##VIDEO ID:EtVboYxa8Us## of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty jce for all guys I'm gonna M everybody for now okay I think you're all muted what it's difficult to hear you Don [Music] hear mic's coming from how's that jie that's better okay very good Jesse the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required and finally a copy of the notice with the commission clerk the daal commission meeting will be audio video taped and will be shown on a TV Optimum 77 and throughout most of MTH County onos 28 before we start I like to introduce our newest member yes and it's Bobby icome welcome thank you Bruce Bruce is up is he Bruce Bruce yes presentent asur yes here here G here and ocean okay tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting from August 15 2024 unfortunately you can't I someone please offer the minutes so second second all in favor we have the resolution to approve the treasur report and pay bills Bruce did you get a copy of the report yes I did am I being heard am I muted or unmuted good I'm good then all right look at the uh the total on deposit at the beginning of the month was $2,963 71 second BR I'm sorry do you hear me I'm not doing this again I'm coming in this is this is we could hear you Bruce he he's just working on go ahead start off over nope now we don't hear okay so the total on technical difficul we can turn that off we can if you unplug it we be be better Bruce you there I'm here right we can hear you are you sure are you sure sure okay total on deposit at the beginning of a month was $12,995 71 we had receipts the amount of $1,426 69 leaving a total available of $14,000 39040 uh before dispersements he had $1 17,43 21 in dispersements uh leaving a total balance of 97,3 4719 so submitted thank you someone please offer to approve the treasur report and pay bills could I ask a question about an item on the bill list the $10,000 no um it's about uh I wanted to know what a I don't object to it I just wanted to know what what the trash Grabber is what is what is that was um Jas Josh was working down there the one we had broke so he went out and bought another oh okay end up with two which is funny yeah that's that's what that yes so that's so he can grab trash that's why they call it the trash I I get that it was $150 so I was wondering it's it's an8 foot long trash okay I thought it had to be a lot bigger than the little ones we use for cleanups just it's identical to that but eight foot long know what happens when the government buys things the prices go way up oh that's it it that's it got it thanks for explaining that okay we got a resolution to approve the minutes and up to approve the report of pay bills so second second second as Ray Park yes as yes deal yes interl yes buor yes and ocean yes okay take it away okay the new D storm waterer maner Grant force your M what's the update I'll get order to it every day by insurance issues can I uh want me to give them an update so yeah go ahead so I don't Don's gonna have a strugle because we were informed by the that we needed to have specific insurance coverage for the deal L permission correct prior to going out we're already going up normally that type of insurance coverage is covered by a contract that we have with the contractors because we don't need it until there's a job going on but I think they're you say they're not but I think they're reading their regulations wrong this has never been required Steve and I have been doing this for 35 40 years each we've never had this happen before where they require it of the entity um municipality usually has it so it's easy but not us not a lake commission not a nonformal municipal entity so they're requiring it it's expensive so Don and I spoke spoke to Steve spoke to Jesse um viable option was to go to the Joint Insurance Fund coverage by our Mammoth County municipalities and the best option was inter right and which by the way four towns on D Lake are part of the GIF Hasbury parks on their own no Neptunes on their own oceans on their own deal the other four towns they all belong to the municipal joint Insurance Fund it's a separate entity that meets monthly or bonly and governs the issuance of insurance for those municipalities perfect option for us to go there we talked to Chuck gassan from dancing agency Chuck said absolutely Don and I both went to Lori and Interlaken she put it on the agenda last month I was at the meeting Council endorsed it unanimously and we sent a resolution to the Joint Insurance Fund uh to uh adopt in less resolution and have us and we we did the first w we tried to do commercial insurance as you remember was $10,000 for six months and we weren't even too much Mone it was way too much so we didn't do and we had 30 I think I think we approved 6,000 so we just got this information today that we got rejected I blasted off an email to the person who sent me there the rejection email added a whole bunch of folks Tommy or know then pal and I added added first Mr Rogers Who's ah head of the group and master Pastor gr and Jesse so we'll see if he responds I asked him for a response tonight to for them to at least think about reconsidering putting this back on I said you have four towns you have four towns that are part of your GIF we also required each of the contractors the major contractors to get a million dollar coverage on liability so we're covered multiple ways I I said I I can't believe that you guys so what this is doing is this holding up the state of New Jersey signing a grant that we got for almost $900,000 for storm water management improvements on the access road from CB Square Mall into Terrace ponds and we signed the agreement we did it we've done concept plans we have I'm gonna say 20% of the pro it's ridiculous and they told us we could do it they'll reimburse us and then they're not approving the so the other thing we did today we went to church agent that helped out with the de water and we're getting flot from them see what happens to that and we also put an application in for the other GIF which is mid Jersey which is ocean count so we just have to we have to let this blow out we're hoping one of them will work next month we'll have insurance but right now we do have insurance we did re reinstate which is up on Monday our insurance for director's Insurance directors and officers insurance so we we have that we had a we had to redo that last week so it's been it's been real ni nine months that we'll be doing this we talked to D at off off the cliff on the original Grant which they stopped payment on they stopped their checks com on the old Grant that's complete we talked them into the sing start sending them that we got the 92,000 last month and I think we got another 75,000 coming soon so that's done but this new Grant they're being tough on I asked them if the interl letter would suffice to and they said the Budget Finance wouldn't accept we need the actual document call it's a Certificate of Insurance it's one page that's don don I ask a question yeah U Is it true that there's a clock running on the Grant I was just going to respond yeah okay it's not a clock running per se but the grant was issued in July of 2023 and um they say at the time of acceptance which was that letter I believe uh they give you three years right so it took us a full year and we've been one of my guys Matt Mariano at my office has been responding you know not weekly but monthly to them providing information to him Steve's been helping we've been giving all the information we can to the state and now they've H the project out it's going to be a year and a half they're going to take a year and a half out of our ability to do the design because typically they won't reimburse you if you perform work before they sign the agreement so um we're being careful about that but it's really going to push us to get the job done very quickly after hopefully the uh insurance is resolved and the agreement signed by the state is it normal for them to give an extension I know this isn't a normal case but do you think that that would be possible given Steve will say it but not at this time um they'll give an extension at the end yeah if we've like completed plans and we're going out to bid and we don't have bids yet or we ordered a contract and they want to see work done they'll give an extension for those reasons but not for reasons that we think were caused by them that they say weren't and it's not that we don't have a great relationship with we have a really good relationship with and it's just they're following the rules of the road and our our program lead is interpreting it that way and be her management team is interpreting the same way so that's what we have to go with hopefully we'll be there next month say a prayer for us because so so let let me understand this that you you guys went to the GIF four of the municipalities are are insured by GIF yes and and the state said that that would be acceptable for the GIF to issue a a certificate of insurance for the D commission yes they did yep for the for the da commission okay and you said something before you said that you didn't think they're reading the regulation right I don't I don't I don't feel that can you no on no prior application or Grant agreement with the state did they ever require free construction Insurance well that's two different things one one you're saying that they never did it before the other thing you said they're not reading it right do you know maybe somebody could circulate the the regulation and let hunt take a look at it or let me take a look at it so we can you know do that I mean I looked at it multiple times it reads pretty clear you got to have you got to have liability C then why is Pete saying that it's they're not reading it right I'm a little confused might be read something different me what I read was it was pretty clear okay but there's there there's there might be new rules that that change right or people that interpret it differently so right I I think they're interpreting it more strict now than they have in the past Bruce so in the past the entity was never re ired to have individual insurance they were just covered you know as additionally insured through the vendors and through the Consultants now this is something that I I've seen in other grants so this is happening not just us the others also oh yes okay all right that's uh I hopefully that we'll get a low quote from the new insurance agent and be able to to get this St uh sewn up you you know you know we really thought we had it s up be honest was very no I hear you okay let's move on um St line protection update um I don't have any updates I did have a request I request jie the letter that you sent out to the new Shore homeowners along the [Music] shoreline that letter hasn't gone out yet okay can we have a copy of the list of the homeowners please yes there's some new ones since we started on it so Josh and I are meeting um next week to firm that up and then but you want just the letter or you want to see it first and no no no the letter and maybe the list of home owners sure okay yeah he has that and we're going to send out the letter it's just a welcome letter and tell them a little bit about the da commission and then the um delay commission the pamphlet that we gave to Lakefront homeowners and the cards so they can a QR code on it to subscribe to the email list so I think there are now over 60 if Josh was here he knows the number but I think there are 67 new home Lakefront homeowners since we sent out the first batch or delivered the first batch I should say Josh is on right now I don't see him was but the I did ask Josh a couple weeks ago he get all the shoreline residents and he said yes easy easy peasy so yeah maybe next year we send that to all the shoreline residents and even the ones across the street because we've had problems with people across the street crossing the street and doing damage to public property right well if you remember we did talk about doing another pamphlet that would be for people further away from the lake that weren't directly Lakefront so we'll work on that remember a lot of these people are now out of the area they're back their summer homes they're not in their summer homes anymore yes mailing it to their addresses might go into a big black box you know right we may want to hold off until this to next summer H us it's gonna take a while to write the new one so you know and develop the new the new um pamphlet for those people that are further away from the lake no I'm talking about no no no I meant the same pamphlet just send it out to all the residents it's okay to send that it's perfectly fine but you talking about do redoing that no after we did we just mail it to all the lake residents not the new ones just the new ones but all the lake residents okay at when at another time you mean in beginning of the summer yeah when they're here or spring oh okay so next next year not because next all we're planning to do right now is to get those people that we didn't get to last time the new Lakefront homeowners but yeah if you want to try to do it for next year that's fine okay Goose update quick question are there a lot of renters that rent the homes for the winters I don't know that answer okay I don't think so there be anything in there that would matter for the renters um not really because if you remember the pamphlet pretty much talks about doing maintenance and you know more more distur a larger type of disturbance that probably a tenant would not be engaged in but that's a good question I mean I don't you know now that isn't really something that I thought about when I was writing the pamphlet was uh you know what I don't believe any of the residence most of homes are buttoned up just I think just check it because that's it's interesting thought because don't dump your garbage in you know if the big thing is leaves it's a landscape blowing the leaves in just in Deal tons of homes are rented to college kids for the winter and it's a good point I just think that the landlord generally takes care of the maintenance around the property more I didn't know what was in here to ask the to know what it covered it's really good there's a lot of res L to know what sorry I can't hear I care watch and they're on the phone they're on okay yeah okay let's keep rolling guys um I talked to the goose girl today um there was no report so she's writing it up it'll be here next month jie next month we pay the bill we did pay the bill so I'll be sending out the bills to each Town yeah that's oh you sorry that's that's correct that's did you say you heard from yeah Nicole because I heard from her and she said she would send you the the uh information for the meeting so you you did receive it then Don no no I didn't receive it she said it's she got tied up and she couldn't get it out oh okay she's going to get that next week okay good so then after that that then we should send something to the towns to get their we'll we'll send the report we'll send a copy of report to each town with with the bill the bill that's hopefully would you also send um that to the Commissioners too Jesse yeah yep yeah everything go out same time thank you okay uh weed Management program for next year um Steve we talked about this can you come up with a two-year program this year's over we were successful we have to do any weeding so you think you can write up an RFP for next meeting or yeah I mean we can we can easily do that and a lot of vendors you know or or prefer to have a two-year contract so we could defin do that so uh just send me a reminder I'll put something together and we can have it ready for the uh I guess that would be the November meeting right the October meeting no October okay ooco yeah we won't have a November meeting the October meeting okay U about just one thing you skipped over I or maybe you didn't I didn't hear it number two Shoreline protection um I contacted Robert Clark but twice I got voice mailbox full so I'm not having much luck with that I'll keep trying it and then I'm going to send him an email just wanted to give you an update on that because I had said I would call him by uh September okay number five the establishment of a joint meeting known as da commission I asked Hunt is hunt on there yes I sent you guys the the solution I Mr Mr Parry proposed you want to go over that oh let me just go a little history so we had a meeting with Az Park September 5th and one of the issues was and the mayor picked it up basically it seemed like in one section of the document the clerk and the CFO could vote and I said what and and and and he pointed the page out I read it I go you know what pretty right so it's it's it's on page six of the document the duties of each officer shall be as follows it says chairman Vice chairman chief financial officer which is hold on hold one second one second page six you don't have to alter there I'm I'm just reading something so and and then there's Treasurer there's secretary and it talks about IND we can select a clerk but the next paragraph paragraph three it says the officers shall have have each Duty each of their duties as Shelby designated at by resolution the commission show established officers I'm sorry do that [Music] um it that's on page five sorry that the wrong one page five article [Music] seven it's actually number six article seven seven number seven and it says all officer shall have shall be entitled to full voting privileges as member of the commission so it kind of leads you to believe that those folks have voting rights we never did that no you CFO and clerk as far as I can remember Steve how far do you remember back see he doesn't remember I lost Peter have you been on the commission a long time never never did anyone Bruce Bruce is the longest longest active commissioner what do you think Bruce have we ever let the CF the clerk vote never been raised no only the commissioned so hunt made a very interesting POS proposition was to eliminate that paragraph all together and because we're covered on another paragra hun you are you got that in front of you I don't H we don't hear you you're on M one second hun you're on mute all right here we go there we go no I don't have it in front of you but what what I proposed was in that I provided a resolution to you that says number one that the that the commission will pass a resolution that that that article 7 parag paragraph three should be stricken from the contract and we can do that by an addendum because we didn't want to hold up the passage of the of the full document because you've got these um Grant applications going but as long as the commission commits to it by this resolution because what whatever change we make has to be circulated to the to the member towns and then and approved by them so it's going to take a period of time to get it there so in the meantime what I prepared was a resolution for for the commission to pass that promised to do that in the future so that we can get the original document done and then in the future draw up this um addendum to the contract which would eliminate that sub paragraph article S Sub paragraph three so that was what I drew article article article six man agement paragraph three each municipality which is a member of the commission shall be entitled to one vote said vote shall shall in first instance be the regular member in his her absence the timate looking you're looking at the wrong you're looking at the wrong paragraph seven seven talks about the officer no no no I'm talking about the one the paragraph that talks about the option for us to vote in other words we didn't eliminate the option for us to vote it's already in there in another location yes for the officers so what I eliminated was the reference to the officers voting and the officers being right clerk in the CFO correct so that's that's what I did right but Don was me pointing out that the Commissioners in the paragraph he was reading it states that the Commissioners can vote one vote per Tech per member right okay so because I had just received that today I really wasn't looking at the other section I didn't have I cut it just before the meeting so that was why I sent out that email but anyway it Don it's it's in there it does say the Commissioners can vote and only removes that one um article that only that one section under article s correct everything else is correct I don't how many decades that was on but it's been there for at least 20 years so right it's pretty interesting so anyway uh do I hear a motion to acceptance resolution moved hold on hold on one second it's going to be presented as an amendment right and correct so that way we sign on this and keep it moving right is it addendum P we're just going to attach it to the to the document we're not going to so there'll be another cover page of that with more signatures of the Mayors down the road correct correct okay technically we have no authority to alter that agreement the member towns have the authority to do it the commission does not so what we're promising here is that the commission will draw it up and submit it to the towns if they have an objection to it then that's a different problem but correct I don't see why they would have a problem with it right they just wanted amend that amended no it was it was a good catch it was a good catch so okay we have we have Bruce first Bruce did you bring on the table sorry did you put the motion on the table yes moved it second second Asbury Park yes Park yes yes inter yes yes and ocean absolutely you guys don't see here we have a dog in the it's a seeing High dog that Margot is taken care of it's a beautiful beautiful animal didn't bring the I have of the car aren't you aren't you worried about somebody stealing them and eating them don't go there okay I got some additional items on on Old business clean up November 9th just want to reemphasize that um we are going to lower the lake um and I'll tell you deal deal school has always been really happy about helping so if you can relate the information I forgot my contact with they love they love it MTH University I think is aome they're going to come that day they're going to be all over the place so we're going to spread them around the lake and probably we're probably going to bring over the gos at the back end which has hasn't been done years so probably do that Don when will you begin Lake lowering um on on the um no third Sunday Sunday night so we can enjoy the lake Sunday and we'll lower it we'll start slowly probably open one gate and let it go out the week before uh yeah the Sunday before the clean up then correct correct thank you there there might be some maintenance lowering depending on our contractor on the flo um that's do you uh should we ask the um aay Park to clean out the the TVs the Mt the MTD at at comto critical yes and okay and where I'm sorry mtds at comto and the one on Colonial not if they want all of them they could yes lower Sunset Lake they get lower Sunset lake at the same time we try to help out Sunset L you want you want to ask them to clean all the mtds is that what you want it would be nice it's a good time FR time frame to do it's past post summer all the materials from all the concerts and all that are in there even though it was very clean see here that was very very clean very clean very okay I'll I'll get in touch with them okay thanks um six seven um I got good news sby Park did pay their their fair share it's everybody has paid for 2024 so we're all we're all good so I'm happy to hear that I thank the mayor the other [Music] time new business resolution for for the meetings authorizing ative 2025 meeting 2025 meeting schedule um I'll off second L I do ask for one change though July 17th I'd like to make it to 24th okay 2 I know I know everybody's here that summer only have one meeting so that they're free that that's right on Easter is that Easter I said this is this is a tentative schedule I'm I just threw in the third Easter yes Before Good Friday so go back when we do our January meeting I'm GNA go back and do check the Thursday before Good Friday I'm G to check for Passover and all the other holiday this is this is just a ten schule okay yeah Don what date did you say you wanted to change July 17th to 2 okay and what how was that Easter no it has nothing to do with Easter unless okay never mind it will change in January oh in January do okay while we have our reorganization that's when we do real schle this a temporary one so that asy par could get it on there yes on their paper calendar that gets distributed I'll just put a t TBA for that for April okay okay let's keep on going okay Alan yes Asbury Park yes de yes inter yes l g yes and ocean okay new contact with a DLC I think you guys got some emails recently from the from Ken Ken modify the the contact thing it looks pretty smooth I we all get it Bruce did you get it yet you get the email from from the the commission docs there was one recently on docs it was actually pretty good so that's working fine so we don't have to do anything we just read em not it if if it pertains to your town please take hold of it and run with it whoever's town it's in and one the one a massive one was mine right was a doc so I'm working that but the doc is reasonable I'm not anti I'm just anti buad so any it l it looked good um Donna are you I just wanted to say one thing next month just demonstrate that to the public and to the Commissioners do it right now okay you guys see that yeah okay let's go to cont cont all the way to the bottom contact and info all the way to the bottom questions answers it didn't open you you didn't click it hold I got thank you oops my little my little bar for Zooms in okay and this the contact so people would I believe you can click on that wait it's not showing on your screen what's that it's not showing we're just seeing the first page the the website o homepage right now on the screen you don't see that contact information no no we only see the hom page hold on refresh how about no you're going to have to um you know show it first bring it up on your Zoom screen put up here let me get this off sharing let me start Qui that do you want to just wait and hold on hold on let me let me do okay how's that you guys see it now you can see that yes okay yeah we could see the contact page that's it you just click that and off you go or you copy and paste it througha system contact de very easy verye and then that will go to everyone who wanted to get something from the D commission um Steve gets it some of the Commissioners but I think most of the Commissioners get it it really should go to all Commissioners I'll be honest with it because if it's dealing with your particular town you should run with or ask questions about so that's what we're gonna try to do okay we have to have to talk to Ken and add the appropriate email names we'll get Bob's email address we'll get it all figured out okay that's it we're gonna get off that I just wanted to say this that to let the Commissioners know that you can now reply to those from your person personal email address so if something is coming in to Dr Souza or something's coming in specifically to Peter Well Peter isn't on the list but Don or someone from Ocean Township or Allenhurst then that commissioner can reply to that person before we didn't have that option Well here here's the big here's the big issue we have to be very careful that we don't give everybody's email address to other people if you want to provide your own email address it's fine but you got a blind copy everybody else or drop them you know what I mean right that's right they can just reply on their own though or and copy to whoever they want to or they should they should they should copy me at least and or just okay we have we have a copy what's going on I just wanted to point that out that you can reply to something if it's specifically something that you address like sometimes people do want to want uh questions answered from Steve or Peter okay let's roll on um next clean ocean action is is going to be tested I we we with all this insurance Fiasco and dealing with DP we never got around and plus it didn't rain much in the summer um we never got to the testing of the water so that was a problem we're going to try to do the dry testing soon I don't have the exact date we're going to try to get that done the wet we might have to hold off the the metal Carol's been running around the lake and and smiling once in a while in her in her exercise routine and she found these these metal brush these metal it look sticks metal sticks look at that and there's how many Carol lots and lots hundreds hundreds I I keep picking them up so there's less Ed yeah they're they're in you want take I'm gonna give I'm gonna give them to to Margot okay because I see those two sure only they're they're in the gutters and they go to the storm drain so they are in car what Carol made hold Carol made it obervation it could be brushes bristles for a street cleaner that's falling a plan yeah I've seen or a almost look like the stuff from a sand rake right I why that would be out there but but they're all the same virtually the same yeah isn't that weird it's like a machine it's got to be a machine it's a machine yeah anyway but thank you car for picking out because I never saw that to be honest with you and let's look for I can't believe you run so fast yes I don't know how you squatted these I don't know I needed a break so I stopped and pick them up I've done that a few times there's no more plastic that's um okay my name has been on this treasury list for eons I I want I would like it off um so I did talk to the extra space guys originally I had to have a credit card but we can prepay so what I like to make a motion is to pay for October November December it would be um $458 43 um for the for those months and we can hand a check to the guy and we put it the de commission name and the bills will be sent to the de commission so that's that's how I missed what you said Don that you're talk what are you paying I didn't get that we're we're gonna prepay the only way we can do lockers storage lockers yes my name off is for the locker and we're going to do a three-month period because you know January's coming up so we don't want to spend next year's money so we'll go we'll do three months and we'll work it out with them um and get get the payment through and I would recommend next year we pay either the whole year or we pay six months at a time we can figure that out next year but right now the proposal is to pay three months of Extra Space Storage for a GE for cleanup in the amount of $ 45843 and that will be from the deal delay commission not not that we'd be paying you for the three months done I don't want to get paid I don't want my name right it's 152 81 okay offer J L second a second as as Allen yes as Park yes yes inter yes lber yes and ocean yes um one other new thing did anybody see the sheriff out there um on a jet skis his his team was going to be on jet skiis for a couple days um on a couple weekends select the weekends no okay um I also suggested that he would go out to the Springsteen concert the boats out in the ocean didn't do fairy well the boats I four or five boats at deal Lake and one of them was our old commissioner Ed and he did great he didn't get you throw up or anything they enjoyed the Music lock Arbor and Allen Hurst or lock aror Allen Hurst area enjoyed a beautiful Bruce serenade on D Lake and around wonderful well it was Wonder having Bruce Springstein play on De mention mention and mention one m i i I heard the sound check at 9:00 am loud and clear from Bruce promis land somebody said it was a tapable and somebody confirm that as well okay um it's time for let's do public let's do the public hearing no commissioner's last word I know I was gonna switch it you you want to switch let's switch all right a motion to open the meeting to the public second all in favor I I oppos public how we doing anybody would like to speak is that Brian Brian turn his camera so he wants to speak what's up Bri you know they can't be meeting without me saying something uh like 20 years ago the state dug out a little retention area that would be west of Route 35 where Brook comes out behind the bowling alley by the bridge yeah and that since has gotten filled in and at the time when they did that no one from the commission knew they were doing it so they did it with their own money is there any way we can persuade the state to do it again and make it bigger because Jesse was in my backyard last week and I was showing her how that pond behind my house is really filling in rapidly so either either doctor dorfman's house is going to wash into the lake from the erosion where something the silt is coming from somewhere else so I don't know is that an option to get this because the state did it Without Really anyone asking 20 years ago hey can you do me a favor can you write up a letter I'll sign that'd be great I address that to if you you can you know do do a draft and send it to me and I I you know we'll send it to the people in the DP uh maybe I'll set a copy the video is that Highway do or do d uh both we'll set maybe maybe the way to do that is to try to do it under like mosquito control or stream Des snagging you know for flood control there's a sign there there's an environmental sign at that location ran I don't know what it's I can't remember what it exactly says but it's wet n it's wet so they can they might have to clear it out once in a while I may say that yeah well it's all filled up with in they made it to be a retention Pond it was just I thought very under sized considering yeah what they were trying to do but actually the sign may give a point of contact to the state be honest with if he could check for us it's right by that the the rib guy what was it chicken chicken guy Jameson's Jameson yeah it's right there so Brian remember not too long ago and and I know Don you said you were going to follow up and I don't know what happened but the DPW mommoth County went back there and they did do some removal of silt and other things over there they've not yet repaired that bridge so that we have decent um storm drains there they left the holes wide open and put in new drains but left the old ones there and I had contacted them originally um and I don't know then joh you said you were going to follow up I don't whatever happened with that area I thought you were follow you thought I did not fall up I thought you had that ball no you told me you were taking the ball I'll I'll gladly pick it up again but you pick it up pick it up it's an Asbury go ahead no it's Neptune it's Neptune but yeah you had I would get your contact I think did SP I did speak to him I did speak to him at Home Dep he works at Home Dep believe so I did talk to him about that and what did he say priorities priorities that was the answer well okay I I'll contact him again because we there were some promises made that were never capped about that but that it's not exactly where you talk but they did do that side of the bridge both sides of the bridge Brian that's why I'm but I'm talking about on Route 35 by the Kebab place by the bowling alley not on Asbury Avenue right okay so something different but yeah but I wonder if the DPW well Steve's mentioned the mosquito control well it's a different organization so you tell me I'll send you a draft and to me County on the other piece it's two different locations I just wonder if you know since hey Brian I got a question for you are you seeing a difference in flow with the new um complex there I replace the cook plant I don't think it's rained enough for me to make the Judgment yet that's fair that's fair it's a it should be a lot better there should be less yeah okay let's move on anybody else thanks BR I see Janna man Manning on there how how's that Circle doing Jan doing great doing great I think we want to get a sign out there I'm noticing a lot more signs saying pollinator habitats um along the roads so um maybe we explain quickly what you did out there um I um I got uh Senator gopal and dein O scanland to uh to assist me in getting the dop the d uh sorry do to um change the Asbury Park Circle into a pollinator habitat so today they've planted over 100 native trees and shrubs there that are specifically focused on supporting pollinators and um providing host plants for caterpillars so we should be seeing more lepidoptera which are um butterflies and moths and hence we should be seeing more Birds um I'd love it if if somebody ever could think of how to get some sort of a water um element out there so that there's water for them that's the one thing that I'd say we're missing from the habitat there but otherwise um the plants seem to be doing okay very neglected um you know they're tough and I'm sure we're being invaded by invasives throughout that space um but it's an experiment and the do is looking at it as um like a pilot project to see how they can how can how they can expand this program so I'm thrilled to see that they're doing a lot more of them and uh yeah hopefully the ASB Park Circle was um the inroad to get that moving that was great Janna I kept wondering who did this it's great thank you very much yeah you're welcome anybody else you anybody else hey let me add that I'm here from the Green Team from Asbury Park and so um we just you know want to stay engaged with you guys we're all very you know very aligned in the things that we we look to do and Achieve and so we're here to assist and um yeah we'll let you know we're pursuing green infrastructure throughout as I've heard that I've heard that cman Chapman told me that yeah we're beginning to uh to look at some some locations right now I know we talked about this before but you know the MTD that we put in on moral save the lake from tremendous amount of oil yeah that oil we haven't published that but we will as soon as we get to it it looks like this the the contaminated soil has been removed the pile that was covered with the tarp for so long they're putting it's funny they're putting the traffic lights up there did you see that put new sixth in Memorial or fifth morning fourth four four anyway but thank you Jen thank you your working and the Green Team and we'll see you out there in a night maybe huh if you can help if you can help out if you need people to help you along the lake to do things if we want to cut down some evasive bushes in Asbury along asur you think your team can help out and and and and Mentor some some college kids along the lake there absolutely I would um I was going to announce to the Green Team about your cleanup coming up and see who else I could recruit there you know I show up but um see 20 kids there 10 to 20 kidss we can give you to do you know cutting back on on you just have to watch your poison and where um somewhere from from Main Street all the way to your house to my house yeah oh yeah I'm not even that familiar with it so I'll get familiar with take a look take a look it's it's a mess it's a mess it's some of the old um docks that Asbury has it's all yeah you know we have the a lot of weed growth uh in front of my place as well which is just um for the those who don't know um I'm sure most of you don't I'm on Deal Lake Drive just east of the Norwood Avenue Bridge or the park park avenue bridge um and when we've talked about trying to kill those weeds there and maybe getting Flames or something we were we were told you know not to burn them and um and that those weeds are probably holding the dock together uh or the bulkhead I'm you know they were theity was a little hesitant to get so aggressive with removing them we cut those all the time yeah yeah but I think they like the roots I think the roots you know the the the city at least had said to me you know don't get too aggressive because those roots are probably holding the whole thing together we'll see okay that's another project well thank you yep you're welcome okay is that it I see Bob jazari there and I would are you there Bob I was just going to ask you if you might give a report about your wonderful paddle that you did recently if you're still there talk okay let's move on jie let's move on um just talk you okay you want to talk okay he did have a great padle I saw pictures it was looked great thank you again for doing that um hopefully we can do as soon as we get some more Insurance maybe help you out I know there's a insurance insurance issue and I think feeling water want to get some insurance not as expensive as we okay motion to close the public hearing second second all in favor I oppos do commission last word yeah commissioner last word let's let's start Jor you're muted you're muted okay uh just want well I just Bob is saying that he can't get through just to re give us a report so next time maybe Bob sorry um I just thought that I I'm glad that we brought that up about the um the new way to communicate I think it's important that we can um Now respond to people when they May write to us and that we have something that's more consistent through that contact form so we can use that and Carol um I'm going to um pursue getting to the bottom of figuring out what those little pieces of metal ront Avenue are um and I've also notic car I've also noticed that there is now an electrical cord running from a house across Edgemont um into a boat in the lake which is a little bit weird um there's an there's an there's an extension cour running across the street you probably should call the town mar mar I know it's going to a pump that's in one of the boats that's tied up along the bulkhead yeah they're gonna have to go up with a better solution than yeah I don't think that's going to kind of be a good thing to have longterm I hope he has insurance I hope he has Insurance yeah I was trying to calculate how many cars it would take to drive across it to create you know a bare wire and someone sh um and just uh to reiterate something that someone mentioned earlier that um I was down there yesterday and the cleanup from see here now is like it's it's like it didn't even happen so we're we're lucky that's that's a good thing yeah oh yeah lot better bambo okay H Bruce oh yeah uh just wanted to say that uh Allen Hurst um just recently passed the uh tree ordinance that tree removal ordinance that we've had floating around they finally got around to it after uh being hared uh uh hopefully all the other towns have done the same because I think it's uh pretty important to get that ordinance pass especially for people that are that border the lake that's great that's really good Bruce we're working on in nasur I'm waiting for my next meeting with them but yeah will move on that too hope some kind of ordinance on the website your alen har website do you know is the commission is the ordinance posted anywhere I do not know okay because that's one thing they asked me where what other ordinances have been passed and I want to be able to present them with some I'm not sure if they pass the exact ordinance that that we uh that we drafted I'm not sure all I know that I was just told the ordinance was passed okay in lincol is on their website yeah same with ocean T so you just have to go to the individual towns and pull of 10 right and how they manage it too that's another way there's forms to be filled out and things like that so you get a lot of tips from all the T right Margo your last word my last word um still lots of garbage on the street I think some Good Samaritans are all going to be getting together to get that cleaned up now you know they there was some debris on block not a lot but yeah um also when the lake is lowered in November um the grounds manager and deal golf club would like to probably your do to see yeah so that we can figure out a plan for the m m college student sure sure okay so maybe next week can with us for just you know 15 minutes that's it yeah that's fine okay or the week after the week after well actually I'll be there on Monday or I can say oh I'll be there for a golf toural so have SE track me down I'll be am am Interfaith neighbor golf tour so I'll be the guy looking for my balls and woods and you know does have a tree ordinance and it was used a few times now there new Commissioners I don't know deal passed its tree ordinance that's it a deal pass the tree ordinance they did good okay let me I got my way last word um the last month or two has been very stressful to say the least I just I just ask for more help and I I do want to ask Bruce I called Bruce before and asked Bruce to help out with the who owns The Flume who manages The Flume and I'll be honest with you I'm almost thinking I'm almost thinking of myself the D commission probably should Mt M own the FL that's my personal opinion and maybe the town should give us those rights and be done with it because the history is very vague you're GNA have to dig into I have some information I got from Jesse Peter's got some information a lot of information and Bruce I can ask if you can head up team either can I ask one question before we undertake this do we want it why you let Bruce's committee why you guys to why you guys determine that I want you guys termine to work with Bruce it seems to me we may be creating liability that we don't want to have well we already have the liability we already have liability coverage that we don't have but what's interesting it's just not the FL building it goes all the way to the exit yeah because the state of New Jersey considers that building the whole it's the whole stre match yeah is the dam the dam goes from the lake all the way to the ocean well it's different liability being the custodian and being the owner I think y I don't know you know who knows who knows but we'll find out you know maybe six months it's not going to be a quick fun I guess in six months we can figure this out report back so I think that's good is that a good time FR Bruce I have um of properties in Ocean Township before it became lock Arbor in lock Arbor and in asur park identifying those properties each of them I check to T just because I wanted to be sure each of them show either an Ean or a right of way 25 feet from the common Municipal boundary line back into the property on the south in Asbury Park and on the North in lock aror which was o t so it's a 50 foot wide easement or right of way within which is The Flume along the center line and the center line is the municipal boundary line that doesn't help with ownership though because nowhere does it say who owns it it just says it's there with I'm wondering if we could run a title search possible but I have a lot of information probably some deed information too all right so I I'll I'll contact you we'll sit down we'll talk and we'll go over and I also have old plans for uh outfall extensions prior to the establishment of the GP right so historically let's see in your in your email today I I said a little clip a little information thing Peter dug up on Mr Cullen because I Mary Beth C's a good friend of mine and she mentioned her my father started the delay commission I said Lo president he was a president of Lock and he it said reestablish really said reestablish I don't know but he started he basically started and and the whole problem back there in the 74 Street time was the flu the actuator the the the gates were broken because people that didn't know what they were doing damaged so that was that was quite interesting I set that out for for information and and entertainment purposes but it's some of the history Carol you may want to keep that for the future you know history 50 we'll celebrate our 51st year down the ri um the other thing Andre Park talked about the par meeting was a list of people who have access to The Flume I did type that up I'm still working at um like I want to get a feeling for what you guys think in terms of who gets who gets what um I think phone numbers are very critical and and and shouldn't be given out free um there are only two people I know that has phone numbers on here and that's myself and Jason that's on the actual form so use the the actual Flom log and the back of it I put the names of the people that have keys and and it's it's it's a bunch of Tom R and he good Town Hall and there some other people I mention some of our contractors have keys V and Security Guys and the Val so and some other so I have this I didn't issue it yet I'm I'm going to refine it for next month and and we'll see what we're going to do it my suggestion is we provide the full list of Jesse and Peter's team with the full names and addresses addresses the and the other ones are going to go to the other ke it'll be out the other piece the other piece I was talking to asur about was the the access to cameras and I did contact the lm's U Emergency Operations for for Asbury and and ocean that are the two biggest in terms of damage they are they're going to we're going to meet with them in the next month and go and give an access place um J Josh is gonna have he had he had been offered before but I'm gonna try to get him to put it on his I thought so he has access to the picture Camas to so that's that okay I'm anybody else any other do business motion toour move second in thank sorry about the tech inside technical difficulties we couldn't see you guys on the big screen but I did move the camera a little bit so I have to figure out what's going on I hope you don't have to buy Interlake and I do TV oh so cheap now got to cut back all right have a good one guys thank you