for the grant but for like projects for next year no I meant for the grant okay please go one more time I was I was pulling up y m is no worries um actually I was going to ask uh rapael would you mind pulling it up on the screen our master plan to go you show show it um so we were talking about a design overall design plan for Florence fruit trees in P coval one one uh money for signage and for support apparatus like irrigation and anything like that um I don't know that the grant would support that um they would definitely do the tree part I don't know they're going to do the signage in oh yeah yeah in in the layout okay I guess that makes sense well maybe just go for fruit trees at all three you know um and then still that would that would put us going forward on still doing other stuff you know One Step Closer do we need to um specify whether we're saying just fruit or trees or um I mean it doesn't have to be just fruit trees so that list of trees includes fruit trees so it could be a wide range come over here and it can be a wide R whatever falls under I believe it's category one if it falls under category one you can do it should be a bolded heading on the hand ones you have in your hand some okay so flip the page there let's see yeah one of those bold headings should be category one here say category two flip over your page Kim oh okay this can also be we could also use this for downtown correct we had talked about doing an overall downtown plan could it be used for that for trees and shrubs and yeah I mean as long as long as what we're W to buy with the grant Falls within the parameters of those four categories I don't think it matters where it goes okay so this is public tree canopy Improvement tree planting it says uh think of complimentary shrubs and ground covers may be submitted as matching funds only so this seems like it's aimed at canopy trees but it doesn't necessarily specify what types of trees or what reason you would have for planting them so so it looks like removal of the Dead are damaged um um putting them in uh rights of way publicly owned publicly accessible areas for the benefit of the whole Community replacement of dead diseased or over mature trees a replacement of non-native I think appropriate treat planting service wind breaks reduce storm water runoff help control erosion mitigator improve water quality establishment of a food forest or Urban Orchard is an educational resource to or to help provide or produce uh produce to Urban food desert so yeah the the FR Tre that one for sure your thoughts well I just uh that's the reason I think we were in the beginning the word food forest makes me think of one area not just fruit trees everywhere and and that one being next to the little e park as far as the use of the kids and close to the school I think that we could probably yeah I'd love to I'd love to see a big words yeah I think that would be really and and you can certainly incorporate some fres any landscape regardless of whether it's a for or not place oh yeah for sure I just didn't know them with this grant yeah it looks like okay yeah I doubt they would make that big a distinction between a specific yeah Denise is this a annually recurring Grant like will be will be able to apply for another one next year okay so you don't know if it'll come back next year or not okay so it looks like 10% would go towards any irrigation or anything up to 10% and a lot of the trees you might a lot ofation what do you mind reading what category two three and four are just just a bold heading yeah two is public tree inventory or Urban Tree canopy assessment and category three is urban Forest management planning maybe back to the other page urban forestry information and education is category four okay um have you ever been involved with a um canopy assessment or Urban Forest assessment I have not okay I believe Mike has but okay I was getting that was the fruit trees that's I mean we all talked about it something definitely be done I it's a good idea the assessment I think that might be useful the first year establishing I'm assuming never done one either but should go to the city and tell you where you lack canopy or where you have too much and then next year you come back and then you take that and say okay well we need to buy 10 trees next year they need to go in these particular areas that's just a thought yeah that's a good idea I know Mike was doing um or had done an inventory but I don't that well I know that's not the same thing as a c and I just don't know how much more complicated that would be again never done I'm again like everything assume they come in with drones and mapping and they Engineers come in and lay it out for you tell you where you're missing Tree Tops where they can go ride of ways and public facilities so do we want to put all of the do we want to gear the grant money everything for Pat cobal or do we want to split that up how big is the grant again so the grant is is a Max of 50,000 it's a 50% match so if again I can't guarantee we'll get everything you're asking before but say you want you're going to take all the 50 we've got to come up 25 somewhere we can use everything the city does in removing trees and planting new trees and all that stuff that can be calculated toward the match correct Denise and that's already in our budget yeah we already do that every year so you're probably looking I I don't won't give you exact number but seven to 125,000 a year between labor and materials and everything else so there's that right there so now you're at 30,000 so sh should we and I'm just talking out loud Thinking Out Loud should we if we're going that route split it between patal one and two if we want to move forward with the name change and the reamp or just again get one 50,000 at the end of the day I mean I mean it is but you know whenever you start it adds up and you see a real difference you know I wouldn't mind putting it all towards one yeah um because and and what I was going to bring up is know in our top priorities that we had identified previously was we wanted to evaluate not necessarily do a blanket change of renaming every single Park but we wanted to evaluate do we want to rename whichever park right and then we have all the consistent signage and all of that um so I think that it could also be addressed there so that we're feeling like we're making some progress because like right now we just have tennis courts there's no name and you know it's the tun cours right which everybody will still call it but that's okay we could have a name for it I like the idea that all go into one one place and making a big splash yeah what do you think uh that's fine by me I can't say I have a solid grasp of how much it costs to renovate a park and install Landscaping so I don't know if 50,000 would just do one it end up being 75,000 total right because the City would have some skin in that well F50 total it's not it's not um it's a it's not a $50,000 Grant with a 25% match it's a 50,000 Max so we put 25 in that give us 25 by I I gotcha okay I'm sorry I had it and and I the purpose of the gr I don't think is to do a total revamp it's gonna be more so about just the fruit trees in the park and trees in general um if youall if there's things as we get into the budget portion of this if you want to talk about p c one is doing further that's different from the grant so then that would technically mean land U irrigation and trees if we stick it to one part 50,000 yeah it do have to be that much if if y'all say that's all you want to do we go and and staff determines that what y'all are asking to do only requires $66,000 then that's it should we talk about the budget then come back to this sure you want I just wondered if that might help today and again you know if if y'all say you know you pick two items for the grant that you like we may have some things already on hand that we would like to do at the city as well we'll just pair them together that's going to complement everything we're doing right so if we see that we we need we have a need for the other 20 for the whole Mount we'll put stuff in there for it too again if we can put in the budget if it's available I said throw it all in there and see what it takes my opinion if if there's 25,000 available and and that'll cover three parks and why not but if if we need most of that to just do one park that's fine as well let get the I think if I want to make sure I understand what you're saying go ahead and say we want it for all of these parts because we don't really know how far that's going to go and then if it only ends up really being for one park or we have enough for one park that we can do that assign it to One Park that's reason yeah I want I just want to make sure I'm understanding yeah and that's just because I'm not I don't have a full grasp of how much it would cost to renovate a whole park and since we're just talking about trees and irrigation you know I've done some of that at our office and and 50,000 sounds like it might cover quite a bit oh yeah so we might be able to get you know three parts for yeah I'm good with that okay I think that's a good idea okay let's do that let's do the budget and then we'll s that up so okay for the budget side of it like said last time is there some things so we fist this back out they brought counil I think in late 22 M um and so some of these are bigger picture which is great um so maybe we don't need that that detail them right now and I can probably give some information on all those items but um you know there are a couple things outside the parks beautification wise or whatever that the board wants to see would like to see do have talked about for a long time that way I can assign a dollar amount to it and then put it in the budget then next year yall have two or three ongoing projects that you can be updated on regularly and so just real quickly for the amphitheater complete renovation just to um I don't know if any of you happen to have heard the SI meeting from last night that they are uh they are getting money from our tdt uh monies and they're going to be doing a feasibility study first um I think it was 8,000,000 so that'll that'll be the first thing so they can just see hey who are we attracting um who's likely to come here and then that's just the first step um but the the board was unanimously in support of doing that and then as soon as that comes back then it would be you know design would be the next step and and so forth so multi-year project but it's looking like that is starting to take but hold take traction um in terms of our top priorities um you know dog park is one of them hiring to park employees um talk to us about budget for Park employees where what does that look like does that look like an increase as a possibility that hasn't been it hasn't been requested this year yet um or well hasn't been at all um but we were hoping to put into there into the budget the ability to have a staff member become an arborous to go through that process if they're so willing to get a certification and get paid appropri for that certification um anding in the new employee this year again not requested don't know if it's feasible we'll see as we go through it um I did reach out to and again it It Isn't So city has a lot of resources that we haven't tapped into we haven't been utilizing other organizations in the city and so um I met with met the Garden Club I can't think her name so apologize um and they seem very willing to just be supportive of the city and so the city can afford to get a landscaper this year or get um some of that it's a free resource we could go to and say hey we want to want to do beautification in these parts of the city we want to plants they got Master Gardeners that are part of the organization they got people who do landscaping for living and so that's a free resource for us to utilize so that's probably where we're headed this year unless we can find the money for an additional employee but um the arborous I think is something that the council's very interested in doing I know y'all have all been interested in doing for a long time and um hopefully we can find someone on staff who is willing to do that well and I was also thinking about Mike he doesn't hold the certification any longer but he used to be an arist so I think that he could probably come in and do a training I don't know what certifications you may have Evan um I'm not a certifi arist but um we do have know some things I know some things and do have a another agent in the in the office who is a forestry agent so he knows a lot about trees as well so we have that to draw from um the horiculture agent in Okaloosa County Sheila Dunning is a certified Arborist and she's always willing to help when we ask so she be willing I'm sure I think you know the biggest thing is is obviously the staff they're doing the best they can but they don't know where to cut something and that's one of the biggest things is I know how do you cut it how do you feed it when do you feed it um you know and so it's not all arborist it's just good information I think you guys could help train them on is that something that maybe we could look at so I feel you know I feel like Mike would be happy to volunteering him since he's not here um with the dog park since it's one of the priorities um we do have a representative from the group two representatives from the group I'm sorry I can't see um uh from the dog park task force that can come talk to us uh after when we get through with these three items um but I know that's going to be something that we're already kind of Welling our way with that I would personally like to see some some money from the city be able to be allocated to it and then be able to seek grants or or um you know in kind donations that kind of thing as we get going then we've got the rebranding renaming um the new signage that may be something that we could push out to next year after we you know get get some things going on with our fruit Forest um the Chipley Park master plan the Florence Park complete renovation and the landscape streetcape plan Citywide so those are the ones that we had kind of pulled out of the master plan as the things that we wanted to see so I'd like to hear from you guys what you think your you would want to see in the budget for this year and I know it's not going to a big budget we had like 10,000 I think before all these are pretty big they are and it doesn't have to be one of these items it can be you know something else I would I think it would be feasible let's and I'm just using the 10,000 as a as a maybe right so I think it would be very doable to do um like updated beautiful Planters and plants downtown um you could use it towards additional lighting that's that's more than need than a want I think additional Lighting in the Parks or in parks and down town area they're yeah all over the place basically so we met with um quick quick information myself and maintenance we met with our FPL a account representative the other day and um FPL does have a lighting program they work with um the customers especially larger customers on that and so um maintenance is working to get a list together of all the parks and the lights that are in them and going to provide that to them and we're going to work with them and see about see what it looks like to change all lights out led to improve lighting and all the parts that exist there now um and then additionally Street lighting so a lot of streets without it so they can will be able to tell we should work with them they'll be able to tell us the all the polls that have Lighting on them ones that don't and then we can see we need to put more on more streets going forward um and so that's that's should help out with the lighting around town downtown obviously you got the existing ones there C is getting cities helping them put up ones they've gotten but um I've been informed there's a difference between street lights and pedestrian lighting right so I mean there's always an opportunity to do that um well something I said to the council or at the uh budget work Workshop was I would love to see path you know foot foot traffic lighting particularly around Lake defc um where so many people are walking and early in the morning or or late in the evening to be able to be safe at least we've gotten a lot of those sidewalks fixed from trip hazards but I don't know we have a lot of places we could use it so it just depends on where you guys would like to see it spent in my understanding though is this 10,000 would it be what we would have to use to match this is just separate budget that's not my attention Okay what um can you fill me in on what the landscape Street Citywide streetcape plan is or what that was well I I think that particularly you Mr Townson do you want to address like the the um medians but like we everything should sort of hodge podge or um dead y dying or non colorful or not not attended to um same thing with downtown there's like just no cohesive plan for Planters plants um lighting parking all all of not parking but um all of that so we wanted to get a plan for all of downtown not just you know paln Avenue or is that something that would need a a significant amount of funding it would be I would imagine multiple tens I mean that that sounds like something to start with to me you know you know rather than just starting with little things here and there get planned together for it uh I don't know talking about for the downtown or for the whole city yeah wherever yeah yeah the downtown um I know Main Street has it's high up on my list that's really the reason I join Main Street all together is downtown like you know like um FY out they've got it together as far as their pots and their plants and um and I'm not a landscaper by no means however I with Google you can pretty much do a lot of research and I love the way Rosemary uses um Native stuff doesn't need a lot of water and so I came up with a pretty extensive list that could go in those mediums downtown which I'd be glad to pull back up but I would love to see and if you have Main Street maybe and that's also someone that we can pair with Main Street and everyone's on board and see what we could do to get those meetings with stuff that it's okay if you know it doesn't get watered right and it doesn't have to be we I mean there's plans you can come up with that it doesn't put more of a hassle or headache on the city and it still looks you look up Florida friendly landscape yeah that was the GU what came out earlier was you know partner with Main Street about what they want every wants to look like right and um that's when I talk to the Garden Club Port of friendly plants put stuff in don't cost don't take a lot of Maintenance and so we're going to increase the try to increase the city's beautification budget from the trans from the apartment side so um you know if what we put in there isn't enough and if that's some of priorities and we'll add some to it vice versa um and and just say to begin with but we just work off a fiscal year right but not everything has to be monetary we talk this earlier um if getting money for a landscape streetscape plan is this board's desire we can take next year because a lot of your Grant dollars are sometimes based off fiscal years on the state and our fiscal year then that could be something we task the grants with throughout the year to try to find money for for the next fiscal year same way we did with the parks master plan those a grant those Grant funded so we can find a grant to do the streetcape city streetcape those are type of things it doesn't always have to be monetary I'm on board with doing using the bulk of the funds to go towards downtown it's fine that's that's the buzz buzzing and it's and the more it's snowballing yeah yeah do you have a particular direction or would youall like to say okay we would like keep the 10 grand let's put the majority of downtown and then as we work with Main Street and then we'll see what the plan is and see where money can go and bring it back to y'all yes maybe in August and say hey this is this is what everyone's agreed to I think would be the best that that sounds great to me yeah so just um going to Main Street you trying might I spin our heads together and trying to come up with a plan that way with how so we'll initially will have a um staff meeting or I say staff meeting individual meetings um myself Rachel hopefully Josh will be there and I've invited Kim to be there to represent the board um and then once we've all talked about it and kind of got a game plan on how we'd like to everyone would like to see it moving forward we can bring it back to y'all let yall know this is what everyone's coming up with if you agree or disagree I like that idea okay that direction there woohoo all right so that brings us back to the grant yeah so again I mean if that's all y'all can think of right now I mean for the grant is to put the trees there at pack c one that's fine we'll we'll see what that what can go in there what it cost um what it would take to irrigate it keep it proper and then the city if we have anything additional that we would like to do we'll just pair it into the gr and it might be somewhere else in the city whatever to yeah okay sounds good apply let's see what we can get done did you have anything else Mr T um no the see that again that as we talked about earlier the master PL so as we move forward we kind of set them out for this year but next year as we go through all y'all's meetings I think it might be good to talk about it um so we can begin to establish that long-term view of how y'all want to see the city's Parks play out and beautification in the city in general so um a lot of things we do next year boring everything going as it is now um it's probably going to be more of a planning year there's a lot of things here that are going to get done that's no doubt about it but um the planning year will be good for a lot of especially the board if y'all we talk about the parks we talk about viation and next year you can start seeing that laid out and done year over year so that's all it's for um just look at it there's things the members disagree with I think it's probably best we talk about it and take that out of the plan the action plan there's things y' think need to be replaced we can do that there was something that I said can we make sure we talk about this what was that oh um Florence Park yes to the connection of all that so not everything's set in stone there's some stuff the city's going through so performance Park in general we've got the new playground equipment we've gotten a solar bench that was donated by florid Power and Light so that'll be going hopefully next couple weeks we be pouring the pad putting that up staff is going to do some new Ada parking close to the play equipment under the shade so get the vehicles out of heat um the small parking lot near the Boy Scout Hut in the city building it's kind of bad shape we're gonna repay resurface that for them to park at and um it was mentioned that the council meetings and in the budget meetings we're going to look and see and I've seen on Facebook a lot shade sales over the playground equipment see what that looks like and if that's something the council's amable to they've also discussed um potentially resurfacing Clay Street from 11th to plateau again budget giving if that's possible and then some sort of walking path between elsur and Plateau so one way other getting there get people off the street they can commute between both all three Parks between Florence and pi and the tennis ball courts and then the council has um expressed the desire that they have and then some the community members of about pickleball courts across from tennis courts on the 1acre lot um hasn't been to the Council yet for approval or denial of the Grant application we're working on that internally and that would consist of um parking spots it consist of two pickle ball courts and a bathroom and that con those sidewalks would attach to the new pavement um between Ur and Florence OR Plateau that way you kind of got a whole connected area right there you'll be able to walk from one to the other there's bathrooms that are very accessible uh but then also if I miss this at Florence we're looking at taking and putting a bathroom there as well an ADA unisex bathroom start with one um the city has a building there currently that runs technically east west but then it has a garage that runs north south go to the side of that building probably cheaper we can make it look the same match it and then over time we need another one we can add on to side up so those are the different things we're looking there and connect all that in one at one time keep momentum rolling okay citizen comments who would like to come talk to us about the dog dog park task force I wasn't sure if anybody was going to be able to be here so I didn't put it on the agenda and we're not voting anyway so my name is Lisa sorl um one of seven of the dark Park task force we have not officially chosen a chairperson or secretary we are having our meeting on July 2nd to officially choose those roles um this was a bit of a shock you know the pushed up meeting we had our meeting planned for the second so we could come back at your next meeting to give you guys an update actually um just to give you guys a little update on where we're at um we've been doing you know a couple of our you know individual meetings doing some brainstorming on what we'd like to see what we think you know are some main priorities in dog parks um getting some feelers out between ourselves on different you know ground covering fencing we did walk through of property um you know talk to you know some other folks in the area on what you know our must haves what aren't what they see you know work what don't work um Basics that you know yeah we go to this dog park and we've never utilized this or we see this at dog park never being touched that kind of thing um and you know what we saw during the walkth through in the area we did have a Master Gardener from the extension over there with us during the walk through and um that was me actually oh there you go yeah yeah and you know certain things that were over there that you know obviously could be addressed and should not be a longterm I was not on the walkthrough personally but I did hear about it um you know I I guess there were two plants over there um that you know just needed to be addressed before anything further was put in there for the animals um and then you know just building basic ideas we need some Foundation from the committee however um basically are we supposed to be getting all the figures everything in one for y'all or do we need to bring you stages of this this is what we see in cost what's going to come from the city what's going to come from Grants blah blah blah blah blah we need input from y'all and we had no clue we were supposed to come to y'all for to give you updates honestly and we apologize no you we didn't ask you for one so you didn't do anything wrong so no not at all we just we knew that you it had been a few months and we just wanted to figure out where you guys were in the process and what you know what what had gotten accomplished and what was yet to be accomplished yeah we we've got a basic um we're building a good guideline um together and like I said we do have our next meeting on the second and we will have a better update for yall after that okay and and you're you guys are welcome to come anytime and and ask us questions or talk to us or do any of that stuff um but yeah we would love to to see you for the next meeting as well I I think from our perspective uh we just wanted a a a task force to be able to better organize what we would like to see and then uh what are some good funding sources if you have funding sources that's great like hey I know FPL is going to give us $155,000 I'm using that as an example or if you just say in other communities they have gotten you know in kind donations or they've gotten corporate sponsorships or what however memorial stones how how are we gonna get the money for this and then yeah stages would be great like what do we need to do initially we've got to get you know the the razor wire off the the ground in a particular order um you know fencing for small dogs big dogs and then say okay we would we need water we need a bench for people um and then stage two is we would love to have you know this over here and this over here sort of you know stage two or stage three um that that was my that's where like I said we kind of need to see a feel of where you're coming from what we you know we have our B is on where we're at and what we're pulling together and how we need to present it and what we still need to focus on we all have amazing qualities between us all you brought an amazing group together that's great good and we all have our own Specialties and what to work on and things like that and you know just getting us all together and getting it down and getting a plan of action to bring back forward and that's what our next meeting with the full intention was and keeping in mind that you're not an Advisory board so we can't take ex but we can take the information that you've had that says here's what we found in you know this dog park in Milton you know that sort of we do have a suggestion for a name at this time if that does help to go forward sure we would like to name the dog park after the Lady of the Lake of DEC okay Miss yes ma'am okay cool yes in her honor very cool just as a suggestion okay yeah so but yes like I said after July 2nd we will have a further update for you okay so sounds good yeah we look forward to seeing you in our next yes thank y'all so much thank you for coming on short notice yeah just a quick comment on that I don't but um the cost obviously we got you know that we gotta keep costing him but I wouldn't spend too much time on trying to figure out your cost um so y'all can do the design part of it and then once y'all bring it to the board and they approve that they want to staff will go back and figure out the cost for you'all because there's a lot of stuff that I don't want you have to waste your time on that we can take care of that at a later date but you it would be helpful youall put everything together like you said and then we'll figure that out a general thank you great any other citizen comment Carrie did you have anything to add to that I just have one one question in this will you your name my name is Carrie Carpenter and I'm on the dog park committee as well uh one of the questions that I had is are we elble to use resources like the county um inmate services in order to pull this off or is that a no-go so when the time comes and y'all get everything so we kind of lay the process out so it's going to be pretty timec consuming but yall will do put together everything that you have that y'all want to see okay you bring it back to this board they will accept or deny it make changes however um then they'll give it to to us at staff level we'll go through put that cost together what then we'll let you know what it's going to like TimeWise really by time you do design and the ground work and all that bring it back to the board they approve or deny you have to go to the council okay Council will have to approve or deny and then at that point they do then we have take and put that on a long however much it cost don't know what ital cost over $50,000 um that I going CIP it's like the magic number yeah well that is that is that is our magic number for our Capital Improvements that's why I said that um it'll be placed on the CIP list and then it'll have to be um laid out over a number of years depending on how much it costs and then because design takes you however many months design takes and then the ground work and at that point we'll decide we'll figure out if staff's going to do the work if we can coordinate with the county to get inmates we already get inmates for typical daily work for grounds or it may be something that we're going to have to contract out anyways if it is then the contractor would take care of it we would use our in-house Engineers overse okay that's kind of the timeline you my next question would be addressing the phases would it be appropriate for us to build it out like to propose the phases for you because that's totally that's for yall to communicate yeah our pH this is what we need to get it started yeah this is like this is this is how we get it off the ground this is where we'd like to see it 2026 and where we would like to see it in 2028 absolutely yeah I don't want I don't want to deter you from that ours is going to be design and then uh construction that's how that's how our projects work plan well planning what you're in now design and construction so how you want to lay it out in between that you can definitely tell us how you like to see that all right thank you very much thank you okay anybody else have any anything they'd like to discuss okay well with that we will adjourn is 550