##VIDEO ID:IaDba3PHNs4## maybe you should have started with that question first how many times do I have to realign them I got that double stick tape on underneath them all right it's about that time yes sir got everybody here we want to call this uh city council meeting to order this is Thursday November the 14 2024 at 5:00 pm and if you would join me with invocation and we'll follow the Pledge of Allegiance he father we thank you Lord for your love towards us towards this city this community and all the people father we're grateful for all those that have you come to help uh put the city right and to R run it orderly and and God for the sake of the people and so God we ask for your favor we ask for your help and direction Lord in everything that we do and Lord we ask it in Jesus name amen amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag ofit United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we will begin with the consent agenda we certainly entertain a motion to uh approve as written or if you want something move to the regular agenda you can let us know now motion to approve second I have motion second any questions we're going to to Tony i i i i i Carrie thank you very much I think you have one change on the record yes mayor for we'll put it under 8A under the City attorney and we will we we will title It Old City Hall sale CCB indentification all right motion to approve second I have been a motion in second uh any questions all in favor to say I I I I all right I Carrie thank you very much we'll go to our manager Mr Townsen with C with a 3c1 thank you mayor council C1 um this is for a 12- month extension with trust Mark Bank Trust Mark does our treasury services and uh we've been in contact with them over the last couple months working on our interest in our operating accounts our um contract with them also expires in this month and so we have been presented a 12-month extension with 3.1% interest on our operating accounts U the terms are the same as they have been the the same fees have been waved and so we are asking for approval of that extension um as provided to you tonight uh in that um extension proposal that does say that the arpa account arpa funds account would be excluded uh and working on Mr Roush we have determined that those funds can interest there are stipulations to the use of that money that's earned he's prepared to deal with that when that happens but so we will work with the bank and make sure those are in interest bearing account as well other than that we ask for approval this of this extension and we expect to in the next before the next year to go out to bid for treasury services to see what options we have make a motion to approve the extension second motion second questions comments comments from the public all in favor say I I hi hi hi I Carrie thank you very much now we'll go to C2 thank you so the last council meeting we had discussed the library and bring back a fun a plan uh to fund those initial repairs and get started and so this will be um we probably need to do this in a two-parter unless Mr ainson gives a different solution first part is the funding 250,000 we do have roughly $314,000 at AIS bank and CDs if you all recall a couple meetings ago you allow me to send honor renewal letters for those those CDs mature between the end of November and the 1 of January and so we would like when those mature use those funds to do the initial repairs and then at the end of the year we would reimburse those accounts with the interest we're going to earn off our operating accounts and so that's the first part of it the second part the request for proposals we are working with duberry to write those um I have not receiv received them at this time but I am going to ask that you authorize me to issue that RP when I do receive it once has reviewed and approved and then we will bring it back for ratification at a later time all right so part one you want to give a motion first right if if that's required yes to dedicate those funds I'll make a motion to dedicate the funds from the closure of the bonds and bonds are in CS or C certificates and deposit from the Cs uh for work to be done on the library second I have a motion second have questions discussion um I just want to make sure I don't have a problem with uh The Lending I just want to make sure that we have a process in place where what what happens if something comes back and it's more than 250,000 I think we need to kind of discuss that right now so that we know exactly what it is that we're voting on because I I would be afraid if it got if it comes back and it's more than 250 and then what do we do yes so this is this is just the initial um just to go ahead and have the money dedicated when we put the bid out they will come back with a cost if it's more than that or even even if it's the same the council is gonna have to approve that contract with that with that contractor before we expend any money okay and so you will know if it's either 250 or if it's more than that you'll approve it and then if change orders are to occur throughout the process those will come back to the council so right now I understand what we're voting on then would be we're authorizing you to go out the bids will come back but we're not going to spend a penny until we understand correct the council you have to approve a contract for the work before we spend any money okay yeah if the bids come in and you don't like them we Reser always reserve the right to reject all bids and that's well within your discretion okay and so they're they're going out with a request for proposal yes so with that request for proposal there'll be a scope so it'll be basically a menu of items to be repaired if it exceeds the amount that we have the first option is to cut items from that list obviously the roof is the most critical uh and then there are decreasing levels of importance through there so we have an opportunity for uh one either funding other funds or two reducing the scope but again I think the roof is the critical thing that we need to get the only expenses that we will incur prior to any of that um as long as there's no objection I would like to have basic inspections done on the building that would not be a substantial cost they would be I assume $ th000 or less give or take for each one um and regular inspection termine inspection and a wdo so we can kind of kind of catch some of these things prior to getting into work if we have that issue so if there's no objection to that I will do that prior to the going out the bid so we can we can have that information okay we're GNA talk about bid just a minute this is basically just securing the funds what we're doing right now so any other comments on that um well since you mentioned I just going to say we're not but we're not you have the report that was previously prepared and so we're not going to replicate anything from that no no we're not going to do the M full assessment I just want want to go into basic inspections okay y thank you okay all in favor say I I I I I I Carri thank you very much and then the second one uh if agreeable I'd like to get a motion to authorize the city manager to issue RFP once it's been approved reviewed and approved by the City attorney and to bring it back at a later date for ratification so moved second all I have a motion second questions comments any comments from the public all in favor say I I I I hi I Carrie thank you very much all right we'll go to uh 3 C3 yes sir this is the imitation to bid for 2024 pw01 uh this was for the idiq contract so we are asking for approval to move forward with negotiations with Ferguson Waterworks Ferguson Waterworks was the only bidder for this um there were two requirements of this there was the pricing of the list of items we've supplied we did receive that um there were four questions that were required they were not answered so we are asking to wave that formality and we would have those questions answered during negotiations and then Mr ainson and I would work on that and bring that back to you hopefully within the next two meetings if possible so the motion would be to to uh to enter into negotiations with the top ranked firm and to wave any formalities in the soul biders proposal motion to approve second all right we have a motion to Second uh any questions comments Council the public any comments all in favor say I I I I all right I Carrie thank you very much all right and then we have to set a public hearing for supplemental budget yes sir mayor so we are asking staff is asking a motion to pull my thing to hold a public hearing at the November 25th 2024 city council meeting at 5:00 pm or soon thereafter for a supplemental budget to the fiscal year 2324 budget is there anything more to this will be an increase to the FY 2324 budget we do have to announce that y this is for the year ending to September 30th 2024 yes correct this is the 60-day extension this to modify the you have a 60-day window to do the upward modification the budget will be increased to account for unanticipated Revenue motion to approve second all right we have a motion in a second any questions or comments any from the public all in favor saying I I I I all right I Carrie thank you very much D in house no he wasn't but I can can take it mayor good all right if uh you recall a couple meetings back the council looked over this twice this is our job growth Grant fund agreement for those funds in the amount of 3, 51,54 that was awarded to the Department of Commerce Governor de santz had done back at P Pensacola a few months back and so we provided that to um doc they came back and the only changes that they provided to us is they moved the uh two of the two the dates so the commencement date will now be March of 2025 and the completion date is for December of 2026 this is for the physical construction of the project not the job requirements of the grant agreement so we're asking for approval of this scope of work so we can move forward with the project motion approve second I Mo second questions comments the public all in favor say i i i n i i Carrie thank you very much all right and then we're going to um I guess we'll before we pick up the Old City Hall we'll go to Citizen comments uh this time we'll open the floor for citizen comments if you would like to make a comment please keep three minutes and state your name and organization you represent one uh Mark hampy I'm here on behalf of the friends of the library FC Springs I speeding through this agenda so quickly I don't want us to delay much but thank you very much for supporting the library with your your initiatives in terms of the roof and the the other structural problems which we have just in case you haven't noticed um the county fulfilled its part of the the deal and and removed the bats they've uh put in they removed the uh the the guano which was in there they put in new installation so hopefully the roof be in time before more bats get in again but that's fun stuff forward so hopefully that'll improve the the odor and the overall Ambiance of our library so thank you very much for that thank you thank you we will be working with h the library staff and the director coordinate this effort to so operations the library versus construction as well and then we will be getting with the friends of the library and the department um talk about potential grant opportunities moving forward as well they could be under threat with that roof work uh which one under thre from the the roof on the library oh from the trees I'm just talking about from the inclement weather during operations oh um it'll I guess it'll pin so once rfp's out we'll probably be at a minimum of 60 days based off our procurement policy at the city um and then getting someone on board and going through meeting so we'll be 60 days from there so I mean from now you're going to be talking February at the earliest before anything was to begin yeah do we know if um it from speaking to one of the ladies there at the library they were saying that the bats were coming in under a hole in the roof there somewhere do when they sealed that up or or fixed the issue was that part of it was to seal off their how they were entering into there I'll get with the maintenance superintendent I know he's been coordinating with the county uh because he's going to give me updates on the progress of getting him out so I'll get with him and see if they had done that if not um I'll send him over there along with the county together and see we don't have a temporary patch to make sure that that doesn't happen okay I don't want to get off on another tangent but did didn't we talk about some months back about maybe constructing some of those bat Condominiums we we had one buildt that was installed one we had one installed um was that with the scouts and the um who was part of that it was but it was just by on their own um yes um yeah okay yeah yeah they did yeah they didn't have any Partners in it and they it is good to have somewhere for them to go I mean it's like I like I remember asking about the termites for him I had this thing just pile of wood come up and all a sudden one night I see all the stuff comes out like called the Exterminator it's like am I going to have a problem it's like no the wood out there they're happy they're not going to come into your house so again with the bats if you give them somewhere to go you know they'll go where easy I think we're outside the exclusion time um so we gotta be careful in terms of any anything coming in um but if they if they got them out they they always patch the hole where they know they're coming in so they should not be getting in again especially if they were able to repair the insulation I don't expect anything when they do the roof replacement they will be you know fixing all the small holes and and crevices that are causing a problem so uh that should be an improvement uh quite frankly with another storm coming through I'm glad to have another 60 days um I don't know what's going to happen with this thing right be wa with somebody you something I I was I was waving at somebody all right good enough uh any other comments uh we did get the motion right all in favor say I it was just a comment mayor okay all right all right good enough all right I'm sitting there getting a little confused okay um yeah now we're going to uh any other comments make sure everybody's good You' already taken care care of you now if you want to go on out T three to give an update now's the time when we move on we'll be done here short yeah good evening Council Cliff n uh just want to give you a brief uh update on a couple of occurrences out at our Airport terminal uh we did uh finally get full resolution to our uh roof issue that we had with the Architects back and forth we got that resolved completely um and so we have no roof uh Florida building code issues with our architect which has been an ongoing issue for a long time that's been put to bed officially they also uh Michael with Mt Baker was on site yesterday uh to take a look at progress and to see if there was any uh issues that needed to be addressed before they get too far along and uh I haven't got a full report back from him yet but I did talk to him for quite a bit yesterday while he was on site and uh they're coming along pretty good uh at your last meeting you guys requested that Mr Dominguez come to the meeting tonight and Mr Dominguez is here so I'll be happy to turn it over to him here you want give a quick briefing thank you mayor council members uh good evening remember me Sean Dominguez we spoke last time a few weeks ago want to give you a quick update on where we are with our progress so um you know bottom line up front bluff if we are on track to finish the end of January but we've completed to date since our last meeting uh closing in the ceilings both the linear and acoustical ceilings we've also had the electrical lighting installed interior and exterior all the finishing painting is complete inside the building we've started and completed the prep work for the flooring which they will start on Monday which is really a critical kind of a critical item there so the next two weeks will be install installing the floor tiling as well as the wall tiling and also the concrete polishing that's going to take about two weeks after that we'll move on to Cabinetry uh Plumbing fixtures interior doors and lockers which is about another two weeks so mid December time frame will be installing comms equipment signage and shutters and then late December to early January we'll start our final testing punch list items as such so awesome that being said any questions on that flow it's something we're not used to but uh what kind of care is that going to take once it's the building's finished is it going to be this tough is ceramic tile Jimmy you know yeah we'll be placing a sealer down um but we'll make sure we turn over the appropriate maintenance on it and I'll make sure to get that information C present to you so you got more answer but yes it does hold up very well um they put in quite a few airports which obious have a lot of traffic yeah so it does hold up but it is a special um sealer that goes down okay you're talking about that black beauty right finish that's all I want see that Flor it's pretty wild see raw concrete and they make it shine like glass yeah yeah okay awesome awesome okay well thank you any y'all have any questions pending your questions that's that's my brief so I'll see you in a couple weeks thank you so much yes sir thank you yeah all right anyone else all right we're going to move to our attorney thank you mayor this is The Old City Hall Indemnity that we've discussed and as we told you at last meeting we would have meetings with CCB we also talked to Florida d d does not identify what has been provided as a contaminated site while they've been providing information they don't have enough information to determine this site is or is not contaminated it is not a hot site per ccb's representation to us DP doesn't even have a pile on it at this point now they do want to know what we're going to do with it now that we've reached out of the city and know that that's an issue there that could be addressed dp's thought was they should probably installed two Wells one Upstream one Downstream of the flow of water and monitor those before they even move forward with a determination that there were contaminants apparently they didn't do that so we met with CCB advised them of our findings told them the council was not at all encouraged or inclined to do anything that was an open-ended Indemnity on this and that we were even less inclined to do so after our conversation with d now they said well we still want some protection so what we told them to do is Mark it up give us something back they got it back to us middle of the week don't like doing as an add-on I would have liked to have add more time to go through it ideally I would have liked some opportunity to go back and forth to their attorney because I will tell you right now there are some things that I think we could clean up here language wise just from legal ease that would be more protective of the city however in reviewing this because of the relatively short FS of our extension because we do get into the holidays because we have other potential interest that may have a desire in this building at some point in time whether it's present or may be out there in the wings I felt it more important to put this before you tonight to talk about what they're looking for what their changes are and see if this is even getting close to where y'all want to go or if this is still repugnant to the council's sensibilities the biggest items I would call to your attention you do have the redline version but i' call your attention to par to page three paragraph 2B it is the large new inclusion all in underlined in that section it makes clear that CCB does not have to conduct any more assessments on the property but if they do they will notify us of those of any findings within 30 days of course if they do something and it finds there are no environmental substances in excess of what the law allows or this language I'm not a fan of May reasonably subject the buyer to claims not sure how you define that other than to their position um we would be absolved of any responsibility U going forward the next the bottom portion there three just says we only have liability under if the assessment found anything there and then as you turn over to the next page and the next page is probably the one I have the most concern with and it indicates that when we receive the written notifications of their investigation that again reveal substances in excess of what is allowable by law which fine we all know what the laws are we can read those we can see if it's it's a high test or not or that language or that may reasonably subject a buyer to claims well what would reasonably subject them to claims what kind of claims that's way that's the kind of thing I would have liked to have hashed out a little bit more with their attorney I still think we could by the way but I I point that out as I have some qualms with that language being too amorphous but in that scenario that either of those happen we have the sole obligation to conduct all actions as may be required by law to the satisfy action of the buyer now that's the part I have the biggest problem with we do the law doesn't require anything that's what we're telling them right now DP saying there's nothing required that to the satisfaction buyer just says well they want us to come clean it well what requires us to clean is take every in of dirt off of that site and refill it and rebuild it that's not going to work um of course they say that if required by law we will submit to DP a site assessment go through that candidly that may be what we have to do for our own site that the last part of that paragraph does not bother me that much it is Superfluous to everything else but it is the again open-ended liability if they test uh they they built in all this language that says if there are no positive test results we're out we have no obligation we're free and clear and that's what we want to see I'm good with that but from the council's perspective I think what you've got to say is to what degree are we going to ever agree to indemnify them now that we've heard from D that this is not a contaminated site on their list and as it is now the one thing that's not in here that Mr towns and I have talked about that we definitely want to see it's open-ended when they're going to do their testing go do your testing right now or within so many days I I mean none of us want testing done four years from now and then all of a sudden now you go clean it up we there should be a reasonable period of time that it certain the other thing that did not make it in this agreement though that I will point out that we made very clear when we spoke to the bank and their attorney we were interested in providing them Indemnity against prohibitions on their use we know what we have we know what we're selling and we know what they're doing now they're going to put a bank on that corner piece they can put a bank on it which we know they can they're not harmed the fact they want to sell the old city hall or lease it or do something else with it we're not I said we're not interested in providing an ongoing continuing indemnification against all future purchasers they all we understand we we wouldn't ask you to do that well notably that didn't make it anywhere close to the language of this drought now they want to close this they want to negotiate with us they want to figure out how to do this if we had gotten this document back and we had not had a conversation with d there's a very good chance I'm probably more positive in my comments to you tonight the biggest concern I want to tell the council I have with this is DP saying this is not a site that they are they're not imposing environmental leans if you ran a title search on it right now you would not find an environmental lean on this property and frankly if CCB sends their engineer out there and their engineer looks at it again runs the testing and says it's clean it's clean it's never going to come back up it's over but if their engineer comes back and says I'm not going to sign off on that because I want to protect myself I don't want to be overly cautious we're going to be at their Mercy and that's my concern so I just need the council to tell me how much further do we want to push this now that we know what D has told us yeah go ahead Clay is there anything that um if we brought this back on the November 25th meeting if we just postponed this would that give you enough time to work out some better language that we could swallow better because I'm not in favor of some of the oh I I I would very much want that I just want to make sure they're going to want some kind of environmental Indemnity I just it's it's clear we're not going to get to the point they say no and so before I spend a lot of your time my time and by correlation your money to negotiate through an agreement if y'all say we're not going to do this period that's why I wanted to get your feedback tonight that's why I wanted to add it on I think we can soften this up and make it more pal but we'll still be providing them some form of Indemnity about something D says is not a liability so that's fundamentally the issue y'all got to tell me but yes I can do that Mr I'm sorry I was just going to ask uh two questions did D say there's any additional need for testing no no monitoring no testing requirements no they did not recommend monitoring Wells they didn't do make any of those so why is there any indemnification at all at this point I don't understand kind of the point I'm making okay I agree if they go and test again how long is it going to take is a question I would want to know when we decide this in the next meeting said had they placed those two monitoring Wells they could test on a regular basis appears they didn't place any monitoring Wells but that would be an indefinite period of time that that could sit there and be monitored according to this agreement the way it is right now correct okay but all it has to have is one clean test we had had we been at our unusually Dry St us that we were at not in drought level and not had the rain we've had over the past two weeks they probably could have gone out and tested next week and been completely clean based on how low it was today it might be higher well you know and I think I mentioned it last time we talked about this you know the the offer that was made almost weeks just weeks before them uh I did speak to him and he is you know his words to me were that he would honor that of course we' had to change some dates on it but he'd honor that same agreement and his closing was so much shorter I mean so much longer that the now these guys have gone beyond what his closing was uh I don't know has anything been done to shorten his closing I would think so uh we have done a few things we've changed some of the zoning and we've also provided surveys some updated surveys is that right so I think there probably a lot of things that would come off of his list that he wanted to get done but um anyway I I I would prefer to go ahead and get it sold you know uh than to wait another six months but uh but I would not let them roll over us you know with this told about I wouldn't allow the bank roll over I think that we have gone a great extents to try to prove their product is it's it's it's it's what they really expecting and it will meet all the criteria they're doing as a bike I'm sure the next facility they do next door there's about a 95% chance that property is going to be sold to somebody that it's not going to be residential or using the the so beneath them uh so well it certainly can't be an extract abuse we know that right so I think I think they've had enough time to get their test done throughout this entire process I think that they're assuming there's something there that's that's there's no record of it being there or no reason to believe that it w is there would be there at this point I don't like the fact that it would hold everything open from this date going forward to some type of contamination taking place from the DAT of sell to the Future and their ability to still hold us to it at that point that that is a very big carve out that I would be bringing back is we need to have a fixed date of when the testing is going to occur and it cannot occur later to dis to make sure that we don't get future contamination we have an accident up there on that train track and there's a spill mhm and then they have a positive test 10 years from now because of that spill it's not that's not our fault but we'll never prove what it happened that right plus like Mr ainson said I mean there the buyer declaims even though it says it in section four it could be anything realistically I want to know to their satisfaction I mean that's the broadest language you can ask and what we asked for was a very nearly tailored indemnification and that's not what they've delivered and so we glad ly push back and try to bring that back but I just want the council to be aware we're indemnifying against something D is not required yeah mayor um if I read that correctly if they do the testing they don't have to tell us the results unless it comes back clean correct right they don't have to tell us they got good results um but it did say they will then um yeah it just says if they do not reveal the presence um then buyer will notify us of the results if it does not they will tell us that that's under Tob if if it if it's clean they got they get to tell us if it's clean or if it's not well I thought it said they were not obligated so if you look at two they're not obligated to do the testing but it says if such investigations do not reveal the presence of environmental substances and concentration excess of what is allowed or that May subject them to claim then buyer will not I seller of such results so they have to tell us if it's clean yeah so that we know we're off the hook they do have to tell us that but they don't have to do the testing so the standard that they're going to decide whether it's clean versus the d d saying there's no problem I mean what I mean goodness I just don't understand their uh concerns they they if if if they find bad results if they test it right which they don't have to do but if they do test it they find bad results results they still want Indemnity forever I mean and it's like you said who knows how much that's going to cost well once once there's construction done and the buildings are completed guess how much that's going to cost you see to clean up so if if they can arrive at a clean bill of health through testing why can't we you know what I mean exactly and so if we can do that and there's no clean up necessary there should be a clean bill there already is according to that day I found nothing but that doesn't mean that future pollution can arrive on that ground it's downhill from Baldwin anything can happen on Baldwin or the railroad track and and and migrate downhill over the years 20 years from now 50 years from now whatever multiple buyers of that property we still liable the city's still liable for it that's just too much to me um so do we require a motion or is sufficient to provide direction for you to continue negotiations based on input and in the absence of a motion that's exactly what I'm going to do to bring it back to you because we either have the contract canel or not what I'm hearing today is the concerns of the council and we'll share those and we will negotiate as sharp of a line on this as we can ideally we'd like none but we will try to get us to as tight of a limited Indemnity as they are willing to agree to and bring that back to the council and if it's not good enough you get to say no we I don't ever get agree for you you have to say yes or no to it and I I want to throw something out um I don't see why we wouldn't consider a reversion Clause rather than a mitigation Clause I think we should consider whether or not the property would revert to us in lie of of doing an unknown amount of repairs and mitigation one of the things that I thought when I received this agreement and I'm going to put some very raw thoughts on the record but I want yall to hear them out loud yes that's one way to do it and I and I've looked at that is that we'll take the money we'll escrow it we'll just revert back and give them their money back if they test but there needs to be a window of time with the time but I'll tell you where I got stuck with that councilman with all due respect if that's what we're willing to do if we're willing to take the property back and get back out of this deal after the fact why not just set a hard time right now that you're going to do testing between today and X yeah and if the testing's clean you close if the testing's not clean you don't close and we're done agree we've had that whole time they know what they have to do I mean I just I hate tying up money in escrow more importantly reverter Clauses while we get an exception as a local government government of Florida statute which means your ver Clauses can be indefinite typically your ver Clauses cannot be indefinite in Florida but they can be for governmental entities while we could do that it troubles me greatly that there comes a time in the future that none of us are sitting here and a council's deciding do they want to take that back or are they required to take that back because something has happened um or even worse we're in a very short period of time and they've already cleared a building or two off of there now I don't know that we're going to go back over there and use those buildings for anything right now but they are our buildings so unless y'all want those buildings bulldozed they go over there they bulldo the one on the corner and we have no I mean the end thing it's a building yeah we can find use for buildings just go ask the county how much they spend to build buildings just to put files and Records we have record retention standards that we can put files in and so to me before I got it to reverter I think the sharper point that we would likely talk about and I plan to talk about with Mr Townson and the bank is if this is where you want to go just go and do your testing and tell the council you have your testing done in this amount of time and you'll either accept or reject based on that testing and we're done that's what due diligence is for to start with and I think they've somewhat thrown a skunk in the room by saying we had a positive test for contaminants that didn't trigger anything at D and they wanted us to run D for them and I'm going to be honest that call we have with d and I'll let Kobe chime in I've been on a lot of calls of D about those and I've been on phone calls drag cliff into this Cliff was on one for the City of Freeport and I probably eight nine years ago one of our consent orders that we thought was going to be very straightforward we walked out of there it was not at all straightforward and nobody was happy with what we got told this was the most simple call I mean it was almost tell me if I'm wrong here was almost a guys what are y'all worried about why are y'all asking what are we on the phone about why okay thanks for setting up a call but we got things to do what are y'all here for not mean it was it was it was that much of a handwave these guy and basically told and they did tell us not basic they told us pointedly they should have done something different before they ever made an issue out of this so basically what they're telling us is their Engineers have reacted now that's so to me before I got to rder I think that is probably the suggestion I inclined to make that's a raw thought I'm I'm going to talk more with Mr Townson about it in terms of how he wants to handle that but to me they can make their decision why close if they want it back test now go go set up and do another core sample right now or set up a monitoring well I'd feel a lot better if there were monitoring Wells I'll be very CID now but when you get in monitor now we're talking about a lot longer time right oh absolutely I'm saying if they were already out there yeah I would love to know what a 60 or 90day run of those monitoring wells look like are we tracking levels over a period of time I know that's not the standard that's a very short window compared to what we would typically use a monitoring well for but it would at least tell us is this something that is water table based or is it something different so those those are my initial thoughts but without anything I'll take general direction I will bring this back as sharp as we can negotiate it but that would be with all due respect the reason I'm not inclined to talk about a reverter as much as I'd say tell us how much time you need to go do one test to be done and give the council that option because I'd rather you say hey if we're going to do it we're going to do it or we're not they know what this is that if they want the property sometimes by I agree so no no action needed unless they are we probably thinking we'll give them a reasonable amount of time to do a test and that's it I I'm inclined to send them back some language here but say look if you what we would what I'm inclined to ask and I'm going to talk to Kobe about it is how long would y'all need to go do a new test how quick can you get one done and just give us yes or no based on that test we're not interested in Indemnity at all if you want us to retail this Indemnity that's fine but by the time look we met with them last week what day uh Thursday or Friday Thursday I think Thursday of last week and they said oh we can get this to you and they got it to us what late Tuesday Wednesday so it took them you know took them five days there was a holiday in there but we told them we had a meeting this Thursday and we specifically said get it to us as early as you can Tuesday so I can start my review and this doesn't come close so I to me I'd rather get out of this cycle of go of trading paper yeah I can ask just ask Cliff just Cliff just your professional opinion how quick the time could they come to a sample and and test that property so so if they have a specific specific area they've already identified it could be done very very fast and what that very very fast days or weeks is what he's say yeah I would say weeks I would say within probably to six weeks the lab testing is what takes a long time the actual sampling is done in one day the lab testing is what takes a time so the usually take that's what I was okay I was hoping gonna be three to six months right we'll come back to you okay thank all right um Kobe anything just too quick updates mayor first the Shaco Hall of Brotherhood we went out to bid we did not received bids um but I did meet with Tim and Jennifer today to go over our options and I'm going to be speaking with Mr ainson on it um I think we're hopeful we got some new information so we will come back again about that a later date just in FYI where we're at uh number two uh Christmas reflection so we're getting ready for that staff's been putting everything out they've been doing a really good job and so everyone be prepared for that day after Thanksgiving aesome to start yes y That's it mayor that's it all right and now we'll go with the council go to Mr valy thank you mayor um and actually what I do is want to thank you mayor um the Veterans Day uh event was uh moved due to rain however it it went off uh beautifully I thought it was actually uh probably most enjoyable one I've I've been to recently I thought it was a good crowd an excellent crowd good food early on thanks to Miss Megan uh and her teams and uh the Walton Academy for coming out and helping out uh thank you to Ford Dunc for their uh their contribution to that effort and then uh also uh thank you to Cindy I don't think she there's Cindy thank you Cindy she was she was sweating and rained on and but she did a great job uh thanks to the VFW for always uh putting on a great uh program uh our speaker uh Lieutenant Colonel what lman lman lasag L got a g in there it throws everybody off I w't say l Magna thank thank you to egund and thank you to the lieutenant colonel for coming out and um yeah it was a great event um if you haven't heard the uh daav disabled uh American veterans organization post which is here in town um was very active and involved uh if you if you want to be more active and if you want an opportunity to to engage and and help out when it's not Veterans Day or Memorial Day the rest of the year when when folks forget about these things uh they do have an adoptive vet program so if anyone is interested in that please uh contact the DAV about that uh it's a it's a fantastic program it's here in town so you you don't have to travel for it you don't have to spend a lot of time but it's a great way to support um you know your veterans who are um typically in some of our nursing homes um you know and and can't get around as much but it's a good opportunity to to show them your appreciation on a regular basis instead of just once a year um and next uh next meeting I'll look forward to doing an update on our multimodal path we yeah you probably got something in the mail but I'll do an update about your your F fdot flyer that you probably got recently and um it's exciting stuff going on but again thank you m thank you you mentioned the nurse home or something I wonder did did our gu vs get to ride through the nurs home this year the motorcycle ride yes they did the on Facebook page they had a you might know big Harley's riding through the hallway Wow way that they love it out there yeah yeah Mr skish thank you mayor um I Echo councilman Valley's comments about the Veterans Day events every weekend it was wonderful um there was a great crowd U I had I'll be coming back to the council with some more information shortly but I did attend the last meeting with the DAV and the BFW and um all the commanders that were there they they welcomed us uh Josh IR Josh Irwin and Dr Henderson did an excellent job presenting um the presentation to the vets there was a lot of interest there for the memorial um there was a lot of feedback coming from each side of the room too uh it wasn't merely one or two people for sure this is something that our local vets do want and that they want to have um input into so I'm going to be meeting with them again the first Thursday of next month and then um and see what they got to say and what what all come back since then but it from the Walton Middle School I attended that that presentation for their Veterans Day along with Raphael the mayor we were we were all there we had a great time um those kids did a great job there and they did a great job at at the Sho building Force this year as well so it was a good weekend thank you I want to welcome our new Finance director Stephen Rous this is your first meeting congratulations glad to see you're on board and welcome thank thank you coun thank you for hearing everybody and I also want to I see Ruby you're in the audience uh for the paper so it's good to see you you don't usually come to our meetings but it's nice to have you lot of things the meeting and congrats to um Lynn Cox I heard she was the winner of the chili cookoff trophy for first time in five years so congratulations to her yeah I had to I had to suffer and be the judge I made it to it I was going to say you were rubbing your belly when she said when she said that you're still feeling it I'm sure but I was going to welcome Mr R as well we're so pleased to have you here excited that you're with us thank you sir yes sir all right well I think it's been plenty said and like I told that group the other day I said just look forward to next year I think it's going to get up several levels so we're looking forward now I'm talking about investment day all right well we will call this meeting a jour yes what's