we have myself Carol you and Margot we're good we got okay okay let's uh let's I got the pledge one second let me share the screen and we'll get the flags going here see here see I get the flag we want the flag put the flag on here we go got the flag fly here we go pledge allegiance to the flag flag United States States of America and one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the commission clerk the daay commission meeting will be audio and vide taped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of Mammoth County on FiOS 28 alen Hurst Asbury Park yes deal interen yes L aror here Neptune and ocean here okay tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting from June 20 20th 2024 someone please offer offered second I'll second it um all in favor I I oppos okay oh none okay tonight we have the bills list resolution to approve the treasures report and pay bills I guess both our people are not here don't do you want to read it or uh yeah the balance on hand at at at the masr bank is $1,758 75 uh New Jersey Cash management fund is $5,673 68 for total on deposit of $ 35,43 a43 receipts were from the banks and the fund $68 26 and $68 both 6 I'm sorry 63 26 6826 um and that was interest interest on those um dispersements myself 15281 for the the loer jcpnl $37.90 stop operate the flo Verizon $403 for the the system phone system at the flo for remote control um lean Waters Consulting $350 Richard Garts our CFO $650 Jesse Joseph 600 7675 for a total of 19577 uh sub total that was the total dispersements uh we also have a dispersement which vot on a shortly of $10,000 for for precise construction this is the last payment of of two payments we had owed them uh we owed them $20,000 this will be the last payment we'll owe them zero this uh total dispersements are $1,957 brings our balance to $23,660 18 uh balance M bik Mass bank is now 791 1624 and cash management did not change I'm sorry I did change $11 15,740 N4 total and deposit $3,664 and 18 cents so someone please offer to approve the treasures report and pay bills Asbury Park offer thank you and second in second okay Asbury Park yes inter Len yes Lu gor yes and ocean yes okay Don all yours okay um may be the last time we talk about this but the 319 Grand from 20 2017 is almost complete we have one last payment to precise we have a resolution here um which I'm not sure why we're doing it but we're going to do it anyway um and this still authorized final the resolution is 2444 authorized vinal payment of $10,000 to precise construction for the Ocean Grove Wesley Lake rain gard and treewell um bio retention system as part of the 2017 319 Grant um anybody offer that well could I ask a question please let's get it on the table first anybody offer you want to want to talk about it first I rather off put on table then we'll talk about it okay okay Carol I'll offer so we can talk about it all right great okay so I'm just curious because I'm not it's not not done second I'll second it I'll second go ahead go ahead all right so you I'm curious because you introduced it by saying you don't know why we're doing this could you explain what you mean well we already we already authorized payment on the bill list so but we did didn't have the funds for it and Rick Ricky you wanted to get Ricky said that we had to do an authorization so that when we get the funds in for it we have the authorization to pay it in between the meetings because we the good news and the good the other element of this whole thing is we did get payment from the state so I'll talk about that in a minute but we have this on the table Ricky wanted us to get authorization so that whenever we were we didn't weren't sure when we were getting the check from the state Ricky was kind enough to read reach out to Asbury Park to their CFO and she doesn't know why the check was held up and we should be getting it after their meeting next week so he said instead of waiting till our next meeting when we got the check from Asbury we could pay the $10,000 and not wait till the next meeting so we needed authorization to that's why Ricky needed authorization Ricky's asked asked for this basically okay anyway that's Jesse you want to take the vote on this sure Asbury Park yes inter Len yes L Garber yes and ocean yes so the other big piece to this was when I got back on on the so on Monday morning I got an email from the the D that that asked us to um they told us that the check was cut on the night the 18th of July for about $992,000 um and Jesse was holding back on me just told me a couple minutes ago we did receive the check it's on the way to the bank um so so we don't have to count on Asbury Park all the all the various different problems we had on insurance and all that we cleaned up it just took it had to take six months it took a long time but we got it all cleared up the state was very you know they were they they they took their time but they did a good job uh you know because management changed you know administrators changed three or four times and the girl that's handling it right now is is wonderful and and she took it she took it to the end helped us out with the forms um and there's a lot of paperwork with these grants it's a tremendous amount of work um so I had to write a cover letter explaining the changes to the budget we did that and seems like we're going to get the rest of the money soon uh if I'm reading um reading this right I'll just I'm going to read you a quote from the the state um so now that this issue has been resolved you will need to submit the budget modifications request to move all the money from the salary Fringe SL Fringe and audit categories to the subcontract category the letter must be explained why you want to do why you want to to do this and a justification please also use the attached the attached form to show how the money is being moved the final payment will not be reimbursed until this amendment is approved well guess what we send it in yesterday and they received it so it sounds like we're gonna get the balance of the payment and we'll have the grant closed so Hallelujah so that's that's great yeah that's that's great and then we're gonna work we're working the next Grant now any questions on this on this grant the old Grant Don does that include the uh retainer that the state was holding no yeah that's what they're saying they're going to send if it sounds like once they approved that budgetary item okay budget change yeah we moved the audit up and everything went into subcontractor category Steve that's really what happened everybody's a subcontract so you know now we know right um so that's moved and and the money it seems like all the money's coming another almost $80,000 will be coming to us and that you know that's to pay back and fill the coffers up that we had right from the beginning of the grant so anyway that's that um the next one the new the new Grant is is still in limbo we still have an assurance issue right we we got through the first one with insurance U with what we had but they want us to get liability coverage we all know that so we're working with interlan um I told Carol the other day I hadn't told Carol but because we were talking to the insurance guys and they seem to be the one I'm talking with is is the representative for Interlaken and he's very good so um he's been asking a lake and I think your mayor knows Carol now I think I'm not 100 sure but I don't think I'm not sure if he's approved it or account but Lor's on on leave this week so I know Peter and I have been talking about it she knows about it um and basically we need a sponsor town for us to join a joint Insurance Fund and we get the same type of coverage we had before for the the the officers and and and officers and and and staff I guess um directors and officers usually directors officers thank you directors officers and then we'd also get general liability uh and we also get in back of me the building in back of me we also K get some coverage on that maybe the the the the stuff in our in our uh storage facility too um so that would be insured so we'd have some insurance for property and laot for liability and you know they're thinking it's somewhere under 10,000 which isn't a lot more than we're paying now so it should work out really good for us but we need it as soon as possible so the state will release the the next Grant I I think they might do it beforehand with a promise from us uh but they're surely not going to cut a check any checks until they get that so uh we're going to try to nail that down next week and and get that rolling U Matt Matt's done a great job getting the paperwork in that had to be get in that had to go in and now we're waiting for the next phase so but it's gonna have to happen Peter knows it's it's gonna have to happen fast because we have a short time L line I I think I only have a two years left Peter or something like that or oh he's mut you're muted Peter Peter you're muted muted you're muted oh my my phone wasn't muted so I don't know why something was wrong um two two issues remain um we're now a year and a half okay we had three-year Grant agreement uh we completed our work very quickly submitted it we've been waiting for over a year to get the agreement signed by the state of New Jersey right uh even completed conceptual plans which we submitted um and still don't have the agreement um Steve a little different this time because they agreed in writing to upfront money for design uh before it's expended so once we have the agreement we can actually process a request for funding to cover the cost of our uh Steves and our design work which is a good thing but we're still waiting and it's a little ridiculous so we have to go through this because it's totally different than any other project Steve's ever worked on and he always covered this but um we're waiting that's the one issue the second issue I know we're all friends here but when I got an email from Don that he had sent um plans to the deal Lake Watershed Alliance the deal Lake Watershed Alliance took credit for the design of this project just want everyone in the commission to know that they had nothing to do with it uh Don and Steve and our office processed the Grant application submitted the Grant application took the time to meet with them and let them know what we were doing but then once Don submitted a copy to them just to let them know where we were at they sent an email back saying thank you for considering our design concerns in your you know in our project design so we'll be glad to work with you um it's fine I just want to know that that's what's going on in the background I think it was less I think it was a little less than that I think they really just wanted to thank us for incorporating the the the the green infrastructure which we did so yeah yeah but it was your design but we it was their idea and we said we'll do it that's easy right that's easy button so but you guys designed it that's the key that's the key I don't want to take anything away from Steve because he's doing the green infrastructure and we really any other Consultants that are gonna stand in line to get paid I think you put a box around the green infrastructure I that's what your the the effort was Steve's working the rest so yeah worry about that so that Grant we're gonna Jesse just reminded me that we need to um push Ricky to start the process for bonding so we're going to start the process for bonding shortly um that won't stop us from claiming the current money that we have outstanding we just have to get insurance settled so we can get payment that's the key okay at some point in time we may want to wait we may want to request uh additional design time and not go to bid uh with a reduced timeline so that we're um at the mercy of a contractor to comply with the grant timing but we're gonna work on that i' I'd almost like them to say you know we're sorry all this happened uh we haven't started work yet we'll give you until uh whatever date to complete the project right is that likely is that something they do Peter normally I don't think so but Steve would know a little better if it's something that should be done now or something that should be done closer to the timeline being finished um you're you're muted muted Steve turn your microphone I thought it was unmuted okay so basically from what we just learned through this whole process with d it's we need to be very proactive with this as Peter's pointed out I mean they gave us some leeway initially but I think um it's probably best to routinely uh you know ask uh Jen noblis who is our project manager you know so that we don't run a foul um and it's not like she's you know she is a great project manager I've worked with her plenty of other times but you know I think things have changed at D and they're real sticklers now for some of these details mostly the the people above are in budget and finance so yeah that's where the problems so yeah we we're going to get that request for for the for the bonding and then we'll also put Peter's fee We're not gonna wait for that Peter we're gonna put your monies in that request in I think we already paid you by the way so it's just a reimbursement to the DA commission I believe is that correct yes we were paid for the work to complete the conceptual plan track what we haven't done is we Haven been able for the last six or eight or nine months uh to proceed with the project design and we're ready for that and I don't want to get stuck because these last four weeks we've submitted 19 Grant applications for County open space and CG we have transportation trust funds we're tied up now so do this work when we have time and when they take that timeline away from us it makes it more difficult when when are you guys free up in mid August time frame you think or not I'll be free tomorrow if they tell called us to start I'm ready to go I'm real absolutely ready to go well I'll call tomorrow you want to have a conference call with me and with her we can talk about that yeah um you know we've been told that that the D commission will not be reimbursed for any time spent prior to the implementation of the grant agreement no we we got that in rning we already you're paid you're yeah I we have that letter okay very good let me move on um thanks Pete yep uh Shoreline protection no updates on that Jeanie have you heard anything back from the the DP about a meeting date nothing I can reach out again yeah it's probably we might want to wait till the fall I don't know I mean they they're probably swamped I me I would assume but there's all kinds of stuff going on it's I I think I think it's calmed down along the lake be honest with you um I don't see as much digging and chopping of wood I think that's all been done um it's just there's a few places that actually expanded what they were doing and putting pools in and I was shocked that they're putting a pool in in one spot that I thought they got a notice of violation um and I thought they had pay a fee and they they let them put the pool in so I'm shaking my head on that one think I have pictures that one yeah you know what you know what I'm talking about well I'll I'll give it a little time and then follow up I'll do the same thing I did I think just make the phone call yeah see where he's at they're always busy so okay I'll do that Tom river river Rob right yeah yeah since I spoke with him before and he said give him a little time so we give him a little time Goose I haven't got any any word on the goose yet I mean I think that's coming in September time frame I'm sure she's taking a break she's she works hard so I think it came what Jesse you remember when it came last year no no I don't no we did get we did get it um in August last year we did oh okay okay so we we make it the weed treatment I mean I'll be honest with you the weed treatment I looked by by there it didn't look bad um our contractor did not push the button he's ready to go if there's weeds but I haven't seen any weeds he hasn't seen any weeds yeah I and just you know I was by there a couple of days ago well last yeah last week and um I didn't see anything that that you know necessitated a treatment in either one of the arms right right the lily pads are back in force by the way I'm really happy to see that right Carol yes they're all over which is great we lost a couple years ago well we be talking about we weed management um and I'm sorry not me weed management the treatment along deal Lake of for geese no I'm when when is that done Steve I I forget when do we start applying um the wait were you talking about geese or you talking about the weeds yes I'm sorry I jumped to back back to geese yes when when does the geese treatment normally get applied along D Lake Drive for it to be effective we did that as a sample we didn't we didn't do it as that was not a permanent project we we didn't be honest with I haven't even thought about it with $93,000 outstanding so I I really kind of it's not on my radar so if we want to apply it again we have to do it probably in 2025 I guess yeah you know what you it's what Genie's talking about is that the material the goose Stoppers that we we spray we we pay the Gentleman Jim massina to treat treat around the lake in certain spots Asbury Allenhurst and a couple other spots so that's what she's talking about right it seem be pretty effective at the time I be hon I haven't seen too many geese what along the lake on that end I haven't seen that but um when is the time to do that is there one a better time for treatment than another I seem to remember that I think I think I have to call Jim missina and ask him back I don't do you know Steve when is the time to for that I thought we talked about that once and you I I don't know in terms of the the goose treatment yes adding one thing with the goose treatment yeah see anytime actually he kind of needs grass for that so the more grass you got the better if it's not you don't have grass it's not it's not effective at all so right now we got a dry spell on the grass is dying so I don't I he might even say wait to the fall I I'll give him a call and ask I'll let you know next meeting okay thank you full Jim Jim okay now um Jesse how we making out with the the reestablish pretty good we have Al Allenhurst deal L Arbor and oceans agreements signed and their resolutions okay so we're still as usual Asbury Park and Neptune Neptune and Inter Carol how are we doing over there I don't know Lor's away Lor's at off this week yeah she did ask me a question last week when I was told about insurance she asked me about it and she goes oh I I gotta get the mayor I have to compare last last times to this time I said wish it was the same it's exactly the same per your in like resident Mr Hunt Perry so it's identical it's online I said you can send the mayor directly to online site and he he can read it verb so it's the same exact it except for the names right the names have changed yeah so don um next week when Lori is back in the office and the mayor was away for over about 10 days uh just going on vacation um I've asked to meet with both of them so I can advise them on the insurance information just so mayor's comfortable with it um it's you know it's hard we understand it but if you're not immersed in the D commission no one really understands what we're going through on that insurance issue because it's something that D is just bringing up now so I'm gonna explain to them and uh the mayor will hopefully um just sign off on it problem is they only meet once a month in the summertime so uh I'll work with them though and I'll bring this up as well okay Janie how we doing with asbury's renewal I'm supposed to hear from them about a meeting and when I know more about that I'll let you know okay and Neptune I'm Gonna Knock on Neptune's door Peter you know anybody over Neptune any administrators there's a new one right I do but I don't know um I think you better go through Eric might help okay okay that's cool Eric okay thanks I know R Bishop unfortunately farming down any any other old business that i' missed okay new business um okay with the Allenhurst I heard from Allenhurst by accident um I did hear they were talking about fountains I knew their interest in founds but they actually Implement they're implementing it um I think Matt from Peter's office is submitted the paperwork to the state for it and I don't know when they're going to go in but they're they're working on it I know that so I think they're putting Three Fountains in by north of the the bridge so you may seen fountains there and and it's all paid for by Allenhurst and also the electric is funded by Allenhurst uh you guys all I I mentioned the liability insurance what kind of fountains do you know Don I have absolutely no clue like for aration yeah that's what I'm wondering I think it's more for just for looks be honest with it's I don't think it's gonna affect I mean the the fountain type Iration systems don't really they're not really that effective I mean they'll help a little bit but they're not really that effective they're more for display than anything else and they probably have lights I'm guessing and they'll be nice I'm sure they'll be nice but and I I don't know if they're going to turn off at night uh my suggestion would be turn off at night just so you're not disturbing folks that liveing along the way so and sitting on the illegal docks there you mean those folks the who the folks sitting on the illegal docks and uh floating well yeah you don't want to disturb them you don't want to you don't want to disturb that's right right um it impacts the the wildlife think too having lights on all the time at night right correct don't know we have no idea what they're doing I don't even know if there are lights on them so why don't we wait find out what the issue uh they're also working at fishing tournament too um and I working with with asre Park fishing club on that and they did talk to me about that also I gave him a couple ideas as a fisherman not as te Lake shair but as a Fisher um the oil spill I still don't hear have the information about what happened to the lake they did a phenomenal job cleaning up the oil spill in Asbury um I'll be contacting them next week about when the next step in terms of determination what what happened to the lake Ste Steve is there any words of wisdom you need to help me with or and on that you know I I specifics would would help but you know we don't know I mean Peter and I went through this number of years ago where there was a similar type of uh you know event but you know we need specifics because it could be anything and you know when how they going to remediate or or well they got I would like them to pay for a company to come in and determine if there's a problem that's I mean you know so typically that you know that it's done by an lsrp a licensed site remediation professional and D's got a whole you know strategy and all these rules set up but it's the lsrp that really ends up running the show right and we got the number for them I I have their phone up so that's not a problem we got they were very nice I've read I read some of their reports they're doing a great job but they haven't reviewed the lake yet okay they cleaned they just cleaned out our storm our our MTD again just recently just for extra extra effort this probably their fifth time they cleaned it so that that's good news um and they plant if you know if you read the paper they're they're plant 120 plus apartments in that location so there's drama nobody said anything about the oil the piles of of of contaminated soil on the ground but right where the oil tanks were is where the buildings are going right there I have some pictures of those oil tanks I yeah I did too it a pretty big did do you ask them how much oil was in it one I got one two one was 10,000 is that correct they were big yeah they were big 10,000 gallons and the other was 2,000 there were some big tanks there three some were I I I only saw two and when I was there talking to them that's what they had just taken up out of the ground they they took a lot of material out of their ex yeah so anyway they they they did a fine job I mean you can't even smell it over there I was over there today I couldn't spill anything so yeah okay there is there's a big pile of soil um right that's what they got covered with a t is that gonna be removed yep oh yeah that's got I guess they wait for direction from the state Steve is that correct yeah I mean they're GNA have like a site remediation plan that plan needs to be approved by the state so it needs to be prepared by the lsrp that gets submitted to d d reviews it approves it and then you know I mean it it it it's going to take a long time good too many too many units being put on that spot and not enough parking that's a whole another ball yeah whole another BX okay um that's all I got on new business guys any any anybody else um oh just wanted to say this that Josh and I have been finished with getting I wrote a letter to go with the the information we're going to distribute to the new homeowners okay along the lake when we send them the guide to the um uh Lakefront homeowners that the D commission put out we we'll put a letter in there and just welcoming them to the welcome to the neighborhood and um a card to subscribe to the D commission to get um newsletters and website information and we'll that out I think we're going to do it in another week and a half I'm not sure when Josh and I are both free but that's that's done we just got take a day to mail it I want to note that Josh has been spectacularly helping out with The Flume um and and a oneman wrecking crew in terms of removing debris right he seems to get exercise out of that he's lifting logs at two people couldn't lift up so did he LIF one out last week and said it was on the ground I saw it yeah big stuff out yeah he's been he calls the city and they come and take away the stuff he drags out of the lake so he's personally bringing dragging it out yeah yeah okay um let's open it up for the uh public hearing here do you want to do commissioner's last word um I'll do that last what do you think I'll move that I'll move that to Dan a motion to open the meeting to the public L secondry all in favor okay I iOS okay okay public Brian even though you're alternate you're still a public today yep May is the public so I have two two one statement and one question Don I don't know you must never drive through Colonial terrist anymore there's a flotilla of geese going down Hollow Brook there's over 50 in the neighborhood um I don't know if the neighbors didn't let the woman onto their property uh but the same kind of spots had multiple nests and multiple geese but they are doing a much better job at slowing down traffic than the mayor and Council done they remove the speed bump but the geese slow down traffic all long so pretty upside other than the downside which is all poop um then the question I had was the grant that you're talking about that you've been waiting a year and a half on what is that project that's the CV Mo project that's the C Mo okay that's I thought I just wanted to and Brian you're you're welcome to come to our office and go over that with us because I know you've been kind of interested and involved in it and we'd love to have your input on that and speed bup yeah on the I want to come by and see it I would I will I will take you up on that um please don't think this is offensive but I was thinking of a striped crosswalk over to Aldi for the P for the Gees SP um to just walk across ASB Avenue that might slow down the traffic too yeah oh boy that's all from me thank you all right thanks thanks that's it for the public motion to close public did anybody you go back to commiss there's no one there I'm looking there's no one Commissioners last we going go back to that CL oh hold hold on I don't have anything to say so go ahead motion to close the public hearing first yeah who said that Brian I know Brian said it a motion to close the public hearing M you knew you weren't second second we got a second we got than okay last word commission oh now I have to say something no I'm not saying anything Carol okay put that down on your calendar Brian I willgo I don't I don't have much to offer either I'm just I I think that we should start thinking about 50th anniversary celebration and kind of maybe that would be like a good workshop for us I don't know kind of talk about what we could do to make it special good idea yeah we should do we gotta do it we should do it before the end of the summer that's what most in conjunction with the cleanup or we just push I was thinking I was thinking in conjunction with the cleanup yeah yeah I yeah I think that would be really really we get really good turnout for that at the maybe we look at the DAT of the cleanup and adjust it yes you seem like perfect person to head that up Carolyn oh thanks te you're the one who brings it up and I think you'd be good at it but we shouldn't celebrate anything until we get all the signatures on the renal right exactly embarassing and all sudden closing it down at the end of the bo a final toast to the DA commission yes okay thanks and all the assessments pay and all that'd be nice okay Margo I don't really have anything to say thank you okay okay um I don't know it's uh what lot of photos been taken on the lake recently all beautiful I don't if you've seen them on Facebook but there's been some spell Stellar ones so anyway thank all the public that that puts those up they're very very nice um and I think it's cleaner I I I think it's cleaner it looks cleaner no blue green algae which is the key so happy to say um that's that's it motion to adjourn no next meeting is a can what is it going to be 17th of and is it a hybrid August August 15th actually okay August 15 do you want how do you want to do it hybrid Zoom I don't know I me yeah I'll be honest with you this time of year I'm so busy it's tough getting getting down there to do it if Kenny can't do it I don't think I can do it just do Zoom hold on let me just see what 15th um I'm but I don't know what do you want what do you want to do guys you tell me that's a great question if we go to Interlake and like Carolyn said we could work on a little bit of our 50th before setting so why don't we try that okay let's try to have all the the agreement signed that'd be great so but what is the date that was requested again Don hey list it what do you mean when we sent out the initial letter what was the date that we had asked to have July 1 July but that's okay but but we're were talking about August 15th meeting a hybrid or a zoom or what what are we doing well that's what I'm asking oh okay I'm not going to be in town so I could do Zoom but I can't do um in person Carl what do you want to do well I zoom is fine with me I mean it's maybe it's fine with me mean we can always you know shift to it in person if if we get everything a lot of people in the meetings we haven't got we didn't get anybody for this meeting we got one Brian but Brian about right it's summer too I think I know yeah a lot of people are on vacation St uh let's let's do Zoom again and maybe people can you know tune in and then September will'll kick in with with the hbr and maybe we start like 20 minutes early and have a discussion about 50th Anniversary there a workshop that's a good idea in August 15 you want to do it then so oh Oh you mean kick in early on a zoom yeah we can do that yeah sure sure five so 6:30 6:30 is fine but well for the public at seven yeah is this a workshop so do we need to advertise that as a workshop or what is it yeah I'll advertise it as a workshop yeah because we're gonna have more than a few of us H H said yes yes thumbs up you got yeah it's a workshop it's a work I'll advertise it I got it okay right I have to to advertise it too then yeah and there was a request a while back for a Sunday cleanup um I'm not sure exactly when we're going to do that but uh other than our our normal Saturday cleanup so so our community local community can help out and come out and clean up so and that's not a bad idea because a lot of them have boats and kayaks and canoes and a lot of people live in a lake that are from the Syrian community so that's the only doesn't give us a backup rain date that's the only issue we wish we just wouldn't have a it would just be that day or you can be in a rain you can't thunderstorms are bad you you can pick up in a rain so but something to think about maybe we'll maybe end of August or something like that so they can do it we can talk about it on the 15th okay sounds good and I do I have a couple folks that came up to me ask me about that okay I'll see if they can be in charge all right let's move a motion to adjourn yeah move second a second a second it all in favor I I opposed perfect thank you