##VIDEO ID:zK3X-xZ69pE## gles how's Tony doing what's he up to not coming he's been he doing all right under the weather he's still recuperating from that fall um but actually he's uh resigning so we're going to need to find another I'm just waiting I'm just waiting to get fired yeah I need get fired from commit not you're not so lucky just out the church I think we can go ahead and get started that's okay it is Thursday January 2nd 5 o'clock we'll bring this unification and Tre board meeting to order uh the first item of business is to approve the minutes from both November 7th and December 5th we'll first do November 7th if I can have a motion to approve or if there were any changes to be made I'm going make a motion for the first set a minute November 7th I'll second up okay I guess any discussion do we we've already done that uh all in favor I I I okay approved let's move on to the December 5th minutes say name will any corrections or if not we'll entertain a motion make motion I'll second very good all in favor I I I sorry I'm just making sure all right those are approved um the next thing on the agenda is the um looking at a sign for the intersection of uh South tth and Baldwin where the end of the Tesla charging station is that we had talked about um we had said we would look at bringing some designs forward and getting some ideas um these are a few that uh actually um Josh uran with the CRA the first few that you have printed out there are some that AI did that you know could kind of give us an idea of what it might be um when it ends with the depc Springs Arch and it says that way this way these were just some ideas that I found on pinest um I don't know I just kind of liked the that way this way and just making it really clear and you know here turn left um the next one uh was a map and arrows which I like that then you can see some very general IDE ideas that you would see in almost any municipality on the next couple I liked the idea for the one on cimi on the back of that one um because I thought it looked like our lamp posts and the one on page 13 um I just realized these are numbered I thought it might be cool to maybe even have a mural version of what the downtown map is with some arrows as an idea um yeah I like all of them I saw a couple of sepia toned things and I thought well that might be neat and I don't know if we're ever going to incorporate anything to do with the locomotive um or our trains I think we should but I don't know who's making that decision but I I thought that could also be a neat element okay I like the light post or the wooden one I definitely like the one that had like really that was my favorite that was definitely my favorite that iron work two yeah yeah um it's just so many people are going with the more modern that just fits it fits us historic really personally is really quaint and I with the like Victorian houses and everything I I agree I like the more old fashion styles I like the more old fashioned Styles but I really like that there's some Greenery Incorporated with that um yeah so you're talking about putting this all the way across the right there test well like where the railroad tracks are so the charging stations are on your right right in your eyesight right at the end of 10 right be nice one that would be costly one right wow I don't know there's quite a well I'm not talking about over the road oh okay I thought talking about you know really nice like over the road you know no that would be some that they're talking about doing that in some other areas okay and I had reached out I think I was able to reach out to Denise I got her information from rapael to see about she had been looking into some grants but she may not be at work today or busy doing something else after coming in so I didn't she responded did yeah I seen it um maybe I missed it that's very possible because I have read up on to make sure I know talk I'm so sorry no that's all right oh oh my Lord yes she did missed it entirely she responded right away so sorry I'll take you out from under the [Music] bus so yeah she had a um she said she's got various types of ARP Community grants um that she had given to Amanda at Main Street so we'll send that out just in a separate email so you guys can see a little bit about what that is um Kobe do you know if any other the CRA had made has there been any other talk about the more the larger way finding like at 90 and 331 uh there you know that's what you see on page 15 came straight out of the C's uh master plan Redevelopment plan um I think and I and I'm I had to pull it up I'm going top of my head on this I'm pretty sure number six which is over Street if I'm not mistaken that was they're actually intended on theirs and I will double check to go at um eth and sth not to go at Ninth I think ninth was number seven you see on that page but let me just pull that up while we're sitting here um I think Josh spoke about I mean I feel like Ninth Street would be the more appropriate place that's the main intersection that's the main entrance into it but it would it would require some coordination with the state in terms of what we can and can't put there height wise because of the lights so especially with the lights that hang that may be a bigger project of changing light style to being on a pole or something like that so that could be a little bit more extensive a project let me pull something not that it has to be the same but it would be nice if it Jed right where there were so we're looking at the very last page of the C's Redevelopment plan and then you base that off of what you have here six and seven um 9th Street at the entrance of ninth they have on here on the plan number seven so you would have seven on each side of nine and then our six and seven is different than what you're pointing to I'm sorry page 15 page 15 15 number yeah sorry my bad so page 15 you got a number six and number seven um on Ninth Street they've got seven highlighted so it will be the columns on Eighth Street entrance they have number six which is the overhead and then on Seventh Street they've got number seven again which is the columns so number six on on their plan again this isn't set stone it would be a change by the board over there um they would have the overhead on Sixth Street and if I can pull that up um who's running the Michael hey Michael will you open a new tab real fast go to the city's website in the back I okay um go to government and then when you hit the drop down you'll see community redevelopment agency under boards and committees yep scroll down till you see the 2023 fre Redevelopment plan a little more right there okay go to very last page all right if you will zoom in on that bigger map right there some reason it looks like [Music] it okay and if you will get rid of your uh index on the left make it a whole sheet awesome scroll over a little appreciate it okay so you see 9th Street 7 8 Street six and you'll see um you can't hard see it but it looks like it's showing one per so you have one column there overhead here one column there okay as well to do these project OB on their thing also be their perview to do all the signning talking about now the city gr or board want to use it's something we cantion C for that's I know was a project the main streets uh direct under their last director I don't know if it still is or not they're still pursuing it that's kind of where the concept came from that's where Denise had gotten the grants from so I think I think we may have two different understandings of Wayfare and time way finding to me this is an entrance sign mhm I think way finding were more on these over here M where to send people we definitely have some around town that are obviously outdated there the old logo and old colors need be replaced um so I think if the board's looking to do something I think there's a difference I think you do an entrance sign and then way finding differently but it's just Gathering I think and I may be speaking just for me but I liked the fact that it was arched in green but what I'm it'll be the last one I pick up it is um in the middle I was still envisioning arrows like so that it wasn't a walk through but it was still something arched like that pretty and then you would have the arrows saying you know downtown so you're not you're not even so this isn't to consider the entrance going in Ninth Street this is the little when you drive through tent and you dead end you can look in it too okay this would just go over it to make it look more appealing exactly um so add something there so and I I meant to go by today and get a picture of what the map looked like at the Tesla in front of the Tesla station and I Didn't Do It um Michael do you got Google Earth or Google streets or something okay thr us on street view of T Street please okay sorry thank you um because I don't you know I don't know how I know people are looking at it because it's the only source there but how accurate is it now now I don't know how much it's been updated um is it really helpful I I don't know um yeah that definit be the thought is to have a way way finding sign that can be updated easily something where you can change a panel in and out um or you know paint over it or whatever the case may be and obviously since we're kind of focusing on yep that um that corner really go ahead Michel head uh head toward railroad tracks right look to your right keep going a little bit more right there zoom in on that please that sign man Gotta Love Google all right thank you so that be something like at the end so you definitely need to be able to walk and see that I think where yall want to put it you going to be more so when you're in the vehicle there sidewalks on that side so you probably W be a little more yeah yeah don't want um teeny tiny little details I think sizewise it's probably okay you think so I'm a little confused because whenever I I thought whenever we first discussed something whenever they pull in to see that it was just going to be like a pretty defc sign were we trying to do like a a pretty sign and a way finding but then they have to cross the street to read where they're going I was thinking more just like arrows right not they would get out and see that was just me what you guys this way historic district or shopping or whatever landmarks yeah just so they can see hey oh there's something else down here if they you know were parked too far away from that or to me it doesn't that's not a very um go to the last stop it's not drawing me in that sign doesn't make me say oh there's a sign over here yeah um so something to you know show them that there's shops and stuff downtown so is not necessarily trying to match anything that the CRA just something in that area so it could be like the this sort of goes with this yes so this and this you know what I mean because you got the historic just keep it simple black and white your arrows pointing you think this is too tacky just to put that up at the end of I don't know that tacky is the word but I mean that wouldn't be very exp for something I'm not I'm not going to worry about money I'm going to worry about making sure it's really pretty and we'll find the money well I like wood you know being Forester of course and I like wood too but it's not going to stay looking like that as the problem that's a maintenance that's true thing could you combine these two and do kind of this but in this style where you have like this on either side and then an arch over the top something like that is that what you're thinking what do you mean that on either side like instead of the brick you'd have like the oh the pole you'd have the decorative stuff kind of arching over and then um the signs hanging wherever on well I think we've got um Michael you work for me but could I get you to face the railroad please or where were you thinking the the like way finding sides would go on on can you move forward just a little bit in the middle like build something in the middle middle a little bit more yeah up by the Box up there right right there yeah so I was trying to see exactly where the box was in relation if it was something we were hiding or you know putting next to I could hide the box as long we're away from it enough so they can work on it right that be you know if this was a brick if this was all solid brick here so you do this it can you still have the opening where lights seen through solid brick and then you have these mounted on the bricks these will be super easy to yes exchange work I agree yes and it's just pretty and we're not really waiting on CRA to do or Main Street to do all the other I think it would go yeah and the changing out would be a lot less if you're only doing like Landmark stuff doing downtown or shopping or lake or the winery or you know then there would be a lot changing out y yeah and when people just see like last stop Brewery or yes you know what I mean and they see that there's other stuff down there Bakery yeah and I think just saying you know two to three blocks or something like that so they know how far it is um um that would be you know how much how would you decide you put on there yeah is that is that a paid business P business pay for that right what a business pay for that or it may just be as simple as shopping right yeah yeah because the sign do get outdated I mean I noticed over by the um Tom Thumb there's the signs on the fence there and one or two of them are already the business is gone right so shopping I don't like that my wife says that a lot the restaurants stor well mean you could do it in conjunction with Main Street if you didn't want to be a generic and then Main Street could just buy multiples of the business and just switch them out every month if it's something easily interchangeable but yeah yeah I like that post deal yeah something quick and easy to do right there but I do like the idea of having that I don't give me you see that would be over that box and then you still would have a forget the Box okay but that would be at the end so it' be a gateway to Nowhere no there would be no Gateway this would be where the signs are okay right here so this would just be an arch there would be a little opening here where the light comes through but this is solid and the arrows are going this way and this way on like a a background of some kind gotta cost effective I know the cost isn't but to have somebody do like I know that we we bid it out one time just the columns were a thousand a piece to have a Mason come in and do the columns but if you did two columns and then you had the same black solid where it was held on with some scrolly scrolly black solid in the center that matches this I kind of like I kind of like that idea of having just the solid black in the middle I we have welders around and brick masons and I would love to see something like that so how do we move forward do we move forward on this um well depends on what y'all wanted what y'all did decide on concept C would be a great place to to go and see they've got money so what do you guys think so I this is the design is the one do you want to leave it like this you want to fill it in um you know you could leave it like that with the stuff and and people could take pictures under it um you to get approving accounts put just all we do is pay a crosswalk acrosser sorry to stop sign um if not you know how you g to do it and then the next one is who's gonna fund it who do youall want to fund it who you want to ask so our options would be CRA and Grant right because we don't want C C Grant the city or just tree board he had a good point with the taking pictures underneath it I love I love a good place to post a picture yeah and so do instill this post like back to what he was saying on the side maybe just have this and just have the classic black post on the side so we just have to get a cost estimate and then decide how we're going to fund it we got to what we want to do to get the cost estimate you know which you know like when he just said tree board money or City money that's going to be depends on the cost you I think saying is I need you to T design exactly what you want we would have to find whoever would give us an estimate on what it cost to build such a thing so because this would be I mean it would be relatively hard to find multiple quotes to build it it's going be a specialty build so find one person they can make say okay it's gonna be $8,000 to build this then that's when all you're gonna decide who do you want to ask you want to pay for yourself or you want to ask somebody okay or do you want to take chance on a grant so we need to find a brick mason and someone a iron SMI who did the bricks at the cemetery remember when they put them up a few years ago all along there I don't remember cemeter I don't know but my classmate Murray Johnson will probably be the best and the most reasonable of any I know we in the area or Mason guy by me name Mixon does he can do smaller projects like that like he's not going to you know brick an entire house probably by himself but but he could do all this you he can't do the welding that would be a separate person um but I know we have several welders in the area so maybe let's try to oh it's very good too there you go we just he's very good I don't want to say that but I think we buy the whole pieces and he can just attach them right right come back with semester next meeting or you want to get rolling on so let's think about how wide we would want this oh I mean this is what kind of space do we have in the um good um so you need to just back a second tonight you need to decide on the design however y want to go out quot when get out a second you gotta decide ask who's going to fund it and then at some point the council's got to approve you putting it in that right away so oh how big is that other sign there you had a picture of is that six foot across 7 foot the one by Tesla my Tesla no it's bigger than six I think I think I don't think so no and my guess would be no but okay six foot I'm guess but maybe maybe it is I mean well can we look at that sign again on the I mean yeah Michael will you go back to that sign please so I don't think we would want it less than that would we I'm thinking eight foot inside inside yeah I think like eight foot inside inside yeah I think you're right um I think it is probably about six feet not even that yeah I mean think about go back to your lift just a little bit Michael yeah that's the best one get yeah yeah that's probably about six foot I always imagine someone laying down on the on the ground there in front of it and that looks about you know somebody would yeah yeah I think you want so you'd have two posts with a brick 8 foot apart you're saying brick cols can we look back where it's going again go by the railroad track yeah hey do does anyone know what standard what that street is from the yellow line to what their Road width is what do you mean um like in the street just because so the yellow dividing line this to the corner yeah uh trying to think what the standard is well city streets are typ can typically be a little bit smaller than your State Highway um you it's probably 8 ft bad guess yeah just we could just sort of Judge like if we're back looking at yellow line if it was straight ahead um what 8ot would look like yeah 8ot be pretty darn close I mean if you can drive a what a 2500 through it maybe yeah so there'd be plenty of room because that box is not straight in front of I go any bigger than that though do eight I think eight would be good and then would we want to do two foot columns 18inch columns which you want 8ot that'd be the inside inside yeah complete full 8 foot on the inside right there we go there's a picture straight across by where that orange marker is I guess I think yeah that orange marker looks even with the yellow so that would be the center is that what you're thinking would it would just be in the center of that road I was kind of thinking that I don't know how that box is going to work in our way can we get them to move that probably probably compromise to hide it some way yeah nothing else we can paint it a dark green yeah where it Blends a little bit better well I'm just saying that columns gonna get really close to it you're gon have to have a footer you're GNA be digging next to yeah you gonna have to do that we can have the city we have loc location deal there looks like there's plenty of room in front of it yeah I think we can get is the is there an opening on the front of it is that yeah there's two doors that open you have to be you got to stay away from that far enough away so that they could still pop it open yeah I like it so it's going to be NW in 10 foot no 12 foot 12 foot probably if you go two foot that's big should we should you don't think it's too big no I think if you're going to do it eight foot okay it B almost cover that box we you got to think what size sign you put on there too so you got to have enough width to do that as well I don't know how this would fit in these maybe hooked to The Brick columns these signs or how no I like well I say no I like Summer's idea of putting like a piece of metal just black sheet metal behind it and then having them attached there you don't have a PO yeah we did and then we sort of went back to he had mentioned maybe make it where people could stand underneath it so that means it would need to stay open and then would put these on on the you know on the side on side yeah on the we just need to get the signs the time they're building it use your Mason he could put in the correct insert so you could easily right take yeah right then you can change I like I'm not you know what I mean I'm just something like that yeah you have maybe as many as four or something on the side M you wouldn't have anything pointing the other way right nothing done well you could do you could do City Hall you could do um Taco Winery whatever else is on that side of town that's a St you get to the lakeyard that way too okay sounds good I'm torn between in the middle on the side honestly because look at what what's behind it so I just don't know if I think we would need to have and if you attach the the black um because like said like if first photo op it's not you don't want to photo op tching the black sheet to the back of it you can still stand within it right so you don't see through it C signs up that's a good idea so you don't see through that MK and that could also give you know if anybody ever wanted to add anything to it I mean you could even take the take the sheet in a nut and make it kind of curved you know you wanted more more see-through kind of curve it and then have the signs have the signs where on the sides yeah like on the sides are you know kind a little lower in the middle but I think we got it something like that I I think we can just get a general idea and a general budget is that wrong to feel about it that way KOB somebody's good at M I mean we're not designers or Architects you put that on a computer to get it all so you can see the whole thing yeah where got that Talent you got the columns that just looks nice with it coming off the brid with the IR like you know putting it together like that yeah I like that y okay all right Kobe tell us what to do I guess at this point I'll have to um page numbers I've got it I have to just find somebody who can put put that on a drawing of some sort kind bring back a sketch and then go from there I mean at the same time we won't do I have a p on we won't just do one thing at a time we'll go and do that and then go ahead and find the person who's going to build it um so we can kind of come back with a couple things so we can start with that yeah okay so you can get somebody to draft yeah we'll start with a sketch and go ahead and find Mason who who can put it together okay and if anybody's got any numbers or contacts come to me I price estimate I should have called to have this put on but before we leave that down that vicinity uh I would just like to say that I talk to this sorry um Beverly from Advance nursery and just told her that we did choose her bid and I just want to make sure because we're not now we're not talking about planning until the end of February and so you know that all those prices changed and so she looked everything back up and said that um one thing had changed was the uh blue Tuscany Rosemary and she just wanted me to explain to y'all like right now they're in one gallon pots but they were fixing a trans they were fixing transplant them into three gallon pots it's the same price and if we are going to plant them she would he her person recommended did he not transplant them it's still going to be the same price but there's no reason to shock it from there to there that it should just go on the ground and I said y' would understand um and then she said that she would need money up front for that bid that she doesn't have anything um that's how it works so for her to place that order and so she sort of wanted somewhat of a date because I know we talked about late February but how are we is that that we voted on that we have the money for that that's a done deal yeah we we I mean it's a done deal I just don't remember I think that was coming out our what's next for us to make sure that that happens come spring I'd say mid you probably do it mid-February so she said if we could do it mid February that she could go Ahad order on her next truck that means we need money soon you know what um so a couple things quick catch up I wasn't the last meeting I know you walk downtown you came up with the list you got that you know where you want to put them at is it's all all the beds on the north side of Baldwin is that correct am I missing something they're they're all yeah they're on the north side of Bal all of them are yes that's right okay okay um and so you somebody got a quote from a nursery we got three different how much was it how much was the 2 okay you got a quote you got three quotes you come out be that amount so you do have the money you got $10,000 it was budgeted um when do you think need so we need to plan them you're saying sometime in February you know no one's afraid of getting Frost and dying because it'll typically Frost somewh around Easter again February about on that but most of them plants yeah I mean the the ground doesn't freeze so be okay that's when we usually plant all our stuff we get Rosemary might have trouble if it was a real hard Frost but um the rest of the stuff should be okay I think okay thank that was on the south side of north side and it was but it was on both sides of that street so whenever we're looking at that street it was it was all the way down was what every curve cut out from was that 10th right the 2000 is just for that one one corner right but we're just doing one corner corner to go big right which one the one would deci sign us going so if I'm coming down 10th Street Tesla Chargers are on my right this is just the curb cutout on the left T east and west side of tent gotcha gotcha so this curb cut out this curve out on 10 Street just those two right now well and then that little strip in front of Tesla that's what I'm talking about yeah yeah that's still the north side of Bal and then we're going to see how it does if we want to expand see how they survive well the thought was make it look really nice and then try to get businesses to sponsor Each corner afterwards and I I did go to Main Street and they said they would do one too so okay you know okay good so this is this quote is just to do the curb cutout on the 10th on the left and the right and then you talking about the strip of grass that runs down front of the Tesla Chargers okay Y and it's 103 gallon pots okay and so this isn't um if we waited until our F to the meeting in February I think that would be time time to get them we should be able to get them in time we did that or our next meeting is do we need to do that first do we need to order them before then I don't know I'd say if we order them as soon as possible that would be best because you know it gives the nurseries a chance to get but get it all together and I did ask her I said so if we do go ahead and get it now will you please take care of them because we cannot she said ra do you have the quotes yeah yeah well I send it to you is our next to me who which who's the vendor yall nurser nurser local okay good okay um what falls under my my spin Authority and we can do it it's already part of our budget so I'll go ahead and place the order um but we will put on next agenda just for y'all to ratify that's who you want to go with but I can go and place that order as long as everybody's in consensus yeah your next meeting is February 6 so be sure to put that on the agenda ra you yes sir so you so you'll place the order before the February 6th yeah we'll go ahead and do that probably first thing next week I'll go ahead and get with transportation and Scott to go and put in the PO and it'll come out y $10,000 line and so I'll contact her and let her know that she'll be hearing from the city okay perfect get it to me tomorrow you don't want it now progress okay all right um anything else on the sign design before we move on to Arbor Day okay Mike the floor is yours tell us about Arbor Day I was in here talk to some of the Cindy and some of the rest of them we had talked last year about go ahead and doing Arbor Day on Arbor Day Florida Arbor Day and instead of doing with cha that's the third fridy in January believe Florida believe oh wow so it's cutting it close uh that way we're not waiting on Shaga we don't know what they're doing but we had talked about doing that we' have to get with the mayor uh if he's available that day that is that the 24th what's the third Friday in January yeah 17 I left a message with Ariel the county Forester because they buy those two trees two trees for that and he must be off today yet because of the holidays to see if he could get him in time they get from pan handles and so I didn't know what you guys thought about it but we had discussed it last year and about he go ahead and do an aror day we probably get a plaque just like when we honor somebody we just say AR day 2025 in the tree then if shiak would wanted to do something that' just be extra they would talk we buy it I'd help them if they needed help they wanted us if they I like doing it on Arbor Day I mean that's what we're that's when you're supposed to plan in Florida yeah now it's day in April but that's for the whole country but I'd have to see if Ariel the county Foresters could get the tree probably could you got about and which tree were we doing two weeks from to tomorrow two weeks from tomorrow we just decide on a tree whatever tree y all I couldn't remember if we decided we talked about trees in general ordering the city orders 10 trees each year we talk about we did Cyprus we got that list right Rafael yes we got the the list of trees that you guys decided you wanted to buy the 10 right yeah but that's separate from what county Forest can buy do we need for every day just one but we get two because they'll buy two we might as well get a free one they'll get a big one so we can just and it's going to be planted at the lakeyard yes that's where we do the okay so but whatever tree you want I I love a drake Elm and we just don't have or winged Elm since that's the one that's on our list I know you guys don't we planted one we need to see if it's still alive because the Oaks just seem to do the best I don't know but yeah um I'll check I'll go to lakeyard that Drake El I'm open obviously want it to live yeah the Drake Elm don't look too well I think we should go with something else Cyprus was on the list for the 10 though right we want to get more down there and there's not a lot be way getting more cypess right so I'm good with that too what do you think Evan for because he's gonna want Ariel he'll just order whatever we want Cypress would be fine um they do put up knees so that would be you know a placement concern yeah we tried that down in the water hole but still lost one down there no water hole anymore it's dry right but it's a gorgeous watered them yeah we'll put a bladder on this one we ordered bladders last year through the city so why don't I tell them get a Cyprus and some type of Oak and then we can decide which one we want to but if we do this I want I got to have a couple y all at the Y yeah yeah because it won't be like stop when we have a whole bunch of people you know right and I if Taco wants my wants our help we'll still help him at least educational wise I'll be there so I'll get if as soon as I get a hold of Ariel see if he can do it I'll let I'll email you or something you can let the board know yes sir and then we'll have to check with the mayor because he has to read the proclamation he might be out of town that day I think you can count what day was that the 17 17th we have to see if the mayor is available I'll put it on his calend we can do it any time in the day you know any day that he's is a good time just let us go ahead and buy us lunch and then we'll go plant it make sure he listens to this unfortunately I can't make what I he's being cute yeah say yeah the miror wouldn't be available yeah but Flex B time you know you probably want to do like a one o'clock or something you know whatever it work for if you want to do it 10 o' I think didn't they used to do it early and then go to lunch no it always right after lunch okay but I'll send you or something if get to go ahead from the county Forester so you know I'll just let me know what y'all find out and um we'll just do a proclamation that is just a proclamation get the paper take a picture something you know because we have to do that for Tree City USA exactly and Rafael you got paperwork this afternoon aboute I mean Tree City oh that's right annually we have to do that right yeah yeah I got it on my desk actually so then you can put that in even if we can do that dat say we we've already submitted for 24 so we won't have to submit with 25 until later in this C year so we're good okay it's a survey you to get yeah all right so I'll see if I can get that confirmed with County Forester I'll put it on his C tomorrow and y'll tell us what [Music] time okay I know that uh for the one in April if that's something you all want to do and pursue um my last conversations with the garding club um not saying they will or they won't or they still will they were they were in favor of for that as well being Partners in that so just keep that in mind buy the plaque or the tree very good all right January 17th we'll up seeing you guys again then for Arbor Day okay uh any other business that isn't on the agenda that we need talk about I'm just G quick I have a quick one Michael will you go back to Google Maps I need access to this okay will you turn around and go back toward Highway 90 I we won't have too much discussion because it's not on there but I just want to go ahead and have everybody yep go all the way to 90 keep going keep you can go and get in the middle of the street take a left head head West okay yep one more okay look to your left and you don't have to move anymore okay so this is the wall somebody W back um we definitely going to go ahead and pressure wash it the state's okay with that um I need I would like to put something on it we don't have to if you don't want to put something on it um it's not very it's not as tall as I remembered it being when I run by there still probably three foot tall all the way across so you know is what interested in putting anything on that you just want to clean it if so let's kind of just be thinking about it and I can have it on the agenda next agenda for discussion um and see what y'all would like to do but um it's up it's up to y'all can you clean that and paint it like a brown can you paint that well that's that's what I'm saying the state we can clean it State doesn't care if we clean it okay um even though that was took us a little bit to get that was weird but if we want to paint it or do something to it we'll have to send them a sketch and they'll have to approve that sketch before we do anything to it dress it up little to make sure it doesn't interfere with traffic and all that for mural yeah and I was already thinking like you know at the colleges different uh fraternities and sororities will go through and they but if you're having to get permission I was just thinking they go through and they change it and they paint their stuff up and then you know somebody comes through the next year and they change it up um it would be kind of cool if maybe the students got involved um I don't know it's state that's because didn't whenever you were checking into the with overpass and the state didn't want letters correct they didn't want letters that would interfere with that would be the distraction to a driver I just wonder if we would be allowed is that something we can find out if we could do if it needs well I think that's I think we come up with at least one concept but maybe two or three and have them prioritized and go to them say we like I feel like this might be a little different because you're not actually driving into it driving along it but yeah I'm sure there are certain things they're not going allow to do just from the distraction aspect if you couldn't do at least painted a brown or BR some you know so just just that' be good just a thought we'll put on the next agenda bra and then then the next one we'll put on the next agenda will be the medians on um 90 West we' talked about them I think you might discuss eliciting the Gard club that but that's up to we don't have to do that but I do want to look at all of those definitely rip out all the dingy old no good green shrubs that are in the corners I the CRP myrtles that'll be up to y'all we can leave them or take them we going to do but they definitely need to have the greenery taken out replaced with something newer and probably a little bit of color but I think that's something we need to probably do sooner rather than later and that doesn't particularly have to come out of y'all's budget U we do have viation line item we have in the city so I got funs I could use that but is that something we want to go together is it that detailed or do we want to do a drive by ahead of time we can do the same thing we're doing now on this because it hasn't changed tell us the the cross street so we know which when you get past um the prescription place you know you start your meetings every one of those between that and 3:30 North okay okay and even it can be even the one there's one more just CR my are a lot correct CR mys and then if you look um on the will be the south side of 90 you see a bunch of crate Mars got cut down those probably need to be taken out but was that the on the railroad correct okay yeah sometimes stuff gets planted those those intersections are really the main my main focus right now yeah yep so from there all the way past the light so what's wrong with that I mean if you like it like it but well I mean the crepe myrtles a it well me it doesn't look that pristine anymore so is but they they're really kind of beat up now especially the bushes on the corner but I think the CRP some of them anyway could be salvaged but just PR proper pruning yeah fertilized and right yeah it doesn't look that good now I remember when they planted on yeah I think we could work with the great myrtles come up with some really nice grasses pretty low maintenance as far as and they're less likely to intrude upon the road you know drop branches everywhere they're just GNA kind of there's a bunch of Open Spaces in there um of course don't always w't get too crazy that's we still have to cut the there and st's got a weed eat it but um like that right there on that corner that's to me that's that's no good so the city's responsible for even though it's the state you guys still have so the these we do now um the medians here on South when they redid them usually when they redo these medians the the agreements and contracts will have a number of years where the state will maintain them and actually I think 2025 is a year we've come over because it's been three years since they've been redone so we will then begin to go back cutting 31 what kind of shrubs are those I have yeah I think they're just box boxwoods yeah but 331 they kept tearing them out we keep putting more turn LS in so we keep tearing out the yeah those medium but you can tell these haven't been touched and since the last time they did something yeah yeah the state state we can do one or two at a Time start with that would be that crazy but half a mile yeah that's a good yeah dress them up a little bit right um I'll look at him some before the next meeting I we had discussed this good Michael thank you um where you know some of the funeral homes have links that say donate a tree um I where did we go on that discussion did it just it was a good idea no it got approved I think yeah but we never but what was approved no I think we actually approved what could be donated all oh yeah we did that I'm talking about speaking specifically to the funeral homes like and saying I have a link on their websites because all the websites for the funeral homes locally say donate a tree but I don't know where that tree is being donated I'd love to have that option and incorporate the city and be able to get those trees there are youall good with me reaching out to them and seeing if well we couldn't necessarily put a plaque just donate a tree they we get too many too many plaques that's in the that's in the um we might have said that donation policy yeah long as it's a small plaque you know it's not going to stand upat they can mow right over it or whatever yeah long as there's nobody buried underneath it I think it should be fine well we have to put it flat anyway so people don't take them trip over but I just thought that would be a nice way to increase our tree donation and if they are open to that and putting a link you buy one for me bite the dust you're never gonna bite the dust you're too ornery okay I'll do that in my spare time they look at the medium down there some too are there any citizen comments citizen does anyone happen to know and we can go back and find it who appointed Tony who Tony represents Todd okay um but I think with the beautification board there's no specific person correct I think you're right yeah I think I think you're right um approve it yeah and and just for the record Tony has resigned verbally I asked him to send us something in writing um so if you have any recommendations for someone who would have some good tree knowledge or some design skills uh we would love to get preferably somebody in the city limits lives in the city limits Outsiders already be nice but I would I would love a landscaper yeah what about um that's idea local uh is Caitlyn's brother yes and I think I talked with Harper before about something then zadra which is carries husband has a big landscaping business real yeah he's mostly on the south end but I'm just trying to think of I don't any other landscapers somebody that would come to meetings sometimes get and obviously somebody who's going to contribute and have some skills and and have some passion yeah what we're doing so maybe come try to come up with some name if you do just either send them to me and I'll give them to council members or just reach out to one of the council members and give them okay sounds good or the mayor council member the mayor all right anything else all right with that we will adjourn is 551 Georgia losing football playoff I don't know