##VIDEO ID:vxVkNZTcrIk## sir who's got your dog I haven't seen yeah we got after our last one pass away thank you I guarantee these these numbers are just as accurate as in the bud no offense I saw I heard him mad money know think to do a fundraiser once a year Lake Fest or something [Music] raone and this is the CR ption that's the CR p okay thank you CL G or not yeah I don't know anything here good see I didn't even think to tell him that it's good to see you it has been a long three weeks all right we're gonna go ahead and we're go ahead and call this um budget Workshop to order today is Friday August the 9th 2024 and I'll kick it right over to you Kobe thank you um so before I get started I just want to say that myself and Danielle her staff took a lot of time on this this isn't the final product and I think this is probably the best way for us to go through y'all see the hardcore numbers and then hopefully by that's pretty loud Jesse we could turn it down just a little bit um set another meeting for the end of the month we ought to finalize it look over before we get into hearings that'll be a more comprehensive document with more qualitative information rather quantitative and so I don't know exactly how if y'all have a preference the way y like to do it do that or I was going to go through every budget not line by line we can go to it I'll give some key points if y'all see a particular line yall want answer then you I can do that for you if you don't we'll move on to the next one is that okay everyone sounds good to me yeah my breath under me I've been all all season for week okay so we can we'll start here in General Revenue is there's anything particular we can Circle back this at the end there he conversations about these revenues if not is there anything in particular that y'all sticks out to anyone that you have a question so I I wanted to I guess ask how many of the the grants that are in here are a guaranteed in other words we know we're getting the grant we know we're getting that money versus ones that are are we're hoping you know Wing in a prayer and cross our fingers atpa we don't have that yeah so there's a couple it should be mostly within this section we don't know about you're highlighting the guaranteed not guaranteed these are ones these grants required matches most of them are first all required matches and so we budgeted them because we do get we have to we have to spend that money and then get reimbursed if it's a 100% reimbursement this grant here does we didn't get we don't know about the 735 either yes corre most other grants are any recurring like grants right so these are some of your larger ones that either we haven't budgeted for before um and then we have not gotten a guarantee if we we get some response back before the end of the month and we don't get them we'll take them out carrying that over so you're looking at about just rough numbers here you're looking at about $1.5 million there um I guess my my thought was 17 17 okay um and this may be more of a question for for clay when he gets here he is on the way Mr Mayor um is it possible on these particular grants to not necessarily include them in the budget and then if we get the grant we then at that time do a budget amendment I just thr that out there asking that very much of of Finance as well as clay yes it is possible but my experience with a budget amendment is a formal hearing the whole and y'all have not been doing that here at the city of DC well I'm not I'm not afraid of a budget meeting or a budet that's the only thing that I would add to that caveat is that we should have a formal you advertise it you go through the whole room and for those grants right I from my perspective I think if we were to adopt that policy and start pursuing it that way and again if clay blesses it as well my thought process to the council is that that provides us with a little more of a true budget because then we're not putting budget a bunch of you know we're not putting an extra $1.7 million in the budget that we hope to get we may not get we don't know just just my thoughts on that what if they segregate it what what if so for example in the past we have been approving it and it's been right sitting there right but it doesn't line up but it does help at the year end when they do budgets to actual otherwise they're going to have all these yearend things that they have to do but what if they just segregate it like you in other words I think what we're wanting to look at is really what is it cost to run the City versus and and soie and I just did that with a few things where I segregated out some things and I think he and Danielle were going to find out have done that along this process as well that has been more helpful that we have not done been yeah and I'm bringing it up I know councilman mcnight you know was very much keen on that on segregating out the budgets or seg segregating out the grants because it it helps with being able to get that true picture yes yes to see where our shortfalls are and but when you say segregated are you saying that we would just we still approve it we could still approve it they could still include it here anticipating it but in their presentation they would say okay here is the true picture of what we really need these are required this is additional things that we think's going to happen and then they add the two together to get the total that we would approve as a whole yeah we could come down here we come grants line another seal see difference okay and I think that way it would C it would cut down on I think staff time in the back ground that we are not really privy to but it would accomplish I think though what what we would like to see what you're requesting any comments from the rest of the Council on that I think that's a good idea difficult to tell what we have yeah we don't have it okay I guess that would then trigger this is just on the revenue side but then we would need to do the same thing on the expense side within the individual departments yeah okay we could do that as well yeah all these grants TI here their dollar for dollar matches in your expense as well so if we take them out you're going to see it taking out expenses right okay except for thing that's not covered is the matches right I was about to say and if you don't budget those then you you wouldn't have the money available if you right yeah and did you put in a match in this particular like is it just do you just put it in one category like an admin like $200,000 just that says for so we we will get to that second but every Grant in that the city has approved to apply for that has their required match on our behal is in the budget you're going to see expenses we get maybe see you'll see the grant that the cost here from whatever ageny and then the city's match right under so you know the toal that it's down in the individual correct departments which a lot of that can be in kind but in kind does cost us money do it actually is it turns into labor or something stock Brotherhood um there's $12,500 inine we budgeted 12,500 in cash in case we don't meet inine we're going to try to hit meet in through you know staff time smart yeah [Music] okay I'll go on to the budget each one question we by so we go to Executive um second we so really the only notable change U within executive is the mayor have spoken with me about a free an increase for the seats that are up for election mayor is that still your intent yeah that's uh two two councilmen and mayor correct so that be the mayor seat four and five for four years you can't do anything about it so what we do now would take place in April or May and then it would be good for four years and the same's going to happen two years from there do it again so yeah what I did is I told I said I just t on 3% which I thought was pretty modest and uh per year for four years and uh and then you won't see any more increases for four years so that that turns into 600 for position of Mayor and $420 for position of cat4 and CAT5 individually and is not under that the chief's not under that situation 2500 with the other benefits for young well that's why I say very modest but you know that's what I feel like we all do minimum I wasn't exactly prepared to talk about this particular topic but I will say that I think that the all of the council seats in general and obviously whatever we do today doesn't take effect for some for seats for and five until next year and then for the rest of us it wouldn't take effect for another three years but I would like to see the council members all the council members may be brought up to the the same pay as the mayor is my thought veterans talk about this I think it's smart I think it's what I think what the workload that we're doing and the time that we spend I think it's I still think it's an under you know I I think it's a good idea maybe that's something we we come back to once we've all had had time to digest it and not certainly don't want to put seats four and five on the spot with them coming up next year but we to the mayor's point we only have once every four years to to address address it and I'm with it Ian knows so maybe maybe for this year we just do the the two that are coming up for election and then we can do the other seats next year the year after can we just do them all at the same time I guess I guess so because it really doesn't matter right we can ask don't know what work is written but I mean I can bring back we can bring back the cost Charter we can bring the cost of doing the next meeting and you see what that looks like we'll get the legal termination we Implement that yeah okay is that okay me okay sorry I did I did want to point out something real quick so I went through and was looking at the cost of the salaries um and again I've always heard that roughly whatever the salary is you add 25% to and that's your that's your overhead for that employee looking at the various departments like for example executive is 41% overhead admin's 31% it is only 28% HR is 23 I can go on and on to all the Departments but in general they're they're up there they're most of them are over 25% so is that F FRS that's driving that is that okay I mean your your contribution on your salary is 58. 68% of your salary um for Senior Management that that dollar is 3452 and you have four of those positions within the city your fire and your police are special risk right and those are at 32.79mbloaded it is the director okay you're saying 31% you're taking the total cost of person services and dividing that into the cost of Department I I am I'm taking the total personnel personal services total line item subtracting salaries and then that would leave your at other stuff yeah that that would leave your your overtime FICO retirement health insurance work workers comp so we're running it for the majority f and I'm going to round up bike is 8% u f FRS for just regular risk employees is 14% And workers comp is 2% and then you have to add your health insurance that we're paying for everybody on top of that which is about $8,800 per head so right there is uh 22 24 there's 25% right there and that doesn't even include health insurance so take 25 plus whatever the $8,800 is I guess so yeah it's about 35 % yeah if not higher police police is coming in at 38% fire is coming in at 41% transportation is 34% maintenance is 36 also the work R change as well so police and fire to work comp is substantially more than trans you wouldn't think this but cemeteries is very high transations is very high try knuckle boom so each every every position changes or comp changes based off their their job okay but primarily it's FRS that's driving that okay and the health insurance if you're including that okay executive we add line on this year pole worker salaries obviously election year coming up so I pay for that typically that's just been lumped into an operating expense we separated that out and then this year we added 4,000 for elction expense that's including fees to the state and what we have contracted with supervisor elections so those those are really your main changes this year in executive and like I said we will bring back the cost of what y'all have asked for us to look at by the next all right admin um probably the biggest notable change to start with there's currently seven positions within admin um I want to move three of them not get rid of anything but move them two of that is HR which we will bust into a separate HR budget this year so you can see the cost of Human Resources that's common very common and then um the project managers under admin I would like to move that to PO works the position is 95% PW Works projects I think that's an appropriate move and so that's where you see a large discrepancy in salaries as a movement of those positions um other than that as we mve down a lot of the admin line items again have been shared with HR we took some of those costs out and give at that was our function and so that's why you see a lot of those differences have certain things building insurance was a large cost um every general fund if I'm not mistaken general fund budget um outside of police and fire we lump their building Insurance on maintenance maintenance they C all C building insurance they are with the buildings committee expenses so the tree board had 10,000 last year they've asked to do the same amount this year um that and they've asked to dedicate that to downtown verification of downtown um there are a number of projects I spoke on Main Street and Rachel there's time on C and Kim um there's definitely a use for it if we meet our intended goals I'll move that money throughout the city forication projects they may have along thoroughfares or down streets or however they like to do that but that they would like to ask for the same amount of money as Council so I'm good that any objections to that so you sorry are you doing 10,000 it says per CM but are you doing that yeah so commit so really the only committee we have left as an advisor recommend expenditures is them so I was just left the same okay okay sorry can I ask question back to the building insurance for a second do we have one provider for that covers all of our City properties yes Florida M Insurance Trust and how often did we look at the cost of that so every year we'll get our new I think last year was a substantial increase I don't think this year was as bad we haven't got yet so we're working on that um but we I've had other customers ask about you know why not the city self insure um that's not impossible it was going to take us some time to look and see what our claims are to the year because our deduct was $1,000 right so if we have an issue claim we pay a th they cover the rest of it I don't know what the cost of that claim is what we have to what we have to carry on that um so for example um qtp airport that'll be on Monday's agenda so I get ahead of myself but that's a roughly I think it was either 20 or $24,000 replacement we were G to pay a, dedu right so we would have to factor in all those type of costs that's something we're willing to look at if that's something y'all would like us to investigate I I'm I'm all for reevaluating insurance like the way I was raised you know you don't you don't find pile an insurance claim unless your house is a smoldering pile of rubble you just don't because the insurance is going to go up and then you're going to pay you're going to pay for it no matter what whether whether the insurance can be PID for it or you pay for it out of pocket you're gonna pay for it so the idea that you know we just allow the insurance to just pay for all these damages when we probably should just be covering the stuff out of our own pocket I think we're paying through the nose for it that's just my opinion on it is that figure here that we pay per year for our building terms I would have to add it up it's broken up between the department I'm just just roughly curious not to get into a deep conversation about it perhaps Kobe it' be a good idea to let the council see the various lines of coverage that Municipal Insurance trust provides and it may well be that we want to drop one line of coverage in favor of another I would tell the council just be mindful while we don't face a lot of litigation in the city the vast majority of litigation we face and even that's not very high is employment law litigation and you do have coverage for that you have coverage Council gets assigned your legal fees are covered um in litigation Council 100% by the Florida Municipal Insurance trust after you pay your deductible and at least in my history here you can correct me if you remember one otherwise the city has never had to pay any money out of its pocket on any claims against the city while we may not always love their decision to settle with or without the council's approval into those policies um that's one line of coverage I would encourage you very strongly to look at if you go try to get that for your private business to get a full legal coverage against employment challenges it's going to be exorbitant and you self-insure that it can get very expensive very quickly so I I would just say it's probably important to look at all the lines that Municipal Insurance trust covers if we're just talking about the property damage your property coverage vehicle coverage that may well be worth shopping but um it's probably also worth looking at the complete package they give you and I think CH I mean understands the value of having some of those because in this day and age if we discipline somebody we terminate somebody somebody doesn't like a reassignment there's always a chance you're going to collect a lawsuit from it whenever they leave even if they voluntarily leave and so there is benefit to that part of our coverage if the decision was to self-insure we would need to go back look at some of those high levels on that so I I'm not saying you should not look at the building coverage and look at how we end our claims but I think it would be helpful could to understand the multiple different lines of coverage that are covered as well as the individual coverages that the council members receive um which includes if you're named in individual capacities you typically have coverage and lawsuits you have any idea what we'll be relieved of when we sell these two buildings down here and of course we got utilities that still going on down there as well I'm deal with City Hall well we're still inured right you don't have you have any idea what that so I've not seen a breakdown by the property and I'm trying to get that as we speak so once I have that then we'll bring it yeah I'm I'm only interested in shopping the building insurance and the vehicle insurance the rest of the insurance a okay with me yeah yeah I just I think about that thing percol AC is run in 247 and insurance run 247 and probably several other things anyway um be glad to get that off of [Music] our so um I was going to bring this up in in my presentation but I think it's it's fitting right here um so I actually had a conversation with fmit today um about our insurance and what is covered um I talked to to our rep he is actually going to try to get me an itemized breakdown of what each building cost um but he said the way they do it is basically lump everything together as a city but he says the underwriters we they're pull they can pull that out and he would hope to have that by first of next week for me um so we should have that and I'll share it with y'all um and the reason why I even called and asked them was um on my budget our our building Insurance says $78,000 is what we're budgeting um to me if we're paying $78,000 a year to insure that building I'm going to go to a I'm not going to promote anybody a big box store and go get you know be in safe hand somewhere or whatever whatever that guy's name is Jake or whatever you know so uh you know but you know I think probably what has happened is maybe they broke it out percentages at some time in the past and you know there's going to divy out 25% here you know and each department kind of take some lick I don't know but um you know obviously $78,000 in my budget it it makes it look even bigger you know and it's not really necessar and I want to say it's not fair to me but it's not fair to me um if we're not truly paying that much the other thing would be is looking at the coverage on the buildings that we are if we're covering these two Erector Sets behind us yeah they're nice to have but if they blew away tomorrow for $78,000 we could probably come close to building a new one oh yeah um so depending on what we're actually uring um I think that would probably be the best thing to look at throughout the city of course you know seic Center shocker building this building my building Public Works definitely ensure them but some of the the Boy Scout Hut and stuff like that maybe we can we can lower it um but they are supposed to give me that here the next week so and I will say I'm also a director on the law enforcement advisory panel for fmit and I meet with several Chiefs throughout the state and they give us a break down every quarter um at our meetings and our claim rate is definitely better than three quarters of the people in that room so we are we are doing good and and I have seen since since we've been there it has dropped um our workers comp claims and a lot of things have gone down which is gave us given us a better rate so any even accident so there's my two cents thank you thank you next three so the three Legacy organizations Main Street the W County Economic Development Alliance and the Tri County Community Council uh these three I kind of need some guidance on this the main street has not requested an increase or decrease they've asked for same amount they've been allotted um Tri County asked for a $3,000 increase they were at 27,000 they're asking 30 and then WT County Economic Development Alliance is asking to fund at the request that they given last year so they given the same request this year the city did not fund the FL request last year um and so that that request is 4499 obviously in physical dollars that is an increase and so um URI is here on behalf of Eda if there's questions about those increases but I need to know if councel would like to increase those amounts or not what was the difference did you give us the difference yes so Main Street uh no change track county $3,000 increase that's the um Life Enrichment Center yeah and then the Eda and physical dollars is asking $1 13,499 62 increase on top of it last year last year we we gave 32,000 okay hello did you have a question before I I was gonna make a general statement okay go ahead you're I Matthews for the record um so I do have a little presentation it it is on your desk if you'd like me to kind of walk through it real quick the first two pages are kind of the about in the mission I do want to take time to just read one item here on the on the mission and just make sure we're all kind of understanding that um uh economic development is a very a broad uh IDE aidea and so you know the Walton County Economic Development Alliance will work to achieve economic diversification cultivate a business-friendly environment promote sustainable development increase Community wealth address uh infrastructure challenges and improve the overall quality of life um moving through that um since last time uh I came up and asked for money I have raised $75,000 in private funding I have an additional 10,000 committed um or that I'm working on getting committed for the next fiscal year from two more um investment opportunities or investor opportunities that are interested I met with one yesterday and I've already gotten a phone call saying yes we're going to do it um I just need to get some paperwork done so um so hopefully next year I'll say hey I did 100,000 or more my goal is to get to 130,000 in private funding and and then reassess you know what the real potential is there um projects we're all over the map I got two more projects that came through recently um one I'll be working over the weekend to get a submission in early next week um 50 job opportunity and um I'm going to eye the Emerald Coast Logistics Center and or potentially the airport they're actually looking for a Greenfield opportunity so the airport comes into play on this which is pretty neat um and we H and we have the acreage and everything so it's it's very interesting but Kobe and I will work through that um and then one of the really neat things as well is while it didn't benefit the city of Devan Springs um it just highlights the the opportunity we have with econ IC development um in the pursuit of funding for our community um I was able to win a grant Award of a total of $830,000 and that came back uh ultimately to the county but in the greater Freeport area for a traffic light Improvement that was is that Grant is made exclusively available to economic development organizations um we sought uh support with egland Air Force Base we actually had a the general had to sign off on supporting the Grant application we were the highest awarded amount in the state of Florida um for that that uh that award and it's going to fund uh traffic improvements at an intersection of Highway 20 and 83a West um in the Free Port area so just west of that intersection just west of Hammock Bay it'll fund two uh turn Lanes an eastwest turn lane and it'll put a traffic light in right now there's just a single Lane and so the left-hand Turner stop all the right-hand Turners right um in regards to just sort of awareness in the community uh we you know we have really uh started um pursuing the LinkedIn Avenue we've uh We've increased LinkedIn quite a bit as you all know that's where the business folks are at right so we're trying to reach uh everybody that's in the profession of finding sites for their uh their customers and and improving just the general awareness within our community um we've started monitoring web traffic that is June to June traffic um and then our uh email subscriber list is up 28% um we are all we are in a office several of you have stopped by really need opportunity right uh at Northwest Florida State College beautiful spaces that they've put us in and it's my fourth move over the last year too so I've done all of this while moving offices quite a few times which was very stressful um we held our first annual meeting we did that at the hall of Brotherhood it was really uh an amazing um event several of you were there um and again that'll continue to grow over the years with uh additional investors coming in and and creating that environment where the business Community is actively engaging with us and and speaking to that uh business level activity our last BLC business Leadership Council event was actually here in uh defc Springs we went out to the airport uh started at the offices so that everybody could see the new offices then we went out to the airport and we've got several other neat opportunities that we're going to do um I'm trying to figure out how I can get my August one done I had an idea but uh that one fell through so but we have booked a September one we're actually going to be touring a uh uh a farm in the community um and taking everybody out to see sort of part of the agriculture you know if if you're not driving around in North Walton there's probably very little reason for you to go driving around in North wal so we're going to try to give them a reason to get up there um so it's very exciting for for me to be able to showcase the uh the area next uh slide is just uh a snapshot of the logos that have uh provided uh funding to the organization one call out here that I do want to stress is um the medical investment in the community so um as you all know we we need um Medical in our community um we we've got exciting things happening with North Walton doctors reopening and then HCA uh putting their investment in that uh that corner of 331 and 10 um they're also working I haven't got confirmation that it is closed yet but they are working to expand um their footprint uh all the way up to 24 Acres um at that site so originally it was planned for nine acres uh and they're and they're going up to 24 Acres at that site um in addition to that there's a an entrant that came in and is investing in this organization is actively participating which is tmh tasse memorial um Healthcare they have built a um they're planning on spending you know several hundred million dollars over the next few years building out a massive complex in uh in the Panama City area and ultimately um they're very interested in how they can finding out how they can help in in this community their uh their president uh attends our regular uh board meetings and then um I'll skip through the rating system unless you would like me to to talk about this um but the rating system is really just a snapshot of where are we lining up um based on some scores and what I did there is I I ranked us one through five on several metrics and and as you can see Walton County is on the lower end of the scale and this is really a consequence I think of just investment uh into these organizations so our neighbors are funded at exceptionally higher rates I am I hope this presentation and my ask proves to you that I'm not seeking to be funded at an exceptionally High rate uh I I think I want to be a good Steward of our community and and the amount I'm asking is still lower than everybody else um but it allows us to run an effective office um two other things that I want to call out you guys are um great recipients of higher than average wages in both construction and uh tourism believe it or not so our tourism Community uh Workforce is driving on average 50% of them are are greater than 50 miles away and and they're paying um while many communities often regard tourism uh payrolls as lower um uh across the board ours are actually 30% or so higher than everybody else in the Panhandle so uh it's a really neat thing to to pay attention to I just wanted to call that out and highlight it as well the construction industry pays higher than average Walton County wages right right um and then the uh the last page there is just a little bit about the funding request so again um I not asking for more than I came uh for last year in fact it's it's a slightly lower amount um and from a per capita standpoint I'm trying to highlight that uh on an even footing we're getting everybody funding at a per capita amount um that per capita I asked for last year was $672 or 7 I'm sorry $696 per capita and this year's ask because of population growth um and me keeping the dollar amount at the same we're reducing the overall ask down to 672 and my hope is as we show consistency with private investment we'll actually be able to start reducing that even more but as you know this is my first year raising private Capital so the goal is you know let's do this let's show its proven and then we can start fine-tuning that and overall um I think that per capita model will be able to show that we're spending less and less share on economic development but still getting a great return I just want to say that uh in my time on the board um URI has definitely been an advocate for the city and for uh improving the city um there's been numerous times he's called up and said you know hey what do you think about this and we've literally spent you know hours on the phone looking at the Property Appraiser's office and being like what about this parcel here and this one would be good for so he he really does have a a heart for uh and a focus on bringing uh Improvement and development to to the city which is a breath of fresh air from what we've what we've seen in the past so I think he's he's definitely deserving of of the full funding thank you and on that point one thing I I I would like to also stress is you know we had a really great meeting at our our last uh executive committee and um you know I think the Eda is really refocusing on understanding that our primary Corridor of economic development is uh from east to west on the 9010 Rail and airport Corridor right so it it is an amazing opportunity I'm not sure um you know I think there was some focus in the on the 331 quarter but I believe you know the board uh and the team has really reoriented around the idea that that cordor is is it I mean we have four Transportation modes uh right there and uh it's a it's a huge opportunity to to double down on over the future so you know not I didn't participate in it but I applaud everybody um this board's um this council's actions over the years in in cultivating the growth of the airport because it truly is the gem of which will help create um the opportunity in the future did I did I get some math wrong no I just sure I I have to go by standard numbers and and uh so I'm I'm following standard census reporting numbers I apologize it's only 50% go ahead I think it's a great effort my problem is I don't believe it's fiscally responsible for us to commit to another organization when I think as we go through this we're going to see we're already behind the eight ball before we even get started on our budget process as far as 95% of the increase is going to the CRA um and I think if you see the difference between what a 2 and a half% cost to give uh raises is going to cost versus what we're really going to get in our pocket from adalm increase tax base wise which is what we need to sustain ourselves so I think uh before we I guess before I could vote on saying yay or nay to this I really need to see the rest of the budget and what we really need to pull out of our own Pockets to take care of our own organization instead of starting behind the eightball um right now from my math I've calculated we're going to start $300,000 behind the eightball in a negative position before we even move forward if we approve what's being recommended before us so with that being said I just I I want to be careful because I know also like for Main Street I had mentioned this in one of the previous meetings and now that we're here um you know that was $33,000 for the first three years and then that was going to sustain they would grow the the goal was they would hopefully grow and sustain their themselves and sustain their way of living and as much as I want I know we all need to be partners in this but I think at the same time we need to get ourselves in a better financial position before we continue to give money out of our pocketbooks to help others when we got to help ourselves first so um may I offer some some pragmatism on on that as well so one of the things of the Eda is we did create a uh uh a essentially a rule set in our funding is that we all have to fund at the same level um and uh and so last year we all funded at the $4.95 uh per capita um meaning the alliance members so the city of defc Springs City of Freeport Balton County and the City of Paxton um so just to to highlight what your dollar gets in the rest of it all and I didn't compare this against everybody else but just against the county um your dollar uh your dollar investment gets another $106 from the county so if you reduce then we also reduce at a essentially a 10x rate uh what the county will be funding so it uh your your investment is matched roughly $10 for every dollar you put in if if we reduce yours we will be reducing that one as well we move forward with the numbers in we get to the hearing well I mean you can take action we're in a workshop but I think the council needs at least to have sufficient discussion tonight where staff you and Danielle can glean some consensus direction from the council about where to move forward so that we do get to a budget hearing I mean you know if there's concern and we've heard concern spoken I think that council members need to chime in um you it's not a polling exercise as much as it is just stay in do you want to see this adjusted do you to see come out those are the kind of things that staff can see and it's not always item by item but that's what you need to do that's typically how we work through this for me the senior center is part of our and to me taking care of our seniors that's to me I think that's part of our natural process the other two I think those are optional and discretionary if we had the funding for the extra funding then it's a possibility but right now with what I'm seeing I see that we're starting off in the negative and I would suggest that we not do that to me that's just not being fiscally responsible and I would recommend that you know I'm not saying you couldn't do it in a future period but for this period I suggest that we only do CRA at 50% and I think that we should not fund Main Street and I don't think we should partake in the Eda those are because I think that we need we're in a critical position to where we need we need to take care the hardships that we have on our own checkbook verus giving away money that we don't have ju um just to offer some perspective I I think um I I agree with you in the regards that you know um we should take care of our senior citizens um uh from an economic development perspective um across the board you know almost you know every Panhandle Community and National Community is involved in Economic Development and the really neat thing about economic development is it actually pays you back it's the it's one of the things you can do that actually pays you back so it truly is an investment in your community to ultimately one day increase the wealth in your community and that wealth then comes back in the form of higher property revenues because you've had population growth or um or higher values because you have higher wages coming into your community so I would I would just you know I don't mean to disagree with you or I I just offer an attempt to offer some pragmatism in that when economic development is pursued it pays you back and a senior center ultimately is a cost and I think Economic Development will pay for a senior center one day with with what we spent between the city the county and and the the alliance what have we seen and I know it's there but the actual numbers on our investment into the Eda and what that return has yeah so so a direct return to the city of defc Springs I cannot provide you today and and and arguably there was not and and and what I want to say is economic development is always a long-term strategy and I'll try to one you're living in it which is the airport the airport is a long-term strategy right in addition to that um the um I think the nearest thing you could do as far as an Roi is what is going to come to Mossy Head how does that affect the fiac springs that affects thec Springs because those folks may live here those folks moving into your market and I can't necessarily Quant ify it at this moment but those folks moving into your community um will purchase houses will generate tax revenue they'll eat and dine in your restaurants and purchase in your community um I'm presently working in Active 200 job opportunity that's coming there um uh they have they have Inked a deal um it is not closed yet um but but they're a major company and and I received a phone call from them over um over the previous weekend regarding the hurricane and they called and said hey uh if you need anything let us know because we can donate supplies Etc and we'd be happy to help however we can um that's a weird measure of econom return on investment right but that's what we can build with economic development um so in Freeport into the county I get to show a really direct impact because I got $830,000 for the county and that $830,000 is more than double what my budget was last year that's a huge Roi and and that will change year to year who is benefiting more right if I just spoke with your grants coordinator before I walked in here and um they asked can we do that defense infrastructure Grant and in the FC Springs because there's some things we're looking at at at doing south of 10 and I said well also have you heard about the rural infrastructure fund they just made $20 million available you know um the there's really interesting opportunities in having me involved in and a and a developed working Economic Development organization will ultimately should more in you know increase your chances of winning things like this so looking at the populace of the city even if that grow development is not explicitly right here but it's happening around us in our borders this providing jobs for our citizens inside of the city um there's a direct impact there because when they come back out they're going to move here they going to shop here they're going to live here they're just going somewhere else to work jobs that's created by some of this advertisement that your eyes reaching out for if just looking at the businesses surrounding it 10 how much involvement have you had in any of those over the past years the ones the Starbucks the lows I mean it it's nothing new to us now because they've been here but how much involvement with some of that well I i' just like to say for for example I I one of my personal friends actually worked for years out of the FedEx Center he lived in thec worked at the FedEx Center so that that is a real concrete economic impact to defc Springs he lived in defex Springs he shopped in Def Springs and he worked out there at FedEx they paid for his education he went back to school on it you know he he had a had a a well-paying job out there and when you think about for example the Eda as a whole over over the the the long term as 's pointed out has developed an industrial park in mosy head that is steadily growing they've in uh developed uh items down an industrial parking Freeport that is filled to the gills and I I know of people that have businesses located there that come up to defc on a regular basis same thing with mosad we have that small Industrial Park not I'm sorry not mosad woodl uh and and that's actually hooked up to our Ser system and that the the Eda actually coordinated that application to to fund that sewer expansion down there so everybody that we hook up to that uh sewer expansion between effectively McDonald's and the woodlon industrial park that's a that's a direct impact from the Eda absolutely so I to me Main Street and the Eda we're we're getting a significant return on our investment and and for example Main Street when when we opened our business five years ago downtown was practically a ghost town and there have been over 50 businesses returned downtown so the $33,000 a year that we we support main street with that's Pennies on the dollar in terms of the revenue that they have generated in this city that has a direct impact in our city so I I'm in support of fully funding the economic development Alliance the Tri County quite frankly I think we ought to match what the the county did and fund Main Street at $40,000 not 33 because the proof is in the pudding downtown slam full Mossy Head Freeport and wood laon are all are all busy and he's steadily adding people to to them every day and in addition to that as I read earlier you know part of it is quality of life and and so to to to support the Main Street idea is the reason those people will live here is because they can come downtown and do stuff and find the unique character and enjoy your community those you know I went to site selection meeting in um in Miami uh that was composed of folks that are tasked by major corporations to find locations to locate their businesses and uh in previous years Workforce was one of the most important um categorize categories of of of priority what happened last year amongst the the the query of the population was quality of life was number one the reason quality of life was number one is because now when site selectors are looking for areas to locate they know if the communities have high quality of life they can get people to move there so I quality of life is incredibly important also to Economic Development and that's why Economic Development also cares about quality of life so I I agree with Council beone and also agree with coun Council woman as well in the same regard to the overall budget aspects but um maybe it's that we look at shaving some off the CRA in order to take care of these others that are bringing revenue streams jobs broke into this I think they're gonna be some off I think there can be some room in terms of the CRA I think um I would I would caution to be overly aggressive I think a 50% across the board is arbitrary um and it's just gutting it uh it was created with intention and part of that intention was that we were not the members on the board because they didn't want the politics involved because we wanted to remediate blight because this community has a problem with BL and the feeling of the council in the community was that yeah let's get serious about this let's do something about it we've been neglecting this for a generation are we going to fix it or not so now we're finally getting a little bit of money in there so they actually start doing something the first thing we want to do is cut the legs out from underneath it so I want to be cautious in terms terms of how much and how often we do this because again it was set up the way it was so the council wasn't meddling in it constantly so I would actually entertain very much so the elimination of everything south of I 10 as part of the CRA uh that actually has the highest growth potential for them so what would start off as a 10% U haircut actually 11% haircut from what they would otherwise receive um it's the highest appreciating area in the city because see it's a three times multiple increase in the last five years so that increase is going to continue with some very high dollar items about to change over from vacant land or agricultural land to hopefully more restaurants grocery stores and other services so that land value is not just going to be a three times multiple it's going to be a 10 times in fact that's what we're seeing we're really seeing a 10 times multiple on individual Parcels it's going from $100,000 to over a million dollars overnight basically um um so even though we're shaving 10% today what we're really shaving is probably overall in the long one we'll probably get to the 30% maybe even 40% pretty quickly uh but it has purpose and definition I really don't see a whole lot of blight on agricultural land so probably shouldn't have never been there to begin with but um I would I would support that uh but I would like caveat if I would like to see any future changes require a super majority or unanimous vote from the council rather than um just a simple majority but I think if we did that we can go ahead and start that process now I think the CRA is is important in in addressing the blight because it had been here for a long time and it has been ignored for a long time so I think it it it can work fine and I think it can work better for Main Street and and downtown and and help with with that as well but as far as Main Street goes we people are aware of what Main Street had brought to downtown and becoming more aware of what you were bringing to town and and I think it's important you know I had a career of a hopeful future for kids that I taught and we see them leave not that they all want to stay here nor do their parents want them to stay here necessarily they want them to see the world and the country and all that kind of stuff but those that do want to stay here there's not always great things and opportunities for them here so I myself am a futuristic person would love to see that Economic Development along our corter throughout this this region just as much as I'd like to see it down south I would love for those people traveling that 50 miles a day to be working right here making a good living and being part of this community more so rather than Travelers on the highway every day and that that is a worthwhile goal and we need Young people involved in our community um and so the more they're here in our community the more they can be at Ling part with their families instead of driving back and forth and those those sort of things so I think it's extremely important um we don't have anybody on board with with the city to do these things that either Main Street is doing or URI is doing and they're bringing a tremendous amount to our community and I I think they're very much worth worth funding up you to but I was just going to say go ahead M and uh the uh the CRA the science sign behind CRA you improve you get rewarded you improve a neighborhood you get reward I thought I like what Tony was saying about the south end out there because C has done nothing to improve anything south of I you know uh so so that is going to be some big free money they had nothing to do with that increased property tanks but anyway um I love all these programs you know I like what CRA is doing I like what main Street's doing and I love what Eda is doing so it's a tough one you know but I also know that you know no matter how pretty something is if you ain't got the money to pay for it then you got to think about how you gonna do that gotta get creative here so I am sorry to tell you but I signed up for something I supposed to be at at five o'clock I'm gonna passes Mallet to I'm sorry someone in the public said please speak into your mic because they can't hear you they're watching on TV okay Mindy did you have a comment who want St your name for the record Melinda Henderson resident of the city I may be wrong but I see Economic Development as the R&D Department I mean that probably doesn't apply to um government but if we are sort of an industry and we don't have an R&D Department we're already behind if we have a good one we're prepared for the future and halfway there and can stay in business business uh I fought long and hard for Main Street and I can see the effect that it is having and I would hate to see anything happened to it um they take on more and more they try different things um I don't know if you know but defunc is going to be the host for 54 Main Street directors at the first of next month that's not a little thing in terms of economic development in terms of being able to show off who we are you don't get things for free and especially if they bring back more than you put in them in terms of the CRA you put it in it's governed by law what it can do and what it can't do and blight is only one of its objectives and it has to address all of them and I think it's in place for about nine years isn't it something like that yes sir so uh Dr Henderson uh so that one because of how we wrote the ordinance to create the CRA it was very focused on blight and it was hampering them especially initially it very much hamstrung what they could and could not do there has been a rewrite of the of the guidelines uh for it which will allow it to work beyond the very narrow interpretation that was previously provided but it is still very focused and limited because we do still have a resolution that that created it with blight as its primary focus so there is it's a limiting factor um it's not to say that they couldn't do uh you know build housing uh and re develop I mean literally redevelop you know portions of of the community um but that takes a lot of money and um what thing some things that you see in here are like the amphitheater uh work that's being proposed I believe that a memorial is being proposed that to collaborate on uh obviously the black mitigation program that we've seen you know some some positive some some neutral results I wouldn't say any negative necessarily results but some neutral certainly so I think that there's um there's there's some good things now they actually have enough foney to actually do something but again part of my concern is that they only just now had any funding that they could actually hire positions F positions and do the guides and actually some of the larger expenditures have been the plans that they've developed and the rewrite of their guidelines which were large expenses which took a year out of the timeline that they have so again there there's some challenges that they face there um but I think it's important for everyone to understand why we haven't seen more action from them earlier on because there was no money uh they didn't have a director because they didn't have enough money even hire the position uh for the first two years it probably even took over two years to get that initial hire uh and then they had developed the the policy guidelines and the rewrite of the uh guidelines so we we're we're a little we're kind of focusing in on CRA and I think the original intent of this particular discussion was about the the funding of these uh particular entities so do Kobe do you have enough clarification on how to proceed it seems like there's a I mean there's a majority to fund all three at the request ested amounts there was a request for 40,000 to Main Street I heard that mentioned I don't know if that's something Council wants to do but from what I can see majority would fund the three at what has been put into the budget this time so if I definitely I know we're going to go over the CRA budget in a minute so if we can kind of hold maybe some of those CRA discussions and how we're going to shape that for that particular topic and let's let's either finish our discussion here or we and M Rachel I'll come to you in just a second but do we have any other further discussion among the Council on yeah I didn't say a minute ago mean I agree with you we we have to have the money for these things you know and just because we're in favor of supporting these things doesn't mean we can find the money so I'm I would be in favor of reducing that mount possibly but I would be interested to know how much we're talking about by doing that you know how much can we gain from doing that um it's a 99,9 35 is the this year's uh anticipated Revenue foror increases that's just south of it 10 just south of it okay thank you Miss Rachel yeah so my name is Rachel conort I'm with Main Street def F Springs I know a lot of times Main Street it's a lot bigger of an organization than people think they think we throw a lot of great events um but during the weekday there's so much more that goes on and so we didn't ask for an increase um and I love hearing y''s thoughts because financially stable I'm looking at the finances of Main Street all the time before we do something um I just want to like as I know y'all aren't voting on the final thing tonight but before y'all do if y'all would ever want to just kind of do a day in Main Street so see what projects we have going on downtown that aren't the events um if you want we keep track of like when people buy tickets or anything through our Square we keep track of what city they're coming from and a lot of them are coming from outside of defunc Springs um this year we do have the opportunity September 8th nth and 10th the hosts the state and all the Main Street programs here so we're showcasing and just yesterday um we started the first part of our cleanup and we're going to finish it this weekend but we had 13 volunteers over four hours which is just over $700 that like the city doesn't have to do to get some of the downtown cleaned up and so those are things that we do like as we are financially responsible with the money y are giving us we want to still work with the city to make sure that there's stuff that we can get done that is taking off a task that y'all had um the downtown is kind of the Hub we did the mini Makers Mark two Saturdays ago all my days run together we did it two Saturdays ago and we highlighted the youth in our community ages 5 to 12 um we had 24 of them out there 24 tents some of them had siblings so I think we averaged it was 38 kids um showcasing their skills and arts and that's something that we as a Main Street program yes we're going to throw the events to drive the traffic to the businesses downtown we have an art installation coming in in two week that's helping with kind of that blight problem we're cleaning up the weeds in all of 10th to Fifth Street I sure my volunteers like we went through cases and cases of water last night but they were out there helping us do all of that and so if any of y'all I just want to I will work my schedule with yours but if y'all would like to come and just kind of sit for four hours eight hours or do a weekend with us um we highlighting those Farms that make up the north end of our community every Saturday and we rebranded that this year so we can do a focus on that as another part of our community um but I would love to just walk yall through a day in Main Street outside of that just as you're doing it it's good to know for future reference anyways just everything that we're doing um and to give youall just more of a final like here's where Me by myself and my board and our volunteers are taking away what y'all would be paying maybe a city employee to do at a higher cost than what we can get done for you so task us out if you have to but thank you all for your time thank you so KOB are we good good all right take us away right um last line item here the admin Grant match money there was 60,000 this fiscal year I know we have spoke about rolling that over if we don't use it and let it build build at this time I put it at zero the reason for that is we have some substantial match money in this upcoming proposed budget due to Grants we've you know obligated ourselves to so that's why I took it out as the council feel strongly that we need to put that 60 back in and basically create a reserve or a saves account for matches we can do that um most grants we don't get in the same fiscal year we don't usually get those in the next fiscal year and they 95% of the time do not come through admin we' have to do a budget amendment and send it to the appropriate Department um when we have done I think a pretty fairly good job of taking every grant that applied for whether it has a match or not you put in this budget to that particular department and so those are covered so it would really just be in the case of I guess some Grant maybe in five years if you were to build build build and it was a large Grant and we said okay well we now have the max money to do that I could see the use in that but that's why it's not in there but the council feels it needs to be put in there I will put it back the important thing is that's being used for match yeah I like that I mean I want to be secure and knowing that we have the funds for what we dedic or what we've oated oursel for and I like some of the ideas that we've spoken about outside of of this workshop with the the ideas that you're going to bring to the table later on to um actually make that money work for us rather than just sit there still as well so I I mean I like what you're doing with it all right you Mo that ad I got one I'm GNA do admin then I want to go ahead do salary while we're already here to the end so we see but change I'm no no I had a question about trans go ahead Daniel answer those so we've got 2.7 basically 2.7 that we're transferring to sanitation but then if you go look at if you go look at sanitation we're actually transferring money back in um get to that tab so that's your one cent discretionary your budget every bit of the money we get from the Department of Revenue goes to the county and then they turn around and do something and give us money back so this part matches the revenue that you brought in if you look at your General Revenue sheet and that is sent straight to the county but we put it into the sanitation fund before we do it can't explain why that is just know that that's how they account for it here and then when the well that 1 cent sales tax is for sanitation if I remember correct l so probably why they're doing that but we're giving it straight to the county so what's the point in putting in 430 before you sling it over there I I don't understand that part because it's just it's a wash it comes in it goes out right right but then when they give us the money back that money is then transferred back to General Revenue so if you look in 430 that's where you see the transfer back yep okay and it's a little shy of the amount we get from the county because it's supposed to offset what we're paying for their carage service for those that live in the county that we provide service to okay does anybody else have anything on that um line item so line 59 admin you'll see there's another uh 40,000 that's for a admin vehicle I currently have there's F-150 I do not need a truck bed truck with a bed so I'm going to take that truck and push it down to P Works which there have beened vehicles and get a SUV in admin just it's more it's more conducive to what what I do when I haul people around to different facilities and go around the city so really I took out a request out a public works and put it under me they're GNA get move that truck P works and just get a new admin vehicle that's one that's in there um and so before we get out of this I think go ahead and talk about salaries real quick probably be the most appropriate U real quick because I I just saw your line 61 how much have we budgeted for the bank or any mitigation that cost that we might have to do if it extends into the next fiscal year so at this time we budgeted and that we would not close this fiscal year we would close next fiscal year so we budgeted for the one the full 1.875 for next year corre and you'll see that lot that amount in maintenance and I can explain that then okay but we have not budgeted separately for mitigation but the two the full dollar amount is there so if there is mitigation we would just take it out of that 1.875 okay okay so that's going to be a later discussion you got 1.875 in here total so in your General Revenue sheet on line that's 71 you see it and if you go to maintenance you'll see a reserve Old City Hall sale reserve of the same okay so this city hall renovation is that for this city hall or old correct nothing to do okay correct so we moved in City Hall there was $50,000 line item we've been using it um I want to do some more so I'm just carrying that amount over to continue the renovations no very but nothing very specific no it's it's just general upkeeping rehabil okay so in the salaries there are there were some movements I spoke about those movements so that's a no net change in terms of dollar amount um I am proposing two additional positions one is the Public Works director we've spoke think I spoke to each of you about this we had conversations about that and assistant city manager um that's my proos to Director City Marshall is proposing um adding a six corre dispatcher yeah as well and so that that would be the two additional positions we' like to add the fund and then the only other um change within it is the council has talked about the potential of increasing or uh increasing the amount for a finance director they could be budgeted for so I just took that um from what the prior Finance was making and took it to the top of the range of course y'all can go above that range if you so wish but I would rather be you know $88,000 closer to what you are getting to rather than if y'all want to hire them $10,000 over I'm only ,000 rather than 10,000 off so those are the only three changes there are no individual pay raises in this budget um I did not do that this year and so if you go through here everything we based off two and a half percent that is my recommendation for across the board for every employee two and a half% cola except for myself so those are my recommendations to the council for Personnel Services this budget is including a 2 and a half% correct okay yeah every um seat you have for every Department their Personnel Services has a 2 and a half% included in it I can I add something I want everybody to ponder on this please and I know I've said it before but I'm going to bring it up one more time since we're at a hearing so that y'all can throw out your thoughts but it's I believe that Finance needs to I think you should add a position of an assistant Finance director and I'm going to our ulate why and I think Kobe you need to if you wouldn't mind tell us how long it took you and Danielle and I'm talking about you as a city manager having to help step in to do this because of what's going on we got year end at the same time you got budget going on and we've got closing out the current fiscal year which is less than a month away and we don't even have our financials done from last year so we've got some complications but I'm going to tell you the reasons I think that we should do it it's going to bring a number of benefits it's going to improve financial management strategic planning risk management and operational uh efficiencies and I think they can help her which will help manage uh the finances including budget forecasting financial reporting I think the most important thing it's going to do accurate and timely financial data which is crucial for everything that we do all of our decisions are based on this financial data and it's got to be timely the Strategic Management planning portion um it'll assist in planning to provide for Financial Insights and Analysis uh risk management um it's going to help improve operational efficiencies and the cost savings are there and it's going to improve productivity and one of the big things it's going to have a succession plan so when the finance director and I know that councilman Valley has always uh on top of this is continuity so and it'll have a succession plan so in the event that something happens and we've had something happen now for three years in a row we'd have somebody to just step in and take over and without any hiccups uh right now we don't Danielle's doing the staff accountants job the uh Finance director's job and it's hard it's hard to do all these pieces and part so it's also going to help with compliance I think when you see what's happening with our current audit and all the recommendations and struggles that we're having to prepare our financial statements that we're due four months ago we're going to see that maybe we can start helping ourselves overcome all of that by adding this additional position so I just I want to throw it out there because I really hope that y'all would U ponder that and think on it and I think the cost to employ it uh I got with KOB it was it's going to be about $118,000 with benefits but I think it's the that productivity that we'll have uh that will come from that will be tremendous more than that what was the top of the range for this Finance director um on the the salary scale it's 109 it's 109 on change Just sh 111 for the finance director correct in your top in your top range um I can't think of what they call a class maybe it's class and and I I 90,000 so to hire somebody at $90,000 cost us 118 to employ them with Benefits yeah and I was thinking an assistant would be around that range look at the staff accountant and that's how I got that dollar amount because I went oh yeah yeah I'm get with that I was just I was just shocked by it yeah it be and I I think the finance director I think get shy of what it needs to be if we're going to recruit I don't know what where we are in that process but I think we're going to find it's going to be Monday we'll have update on the description and the applications we've received since over last discussion anyway I just I wanted you all thank you any further discussion on that I'll I'll say this while yall are y are thinking over there um there there's nine there's nine people in finance so I would like to see I know over the years previous Finance directors as well as city managers have moved people around and changed titles and and that sort of thing so same thing I asked of of U Thompson when he was here I I would like to see some sort of plan and org chart for the finance department if we're going to add a 10th person we're going to add uh another basically manager to the department I wan to I want to kind of understand that what that structure and what that layout is um I won't I tend to be more conservative and I don't I don't like a lot of management I don't like a lot of middle managers just don't I mean because I deal with them in my day job you Sayes how many do we have do you know because I only know the utility supervisor other than the finance director I mean but what I'm getting at is within within the finance department how is it organized and what what duties would would that person that we would consider hiring for an assistant Finance director Deputy Finance director or whatever title we bestow upon them what is it that they would that they would take off of those other positions I kind of want a better definition of what that what that looks like because you know in the past we've approved positions for um accounts payable and um what was the other there was another position that Thompson ever came up with at one point in the finance department it it doesn't matter I don't know but I can tell you just based on the Auditors and what they're saying there's nobody that's like an inventory clerk we have no Capital you know we don't have there so many things that people should be doing that we don't have anybody particularly either knowledgeable into doing it or maintaining it or but I hear what you're saying and I agree and I think that the city manager I think we have to be careful with Auditors because I mean we two years ago when when we were Outsourcing some of the the functions to to thf we had Warren Abit sit up here and say that we needed to add four or five more people to the place um you know my experience with Auditors in the IT industry is you know if if it were left up to Auditors especially in the IT industry everybody would have a separate function and and you know there would be hundreds of extra people right you know Auditors love to separate things out and have that separation of Duties and so I I think we just we need to be careful about how we grow these departments so that we're actually adding people that actually can get work done I'm I'm all for accountability and making sure that we we have timely Audits and that we have uh reliable numbers but is that is that adding is that adding an an administrator or is that adding another staff accounted position that that's what I'm openly pondering and And discussing either way it's going to cost us sure sure and and we need to add it but I'm only doing it based on my own experience in that role and how one should run and how to run one effectively and and I'd like to see us get there I'd like to see us get these awards for budgeting for financing and I can tell you I don't know how much time Kobe has spent just getting us to this point with the help of uh the finance team but he shouldn't be doing it on a daily basis and I know it's had to take you some a good amount of time to do this and all the financial issues that are being found out because of it so uh that needs to be the finance staff that is doing that and bringing it to his attention so that he can bring it to ours and and I think that's my point is I I want to support the FI the finance staff and making sure that we have the right staff and the right positions because like what you're saying you see different models everywhere but um and I'm not going to hit it just right on the head but it's leading flat it it's everybody's has a duty to perform everybody takes ownership ship into the in the area of their responsibility we all have to have a supervisor or somebody to look over us to ensure that uh trust the verification models but the thing is if you care about what you do you care about the success for your employer you're GNA make it the best place that you can and giving them the the freedom to come to work to do their job to get it right to go home and go I did a good job now I can spend time with my family I don't have to that stress on me that's going to be there the next day then I think we can meet that concept you're talking about because it's it's more flat in that in that definition then the Paradigm to where you're just building like you were saying managers to manage people rather than leaders to lead across and inspire people to do a better job and and I don't think that you're headed in that direction I think that you're you're headed more towards the pure leadership and um and people will resp respect you for that they'll follow you for that but I I do agree with you 100% we don't need managers we need workers and and to laid that out as to what their areas of responsibility are what their duties are by councilwoman Hein saying too it what she was laying out was exactly what you're asking but we need to Define that for each personal act Council or councilman beerbom saying too so that we know we're when we're approving this you're getting that value ad out of it much like we're looking at Value ad for Main Street and for for Eda and everybody else too have we implemented the evaluations y'all talked about last year like employees are supposed to be evaluated on their have we done anything like that yet no no so so we don't have any data that we could kind of extrapolate to to and there's a couple reasons one the main reason for that um not excuse for anything but um when we first looked I first started doing we talked about those in conversations with number of Department in particular Marshall they're inadequate um that's not a reflection of anyone here that but those that's a l a little longer process because those need to be they need to to fit the position and Department that with in you had the same we had the same valuation for um for me as you do for a guy truck driver yeah I mean they're all the same so that takes time to get those descriptions put into an evaluation for the appropriate staff um so we will be looking forward that um it sounds like I I don't knowm but um is it something that the council wants us to take and look at and see what the duties would be of that do we need to go back and see if there's a position to be add in finance what that position is and what the role would be we see to be the most yeah I we do need continuity and it is important that you have staff that's ready to step up and and has been trained and exposed to the directors and were being mentored by the directors I guess my only concern is that we don't have a finance director a permanent Finance director in place right now um so it's really hard to say who would be the assistant and who would just be the staff accountant I mean because you you've shown you're capable I mean so what which position is going to be where and we don't know if it's a new or our utility supervisor who became the finance director I mean the same thing happened and look what happened it was disaster it's I don't I wouldn't say it was a disaster we lost someone but it's not dare say it's not a disaster we've lost multiple people before um so I'm not sure what that means but what I am focused on is that a director coming in has the uh the right and the duty to establish their team and to set that uh that chart and that's the person that needs to set that chart is the director for that department so I think that we we really need to get the director on board so that then they can make the recommendation on their staff because it's their team and they win and lose by that team that's their obligation and I'm just trying to get them an additional person on their team because I know from experience they're going to need it and we can see from the money that we're paying out to third party CPA bringing them in here to help clean up and the M fact that what we should have turned over and completed in June uh now going to be extended through the end of September and we still haven't started you know our new year ends coming up we're going to have to turn around and do financials and you know I know we keep talking about the same thing but I don't see any I've not seen financial statements brought up to date as of today this is August we got 30 days left I provided those so I think um soris um well I think if there's any delays you know anything that we need or anything that you ask for or I ask for anybody else ask for is because we don't have a finance director and um as Danielle has kind of filled in for so we've I think we're fortunate that we had a capable person on staff to do to do this um you know after we lost our finance director and because it's not happening as fast as it should that's easy we don't have a finance director and she's trying to do that job plus what she was doing in the past and and I agree with councilman Valley we um I I I love continuity I I do not like turnover I mean it it I I don't like to see employee turnover at any level I think we're better off to to keep people happy pay them as good as we can afford to pay them uh promote them when there's opportunities and provide those opportunities to people that have earned those opportunities and um you know I I just I'm not saying that we have necessarily adequate staff to get to the level that you would like to see us uh Council councilwoman heavin and and you're probably right about that I I see down the road we're going to need we're going to need these things you're you're talking about and I just think we need to take a a good you know a good path towards it with some consideration for the job that uh that she has been been doing and I know it's frustrating if we can't get things right away but I think she's kind of had her hands tied a little bit uh being short staffed and without a finance director at the same time hang hang on one second hang yes ma'am so my two comments are the audit is late because you hired an auditor in March to start a new job for the first time here right and there were some things that your prior Finance director did that made it more complicated why you haven't already got your audit um second I have provided financial information in the meeting that you asked for it this one I I didn't miss I'm not able to give you the the report that you wanted because I have been working on the budget and the audit so I just want to say that we are light years better than you were when I started here in October when the when the bank statements weren't balanced from January yes ma'am I want to say I am not saying anything negative and I feel like that um maybe people are thinking that I'm saying negative I'm trying to throw out a discussion so that I can get the help that they need so that they can always be prepared and on time because what I'm trying to articulate is she is being pulled in many directions but so was the previous one and I kept saying that person is only one person they can't do everything that needs to be done it's just too new numerous it's too much and that's why we've had to go out and hire third parties to come in to help us so I'm just suggesting that instead of ever having to go back out on the street and hire people because we find ourselves behind the eightball let's just be proactive let's put a staff member in there yeah we might not hire that person right now today because we first got to get a finance director in there I'm just sharing with you my experience from being in that role knowing what it takes to get us there I just want the teams to be in place to be doing that I don't want Danielle you to think that I'm saying anything because we I think you're taking it as a personal uh that I'm saying it's something against you or Kobe and I'm saying no you're just being pulled in too many different directions because there's too many tasks to be done I just haven't seen where I failed a task where you haven't been provided something that you have asked for with you and your team but your statement made it sound like it too thin like taffy they're just being pulled way to many dire I real brief and I I'll leave this alone because I know the workshop purpose of it is to just look at the budgets and try and establish it but I know that we're having to dig into it because there's a lot of things that play into that what we want to see down the road Daniel has done an excellent job since he's been here and I think that the one element that we're missing with this every time though is that even though we may have had problems in the past those Auto s that we depend on to fix this stuff seem to be some of the ones screwing it up too so then you have to question is it them which one of them is it because we've had to hire so many to fix different things at times but that's trying to do this right at with low Staffing levels you're doing an excellent job I don't you pay no Consultants to do bookkeeping at this time so I'll make a I would make a suggestion uh based on the councilwoman's recommendation um how about instead of uh setting the salary at the assistant level if we're trying to bring people up from within and and train up and work from the ground level up why don't we bring in at a higher than average accountant level so that then we can provide two positions that are ready to to move up into the assistant position once a director's in place that could uh see the need so I I think that we could include which again it's partly because of the tip budget com in at a lower level it still provides support uh again it provides the opportunity for advancement which I think is important uh and we're not in at that higher price point potentially but I I will defer to uh the Intercity manager to provide us with some guidance on that bring too I think that's great I just think they just need one extra set of hand for whatever sure whoever decides they need assistance of course and then and if a director comes in here and says need assistance I'm going to support that and find a way to do it and part of it is in my concern in going to the assistant level right off the bat is that we just don't have a director in place to establish who who goes where and who's the best fit um and then move someone up so again I I just think there's an opportunity there take care of two things without hitting that higher salary Point Mr Mir BR if I the conversation certainly is necessary and I think it's very worthwhile so my comment here is not intended to say we don't need to be talking about positions but because the focus is the budget workshop and you do have an interim city manager and while that means he's not been the full-time hired city manager yet he acts as your city manager in every way shape or form you have someone filling in the finance dire I recognize there may be concern and legitimate differing viewpoints as to the right way to fill out the needs of the department but to the extent that it appears everyone around the table is suggested that providing more staff to finance is acceptable but it's more of a function of how that staff is utilized is what the debate is and what we want to make sure it's done correctly perhaps the best approach because we are in a very early budget Workshop here is to allocate sufficient resources that would cover the widest range of options proposed here today if everybody agrees you need that and somebody says well look think we need an assistant that that s level's here another council member says I think we need two more entry level positions to assist why do we look at what number is going to cover the highest level position and then allow your interim city manager interim Finance director and then whoever the actual positions there are to figure out the best way to fill those I will say that one of the challenges you're going to have in this economy is you may not find if you think you're going to hire two quality applicants you may not find the one may not find your but on the other hand you may not find your one C quality assistant Finance director but you may well find somebody who can do 80% of that job and that warrant 70% of the salary and you may be able to find some additional admin straight of help that fills that in but I'll say this that is exactly what the city manager's role is under your ordinance that and that the charter then passes on and so I I would encourage you to consider at this time that if everybody saying do it don't budget lower because you don't want to hire a higher filled position or don't budget lower because you want one position and you don't want them to hire three give them enough money to do it but make them understand and I think these two do look You' heard our concerns about the Staffing you've heard what their concerns are about how the Staffing is going to be handled don't just throw bodies at it if that's not what's going to fix it hire the right people hire the right positions create the right positions and hire the people to fill them but you're accountable for what you're doing so I would encourage you don't underfund it because if your Finance director com comes in and this is to Mr Valley's point he says he's going to support what that Finance director says they need Finance director comes in and says actually let me tell you what I I don't need an assistant I need two staff accountants I need literally a deputy Finance director to tag team this issue with me if we're going to get this right where you're not going to have an audit problem next year and we don't have it budgeted you're creating a nightmare to start with and that my concern when we do this we don't do FP based budgeting here and that's something I know for those of you who have been involved with the county councilman H certainly is familiar there are pros and cons to doing an FTE based budget so in this case I'm going to tell you there's a very big Pro in my mind there is we're not limited saying we're giving you the ability to hire one position but let's put the money in the salary line and let these people figure out what it needs to be and have them each each of them Kobe and Danielle have them come to each of you individually and talk through these points because I'm not hearing anybody say fundamentally we don't need to fund the positions it's just how do they fill the positions well you're not going know that till you get the advertisements out there so that would be my suggestion of where you might want to at least move forward from this work shop to the next but also at the same time this is a good conversation um to have and if you think you can flush it out tonight go for it but if you flush it out T night only come back and say well we want to change and go to a different gracial number of positions you're not really going to get this budget at ADV unfortunately thank you sir Mr Kobe all right I'll go to my point round with that so other things I mentioned just kind of a consensus I went through those items um we'll start with the chief I know he'll have presentation as well uh of six dispatcher is there any just outstanding objections to to that additional position no okay um I believe I like spoken to all of you we've been through this um it's my firm belief that the city needs a pillow Works director for a number of reasons and I can go through those for if you like but I think we've been through that for a long time now and so is there any firm objections to that as well this based on what we were talking about before with instead of hiring an assistant city manager we could move forward with a public Works director you're the city manager you you make them work as as you feel that they're needed there so I'm good with it any other thoughts comments um that was brother that's not a big deal the two and a half um proposed for all employees across the board is one half my request um the second request is and I'll let Daniel kind of explain it um I've seen some other cities that implement this I think it's probably a common practice I think it would be a great benefit to employees I've heard it from numerous since I've been here City Marsh I spoke about this I would like to Institute a annual sell back program so employees that have annual leave they are not going to use I would like to be able to sell that back to the city um and that obviously I bring bring the a corresponding policy to that um they will have limits on it how much they can sell who's eligible to sell when you're eligible and things of that nature and so Danielle do you want to kind of speak on that a little bit on how that works the benefit to it you would reduce your compensated absences liability on the books and I feel like we could find the funds within this budget year to do it or roll forward I'm good with yes sir don't we pay if they don't we pay anyway at the end of the year if they leave don't we have to pay a portion of that correct so if you meet the certain eligibility requirements um you've been here over a year you get your full amount of your annual year or vacation you got six years to to get sick and that's at 25% of your sick balance um so yeah if they do leave we do pay them out but this is I think this is the benefit for the employee as well well as the city to for us to establish one or two times per year that sale can happen um they can see that direct whole dollar amount back to them whether that be you know first of December going into the holidays or uh the first of the summer when kids are going their children go school so I think I think this is another benefit for employees that especially the ones who have large account Bal or balances who've been here a while because they don't use all their time which most do not they will lose it um that's how our policy is currently annually I I like rewarding the the people who are putting in the time and showing up when they're asked to yes sir I just want to clarify those are funds that are budget that are set aside anyway because you have to have them on hand in case they leave the agents or the city anyway right you have to be able to pay them out we would and and I mean you would be in extreme situation to worry about your compensated balances on the books I mean everybody would have to walk out the door at the same time that's not going to happen um this would be separate from that it would reduce that liability that is on your books so the reason for the two and a half for number Fact one of them being I would like to Institute that and obviously have a corresponding cost to it so if you add them together what that what that employee would see the total benefit throughout entire next fiscal year I'm okay um yes that's that and it seems as though the consensus may be for the F position for Daniel and I to go back look at that see whether there may be a need for that and bring bring sub to the council or dollar amount to the ccil we could use moov forward if that's what everyone agrees to sounds good to me um we've been going for an hour an hour over an hour and a half do we want to take a 10-minute break break and then come back I'm I'm good somebody needs I need too we we're good we take bre break all right we'll take a 10-minute break oh you see they fix your stuff yeah they fix your stuff it's your spot that didn't I you did bre when's your house getting ready you moving yet soon I seen some guy working on your house so I thought oh he's getting it ready oh no our gutters that last we had was a very clear not we cutter com there just works together so you think be in this yeah to sell the one next to you too because they just start they just did that too they cleaned it all up yeah well because [Music] aarian you forac she I think you know about this place8 that's we the cover Time Magazine the original devel retire I've never been out there I never been in the neighbor they were there on the back but there there for a while work there everybody little terms where she's yeah that where she well I up here she's learning [Music] it's back here I'm sure seen do all righty we'll call the meeting back to order and I will go back to Mr Kobe Mr Townley it no changes in positions really the only one that stands out to make sure so you see there's a large increase subscri RS that is one we did take on some new ones this year obviously appr a couple weeks ago Works probably the biggest increase is um the Tyler module subscription we have we took that out of Finance move that over here seem to be more appropriate and then I believe there were a few more finance that it so that's why you see that large incre Department anybody have any questions on it okay Carry On sir HR again this is the first year we've done this and so we took HR out of admin that's two employees thought be appropriate to see the cost of Human Resources um again just likeor it and human resources are a division of administration just Transportation maintenance and utilities are divisions of work so we just busted that those cost out are we are we charging HR back to the Enterprise funds at all yes okay Daniel and her formul is included in that okay any other questions on HR do we know what that allocation is and how did we yeah so we can either talk about now or when we get the utilities then you can explain the building admin feeties are fine okay everybody good okay all right planning um really some no net changes so just first 50,000 that came out of admin that was including admin basically Engineering Services we be more transparent our cost of planning so we just move those over there that's what we do with plan reviews to Dober yeah so not to interrupt you but my opinion is we should be passing along all expenses related to any kind of planning and Engineering review onto those developers so the city shouldn't be footing a bill for engineering review fees so if we need to revise our fee structure or our ordinances so that that that money is 100% passed along and we're not having to Fork out $50,000 of free money then I think we need to we need to evaluate that ASAP that's my that's my two c it so we spoke to Chris about it Chris was working I'll follow up and see how we get that change we want like we talked about at least get it to the same as and Pon be consistent throughout the county think that'll be reasonable what were they doing there I had not see num myself so charge it directly forever so with that would that basically save us $50,000 like what is the engineering review fees and then the thing so riew fee every set of plans um do for a not to exceed amount of $3500 per plan review it's typically close to $3,500 per plan review um and so I think our our cost to the developer whoever is very low so we are putting that bill so we do want to raise in the fees to to cover that cost but the actual dollar amount I don't know right now out any other questions or comments on that sure that $50,000 is is it um is that budgeted to pay for review fees that exceed the usual amount we never know how many plans we're going to have to have reviewed right how many projects there'll be in a year because what from what I've uh learned sometimes these projects require more than one review for the same project right and we're absorbing that every time it happens and to me the higher fees would encourage these people to get it right the first time and or closer to right the first time so there's not possibly three or four engineer reviews on the same project um and changes and things like that so not to P be punitive but I don't see why we should be absorbing all these these costs uh because that that that's a lot and we do have the lowest fees around from what I understand from other communities so we're completely uh in our lane to consider you know look at raising these these fees real quick clay when we revise the capacity fee ordinance did we include some sort of automatic CPI or do we need to go back and touch I believe there is a CPI in there I look back but I believe there is think 3% because I I think we ought to Endeavor to look at all the not just with obviously planning you know that's $50,000 is a pretty good lick but whether it's airport whether it's capacity fees I think we need to make sure that we're we're keep an eye on that yearly sorry Josh did you have something even if there's a way to self-fund that department entirely before it's over with an with administrative review fees or or something if it's possible I know that's a double-edged sorder for tax and one to pay for another that's already we got that number the reason did this ad budget it doesn't show we don't know how much we increase and in terms of Feed in the whole city airport operations managers looking at that had kind of sing B he was ready down to think about get comparison so be coming back to okay anybody else yes sir what um do we would you happen to know how much we have in outstanding unpaid fees due to code enforcement I have to get it I mean it would be very would be sust so in terms of leans that we yeah so safe to St it's over1 ,000 that's $200,000 so this goes back to a bigger point of it's time to either take action or stop pretending to to be in Code Enforcement we we need to take action on some of these properties we need to start recouping some of this money because unless some miraculous happens we're not going to see any of that money we're we've got someone out there working to finds we're not collecting that's a problem either wasting his time we're wasting our time or wasting Public's time which is so we need to get serious about it and we need to get serious about disposing of some of these properties and reing some of our CS because yeah 50,000 that one's easy to see great we penalize the people that are actually paying building something we're not doing anything people are are they properties so I know that there's all these but we don't go we don't we can we choose not to we choose not to so um but again it's over $200,000 probably a lot more of expended effort work on on a staff member I mean how frustrating does that to be for that individual imagine doing job work I've actually thought that because I watched or the um watch the magistrate at at night whenever I'm getting ready and watch Chris stand up here Time After Time After Time Again stating how many times he's been by that house how many notices he's mailed to these people but are these the properties we spoke about a couple years ago at Christmas time is that is that let's just do it periodically not just at Christmas time then because that's that's kind of what hammered me home then was not knowing enough about the property not knowing enough about the process then to go why are we doing this now it did but after watching a few of those meetings where Chris has stood up there over and over again I I agree with councilman Valley Hold on glay so before we go down for any actions or anything like that no my M was actually a hold on I think I think when we're getting into what we're discussing we're getting very close to discussing policy um I think you need to be very careful discussing broad policy outside of the context as it relates to the formation of the budget in this discussion I know we can't always avoid it but um as it relates to policy Direction on some of these issues just just be careful how much of a discussion we have on a non-no item in a budget Workshop especially that policy might also ultimately relate to the method and manner in which we choose to dispense with code properties um is it may create a due process question I was going to say if if we can put a pin in this and let's let's ask the city manager to bring this back as a regular agenda item you know maybe not Monday's meeting but little late for Monday but we can do it for the next one for the next one yes yes ma'am oh I on what we were going back to where we were at I don't know if this is the appropriate time to ask not but have we done like the revenues side of this or you going to get to that at one he did that at the very beginning the very beginning because something has just what I've had on my notes was how much money is in the budget that you budgeted for for all these new developments that have gone in like for the extra new utilities uh that we're going to be collecting and how much new revenues is going to be in the 25 budget based on all these new developments that we've approved when we get to the utilities I mean you got two different kinds you got the capacity fees that we expect to gain and then obviously you're going to have utilities we take over LIF stations or we you know increase output of some sort those are built into the expense item you see that and you'll see the revenue as well so we get to utilities that's when we'll talk that discussion okay that's fine thank you absolutely okay so that's this is the reason for this is to see the cost the whole purpose of doing this right and so same with special magistrate that was not been under admin what does special magistrate cost us to go through that process we're at 10,000 base there Consulting Services that's what we had recently spoke about that's the first half of Land Development code reite may come out be more but we think that it'd be appropriate to break that cost over two years and to start the process and get that happening can we can we use impact fees or capacity fees on some of that LDC CL for the Land Development code rewrite yeah no D over close dang only to Those portions that pertain directly to the capacity phase CPA Grant again we that grant that that is it for any other questions or comments on planning all right we'll carry on all right Public Works So currently in public works you'll see that in this fiscal year we have one employee there that's that's the administrative assistant um or special events coordinator the name in there again you see the changes I want to move the project manager from admin to works and add a p Works director so those are your personnel changes see a increase and other notable change in public works is the vulnerability assessment Grant the council approve that we have also already approved the task for for duberry dollar for dollar that was Zero Max Grant through D and so that'll be happening this next school year is your project manager not going to need a vehicle or they're going to have one because I noticed you have nothing in capital yeah so we have uh we currently have we have two Administration vehicles I don't want to buy another vehicle um rather not do that so that we have you have something for that yeah yeah we have two admin vehicles that staff uses and we buy you'll get the other we have thank you anything else on public works okay Finance um will really the only notable change is this first line item about we do have pfm as our financial advisors Daniel to BU that out so you see the cost of using them every year what their retainer is and we do use them now so I will be wearing them out um for what they charge us so we'll go through this year if we that that's not a need or we see need to reduce that we'll address that time but I think we'll be using year why did your salaries drop um I to go in there and take a direct because the position I'm in was budgeted very high and I didn't get the top of the budget thank you [Music] Daniel any any other questions on finance comments okay all right go to police up police ding ding for the main event um got 30 seconds y 30 seconds so first off I I do want to say um I truly do appreciate Danielle Julie and Kobe um this is of the first year I've been here what five years now um one of the first years when I've been able to pick up phone and call and they answer and say hey I need a number for this and they say hold on one second y here it is um as late as of 8:30 this morning um Julie and Daniel answer the phone um Kobe's been very transparent and very very helpful during all this so we've got a good team there um we need to build upon them and I and I agree with we need to build upon them um let's let's make sure CU if they're successful I'm successful you're successful Town successful so um just going to put that out for you that that is my my opinion what we got now so number two um I'm G take you back to 1996 um I was in Middle School on a big clay field which is out parking lot there and there was this if you grew up in this town you know there was this sweet Aroma of chicken poop I know you're thinking where he with this but just follow me here that little spe so you're out there playing kickball or softball or whatever you're doing um and you smell the smell and to us it was like what that is the most foul thing you ever SP in your life but it was our chicken plant all right and I say that to say in the 90s the phc was probably one of the best places to be people had jobs people were thriving you know people weren't hooked on dope you didn't you didn't see some of the nonsense that we see that's that's kind of came around in the last couple decades so on that our economic development is is very important if we have people that are working they're not on drugs they're not loitering they're not just you know we have productive people in our in our community so to me our economic development is is definitely um it definitely helps our our law enforcement helps Our Town um it it's something that I see benefits all of us so um so with that said um let's kind of I I put a little presentation together for you I'll try to be brief on it but I do want to highlight some stuff so um over the last year we we took two positions we tried to be kind of crafty with the decisions we have and the resources we have we added uh basically two two people to do nothing but full-time traffic enforcement in our town right um you say why we do that we were having I think it was 550 wrecks a year by doing that we reduced it down 372 um you know that that to me is is showing that what we're doing is effective and slowing traffic down and and making sure people are more mindful of what's going on that a lot of folks come through our town every day so um with that being said we did 4,813 traffic stops we made 627 arrest um you know we're we're moving in the right direction we're able to as a department get back to our community invest our community we did our first annual fishing tournament get hooked on fishing and not drugs which we're doing another one in September if any of yall want to come out and help with that um there was 137 kids there and so that that's kind of my goal you know you grow up in this town and oh there's nothing to do Mr Harrison hit on a little bit earlier you know some some parents want their kids to leave and and be beneficial and and grow but some of us are going to stay here um we want these kids to be productive and we want them to to get hooked on something besides drugs um it's plague in our communities so um some things that we thought uh keep going um everybody looks at you know Police Department is a money pit sometimes but I'm trying to change that U over the last year we we've basically gotten $435,000 in assets donated to us at very minimal cost if not at cost at all so um there's a list of things that we have gotten from vehicles to to dogs to uniforms um to Grants um just just all kinds of things that have have helped us that we don't have to budget for that we're able to to do um just a plug I even got a vehicle for public works this year at no cost okay um highlight our Kines a little bit um of course like I said they're they're part of the free stuff we got last year um that's probably about 1213 just in animals um that have taken off totally this this past year 22. 36 oun of meth 5 ounces of cocaine 3.4 ounces of Fentanyl and 11 ounces of marijuana um doesn't seem like a lot but when you start looking at how much an ounce is and how many people it can poison um quite a bit so M imagine those numbers are going to grow some so all right so let's get into the meat potatoes um how the money Works um I kind of did a a breakdown of what the money is actually going to our budget is going to um you can see the majority of it is salaries and insurances whether that's for um employees or city city insurances um it operating Communications grants and vehicles and maintenance right so um positions we talked about positions we are looking at adding a Communications officer this year we have five communication officers and one supervisor in there um what we have found is our call volumes um are increasing last year we answered 28,6 72 calls um this year by projections what it looks like we're going to be at 31,000 calls for service that we're getting um that's a lot lot of a lot of contact um our dispatchers our Communications officers are are very dedicated to what they do but yet they value their time off and when one is off somebody else is having to step up and cover stuff um and unfortunately we've had a few times where tragedies hit their family um and they've had to be off for extended periods of time um which forces the other step off step up so we're either funding overtime there we're burning them out we we we're having you know um we're getting to the point where we need to start growing that some more as much as the city's growing so looking at adding that position any questions on justifying or any questions on adding that all right so uh the next one is and I know Kobe was saying that you know we're not looking at adding a lot different individual levels and stuff but one thing that I I I do need to hit on is we have a thing called pay compression between our officers and our sergeants so our sergeants who are responsible for three to four people at least are making right about $1,200 more than people that are supervising and we're putting a lot of responsibility on them we're we're empowering them to to be supervisors so when we are not here throughout the night or day somebody's able to make decisions somebody's able to keep the city running as far as law enforcement services so um I did an average of departments and what they're starting sergeants are making um from nearby agencies from G Breeze Lin Haven U Mariana just the whole surrounding area agencies that are are our size the average um starting pay for a supervisor Sergeant levels 2645 so to kind of soften the bite what I was looking at doing is that is $3 61 Cent more than an hour than mine are making is divide that in half and the ones that are um below the 2645 bring them up A180 and in the following year bring it bring it on up to where it needs to be so what we're looking at doing what we found today is is how it's worked is Danielle and and Julie both um being able to meet with me and and discuss stuff we found where in the last year or so um there were some money put in our salaries and Police Department salaries that we didn't know it was there um you know I just see a number and I don't really see it down as a position but there is extra money there so I think we it's been funded we just could reallocate that to fund this and actually put more back in the General Revenue or back into what other projects youall want so we're going to look at that and see what it actually comes to and I think probably by the next meeting we'll have that but what I'm saying is it looks like it's already funded in my budget and you'll probably get money back does that make sense what you were saying that $26 figure that put put the sergeant at about 55,000 56,000 yeah why they making sh off I can tell you that starting officers pay in most agencies is about to be pretty close to comparable to that if not hired so you're taking a supervisor who's been here a number of years already and he's making less than he can go to work at other agencies today Y and that's numerous agencies throughout the state I speaking from experience from law enforcement side now I got a couple questions about some other stuff there but literally his sergeants are making less than what the starting Deputy will at the sheriff's office here very soon yeah and we we have made strides from where we were when I first started um but yeah we're still we're we're constantly playing catchup I know that's not what we want with that um the other I'm sorry Chief go ahead U for is work we've been fully staffed for about eight nine months now um I believe that's the culture that we have at the police department um and and allowing empowering people allowing them to do their job be professional at their job um praising them when we need to um you know they could go make money better money elsewhere but they they value what what what is happening here in our town so this is this is small compared to what you know if we had people just chasing money would look like and they bring a lot of value to the community so some of the things you put out on social media some of them have been my family they wound up responding to distant however but just the fact that the citizen engagements that that um take place with them in helping people with little things that seem minor to us and it's not a cop's job to do to begin with but if he hasn't got a whole lot going on right then he takes the time to to spend with the person to make them feel important and to meet that need that they were needing cats and houses and everything else I mean it's just it's it's good the wall and they brag on them too I mean afterwards they're literally bragging on your officers well like I said I I've I've got a very good crew right now a lot of good dedicated people men and women um and that's from Communications officers to our admin staff to our our officers and My Command Staff so um they they definitely love our town and and a lot of them I say some of them not all of them but don't live here but they really enjoy working here um and I wish housing and everything was a little bit more prevalent more affordable and they could they could be right here but you know it falls where it falls so um but like I said I think we can accomplish um this in the next topic that I'm talk about through the funds we already have so I'm G I'm gonna put that like said just kind of realized it today but that's because these these two have been more than willing to come answer every question I have which I haven't always had so um then the other thing we're looking at is um So currently our officers are working 12 hour shifts but they're working in 40h hour work week so they work for four on two off three on four off um so but with that schedule it requires them to flex four hours out of a work week off um which sounds sounds great um but in our line of work isn't always you're not always able to just leave when you you know when you think you're going to leave um what it's creating is somebody gets held over and they're to get overtime um because they were supposed to take off those four hours but life hits and tragedy happens and now they're working in domestic it's going to carry them an hour or two over so we are actually paying and bleeding overtime through that and as as much as we're trying to stay on top of it it it happens um between that and people taking off and you know it's just so what I'm looking at doing is and of course this something that we're going to have to bargain in at p a contract but I don't believe that they're going to have an issue with it is go to a 42h hour work week so be 44 every every two weeks how they get paid but basically we work from an extra four hours and they get paid straight time for that and instead of having to take off or they end up getting overtime so um figures on that is uh it be it cost us $32,000 extra a year to do that um I think it's $1,200 per pay period but it adds up um but I think you I think you would see a benefit and once again that gives them a little bit more incentive you know it's a little bit more money in their pocket it's it's giving them something too would you say it would help you with retention oh yeah yeah it definitely you know every little bit helps um and surprising enough um I was talking to one of my guys today about it and and kind of tell what we're looking at he goes good he's single guy right so he don't have a family he's like I get to come to work more I'm like yeah he's like I love it I'm like all right sounds good to me that's somebody that enjoys your job and I'm glad he does so uh you know and that that one in particular gets a lot of DUI arrest um so he he's he's definitely a benefit to us so um but like I said I think I think we can fund this out of some of what's already funded um but if you let me look at that I I think we'll be able to fund what we're want to and actually have some left over that we can put towards another department so um Vehicles you know me I always complain about vehicles um walked into Department that vehicle maintenance and and updating was was lacking um we are definitely light years from where we were um I you know our average that we need to replaces two and half Vehicles a year um but I will say through some of the donations from um Sheriff's offices uh in our Panhandle including our own um we've been able to get along get get a little bit farther ahead with with some donated vehicles from them um but this year basically we're talking we're asking for two vehicles we have found that the Chevrolet Tahoe is probably the most effective bang for our buck um Dodge is they're they're not holding up they they they look sharp they're fast they're you know sporty but 50,000 miles to top end of the motors are going out we're having to rebuild them um which is anywhere from $6 to $10,000 um radiator fans are just exploding and going through the radiator which is $2,000 there you know there's just a lot of things with the quality of of the Dodges that we're just we're trying to get away from them um we have looked at literally every possible Avenue um to figure out what benefits us cost cost wise and what's going to hold up um Ford Explorers are nice but they're more than a Tahoe I can't explain it that's just what the price is um but but we have tahos that we have gotten they're holding up well and uh I think we're going to see longevity in that too so looking at two two vehicles there any questions my my only comment would be can we evaluate financing those instead of outright purchase on those so we did Finance last year I mean interest rates are going up I mean you you can look at that but um I just I just would like to see as an option and then I'll tell you how how deep I have dove into this topic because ultimately I you know they're and when we say they're expensive yeah they're expensive but it's nowhere near what you pay for a Tahoe in in the private market so we're talking you know 40 $45,000 for a brand new Tahoe I think all of us would like to make that deal which we can't get in the private Market but um but as far as the city but um as far as we have dope into it I've looked at purchasing used vehicles um we we really spent some time in in evaluating that but by the time you purchase I found a place in Ohio that we could buy Ford Explorers for 19,000 but by the time you get them down here you fit them you're $10,000 more into it so now you're basically 29,000 with a vehicle that's got 50,000 miles that you you hope they took care of you don't know what you got so um based that on how many years of service you'll probably get out of it it's just not cost effective that we see to do that that's point so that that tells you how much thought we have put into this this this issue here so um any questions there um building Renovations um once again we love the location we are at we we we can't say how great it is to be right here to be able to go down balln or 19th Street um hit Highway 0 like there's just so many avenues that we can we we're way more efficient than we were at the old place we can get in we've got room we've got we've got everything we need there uh we love our building um don't need a new building um and that was one of the goals for over a decade OH police department needs a new building same as the fire department needs new building right they need a new building um or or something something better um but we love that so what we are looking at doing is once again we we've been trying to kind of accomplish for the last year or two is is how do we afford and build out what we have in that building as far as some usable office space um in the remaining it's probably about two3 that's not utilized at the moment um but I think through some impact fees the sale of the old PD um can move forward with that we got some a bid or a quote from the engineering um to do the plans I think it's a little high I'm going work on getting that down um but we are in the process of that so uh currently we've got probably $450,000 to play with to build that out um but we're going to try to do that as as cost effective as we can too so but that's kind of what our goals are there um if you keep flipping um what I I had I've always kind of wanted to do this but I finally was able to do it this year I I literally broke down each line item what we are spending out of it I get criticized for it sometimes but I'm not one that wants to come up here and waste your time and my time and fluff my budget with all this stuff for you just to say you need to knock off 20% and then I have to go back in and figure out where I Fu a number and all that I give you know basically this is this is what I need and and and there there's no there's not a lot of fluff not a lot of room for fluff I don't I don't believe in that because that to me that's taking revenue and money out of other departments that might need it just as much as I do so um it kind of breaks down what our expenditures are in each line item um and you can look through them if you got questions um feel free to reach out to me and and let me know so this conversation doesn't have to be now but would like to see your reserve numbers that how that's a value ad for you later on but not not right now we can do it later as far as law enforcement yeah how many hours you get out of it what it benefits you and everything so right now so what he's talking about is reserve officers um on PA volunteers they were law enforcement at some point they have their certification um we have four currently um depending on who they are we have Nick beardman you know he he works for the property of president's office um Nick was in law enforcement with me for years um ended up going to property appraiser uh Gary doesn't necessarily want him wearing a uniform and going around because the job he does he doesn't want to be conflict but what Nick brings to our table is K9 training so where if we went to continue training and paid for that we would be paying thousand dollars a year to certify our dogs and do all that Nick's there and he's able to certify our dogs and and take care of that so he really helps us in that um Austin Arnold and Brian foran they both work they they decided they want to be firefighters I don't know why anybody want to do that but you know that that's what worked better for their family and and I I stand behind if that's what works for you and you feel like you're better in your family well you know I'm not going to hold that against you but but yet they still wanted to hold their their certification in case they got too much of a nap or something over there so um but they help us out with Lake Fest and Marvel the flight and you know the community events that that happened so we don't have to pay overtime towards regular employees to have that security and safety there so right now we have four that's a manageable number for us um but that's where we're at on those any other questions or comments on Polie for the chief for Kobe Kobe do you have anything some comments so the only thing in here that U that isn't account for this time is the schedule change for patrol officers so we have to look at that that's something wanted to see um but so that's one and then you'll see on the screen just some couple explanation let you see here so AR in vehicle for the last year I think one or two budget Cycles everything in the general fund has been Lo under maintenance um that Still Remains the Same except for fire and police um Ben and I both it's utilities sep appropiate to know what it cost to run Public Safety and I think the Chiefs also feel the same way and so that's why you see that line out this year pulled out of Maintenance um 117 again it's two tah about the financing so that Debt Service in police all that is that's two tah last year so it be roughly close to the same little more because interest R we can look into that uh software we we're taking over the cost of smartcop if I'm not mistaken so that's why you see that there renovation obviously the carry PD um and in terms of that we can we're going to work over the next couple weeks for capacity impact fees in general for the next meeting for utilities ire and police I'm sure we're going to have to have conversations we use impact fees for that I didn't anticipate using impact fees for at this time that's why old sell Old City Hall you'll see that if he does wonderful save $300,000 but um if we can't use impact we've already got that set aside to do his his rehab over there anyway so that's why I highlighted that as well and then this yellow for the impact fee Reserve you're going to see this in fire police water sewer um we got with planning this year and asked him what he expects to see come in next year in terms of developers paying their fees and so this is his esate for the police department what he expects to receive this year yes ma'am so so are you saying those are revenues and not an expenditure that's the expense side of the revenue we got a revenue got are we planning on spending that's reserved it's in a reserve account it would go to reserves and then we have use Comm coun pull those out has to approve it receive devel and one thing to hit on that a little bit too I know everybody knows my opinion on impact fees and um move it along Chief no so by having those discussions and being a little bit long further along in the process of building this out we can we can kind of figure out exactly where we can utilize those fees if we can we will if not we can take those fees and utilize some of them towards the vehicles and stuff like that so um it's just knowing where we can and where we can't utilize those but can you only use them for police or can you use it for the new dispatcher you're wanting to put in for so you can't use as salaries and stuff like that but you can use for some equipment and stuff but the problem is equipment most most of it's already there [Music] okay we can I think Council Valley is probably the only one left does that mean from from that Council where we as a city decided to move away from Impact fees and capacity fees because impact fees have so many stipulations and requirements we still have impact fees on the fire and police side but correct we we've switched to capacity Fe On The Water and Sewer side because of the incumbrances that we have on them and I'll be the bad guy and go and say we commissioned to study three years ago um talking about fire and police rapis is that right yeah yeah I had a on the phone that study was based on the idea of a joint facility between police and fire doing that the stud no long valid and we are well outside of year time we're three years into the plan without it's no you just said they got dual purpose Personnel they just work one half of the shift on police and one half on just saying that is we are going to need to use some of those impact fees for well you can I shouldn't say we have to you can use them for a new study but I will tell you we're at the point because that study was never implemented and the plan have it changed to stay valid under Florida statute we want to keep collecting these impact fees and getting to use them at all which Chief will say I don't get to use them anyway so why are you say this oh there's there's ways we can use them but if we want to keep collecting we're going to need to update the study and update those fees and it's otherwise we're going to run into a problem there the pr2000 you split it across all of them no it was okay well there you go just them two yeah was just so we just need to think about this all right any anything other questions comments you good all right we'll move on to fire thank you Chief in the fire [Music] department just some couple changes um that first one to 12,000 we took the expense that's associated with our good all right the expense associated with our medical director contract that being pull out salaries Danielle F that need to be pulled out of operating this contractual obligation so that's why that that's a new line same thing AR in vehicle you see what it cost for those fire trucks to maintain them upkeep these two down here we have applied for the fire truck Grant through FEMA or FEMA grant for fire truck this is the third year um going on thir thir year um you can see the cost we have not in the past budgeted directly for the cost of that truck from the state into our mats so that's why that's in there um if we do not get this year I don't feel we need to continue to do that we need to reevaluate how we're going to obtain that truck and go about it a different way um but that's why that you're seeing such a large increase this year is because we're actually budgeting for that Grant we have not done so in past any questions or comments on fire yes sir yeah um we we seriously need the renovations on the current building but the current building is completely inadequate how are we going to address a new facility which is usually going to be afford $5 million at current prices so I met with Chief in with Thomas our main superintendent weeks at the fire department to work on a plan facility which about a new one coule weeks ago we talked about a new one how we go about that um I think we all kind of we also come back for this but to renovate the current one and then take this next year to find the site for the second one and see how we're going to do that what's the feasibility of such we' talked about reaching out to those developers on the south South work with your that's kind of the grant he was mentioning earlier for and how we're going to do that but this time you talk about the fire station much needed repairs that will be completed out of the cable and so that's why you see the line item that's a station renovation zero maintenance has the full revenue of that sale what we would do we come back we do a budget amendment if that's what we chose you chose to do and say Okay police department needs 350,000 we'll move 350 their renovation fire department need 350 Mo 350 their renovation and then there's brick building you discussed we'll look at the cost of that and we'll those funds out of that line item of the sellable to the home C but in terms of a new fire station we talked about the first year find out where it's going to go what's it going to cost us and we have to figure out um get to it do we do it through legislative appropriation we do it through financing save up forever a number of years I guess my concern is that by Saving I mean obviously the you know one option clearly is to save up or allocate uh and set aside um but that requires really at this point funding a new Revenue stream and so I I think I don't know if we can talk about I guess we can't talk about it here but I at some point we just need to talk about whether the community is willing to look at a sales some sales tax option or some way that we can commit funding to a specific purpose have to be assessment yeah we're not able to locally L it I just came back from a confence a Paras conference and I met with an individual that's U building something they call like a temporary fire station stuff and I want to get more details I get back and it to him a lot of par I get these St they call temporary fire stations and make them into permanent because of the price everything so high so I looked at a one that would house it six firefighters and it was under a million dollars so I want to get more details about it and um good thing about it five fighs are using it in the State of Florida so see if we can do something in that nature one one cost concern that I have about the current stations upgrade is that uh I I'm not going to comment as an engineer but I have serious reservations that it wouldn't in any way meet current wind standards for that type of facility um I don't I don't believe the door windows are capable of withstanding the pressures are required I don't feel that it uh serves Dignity of your of your people um and we've if we need to start talking about an assessment or something else I mean I'd rather start sooner about and later um because the prices aren't getting any cheaper especially if the rates go up any so I just again we're not going to solve it tonight but I do want I just want to move Beyond uh aspirational goals and get to something where we're putting real numbers and real strategies together to get them where they deserve to be and need to be I'm very happy for the Marshall's office that building was just a it is a great fit uh I mean it needs work but it's a great fit um you know that site adjacent could be part of something if the location doesn't work quite as well you know I'm sure we can find land I'm less worried about the land than the actual building costs I mean the building C going be at least four and a half million unless we go really small uh and go with something temporary but I think the prices are way higher I mean I've done them before I know where they're at even the million that they paid down the street is just not feasible anymore at by any stretch in imagination I mean it's at least three for what they paid a million for just a five six years ago all right any other comments on fire just quick that last 160 again this like police that's what planning estimates for us to receive an impact fees from development over the next fiscal year okay Transportation some of the just a couple notes Here uh the first one 27,000 his budget was 15 um Denise our grants coordinator has been talking to F and working through that I would love to replace the four main entrance signs to the city and so um they're about $23,000 a piece that and that's based off what the do standard is for you to get there right away and so I added 12,000 in there I think it's time those are probably older than I am um and so once we do that I'm sure they are once we do that there is a grant to do forication that would pay for the landscaping and the irrigation so we're working on that as well question yes sir Clay is that is that one too too tight to the city for the CRA probably so because y'all discussed it y'all had it in planning issues before it's got to be out of a city plan for so many years before the CRA can touch it so than I'm afraid y'all had it a little too long to allow to move over so that's that's one of that increases in there um beautification again just a $3,000 increase not some substantial but we talked about dation in the city um and we're going to change some of the way we do about some of those such as changing out mediums more than once a year um and some in different streets and stuff that's when I saw that and then these last ones again you'll see you know we had these are the grants that we've applied for in Scot Twin Lakes Drive that's to repave the road um that we put in with the state we had $156,000 match reconnecting communities to the usdot we had a we have 18 something, match but speaking delivery Partners they're confident at this time they have 40,000 of any kind and we're going to continue to work on that to get it less and less but right now we feel comfortable um matching and hopefully we'll get it down more and then Safe Streets for all and the urban community Forest Grant again there the grant going for and then the mat at 30,000 so that's why you see such a substantial increase in transportation 310 um one of that is to replacement of an inmate vehicle which is a van it's a very it's an older vehicle needs to be cycled through and another $250,000 in that is to replace a knuckle boom and so what we have is a sanitation fund of $480,000 roughly um and we would like to take 250 out of that fund to buy no knuckle boom that money has been there for a while a long time it was depreciation money for there's no longer and sanation so that would be a carry for the next year not you know we already have that money in the bank so we would like to buy that new knuckle room and bring that money forward so that's why you see such a large increase in equipment I'm all for any questions on Transportation yes ma'am yeah 37 line 37 what is that utilities for signals 142 Grand yeah all the light signals we have to pay for the power to we do get reimbursed for a portion of work we do on do life what is that like 40 something thousand ,000 it depends on if you repair a lot they give you that too but average amount that we do get we get revenue from on a yearly basis division well not the money the money's over y but Street lights as well as stop lights or is that purely electrical for stop lights this is the street lights and the and the it's all I and so we do get like I think 50,000 what we put there this year and then like you said there's some the come for example last year someone ran and hit the traffic cabinet over there on 20th Street right we we bu the cost of replacing it in the do reimburses us for that cost so that happens as well but we do have a set Ament we get and we do have to pay for utility for sign Val do you have something I do couple um what do we do on the railroad crossings what's our what's our exposure on railroad crossings of 3 you have to pay the railroad to have them yeah we pay them year we don't want to cross the railroad we stop paying them we won't cross they're different different amounts for arms or R whatever and then on terms of the it's my intention in terms of work that we've discussed with the CRA that um the transportation match portion on reconnecting we're hoping to have that be substitute by actual projects we'll obviously keep it in in the meantime but my hope is to move that later there was one other on signage um we've I've been getting uh some questions and rightfully so about the updating the signage in the dorsy district now it's a historic district um so we we do want to keep that front of mind um and I don't know if we still have our relationship with the County's Sign Making capacities and because that was reducing our cost significantly and was kind of thing we're were able to turn around pretty quick in terms of street signs and road signs that we were doing so I'm just hoping that I'm hoping that we maintain that relationship maintain that contact and communication for the cost and and speed of it but also um bring bring C uh the dorsy district changes okay Council uh back to that railroad fee is that we just make one lump Su payment they send you an inv well it depends we only have one Railway yep yep Omega rails is who you pay who is it Omega rails they're a management company for there you go okay and it's by the lot they send an invoice for every I mean every Crossing we just got several of them in but they don't all come at one time it's not one invo it's they just m and they come in throughout the whole year and is it for different location every location we get an in same Fe for every location it depends on the crossing depends on what the crossing if it has an arm it costs more than if it just has flashy lights or if it doesn't have either but you pay for all of them do we have a I mean do we have a contract with this that says what our responsibil the state do does and we're obligated to pay our local under what like just you know me I'm it's the state it's the state's old agreement it goes back years and years if you look on the property Pro map you click on the railroad it says centrally assessed through do so the state finds it in the interest to allow the railroads to assess a manager on arms so that we're not trying to do it so they're allowed to pass it on to each municipality and it's part of Florida Administration code I do and do they give us any kind of support for how much they charge for yeah they they they handle those arms we don't do those that anything in those Crossings that's their obligation so we can't do anything to yeah we can't touch them so if we wanted to read you know me I like to learn so do we how do I we get a copy of that agreement to read it I don't know there actually is an agreement I think it's just Our obligation because they have that many there and there's but we can get we can reach out to do to have them send what the going rate is I never knew that thank you yeah because we can't do anything to we're not allowed to touch their lights we're not allowed to touch their arms but if one goes out we call they have to come to place IM Med nor to work on their rways until they're there and a ton of Engineers have looked at before seems I'm thinking some of them are 2,000 a piece are 2000 a year I know this isn't necessarily budget related but it is topic can we make them actually take the graffiti off their stuff and actually hold them accountable for that oh yeah the bridges you got the bridges you got derogatory police you don't have ability to make the railroads do anything but they can make you do everything well that's what I'm you know can we code enforcement in them you know that's that's blight when you see Jack Loves bikinis or something whatever's written out there and you know Billy Balo Charlene like that that brings value down in our town and CL if you look at the broken windows Theory and criminology you you realize that allowing graffiti just further allows crime to come through yeah so food for thought we'll move on do do me a favor have Mr strong some of your go out there and get some photos for it and we'll send it right back we'll send a letter right back to the management company along with our checks asking what they'll be willing to do to come address this issue I we play check a little bit holding their checks but we don't want to play chicken too long with upset the state or the all right any other questions on Transportation chicken with a train all right we'll move on to maintenance okay um maintenance again just some notable ones here as we talked about chahal Brotherhood the community center and the library um so the sh Brotherhood commun Center those are dollar for dooll estimated Revenue for this year um we need to put back into our facilities and maintain those and so we've been working with UWF historical trust and McKenzie um about St building and with our architect and so he's got some good momentum there and they're going to help out with u repair schedules maintenance and how we maintain sort building in the city and so that's why I put that in this year to adequately maintain those facilities little same with the library um we do have a you interlocal obligation to maintain that library and so 10,000 um that's based off the list I was given from Caitlyn is that going to cover everything probably not but it's a start to start putting into that building and I'm sure we'll have further conversations with the county as we move forward but that's really the three in operating Mains that we've added or broken out this year then we have this Taco H Brotherhood Grant 372 that's from the resources we have a cash match of a little over $8,000 and then the in kind we spoke about of 12,000 and again we talked about sellable City Hall we could use some of those funds as well for the Stop building to cover that Max Andor if the costs are greater than the grand amount we can also do that to get that project complet equipment greater than 5,000 just a note U really not important this there's a hydraulic press that's going to save us three4 $5,000 a year being able to do our own hydraulic hoses be shot down hes we bust on knuckle boms on a retain basis and then the largest portion of that is a shade sale for Florence Park Council disagrees with that I think we should continue to move forward and finishing that whole project out uh no Transportation will be Paving the two different parking spots before the end of this fiscal year in getting the solar bench put in as well as a new ada8 WorkOne so this would be another aspect that project to get comp and then obviously the 1.875 that's a sellable City Hall and we'll move that out as as needed throughout the year as Council seems fit any questions on maintenance yes sir um on the Hall of Brotherhood we we've got the money for the new work to be completed my concern is that we've got u a whole new SLE of maintenance issues on the building itself um yeah which could easily could easily equal what we're looking at already um I mean we can't start chasing any too much new new uh Grant opportunity until the old work closes out but but it is substantial what I'm seeing over there um and I'm not sure that some of this clay doesn't fall under warranty work the building has not been complete long enough to have to re- repace the railings again the windows were repaired and in place um and their lights literally about to fall out this this work was just I mean just completed relatively just completed I would expect to have at least a few years of use out of it before we begin substantial maintenance I I have some concerns there that maybe clay might want to consider um I maybe and walk you through and show you some of that and discuss it sure we had start looking at some timelines so it's gonna g be a little tricky but we be when they're installed we certainly notify the contractor of our expectation that we would expect it to be warranty and certainly even if it's outside of a year if it's the type of material and of a type that would be expected under industry standard have exceeded that we'd have an argument I think it's going to be a little complicated because of the restoration aspect of it but um but there is some things that I think we need to to walk in and discuss it um because otherwise we're going to be on hook for every dime of it and I don't think I don't think some of this is appropriate um and then also uh you know we do need to start looking at a reserve or set aside for the on maintenance of that building is going to be very M expensive to maintain in the long term uh because of its historic character and age um so again maybe this isn't the year but we need to start setting aside a a portion for these historic structures that we are going to commit to maintain um and then um yeah I'll just hold there the one thing I was kind of wondering about and the library one is way low we pay that much for a study to tell us how much it's going to cost to fix it um but the uh bathrooms or at least a bathroom cost um yeah so we we had to do ready come out and look at it uh for some reason they felt uncomfortable to attach it to an existing structure I don't really know why um so they the design estimate for a square bathroom is $10,000 um I had a hard so my thought was to unless this is can't do this this is probably the same with our builds as well possibly this is just do an ITB for a contractor to come in and tell us what it would cost to do an ada8 bathroom on the side of the building I don't know why we need engineer design I $110,000 for a bathroom is unreasonable so I think a classic example of an ITB and let the contractor furnish plans and if they get through building we good yeah and then actually I don't think it has to be outside of that footprint if we can utilize the existing foot utilize the bathroom inside and provide more access to it go for it we l as well there are two bathrooms inside the building um the way they're you through the building staff but it's possible we looked at it we'll look at it but yeah that's where we're at on the design yeah and um what well I think we can I think we can address this outside KOB if we can get together on those I think we can probably get get someone to contribute a design that would not be able to be a part of a team in the future uh at least for the purpose of pricing yeah because right now we came into a price on something PR thank you yes councilwoman and and Kobe line 28 am I missing something why did all those significantly Dro from 100 to 30,000 um again line 28 that was Arn in vehicle so we V we took out um police and fire out of that okay all right and the buildings dropped from 112 to 50 is that because you put them down here on their own the yes TAA and the other buildings let me check here just a second uh yes and you took out 40,000 for Parks correct so um again this is coming from maintenance I think that was I don't I do not know the reason um there was 80,000 or 60,000 put in park last year again this comes for maintenance what they think this is just your routine maintenance this isn't for Capital Improvements to the park it's not what that line was for and so we took it down all the improvs we're making to Florence and stuff that's why they're down there in a different line again I think so there's enough then so there's enough within this so that we can do the upgrades or whatever that we need to do okay all right thank you I just want to check on the back to the park since you're going to be doing parking lots and and and we have had a conversation about resurfacing that stretch of clay between between 11th Street and Plateau it's horrible it's not wide school buses travel that street and the traffic at that park has increased tremendously it really is being utilized so are are we is it possible that that can be on our yes to-do list I apologize for I'm saying it so transportation did has been trying to get quotes for I don't know what the problem not getting it is but staff can pay that section of Street for $199,000 um so got a follow up with the superintendent pretty positive we have funds remaining in this year's um I lie to what's the name of the line item anyways it's resurfacing or pavement and um they can pave it and so we get out there make sure it's done proper and raise man holes along the way into pain it but it can be done this current fiscal year instead of next sare thank any other comments concerns maintenance C good all right we'll move on to okay Christmas lights uh nothing of note um in the Christmas lights I don't I can't think of anything um super outstanding um at the end of the day we had I believe like a $1,600 Surplus we put that into operating supplies um for whatever various reasons you know we have power issues out there just because of the weather and everything else um and then you have your equipment greater than 5,000 we buy new lights or change out of old on so nothing of significance within the lights the only question I had on that was the 2023 24 adopted the 110 in ticket sales was that the actual income we kept we kept getting rained out no no that just but it was 80 something 80 close to 90 I can tell you they take in some money I think I think rain yeah there was a number of rain events past year any we had one or two cancellations due to power issues that's what I'm saying I know staff has done and they've redone the power plugs to try to ensure that that doesn't happen again okay any other questions yes ma'am I'm just curious what building are we uring so that's part I asked about that that's part of our thing there is a Christmas Reflections building um It's Over by the fire department is what houses all our Christmas lights um now does lights need to pay for the maintenance I that's another thing we're going through there were certain departments and I'm speaking out here that were paying for vehicle insurance that don't have vehicles certain part paying for building insurance that don't have buildings and so we're going through and that's part of when we get our we should change now will it change the cost um I'm not sure may just be a reallocation to the department but we're going through them okay now then last question I think on this one I have is line 41 what is what are we paying out $10,000 to TDC wouldn't it be the opposite they pay enough so we have a revenue for that a a grant of 10,000 and this is where we spend the money on that Grant so we can show them that we spent the $10,000 re yeah they're showing it that that's the 10,000 we account for specifically to the TDC if we don't show it as a separate line item because it's a reimbursable grant we don't get our money Y and they increase their grants this year from six to 10 nice the category we fall in it now okay any other questions on lights all right we'll go to water all right so again um a note you'll see an RM system well I'll say this we have projects allocated to every dollar of that um at this time um down in Jacob's operating you see a bit of a decrease that money was in there not being used wasn't a purpose for it so we decreased it um and we do have a purpose for it now um one of the big Chang some of the biggest changes you're going to see this year like we've talked about these capacity fees is um the 75% reserve and the 25% operating that's obviously substantially greater than what we have put in the past again the planning which we have not done in the past and ask what are the potential developments what do you expect the collectings come in here and this is only 75% of what he provided to us we want to be a little more conservative um and not get too far out there but what we've done to ensure because it's such a large number and we do not want to rely on something that isn't a guaranteed Revenue I have not allocated those funds to anything within your operating expenses I don't want to rely on if it doesn't come in when it comes in then we will take it out of that capacity operating 25% and use it for projects we need in the water department but just want to ensure that we do not uh has your bets on something that isn't there sure any questions or comments on water yes ma'am okay I I I'm tired I don't want to have this conversation tonight but I need a we do need to have a larger discussion on this why what concerns me is a line 77 1.8 million a little less uh that the operating needs general fund needs for us to do our that means that we're shy so anyway in future we've got to have that conversation why would we need $1.8 million a year in general funded to make our need our needs but again I don't want to have that tonight I'm tired I'm I'm 100% with you that I've been fighting that for five years yeah well we need to address it because that that means that we're always starting in the red you know here I am nitpicking just those four little organizations when this this signifies to me a larger problem address and tackle and I mean every every city and county has transfer utilities but it's typically at a reasonable percentage about that you know they have a cap We're not gonna get to that cap this year believe me I wanted to Daniel been telling again that's not gonna happen right I want to get there we will get there um but I think this is we have some other stuff we've got to get through we gotta get our year started and next year figuring out where the issue is why why are we having to do this so maybe more towards the holidays when our work is lighter or our agendas are lighter let's have a serious conversation on how we're going to because I agree it can't be done right now got too many other things thank you the other oh I'll go real quick yes sir okay so again uh just like we talked about um earlier with our counts so water sewer and gas I go and get three out of the way that equipment greater than 5,000 line item those are pieces of equipment that cost is already in Accounts at our bank each of those utility funds have $140,000 depreciation account that's been there we want to use that money to pay for equipment that's what is there for it's been sitting there and needs to be spent so this is instead of taking it out of operating cost we're going to carry forward those accounts pay for that equipment um let's see here AC watermain design half of that is srf longan half of that will be srf Grant um the algro base and Towers project that's the first step in redoing the these water meters and water registers we've talked about that for years now um as we've talked to staff and gone through it staff already changes out a substantial amount of water meters and registers every year as they go along this is you get this base in the new ones they put in will automatically work with that and as we go over the next three or four years replacing them those new ones will work so nothing has we don't have to get we don't have to replace anything we already spent money on but we're already we're already in that process over multi-year phase of updating our water meters but this base and this uh is needed for that communication to finance for Real Time data and approve our operations there questions any questions on water the revenue is at the top if you wanted to look over any of that I'll do I'll just try to help us out here a little bit does anybody else have any other questions on anything that's remain sewer or gas sanitation airport yes ma'am just the same conversation with what I just brought up because in total 3.6 million amongst the three of them that were needing to operate from general fund that's not that's so don't add in the don't add in the sanitation that that doesn't count I just did sewer water that's 2.7 yeah something's not right I agree that's another day for sure okay 2.9 milon 29314 but so and the think last year the transfer was I have to go back real quick just one second well it should be over there's a there's a schedule in the audit that says water last year you transferred 2.26 so you're looking at let's say $800,000 increase large portion of that are these Grant matches that we have we've all G ourselves to this year Transportation alone you've got over $300,000 um plus to 300,000 in Grant match perhaps it may make perhaps it may make sense as part of this discussion to if we do another budget Workshop just to go ahead and lead the conversation with that and then get into the further refinements because then you'll be working off a real budget with the real year end results again to compare how to get there and that doesn't even count the transfer to General from sanitation plus the one cent infrastructure yeah separ right that's pass what what part did I miss because I got uh one point eight look at page if you go to the General Revenue Tab and you can just High look 86 and 87 on the General Revenue tab column H okay but then then okay then inaccurate then there's a discrepancy then please on the water line item line item 77 on water tab on the sewer t tab it's 935 on line 76 saying it's transferring to General and on the gas tab it's line 216 801 it was 935 I thought I might have just picked up the same thing twice I apiz they're connected so yeah what you see on those sheets is connected I got it I picked up the same number thank you so anyway still a signant so what did you say was 27 no 29 291 314 your overall budg been a problem for a minute okay do we do we want [Music] to want to do that yeah just pick up on the rest of the Enterprise funds at the next Workshop well if you're going to have that conversation I think you probably need to start fresh on that because that's a big conversation so while we're here we're all in the same room um transfer some more money out of those Enterprise funds Chief you pay for that out of impact he might he might going order so do we want to while we're here do we want to go and set that budget next budget Workshop do you want it to be the the end of the month like I talked about do we want an additional one before that I want enough time to before the actual public care I would recommend doing one in between yeah I think you'd be better off doing one in between than going to the end of the month so we can either do it the week of the 19th or the week of the 26th I'm I'm wide open the 19th and the 26 see works for me the 19th a Monday I'm okay with that is everyone good with that four o' or do it the day you the 19th or that week the 19th the day of the 19th August 19th we can do what are we gonna go over that which on are we we can we can we can restart at Water we'll just start at water and go it be all your Enterprise funds this are you good with the 19th I I can do for four or five a four definitely but here it is 7 yeah four o' on the 19th Ro get that up all right do we have um any public comment to Workshop goes through the whole process all right all right we will call this meeting adjourned 15 oh