heed to be on this everyone knows Treeport that's where all the actions going that's right this this is the hot spot but yeah don't let me know give me a call you okay all right all right yeah yeah yeah um when summer comes up and make sure that nobody else is GNA come that's when you can hit but you know make sure coordinate with Kim yes so I'm not running my yeah perfect time to straighten up up yeah time to like adults Evan would be here he just comes from the extension office I talked to him a couple days ago yeah yeah do you have his number I I I call did he come to the last meeting yeah he was there yeah it was it was me Summer was here last time but Summer's three minutes away I missed the last meeting I was in Park City Utah I forgot about I forgot we moved the meeting up and then last 10 weeko in Alaska for 10 days I'm wor out yeah that's where we flew into flight hereis about 6 yeah I brought off I brought 100 pounds of fish back hit salmon out the keine river that sounds rock fish it's supposed to be an ancient fish I gotta read out yeah Salmon's real good bring me some good do like it's one of my knock some Sans into him been around oh I got on there the Timmy probably got the come down the call today he's trying to become my friend there's Tony there he goes yes sir talk about him calls okay we'll see you when you get here all right byebye we have two members folks so we're gonna hold off just a couple more minutes and then we'll get started I'm pretty sure we can all find something to say okay you're not the last one Tony says don't give up on him but I think if we have four we can go ahead and get started and let him come in when he gets here thank you so the bridge is out on County to and I have we're gonna go ahead and get started since we've got most everybody here and we'll let Tony catch up so whenever you're ready you let me know if it record go and start meeting make sure that your microphones are I guess that's off okay all right uh it is August 1st 504 and we call this beautification and tree board meeting to order so the first thing is to approve the minutes from March 7th but I don't have them in front of me do you have them and we just okay so I think maybe um we missed that one so that's just the agenda so we'll we'll forward that to the next meeting um the next item on the agenda is to talk about water Oaks and camper trees uh and we want to talk about the suggestions for Replacements from our our tree guys and our last board member uh Tony Branson is on his way so he'll join us in just a few minutes um so one of the uh at a recent council meeting councilman Valley had brought up uh some concerns over the water Oaks trees and put and I'll you can correct me if I'm wrong uh councilman but I think his suggestion was to eliminate them as a tree to be replanted particularly in the rideway and the council asked us as a board to discuss that and give our recommendation to the council for their decision so uh councilman valy since you're here would you like to expound a little bit on that good afternoon and thank you madam chairwoman um so yes the concern was that um it doesn't take much of a drive or a walk through town to to start to understand what's going on um on the corner opposite corner from where I I live there's actually two water Oaks that have collapsed one fell on the same shed twice uh there was only you know a very large trunk and eventually it finally went and it's still down um there's a dead one just uh next to it uh by a power pole and then during a storm one that actually appeared to be in good condition actually fell on my house um what that means to the city is that the city starts to assume some liability depending on where the tree is if the Tre is on private property it's up on it's on the individual uh the responsibility for taking care of that tree and for paying for any repairs if it's on city property um that actually turns into an insurance claim or Insurance dispute uh between the city and any damage that was caused um if the tree didn't have any evidence of of damage you know the city you know that claim's probably going to get denied if this if the tree has any evidence of of you know being ill or being in poor condition and it causes damage now the city's got a cost through through a claim and then probably through through their deductibles so there is a real cost to the city in terms of these trees uh having uh starting to fall starting to have damaged properties damaged power lines it took out uh temporarily disconnected power but it could have ripped the P the the pole off my my house it could have caused injury to anyone that was walking by and also what it does is it puts our law enforcement and our First Responders and the and our and our Public Works in the position where they have to be out there and physically deal with the dangerous Hazard usually during rain the intention is that not only do we prohibit planting but actually I went a little bit further and actually started looking at a removal process to where we schedule it because when we have a tree fall it never Falls at a very convenient time for for staff uh it'll fall during a storm it'll fall at the end of the day it'll fall over the weekend that turns into overtime in addition to all the other dangers and costs that we have but if we identify that a tree is sick um not delaying but going ahead and taking it down and not just mitigating a couple branches that we can see it on because these trees tend to tend to be Hollow all the way down and the tree that was at my house broke at8 feet above the ground maybe even a little bit higher on the inside of a y where they Fork which is common because you get the rot there but there was evidence of rot all the way down to the bottom at the ground where there's a hole of of you know fungus that eaten all the way through it so that tree wasn't going to be there for too long anyway so I was looking at two recommendations one most basic first line don't plant them don't allow them to be planted and don't make them part of what You' approve for development order on a landscape uh that you allow people to plant there's no reason for it we've got Oaks that we could substitute for for that I mean they're not any cheaper or more expensive than other things that are available that don't cause this long-term problem um so that's the most basic and I was hoping that everyone could at least feel comfortable with that one the next level was for you know identifying trees especially in rideways where it can damage other property power lines and things like that there always be prior for removal and if it's showing evidence that rather than trying to just trim back damage that it be just taken out completely that's where we have to start getting into more discussion and more input from from your expertise uh and then whether it needs to be more aggressive that that'll be up to y'all my goal eventually is to uh with the help of of our Grants Department um to be able to actually assist on private property with people that want them removed um the first grant that we want to look for is a grant to help the city replace these trees so when we take them out we we're doing it without incurring a heavy cost we can do it proactively which is cheaper for us regardless of of what we do and also be able to go ahead and replant with with better vegetation than we otherwise could because we we'd have finances to do it which means that you guys can Implement your original plans of getting more trees planted sooner rather than later that's the first goal the second goal is to actually extend that to where we're actually looking at Grants that would allow us to assist homeowners with doing the same thing so if they have a tree we know it's sick they ask for help they want help they don't we're not going to go on anybody's private property and take their trees out we're not going to do that but we're talking about if they know that they have a problem and they need some help my goal our goal as a city is to find a grant that would allow us to do that and there are some grants that we have talked to um uh the extension office about and so we're we're trying to work with the extension office on that um the grant cycle Clos for the year there's two different Cycles depending on the ones you're doing and that's that's where we're at so the guidance we're trying to get from yall is how do you feel about those different things how do you feel about um prohibiting them from being planted again there were some concerns you know can't tell us you know what the plant but we can certainly tell ourselves what to plant we can start there and then in terms of development orders you know we require them to vegetate the buffers which are at the property Edge you know we can certainly tell them what's allowed and not allowed there we do it every day we tell them what they can't and can't plant already so this is just adding to that so that part of the discussion to me is Mo the question is do you want to prohibit this particular tree or any particular trees in general and then going beyond that you know whether or not you think it's it's a good idea to uh if we can get funding to be very proactive and how proactive and how aggressive and do we do that with or without funding so those are the the big questions and we're looking at you all because you have a lot of expertise and um because you you get more input from the public than a lot of times we do and it's and it's very beneficial but with that I just kind of defer to to what yall have uh councilman yeah probably could have you might agree you can group Laurel o in with that Water Oak a lot of those trees you're probably talking about are probably Laurel Oaks but same type of tree those were planted 8090 years ago they were fast growing one reason they were planted and they're not anytime their branches get shaded the lower branches die so they're messy trees so I agree they probably need to in the future go with live oaks or something but there are a lot of them in the city I mean I bet there's 200 of them that are this big issue yeah it cost me $1,500 to take out one yes it's one of those it's part of the reason we bought the house we love them but um we learned a lot about them since then we took it out before it was collapsing but I've got another one I mean they they the other two have fungus as well we know they do uh it's just a matter of how long can we keep them because I can't have it fall ne's house I can't afford that uh I can't afford it for it to follow in my house so they're going to have to go pretty soon I'm trying to stagger it a little bit so we can get something else established underneath it before they it's going to be very costly to homeowners if they have to remove because they do have a tendency to get Hollow as they get older correct and these two big ones in my yard that big and tall and the branching extends uh 50 feet I mean it it's as wide as a lot as some of the lots are it's painful painful to lose a big tree like that I I hate to see large trees that are so well established be removed however he's got a point I mean these are not long liveed trees they last what 40 50 years at the outmost but compar and then they start riding away and falling apart and I could point out at least a dozen in our neighborhood alone that uh have gone that way or are in the process of going that way so yeah Laurel Oaks water Oaks camper trees are invasive as it is so we shouldn't certainly shouldn't be planting them and uh removing them wouldn't be outrageous the pairs are I mean also those those pairs are one to consider as well we have them a lot in downtown um we actually lost about a third of one by the by the Spectrum building where my office is um totally unexpected I did not expect that but they are overburdened they haven't been thinned out to help them one invigorate themselves and to maintain themselves a little bit uh in a little better condition the lower branches hav't been removed to encourage them to grow taller so I think all those are fair conversations to have as part of this um but you might say it's like hey we've got a couple that we don't think they need to be removed however they need to be maintained and we recommend you know lower branch removal and you know thinning every 10 years I mean we just need some guidance and once we have that guidance we can we can budget and schedule for it and I've worked with Scott over the last four or five years Scott Simmons looking at many trees in town and if they're borderline we tell them to remove it you know you know go go back and forth does this tree need to be removed so yeah for you Mike when you did your inventory did you drill down that deep to say whether it was a laurel water yeah when me and Tony we didn't remember the inventory I've got that information for the lakeyard trees there's a few Laurels but not a whole lot but we just did Parks we didn't do right right of way right didn't do rways okay I would say it's very important not to plant these at parks the the number one uh injury causing element in a park isn't these crazy slides isn't the swings it's trees falling that's what causes the most injuries in public parks and we aren't planting any Lo dos in the Parks water and I guess the part of the reason that we've that I brought it to the council and brought it to you because I know we've got we've got great people working with all of our staff on all kinds of stuff the problem is that we have to plan for when we're not here at the table anymore uh and we need to set things up so that there's a a clear path and there was a clear intent at this point and we want to see it followed through if someone thinks that needs to be changed that's fine we've got something to start from but otherwise it's just it's arbitrary and so we we just want to plan for when we're not at the table uh so they say hey we were thinking this at this point if it needs to change that's fine but if you're going to change make sure there's a reason and that's all we're really trying to do because you know I'm glad you're out there but who's who's behind you to to step up next kind of thing right summer Tony do you guys Tony but yeah I think we should develop list do not plant list well we have one yeah say do we have all those on we don't I don't think Laurel Laurel and I can't remember if Bradford got I thought Bradford did it it's already on the list so we can update that where so I I think at a a minimum I think we we can all maybe unless you guys are opposing um I think we can agree that we could add this to a do not plant list for both the city and any new developments any parks and common areas rights way great since we've brought that to light I've just been looking and really paying attention they are everywhere I mean you hardly have to plant them they pop up by themselves 15 minutes you blink and it's great that they do but it but it's tough when it's time to take them down but that's their job they're a successional species so they're you know they're used to growing so if we were to say monitor the ones that we have in our parks and rights of way how often would the tree guys here say that needs to happen at least twice a year at least yeah yeah yeah and I don't know that we have anybody qualified to do that right now that's on sta are the I know that the interim city manager is looking at providing training so that we will have people on staff that have the training um and because that's something I've noticed uh well fpnl is supposed to assist us with that and they do they'll provide an arborist to provide support if requested but um it's been pretty heavy-handed and it and what I've seen is more about out how much can we take out without killing the tree rather than healthy pruning that will actually help the trees uh because I've got Oaks in front of my house which are right away trees talk about this on the board and just they Massacre the trees that are in the way of the lines yeah yeah but if we were had healthier thinning of them before they got to that point it it would help because they've actually got something to work with and the tree has something to work with because we're giving it some direction in advance of that but I I think that having the training will help with with that um but really I think y'all could set some policy recommendations to to Really entrench it and and it could you know it could be that you just we support the you know city managers uh you know establishment of of a rotation of two staff members that are that have you know arborous training they don't have to be certified but you know have you know experience or training even the people mowing the parks you know just give them a little look up once in a while when you're mowing the parks and see if you something obvious you know yeah or take note of any branches that have fallen recently you're seeing stuff falling see what it came off of because that's when that's why I know I'm having a problem I mean I don't see dead branches because there's a lot of vegetation there but I'm I've got eight 10 12 foot limbs they're not huge but you know if my car was under I would have a whole different opinion about that tree entirely at the moment but yeah I'm getting constant uh limb falling and I'm very concerned that's why I'm thinking one of the other ones going to have to go sooner than later so again it's a if you see something say something situation but it's it's hard to keep track of it especially if it's not policy and but I think again you can you don't have to be too narrow you I would certainly look at the recommendations for what should be absolutely prohibited on you know RightWay as parks and public you know our land and what we allow um and then you know there's an expansion of scope Beyond on that to talk about but again I how you want to handle it and how you want to approach it is entirely up to you all would someone like to start a motion a motion to add these to the list of do not plant I will make a motion to add the Laurel and Water Oak to the list of do not PL I'll second that any discussion anything else do we want to uh add anything about monitoring it to that motion or do we want to talk about that later yeah because who's gonna who's gonna have that assignment to monitor the trees right first we need to go identify them right is that true or where they are yeah because you'd have to drive the rideways of town that's where we're cutting down a lot of huge lurs right now um that's it's quite a bit of right away yeah but it could be done I mean I think within you know certain individual or something you could definitely do it week just going up there and looking and whatever is that would to be bad if I could help somehow I'd do it well why don't we uh handle the motion that we have and then we can uh extend the discussion to next time for or if we want to add other trees we come up with sound good yep okay uh all in favor say I I I I passes 5 zero uh the other thing that I wanted to bring up was camper trees so I had a a call from one of the residents that walks the lakeyard um once or twice a day and she mentioned that over next to Ruby Burton Park I mean r the Ruby Burton gazebo um where the chameleos are you the grouping there she said there's a a one or two big camper trees growing up through there and it I know you guys probably know how invasive they are better than I do uh so I I wasn't sure how we would address that I don't know if we have anybody here from the parks department I don't think we do today um but I think we should at least at the very least like direct and say hey can we get uh staff to go look and remove any of those that are in the in the Parks and we may should have just included that and but I don't know if that I don't think that is on our if it is on our do not plant list we're not going to plant them anyway but treating the ones that are there I put my words on Lake all right yeah so if that's good with you guys I'll just have that conversation we don't need a vote on that so okay I would I would uh I would also mention that they're very good at growing up in other plants so in Hedges and and shrubberies keep an eye out for I mean both water Oaks Laurel Oaks and camper trees all like to get up in there and before you know you have a big tree a big tree grown out of the middle of year Alia yes so it's not just the big ones that are already exct what it's doing in my yard right now right and they grow so fast uh so the next thing that we wanted to talk about uh the our interim city manager uh Mr Kobe Townsen called together the um CRA director the director for Main Street and myself so that we could have a joint meeting and because we have so many things that overlap uh and uh I I just wanted to say thank you to Rachel who is our Main Street director for coming today and you might have to correct me on on some of the things that I'm updating because I I'm just going off of a broad Facebook note um that now I have to find because I didn't have it pulled up here we go um one of the things that we talked about was at our last meeting we talked about either doing some planters or or something uniform for the main blocks downtown um in the in the business well I don't think we have a business district but you know what I mean um so finding some uniformity there we had talked about using some of the funds that we had available to us this coming year um if the budget is approved would be about $10,000 not including any grant money and there's a a mismash of material in the beds like there's lava rock there's some other coule yeah just random and just taking some of those things that we don't really take note of and making them uniform and something that would try to keep it low maintenance for the city they do make uh we talked about maybe an artificial turf they make an artificial turf that does get so hot that so if you've got pets or kids that are barefooted or whatever they they shouldn't get burned by it uh that was one idea that we floated that we thought would kind of brighten up those areas where the um where we were talking about the L off the papers and and that sort of thing um and I and we're we're open to your suggestions on this and is this something that you would like us to to come alongside Main Street and and I'm for it I've been for it day one I mean I'm I'm don't I'm feel different about the artificial grass um I again preach it Rosemary as a ideal using native plants that are drop resistant that we are easy to take care of the city's not constantly Because unless they're trained how to take care of it there's all different types of grasses that you could put that's low it would look full it'd be very uniform that would be the way I would like to see it go um I'm sure you'all been to Rosemary and seen how their landscape is uh they're just really do well with the native stuff that's what I would okay yeah yeah I like that too yeah I have yet to see a volcano in Florida so I you know it's not a a native T everywh they're pretty well hidden um so I I would definitely like to see the the Lava Rock and and all that be removed and and if we can focus on either native or at least Florida friendly plants that that are not invasive and are not going to cause problems then um I would I would probably recommend staying away from artificial turf because you do run into some problems besides the heat issues with those in the long run okay that they can get messy and uh you know degrade over time and it's just not the best idea okay yeah could uh you guys come back to us with when I say guys those in the know of the plants that we would want to keep there um can you give us a list of some things that might work there that are going to be drought tolerant you're talking about because we do not have Irrigation in all of these places so that's that's the challenge so you're talking all the way from the charging station down to the brewery you know where the crosswalks are there's like these little I call them medians but they're not Med but triang yeah yeah we've tried trees and a lot of them die well one of those things you got to go all in on it because if you don't it's something that could look good but doesn't look good and it just seems Seems to just if you get something that fills the space too you don't necessarily have to worry about weeds because it's just it it takes every bit when you do a little splot here splot here then you've got weeding and you know the city's overwhelmed as is right if you get something like gallardia um Doom sunflower um and like muly grass it chokes everything out so if you can get that in there get it established you know I mean the gardi all you have to do every year is just take it and uh disperse it comes back every year and it it looks like it just grew there and the MU grass that the new Dollar Generals they going up especially the Landscaping on 90 is actually well done they have beautiful muy grass outside have you noticed that and it I mean it's drought resistant it's I got a purple are you familiar with it just thought about I was thinking the same thing those would be great I think if they're not too high but the ones that they have are different some can get really tall but they're they look them where they're like this and they stay that highight yeah I mean I think walking down the street downtown to see that in every median would be because right now you it's sort of is sourish from one place to the next but I think if we had that uniformity all of a sudden you're like oh wow yeah like this is and I don't think it would be that expensive I think that that's something that you really could get volunteers to do I mean with a little bit of guidance um you know maybe test the soil or there's not really soil there just say at least get a dumpl load of you know instead of trying to do a bunch of bags let's probably get people to donate honestly I was gonna say I know Lowe's and Ace and there have been you know was it I mean was your uh something added to this hole or do they literally just dig it out and pop it in there lot in there it's it's been I mean it's been growing yeah there's nothing there it's tough it's tough so I'm personally on board with that so maybe if you guys can come back with some plant suggestions and maybe email those to Raphael with some photos so that those of us who don't know what a doom sunflower is can can look at it and see did I say that right you yes you did this is a joke but you know something that really would stay and not need much maintenance Coan Drass I'm just kidding that's a terrible invis species pop never say that do some popcorn trees um and then the other piece that we talked about was coming together with finding some planters that we can put uh and Rachel can I ask you to come up and refresh my memory on where we ended with that and what we about the hanging planters or the overall the overall Planters um So currently there are 15 of the larger Planters on the 700 block um so next Thursday we're going to kind of start the process to get the downtown ready for the beautification committee in the city so we're going to take all the weeds and plants out of the jut outs on the south end of Baldwin so the whole thing we're just going to pull them out and get the ground ready for the city to come in behind um but the planners we're actually going to paint those they cannot be moved or not all of them can be moved because there is a water um like system in the middle pot so that one's just kind of stuck there um so just to keep it looking at least one block uniform to that point we are going to kind of freshen them up with a different coat of paint um just to and we've got some other things going on that block to like make it stand out a little more um that's all going to take place next Thursday so we can get it ready for everyone else to come in behind and make it look beautiful because Main Street does not specialize in Plants but we can dig the weeds out so um but we'll have those planners and then we will eventually look at we talked about the planners on the light poles but we're going to wait until the C is done with everything on that portion just to see what we have like how the beastro lights look and do we need anything else before we keep adding to the light poles yes and she mentioned beastro lights um just for reference that's something that the CRA was getting arranged and I I believe uh the director uh Josh Iran said that he was hoping for Labor Day but that might be a little it may push back so all the polls are installed um and they've gone in and put in some of the I guess wiring or lines um so they've just got to string the actual like pulling across to hold the lights and then get that in but he was hoping September maybe a little later but definitely definitely bymas reflection so by Christmas Reflections Mary Main Street and that whole shebang we will have the beastro lights in there yes yes we're very excited about that um before you leave we had talked about um doing like some planters at the corners to sort of anchor each block um is that something that you guys would also be interested in or do we want to kind of hold and see what we've got where where explain to me what you're talking about so I was thinking like at the corner of each block sort of like when you go to um so close to the medians that we're talking about closer to the well to the building or to the median um but like some don't really have a median right so sort of pushed back where you're sort of setting off that corner you know like a trio of different height and I'm trying to think of the is it Dustin Commons Dustin Commons is no Grand Boulevard is where I'm thinking about um where it's just sort of a a simple grayish beish planter and then that gets changed out regularly um water is going to be the huge issue and I was just curious like fly is a as an ideal they're downtown they have the hanging planners but it I would be interested in reaching out to them because how do they keep those planners so well I mean they're just overflowing but there's got to be I mean a water system goes so that would definitely be bring the city in I managed Grand Boulevard uh planting we um and we had we used a lot of water Grabber it's if you yeah have you ever used it go you mix it up you put it in there works great I mean it works great you just have to see you know um how much you need and and somebody has to go around and put some water in it you know a couple times a week but I mean is that too much to ask the M main is going to be the big thing you know I mean the good thing about it is is you're not going to have a lot of fungus if you don't have a lot of water in it you know you're not constantly fighting the fungus but um that would be one way to get around it because U we had to constantly work it there because you know your irrigations drip really does it's not one you can count on working great all the time so if you put water grab or nothing there it's a great tool when you mentioned the hanging planters what was what was the time line thought on that well so we were going to probably like I know it been mentioned just like looking at it for next year because we want to first see like the poles are they going to hold up how are they um and I know there's some trees that are overhanging so across like the Baldwin Avenue that would potentially be in the way of the Beast light so it was something we've gotten some just like pamphlets of like some of the um pots I guess that like kind of water like collect the rain and then water um I do know one of the goal was as we all met was not to have to keep overloading the city as much at least in the beginning until it is um so we were trying to think of Alternatives where it wasn't necessarily the city having to come around but if Main Street could check something while we're downtown then it'd be something that's easier to maintain but we do not have a green thumb and I will continually state that um Nei do because so um we would definitely have to be under the guidance um which is why on Thursday we'll come in and take out the weeds because that is easily done and we're going to kind of start with the sidewalk clean up too so that as we are making know each block look the same and kind of giving that branding visuals perspective that the cities talked about when people enter the community we already have it cleaned up so that when each entity is ready to go in and put in like their touch um that it's all like a blank slate for everyone there's plenty of plants that we can use that and she is referencing August 8th which is the downtown cleanup day uh so we're looking for volunteers if you guys don't have other plans what time is it right we're going to start at 4: we will have plenty of like Waters and lemonades and snacks out there we do know it's hot but it is summer in Florida and I don't really feel like there's a good day until November um so but we are hosting in September we are hosting the state um so all the Florida main streets and the Tallahassee will be here for 3 Days in September um so this is just kind of coinciding to clean it up a little before every other Main Street comes and critiques us so is the Lava Rock going out on this clean up is not probably going out on this cleanup um because we were trying to find an alternative first before we just started removing everything right um I do know I think the Garden Club I don't think any wants to hear from it they had recommended a couple of plants to put in on the south end of Baldwin along the train tracks so we'll go into where all the tree jet outs are in the parking spots clean that up um we're going to clean up the just kind of shape the bushes that go from Seventh across the track so that entrance to the lakeyard uh just trim them we're not removing them or hindering them just shaping them um and then we will clean out the area where that tree is in that corner by the um like where seventh and Baldwin come together before the train tracks where that one tree is and the bushes we'll clean out that area like on the ground like mow the grass down and um kind of place like where the barricades are just make it a little more visually like receptive on that day and one of the things that I wanted to ask you guys about it's not it's not the right time of year to trim up an oak correct not heavy pruning not yeah you can still prun okay so maybe we can ask so particularly The Oaks that are on the south side of Baldwin kind of behind the red brick commercial buildings that are on those just need to be trimmed up a little bit so maybe just not like the big limbs but the little bit Yeah you could you could come back a little bit and that's going to happen next week well that tree part will not but we're going to work like four to eight and then what we don't get done on that one we're going to kind of come through the basis so we're going to repurpose some of the plants in the pots that are on the 700 block um and put them somewhere else and we're going to have we got suggestions and recommendations to be able to transfer those plants safely and then we'll have those pots get painted and once they're painted we'll put in a little more color so some plants that are native to the area that can last through the fall and winter season and that are easy to maintain and it's on one block so it'll be easy for Main Street to maintain that portion but just to kind of clean that up we're not going to be able to do everything in four hours but we'll get the start so that we can come in next the following week and complete it I need to know if I had to come down there and protect some trees from you know it to machetes I mean I have a lot of Girl Scouts coming to help so I don't think you have to come protect them that much but no just the bushes for the just as you go into our lakeyard since that's a really big part of defenc we want that as people are coming in um and Crossing those tracks just to have like a very clean entrance into the lakeyard as well so some of the details also and I'll get word out to the Master Gardener see if I can dry me up some more if I can't find anybody to help with the trees too I'll go down there and help somebody you know somebody's gonna be pruning on the trees I'll be I'll try to show up too four o' yes sir yes that would be great perfect thank you Rachel thank youall and just a few of the other things that we talked about some of this is dreaming and some of this is coming so um and we don't know time frame on any of this but I get excited about this kind of thing so I want to share with you guys um first of all this is coming uh the the uh Main Street board did get permission to paint the big store so that is no longer going to be that Pepto Bismol pink um and no offense to those that love that color uh but it's I think it's white correct so just Blank Slate uh they're going to be trimming around the Caboose to kind of meeten that area up there they're going to trim up the cedar tree at the corner of seventh and Baldwin so they can uh display some art under there did I get that right okay um changing out the plants and the Planters those are going to be painted what color did you say got it sort of a charcoal kind of thing okay um we're also when I say we I'm just thinking like City CRA Main Street beautification there's not a I'm not assigning uh looking at creating some way find in signs as well as Gateway signs like if you've been to Crest View recently and come from Highway 90 traveling East like if you're going from Baker to Crest View there's a great big Archway now right there that takes you in like you're entering downtown Crest View so there's some talk about having something like that exactly where it would go what it would be displayed but really making it feel very special like you have arrived um there is a reconnecting communities grant that is in the works that has not been approved and I'm not I didn't make a note on whether it had been officially been submitted I know we talked about it um and then that was um I think a $750,000 grant then um August 8th is the cleanup Main Street is hosting the all of the Main Street September 8th through 10th so that's sort of the goal date for them to have us be as attractive as possible um so we're uh Rachel said she's expecting maybe somewhere around 50 Main Street visitors maybe more and interestingly enough um this got me excited because we've talked about underground electric before and it sort of got pushed aside like that wasn't possible but when we were talking about it in the meeting with Josh irvan he said that um he had gotten a quote see all I've got is underground 750k so my details are all lost now the anesthesia has made me a complete crazy person um but he had said that for about 750 they could get was it the Alleyways only or was it it was the Alleyways first and it was part of that it wasn't like intern and all the other that's what it was that's right so anyway they the CRA has a a good bit of money back now and they're only getting more as the years go on and that would just be a really exciting project for me to see our downtown without those wires um and and Rachel was saying she had a a rendering that and I think Miss Council Mon Valley may have been the one that did it I'm not sure that showed without the wires and it's just that night and day difference so that got me never thought I'd be excited about electricity Going Underground but I am now and that didn't count for you know cable and phone and anything else but uh I mean they're going to be taking the Alleyways they're going to be surveying those taking the alley scraping them down and repaving them so that would be an ideal time to do it because the ground's already torn up so I just wanted to throw those things out there for hopefully you guys to get excited about it like I did um and I think that's it any questions or anything about that is that golf power or Cho golf power golf power Florida Power oh Florida power now yes we were okay excellent thank you awesome good deal um okay yes thank you mayor uh at the Eda meeting today yes uh Bernard Johnson part of Power and Light uh we had kind of a circle of ideas of what they you know some things they were suggesting we do and he he had brought up uh this is just getting ideas together doesn't mean there's any action yet but and he did mention underground you know he said he know obviously where we have transmission lines that's going to be about impossible but so it's kind of fresh on their minds right now so um this may be a good time to us say you let's start with the alleys of fiac Springs so just keep that in mind and this is the Eda you can mention it to uh um who's our director Josh irman no no no sorry I thought you were mentioning it to Josh so anyway just letting you know that's that's talk today okay we're talking about that today yeah excellent thank you so obviously nothing is planned yet but I I want us to be thinking about that as part of the beautification and and maybe connecting with the CRA and seeing if we can make something happen and I guess I kind of skipped ahead on the flowers and the planters that was really part of the CRA meeting um the uh last item other than citizen comments is the dog park task force uh and I'm not sure who are do we have a spokesperson excellent ladies if you'll say your names and spell if you think you need to for the record why You Look At Me you say I both of you Tiana k t y a n a Kendall k n d a l l and I'm n AdAway n andway at but it's on our report that you have so that help okay yes it will very true so everybody's got the report yes excellent okay so we have spent um a few uh days together trying to get all this together we um actually have um been fortunate enough to um I think did you find it we found one that we kind of from another um city that we kind of um redid ourselves and brought all of our ideas and things into it used some of theirs because they had some really good ideas in there as well so um first we'd like to start by saying thank you for bringing us together um and allowing us to talk and and brainstorm and come up with all these ideas that we have um come up with and um we we appreciate that so thank you guys um a few of us had an opportunity to go out I don't know if you have been out to um the property and seen it I know that when I went out there um this gentleman over here was there as well and um was giving us some great ideas and as a matter of fact on the way um here today I stopped again just to kind of refresh my memory a little bit um the park itself is a nice piece of property as far as the size um but it's got a long long way to go in our opinions um looking at it um it is full of um KSU which is I guess invasive and it's it it won't go away very easily um it's full of rocks it's full of um concrete um things that you wouldn't want your pets to you know run around on I don't want my pets to run around that so I know that you know other people in the city are not going to want that or outside the city and we're not going to have people that are going to be driving by want to let their pets out and getting that so there's a lot of sight prep that's going to have to be done um with at the last meeting um Lisa spoke and we were under the impression after watching The V the um meeting that there was a lot of um you guys just wanted to plan from us like what we want out of it not to not do budgets or anything like that you guys were going to take care of that um so we came up with this plan once we quit overthinking it made it simple we tried to make it a little bit more simple so we did it in phases things that we would like to see done first and foremost um starting with site prep uh there is a fence fence out there the fence does go all the way around however two sides of the fence are broken down and dilap and um there's so much growth on on there that I mean even when you take the growth down there the fences are just broken down two sides are great two sides are not so we feel it's in our best interest to probably just refence the whole thing I mean I know that's a lot of money and I know that that is um G to be very costly but as a team you know we would like to see all new fencing um along with double fencing for the um animals and what we mean by double fencing is the entrances um so that dogs are on the leash going into the first set of fences um before they go into the second the larger area there is a major highway I mean 83 is not that far from the road I can only imagine if a if we didn't have that double fencing and a pet got loose you know they my pets would come back but not all pets would come back M on go an adventure so we wouldn't want to see any animal you know you know get hurt so that was you know one of our biggest things is making sure that fencing is um really taken into consideration um first and foremost along with site prep of getting all that one either I mean there's so much Rock in there I don't know what you know we don't know what you guys would do if they would we have been told that that we would be able as a city to go in with some of our equipment and dig it out that's what I we were thinking that right it is there is so much Rock in there um it looks like maybe they used it for gravel at one time or something um and there's so much Rock in there it's going to have to be dug out or covered deeply may I ask a question about the fence um does it I know you're not a fencing contractor so I'm asking lay people this question does the fencing look like it could be repaired um possibly two sides could be repaired I think um I don't know I don't know the even repairing it with the two sides that are good one of those would be the entrance entrance which would need more fencing anyway and the property runs downhill and it goes into kind of a goly uh wash out so you're I don't know I mean I would if I recall correctly it was also so overgrown that you'd probably have to spend just as much time and money tearing down the overgrowth and fixing it up than as you would just to replace it absolutely and the fence is rusted out the poles are rusted so I mean you probably could repair but you're probably going to spend like you said as much money fair enough you know reping and the property needs to be leveled a little bit so you probably end up with a weird you know yeah I mean it's it's a nice size piece of property for what our you know the intentions are but just so much sight prep will have to be done sure okay um obviously in FA we we did it in three different phases first phase is just straightforward sight preparation fencing uh maintenance gate seating trees we obviously want lots of trees uh for shade for our animals um water fountain because we figure if you're going to go in there and you're going to dig all that stuff out let's go ahead and get the water um you know system put in for I either you know would like irrigation we we're hopeful but regardless we have to have some sort of um watering feature for the animals because we can't put them out there in this wonderful Florida heat and let them run around and not have some sort of um watering um for them and signage so that's our our first phase one that we were looking at um and that's just the basic just to get it started to get it started and that's what we need is Let's Get It Started and then we can from there so then phase two we were looking at adding the internal components adding our signs our uh entrance mavors Pathways walkways um seating what have we got on here shade way stations and trash bins and a few pieces of agility equipment to make it just a a a minimum part and our thought was to get it where it was a usable part and see what kind of usage we have in it and then once we see that and we've got all these things in there then we went to phase three where we did a wish list okay so this is the things that people are using it and they're getting excited about it these are the things we'd like to see at that point the things that are more expensive and not necessarily a necessity but a really A A Wish basically so then we went into three and we I think we came up with a lot of good ideas with our wish list but it this wish list we realized that those wouldn't be priority but you did put in fake fire hydrant right you know that actually was one of the pictures that I came up with I was like that is the one of my comments that is so cute and we would love to see that for sure you know if you visit some of the the parks around um our County and outside of our County they're not overly extensive you know but they're enough that the animals can get out you know meet other animals put on can get around and congregate talk you know not spend a lot of time but enough time that their animals get a little exercise other than you know their outside yards I have a quarter acre so I would love for my big lab to have a bigger you know spot where he can run around and and meet other dogs yeah so I see you got large and small dogs what's the what is that 40 pounds in less or what is that considered yes yes absolutely so we would have two areas we because that's something that when you know visiting other Parks we've noticed that there are large dog areas small dog areas obviously the small dog area is going to be you know a quarter of the size than the others um but 40 pounds or less I mean and those are just suggestions just from looking at other signs around us what people have um other city parks have have suggested um we kind of threw the rules and some rules in there that we all felt were comparable to what should be you know um people held accountable for their little puppies and making sure they have shots in the whole nine yards um yeah I will say that we did um we had another member um Philip he uh is really good friends with someone who does dog training so he reached out to her and she did give us some information and I you know if you don't mind I'd like to give you that information that she tied of as well um and we didn't have that till after the report so information for us because one of the topics that brought up was you know you are on a main Highway and I that was something that didn't hit you know hit me until I read that that's true it is imperative that we have the double fencing yes um and you know we talked about doing um Turf but some point later on but Turf is very hot you know I know you guys talked about earlier that some of the turf is um some of the turf you can get that's cooling um you know maybe doing some SP in there that does have turf we did come up in the plan with some ideas of sponsorships you know we have the block sponsorships the the Brick sponsorships we've um thrown that idea around for you know later on um we've also talked to a couple companies around town celo we've talked to the TDC and they've all you know verbally said you know we might be able to throw some money your way too at some point just let us know what you have in stone so so until it gets to that point you know they're not committed to anything either um but so I think people in the area are excited about it I know you know my family's excited about it me too we added some fundraising ideas in there too there's some really cute ones in there where is that n it is it starts on page 26 at you WR Pages down because I know if I started flipping through it would be like we were at the meeting where is that any so we thought that would be helpful to help offset some cost and maybe get our project going because we'd love to see it get started and I I'm gonna speak for the committee they may not agree but I think we'd all be happy to help organize any of the fundraising or participate in it that's awesome um just I love those ideas those are good having you know Don trees and Stu like that absolutely no but we can absolutely have have some tree donations throw that sponsorship is one of our ideas in there well and something that I didn't realize either and I've lived here you know almost my whole life is um Lisa was telling us that the 4 you know used to have a dog program and they don't have that anymore and this would be something that would be beneficial to them as well and I was like oh that's a great idea you know never do that so that's that's something you know to look at for the future too is not only could it help all of us but coming from the school teacher here it could help some of the 4 kids too I think that would be really cool we might be able to bring back Laura Bowen was involved that in our 4 program she not yeah her kids maybe she'd come grandkids she's got grand kids that are yeah so that would be yeah taught some of them so I have a question on other dog parks is is grass the norm or is it the fake do people use fake grass in the dog park no some areas but mostly grass is the nor really and truly mostly you see dirt it's dirt because the dog beat it down so hard that's why we were thinking what else could we use besides grass maybe we could do Turf that was just a a wish list later on you know that if we could never grow anything in there maybe we could put some Turf in there but maybe even in selected areas and not the whole thing would the dog he and go through the artificial tur yes yes it does is that used in some dog parks artificial tur is that something you'all seen I've never seen it I've only seen like four dog more of a northern thing um one of the the other members um went to Tennessee and she said they had Turf inside of theirs so it may be more you know in cooler climat it seems like it would make sense and make it pretty I had pinned some on my Pinterest board that had artificial turf I haven't looked at it recently but I I think the only Turf you could probably use in there is for muda that's you take field you take the amount of PE and put it on there and I just don't think anything's going handle that hammering maybe artificial turf in heavily used areas and then that was something we were thinking in a shaded area or even in the entrance area if we didn't do the the um the papers in the entrance area where you first come in the Gated entrance um of course Pavilion we at you know we would like to have some sort of Pavilion out there as well for shade if possible and you know we mentioned in our proposal that we would like for it it if possible to cover both a portion of the small area and the big area so you know so yeah one piece oh after City you need some shade yes we definitely need shade absolutely I wouldn't want to be out there right I mean it would you'd want it to be in the afternoon before you took your dogs out at this point question my dog are old they'll just be right here with you just lay down on the ground I have one like that too I was goingon to say uh before making any decision on on grass versus artificial turf maybe um email me and I can reach out to our turf expert at the University and we can get some input from a specialist in in the topic because we did at some um Philip did um reach out to a company um and and got some samples of it so we did look at some Turf um but then again we are not experts in that area it was just like oh which one do you like I like this one this one this one looks nice you know so we don't have a lot of knowledge let's get the specialist on on absolutely their opinion on that because um from what I've heard artificial turf is not the best option for anything it has lot it has some right I would I mean truthfully we we really need to start with just site prep you know going in and sight prep and um removing everything that needs to be removed and see what we have at that point because the the the fencing is is not very good in the back even if you removed the um Bob wire across the top part of it that looks like a prison um which I understand why it was there um it's still I mean the fences are Rusty and can you imagine a dog you know getting cut on that so there I I would think that you would want something one we want it to be to be pretty we want it to be nice we want it to be used so we want it to be visually appealing to everybody um if we're going to put the money into it we need to do it right yeah in my mind it was in good shape we just needed to take the barar off and paint it but now it's not seeming like that at all but we we did have a fence contractor who was going to do it like at cost or Cost Plus or something I have to go back and and talk to him but he's um with Northwest Northwest Florida fence um Eli Eli so um so yeah he had he had talked about helping us uh not have it be quite so expensive and then we have um our city staff or maybe they said County staff somebody that they would be able to come in with the equipment to do the the actual dirt work that we need to do to get the Rock and leveling and that kind of thing um so yeah you'all done a great job fantastic sure um I know there's a problem does there have to be a environmental impact statement done on this because there's a lot of biohazard here you know all the dogs and being on a slope having playay under it that's going to be a lot of migration of stuff isn't it better mayor to ask for forgiveness I have no idea I'm sorry I think your mic just quit working I just I just know I went one time a German short corner uh and I was down at the one at the south end and uh I came walking in with a shovel and the lady said one lady said what is the shovel for guy and I said well I can't pick it up we have problems I'll be throwing up on my dog and I said I just scoop it up and flick it over which you know I mean here you know I mean any big deal you didn't think there was but the more I thought about it was like you know it's either here or it's there you know the fence doesn't matter right but when you get all that you know I mean I do understand should be a lot of run off I Still Still I what you irrigate to a couple things I would say are number one move those trash cans to phase one because uh you're gonna have a mess and number two if you want to talk to someone who may have been dealing with those sorts of runoff and and you know nutrient mitigations um the NR CS would might be ones to consult with they the natural resource conservation service okay and they have an office right north of the right north of the high school okay here in town so um look up natural resource conservation service and they might have some idea at least how to mitigate or deal with waste runoff because they deal with livestock well and that was another one of our concerns um was you know how is the park going to be maintained afterwards will the city continue to maintain it and is it's like going to be a weekly thing because I mean the the fact of the matter is is most of us are responsible pet owners but some of us are I am but not everybody picks up after their dogs so is there going to be a way for the city to you know Implement some sort of you know rotation through just to make sure that things are clean and sanitary maintenance thought in here right did I miss it no we didn't because I think we put a we put the we put like you know the the bins that you can throw that kind of stuff in but as far as like who comes and get who can yeah who comes and takes care of that and I know we talked about the staff being you know the same park staff that look over the other Parks you know checking things out I just didn't know if we knew what an ideal maintenance schedule was I know they go to the other ones couple times we just put the city of punc Springs will maintain ongoing operations of dog part okay that's our hope'll be entry entry level job for a new employee theie the Newbie gets that job but we could certainly develop a plan if if wants to definely maintenance I don't think there's a a rush on it because this is the the bulk of really what we needed um but yeah if you wouldn't mind like checking into like how what kind what does maintenance look like uh because obviously that's a big a big piece of it yes sir would you come up to the mic thank you and state your name for us canterburry c a n t r b r y when I was over at cres Park on Tuesday Mornings for two hours they close the park down for maintenance okay that's all I wanted to let you know they already have it planned out I don't know what they consider maintenance or not okay City yes the city okay and that's every week yes every Tuesday okay that's good to know yeah one of the other things we had on our list to do was develop an educational brochure and that's in here some in this report somewhere um as a committee to talk about um how to handle bad dogs that may be in the park um dog etiquette and there was one more and I can't is escaping in I don't know where I wrote it on this list but anyway that was one of the things that we had on our list as a committee to to work on to was to develop some kind of educational information that maybe could go on the city's website to teach people how to act how to act because a lot of people are not operation leash laws Le laws was something I think we said needed to be addressed because I if I'm right right now leash laws say they can't be Unleashed so that's something that would have to be addressed too Lisa Sor I added the leash Lodge just because I know we just recently went over our pet ordinance with the city and um it was just renewed and changed and things like that so we will need to adapt that a bit to allow off leashing on city property since this will be technical city property yep for our leash laws thank you yeah good thought that's pretty much this is awesome expectations color is impressed I'm impressed oh I was too I mean when I I was like wow now all we need is a go out there um no I mean and if we can do anything else outside of the things that we discussed you know I know that you know when Lisa talked last time at the last meeting she asked about funding and we were told you know we'll worry about that you know it's it is a substantial amount of money that we know that it's going to be a substantial amount of money to have it done um as far as fencing and and just the work and if you guys are willing we may come back to you when it comes to that point and say help us right and we don't mind yeah we don't mind and but when we did the original um citizen survey there was a high number of people that said they were willing to contribute in some way shape or form whether that was money labor you know ideas whatever it was so uh hopefully they still uh we they you know that was three years ago and economics are a little different now but maybe they've still got a little extra that they might want to get I think so I think it I mean every time I've talked about it in the community I've had a lot of of good U feedback so you know people excited to hear that it's even a thought yeah so that's wonderful I'm also an or fun of the name def next Springs Bark Park Bark Park you like that that TI my yeah I like that too thank you guys thank you guys so much for all your hard work that means a lot to us because we wouldn't come up with yes sure we would have that's an ideal years this this you're exactly right this is the example of why you have a task force to bring back this kind of information it's perfect so Bravo I just do say ask one more thing sure I have a bully and it's not going to be one of those where bullies aren't allowed or something like that I mean that's a it's a good question I mean pit bulls I I think it's in the got an American Bulldog no they're okay yeah they're great I mean they're you know but I just hate when there like just bullies in general well they addressed it in saying well behaved dogs yeah again Lisa Sorel on um the rules that are labeled out there should not be any um prejudice against any kind of breed because it can be an amazing bully it could be a horrible Chihuahua I was gonna say I've SE Chihuahua that I won't take anywhere I mean because she's a biter I had an 80 pound American Bulldog and a 185 pound Mas attacked mine he wasn't on a Le I had mine on a Le one person got bit me yeah trying to get a part Mich always chased a bear she got so B up no it's just that's good that's good again we can decide you know if they've got something recommendations obviously and I say we decide we don't really decide the council decides but we put something together so if there's something that's off we can always go back to them and say hey what do you think about this so sorry we just how do we move forward like what is the next step do we take this to the city and say hey can get the buls out there now that now that uh we have interim city manager Kobe in place I would like to ask him like what our next steps are and then maybe we can get Raphael to send an email out to you guys so if there's something that we need to do action wise like highlight the rules that you that are important to you or you know what I mean like take each SE section and break it down um but I'd like to get some better direction from him since we have new leadership in place and the city has 100% designated the usage for dog park that's they are on board with it yes like they have gotten the property survey done this it's been identified they're saying yes we can use it they are just waiting on us to come back to them with a plan and with a plan to fund it so that was why I was saying I may be coming back to you guys soon if you're still willing but for right now I just like to get a little better Direction especially because it's budget time um and uh I I think we had talked also about talking with um Liberty partners and um and now we have a a grant Denise what is your title coordinator coordinator um so there may be some other grants and things available and um but I I feel like we are doing this right like we're we're honing in we're narrowing down what's what's happening so I think that too um what we B at our whole entire plan off of was a grant was from another city that used that information for their Grant so um and they actually had breakdowns in there of the expenditures of how much everything but it was also from 20185 and I was like oh that is going to be like four times that amount right so so I mean in it was pretty big I mean the amount of money that was spent was was eye openening to us that's the reason why we keep going back and we know it's going to cost a lot of money but um we didn't want to even put anything like that in there for the fact that this could happen this year it could happen next you know you just never know and when he was expressing um I think the interim um yes was here last time he expressed that don't worry about that we'll we'll get grants you know but this plan should be able to cover you know the information that needs to go into the grant because I mean really our next step is to break this down a little bit and say this is what we want to do and it may just be better to do a workshop uh just a special Workshop or we can just hash it out instead of it being a formal meeting so but I'll I'll get with Kobe and then I'll email out to well I'll have Raphael email out to everyone um what the next steps are including you guys thank you thank y'all so much okay yes sir we are going in budget now so outside of Grants there something you wishing to give from the city you better get in early and course I know you have a lot of questions what you need for this year but that's what we're going to be dealing with this next 12 months yes sir Mr Townson will be my my first call and we put the and the budget but typically unless we going to get them coun here coming up quick yes sir thank you I appreciate that reminder right okay uh any other comments or questions on the dog park before we go to Citizen comments okay uh do we have any citizen comments yes sir good afternoon Anthony Valley um so budget time is coming up and uh something that uh I've got on there that I I would love your help with is we're trying to get bathrooms at some of the parks we're trying to do a prototype bathroom that can be used anywhere in the city because once you have that it would be easy to budget because you know how much it costs because you've already done it so um it would be great to have support on that um you know I feel like it'll push through but it's always good to make sure if it's something that you value get out there and and come to budget workshops and say hey we we do want that uh and if there's other items in there and it's part of that par conversation that's the time to bring it up as well um if you've got something that you want to get forward if you're not pushing it forward as a board at least come and talk to us you know any council member not necessarily me but um any council member you feel comfortable with talking to or you have access to go ahead and talk to them about it and make sure that you you get your voice out there because otherwise um it won't happen but just things like that keep in mind oh R communities it was signed and um as as n said and uh that one is for the crossing so basically that's the deal with railroad issues uh we don't have any pedestrian access across the railroad and that primarily deals with that but that's going to tie in also to the Six Million that we're uh expecting to get from fdot for the the design of a multi-use path East West that goes basically from uh the airport all the way to the end of Baldwin so again that's multiuse path that's Landscaping along live o as part of that path as well okay and Scenic Walton um is one that you may want to reach out to Lee Moore I'm on that board as well but with that group um they actually have donated a a design for the land for that path including landscape um it would serve as the basis of what we would share with with Do's designers because they're spending $6 million because they're going to pay someone else big bucks on on on doing it U but again that that is something to keep an eye on but um you know cenic Walton thought that it was a valuable project and so they they assisted the city with us with that I haven't we haven't shared it with the city yet but it's it's I believe done uh and Lee will probably speak to the city manager and and other board members in advance of presenting it and then also um with that they are very active in trying to get undergrounding so that is something that they always I would always push and because they want to do it on the south end because they can argue storm storm damage you know hurricane damage you know it's important because of that however it's more expensive to do it down there because of the property values up here we've got alleys we've got alleys that aren't even paved we can do direct burial that's the cheapest way to do undergrounding we can do that in the historic district and again in the downtown historic district uh one we should just do it should be done out of principle I mean we know what it does for the community but in terms of storm resiliency and the things that we're running into with tree damage we have that constantly regardless of a storm or not it could just be an afternoon rain it could be a dry normal day and we get tree damage on power lines so again Scenic Walton is one to that will help us they are having ongoing conversation with fpnl that's been going on for years about this so it's not something new and again it's a great Ally and it's someone that's already at the table discussing this on our behalf and we're working on that but again the more people that know about it and and talk about it the better because what we do know is fpnr responds to press and you know no one likes to hear yeah so I I'll I'll definitely um I don't mind I've met with Lee before a couple years ago and maybe see if I can get a a meeting with Josh too so so they make sure they're it's important because that's an important that has a again that board represents a multitude of people not just in thec but in all of Walton County so again it's an asset in terms of bringing numbers to the conversation which is always helpful thank you thank you so much um very quickly uh this is not necessarily A beautification but it is downtown um so they have the land use committee meetings every month where they talk about a different part of the code that they're looking at amending and I just wanted to let you guys know that on August 6th which is what day is that Tuesday Tuesday thank you um at five o'clock they are going to have a code review and land use committee meeting and it is talking about parking in particular I know that's been a a Hot Topic so if you have thoughts on that um please be sure to attend okay anything else that I haven't I went down and walked to lakeyard today and uh they heard somebody knew city did he's mowing he's brand new guy so I told him you know not to hit the trees and see if there's any bats coming to the bat house and you know he was looking at me you know and wonder who this guy was yeah told my part of the comme don't hurt my trees now but anyway we've got a couple trees that are going to need replaced but I think overall you know we're planting 10 to 15 trees each year in the lakeyard if we get 80% survival I think that's pretty good and so there's only couple trees that aren't making it but overall they're doing pretty well so great we just got a couple replac this winter and then the last thing is Scott with the city he contacted me about three weeks ago about planting fruit trees in Pat kova one and two and I talked to Evan about it and so me and EV came up with a list of four or five things and I gave that to Scott I guess they have the money for that already I don't know where Grant that we talked about at the last meeting yeah so I don't know but probably wait till fall to plant them I don't know if he was talking about planting them right away no I think we have to get the grant first so would be a while anyway I submitted the tree list to Scott so he has that list okay thank you for doing that that's all I got anyone else all right well with that it is 6:25 and we will adjourn turn the recording off so I don't get trouble yes immediately I am thaning