it's going to get worse Brothers I'm telling you it's going to get worse when I come in s sweeping par I just go right onl cuz I know what time is going to get I on this tree later on catching up with the Sleep where's car was outside he came in here and say his drink yeah Denise he's got 10 seconds that clock must be it is slow yeah and I've I've I've corrected it a couple times and it goes goes slow pretty I guess the battery got to be adjusted a little bit put some put some that bunny battery in that dual sale yeah how you doing Mr Wallace you all right I'm doing all right yes we here man all right thank you I am off tomorrow and then are you serious please luckily we're fortunate enough to be giv Friday off which I know all the employees appreciate so oh yeah take it slow this week there just I think a lot of people my already my boss is in Spain and so he was like you need to do this you need to do this and I was like nice there nobody in North America that is working this week I know you don't understand vacation B actually living say the difference you serious he went for a global compy so that boss there doesn't know anything about Fourth of July maybe the steel day or and my boss's boss is in the UK yeah I'm gonna try I kind of like my job so I don't know we'll see all right we ready all right we will call this code review and land use committee meeting to order today is July 2nd 2024 it is 50:1 p.m. uh we will go for or we will move to the minutes for approval January 30th 2024 have a motion to approve motion to approve second have a motion on a second any comments on that before we move on oh I'm only about 15 20 minutes on that no no don't then don't approve them we're good to move on all right all those in favor say I I eyes Carrie all right we will go to 3A the Downtown parking and I I tell you what real quick before we move on what I would like to do is today is July 2nd and I have family in town I know everybody's looking forward to a long holiday weekend so man that's our special day you we're looking for it so what what I would like to do is um propose that we agree to cap this meeting at a hard one hour okay with that if we can get out of here earlier than that even better Al Le okay agree all right second all right so we will move on to uh that's how you do to land use and Zoning Downtown parking analysis Mr Wallace yeah the two things the committee had asked for was to look at Circle Drive there between uh 6th and 5th uh with the ability to place some angland Park in there that area measures approximately 410 ft with each parking space roughly taking up 10 ft in width so you can probably count on 40 there according to the appraisers map which I know is a a rough estimate yeah can't be trusted but they're only showing 14 ft of our rideway before we get on Railroad rideway so we'd want to research that a little more to see if we're not encroaching upon their railroad rideway um the other area that I was asked to look at was on on Baldwin Avenue between 5ifth and 4th and extending the angled parking on the south side of Baldwin uh between those two blocks uh that measured out to be approximately 425 ft and the parking that is between 6th and 5th is located what appears to be entirely on City rideway and the spaces are 7 18 ft deep so we would have room to add those additional 42 spaces um within that area both sides are just the just the the South Side what about on the North side there's is there already pull in there or is it I mean I know it's paved but what is it he trying to get in there may be potential there I'm not sure how far that curve comes out we're talking between fifth and sixth uh between no there's already on between fifth and sixth we're talking about between fourth and fifth okay okay yeah so the distance 425 so there may be potential on the North side as well CU that's where the vet was remember yeah yeah y clay do you remember what that looks like off top of your head I do not not not to a degree of specificity that I want to State and be off by yeah some tangible mark I just I know there's a sidewalk there and the question is does That Sidewalk align with the King Hardware sidewalk if it does all things being equal you should be able to replicate what's in front of King clear the map up now so we can look at what the overhead looks like through an are it's some so you're wanting to talk about which directional cut on that uh between Fifth and fourth on Baldwin on the on the North side of the street so yeah I was going to see is Jesse back there yeah there there's a sidewalk the the where it gets weird is it does because of where that warehouse is on Fifth the sidewalk does push out okay more toward the road to the South a little bit but it still holds a pretty consistent line um under that covering okay but it goes there there's one break in it but yeah I yeah pushed all the way up or not satellite first one you had yeah it's slightly as you get in you'll see it's slightly off can you zoom in zoom in please sir keep coming go the other way Jesse Earl Mumford construction just go to that one so shift it up no no there you go right where Mulford um M Alford so the sidewalk is about looks like five to six feet shifted but there is a curb bulb that actually comes over so it's actually set up for it looks like yes you may be able to get at the very least we could do parallel for that block going forward yeah thank you you got a number of curb Cuts there and then what about right there continuing those angle parking on the South Side yes that's what I said we've got about 425 feet um so that's the Fourth Street is 425 between Fifth and four is approximately 425 so you've got room there to just continue that you got to deal with the way that's does curve the same Cur there side effectively hold it's a fire hyen right there why there that's a fire hyen right there at the corner I work yeah right there right there and that bulb out's perfect yeah but but I think I think it would be low hanging fruit as well as huge to just take that angle parking that's on the south side of fallowing right there and just run that all the way down out yeah yeah yeah all the way down to Fourth I you got you got you got just the same amount just about from from fifth all the way down to Second yeah go it keeps going yeah all the way down to second but it holds all the way yeah I think to look at is which one where does the commercial stop I mean technically uh I think the commercial stops at Fourth I think that's where they're sign at the fan stop sign or I think it stops at 4th is that not Mr Wallace yeah commercial stops at 4th yeah get I would hate to say I don't recall um there are some residential units in there that doesn't mean they're not Zone commercial yeah it's it's one right there next off well it's two it's one next offer and one right right below it so Tony you're you're talking about uh taking that angle parking on the north side of Balwin and continuing trying to continue it down or just go with parallel if well because of the because of the shift uh the pull would be it would be it would have a cost whereas the parallel might be possible right now without any modifications just with striping but it's going to be very choppy because there are a couple of curb cuts for driveways future land juice in there is going to be bring my it's going to be commercial all the way through there all the way down to second okay even though they're resident un they're all they're all FL commercial right yeah because the animal CL is down there below fourth that's right I mean long term it'll go to second we can we can start I don't have the zoning map Jesse can you go can you drag the that to the east where the copper roof is like drag it that way yeah yeah keep going keep going yep yep yep keep going yeah you get you also room on the south you have C1 all the way to second so there's some potential there's potential there and Circle Drive there's potential Jesse drag it a little more because it it appears to kind of narrow right there at what's incorrectly it's incorrectly labeled Walton County Citizens advisory that's the the old vet Clin there you go perfect so it seems to narrow right there or am I just the sidewalk shifts substantially so the sidewalk shifts to the edge of the parking it does it shift it shifts around syc yes it does so but the Southside parking is manageable I'd say we would do the parking on the North side as businesses redevelop and and work with them to to push that make that part of a prerequisite um that'll get us out of the sidewalk business for the moment and then as um I don't know right now I think we can stop at 4th and be and be fine yeah yeah because there's some utility in kind of leaving that for now until it's developed because as an example during the tractor parade for Main Street they they use all that grassy area to load and unload all the the tractors so maybe we don't eat that up just yet yeah I would agree okay but the the parking between fourth and fit would be a great place to start encouraging some of the businesses you know from middle of uh you know like from the depot East businesses should send their employees to park down fourth and fifth and then towards the West they should ship down and park you know past my office past 12 or or long or near 12th as we redevelop that okay and that would get all the business employees out so from an action standpoint like what do what do we need to do I suspect that we'd want to get a recommendation on costs from Public Works before we proceed you know and also and I'm sure you're all are aware that the CRA is currently has received rfbs for a parking study analysis downtown um they received four proposals I'm lucky enough to be serving on that scoring committee thank goodness we only got four um and we're meeting next Thursday to select a firm that will be brought to the CRA at their July Mee whether or not they'll approve it the pric has varied in range from 38,000 to 83,000 I think it was was the range um and they did the full down proposed downtown district and not just they did the full proposed downtown district yeah but we don't have accept it we we're also talking about technically Jesse will we drag it back to the West now and basically take where Fourth Street is and put that on the right side of the screen thank you so we're talking about I think the boundary for the district stops at Fifth Street we're talking about extending that angled in parking all the way down to fourth street so it technically wouldn't be covered by the study it wouldn't be but I think we can with reasonable Assurance say that we can fit 40 additional spaces if we extend that consistent with what's there on the southide clay from from the city's perspective I know we have to to be careful about putting things on list and and that precludes it from funding on the CRA side so correct if we want the CRA to potentially fund this what's the best way to kind of shift this over to them and say hey look here I think if the this committee thinks this that's a good idea I think um presenting it to the CRA And discussing it with them as a potential funding option and saying you know before we make a recommendation to the council we want to see if it fits in with your plan that would be the way I'd approach it motion okay go ahead I make a motion for Mr Wallace to complete the diagram indicating the potential parking that we have identified and for us to then present uh present it to the CRA for consideration do I have a second second all right a motion in a second so extend this map out to show all the way you just want to go to fourth or you want to go 40 the 40 spots to Fourth and then the spots that we identified uh past 11th actually I'm sry passed U from 12th to um well basically to the bridge yeah so I can just zoom this out show 11 to the bridge show what I've got on side I'll hey Jesse will you go back to the Google Maps for us real quick now go down to 11th Street for me please go to the west by the way yep just want to make sure right there go go back a little bit there's our gravel you can actually see it yeah yeah go go back a little bit more okay so I want to make sure we're we're correct and kind of clear here that um drag it up a little bit other way sorry other way yeah little more little more no no other way there we go okay so this grassy area that's on the south side of Baldwin we we want to what we're talking about on the other end we want to also do in that grassy area there as well correct bring it basically extend past Crescent Drive those pull in spaces all along that area between Ballwin and the and the tracks correct we're in agreement where uh if you can fit it in there I on here I'm showing parallel spaces not the diagonal parking so your map has parallel there of 12 12 12 spaces yeah now and we'd want to check railwood rway there as well so is your motion to do the the 12 parallel here or to do pull in or what I will do is I I'll the motion as is to have him provide a diagram and then based on that diagram we'll have a conversation with the CRA because they will have to do the the surveying and the uh and the final design recommendations if they're going to take it over yeah and I think the reason that we uh Scott and I would par parallel is due to the cost we could go out there and restrive and add 12 spaces with very little cost to the city um whereas if you do angled you're getting into more well but if CRA is funding this they they've got well to pull from yeah and of course we just make our preferences known and identifi yeah so the preference would be continue the anual parking okay okay just want to make sure that's everyone's good on that good I'm good all right any public comment on the motion seeing none all those in favor say I I I Carri any was there anything else Mr Wallace you want to talk about on that before we move on no okay all right we will move on to code review I do want to say on the code review because I have a feeling this is where we're probably going to spend some time discussing so what I'd like to do is probably set a timer for let's just do 25 minutes and let's let's discuss chapter 14 and if we if we get to 16 great but I think a bulk of the the discussion is going to be on chapter 14 is that okay with committe okay with that Mr Greg that's man okay let's go before we go um the on the agenda the link that you have on there um that's the that's the one that I give that's not that one's not updated the one that you guys have in front of you right now that's the updated okay okay 14 all right yes sir is that what Jesse has pulled up on the screen that's no that's not that that's that the one Jesse has on SC okay so all the um things you want to add is are are added to this one the green roof yeah and where you wanted city council change to special magistrate all those have been changed in there okay um you want to just jump in question yes sir go ahead okay uh this be a as much a well actually this is a general question for everybody on number 14-2 is the one just above 14-3 uh H had a question every person making using storing or having uh charge or control of any shavings Exel rubbish St sacks bags litter hay straw or combustible trash um shall cause that material to be bailed or stacked and that's a nightly um you know so basically you're not supposed to go two days with that any possible issues with farming I mean I know we don't have commercial farming but anyone that's operating a small farm feed stock or anything in terms of how that would be interpreted I know we're going to use common sense but we got plain language in here so are we going to cause an issue if someone's putting something out or bailing or collecting or allowing to drive before they bail I mean what are we running into I'm not a farmer so I'm just asking think it's it's a fair question I mean Mr woss how would you treat it well I would ask Mr strong does this apply to commercial properties uh residential what's the intent of my interesting for the intent would be basically if it was for commercial properties or residential property you wouldn't have it basically if you had a farm area it was Zone Agriculture and was doing farming basically I wouldn't write you up for something like that because that's Jor 10 of your Farm area and we do not have a lot of pro Properties or Parcels that are large enough to actually have Farms on so real quick if I make um I think that's good and it's good that Mr strong you're on the record at saying that but let's let's fast forward 20 years and none of us are here what do we think that that that train of thought will continue in well we could always at the very end of it put in there actually agriculture area or Farm areas are exempt y agriculture or agricultural related uses yeah I think I think some properly zoned and properly zoned here's the city are ex or hereby exempt yeah yeah let's let's apply that if it's 20 years from now none of us are here what do we want people to know right and that was my concern I mean because if we just add our culture to the end that'll take care of it however we do allow [Music] some some types of you know for lack of a better term Farm type animals if we have sufficient land to have the separation does that create an issue where if it's a is there any other kind of disclaimer we need to add on there I would say is we probably have as you get on the edge of the Town especially on the Southeast maybe land that is zoned like an R1 or an R2 but they're larger 10 AC 20 acres what that they're using for agricultural purposes so I would refer to agriculturally zoned land or any property that is currently operating in agricultural use on the property okay I'm fine with that okay and then this one's a clay question on 143 c one of the changes um items materials that would be consider considered a fire or life safety hazard is there something that would give us definition it seemed vague to just be considered flam or is that this is by ordinance Florida State Statute of Fire Marshal yeah yeah I think it would be something that would be determined by your fire chief and Fire Marshall under the applicable codes of what are flamable substances or structures or so it would definitely have to be defined by them it's not just well I think that's flammable so that's how I read it okay I just want to Mr strong do you disagree with that no I agree with you okay yeah I I didn't see that as something that not because it it'll be it'll be set by the fire coat okay as long as it's by an or by someone having an expertise I'm fine with that I just don't want us considering anything that we don't like flamable right no and being used that's why the Fire Marshall was put in there because that's where I actually will pull him in as being an expert okay uh yeah by ordinance statute or Fire Marshal so you're going to have to be classified under those now could we write the ordinance yes but if we don't write the ordinances go default upwards the statute of fire okay you also have an including but limited to so let's talk about that for a minute so youve got a long list of you have very you have a list of items there that's not overly long or extensive um talks about you know abandoned ice box refrigerator stove glass building material building rubers and similar items at the top and you come down to other abandoned items ultimately when we're talking about you know what we're looking at there when you look at 143c is a situation where you have items that if we are going to pursue this um it has to be consistant with those type of items you know when you do an including but not limited to it doesn't actually open it up to everything in the world it says these things are specifically included so those are absolute violations more things can be but to construe it has to be constru consistent with list understood so in abandoned refrigerator yes um is there an abandoned ice box is yes an abandoned cooling unit similar there too would also fall into it yeah walk in cooler stuff like that there you go okay I'm I'm good on that one then okay uh you want me to keep going on the ones I have sure uh item D so uh it shall be unlawful for any person to deposit throw discard or place any Trash litter of any type paper garbage cans cartons bottles or other discarded waste materials onto any public Street or sidewalk except in compliance with this chapter I guess I was wondering with that section right there now we do reference right away later but why why are we being why are we saying Street and sidewalk rather than just making it the whole ride away are we saying it's okay to put it there until we get to you know further down at which point I have a separate issue where and maybe we can cover both at once as we move down um in the event that there uh shall be found any such trash or discarded personal property within any public Street sidewalk or right away the owner Le see or any person in control of the said property adjacent to the Street sidewalk or rideway upon the side of the street where the said trash is discarded I have a concern there we're not saying the person responsible for placing the trash we're saying the person whoever's had the poor Fortune of having stuff dumped adjacent to their property well when you so if you get to where you you're throwing stuff on my property falls under criminal instead of ordinance it's going to be basically illegal dumping I don't have I'm not bonded I cannot do anything regarding that no I'm still talking about right away though when I'm talking about someone's property I'm talking about someone your neighbor across the street puts it adjacent on your side of the street now this is saying that the person adjacent to the mess is responsible for the mess yeah like we have we have that like common area that's down the road for me so would my neighbor be upset if I suddenly start putting stuff out there and then all of a sudden it's his problem not my problem even though it's a common area that we all use to put pickup items out of I think that's kind of what what you're saying yeah suddenly becomes the neighbor's problem even though I'm the one putting it out there because it says that person shall be uh responsible for the removal this is actually very specifically saying it's not even about the person who did it it's about where it is that makes it guilty well so I I would respectfully suggest that what it really about is who is the responsible party for the removal and so and it obviously calls out a very specific Case C sanitation department does not provide the removal service the simple construction there is if your neighbor comes and don't something on your property you're responsible for having it removed now you have a variety of options available to so your first option is Call City police got a legal dumping going on they're dumping on my property there's a pile of stuff that got dumped on my property it came from my neighbor I watched him do it this is ridiculous you have civil enforcement mechanisms you have um certainly um you have code should be unlawful for person to deposit throw discard Place trash Etc on any public Street or sidewalk in compliance and um at that point in time call them say look these guys came dumped it's over here it's on the city right away it's on the code the concept there is still who the responsible party is um I guess if the question is if you're asking is there a way to share the responsibility with The Dumping party that is contemplated here in but I see how you're reading the wording but I think this is one where we're taking a a neline paragraph that covers really in my opinion three if not four different issues all molded together and reading one part of it um not out of context perhaps but in a vacuum without looking at everything else so ultimately the responsibility for removal I do think probably does fall to that person because what saying is we're not going to come do it to City Sanitation now but this isn't the right so let's separate the first issue because that that keeps getting mentioned if it gets dumped on my property that's one thing that that's a civil action uh that's illegal in lots of ways and yeah it's my problem until I see the other person but this is specifically referencing in the right away and the guilt is associated by proximity not by actual deed now depending on where it's being placed and what it is under chapter nine which which is the litter or the garbage ordinances if I want to throw away stuff where the city picks up then it actually goes out to the city right away now it's also supposed to go to the corner section of your property line when you set it out so depending on what they set out it wouldn't be violation right so I see it in terms of in reference to that particular case study I actually did see that in concept as part of this conversation but what I'm but what I'm taking and looking at you know it shall be unla for R posive throw discard on a RightWay and wherever it ends up in that RightWay whoever's closest is is the one who's the city's coming after is how I'm reading it well yes because you under chapter 203 General obstructions you cannot block sidewalks right so well it talks right here if you any trash or litter type of garbage basically on any public Street or sidewalk you're blocking this that area which is now basically another violation of different ordinance but also this one also so you cannot it has to be in the grassy area where people don't walk and whatnot so if it's in that area you throw it out in that area technically I can site you for it right but now but what this is saying is if I throw it in front of my neighbor's house it's their problem and you're GNA call them well if it's on the sidewalk no it's still your problem because you did it on the sidewalk I think that one we could read either way because it's still adjacent to their property at the end of day the city says is not going to pick it up it becomes the other person's problem so so what I'm saying is it's placing the responsibility on the victim rather than the person that's that's doing it I'm just trying to figure out if that's well I mean so so let me c the problem scenario who who put it there you can't determine who put it there how do you assess the responsibility and I get it and then you're the owner of that property well I am not cleaning enough up up under any circumstance because I didn't put it there we don't know if you put it there or not because we don't know who put it there that becomes the challenge and so when we deal with code and we deal with nuisance abatement this is probably as good of a time to have this conversation as we're going to we've talked about a lot of things with nuisance in the past and we've started getting into more batement of these issues this is the cautionary instru I want everybody to be aware of as we work through this our remedy almost always is going to have to attach to property if we can catch somebody in the ACT they're probably violating as many state statutes they are local ordinances our city police can do something about it um and certainly if Mr strong were personally observe something there's different options but when we're talking about remediating a nuisance you have to attach it to the property wherein the nuisance sits and therefore the responsible party has to be the person in control of said property could be the owner but if there's a leasehold interest it could be the person leasing there but you've got to be able to attach it to there because you're never going to be able to get to okay well who else is responsible it creates a very harsh sword that is used against those people and as we talk about more nuisance abatement just be prepared there will be some cases where a truly innocent owner is subject to coming in and addressing this however when we talked about putting a magistrate in place and we talked about for years trying to establish a code board and never got there and ultimate magistrate so where we've gone I think there's a lot of prudence using a magistrate over a code board I would remind everybody that's exactly why you have those boards to make those adjudications and why for years we said' look we'll send letters out to these violators but you know city managers playing judge jury and execution here how how are we going to sort out the person who comes in and says look I agree there's trash there Madam magistrate I'm 82 years old I couldn't go haul it off I wish I could y'all told me the cation wouldn't pick it up what am I supposed to do I'm on a fixed income I can't hire somebody to move it that's where your Magistrate's going to probably take some mercy on that person um but then does the CRA step up and help them remove that is there some is there another way is there a way for the city to then Step Up In Hell well that's where you find exceptions but what you will typically find in nuisance abatement ordinances is that you address when the city finds nuisance not when the city is finding nuisance occurring in the act because that's the rarest occurrence but if you don't put any sword over their head everybody has the incent to say it's not mine and there are people regrettably that will let trash pile up in front of their house and for whatever reason and and I'm not there are legitimate reasons why people are unable to remedy these issues and and I won't reference the specific location I'll just say in another Municipal jurisdiction of this County we deal with this issue with a certain parcel of property that the city's gone in help twice clean up and it's become junked back up every time and it's not just the abandoned vehicles it's pure trash it looks like a land and no matter how many times they've helped over the past 20 years it's gotten that way and it's terrible at a certain point in time if you don't hold the owner responsible that's the case well the owner in this case is now 27 different aers to that piece of property and one or two of them dump all their stuff there but you're never going to get that person to comply but you get their siblings to comply or the other owners you that's when you get attention so it is not a Pleasant remedy but I do want everybody to be aware that's what we find ourselves faced with is there any language that we could add to help us to at least make open and clear the possibility of a responsible P party being identified and held responsible so I would think I think you've got enough room there I'll let Mr strong address this I mean I think under the first part of D if you know the person who deposited th through discarded placed Etc any of that in that language um and we put a um if we mirror let me say this what I'm thinking is this Chris the first half just says public Street or sidewall the second half says public Street sidewalk or RightWay what if we just mirrored those two phraseologies of public Street sidewalk or RightWay top to bottom that way you have both people um are responsible because unlawful to place it start with that's one violation right and then the responsible for removal um I think we could look at if you wanted to say shall also be um shall further be if you want to talk about joint and several liability that's another way of approaching it and and I guess the question to piggy back on one of your first comments on this does it need to be broken up into sub subheadings for clarity in other words does it still under D but kind of broken up a little bit let me say this you're dealing with multiple things I think it would make a lot of sense in this if we wanted to go ahead and split that it shall be lawful for anybody to do those things deal with violations enumerated um the reason it is all together is we are not actually causing it is not actually a violation for someone to allow it to remain there it's just they're responsible for removing so we're not actually calling it a separate violation it doesn't say it is unlawful for a person to allow it to remain there it just says where it's found the owner of that property is responsible for removing so it's calling out who the responsible party is and that's why you're molding together you're not actually creating two separate violations so you can split it there are not two code violations there there is one code violation and it's The Dumping okay if it would help I will look at some other cities that have some ordinances in see if I can rewrite that section for you to what you would like understand yeah if you want to make it a separate violation that would definitely jump up and make it that way and I just want to say for the record there is value in placing a burden on a landowner for things that happen on their land whether or not they did it so there is value to that because it creates vigilance it means you have to go take care of your stuff you got to watch property you know that is so because I got that problem I got property sitting on the Conner and need put all that trash or well I I hate to say I just actually had to send a letter out to a person that someone unfortunately through tires and other stuff on their property I can't tell you who did it but it's their property so I had to go tell them go clean up the property that happens I'm experienced that yeah now sure it's terrible and I just asked them not to do it and they just keep doing it it is what it is well I think uh again I think I think youall understand what I'm trying to get at but there is a there is a value to the vigilance of some them keeping an eye on their property um I had one more on this page one more yeah I only made it so far I didn't know we were only doing this one so well I have another one go ahead uh I always get hung up on the on the grass one it always gets me a little bit I mean technically my wife jokingly and lovingly calls the house next door Eden because we're so embarrassed about our yard and it you know the yard of the month last year you know whatever so we always had to live with that next door but um even their yard you know technically in some areas if you were super strict about it you know would technically not comply and again I know you don't interpret it you know to just be I think it's not mowed grass is a problem I understand that I know that but it just um it's kind of like driving violations at some point you know if you followed long enough we've got so many rules and so many up to things that it can you know some anyone can be pulled over no matter how they yes I so on on Eve when it comes to the grass and so forth I am very lenient on certain things with it especially when it's the rainy season not everyone has chance to get out their mother yard during times and it just rained a few minutes ago I thought I heard so I'm not expecting want to go out there and start mowing their yard right now when it's cool because it just rained then come up the LA mower so it's that one is more by my discretion to how I do it okay and that's a that's both good and and a concern but um I'll leave it at that because we've covered that one before we're trying to move through uh I've got a couple more if it's okay well he gave you a 25 minute time so I'm being 30 I'm at a minute and 10 seconds so yeah I've got a minute 20 left all right I do have a couple comments uh well the chair set the 25 minute time limit I guess that's how much Valley gets Mr you might want to get yours in got on that grass and I want to stay out of because if I don't mow some of the grass it'll be three feet high in the city I mean I just got 16 of them satday and if I didn't Mo them it' have been terrible I didn't know if that was enforceable I got some questions on this one for materials and then I got a couple on the other page we don't have a sign ordinance but we have a sign removal requirement um well actually sign ordinances are actually under chapter 18 you actually do have some signs that have um we don't have anything on businesses all we have is campaign signs and yard signs and residen well there are it's if it's on the building has to be something there's some in there but and I think we have the right through signs on rway um under our ordinance yeah but this says that you have to remove signs from buildings once the tenant moves out or you know the business moves out you got to remove all the signs off the building but we don't have any sign regulations to control what's on the building what I think Mr wall say be addressing when we actually redo chapter 18 yeah we just don't have anything yet and then fence materials we don't have fence requirements to a great extent but we're talking about fence materials and matching with the materials I'm a little concerned about that until we have some standards all right I'm gonna give us five more minutes um real real quick if I can so I do want to touch on defense stuff because I did want to make a comment there but one of the more important things to me um clay kind of helped me navigate this if we can this whole is about this whole area or sorry chapter is about nuisances and one of the nuisances that we hear the chief bring up a lot is people running generators or certain equipment um in houses that are obviously not hooked up to utilities so would it behoove us under the section 14-10 mandatory utilities to put some sort of line there about it should be prohibited to run generators and and pumps you know as as a supplement to official utilities would would that help maybe give him some teeth there is that is that so I think the answer would be under a well I think you'd start with 149 by saying active permanent Power and Water Utilities I think you put both of those in water and I mean I think you even start talking about um sanitary sewer or septic as well and just go ahead and build that out and make it permanent well sewer is not available all sections so you could say sanitary sewer or septic but we do have ordinance that says if sewer is available it actually is mandatory to connect it's actually under chapter right you can't you can't live somewhere without a septic tank for so as I'm saying make it a permanent structure so we're not dealing with that um and then I think what you would do is um if you say that with the way a is worded that should give you the give you the ability to um what we come down under under those exceptions we just do this as a number one yeah we it' be a number one is the no person child then go to number two um the use of any temporary utility measure other than provided above shall be deemed unlawful in a violation of the code subject to etc etc in terms of fines and that would give that information um but let me do say this and I wish Chief Earle were here to address this issue because I know he gets this but I I would just ask this board to consider are we confident in saying that there is no circumstance where someone would be operating a generator for any reason other than those two exceptions construction well yeah every every if you have a backup generator it's got a Pyon and test that was the first thing I mean I was going to comment I appreciate that document that was a and that's exactly what you have but so as it breaks down here if we structurally look at it during or immediately following a state of emergency whereby the C manager grants express permission for the use of a generator so I just want to be clear we have a hurricane come through and how many people have whole house generators in the city don't know there may be a few but technically as I read the thing that jumps out I use myself as example I just had some put it in so here's what's going to happen theoretically I'm not allowed to have those things cut on unless I call Kobe and say Kobe I need your express permission shoot me an email right out and koby's gonna say what are you talking about that's what I mean I can assure you Mel would have said it Mike Stanley would have said it I don't care who your see manager was like what are you talking about hey these generators I can't let them run until you come in here and tell me so I guess the question would be I don't think that's the type of situation that the chief's talking about where we're talking about that but I think we need to be considered of it the other thing I would ask you to consider though is as we get out of here today are there any other circumstances where you would sit here and say a generator may be necessary for some degree of use you say construction and I do think there is a logical discussion there but it says no person shall occupy a structure for living purposes that does not have it except during construction on or development of a primary structure and in such instance only during the time construction that's your effective construction trailer or living in something under construction in some form or fashion that's not saying you can use a generator even then so I guess what I'm getting at is maybe we need to take a hard look at when we might think citizens would be using or have a need to use a generator um and I do believe the Marshall has made reference to generators and similar equipment now I can tell you this Mr mran you tell me am I wrong about this you heard a pressure wash that's louder than a generator yeah yeah it is um you get some some of people lawn mowers are oh yeah 10 times louder so I I just want to be clear and this is where the city bar we sit hearing and complain and complain complain to me about the the noise levels but just because something makes noise doesn't mean it's a nuisance and if you write it that way we're not going to have an enforc ordinance so just bear that in mind as we bounce through this well how I view this ordinance or that section about the generator is this is only dealing with it's dealing with a house if you're if if you're pressure washing or you're building something with construction the generator doesn't comply to this ordinance it's just basically deals with running a generator to power your home in full right where you're living at in perpetuity right right it's not regarding anything else but living in your structure you better have water and electricity you cannot use the generator to row in your house unless there was a state of emergency where power is out and you need to per it doesn't even say during a power outage it just says during a state of emergency yeah so so we might we might want to carve out for a limited period of time too yeah sure the city's gon go ahead I'm sure cities want those natural gas bills P when you con those generators so I don't know we're s too many Limited hours there but I'll leave that to Kobe like Rewritten if we can just massage that a little bit based on this conversation um and at that point what I would ask is let's take this conversation let's incorporate the changes that we've done thus far into this and bring this back at the next meeting is that is that good for everyone all right so we will uh we're gonna we were all in agreement we're going to skip chapter 16 before you stock I have one question yes sir um for chapter 14 do we want a RightWay maintenance one thing that asked me before if I was used to this is there's nothing in our ordinance that says you have to mow the ride away in front of your house so you have so the city is going out and this is this applies to both commercial and residential properties where the property owner mows what they own but they don't mow the rest of the property uh it's very common in my experience to have something in your ordinance that requires you to mow to the edge of the street like you have that right away it's technically not your lawn but basically it's your lawn um I see Mr CR over there so hang on open hold on we're opening the this got be a big convers I am too I'm at the bits on this one seven minutes I'm try bring back to the next please let's bring it back to the next meeting that's what I want to know you got like a quarter mile I can't I can't stand it man with this I can't stand it you know much guys to do that all right all right man I can't stand I just get it all matter of fact I just go to the other side too I say man I'm G look at all pretty all the time I say if y'all want to find me go ahead but I'm going to get it I can't stand it eat it eat my craw I got to do it and a lot of P the pin on that grenade and just walked away yeah it's just a smoke it's just smoker day and he told me about this at four o' this afternoon by the way we'll put this on the next agenda if you're okay Mr yes please please let's put on the next having the first line of comments we'll just have we'll just have chapter 14 repeated about four times on the agenda just chapter 14 BBE yeah actually yes I think that's what we should do is we'll just have chapter 14 so let's move on committee priority list I don't really see anything major changing there we can take off is and Mr Aon you can maybe try on this the communication between the county and city um I'm not sure why it was added we were having issues with uh development out in the county that affects the city in terms of our utilities we have been been meeting how about this if the city council approves the interlocal that will be on their agenda Monday night and the county then approves the interlocal that there's half of that interlocal Tuesday I think that could be allowed to let Mr Wallace and rapael pull that off the um governments is an interlocal for government services being presented city council it is memorializing what we have un had Unwritten policy for County for a long time which is when the county approves a project that's outside City Limits but to whom we provide water or Wastewater service under our territorial boundaries or franchise that they do not issue a deal until we collect our capacity fees that's how it's been supposed to happen there's been some breakdowns on that over the years the companion to that is the city would be authorizing the county to assess and Mr Wallace would have to identify any project he'd send it to the county hey this is on a County Road do y'all have any County transportation facilities impacted by this and if so they can apply their Mobility fees the developers responsible for paying that we won't issue them a do until they pay the county so it's just the mutual back and forth now how the mobility fee one work that's outside the SE no it would be on any County transportation facility because under the statutes we don't technically have the ability to collect fees for roads that we do not maintain so so within the city limits the county will be collecting the Mobility fee on County Road to the extent that a development project the city approves impacts a County transportation facility and as consistent with the amendments to Florida Statutes that go into effect October of this year where if we do not have such a such a program in place everybody has to start remitting money to the state so the state can properly allocate it for us okay so we're going to that that one should be able to to come off of there any other real quick any any other changes we want to make to the priority list for tonight I would I would say no other than we just probably just need to clean that up from a formatting perspective um okay uh moving on the codebase tracking sheet Raphael if you will for the next meeting on there go to that tracking sheet and let's shift these dates so I think we have we covered did did we not cover 6.5 or did we decide not to we did but we bumped it to a future date as well okay so we'll move that one down to TBD um and then 14 is obviously going to be brought back so that review date needs just needs to be updated to August and then um same thing for 16 and then let's move the rest of those to September the ones that are still say February 2024 so 15 17 and 12 we'll move those to September okay is that okay with everyone that's okay okay sound good all right we will go to Citizen comment any citizen comment seeing none any other comments from the DI CH before we head out um so it's chapter 14 chapter 16 and chapter 18 that we're bringing back um actually 18 Mr Valley you know brought up and I just wrote it down are you want to bring that back no we're not doing 18 okay yes sir please sir so just 14 and 16 yes just just 14 16 will be brought back so we just need to re revise the tracking sheet and then we will try to get past 1416 at the next meeting so that in September we can then move to 15 17 and 12 and so what's um let me just ask 18 was brought up are we going to do anything with 18 Land Development yeah there was one thing that I wanted to fix in there that that was we've got but not we've placed money in the budget yeah hopefully to have our code Rewritten um take care of a lot of those um but yes there are a lot of things need to be fixed but I just wanted to fix the accessory dwelling unit being a by right rather than getting a variance one okay and there's something that's come up in terms of how it's being applied that's created a question that we might want to clarify okay then let's like let me meet with Mr Wallace be happy to speak with you about that personally just to clarify it all right so we we are good on what we're going to bring back yes sir okay yes sir all right any other comments from the Das everybody good all right we will call this meeting adjourned all right you're man in your word