##VIDEO ID:PEXXhTtGQZE## closer either way it don't matter did you just ring me let me put you in my phone all right all right I was five and then tring slowly as they run out out of Florida that to me but they had brought me down to uh I was with allate I was getting through anyway since they bail out Monarch and they put Monarch in they were about $800 it won't be long yeah do we have to wait to have Forum well they uh me yeah yeah is he all right you least save for a while I'll next way they said okay who's that uh city manager oh Tony could have came with an eye patch couldn't he we wouldn't make fun of him right right I might but no did he hurt his eye bad or did he say no appar it's not too bad um but he says he does need to get um creature of habit they like their seats Oh no you're good for agenda and stuff I look at on my phone agenda you were here at the last meeting summer oh no you me were gone so Evan knows what happened last meeting not much it was a real quick meeting yeah was I thought they had the dog park meeting meeting so we talked about that and they're gonna move in here since we're a small group you know it's pretty easy to get for us you know half plus one yeah so there's the property right here by the road are you kidding me no they're moving the dog park right there okay I guess we can discuss that in a minute after we officially start huh so we don't get in trouble Kobe's coming yes sir so he did become the youngest city manager in the history of defunc Springs yeah he has to be he has I think he's in his 20s yet isn't he I knew him when was two years old I did I mean me and his daddy had uh me and his daddy had cattle together for over by Pon Leon for a couple years really yeah oh man that's so yeah I know he was walking around that's funny yeah he came up here about six years ago he says every meeting really H around my office and I told him said might be one you have to step out yeah that didn't he want to learn and came back you know as a clerk right and then administrative assist mayor I mean the manager right and now he's holding position he was trying to get on extension his dad was trying to get me to get him on extension but I just couldn't get fit him in there I think it's the best thing the city had in a while no but the goal now is to make it more than a year for that's sort of the threshold there mayor I mean officially as a manager for a year [Laughter] yeah that's good hope he yeah that's great I hope this young man here can just hang around too be great I don't know about that laugh pressure already come on people yeah it's never I mean it's tough being it's tough being leadership in any government part of the job yeah yeah yeah absolutely but super rewarding at the same time you know I mean yeah you meet a lot of people and yes exactly exactly see a lot of improvements hopefully in the city right right absolutely my biggest thing is that I like I just focus on customer service you if I can just provide good customer service and that's Evan knows that's what extension's all about too that's all it is Service is like my number one thing for sure I could know all there is to know about plants and if I don't if I'm not good with people and you're going to always have one person that's going to come in it don't matter how good you are they're going to say something to you aren't they Mar it don't matter how great you are they got some beef they got oh yeah we know about that even I got cussed out once but you know yeah that's just part of it eventually I learned how to walk people out the door we get some crazy person come in and I part of my job as director get them to go outside so I didn't have to call the law you know one guy swore there was golden pine trees like in the Rings you know and he was I learned how to walk him out I only had to do that to three times in my whole career though I learned that from you I had to do that a couple times try to get them outside yeah outside the building let me show you what this looks like here hello I apologize congratulations there big guy yeah thank you all right start with the Pledge of Allegiance is that right the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under godice all right everyone has their minutes in front of them I've already read them good short um I make a motion to okay accept a minutes a second all in favor I um so now we're going to Old business suggestion for native plants uh and that was uh for the downtown area and the little I call them medians but your little concrete uh areas I think is where we were talking about I I did have come up with several different things and I wish that I would have emailed so everyone would have something in front of them but um i' actually did this research when on the Main Street board over a year ago so and then but after this last meeting I talked a I have a really good friend that's a commercial landscaper in fullon beach and he tries to do Native but not just native just stuff that does well in this area drought resistant um you know but still has a little bit of show um showing him pictures of the downtown I know LOB rock is has been like a really sore subject for with many people um however I feel the same way he does right now if we start off slow because we don't have the I mean I don't think there's the money just to completely do a overhaul he said from a landscaper and a maintenance aspect he said what I would do is put something in there that would fill out green and leave that rock he said because right now what you don't have is weeds as soon as you tear all of that out and you try to put something in there then you're just unless you have a crew that's going to come in and take care of it so like he said put muly grass mu grass is something that just goes like this so you leave that rock you take out and put it in and I have pictures of before and after too like what it would look like I just used the computer um but because I think maintenance is a really big issue and so why would we take out something right now I'm not saying in the future not get rid of the Lava Rock but all you'd have to do literally is dig a hole take the dirt out put that in and you could fill up that spot and then not have to maintain water goes through the lava right um where there is water because not all of those have water there and Evan you were at the last meeting and you had gave List names too for na plants yeah and that's what's up on the the screen there right right I mean I I agree with that I some of these list of plants though Sumer I I don't want this is just me personally at I'm trying to avoid anything tropical like know like the where it tun day any that looks like a yeah because that's the beach I want to keep us more you know right yeah but I like uh so this is a list that you are proposing no that was what I okay yeah no I just have a different list so I wasn't at the last meeting so I didn't see yeah I wasn't either so but a lot of uh the same things there I have some different stuff too but is is on there like I brought the MU grass that's number eight for grass yeah those would be good ornamental grasses and I was going to add dwarf Fu Von Holly too to that list I forgot about that one I was put I have a brake lights Yuka which is another Gras that put nice little red showy yeah um the trouble with the flowers it's good there is flowers that we could have in there or navy flowers that would have color all year long but again you're going to have to have is somebody going to volunteer to change them out as the seasons I the there's not any flowers I mean it's just not really istic yeah yeah I mean the only ones I put on there were ones that will receive themselves okay either perennials they'll receive themselves um they they don't take much except maybe a a cut back now the Bey you know kids could graze on it because it's not poisonous when they have the berries but I just mowed down 40 acres worth of them in my pasture so so they are tough you know oh yeah they do have to they'll get lagy on you they do I mean any plant is gonna need it at least a minimum amount of Maintenance but um I tried to choose ones that were if not set it and forget it then forget it for a long time before you have to do anything to it right and you can get a lot of color from stuff that's not flowering like you have the uh blueberry flax lily which is a vated uh thick leaf and then you put it next to a uh H lur pedum dwarf L that's a purple shrub that and you put it next to it variegated and it's beautiful and neither one of them don't die I would start with they're supery like you said start a couple spe just so you this is what you're looking at is these two next to each other which I know you know what they are but um and then on this is in front of sé and I know that she's been really could see that area if you filled it completely with that grass the MU grass sure is there still going to be trees then there are we getting rid of the trees I mean I wouldn't want to get rid of the trees well you remember some of the trees grow up and then when you reach a certain height they die because there's no place for the I mean I look at Tallahasse they got trees everywhere we always want to make sure that was when it rained if we had to put in some type of bricks or something you know the water can get down to the roots you know we had talked about Japanese maples for a while for color because they grow slow and don't get very big but I think that's something we actually have to get with what Main Street and walk that walk and look at that maybe for a meeting or something yeah just meet down there like we did at the lakeyard one time I don't know what you think I don't know I'm on Main Street we've been talking about it a while um but are the trees all looking good because we put a lot of them shimar Oaks and stuff in there and they get so big they take them down and plant another one I don't know if we last time I was down there they looked okay they aren't growing very quick but I wouldn't expect them to in the space they have so that's fine I mean I think they look good too yeah we don't think about there still you're talking about some grass around that yeah I mean this this is um this this area right here look how large it is and just look that's see how poor that looks that tree can stay oh yeah and that this is where I just computerize what it looks like with it underneath it you know um is that something we you can plant those grasses ornamental grasses there like trees you can plant them in the fall or you got to wait till the spring uh probably if it was me I'd probably wait till the spring just to give them the best chance of survival so they don't you know get planted and then and that's there's no irrigation there right so when you first some of them some of them have irrigation if it doesn't have irrigation especially I'd wait probably till late spring and do just before it starts raining every day because you know they need constant we know that just keep water just to get established yeah unless someone wants to go out there and water regularly so the budget's good for a few what's the budget like for that we have a budget right tree board yep have $10,000 oh yeah you could get some VAR or I mean mu grass and whatever for that and then we do have to plan a few Replacements Chipley Park I don't know when we normally order them in December we usually plan them over the winter that trees yeah we've lost a couple where we have the permanent markers for Arbor Day we need to replace about two of them we've had good survival about 80% on the ones we planted this year but again we'll have to replace a couple well how do y'all feel about consistency as far as when whenever you walk down the street like one of the plans I did where it was like mu grass and then it was the combination where is the variegated and the purple and the next one was mu grass and the next one was just so its consistency versus just a wildflower Garden where it's like this and that this and that you know what I'm saying I think oh definitely consistency would be uh would be great yeah so then coming up with a plan of I mean where what's the next step you know what I'm saying like um so I think we'll get to the more of the project I have an item on here for that for this list um so I had talked to the Garden Club a while back and I've done working with them on some other stuff and they' provided me like this here for stuff we want this is like um annuals and perals butterflies annuals PRS for so that's for different areas but this list um I don't want to just if I wanted to be which I wanted to be because I can use this staff can use this to start putting things in for areas not just downtown everywhere and so um I like to go project by project that's something y'all want to do like this time we as we get to the next the jet out downtown which you're talking about now on the left and on the right and left of the street um that's something I think if we can we can do like said we can meet with Main Street as a group and walk through them and deter what we want to do or we need to find a way to create a design for it because you did we're gonna wait till spring to put it in we have time to determine that but I definitely want to have something together that way when the time does come put it in put it in and that one little strip right next to like where Tesla is that was really high on on my list whenever because so many pull up there um you know Main Street we just went and put paint on that board because it was you know painted the green it needs a Fresh coat but then that little strip right there if we could do something native there and then work our way would be my suggestion just because so many people park there that's sort of like you know your tourists that come in and then we and that's fine do we want to do we want to make a meeting to to get together a more concrete plan for each individual of plant yeah I think so I think maybe try to come up with an idea some suggestions for each area and then go from there you know because even on even and I can speak for Main Street as we've discussed this several time and most of those on that board are not PL people and so we can go walk down with them but it's yeah it's better to show them okay look this is this is an idea blessing on it after we get the list together right that's a good idea they're just totally in favor of dressing it up because Summer was talking about the color uh uh I thank God for the Garden Club they've spent a lot of hard work and volunteered a lot of time but what we have missed here is something attractive you know we got something that's kind of neat because it's native and you got this it mixes with that and then unless you're a you know botney expert you have no idea the uniqueness of it you know and but I I tell you what you know we've all been in other cities and other parts of this County to where you pull up on a corner of a whether it's a Commerce Center or a city block and you see these beautiful Arrangements that really get your cat your eye and ever since I've been married I think man we have I kept wanting us to do something something at the corner of our city hall down there and never could get anybody get rid of those ugly dogwood trees that have been ruined you know their hat de but uh but anyway so I'm just saying that uh I really think you need to think about not just something that's native and hopefully you get something native and colorful but you need something colorful I know I agree completely and I think um when when I came up with this list that's part of what I was thinking of was was things are going to have color year round and I think the proposals you made are are also good for if not the brightest showest flowers in the world than you know color at least kind of a striking yeah kind of a striking yeah like Fair Hope I don't know if you been to Fair Hope Alabama but corner is just colorful gorgeous yeah send us some pictures of the varieties Japanese maple is really nice but they don't like bright Sunshine Too Much had when they they lose all their leaves don't think but red come back GRE you get the right species and they don't grow real fast so they're not going to get out of control I planted one this year in my yardage but tall now it's 13 inches tall I'm just y but it it won't get out of control is what I'm saying but maybe we can look there's a lot of varieties of Japanese maples maybe some them more heat tolerant we could check into it they're not going to get much shade right anywhere there this they're plant close to one of those other trees but they add a lot of color what I'm saying well if we go if we set a meeting to go downtown and walk around we can certainly look for places that any of these would would work the best for sure and try and get some consistency along the way so you're not scattering I think that would be be help on our part to do that that way we could walk through it if Main Street there does good too so y can go and say okay and this one we put this this and this and then this one and that gives us Direction on okay for this sort of meeting is this something we have to invite the general public to yeah we would just do a regular notice and tell them we'll be downtown this time get a sketch do can we get a nice picture drawing of Main Street where we can actually write in I don't know if there's surve take a note we might be able to get like a large we have a plotter here so might be able do like a large map um and maybe do some do stuff like a hard um cardboard or presenting board maybe take it with us and we can mark on as we go through there something that be nice we work on something yeah you could even that's up to it's up to Y can we meet do we have to have a special meeting can we just meet down there a regular meeting you can do a regular meeting we just notice this that would be all you would discuss like that that's fun do should we meet a little earlier because it's getting darker you might have to meet at 4 or something right it'll even be be dark at 4:30 another month or month so we'd have to meet by November yeah November coming up so we'd have to meet yeah you might have enough light till five barely I mean if that's something y want to do then you don't have to make a motion or anything your Rafael depends do y'all want us to invite Main Street do you want to do it as a joint thing or yes okay you don't have if that's what y'all want to do um for our next meeting and that's what we'll notice it as and and set that up we can do four o'clock um we'll pick a starting point where everyone will begin and then we can walk there they start at Tesla maybe okay I'm gonna be devil's advocate here okay so we I mean let's just I feel like getting more done so we just go meet and we talk again I've talked with them they're not plant people so I think it'd be better for us to come up no we just to let's come up with some ideas and then have a meeting with them and throw those ideas out otherwise all we're doing is just going and having a powwow again and that's how I feel so you're you're just saying we're gonna go down there just as a board and write what we think need to go in these places without yeah I think even before then if we have some ideas that we could have like I cely wish I to PR this because actually have all the medians with flowers in them with pictures before and after and so then if you could come up with something like that too and we could brainstorm come up with some ideas and then come back down with Main Street um otherwise I just feel like this next meeting would just prolong it I think we could already come up with some with some ideas in between now and the next meeting versus waiting till the next meeting come up with ideas so you're you're saying come up with three or four concrete options and then just yeah then say this is what we're doing yeah then let's go down there and us discuss it and then uh but we couldn't do as a group without a meeting right yeah I'm talking about our meeting yeah I'm just I'm just not saying Main Street just yet let's let's right let's uh go down there talk about it and then present to them get okay it's gonna be open to the public I mean if they want yeah they come right they could totally come but just having them obligated yeah right be a regular meeting just like open to public at the end of this we're going to get to exactly what you've already created I assume I don't know what it looks like but I'm assuming that's where we need to get that way when spring comes around I can hands up staff say this is what we're looking to do we got to get it done y so we have next meeting so it'll be one of those things that we'll get to we get done but you probably not going to see it for two or three three or four months but as long as we get it done then I got something we can work on for go it's four o'clock going to be early and I will this week go ahead and email what I'm talking about everyone on the board and look at it they can come up with their ideas same way you know and some of it like I said did this a year and a half ago but we look at it and it's the same lots of the same things that you have and and then we maybe like what you suggested you know do some annuals leave spots in the flower beds where you do change out because that's that's where your real showy stuff comes from is is annuals that you have to replant you know any of us can go down there on our own before the meeting look around right because I'd like to at this next meeting then get something done so is that we can take care of it the next meeting four o' four o'clock meet we'll uh we'll put it on we'll figure out where to start at we'll put it on there okay put on there for you let yall know exactly where me that okay before that yeah okay that work what date is it what date is that I won't be any football game that would be um Bay again this week coming weekend November 7th 7th that should be good we'll work on maybe like a large plotter map too see how detail we get that way or something we can do that SS good um that was all for old business so moving to new business is manager Kobe okay um so we'll go to dog park first and then we'll get to the uh to those other ones um so I want to keep this thing moving if this I want y to forget so I don't know if y'all prepared to make that recommendation to council if you're not prepared to do that yet so that's why it's on here it's not it's not mine but you know we had the last meeting I wanted to bring to this one so make sure it on there keep it going so I need caught up on the new proposal of the dog park moving it from where we originally planned so um Kim had mentioned um the parcel out here in front of the police department down there on that side between um anything the street name there but that 90 that corner um and so I think all of y'all are pretty favorable to that I think the doll Park committee was favorable to that so reason it's here is because y'all either going to have to recommend that we y'all the board recommend that to the council that be the location um or not if you do that's when we got to take it to them and there all what we're looking for is just a yes um that would be if we do it that would be where it's at and they just going to have staff start working on a cost estimate of what it would cost to do the project so it's not that's not your final approval you know you got to get that's just to get the numbers then we come back for them to actually they would have to formally say okay this is something we want to do in the future and would add CIP and then we'll go from there I'm not against that but what brought about the change the proposal down here how did that happen from the one by the old Armory Kim brought it up oh you yeah you weren't here either we don't know okay Kim Kim brought it up Kim brought it up multiple members of the doll par maybe you can Enlighten Lisa swil to piac Springs I'm part of the dog park task force um Kim had mentioned that we had the available property here at the last meeting we did a walkth through and um our recommendation from the task force is to relocate all of the plans over here minus several things which are going to reduce cost because we're not going to need sight clearing we're not going to need certain things that we um submitted in our packet um you have yeah we aren't going to need sight clearing because this is a beautiful piece of property we are going to need fencing which we needed over at the other location um over here we also talked about a potential to add on a welcome center with nice raw iron fencing versus just the basic chain link over there to make this corner more welcoming and to possibly change the signs as well because you're coming right in this is thec right they're going to see you know beautiful dark Park here this is where our city hall police station head to the business district type thing um we did talk about you know upgrade on you know like the equipment to make it look brighter and you know nicer things like that versus hiding a dog park quot unquote I kind of but not too much you know short voices across the front or something on yeah we already have parking we don't have to worry about parking we don't have to worry um about the um I believe we were going to look into handicap parking because we've got the safe space location up the road plus we have a parking right down here towards the corner so we're pretty much you know in ABA compliance as long as we've got you know the handicap spot right here we don't have to create anything over there even though we were going to utilize the lot well what we suggested now all of this is suggestion um utilizing the community center lot but trying to get over to the Community Center Lot on a Saturday when they've got wrecked football you're not going to find parking yeah during those times right yeah bathrooms no bathroom we actually talked about that um the potential to add in bathroom I think you know we were we were discussing like you know a walkth through welcome center with bathrooms type thing um I know Crest View Park they do not have a bathroom at their dog park but over by the playground they do have bathrooms that are accessible within you know a 5 minute walk so yeah bathrooms you know over there right at the entrance um same setup same you know one qu small 3/4 large but we've got the beautiful grass we've got everything here that doesn't have to be done versus the other property so there's no problems equipment fence like there 90 I mean there's no rules no the suggestion I mean from the group was just that we make it look not like a chain link fence just might be a little more expans just one side especially y yep just make because it's in the background keep the employees from City escaping to Y and we don't need shade structure built here either because we've got these trees that's true so that's another cost red reduction I think it's a great idea yep and there's enough sound barrier that I guess dog barking want to pick you guys people are going to see it coming in on this is a very well traveled Road it's directly on the road versus off the road obviously the double entrance things like that same as what we suggested over at the other location um so yeah it's basically just because this one needs a bit less work and we we believe that this could potentially be utilized more than the 83 location of a welcomes thing too right yep combination deal yep possibly bulletin board you know if we get a small you know welcome center and things like hey because we have a huge sign on the corner but if people are traveling straight up 90 through town and there's an 18-wheeler you possibly could miss that so we could possibly post things events like that and such nobody really lives close by like that's what's good no homes nearby which I guess no except to C prisoners and you indust right and you don't have the risk of a million kids on a recck league weekend with a dog potentially getting loose and running over to that football field or to the skate park guess only you'd have to make sure good fence because you're going to be a lot more traffic on 90 than out there there is yes we were looking you know we talked about potentially higher fence just because it's directly on 90 versus you know the traditional um you know secure things like that but this location just financially you know the red the reduction of what we don't need here it definitely outweighs and we have water close by out there buried I'm sure so yeah that that was what we came up with at the last meeting what do you think it's great I think it's a good idea I like the whole Welcome Center I mean I people love their dogs they see a place they can pull over take a break and we get the connecting communities Grant and get the sidewalks in and you're still close to down exact I mean you know they be turning right there at the bank or potentially coming up from the light at Dollar General depending on if they know the area that kind of thing so yes but we've got plenty of parking over there already we recommended up in the highest corner by the police station I yeah I think that's where we recommended the double gate to go the smaller and then the larger would be down by the road something right yeah but obviously you know staff would have to work up you know plan and all that other stuff but that was what when we walked it that was the recommendation is that location going to be easier for the city to volunteer their work or whatever you want we already maintain it yeah Y and with the dogs it's going to be less mowing as well so we need to make a motion to um take this to the council is that what needs to happen to move to move forward with this and Kim and Tony were both they're on board okay okay it's fine with me I just if that's what y'all want to do motion make a motion to recommend to the city council um to move forward with the concept of a dog park with this being the first option and a partial behind the armor being the second option I Mak said motion all in oh second all in favor city council already approved the dog park at a meeting not that location not not this location we would yeah I'm saying we would go talk to them and see if they're okay with us one move this here here and like I said that would be the second option they did not want to do that we go there that point we that's when we begin stacking begin bringing together the cost okay okay no just the way that it was wor that's why I wanted to far did it come over I mean it comes over from that street all the way to this wood line but that's not how far we would take it that'd be too big I wonder about the corner lot mayor what's the latest on our old corner there is that sold it did sell okay and we talked about done closes if you walk the property there's a covert type uh runoff is where we talk to right where get some of those big trees in there but that's it we was everything down yeah you know if we could have wel we years ago we were trying to before we were moving we were going to put a Welcome Center in the front of the old city Hall and of course the chamber was looking for a home and so uh we were going to swamp out we were going to give them the space they were going to operate our weapon Center and everybody was happy about that but then I don't know if we got talking about selling C all or anyway something happened that we sort of beered away from that I don't know talk about the Welcome Center are we talking about something that is closed in people come in and maybe meet with somebody and figure out what's it's like Chamber of Commerce almost yeah well I I mean to me Welcome Center is like what we have over at the lakeyard um mean some like just keeps information in there something small yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean if we can have you know volunteer staff you know go in there and things like that but that way we can have you know an bulletin board for Community happenings things there's a ton here people don't know about it but only I asked about the corner was it wouldn't be any conflict just promise me May it's not going to be a gas station you don't have to give that went away I don't want any gas station it's be B it's no secret I have [Music] one CCV the one right on Bald yeah they got B now I be I'll be honestly I didn't want B you know because we were fixing to get great big CVS there b sort of went out but um CVS would sure put other retail there too but uh it's going to be a bank and if you you ride on the east side of nville look up on the North side you'll see a beautiful Bank it is a really really nice land landscaped and they can work it into that Hill like yes and the other thing with this location we've got our police station right here worst case scenario they're literally right there it's true so I would like to seen a Wells Fargo because the University of Florida we do Wells Fargo we don't have a Wells Fargo anyway but okay so that's waiting for it to close Okay uh Rafael go ahead and note that put on the agenda and we'll let uh Miss winterberg know and either she can be there to represent the board or someone else would or I'll do it we G put that on the agenda that'll be at the very next meeting or the 14th of October okay so um let's see well you the downtown curve J out so we can kind of put them together if you want um because I don't think you're going to want to really get too much detail I think I'll lay out what I'm I'm looking for um so yeah the downtown curb J out so when I was mentioned projects I have three particular ones I want to bring yall attention that I like to start working on to get together on them and do one of them is the jet outs which we've already identified and talked about so we start on that um another one is um the medians on 90 West on to redo those medians um don't know about the CRP myrtles we don't get that far but the the shrubs in the corners that look horrible and there's really no color there there's no uh there not really look so like the mayor's talking about when people come to the city you want them to recognize where they're at and so you know so I think that's another project that I've also talked to the Garden Club about but this is y'all and they know that so that's one I'd like to collaborate on and let's figure out a solution to that to redo those medians as well it has to be approved by do too uh yeah we would have but we maintain those meetings so we tore out some of that because we keep putting turn Lanes in but really CR m is about the easiest color you get more right now I don't think we're see medium stripped out yeah they're not they're not doing anything on that side so yeah we would we would get do permission but that's another project I like to revamp those medians so the crate Myles is that the only thing there now that and there's like green Shrubbery on each on the end of each of but they're just make it more colorful or something exactly so that's a project um and then number three the Highway 90 mural or graphic however what you know where we get to if you go down um I wish I had a um map and if I need to pull it up I can um if you're go in 90 East um does everybody know where Main Street Fitness is you got the Main Street Fitness sits here and it faces East but there's like the body shop or you know whatever well in front of that body shop a long 90 is a retainer wall it's pretty lengthy um it's got a g rail on top of it um I'd like to we're gonna press wash at number one and we're gonna press wash sidewalks we can get that in a minute but I would like to paint it um whether that be a solid color whether that be a mirror or that just be a graphic of Welcome to FC Springs or historic FC Springs whatever y'all like to come up with I um we' talked do they're gonna want to see a sketch of it an idea before they you know sign off on a permit to do it but um I'd like to do something with the wall I mean we can just clean it and be done but I don't know if y'all would want to go any further with it well so if we hired the graphic designer that I found on um upwork it's a uh it's where you can find all different artists and so anyhow on this board last year we did that and so it's the it looks like an old postcard where it's defc Springs and inside of the D is like the shiaka build we can you find that we used to do that proba can that was the rendition for the overpass yeah like it might just be something to work with everyone keeps talking about the old postcard no one's done it yet and I just think like Pensacola has one where it's it's Pensacola in the letters it's all of the you find that the railroad in there it had happen between first of 22 and the first of this year so hadin a two-year period there that's a lot of feet though right 40 feet or how big is Springs is a lot lot of letters you really need a big spot so so he can he can look for that B I mean I think it's a great idea I would love to do something on it um because that's where 83 is connected to 90 and people are going to see it as they turn as they come up um it's just another one of those beautification projects that we're that's sort of an iore area anyway right there so that's my third my third project I'd like us to consider as we go through the year yeah I love murals so it do have to be that it's just we already put that much in you know into that inste of just painting a great wall oh yeah sure you want something in my kitchen gu it was Gator color yeah that I I'm all for that but I would to see a mirror I I really even if it's a simple one nothing too complicated definitely he'll find that and that those are those are three that I'd like us to move work on move forward on what's the curb one I don't I wasn't here last jet out that's what we're talking about downtown that we're gonna walk next month oh okay that's what you're talking as far as the second one um you said you talked to the Garden Club I wonder if that's something that they could come up with actual visual you know like an actual they're willing to do that um they're willing to CL they know the Tre board's here to recommend those things and do it so they're more than willing to help and be a part of that um and they provided a visual for downtown between seventh and eth you know some of that stuff so they're more than willing to help um I know when we did Chago last year they I don't know if they did but they were really needing to donate a little money I don't if we ever got any chy par Y no that's well for that is that something has to be a motion or is that just something you can do with painting uh no I mean right now we don't have to do that in motion um but as we go through the next meetings I'll I'll probably just continue to put those on there for us to discuss for y to talk about over time because I mean um the mural can be or the wall can be done anytime I think the media is probably need to be done in the spring do the other so I just want to keep them going you get a design going for that we can be thinking of dot has rule over that wall too really there is an artist out of Crestview that is doing mural after mural if her needs christe something but she's done for the sheriff's um Department here uh several different places you know yeah I I can get her name but I think she's extremely yeah she's she's good and yeah she's doing a lot of work here yeah they had for the train that's right whatever happened that we just said that was too much well we talked about doing it in our R and then they said no I think yeah somewhere between 2022 and 24 at least a year ago and I can find it to you ien I probably got all my paperwork home there was a few things that wanted to be changed but it was a good starting point yeah is there still a walkway being proposed there to walk over I don't think it's been shut down okay downtown to walk be able to walk across you know to go over the railro tracks over to oh yeah we so you know so people you know we talk about they go to lakeyard without getting crushed 331 right trying to give some pedestrian routes probably on Seventh Street and maybe even sixth I don't know right now it's really not a good safe place across track no or across 331 there too by Tom Thumb even um I think I have I'll follow Council Valley but the city had gotten that reconnect communities Grant and we just were about to we get close to finalizing that with usdot um it's a planning Grant but it's for reconnect so so it's going to be for Mo multimodal and pedestrian accesses coming across town and I'm I'm pretty positive that some part of it is going to be planning for crosswalks at the um tracks that'd be a pretty fairly expensive one there crossing they won't let's do a rope bridge probably so uh citizen comments Le the SS again um I have a question a while back we gave the FFA came in and asked for approval to put a garden on 11th street do we have an update on that so um I went back and forth with Mr profit the FFA um I'm not sure he hasn't reached back out to me we're going back for there they the the interlocal agreement that presented um I think they're having hard time understanding where we're coming from but in the inter local it references two attachments attachment a and attachment B attachment B is included um I respond mulp times that we need attachment a there is no attachment a um I don't know if they're they move back forth to the school board law attes we've been discussing that all attachment a is is a design layout of the project but the City attorney and I am not going to take the council until we have it and that's why I keep trying to convey that we don't have need I'm willing to work most profit and whoever else wants to to create that layout but we're missing the design layout of and the reason it's important does it seem like that important it's important because that agreement has language in there that they maintain they create it and maintain it for like three years and we take it over okay um and so that's a whole problem we'll do that later but um there's attachment a missing the design SK the sketch is missing there's never been one and so until we get that I can't bring it here since get the counsil okay so if someone knows Mr profit he hasn't responded back to me if they know him and contact pleas it won't take very long to create and we keep moving because they've already built some boxes I think and stuff well yeah and see that's what my next qu you know because originally it was they were going to build the boxes the middle school was going to maintain it but we had we didn't know for how long if it was gonna be able to come back to a citizen's as a garden type thing because I know that there was one several years ago that fiddled out but we have a new generation here who want to do those kinds of things yeah and that I think the the the agreement now the draft is three years and the city takes v um that's something the council's gota be comfortable with because it's not worth doing for three years and then tearing it up because the C we don't have the manpower to take care of them right when it comes to planting and actually we can cut the grass but so we have Civic organizations involved citizens involved to want to plan it and man right but yeah all I'm missing is attachment a know him please I just need attachment yeah we've talked about about that for last year already we get do it or not do it yeah because if I mean if we're not going to do it through them then can we get it back over to the citizens and figure out how to do this further you know plot buying next you know whatever we need to do oh we love to go to the school we love to have work with absolutely so you just get if you'll get with me we can create it and we get thing moving I just don't have it okay all right thank you thank you all right my last comment um beautification so I'll give you some days as we go through the year um here in the next couple weeks um the transportation department is going to start pressure washing ball one Avenue so we're go from one end to the other it's going take a while it's be sidewalks and curbs and as we get further down and after that we will and then we do the mural or that part we'll get that cleaned up do that and then we'll also do some of those Main Highway um sidewalks and then we get the opportunity as season goes on um 11 we want to start hitting some of those High visible areas I'd like to go faster but we have L Manpower here so start with b them and then we'll go to different areas press talking about the mural that we off the road yeah get rid of that no I'm saying we're going to start on balding but we get to the point of doing mural we'll go and clean that area up oh I'm talking about the def Springs that Ro on the road that we go no we had a lot of bad comments we don't have anything with that yet we still working on okay gotcha I talk too much already get that's all I got so we will M Propet we will meet next time down there yep so I think we need a motion don't we okay good put somebody's name down ch