##VIDEO ID:e-BGf8cR8yg## council meeting to order this is Monday October the 14th 20 2024 and I will ask to stand for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance please Heavenly Father we we come to you Lord with Thanksgiving we love you Lord we thank you God for your love for towards us we ask you Lord to lead and guide us all in this meeting we thank you for all those that come to participate we pray God for your wisdom and your order and your direction to be done and we ask this all in Jesus name amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all gonna on our presentation I'm going to go to our city manager Mr Kobe Townsen first we'll come back to the proclamations thank you mayor uh just before we get started um if anyone has a a hearing challenges we do have Ada headphones in the back now so if you need that please let us know and we can provide you one of those does anybody need that accommodation this moment okay thank you mayor um before I get started we have a short video I'd like to play um right here for the employee of the year good Lord why you get them good looking guys on there ch for your of the Year thank you for the hard workation you all thank you for being willing [Music] conratulations Chris thank you for all the hard work you do City conat I apprciate [Applause] Mr boltman came to the city about a year and a half ago and uh since then um I've had numerous Department directors come to me and express to me the improvements they've seen in the shop improvements they've seen to their equipment and their vehicles and the time to get them out um him and I have had conversations about things he would like to see out there and so him and his superintendent have communicated on those and they've put those into action now we do some of those things which has been a big help in our preventive maintenance and so um when when Mr Bolton was nominated to me I I couldn't find a better candidate for that and so this time we will have Mr Bolton come up for the council um and Mr Bolton his name will be on the plaque which we'll put in City Hall from here forward his picture will be on there for the next year um and so we we appreciate what he does and we thank him very much [Applause] all right all right all right all right I I think this is great uh Mr Townson you're doing this I think well deserved to be something we look forward to every year all right I want to read some proclamations I have three of them we've done the last seven or eight days and U Mr mcnight want to make sure I read these in the city council that's what I'm doing here okay all right this first one I think is the uh city government week is that the one we have yeah that's correct all right let me read this where city government is the government's closest to the most citizens and one with which most direct daily impact upon its residents and where at city government provides services and programs that enhance the quality of life for residents making their City their home and whereas city government is administered for and by its citizens and dependent upon public public comment commitment to an understanding of its many responsibilities and whereas city government officials and employees share the responsibility to pass along the understanding of public services and the benefits and whereas Florida city government week offers an important opportunity for elected officials and City staff to spread the word to all citizens of Florida that they can shape and influence the branch of government and whereas the Florida League of cities and its member cities have joined together to teach citizens about municipal government through a variety of act activities and now therefore I Bob cable virtue of authority vested me as mayor of the city thec Springs Florida to hear by and Proclaim October 21 through 27 24 as Florida city government week and in the city of defunc Springs encourage all citizens city government officials and employees to participate in events that recognize and celebrate Florida city government we and encourage educational Partnerships between the city government schools as well as the Civic groups and other organizations encourage and support all Florida city government to actively promote and sponsor Florida city government week and with that note we will next week there'll be a number of opportunities uh you where you'll be able to come here we're going to go to schools we're going to have setups I know the fire department and police department and others sometimes we'll actually go to some of the smaller schools so if you want to check with our schedule you can participate in any of the above uh next week okay this next one is going to be uh fire prevention week let me make sure I'm reading the right one and so we're as a city Defan Springs committed to ensuring the Safety and Security of all those living in and visiting our city and whereas fire is a serious Public Safety concern both locally and nationally and homes are the locations where people are at the greatest risk from fire and whereas home fire kill more than 2,700 people in the United States in 2022 according to the National Fire Protection Association and fire departments in the United States responded to 360,000 Home Fires and whereas roughly three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with either smoke with no smoke alarms or with no working smoke alarms whereas working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in reported home fire almost in half and whereas the smoke alarm since smoke well before you can alert you to the danger and to the event fires in which you may have a little as little as two minutes to escape safely and whereas the residents of our city should install smoke alarms in every sleeping room outside separate sleeping areas and on every level of the home and whereas residents should make sure their smoke alarms meet the needs of their family members including those with s or physical disabilities and whereas residents should test smoke alarms at least once a month and whereas residents who have planned and practiced home fire escape plans are more prepared and will therefore be more than likely to survive a fire whereas our City's First Responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of Home Fires and The Home Fire injuries through prevention and protection education whereas residents need to be responsive to public education measures and be able to take personal steps increase their safety from fire especially in their homes whereas in the 2024 Fire Prevention Week theme smoke alarms make them work for you serves to remind us that the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home now therefore I Bob Campbell by virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city ofac Spring Florida to hereby and Proclaim October 6 through 12 2024 as fire prevention week and in the city of func Springs I encourage residents to make sure their homes have working smoke alarms and to support the many public safety activities and efforts of our City's Fire and Emergency Services very grateful for our our fire thankfully we have one right here in our city okay uh this is one that was for a young man uh for those you don't know that was U he was shot in his bed uh living out in mad and um he's went through quite an ordeal let me read this Proclamation for this young man whereas we all experience accidents emergencies and tragedies within our families and our communities and many that happen are because of senseless act and whereas May 2nd 2024 one such tragedy happened to 11-year-old when he was a victim of a shooting in his bedroom his mother is a team member of The Matrix Community Outreach Center and the community Emergency Response Team which we call C who used her training to help her son until help arrived at their home and whereas trisan Jones began his more than two months hospitalize over 20 surgeries and weekly physical therapy appointments this would be a hard feat for anyone experiencing the physical and emotional challenges to overcome wi Christian had a servant's heart and has served others with his family at the Matrix and his mother at C member he loves to help others because it brings him much joy and he knows it is what he wants to do again Tristian has remained strong throughout the challenging time which has made him even stronger and more determined to continue to improve himself to he can serve others and God and whereas in the benefit trisan strong held at Walton County Fairgrounds today uh that was Saturday was a week ago to honor tristian's life his strength and his faith during the chapter in his young life now therefore I Bob C virtue uh of the authority vested me as mayor of City fank Spring Florida to Proclaim October 5 2024 as Tristian Jones Christian strong day and so they they went all out for him out there it was quite an ordeal that the uh wal Fairgrounds Saturday was a week ago and um I saw him he's doing well he's starting to walk again and uh it's been quite a miracle uh what's taking place in that young man so I wanted to read those for you and we will now move on to the consent agenda and we would entertain a motion to approve as written or if it's something you'd like to pull off uh I'd ask the council to let me know now so move okay all right we have a motion and a second any question uh we started with Todd last time didn't we all right we'll go with Josh all yeah I I I I I Carrie thank you very much and with the agenda would ask uh well first of all I want to ask Kobe is there any changes I have one addition mayor okay goad I request that we add under SE to um police benevolence Association articles number 16 and article 18 for that'll be the title of the item what's the sort title of this police benevolence Association benevolence okay got article 16 and article 18 no problem okay all right motion to approve the changes all right we have a motion and a second any questions all in favor say I I I all I I I Carrie thank you very much and we'll go to Chief Hurley our city Marshall good afternoon Council um so before you on C1 we have the axon Enterprise contract I'm being a contract need to get yall's approval on it it is for our body warn cameras um that are a huge benefit to us not only documenting evidence but um documenting our interactions with the public and it has tremendously saved us and a lot of liability and and keeping keeping and check so um what we've done this year is we've found we signed a contract five years ago with axon for body cameras Fleet cameras and tasers um our tasers are still good the fleet cameras are they're not the best technology out there the body cameras are great um so what we're doing is foregoing some of the fleet cameras when I mean Fleet cameras that's the actual one that's in the vehicle um just there's there's issues there that need be worked out that I don't feel like we need to be paying for that we're not getting the benefit out of so basically we've reduced our cost um from the last contract by about half so which is is saving so and we are looking at other options for Fleet cameras but um for right now we're going to forego doing that but just need to get a motion to approve sign that contract so we can second if we could if we could have that motion second to reflect to have them incorporate the same changes they did on our contract five years ago venue chapter 119 public records law we did these five years ago they accepted every one of them if you look in the packet it just links you to their sales terms and conditions so motion can be subject to us using those this is really effectively a reval but the contract La want to ition the attorney i m my second the same all right any questions any questions from anyone all in favor to say I I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much and you're gonna all right so C2 is um the PBA which is the union that U currently you uh does our Police Department um basically they were wanting to look at doing a step plan um it came to the table a little late for trying to get all that worked out so basically we've agreed to kind of go with what the or to go what with the was approved during the budget process with the regular 3% Cola and the other changes that we made second all right we have a motion second questions from anyone any comment all in favor to say i i i i i i as Carrie thank you very much thank Chief all right we're going to go to our city manager we'll start with uh 4d1 on the traffic signal maintenance AG thank you mayor so this is for a new uh maintenance agreement and resolution for the maintenance of traffic signals in the city uh the addition this year is the light at Chick-fil-A um they had not added the the coming lights at Interstate in 83 and so that addition would bring the total lump sum that we will receive from fdot to $1,947 it's roughly a$ three to $4,000 increase from last year because of the additional light so we just ask for approve that agreement in resolution but it's my understanding from what I've been told the time is mid 2025 when they'll complete these projects so between now and then but I can I can get with ft and see a more nailed down time they feel those lights be put in can we do that for the light at 83 as well in Walton Road speaking of lights before we vot I was uh trying to think which one it was was it the one in front of uh Walmart or Lowe's but it seemed as if the whole row of life had tilted down I was looking at from a distance I thought that looks weak you know but anyway whoever maintains our lights or you Transportation looks at it whoever just take a gander at it because it looked like they were roll down I'm hoping I was PC because I've been in several towns this week that that reminded me mayor um I would also like to bring up a concern I have over the light at wind Dixie and Bob Sykes uh coming through town on Saturday especially when traffic's heavy um I witness on a regular basis you cannot make it between those two lights in in a single cycle because it's it's short cycling and a lot of times it's short cycling to let one or two cars out out of Bob SES so if we can see about having the timing adjusted on those lights or have them linked somehow because it it does cause traffic to back up uh well past the uh the almost to Bruce Avenue I've seen it backed up before I don't think we want to wait that long but that's part of the project you know when they get the two ramp lights in they're supposed to coordinate all these the timing that may be a year out whatever I can we'll reach out to the fdot fdot maintains all the timing so we can reach out to our contact see see that's possible thank you any other questions comments all in favor to say I I I hi hi hi I Carrie thank you very much when Mr Townson we'll go to D2 thank you mayor so uh in 2022 um the council or councilman beerbom went before the BCC and asked for 5.5 million uh from the County's arpa funds to be allocated to the runway project at the airport and so that current inter local agreement is set to expire on 1231 2024 and we are asking the county to extend that deadline to 1231 2026 which is in line with the the dates associated with that money from the federal government motion to approve Amendment second I have a motion second questions from anyone all in favor say I I all I I I Carri thank you very much and now we'll go to number three with removal the swimming area you got an old copy mayor apologize um Jesse will you please back out what is number three technical we remove that that's been removed yes sir okay good now okay so the tech manual uh there are some uh the utilities department planning and our Engineers have worked over the last couple months to go through the tech manual um and add some language in there uh majority of that language deals with the type of equipment we now require for Lift stations and and water and sewer infrastructure and so um they have added some language in there and would like to update it and this is the document we give to developers when they come to the city to develop and so we were asking for that that update um another question that clay now we're here is this a document that can be updated regularly or by on the staff level or do we have to bring this to the council for every update so that would be up to the council today if the council wishes to Grant staff the ability to make non material substance changes just technical based changes consistent with Trends updates and otherwise recommended by technical staff then you have that ability to broadly grant that Authority staff to update it as a policy manual within the discretion of your staff officials otherwise if you just approve the if you approve the document as is theight then that has to come back to you every time it's amended unless you get staff down Authority instraction so I'm certainly in favor of empowering our staff and employees to uh to be proactive and and amend things but I'm also um well aware of sometimes changes are made and then as a council member sometimes it's like well you get hit you know out out in the public about well why did this change and if it's not been brought before us as a council then sometimes that can pose some problems so I I would like to ask is it possible that we continue but maybe agree to have this uh brought as a consent agenda item for any future changes go ahead I'm not even sure when's the last time this has come to the council why is it coming now so um I know as long as I've been in the city it hasn't been before the council um for an update has not for an update and so when U when y'all appointed me inter staff is working on it so we begin to push on that and get it updated just so for example let me go back to where I was just at uh right now as it sits lift stations are not required to have skate on when someone puts them in so this for example on page I'm trying to go down back where I was just at in the section of Wastewater um on on page 6-5 we're going to add section 6.32 list stations and that language set states that you shall now put a ska system in when you put in a lift station at the city so those are the type of changes that putting in but in my two and a half years I do not believe this has been before the council document dat September of 09 yeah so it hasn't been updated in roughly 15 years I appreciate that Council recommendation because I too would like to know if things are being changed and I'm unaware of it and then somebody from the public is starting to inquire I'd like to be able to have an advanced knowledge of oh well this is why so I'm fine with it being on uh consent however the change that's being referenced was actually policy that came from the uh Council itself we we decided that we wanted cicas and all the units all this is an implementation of of that particular request from the council I think when it's a request of the council I I don't see why it would come back to the council to approve what they've already approved um so if it's just for technical reasons I have no issue with them handling it in house if it's a policy change or something that affects overall policy then I would definitely want to see that I don't see why it can be on consent agenda but I would want to have those items pulled out and underlined for clarification don't need the whole manual I think we just need the parts that are changed I give you one such example you're going to be seeing changes under back to it now three you're going be seeing changes under 3.32 which is your preliminary playout you just had a major legislative change on preliminary plat approvals allowing for expedited building permits in certain circumstances that was effective October one so while we have that in this technical manual it was prepared back prior to that that's something Mr Wallace is going to need to be updating and getting back to you and that not technical that's going to be a full revision to comply with State Statute so you'll need to see that I ask now were you you really need notification more than bring it for a vote of any changes they make technically I think yeah I'm asking I'm sorry in other words you want to know you say you wanted to know but do we want to bring it any changes that they make technically do they want you wanted approve by the council I think the request was put all changes on the consent agenda yes at a minimum yes okay at a minimum all right Mr Mayor just wanted to comment on councilman Valley's comment as I've seen in the past uh we've had issues where we approv something in concept and then the implementation of it is different I'll just leave it at that um so I I'm much more comfortable with it coming back to the consent I understand your your thought process of if we've already approved it why is it coming back but to a certain extent the technical manual if they're making changes to it I want to see the actual implementation to be to be sure you to make a motion so move second I'll have a motion in a second any questions other questions any questions public comment all in favor to say I I I hi I I I Carrie thank you very much we go to mayor so in the budget we budgeted a new administrative vehic Administration vehicle uh for me and so I currently drive F-150 I don't need that truck that truck be better suited in public works so um we'll purchase an SUV and then a transportation a new vehicle um as well and so um we've gotten quotes from the state contract and then I also went out got quotes from triangle they were not able to provide quotes for police vehicles that's why we approved that earlier on state contract and so uh I've heard from Council for my time here at the city that we would like to buy locally and so I provide those to you um they're comparable and so the state for the transportation vehicle is roughly $2,000 more and then um for the SUV it's roughly $3,000 more so um I don't believe we would have to go out to bid for this if y'all chose triangle because if you don't choose triangle I just buy it off State contract so um I'm just here to ask approval to purchase from triangle because they are cheaper on both Fe Vehicles if that's what the council so wishes to do motion to approve vehicle purchase second all right have a motion a second any questions anyone and these vehicles are four to six months out so that's why we're doing this now all in favor to say I I I I I I I Carrie all right I want to make sure my my agenda is get back and say I yes sir I had two Miss Miss hiccups here all right we back on the sell back program no sir we'll be on D5 we'll be on Tri County Tri County all right right here thank you mayor um TR County this year during the budget process requested an increase of $3,000 and so they were at 27,000 last year and for the past prior years and so this year we budgeted 30,000 this is our annual agreement and the only substance change in that for the city's behalf is the $3,000 increase so we we request approval of the agreement with Tri County Community Council so I we have a motion second any questions any questions comments from the public all in favor say I I I all I I I Carrie thank you very much all right we're going to the sellack program yes um so we budgeted this year I I I asked and the council approved in the budget process sell back program for employees for annual leave and so this is the subsequent policy change um that we brought to you that will go into the Personnel policy um it is the same as we had spoke before so employees will be able to sell up to 40 hours of unused annual or vacation leave but not greater than that within a given fiscal year um there are two requirements outlined in there you cannot be a probationary employee and you cannot sell below 80 hours um additionally there will be two windows to sell um in November and in May and there's language in there that this program is contingent upon my review of the budget annually and brought to the council for a recommendation and it's that this discretion of the city council to fund or not fund that program based off of where we are at so I request approval of policy of the policy for the sellack program is section 16 subsection 16.6 leave sellack program so all right I had a question on the probation language is that does that differentiate between someone that might be on probation because of discipline versus probation as a new employee is there differentiation there or is it one and the same I go back in so it's off of section three subsection 313 which should be based off of the one year so one year or less you are considered a probationary employee at City and after year one year you are a full-time employee um so I do not believe that includes someone who's on probation follow up on that somebody when they get promoted and go to a new position are they on probation for transferring from you know this position to this position supervisor typically that has not been the city's position unless it's been a council direct appointment or unless there's been some direction from the administrator to do it but that is not standard whatso basically you're just saying you have to you have toefit correct the only time I can recall what you described is when someone who has not been here through the full probation year period has changed positions into an entirely different department that I can recall one situation where the department director requested Su that the probation period restart given the position they're moved that was a very that's been 19 years ago was a very unique circumstance maybe can just modify the language remove the word probationary period and just say you know you're wanting them to be here you have to be here one year before you can partake in the well that's just what um section subsection 313 that's just what it says same yeah if that's what y'all prefer to see but you could impose probation if you thought needed they still be classified on probation even though they got more than 12 months here through disciplinary action yeah I just would like some clarification on that because to me to me this this is a uh reward for our employees that we wish to retain so uh if if they're on probation due to a disciplinary action I don't believe that they qualify so not always been the case I will say that restrictions against promotion or advancement have included that as a penalty in the past but it has not been automatic there's not been our current policy does not create a blanket prohibition against someone who is on probation being promoted upwards and that was the actual unique scenario I described it was legitimately a disciplinary action due to improper usage of City cell that was a technical violation of the policy policies were revised after that that person then was transferred into another position that that would have been a promotion in pay range at least and they said they were reset it for that reason so just to clarify I'm I'm in full support of this and when it comes to if you're a new employee your own probation because you're a new employee that you're not qualified for at least the first year but I would like to see a clause added that if you were on probation due to some sort of discipline and and the the it rises to the level being placed on any sort of uh Pro um performance Improvement plan or any sort of disciplinary action then you're not qualified but an additional probation Beyond 12 months would be for one of those reasons correct like violation of some other policy but I would not try to list all them correct as long if if you are placed on any sort of performance Improvement plan probation for any sort of disciplinary action then that is a caveat of this particular policy I'm not saying that is a caveat of or or an automatic application of probation for any other disciplinary action I'm saying for this specific sell back I'm just trying to make it real simple the definition changes from a new employee to a different situation but the word probation is still there correct goad being that there's two uh two periods throughout the the calendar or fiscal year that they could actually buy back would you be amable to language that states um employees who are under a um performance Improvement plan are not eligible while on a performance are not eligible and then if they come off of that pit before the next buyback period then obviously they're eligible for the buyback at that point in time yes I think that's effectively the same thing yes yeah so just they're under disciplinary action and probation or the pit program they're not eligible during that time period of time it just keeps it clean and easy is what what I'm saying instead of trying to figure out the definition of probation corre in this go Ahad a couple things of course you you can clarify The Language by saying new employee probation right something like that but if they're on disciplinary prob and then get off of it so they would might hit that second time of the year that it's paid out or whatever but there if they're on probation they're still earning annual Le correct and so so you're just saying uh that you just want to wait till that probation over with for them to be able to buy back yesal so if I incorporate that language it would be good with putting it on consent so I'd like to amend my motion then or was that a first or a second I think I think you were you were I'd like to mend my motion is to include language that would relate to employees who are currently under a Personnel Improvement plan are not eligible and then just leave it at that that's all everybody's but would that cover not just a pip but any disciplinary action or do you just want to stick with just a pip if if you put under a pip I would think that that would cover it because at that point they're not under any um any plans or or trainings to say hey you've got bad uh conduct that we're trying to overcome and so obviously somebody be dis under a disciplinary action that is not under a pip the answer is they could right if we do that though say they're suspended for three days or without pay or or whatever at what point then beyond that time you make them eligible to be able to participate whatever the disciplinary actions end so that three-day period I think yeah you couldn't promote them during the three-day period in your scenario but I think the question is if they're placed on a probationary period without a pill I can't imagine why you would place them on probation without a pit but that is the city manager and hr's discretion how would you I just want to close that Loop that luk Paul that he just addressed of not necessarily being on a pit but facing some sort of disciplinary action and you it just happens to coincide with the two times a year that there is a sell back window to me if they're if they're in trouble they shouldn't be allowed to sell back because this is this is something that we're doing to reward employees and retain employees you could probably say employees who are subject to present disciplinary action including those employees on a performance or personel Improvement plan are you okay with that yes I'm I'm good with that I'm in off the langu all right have motion second any other questions anybody all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much all right we going to the do part now okay are you handling that or is m Kim G handle that Miss I can or Miss wiberg is here to represent the board we'll be quicker okay all so uh at the last City beautification and tree board um before that they had a workshop with the dog dog park task force that had been created a few months back and so attach you'll see that recommendation from the dog park task force which is more so about what to put into a dog park and the fences and Aesthetics and those type of things and so at that meeting it was brought up by a member of the board to discuss potentially placing the dog park here on city property the corner of U apologize the street name but 90 in the police department Street and so um when they discussed and talked with the pass Force both groups agree that's what they would like to see it be put at and so I explain to them the process that we're coming before the council today to basically say yes that's a location that we would consider at that point staff would go and get preliminary sketches and cost to do so um we would bring that back for council's approval to put on the CIP um and I explained again CIP is a working document living document and that that project would be up to the council discretion when it gets moved forward but the CIP allows me to pursue grant funding when it does become available and so just approval to move forward finding a cost estimat for that property and we'll bring it back for another one to be included on the CIP if seem to be fit go ahead I just have a question why what happened out by the Armory I thought this was going to be at the Armory what happened so they um they identified both properties they rank this one to be number one the armor to be number two due to some of the limitations out there so if the council isn't agreeable without being number one that they they are comfortable falling back to number two but I'll let Mr wber may I thank you Council Kim winterberg uh one of the things that it was we chose that location because it was a location that the city owned but it was never the most ideal location from an interactive standpoint from the community and when we realize that this property was here and available to us uh we already have shade we already have grass uh those are you know big expenses things that you know we would need to implement otherwise and then as uh one of the members of the task force mentioned uh that looking to the future we could even think about having something like a Welcome Center there uh and just having that visibility of everybody coming through and seeing this really beautiful dog park we talked about having um uh some the these were just ideas of having like brick columns with rod iron fencing uh you know welcome to the PC spring just making it a really nice entry point and everybody just got really excited about that and thinking in terms of if you want to use it in the future let's say you're expanding City Hall you're not demolishing another building it wouldn't be you know starting over too terribly much to take the dog park in another location if if the city so chose to use that in other ways but those were sort of our our brainstorming and and it was just a a friendlier idea we would obviously want a taller fence since it's on Highway 90 but it's also coming up to where you're slowing down so it's not like you're on the the speedway too terribly bad so sure so I'm just curious what about water for the dogs is there water there are we expected to put up the fence the city and are we expected to um put in more things Park like like benches where people gonna want to sit and yes we've got it broken down uh at least for what the task force recommended in phases so the first phase is let's get it fenced and that was one of the things that we wanted to try to find some Grant funds for uh We've also got a number of different organizations and people that have talked about being willing to donate um so they have a number of different creative fundraising ideas in there that we really liked um and then in terms of starting out with yes you want to have a bench you you do want to make sure you've got water for the dogs um you know a a uh disposal for uh for Waste um and creating as we move forward as it develops having a phase two and adding in dog equipment you know things that they could play on whether it's you know one of the big um like a teeter totter or if it's one of the big round covert things that they can run around on um you know little Hills things like that later but in phases just getting it going as a proper dog park first and what about parking so if I bring my dogs where am I GNA Park there's already parking spaces there um so literally just and that was another thing that was very attractive is that we weren't having to recreate or create additional parking spots so there's already I think we counted eight or nine seven eight n parking spots there so we thought you know just designating those would be pretty easy and just out of curiosity not Tock the boat because I know your team has done a lot but what about the little part already down here over the we we had talked about that but then 83 was the talk of coming through there um I know that has not necessarily gone anywhere and I think maybe that idea has gone away um but we we didn't discuss that again after after that okay so right now I motion uh I'll let if we need a motion or just Direction but I guess that what they're asking for is Direction the staff to begin putting together preliminary sketches and cost estimates for the dog park so I I'll make a motion to direct staff to put together preliminary cost estimates for both locations um if if you will uh so that we can see the cost estimates of this location versus the original location that was requested second all right motion second question go ahead I would say um what um who's putting together the list of items to be included in that do you already have a list from the recommendations or do you need assistance with that so the task force did lay out a lot of things and we will go through there and check but um like she said we're gonna you know phase one phase two phase three put those things in because if we get to phase one and we don't see the activity out there we don't move on to phase two at that moment so something I would I would want to make sure that we did see is one we do need accessible parking near there especially near the entrance and also make sure that we have a sidewalk leading to it because the parking isn't really at at the place where your enter probably going to be um especially not if there's going to be a marker so I like the idea of of a Gateway marker a welcome uh we've always talked about having to upgrade our welcome signage anyway so I think that can fall under two different categories but definitely a sidewalk um from the parking with accessible parking because one of the great things about dog park is one you should be able to walk to it and there's a much better location because you can walk to it from more parts of the city than you can to Harbison field harbon field is less accessible but the other part is it's a great opportunity for people who do have disabilities to actually be able to let their dogs run uh and move around if they don't have yards in their own homes so it's a great opportunity we have that let's not drop the ball by not having access for them one statement councilman valy we actually talked about that to to make sure that we had Ada accessible uh you know Pathways and one of the ideas was the um you know getting bricks donated and that kind of thing and creating a little area where uh the benches are and that sort of thing so it it was it was discussed and I would definitely want to include that thank you and thanks y'all for everything you've done y'all have really uh taken on a big task you've done a lot of work for it's been going on for a long time um it's not easy and we appreciate it thank you we couldn't have gotten this far without the dog park task force they were they were really diligent to meet and and were great to submit all the different ideas to apress to take off with any other questions from the D any comments from the public all in favor I all I Carrie thank you thank you very much and uh all right Kobe we're back here with the code is that where are we at now airport we should be on the airport update I got to get off my old sheet man that thing totally wrong okay all right we're at the airport terminal update all right Cliff you goingon to take care of that yes sir good evening Council Cliff now for duberry engineers wanted to give you an update on the airport let you know where we're at and what we're doing um got some information for you so contractors has been uh making good progress uh they uh we have a Lo station startup on Wednesday morning at nine o'clock so the pump station will be up and running they've been doing interior work uh essentially all of the outside of the building is done with the exception of the block work on the dumpster pad um exterior work is completed they've also been working on the punch list that we got from the architect on the project which is uh Michael T Baker uh issued a punch list that they've been addressing items on and really mostly just concentrating on the interior of the building um they're installing a lot of the built-in Cabinetry right now uh uh I believe all of the built-in Furniture has been delivered and they've been installing cabinets uh out there as well and so right now they're really just concentrating on interior buildout and finishing uh the electricians have installed just about all of the interior lighting elements uh including you know emergency exit signs and all that kind of stuff the uh hbac company has completed all of their work um we did have one snag that uh has caused a little bit of a problem which is our drywall company uh and I say our but the contractor's drywall company they hung the sheetrock fast finish the sheetrock fast and unfortunately uh hanging sheetrock fast and uh and finishing it fast results in a lot of defects and so they ended up having to hire another sheetrock company to come in and fix what the first sheetrock company did and so we have a new sheetrock company on site really just cleaning up what the first guys did and so um a week or so ago um they sent me a request for contract extension you guys had already approved their contract extension for substantial to August 31st uh which is come and gone and so they have now requested a contract extension to November 15th which would be for completion so uh they believe that by November 15th that they will be done and gone and so that's what I have uh before you today is their updated schedule and also their request and uh happy to try to uh discuss any issues concerns and what yall's thoughts are on the subject do we have liquidated damages in this contract to where we could start peniz believe I don't believe I don't believe we did in this one I'll look back but I do not believe this one included liquidated do we have any kind of remedies for the continued delay yeah I've read through the contract a few times uh there's a lot of different termination um Clauses in the contract that you guys can terminate them for a bunch of different reasons but I did not See's not a lot of remedy for them not being on time the time the city manager was very clear there would not be any extensions no change orders it will be done on time at budget without question and that if we wanted to give them the out it was going to cost us more money to include liquidated damages and the council approved it but none of those include my concern is it's going to come to November 15th we're going to be sitting here still not complete and I appreciate what you're doing well be that spot I just don't want to keep pushing the can down it's like we need to have a hard conversation I think now to address understood the continued need for more time more time more time yes ma'am if we did terminate them H how easy is it going to be to find somebody else to pick up the work and move forward with it at this point it a nightmare and to stay under budget from where we're at before yep uh I mean they haven't they haven't come back and asked for any additional funding of any sort so I mean they've got everything covered in their contract I do know they've had a hard time with some of their subs getting people to show up has been difficult but you know I'm not here to make excuses for them I'm just telling telling you guys telling you guys where we're at and what's done at this point in the game uh clay and we impose a a a pretty heavy fine after November 15 no no not unless they agree to renegotiate it well perhaps maybe that's what we do right now what what happens if we all decide right now not to give an extension to November 15th work stops then they walk off they walk off so maybe we maybe both parties do have an incentive to come to another agreeable term how much is left on the contract Mr now about 600,000 that's a nice 50 pie and you guys have also have retainage of 5% on the whole project so you have about another 350,000 in retainage so they're probably going to get a portion of that 600,000 I don't want anybody to think it's a full 600 that's what's left but they've done some of that work today they just don't have to sign off correct yeah we just got a pay application last week number 27 came in last week and after 27 is paid which was about 200,000 but after uh pay request 27 is paid there's about 600,000 remaining so you guys are sitting on call it 950,000 about 350 yeah you're surely able to hold the 350 over there what can I do CL well it's up to the Council on what they want to say I what I would say is he's asking for a scheduled completion date of November 15th I would think at this point in time he's already how far over is he as of today Cliff so the last approved substantial completion date was August 31st so we're already well past that as we sit here today what I would recommend you do is direct him to be at the very next council meeting to discuss this request and with him right here at the dice negotiate that issue directly we're not going to app don't approve it tonight tell them to come in here and address it one to one Mr n is not your contractor he's our engineer so I would have him be here before you and tell him if we're going to and have that conversation if he can't give you the warm and fuzzies then maybe we talk about what are you willing to agree to motion to table this item and request that ddb appear at the next council meeting second have a motion second questions go ahead Cliff is Arc made a recommendation uh so the only so we had a site visit with the Architects it's probably been uh three weeks ago maybe a little over three weeks ago they gave us a uh a list of um punch list items and the contractor started working on those within a day or two of we of us getting the list architect has not made any recommendation on the contract so there hasn't been any recommendation from the architect on the contract and they listed in the contract with uh with the contractor in terms of uh providing CA or or any kind of um project supervision at all so their uh project supervision is pretty limited um so they have handled all of the submittals you know we had about 460 um submitt on the project that was part of their contract rfis were part of their contract and two site visits with um punch list recommendations as in their contract they've done one of those and they plan on coming back at the end of this month for their second one oh I just add that I'd like to get a copy of the contract with them before the next meeting Cliff the um architect is sub and duberry correct right not under the contractor correct two separate agreements y can we get copies of the punch list too before this meeting takes place yeah absolutely yeah absolutely the the punch list actually wasn't that bad the punch list itself was uh a lot of it was uh color related um colors um on the exterior of the building for example that the architect didn't feel like the contractor met color-wise exactly on some bands and some trim and some other things and so the punch list was not very substantial as far as really having any meat to it so is there is there $600,000 worth of work yet they have to do uh so a large chunk of that is completion of the floors and so uh concrete work is a is a pretty good portion of that and then the interior Cabinetry is a pretty good portion of that so there's a lot of built-in Furniture in the building that hasn't been invoiced for because it's not completely installed so my concern is say they don't finish it for whatever reason we get to that point can we get other contractors to finish that out for that 600 or somebody gonna hijack us for more than 600 so so they have 100% performance bond on the project and so if for example things fell apart with your contract contractor all you have to do really is call the performance bond and and notify them that uh you feel the contractors in default and then the performance bond company would be responsible for either completing the work or hiring another contractor to complete the work and so to to be clear though that will not be lead du to delay you're not going to get a performance bond solely for delay yeah as long as this guy's saying I can get it done and he has a plausible case we're chasing our tail to chase a performance bond in that scenario well I just I just want to make sure you guys aware that there is there is 100% performance bond in place and so that if everything falls apart for any reason uh the performance bond a performance bond company would be required to um complete the project but that's absolutely right but again not just because we don't like the time he's taking if he's saying I'm gonna get it done his performance bond is going to give him a chance to do it within reason we'll find ourselves in arbitration over that Mr uh while we're asking about specific items Cliff um I know at one point there was uh some issues with the roof and some sign off on the roof we got that that's been handled okay thank you perfect go ahead the floors I thought you said those floor I'm thinking back to to the last update I was thinking those were already done but that might have been my own Mis yeah they have Noto floors yeah they haven't ground the floors yet that's what they're waiting to do is grind the floors and so supposed to did I misunderstand one of the prior updates that they were getting ready to yeah they had it scheduled at one time they did and they decided that they would put all the Cabinetry and built-in Furniture in before they did it and so that's what they're doing right now okay so okay so uh motion to table there's a second as well okay all right the motion table then we got a second are there any other questions and it was to bring the guy here yes ma'am yes and I guess you know if you include your motion of the list of information she was asking I think you're asking for for pun and was actual contracts so we include all this and not a motion motion okay all right all in favor say I I I I I I all Carri thank you very much appreciate it yes sir thank you very much deal with it's all part of part of what I did it's all good I'm gonna go back to uh sand and sheetrock okay all right well thank you very much all right we're gonna go to Liberty partners with James is here okay good evening council members uh James swinsky with Liberty Partners at Tallahassee wanted to speak briefly on the Community Development block grant program which is administered by the Florida Department of Commerce uh based on our alignment and understanding of the city's priorities we believe that this would be a good opportunity to accomplish a few of you all's objectives um we've also had discussions with the city manager and he believes that this is also consistent with what the city is looking to do within the next two years um so just to speak briefly on the program itself it offers separate categories for different uh for different objectives what we're looking at specifically is to go after funding through the cdbg small cities program for Community revitalization um and so that provides Awards based on a few criteria approximately 600 to 750,000 for different public projects that the city is looking to accomplish now these projects must meet three statutory objectives they must benefit low to moderate income populations um which is defined as folks who make under 80% of the area's median income um they must help eliminate slum and blight and they have to address an urgent need um So based on both our professional experience and discussions we've had with the Department of Commerce about this specific program um on behalf of the city we believe that a few objectives that could be accomplished through this work are sidewalks Lighting on street parking curbing um landscaping and streetscaping and potentially storm water and utility undergrounding depending on the amount remaining in the budget um before we start to build this application uh Florida statute requires that we publicly notice a meeting and offer the public opportunity for feedback regarding what a project should look like so we posted an ad in the defunc Springs Herald um based on the city manager's approval five days ago so this meeting has been publicly noticed according to Florida statute um and we would like to offer y'all and also the public the opportunity for comment regarding what they believe the project should look like um and I would also like to note that any public feedback should be recorded in the meeting minutes so with that um I I stand ready for questions and also for public comment Mr James you uh mentioned that there's multiple categories uh with the cdbg and I I recall early in my tenor here we used a cdbg grant to basically um uh fix the manh holes and some of the the utilities on lioke out here and then we actually were able to repave that so the city partnered and uh capitalized on the mobilization of of all of that and and paved a very large portion of Loke over here here um having this cdbg grant does it uh exclude us from having others and other categories so is it kind of a you're only you're locked into one until that one's complete then you have to move on to the next category or how does that work correct so you're supposed to have one cdbg project open at a time okay um so normally it's the kind of circumstance where you do one project and come back a couple years later once that project was finished can you clarify for us what are the other categories I know you're you're recommending your professional opinion is to focus on one particular category but can you elaborate on what the other categories are off the top of my head um I know that Economic Development and neighborhood revitalization are a couple of the a couple of the other categories now I will say that what she described would be eligible under the category we're looking to pursue okay um would be eligible under that because basically as it was described to me from the Department of Commerce anything that works to connect folks from neighborhoods to the downtown district as long as you can make that argument it would be eligible under community revitalization of course council members as as we're we're discussing this the thing that pops into my head is the desire uh to continue the sidewalk work that we've done on Walton Road so bring that down 20th Street let it cross over here on the 90 and then connect the know that was kind of the original larger plan there as well as extending uh down uh Walton Road to to 331 would be a huge help but again I would defer to to your professional opinion on which projects we should pursue but that was that was just one so actually I had um I had asked James and Liberty team to actually look at this as an option trying to get basically I was just trying to get a white paper understand what was possible with this type of grant program um because of what we're doing with the downtown district uh My Hope was that we would use for that downtown district design phase so that we can do the sidewalk design curbing design and some of the storm water improvements if you drive in that area what you're going to see is that we actually rely on open sailes for a lot of the storm water management in that area and you'll notice that we have some things that it's really strange for Florida I mean you'll see them in Louisiana a lot which is not a great comparison but you'll have 4inch slabs 80 foot wide that people are using as their driveway Crossings um you can see a situation where a pedestrian in the street uh a car doesn't see them they swerve they go off that road and into that ditch even if they're going 5 miles an hour where it's a significant injury you go into one of those concrete you know ramps and you can really well you're GNA trash a car but you're going to really hurt yourself that you're going to take out a pedestrian because there's nowhere for them to go either this is a I see this as an opportunity for something that both uh takes care of an existing series of problems blight uh storm water issues utility issues uh access issues from lack of side sidewalks uh and also our our larger goal of trying to expand that downtown district and be at least do the design phase and possibly some of the implementation phase maybe only be able to do a corner uh as a example project uh but this would give us a great jump start and I'm hoping that we'll be able to work with the CRA because this is exactly part of their mission and really be able to push through all the design phase I mean My Hope Is that we'd get completely through that and get into some portion of implementation we also need to discuss as part of that how we're going to work on terms of when developers to come in on larger Parcels requiring them to do some of the buildout as well um but again this will give us a jump start so we're not seeing just pieces coming together and never be able to fill in the full blank because that's when we'll start to see the real the real uh coming together of that area as a neighborhood again and begin to really Revitalize and stand on its own also we have the county that's going to be developing projects in that area so they are going to be um working in that direction and we just need to get some of that stuff in place to give them the guidance on how that would proceed beer bomb uh do you recall what phase one ended up costing on the sidewalk project Walt road I don't recall ahead because I know that uh they were able to secure some additional funding and they actually did that uh multi-use path on the north side of Walton Road that they kind of leveraged all that together and then we have a price before they did that we just had the sidewalks and when we were going to throw in a little bit of money we did 50 for two years yes and I I think that the I think the county was bringing almost 200,000 to the table so we were bringing 100,000 and they were bringing two 200 if not a little more and then the school system chipped in for a portion directly in front of the the high school there uh and then of course the ultimate the ultimate idea easily yes just just for that small portion that was three or four years ago correct yes sir so I'm just trying to see what that kind of money would do for 20th Street I think it's a good idea uh trying to see what it would take what we'd have to end up matching and we've talked about 20th Street for a long time I know we almost had the money back uh golly it was probably six years ago or seven we lost it because of our audit and and so U yeah I went over met with doot and we had a you know just wiped the tears out of her face we I mean we never did get it allocated but we were this close and then we lost it based over the the issue with the audit back then yes mayor yeah if I can just um I'm torn councilman Valley I hear I hear what you're saying about using some this money to do design and development especially the downtown um you know that's near and dear to my heart obviously um but I'm I'm leaning towards being more practical you know for me my first interaction with the cdbg grant was the success that was redoing the sewer and and Paving of of West live income here that's you know has paid dividends to this day so I lean towards the more practical of do we have some projects that instead of spending dollars on you know design and development that you know there's a lot of that stuff that especially with the sidewalk that the design and development has already a vast majority of it's already been done so I I lean towards the Practical side of like let's let's look at a project that we can just get done with this money that we hope to get um versus tying up dollars in in design and development I understand uh I will point out that uh you know a good example project that we probably could start uh between that money and the design money is like the corner at the Matrix uh they've come to us for assistance in terms of dealing with the parking issue there reconfiguring their parking lot uh we have a facility on the north side of the road from them that is a servicing uh you know folks with disabilities uh but they're parking and gravel in a RightWay I might add we'd certainly be able to improve that corner and by highlighting that corner we're giving an example of what's to come for the ENT entire District um again the 750 or 650 or whatever it ends up being wouldn't be enough to do everything anyway uh but at least I would suggest doing the design even if some portion of it goes into another sidewalk but uh again piggybacking that with the other items that are coming in are going to be important because if we don't if we just let it sit as a as a district and name only we're never going to see it progress and we're never going to see that full development uh and when we do it's going to be peac meal and nothing could be more harmful to it than than having it become a peacemeal project but I think we this isn't the only opportunity for public uh input though so I think we'll have other chances to see uh who comes forward and who actually starts to um maybe show interest in it because right now I really don't know if anyone's here I hope someone's here to talk about it first chance comment I will open the floor for any public comment particularly on this uh subject uh McKenzie Brown citizen I just wanted to ask how much is this grant for I didn't hear of funding did you say 750 it's between 600,000 and 750,000 well then I think it would be great for the city to go for that whatever they use it for anyone else all right have a question mayor yeah the uh 20th Street sidewalk that's a long long stretch sidewalks and concrete's expensive have we I I have no idea what it cost to do you know like you see the wider bike path six foot wide or so something like that in Asphalt or something for such a long stretch because people if they're coming from the North End to 20th Street to 90 that's a long that's that's pretty good walk right there I suspect a lot of people be on bicycles anyway and you don't typically want bicycles and people walking on a on a four foot sidewalk or five foot sidewalk whatever so a bike path type uh thing through there would that be cost effective at all and asphalt I know asphalt's expensive too Mr Mayor Cliff nower is is in the audience if we could ask him to to come up he might can give us some approximate figures on what the county did I'm putting on the sponsor Cliff but just go in thek one thing I do want to interject is that sidewalk is just designed so the only reason that that makes sense in terms of Antonia street is because it's already designed and we'll be implementing what's already there if we go back to design we're going to be dealing with right away additional design costs and I'll probably eat all our money do that well but I think to to councilman Harrison's point is just like what the county did out there on Walton Road there was portions of it that were the traditional sidewalk and then there's a portion of it that is the The Wider multiuse path that can accommodate pedestrians and bicycles um so Cliff can you provide us with any kind of ballp part figures because I I do recall some conversations about that when when the county was looking at it about they were able to kind of mobilize and pave a lot of that and and kind of keep the cost low but accomplish yeah so I've actually done two or three different designs for sidewalks on 20th Street um one of the issues that's a challenge on 20th Street is the drainage takes up a good portion of the ploted rideway and so I did about three different design layouts um for the sidewalk on 20th Street and we landed somewhere around $350,000 to build it um some of that is because the drainage primarily on the west side of 20th Street is a difficult area to get through um without some substantial drainage structures and so I have a a conceptual plan that I did a few years ago um that could be updated pretty easy but we're at right around $350,000 that's all sidewalk right that was all sidewalk yes sir but can you speak to what possibly was the approximate ballpark cost for what the county did with that paved multi path that's out there on Walton Road that's in oh comparison yeah so I designed that also um actually so um so the county built it themselves and they have their own Paving crew and um I don't know if defunc has the same interlocal agreement as fre Port Highs but um we do not not the roads okay well so uh so they paved it themselves and so their cost on asphalt is about $70 a ton they buy it from CW Roberts and you know if you were to contract out that same project your contractor would be around $200 a ton right now so it's about $130 a ton difference between uh the county doing it themselves and you guys Contracting it out and so um Freeport has an interlocal agreement where if they purchase the asphalt the county pays it for them at no cost wow and so Freeport has taken substantial advantage of that interlocal agreement and has completed a bunch of projects basically at no cost other than just paying for the asphalt and so uh it would be great if you guys could get something like that in place um and so um anyways the difference is about 130 bucks a ton which is substantial on any kind of Paving project or you were talking about P asphalt multi-use paths same kind of deal it's 130 bucks a ton difference how the high narrow can you go on a multipath so so D Greenways and trails considers a multi-use path 12 feet wide and so there's tons of Grant programs to go after multi-use Trails through office of Greenways and Trails um but it has to be 12 feet wide which is pretty substantial um most multi-use paths that we work with are somewhere between 8 and 10et wide six feet is really not enough to be considered in my opinion a multi-use path um because you got to consider that you've got you know bicycles pedestrians and everybody else and so um if you know if you're thinking about doing a multiuse path you need to think at least eight feet wide at A Min minimum and if it's in a heavily traveled area more like 10 have that much room on 20th Street all the way out do we it's very see where they it's very con it's very constrained I'll be happy to provide what I've got to Kobe so that he could he could share it with you guys yeah because I've been driving I drove up and down there where are they gonna put the sidewalks at because I would see what you were saying okay there's drainage they're not gonna dig up that right and move that and and the the drainage ditches go all the way to the rway line that's that's what one of the problems so I I'll pass along everything I've done to Kobe and he can share it with you guys enough question real quick on that obviously getting those files we'll be able to see that but is that that what you have designed does it run all the way to Highway 90 here or it okay and is there an opportunity to maybe redesign a portion of that with multi-use where it's less constrained obviously this portion of yeah it was from Walton Road to Highway 90 okay yeah that whole stretch okay all right thank you y I'll I'll send Kobe PDFs of everything s the us all right right so what do we need to tell James go ahead yes ma'am do you have like a meeting scheduled for where the public was that in this notice that you're saying so that would be this meeting when is it so this meeting offers the first opportunity for public comment and feedback it was noticed it can happen during a regular city council meeting and and actually should according to statute so we noticed that five days ago six days ago in the act Springs heral um so this this meeting offers the opportunity for public comment um and then there's also a second meeting so statute requires two meetings the purpose of the first meeting is really for the public to be involved in helping develop what the Project's going to look like so say um if yall had feedback on hey this is what we think we should do um in addition to the guidance that we provided and then the second meeting looks at more or less a draft of the completed application so that the public has the opportunity to say okay here are our thoughts about about the project that's been brought forward has that second meeting been established and where will it be it it will occur later this month the deadline is October 31st so we're on a fairly tight turnaround so it'll be the second the second city council meeting this month okay and that was in the notice so everybody's been put on notice that the second meeting's going to be the second notice happens separately um so it happens they have comments outside of this meeting who do they contact or do they just hold them until the next meeting they're welcome to hold them until the second meeting um statute doesn't provide an alternative contact but I'm sure if they shared their concerns with Kobe he'd be happy to me and we can we can give he pass them along to us so thank you yes ma'am may James and Tim is this sufficient for us to work to put something together to bring back right because the next meeting we need to pretty much have an application together because it's due three days later correct yeah we gotta have an application if you're gonna do that yeah I believe this is sufficient and um assuming that the council is okay with it we'll work with Kobe as this project continues just general direction this is a hearing You' had that opportunity you have to approve the application next does the actual project have to be named in this application like what we're going to use the funding for not not during this meeting during the second no I mean in this application in the application correct yes okay so we need to decide so right now it seems we have two options to work toward bringing some information back on because y all need to approve an application at the next meeting for us to submit about the month correct I think one thing that we have all mentioned is sidewalks and storm water to some extent but I mean really F this doesn't focus on storm water we are going to work with Northwest Florida water manage district and possibly D whatever opportunities we can do to to find some alternate funding for the storm water component we will look at but we will need to address this to make that area success so One Way Or Another We're going to have to do it's just a matter of can we do can we do a sidewalk here and finish that and have some design or is it going to be one or the other uh because I think the geography of those two might make them a little problematic to do together but they both I think they would both be reasonably eligible are you good tell our next meeting I am yes sir Tim did you have anything else that you wanted to add just a couple quick things I know James has been in communication just preliminary conversation with uh Florida commerce on the city uh just exploring this particular funding opportunity and the feedback has been uh pretty positive that they you know whatever projects come forward are going to be scored well one of the things I wanted to note was uh the city being a Main Street City that uh you're able to pick up some additional points there I think it's 40 uh for having that designation and if you one of only a handful in the in the state that have that so uh thought thought that was positive as well um just you know I know Kobe made some points about what we're going to need to do in advance of that second hearing uh in two weeks and as much as the council can sort of zero in and focus on on what they would like that project to look like um I think it would make that that second hearing more more productive um so like like Kobe had noted it's pretty quick turnaround with regards to submitting after um after that next council meeting Tim is this design funding only or is it design and construction it can it can include both right unless there's an appetite for scheduling an additional meeting did want to throw that out there so sorry sorry uh you know as as with all of these Grant applications it's always oh got to do it next week um but here here's my suggestion I understand that we're we're we're under a compressed timeline here but these cdbg Grant are available to us on a regular basis and if Department of Commerce is giving us favorable indications I think it's well worth our effort to put our best foot forward and get something in by the end of the month even if it means I'm I'm in full support even if it means calling an extra meeting to discuss what our priorities are well Kobe uh after he speaks to or you guys speak to him you know about what your desires are and if he feels like we're still uh not coming to a consensus then we'll call special meeting I don't even understand what it is that we're going to put in your application I was thinking I I was under the under impression you need to know that now tonight we don't we don't have to but it would be very helpful you that be great but if not we got to have it before the last council meeting of this month no matter what so so what I had brought forward and what Liberty had been working on was for a focus on that downtown district where we've agreed we've agreed on the land use changes and we've agreed on what would be required of future development part of what's required as part of that is going to be some curbing sidewalks and on street parking so this in conjunction to our needs that we have with storm water and utilities and the Desir underground U has been the focus of what we've been talking about now I think this would be enough to do more than design uh with just that money but I think we should also be working with the CRA on implementing some of these as well because they are capable of doing all of those so again that I've had been working with them with that direction uh if we have something else that we want to refocus on we'll just have to put it together pretty quick if the 20th Street uh would work it would be separate we I don't think we could do both as part of one it would have to be a separate thing and we would be doing either one uh or the other right now either way if if that one's designed and we're implementing what they have and we can get a contractor it could be done in time for next year cycle maybe on the other one we'd be doing design on the front end and some implementation we could definitely do the design within a year maybe less than a year don't know how if we'd be able to spend that full amount in terms of implementation so in terms of maximizing it h I think it take two years to two cycles to maximize all of that regardless of which one we did any is 20th Street already designed the count designed designed it and the county is funding it and they're just waiting for additional funds to become available what's really happened is they've lost uh the the person who was pushing that along uh is really what's missing right now just no one's pushing it well but I mean if if I understand that this grant is for design and construction the language I just heard thrown out there Andor and or okay so we wouldn't have to design 20th Street it's already it's already completed yes could be I don't I don't I don't think it is I did three conceptual designs with three separate cost estimates but the county could have moved further since I did that I just I don't know the answer but I I didn't do a complete design I did a conceptual design with cost estimates for three different options does do I understand the county has a role in this like they have to approve the 20th Street uh sidewalk in addition to what we're doing no my I mean if they're going to be spending any money on it yes they're going to have to say but if you're just want to do it yourself no that's 20 Street City street in City they've been helping in doing certain things for this project that means we at some point we're working as a team to accomplish something together absolutely and then that that's what I was about to say we we have been a great team when it comes to the existing sidewalks that were deployed on Walton Road what better way to be a team player than to come back to them and say hey we have this grant it's almost $700,000 that we can put that towards construction we understand that you have some conceptual plans that you could easily move towards a a final plan and that could expedite this entire project versus expending them downtown where there's it's more ethereal design and and conceptual type plans so that that's that's why I'm really pushing towards if we're going to focus on something let's Let It Be the 20th Street sidewalk and let's say let's go to the county and say we're coming to you with over $700,000 we could all we could contribute the first time was 100,000 but now we've got $700,000 sitting here on go I think that's huge go ahead do Cliff this is a question for you may I ask yeah a question uh like you were saying that they do their own roadways does the county also do their own sidewalks could they do the sidewalk installation the construction uh they probably could um I know that the the roadways work they do they do because they have their own Paving crew and so they have a dedicated Paving crew with all the equipment and everything else I haven't really seen them do their own sidewalks like oh okay was just so on on Walton Road for example they contracted out all the concrete work which is on the I think it's on the south side and on the North side where the multi-use path is the county county put in the multi-use path on the north side M themselves and so they contracted out the concrete work on the south side and the uh asphalt paven they they did themselves okay if that makes any sense all right so now right now I'm just I'm trying to make sure we're at least down to only talking about two projects here but I know we could be talking about five but we're only talking about 20th Street we're talking about some of the curves and things over on the downtown area well I like the 20th Street project myself I just want to have a couple of these questions before I you know don't want to focus on any other project um question I had sorry somebody had a question oh sorry go ah um they're great projects downtown Main Street 20th Street they're all great projects I don't know how often we can apply for this these block grants like this but and we need we need sidewalks and but we also need downtown Main Street you you said we're kind of at Advantage with the a block grant because we are Main Street City and Main Street began if I'm correct 2017 and it's been rocking along and there's been no streetcape done yet there's no been no signage nothing to designate it to make it look like a Main Street City and at some point I just want to see it get there whether we have to pursue different money or this particular money or whatever there's infrastructure that needs to be done there and what have you but there's so many things and so so much investment downtown in these businesses and and and Mr valy has pointed out before the the value of those downtown businesses compared to businesses in in other parts of the county and it's extremely high we have one business uh I have recently heard Bogies uh will be closing by December um it has nothing to do with it being a Main Street town but maybe it does but that's not their problem I'm just saying that for these business to invest so much money downtown to to try to be successful that image and those safe crosswalks and all those things it's a wonder somebody hasn't been ran over and killed a child uh because we have no safe cross crosswalks downtown but I think that should be a really high priority for us we we've been we've been working now since 2017 with this and we need to start to get the the look of a Main Street USA city um at some point whether it's different money or what but I'm good on on this if we want to do the sidewalks and everybody decides that that's the best thing we can do because the design cost is already done if the county can help and with partnership it's okay I'm just I just want to see Main Street happen I want to see it successful I want to see downtown look like Main Street city um we we have a responsibility not just the city but Main Street as an organization has a responsibility to ensure do everything we can to ensure those business downtown survive because so much is going on around it the neighborhoods the expanding the the business district all those things that we are doing is gearing up for that and downtown is that whole gem to that whole that whole Magic there we've got to focus on that at some point and get that design that design cost is painful I get it but it has to be done at some point the county spent near just under $100,000 for Main Street master plan to be done CRA has a has a master plan that they both lay out the the appearance of the street skate and those types of things the Visionary things to do so we we've got we've got some fundamental groundwork there to to to work towards and do but we got to bite the bullet at some point and get it done thank you yeah well they're both very valuable projects in two different ways um so we're gonna have to decide what direction we're going to go U I don't know if we can do that tonight I would suggest that I would suggest that U Liberty uh flush out the 20th Street find out what's ready what's not okay uh cuz we don't even know what phase it got left off now I thought it was actually I thought the design was complete to be honest um but it may not be let's find out the status of that project let's find out the County's appetite in terms of sharing the design I would imagine they would share that but you know we have to see where they're at um and then U see if there's any kind of criteria uh within the application that affects one versus the other and I'm I'm fine they affect they impact about the same numbers just looking at just the population numbers are impacted by that directly uh a lot of 20th is you know kind of open and empty but you know towards towards 90 a few but up towards Walton Road you do get a lot of people um so again there is an impact on the community and they're both positive so I'd be supportive of either I'd just like to see um Liberty come back with a recommendation some analysis and um and who could we use to get a feel for where the Count's at who could Kobe can you take the lead on that yes I can reach out to the County engineering that'd be great just going to let you know uh just found out where phase one and phase two are both designed so it's designed all the way from 90 to Walton Road Walton County already paid for it awesome awesome so just be a matter of sharing and how they'd be willing to do that all right well Mr may go ahead I guess what I would like to say I I completely agree with councilman valy and I think we've had some good good discussion here um I would like to say that we I think we have Liberty flesh that out and I'm I'm in all support of a special meeting to to finalize this that is ahead of the actual U meeting the notice required meeting okay you can set usate is that give Liberty and coordinate when they will have that together there's no need to have a meeting if they're not ready together that's right yeah James so you coordinate with Kobe and will set day and Kobe could you put list all the realistic projects that could fall under this particular thing besides 20th Street and then Mr no I mean I that are just already I I think really under a tight timeline I think that'd be very difficult to start to introduce other projects in addition to quite frankly I I didn't think I'd have time to just get the one on wasn't expecting other ones well he can certainly do that I guess okay so we're going to move on until you hear from Kobe yes you good with that okay yes sir all right great all right we're at the citizen comments so we're going to open the floor for citizen comments if uh you do have a comment comment please come to the podium state your name and if you're representing organization state that as well and keep it to three minutes or less thank you public comment good evening Council I just had one thing that I wanted to give you an update on that wasn't on your agenda which is uh County Road 280b utilities you guys got a half a million dollar legislative Grant uh to put utilities on County Road 280b from the new Master Pump Station uh all the way down 280b to Veterans Lodge and also to run water from where we stubbed it out on 331 uh when we did the koi Burgess project yeah to run it from the east side of 331 all the way up 280b as well and so Design's been completed I submitted all the plans to um to Zach uh last week and it's in permitting right now and I'll send the plans and specs to Clay to review so that he can go through and give it his Blessing and then hopefully y'all's meeting uh in two weeks we can get the thumbs up to go out for bid nice so I just wanted to let you know thank you uh y okay well I don't have that on the agenda I would say may have something we could do tonight but we will uh do very it should be very similar to the Koy burges water main extension so we will get with duberry we do have the $500,000 legislative appropriation and then whatever is left is what V the Eagles Crossing paid in Impact fees for for that utilities as well so we'll work with duberry to start getting that RFP put together great awesome okay anyone else all right we'll close the floor for public comment and we will go to where am I right here mayor I got you your contract go right here thank you mayor so I have I've provided in front of you the draft version of the city manager employment agreement with Mr Townson you are not requested or asked to approve this tonight although you are welcome to the effective date of it though you will note under section two will be October 29 2024 as October 28th 2024 will be the effective date of the ordinance amendment that will that we discussed this last time that adjust the qualifications so that'll be the earliest start date we can actually make on this agreement so we can either approve this tonight you can give me feedback tonight I can make changes you can take it home with you look at it call me email me I can make changes and we'll approve it on October 28th so don't have to do it tonight but it is before you for discussion and conversation Mr towns and I that he reviewed this he reviewed this um in concert with looking at what some other cities have done as well as the I uh and felt that this had language that he was comfortable with we made a few tweaks from the standard icma contract uh that were more consistent with um what he was actually looking for but I believe given this this is consistent is within your budgeted process and it is otherwise in compliance with Florida law consistent with these type of agreements you've seen a version of this with very very minor changes each of the last three city managers we've had I would suggest the only major thing Mr Townson asked for that may not have been what you obviously your last C did not have retirement and some of those other benefits given me there were already an F retiree would have fallen under insurance and that is under Section 8 um Mr Town's request to the council is that the city pay full premiums for family coverage for health hospitalization Vision dental and Conference of medical insurance for both the manager and his dependants we have previously negotiated that agreement in the past for city managers who have had dependants that would be eligible so this is not out of the ordinary it may be new based on our last two city managers but it is not atypical from our past so open it to comments questions concerns or otherwise I make a motion to approve it second I we have a motion second any other questions comments anyone all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie and Mr clerk just note for the record the mayor will be signing that based on the council's approval yes sir thank you congratulations Mr [Applause] Townson all right legislative request councilman Val thank you mayor uh the first item is a long-standing vacancy that we've had on the citizen advisory committee for the uh Transportation Planning organization the TPO uh I'm requesting to appoint Michelle kitch resident of Dunc Springs to that position that is a motion second all right been a motion second any questions man all in favor say I I I I I I car well actually that that's a position we want someone to be vocal in that is a position that we have no problem there a good thing no no wall flowers for that we can't afford wall flowers uh this is just so folks know this is advisory committee is the the first layer of the TPO those citizens bring forward local issues and try to bring up local advocacy to the TPO level so it's an important role in terms of bringing things forward uh it's a thankless it's like watching grass grow kind of job but um but it is very important I think she'll be good in that Ro y I'm good okay all right the next item mayor is um we've had discussion in the past about uh the CRA funding level we've seen uh shortfall that we have and struggles that we've been having on individual items some of those include things like maintenance on our historic buildings like the Hall of Brotherhood and the library and from time to time other structures including City Hall and the community center we've we've gone through this partly because when when the C was formed there wasn't a lot of growth going on I mean we had growth in the county we were still one of the fastest growing counties in in the state and one of the fastest in the country however we weren't seeing steady growth with within the community and so we weren't seeing a lot of changes in those needs and those revenues but now as we're seeing you know 100 Lots here 20000 Lots there another 150 somewhere else it's starting to have an impact because we're starting to see you know Police Services need to expand fire Services need to expand we're having constant needs for either repairs or upgrades to sewer and water and everything else but with that we have been a little bit restricted well substantially restricted in terms of our ability to fund that out of adorm now adorm is not a huge part of our Revenue it's a critical part um it's enough to cover the labor for the fire department but again it's it's being a little bit more restricted than I would like to see and with that um for folks that don't know the CRA works on a a tiff a tax incremental fund which actually takes in this point 95% of the increases in property values over the Baseline year which I believe was 2017 or was it 18 18 2018 so any value increases over 2018 that's the Baseline City gets 5% of those increases and the CRA gets funded through 95% of the other increases so that becomes substantial now we weren't planning that it was going to be that huge and that's why they were funded at such a high rate because we didn't expect to have the kind of growth that we've had but we've had and along with it we've had inflation and for that reason uh and out of concern for uh you know again some of the maintenance issues that we're running into uh and because this does take some time uh I did want to propose and have a discussion regarding the possibility of bringing their funding down from a 95% increment to a 75% increment what that would mean right now uh if we were implementing it this year which we are not we cannot do this fully implemented until next year so will not impact our budget until next year's budget but if we were doing it based on to today's numbers that would be $192,000 that would be going to the count the city uh and 127,000 approximately that would be going to the county one of the things I don't like about rolling that back is it does take you know other funding that is coming from the county out of play uh when we take dollars out of out of our portion we're also taking them out of the county portion For Better or Worse um but you know that kind of fund um can be beneficial to the city and one thing that I do want to propose as part of what I'm discussing is I would like to focus at least for the first few years in terms of repairing and bringing the library up to standards now we're not going to transform it into a fundamentally different facility what we're talking about is taking care of the maintenance that maintains it as a historic structure and to get it in good condition and to make sure that we're eliminating some of the issues that are disrupting our tenant uh which is the library at this time um we have to address the flood issues that we have from time to time roof concerns uh and there might be some upgrades that we can consider but um what I wanted to propose uh was a reduction in rate but I think it would be reasonable to have a discussion before we get to a specific number I will add as part of this discussion that I would ask that this not become a ongoing and yearly thing I don't want this to be uh basically you know sticking our nose into the tent and starting to just take every year more and more and more I would propose that as part of this we do this as a one-time thing and so uh limit any future cuts to a super majority vote from the city council so I'm looking at this in several pieces let me just throw in something for you to kind of explain a little bit how we got here because when this happened the 95% was not too uncommon what was uncommon is that you covered a whole city cras were typically neighborhoods uh some cities may not have four acres in a CRA we have our whole city with the exception of government property on wetlands and so uh and I I I even question I said are we going to include all there the whole city and uh you know and they did and so now I think it would be probably a bigger mistake to try to change the the map than it would the percentages uh and so I I kind of agree with with Tony I think that the if we're going to do something it would be the percentages because it would get I think real messy with a map go ahead I just got one thing to offer on it that instead of making a move tonight shouldn't we wait until after the Wednesday Workshop where we're sitting down with the CRA and trying to figure out exactly what we're wanting them to do and then and then look at the numbers then and figure fure out what percentage or what cut we should actually try and take at that point that's all I I'll agree with that uh and add to it uh number one as I've mentioned in previous Council meetings I've actually been working with the city manager on finding a potential funding source to address the library needs immediately hopefully within the next six months um Kobe Kobe's working diligently to come up with that I don't want to it may not materialize but if it materializes we very much in one Fell Swoop could take care of the immediate uh proposed issues with with the library um so I think we need to allow that some time to breathe and come come to fruition hopefully um I would add to it that I agree that we should if we're going to do this we we shouldn't always you know go back to the well but I I I would take it one step further than that uh if we're going to do this if we're going to reduce the rate then we need to have a list of projects not just one that we say okay with this money that we are clawing back from the CRA which mind you it is general fund dollars that are being moved over into into the Tiff I want to be clear about that these are general fund dollars they're the most flexible dollars that we have so if we're going to do this then I wanton want to see not just one item on the list I want to see several we have the Hall of Brotherhood as an example it is it is in desperate need of some maintenance based on councilman Valley even what you've assessed uh in previous meetings there being some issues with the the work that's been performed over there as I think about other issues that the city is facing in terms of expansion service of of services when it comes to police fire and and more if we're going to do this if we're going to reduce that rate then I want to see a list and I want us to commit to this is going to be the funding and this is the things that we're going to do so that we can assure the public these are where those dollars are going so I that's why to me I agree with councilman coners that let's have let's have a separate meeting about this let's come up with a plan um and then as well as give give time for hopefully what is an immediate address of the uh the library needs to a different funding source I would say then uh if no jump in then I would say that uh I agree that it does need to be about more than one thing and so one of the things that was initially in mind is the possibility of having it be a historic building maintenance fund for these buildings and Hell Brotherhood and the library in particular these are Jewels these are things that we we say we love them we got to spend the money on them if we had this $192,000 we would would be had in hand waiting to try to get money out of uh you know the preservation fund to do that 300,000 project that we're doing right now we would have been able to have done it last year and this year but it's important that there be that commitment now we can't commit future councils to it in perpetuity but I think certainly in agreement that we would proceed with the maintenance and prioritization of these historic structures as a as a primary is a reasonable starting point um this certainly would ease the burden on you know what uh the city manager is dealing with in terms of you know maintaining this facility dealing with the items that come up the occasional you know Skylight that leaks uh system going down electrical panel getting plumbing pipe bursting behind it these things come up and and this kind of fund these kind of funds would significantly improve the position that that we find ourselves in but um you know Hollow Brotherhood should have they set aside amount every year and we don't uh that window replacement could easily be $200,000 for to to replace or repair all the windows in there and it probably needs it even though it was just technically done um but we've obviously seen some failures um the library again serious need of attention we'd like to see that improve other facilities around the lakeyard as well older structures there um the bathrooms at the at the Florence Park that we keep talking about that could have been done with this on any given year so again we've got opportunities to provide things but we we need the funds to do it and the CRA can do a lot of things but um they would be difficult for them to maintain the library and do bathrooms and some of the parks where we're talking about building facilities that's not really in their wheelhouse um not when it's providing a facility to the city so again we want to give them Direction and we need to do that uh I'm perfectly willing to wait and I brought this forward now because I expect this to be a long conversation uh but we are on the clock because we gotta get in line for next year because it does take time to put it into place Mr Mayor yes go ahead so Council M Val I completely agree um I do want to add that it's not just Building Maintenance uh in my mind as I think and project out uh about our Public Safety uh the the potential just the potential Debt Service alone that we are facing when it comes to F properly funding our Public Safety agencies that we that we currently have um when I when I do back of the napkin math on it it can easily be five $600,000 if not more before you even get into Personnel costs so if we're again if we're going to do this let's let's designate These funds these These funds are going to be you know used in this way and let's do this let's do this right agreed okay so so think mayor what I'm hearing is that we'd like to go ahead and push this discussion um and I'm not sure that we have a date certain but we want to at least get past this meeting with the CRA uh I don't want it to um Fade Into memory so uh I think uh perhaps we table it to the first meeting in um November and move it to them for additional discussion okay so we you know we did set our before the second meetings of the months we set our Workshop schedules which is exactly what we did this for right um is ID been identified for that meeting talk about Paving roads and I had added a batement to that as an addition if we get to do we want to push those two back a little further and put this as that Workshop topic that's only two weeks out and it'll be dedic an hour dedicated to this conversation I don't say we I mean my opinion is let's maybe just stick it on the November Workshop agenda yeah let's go ahead and put it on the no tell you what let's let's table it till after the November or yeah table it to the November Workshop so four o'clock before the second regularly scheduled meeting now again I'm talking about tabling it so we would have to bring it up at the meeting not just at the workshop otherwise we have to do something else with it just continue around the table to make it easy okay I'll make sure we're talking about six weeks from now right six weeks from today yeah second Workshop okay you just need to make whatever decision you're going to make I would request we do no later than our first meeting in June well CRA has their budget done by then don't they when did they finish their budget this year believe they provided this year to Us Mid July yeah July last year the reason I'm using June we have so many days notice we have to give our other taxing districts be the county in this scenario um for us to be able to comply with that and then comply with advertising requirements of the plan change I'm going to e e roughly 25 days if your dr420 original form goes in August 4th was this year it's usually that first week of August no matter what June 1's about is late as you can get and be a safely do this correctly so we really need to be done in May complete done and all that well if you start your budget process in March like you talked about before that would be the ideal time yeah but they're starting their budget process around the same time aren't they C doesn't matter they're going to have to amend their budget process if you amend their plan there's a lot easier to change than house yeah that's that yeah they can change their plan is g to be their plan it's how much money they get that's they don't do their budget until they get their preliminary estimat anyway so we started that in March we're fine well that's their worst case scenario but i' I'd like to push ahead and know where we're going to be standing well before then yeah he just reminded me we in November we're going to have a Veterans Day on our first meeting yes 11 Veterans Day yeah we do not have a first meeting scheduled in November right now okay it's on the calendar why is it a holiday vet day it's on so we moving Tuesday the only count the only council meeting that is not scheduled for this calendar year is the second meeting in December I don't know if we call Veterans Day in there or not but we do not on federal holidays we are closed today's Columbus Day I was just going to say today a federal holiday but the city approved the specific list of federal holidays in Veterans Day is absolutely that one I'm sure of but we also approved a specific list of as well so you have a conflict in those two approvals do you have to reconcile we can um I mean we need to at the next meeting we'll put on this agenda item and we can have it move to a Tuesday or or cancel that's toally up to y'all but EV most of the day veteran day anyway no more we'll bring it we'll bring something back we'll probably just move it to the next tues or the next best day for everyone here next month yeah we just have back to back we'll figure it out okay so we're just gonna let that continue so we'll uh motion to continue to um GL we don't need to give any kind of dat we just motion to continue item all right second okay so uh any questions all in favor to say I I I I I I thank you Mr Valley go executive comments Mr okay TOS thank you mayor U just a couple updates um two three weeks back now um a reporter from The Economist knows everybody knows what that is reached out um and will be coming and doing and doing some research and talking with Chris Mitchell about the cemetery and some historical figures we have out there so that that's interesting hopefully we'll see some from that um you will see in the hallways that the photos have been put up so we're glad those are done um here in the near future staff will be begin m um painting the community center they would have started weeks ago we've had some some issues of our own that we've been dealing with and so you'll we'll begin to do that and then just kind of a bring to everyone's attention workshops that we just talked about so there's potential for a special meeting for the cdbg grant if we come to that point um we have talked about the fire assessment workshop at the end of October 1 of November so we will look at that and the one we just identified tonight for the end of November so just to keep everybody in the headp space so that's it there I just CL a question on the what do we lack to close on this Old City Hall so we're finishing the due diligence agreement which swap some paperwork with them but once we get that signed and they say they're ready to go yep so we received the their their paperwork a week and a half ago that's right and so once Mr Atkins reviews we'll be bringing to the council Have you shared that with us yes I bring it next meeting what plan okay good awesome good good okay hopefully I mean our goal is to be our goal is there will to close in November we're close yeah start paying bills over there and more than gra yes okay I don't have anything I'll go to Mr SC I I'd like to welcome um commissioner elect Mr Curry here tonight he's he's on the front row with us and um and just ask everybody to everything gets back to normal here but we we often forget that a lot of people have had their lives completely torn upside down over the past few weeks and sure and that could very easily be us so please keep all them in your prayers that's all I got thank you very much Amy I'd like to say hey Welcome to our new County Commissioner elect as well but also today we all had the opportunity to go to the county fair at Blue Ribbon cutting so I that was a really great experience uh and just wanted to remind everybody go out visit the fair it's a hundred year celebration this year and it was wonderful to see everybody coming together and Kobe thank you for helping work with them on uh they had a little hiccup with some parking issues that uh we were able to work with them as partners so thank you for that I really appreciate it and congratulations glad to have you full time on board yeah I was going to say the same thing about the ribbon cutting today and we had the hospital uh ribbon cutting earlier in the week yeah and that was exciting as well Valle uh I just want to call attention to uh was thinking about this the other day and so I'm gonna probably on a regular basis call attention to our code review and land use committee that we have once a month um it's it's very dry but at the same time it's also important you know we're we're the intention is to go through each part of the code review it make sure it's current um so again want to encourage public participation in that um because it does it does affect everything from parking lot maintenance to you know how you you know maintain your lots and in your houses to to Land Development it's it's going to be a wide variety of things but want to just continue to call attention to that would love to have public participation in it you have uh I you already fre will projected what you're going to cover a few days in advance yes sir so we have a we have a tracking sheet that is included on on most of the agendas so you can click on that and it's a tracking sheet and it shows the the uh sections of the code that we intend to review all I need to do is just go that committee and the agenda look at the agenda and then on the agenda there's a tracking sheet and they can pull up that tracking sheet and they can see the sections of the code that we intend to review okay need to make sure everybody knows it's that easy to know I should ask you earlier I didn't think about that but because see what you guys were covering well thank you so much um I think we had good productive meeting here and we got a lot to cover in the next few weeks so thank you very much and we'll call this meeting ad jour