##VIDEO ID:y-xcczoz2vU## so what KOB do you recommend that we bring to the council this is you have talk about here list this is what y'all recommend to them us need a motion recommend to the council um to ask staff bring back for a do par and that this would be number one and then the property behind the armor be number two option that point you go to council and they approve staff moving forward like working on we would have to we want have to start with figuring out the cost so that's when we had to get into the design part of it the preliminary is rough stuff um then we would have to locate cost figure out whatever will cost that we have in that design okay at that point that we then have to go to the council for approval and if they approve approval doesn't mean that we begin the next day find the money it would be then that we would put it on our CIP and um then at that point we would start to locate and try to find the r resources or start working toward the fundraising to do it so there's multiple levels of approval you ever get to couldn't it but you need the preliminary one for start getting information together and then you need want to put it on the CIP so um when you were talking about bringing in what we would want to do right away what we want to do as phase two and phase three you're talking about bringing that though at our first um when I whenever we would go before the council and say Here's what our thoughts are this is the this is the site that we really would like to pursue here are the phases that we could foree it the coming and option two would be so you go three phases and here's how much each phase cost so but we won't have that cost immediately right so you're talk you're not talking about doing that immediately or what I've miss something in so we would take it to them we would show them the cost of doing each phas of it right and they to going our CIP first I'm going to assume it's over $50,000 this as to go there and then every budget cycle or during the year we we find the money to do it through grants whatever take it to them they approve it or not that or budget our budget comes up we start discussing it if that's something they want to see us you put funding in the budget for next year and move forward it's not a I'll take the council they give us preliminary it's going to take us a year to get this information we then it won't take long for staff to get prelimary design which are looking for get a cost assment together take it back to coun put on CIP once something's on the CIP we do begin to rank things we got to do a better job see but once it's on there we then have the ability to start looking for money finding money because it's approved project by okay so when I'm going to the council I'm still going to give them the phase one two and three and then if that's what staff comes back and they decide on that's when we're looking for the cost analysis once they put the yeah once they approve just the concept of doing the dog paron that's when we start looking for the cost okay the design then we have put on C on CP then that's when we're all the time as we see things and have opportuni this when we pursue okay all right I just wanted to be clear on that cost thing I got confused step okay all right now we would personally like to meet with the task force to bring forth an option for Highway 90 and then our option for 83 and you to be able to present that to city council as what we discussed and I'm sorry say that again we the task force would like to have a meeting to discuss Highway 90 option and make a presentation just like this as we did with 83 because there are changes so I think though that correct me if I'm wrong I think we've got a pretty good idea of what you guys did and I don't think we need anything formal in terms of a presentation I'm just going to bring this I'll I'll put it in a synopsis uh and I don't think they'll need this in order they probably not read all that anyway heard me say that record um no they would have read it but uh but this way we'll keep it short and sweet in what we present to them um and uh and let them let's get going with it um yeah the first all we're looking for the very first time is for them to say yes to even consider an apartment if they say no yeah we've gone through that with city council to where they've said yes but they approved that specific so we want to bring it back them for this then we'll start if they say no we can we can go back to our our other on does the county only join property or the city where this is no we own this whole we own everything right second selling the property line down there cut that we everything okay all right with that uh is there anything else that anybody wants to add for the workshop before we transition over to the re okay all right uh the workshop is adjourned it is 48 oh you're good you're good you can do whatever you like thank you thank you do we have the minutes from June 6 oh they were linked down there printed out no will you go up there you just click the link and print three of them out if you'll open if you want to you can open meeting and we can do is just just rearrange the order of it Y and so you can bring them down okay yes it is uh the 12th of September at 419 and we're beginning the uh beautification and tree board meeting I will call the meeting order uh we're going to skip the approval of minutes while we go get those printed up uh but we would like to jump to the suggestions for native plants for the median areas of the downtown uh Evan did you have something or was that Mike or both of you uh I put together uh you know Mike talked it over with me and I put together a list I realized I didn't have uh at least one on there that I'd like to add but okay uh yeah there's a there's a number of plants here not all of them are native but they should be Florida friendly at very least okay which means that they're not going to be a probably invasive you know PL wise uh there's a number of different types of plants on the list here so uh if you're looking for a shrub like a small shrub there's Sunshine the gustum and I would add uh dwarf yopon Holly to that that is a native dwarf yopan Hol y Au U p o okay tough as Nails grows everywhere um and they have to work for for landscaping okay uh drif or knockout roses again very tough and colorful in the war [Music] Seasons um I did put Beauty Berry on there which is a little bit less of a formal um Ed likes a little bit of shade so if there were any areas like that um it it does pretty well wherever you put it don't know if you can kill the things but it does have some visual interest especially in the late uh you know part of the Season gets those bright purple berries on if we do have shade areas there's Cast Iron Plant which uh they call it so because it's again tough to killat yeah they they plant it often in very shady areas under trees where you can't grow much else I like the idea of the cast iron between the parking and the um Railroad and I know that's not areas that main Street's talking about that it's still city property and I think that that's nothing that shade on that block yeah from um where created is down to the um barber shop that yeah that would be a great place for that sure yeah um Lantana uh you know kind of a as long as you don't get the invasive varieties we have some ornamental varieties that stay fairly low they spread make bright colored flowers that attract pollinators so yes that's a pretty good one there's uh some ornamental grasses that are pretty tough your mu grass and then there's ly or a grass which is a you know sometimes used as a more formal edging or that sort of thing it can also be a ground cover or specimen PL CS purple flowers how does it do in shade does it do well there too yeah yeah actually I have a backyard called with stuff your your grass is like that or just or just battle axes they can they can handle it yeah that that is tough stuff um let's see where was I and then CTI Palm is a nice uh kind of you know Florida people like the tropical look so that's a a tough uh low they call it a ground pepper it's more of a low edgy low gr yeah it's probably the only palm tree I actually it's not a tree I like yeah so it's not actually a palm but kind of sort maybe that's why I like it so uh I like I like cie Palm um blanket flow or Gardia Beach sunflower black eyed susan those are all bright colored flowers they need very little in terms of care they reive themselves like nothing else um less formal in appearance but you know for a pop of color and something you don't want to take care of that's those are your choices what are the on the grasses I think we all know what me grasses but what are what are the other two uh fakahi grass and purple love grass they're all you know fairly similar in the habit so they you ornamental grasses the um I think the me grass is pinkish the purple love grass is kind of that um smoothly if you stand back it kind of looks like a smoky Purple Haze yes in the when it's when it's got the SE heads on it um they're all good choices for this area those those tend to like full sun okay you want to see any of that material right there when we planted water sound North we've got seeds of grass we've got seeds of I mean seeds of like I can't say that la la la aaty grass orever hat and I'm gonna be real careful be careful with that and uh we've got sensitive Vine we've got I mean there was everything down there we planted it scraping everything off the wall in there and a lot of it is just wonderful stuff and I I've got some after or I might just be renaming some of the other ones so I think with whatever we pick because we want to get continuity right so it needs to be something that is shade friendly and Sun friendly um most of it being Sun friendly though there's not a lot of the little medians there that don't get full sun right so I would love to see you know cast iron in the areas where nothing else is going to grow where it's just there um that would be that's not necessarily with Main Street that would be something we just have to the ly is pretty tough in terms of either Shad or sun and I think there is already some down by the clock from the corner there I think so too there is some so that need to replace that you want to take I'd like to see something that is more or oral like the grass and maybe mix that with some of the the drift or the knockout roses I think that would that would make a nice statement a mix of two or three of those I'm not a designer so I don't know um I don't know what might look best together but um you know something that might have some bright green in it is there something there that would be I mean I know something along the lines of like the color of the potato I know that's just an annual thing but is there anything out there that might be have that contrast in it that no are you asking about Brown covers or just plants that we can mix in so let's say we've got some of the the Roses some grass and then what what else could be you know to to be on the opposite of the color wheel of the red get to the I mean that that Sunshine G is almost yellow I just tried this sketch something out okay that kind of was representative of everything and everything has a tree it all so the square footage is not but what I kind of did in here was put some fountain grass and that would give you something around the base of the tree give it a little height in there and then this would be say Doom sunflower right here and let it go over the edge a little bit and leave it you know not much I'm just saying so it doesn't look placed in there it looks naked natural and then like U Gardia M or sensitive Vine have you ever dealt with sensitive sensitive plant you actually put your hand on it and it CLS up and it go this when take your hand off they open up and there's a like a a violet Bloom on them and they're beautiful but I just did this because that's how we could do a lot of that stuff you can I see I mean it would be kind of I don't know so you said sensitive plants yeah I got a list up them right and what you said dun sunflower these are you see yes I definitely want to see color and some structure and continuity that's yeah and that that lighter green that you're talking about you could get that in some of the grasses that has some variated versions The Sunshine lustrum is a shrub that almost yellow it's like bright did I have some in my backyard I don't might it's a pretty common one so okay for full each now these are battle axe BLS I these can handle the we need battle for the most part with maybe you know a couple that if we needed to swap out we could but we need these to be planted and done these grow I mean to me some of the harshest conditions in South Walton which is you know where the is on road sides and Gardia glows out there blanket I mean um new I mean everything just grows there but that's some of the stuff that so I think maybe we can um this week because y'all know what all this looks like I don't and we've got two board members missing so maybe this next month we can go back we can kind of pick our favorites and then make our our recommendation at the next meeting in weeks okay and the good thing about using a lot of that stuff it's not expensive if it expires women yeah a lot of people would be willing to go thank you guys for looking those up and um tell me when you're not get out of the park you got drawings two good ideas a list of plans yeah you're getting a raise before the next meeting all right I got water this time already got your that was what I was okay um let's go two minutes um you guys can uh if you haven't already read those up over we need to get a um motion to approve if you don't see any changes if you do see changes Point them out I'll make a motion to accept we have a motion in a second all in favor I motion passes and we are good for those minutes um citizen comments we don't have any citizens but anybody else that on the board that has anything that they would like to add our citizens were here for the workshop so okay all right with that um well yeah so I missed that we were yeah the dog park uh recommendation was supposed to be in our um on our agenda and it wasn't so we'll add that for next time okay with that we'll adour y it is 432 easy peasy shortest meeting we've ever --------- ##VIDEO ID:wgp6ZPux1WA## how about you same thing sheas a little foury old around four how'd that happen [Laughter] [Music] exactly four year old that oh okay I'm sorry that's not good that's not good I think summer's coming what's Mike's excuse his excuse this time is more travel he was he's traveled to um Green Bay really okay you say hey to Dexter M now when he up there he just called me from the airport actually did he wanted to make sure that we had the list of plants excellent I already turned it down very good listen to what I did today I was couldn't find my glasses mhm so looked in this drawer that we have that everything kind of goes into and I put my glasses on to look for good going yeah everybody's done that not me you come on come on I have been talking on my phone looking for my phone there you go same sa same SA okay take look at I don't know about know if you gotens you gotens park okay start okay thanks Scot all right let's go ahead and do this I have not heard from Summer and we'll we'll get started if she can she can let's bring this uh beautification and treeo dog park Workshop to order it's 303 on September 12th I'm sorry see me I didn't ask if you were ready okay all right you're good all right thank you um okay so I'm gonna throw a little bit of a curve ball at everyone um I just got finished talking with our interim city manager Kobe who's joined us here today um there is another location that we could potentially consider and I wanted opinions right outside literally right outside between and between here and yes so if you want to get up and look whoops I'm to drill so over on the other side of this fence it is a little bit sloped but it's not bad um we've got roughly an acre and a half that we could utilize not we would need yes wow and you've already got trees for shap and you've already got cars slowing down cars slowing down the parking we've got parking right over here and I like the thought of maybe trying to to grab some people traveling through to stop um and and have a little a little taste of defunc would be much I mean 83 is going to get some traffic don't get me wrong because it's 83 we do have a lot of traffic but this is our main portal for Town what what are your first thoughts I got one well I have a lot more than yeah first thoughts is it can happen is the same one everybody else is thinking what if my dog gets off the and I'm that's what I'm looking at that would be you know but I'm thinking if we have a tall enough fence sure um and multiple I mean there are other big cities that deal with it they are slowing down right it's not like they're going by at 100 miles an hour and you you know you people have to have some you know worry themselves before they get here and take precautions for their dogs getting off so I mean I think that'd be great well and Kobe pointed out that it is a lot more visible so it should get a lot more use just from the citizens um shade is the shade is great the grass is there we don't have to establish side it would say it would say have to clean it you don't have a bathroom that's accessible now yeah that's the other where we that are we going to put in a porta poot are we going to build bathrooms well no you know South Walton doesn't have one so I mean we can always grow into that they have Porter potty do they now well they used to I mean they didn't when I went but that was the last time I went was probably a year and a half ago talk when they first bu well I mean like two years after that okay there's no restroom there now and I'm not saying that's ideal but it could be something we could grow into and we can talk about that today um Carry what what are your thoughts my thoughts are I like it I mean like the only um thing I would like and just there some kind of sign please slow down dog park ahead you know they're not GNA do anything but it's a visual hopefully someone will see it yeah yeah but honestly you know with Chief and his enforcement if it's over here he's going to get on to people coming through this area knowing with the dogs and whatnot well and I think also got to remember that most of the dog parks have a security entrance gance so that should eliminate some of the risk of a dog getting past the second gear right yeah think I'd say that the fence along the road could be a little classier than just a chain would be good yeah yeah do something do something that that actually not even here even at the other we got come out and so just yeah the only thing I would say yes I was saying at least six because we know those Shepherds and basically welcoming people that's right we love our animal we just love our dogs though we don't love our cats reason C wants to come to the dog park it's more than welcome um another thing I like about this is there's good soil under there and this will hamper some of the sinking of the urine wash out some of it not that it'll turn into a pipeline out there the grass will get tore up eventually it will all of this is a lot is a bigger portion that from that fence that corner of that right there Corner 90 down around the city down back up basic that's just that whole and that is ideally sized what we need that's what we3 now obviously we have ton of rain we've got some water sitting how is the rest of that landscape out there anybody know this wouldn't be included little but you relativ Qui not work there's a parking lot already over there little further the end of that but the entrance would be next to the correct which is an awesome the be side the fence put the double gate system talking about yeah and add in and if you had to you could put the double gate system in and P water lines or anything that run anywhere near there we have waterc just finding it anding it well this is just much more welc over there you kind of feel like airport make it yes we were gonna make it lovely but to do that was going to be a big cost and here this should reduce cost a lot and it would get more usage which is a concern rate if we're putting the how many people areuse it that's a huge concern over there even though it's a Well trapped area right it may only be local here somebody coming through I need to get out and stretch my legs know we're here Str used to be able to say over behind the Armory now people go who's the Armory yes boys ands refoss Street froms I 0 what were you gonna say I guess you still could for the okay so regardless of location I still think a lot of what the task force what you guys came up with is still going to be applicable um but and I I know we all have you know concerns and questions about that particular location so um I brought my little baby first you'll probably use oh yes I did yes I did found it thank you um so the things I heard you say was having a a six or eight foot nice fence Evan just just just suggested dog Port holes to look through adding a bathroom the other thing I was going to say is you know I I always think about what the council's going to think and are they going to say no because this may not be the highest and best use of the property ultimately but because they have no plans for it right now I think it the the case can be made that disassembling a dog park would be pretty simple um we're talking about fencing so if they ever wanted to use it for something in the future for other buildings we can relocate it at that point a fall back back agreed um what other things did we talk about uh I've got yes we do so we've got fence bathroom I there's there going to be a sally port in it you know like a sally port is whenever you come into it you actually go into a fence that's NE it's just right you get it together I think we all agree no matter where it is we would have a double gate yeah one large and one small yes yes okay so do we uh agree board that we want to move as we discuss we're discussing based on this location okay the yes yes thank you okay so we want to make recommendations to the city council based on what we have today those recommendations will come in the meeting to follow we don't take action in a workshop so that's why we set this up right before our board meeting so that we can take those uh action items and to make recommendations to our Council um what type of fence materials would you all what what type of design would you envision for this site right what I believe any way you go pretty much I think it's going to have to be backed with a like rubber coated hurricane fence and then you know you can have something wooden just for a Aesthetics what do you guys think about doing like a rot iron style that was my I think that would be really fitting that was what I wanted to do when we were hoping to do it downtown at least fronting the road I mean you could do like the there's like bricks and rod iron or just R iron or whatever is but I think at least bricks exactly I think like it was more meant to be there as opposed to we just threw our animals in like and those actually like coincide with I know that gets pricey well well and you could you could put something down at the bottom to keep them from getting out of course that's what I think Tony was talking about like putting some sort of backing on it that's sort of see-through and then they also make the puppy tickets um but I do think having something that netting type thing behind it would be ideal yeah and then all we'd have to do is just get I mean most of them I've ever been to had you like fire hydrants in so we just get Stu and like toss it around in there and I think that we would be able to again we can fund raise and do all the things but I think that we're fundraising for fencing and now we're not fundraising for all the other stuff like the big trees and the grass we can use that money towards equipment that the dogs can use or towards a bathroom or those those sorts of things so I think you know our wish list can immediately move forward into yeah I would I would do the historically appropriate 90 and do the regular chain link black chain link yes F yeah more expensive on the front exactly um going by your your um documents here so could we equally apply uh what you all were talking about with having about a quarter of it for the small dogs and three4 of it for the big dogs yeah okay ADA compliance for Access um I think that's something that we would want to make sure that we have of course now we have a little bit of a hill what kind of challenges do you foresee with that um I mean it just depend on where the entrance is at um getting to it getting into the entrance I me once you get into it we could probably have some way to get to somewhere an ADA access to some sitting point but we can't make the whole property Ada we'll never get there would we need to have that engineered um I mean we need probably need a survey to come someone would come out and Survey it ad perspective to see the slope and what's permissible to get to the to entrance get in the urance and then get to I would I would think we would be okay if we could get to at least one sitting area and go yeah it would take some Engineers or I'd say that it would take someone I don't know who that would be okay that might be able to be like a phase two or three with walkway and I guarantee you you wouldn't want to be at South W right now you be sitting about KNE deep yep now going with the you know the r [Music] that mm I may be skipping ahead um all right so we need to locate utilities I just think about some you know you you got to pick up the poop and I'm just wondering if this angle over here somebody jolly and know along and their dog poops right on the highest part or the hilliest part what if they fall down slide down the and then the hills that we'll have the same sign that we have everywhere else you're at your own RIS breathe in and out at your own risk yeah yeah I was about to bring up rules and then I um realized we needed to talk about utilities first um you guys had a couple of different pages of rules I think I think you had page seven and 12 12 12 is definitely blurrier than I can read okay okay got any okay so for the record I'll read those real quick dog park rules use park at your own risk owners are legally responsible for the behavior of their dogs at all times dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting the park dog waste must be cleaned by their owners immediately owners must be within the dog park and supervising their dog with leash readily available Dog Handlers must be at least 16 years of age children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times aggressive dogs must be removed immediately dogs should be under voice control and then the prohibited items were human and dog food SL treats glass containers dogs in heat sick dogs aggressive dogs and puppies under four months are those things that first of all is are all of those reasonable and do we think that would be we can just simply copy that and do that or any of those questionable for you the only one that bothers me is you know you say uh mean dogs whatever they call aggressive uh a lot you don't know and twice I mean I went to the one in South won when I lived down there I probably went 15 times and four times I had to get people's dolls off other people's dogs is there a person that will come around well that's a great place to have it too because if somebody sees somebody struggling yeah you can have somebody right there but I'm telling you people bring them whether you tell them to or not I know but at least we can say we asked you not to and all has a bite history go litigation yeah we said no anyway yeah the only thing that I question is the dog treats because I'm thinking if I'm taking my dog out there and I'm doing recall training or something like that I'm GNA want to have treats to train um do you do you guys have thoughts on that on why maybe that was excluded and I'm it's something I don't know about yeah okay I figured I just didn't know if those wasach okay what's a what's a Time thing would be open because I have an aggressive dog and I would come and go to it only when there weren't other people around because he's I me he's aggressive to to like one or two dog one different times but I would go early or late yeah it would be the same same rules as every other parking L explicitly changed and I agre you know he's not mean it's just if another dog comes and puts his head over his neck it's own were there any other um rules that we should include that weren't on this list that anyone can think of this sounds crazy but I would like something saying You must be able to control your dog because I had I I had to deal with a a dog that was 185 lb mask the owner was 135 lbs and he could not deal with that dog that's why he couldn't get them could you say uh under oh okay yeah okay and if if the these won't be you know obviously these are what our recommendations are but this is subject to change the council may have some additional rules that they want in there um good point yeah yeah good point all right so we talked about the double gate the fencing I'm just going to um what was remind me what the suggestion was again [Music] I like I like but because right here office who has an opinion I'd like it' be something kind of snazzy but you know what do we call the one in the South South everybody's gonna call ITC Bark Park or go park or whatever but I'd like something a little catchy or something like you know a name of stadium and call the field I like that I know if you get that point you could do a community put on Facebook ask people to give options yeah yeah I think that'd be great cont yeah I like the contest but we have to publish all the names set CU I'm sure there'll be some winners that I'm sure there will be it'll be published in our meeting it'll be public record good so um so we would need to address the parking lot and this was last minute or I could have changed it and we could have made it where we would have like an on-site thing um but obviously you guys can go look after our meeting the St well and I think we could probably also incorporate some really nice lighting into the fence so that um you know it's very welcoming when you M right want to stay out there with your dog so the where the building is where the safe is so there's and there need to be lighting but there is a did there's another set of I can't see this but probably there another set of parking spots just to the what would be considered technically the north so stop to the building and another set of one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 10 more parking spots and they go to the corner of that family thing so your entrance would be right there beside that what would our total be would it be 10 I mean there's 10 there then you got the PD safe and that looks to be about eight I mean that's people are here at one time it's gonna be crowded that's gonna be a wild dog it goes there enter yeah there a sidewalk in front of it that's perfect we had to restrap yeah I was thinking too on the name thing has there ever been like a a military dog or something from WT County that has shined in war huh we have P has two dogs and we did have one the best but I was just wondering is there one that you know has like you know War veteran you know special sexual history or somebody you know the police force or something like that really just something something to think about just yeah I that one I all right so we want to have um sign for the park itself and I think um Kobe we have a um are we still using the same sign design standard that was that we chose when you were involved with the tree board three years ago design yeah we had a signed standard for all of our pars unless something has changed I think it's still the same and we were trying to replace signs you know one or two every year until all the parks were uh we have to that down we'll get ra um we'll have to find it go back and find it and that doesn't mean we couldn't change it for this um because I I think it'll probably need to be a little bigger if we're going to have it on Highway 90 for people passing by but I'd like to I'd like to know what we've got as a standard and then we can decide if we want to deviate from that in any way whether it's size or design or whatever some f one of the fundraising ideas you all had were the entrance papers I think that's a a neat idea the only thing I think that uh one of the councilmen had brought up about the Labyrinth is that if it doesn't fill up and then by the time it does fill up now that brick is no longer available or something along those lines and having availability um it was South Florida or Central Florida where I got the idea of the brick uhuh and that's what they do St of the brick company that's all they do is engrave bricks okay I mean I give you the information yeah if you wouldn't mind and that would probably be helpful for their other project that they're talking questions and okay yeah thank you how about V yeah incorporate it into the into the brick columns if I remember that's a good idea costs um in the public push price is about 50% I think they're like 435 a Breck they're saying sell about 70 or so so there is you know unless if we keep that there is a good Mar you could you could um whether you put it on the ground or not when went the college in Huntington when you graduate everyone graduating class get a brick and they replace a sidewalk with it um and when you donate you can do to so you can t people to donate if you donate you get a brick with your name on it or something that goes in the ground showing you where initial sponsor of it yeah and I think you could it could be substantially more than what the brick cost and you can also have it where if you donate you know big money let's say $500 or $1,000 you can have your brick in the column and it's not just on the ground we always Oliver's got to get his du man he's got to be in a column somewhere large companies eat that stuff oh yeah absolutely they do okay okay and that may be how we get I mean it can be Ada accessible that may be how we get our pathway in our seating area are there any grants there are are there are um some like the the Pet Smart one you had to include PetSmart in the name uh and I don't know that that that's not desirable to me um how big do it after but I know that we can also get um are people Liberty um Liberty Partners they uh are our grant writers and Grant finders so that can be something that they can look for as well we do this one else so oh okay we have a grant coordinator Denise oh good the would handle this okay gotcha so our inhouse we can find it okay this be F we'll find it all right I know we need seating uh K you had talked about FPL maybe doing something with some solar benches I mean that's I mean that's something they would be willing to do again they did it for for we put that in there um just just some idea they they do them again I don't know people could people could donate benches have plaes on them I think we're going to go after um some venes for the cemetery through a um so that that's a recurring Grant every year so we may do it one year at Cemetery we do it one year here we could switch it up I think that Grant I had to ask anise she's right there but I want to thank that grants yeah you grab her uh you get up to 50,000 I could be wrong she'll come here in a second okay but that's one particular who that Grant does support um benches and um more senior Citi friendly yeah a Main Street had uh some benches that they had used for um opportunities for Grants and I think they were somewhere around $1,250 if you wanted to to donate one of those Denise can you tell us the a grant how much did you get up to that and it's yeah so we Cemetery did one we could do one another another year for s project what is the T-Mobile one that you mentioned for Community yeah I think I think Main Street was going after that too for something else one time they're doing now they think that's who's paying for their Appliance okay and it's for specifically Community projects okay great thank you Den um water fountain yes you do you would like one of those okay Tony just for you just yeah I was thinking a smaller like they go and La the out than a huge one for people yes agreed everybody else in agree agreement that we don't want to drink out of the same Mountain as the dog a little taller okay uh separate sections waist bins they have the waist bin yes um obviously this comes into maintenance for the city um how often it's hard to know any other they have to come have to come we do bars frequently so more than once a week so I think seen the photo in here I think best place is for the entrance of the double gate um put the trash can there and put the the bags like I know Flor Lake Jackson they get periodically right but again that's a long stress so people are supposed to be picking up about themselves yeah they know they'll have to walk through there and check but I think having just that one main it probably be sufficient other than a couple trash can maybe I don't want to stick just from Main I don't want to stick the trash can down way down there and T people to drop trash i' rather leave it all one area up here one keeps it cleaner and two it's easier right but I don't think it's impossible okay agility equipment now we're getting to the fun stuff so definitely feel like there' probably be grand opportunity for that through some of those competitions and stuff um I know I know there's probably contact I don't know them but um going up 83 from P high school left um somebody I know who Ed on property but somebody bought the property and they train they do that there I saw that and they frequently do it on the weekend haven't been by there so long but um every now and then the weekends they'll have a bunch of people out there and they'll be doing and they do agility stuff thereat so they' be probably proba Conta theun call my home what type of other equipment did you guys see when you were looking around at some of these Parks um I know you've included some pictures here uh you know whether it's a thing you know that they run through or you know little Hills and things what are some stuff that stuck out to you like a balance be okay say again up one side and down the other yes maybe we can get someone from the road department get a second cement yeah yep think the little the dodging you know where they go back forth that would be pretty easy sticks in the ground what is that called serpen there was a main thank you very much should to I think whatever yall decide do we start with something that's you last like the concrete that's last um make whatever heater thing or said make it out of wood or something take a while the poles can be some hard material it's not going to fade and break this keep main down until we see the usage right yes I also think that we could get um you know some of some possibly some corporate sponsorships by saying you know here we'll allow you to advertise your thing if you help us keep it up up and do stuff like that I don't know how you feel about that K oh I personally have a problem with it I just or if it's just contributing from legal respect for the council if they're gonna want the organ companies having permanent advertisement on property um that'll be the only thing about okay I think the papers and stuff that's not right in your face it's a little different and you donated so you got recognition for that but let I don't know what you mean by advertising but I don't know sticking let's say FPL the side of the concrete um Culver I like that no I think I was thinking more along the lines of like a a sign when you walk in this part is maintained thanks to the courtesy of oh such and such business and they're you know giving money every year to like the Garden Club at the library that maintain the butterf it's kind of disguised as something else still yeah I don't mean that I just mean like a little advertisement for whoever it is that's giving money for it but nothing that's can you accept donations like I know a lot of them have donations that you can give to dog parts no I mean we could the city can accept donations I don't put in box yeah because yeah just from a liability not I do not believe staff would ever take money that's not what I'm saying but I don't want them have responsibility to collect it bring it up there or somebody we can have a Q code here and do it put a QR code on a sign and have it connect with you know venmo the city or whatever yeah I like that I think people visit things that they feel a little vested in it's like you got money on the I like the designs that y'all put for the waste bins I know we're started I think we may have a standard now for our waist bins too or is that just in I I think that may just be in Lake DC but I think that we would want to do the same style to keep it consistent and why is your what's your thinking behind that well Wi-Fi access was a wish list yeah that was a wish list how would that be um not saying it can't be done it's way more tainable now it would be over there that's for sure yeah I think again we think goes back some of these other other ideas of Check City usage first go from okay [Music] yeah it is um pet waste composting I had not heard of that or thought of that who wants to educate us very mixed emotions okay do you know anything about this I don't um I I know about composting but waste composting I worry you put it in there well I worry gotcha it look good yeah I worry about who's gonna take care of it right and how bad it's GNA smell in the me for for for edible food you wouldn't want to use that because pets you know have medicine that they take and uh you don't know what that's true uh I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend using that for edible food we'll just give that to the L yeah yeah okay all right we'll uh we'll let go sorry to be sck of the yeah [Music] yeah um you don't mind Tony last thing about the artificial Church yes I have going everywhere um okay and um there's also a video to see how the Y go through the quot but um that's and this what makes this sample special so to speak is it just for pets or it stays cool or it's just [Music] a at least okay and we was thinking about having the wash station put that there so the actual grass won't wash out okay that I have the person's contact oh okay that's good that they're not far what are they say is a life of that they did I didn't ask really right they have a website and I said the person could answer all the question okay well I think we can probably Circle back let's um because we can talk about fundraising when we get a little closer we don't need to cover that today and we've got 10 minutes left so what haven't we covered that our task force members think we need to add or our board members don't need we just because yeah I'll be glad to do that yeah absolutely would okay I think we would want to get a formal survey ordered as part of this probably yeah well we should have one we bought property they would surveyed the property okay we did that in November we did that in early 2022 so that's right so we'll surve okay so we just need to get a copy of that and right after this I can probably just walk through an eyeball it I I doubt there's anything there I don't think so either and I don't thinkful I mean there's no there's no fence so you don't don't have to tell schedule just go [Music] Add Water thinking I think one is enough I think one yeah walk over there to where it is yeah we just go back to a lot of the stuff create make it to where it's always useful but make it to where we need if it get enough usage you can expand it I think you're going to be a you'll see a lot more favorable response from the council we go in with a plan that's cost effective and is do it and then over time you can show the use of need to increase then fine I would look yep thank you I know we talked about adding some to the parking lot area um with it being Dust Till Dawn would we need more lighting than what's just say on the fence like on the top of the post I don't know the I doubt it I think if you L up the fence that would probably keep it from looking like a scary graveyard but then it could make it real dark in the middle real you could go with some Ting or down in the tree that to me looks wonderful yeah I think that would be yeah I might keep might keep roughing out IDE you got two and one meeting I want that I want that be it is on the record yes if we if we move that direction I think we do need to get some winds under our belt and show that it's being used yeah um and then say Hey what if we turned this into yeah yeah I think it's um I think we had ability to get the engineers who can do preliminary sketches um based off the phases that y'all have go to them and you need put everything I want to do on a on a on like a phase three sheet okay have a phase two sheet and a phase one sheet but because let's say I don't know if ever get this far but let's say do what y suggesting the well conern the bathroom I don't want to put $60,000 wor the fence up and then in three years we get the need for we and I got to take a quarter of it down and redirect it so I think you going and do the planning now build a fence to where you would put in the future unless it's just unreasonable then you build it later but I think you determine on the plans where you would put such a thing like this build around it and then grow into it it's will save a lot of money in okay do a lot more to okay that said I think what um tell me what you think about this since this was a last minute thing we can all take our time this next three weeks before then or whenever the next meeting is um and be thinking about where we would want that come back and then we can make some final uh recommendations to the council is was hoping we might be able to do that after this but I want everybody to put boots on the ground on this and and it's only three more weeks yeah yeah just right there um this is a workshop there's no action to be taken um so so could be here in case anybody was to show up and ask where's the meeting so if you wanted to do it right now you could just leave the meeting open on Jour you can start your regular meeting um at time when you get done okay works for me it's not raining let's go again that's be Noe thank you anybody shows up you let them know okay that yes care