##VIDEO ID:ybpSt9ofPe4## [Laughter] G doing all right let's see all right [Music] prob we just man to prob destroying the printer in no idea I guess there he is inspiration board is not actual all right I don't have it all runs together we're going to call this uh city council meeting to order today is Monday August 12 2024 and if you stand with me for the invocation and follow the pledge allegiance Heavenly Father we thank you Lord for your love towards us toward this city and toward all those God that make up this city and and the city council we ask God for your wisdom your guidance Clarity on everything that we do Lord that we do it decently in in order in Jesus name we pray amen I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right um we'll begin with the consent agenda we would entertain motion to approve as written or if there's anything needs to be removed uh or moved uh please let us know at this time motion to approve consent agenda is written second I we have motion second any questions and I think we're all the way around to Tod Tod yes right all in favor say I I I I I I carried thank you very much on the regular agenda is there anything Kobe that's been added or deleted no May motion to approve regular agenda as written second I have a motion and second any questions all in favor to say I I I all I I car thank you very much and we will throw it to our inner city manager Mr Kobe thank you very much all right so A1 lift station three um as we've all been aware um has had some issues with the pump um and so Kyle and I had went down to lift station three just prior to me going out of the office and looked at it um and it is in pretty bad shape and so we're working on that one of the biggest things we talked about was replacing the pump um and that initial cost I think KY we pulled is a little over 20 grand and so this pump isn't that old it it's salvageable so we thought it' be most cost efficient to have a repair and so we like to get that pump repaired and put back in at the same time we'll replace the control panel the control panel is roughly $2500 and so we're doing this um we will be having conversations with a developer moving forward about the property Lift Station 3 is at the back of um of but you know right here off of yes thank you the name of the project right second correct yeah correct and so if you know this is B Springs is down below M village Village Spring Village Springs yeah and so um this will be this will get the lift station running back efficiently and if we do work something out with a developer and we need to make changes to the lift station these parts are interchange with other stations as well so it's not going to be a waste whatsoever and so we we would ask for approval of this repair to get that lift station back running um efficiently and safely motion to approve L lift station three pump repair and control panel replacement second all have motion second are there any questions the funds where the funds we going to come from yes we have an r&m system in sewer that's still has funds in it and we also have a Jacob's operating hasate F thank you I'm happy to see lift station being repaired but I know we've recently discussed more extensive list so would just like some sort of update on that more extensive repair list at some point okay um I can get KY we're speaking about the last council meeting is that right okay I'll get with Kyle we did have uh in the update some of the issues we've seen and we will get some more of those but as I think there was a list of smaller pumps that we've talked about and it's roughly $80,000 so staff is working to get an ITB put together for a legal's approval we bring that back to the council hopefully do that this fiscal year with the money we have available and that'll replace I believe seven that'll add seven pumps to various lift stations and replace eight uh control panels yes okay thank you any question anyone else all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much back to you Kobe you so number two um that we are going need to buy more meters and registers and we do have uh we have fault this through empire under Soul source that I believe we have we have gotten last year yes 2023 and so this is these meters and registers as we talked about other night at the budget meeting if we're going to move forward with getting the new software for our water system these are compatible so again we're not buying something that has to be turned around and replaced again these automatically roll into that and so this is just a natural replacement every month which we do have substantial amount of Replacements and so we just need to approval to purchase this to continue that Reg maintenance motion to approve second there a motion second any questions same thing funding source sir any questions comments anyone all in favor say I I I all I I Carrie thank you very much go to number three first water supply um staff needs to make a large bulk order for um I think it's water and sewer supplies correct that's in a cost of $22759 I meet I believe this meet certain permissions under the purchasing policy to to purchase this um the goal is within the next two and I'll work with legal as well we've talked about um going out and getting an idiq contract um stop if I'm speaking from myself um an indefinite duration indefinite quantity this would allow the city to go into a contract with a vendor for this type of stuff or supplies so we don't have to wait and they can contact that that vendor right as soon as they need it get those supplies in um and we'll be able to purchase that through that contract so we'll be bringing that back hopefully within the next two will be my goal I'll work with leave to do that if it's possible but uh this is to buy the supplies we need for the remainder of this fiscal year um and then we'll be coming back obviously periodically and typically I I want to think I look at it it's usually bu anually Michael was right there he may know a little more about it but um we're asking for approval of this purchase of supplies motion to approve second I have a motion second questions yeah so going for the intention is that we have a a lump sum that gets approved at sometime the beginning of year and begin budget cycle what we sir no sir So within idiq very common in federal purchasing GSA standards work through this quite often what you are doing is you are entering you're sending out this proposal where persons that will supply these materials and perhaps even the services related to the materials on an emergency basis if we needed them have a spec list this is what it is this is what it cost that can be updated at intervals throughout it typically we like to see three Monon intervals not 30 days 3 four years ago you're lucky to get anything to hold for 30 days but sometimes it's 6 months I've seen them go as long as a year and they commit you a price list for a year if you're providing your estimates what we have to do when we put this proposal out is show this is what we bought last year this perhaps our three-year trailing average but this is our purchase and this is our expectation of purchasing so they're bidding knowing that's about what you're going to use they know you may come in below it and they know you may come in above it but you're going to be relatively close and so what they're giving you as a fixed price on those during whatever window of time they provide what that allows Kobe to do and our Public Works team when they're presenting you a budget is to provide you more certainty in the amount of materials they budget for so it's not as though we're going to say we guarantee we're going to spend quarter million dollars with you it's that if we buy a load of asphalt and load of asphalt comes out this many yards this is what we're paying per yard so you know when K says hey I need 10 loads of asphalt that's X number of yards and X number of dollars there's your M and we know that and what it allows them to do once we're in that contract and you budget the overall amount for a year as long as public works and Kobe operate within that budgeted amount they can make those purchases throughout the year and then it shows up and gets approved under your expenditure approvals or your bill rication follow following purchasing policy of course but this would be so understand it would take it out of that yes so when you say following purchasing policy I I think that's important understand when you do the idiq that is your purchasing policy that you complied with that so if he buys $50,000 worth of asphalt or Mill to put down that's not going to follow the purchasing policy because you've already agreed to enter into this contract under the purchasing policy so it allows more flexibility if you're an operator public worke and so uh what will we do on the annual or or semiannual or some other basis we'd be you verifying these prices with other biders or potential biders what we we be doing at that point no no it's going to depend on the response you get um if your response says they want the opportunity to update the price list consistent with Trend with consistent with market rate CPI or otherwise within a certain interval if that's what the council approves have the opportunity to do that now city has opportunity to say we don't like that increase we reject it we cancel the contract and we move on and we go back to the way we're doing things right now are we issuing new idiq to attract more people but we don't want to get in the habit of rebidding every month or every three months on one of these the idea is to secure a price rate that allows us to know how much work we have to do in a year and we can do it at a given rate so so this is very similar to how a state contract would would function in that we've as as with State contracts the pricing has already been established the contracts already been established which allows us to basically just purchase that will without having to necessarily go out to bid and follow the other purchasing policy correct because a pre you've done the bid in advance and then you have to budget the money now Kobe can't Center and spend $110,000 $100,000 or even ,000 if it's not in the budget but if it's in the budget and it's going toward a budgeted project of the city he's allowed to buy those materials to do it without bringing that back before the council each time that's what the allocation of the budget gives him okay so we have Mo second so so could clay would we be could we go out for bids on this type of contract at the end of every year instead of every job like like we do now bidding we could do typically prices of Steel you know change all the time and and these are and and brass and all these Metals so prices they're going to fluctuate quite a bit on these types of fittings and typically typically with the idiq you would want to establish if possible a three to five year relationship with a vendor which of course if you're unhappy with the quotes they're giving you when they update them at whatever regular interval you've set then of course you can get out of it but you want to know that's going to be your vendor on a routine basis that also gives them the ability to give you the little bit better de account yes if the council wanted to you could certainly go out every single year for this I would say you likely you're going to start seeing a diminishing return in that and that you're going to have less BS each subsequent time and this and the goal is just for the efficiency operations if we get in this and the see we see that it's not working for us we'll get out of it if the council doesn't like it we won't do it um so that that's the reason for it it's been an Ask of the utility department I know since I've been here in 22 and so it's worth the shot if works out that's wonderful if it does not we'll go back to what we're doing and I also want to note that when we do these one thing that we will certainly put in our procurement document would be what emergency service from one of these entities would look like so in another example of this um I'm familiar with where there was material for road paving and those type of things and I use that as an example that's a very common one that they'll quote okay if you need an emergency patch and repair of a pothole or emergency work here's the hourly rate we charge you at these materials if you want our crews to come in and do it so you have a road Building Company Public Works can't get out there to do it and we need additional help you have that emergency rate set in and they say hey if you call us we'll come do it this is what you're going to pay so similar to some of these Supply purchasing to the extent that we may need installation or additional support from that that is something we can ask them to bid now the smaller you get into the actual Parts you know you're probably going to want your team doing it but it provides you the opportunity to get a full service contract if needed on an emergency basis can let me be real clear so right now you're trying to get enough supplies get us through the end of the fiscal year correct this is this this this is for the approval of that supp conversation about we'll make at a later date correct we'll come back with that okay so any other questions all in favor say I I I right I I car thank you very much and then we'll go to the airport thank you mayor so um I believe two or three weeks back now the airport storm came through had a lightning strike PR the QT pod which is our main it's the only way you can get fuel there right it has to be operational for those pumps to work and so we um staff out there was very very fast and getting parts to start fixing it they went through two or three of that two or three different um parts to do it kind of find out the whole thing was no good and so we got up with the insurance company and QT pod we need to replace the entire pod insurance will cover it so we're asking to purchase that um at $23,900 to replace it we will get reimbursement that we have got confirmation from insurance and I believe they will reimburse up to 70% of the stuff we already bought we've already received the payment yeah of this and so what we're also looking at um as our airport operations manager dealt with insurance yeah with qtot there is an additional small additional fee you can pay every month to get an enhanced premium um on your equipment that's insurance that will reduce our cost substantially when we have these type of issues so we're going to see if that's worth the additional expense our month because the stuff's expensive and this has happened pretty frequently over the last year and a half um so we'll be we'll be looking at that in the future but we're asking for approval of this purchase and like I said we will be reimbursed by Insurance motion to approve purchase of the the m4000 airport self-service fuel terminal second I motion second any question many one all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much and we'll go to thec all right thank you mayor so um I know we've staff's been looking at this for at least a year now um chrisy seagler who is our liaison emergency management works in the fire department along with Jeff Goldberg uh mer director for the county spoke with me about this and this program if we city was opt in is simply to allow us to get funds back um after a disaster I believe it has to be a decare disaster through FEMA um and it's it's a ranking system you go through they see your damage you could staff would put that together and allows us to get a portion of those funds back a lot faster than we would have typically would and so um a lot of places in the state are going on this and I think it would be a good program for us to opt into um and I think staff is prepared to to do that as well and um you'll see on the basically participation request the contact person on that is Christy seagler of course she would communicate with me reason for that is to be the contact person here there's a certain number of class hours you have to take she's already doing that um being our mer man aison so that seems to be the best way to go about it and so she would be the person to contact on that of course all approvals coming through me so soes this essentially make it to where we have um all the background information data that they would be collecting during emergency prepared in advance to expedite things is that really all this is yeah so what so the onset of this staff is going to have people and particularly Christie she's aware of this and she's working on this we'll go through and look at all the city's Emergency Management manuals and our response procedures and so what they do is they'll rank the city to give us points for however good our plans are or how we lack and where we lack at they will let us know we can go and update that the more points we have the more the higher percentage we'll get back on the front end of an disaster or issue and then as we go through it we'll continue to work with insurance get those numbers in and then we would get the remainder of our amount from FEMA this is just for us to get money faster at the beginning it's also accountability tool it's going to allow us get our policies in place motion to approve the Florida Recovery obligation calculation resolution 20243 second all motion second any questions anyone all in favor say I I I I I Carrie thank you very much now to the director position all right so we can start with this one um number seven the councilwoman isn't here councilman heavin did provide some um recommendations that description and we can get to that in a minute and the council can as they like again she's not here also for this item so it's up to the council if they wish to move forward or the table I believe you look at the Matrix the last three um individuals uclm Matrix have been received since our last discussions and so again this is for the council to look at look at these resumés see if they wish to move forward any of these candidates or how they would like staff to move forward with with these individuals I my tendency would be to um to to table that so the councilwoman has an opportunity to to comment and put in her her thoughts on on the matter any thoughts from city manager Finance director on that existing applicants that you we weeded through over time or formed an opinion about so far I've not looked at them at all not but we have so the majority of the council SE before we've talked about no action was taken the first time I don't know if the council will continue to leave those open in there or if y'all wish for us to to let those app know they won't be selected because we've been through before that's totally up to to the council I I thought we went out I thought we voted to reject and go back out it's open subject oh I I know I know it's open but I thought we we decided to basically reject the current and go back out for so so the people that believe that rejected current right so so the list should only be the three at this point all all the others should have received letters saying that we're we're going a different direction I'll go back motion that's case I guess my while I'm while I'm talking my thought process is we rejected all of those people on that list because none of them had local government experience well the only one that was a yes only had very minimal amount of experience none of the current three have local government experience Florida experience in particular so I don't know that I'm inclined to to review any you know have pass them up for for interview based on that Julie Julie is that you want to come is that correct just want to make sure that we're all on the same page well I know that we had discussed the local government but our orance says or it's not a requirement that's why I put the or and red I don't honestly I don't remember say reject all of them I think it was just miss heavin saying that she didn't want to have someone if they didn't have the experience but it's an or it's not a you know the requirements are right there on the Matrix okay I mean I'd have to go back and look at my notes I mean my recollection of that discussion was that we all generally agree with councilwoman heavin that they needed to have local government experience and so we we moved to to put put it back out and in in doing so we are basically telling all of those that appli thank you but no thank you now with that said you're or your statement of or is correct for the resolution of that as we have it so you're are correct you have it all we're saying is that we still rejected all of those due to a lack of of qualifications that we preferred as so was a preference not a resolution issue but that again it needs to be verified we'll go back look like we can add another column here let's separate the the or section we'll put a degree in or in the government experience and either say no or say yes in how many years right we won't we won't there's or in there obviously but that'll be a little more clear but again it's up to the council if they wish to table this item but it wasn't it wasn't necessarily I don't mean to to argue this but it wasn't necessarily on the bachelor's degree it was on the second column there that says knowledge of State of Florida uniform accounting codes and other areas of government Etc I think it was that there was a in all of the applicants there was a lack of local Florida knowledge that councilwoman heavin as well as the rest of agreed was necessary for the job so none of those meet that's my opinion but but I I also agree with the statement earlier that with councilwoman heav and not being here we probably should should table any actual action until she's had time to to speak on it as well but that I was offering my opinion that's kind of what started the the conversation welome a motion to do that motion table yeah and can motion and not to disagree with you councilman beer bomb I just I just don't recall us deciding and we may have I just don't recall can we find the the minutes if we dismiss the entire group um I believe it was your June 10th meeting and the minut do not reflect a motion occurring um Mr towns said he wants to bring the first round of applicants back to the council then make a decision if there's enough to start interviews that was on June 10th bring back on the so the 24th is when we had this most robust discussion about that um this go several pages so give me a second motion was made to update or amend the ordinance and job description of what was discussed at the council by have one seconded by Valley motion pass that objection you Kobe you asked me if they need to close the existing J application I answered it was up with the council um Mr Beer stated to leave it open and I that's what I recall but I recall prior to that because nobody met qualifications the decision was to reject all and bring back the updated job description and we can leave it open until we get the job description updated but I'm not finding again I've got I'm trying to read through five pages real quick I do recall that as well Council headin them should be considered I there's some on there that I would consider but they didn't have enough experience at the time but I like the experience that they were getting we might be going on that we might be to consider them some in the future oh mean You' got motion to table so I mean we can buy a little bit of time if you want to come back with a hard plan a motion second any other question I think well I'm just kind of the same way in in my mind we we had left it open but I've been wrong before uh my wife tells me that uh so I just want to have it right and and not consider uh some of these if that's the case because there's a couple on there that I think with some inquiry we might find that they come closer than we might think they do um and you know I don't want to name names or anything like that but um not everybody fills out a really great resume with all the details that we're necessarily looking for like all the uh awareness of different Financial software and things like that they don't always specify everything they've ever used but we might have some of that in our qualifications you know that we're expect expecting them to have we don't necessarily see it unless we talk to them uh so I'm just I hate to lose uh an opportunity of somebody potentially good uh by dismissing everyone but if that's what we decided then that's that's what that's what it is and and I'm okay with that well I mean sorry that was the consensus but because the letters haven't actually gone out correct so I mean there there's still time that if we want to consider some people maybe we we all agree to come back we're going to table it so let's agree to maybe come back with some names especially if if both of you have some names that you're interested in I'm certainly willing to listen to those names and see what we can figure out at at the next tabling into the next meeting correct yeah okay be ready we I I'm almost thinking too some of the things that came out the other day in the workshop very briefly um may actually broaden this pool of applicants to what we're wanting if we were to take action on such matters as well but again I would feel more comfortable having councilwoman Hein with us during those conversations especially being that most of it was brought up by last time too so I I'm in agreement to table at this point till she's with us any other comments yes sir ahead and Danny Co func Springs I can thank you our subject expert is not here but I did want to put a couple of ideas just out to kick it around one of the things that got us in trouble before was the word or 8 years of experience you can have a data entry operator uh that's got 8 years of government experience with a high school degree and we found out that when we put these qualifications in charge of a budget right at just south of $50 million a year work out to well so we need to have as a minimum and this is just a suggestion joh we need to have as a minimum in county and that's a low bar IDE look have a CPA because the difference in a bachelor's in accting and a CPA is like the difference in a bachelor degree and a PhD there's a lot more skill sets between an accountant and a c and I did a little study on my own with constitutional officers here in the area W County and found out that the vast majority of them have CPA on St and I personally talked to some of them and I said so how did you get them and uh because we're having trouble with the city trying to find you you know it's like finding hen really hard to come by and he said you're exactly right and you're going to have to have patience and sometimes you have to have these applications these uh advertisements open-ended and I said well have you got any suggestions since you had some success on where we find people with these type qualifications and basically he said good luck you know it's going to be a hard long road to find somebody with the CPA so what we need to ask oursel is do we want to stay with a low bar or do we want to go on par with the standard today and the standard seems to be that most constitutional officers in our County right here at CPA in charge of the finance department and that's just a suggestion and thank you for Ping this until the subject experts here yes sir thank you okay anyone else all right all in favor say I I hi hi hi ask Carrie thank you very much now uh that takes care of both of those yes sir well we made a motion to formally table number seven yeah we need a second motion also on number seven yeah so moved second all right motion second any questions anyone all in favor say I hi I all I all right we'll move on to planning U our director Chris Wallace on the 3B one appropriateness right good evening good evening so this first one here is a COA for the demolition of a house located at 788 Circle Drive it's on the corner of college and circle and if you you read what's in the uh the summary here the home was built in 1967 um it's a brick ranch um according to the applicant there are severe structural issues with the property she has a contract to purchase the property but wants to be sure that she can demolish the home and build something more appropriate in its place um the only reason that I denied this I don't disagree with the request is that it's on Circle Drive um which I understand is very sensitive in the community and I wanted to have the council uh be given the opportunity to review this because I know if um if I approved it and it started being torn down we would all get a phone call multiple phone calls about what's happening so I just wanted to give the council the opportunity to review this we do have an appeal process in our code that allows us um to give the council a chance to vote are there lot restrictions on the widths on that lot as far if it was torn down and they went to build back is there an existing code that would prevent them from doing so they would just have to comply with our setbacks um which I believe on this slot really if it's 50 ft wide it's going to be a five foot on each side um so they will have to abide with the setbacks but right now they're well within their limits on the front and the rear um and I believe on both their sides as well so I don't think they'll have a problem um siding the new home on that location they'll just have to make it work within the provisions of those setbacks okay goad um for for me I guess I'm just having a little bit of difficulty with um the logic of the of the automatic denial um it's not a contributing structure as you as you stated uh the the design of it is such that it would never be a contributing structure um if you if you go back and read as I have a lot of the the original um reports from establishing the district there's even other houses that are on the circle right now that a lot of people would assume are on are contributing structures and they're not because cor people you know experts looked at it and said this is just a regular old house there's no reason to have it it's not just purely age that makes it a contributing structure uh so I have a little bit of um a difficulty understanding why there there was the automatic denial for it to come to us when it's it's clearly a non-contributing structure and you know if even if it were 100 years old it's not going to be a contributing structure I mean it's just Square I agree and this is really one of those um called it call it catch 22 but if I approve it I know that there's going to be some people who may be unhappy I just thought that it was uh in the best interest interest of the city to bring this back so the council knew exactly what was happening here and to um render their decision rather than me without any guidance um as far as it goes with coas um just approving it tear it down we'll see what happens later so it's it's interesting that you mentioned that because that that was my thought process was uh do you need from the council because I understand there there has been controversy in the past about the demolition of particular houses around the lakeyard in in the vicinity of the lakeyard uh but if the council were to establish some guidelines would that would that help in this in this so that we could move this one through she she's obviously based on the data that was submitted going to BU something that very likely could end up being a contributing structure one day very long term if if some of these are built to the to the spec that they've provided um so is there if we were to establish some guidelines with that help with this and is and I ask that to you but to a certain extent I'm also asking that to my fellow council members you know is there an appetite to to do that because there's almost a little bit of we're we're creating controversy where there is no controversy with the way the way it's set up now to automatically deny it have it come before us I will say that the uh the CRA has put out an RFP for design standards that will help guide these future decisions uh within our historic district so that will help um we've talked about it extensively at our our Lan use committee meetings Mr Valley and I have had considerable conversations um together and with Dr Henderson and with Mr urbin with CRA so that's something that we're working forward to give some direction not only to myself but perhaps to the council if um something was deemed to be denied you've got a um document that details exactly what is and what isn't permitted and that helps us make decisions when we have something in black and white rather than the way it's currently um configured in our code I fair enough and the the other thing I wanted to point out was that this is not the only house that has come up for demolition that to a certain extent we created controversy by automatically denying it there there was a house uh not too far around the lakeyard that was actually off the lakeyard that was dilapidated from when I was in high school uh and when they wanted to turn it down it was an automatic denial came to the to the council and there was a lot of back and forth on it and it again was not a contributing structure same situation as this one did not have the same construction methods or vernacular that that the actual historical homes do so you know we seem to always kind of have these bubble up every once in a while and I I think we could address this with the guidelines yeah go ahead um currently is the is the standard is it 50 years or 75 years where we begin to treat them as as a historic structure regardless of the style and contribution I think according to the National register you're not eligible until you are 50 years old what are we using locally because I know I've I've seen people use that 50-year term but but then I've I've received an email someone using a 75 year term what's the city been using is my question because we have we have structures are ranch style homes that have been considered because they're within the district considered to be included in historic conversation even though they're not contributing to the period uh that we were considered for our historic accreditation so that creates some conflict um but I was just curious what do we what do we use as policy because I think there's another thing that we need to have some guidelines and some uh policy discussion about one is when do we start considering them historic are we going to consider anything more than 50 years to be you know preserved or conserved or are we going to have the period of uh contribution be the thing you know when it was actually um considered part of the National Park Service application because they have different periods back then we were using Dr Henderson what is the period of contribution that is now being considered for NPS what are the what the dates the dates for the contribution period yes to 1920 we end when is that thank you so 1930 was one portion but then we have to consider whether we're going to include other it other homes or other structures that would be consistent or contributing in our vision and considering once they're 50 years older so that's the question one of the questions so I I I want to be clear on this um I I help run the theater with with a volunteer board and one of the grants that we had to apply for four years ago required that we apply to the National register for the theater the theater is over 100 years old and the letter that I got back from the national Park Service clearly stated that it's not purely age it is the building the composition it is now versus what it was when it was originally built are are two and and that is reinforced if you again if you go back and read the um the surveys that were done there was clearly houses that are on the circle right now that were rejected because of either modifications that were done to materials that were used you know Etc and they also look at what is the the prominence in other words did someone popular live there did someone well known live there that sort of thing so I'm I'm very concerned about just making blanket statements that as soon as it becomes 50 years old it's considered contributing even if even if it's to our local standard I'm very I don't want to do that because this house would qualify you know a house like mine would qualify which is crazy they're nowhere near what we like you said what we established as our historic district and wanted to preserve so the important thing to look at there is that it was one of several criteria so yes but the first thing that would kind of check the box so you have to at least look at it is something like an age you know so 50 75 whatever we decide is appropriate or a period was it before 1930 so again it's just one trigger in in that checklist and against once you hit the more items you have on the checklist the more the more conation you should have about its removal uh I don't think that this one contributes in terms of a Victorian aesthetic to the circle certainly so I I certainly have a lot of uh concerns that are eased by that uh the age you know it is over 50 so again that's something to at least hey at least pump the break a little bit take a pause and look at it first um and so again I think a policy would be a very good idea I think we should have more policy rather than Customs because I believe another custom that we have is that we would them to build not only to the footprint that they have but historic footprints that are identified with on the parcel so if they have older structured footprints that we identify from some of the sandborn maps we would allow that as well but I don't think that's a policy that's just been a custom and it's a custom that I agree with as long as it complies with the building code and and it has to be built a higher standard because it might have proximity to uh a property line or an alley so it might have a higher fire rating that's a good thing but I like people being able to rebuild to the historic character of the community um but again we we run the risk by not having policies and good guidance of not being able to do that in the future depending on who's uh around the you know so the lack of Standards on that side I think um create concern every time one of these comes up the previous one that came up was an ucket style home um that one would be contributing other than just had some minor modifications to it but it was structurally deficient and so you know that one was just not going to survive and that one created a lot of uh concern I think if we had a standards for what was coming behind it it would certainly ease people's minds about losing some of these so there's the standard that Mr uh walls discussed in terms of the CR was helping with design guidelines I think if we had those in place people would have some reassurance and you'd see a lot less resistance to some of these tear Downs because there would be some comfort level to what's coming next right now they showed us some pictures but they don't have to do any of that they can do anything they want right now um there is certificate of appropriateness but again we don't have a real standard that that's based on so it's it's somewhat arbitrary and somewhat open to vast interpretation but as we tighten it up it becomes easier people to follow we get reassurance to community in terms of what comes behind it um and you will see less resistance to the removal of old structure so again this particular one is not contributing it won't ever contribute um but we do need to provide some guidance so we know when to pump the brakes how how long to look at it we needs to look at it and then what comes after let me just make a few comments there I grew up on College Avenue and East M and U and I I was still at home when they built out a house I remember when they built it it's like what are they doing what are they doing they're building this this little ranch house in the midst of all these big beautiful homes I thought that is so out of place you know and uh and also so I'm I personally know the applicant uh we hadn't had a conversation uh probably in 25 years until yesterday and uh she grew up here she was a cheerleader for Walton high school and as well as her twin sister um and uh but anyway I can assure you they're going to they they'll put a a masterpiece of a house there and uh and it will be something that everybody I think on the circle be extremely proud of so uh I don't know obviously we do need to get some standards set but I'm hoping we can uh get approval for this uh to move forward without having to wait till we get set of plans like you're talking about Mr Mayor yeah motion to approve certificate of appropriateness 2024 co-3 second I have Mo second any questions I'm not necessarily against your motion however I would like to say that once we do get some standards the next step is to get a design review board it should be constructed of people from both Persuasions property rights and historic Pres reservation Enthusiast uh as a balance and in addition to reviewing coas this type and others it would be their responsibility to tap 50 year olds houses or whatever it is as an historical house because we can represent other types of architecture other than uh Victorian however this is not even a good example of uh anything I can name okay we have a second any yes sir no problems with the Demolition but when they put these beautiful examples of what they're going to replace it with there's actually as we just discovered no teeth in that they could completely build something different just to say we do have some restrictions okay so did you have some comments on that well if it's this they need and we do we right now have Keith in approving their plan before construction begins and the reason I'm asking that is because I did a major a major renovation on my house that's 125 years old you know what it is You' been in my house and before I could do this I had to go before the city and show them a pair a set of architectural plans that was designed by a professional architect that specialized in historic housing and I didn't have any problems so do we have that Safeguard now answer that yeah and I can answer that um the COA tonight is only for the demolition this does not authorize any new construction on that site um they are aware that we will need architectural drawings um showing elevations types of materials um all the components that we need to be able to review to determine if it's appropriate for the area so this is just one step in a two-step process there would be another COA required correct okay any other question all in favor to say I I I I eyes carried thank you very much all right w we go on to me2 yeah we're getting back to take five oil change um if you recall back in the fall they had requested special approval to construct a service station in a C1 District at that time the council had concerns with the adjoining Wetlands to the East and they had placed a condition on the approval that additional measures would be put in place to um ensure that no storm water detention was uh going to affect those Wetlands through runoff um did work extensively with the engineer for the project I believe he is here this evening um so our engineer has signed off on it so now I'm just bringing it back per the council's request for final approval of their plan Mr Mayor yes go ahead I just wanted to kind of maybe open up the conversation with least you know I don't I don't read plans every day like councilman Valley does but at least from from what I'm able to tell looks like they've moved the storm water retention Pond from the rear of the building to the side of the building which I think is certainly an improvement whereas before you know if the pond overflowed it was just going to overflow right into the Wetland so I think that's that's a good Improvement but I kind of wanted to just ask councilman Valley if he could maybe opine a little bit on are these improvements sufficient to kind of address our original concerns they are and and it makes sense for a lot of that stuff to move forward because a lot of the paving was was uh towards the front and the side anyway um I believe I just haven't seen the detail on that it is a curb they are along the back um I guess the only minor concern is there is a pop off that would go to the lower rear area um which does have a downhill towards the wedland but by then that would have captured any kind of uh silts and sediments and and oils um as it worked through the system so I'm just trying to confirm the curb in the back but as long as that curbs in the back I I think it would be very U very much in line with what we had asked for it is yes uh the curve is showing here on the plans um yeah it looks like I just didn't see a call out anywhere yeah probably the best example is either cs501 um which also shows there's a curve along this this is going to be a shared entrance because there are expected to be additional developments um south of this and uh presumably across the wetlands I don't know how they will they'll have to tackle that whenever they get there but that shared inant Road you'll see on that cheap cs501 there is a storm Inlet there as well that will collect any runoff that runs down that road and discharge into a pond to the South yeah that's the one that if you were going to get something uh it would be that one with the parking along the back but again the curbing the Curbing and the drain de those locations we capture that any underground storage tanks no everything is above ground here yep I'll make a motion to approve second motion second any other questions comment go ahead just a note since we have all of our elected officials here and our planning director um does it seem like we have an overabundance of gas STS and credit unions and car washes and oil changing and is there any plan on having a quality a quality Community or we just kind of turning into a fast food Credit Union or change car wash is there anything any fault process and kind of thought I don't think it's any enforcement course these guys are making the investment yeah certainly want to see besides this I'm just planing to see mayor I'm just believe me I'm not the only one with this concern Mr Mayor thank you I I would like to respond there absolutely is a plan we're working every day with the Eda we're working every day with other entities like Street to actually draw in the type of businesses that we want but fundamentally I believe in property rights so if you buy a piece of property and you want to either develop it or you want to build a home on it I I fundamentally believe that that is your right to to do so as long as you're not doing something extreme like building a you know glass skyscraper downtown or or placing a major development you know next to a road that that can't support it I'm all for property rights um but to go back to your question there absolutely is a concerted effort to to bring in higher paying jobs you can look at this council's direction on the airport we we are consistently focused on bringing in aviation jobs that don't require degrees but yet are are high paying degrees certificate based degrees or certificate based jobs that will pay very well and be allow people to live in this area and enjoy a good steady income and it's not just the airport uh as as yri mentioned in our our budget meeting Friday night he he is focused on the 90 i1 Corridor and bringing in other Industries not just airport related Industries so there very much is an effort to do that at a council level and the council is is consistently funding the Eda Main Street and other entities that that provide that recruitment service to those to those businesses but at the end of the day if it's Zone C1 or C2 they should be allowed to to develop it in response to your comment sir um I guess I should have mentioned that in responsible planning for a community they have Master overlays a master plan for certain businesses or in certain areas it's similar to zoning but it's a lot more specific specific as far as bringing uh more quality the community so I'm not um arguing anything you're saying there is there's a higher step as far as a we Community goes and it would probably be advantageous if we look at it things you mentioned about the airport I'm board with but there's a lot more this in the airport so uh my response to that is we are working on uh a master plan of sorts but that involves things like the establishment of the business district so that we identify the places that things belong and what types of things belongs in which places um as you've as you commun heard we we're working on improving safety and the streetscape along us990 uh east of 331 turn because we identified that is a potential for you know kind of reestablishing what we used to be and going back to that walkable Community that's part of it the downtown district is part of that um but we've had a long-term development of something that is a vehicular Corridor 331 and that is very disruptive in in many senses 331 90 and I 10 are all very disruptive to the fabric of the community and so right thing right place near I 10 we're going to see gas stations why because that's where the cars are and we don't want them downtown and we don't want them in our neighborhoods that's where they go and so that's that's planning um and so along 90 there's going to have to be a tough decision be made at some point west of 331 as to whether or not we want to continue to have the strip type of development that we've seen there or are we going to change the character of that part of the community those are things that um that people were going to have very strong opinions about and very strong feelings about uh long term but that is something that this board has done we've done it in terms of eliminating Billboards we've done it in terms of creating new districts establishing District boundaries the rewrites of the Land Development Vel code that we're pursuing the rewrites of the comp plan that we've begun and are further pursuing so these are all things that we are working on these are a slow process and the reason this is a slow process is because it impacts your everyday life and your property and when we start messing with your property we're we're careful and we don't want to overstep overreach even though we might think it's the right thing to do and we think you're going to like it in the long run sometimes we got to pump the brakes as we talked about other things and and make sure you're on board with it because the end day it's your community you got to tell us what you want and that's how we do it we have to pause and we have to let you have your input but yes those things are all in in process and there's it's going to be slow it takes years uh it takes you know probably five years easily to do any of these things that's just to get the rules in place so we can start seeing them happen in the future but in terms of where Vehicles belong 331 especially near I 10 uh that is where these kinds of things belong so I I I would not oppose it in this particular condition all right Mr Mayor um I I wasn't on the council when all this discussion started with this particular project and I know it's gone through all the review processes and d review right great and and all of that and I get it but all over the state we have problems with our Wetlands that have been reviewed uh but the work has proceeded anyway and my conscience I I just I just don't like to see oil near Wetlands the setback from this Wetlands is 25 ft and you have oil dripping off cars I don't believe a retention Pond is going to retain all that but I value our waterways I value our our our our Wetlands um and that comes from my my my forestry work for for those kind of things and and I'm not anti- business I I want to see our town grow and it's going to and we're going to I I just hope we can do it the right way all the way through and not to disagree with you all because you've have more experience with this but just to know where I'm at fundamentally I want to protect our Wetlands Mr Mayor in retrospect I I want to look at the angle of what if we start denying these permits to build businesses in areas that are designated for commercial businesses if we say we don't want this oil exchange or change right here we would rather have a a restaurant but then we don't do anything with it for five 10 15 years and the property sits vacant and then all of the sudden now one of my family members comes up and builds a restaurant there and then the next public perception or public outcry is that you just sat there and held on to this denying properties for all these years just because you wanted to allow your family your friends or someone else to benefit or um or some other type of business that I've just got a preference to versus anyone else now granted I could be elected out at any time but or voted out at at any time but there's still those angles to look at too there there's the public outcry where we're constantly screaming odd it's just a good old boy Network a lot of times but this goes back to that it's at the root where we start with it are we going to just deny business and um some of it goes further I don't want to get on that whim because it go back to the house we were talking about earlier but um I just have a hard time like like councilman Valley was saying towards the interstate down around I 10 this is where we're going to see a lot of these businesses and if we deny it now are we in favor of Firestone or National Tire or the other one that's down there now and is that the reason why we're denying them the ability to to open up business here so I have to look at that as well any comment all in favor say I I I ni Carrie thank you very much all right we're going to go to um B three First Baptist Church Yep this is a special approval 2024 ds-3 First Baptist Church is requesting a special approval to utilize a structure for office space in an R1 single family residential district it's located at 255 lante Street uh this is located directly south and adjacent to the the church's property um because this is not a permitted by right in our code it does require special approval it uh went to the planning board last Monday they recommended um unanimously to recommend approval and now it's being brought for the council for the council's consideration as I as I stated here there would be no modifications to the property at this time if they wanted to tear that property down or expand that property or make any improvements it would still have to come back for the city council uh for further [Music] consideration I want to thank um our city manager in this aspect because this is one a such instance where it's benefited a while back I'd asked you to try and get some of the committee meetings online because there's times when I can't be here to sit in through those but I can watch and observe at night when I'm getting ready for work next day and taking care of the kids and getting all that stuff done and this was one of the meetings that I did set through and observe um I I listened to committee members and their concerns and what was brought up and as well as one of the community members was here to Advocate and to request the committee's uh recommendations or the board's recommendations for this house to be converted to an office space so the time was there when there was reasonable openness for objection to it if nobody or if someone had objection to it um this one of the things where I'd probably look to Mr C who lives in that area and see how he feels about it as well but um I again I I don't have an issue with it but I did I just want you to know that that just did give me an opportunity to forecast some of the thought about how I was going to vote in this one as it came up motion to approve 2024 ds-3 for the First Baptist Church Second all right U any comments or questions from Council anyone else yeah go ahead um I certainly want the church to be able to expand but they're taking over many of our historic homes I don't know where they're going to stop they had opportunity to move outside of town on a lot of land to expand the school and everything which they half of them didn't want to do but where does it stop do pretty soon that's going to be a res a business area and it's residential what is it zoned is it zoned residential then how can they keep taking over everything I love that little house and I hope it makes a good office but anyone else and I had the conversations with them several years ago about uh them moving to a larger piece of property it was kind of split you know at their congregation and that's a tough situation for a pastor or the leadership of that church understand yeah yeah and that was very thing I said I said how far we gonna go here you know yeah go ahead I would I would counter I understand the concern but I would count with this the the ability to have a walkable Community includes having services like churches that are also walkable so the idea that you can walk across the street to your to your church I can walk down the street to my church or of many churches is a blessing I mean is an amazing privilege that we enjoy here and it is inherent when you have those conditions that you are going to have some crossover and that's okay that's okay just like we see with the downtown you're going to see commercial structures that transition very quickly into what look like residences because maybe they were for a little while but they become businesses at some point and sometimes they revert back and sometimes they don't but right now I'm just happy that someone's preserving that property and maintaining it and I think that's that's a bless also count but again walkable walkable communities are going to have things that start to overlap it gets a little messy but it works just fine we've been doing it for hundreds of years and so again I would as long as they still have to follow the same rules in terms of how they maintain the property and how they utilize the property I'm I'm fine with it as we get into other discussions in the future about U you know affordable housing and housing Vis visibility there's a conversation we had there um but again within the scope of preservation uh of historic structures and walkable communities I I have no objection to it in this case anyone else all in favor say I hi I car thank you very much Wallace all right we're gonna go to Liberty Partners Tim with see mayor council yeah we wanted to bring an item U to your attention this evening first to give you an update and then get your guidance on um on the issue but it relates to the uh Florida commerce job growth Grant fund award that the city received uh on July 1st um two days after that we received the introductory letter uh for the city to consider basically accepting the award as you recall that was approved at the July 8th council meeting um and then about a week later we received the draft scope of work that you have in your packet so want to make note of that timeline because Commerce they they seem to be moving pretty fast on this but we we want to make sure that the city has plenty of time to review this uh provide feedback weigh in uh on what you know the city is ultimately going to be uh entering into an agreement on that if you look at the the draft term of the agreement uh the end of 20139 so it it is a very lengthy agreement um our team uh as you know James swinsky used to work with this program in Florida commerce you know we've looked at it it seems uh fairly standard but there are key components of this uh that we feel like you know may need uh some additional attention may need uh uh some weighin from from engineer to be able to look at and kind of provide uh feedback before um we we provide any of those comments back to florid Commerce so we wanted to uh like I said make sure that you all had this um Can can review it um and like I said really provide that feedback so and Council I'm comfortable that if Mr Townson were to task one of our continuing contract Engineers be barge or someone else with reviewing this from an engineering perspective and providing that guidance to staff and to Liberty partners that we would be acceptable to do that under our continuing contract um and I do not believe that would necessarily disqualify them from submitting an RFQ to this at this point in time I will profess the answer about a month and a half ago would have been it absolutely both the engineering and the construction would have to be bit out because we were looking at a six .6 million project exclusive of the site work the earthor moving that that's I think that's but somewhere between a million and two million at this point Mr par yes sir so we're somewhere around 7.6 to 8.6 million but that earthwork number is not anything anybody's bothered to actually give us a dial in that was a let me just tell you what it is it's not you know written cost estimate um but July 1 the legislature did see fit to the continuing contract construction threshold for our Engineering Services now it's up to $7.5 million so at 6.6 this project would not have to be bid for engineering purposes the earthwork however may put it above that I will note just for everybody's edification on that we do have the starting in July 1 of 2025 a CPI increase we hit that 7.5 million that will escalate every year so that does move at to backup when we started it was a million dollarss less than 10 years ago and so the cers progressively increased it just went from five to seven and a half so it's possible that will not be bid but it's possible it could be if it is Bid I don't find bars doing review to cause a problem for us or anyone out so I think that's probably our next step is to get engineering speedback um but Council what I would encourage you to do what is our turnaround time on the acceptance Mr pars um Mr Mayor you they they had asked the that we get back with them as soon as possible we are certainly willing to go you know go back to them so I'd ask let them know the city council reviewed at this meeting put it on our next meeting our last meeting in August for consideration approval Council if you have concerns about the scope of work or anything in there please get with Mr Townson get with Tim get with myself um so that we can try to address all of those before that meeting in August but I would highly highly encourage us to get this back to them before the end of the fiscal year not that that's a drop dead date but we want to make sure we're well allocated in there so you don't need a motion on that not today that good with you you all good with that very good I I'll talk to good okay thank you all right Tim thank you very much appreciate okay we're going to go to request be on the agenda code review and land use is that you want me to take this counc beone sure so the issue was brought to our attention while we're working through the code lens use review that our special event permits have a relatively short window of time in which they cannot be applied for Beyond a certain number of days prior to the event and we I know this has come up before we've discussed it but specifically we have certain special events that occur in this city most of them are standing events that happen with some regularity and while the code Lees Review Committee talked about if there's an event that's occurred for more than three maybe five years consecutively that those may be entitled to allowing to apply even 12 months in advance so they can secure their place and create Traditions uh that's going to require an ordinance Amendment we're going to get there however um it was also brought to our attention in that meeting that some of these special event permits attached to facility rentals and they're renting a city facility and right now our city facility rentals can be rented 12 months in advance not just 90 or 60 days in advance so this is a limited circumstance and while we will be bringing the entire thing back in an ordinance um as the code and lers Review Committee gets to that within the next 60 to 90 days that's still 60 to 90 days out um so what the request would be for the council is to authorize staff to ex to allow any facility rental that attaches to a special event that is booked more than 90 days out to Grant the city manager the authority to similarly bring forth the special event permit at the time the facility rental is engaged so it's a limited exception to your ordinance when it attaches to a facility rental that you're going to do until we get the ordinance updated in full but this allows us to mirror up two different things we're doing we're renting out our facilities but we're not even giving them a chance to approve the event they're renting it for for another nine months so there seems to be some inconsistency there I think the way you read your facility rental ordinance gives a lot of latitude to the city manager and so that's why I'm asking you to give them the authority to bring you these um more than 90 days in when they are attached to a facility rental that has been approved second yeah I don't I'm trying to say I don't see a problem with that now of course s you do the Reynolds she spoke at our code leers encourag us on this so I wasn't going to put her on the spot but I I am now okay all right she she gave us an example of where she has one right now where they have already approved the facility rental I won't name the group group I don't have a problem doing it they spoke to us it's public record but she's already approved their facility run M and they've done this event for multiple years in a row okay but she said yeah they can't come get your special event permit until 90 days before their event but I've already booked them for next year so and she she said it doesn't happen a lot but it does happen with some of these longstanding events and so until we can clean the ordinance up this seems to be a way to make it consistent if possible all right any other questions comments or any public comments yeah any comments all in favor say I I I I I Carrie all right we're going to open up the floor for citizen comments if you have a a comment for the council that please uh direct direct those to me if you need to talk to a councilman those give you permission most likely but uh anyway uh please state your name if you're representing organization state that as well at three minutes and the floor is open Danny Co defunc Springs I'd just like to share an idea that maybe you want to consider or not but one of the things that I like about the way the BCC conducts their County meeting is right before adjourned right before they adjourn is when they put public comments to move it there because a lot of times things are said in the legislative session that the public would like to weigh in on uh but don't have the opportunity to because public comments are now in legislative sessions is so when I sit back down I'm just going to give you a small example um one time y'all were talking about uh removing the restrict restricted area of the swimming area in the lake um it was brought up that that's where the storm water runoff is right there where the public swimming area designated public swimming area is and it's also where the ducks like to yeah and Council councilman beerbom said you know I'd like to just remove it all together and I thought I would have really liked to have backed that idea up you know that was a good idea just not just eliminate it yeah um and then people want to say we've got to think about public safety and all that stuff well you know look at our beaches M they got flags they let you know hey enter at your own risk a lot of the places don't have lifeguards on on Dy yeah so no we don't have a lifeguard in Lake Stanley so so open the lake up you know I would have I would have supported you on that so anyway that's all I wanted to do was suggest that you move public comment right before adjournment so that the public has a chance to weigh in on that and if y'all would uh like to discuss that i' I'd like to hear it yeah I think that's something we need to give them a little time to think about we bring it back yeah go ahead I I did want to clarify thank you for your comments Mr Coen uh anytime we make a motion if there's a motion made public comment is available so even though we a second right true true the this the citizen comment the citizen comment section is more of a open topic generalized what to a certain extent it's what's not on the agenda that's that's the intent behind number five citizen comment is if you want to come up and make a comment about something that's not on the agenda that would be the time for us to receive that comment although we couldn't take action on it that would be the time to make those those type of comments but for for everybody again I want to repeat rep this anytime there's a motion and a second made public comment is available at that point in time so at any point in time in the middle of this this agenda we can we can receive comments I understand that sir um I get the impression that a lot of times session floting ideas and that would be an excellent opportunity for you get some feedback from the public from your constituents when it's not a voting item I just used the the swimming area in the lake as a as an example so so with legislative request those can be action items right um if you're referring to council comments those are never action items and that's an opportunity for the council to offer their commentary at the conclusion of the meeting following the mayor and city managers so putting the um public comments like the four like the DCC does that's not a possibility that's up to the council if they want to do it but U public comment would not be occurring on any action item at that point in time um I can say this that when we put it where we did mayor if you recall we had a lot of citizens saying you make a sit to the end of the meeting we don't want to wait to the end of your meetings anymore we want to be earlier and so um we tried to get it even higher but ultimately the council and the mayor said fine we'll put all our stuff there I bought ered to move mine back as well and said fine public comment's going to go before everybody sitting at the dis but that was the demand of the public once before was that it be earlier in the agenda so people who did want to talk about non-agenda items would have that opportunity um but certainly if um the council has comments that come up those are things that if they come up for Action The public's going to get a chance to talk about whenever it does thank you anyone else good evening good evening if I may um it in the um what what was the meeting that we had where we were talking about the code review and the colors and all that now I can't remember what meeting it was that was the Planning Commission week ago yes okay yeah so it came up in the Planning Commission meeting talking about you know exactly what the design standards would be uh with the new review we've got the situation where the home's going to be torn down on Circle Drive and we're going to have something new um I I think we're at that point where we do need something we've got to have some sort of structure around that and I'm with uh Melinda Henderson where I think it needs to be people representing both camps right is there something that's already sort of in motion on that is I know we all talked about it before is there is there a a plan what the code and land ju Review Committee address is address this in concept a little bit we're not at a point of finalizing it but that is certainly something the code land use Review Committee is going to be taking up as it pursues through this if you come to any of those meetings you'll see the first half of that meeting is always dedicated to Land Development code and planning based issues that's where you'll hear it second half is where we are trudging that may be a little too fast of a statement our way through the entire code of ordinances outside of that but your Land Development code that would be something that is going to be part of that discussion there that's where the downtown business district started that's where the idea of these type of boards and standards would be and I imagine you'd see that one of the next couple of those meetings based on where we're going that sound correct to the to councilman have yes sir I put Greg on the spot but he's sitting back there he can nod at you he's our other member of our committee I would say that we've we've had several discussions over the course of over a year really about this um and again the the idea of having a a Review Committee which would be and again I just want to give you a little bit of what we kind of lean towards and that was have it be make a recommendation but then that recommendation goes to the planning director and director has an ultimate decision of course you know if they differ it raises a opportunity for conversation at a council meeting so again we want we want some we want some guidance for people so they know what to do we don't want confusion we want you to be able to do it easily we want you to be able to do it quickly we want you to make business decisions and Home Ownership decisions without being nervous about you know Silly silliness and and being you know pushed around by any individual group uh you should know where you stand the guidelines do that if you have good rules that are clear you know what you can and can't do that's the important thing the Review Committee will be there for things that are um you know interpretation to that and to provide guidance and feedback it's a recommendation and then the ultimately the planning director and the city council has to make fin determinations but again that's kind of like the broad scope of where we've been to do the certified local government uh you have to do uh a review board you have to have it otherwise you can't do that which opens up some Financial advantages in terms of funding um so there's again there's been lots of discussion and there's a big reason of why we need it is that but also because of clarity and input because that's ongoing input that you get hang on just minut man go ahead I I just just kind of wanted to carry on that same train of thought that um I believe i' I've submitted to to Mr Wallace some guidelines out of I believe it was Lakeland Florida I think it was that that I had come Ross that I I really um agreed with in terms of the downtown district and the guidelines for those and I think Mr Wallace brought back uh I can't remember there was some pretty pretty uh illustrative guidelines from somewhere North I think maybe from where he was from so there has been discussion but the reality is the Cod landrews code and land use Review Committee is uh is not an exhilarating meeting to sit through so generally there hasn't been a whole lot of public input and to reinforce what councilman Valley said earlier we're taking it slow because we are messing with people's ability to do things with their property and so we don't want to just you know pass something very very quickly and heavy-handed and then have have everybody with pitchforks coming after us so we are being in from that perspective it might be frustrating but we are being slow because we're being intentional about trying to do this methodically but also have public engagement as well so I guess that that was probably maybe my my question would have been better for him to say what are we doing and it sounds like the land uh the code and land use committee is handling some of the design recommendations is that a correct statement yes ma'am okay that's right this is starting at the very the start of it right but I that's what I wasn't sure as if that was something that that you guys were doing and even though it isn't the most exhilarating way to spend an evening I really did want to go last week and I put it on the calendar for the wrong date um so I'll try to do better next time and since this is a venue where people actually will watch unlike our meetings um I do want to say that that the guidance that's been put out it's kind of like the it's very it's very Baseline it's very much the the thing you'd find in just about any community that has has this where I mean e Crest View Pensacola uh downtown City I mean you can look up just about any little downtown district and you're going to have this stuff that we're talking about and pretty much what we've got what's going to change and get more elaborate as we go is going to come from the plan director when we do get our LDC rewrite and design guidelines that we're working with the c and that he's working with the c on that's where you're going to get some of the more detailed stuff that's very very specific to to hear and there'll be additional public comment but what we're doing trying to do right now is get get the Baseline it's like hey at a minimum you know you can't build maybe you can't I don't know what we've written but you can't build five storage you can't build glass Towers you can't build um you know stuff that's completely out of character we you know it's a baseline of basically what you see out there is what you can do U if you see it you know especially in that center block of Baldwin if you see it at Nola if you see it at Edward Jones if you see it at your building that's stuff you can do uh stuff outside of that you might want to start paying attention to this stuff that's working because that's what people love that's what we're trying to encourage again it's always encouragement uh far defunc constituted the historic preservation interest group which is representative of all of the organizations that have an interest in historic preservation and you're welcome to come anytime if you want to and uh our Consultants are m Mr Valley um Joe Johnson and um Chris Wallace and they've directed us toward various things and we've been running the computer trying to find good examples to feedback to that group to save them some time in addition we contacted the state and we early on gave them a model ordinance for historic preservation now they're not to that on the calendar yet but when they come to it they can look at that model ordinance and decide if they want to use any or all of it and it does have um design review in it um we didn't particularly like the character of it because whatever design review we hope to have their motto should be getting to yes and not be punitive anyone else all right uh C anything yes sir okay and uh we'll go to legislative request with Mr Glen Harrison thank you Mr Mayor um this uh tobacco free parks um the wal County tobacco or prevention Coalition presented to the tree and beautification board back on uh March the 7th um requesting that the city consider passing an ordinance to make our Parks uh tobacco free and uh on March the 25th this was by the way I was on the tree board at that particular time I wasn't on the city council yet until March 28th when I was sworn in but that was March 7th then March 25th uh Council voted to um send it to the uh code review and land use committee to to discuss and consider U that that option and it I got an email from Dr uh zonia who's with the the Coalition and she asked me if I knew the status basically of of this uh ordinance or or whatever it turned out to be and I did not I have not heard anything how it had progressed or it fell off table which it did um and so you know I got to looking at it and trying to fi figure out uh what happened and and what the discussion entailed and it I I think there might be some confusion as to what they were asking for and so I I asked for it to be on the agenda tonight to try to clarify this a little bit um and see if we can move forward with it um if you'll just just indulge me for a second um [Applause] I've already said most of that but I'll go back real quick to um doing something like this would not only promote healthy living and protect our our children and those types of things but it also supports something that this state did going back to 1985 1985 Florida PL they passed the legislature passed the Florida Clean Air Act um to protect people from the health hazards secondhand tobacco smoke and Vapor um additional anti-tobacco legislation was passed since that time numerous times Florida Constitutional Amendment passed in 2006 that required tobacco education and use prevention programs I taught in the school system for 28 years and posters were everywhere in the school uh and in all of our schools all across the State of Florida so our our legislature I guess my point is is promoting this kind of thing and trying to educate young people and discouraged smoking and a lot of us I did I came from a home where everybody in my family smoked you know my aunts my uncles and and and all and it was just you know that was eons ago of course but uh we're moving in a direction now we have a lot more research about the cost of this to society uh and higher insurance premiums and health care cost and all those S sort of things thought that we're going to fix it little defc but we can do our part I think to support what our state has moved towards in doing this sort of thing um and Lead our County from what I understand I don't think the county uh has a a a smoke free park or tobacco free park yet so we would kind of be trailblazing this and and taking the initiative and taking the lead on sending this message that courtesy matters and just think this does boil down to Courtesy a lot of times not everybody can tolerate tobacco um and smoke and and and that and I'm not criticizing anybody smokes I said my my relatives smoked when I was growing up it was a cultural thing uh but we are moving in a different direction so I wanted to take another run at this and let Dr Z speak tonight um and I would say one more thing you know we we were one of the leaders in the State of Florida in our education system so we obviously think a whole lot about our youth and we value them and our police department and our sheriff's department they worked very hard anti-drugs anti-tobacco um anti- crime you you name it they work very hard with our our youth at all levels city and county to try to help our young people get on the right track early in life I think this sends a good message for us to have these these tobacco free parks it's just it's a message it's a court courtesy thing I had two attachments here tonight uh and I'll just read this first one I'll let Dr uh Z go with this um my screen blacked out the success this is a Milton uh that we have copies of Milton ordinance and they put that up um and there there part of this their wording of this says the Su success of this policy depends on the consideration and cooperation of both tobacco users and non-users consideration and cooperation just courtesy I mean we could use that in our society today and and I I just it says individuals acting in violation of this policy will be reminded and asked to comply individuals who violate this policy may be asked to leave the park or city property enforcement and penalties for violation of the section shall be in keeping with ordinance yada y yada that's Milton's ordinance numbers so I think there was some concern about this being you know over policing or you know something that would would consume time of our officers and coat enforcement and I don't think that is intent uh of the Coalition of Dr only can speak a lot better to that fact than than I can but I would be the last to encourage something that would would require that kind of policing and and that but I I think it's just a matter of people learning and respecting other people and you know if you're asked to walk away from a playground and smoke you know that's not a big deal um but it shouldn't be lead to altercations on the playgrounds and in our parks and police police you know handcuffing people and all that and I don't expect that um but so um and at the beginning of this ordinance though they have a lot of whereases you know and and they give all this data and statistics about tobacco use and what have you and this is long established I mean 1985 they saw their way to do that in the Florida legislature and so these these Health factors and risk and and danger of secondhand smoke it does affect people it F people with health problems affects children with asthma and adults with asthma so not being critical if anybody smokes or use a tobacco or snuff or anything else not at all not at all but I think we can we can use some courtesy yes ma'am you that okay share with us while she's coming up I will note that a draft ordinance was presented on June 4th that was a draft ordinance for this city not another City's ordinance that I drafted presented Cod committee did debate it Mr um the code inur Review Committee did not obtain a motion in a second to move the matter to the city counc so that's where it sits at this time but so there is a draft ordinance council's always welcome to tell me they want to put it on the agenda at any time but your direction was to go to the code lens use Review Committee and absent a motion in second which is it died for lack of a second in that scenario that's why it was not brought out it was something that I think we said we would do further review and discussion of it as part of the overall Parks ordinance and discussion which comes up at their next meeting but the Standalone ordinance was not forwarded back out to but there is a draft version of the city ordinance this Council wants to take it up good evening thank you very much Mr mayor council members staff and guests thanks for the opportunity to answer any of your questions about this request Dr Carolyn Zona I'm speaking on behalf of the Walton County prevention Coalition and our mission is to help support Healthy Communities by preventing ing drug alcohol and tobacco use in Youth and connecting those who need help quitting to the services that they need and as uh Mr Harrison said uh you know these efforts go all the way back to 1985 from the Florida Clean Air Act and then in 2022 uh a bipartisan um Bill HB 105 was passed in the Florida legislature that allowed for local governments to enact policies that prohibit smoking in public parks and on Florida's beaches since being signed into law by Governor DeSantis 52 Florida towns and cities and the entire County of Okaloosa have passed tobacco free parks and beaches ordinances and I actually provided examples from four different communities that were about our size um two of which are our neighbors one is Milton and then another one in Callaway just to give you some IDE ideas about um options for enforcement um please rest assured we are not trying to make work for law enforcement and our intent is not to criminalize smokers our priority with implementing tobacco free parks is health promotion preventing youth from smoking and vaping and protecting the rights of the 90% of adults who are nonsmokers we also want to prevent the littering that occurs with tobacco use and to prevent the chemicals and tobacco butts and the Metals cartridges batteries and toxins in vaping devices from getting into our waterways or poisoning pets and Wildlife um you know I brought a sample of the tobacc free park signs that the health department has so these are signs that they already have that um you know could be put at the entrance to parks and I don't think that it's threatening in any way it just kind of you know reminds people hey you know please for the time that you're here at the park could you refrain from smoking just go out to the parking lot or your car um and some of these communities for instance in Callaway and then there's a small town actually that council member Harrison told me about uh windir a town of 3,000 that neither one of these have any enforcement they've written an ordinance uh saying that smoking is prohibited but then there's no there's no ticket K there's no you know enforcement at all and and we'd be fine with that we're not we're not trying to make work for anybody or or you know as as you said shame or blame anybody you know who who um who smokes um we're just asking folks you know recognize when you enter the park that this is a non-smoking area um and you know I'm here with members of the community to please ask you once again um um to look at this and pass a tobacco free parks ordinance for defunc Springs Park so thank you thank you Brian can I ask you to come up ran Callahan i g to ask you a question too used to work with Brian a lot on our some of our events particularly Lake vest and um they used to do a lot of things with partnered with us now I I know there was some events that took place we actually got some pretty good sponsor money because we were smoked free uh yes sir how'd that work um Brian Cy hen with the w County rech Coalition that was part of a grant so we are uh part of a grant with the health department for Beard back free Florida and so a part of that grant money at that time included some sponsorships it's not ongoing I just yeah it Grant we haven't done been able to do grants for some time now yeah that help us a lot if y yeah but uh any comments you want to make because I know you've been in this a long time um well as a representative with the Coalition as a grantee um it would just be you know answering questions if you had questions um but as far as you know advocating that's not something that we can do what can you give us any um stories of where you tried to uphold this uh nonsmoking what kind of blowback or how positive or anything like that um we haven't installed this anywhere in the community um there had been some of the older grants that included uh the tobacco free uh the little leag park in the middle of town up by uh the elementary school went tobacco free many years ago they were a private business or a private organization so they could I'm not aware of any I haven't heard of any complaints or concerns or anybody coming back to us to say that it it wasn't successful that's probably the best or the largest example right that's pretty good is the chief factor in that doorway or who is that Chief any comments does that mean I I don't I don't foree any I'm gonna put him on the spot the first time this was brought to me was by the chief and one of his guys but then he claims to not remember I I don't know about that um shot fir so once again I I stood and supported this last time um but I think we do got to remember you know we are a community all together right some of us some of us don't smoke you know I'd rather smoke cigarettes methamphetamine but um you know I I definitely could get behind you know saying we're not going to allow smoking 100 foot from playground equipment Amphitheater you know city building stuff like that but I will say on on other side of the coin there are several times people go to the lake to have a cigarette to decompress so they don't go home and commit domestic violence or you know something else so um you know and I think misson hit on it you know we don't want to infringe on the non-smokers you know um but I think if we if we did decide to go with an ordinance that you we we put up 100 foot 200 foot whatever you know length we want to put that we don't want people smoking around um as far as the enforcement side of it you know we we don't have the resources to go out and and necessarily nail smokers but if we get a complaint we can try to educate the person I think think that would be the ultimate goal is education um but you know some people you got to push a little bit farther so I would say anywhere from a a civil citation to being trespassed from the city park if you can't comply with with the small regulation that we had so um and I think every Park is different also um the lakeyard uh I think Mr Harrison was saying it was 500 Acres something like that I've heard two and I probably be counting the lake very large Park you know where you got Pat coal which is a tinier Park um like I said I think it just all kind of depends on what park you have if you say 100 feet in pack coval that probably would Encompass the whole whole park um but you know I don't think it necessarily going to take any more work for us to to do that but ultimately offic City Marshall is the enforcement side and yall are the legislative branch so if that's something as the legislative branch wants to do and make ordinance will have hold that ordinance and I think Council want to know if we were to post signs U how frequently we going to have signs are we they goingon to be every 100 feet out there now because I mean I'm thinking more of the lakeyard because most of your Gatherings are around the ampli how many signs you going stick out there it's going to be out there year round they going to look pretty tacky to me I think to post enough to advise the public if you're going to site them I think we're to tie them to trash cans and and secet dispensers and things like that that we've already got because we already have you know on the receptacles we have you know please don't Litter we don't put the ordinance number on there but we do ask people not to litter I think it's reasonable to do the same thing with the smoking um and again the one of the big discussions that came out watch at first got brought to me I they said on our Parks I said well the lakeyard is our park so are you saying we can't smoke in the lakeyard and the answer was yes well if you're going to do that have you talked to the church that's there I mean because they got folks that walk out I mean you talk method church across the street you know we've got policies at the hall of prood but you know we got other people that use it not just using the part so um you know that was a request um that was made and those my concerns is you know people are acely using it how are we going to police it because once we deal with the whole lakeyard it becomes a concern I'm thinking more about an event or you maybe wherever we hold an event I don't know how you could do the whole lakeyard and if you did it would look really tacky by the time you put 200 signs around and I would not dare try to exclude the entire lakeyard yeah but um maybe an event well you know you use know the way the Wayside Park it rarely gets used by anybody besides people kind of traveling through to me it's not where a lot of our commun our community members go to hang out so and of course I would probably say it' be more complaint driven than proactive enforcement you know somebody calls us and has an issue then we try to address it Mr Mayor go ahead you know I think I think they would be open and I'm certainly open to the idea that the lakeyard is a big place you know and people fish out there you know they're going to they're G some people smoke they're going to smoke they're going to do they're going to chew the back of while they're fishing or whatever and then again that's not the intent you know if if we made it playground I think that would be completely acceptable within you know 100 feet of a playground yes ma'am maybe the playr the something like that by sign by the beach to ask people to keep those as smoke zones um I know the Presbyterian Church really wanted to support this because we've actually done trash pickups around there picking up big devices and cigarette bus things but um you know just just starting by trying to keep the beach and water clean and protecting the kids from the playround and and just to start and see you know those those signs don't I don't think that they make it threatening they just a request this is a smoke free zone I don't think we can probably have you know just take over a huge area at one time maybe we ought to start taking one facility at a Time start knocking them off uh it's GNA be tough to incorporate it Citywide I think at one time U first of all I mean we really kind of sample it see what's it going to look like you know because I'm concerned about all those shiny signs mayor yeah we have under chapter 16 in our code of ordinances section 1611 it's unlawful to use profanity while in any park that's all parks you cannot use profanity in any park playground or recreational area I don't get it I mean I I I'm okay with the the whole lakeyard not being think but how do we enforce profanity we don't Chief we don't I mean we don't that would be a First Amendment issue was adopted prior to some of that I think we're too focused on the enforcement aspect of this rather than the the the symbolic aspect of it and the good that it does we we can do good things today um we can do good things in this society and I I don't I'm not I'm really not concerned about enforcing an arrest and Criminal criminalizing I mean Dr Z said we're not criminalizing tobacco use we're talking 90% of the people in this country do not use tobacco nothing against the 10% that do but we do have an obligation to protect People's Health when when we can and and it's not a big ask people are getting more and more used to it everywhere they go and and if if we can if we can have an ordinance about profanity for goodness sake that only affects people's ears um I I just don't understand why we can't uh look at something that affects People's Health um I just want to tell y'all that at lak Fest on that Friday night there were several people that had been to the council meeting where this was approved and these people started lighting up their cigarettes and these other people that had been here were like I thought there was no smoking ordinance who's enforcing that and I'm sitting there like oh please don't remember I work for this city because I really and truly I didn't know how to answer that but again it was at the an theater and it was distracting if you don't smoke sure come on thought we going to give you a little more work do go ahead me again oh um I think it's all in how you approach it just like anything um I I could come up here and be rude and nasty and want the same thing as if I came up and was polite and kind and respectful I think we don't have to have those specific signs we can have some nice signs right we can put them on the garbage cans where somebody is going to pass by I I think that we can we can limit the area around the lakeyard I think we can make it for events at the lakeyard if you think about it we're we no longer smoke in restaurants we're not smoking at the beach I can tell you there were many a day I was at the beach that my day was ruined because I was next to a smoker and it so I I understand both sides of that but as a reminder our our tree and beautification board did unanimously recommend for the council to consider this and I think that no one's wanting to have it policed and arrest people and find people I think that if we educate the public about what is happening and remind them to be kind if you see someone that's smoking a cigarette say hey by the way this is a nooke z right not what where's the police let's go get them um again I think it's in in education and how we approach it and I think we can do it in a in an effective way where we're still having our Parks be smoke free if if other cities are doing this and and apparently it hasn't come to disaster I think that we could give this a try as well thank you I agree yes sir I'll give it to you in just a second here come son of a state trer anytime the Florida legislation passed new traffic laws speed limit whatever they would pass it during regular session and they would always say this law does not go into effect until January 1 so you got six months to educate the public Statewide on a new speed limit I remember during the gas crisis when it was changed from 70 to 55 anyway um we have a public information officer here with the city um I'm against all you know putting the sign every 100 feet I think that was an excellent idea uh there is a such thing as sign pollution and um secondhand smoke is is a thing I mean to not approve this and go ahead and do one swell uh one big swoop on all of our parts this is the way it's going to be is kind of reminiscent of and I think you're probably the only one in the room mayor that can remember this me and you mhm do you remember the TV commercials before color TVs oh like more doctors recommend Camel cigarettes than any other cigarette remember thaty you know and you know I also grew up in a house where my mom and dad smoked you know and so and I'm uh yeah we smoking so um this is progression and and to stay and to and to not move forward on this yeah you know it's kind of like reminds me of the old black and white color TV commercials about smoking so um let's see so many other things go into this um I had more I wanted to say on this but I I applaud you for putting this out there and uh from a law enforcement standpoint there not going to be any handcuffs or anything it's a notice to appear public uh your uh public information officer puts puts it out there that you know this this is in effect uh your cooperation would be appreciated and the first thing a police officer does when he goes up to someone is to try and deescalate things and give them a verbal warning we appreciate it if you didn't smoke we do by the way have a city ordinance and tell you comply result in a notice to appear this is like a traffic they don't go to jail or anything like that give them not noce to appear and you only do that as a last resort and if you make the notice of appear if you make the fine like $500 and you you'll solve the problem real quick yeah you know for the hard hits but when you do don't just say tobacco say you know there's baking you know stuff like that too so this is this is a real good initiative and I support you for bringing this up thank you so um I'm GNA take my this will be my third chance trying to move this along uh I tried at a prior council meeting tried got moved to the committee tried the committee didn't work out so I'm gonna try one more time take ride your Co um I think we we're underestimating the courtesy of our our community when when we you know fight against this um I think that if you ask someone with the backing of of a ordinance when you ask someone it's completely different than just walking up to someone just saying hey you you might not smoking I think people will listen but if it's a if it becomes a policy I think it gives it a a uh a grounding it gives it it gives it uh you know strength uh it's a it's like it's not just me that doesn't like this um and the reason I care about this is because I was a really sickly kid I uh my parents did not smoke U my mom wouldn't survive if they were smoking in the house she grew up with with smokers in the house when we visit her family there's smokers in the house and when we come home and we'd be you know a whole night of headaches and congestion and just feeling horrible um and the clothes don't you know don't get me started on the clothes but you know it was something that was that was it would run us out of restaurants it would run us out of public places it would run us out of funeral homes it was the kind of thing that we couldn't participate in the everyday life of our own family members because it didn't allow us to and we physically couldn't handle it and it wasn't until I was seven years old that I could actually run and do things with the other kids uh I was just always you know sick and smoking anytime I was around it was a problem so if I went to a playground and they were smoking we were leaving um we didn't ask we just left because it wasn't worth the hle but times have changed and we've realized the consequences of that smoke we've seen the damage that does we've seen the statistic the doctors have come around in Long getting paid buy Camel cigarettes to advertise for um but we've seen the benefit of it we've seen the benefit to restaurant owners who thought that it would be a disaster if they implemented it that it would be no business in Florida everyone would close down Doom and Gloom everywhere the servers were happier the customers were happier and and the restaurants are full um so if there's a sign if there's some encouragement for people not to smoke I think people won't I think a lot of people just won't and they won't you know just won't even hit them occur to them to do it I think that if that sign's there and someone does mind and it is an issue for them so they child can participate in a public park which is their park uh I think that gives them the the Comfort level to at least ask instead of just leaving with their tail tuck leg between the legs like so often I did uh and I think that's that's a reasonable ask um you know in terms of uh signage if it's got a fence around it we only need one sign that's easy the lakeyard is a special is a special condition um we do need to discuss whether it's the whole lakeyard or just the playgrounds uh I think the playground conversation is totally reasonable and eliminates a lot of signage um but I would support it being banned throughout the lakeyard um but again uh I support this I think it's important I think it's about allowing everyone to access their assets their playgrounds and their parts and comfort uh and I and I think it provide a tool for law enforcement because there are situations where they actually want this as a tool to to deal the situation so again I support this well we can't adopt an ordinance tonight I forwarded the draft ordinance that was presented the code L riew committee to Mr Townson and rapael so they have it perhaps this is a good item for us to stick we don't do old business anymore but to stick under the public hearing section of that and bring this up for first reading if that's what the council's asking us to do um all the debate we have now is going still be subject to two public hearings so the way I've written it is a blanket ordinance which was as requested um from what I'm hearing today the discussion has more to do with enforcement than it does what you're going to cover if you don't intend to enforce it you don't need the signs sure yeah at least not on Moss yeah I think we probably ought you make sure reach out they named out some local cities here that we can reach out to mayor I reached out to over 30 different localities to put this ordin together in June I can assure you we've looked at it very thoroughly okay um it's five-page ordinance okay not necessarily short but it's about as short as anyone you will see governing this I do not believe we need to go into the 60 to 70 page ordinance which multiple localities around the state have done um but this is a very straightforward amendment to our Parks ordinance if that's what the council wants um but I think ultimately you're need to have public hearing on it so if that's what the council desires to see it and that way we see whether we get a motion second to move forward on first reading the council did instruct it to be drafted so it's not changing anything that hasn't already been directed so I have no problem putting that forward to the counc that's what the council wants to see yeah is there something we can get out to everybody to look at I've already I've sent it to Mr towns Raphael I know Mr Valley Mr beom have seen it so okay they can be circulated to everybody they have it in their emails right yeah yeah I think of course I haven't read it uh at least not any time lat deal smoking vaping prohibit all city parks and prohibit in County parks that are within the city limits even if the county doesn't have its own ordinance which is the Le of City's recommend I going to question was the locations uh you know because now we got a unique situation because of that big lakeyard you but the Park's pretty easy you know buildings Parks but that Lake a lakeyard falls under it my recommendation to council if you're going to do it make it a blanket prohibition because you're not going to gain compliance otherwise if you're not going to do it don't do it okay yeah the idea is like is this perk can I do it at the skate park can I do it at yeah okay well so and that that is a consistent Trend I've seen within cities and counties is trying to do park by Park is a problem I will say that so what motion do we need no motion no we'll just have it on the next agenda all right Kobe any comments oh yes mayor I'll keep it short all right um so um the cities took the lake testing that we do of lake thec and Lake Stanley that's now on the website uh citizens can see that under the residence section of our website um and then today actually got it just a little while ago we did start doing um testing for petroleum and heavy metals um and our first results came back that both Lakes passed so that was good those will be on there as well and so citizens can see those routine um testing results on the website okay all right um I mention this Monday so I just appr do it again make sure everybody heard me uh we met with WWF and historical trust in McKenzie she was more than willing to uh put us in contact with the historical architect there he came out s Shaco building and helping us with you know maintenance schedule for building and some routine things we can do on an annual basis to reduce our cost in the future and to up keep that structural structure and so we do appreciate them coming out and helping us with that third I have created and this is just kind of FYI but you know when you see certain things a events committee within the city on staff and so um you know we have multiple events here we have City internal events that we do for staff and we eventually get out to the community events as well and this is going to allow us to create basically a Brain Trust within the city for our main events so we don't have one person responsible for everything we don't that person leaves nobody remembers right we got to so we want to create a Brain Trust and so that's going to help us hopefully um be a little more efficient and have a little more effective events for the community as well moving forward and lastly um I have just kind of a FYI and what we're doing going forward um I think the city could we as a staff do a little better in communicating and working with our outside organizations here in within the city who are willing to help provide resources to us and so I started with the defc sprs Garden Club just met with them went to their meeting um they've already provided one recommendation for downtown U that we're working with Main Street we talked about some of the stuff they're doing particularly before their event their meetings in September and so they're going to be willing to give some input in the future with beautification projects as we see that to be a priority here and I've spoken with Kim and the Tre board and they are perceptive of that as well and so that's one example of of some community and coordination we're going to start doing moving forward with our organizations here who are willing to help us out so that's all have great good deal all right well I'm G to be cutting out early early Wednesday morning be back Sunday but uh going to annual conference I guess I'm going by myself anyway um with the council comments Mr B sir real brief um I we kind of touched on it a little the other day but I want to thank main streets for the mini market the other day uh my kids along with a couple other council members kids participated and that um they had a great time it was a heck of a way to teach the kids on how to sell things and become entrepreneurs but even so the educational components afterwards of looking at your um your cost and what your what you wind up profiting and your profit margins and selling goods and trying to figure out what we're going to sell next time and and they were they all had a great time and and on Main Street uh like give them kudos for their cleanup uh last week they cleaned up was it th Thursday and then I think they did a little bit more Saturday I think Rachel said but uh there they did they do that periodically anyway downtown clean up and but they're anticipating a state conference here Main Street uh directors I think there's going to be a 50 here and that's coming up um is it this come this weekend or okay it's coming up shortly so so M our main street fiac is hosting that many other cities here so um we should I appreciate them cleaning up and trying to make our downtown look good along with city city efforts Personnel efforts and um just looking good all right well we we'll call this meeting A din thank you thank