##VIDEO ID:wSkAygbnu8E## here stand okay [Music] it's four it feels like five to find that I don't want to is that true no I had to walk around oh you just walk around yeah my key card did anybody tell what the temperature was there all right we will go ahead and call this budget Workshop to order today is Thursday August 29th 2024 and I'll pass it right over to you kobby yeah go right ahead um while even start with we kind of talked it over and figured out exactly what kind of work was doing with that and I would and then take that same percentage and base it on the council salary as well so a 3% for the mayor C4 C5 um in addition to the pay raises at I don't know employees really seen the benefit of this is that leave leave back program and ironing out the details of that to where they would have they could cash out up to 40 hours of leave if they still retained 80 hours on the books that way they've still got leave in case a critical incident occurred and then but yet they can benefit from the time pleas there to be used but they haven't just obliterated it so that that was my initial thought just for clarification when you you mention 3% because you're only going to get do this again four years from now yes you want 3% a year we just one time 3% I don't know that you can Implement 3% per year because you can only do it once every four years but I mean he can he can set the sary right now for the three positions just foro it for now we can address later I I know that that doesn't help certain seats that are going to be up next year but just all the the executives so the five council members of the mayor just forgo any kind of change to them leave everything the same but then implement the other two things you talking about 3% buy back there was one other thing Co so we addressed that we spoke about it and I was trying to figure out K I want you to put your P ra not right to forego that over the next year I can understand if you're in now if you want up get put in uh if all five members agree to it and everything goes in that direction would become then at some point he'll hit his one year marker and it would be pass his probationary period and perhaps at that point would want to implement that but what Kobe was getting to was the fact that say he did not want up as the fulltime City he would still retain his salary in his previous position plus his pay raise that would be approved by the council now and then that's the position that he was really looking at for his pay raise than that you this is for budgeting so I mean I would always budget what you think you might want to do and if it doesn't work out then I agree we don't put the money in there and that's why I was trying to tell him if at some point that marker gets to where he will hit the one year then then he would want to pay rates I want him to get I'm fine with 3% across the board including including the city manager and then but we will decide when we Implement that 3% if he becomes permanent yes that that would be at our discretion but it's built into the budget so as far as when we implement it you mean like how far into the future future well like not open-ended thing like sometime in the next four years will imp the 3% right right we we will we will basically have the opportunity when we make him permanent to to enact it then okay I think for the for the next four years at some point when we implement it or not on city manager yeah on city manager we can do it yearly but for Council Members it's per term oh so we're not talking about employees right now okay okay right right right right yeah so we would Implement his 3% raise if he gets permanently uh install the city yeah I'm good I'm good good for that yeah my only my only uh portion of conversation on that is that the the city manager position will have a contract that gets negotiated upon hiring so I'm just not sure um well one I make sure that we have the funding in place for a city manager at a level that we can hire so that's that's one part of it I hope it's Kobe but we need to have the number in there for whoever it is um so I think that should be budgeted um the question of the other one of the 3% you know again I I can go either way on on that portion um but you know he's already the indrum I'm comfortable with a 3% but um but again I think you need to budget for the city manager position as a contract level uh budget not just based on a 3% increase would be my only concern and warning if you got a number in your head or percentage I I I do not I wasn't looking that in terms of percentages because again that's an open contract that can be negotiated to any level that um that's with either within the the range or even outside the range that we've already talked about so um again it's really going to depend on on the permanent hire in terms of what gets negotiated and so I don't want us to get caught in a position where we don't have that fully funded or at least a potential for fully funding I I I seem to recall that the contract typically dealt with it wasn't necessarily salar specific it was more the mechanics of the renewal the period maybe expectations of performance that sort of stuff I don't remember uh for the last two I mean technically for Barker it was different because he was not receiving retirement but for Thompson I don't recall there being anything specific because we typically set the city manager budget during or salary during the budget session much like we do some of the other positions for example like uh City Marshall we we set that every year as part of the budget process I I thought we had some negotiation when Thompson was hired in terms of the actual salary amount uh I remember some counters and well I think you know I think most everybody would love to see Kobe be our man and but if some God forbid something else happened he couldn't be we do need a a buffer to where we could afford mind you we got to have uh just going we stick a you know sizable number in there doesn't mean you got to give it all to Kobe uh but I'm just saying you know let's say we had to import somebody in here from you know 3 400 a th000 miles away we may have spend more money than we would with Kobe because Kobe doesn't really have to you know move from Colorado or Illinois that that was actually something we also did because there was moving expenses that were attacked on as well so there are if someone's moving there are additional costs and having someone's already here um so again it's just a it's just a point for discussion um I don't want to put a fly on the ointment I'm just saying you know there are potential other costs that we could run into that's very true especially I think with Thompson we gave him like almost like a signing bonus or relocation fee if I remember correctly I think we gave him $7,000 to move over here I think so yeah that sounds about right and then we stepped him so we offered him an initial and then once he completed I think it was six months satisfactory we stepped him up so you're right but if you tack on let say we were talking about 3% 3% additional 10 grand for a little buffer 3% would be 128 125 and then a little buffer so if you went to one you went to like 140 138 1408 140 I think I think Barker was collecting 50 was he because he wasn't cash because he wasn't doing retirement yeah having to pay into it your toal you know you still got to pay back right it's the same total and because you once you factor in the HR costs right so it really didn't change that total number of expens everybody feel like 140 be a high enough cap I 15 man come on I almost got 15 what was the cost to employ prev could somebody look that upe please uh I mean it's I think it was the same as town I'm talking about the cost to employee I need the retirement cost there was there was none to him but there was to the FRS we have to pay a three% yes there is I'm afraid she's right on that yeah there's a minimal Fe that you have to pay FDLE just to have the seat there but it wasn't based on the overall right the full amount we weren't paying the fs amount on the 150 that's why we gave him more if that's the salary he was earning we're paying the administrative fee on whatever his take on pay was gross name I'm JB Hillard is this thing working y yes uh resent Pac um I hate to be disruptive uh I have a hearing problem and I have not understood one word that you people have said not one okay and the thought came to my mind as I was sitting there uh it's a long this is the first city council meeting I've been in a new building the reason I stopped coming to the old uh City Hall was my hearing but have you ever thought about the Ada uh compliance of this facility but people that do have a hearing problem I'm wearing hearing AES and literally I have not understood one word and y'all been talking for quite a while well I forget from my mic you have loudspeakers in here or something yes turn them on well turn them on they're on turn them on then you people talking in this normal tone of voice you got people all way in the back and um uh my hearing is down to 41% so I I think I qualify for the Ada consideration yeah okay can you hear me now sit your seat now can you hear me now now that I'm close to the mic he needs to move under the speaker I think the the problem is that the speakers are in the back so it's loud back there and in the hallway but it gets quieter as you get towards the front and we're getting we get feedback on the mics when we you got turn up too much so just some ideas Danny Co klings um not last meeting budget Peri meeting but the one before we had established that we're going into the new budget year at about a$ 400 to a half million dollar deficit no sir no sir and that's the interpretation was your opinion that the CPA's opinion that was your opinion am I right or wrong I'm not the expert in this and neither is anybody else you're the expert going into this at a 400 to 500 Mr mayor, deficit point of order Mr Mayor we we don't have a motion a second on the floor to open up for public that didn't that didn't stop I'm just trying to get some answers that's all I'm trying to do yeah I think that's the best you're going to get I believe that is an interpretation and that uh I think it was spelled out by the CPA that it wasn't interpretation okay well that's what others think so anyway so what I was going to ask is want wait point of order Mr Mayor point of order okay this is a workshop it is a workshop yes sir I try to be lenient but you know you're kind of you know you're talking directly to you need to be talking directly to me you know unless one of these give permission to answer a question so we went through that $400,000 or $800,000 what it was last that last meeting and I don't think there was a consensus or agreement that that was the factual situation now has money been shifted uh I don't know what our finance director thinks about that but we're not I don't think we're going to camp out here uh and okay well let's let me just talk to you mayor yeah um right now we're drawing money out of our Reserve fund sure no yeah and we're drawing money out of water sewer okay which is taking money out of the infrastructure always had is that a good idea yep we have to okay so the ad Borum tax didn't do it oh okay so if we're going to try and pretend like we're going to operate by a budget what would you think about the idea of giving the 3% of all the employees that make less than $70,000 a year the employees that need it the most and not go into a greater deficit to try and just get it down a little bit and did I understand that yall are foregoing yourself well based on the last uh suggestion okay so the top the top positions that draw the most money they need they need the raises the least the ones that there's a lot of employees that's making 30 40 $45,000 a year um if you just drop if you just cut it off at 70 and just that would be a significant Sav right there it might not be a million dollars but it could be like a half a million dollars Point order take under consideration so we appreciate you putting that for us the workshop over we still we start so allow to come back and speak again yeah this is you know I try to be as liberal as I can a workshop we're not we're not uh voting we're doing consensus but I think if I'm not correct this is the last you know when we go into the hearings um there's very little you can change isn't that correct well I mean that's tot yes but I mean if if Council feels that something needs to be changed it it'll just extend a period of time but I mean yeah would like to not do that well let me tell you I have over the years I've tried to change several things once we got into the hearings and I never was successful have to run so really tonight if there's anything that's going need change which was just one suggested really needs to happen tonight do yes okay all right so we can we just wrap back we'll just get back to where we were okay counc one um the total cost to employee the prior City man was $28,750 of who it is the cost to employee was 208 was what we were paying in a prior year what's what's in this budget for that cost to employ 188 49250 and would that be enough to implement what they're discussing what we're discussing right now which would be a 3% or so Above This 125 marker we would have the we would have the funding to pay all the cost are you asking is there leftover funds from last year's budget amount to this year's budget amount no I'm just curious how much is in this proposed budget for the cost of the city manager so in case we needed to expand the number or increase the salary or so yeah when yall when the council appointed me the interal you'll set the salary at 125 that's what it is currently that's what was proposed for the next fiscal year and so it's 188 49250 okay so that right now if what we're discussing if we want to put a little buffer in there there's no more in there we need to increase what's okay oh thank you that's what I needed to know okay so you guys kind of square with the 140 Mark or if we want to I I think we should up it to give ourselves that that ability whether whether it's Kobe whoever if it's not KOB if it's someone else what amount I think we should go 140 or even 150 as the base cap or the cost of emplo cap on that side the cap the max as as the gross wages to that person not not including retirement healthc care right that's yeah which I refer to as cost to employ do we want to include any kind of moving money I think I think we could include that in the one the 150 like we did like we did Thompson technically that first year he didn't get the full amount we just leave 140 at salary salary and then you guys can decide what you want to do if they they may only be moving here from Atlanta they might be moving here from well I hope I hope it's not I hope there's nobody coming I hope it's him I do too I'm just want to be have a safeguard if something happen you know yes ma'am could you calculate what the C what is the cost to employ at4 please so I know what that difference is yeah love big sale what you got so one thing I just want make sure y'all thinking about too so just asking Julie how many vacant positions we have in the city currently and there's roughly six so that's going to be some rate money that's going to carry over each month if we don't fill these positions that you can set back for what you're trying to accomplish also just so you're thinking about that too there will be vacancies throughout the year that we'll give you that buffer and you don't even have to really budget for it so we about vacancies it may not feel a few weeks ago no I once we get through the's initial discussion I've gota I can all questions two 209 83750 so it was 209 and what we got in there right now is 188 is that correct correct so that's uh 21 an additional 21,000 of additional fees okay thank you yes are we before we move on are we in consensus on that 140 on salary only yeah yes just to be clear I'm not getting that that's just a budgeted Amendment want to make sure everybody's aware of that he leave his room tonight and can I say Josh Josh you you started off talking about about a 3% also for the employees did I yes cross I'm I'm in agreement um on on that point um you know I think it's a fair it's a fair average it's a fair with the with the inflation that we we've seen people are struggling um I think our turnover has has slowed down somewhat uh from what it has been in the past and that's a good sign and um I'm one of those people that like to see people stay in in place because we invest a lot in them any company does any any city does and and I think it would go a long ways to to to pass that along if we could do that that much for them because the other thing we got to look at is retention if we want to keep good employees and to keep a Workforce here you've got to keep them and the only way you're going to keep them is either to pay them good or to treat them good right and and appreciate their home life as as much as we do their work life and that's something that we have to crucially look at I'd like to give a lot more than 3% but the problem is we couldn't figure out ways to make it fit in the discussions that we had so far right um to where to where we could fund it there's certain departments that do not fund themselves here unfortunately so I mean it's just one of those things I will say anual conference I spoke to several City representatives and 3% was pretty well but most of them are doing you know so but the kicker on top of that is that lead buyback program too with what he's added into there you are technically going above that that's not something that everybody else is doing around but it is something that he's proposing this time and I think that that would be a good incentive for them on top of the the um savings that they've gotten with insurance policy that's coming up this October and and then the cola that's I think that's very fair it's just yeah I think we just have we we know we have a lot going on we've approved a lot a lot of projects a lot of funding a lot of money coming a lot of Grants um and you cannot get that done uh you know in a timely manner with new employees all the time so I think I think we have to make an effort to retain uh make every effort we can we can find that money to do to do that that's just that's just my opinion y' thank you so what before we get off the subject What's the total impact to go from Two and a Half to 3% already done these numbers months ago um $40,000 I mean it's 3977767 so what what are we gonna do to offset that a second there are two there's two vehicles in the budget there's four total two police and two within the general fund um easiest would be to take one of those out I would ask the council members do we want to take a vehicle out or do we want to just consider financing all four and that would probably be a net effect of the save if we just financed all four versus eliminating one of the one of the vehicles outright it it would be cheaper overall to begin with um long term do what but you pay more long term you do but it's BEC a predictable number you know whenever I first got in and and uh Chief Hurley really needed to up the fleet because it would it had been elected um we financed the vehicles and at first I didn't like it but now it it's just it's a built-in number you know that you're going to expend that I think we're close to paying off some of those because it's been this is our fifth year so we should be actually they should have fallen off last year okay yeah so we could B effectively replace that number not it probably obviously rates her up so it would be a little more expensive but um if I recall even when we were financing four years ago it was still four or five percent so it's not like it went from 0% to 5% so that that that's one thing I think we ought to consider is instead of eliminating eliminating a a vehicle that the employees might need maybe we just turn to financing yeah he was talking about taking when you want your yeah no no I was going to offer offer some else that could help so with ours we are going to look to try to spend as much impact fee money as we can so that could be roughly $60,000 out of the $100,000 cost of that so on ours you know that's something we got to get with clay and yeah there's also um [Music] 38,000 38571 in the fire department as the match for the fire truck we've been through the first round of those applications those grants have been awarded and we were not a part of the first round not completed until September 30th but there was 1,700 awardees we weren't one of them to start with so um there's 38,000 there so me that's Kobe just handed me a paper with I'm assuming that's what y'all projecting would be the interest that would be the end of it that's actual years on the two new Taho that you got last year or well they the long came in in December okay of this year so we haven't made okay so it's 18 it's $18,000 in interest but that's over five years $100,000 the for how many two two tahos yes 5.78 was the interest rate 5.78 yeah they're going to come down what kind of fire vehicle was that fire truck fire truck that's the grant we've applied for this a third year now um and so that would be if we were to get awarded that would be our match to yep oh yeah I know they're they're that's why I was wondering about that $38,000 yall think that Mr bom's idea is to go ahead and finance them versus right cash so I will say that I did I spoke in a triangle and though it's been the council's desire here to try to use a local provider for vehicles um they have provided us numbers for the two general fund vehicles but they or yeah two vehicles they could not provide quotes for the police vehicles trying was not able to order that particular style so we would have to do that off State contract [Music] I don't want to I really don't want to move on from this topic until hear some but I know y'all are processing over there I mean I'm I'm entirely open to it I don't oppose it out of hand um again long term it is a higher cost um of course you know we might have the option to sell it sooner I don't know I I just I'm I'm not sure I'm I'm I'm just I'm ready to hear from the other members really good a feel Chief what's the life expectancy on your vehicles right now how how much time are you getting out of them so there's a a reason we're going with the tahos over Chargers and and all that um life expectancy on the tahos is at least seven years it seems like but other agencies are getting out of where the Chargers four to five at best um top ends of the motors and chargers are just trash but um so we're hoping to get you know at least seven good years of out a Tahoe so's what's the loan period five okay and that we can all I know last time pfm our financial advisors they went they handled the bidding process and long applications and all that so I mean again that could be something we look at and see is it worth to do a less amount of term to save on interest or you know we can we can look at all those things not to not to belabor the point here but if we approve these last budget and we only paying for them now he just picked up can we can we do the same thing again I don't understand how then that's basically a year delayed I don't know what it started in August of3 but we got we've had them for a year this happened to this happened before because it came before a council meeting and and all of a sudden somebody said oh and I thought to myself how did we get a title to those vehicles and that vendor never got paid for those Vehicles no they got paid they just never got finan exactly so this is not the first time this is It's first time and sounds like this was another foa too well they didn't invoice yeah if I remember correctly that's right it was never invoiced by the by the other company it wasn't that we it would have been for I would have thought it would have been if they gave us the titles to the vehicles because who's going to release the title to a car if we didn't pay I've heard I've heard of crazier things happen deal which now you do got to understand like Garber who we purchased from is for the northern part of Florida just about everybody buys their fleet vehicles so they're going through thousands of vehicles so I don't know but yeah it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me either I have heard of an agency that got another agency's vehicle titles and all registered oh they sent us the wrong vehicle last time we had to say that that's not ours so it does have I have I have some family members that are in automotive finance and I they told me some even crazier stories than this wow so and as far as the state contract we talked about triangle um I've there's a couple Sheriff's offices that buy from them and I'm like how are they doing this well they're not buying fleet vehicles they're buying regular consumer type vehicles and they're they're paying for it but you know Sheriff's budget's a little different than mine um they can kind of do what they want but you know we could could go by a High Country but it's probably going to cost us $70,000 if not more I say how got tra be can you explain the liability with that thing yeah so um The Pursuit rated vehicles that we get the the they're basically beefed up calipers beefed up alternators beefed up suspension um transmission shift different you know there's just different things to because they know I don't say use the word abused but they know they're not just going to church Vehicles they are going to driven so they are beefed up in those areas while the motor might be the same there are different components that is going to make it last a little bit longer they take curves differently oh yeah no mine Drive is totally different than a regular one and of course we've looked at other options just just so you're whereare you know the Ford Explorer um they're more than the tahos smaller vehicle but cost more I don't quite understand it um Dodgers were trying to stay away from Dodges just because um we had there was one agency that we we got a thing on they ordered 100 Durangos and 62 of them were out already with fuel pump issues so it's just I don't know that that's the road we want to go down how many of you had totaled out in the past year totaled zope yeah we try not to reckon even most of our our have been minor fender benders here and there so what you thinking about the I'm never a fan of debt uh i' prefer not to take out loans because if our revenues drop and anyway I just it's an add there's additional costs that are associated with it and even though it's spread out over time it's still when I look at the numbers it's still um we don't we kind of need to stay within our means yeah I think I think if your rates were a little bit lower right now and they probably will be at some point depending on the presidential election I don't know um but if you know if it was back like in the day with 2.3% exactly it's a no-brainer but even back then it was at zero% some of them so exactly difference what 2.3 that was eging baby I financed several vehicles for that we never we never got 2% you got to have good credit he okay I needed that chuckle thank you sorry quick you're quick CH that's that's that's how much it cost to do 3% um that's an option to do or I mean we can go through here and find other things um but I mean it's possible we'll find it um we're trimming fat you're down to getting lean in terms of um taking out of operating at this point so not a bad thing we can do it we can find it it's not an issue tough decisions to be made are we going to eliminate a car are we going to finance a car or we going to eliminate a match for a fire truck or have him find something else if we didn't make the if we didn't make this round for the grants to fund the fir Tru then those funds are freed up at this point yeah the the grant funding doesn't end until September 30th but the first round like say was 1773 I think 1,700 at least award e and we weren't one of them so that was $330 million with the grant award we weren't a part of we could always just is it possible that we could Kobe maybe Danielle could just keep a list as we go around and let's put what we've just said because I don't want to make a I I might want to say yes to that but there's going to be other things that we're going to talk about at the table tonight so if we could then just go down the list you know let's put okay 21,000 additional for the city manager and then what was the second thing that we said it was oh the additional three from Two and a Half to the yeah a half increase would cost an additional and this is going to cost what 18 over and above what we were is that what you all said that that's the to finance it would cost us 18 Grand that was the interest over okay if you were to fin if we were to finance it and you know we can track as go through the fire truck again if we do get it and we take it out 38,000 I think the city can find $38,000 if we need to it'll do two things it would one there's 38,000 I can use pay for that two it'll take 700 $771,000 out of the budget this year they had had they had matching Revenue they're matching their Grant but again I mean I think if if we were to get it Daniel and I are very confident we can find the money to put into it pay for it I don't think it's that difficult so I have a question inside of this proposed budget you know just not even a month or two ago we were talking about the firehouse and they needing a new station my question is how much if any is in this budget for the preliminary starting of going out and doing this so in maintenance you have the 1.875 in sell of Old City Hall that we have budgeted for when we do close on that property The Old City Hall Old City Hall is committed to whatever we need for the firehouse no so so we put the whole amount in the maintenance and so what we will do with the council identified as uses of those funds was to rehab the Fire Department chief earlyy has a room over there he needs to finish we can do that do want to look and see about this brick building and also the Shak so so will they cover all no yeah so that's where we come so when we start the process that once we close on that building that's the green light for me to begin with Chief Hurley and chief Sheffield on the process of rehabing those buildings my question okay so then help me out how much are you going to allocate to police and how much of that would we allocate to fire because I want to in my mind figure out what we won't know we won't know until we get the funds come to the council with bid documents to go out to find someone to do the work to provide us estimates on what we need to do and then we would come back and whatever the cost was per per Department we would reallocate plus contingency plus contingency so help me when you say we got to bid something out what do we just talk to me for just a second please on the fire okay what what do they need as like what they need in the building well whatever it is you're saying they need to they need a whole new building bid well we would have to we would have to go out for bid to find either a contractor or an architect to do what to give us designs of redoing the buildings okay and if our Engineers could not do it in house we' have to go to bid for that you need to know what's wrong with it we need some no I'm just trying to figure out okay are are we taking care of the priori so you know that's our priority which would be the fire you know and that's 1.8 is going to go fast when you start using yet y so I'm just trying to figure out how much is going to go to fire how much is going to go to police how much is going to go to this building behind us for potentially I think a new chamber unless the council different I think the priorities are fire department I mean Police Department fire department should talk all Brotherhood finish that project and then get to the red brick building okay if I'm not mistaken so what I'm hearing you say is we've already voted that priority when our first budget works out that's that was a discussion on the money where it would be used I police fire sorry Mr police sha and the red brick building okay got it thank you go ahead I would like to have further discussions once we close like I agree with all those items being on the list for the proceeds of the sale of City Hall minus the whatever contingency we have to set aside that that gets worked out right so it might not be 18 that we net it might be 1.5 1.3 theoretically right we've got two or three things we've got to do once we have a new owner on that property it's going to cost us but uh I used could tell you how much but this moment it's so I I would like for us to We can agree that those items are all on the list but maybe once we actually net those proceeds and we know what it is minus contingent then we can actually agree what the actual true priority list is and in the meantime we could maybe maybe we could see what would the cost would be for the fire department is that possible yeah I mean we could probably get Engineers give us a rough rough estimate what they think it would be I mean chief and I and Thomas hover main went out there and identified what we need to do um and so I'm sure we get give us a rough rough estim on what that I mean what do y'all think of that we need to start yeah is your word when you say contingency are you meeting the mitigation for what we're going to have to do with the bank yes ma'am thank you the D contingency yeah have you got any idea what this latest thing we're doing was environmental or I'll be following up with CCP when the council extended the due diligence period um Supple and I have come to the understanding of that and clay that CCB was going to be writing up the indentification paperwork that their board could approve and we were bring de clay foreview and the council to see if they felt comfortable with that same language we're going to start with the bank first and then they can send us what they felt comfortable with have they started that process I'm follow Miss I'm gon follow up Miss I haven't heard from her back yet Mr Mayor I think we're we still haven't really have we nailed down what we're going to do on on are we taking a vehicle out are we financing well I I was just thinking about the uh the FI financing to Vehicles $118,000 over five years it's about $3,600 a year then if you just buy it evenly which it doesn't work out that way I know but um in a big scheme of things it's not a big sum of money you know if we if we wanted to go that option um you mentioned eliminating two vehicles I don't know what that inails department wise and that kind of thing and then we also have the property on Cory Burg steel that we have talked about and um that could potentially provide us some some revenue for for this increase um so um yeah I think we can find it we just have to keep working I think if we keep working through these things maybe we can we can find it and we know that we're taking steps to increase Revenue uh in the future water meters good example um um so I'm I'm optimistic I I like to be optimistic um and and it makes us roll our sleeves up and have to work make sure these things happen once we decide to make them happen so just ma' while we're sitting here do you have access to the debt schedu that you can send it around so we can see what debt we have on the books right now today at 9:30 or 8:30 I guess it's the end of the year but I'm curious how much of our revenues are already committed even though this is like you're saying it's just you know a couple vehicles but the problem is is what do we got on our books right now debt wise we I don't have it on we have to we'll have to find it I mean I know where it's at we just don't have it let me see if I can find it right here give me just or if you got the draft financials that you sent to the Auditors if you just send that over then I can I'll find it on there and just add for the 12 months that we've gone through already so what's his [Music] last try to see no can you grab the just grab a sheet I can I can look I can visually see in my head what's on there okay she'll get yeah that's fine don't stop the discussion just for that while we're waiting you want me done yeah go ahead okay this is going to be short um when you were talking about financing or buying I can't remember who it was I think it was someplace on this side of the room somebody said in the long run we're going to be paying more so in the spirit of every little bit else for what it's worth I wouldn't want to pay more um in addition I see that we're working hard to save small amounts of money just refresh my memory the the money the million dollars of taxpayers money that we're giving to the CRA and we said on a one-time thing just a one-time thing this year to help as far as our um be more fiscally responsible to cut it to a half a million dollars um did that get any traction or or is that just a bad idea well there was I I mean I w't comment on the number because I don't know that was the exact number but the process to do what the council has discussed doing would take longer than we have to get through this budget cycle so once we get we they can start this next meeting they can start at two meetings um they can start the process it just will not fiscally impact fiscal year 2025 and it's not that I'm picking on the CRA because I think um for what it's worth that uh Josh is a major asset he is very impressive um but there's other areas like the c um Eda and a bunch of others that charity starts at home instead of giving our tax dollars to these other areas are we going to just keep doing it are we going to temporarily cut back I guess the answer is as far as this year goes that's not a possibility conation of the community Mee so it's uh it's in front of us so they just going to have to decide so it hasn't been decided yet well I guess it's been decided can decided I won't mention it again it going be a change mind but right now you know you you brought it up if they want to address it then that's fine okay okay so Finance or not did we ever get clear on that I think we were going to keep a list and come back to as we go through because there's going to be multiple things okay all right all right what you want to move to okay get in a second we get to the debt I have the debt stuff here get in a second y okay so some of the changes made in the spreadsheet that you have that I sent out that's on the website included um removal of the public work stretcher position a removal of a police officer but we did add a dispatcher so those netted out so we started this process out with 128 full-time employees full-time equivalents we went to 130 we're back to 128 so there's no new there's there's technically no new net positions in the budget for this upcoming year um this budget includes the proposals from the city Marshall that he had presented to the council we also took the four Utility Billing employees we took we moov them um their salaries into the utilities departments so they were bust up third among sewer gas and water um they are still employees of the finance department they're still under the direction of the finance director but um in conversations with Miss McDaniel myself um 95% of their job if not 9 is sewer gas water um do they do do sanitation we have to bill for our um commercial but uh it wasn't significant enough so we we reduce the took out the sanitation billing admin fee just increase the transfer accomplish the same goal reduce some work and so when we put those four individuals into utility billing or into utilities we also reduced the corresponding billon admin so you had a wash in expense there wasn't an increase or decrease in expense you just moved them um we increased the r&m parks line item by 40,000 that's currently in the budget this year um but we have some new exciting opportuni we want to do we can't do it before the end of this fiscal year so we move that 40,000 next and increased our carryover the reason we did that is there's a grant opportunity to buy Park equipment if we spend 40 we'll get $60,000 worth Park equipment that's that's how that works and so it's for Chipley Park to replace the playround equipment there at Chipley Park and so we sit asde to wait until the new fiscal year we did that um the sell back program uh implemented at two and a half% was a total cost of $131,400 if we go to 3% um it would be a total cost of $132,100 I would ask M McDaniel she gets back but this is the way need because compensated absences that's exactly what it is it's measured by how much each person has it their in their Bank their individual banks at the rate of pay that they are earning with retirement benefits that's sitting at that's what compensated absences schedule is on our balance sheet so I agree I I'll let her speak on when she comes back but this is the way we put it way she put it in okay but what you're suggesting is we're going to allow them to a portion so long as they keep X number hours on the correct okay great I had to bring a corresponding policy change back to the council approve uh there's three requirements one would be you have to be an employee of the city for one year we have a probationary period here at the city number two um you have to retain or retain 80 hours of vacation after you sell you can't go below 80 can't sell below 80 use obviously and then um three is you can sell a total cumulative amount of 40 hours in one fiscal year okay I'd like to have two sale periods one in November for the holidays and then one in probably May before the summertime still you can only sell 40 total so if you sell 20 in the fall you can sell 20 in the spring or you can sell all 40 at one time will that impact your cash flow for the city on well that's if you do that twice a year like that well the reason the reason I did it it me yes it would I mean as we get I think our first couple months in a lot less cash flow than the last um but the reason we did that is certain employees going into December won't have accumulate as much time so you know if they see that benefit and want to be a part of it they may keep their time and sell it coming in the spring and then vice versa so that's why I I believe two sell perers would be effective just kind of keep that in mind that that might impact our ability to because I think all our debt comes due at a in the fall yeah okay um you'll see in the airport um budget and then also in the cor overall budget we reduced that roughly 7 million dollar those were Grant M those were grants so they had a expense and a revenue that matched we put that in there to begin with so I could see exactly how much money this airport has the ability to get over the next couple years as we have in grant money I took them out because we're not I I do not believe we're going to get to that this year timeline is not going to allow us to do that I've um spoken with Liberty part Partners to the same effect and they they're in agreement um we don't believe we're going to get to a lot of that money so the money's still there either whether we have it on hand or we don't have it on hand most so it is not it's at the FD or wherever um but if for some reason we do beat expectations and we go a lot faster than expected we have to make the corresponding budget amendment but I don't believe we will do that this year so instead of reference on a $57 million budget we have a $50 million budget okay and then the was a a request to look into the training and then education and uh Education and Training and travel budgets so throughout the general fund the general fund not Enterprise funds um I reduced the total training education travel by 15510 uh that then triggered a reduction in a sewer transfer by the same amount what departments did you impact with that decision uh every single general fund budget except for I believe it was it the first that's great it g put anybody in a hard no no we still have all the purple money for IND indviduals who have uh what's the continue credits those individuals can still get that um and departments that uh employees need training that's in there as well do they go to the city uh's what's the group you're in League of cities um do people go to training at that League of cities you mean not the conference but training for the organ the conference they have probably several to choose from but I no typically throughout the year Florida Le cities most of their training is centered around elected officials okay staff staff has has appropriate professional organizations all you did go to mu1 didn't I did you did and I'll go to two also I was supposed to go but so I got an advance but I haven't been do so that's that's everything that has changed inside of what I presented to you the two things we spoke about tonight is the increase in the city managers um total is 21,000 and then 3% is 40,000 so that's a $61,000 increase that um I will find the money and or Council can decide the items we discuss they like get rid of in theory I don't have a problem with it my whole concept is going to be I'm going to have to digest now between now and when we come back for our actual hearing is do we have um I want to make sure that you know once I remove all the grants and look at the numbers that were not run starting in the deficit because that's where we were before when I looked at it okay okay so these are the SR okay I see here now yep yep so in the general fund you we have Debt Service for uh police vehicles fire truck and then the city hall the Lo for City H correct and then in the Enterprise funds we have a number of srfs looks like we have four srfs and then we have a revenue bond that was Consolidated what roughly two years ago now 25 what's our total commitment out of our pockets Co because I can't quite read those numbers from here so in the general fund total commitment I'm $265,250 interest $ 62,5 and that's in the general that's general fund obligations and that was for the police fire in City Hall yes is what you just said correct could you highlight those again and tell me what the total is down there at the bottom the sum of those two total is2 are you asking what they cost overall or yeah the principal plus interest is it 377 out of our this year's total interest for all that is okay $320,000 320 thank you that's in the general fund mhm and what's in the uh Enterprise that one there $789,000 basically $790,000 principal plus interest corre okay thank is that for year ending what 3 that's not 24 no that that is what we have in this budget for this upcoming fiscal year that's what our our debt cost will be okay so in the general fund 320 yeah so it's up to the council how many police okay tell me those Vehicles what what do we how many vehicles for police in that number two to two toah yeah but that's includes prior are you giving me the number for all prior no no so your current your current debt on for the police department is two ties that's all that's all we have that's for what we're is what you owe for the debt that we took out that came in in December of Y okay so first payment is December 24 separate question is that 100% for the police we've only borrowed ones for two vehicles in a prior period and we just got that in December is that accurate correct this year's budget that we were sh to all of you we had the money in there to buy them out and not fin them I'm actually I'm asking actuals not I'm not talking to budget anymore but histo historically when I think the first year that you and I came chief he bought we bought several vehicles and we Finance those those have already fallen off okay we paid for them in other words they're paid for yeah you only have two vehicles that are on that are on finance for police okay what's what's what are we borrowing for fire right now what are we paying on for fire fire truck fire one yes one yeah it was almost $800,000 yeah yeah and you had another one in here for 750 two you have two payments left on existant fire truck okay the money we have in this budget was to match the grant we appli for four okay got it and how much did we borrow on City Hall two million two and a half million I think it was 2.5 fin paying on that it's it's low it's pretty low but it has a it has a pre payment penalty on it how many years the first how many years do you remember I want to say seven I'm going here wasn't it mayor I don't remember was it a hey but it was pretty cheap money yeah it was City Hall has interest rate of 2.2 2.2 how many years I don't see it on here I'm looking at this sheet we're looking until 2037 yeah we're looking at 2037 must have been on 15 year yeah must been on a 15E note5 2.5 million 15 year got it I think the other if I remember correctly some of those other revenue bonds the Enterprise funds they have been there for a long time and we reconsolidated right we restructured them and it was projected to save us I think a $100,000 a year in interest restructuring all those from the 90s from the 90s w so youall have a preference of what you like to take out let me know or you agree with everything talk about I'll find it I hope scenarios I you got a pretty good hand on that's the sell of that property and it's all hypothetical because that would be a carved out piece from what I can tell looking at that where the well is it won't be the full cell well yeah carve it out of be roughly 14 acres you're talking roughly 110,000 if we sell it back at the same price we they purchased or we purchased it at somewhere right around 110 and that's not included in this budget I we talk about that well there oh there's another small piece do something with right down I don't know it's a p parking lot's of it it's behind that two little buildings around there it's got the concrete stuff they're utilizing our property and uh you know only up for sale if you want them to pay a good price for it you don't want Toge them they would be the prominent one to get it but whoever gets it has got a paid lot and U it is a little inset so it really doesn't help us much BR do we rent that whoever us no no no we it was part of the old Health Department no where the health department had parking on side and front but they ALS then they added a little oh it's not even an acre is it a private organization that's in it there or is it we're not charging well no they're not they bought the property matter they bought a little bit from us a little bitty lock yeah but then they're using utilizing the rest of our what they're doing is they got property on the back but they drive across our lot a lot of times they'll Park two sometimes three pieces of not real heavy equipment but you know heav equipment on there and they utilize it every day um that been a problem for us we don't use but I would say it would be an easy sale sounds like it and we don't really need what are we short 60 611 61 either one that I mean what we talked about the other night if that sells and they were wanting to buy that property then I think for more than covered there my thing is though you sell stuff like that it's just a one-time income and then we still have the same problem next year because our costs don't go away we just keep the cost but only have and that's that's where I start having Daniel there is nothing in this budget that we have add increase any other way that is relying upon one time cash nothing so everything you see in here is based off your recurring revenues that came from a conver from a conversation I think I had when I first took over about looking at the budget for long-term purposes how how are we going to get the longterm it's not about one year and so nothing in here is based off a one time cash flow because next year then we would be even worse off so it's all on recurring revenues well so if if if our revenues if you go to your revenues is 21 million and you back out grants which are not recurring they're never the same y back out all those grants and back out impact fees because only the police can use theirs and only the fire can use theirs and only under certain conditions get rid of that get rid of these other little tiny things how much revenues do we really have then at the after you do that MTH I mean for the expenses everything well I'm not even it's easy Danielle because the number that he's going to come up with exceeds what the cost to employee is and then we're talking about other things on top of that that's where my heartburn comes yeah yeah yeah yes I agree with you what make sure what clear what I meant the grants if they had a matching Grant to revenue expense I'm I'm talking about that same with Empire fees when Chief talks about the vehicles we didn't say we were going to get 80,000 in Impact fees this year and use that to fund his vehicles that way if we can't use them for them then we'd be in a bad bind so that 880,000 has a corresponding Revenue to expense that has no use for right now for that reason they're all that's which I'm con and I'm concerned with that only for the mere fact I think he has to add a new position in order to add all the new capital costs that are associated with it uh without the corresponding new new officer that goes along with that so that okay so maybe they change some of the rules then on it that's that could be so we're again we're at 61,000 deficit it's there we can find it if you want me to find it I can do that if y'all like to make that decision that's up to y'all I guess are we are we comfortable allowing KOB to find this 60 61 61,000 or do we want another Workshop before we go to the actual hearings or do we want to provide input on that 61,000 now I'm going to defer because I'm going to meet with you once before if that's okay before the actual hearing so that I can back out all that yeah yeah that's uh so I'll know which way and there may be other opportunities through here um I can't think of them right this second but again the two vehicles and the mats on the fire truck are going to be the easiest if we go ahead and cut the vehicles out and we earmark those in the sell of any properties if we can agree on earmarking those funds towards then at that time Vehicles then I would feel more comfortable with that then correct I mean like like coun said I think yall talked about when we do sell City Hall before I ever use any of those funds you all are going to tell me what to use them on so we come back here and youall feel that those two vehicles if I if I come to you and you ask me if we them and we do need we do need them then that's totally up to you all that's what you only use those pH on that's what that's what I would go with I agree that Mr Townson can agree I don't want I mean I think we've done we've done a lot yeah and the discussion's not going to change I think we've narrowed it down pretty good to what WR with that so everything's good um we will put that in that increase in there in the management position again that is not mine I will not be getting that just make sure everybody throwing that and then a three go from Two and a Half to 3% raise for employees across the board okay that's all I have okay everybody clear have public comment got one coming Lisa sorl Toc Springs um I know you're talking about trying to find money personally my husband his data is incorrect in there he does not have an H so there's 1,800 1,800 he does not have H okay we canceled that it shows on the spreadsheet he does where I mean so your calculations are you know he's literally the only one on that spreadsheet that's showing the HRI so where are the you know the HRI is being calculated into your health insurance benefits but those aren't correct are we going to double check all these figures and this data because obviously one slips through yeah so we received them HR they're all included in a h accounts and everything else is included within health insurance that's that's that's H that's Vision Dental life insurance yes so you typically budget position by those benefits whether the person in has it or not he could leave we have to reill it with another person that wouldn't have that money to we budget it so it'll be unspent it'll be M that rolls forward in the next year to help us MH okay and for the employees that aren't utilizing it though because there's multiple I said you have to budget in case they do but they're not somebody came in after him and they're eligible for it we wouldn't have it if we right but you budgeted it for those positions yet those employees aren't utilizing it and they're not getting the funds thank you thank you anyone else [Music] Andrew Anderson uh I'm an employee here so I'm kind of employee representative they all kind of come to me and me and Kobe have meetings and stuff so I appreciate y'all giving us the extra little bit you know every little bit helps um I went back five years just to kind of see where our Cola is versus what the cola you know has been so for 2020 we got 5% 2021 we got 5% last year we got three and a half and then we got two and a half so I compared that to or I'm sorry this year two and a half three so I compared that to what the Florida's Cola was off of Florida's website and it was 1.6 compared to five 1.3 compared to five then it was 5. n compared to three and a half and then 8.7 so we're still with the 3% we're still 1% behind over a fiveyear period so I've tried to had a long talk with some of the employees today to try to let them know about the buyback program and how it worked because me and Kobe had had a meeting about it to so I could let them know how it's working um some of them are for it some of them are against it some of them just want to use their time instead of getting paid for it which is their choice um but in future or if we could that 1% would get us up to where we were in 2020 if we could ever find those if not you know I understand but I we would like to get you there right without a doubt it's just you've heard this sitting here today and this isn't the first round of discussions with us not even as a whole the individual conversations with Mr towns and trying to rate These funds what can we cut we to increase this coal how can we get them more money and and that's what I've been about ever since I've been here I want to take care of the people who are working for our city um you're the ones that are going to make it make the city look good you're the ones that are making this home right and that's and and we're trying right and I know you guys are um and that's we have a really good group of employees now like I said I've been here for 15 years and by far this is the best group that we've ever worked together everybody works together everybody pretty much gets along you know everybody's out to help each other and communicate and it's just it's a really good group of people to work together and we really don't want to lose that because I've been here when it was everybody at each other and it just was not a fun place to be can I ask you something yes ma'am um you had said 5% in 2020 we gave City gave and then 21 another 5% and 22 three and a half% 23 two and a half% what you no that was that was prop that was that was the proposed this year but y'all have changed that to three I must ad miss something started with 2020 but that was after 2020 2020 yeah 2021 oh you started with okay because the way the budget yeah the way the budget years I understand now okay so this was 21 22 one one more time 5% 20 there was 5% 5% three and a half which was last year so that would have been three years back yeah no that was last year yeah last this current year was three and then we're opposing is three yes Miss so there's two threes okay yes there's a five five three and a half three and a half two five yes one two three four five 5 five three and a half 3 three M am yeah so Andrew I appreciate you coming up and speaking with us and I do want to also say that since you have taken over as kind of the point person for a lot of the things the the relationship has certainly improved and I want to commend you for that I think the council desires to have a positive relationship with all of all the employees uh so again you know hats off to you for you know getting in the trenches and and helping improve everything um I do want to say that you did get 5% and 5% early on when everyone else was only getting 1% so you you effectively got 10% at least a year if not two years earlier than everybody else right 10% maybe even more that that all those employees collected over an entire year when everyone else was only collecting the 1.8% so I think that's important to keep in mind you know we we gave you that money ahead of time right as as Council you know I even remember councilman Crystal uh being very very concerned about employees that were making less than $11 an hour so a lot of those employees are now up to I believe $15 an hour because that's now the minimum so the council in the last five years has made significant strides to take care of its employees I do want to also say that I agree with my fellow council members taking care of our employees lowering turnover is important yes right retaining the people that are that are here that are already trained is far better than seeing that turnover correct so I do want to take care of our employees um that's why I've had several conversations with uh with Kobe about having a salary survey done and I know I know prior to my tenure a salary survey was done and then it was withheld and then there was no raises given because they didn't like the Ser I don't want to repeat that correct what I've asked Kobe to do is at task HR with collecting a lot of that salary information internally so that as a council we can can make an educated decision about how we're paying our employees and how we're retaining our employees because I do think that is important it's important to I do have some of that I don't have all of it but I do have some of that information I can give to Kobe if you know sure for y'all um Okaloosa Walton County you know the neighboring counties and stuff and what they're paying our positions you know that way we can kind of see where we're at that's kind of where I had looked at you know for sure for sure so again thank thank you for for all your hard work and problem helping with our relations anything else appreciate got that not right now but maybe somebody up here can explain to me thank you for having patience with me I'm having a hard time connecting with why we're giving so much money away when we should be giving it to our employes and that's not a conversation for right now but if you mayor or Kobe would like to explain that to me and not take up time here I appreciate that okay all right anyone else one one last Point clarification so the council there the original recommendation from the mayor was 3% for mayor C1 seat three seat four and seat five in I understanding that we're not going to do nothing at all nothing okay well there's there's $2,000 so there you go you're earning your keep you know that in the bank yeah that's all I how much were we taking away from our attorney's contract now wait there is no contract just kind of penalize do up well I mean I know you got a good reason you know the thing is Mayor you already got that time for free here you don't get build that's right that's right y j now I won't even bother to bill [Laughter] you there you go time thank you I got