and we're going to begin with bringing in our new council member Mr Harrison and uh if you'll join me we'll just get right here in fromont the dice and uh we'll take care of that and any any family or whoever you want with you we can kind of just face each other I guess you got here thank youing Hon to have you here anyone [Music] else here you don't have I've got one the truck it'll [Music] take all right we're going to be taking the position on the on the council and seat 4 and so Glen if you would if you after me I Glen Harris do solemnly swear that I will support protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida St Florida against all enemies domestic and foreign and then I will bear true Faith bear true Faith Lord loyalty and allegiance to the Saint and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution that I will Faithfully perform all the duties Faithfully perform all the DU council member of the city of defunc Springs Florida which I'm about to enter [Applause] all right stage crew did a real good job here thank removing all the all right um this uh this next one uh Tim Tim's in the house oh Jennifer's in the house wow anyway that was it was this became timely and I'll let Jennifer explain to you why we didn't wait till the next meeting to bring this up okay mayor thank you uh if you all recall we finally got word from Congressman Dunn's office that the $1.1 million Federal appropriation was approved um government didn't shut down and it actually got signed by the president so that's coming for the airport and uh the mayor and and us and Kobe we met with Congressman dun's Chief of Staff who's doing his tour of 16 counties right now uh on Tuesday out at the airport toward the tour terminal and during the conversation uh his chief of staff said well are you all gonna seek an additional bit of funding for the airport and we said we were we didn't want to be greedy but what do what do you think and um all kidding aside uh he he suggested that obviously projects that have multiple funding sources which your airport does are are good things to put in there were over 300 of these uh cpfs for the 2024 year that were put in and he selected he can only select 15 and obviously their report was one so we talked to him about some po potential opportunities at the airport and obviously talked about the effluent line being the a number one and asked does this qualify is this something and so they strongly encouraged um the city approved moving forward with two requests and one would be for your effluent line which would be about two million uh apparently this weet spot is somewhere between three and five million but we think you've got multiple stories you've tried to um you've tried to get funding from you know different places this is not a one-off and then with the airport I think um he was the most interested in if there's additional hangers to be built and I think the the thing that was resounding with him was looking at on the wall where you can see all the hangers uh where where they are and they're full everyone that can be full correct Kobe there's three that apparently have some damage that have to be fixed but to hear that you all have 40 people on a waiting list um that's a definite need and and certainly can uh can tie into um the growth that you're seeing uh at the airport so this is a a long shot it's going to take a long period of time um the big thing is just pulling together the information and I think before we left on Tuesday they even asked when's the next council meeting can you get this approved because these are due on April 5th which last year I think we had three days this is only it's a little longer and they still don't even have the the forms this year's forms so we've done the narrative um based on last year's forms but um in hoping that you all will approve moving forward with um both of those asks on a federal level question from the council sounds good to me motion motion to approve second I we have a motion and a second of course uh identify what he's just approved with a name yes it is a um these are Community funding project requests they're Federal for federal fisal year 2025 and they will be submitted to the office of Congressman Neil Dunn who of course represents congressional district 2 now representing you all uh after uh redistricting and there will be one for the replacement of the effluent line and then two improvements to the func Springs Airport which will be somewhere in there great thank you all right now I think we're we're ask till the new person gets the vote so all in favor say I hi hi hi hi hi hi Carrie thank you so much yes sir appreciate the y'all jumping on this in the time and fashion thank you all right um on the CIP I think Morgan Tim who all involved in I know you were gu to update and we're gonna look at this one more time on the eth and try to yeah right now I was hoping to kind of go over a few things with the council um staff has come together and worked on um providing some updates to the CIP but we really need clarification from the Council on a couple of different things um one we've talked on in staff level of establishing a threshold for the CIP um there's a lot of items on here that really we don't really feel our Capital per se more than just a projects and so we were hoping um with the council's approval that we could take some of these uh lower dollar amount items off of the CIP and move them to a project list and manage the project list through the budget process um and we were hoping that the council would establish whatever that threshold amount would be and that would help us clear up some of the smaller amounts that you see on here for 35,000 like that's really not much of a capital Improvement um so does the council have a discretion on an amount that they would like to see as a threshold we've done our research internally we've seen 50,000 75,000 100,000 um I don't know what y'all would like to see as far as a threshold dollar amount not that the project is going to be removed it'll just be taken from this Capital Improvement list and move to an internal project list anything oh M go ahead anything 10,000 or above requires Council approval anyway so 10,000 kind of seems like a a nice round number because anything under that city manager when we have one can take care of that themselves I would think I go ahead I agree um but it is so low that I get concerned about some things being included on the improvements list um that um that we're not kind of trying to do set up over a long period of time some of these might take years of funding or legislative and I don't want to send you know Liberty out to chase $10,000 Grant I mean we can do that in house just through direction from from manager and other director's positions um I wouldn't go under 50 to be honest but I I seek other Council from from you all I I would agree with with 50,000 being the minimum okay the minimum being on this list or the minimum being okay so anything 151 and higher is is consider it's gonna stay on the list yeah how many how many items is would that encounter M I would have to sort it to find out for sure but I mean the way that is currently broken down is by the actual project um just on the roadway improvements I mean you're talking about majority that would be wiped out can you just whoever's doing the thing can they scroll down to sidewalks there's a few under Section Five pable water that would probably not meet them all the again these aren't going away they're just not appearing on the capital Improvement exactly so we'll have them in the regular budget or whatever if they're gonna well they'll be director director level will be bringing that forward or the city manager will be bringing them forward rather than a Capital Improvements list which we should be setting aside money for every year or setting aside for that particular project so should we Sorry goad oh oh sorry um and I don't know if this is a doable thing but like can we add just a one page to the budget so that anything that is over the fixed asset threshold level whatever that is that you have to capitalize it for financial purposes can can we just uh have that as a one-page item in the back okay the chief is going to buy four new cars and here they are and that way when you do go to buy them regardless of what the dollar amount is for that project it's on that onepage summary for the budget and I think that you could add those things uh these things could be included on that okay I mean I'm more than happy to talk about what you want to see presented at the budget I mean we can because I'm yeah these things that are more than $110,000 or so you're you're want to see items that are over $50,000 be included on that back summary or that require uh staff want to purchase it's going to be in the budget we're g to we're going to approve the budget it'll be in the overall number of whatever that budget looks like that there will be a one page at the back that says by Department um these are the capital assets that we're going to purchase so anything over a th000 she's got to capitalize in the financial State oh it's now 5,000 okay so anything above 5,000 that way doesn't have to come back to us every time they do it if we approve it in the overall scheme of [Music] things uh and these are going to be part of that items because these are I I don't I don't disagree with adding that to the to the budget for presentation purposes I I don't know given some history of some previous purchases of paint yellow paint that um but paint's not a that's not a depreciable asset that she has to capitalize what what I'm getting at is what I want to avoid is giving blanket approval at the budget time to these large expenditures when our policy says they have to bring them back and get approval when they go to purchase them so last year this was discussed and it was just said to throw on the consent agenda so you see it as the purchases are made you see it in the budget process and you know that the items are wanting to be purchased but at the time they get the quotes and they make it through the process then it comes to you all under the consent agenda and it's approved that way that's how we've handled it this year I'm okay with that I you know where it might create some confusion with citizens looking at that list and they see a a total for these things are going to be buying and then there it's also included in the budget now they're seeing the number twice and they're saying well these this doesn't add up the budget the budget's not balanced well these items would only be on the onepage list I'm requesting if if we're going to funded if they're not funded they're not going to appear on the one page list that we but they're also in the budget under each department so it's going to show up twice these sidewalks are in the budget I mean they're if they're funded they would be exactly but then there would be no confusion to the public if that's what if we funded it and we're going to do it and it's on the list then what confusion is that it's showing up twice where is it showing up twice it's showing up in the budget for each department if it's already part of their budget I can see both sides of of what you're saying like the summary side we could put you know already included in the budget if if it's something that you're wanting to be to pull out and itemize per Department instead of seeing it as an equipment over 5,000 or an r&m over 5,000 I I mean it either way I could do whatever you want what line item just out of curiosity I'm not picking up on what he's saying so what is it that he's saying the way that he's saying it is that it's already accounted for in the budget where what line item anywhere so you use the police department currently we'll say them as an example this past year they purchased wouldn't then the capital assets for each of the budgets equal to one the total on the one page well you're asking at the end of the budget to provide a summary of all the assets that are being purchased what Mr Valley is saying is that currently in the budget the way that it is being presented is that it's already in the line itum of the budget so so it could be confusing if you see it in there twice on the budget presentation so under Capital under Capital Improvements on the department he's saying there's a lump sum for $50,000 and I'm saying break that 50,000 executive summary put the details of what that 50 is going to purchase s it's going to purchase sidewalk one it's going to purchase you know uh a piece of a lawn mower for 10,000 and so so so the executive summary page I I'm understanding what you're saying the money is going to be attached to the department but the back page is just going to be an executive summary of all those subtotals are are you wanting sorry no you're good are you wanting items that are you mentioned items that are capitalized you're you're wanting to see things that are put into our fixed asset system and then depreciated is that correct I'm just things that we're going to buy that fall under uh the capital asset uh because that's what this is this is a capital Improvement project list right so Mo the majority of these things are going to have to be capitalized because they cost more than $5,000 everything on this list is going to be more now than $50,000 but do we do we capitalize and depreciate a sidewalk or sewer pipe or well it's input as infrastructure and Improvement so there are different depreciable sides to it um there's kind of two different conversations going on right now it kind of went hand in hand so so you're asset currently is 5,000 anything over 5,000 is what we input as an asset Mr this Capital Improvement is anything that we as a city want to see improved so it could be you know at this point we have multiple variable amounts on this list and wanting to clean the list up and create a project list and then create a capital list and the capital list as councilman Valley said like there are many things in here like years and years to get to where we need to get for this Improvement to actually be attained so if we know that we have a $5,000 item that's on here and we're not necessarily there's no reason for it to be on this list when we can look at it and we can attain it in one budget year so let's put it on a project list and let's work off of that I'm in agreement with that I mean I'm in agreement with the limit that they you know that they're recommending which is uh F you know above $50,000 on this list okay so then we'll go through at this point then let's let's look at I where our roadway improvements anything less than 50,000 is going to be removed off of this and we'll put it on the project side um if it's over 50,000 um like the Baldwin Avenue in downtown um streetcape that is being recommended that it get removed and um moved to the CRA for funding and then um there's a 50,000 on here for the pavement conditional index so that was handled internally um so we're requesting that that be removed and then um the 58 what 5,800 stay on there um for Bruce Avenue to 19th and so are there any just a general comment and we've discussed this before is we just don't want to have anything that's overly broad or vague in the Capital Improvements uh list okay for multiple reasons but we just want to make sure anything on here is specific m i I agree with that and I I kind of want to maybe even reemphasize that that in the past we've seen either blank numbers or we've seen yeah very very wild ballpark figures and I would implore staff to to provide us with actual reasonable estimates in these because it then makes it everybody else is job harder down the line with that and that's what we're encountering as we're starting to work through um like detailed of this of where some of the prior numbers came from and who even came up with those numbers so um Kobe and I talked about even putting a date on them as to when they hit the CIP so you know at what point like the responsible individual might have been or where to even go to to to try and help you figure out where that came from you're right here um so when I see a list of nine or 10 items and they're all 40,000 I I know it's just a placeholder uh or at least that's what it looks like so yeah getting a proper number on there and then do we want to I mean we kind of have them in sort of in order I mean are we going to start talking about ranking these at some point so we can start prioritizing some of these and start pushing some of this stuff across the finish line so can we clean it up first and then okay so can if we can clean it up and then get it back to you um at the next meeting then maybe from there ranking it accordingly okay I I would go one step further I I would say that we I would ask the council to agree to a rule so to speak that before from now on if we're going to put something on the CIP it has to have an actual legitimate cost estimate from an engineer from a quote from somewhere before we before we even consider putting it on the CIP is that untenable Morgan from your perspective from the staff's perspective I would think so I mean I believe that Zach worked with some of the engineers to get numbers that haven't I think he uh made contact since this was posted on the agenda and we've received updated numbers so I would think that it's definitely something that they can let me ask Mr uh Jennifer on on CIP I know there's been some times that we didn't have something on there we wish we' have had on there uh and I'm just I want to make sure that we don't tie the knot too tight to where if we had to do something real quick um that we might not be able to be as accurate as Mr Bon would like I'd love for us to be accurate but I'm just concerned because I know in the past I know there's been times when uh we were failing to really qualify because it was no see and we would had to do something like really quick get it on there if I may Mr Mayor will um a threshold of $50,000 would that type of Grant likely under that you would probably not get multiple points or a significant amount of points for having it on your Capital Improvement plan those are large significant um construction and infrastructure so I think your 50,000 is is certainly fine um the other issue is you also have pulled off of your Capital Improvement list identified as as councilman Valley mentioned a major funding request list each year so that was sort of the what are you going to ask the legislature from where where you going to try to seek grant funding from what were the the critical for um for that year and as long as you've um had it you know again on your CIP I think a significant amount 50,000 and above would would put you in a good position all right I just didn't want to lock Us in the tight right well I I guess I just want to say there's always room for exceptions at least in from my opinion I understand the rule needs to be you know we're not going to put something on here unless it's got a definitive cost estimate but then again if there's something if there's a reasonable case to be made of hey we need to put this on there for seeking funding from the state or from a federal Source then it does you tightened up there's no doubt about it right and and I just I just don't want to get to time to wiggle I think go ahead um I don't know who can help me with this one but what's number 55 the 280b West I don't know if the wns is west and south or so it' be water and sew I'm sorry the 280b yes County Road 280b it that would be Water and Sewer oh yeah okay and then what about uh for Street and sloth Street expansion would be item 61 so they're wanting to do a forest main expansion on Fourth Street in SLO how about 62 it's SLO Avenue sewer are they coming off because we're just not going to be doing it or we've made some kind of other alternative or do you know why everything so there's not enough um customers that would use that particular where where which uh which one are they feeding to that that those neighborhoods or in that vicinity what lift station are they going to area that doesn't have anything put something there you're going to have to put in a new lip station and new lines going through har Loop down SLO tie it to Fifth Street or tie it to Second Street to get it going it needs to go C probably more than this little number has on it can we get your name for the record as well yeah water great chrisan um on that situation right there on on that situation right there uh I've been working with them there are several houses on Carver Loop to not have sewage at all and I'm trying to develop uh a two St building that does not have sewage I did get the state representative to help us with the the ditch and it didn't fa in I have six morals there do not have City sewage I've got price on the lift station and I did have talked to around other young man here but I think it's it's a shame we in the city can't get sew right and you got a force man in spend $4 million for coming right across Second Street and I mean it's right there and you got leage going on through the the branch we got a big hole up here on 90 behind my Prophet is caving in and part of my prophets caving in from the state which I've been working with the city managers about all the way down through the last one we had and I think that's a disgrace to the citizen because they are on separate tank got six houses on separate tank now I understand you got problem with that sewage plan but now I don't think that's fair cuz we paying taxes and we be paying for water I need some sewage there it's going to cost me with $30,000 put that billing on sewage just to for you to hook it up to our line no ma'am I got to do it all and then I got to pay to hook it up for your line I got to put the pump in I got to put the station and everything in I got to do it all and that's still not putting other six houses on that's just me that's still not putting the rest of them on but that property the properties that you're talking about you in the city limit yes ma'am if you look at your thing it said in Fourth Street and Slots we got a city block on one side I got a half a city block on the other side and it ain't counting car Loop you got house there is not on the sewage at all so what are you I mean how are you collecting you all got something underground we got a separate T you got a sub yes ma'am because we don't have sewage this is this is something going on thank you something going on so and and they have been working with me on it you know and I'm putting in a bigger water line and all that that's working but the sewage is my main problem and we're not that far from the sewage plan we're not very far from it this been a ongoing thing for past four or five years and I've been beating the gates with it and hadn't got very far and it's not those guys F because they have did their job their hands are tied right but mine's not TI I'm going to keep beating the drum because you got a elder lady down there is 90 years old she got sewage problem you got another trailer sitting in the corner caral Loop is that not so sitting in the cor of caral loop it's sitting right to the branch don't have sewage you got three houses right there in a room don't have sewage and then you got the front hous on SLO doesn't have sewage you got the Fourth Street house doesn't have sewage Mr Chan can I get your number so will you take me around and show me I have no problem with that will you give me your number I'll call you yes I will but just don't text me okay 85 yes 974 6680 just tell me who call yes thank you and thank you and just like I say I'm just trying to get something done for the community it's not just for me but you got several there it's no appreciate you sharing that it's none at all it's SE of water but no sewage can thank you can you can you tell that you might have said it and I didn't do the math how many residences are you talking about I got six I got six houses personally my family me on that's not on sewage and then I know one two three four five if not six behind there coming around caral Loop is not on City sewage and then I'm looking I got a twostory bilding right now taxes High I'm trying to do develop and I need sewage I don't went all for to get the pump and lay it out and get everything going but before I get that thing up I need to have that make sure I got a su now I got to pump all the way back to behind old red carpet which turned back to the Second Street to the manhole I got to pump it back up to here uphill yeah to get and really as I talked around some more we could have a floor going back towards the sewage plan but still you somewhere you got to have a lift station somewhere there that's for sure and I appreciate if y'all help me look into it I've been beating the drums on it so thank you thank you for sharing just for context where he's talking about is if you're on Highway 9 and you look North it's that large dip just east of the courthouse that used to be a huge Gully that the state came in and redid and kind of formed it into an actual U I don't know what you'd call that it's a SLE now that's what it is it has a it it's a SLE I got pictures from the day that started all the way to now I got the beginning doing and the finish and I told the engineer and she got very mad at me I said whoever need draw those plans need to be fired because it's not going to work less than three months before they finish it it fell in now the city is paying the price because everything coming from lakeyard I give homework now everything coming from lakeyard come to that manhole there and you got a 48 in cover up under the the the drain the covered and sunk down you got all the sand leaving there going over to behind the sewage plant on birding and it's filling up and the city got problems it need to be addressed and uh don't get me wrong I did talk to you last city manager he came down and looked at it and I talked to one before then talked to one before then so I I keep beating the drum so what I'm saying is that I keep beating the drum and somebody going to hear me sooner or later but the problem is is the sand in the sink hole is leaving there between Highway 90 and SLO and it's going all the way to verdict and filling up over that verdick and what's happening they if they don't dig it out then you got water backing up in the people yard on Fifth Street and it's backing up all the way back around to caral Loop so you got a problem and the city is paying for but at the same time I have talked to the state hadn't gotten I talked to Shane Abbot he said he tried so so now when I talked to Brad Drake when he was in there he came down there Shane did look at it he came down and looked at it he got on but they waste over $400,000 in and we still got a problem your cover your your drain ditch is sitting here your side is sitting here it can't jump over the water can't jump over in the ditch is it catching any water at all no no not any zero but you got a big hole out there like a caran cave that's coming out you know and that all that dirt is going over to bir so it's it's a it's a major problem and it's getting a city problem because the ditch can't drain everything stop up on verdict I mean yeah on verdict and backs up at that cross cross R then you got to dig it out and put it on the hill but all the sand keep going other way and that water is coming out of lakeyard the water's coming out of lakeyard it's over two inch pipe it's a double pipe up on the Highway N you got the water coming from the East you got the water coming from the west by Thriftway all that water is draining down into that hole there when it rains and then it's going back there behind the sewage plant which end up that's where R Creek starts on the other end out on 83 so I did my homework gentlemen I'm just said need some help can't do it alone well I know just for the sake of the council being aware to three years ago we had a name and I think he actually worked out the P Leon do office that was gonna supposed to meet with you and uh try to come up with a remedy because it was their problem yeah and it well they was trying back yeah they was trying to but they didn't what they did they just a agitated what it did it came and put dirt beside the uh the ditch the water still couldn't jump over in the ditch but the other side is full of water and um we met out there I think Scott was tell you we met out there several times they didn't show up they're not so Scott they didn't show up a Wast of my time M but I wanted just exercise my taxpaying dollar MH but they hadn't showed up at all and uh Mr uh Mr Barker he showed up down with me several times they didn't show up at all it is it's going to be a major problem eventually M because the hold is over 20t deep now and washing and and it backed up as I was yesterday Scott me and Scott was on property yesterday it's back eating back on my property again my property go all the way over to car car Loop there and it it's eating away so state is not doing what he supposed to do $400,000 just sto it in a hole bad engineering I'm sorry it is what it is yeah I call Ace a and Spade spade and that's what it is yeah it's a bad engineering get you some help I pray so thank you thank you okay so on the sanitary sewer side um we are looking for there's no other questions on any of those we'll go down to 63 and 64 um and 65 the ones that are in red there um we're looking for updated cost estimate or to recommend a removal on those um is 65 really complete so that was it's kind of I was going to get to that one in just a second um I don't know if you have any questions on 63 or 64 um if you do Kobe or [Music] um Kobe or Zach might have to help you on that one but 65 the ska purchase that one is actually finished um that purchase is or that project side of that project is complete and so we were um asking if the bypass could actually be removed from the sanitary sewer to the equipment side um it's not going to be the 3 million side but 3 million am Mount anymore but we were wondering if that would be okay just to go ahead and move that to the equipment since this gate up purchase is complete how much is it going to be more or less than 50,000 oh it'll definitely be more than 50,000 I think that they're waiting on an estimate still for those cost where's where does that how many more do we need they're still waiting on the quote for those how many more do we need we recently purchased one right not not a you sure I'm aware I believe something was um approved not too long ago but I don't recall if it was bypass I think there was um what what I understand there was a bypass pump that was previously budgeted for that Jacob put into budget but that bypass pump was never purchased how much was it do you know just rough ballpark more than a 100 less than a 100 I believe it was less than 100 I think they're between 50 and $100,000 they're they're big machines all right so I'll put 75 just to kind of average it out how many do we need I honestly don't know okay who would who's here that would know on our show so I I believe that this is the ones that are R they're looking into a little bit more information on so let us skip over the the cost associated with those real quick um I guess my biggest question on the 65 though can we move the bypass to the equipment since it's technically not related to the infrastructure of sanitary sewer it's its equipment I'd like to see it stay especially if they're 75 to 100,000 piece so it's still on the CIP but it would be up under equipment instead of sanitary on a different page on the same worksheet yes ma'am yeah I I don't I don't know because to me the bypass pumps are necessary for the oper for the safe operation of the lift stations okay so they're directly related to the sanitary sewer okay um that's that's just my opinion I I I'm just kind of hesitant of moving something that is directly related to the function of sewer because that's an Enterprise fund out of out of that category okay and then the Ia additional uh phases that was for additional discussion is that you Kobe or Zach for now that's coming back so we haven't got the St from the company yet when it does we bring back estim cost they give you an idea when they give us that report speaking of Zach they were supposed to a while back but R dat collection and change from one type of data to another so I'm not sure on the most I guess my comment on that is goes back to what I said earlier let's not put stuff on the CIP until we've got a definitive number and I'm not opposed at any meeting whatsoever to there being an agenda item that says hey we need to add something to the CIP because we just got the the results back from an inii study or a quote for uh bypass pumps or whatever so I don't think that that we have to be rigid and only discuss the CIP you know once or twice a year so if something comes up that needs to be by all means let's put an agenda item on whatever agenda we have and add it to it so I I would kind of my comment is leave the inii off for now until we actually get some definitive numbers okay and then they did obain a um an updated number for 51 where it has I believe that's 8 million so it's 11,149 so that'll be updated and that's also listed um as a major funding so that'll be updated price just keeps going up and up okay so then moving to potable water anything less than 50,000 we remove um we'll make sure that can I add something before we move to that oh yes sir on 63 and 64 I'm kind of at a disadvantage here these were on the list at some point for some reason as as project and you know in the right hand column it says need updated cost estimate or recommend removal I mean from where I said I wouldn't be able to recommend removal for something that was viewed as imported at some point in time so I'm I'm I'm at a loss here because I don't know the origins of these requests okay so I don't know what gravity Sue or manhole lining involves and how important that is to the function of our system that we should remove it you know what I mean should we get is it important enough to keep it on this list and and get an updated price is what I want to know I'm just asking I don't know the these these guys that do this work every day they know how important it is to do it so um for that and that would be for 63 and 64 the tville Wastewater expansion I'm not sure what's involved with that or how critical it is that we keep it on this list the gravity sewer and manhole Linings I would say yes there are several and that's one of the things that will come out in ey and I for manhole covers that are either leaking or the BS themselves are leaking around the cracks and one of the ways to remedy of those would be to either line it or either full out replace it so I would say yes leave it on there but it's hard to get a definitive number because we haven't gotten those results back from the inii um there was a project that was kind of happening before I took over where they were supposed to be reining um those man holes Down live o from what I understand the sewer M Down live o up to 23rd to 22nd Street got replaced and some of those man holes Down live o were reigned but that's as far as it's gotten from what I understand so I believe it's important enough to leave on there because we really don't know what the inii is and we do know that currently there are manholes that have intrusion where roots are growing into them that need to be reigned thank you go ahead Mr Harrison I think this is some of the the the tension the back and forth of this CIP is this is a working session for us to to be able to kind of go back and forth on do we need this do we not as you've kind of heard there's there's things on here that people just stuck on here from years ago and no one truly knows so I would say to a certain extent I I would almost be a little more heavy-handed in removing things and then we can add them back later as as we truly see a need and we have a firm cost estimate um it kind of goes to uh some of the discussion earlier about um this the Sloss Avenue uh discussion that we had earlier do we need it do we not uh Sloss was 61 and 62 so I you know I would much rather see this thing get paired down and be almost be Bare Bones and then we can add stuff back as current staff says hey this is truly a need this needs to go back on there that's just that's just my opinion I mean we all have to kind of come to a consensus on it so so how long have these been on this list some of these I've seen for as long as I've been elected so that's what Kobe and I were talking about today when you know we were just looking through we we truly have no idea how long some of these items have been on the CIP um and again if it's something that's been on here since 1980 and we continue to roll with it like what's the point if we're not going to budget for it we're not going to truly make it a capital Improvement of our city why why is it on here so that's that's kind of the goal that we have as a staff right now is to go through this and it gives us a a road map of what we need to do as staff and what we need to do to budget for in our budget sessions so well I would I would just say anything because I've been involved with some discussions about the water intrusion problem and the wastewater treatment capacity so in my view anything that's contributing to that is a problem that needs to be addressed um because that's going to cost us a lot of money down the road we know that and wastewater treatment so if some of these projects are there that we that are causing some of this intrusion because and I know we're all probably inre about that that they need to be addressed so if any of these specific ones that we're looking at removing possibly are adding and contributing to that intrusion and sewer system and Wastewater capacity I would I would urge us to you know consider leaving those there taking care of them but we can work with um staff just to make sure that that does stay on there as a need but I'm just saying O only if that's something that would help us quickly resolve our our water capacity issues this something that's been there since 1980 and well I don't know we've got to consider that well whether they stay or they come off yeah they need some attention as soon as possible and I don't know I haven't been keeping up with this number but I don't know if that's a number that was on here some years back because you know when we repaved liveo we made a lot of improvements out there on the water and sewer and we just didn't get it all so that number may have been on there for years I don't you know that's correct we even signed a change order because some of those manholes were worse than they expected had extra concrete around them and so I think to to Randall's Point some of that's been addressed but not all of it okay so go ahead yeah oh I'm sorry goad um so yeah that's why I wanted to get to the point where we're starting to do a real ranking because right now they're kind of prioritized but they're within different categories so we're really not pushing anything to the absolute front and kind of sometimes we're just waiting oh we might get a grant here or an appropriation there and that throws it at the L but we'll always take those but again we want to we want to be able to get to the point where we really know which one we're chasing next so we can allocate the money they do a small set aside and push it ahead or get the point we actually know from staff what to take off Mr may can we get Rand come back up for a second Randa where would you rank these of of areas of importance you're in it every day you're the one working in it and hearing from the citizens well that's a loaded question well report's going to be very telling it will be I mean there's no doubt that the the fluent line is definitely top priority because that's what we've been you know given trouble with so certainly that um I and I of course with the our capacity and stuff like that is is definitely the second one um you know we're kind of lock down if we don't get that under control on what we can grow and what we can you know bring further into the city so anything that has to do with i i this definitely would be on my second ranking um um I guess the LIF station basins like he's saying it's uh definitely a problem we get a lot of infiltration into those a lot of sand a lot of grit there's a lot of there's a ton of trash of just random stuff that comes into lift station 9 nobody has a clue how it's going in there I don't know how 2 lit Coke bottle can go down a sewer line but it finds itself in in the Basin but those basins some of these basins were designed for much slower flows like Li station n that's you know where's that one located at straight across the road here oh yeah I se I've seen y'all working down in there so the way that one was designed and I'm no engineer but it looks like it was designed for a much lower flow than what's going there now um you know you got a lot of things like uh Pinehurst that wasn't there whenever that was put in you got the second phase coming in you got the high school the We Care Park every bit of that's going to the LIF station well the Basin is really it's a pretty deep Basin but the invert pipe coming into it is coming in nearly at the bottom there's no capacity there's no room for error that's why uh Jacobs having to keep a very close eye on that it's a it's a Troublesome one so it's one that really needs to be revamped and either lowered engineered to where it can take more capacity I don't know if that means a bigger Basin or much deeper Basin but that's that would be my number three so give us the time to detect any issues especially when alarm goes off because if alarm was to go off there right now they probably wouldn't be able to respond fast enough before it begin to overflow out of a manhole somewhere they just don't have the leadway so that would be my top my top priorities um what report are y'all waiting on when you guys refer to a report the the report that was brought up who's doing it for us does any uh ussi and do we know how far out it is before it's going to be published the last I heard and I mean don't take it as the Bible but last I heard was mid April that we couple weeks in okay yeah so now I don't know if Mr Zak has heard anything different because he's been in closer contact with them than I have he generally relates to me but that's the last I heard and who's that person our project oh Z okay I'm sorry I didn't I didn't hear who you said I didn't recognize the name yeah okay like I said that will give us the steps I know there have been manholes because I've seen old documentation of it there been manholes that the city has previously lined to try and help and assist so we're some of that work has been done but we're still moving forward I I think the most prudent thing I mean it it's exhilarating to sit here and talk about effluent lines and sewer systems and and that sort of thing but I I think the most prudent thing and again this is all good good discussion um that's necessary but to kind of keep us [Music] from the 5 million it's now 88.8 again that's on the major funding request so we'll make sure that that gets updated to Liberty Partners um what we have in red um so it's item I on the major funding request list and it's currently in the closeout phase so that is being requested to remove and then in addition to 88 um lead service [Music] Lin was that a Randall or Zach we'll bring that back okay all right and then natural gas there's no changes to that um in the recreation side so Florence Park improvements it's 200,000 um new playground equipment so I think a discussion is needed for that just to make sure from what Kobe and I were talking about earlier so of course you know FPL is providing the equipment but if the equipment's coming in then there's other things that we need to make sure that are being done to make it a complete project um so the the park will be done and I think what did you say around 60,000 Kobe would finish the park need be be further discussion what it's going to take to finish that Park out rather than just equipment the the equipment includes all the uh things necessary for the for the playground to function as the playground one of the things that's missing for the for the light uh and plug a solar powered Pavilion basically that has the benches and table that has a slab associated with it so it's just a slab cost but that is inous um everything else is is really uh you know more of of a of a wish list or prioritize but we don't have a design for it so without design there's no way to budget it I mean there's there's a desire from folks to have a fence around it um but do we want to do fence the entire Florence Park um we do want to do the rubberized coating but that's over $200,000 by itself it's over $250,000 by itself for the rubberized coating um I know that for a fact because I pric it um and then we do need to upgrade the water fountain and we do want to add bathroom and we need to do a bathroom uh budget for individual freestanding bathrooms because we're going to use that everywhere as a prototype and those will be over 60 a piece I mean it'll probably be more like 80 So when you say that there's not a plan at this point so who who would we turn to and Kobe might know this I mean who would we turn to at this point to give us cost estimates and a breakdown of the needs related to complete well no one no one's actually established what we want to do out there we haven't had discussion about the additional amenities that we want to provide uh because again some of some of the lighting stuff we can get through fpnl and working with them in terms of providing some just lights on poles but we do have some sidewalk improvements that need to be done around there for in terms of accessibility we want to provide at least a couple parking spots for handicapped parking spots um some of that we can do inhouse um but we would need one of our Consultants to prepare a drawing for pricing so with Council be bomb's request at this point we do we want to add it or we want to wait until we get the plans and the cost and things associated with it before it gets to the we don't have enough information to provide a reasonable cost um but we can do is go ahead and put the wish list together and then bring it back to the council as an item and I'm I'm happy to do that okay just quick note on that U if you had a kind of a layout on what it's going to look like at end U Scott they making go layout doesn't have to be on gravel or anything just lay out some parking because I noticed people coming in parking right up beside the swings and stuff like that we just had something we could stake off that would obviously this is where you park because like I I've SE people pull out up to the thing we did want to add um to the recreation the pickle ball courts they're looking at obtaining a fur app grant for that there is no match money but it does have to be on our CIP in order to uh I think the points in order for funding for the grant so if council's okay with that we would like to add I think it was around 200,000 for that to be on there and then under facilities there's um can I interupt for just I'm sorry while you look at that I give information item um I had spoken to a resident who said that they had access to groups that were willing to provide the funding to make the Florence facil Florence Park facility fully accessible um so I'm hoping that I can get that rized coding so again you know I was approached I was spoken to about that but until I see some action on it I'm not g to you know bring you something but as soon as I do get any kind of commitment I will bring It Forward awesome Mr Mayor go ahead I I hate to uh I I hate to do this I really do but we've got another agenda item here that I would like for us to to maybe move to uh it's my understanding that the City attorney has prior obligations in Paxton in about 30 minutes y can take it up without me but I will be leaving about 10 well we we we had talked about breaking this up between this meeting and the 8th doing part of this so we want to I I would I would really like to try to cover the the item number five on the agenda as much as possible with our Council here sure if that's the will of the council yeah we can break this up we I think that's what our attention was not trying and get all done in a special meeting is everybody good let's cut it off right here and pick it back up our regular meeting and see if we have time to finish it up okay well let's do that then we'll just go ahead and move to the item number five which is the interim city manager discussion and possibly action all right everybody's got now I was a little confused uh that was U uh Julie where Julie there she is we had some lists there was uh some that I might may have included all everything that came in for the permanent manager and then we had a list I think for inter manager can you clarify that one I think was on the 19th and I the other one the 26th so we had two emails sent did y'all receive the emails y [Music] pick at the interim or you guys it's up to you guys I mean you got five councilmen now if you want to start looking at a permanent City management uh that's certainly something you can do uh if you want to get through a month or two give yourself time to evaluate the applicants a little better you can do that too what's the will of the council here how did we advertise it for the fulltime or for the interum because it was my understanding that we only opened it for a two week period and we're only looking for interim and now I'm hearing that we're looking for a full time so that for inter room right it was two weeks okay so really I don't think we okay although it appears from what I looked at one two three four five six six met the requirement so out of 46 to me 40 of them have to go because they don't even meet the minimum qualifications which is that three years of direct experience but there were city managers applicants who had City management position uh positions and met that minimum qualifications and then I even broke mine down because I didn't want to even consider somebody that didn't meet the minimum qualifications because that's what the problem was at the last go around is uh we were we were accepting uh somebody or looking at somebody that didn't even meet the minimum qualifications and if that's the case then we should just open it wide up why even put qualifications if we're going to go outside of that scope let ask to answer her question about I'm sorry to interrupt the full-time position is still advertising it has been advertising since over a year almost a year and a half now so just based on our history uh we have us inter that did not meet the qualifications nothing in the ordinance or the charter requires the interim meet the actual qualification for city manager and the history of using interim city managers which we've had multiple times before have many times not met the requirements to be seen maner and so my with with him saying that my problem is why would we want anything less because if we're going to have an interim for over a year and they're running the dayto day to me it doesn't make any sense not to meet the minimum qualification we don't have to hire an interim for over a year I know I'm just I'm going by what what we have done in the past which is in the last 12 months that's the first time we ever did that it's inter's always been around until fil two to four months just one person's opinion I'm only one fifth of the vote so I'm only sharing what my observations were from this 46 that she sent out on the two emails and I'm only going to be able to to support six who have I would like to see all six of them get a opportunity to share with us because they all were met those minimum qualifications and they all had extra above the minimum qualifications in my opinion they had uh of those one two three four I'm sorry I there's five that uh and they all had master's degree or higher and one two three four I actually segregated out four who didn't meet the minimum qualifications but they had federal government experience I mean highly decorated folks but I kind of excluded them from my list because they didn't meet the local government experience as stated in our required Mr Mayor some of the things that I looked at going over the list was trying to the full-time city managers remains open until field but to go ahead and get someone in position I I do agree I think we need to go ahead and put an interal in looking over the applicants one of the things I was looking at was for Longevity if you look at the time that many of the people served in the roles that they were in it it was one to two years in a lot of these management positions um with that being said some of that could be based on local or elected officials changing seats and then one not liking the other and then kicking them out some of it could have bend it they were just job hopping for higher salaries and moving around to where they want to go but I do agree with some of the previous comments from other meetings to where we need to look for longevity at this point a little bit and I do like the fact of trying to find someone local that way they're invested in community and they want to stay um now with that being said I I also looked at the um the military members that were in there with prior service and a lot of that I'm I'm a veteran so I don't discriminate one bit whatsoever about veterans but start looking at their jobs uh history and what they actually did was it Logistics were they dealing with um most of them don't deal with Waste Water and Sewer but it's just what else were they dealing with were they Paving roads what function did they serve while they were in that MOS or AF whatever their afsc was what job requirements were they filling I don't even know the Marine cor Stu yeah but trying to find the right mold when we're looking there and some of that's reaching out and getting some advice on hey what what was the person feeling when they were in that Duty assignment and um I it slimmed down the list very slim for me as well when I was looking at that but at this point I don't think any of us are going to agree on a fulltime but if we could at least get an interment until we could get some in here to do interviews I think that that would be great I would also look at somebody that the employees can um feel comfortable working with as well and and not just picking somebody necessarily from the outside that way that they're wondering how do I work how do I how's what's tomorrow going to be like for me am I I do I still have a job will will I be able to function in my current role can I just do my work and go home at the end of the day and be my family so those are kind of some of the things that I looked at when I was going over these list of applicants coms it's hard to convince somebody to move from very far away a lot of these applicants some of the higher ones that that I looked at um to move for an interim job you know from out of state Poss I mean and some of these people i' I'd sure be interested in talking to and interviewing uh for the permanent position but that's not what we're doing right now so it might be difficult to convince somebody move this far for a shortterm could potentially be a short-term job and then we're in a Lurch and and they're they're going to have a learning curve that's incredible I mean my learning curve in two days has been absolutely this has been this is this tonight I mean what we were talking about earlier I didn't mean to delay the meeting but I did intend to ask questions about something I didn't understand because I can't decide and vote on things if I don't understand what I'm doing so I won't do that uh but I I just I kind of think we are where we don't need a learning curved involv right now with our functions we need somebody to take the job and and and continue on and do that's just that's just my opinion um I agree um we we can certainly look at um people for the permanent position after tonight I think we need we need we need an interim city manager but I do think that we also need to consider whoever we're appointing to the city manager that we're willing or interim city manager that we're willing to consider them for the permanent position um I I think if if we are honest with ourselves someone locally uh that could be appointed to the position should should have the opportunity to convert into a permanent position if their performance in six months nine months 12 months meets the satisfaction of the council but I I I also agree with councilwoman heavin that I was looking at these these resumes and you know hats off to some of these people because they are swinging for the F sure are I elim I'm not I'm not dogging anybody I mean you know hats off to them for for trying but you know there's a lot of people that you we we have to to call through a significant amount of the applicat I think we should go ahead and take care of getting a inter room on board and I've always I mean we need continuity that's been a big thing with me and I think got people that can maintain that continuity right now Mr Mayor can I make one more to Mr Beer bomb's uh statement I just want to be careful because I too think if you're the interim that you should be considered for the permanent but if they don't meet the minimum if if what I'm hearing because there were some good candidates in here that work on staff and I've actually talked to one of them and I wish they did meet the minimum qualifications because I'd support them in a moment but if that name's brought out tonight they're going to know why I would say no to it because the three years exper direct relevant experience isn't going to be there and I'm sad to say that and I would you know uh would want that person because I think they're good but they don't meet the minimum qualification so I can't see giving somebody an interim position if they don't meet the minimum I can't see them interviewing for the permanent position if you can't even meet the minimum like to me I think that's a liability for me it's a I'm not going to want to be involved in interviewing anybody that's not a qualified candidate um especially when we're going to uh the decorated military folks they don't meet the minimum qualifications because they don't meet the definition the federal government experience doesn't meet the local government definition so um I I have a problem with that well it is minimum four votes four affirmative votes required to Appo the interim inter not required but Council does wish to do so that is their option I want to make a stab at it tonight you know it's uh certainly open for a nomination or whatever can I ask one more question yes if if we choose an interum that doesn't meet the qualifications that you you know you're concerned about the minimum qualifications and I don't know the answer to this that's why I'm asking what what do we what poliy do we have for somebody that's that's temporarily running the ship possibly work into the full-time position later but do we have any any guidelines on policy uh changes or things that might be done by an interim uh in a short time that they might be there or those suggestions or change proposed changes that interim wants to do does that come before the council you change anything other than Char so so the interim would exercise the full authority of the city manager except to the extent that the council may have otherwise limited those positions or may amend any ordinances to allow for that I believe the one thing we've discussed is the council has taken the position for instance that the interim would not hire the deputy city manager um that position would remain open that has been an explicit direction of the Council that's been given in Council meetings based on the council reinstituting that position after they abolished it so you would have that restriction but otherwise your interim would exercise All rights and authority of the city manager okay thank you was the three years under Charter or ordinance it is a matter of city ordinance requires three years experience as a local government administrator or in supervising various Departments of local government so you don't actually have to be a County Administrator manager City administrator or manager but you do have to have experience in various Departments of local government for three years it is not substitutable what's the charter requirement Charter does not have a requirement the charter doesn't have a requirement for the city manager it does not it's all policy but we can change the ordinance as a council Council has changed the ordinance several times I like i' like to make a motion I'd like to make a motion that we appoint Mr Kobe Townson to the interim city manager at this time second I have a motion second we have questions comments anyone again I think that continuity matters Kobe's the person that people are going to be going to no matter what no matter who steps in here they're going to Kobe first because it's the only person that has a broad swath of knowledge of what the active projects are going on and who to deal with what situation so um we're very fortunate that we have a pool of of upand cominging talent that's now here um it wasn't like that not so long ago it certainly was not like that um my wish is to see promotion from within going forward and perpetuity because if you're if you're successful you're going to lose people to other places because they're going to poach your people but we should always be prepared and have a continuity plan to where we always have the next one ready to step up um and My Hope was that that was going to be the you know the year or so with Barker was going to be sufficient to provide that for Kobe um or Zach or any of the other folks that are actually interested in in being in that very Frontline position which uh takes a lot of shots so um again he is Young he um we'll have to see how he responds to the pressure how he responds to the authority that's always a question but um but it's a good a good test of of what he's capable Mr Mayor I would like to add one comment to my to my Rec my motion though um if Mr Townsen is not willing to look forward to moving into the city say if the council's even willing to do something like what Mr Veron was saying after X amount of months if he's demand for the job then we could look at and I don't even think we need to base it on one person we need to have discussions later on about the I think we're a little outside of our agenda either tonight in the motion but the residency requirements what I was going to get to that's a charter provision we would we can talk about that yeah if he's not willing to move inside of the city limits if if he's not willing to work towards that every time then I I would ask that he would step down at that point he can only serve this role up to nine months yes sir plus three n plus three can we take a brief recess because I need a minute before we vote we can take it real quick yeah we'll do I'm good with that you leave 6:30 regular council meeting preport that I doubt I will make on time but at least they are doing some guest recognition of pre pageant so I might have a little okay I don't know how many they have to introduce I mean if there three I'm not going to be on time if they have 13 you know how that goes 69 so all right requested give you five minutes yeah that's fine all right we'll take a recess five minutes we are offine only a break room coffee maker snack ma coffee machine snack no you got jump in there get there [Applause] clear May ex discussing projectss it's always [Music] [Applause] to comp a got no Mone that's number one still not done asking budget the mobility finally for Road resurfacing and maintenance I was upset to but there's there's a whole lot of that's problem talk to information I'll start now again finances different because they're a check on City Ruby how are you we're going to call this meeting back to order uh right now we have a a motion second on the floor and so we are open the questions or comments uh does the dice have any more questions or comments anyone from the public questions or comments on the this particular vote Randa Holden I've been here for about 16 years now and I've seen a lot of come and a lot of go but I will speak on behalf of Kobe every time I've had an issue and I've gone to that man he has assisted me and been open to do it so I support the decision I understand you know but I do believe that he would be a great interim city manager to help us continue to move forward than anyone else all right we're going to vote all in favor say I beginning with i i hi hi and only because Kobe you know that we had a discussion I'm going to vote no but I I will you know he's looks like he's the city manager now inter all right and uh so the eyes carry um and of course the questions that were raised will you come come kby please um [Applause] and and let's say you you do the for nine months whatever and they they want to bring you in as a permanent Manor would you be willing to move into the city um yes but as you know counc said that that'll be for a later date later discussion but okay yes Mr Mayor don't we we'll have to get him to work with legal on a contract to bring back before the council at the next next meeting is that correct no he do have to be the contract but uh he good he uh you know now I would uh course it may be good I would like to make sure that the the council would assure your your your position that you have now uh in the event that we hire a you know new city manager yes I I would hate to think that uh you didn't have a job to go back to so that may be something that we can lock down uh at the next meeting but for right now I think we we possibly need a motion to at least address what what will his pay be as in that's correct and so um so i' I'd like to make a motion Mr Mayor yeah I'd like to make a motion that we um adjust uh Kobe's pay to be $125,000 for the the time per year for the time that he is s interim city manager I'll second I have a motion to Second any questions comments where were we at on the previous one I believe we started out at 115 and went to 125 uh the immediately previous one we were paying I think closer to 150 because we weren't having to pay in um to F FRS on on him it was equivalent to about 125 yes sir what did we do when Craig was sitting in a couple times he was in the 8090 I'll look that up um 2017 he was 85,000 2018 880,000 and then 2022 126 we basically anytime they got promoted they got matched to whatever was the current pay if I recall correctly but that is just to be clear we are going to negotiate once the manager is hired for what the final salary is going to be that would be my expectation yes okay what is the range for the city manager position so if we just hired somebody brand new off the street what's the lowest level to the high what is the salary range that we've been advertising for this what's the range what's the there's not a pay scale you're on a contract you don't thank you okay so we did get some yeah Kobe how close are you to finishing your Masters um first week into December of this year thank you I'm all right any other comments all in favor to say I I I I I I Carrie congratulations he is will [Applause] accept Okay we're GNA meet on the eth we'll try to finish up Morgan yeah Morgan we're try C and um is there anything else that we needed to be concerned about okay sir all right I did have a quick little update sorry I tried to get here real quick so the Auditors um I wanted to give this update on Monday but I didn't have an opportunity to um let y'all know but wanted to tell you that the Auditors are scheduled to be here the first Monday uh I think it's Monday April 22nd so they are scheduled to be on site to do their first uh round of field work um we'll discuss then their potential time of completion um and as well on April 8th and 9th I will be out of town for a uh training seminar and that is a Monday night council meeting um Miss Danielle our accountant has said that she would step in if if she needed to if y'all want to continue the CIP conversation on the eth I have no doubt that Kobe Zach or Danielle can assist with that or if if want to postpone it to the next one we can do that or call a special meeting completely up to y'all you want call that right now or no I would say we we continue with a because at that point Kobe can address anything okay everybody give it that that's what we decided so we don't need make Mo okay okay thank you so much thank you we call this a journ start