let's start with a pledge of allegiance everyone I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America godible Liberty thank you the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting had been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 20124 posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the commission clerk the deay commission meetings will be audio and video taped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of Mammoth County on FiOS 28 take a roll Call alen Hurst pres Asbury Park yes deal interen present L Arbor here Neptune and ocean pres okay tonight we have resolution 2431 a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting for March 21st 2024 someone please offer I'll offer second vter Lian thank you all in favor that the minute the minutes of the regular meeting of the da commission held on March 2021 2024 being the same are hereby approved alen Hurst hi Asbury Park yes inter Len yes L orber yes and ocean yes okay tonight we also have a resolution to approve the treasures report and PID bills Bruce did you get the report I did okay sorry it was so late I was away well okay so uh balance on hand from the previous month of 16, 7632323544 uh we C we uh did some dispersements in the sum of 26 2431 total balance is 17994 62 uh and those are kept in our two accounts manisan and the New Jersey Cash Money uh cash management fund thank you someone please offer to approve the par thank you second inter lean thank you alen Hurst yes Asbury Park yes inter Len yes l black orber yes and ocean yes perfect okay Don take it away okay we we had we've been having some excitement trying to close down our our 319 Grand from 2018 um I just got notification today we have a new Grant manager third one uh since the beginning uh she's newly minted and she's very nice but she did come back to me and ask me for um to draft an extension uh I'm I'm going to do that when I get home tomorrow and uh she gave me the justification so um that should be an easy easy thing to do I'll sign a letter and send it to her and we should be extended for another six months we should be able to close it out prior to that um but we had a lot of discussions on our our our our request for funding which got held got held up supposedly 10% of the grant gets held until the final payments until the final paperwork's made um and you can't you got can't complete the final paperwork oh we can complete it but we they won't accept it until all the payments are made and we still ow the contract of $20,000 so we had a sitdown session took a couple hours and we finally agreed that they're going to be sending us a check for about $93,000 um and they'll hold they'll hold the balance to 10% um at the state until we we we get that done so once the $93,000 comes we'll be able to pay the $20,000 to our contractor and they'll be we'll be off and running so uh but there there was some dis there was some Mis uh misinformation that was or or the review that was wasn't done properly all the information was done correctly by Ricky and everyone um and they just missed it and there was questions about a check for $275,000 and and we had we had made the payment to the contractor so they were they gave us Advanced payments if you remember way back when years ago for um for getting some of the treatment devices in so anyway that's all cleaned up so that should be smooth running um on 319 Grand Peter you got anything to add to that or no no everything submitted as far as we have been concerned yeah and we're just waiting for them to sign off so the contract can be and Steve Steve Steve was working Steve's working another project Steve was helping on on that too so thank you Steve um just just everyone should keep in mind when we get to number eight here that um Don and our office should be complemented on the location of the manufactured treatment devices on Memorial Drive save a tremendous amount of contamination into the lake that's true true okay let's get back number two um the new D Grant right have you thought update you yeah I will um yeah go ahead we've provided well Steve actually provided an initial breakdown to D after all the information we provided to them on the agreements um they accepted it it's being reviewed by Jennifer the head uh reviewer at theep and we expect a response soon in the meantime uh we obviously commence surveying Basin layout MTD layout on the CV Square Mall Loop Road or off the Loop Road and upon uh formal authorization from D we will uh proceed we've been told Steve that they're going to process uh design costs to the commission um so that we can fund our costs out of that prior to the work being done um I don't know if they've done that before maybe they're looking at this scant a little different yeah I'm not I'm not sure I'd be careful on how you maintain dates of what's being done I mean we have a do we have a signed contract in hand in a notice to proceed no okay so we do have a notice to proceed okay be really careful with the date understand okay I understand yes do we do have that letter though in hand so that's that's not a problem so we're just it's just semantics right now we're trying to work on the inine so pretty soon maybe when we get back together in two months yeah um we can bring in some draft plan so the commission can review it right and we all move forward together yeah we should be all complete by then we should have a signed document by then and get all the parties together to take a field trip too Don if you'd like to yeah we got to get remember we got to get our our key Partners mama County in there and the CV wall guys are very important in Ocean Township so deal like wersh Lin so they will be involved um but there was the in kind piece mentioning all those those P players uh there's in kind pieces that that they're going to be providing um and that's what we're pulling pulling our air out on well we just got to modify a couple of things but you know bottom line is that you know between myself and Jesse and Don and Peter we'll be a to track inine services uh D had this is the first time I've seen them do this but they were going to require a lot of detail for certain types of in-kind services provided by the town uh that would include the necessity to provide pay stubs as proof of the work that was done so I had a conversation called email conversation with with uh D today and we just decided we're going to eliminate that it doesn't really affect the Grant in any capacity and the total amount of inine match is minimal it doesn't even amount to 10% of the total in kind that's being provided so it's easier just for everybody just eliminate that okay thanks guys any questions on the new Grant G um Steve when you said there there it's minimal do you mean the um actual money involved or or not not the labor right or whatever kinds of yeah it's the it's it's what we had computed to be the dollar equivalent in the volunteer provided time okay okay so it's only amounting to about $110,000 in total it doesn't really and it doesn't affect the Grant in any way we don't have to even provide in kind match it's just a you know it it assists us in qualifying for the grant money by demonstrating Community Support right so uh it doesn't affect us in any way other than minimizing headaches particularly for you know re Jessie in terms of keeping track of all of this stuff yeah you know thank you okay well thanks guys okay Shoreline protection again you know we had a couple more Bad actors around around the community water going and sliding in or mud sliding into the lake I believe the the gentleman or the company that's doing work above Wegman's is better um they seem going by there they contained it better I'm not sure if it's 100% yet um but we're still looking to that and I haven't been able to call that ler that was on last month um about um you know legal obligations and and issues of Clean Water Act against some parties so I'm looking at that more hopefully next month I'll have an answer on that um but no further word on that and of course all the other about eight or nine different um de um call-ins you know that we had case numbers on we haven't heard anything from the D on and I haven't had time be honest with you to to catch catch up on it as soon as we get these these grants cleaned up I'll have time to do that but right now it's a it's a lot so in a d swamped with call so I'm trying to minimize that Genie has already sent a request to meet the the head of the office that's dealing with us so I don't think Jeanie's got an answer yet is that correct Jesse I think Jeanie yeah you sent a letter to the the guy in Tom no no I I'm sorry I did send a letter and no I have not heard back U so I resent the letter again yeah but yeah I I don't know I I'm going to call the office on um either tomorrow or Monday and ask if the same person is still in charge because it could be he's not even there anymore good qu good question good question thanks for that that out first okay thanks um the goose remediation well so we we we got the goose we got a lot of geese they're they're active they're having a lot of fun along along the lake and there's a lot of nests so um our team from the de the USDA is working on it and uh we got some requests that there's a couple folks um that we sent letters to that been sent letters to we dropped a couple off there's more being dropped off um J Jeanie's working with the Board of Education and azri park to get them their approval to to treat the shoreline um because we do have nest in Asbury and I think we have a nest in in the board of education site so we got to get to them hopefully next week I think that's is she looking did she give us specific data on that Jenny when she come back I think it's next week right next week I think I don't know but as I think I told you Don all the turnover in um Asbury Park leadership the board of education has acting people and we have a new city manager and just things are not moving very quickly smoothly so but I'm following up on it and I right now we've got the city letter secured okay okay um we management um Jesse you want to talk about that a little bit me I just well we're going to W we're going to W it to the guy if we had last correct right right and we don't have to we can just say if everyone's in favor of doing what we did last year we he used coming for one treatment was $3,990 and hollowbrook used comine again one treatment was $665 that's that's it so could you spell that it's k k m n correct thank you it's a it's a copper based herbicide okay thank you that's going to be we're going to send that out this week I guess right right okay um and next month next you'll have to vote right we deal and may we do a multi-year deal again yeah yeah if he gives us a price for two or three years we're good okay um what's being set out the acceptance bid or what we're just gonna use the same because it's under the bid threshold we can use we don't have to go out to bid for it and they'll do the same thing that they did last year but you're sending out an acceptance to him to let him know we all everyone's in agreement right okay I think it's a phone call be honest with you then he sends a contract in okay thank you yeah he um he also has a permit for two years yeah he's covered right and the name of the vendor is Lake I'm sorry Lake management Sciences okay thank you you're welcome or LMS they're up in North Jersey um number six Marine saf safety rules of dealing uh I got a I called I I sent a couple emails I got no response and so there's a commission a marine commission that we have to do requests for any changes to their safety overos I I called them I called the sergeant and the um State Police that contacted me first about it and the general he called me back he said we we we submitted we submitted request about um personal water graph jet skis and I said oh okay I didn't know you did that so we don't know it takes it could take a year or two for that request we didn't say we wanted it but they they determined that it's not practical to have jet skis on the lake I I guess and made that determination so we'll see what the new rules are going to be when they issue them but it takes a while for them to issue the new rules um I wanted some other rules looked at and and uh and I put that in writing I just have got any email back on that so um but we'll see how that works out but it's something's in works on that but we least we at least we have the contact Folks at the r at the State Police level but there is a board a marine board that they meet I think it's four times a year once a quarter they meet in different locations around us there might be more than that might be six times they meet around the state um we missed the last one last one was close to us I think down South Jersey um but now they the next one I think is and Kate may I think or something like that but we don't have to go we wrote them so we should get some some hopefully some submission back from um the re number seven reestablishment of a joint meeting or da commission um Jesse how we how we working on that I owe you I was waiting I was waiting for you to give me a brief I got I gotta get you that maybe computer could help me with that no I'm GNA do it tomorrow I got it all time I guess and then I'll send out the letter to all the okay and I'll send all the Commissioners the letter copy of the letters that I'm sending out okay um de Lake the oil spill okay no I just wrote a note to myself okay um the oils bill on on it was actually we we saw it at first on 3:10 2024 but it's been it's been in a lake for years this this continu continuous oil slick it was worse a couple years ago it it lightened up because of our treatment device our treatment device was catching the oil getting leaking out of the uh the site it's between Fourth and Fifth Avenue Asbury on Memorial it's the Big Lot used to be fish's Bakery um it was a state building for a while I don't know if the state owned it or least it but it was a State Office Building for a while um but recently you know bur construction tore it down and there's a plan a foot to put 126 Apartments there uh that's well known that's well documented state in in the town's records um they did an admiral job getting it getting contained not perfect we still had leakage in the lake and the next day they came in there and and and did basically exactly what we wanted was rip out the soil and along the curb they put containment booms along the curb uh inside the curb line and took all the all the oily soil out which was great and and basically put it in the middle of the lot you'll see it covered some of that's from the treatment device they they evacuated treatment device at least twice they vacuumed the treatment device out um of siment of oils and and and floatables was was covered with oil so all that was clean they after that they did it again after a rainstorm I think they're going to end up doing it again um but the containment is great so I I I I thank the owner and and the folks doing doing the the remediation I think bur construction was involved in another company that's certified under the state rules um the next step is the remediation right actually taking out they found at least three oil tanks um there might be more I don't think they're done looking but I'm not 100% sure enough but at least three oil tanks of my understanding was um and they're going to have to remediate them and remediate the soil around and put maybe test wells in I I'm not sure exactly what's happening but it's going in the right direction and and they're serious about fixing the problem so that's that's that's super because you got a lot of people that don't care and it would be there for decades so U we got lucky I think I just one um but kudos to azri park and and the and the owner of the property any any questions on that okay new business any any other old business I missed no okay new business um as I mentioned we Zoom meetings in May I'm I'm down here in North Carolina right now next month I'm in in Tampa so I I I was making the the hybrid meeting happen so we're gonna have to hold off until June for the next inperson meeting uh I'm sorry June yeah June will be the June will be the next one next month U so be we'll have next Peter next month's the meeting in first maybe we'll have that maybe we'll have that working uh May we'll have the drawings in the state approv by then that's what should for um so that's that The Flume repair update will be in person number two the May meeting or the June meeting is may may may is is gonna be zoom and July is gonna be Zoom I think June will be June I'm here I can set it up I think hold on let me see think I am wait hold on uh no I'm sorry we're in April I'm sorry may may may is yeah June we have a meeting May I'm I'm out of town May and July I think hold on let me see something uh the next meeting 16 is the 16th oh let me see when's the next meeting I'm sorry let me correct that may it's the 16th of May right right forget that I'm I'm here we can do in person we can do hybrid May yep y okay because I I let B Hall know you um I was told to let her know April May I'm sorry I made a mistake it's okay so I'll I'll let her know April is a yes yeah oh no May May and June May and June I'm sorry may may I'm sorry Maye May and June is he yes and July's off sorry I thought it was in Tampa I'm in second week at Tampa so okay uh floom repair we had a serious situation in uh during that rainstorm two weeks ago on Monday I had R and valve came in and did a breef job on our on our system they were the guys installed the mechanical gauge or the mechanical actuators um into the flum house uh and they did a fine job but one gentleman was a little worried about how the mo motion of the South shaft was moving up it was moving it wasn't it wasn't normal I was also shaving metal off the gears on the inner workings of the mechanism um so he said don't use it unless it's an emergency right so I considered one day emergency so we had it open um and at night I said I during the day Peter's guys had sent me the drawings for the actuator uh the actual metal plate that that slides up and down that lets the water out um and the connection point where the shaft is and I set all that information to the Ron valve and at 10 o'clock at night he did a great review you know almost full page of information and his his bottom why was don't use it it could be a catastrophic failure so was that didn't make me feel too good so we we had a close I kept it close for a whole round of of high tide I'm sorry low tide so that's why the lake was a little higher than it could have been it could have been lower um but then I think it was wednes Wednesday after or Thursday morning or Wednesday morning I made a decision I had it I had open it up it was just too high so we opened it up and all all was saved so you know that's that brought that lowered it by 6 edes so um nobody got wet but that was that was scary so they they went down there the other day we lowered the lake a lot last week and um they went down there and looked at it and they realized it's that it's not as bad as they thought but the there's a little ball that holds the shaft on um that's threaded and it's below the this one point and it's out of its its hole it's out of its locking position so that's what's making it off balance so they they have to get back in there and realign that and they got to have the lake much lower so the only time we can do it really is next week or not next week the week next week or the week after U and I'm not sure I'll be able to arrange that or they're gonna have to wait till next fall so I'm I'm G to see what we can do U they one of the Commissioners we might be able to lower it next week so if you see the lake except excessively low there's a reason for it next week but if not we're going to have to wait until just before a big storm have to lower it or um next fall uh it said they say it's not as catastrophic as they thought and we'll be able to use it um from time to time so keep my fingers Crossing that but we do have some maintenance costs I think it was a a $900 Bill the first round I'm not sure what the second round was um but we did we got a maintenance proposal for from them um and I guess I'll show that next meeting I'll have that for you I don't have the official bill yet I don't think I sent the bill in did I Jesse no I don't think they didn't give me the official bill yet but it's it's yeah it's like it's reasonable it's $120 an hour or something like that might have been 100 yeah $120 an hour for their labor and they were they were there quite a bit the guy you know guy was down in the water on top of the flo uh two had two guys the other day with walkie-talkie so it was it was serious stuff but they they they they came they came to hopefully the the right conclusion that's just the the alignment issue um Don it might be wise to if if you are going to be lowering the lake exceptionally low to let the public know that sure sure we'll do that okay so just let me know and I'll send something out we can post it on Facebook yeah it'll be I'll post on Facebook for sure okay and you can post on the the website or whatever but we'll definitely get that out word out but it's not we're not doing it yet there's no dates set so what we can do um if we can correspond to a storm that's even better right but I don't see any storm for the next 10 days so it' be nice to to coordinated right before storm hits right and we might use the uh The Surge shutdown just to protect them to keep it dry when they're working in there so we might use we might use the out the uh the surge surge chamber which is not easy to use but we can use it for this the maintenance effort um okay any questions okay um we also have another issue with the fla number three I we've been using a free software link for remote operation on my phone and I'm getting kicked off um a lot um I get timed out and um it's basically pop it up says you need to pay your free offer is over um so it's 200 9880 for a year and that's from Team Viewer so i' like I would like a the motion is for authorizing myself to to use my credit card to get a Years Years use set a team view I'm gonna try to get it on on do it future get a bill from them so we can do it through a yeah that's initially I'll do it through the the credit card but approve for team viewer for $298 180 for year service of um of team viewer for the for remote operation of FL someone please offer I'll offer second thank you alen Hurst is he still there yes Asbury Park yes in Len yes luck orber yes and ocean yes okay number four we have clean ocean action um we've been working we've been working for years right on on various hotpots for for sewer sewer work we found a couple fixed a couple uh we have more more potential hotpots we' like to hit uh their proposal was for $6,300 for various different locations and um I I I I just got I just read it I I thought it was a little I thought the spots Maybe little high but um I like to cut the numbers down but in essence I think we can let me see if I can find it one second was this sent out Don I I just got so next month I'll send this out I I'll let you guys look at it but I'm thinking about having them cut the numbers down to a different number we're not going to be able do this to the summer anyway so we have a little time but I just want to want you to know I did get a proposal for just today uh for $6,300 and that's for it's $175 a treat a test it's not a lot of money per test but it's a lot of testing and it's all Upstream so I'll have Steve myself look it over and uh and see what we can come up with yeah I started to go through it and what I was going to try to do is is is cross reference it to some of the other sites that we have sampled in the past but like you said you know it's way up it's following the trail the trail right right exactly but I think she has a few too many maybe that's my guess what's that she might have a few too many I think we can cut I mean there's like there's 21 sampling sites I think some of them could be eliminated yeah yeah because we can always go back I mean I'm trying to look at which ones are like downg gradient you know and then right right right yeah we could May doing two rounds I'll ask you to do a proposal do it in in two pieces um in two phases but we got to get them it's hard because the wet one it doesn't rain a lot in the summer so you gotta be it's got to be raining during the the weekday when we have people available U it rains at night it's it's worthless because you guys physically do it in the rain and it's it's you get some really you know robust volunteers we had them last time and it worked out really well um but it's got to be the right time of day and in the summer you got more people around to help out so um but we we can wait till next month to so we'll hold that we'll table this um Jesse any any other new business folks no nope I have one I have one little bit I think go ahead um I didn't think of bringing this up until we started talking about The Flume uh in the gate house but over the past week and a half I have received two independent phone calls one from an insurance related person one from a municipal person on ownership of The Flume yes and ownership of the gate house and um we've talked about it over the years and we have our opinions on it but I think it might be appropriate if you wanted to appoint a subcommittee to meet with hunt and we should come up with a formal response from the deal Lake commission we can we can't own the gate house you know unless you want to sell it well it's it's just not the gate house too it's the flu it's the whole structure it's the it's the gate house and the whole pipe all the way out to the end so here's how it came it it came up two ways it came up in the insurance discussion and it also came up in the discussion with with the dam with because I I had to call the dam folks to ask if I I can lower the lake lower than a foot and a half for emergencies for repair the repair of the structure and they sure there's an emergency Provisions we can do that oh and by the way when are you going to submit the next Dam report I said what are you talking about oh you guys own it no I said I think the state owns it right back to I think the state owns it no I mean according to the DP records Asbury Park owns it it's a register that's Dam registration the dam registration number is linked to Asbury Park yeah to be fair to Asbury I don't think that's that's fair Asbury because because part of the structures in lock Arbor and part of the pipes in Asbury and lock off so you know I think asbery Park may have sent in the damn perment but nobody has ever did a report there's right for you and Steve and myself and anyone else who might be interested to meet with hunt and we come up with a formal legal response that we can use thank you Peter someone calls yeah and Peter the last report that was submitted was 2004 the last report that was submitted was 2004 by Asbury Park they have a specific number I forgot what the number is off top of my head but it's a dam number it's ownership of the dam not The Flume they consider the dam the whole structure he said he has it right yeah I have it what's that the the uh the dam report damn report no no no no no no the the number too you don't have the damn report you have a damn no I'm say yeah listing listing on a on a state a state registry correct correct right minutes is that D or D it's actually sure all I know I talked to the damn guy I just want you to know that there was a d i have um Flume Improvement improvements from the two years you represented to me uh which I believe both show that the state of New Jersey um you know um promulgated I'll say the the bids for those flum improvements that doesn't reflect ownership in their eyes because they do a lot of things along the shoreline as Improvement projects and they don't claim ownership but it is a place for us to start now here's the best part when when it first all started it was James Bradley throwing ha ba bales of hay in the wa on the lock Arbor side right on the lock Arbor yeah okay that's where the water was coming from is there insurance on the floe are we insured for that well that's that's oh that's the next big issue that's the next subject so the state of New Jersey is asking us we are actually insisting we we have a general liability insurance for the da commission that includes that could include The Flume building that could include all the daay um cleanups we have and any other activities that are on the lake we might be involved with we have we have director's insurance I believe that's is that errors and Emissions right and um that's again that's for us protecting us but we don't have any general liability insurance and I talked to other Lake commissions and other lakes and all of them seem to have it um and we're not going to get away from it so we have to we're going to have to get general liability insurance I do not not have the copy of the new policy uh we requested we put in the paperwork for it which was three pages long yeah um and the the insurance agent that we dealt with was who we deal with now our insurance agent uh sat with me on a zoom call went over every element um and they they submitted it for a quote I do not have the quote they believe it's going to be under $33,000 so I I would believe we should probably vote on that tonight so we can get our grants because we don't have it we can't get our grant if we don't have the insurance we can't get gr that's correct correct is this the grant where we need the $93,000 no that's the that's the old one the new when are we gonna see that 93,000 you know because we're running L on D here check check know checks in the mail they say that's what they tell me all right are you are you putting that on the table Don a $3,000 yeah I I got I got unfortunately what's the company's name Jesse Connor strong Conor strong Connor Buckaloo and strong I think it's called yeah they're our agent that's not the actual insurance company but that's our agent they're trying to get it with our insurance the actual agent the actual insurance company we have now whatever that is because I think now we P why don't we do it not to exceed 4,000 so we don't get exactly all right okay thanks Bruce someone please offer second offer Allen second okay and it's for insurance in an amount general liability insurance in an amount not to exceed $4,000 yes perfect we're not naming the insur yeah in this in this um and we're not dropping the other insurance we might get a combination policy down the road but right right which is probably what we should do yeah okay Alan Hurst says yes Asbury Park yes inter L yes Lo Arbor yes and ocean yes can I ask hunt hunt did you ever do any kind of a overview or historical review of the ownership of either the gate house or The Flume or any physical improvements I have not no in the past I would assume that a title search is probably warranted just to see where yeah physically where it's located yeah well you know we've used tax maps and other Maps before surveys of property I have a survey of the old Marine Grill site here I remember working on when I was a kid um well I think we should work on it Don I think that would be appropriate hey if we own it do we get tax on it what do you think sure don't tell anybody don't tell anybody we'll be quiet the register Dam and a flume is there a difference no it's it's a dam it's only a dam okay the dam has nothing to do with the so-called Flume it's dealing with the dam okay why the FL comes in uh is that is that we we've done projects before where we did the design and the state bid The Flume extension for example or Flume improvements and they assume a responsibility with that by paying for at least 65% of the Improvement project in some cases they do it when they own uh the facility in other cases they deny ownership oh if we don't have anyone that owns it I don't I don't know what the state would say about that because usually it's a minity and it's easy to say oh Spring Lake at Recon bought for years and then they said okay Spring Lake owns the Recon slum okay it's in Spring Lake who assum ownership and the state pays their percentage when it gets improved we don't really have anyone here to own it or to assume ownership unless like Don said it was as work right I guess what I'm confused about is uh Steve said that Asbury Park is the registered owner of the dam on on the dam safety permit that was the last one on file with the okay it's not not to permit it's it's it's it's on a website it's just aign to it we don't know how it got there it could have been some you know college kid putting something together we don't know well well look at that's why we should look at it because I saw a copy of correspondents that had a damn safety permit number and a reference to the city of Asbury Park and and to add and add more information Asbury Park called me and asked me who owned it yeah so uh well anyway whenever this meeting happens I'd like to be in on that so just add me to the list okay I'd like to I'd like to also be in on it I'm on that I've been asked the same question I have a big zoo meating on this okay can I ask you a question sure I I I'm curious uh um how the without seeing the general insurance policy how does The General insurance policy interfaced with the fact that no one knows who owns the loom yeah can covers it covers can I piggy back on that question though how come since it's physically located in lock arber Asberry owns it well or you're saying L lockar doesn't own it like well well who knows I mean that's the question lock Arbor you know it's the land mass some of the land is in lock Arbor the the the the building I believe is in lock aror based on the road construction that's been done out there the line the line the property line that Asbury Parks paints there is far to the south of it is and if you go on Google Maps correct though because if you follow the line of The Flume um the gate house is not going to be in lock caror is that is that the answer to the question then if you follow don't know honestly don't know look looking on the tax maps makes it even more confusing because I did it sure does it sure does okay and to top it off technically it would be right it would be all separated it was separate ownership it' be separated all the way out to the ocean on the tax map right both tax maps it's it it kind of Blends together so it's a conundrum I like that I guess can you put that on the agenda Jess we figure it out I can spell that for you Jesse right here's the bottom line we we we have the key to The Flume we we maintain the fluent we oversee the fluent based on the agreement we have with all the seven towns so we have responsibility if somebody slips and falls in front of that flum I assume it's it could be our responsibility probably they'll probably Sue everybody but it's nice to have the cover so should have insurance and by the way the state says we have to have it or we're not getting that a million dollar Grant so guess what yeah get insurance insurance we definitely have an insur it's called an insurable interest in it if you have an insurable you can get insurance whether you own it or not yeah oh thank you Bruce that's a good that's that is good that's very good thank you okay um commissioner's last word but Morgan you wanted to pass on this tonight right okay uh Carol um so the way I understand it I was I was getting passed tonight too but uh I was thinking about it and the way I understand it I think that the D commission has a little bit of an anniversary coming up so I wanted to take a moment and talk about that just put it in people's heads and maybe everybody could start thinking about how we could commemorate that right uh in a meaningful way how many years 50 50 it's a big number that is big we almost almost line thinking we need to have some kind of a event or something that you know has an educational component like we've been working on maybe there's fishing there's paddle boarding maybe there's some commemorative merchandise it needs to be fun and agree that's a great think we need to start thinking about that and maybe that could be um an agenda for a workshop meeting or something yeah definitely for the next meeting perfect definitely do it maybe Steve can look in his file for the first meeting minutes oh that would be great how about pictures of you two at the first meeting we could do that that would be pretty wild funny before we could definitely dig them up we have a lot of old historic like I told you we Ser I surveyed the deal the Marine growth site we have have a lot of old historic asy pork photos in our office we have we have storic experts that's have when you're back from your escapades maybe you want to come over and we can look through some files together and find some interesting thanks Carol that's great wonderful thank you Carolyn I I'd like to come to that too to look for some pictures because I'd like to work on the T-shirt component I'm I Heart The Flume yeah or who who owns The Flume why don't we put a for sale sign in a flume see what happens there you go that's not even funny yes it is not in Genie what do you got what do you got there Genie I don't know what to what I've got except that I'm really glad that the people that are be the the owners of the uh the property where the oil is leaking we still don't know exactly what's causing the leak yet but I'm really glad that at least they're trying to contain it and that the that the um manufactured treatment device is doing such a good job ofing is you know that says a lot about the the MTD for anybody who has a question about its value so and what the D commission does it's all if we didn't do it it wouldn't have been done right so good thing okay that's really all I've been thinking about lately so yeah and yes I agree I think it's a great idea to to um have a commemoration of some kind and we definitely should put it at least in our media you know okay just we'll pick a date I don't know what the date is of the 50th Anniversary but I'll look that up I'll look it up okay terrific Bruce what you got a couple things uh so I'm looking across the lake right now and it's astounding to me how many trees have been removed over there I know uh I just hope if we're we're granting permits for building and and the like on on lakefront property that the municipalities are letting the people know that there are restrictions on cutting trees because I I have a feeling many of them don't know those restrictions and are just going in there and treating the property in whatever way they they want um the other thing is I was out here the other day I saw a bird I was not an osprey it looked like a brown Eagle I don't know if anybody seen any of them have you seen it yes a massive bird beautiful bird yes and I was wondering if anybody was able to identify what kind of bird it was I was I was looking up different Eagles and could have been immature is a a a young Eagle yes that's what you think it is yep it didn't have a white thumbs up from Robert there I saw thing Bruce the other day up in a tree getting harassed by crows immature eil all brown on that note let's make a motion open it up to the public wait one second though Don I just want to say something to Bruce Bruce um and this is for everybody else time Don Steve and I got together and put together a phrase that we could put uh well what do we call it not a phrase but an insert for the uh construction departments for the different towns that can be put either on their website or added to the permits so everybody knows that they should contact the D so I'll send that out to you if you would like it and for anybody else who wants it because Asbury Park is using it now every one of those properties that Bruce is talking about yeah has a violation notice they've been they've been turned into the DB they cut trees that weren't supposed to be cut down they put bulk heading up that shouldn't have been put up so I I we we we we're waiting we're waiting and the know people the people the people just did what the hell they wanted to do right and that was it and they ruined they ruined a beautiful Shoreline and they're G their house is gonna fall on the lake other than that you know they that that's what they chose to do they chose to destabilize their Shoreline that was stupid so we'll see happens but that's one of discussions with DPG it's it's beyond what we did we did the best we could unfortunately we can't control people I mean you can't control what they do well I just think that within the municipalities themselves that you know it doesn't matter it's the municipalities can only do so much they only have so much manow so these people bring their tree guys in and they cut the trees down I was speaking and I'd like to finish what I was saying I do think it's important for the municipalities to have something especially when they're going to give they're the ones that issue permits to people people gennie they have it that's the point they have it they know the whole system they got it the construction Department yes they know it I'm going to just tell you from my experience in dealing with that they didn't have that information so now they do and whether people follow it after they get the information from the construction departments that's something else but at least they start when a a person goes from the city to inspect a property where someone's asking for permits they can say to them here read this this is because your Lakefront you need to be aware of this now like you say some people are going to say I don't care I own the property I can do whatever I want but some people really and the construction departments themselves the people that work there were not aware so I'm just saying that's been a consistent problem with lack of either misinformation or something you know so okay let's let's move on public let's motion a motion to open the meeting to the public sure second second thank you all in favor I the person has hand raised first yes that's me swear oh doctor how are you doing I am okay thank you sorry I am not on video today because of a a temporary disability situation okay so okay so um the about the tree aren't there Municipal ordinances that are requirement under the you know storm water rules that by May 31st or something each municipality has to come up with an updated tree ordinance and I was just wanting to find out if all of the the towns are you know updated on that ordinance or is it the the towns are adopting some of towns have adopted it sometimes some towns are changing them uh ocean has their tree ordinance they have a tree they have a tree inspector that's the shoreline that Bruce was looking at um I know the the gentleman was involved I I know there was a bunch of trees that were cut down that that were cut down illegally so you know from from there who you know who knows where it goes with the state the state has very few they have limitations for for inspectors but they they have the violation notice and they're they're required to follow up on it and usually they have the town followup and there's a report sent by the town um we don't know what that final report was we don't have a copy of it yet um at least on the the multiple shorelines there's at least four or five houses right in front of Bruce's house that had violations oh okay thank you okay anybody else jump in Melanie there you go see Melanie Melanie unmute your you're you're muted can't hear you Melanie St there you go Oh no you're still M there you go there okay yeah um are we going uh I should have asked morgo this actually before the meeting um when is the carp um contest is there a carp contest and Margo are we thinking about contacting Raptor trust maybe and seeing about bringing carp up there again sure sure they do us we we don't have it scheduled yet to have it arranged the fishing club I'm hoping to do sometime in May I'm hoping so okay okay that's it Bowski you think you want to make an announcement about something yeah I got a couple things G thanks okay thanks um so May 18th we have our deake paddle with the deake wed Alliance it's it's not it's it's kind of not official we're working through some challenges that are similar to the ones you guys were discussing earlier so we have a couple details we have to work out but right now it's May 18th starting at nine o'clock and we'll have a flyers sent you all shortly just have some details we have to iron out and then on the next day May 19th you may know that the Ocean Township greenfest is going to yes going to be on so that's the Green Team and the environmental commission doing this it's from 10 to 2m they've already got about 30 vendors so it looks pretty good already and there's a 5 and there's a 5K run right before it right 5K right before it that's gonna be in the main part of Joe play Park this is going to be where the museum is and that space right there's like a grassy area behind between the museum and the and the library so real close to where the 5K is Right games a lot of things for kids and that sort of thing so yeah it's really getting a buzz too really looks like it's going to be pretty special so the Dake watered Alliance will have a table there we've got this neat display from Ruckers that shows what a watershed is and there's this colored pellet release in there it's kind of inter for the kids yeah and we'll I think Genie we said for the da commission we'll have a space for like if you want some flyers or or cards or something like that we'll put some I'm gonna bring up for our newsletter right Janie that the Q code yes just for getting people to subscribe to our newsletter that's correct yeah so spread the word folks if you know eco-friendly vendors we're still taking vendors I think we got some good comments already on our website um oh yeah a Facebook and website we put it on yeah I put it up oh great thanks nice comments welc appreciate it all right thank you all okay thanks anybody else me again me again okay go ahead um and what Bruce was talking about before about the trees um it's it's just a continuing continuing problem and Ocean Ocean Township put in a tree ordinance didn't they for if you cut down trees you weren't supposed was supposed to be $2,000 a tree some guy took down Seven Trees clear cut the whole lot and instead of paying 14,000 he paid 2,000 so though and here we put a tree ordinance in in lock Arbor we worked forever to get it in and had hired an arborous to you know say this tree is is viable and everything and all the all the guy has to say is something like well it could have a potential of falling well any tree could have a potential of falling and that's good enough and down it comes right Margo yeah I mean uh we had we have a Mary goin's house here that was sold last summer had gorgeous trees absolutely magnificent and the thing is they're cutting down all old growth trees and do not have any understanding that that is what holds the water in the ground don't know and don't care so they better get that's all I can say better get better Sun Pumps and better roofs anybody else but but it's but it's everyone's problem it is it it is well the state Ru the state rules are going to be pretty strict so I I believe they're stricter than we got I believe so I don't know that for a fact but I believe it's but I think Mark she makes a good point that it takes enforcement right so oh yeah yeah it's it's not our responsibility unfortunately we just have to point it out our towns our individual towns and and see what happens with it anybody else the public oh just as a point of Interest G let me finish up with the public first sorry anybody anybody else with the public please okay let's close the meeting let's close the public session down all I was gonna say was that hold on Genie Genie hold on one second what go ahead okay a motion to close the public hearing motion second you're not allowed to speak second L all in favor I I opposed okay Genie what's up I was just going to mention that um in some towns they're also assigning Heritage trees which are things like what um Melanie was talking about old trees they'll actually designate trees that are older and they give them Heritage status and then you it's very difficult then to cut them down but I don't like you say it's Enforcement issue everywhere that's the problem and who designates them they had like now they're talking about doing it in Asbury Park personally I think it would be better to have an ordinance but they're talking about doing a Heritage tree what they were going to evaluate them they have a criteria for what is a Heritage tree based on diameter age the that kind of thing the type of that it is and that int has that they have a Heritage tree okay so that that was just something I wanted to throw out I know there considering it an as to see what the state comes up with okay motion close the public meeting we did that a motion to close the meeting sorry second thank you all in favor well happy birthday de L happy birthday de think of what we want to do