yeah you're part of I'm not a voting member you're an advisory member okay are we all here we're ready okay so call this meeting to order it is Wednesday morning February 14 2024 and this is a special meeting for the audit selection committee uh and we are going to evaluate um respondents to the RFP that the city has put out earlier if we can for the for the record and for the recording and our clerk Madam chairman if we would have each of the committee members present identify themselves by name so that we have that because it is the first committee meeting Bill enfeld manette Bruce and Amy havin Mike Barker advisory member James advisory member um have all of the members of the committee received the RFQ that was issued for this procurement yes yes I'd ask the committee at this time if you've had a chance to review that RFQ to approve the RFQ as issued Mo to do so I'll let you call the vote so do we just we take a vote okay so first and a second all in favor I I and I okay so that passes with the RFQ having been approved has every member of the committee received the responses there to yes yes yes okay um Mr clerk where any response is not presented to the committee that were received by the city um no and how many respon you received Mr clerk I didn't receive any well how many did the see receive did the city um we got two two we have two responses and those have both been provided to the committee for the record Kobe you can since you were the clerk at the time correct as Kobe Townson for the audio purposes um with that being said um staff and I'll defer to Mr bark or Kobe on this has staff made a recommendation to deem either of the responses nonresponses or non responsible no they they they were fine so the committee at this time unless any of the committee members deem either of the responses received in your judgment to be nonresponsive or nonresponsible we would ask that um you proceed with the evaluation of those if however committee members have questions about the responsiveness or the responsibleness of either of the submitt now would be the time to discuss that so that we do not score a disqualified or proposal that could be disqualified so unless you have that unless there's an objection I'd move forward with the evaluation of the two submittals received OB so can we have discussion if you about responsiveness or responsible do you just overall no just overall about the so we'll let your no reflect you do not find either of the either of the submitt nonresponsive or non-responsible based on that you can now have General discussion evaluating them what I don't want the committee to do chairwoman is because we only have two responses we are below the three that would otherwise be the what we would request under the statute we still have to select the best rank that we do not receive three statute allows us to do that what I do not want is us to have a discussion about two less than three obviously and then determine well we're going to award the number or letter A versus letter B because the other one is nonresponsive so we only have one you start if you do that we've got a problem process wise so if they're both going to be evaluated that's all we're establishing we're going to evaluate both if that's the case now it's open to discussion does anyone have any thing for General discussion or observations well to me some of the responses were very vanilla and they were they were the same the for instance and they take their approach and the rage is different it was all basically the same thing we're going to assess internal controls we're going to develop an audit program we're going to execute the audit we're goingon to make our final report and they just they they verbed it in in a different way and their approach is pretty much the same you got Staffing and you've got using the electronic stuff so I I thought they were they're pretty much the same uh the companies and their personnel backgrounds they they're both very very similar to me U they both had references that were were good uh both had offices in closest offices Tallahassee and then they've got other places in in Gainesville Daytona Beach and elsewhere um the U all required forms the checklist for they all had them and their upfront letter of interest was encompassing for them saying how much they want to do all this kind of stuff like that where I found the big difference was experienced and if you take a look at what they have proposed for their Staffing both in terms of the three Partners to be involved and the staff that were be involved uh the James Mo company had far more uh all three Auditors all three Partners had far more experience in both city and county auditing than the Prov gray Partners matter of fact the per great partner for it Michael Sandstone he actually had no city or county audit experience listed in his his resume there and then when you got down to the the Staffing level if you took a look at the people that they had there there the years of experience for them 15 years 13 years seven years and 8 years versus uh six years six years and two years and the number of cities and counties that those staffs had for James Moore significantly more than than the number of audits for cities and counties that the staff had for CIS gray so in in my opinion having the experienced staff the experienced partners that U have done city and county Audits and knowing all the nuances of the gas bees and Faz bees and all that kind of stuff that uh that's where I found for me a scoring difference I would have I would have done equal for for C and Personnel equal for references equal for service equal for the forms for letter but I I had a big difference on the experienced one in my rating I found the same thing I thought James more had a little more um strength also having their main office in Tallahassee I thought was a plus because it's closer um and they're more familiar with the region and probably if they do need to visit it's closer um nowadays most of the audits are done um you know remote so um that um and it really wasn't in and I'd be interested to um I always like to ask the question if they do have a finding how do they handle it um and I know that wasn't really in here but like the experience is going to help someone where if somebody lacking that experience and they have a finding a lot of times they're uncomfortable and not sure how to handle that yes now I for the most part I would agree a lot of things were straightforward and I would have scored both equally and it's funny because I then took a look at um I want to address that one thing because I noticed in pervis Gray they did say how similar how they would uh approach that uh so there were no surprises which I liked um so what I looked at was us as a city we have a CRA we have utilities we have an airport um and so I tried to try to figure out okay of all the clients that they gave us like references and who was on the list um I compared uh their clientele that they gave us to see who had Airport who had C who had water who had sewer and who had gas so I kind of used that and the pervis gray had more in that particular area which is where we're at those are the services that we need I actually um thought that pervis gray actually had I read it much easier I thought it was clear concise um uh comprehensive and overall um I I thought they were very compelling and um compared to the the other respondent um but offices you know I look too at their memberships the the organizational memberships you know um 14 versus 5 uh that I found years of experience um I thought that perus grade did a a nice job they said you know they're not going to bill us extra we have new staff you know our finance division is just being developed and they're not going to bill us for extra things that they might need and they also said they would be available to one of the things that I'd mentioned in the um in previous Council meetings was I'd love to see us get a gfoa for budget and for uh financial reporting and uh peris gray has the staff and even mentioned that in there that they're on staff to help us achieve that um so those were my general observations well I'd like to point out on what you're talking about in the James War they at least listed a person was going to be their seing their single audit director which is your grants and everything else like that and they've got 13 years experience there were there were none listed for the single audit in the Pro in their Staffing listing now I'm sure they're going to have somebody that can do it but it was highlighted in the James War one that was not brought up in the Pro which one which one was it the single audit and they used a a person named Walker for jeames work group and I found n listed for um Pro for the single for the single for the single I think it was yeah so anyone else com so single audit is definitely important to us because we get grants and federal grants and everything and and state grants and that's kind of one of the things things that's holding one of my current grants up right now is the single audit so that one's definitely important is that just because we're behind on a reporting or because it's not because of the Auditors per se right it's just because of where we are status wise on our as far as my department work right on track it's just our current Auditors are lacking I Goa it's holding up 25,000 overtime for me right now me that that's important for my department out any other comments from Morgan how many how many Auditors like if they came here and they've been here past how many does it take actually on site it's always been one main audit member and then a staff member but I mean like said like we do a lot of things ially so behind the SC I'm not quite sure what they review that's one thing that's important to me is are they going to devote a big enough team to get this knocked out where we're not just the small fish and the big pond and they just cast us kind of theide and we'll get to you when we get to you because on pages 28 Pages 28 through 33 uh for the pervis gray you can see some of those answers chief that you're looking for and on the other one it was on page um it starts on page 35 through 40 41 if you want to compare the two and while you're looking at that can is there anybody from the audience who would like to have any discussion well that'll be appropriate after you make a motion so keep it to the committee first and then move to public comment after we score first or amongst ourselves before we do that though well yes certainly you would have your scoring and your your scoring and ranking should be based on your view not the public comment of The Proposal the public has not had a chance to review the public can have a public comment on the motion to actually approve your top rank Cate so I would complete the internal discussions of the scoring have the clerk tabulate those announce that and then we would have a motion and that time we would have public comment Chief do you have any other comments or you want to point anything else out that your concerns you that's really the main one that affects us of course overall just making sure that we're not small fish and a big p that we are going to be treated an equal as West Palm Beach or something like that and sometimes that's hard to to know until they actually get in there and start doing the work you ready um yes ma'am we got a tally so we got 259 for James Moore and then pis um grve is 271 so Pur gray with that being said we would need a motion to declare pis gray the top rank proposer and to proceed in negotiations with them to become the city's new off I'll make a motion well you're the chair we got to pass the G the other two I make a motion to accept purose gr as at audit for I'll second the motion so there's a motion in a second Motion in a second uh any public discussion first I need one more discussion I think any public discussion public seeing none all in favor say I I I those opposed nay nay 21 21 we'll move into negotiations with them Mr City maner if you would reach out purose gray to give representatives to contact us and um once they provide you a fee proposal the committee can convene to discuss those um proposals should there be need we'll do good anything else we'll call this meeting adjourned thank you thank you everybody thank you'all very much apprciate thank yougan