[Music] how that got ready we want to call this city council meeting to order on Monday January the 22nd 2024 and we'll ask councilman conjur leas invocation follow pledge allegiance dear Lord we thank you for to day thank you for allowing us to come before each other Lord and serve City's best purpose Lord what's in this will of our citizens more importantly what's in your will Lord pray there Lord you'll be with us tonight guide us in our thoughts so that we'll make the proper decisions for the betterment of our community Lord we ask these things in Jesus name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it One Nation God indivisible withy and justice for all all right going to the consent agenda uh is there anything on this agenda that the council would want to pull off or to approve as written Mr Mayor I would like to move uh the special event permit for uh Turner and mon to the regular agenda okay yes I have D2 and F1 also move to the regular agenda D2 and F1 yes ma'am and F1 okay what was that to Todd which one was that uh it would be e1a and e1c okay you want those pulled on yes sir okay all right so basically we got about half of them pulled off here um all right uh we would entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda with the one two three 4 taken off motion to approve with the modifications second I have a motion second you're next I think all in favor say I I all right all Carrie thank you very much all right Mike I see where we want to put the D2 C we put um D2 you want to put it right under right above you that'll be fine but it maybe all right we do that all and then we have uh might as well do all right let's do D D2 right there and we might as well do e do e a and E1 A and C put it right under there right under approval and then lastly the uh the amendment to the existing contract where we want to put that put that under um put it under the ordinance under clay that works under 8A it'll be the new 8B 8 a it'll just track under 8A okay got okay uh we will go the regular agenda with the additions any other changes to the regular other than those ads we just gave no sir unless we can if you would entertain um move in d and e um under F I'm sorry four d and e flip-flop those so keep Mr Wallace's stuff together and put Economic Development Alliance first so Mr Wallace can keep all his stuff together okay that'd be great all right what he's saying is moving for d and e just swap them that way Mr Wallace a got to get up and then go sit down get right back up yes okay perfect okay uh we would ask for a motion to approve the regular agenda with additions so moved second I we have motion second all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much uh under see I'm GNA go first before we go to those right no we're going to go ahead and do a D2 a D2 uh Mr Beer bomb you won't no who was that it was me that was you go ahead um now that finances f staffed um I had asked back in July to get a detailed listing of the electronic uh uh transactions that occur in finance and um maybe I'm just not understanding how to read it so Morgan and I are going to meet um so I'm I'm okay with what's here I just needed to see the details for the electronic transfers so um I make a motion to approve second I've been a motion in second uh all in favor say I I i i i i Carrie and now Mr beom we'll go to e1a so I wanted to uh have some discussion on these two particular items because I know in the past we've approved some special events that close down streets in neighborhoods related to family reunions and events and that sort of thing and it hasn't gone very smoothly I believe we've actually had to have the police called out there to them so I'm wondering should should these be approved you know looking for a little bit of uh discussion from the Council on that and chief if you've got any input on that as well because I know some of these you got caught out to in the past so go ahead I um ahead of today I spoke to missm previously and to uh to Chief Hurley as well and um Miss Mak sounds like she's got a solid plan put together for their event um it sounds like she's got private security that's going to be in place she's already spoken to the residents in the area and obtained letters of approval for the event for all of hers um she's looked at the parking and and the parking situation and how they're going to maintain everything they've got a committee together that's comprised of a bunch of individuals so um and speaking with Miss Mak I don't think that I had any issues but I did raise the one point like councilman beeron was asking and I asked miss m had she previously spoken the chief Hurley and then I followed up with him after the event as well so I Chief I'll turn it over you I apologize yeah so normally these we don't have a whole lot of issues I know the last one that was approved we had a few um one thing that we need is whoever is going to set the barricades with the street department set them up at the exact time that is in permit not 30 minutes early not two two hours early um that that created some some issues there where they were set up early last time um and then as far as um shutting them down that it shuts down on the time that's that's permitted and then um a a lot of the problem we had the last one was loud music complaints past 10 o'clock people are trying to go to sleep and put their kids to sleep and we had to go I want to say it was like six times within that EV that we had a and then finally we just said enough's enough and you're done um so you know if we can if we can control some of those issues I think that's that was the main issues um this these events are going to be held in a different neighborhood um so I don't know how the residents will feel I know Miss Mak has reached out to their surrounding neighborhoods and done some due diligence there to to make sure they're informed of what's happening and giving them aample time to come here and provide feedback whether for or against or or voice any concern so um I think as long as we can stick by the the rules that are in place we we shouldn't have a problem what addressing what Mr be bomb's concern was on the U maybe we want to the ones you know the the type of U the things that are being asked here that are we haven't proved out for example a family get together maybe it should always just be on the regular agenda instead of on the cassum agenda that way you can at least ask a few questions just like you did now you know so um well I will say I I I got full confidence Miss Mak that she will do the right thing I'm sure that I know her real well she she she's always been upstanding with me so um but you know that that is the issues that we've had in the past and you know it's not fair to put other neighbors in jeffardy is if if they're not being good good citizens and and neighbors so Chief was it the same same reason for the one that's on a the family reunion that's in Number the Turner the Turner one I I don't know much about that one I just know Miss Min um I haven't talked to the Turners I just I just know from from past although we've had issues with parties being conducted at Pat coval Park and them getting out of hand and and um Chief hav to be called out there multiple times and then we had another family reunion in a different area which the residents around there spoke out against that that event ahead of time and that event ended up having the police called multiple times and I think you guys had to end up just telling them to to shut it down at one point so you know I do we continue to approve these or we were in a little disadvantage because they didn't speak out till after we had approved it true but still Chief had to go out there and even after there was concerns raised in a public meeting you would think they would govern themselves accordingly and instead Chief had to be called out there multiple times during that event Mr Mayor can we allow Miss Mak to speak for a moment and and and I'm by no means lumping missm into any of that but we seem to have a history of right well uh you know this event is it's not a party uh because I think the incident I don't I don't know about you know all the specifics of that but the reasoning for this is to we're bringing back generations of families back to come back and share stories and just develop and and pass the history and all there's not going to be any alcohol involved there um we have uh times for Friday from 6: to 9 Saturday from uh 9 to 900 p.m. and that that particular afternoon we'll have music we're going to have karaoke but um with the canvasing that I did in the community and now everybody seems to be excited and I told them if it got to a point that the music or whatever or somebody part we gave them numbers that they can call us first and we can deal with the problem before we have to even get the chief involved but um I just don't think that uh with how situation and and I was here when they had that person came to to get permission or whatever and I took notes so I did a better job and I came prepared okay so um I just think that uh what we're doing is um it's going to be more of a a a family reunion and it's bringing and everybody that's excited people that has not been back home in years it's coming we've been working on this for a year and we've been structured we got committees we got uh security music detail parking and all so um just asking for y'all blessing on that why don't we vote on that one then and we talk about make a motion to approve second have a motion to Second any other questions public comment just in case call public com public comment Melinda Henderson resident I look forward to the day that we would have a city Pavilion for these types of events thank anyone else all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie all right must be mom GNA pick up on the other so you know this one's at Pat coval Park like I said we we've had issues there my thought process was we' we've heard from m members of the community around that part in the past about issues with parking and noises after dark and and that sort of thing so my question is do we do we designate certain Parks as acceptable for holding these type of events and then other Parks you know we say you know it's just not acceptable to hold those type of events at at little Parks so I'm I'm open to what the the council thinks about it again given kind of the history that we've had with these is something that we want to continue to allow or do we know anything about this particular event and is there anyone in the audience that's here from this event is anybody here that uh kind of knows what they plan to do miss Turner your packet has cely detailed information 12 to4 using pack C part with use of live or recorded music use of amplification device and speakers requesting access to electricity and water and allowing a food truck to cater the event estimating 100 or less participants 25 to 50 V and there's parking out there there's uh 12 paved parking spots and there's parking for another 24 easily without interfering with anything the um concern I had was the Amplified music but it's only till 4 and for me I hate to tell a citizen of our community no we can't we don't want you that we don't want certain things like this there I I don't want to limit that um I don't think that's a good it's not a street closure so yeah fairly safe time of day you know Mr Mayor yeah can we get Chief early to come back up again be starting again I didn't realize I was on the party planning committee go ahead what you get SC just what's your take on so once again um we've had some events there in the past some of them gone great some of them you know it's my opinion um I think that would probably be better than than going till 9 or 10 o'clock at night being so close to residential uh neighborhood um I know parking there was a lot of parking on Van um that that made a lot of the residents there unhappy um and then I know they opened the gate and there was some additional vehicles and stuff that were parking inside the park um while it's not the best maintained I know there was some city workers unhappy with the ruts and and stuff that had kind of gone through there they had to go back and fix so um that and making sure there was enough trash receptacles for people to put their trash in um it got kind of I'll just say it was like spring break I think I said that that council meeting that time um I think one of the complaint from them was that we didn't have enough trash cans to put so so I think having the infrastructure there would be important too right so Mr Mayor um I noticed on the application the address and all the contact information from out of state on this one as well um unlike Miss Mak where we see a lot of extra work that went into it to gain support of the community around and the neighbors and everyone that's there and impacted I really don't know anything about this one until just now and with these address and everything being out of state I think this one is a little bit different than Miss Mak circumstances in my opinion um so again my the reason I don't have an issue um or or or or more serious reservations let's put it that way is that it is um only till 4 so purely within daylight hours um the park does have a a lot of parking and it is a park so we're not asking we're not asking for closures we're not asking uh not asking for any anything special just ability to utilize the park they're not asking to close it down to other people um so again given those limitations I mean trash cans is our fault if we can't get enough trash cans out that's that's something that we need to do better on um now if they're not picking up I have a concern now one question you know other places that we have these Pavilions we would lease them we don't lease these Pavilions or or do anything on these Pavilions now that's a question I mean if we're going to have it for events you know should they be like we have other facilities uh I mean if if this was in um if this was at um which is the one behind the courthouse annex what park is that um padet if it was a padet now it's enclosed but they also have Pavilions and that is least so I think we could have a broader conversation about issues like that but right now it's just a it's a park and people are going to a park I'm not it kind of bothers me you even have to get a permit for it's like I'm going to the parking the same thing I like I said we we've had a history of issues especially at Pat coval 2 with allowing things to happen and then you know we we get Flack about it on the back end because again they don't take care of it there's trash there's Vehicles where they're not supposed to be they they you know you say there's adequate parking but just as the chief stated they're they're parking where they shouldn't be parking when there's adequate parking down the road or whatnot so I'm not trying to be a scrooge or a Grinch in January here but you know at the same time we have issues do we you know do we want to just continue to allow them or I agree you know it's it's four o'clock it shuts down at four o'clock daylight hours but trying to give everybody a CH stop we haven't raised a motion on this one yet no the events in April I wonder if they could come back at our next meeting and kind of address some of these concerns and and make it a bit better Council can agree to have them come back and not hold the t us against them okay I'm good with that I think that'd be fine considering that is out of state request have a motion to continue to motion continue to a date not set to allow theate to appear coordinate cler coordinate the so moved second all motion second any questions I would just ask that they be aware that doesn't have to be the person making the application as long as they assign someone as a representative so that they can have someone locally represen them if they choose I agree anyone all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much okay we'll move on to uh the mayor here on the special events committee clay we have been trying to resolve this thing for it seem like way over a year yes our mayor council this is an issue the mayor brought to my attention we've had the special events committee it's gone through a variety of different iterations over the past four to five years now unfortunately in its current structure they have had a very very difficult time obtaining Quorum and finding members to serve on that committee uh also frankly this is one of those issues where the special events committee's original purposes have somewhat been more Diversified and diffused than what we would expect of them when they were the original committee and what was that mayor 2016 2017 was formed so the change in their duties has made it a little harder for the committee to feel like they're actually accomplishing what they want that's the feedback the mayor's getting when he shows up so what I recommend to the mayor was there's no reason we cannot still have volunteers assisting us with our city held events there's no reason we cannot have working groups doing that but that ultimately you've got a committee that's not able to meet and so it's serving no purpose so if you're waiting for them to bring you information or to do something they simply cannot do so so everything that they do our manager can you know is uh and he's he or she whoever the manager would be to go between between the council and the event you know and so uh the old originally we had several thousand dollars we gave special events committee and they can get pretty creative U that was taken away maybe two or three years ago and um and they have a little trouble because they want to really help us with the event but the only time I can talk about it is at a live meeting because they're under sunshine it's about worthless really I mean and the manager can do the same thing uh because if there's any expenditures uh that he is going to bring the council anyway so and ultimately the council's having to approve the expenditures no matter what you do one way or the other and I think you'll note we haven't seen very many expenditures from the special events committee recommended in the past year so the mayor asked me how to go about this in terms of a request to dissolve ultimately that's the council's prerogative since the council structured and created the committee U but if the council were so desirous U the motion would be to dissolve the special events committee and mayor I believe that actually comes with the consent of each of their members obviously you couldn't poll them but they all agreed they were able to function that's pretty obvious but anyway motion motion to dissolve the special events committee but before we I'll second for discussion but before we do that just for educational purposes who's how many people are on this special oh okay and is it based on each council member had appointed a person and you just three people don't show up for a majority sometimes four don't sometimes five don't it really just depends can I ask just one other question which Which special events were they taken care of I would I would guess lak Fest for once they were associated with all C uh Christ reflection Christmas Reflections they uh U they tried some stuff I think I don't know if they worked with M uh Main Street or not uh they used to do a few little video of movies they do a movie night downtown and nobody seems to want to do that anymore thank you I just curious what they were because because it got brought up and and you're asking for a little bit of History here what I have heard from multiple members of that committee is that the previous city manager told them directly that they did not have any funding and once which is news to me as a council member because there's there's a specific line item for it in the budget previously but he told those members that they didn't have any money to spend when they attempted to vote to spend some of that money and support an event that was occurring downtown he told them that they couldn't support that particular event and at that point they felt like they were not making any not making any headways so that's when several of them just gave up and quit attending the meetings so I was told the same thing and I I bar it as being true you know uh but I thought iin got no money yeah I mean we have a line items so unfortunately the actions of the previous city manager pretty much decimated that that special committee and and and the willingness of of those people to help because I know my appointment pretty much called me and said that she had given up on trying to affect some change you know she was supposed to be in charge of bringing about advertisements and for christas Reflections she has a marketing background and she was pretty much told that she didn't have any money and she couldn't do anything so and I think that would more than likely had to well whe would had to come to council anyway and that's why I'm saying that the manager could still do that you know have we talked to all these folks are they aware of what we're about ready to do oh absolutely talk to a mayor the mayor reached out to all of them going back to several months it was either it was right around Thanksgiving I think at least mayor said he' talked to each of them they' missed I think the fourth straight meeting in a row and said I would we go about I said let's just make sure that none of them are there's not an extenuating circumstance and the May reached out the we've all gotten is they don't have a purpose they're okay with us dissolving the okay and I will back the comment Mr Beer bomb my Representatives reached out to me and got the same information yeah okay like say that was only probably the only thing that we had done and again it would had to come back to council anyway you know to to utilize that money but uh but the manager has that kind of authority and if it's questionable he'd bring it to the council so we have a motion second any other questions all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much uh the storm water draining in Lake Pac we spoke in our last meeting about the concerns of the drainage coming off of surcle drive into the lake L which is been going on long before I was born and uh but it uh now that the water levels are gone down so low it's extremely obvious everybody sees the storm water what was that I just my hand to speak when you get okay good enough and so anyway um so we we've had two issues uh uh I think we sent pictures of uh Thomas had taken some pictures for us of some of the drains and also of the uh water back seven years eight years ago um and of course when you back up and see the flooded Lake I don't want you to think that was just a one shot deal that went on for three four five years uh it we didn't we never knew when the sidewalk would be available you know just like for years there matter of fact uh yeah I had people that used to come walk the lake that lived outside of the city and they said you know we just got to where we quit coming because we never know when you can ever get on that sidewalk and uh and many times it was so full that when you got to the northeast corner of the lakeyard you had to walk all the way up to the street to keep from getting wet because that pocket in there was full of water but anyway uh and now it's just the opposite it's down extremely low um um I don't know what can be done about the receding water we know that there can be something done about the storm water when I talked to D back about I think it when Danny Lucas was here it's been a number of years ago U we were there on a different matter no it was when a male male first came and we were there on a different matter with theep and I asked them I said you know we've been trying to get this water under control in our Lake could y'all help us they brought a crew in and of course they had told me that uh we can probably help you but but what we got to deliver is filtration and treatment of your storm water and then we might be able to do something with the excess water going into your Lake and um we tried work back and forth never could get anything rolling uh I have talked to L Sigler a few times I actually spoke to him last week he said that he would help us get to the right people in D and so U still working toward that end see you know you know what uh what they can offer I'm hoping when they see these pictures they'll they they'll actually come and address this issue and give us some good recommendation and the funding to do it you know so that's where I'm at with that it's I don't know if there's any decisions being made yet but uh right now we're just trying to get the information into the hands of the right people Mr seemed like me all the discussion been on the the late rising and the last meeting when it come up from the th uh it concerning the storm water drainage off the streets down and that's what I voted to bring that on I'm for it but then I look at it um then you have these pictures all of a sudden of the rides and the water that has nothing to do what we were talking about bringing this up today and all the discussions been about uh something that we should have it by itself not not brought up during another thing it was brought up nothing was said about it so uh I just don't understand how the how the how water had anything to do with the water running down the street running into the messing up Lake um and oh so pertain that just why we own it now we've got when had the swim SM now they checked the water it checked up good right so it's something on that we was going into that we need to check it and I'm for this discuss getting help of what they could do with all discussion been on something that we had had been talking about and I don't think it's a I don't understand well yeah I think that should come up in another another case where you I just think we go to D let's let's give them a little history on the lake you know it's yeah but we didn't we talked about the problem of the water messing up the lake running off streets uh in other words all water draining uh through these pipes and then we come up all least four picture 2016 um it has nothing to do what we was that that was brought up to us Mr mayor council wants me have yank t no problem so I I agree with with Mr erson that when we voted to allow swimming there was a pretty extensive discussion at that time about the water quality in the lake and at that time during that meeting um it was represented to the council that that the lake water quality was tested on a regular basis I Believe by Jacobs that's right yeah so can we confirm that we are testing it on a regular basis and what what those quality reports come back as because I think I think if if we're coming back with good quality water reports then while it is a concern that that storm water is coming off into into the lake if we're if we have good water quality then the lake is dealing with it on its own and and naturally absorbing what whatever runoff comes in there so so the agreement is when swimming season is in session we take two samples from the Lakes uh the only time we've ever had a bad sample was we discovered that where it was being collected is where the geese typically migrate when we remove the location to out deeper in the lake the samples have all come back clear yeah so there's been no danger as far as for Health other than when we were taking samples a little too close to the Shoreline David can you elaborate on what exactly it's tested for obviously I'm sure it's tested for feal matter and and that sort of thing but is it tested for chemicals and oils and no it's mostly testing for uh bacteria your feals anything that could pose a public health risk okay any type of posos testing or chemicals synthetics that's more extensive research which if the city required that or wanted that that could be done but at the basic health level it's a feal test okay once what you said uh swimming season when is that you do it twice during swimming season which is from when to when uh spring to the end of summer it's like March to September I think is what we voted on something like that something like that thank you okay I'm not the one that brought up with storm water I'm just respond I think that was a member of the Public Public brought that up and we asked you to to look into you said you had tried before yeah and you a million dollars or something yeah and so you going to see could you get up and you did you talk to the you done that but then you added the other up that we shouldn't be talking about at just okay um I I would I would be in favor of going ahead and doing uh testing for contaminants Beyond uh you know the the Organics and the bacterial so I'd like to see if we are getting any contamination uh from the road um I think regardless we we need to have a long-term plan for for a storm water plan that does not discharge into the most pristine Lake in the area and I'm not against that uh I'm part even though we check I brought up the Border even though but still it may be something there that we don't know there I'm for what we we going to do for jumping off on what we hadn't talked about but what we brought about I'm for okay today okay so um I'm looking for a direction from the council I I'll make a motion to direct staff to um conduct water sample testing as long as it does not exceed ,000 um to to determine the water quality of the lake okay we need to uh how about I provide the uh city manager with the pricing of all the uh lab testing and then you kind of pick and choose which ones you want to go with okay so we still got a motion on floor I need to get rid of well let's just let's just I I'll I'll let my motion stand it which is to uh conduct water quality testing of the lake as long as it does not exceed ,000 and I think okay second okay okay are we okay here legal got a good with that I got a motion to second on the floor and we're going move and pass that yeah okay all right good enough all right we have a motion in a second any questions and that's one yes Mr BB just any public comment comment any any question from anyone yes Danny Co when you start doing the tests the most important thing is the petroleum products that are washing into the lake from the street and a lot of times these petroleum products sink to the lowest depths and you can get the samples from what is known as sludge down there which is a product of petroleum products if we could get that uh the the samples the soil samples the sludge samples at the bottom of the lake combined with what you're saying um I think that would be a good idea if you just test the surface water that's not really a good Baseline thank you thank you I agree I I think it's I you know see where we get with $ thousand doll and and kind of go from there well we'll get their recommendations at that point and and then we can make more detailed decision uh with a little bit more information right now we're being very general but I think that's appropriate this time time right and I think whatever results come back that gives us the ammunition to go to D to go to the state to go to whoever and say you know we need to mitigate this you know can you help us with with the mitigation strategy as well as funding for it yeah because I think what we're seeing is we're seeing increased traffic we're seeing a lot more people around um that means more more pollution and it's not just the the vehicle traffic but also any fertilizers um that are used around the lakeyard are going to work their way into the street so um those all have the same effect any other any other comments questions all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much we'll move to what would be for e and that is with yuriah Matthews with the Walton Eda hello you I Matthews you r i a TTS um real quick I want to provide you with um what I'm here for today is to get your two uh appointees um for engagement with the Walton County Economic Development Alliance um one of those persons um uh is for the seat that currently mayor Campbell occupies and I'm very welcome to have mayor Campbell continue to occupy um and there is another seat that is available which is new and that is for the business Leadership Council um it is a new uh seat it is um not subject to Sunshine as it has no advisory capacities uh to um the uh executive committee however it is for the purpose of Engagement and allowing the alliance members as well as our new private sector members an additional layer of Engagement with the Walton County Economic development Alliance um so um to to speak to that a little bit um earlier uh later last year we updated our bylaws to allow for private investment um and that has allowed me to raise $40,000 uh to date um from the private sector and I've got you know about 25,000 out out there um in the what I'd call entertaining membership that I'm continuing to follow up on my my soft goal is it's not a committed goal at the board level but I'm hoping to raise about $100,000 this year um so with that said that business Leadership Council is comprised of those private sector entities that that engage and my hope is that the the public sector will also engage with that that private sector uh and it's an idea to create more um conversation and really build the fabric of Economic Development within our community so my ask today is to have uh an appointee uh to the executive committee and an appointee to the business Leadership Council mayor I'd like to make a motion that um we we nominate you as that executive committee member uh that you've held uh all this time I think you got a lot of history you've done very well for uh the group so I would make a motion that the mayor would uh retain the executive uh position okay look like that fails for like a second business leadership and and to comment if if I may while everybody's pondering the idea um the the executive committee when you're on that you become my boss um and and I do hope to have quite a bit of a relationship with you right so um the same way as your city manager has a relationship you with you um we probably won't speak as often but um you know mayor Campbell has always answered my call um and I would expect the same um From My Future boss which may be one of you um and then the business Leadership Council it'll be a more casual um engagement um may not call you as as much um for input um but we would certainly um work with each other ongoing at the uh at the Eda can can you explain the purpose of that business Leadership Council again one more time yeah absolutely uh the purpose of it is is you know so far in the history of the Eda we've had the board of directors and that board of directors is subject to Sunshine it meets once a month um and it's really just comprised of uh of the folks that were were in from the public sector providing money as well as some private sector members what I have done with along with the board is now we're getting those private sector members to pay so they're contributing as well um for membership into this Eda rightfully so and and the opportunity we have is to also create an engagement group so this engagement group would get together um from a social standpoint where where we allow the members of that business Leadership Council to engage with those private sector members that are helping and interested in economic development in Walton County it would allow for for really an engagement opportunity with those folks and and build that idea of of what do economic look like in in Walton County and and how do we work together to to affect positive outcomes um and just provide that engagement opportunity is the main board doing Outreach as well or are you using these other groups to fill that Gap sure uh I think TW fa both both are you know sort of uh ambassadors of Economic Development um the executive committee is much more I'm much more dependent upon them to be working group um in the sense of if I need help um members of the executive committee will assist um the business Leadership Council I would stress is a little bit more relaxed a little bit more casual um maybe not having that same dependency um but when We Gather there will be an opportunity to um you know be a be a beacon right so if you're a member of the business Leadership Council you'll be able to come back to this uh city council and share information or perspectives and things of that nature with with our community I'd be willing to volunteer for one um I'm fine with doing the committee um but if someone wanted to do that and wanted me to do the want someone else for the other one I'd be open to it that Nom nominate yourself for the committee I'm just open up for discussion okay I I make a motion to nominate um councilman beerbom for the executive committee councilman um councilman Valley for the business Leadership Council okay do that on all in one motion we can do all okay all right so U we have Mr bbon will be on the Eda executive board and Mr be on the business advisory committee business Leadership Council can't use that word my bad okay okay uh any any got a motion second have any questions the Das or from the public okay all in favor say I I I no I hi I Carrie thank you very much and may I may I give this to you all as well well just as another little update um I just want to share another update with you all um you know part of my job is to trumpet our community and uh we recently were the subject of a really interesting Economic Development study um uh that went across 383 Metro statistical areas throughout the country and of that we ranked rather high in those um and that Metro statistical area is sh Ed between Walton and Okaloosa County so we're lumped into a single Metro statistical area my counterpart at uh Okaloosa um County Eda or one Okaloosa we got together and um we considered it an opportunity to to trumpet our area and so what we did is we partnered along with Florida's Great Northwest uh for a full page ad um with those uh metrics that we achieved uh we're ranked 12 overall eight in our midsize Market uh and we actually ranked sixth in the Southeast which is which is not advertised there but you know where do you stop right and our MSA um the the public may be most associated with it from really The Weather Channel so when I was little I'd watch the Weather Channel it says uh uh Destin for Walton Beach Crest View for the weather right well that's our MSA and that's a formal designation but on the map what we were able to do is we were able to get defenc Springs and the City of fre Port listed there to bring attention that those aren't the only cities in the community so um that ad was paid for uh in full by Florida's Great Northwest with Triumph funding um that was provided then to advertise I just wanted to provide you with that update thank you thank you very much all right Mr Wallace it'll be your turn uh we'll go to four D we can do D1 and two first then I'll swear everybody for sure okay D1 is a review of the final plan for Pinehurst phase two uh if you're familiar with Pinehurst phase one it is at the intersection of 20th Street and Walton Road uh it's just north of there that subdivision contains I believe 59 Lots this phase two would be to the north of that which contains an additional 22 Lots so we have reviewed the plans um engineering has signed off on the plans they have provided a cost estimate um duberry has reviewed that cost estimate and found it to be correct so what I'm asking for is the approval of the final plan and then upon the receipt of a bond in the amount of a 120% of the infrastructure cost the city will issue a development order uh at that point once the infrastructure has been installed and approved by the city this will be brought back before the council to approve the final plant Mr R will you remind me is that the one with the are they connecting to our sewer lines or is that the one that has not they will be connected to Water and Sewer okay yes I want to create a motion motion to approve but I want to discuss yeah I have some comments and questions here's second I'll second for discussion all right let open for discussion now is are these U roads going to be turned over to the city these will not be if you recall they made a request approximately three years years ago it was early on in my uh tenure here for us to take over the infrastructure the council requested core samples for the roadway and sampling of the water and sewer lines the water and sewer lines passed inspection the roadway did not so the council did not accept the roadway in Phase One um speaking with Scott Simmons I think it's in the city's best interest that we do not accept a roadway that does not have a connection to a private street so this section would also remain private is there any lift station associated with this project there I believe they are tying into the existing lift station that was built as part of phase one it's not okay separate station okay this is Sean Humphrey he's the engineer for the pro project and is that lift station being turned over or that would be turned over yes mayor go ahead um I guess I have a question and a comment so the question is uh wasn't this the expansion that uh there was some questions about uh ownership of property that that is directly what is that east of the location did they had I believe the request was to rezone it to an R2 designation and there were some discrepancies in the survey with the USDA property that is to the east um so this portion here does not contain any of that property does not involve any of the property in question with USDA it would stop um before it reaches that property okay then my my comment was and cl you know keep me between the ditches here but if you if you go out there on an evening and go into that neighborhood um it's dark there's no street lights there's no curbing um there's there's parking is kind of all over the place as would be expected for a young neighborhood like that that has a lot of young individuals in it so what can we do to uh address that going forward and I know some of this might need to go go to the our land use and Review Committee um and it may be a little too late in the process to address it for this particular one but can we do anything as part of the approval to require some Street lighting to require um additional parking you know the these houses you know if you look anywhere a lot of times the the parking is subar so then they end up parking on the street then the Street's crowded because it never was intended to be parked on and so what can we do there clay well Mr Wallace does this comply with all of the city's regulations related to required parking spaces it does generally a home is only required to have one parking spot generally so I'll start there as to that that's going to require an ordinance change which would go through the code land ju Review Committee now Mr Wallace did we do any review of this project for public safety issues in terms of lighting Ingress egress things of that nature that's where you have a little more discretion tonight okay yeah we could require a photometric um that would have to include street lights and I think that's the best direction to take the council would like to um we can either continue this item or we can bring that back as far as the final plat I would request it be done as part of the final plan once we reach plat if they've done what was said and the lighting comes back and the council disagrees with what's been presented then we our hands are tied so okay so I think that would be the request of the council if you want to is have it brought back with that light Mr go ahead how about trees because I noticed in the first phase of this project those houses have absolutely no trees anywhere around that neighborhood whatsoever yeah and there was a change in our code since that plan was approved so the new code requires at least two trees per lot every I believe it's 50 feet um so there will be trees required as part of that um with the issuance of a building permit prior to a CO they would be required to install trees and it's not just palm trees right it's not we do not allow palm trees actually that was added to our natural surroundings yes y Senor um I may be next upep where's this property up in front of the high school if if you um the intersection where come out on off wall and R yeah if you're if you're traveling north if you're traveling North on 20th Street yeah where it tees into Walton Road this is directly across the street we talking about coming out on this comes out on the what say on John Baldwin Road John Bal near the back of We Care well I think the original plan called it comes out towards school yeah but it does not uh there is no access off of Baldwin Road John Baldwin that's been removed they've removed that access yes okay so I I guess Council I would I would like to hear some consensus for the the sake of our committee councilman valleys and and our committee do is this something that you would like for us to address at a committee level as far as H you know requiring additional parking and possibly Curbing and Street lighting and all that I'm seeing some head nods but yes you know if that's something you would like for us to tackle then I'm I'm certainly willing to something that we need to to address sooner rather than later and I know there's only so much we can do with this one because it's already in progress but should yeah can't y'all can take that up and bring some recommendations back y'all have already broadly been tasked with doing this type of review I don't think you have to get the consensus tonight from them now if they tell you they're not interested that might be a different story but broadly what you would need tonight would be if you did at least on this one to bring back that lighting design and plan for the Neighborhood Mr and not we come forward see yes sir they might be able to request your presence you just please come and state your name Sean Humphrey with own um I'm happy to answer any questions Mr Humphrey the the things that we brought up and the concerns that the council's represented tonight are those things that you think are easily doable I mean I know you're the engineer I can discuss with my client on uh what they if they'd be willing to add lights um it wouldn't be a difficult thing to add lights to the plan um but I know we want to follow the Land Development code um so if that's in the Land Development code definitely We'll add lights um I think it would be left up to my client if it's not Land Development code for him to refuse if he wants to um but I think he might be willing to add street lights the other thing with sidewalk that was sorry I was rocking my brain that was the other thing when when I went in there it was there was no lighting and there was no sidewalks and then of course people were parking everywhere so you know with it being right next to a school you know obviously there's going to be a lot of young families there so just seems kind of crazy to build a a a development like that not have sidewalks not have lighting not have additional parking or trees or trees trees um I don't believe there are sidewalks in the phase one subdivision um So currently phase two would have sidewalks that just end that don't go anywhere that would be up to the HOA for phase one to add sidewalks for us to connect to um I me Mr Mr Barker how much did it cost to run sidewalks where there went along Walton Road when you put that together ,000 it it was probably in the neighborhood of shooting from the the sidewalks themselves probably four yeah um and I know the multi-purpose path the county done their own Paving on that we purchased materials um it's asphalt so it's not nearly as costly that was a joint project between the county and the city and the school board to do that so the county when we didn't require it and other areas came back and had to spend probably close to $5 million just on the wton road portion to get sidewalks no not 5 million about a half million 4 500,000 $500,000 for for how Faro John Ballwin actually went from 20th Street all the way to the sideb went to just west of the Tom Thumb store and then it crossed over and turned into a multi-purpose pth is that almost half a mile when it cross in front of the school so we're talking on that street at the top of 20th Street goes down to that Tom Thumb is that what you're talking about sidewalks on that so from 20th Street to Tom Thumb approximately half a m MH okay that's an estimate I'm shooting from the hip on that that's an estimate but I know that but that wasn't our cost that was a shared cost that's count cost we contribut and there will be sidewalks on 20th Street too 20th streets in process but they were they weren't able to do it for the funds available so that one's on hold because of that and so the the issue is that when we don't do it on the front end it cost more later right and we're paying for it yeah and and that's and that's the thing is like theel it would be nice if we can and again that's why I ask clay what what what's our discretion here to to be able to compel the the developer to do now but you know we we as a city have invested a lot of money on Walton Road in developing That Sidewalk infrastructure it' be a shame to allow a brand new development that doesn't include sidewalks to continue and and you know unfortunately we couldn't do anything about the the previous one but if we can do something now I think it would be good the only other thing I I would address is the um public safety concerns about if there is no direct access to John Balwin fire engines getting into the neighborhood police uh Cruisers getting in there if needed the public safety aspect of that is if if they can get in there easily enough with only one means of Ingress there yeah is that that CLD AAC there at the end is that large enough for our fire truck to turn around it's a standard 40 foot radius on that um I believe I'd have to ask the chief noing in the back it is okay and if there's multiple if there's multiple vehicles that we that have to be there is there crowded Chief I think Chief councilwoman hein's asking that if there's multiple vehicles in there would that complicate your turnaround with a with a 48t turnaround it wouldn't it would not it would not so if you needed an ambulance and two fire vehicles and there's going to be police there's going to be enough room for everybody to operate yes they must uh provide a turnaround if the the driveway is more than or the road is more than 150 fet they must provide a t or round the aboutou some way we can turn around but is is the 48 foot turnaround that he's provided that sufficient for you okay all right any other questions so I think you need to modify your motion with legal with all the concerns of the council tonight what would be our I'd ask you to pull the motion and pull the second and make a new motion to continue this requesting the engineer bring back plans dealing with lighting curbing sidewalking um to address the public safety concerns identified here in the day so move second okay have a motion second questions New Motion anyone public comment I get yes sir well the trees are already by code correct change the trees are already part of it I think you said there's zero though there's there's zero in the current development phase one phase two falls under the code that requires the trees thank you all in favor to say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much thank you um we'll move right on to the number two well I seem to have misplaced I've got you I've got you Mr I got it I just payer this is your request to reone sorry I just paper clipped it together so yes with the old city hall property currently under contract uh we discovered that the future land use map is still zoned institutional or designated institutional while the zoning map is zoned industrial so what I would request in order to accommodate the sell of the property and their future development plans that the future land use matap be amended to a commercial designation and and the zoning map be amended to a C2 commercial designation that would allow for the commercial use of the property whereas the way it is zoned now um would not allow that so a request to initiate the map Amendment to the Future land use map and the rezoning if approved this evening it will be placed on the February planning board agenda and would then come back to the city council in February for the first and second reading of the ordinance so moved second I have a motion in a second yes sir um if I'm not mistaken the uh purchaser had mentioned that in the future they may rent some of that space out to another or to is that is is that designation that we're about to vote on going to accommodate whoever they might want to share this space with it it generally would yeah the 2 commercial allows a broad range of uses from retail to office space whether it's private or public sector um so it is a much more versatile District um so if they wanted to change in the future they'd be welcome to come in for a Le use Amendment as well where are we currently at on the sale of the property we're still in our due diligence time um I have the last thing that was done was a phase three environmental survey study so the um engineer that was doing that um it's been about two weeks ago we let him in so he said they were real close to wrapping all that up that's the last I had heard but they're still in there due diligence time clock ticking thank you sir Mr Barker were they able to carve out that wasn't there a piece of uh the line our sewer line or something that we needed to carve out to was that able to be accomplished we did do a um we did a survey that took the well out out of it however we do need to have a conversation about that well um and it's future use because when we move the sewer lines for the two houses on that property um I'm not sure we'd ever be able to get that well permitted that close to the sewer line so it may be a may be kind of a mute thing not saying it couldn't happen but it would certainly complicate it but we have to move to the Sewer lines do we need to have that conversation before the closing we probably need to have that conversation once they complete their due diligence and they indicate their intent to move forward okay certainly before you pay to relocate loads any other questions comments I got a motion on floor correct yes sir yes sir all yes sir you want come in Mark Handley to fak Springs can we be assured that whatever is built there is the structure which is be fitting of its location this right there 331 there a major entry point to our city hate to have a gas station or something inappropriate there whatever the planning board does make sure that whatever is there is something which will improve the Andy not make it something be later regret so once you do a land use change some of you served on the planning board before I'll give my standard admonishment we don't get to be the Arbiters of good taste or what somebody in once we give them a designation for land use and Zoning they can do anything allowable within that District that complies to the city's other existing codes so this is my point Thank you thank you okay all in favor say i i i i i as Carrie thank you very much okay mayor Mr Wallace the next five items listed as 5 a 1 2 3 four and five those are the small scale amendments for ps37 properties Luke Andrews Investments LLC and impr premus LLC will be treated as quasi judicial items because of the small scale Amendment aspect and the resoning being necessarily attached there to based on the applications filed accordingly anyone wishing to speak on items 5 A1 two 3 4 five on the published agenda will need to be sworn at this time that includes staff applicant and applicant Representatives anyone wishing to speak on those items please stand now raise your right hand that includes if your just wanted to ask questions make comments or otherwise repeat after me I do hearby swear or affirm I do hearby swear or affirm that the testimony I present that the testimony I present will be the truth will be the truth the whole truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth nothing but the truth thank you mayor staff and the audience arel all right you want to go with 5 a one now I've got my pages shuffled around here I apologize oh while you're looking I'll make a comment on the the question to ask about the corner down there uh the the people that are purchasing the property what the head told me uh have you've seen that new bank they got over on the east side of nville on Highway 20 it's uh what is it CCB or CCB anyway they've got a brand new bik it sits um just to the west of Rocky bio as you go in nville on the north side of the highway it's a beautiful bank that's what they're saying they're going to probably mimic something like that just Car Wash yeah I understand and hopefully they hold what they told me okay thank you mayor this is Kevin Crystal on behalf of ps37 properties requesting a small scale map Amendment to the Future land use map changing the designation from Walton County residential to medium density residential it currently contains a zoning designation of R2 so the request is to essentially make the future land use map and the zoning map consistent with each other have a motion to approve and hold public hearing and second reading second I have a motion second any questions any questions from the public go ahead comments yeah yeah just want to be sure this time he my name is Steve Thompson I'm an enjoining property owner to the uh property in question and I just had a few things to uh mention uh uh I'd like to speak in opposition to the amendment to change the land use map um when I read through the comprehensive plan of 2025 uh Co one in there mentions that what we're looking to do is uh provide adequate infrastr structure and protect natural resources um infrastructure is a big concern with it sounds like a simple thing just flopping the land use map but uh when it comes to infrastructure and the natural resources which I consider the residents of that area the natural resources I think we need to take a look at what we're actually doing there um North Davis Lane it's a residential Community it's small it's quiet it's all single family uh it's a small Road Road uh is a residential Road I mean for near as I can tell uh all of the surrounding property if you look at that map um outside all of that white area around the map is all currently residential uh either Urban residential or Walton County residential the piece of property that was annexed into the city of defc Springs yes it was automatically rezoned into R2 but the land use map didn't change um and currently is residential um it just it seems to me that uh I would hope that you you as the council would consider that entire area uh as a residential area before or you think about changing the land use map to the medium density that they're requesting uh in this request on August the 7th the planning board approved a townhouse project a 240 unit townhouse project also on Davis Lane uh nothing's been started on it the plan hasn't been approved yet but that is one piece that's currently looking at going into Davis Lane um this one the planning board looked at this on the 5th of June uh and recommended approving this change but in their comments and I'll quote the new development will have an impact on traffic in the area requiring a traffic impact analysis prior to any site plan approval which makes perfect sense to me I mean between the one project with 240 units and this piece of property that you're looking to change the land use on you're talking about adding almost a thousand vehicle movements a day on the Davis Lane which again is just a residential street so while the other project doesn't really have anything to do with what we're considering in here today I think that it does uh if we do change this one to a medium density I think you're just going to exacerbate the infrastructure problem that you're going to have on North Davis Lane there which leads me to ask a couple of questions um this is fairly new with that piece of property being annexed into the city um and since since thec has annexed it is now defunc going to assume maintenance of Avis Drive the part that they didn't have and the left turn on the German Club Road Again not a question to answer right this second but um that has nothing to do with the annexation I can go unfor has nothing to do proper yeah but it does have it does have something to do with the infrastructure in that area which according to the comprehensive plan we're going to protect the infrastructure or make sure we have adequate infrastructure so I would just ask you guys to consider that um the other being um have we or is there a plan or is there somewhere in the planning board I know we're looking at two different projects here but the one we're considering right now considering those two things together with the amount of traffic that we're looking to add on the Davis Lane again it's just a question I mean it's just it's I think this is a more complicated problem than just changing a land use map um one question I had was in the comprehensive plan when I look at policy 1.2.1 it says New Uses will be located in conformance with standards shown below new medium density residential land uses shall be located on arterial or collector roadways can somebody tell me if DAV Davis Lane is an arterial or collector roadway yeah sure well like I said it's just a question because I think this is a bigger issue than just flopping a designation on a map um and if it is a collector or arterial Road I'd like to hear how we came to that conclusion uh the last thing being uh if we do decide that Davis Lane is a arterial or collector Road in policy 1.4.5 you guys have said that all major city roadways minor collectors and above shall when feasible include sidewalks and sign marked bicycle Lanes so is there a proposal that goes along with this where we're going to widen and sidewalk Davis Lane that would come at the development order stage not at the lead usage stage well sure yeah and that makes sense to me um but my again my question with this is and my point to it is it's not just flopping a land use designation on a map uh I mean the the property was annexed into the city where it automatically or in a negotiated deal got rezoned into the R2 designation but it it's automatically assigned at the most conforming zoning District that's automatic by Statute there's no negotiation they have to apply for the land juice okay so if everything in walon County across there and down the site is residential how did that automatically become an R2 design again Mr wall is can address that but the short answer is you're I believe conflating the land use map and the zoning map the city is required in when we do have a zoning map to assign the zoning most consistent with the zoning map designation for which the property arrives into the city however we cannot per state statute automatically reassign the future land use MTH that requires the applicant to move the city to do so otherwise they're entitled to stay under the county designation a which case they would be able to apply for land use amendments or development orders requesting review of the County under the future land use designation in the city under the zoning map designation we do have some people who do that it creates a lot of inconsistencies but it is the applicants right if they so choose sure well my input to this is like I said Davis Lane is a residential area uh we're looking at adding almost three 350 units of of of in medium density uh property in that area uh with the vehicle traffic that you're looking to put in there you know and I have I haven't even mentioned water and sewer and all the other infrastructure that goes with it you know I'm assuming that they've done that but I look at the impacts to the traffic uh I mean are we going to have are we going to have some type of traffic enforcement on that road like I said it's a small Road it's a busy road already uh it's always got bicycles and pedestrians on it and here we're looking to add a thousand Vehicles a day so my input would be please just think about it uh before you just uh I don't want to say willy-nilly just flop the designation on a map because I think it's a lot more involved than that so thank you for your time thank you mayor can I can I ask Mr Thompson a question sure M Mr Thompson are you willing to share your phone number absolutely it's 850 218 6416 thank you thank you okay can you address any of that Mr strong yeah was a lot to digest there um guess I'll start with water and sewer um they are being required to do hydrant flow test to determine if we have sufficient water pressure in that area to serve uh not only this but the other proposal to the South uh the same is true of the lift station and our sewer system they will be required to do draw down test on that lift station to determine if it is sufficient to serve these developments and a traffic study is required ired as part of both of these developments and that'll be part of the development order phase correct that's correct all right uh we had a motion a second any other questions CL just just for clarification for all involved for the public as long as they have met the requirements we are legally obligated to to vote uh in in favor of of this is that correct so if this is found to be compatible and consistent with your Land Development code and comprehensive plan which staff support indicates it is correct Mr Wallace yes sir and so that is your sworn testimony you've received from Mr Wallace to that effect unless you were presented with competent substantial evidence to the contrary of that yes this project is entitled to be approved as is any other quasi judicial matter and voting against it would open us up to litigation correct as always would open us up to both challenge administratively should someone pursue an appeal of this but potentially also Bert J Harris act claims for administrative takings of property rights all right so so did I just understand him to say if if one of us votes no no I just said that if the council doesn't have competent substantial evidence to deny a project you're subjecting the city to liability one I think to clarify one vote would not the board the board voting against it would result in the claim because otherwise if they get what they could result ining there's no reason for them to sue us if we're just one may vote but all council members serving in qued capacity are required to follow the same law and that means you have to have confidence substantial evidence to support the decision you're reaching you have an expert witness who is your by designation of code that's who your city planner is he's testifying this is consistent and compatible with the land devel the code and comprehensive plan so it is the obligation of anyone opposing it to offer competent substantial evidence that actually refutes that paining or determination in the absence of that the project is entitled to be approved okay excuse me one more question come on up come on up need to get you own it's okay I made the comment earlier but uh if it as the attorne Atty says if it's in compliance with the comprehensive plan I get that but my premise is that it's not in compliance with the comprehensive code because my question gon go through all of it again no no no my question was policy 1.2.1 New Uses will be located in conformance with the standard shown below new medium density residential land uses shall be located on R2 IAL or collector roadways so we just let Mr Wallace answer that directly do you believe that provision satisfied with this amendment it is yes and that um oddly enough the same question came up earlier um for a different development and I went to the dot standards and their definition for what would um count as an arterial what would count as a an um collector Street artill are generally your highways 331 990 collector streets are those which serve residential areas which feed into your arterials um so this would be considered essentially a minor collector as opposed to a major collector but due to the um traffic counts it may obviously this is going to increase the traffic but it would still remain a collector Street would not become designated as an arterial so it does meet that provision in our comprehensive plan and that's based on your review of Florida Department of Transportation guidelines correct so there's your answer to the question Council all right we're going to take it to the vote all in favor to say I I no I all I Carrie thank you very much thank you okay item 582 we need to read that by title yeah okay it's 2024 s ss-01 Luke Andrews Investments LLC sir the one we just adopted we need to read by title I'm sorry yes this is ordinance number 959 it's an ordinance adopting a smallscale land use map Amendment of the city of defc spring Conference of plan changing the land use classifications repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date okay item 582 this is 2024 - ss-01 Luke Andrews Investments LLC request to amend the future land use map changing the designation from low density residential to commercial for a 3 Acre parcel located on Highway 331 South uh for reference purposes this is on the west side of 331 South where Myrtle Avenue intersects 331 motion to approve and conduct public hearing and hold second reading second I have a motion second any questions any comments any questions comments from the public okay all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much okay this is ordinance number 960 it's an ordinance adopting a small scale land use map in Amendment of the city of thec Springs coner for plan changing land use classifications repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for severability and conflicts and providing for codification and providing for an effective date move on three yes this is 20 2024 rz-1 Luke Andrews Investments LLC request to amend the zoning map from R2 multif family residential to C2 commercial for property located on Highway 331 South motion to approve and hold second reading second I have a motion second any questions any questions from anyone all in favor say I I I I I I I Carrie thank you okay this is ordinance number 961 it's an ordinance adopting a zoning map Amendment to the the city of defunc Springs Land Development code changing the zoning designation repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you very much we've got four okay this is 202 24- ss-02 this is Michael McCormack on behalf of imprimis LLC request to amend the future land use map from commercial to medium density residential for [Music] 14.39% hi I Carrie okay this is or ordinance number 962 an ordinance adopting a small scale land use map Amendment of the city of defunc Springs comprehensive plan changing the land use classifications repealing all ordinances and conflict herewith providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you very much move to number five okay this is 2024 rz-2 Michael McCormick on behalf of imprimis LLC is requesting a rezoning changing the designation from C2 commercial to R2 multifam residential for the 14.39% questions comments anyone all in favor to say I I I I I I Carrie Wallace okay this is ordinance number 963 an ordinance adoped a zoning map Amendment of the C func Springs Land Development code changing the zoning designation repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing for severability and conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you sir thank you all right request to be on the agenda Mr Tim Parson Liberty Partners good evening uh Council apologize for my cellular disruption earlier um before I get started on the shiaka Hall of Brotherhood Grant update just quickly wanted to give you an update on the status of the 2024 legisl ative session uh we are U entering week three of the nwe session now um headed back over from from this meeting tonight um we anticipate that we could see the first budget spreadsheets this week in the house and the Senate so keeping fingers crossed that we'll see uh a few projects for the city of defunc Springs I know um the affluent line was a top priority uh we saw representative Shane Abbott last week he said again water projects are are are competitive but uh we feel like maybe we can get something uh positive this session but uh on the issue at hand the shiaka Haller Brotherhood Grant we uh we knew that it had been a while since we had given y'all an update on this particular project and uh and an update was warranted and actually um felt like action was was necessary we had a lot of frustration with the Florida Department of State uh since the the city was awarded the grant um in late 2022 if you recall U early last year some bids went out for this work and uh the council at that time made the decision to um to refuse those bids and um and make a valiant effort to to locate those architectural designs that had you know for some reason or another been misplaced but um rather than have the city be in a position where they needed to procure those services so we began that process uh we had some plans I think Kobe tracked some down from the county we submitted those I think it took like 20 emails to get everything over to the Department of State but uh Unfortunately they came back they refused those plans um started working closer with um councilman Valley and trying to locate those plans I think mayor mayor you were also involved trying to uh get your hands on them as well uh we sent over what we felt confident uh were plans that they would accept in late September and then we played the waiting game it was just a months there waiting on the Department of State just to be told every couple of weeks that they were still under review so uh when we put the item on the agenda for this evening we were actually requesting Council action on a letter to the Department of State uh requesting this project be expedited uh fortunately we are uh excited to inform you that since then the Department of State has come back and approved those plans so extremely extremely grateful Dr Henderson probably you know familiar enough with these grants and know uh how frustrating it can be sometimes to get movement on them but um I think those efforts now have paid off councilman Valley is uh is working toide some followup information that we've sent over to Department of State so I think everything's a go now and um based off some previous conversations that we had had with the state should be able to get that work out uh on the streets rather quickly so um I think um part of what was going on it was just a misreading of the drawings they were actually looking at scope that was beyond the scope of the project they were also looking at some um door swings configuration issues that had been resolved as part of the original submitt U they were questioning some of those but they were not uh they were not something that can be deviated from because they are life safety issues and really don't have a choice on it so that should take care of that they also misread the uh coffers that were downstairs being upstairs we do not have the coffers upstairs in the drawings they were track lighting which is of the historic standard good I think we're in a good place quick update the U the grant is set to expire on June 30th of 2024 they've always they've already told us just submit a request for an extension on that it won't be an issue uh but hope we'll get that project done done this year so okay awesome that's our update very much thank you make sure they don't uh you're in Tallahasse they don't come up with this taking away our search charge on people outside of the city Lim go ahead miss m I don't know what's going on over there um about a week ago I must have had 25 emails from my grant specialist that that required three and four page typed responses ridiculous for the same project for the same project no no just in general all right some jobs want to come and give us a a update good evening David Fel Jacobs uh first I want to start with uh saying that uh Mr Steven Waters he's been a city uh with Jacobs for about past 10 years he's lived here most of his life he is retiring at the end of this month and I want to just acknowledge and thank him publicly for his service of uh what he's done to the water system he's been part of when uh the recent inspections back in the mid uh teens where he rebuilt the uh water system had great reports we recently did the ucmr 5 testing one out of three operator that collects these samples and they're they cost thousands of dollarss they failed them and have to do repeat sampling none of his samples came back bad and they all passed so just want to acknowledge Him and thank him for his service [Applause] abely uh secondly I wish I was standing in front of you with my success and Replacements so on behalf of Jacobs I do want to apologize on the transition that's been going on um I do know they're interviewing somebody on Wednesday um I know this guy personally we work together eser I'm hoping he says yes and takes the job he's a good old boy he's uh dual license so if we get him you'll be a great asset to the team right going forward on lift stations just want to update some of the reports the oaklan station is no longer on bypass we got new panel new pumps back to fully operational um I know a report has been told that the scada installations is about a week from being 100% done I did communicate with Mr Bell to watch his wording because while he's accurate it will be fully installed I would anticipate you know a couple weeks of uh bugs while they work out the programming so he uh supposed to get with Zach on that um for the water treatment plant you know replacing we got hit with a lot of surges knocking out booster pumps and whatnot but I did let Mr Holden know that it is ready for the valve replacement job all Wells are ready to handle Tower one being drained clean so that Tower will be offline about two weeks depending on the scheduling of that um as far as the capacity we've had some abnormal numbers to where the last uh analysis our capacity dropped down to 55% the trend is still there we're in the high 50s right now I'm hoping that continues because that is a huge win for defunc for the increased uh infrastructure coming um I know they've been doing the smoke testing and cleanout repairs but we have been seeing decrease a flow of the pl so hopefully that Trend continues and this is my last official week here um so I want to turn to the council if you have any questions on some of the things that been going on let's have it I say David you've done an awesome job thanks and uh you've been a real bre breath of fresh air appreciate that and uh we're gonna flat miss you I'm gonna miss all you guys it's uh been a long road yeah uh any questions from the council I'd just like to say thank you David I know since I was elected you've helped me walked me through took me on tours and um I'm sad to see you go but U I'm happy for you that you know if you're being promoted and doing better with them that's that's fantastic so congratulations to you miss you thank [Applause] you all right Mr May Mr May yeah go ahead David you you mentioned that we took a couple of lightning hits at the treatment plant um it's been presented to the council in the past that we had some sort of suppression system at the plant is there an actual suppression system is it operational the suppression system is typically for your your higher dollar items the pumps okay so these items that have been hit they're more of the cheaper products that we just typically repair out of our repair budgets we're talking about like your booster pump which increases pressure for chlorine uh purposes your vacuum monitor which monitors the pressure of the lines so uh I'm sure going forward they're going to look at new ways of protecting these assets but it's not your high dollar pieces okay so it wasn't it wasn't comprehensive it was just on correct okay uh that was all I had anyone else thank you D thank you thank you okay it's time for citizen comments if you uh want to make a comment to the council please come to the podium state your name if you're representing a business an organization you can state that as well ask you give it three minutes and anyone that comments on someone comment also keep it to three minutes or less so the floor is open for public comment this is on items not on the agenda yes for items not on the agenda so I can't ask questions on something that we voted on tonight yes uh something that we've already covered on the agenda yes sir I just have a question if it's not allowed I I'll I'll go back to my seat I just had a question what item will you a first question if it's a quasi judicial I think problem but if it's not quasi judicial I'll defer to the chair go ahead my question was on the um Eda uh nomination and and seats I my question was uh and I should have gotten up then but I was digesting um was that uh business seat meant for the council or was that meant for the public and it Council an elected member of the body serves on the business Leadership Council okay all right that was what I was trying to figure out okay thank you right anyone else Danny Cen can you give me an update uh and I've got some questions on the um application screenings for the city manager's position I don't personally have any updates um that would be an HR question I guess and I'm not even sure okay our HR Director here I had asked previously about a candidate that submitted his application Glenn Bracken yeah uh have you had a chance to review his um application by any chance I have not I do know him personally I understand you and him had an extensive conversation and that you were very impressed with him certainly in regards to the airport amazingly yes it actually goes beyond that he's got experience with negot Union negotiation and the list goes on and on um will the council members be reviewing uh his application along with others that have applied if they meet minimum qualifications yeah yeah if he meets the minimum qualifications so he's in the running nobody I we don't have that application in front of us nor do we have HR here tonight Mr Co say will look at it if he meets minimum qualifications okay the next thing is uh if if you could could uh tell me the newly created position that was unbudgeted the um Deputy city manager just out of curiosity was that position created as a safety net for the current interim city manager I can't answer that uh but um it's kind of like how the tea leaves are lining up we've had one before but we've gotten rid of one before too okay all right thank you yes ma'am U I'd like to inform the council this is Melinda Henderson speaking for forward defunc we're starting to plan the uh Triathlon and we've heard word that there are about four or five local triathlons that are not on the calendar this year so we hope maybe we'll have have a lot more but we are inviting anybody who knows about this to help us out to make sure that we deal with it in a way that it's pleasurable for the participants and not overcrowded okay you like the crowds you've had the last couple times we could do more okay anyone else okay we'll go ahead and close the floor for comments and we will go to our City attorney on 8 a thank you mayor this is second reading public hearing for adoption of an ordinance that is to be numbered dealing with calling a special election for a referendum to address two Charter questions related to city manager qualifications City Clerk and I have addressed the matter with supervisor of elections the date provided to us that would be the most convenient given the presidential preference primary and otherwise meet the required advertising deadlines would be February 26 2024 is that correct Mr Townson so with that being said with that date being said I would need a motion to hold second reading and adopt motion to hold second reading second I have a motion in a second um so they they were able to go from a 90day notice to I guess a 30-day notice well technically they have to comply with what we ask our ordinance calls for a 10day notice but we're going to over a 30-day notice to provide that yeah they don't actually have to have the full 90 um they comply with Municipal requirements they're going to assist how they can um with where they can obviously the presidential preference primary saps up a lot of space when we get into the month of March is that right Mr Townson that's their big concern okay and which I you know that's what the council wants I'm fine I think that was kind of silly but put that on the consent agenda but I'm glad we P oh no no no no that's the contract with them well this is the ordinance the contract is merely an updated reference to how they would assist in the case of the special election and we'll address that second okay I we have a motion second uh any questions anyone hi Kim winterberg what is this going to cost the citizens this election m i defer to Mr Townson if he has any estimates at this point mean the contract with the supervisor speaks to itself obviously it does so in section A 3A you'll see the fees begin supervisor charge city um an $800 fee would be the base for your services they provide and there's additional fees reach paper ballot and mail B materials and then we'll have to also do election workers and then doing that through what they'll cost to pay in train uh right around $1,200 okay thank you yes ma'am um what about the legal fees that we're going to have to pay to do all the legal documentation for all this because that needs to be added to the cost of the election those will be on my monthly invoices like they always are could you guesstimate how many how much time you're spending on doing this and at what rate well my rate's always the same to the city and has been since prior to me practicing law when my father's here at $150 an hour thank you I did not know that it's been the same for 40 plus years how many hours are you going to have in this start to finish for everything because you're going to have to redo the charter you're going to have to meet the ordance has been drafted the ordinance has been drafted I'd estimate you're probably talking no more than I I doubt you're going to be over 10 hours and you're probably not going to be over five truthfully the ordinance amendments are here that includes the ballot question the document in front of you is comprehensive the change to the Charter is a cut and paste if it is approved from what's already been done so the couple hours work on the ordinance getting this ready and the phone calls of the supervisor of elections um I guess it depends on how long you canvas and how long I'm sitting there with y'all canvasing is the unknown part of that that I can't ever predict and when was our last special election was it 17 no it would have been in 202 2 21 2021 and how much did that cost do we know I do not know that information but that was also in the charter so that um with what you're saying you know I don't know how long I'll be there for canvasing you think 10 hours on the I'm not going to give you a specific because if y'all are there with canvasing if I'm required to do additional efforts beyond that we have to deal with if there's a election contest if there's litigation fil there'd be no way of predicting it but what I'm telling you is drafting an ordinance like this obviously you see how long the ordinance is in front of you the review and documents necessary to do that it's a couple hour Endeavor and that's what you have in front of you and that's the conclusion of this I'm always available if Mr Townson or city staff needs me to provide any guidance or questions should we be inundated with questions which we were not at the last special election that could expand the scope of time I have to engage in given this would fall that'll be if this passes one of my questions would be do we intend to run the canvasing board as part of or in place of our spe of our regularly scheduled meeting on February 26th well considering my attendance to these meetings is part of the standing retainer uh you wouldn't be getting bill for that if it's part of that so it would just depend on how you structure it all right any other questions anyone all in favor say I I no I I I car this is ordinance number 964 an ordinance of the city of defc Springs Florida calling for a special election with referendum questions to be placed before the qualified electors of the city of defc Springs Florida on February 26 2024 providing a chart providing for Charter referendum questions regarding the appointment and qualification of the C manager providing for the amended text of the proposed Charter sections providing findings providing for an effective date if the proposed Charter amendments are approved providing for the filing of the ordinance with the Walton County Supervisor of Elections providing for the publication of the text of the proposed Charter amendments providing for the filing with the Florida Department of State if the proposed Charter amendments are approved providing for conflicts providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you mayor based on that all necessary advertising will commence for that special election to proceed on February 26th uh with that being said the next item before you is the amended contract with the supervisor of elections I think we briefly discussed that that just governs what they would be doing in this specific case as opposed to standard elections slightly different with this being a two question but generally a single topic referendum about the charter Amendment so with that being said that's why have presented the revised contract to be handled in this form of fashion so questions to the council I'll defer to Kobe if you have anything in more detail I know he's talked around at length about it the reason I question because you know back a year ago when I was trying to Chang language on the charter you know I was told you got to have everything ready 90 days before we present it to supervisor of election and that was on the 20 and I and I did check into that that was when it was requested that was if you were going to tack on to an existing election here's the problem for us we can't tack on to the presidential preference primary election no matter what we want to do those ballots are set have to be approved through state and federal law so it wouldn't have mattered if we' had that 180 days in advance they likely would not have let us piggy back on to that given the unique nature of it and the fact that presidential preference primaries are by definition primaries within a party as opposed to both parties so it creates a circumstance there but we did check and they were comfortable that this could be handled in the form that he has set forth for the Mr towns Mr Mayor yes um I actually asked to have that pulled off of the consent agenda because I wanted the public to have the opportunity also if they wanted to say any input uh I wanted them to have the opportunity to speed have to vote to approve or not motion to approve second I have motion to Second so now anyone has any comments they welcome to come or if y'all have any questions welcome to ask that at this time any comments okay all right all them favor say I I I no I I I Carrie thank you very much get light of those two approvals mayor I guess I will ask at this time does the council wish to move forward with their regularly scheduled council meeting at 5:00 understanding Mr Townson will not be able to be with us given his role in overseeing the election and working with the supervisor we certainly can draft from staff I don't know Cindy isn't here where she could throw something at me is she mayor asking Cindy or one of them to assist in filling in Clerk's duties if we do it at 5 um and then what we would do is just have the campusing board begin at 7:01 p.m. following the conclusion of the election you as the council serves as the canvasing board alternatively we could push our entire meeting start time back to 7:15 it depending on how much you put on that agenda it could be um somewhat difficult to start the council meeting that later late in the evening but it'll be the council's call so kind of give us an idea what you're thinking you don't actually have to decide that today you can do that at your first meeting in February but we do need to be thinking about it because the campusing board will have to meet immediately after 700 p.m that night to start the process Mr what what was the date our new clerk will be starting be starting Monday so I was about to add and we got finished that we will be we will have a new clerk starting Monday so at that time there will be a new clerk so will be fre internal or external external external who is it are you able to say I will if you'd like to stand up and introduce yourself come come on to the come on up thank you yeah just introduce youself you will hey how's everyone doing how are you sir yeah so I'm gonna be your new city clerk um I thank you Mr Barker for um interviewing me and um actually giving me the chance to um come here today and see U you know see all the excitement really um but um yeah a little bit about myself I actually came from uh Tallahassee um I worked at the CCOC so the clerk of courts operation Corporation um I did I worked there for two years while I was getting my master's degree at fler State University um I have served for uh five years in the United States Marine Corps Reserves as well uh uh so I actually got three more months left before I actually get out so um looking forward to that as well uh but um yeah I'm looking forward to you know come and join the community and make a positive impact as well um I start um I start Monday like Mr Barker said so I'm excited to be you know meet all the council members um I've read a lot of you uh of y'all's bios I'm really impressed so I'm excited to join this amazing group of leaders put the record St your name uh RF Ali sir yes sir so r a f a l and then Ali AI like the boxer right yeah but thank you guys so much for having me um and I like I said look forward to you know interacting with youall and meeting all of you guys as well um and you know if you guys have any questions um and you know you just want to talk to me um you know one onone you know feel free to stop in my office I'm more like you know more um more than willing to tell you guys a little bit more of my background as well sure yeah thank you guys so much to meet you yes ma'am yes ma'am thank you so much thank you Council Rafael ask us as many questions I believe or more than we ask him very interesting that's good good time to do it good time to do it so so perhaps Mr Townson will be willing to tag out because the clerk has to help oversee this but I do imagine based on Kobe's experience you're going to want him to be somewhat involved with that electoral process but it is the clerk's responsibility to work that with the supervisor so just need the council to think about it again no decision has to be made tonight um but in terms of the rescheduling of that meeting time to conform that just be something we can talk about at the next meeting but would it be all right if we make a motion to suspend that meeting for that particular day yeah you you can actually just say we won't have a council meeting that day I make a motion we cancel the meeting for that day in L of the election counc Council would you be okay if as part of the special council meeting that would reflect the canvasing board that any mandatory Bill approvals things like that be put on that at that time just so we don't miss any Bill approvals or ratifications do you think that that something like that would be well we do it every two weeks we T don't we we typically have Bill ratifications okay she's not going to have it did that won B yeah okay that's up to the counsil all right motion is there a second yeah just just not sure I mean I'm just not sure if we're going to needed or not I just don't know and we got another meeting to be able to decide that so rather hold off fail for last second okay we're gonna go to number nine Mr bvon I actually think I still have one more of you I'm it's okay I'm sorry uh so the auditor selection RFP has previously been issued we do have responses back in so we need a few things to address the um or the auditor selection process by the accompanying law when we do an auditor selection we have to appoint a Review Committee to review those city employees are not to be voting members with the exception of one council person who would serve on the committee uh you then have to have external members of from the city to be there you can have advisory members that can be on there um I've looked back I think in the past the city manager served as an advisory member and then it is my recommendation that the other advisory member not be a subordinate of the city manager and not be someone within Finance just in an abundance of caution even though they can't vote so that would disqualify M hen and Danielle U my recommendation there would be if you are considering another advisory member um you certainly would not be filed if you were to tap our elected chief of police I think Mr week had to serve in that capacity once before if that's the case May's not at me so I think that's true so James May throw something at me or do worse but those would be the two advisory recommendations to comply with statute um so you need that I would need recommendations for the other two selections tonight and then we would need a recommendation to the council so if you're so willing start wherever you want on that list but I think three voting members the minimum so I generally recommend three voting and two advisory to do the evaluation uh I would like to nominate manette Bruce as one of the voting members for the committee should we take them one at a time or please I'll second that all right we have a motion second BR any questions all in favor say I I I uh i i i as Carrie and um I would um like to nominate uh bill infeld um for that other seat second there's three right total there are two plus a council member we're coming to we have to come to the council member so you get two voting Members Plus a council member that is also voted okay so we have nomination Mr Bill Mell there is a motion second any questions all in favor say I I I I I sorry I Carri yes sir I'd like to nominate uh Council lady hethin to sit for representation from the council second all right we have a motion second with Miss Amy um any questions all in favor say I I I should I vote I I all car all right and the two advisories if you want to accept those two like we've done in the past of the manager and the city Marshall who's not shaking his head no but is not smiling at me either so he do you can do that in one motion since they are advisory not voed okay motion to approve the two advisory positions city manager and chief herley motion that a second time yes sir a motion in second what was this this is foris is going to be our manager and our our Marshal chief okay no questions all I I I I car the city clerk will take the responsibility whether that is Mr Al or Mr Townson of scheduling that meeting to go through that process so they'll get with you and coordinate your schedule councilwoman do know we do have to comply as advisory committee as it is the sunshine as it is under the Sunshine Law without going through we have received more than one response we are a compliance of State Statute I would ask the council based on the approval of the committee to ratify the RFP and accept the packets received I know that's a little odd because you on the packets in front of you but State Statute does tie our hands here so if you ratify the procurement document and the and accept the responses received that officially closes the process as you're supposed to do transfers them to the committee so moved before we vote uh clay can you tell us I'll second we get what what can you tell us at this point before we even go any further like how many respondents we had are they open or is that what the is that what the that's what the committee is GNA be going through I can I can tell you I saw two packets is that correct Kobe so I saw two I just look at them I just saw two boxes so I'm assuming fine I don't know what's allowed to be disclosed versus would the council maintains neutrality and impartiality and acts upon the recommendations of the committee so we intentionally do not provide the council details of names qualifications they have both been submitted um it appears they were responsive is the most we can say today you have two response meaning they provided what was required of the city okay now you may look at them both and it may turn out either one of them are qualified or they are not responsible or otherwise that's a separate issue but we can't we don't get into that and at staff level nobody gets to make that call did you turn in enough to get counted that was the question so yes they submitted a packet with the proper documentation of the outside and then after we do this piece of the puzzle tonight are we allowed to access this data or not until the actual day of the meeting because you know I'm going to want to re you know so what will happen is you and your fellow members will all receive the documentation at the same time we'll s notify every member we will transmit it to all of you so that you can review it and then we'll schedule be Meed yes thank you all right motion second any other questions all in favor to say I I I I I I SC I think that's my last one all right all right Mr be bomb uh number nine just want to thank the members of the public for sitting through the the long and arduous meeting I blame clay he jinxed Us by saying it was going to be a short meeting so uh we're we're finally at my my agenda item um I've been approached by a couple of citizens about pickle ball lines on the tennis courts um so I um responded to that and put it on the agenda so that we can have an open discussion about the pros and cons of it and you know what can we do to help those that are interested in pickle ball you know it's a sounds like it's a great outdoor um activity as well as enjoying our our current city facilities so that's the the purpose of it is to get it out there have some discussion about it hear from the public and and hopefully make a decision one way or the other on on the pickle ball lines so um I guess maybe mayor if we can have some discussion at Council level and then open it up for public comment sure absolutely absolutely so from the Das go ahead so I'm torn because I'm I taught tennis I played tennis competitively and it is very difficult to play when there's multiple lines on there so it can be distracting but um the one thing that we want is full utilization of City assets so if we need to do something to get more people on the courts I support it the question I have is what is our current utilization and so one thing that I was thinking in response to this was um one we're about to have pickle ball courts that we care but I still want people on our stuff right I mean I I want you be able to walk to where you want to play I don't think you should have to drive everywhere um and two um if we had the data understanding who's there now it would really help us understand is whether we want to build more courts uh it's expensive so I want to make sure that we doing something that makes sense and that's needed so what what I was thinking is if we and I think we could do this at all our parks and uh I believe you're right he's probably gone he'd actually mentioned this for um for some data collection at the county level QR codes at our facilities so that we could get instant response from people in terms of comments concerns if we have a QR code we'll know that they're there we'll know they can tell us how many people are there and we'll know when uh if it's dirty we'll get informed that way instead of having to wait for a phone call uh if if it's uh there's a dangerous situation we can be informed that way again it's a way to collect data we know how many people are there we know when they're playing and then we can be begin to understand how much capacity we have or how much more we need um but I do want more utilization but again it I don't want to put two groups in Conflict sure sure I I will I will say that uh my wife and I were recently in Market in Atlanta which is where all the wholesalers come together for retail establishments and there was several several wholesalers that were offering whole lines of pickle ball paraphernalia for lack of a better word um so it is it is 100% a popular item so much so that you've got multiple wholesalers offering equipment you know accessories you know all kinds of stuff so it's it's a very popular sport right now did any of them offer the temporary tape off I we didn't actually go go into them that much but because something that I could uh see doing now is if if we were you know because right now I think people are bringing their own tape and and doing it I mean I think if we provided something so they could do it when they were there and then when the tenant is there they pull it off we can kind of have a little bit of both at the same time without having be a permanent U demarcation which again gets visually confusing and difficult um I want to find a way to support right one people getting there but also two the experiment of understanding what are how much utilization we're getting how much uh how much would benefit by having it and how many people want it I mean I think that's important sure I can visualize the tennis court and the outlines and where the lines are but what has where where is the pickle I don't know anything about pickle ball or where the lines have to be drawn but I like that idea of temporary and they're doing it now on their own so people will utilize the tennis cours and they'll come off and tape it off but it goes inside of the service lines and so you end up with the doubles lines the service lines and then another set of service lines and back lines so you end up with a lot more lines there and so if they're really different from each other you can you can kind of tell but if when things are going fast it gets confusing very easily and then isn't the the net technically lower for pickle ball Tech to do it right you know so that's another thing do we want to do it right or do we want to rig a a half half-hearted solution yeah know we got at least one t flare back there mark you might any comments on this matter of fact he's very familiar with the city [Music] council good evening y'all uh I am Mark Anderson I live out in Oakland Square I'd like to thank the counil for their proactive thinking on adding additional recreational facilities for our citizens however I think that U tennis courts and pickleball courts combined are not compatible um I've played tennis for over 50 years and I still enjoy it uh as you you've been talking and you're aware of that there's difference in Dimensions uh on the courts uh if you you'll have to draw lines uh for the pickle ball courts uh I think it'd be very annoying for a tennis player for those additional lines uh if the tennis ball hits one of those lines either you know tape or or paint it's going to uh cause that ball not to uh bounce through or it's going to Skid um I think that of course like you said the tennis the tennis court Nets are higher than the I know it's other way around the difference in the height the pickle ball court Nets and the tennis Nets I don't know how you would adjust them from from play to play there's a a metal cord a metal line that holds those Nets up if you stretch that metal line uh you've rank the Nets and nobody's going to be able to play the noise from a a pickle ball is very loud uh when the ball hits the racket or the court it makes a loud noise I think that'd be very annoying uh to a tennis player particularly when the court is right next to the tennis player so I'm I'm not against pickle ball I know you said and I I agree that the county is building pickle ball Courts at the We Care Park uh if the city would if they want to build a pickle ball court I'm finding Dandy my concern is they're not compatible they're really not so I I just don't see the benefits of of combining those courts uh it would be annoying to a tennis player it really would but I I do appreciate yall's time and I will I want to say this publicly that uh Mr Barker has been most helpful in keeping those courts maintained over there like I said I've been playing forever and I believe he's maintained them better than anybody but thank you all here thank you thank you Mark ham from FC Springs I want to reiterate what what the other Mark said that um I don't really think they're compatible either a pickle CT is 44 feet by 20 a standard tenis score 78 ft by 27 um so have a problem there and it's two in the tennis net is two inches higher in the middle and four inches higher on the on the sides so there's a issue there but the real issue is is the noise um there's a major lawsuit going on Silicon Valley at the moment between some $25 billion dollar billionaire who's compl about the pill course down in the valley he can hear the noise from up there and that'll be resolved probably in favor hope of the mass popul not the billionaire but we'll see but I know other places which have had pical courts there's a real issue with noise and I think where the tennis courts are located in 11th Street I think the neighbors 11th Street and Lon and those Davon Street might have a real problem if you have several pickle ball courts but I I truly Endor having pball courts in this city it's most popular fast fastest growing sport I think in the country so thank you very much yes ma'am good evening my name is Gillian ining a resident here in the fanc springs so I'm the one that one of the people that approached uh Mr Beer bomb about pick ball me and my family there's a group of us back here that love to play around the lakeyard there's two courts so our suggestion is make one Court where it has pick ball lines keep the other court as tennis while they have talked about the noise tennis balls make noise too you grunt you move you do all those things in both Sports so on the pickle ball court because I play avidly because we don't have pickle ball courts here in neunac I have to either tape it off or I have to drive to Free Port where they have them already lined and painted or I have to drive to Bona or you drive to nville and they are on tennis courts they're lined they're painted and there's no difference you can do it another line in Bona they have it a different color so it's easy to know the difference between the tennis courts and the pickle ball courts yes now we're talking about the uh yes it is a little bit higher but as pickleball player you're there to enjoy the game like they said this is the fastest growing sport in the United States and it is for a lot of people that are my age so why I love playing tennis myself and I enjoy playing tennis I don't see why we can't also have pick ball court lines on one side there's two courts share it until the county makes up their mind about their pick ball courts because because they've been promising months and months now and nothing has happened so my suggestion is we have two quarts make one where it has pickall court lines for us there you're only adding two lines to each side the kitchen line and then the serving line I know this because I map it out I step it out I measure it out every time to tape it off while I'm there so two lines are being added on both sides this is in Bona this is in Freeport and this is in nville so the surrounding areas have this same situation I forgot what I was gonna say um so the really the S suggestion is it's not take away both tennis courts it's just hey can we add pick ball line courts to one court and when I'm there playing pick ball there's no one playing tennis so I think the gentlemen go really early in the morning people that play Pickleball I I think or later in the evening so I haven't seen any tennis players while I'm playing pick ball Jan how often do you play uh when I have the chance of almost three to four times a week if I had the possibility I'm also a softball coach basketball coach and a volleyball coach at a school here in the county so when most of the time it's in the on the weekends yeah welcome back you've been gone I have I have yeah that's pickle you on the court here yes well that's something we got to address yes thank you I think than you need to need to do some research here yes ma'am well for the younger Generations I'm Sarah infinger laort I'm the mother uh I was introduced to pickle ball a couple of months ago to my daughter because I'm recently retired after 33 years teaching here in Walton County and I'm enjoying it me my husband here judge laort and it is fun and when we've been out there uh I'm not going to tape it off so in order for me to play it I have to have her or Kurt to tape it off for me but I'm enjoying it and I really didn't see the noise U but I'm not one to grunt or sweat or anything like that so uh I'm not I mean I'm just learning the game but it's activity for me since I am retired uh but uh until the um County does build it I don't see why we can't share let's compromise uh and just color it a pretty blue or something thing it's just two lines I mean I'm you know I've been here 57 years please just let's compromise until they build yeah you know but thank you I appreciate it thank you very much I like the idea of maybe just on one versus two of them in a temporary format until we can better decide and that allows you know those who are using those courts to yeah continue access access to it and it doesn't put anybody else out and then you know if we need to address how can we do it permanently or what we're going to do on a permanent basis moving forward and I like the idea of measuring like you said with the CU codes to see because I don't have any idea who does really use those and how do we measure that I have no clue price yeah it's it's funny when I when I put things on the agenda how quickly I get feedback so I I've definitely heard from from the tennis players over the weekend about the concerns um many um I'm curious I would I would say that it it totals up to I had I've had a couple people speak on behalf of groups that play so I would say it it it probably totals around 10 people that actively play tenants over there um maybe more but um is it just Leisure or are they teams like a league or something no it's it's not a league just Leisure yeah okay yeah um um I like the idea of compromise and and I I would even like to see maybe once we get the data back maybe we even Explore the possibility of of a longer term dedicated pickle ball court um I don't want to always just leave it to the county to to to do things you know I think we should be providing recreational facilities here within the city like you said that are walkable not that you have to get in a car and drive to um so maybe we uh I'll I'll do this I'll make a motion to direct staff to bring back a cost for painting different colored pickle ball lines on one of the tennis courts so I I kind of researched this um based off of what my research is between according type of paint you get was between $200 and $600 so that would be that's just basic research hey how does it actually cost to paint pick ball lines on a tennis Square okay so it's based off the paint and how much you use okay can I get you to add one orend your motion to have one thing too is the um maybe even the sound to get the residents that live right there in that immediate little Nook to let them hear the difference in it and see if it's I think we can do with we do that same thing with the QR so yeah so I'll I'll include in the motion to develop a QR code for a survey form that asks the questions that have been discussed tonight not good second second all right we have a motion on second any questions yeah I think this will actually be really good for the uh tree and beautification as they work on parks in general to expand this to other Park facilities um I think we'll we should utilize um the very lowcost data research methods are available to us we we just don't collect enough data as the community to understand what people are using and why they're using it and what's wrong uh and I think this would be a good way to do it um um I'm not sure not sure if uh it or who would be in charge but definitely have to have both our social uh it and Graphics involved uh to be able to get a it should be quality let's not let's not just stick a white post somewhere and hope people find it yeah yes ma'am just a a quick comment from the beautification and tree board we had talked about the possibility of maybe using that space across from the tennis tennis courts for uh future pickle ball courts but as this gentleman mentioned the noise is a good bit louder uh so that might not be the right location I was thinking it was a good fit since they were similar sports but um but we it's definitely something that we've talked about and we would love to hear more from the community on what what they would like to see and where they would like to see it I'm just wondering if if we were to P pursue a pickle ball court in that area what is there some sound mitigation strategies that we could come up with whether it's shrubs whether it's maybe some some large acoustic panels you know trees trees vegetation yeah yeah soft surfaces yeah that we could come up with that could help mitigate some of that additional sound because that's a it's roughly an acre so you'd be able to put in quite a few quarts there and parking and parking yeah and I I have some friends that are investors in this and doing it as a business and I think they said that they were paying around 20,000 per Court um I don't know if that is on point but just as a broad number for us to discuss what's the county spending County's about $100,000 or how many I don't know how many they're building but they had at least two they're building it's $100,000 they should be finished well there's in about two weeks they started on at January the 8th and it was supposed to take 30 days to complete about $100,000 for what they're doing but they're also they also took down all the fencing and all the Nets I think done that on the tennis course yeah so that number that 100 is not part of that no okay thank you thank you all right the other thing I like about doing them in the same location is um one we're have to provide lighting so we don't want to run power at every location everywhere and also we're talking about doing bathrooms and this would allow us to focus on very specific project of bathrooms for both and the possibility of Court it starts to become a a real project and not just you know one offs everywhere so this is becoming a real park now instead of just a couple courts in a yard okay so I have a motion a second any other question all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much and uh Mr Barker any last minute comments since I didn't have anything on the agenda I do have a couple of updates there um we talked Al about David finel with Jacobs talked about the water tower about replacing the valve on that Tower there's a 10 10in valve that if you driven by you look at the alley behind the water tower you'll see a a small River of water running down through that um that valve has been leaking for years um several years it's been leaking it was not repaired um it was scheduled to be repaired some time ago a year or two ago it was not about two years ago um it was not repaired for one reason or another one um it was leaking at the top of the valve there was a sweet spot you could keep working with it whether it be 15 minutes or two or three hours to get it and it would stop leaking however that sweet spot has passed so now it's leaking at the bottom of the valve in order to fix that it has to be the tank has to be drawn down the water level and the pressure has to be drawn down to go in there and replace that valve so that was what they was scheduled to do a couple years ago and did not do it so now it's leaking the bottom of the valve so it has to be done so we're scheduling a US tank comes in does an inspection on these water towers every two three years so they're scheduled do them this year we're bumping that timeline up for them to come hopefully in the next couple of weeks we had to make sure we had that V to replace it uh where they'll be coming in and drawing the water level down we'll switch the well off to another Well much like we did when the um well was down here when I first started um so to replace that valve so they'll draw it down they'll clean it and do their inspection at the same time while they're doing that we'll replace it take about probably the offline for about two weeks um to get that done and we'll replace that Val so it will not leak again hopefully but that Val is pretty old it's been in the ground a long time it should have been replaced a long time ago um the severe weather we had on the 8th and the 9th um took a toll on a lot of stuff in the city um we had a a sewer that we was working on a sewer line and I shout out to the Sewer employees they were out till 3 to 4:00 that morning when the wind start blowing the hardest they were in a hole trying to fix a a sewer break so um they worked real hard and they did not go home until that line was corrected so they were out in the cold and the rain and um repairing that that that line that had to be done and that's what those crows do whenever the weather's bad most of the time they're out in it so um their work is second to none their dedication to working this city and I appreciate what they do um we had a lot of damage in the city I'll start out at the airport we had a ef1 tornado come through it was confirmed by The Weather Service um it damaged a lot of hanger doors ripped some of them off sailed them um almost to the railroad tracks um those doors have to be replaced um last week we done three rounds of damage assessment done with Florida Division Emergency Management with FEMA um and we also done two rounds with fmit fmit contracts with a company called Synergy to go in and do a lot of their work for them they kind of a One-Stop shop then they come behind them and do their own assessments um we had at probably at best several hundred, worth of damage at the airport those hanger hanger doors are not cheap um it bent them it tore them off it bent the frames um probably those tracks that they're on will had to be replaced because when those hanger doors were put up they were not uh code would not allow those same doors to go in so it'll have to be brought up to code U we questioned myself and Council M Valley went out and looked at some of the structures we questioned the stability of some of the hangers due to the way the tornado come through and rip the cars off we do have our doors off we have cars uh we have a couple of planes that's in there that we can't even get out right now because we can't touch those doors um so hopefully we'll be moving forward soon with insurance um I'm not sure we're going to get anything out of FEMA um but our insurance agent said they should be no problems covering those um additionally we had Christmas Reflections equipment that was damaged and destroyed our two trees the one that was on the pontoon boat in the lakeyard it pulled up Anor Anchor It sailed it across the lake when it hit Shore it flipped upside down on top of our tree um so um not sure if it hurt the boat or not um we're checking it but it certainly did the tree um the tree that was up town thank goodness we got the decorations off of it before the wind started blowing because it additionally threw it up in the air and set it upside down so uh it definitely hurt that tree so we'll probably wind up getting those trees replaced um it blew the slide and glass door in the city hall out off um there was debris all in the hall because it it literally broke that door and and blew it sideways so um we had some extra roof leaks up here on this building as well we've took a look at we had some damage and window blown out at the sewer treatment plant um so we had some stuff all around that was damaged that we're still adding some stuff to that for damage assessment so um it took us toll on the on the city the U tornado that come across the airport the construction crew that was out there had a lot of insulation stacked up um it sail that insulation across the highway um went through a fence on the other side it it it ripped some trees up tore some Building Material off roofs that across the street on the north side of the roadroad track fact is a lot of that insulation was I ran over some of it when I came in that morning um a lot of other people did the same thing because they're laying all over the highway um anyway it's all cleaned up now but um it was a it was an interesting blow we had come through could have been a lot worse but we certainly sustained some damage out of it so we don't have the exact amount the damage we did have yet we're still totaling it up and adding to it we had a lot of crews out working and um doing a lot of work during that time so I appreciate them doing that um and the ef1 it was confirmed and if anyone don't know that's 90 M hour winds is what they estimated it came through so pretty strong I think ef1 goes up to like 110 before itf2 so pretty strong little tornado that come through um additional update on our audit uh we met last week or had a um Zoom call with um Warren a and CRI um all the information the c or Warren a had asked for additional information on a couple of the items from uh from CRI so they have furnished that to them um they will be on site both the week of the 29th which is next week CRI and Warren a will be on site to face tof face meet with our staff um to if they have any additional questions to ask those questions and hopefully it can be cleared up during that week of meetings um so they can be finished so I asked Warren a what their timeline was for uh possibly giving us a different opinion on that and being finished and they said they would be better able to answer that after our meeting next week on site so it is moving moving forward and we've addressed all of their um all the questions that they had so hopefully we'll have something on that as as far as the date when they will be completed um by the end of next week awesome um our smoke testing did and I will sponge on what David Fel said our smoke testing we don't have our final report on that yet but we know some of the cleanout uh cleanouts that they were um fixing um I sure hope that's some of our increased capacity um I can't imagine where it can't be some of it but um if that's indicative of what we had problems with at some of the clean out that's uh it had to add to it some so we'll know when we get our final report but then also when we get another month or so worth of capacity readings on the plant will get a better idea um of what that actually done that's all I have good report good job okay uh we'll go to Mr scur any last comments that's a lot of good stuff Mr Barker has been doing a really good job I'd like to brag on everything he has done as well as the rest of the city staff they they work really hard during that storm that's a dangerous time to be out and about I was up at 3 o'clock that morning testing let of systems make sure we were still online so there were people going back and forth electricians were all over the place so that Kudos again for all the hard work that they do um that's all got right now Mr Henry I'd like thank him to the all hard work they do most time it's hard work because it's hard willing all that yeah makes the easy job hard right yeah yeah Miss mayor I'd like to say thank you to the staff too and um especially last week I had the opportunity for the first time to attend a Florida Liga Ci's training for newly elected officials and Mr Kobe and uh Miss Cindy helped a lot because you know they made my reservations made sure I had everything I needed and last minute um I think they might even got with Mr Barker because I needed to get a room last minute to uh stay so thank you very much yall did a great job and I really appreciate that so thank you uh yeah the during the storm the teams out there were fantastic the um the cleanup well the sewer work during the storm was just and we we actually talked to them that night beforehand just trying to give them a warning to get out of there but they they weren't going to leave until they were done so um you know it's a it's a very committed group and and we all owe them a thanks and then that after after event cleanup um that it's very dangerous work uh we had a power pole snap right in the half and take the tops of trees off adjacent to it and um it really um you know they're working in those conditions it's um it's it's commendable and we really appreciate them um I'll be trying to provide some updates on some traffic information coming up um disturbing uh statistic that I've come to realize is that uh 95% of the fatalities in this County and in highway accidents um are north of the bay um and that's uh disconcerting to get to that number and it's it's increasing it's not decreasing so I'll be sharing more information on that and I'll beginning with the with the Marshall and the and the chief on that trying to let them know what I'm seeing and finding and then we'll continue to work at the at the TPO to and and with the county to encourage them to to focus on on the safety of our citizens um because it's a 91% I mean that's that's a horrible rate um you know considering that you it's a fairly even distribution of incidents uh we only have 5% more incidents than they do on the south end but we have all the fatalities good news no one has died in a car in South Walton in two years uh probably more two bicyclists two pedestrians um so that's that's good news no one's died in a car so you know Vision zero to some extent works there but um but we're not getting it up here that's all Mr BB just want to thank and recognize our extremely hardworking uh Public Works employees for being in the ditch at 3 o'clock in the morning with their tornado flying over their head and probably up to their their knees or their waist and unsightly stuff um I I also want to uh just kind of encourage everybody um had a had a situation this weekend where uh at my brother's house he has two gas furnaces and he thought he was smelling gas in his his house and around his house um and so he called me and I said you know call the PD they'll they'll dispatch someone whoever's on call um and of course um my brother has a different last name because of family Dynamics and all so they didn't know it was my brother's house and I just want to thank Dusty for showing up and being extremely cheerful and helpful um showed up and was was willing to walk the property walk the service line check all he spent time inside checking all of the uh the stuff and assuring my brother that you know everything was was fine that apparently there there might have been uh some deodorant that was uh leaked from the the Okaloosa gas which is at the end of Walton Road and and Twin Lake Drive uh but it's um if you ever smell gas or you need an issue or you have a question about pilot lights our gas department is a f a fantastic Department they'll come out and they'll assist with that free of charge so just want to kudos to them as well that's all I have great well giving Kudos U uh the fire department I had some guests with me went out went out for dinner Saturday a week ago and they ended up having to haul one of my guests out of there on a gurny but uh fire department was there and of course you know now they they take over a lot more of the Medical Care than they used to and did a fantastic job and Mr Galloway Galloway he is just a real personal guy that knows how to calm people down but they did a great job we we continued and had our suffer we didn't even leave you know so they it was almost seamless and I got I got my suffer down you know I've been waiting all day but anyway uh I just reminder we do have a meeting when is that Thursday or Thursday at 4 5 4:00 four o00 special meeting so remind you that this meeting a journey