##VIDEO ID:jjf3trCa7d8## weed States of America and to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice the notice thece the for this meeting transmitting the notice of regular meeting to the commission's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required fingy with the commission the deal commission meeting will be audio video taped and will be shown a2v Optimum 77 andout count 28 Alan here Asbury Park yes GI interl yes Lo AR here tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes the regular meeting from October 17 2024 someone please offer yes second second all in favor I oppos yes don't the total on deposit at the beginning of the uh month was $93,600 $4,475 [Music] 6 there were $12,000 12,995 n in dispersements balance of $81,400 [Music] second second alen yes as par yes yes Garber yes and O yes hi she just she okay yes um okay our D our storm waterer manager Grant CV Mo guess it's consider a 2002 2022 storm water grant is that correct Peter think the title is sure um we'll probably change that but I know we've been battling we've been battling the state for probably over a year insurance issues and various other issues I think we're almost there I signed the I signed the contract once in June that wasn't good enough she had to change other things and then we we I shouldn't say sh the EP because it was it was various different offices in so we've been spinning various information mostly insurance information and we think we have it solved and we should have it settled I hope tomorrow so I'm going to sign it tomorrow um Jesse you have an action too right it's very explicit so I don't have to do it but T I have a question when they sent an email a month or so ago they asked a question about project timing have we responded to that yet no when when we do I would recommend you try to get as many months or an extra year on this right so that they don't come back and make us do uh time extension paperwork um because they're the ones that caus this the long course there you go um yeah very various different signatures we have to do here between Ricky and you um I think some Jesse specifically says your name um and that's that you signning for me I sent that it was December 5th and I think I'm G to send that again tonight it's been back and forth and uh so we should be up and go by January first week second week in January we should be going with construction documents or some you know next phas right yes okay I have a question to Peter yes yeah Peter um some time ago when the grant was first approved you had spoken about doing a workshop for the public to so they could know about it um is is that something we'd like to get on our calendar for next year do you think um probably but I would give us um a few months six we have to get it on contract first once we get on contract we do that once we get on contract and once we get our initial site evaluation to um kind of massage the concept plan we'll be ready to talk I would say probably by May or June as folks want online we're it's GNA be available public information they can look at um yeah but on a project like this like we did for yeah definitely okay thank you Peter time frame would May or June he said that's part of that's actually part of Education the more public around in the summer CH choose avoid we're above we're really not in the lake we're above the lake right we're we're above you know the upper echelons of the waterers shed so this is the first time we've ever done a project this far away so there's actually three projects right there's probably one in in dep that we probably do someday and now we're doing the CV and there's probably one in Middle Brook area probably book going Upstream past 30 um just the Don your camera's not coming through we have no video from you what's that we have no video from you just your name yeah that got pulled out yeah for some reason that got pulled out than yeah I can't get you wrong the camera something funky maybe your your connection right there is the problem I fixed it that try that again over there next there we go don't touch anything I'm not back we don't see it's your thunderous voice that causes it is an improvement we don't see you joh turn on your video there it is now we see it I hit the the mouse is over here and hit the the broke it just nothing to do that's uh good on that we're good on that we're anxious to start project right of course I this okay uh Shoreline protection jeie sent a nice letter thank you jeie to D um have we got any response G well uh you remember I just wanted for everybody's say four years ago the DLC had our first meeting with the njde Bureau of coastal and land use compliance and enforcement and at that time our discussion was around enforcement issues and how joining in our efforts could help alleviate our mutual challenges anyway since that time I've been working to arrange a follow-up second virtual meeting with the regional supervisor Robert Clark who we did not meet before and his new compliance and enforcement staff two people that are uh assigned to DL Lake anyway I spoke with him last in May and he asked me to send an email to him that would just make the request again in email and and outlining our main concerns so I did that and then I sent a second email to him because I didn't hear from him um and that one went out in November beginning of November again you know requesting a meeting outlining the concerns asking for um you know some response so since I still hadn't heard back I called his office again this week and spoke with Nicole who works with Mr Clark in that enforcement office I explained the reason for my call gave her some background about our previous Communications with him she said she would let him know and re and I reasserted our request for a virtual meeting so we wait again but I'd like to ask Steve and Peter if there is anything else that either of you think would be appropriate as a next step in dealing with the ngj DP I mean don't get involved with them okay um well I I'll say we get involved with them on two two issues if there is a permit application that we're either involved in or have received on behalf of one of our municipalities uh we can correspond with them with our input on that application such as something Don and I just did in Interlaken with an application that really was for a wetland delineation that we thought we should give them some historical background on that property which we did the other is as you know a response to an enforcement act if they notice a property owner and let us know that they're taking some action against that property owner for some issue that's non-compliant with their regulations we can respond to that as well um I don't I think there there are issues we can easily talk to them about uh if it's similar format to our first Genie meeting I think the next step I'm gon I'm gonna send it out to go pal and go that direction because they're actually asked me personally to get help they need help they need money they need enforcement money because they don't have they just the NJ has said that yeah point blank to me the got the people that actually I call I've called multiple times on multiple situations we have like eight case numbers deal right I know down West down right across Bruce and we never got a response never we never got a final resp response on The jcpnl Dumping of the muck in the lake right bad there was one in Asbury that was really bad was one so there's a bunch of them that have not been responded to we don't know if there was a fine we we know there's a notice of violation on one but what does that do I mean I don't know what that so I who is it that contacted you asking for help who who was that person it was people in theep I talk from the Tom's River office or AB um yes from theer laws I believe that's enforc I believe enforcement yeah so they were good they did a great job GE that was was doing did was fantastic job in ARA and he he went a long way on that JCP and but maybe um this is just a thought if you know who they are and you have their information maybe we should go through them these are lower these are lower tiered people right they're enforc they may be the same people were asking for meeting with right it's not it's not for no no I know he's the supervisor but what I'm saying Don is did you have names with the people if you have them because I put those in the email that's who he told me that we would have this meeting with but maybe they would be able to jog which paragraph Was that which why John in the there two names that he I don't I don't know either of them that was okay I'll send them to you and then see John and Hannah I I I didn't talk to either of them okay so I don't know then J I think one of the problems is um postco the um underlings at the EP changed considerably we have people in place for three to six years enforcement guy in our area used to come to my office and I'd meet with him he was there for five or six years right lived locally uh now they're all different and so find out who they are and maybe offer to invite them I'll talk offine I'll bring in loop on that one JY okay I know that they're new people we knew we've known this for four years that these people were gone these old you know like Tammy and those other folks that we met with before but he gave me the name of two people that are pretty much assigned to deal Lake he didn't use those words but that's what he said and that's why those two names were on you know what they may not be the enforcement people these people are probably the ones that are doing the reviews of the the L use that's what they're doing they're not the enforcement D we don't talk so so so anyway your suggestion is there isn't you know is there any suggestion you have I think you keep with you keep hitting Clark and I'll talk to Vin and see we get get VIN to help you want to share the emails that we've been sending him take that thread you know we've got a record of our trying to get a meeting with I'll do a synopsis I'll you know I'll get it down to a a couple sentences okay I'm not gonna s all do he doesn't have time to read these things so I I will take the best of the best of your you got it's a good document you may have here so I'll take the best out s but benin's been very responsive yeah he's good yeah okay let's move on the um we did have a couple phone calls by the way on Shoreline issu land Lake from individuals and most of it was West down dealing with the shoreline some problems of the ocean T working at South Edge mention that to the person people are looking at short so if you have you see things that are wrong make the phone call call the police if you see somebody cut something down just call the police and and let them deal with us because I don't know what else to pay if you call the the the code enforcement it's going to take a while a police will at least make a note make a note and put on record so it's like with the terrorist you see something say something same thing with the eological terroris okay um who remediation we have the new contract I think on the way I I didn't see it um but I know she's working it and we I she asked was we were going to do it I said sure so we don't have did we send the assessments at you or how Okay so the assessments are the mail some people paid already can you say that to I did oh sorry scratch up did just could you the goose the goose assessments went out right lock aror deal have paid their Goose assessments okay your people there uh Genie gota give them a Goosey okay I just needed to know if they paid just it's on the bill list who P so far okay okay um update on the reestablish joint meeting um you have any updates on that I sent out the letters with the resolution okay with the amendment and I'm Wai back and and the only one that we haven't Asbury hasn't yeah Asbury still still hasn't approved so we may not have we may not have a meeting that month you know I did talk to the mayor had a meeting with him and it seems like they're gonna have it at the next meeting Jeanie you may want to go to the next town meeting and I'm they post the meeting um the city manager's been out so we're waiting for a meeting to have to discuss exactly that so and other things but that's the uh the essence of that we only have one we have one meeting left and and then we're done so just juste didn't you say it did I have it wrong did did you say at a meeting a few meetings back that you actually had till the end of 2025 to have that everything signed no I don't know what to do I mean okay I'll follow May right mayor seemed to be positive right but he has you know he says he has four other people to vote for it that's what he needs three out three out of five right three out of five yeah I I I I can't say for sure but I'm pretty sure that that's supposed to happen at the next meeting next uh number five uh the cleanup the clean up was Stellar we had gosh it had to be over 150 there was a ton of people there was college kids in multiple in five six five different locations um we had an a lake an Allenhurst end of lck Barber Sunset Lake um I think we even had some I think we had some in colonial Terrace I'm sorry not colonal Terrace in Sun lollipop um in that section of Dake and we filled the truck up which we haven't done in a while lowering the lake help um and we got a tremendous out and we had some fun we we we did magnet fish for the first time so when people didn't have anything to do I I took out our three magnets we bought by Josh Josh what's his last name pronoun sterer ster Starner Starner and Josh was a great idea go you know use magnets to catch you know get metal out of it so we did that a couple families were doing off the Main Street bridge I had College college girls doing it on another bridge and they have took got some interesting things stay college and then car was over at Interlink and we had a homeless gentleman that was over there so we kind of worked around him and I he still there he still there in they like I don't know he used to use a library did anybody see the the coaster article on it I I didn't get to see it um the reporter covered it took photos I just wondered I saw some photos I don't know yeah I saw phot I saw photos you didn't see the article he wrote okay he said he was writing an article so I but I wasn't there for a couple weeks so I I wasn't I didn't get the newspaper that next week so I didn't see it yeah I was wa for two weeks after um but it was great it was great weather Great excit Steve go ahead yeah just real quick uh make sure that you have a head count so that we can take ADV you know we have to get how many people were involved with that cleanup for our inine services so can just make we had was 125 the official I think it was higher than that but 125 was the number okay we have yeah we have a signin sheet too Steve everybody who came needed to sign in not yeah but not all the college kids did it so yeah as long as long as we've got a you know a relative headcount we can then tie it back to a you know date in you know like was saying if there's like a newspaper article there'll be some additional you know proof that we can provide to D but we need to we need to keep track of all of that yeah Steve's gonna be the keeper of that stuff because um for the grant they're being very picky about inine inine health find service so um should you have Steve then those things that Jesse posts in the paper would that be something you need where she posts information about the cleanup advertis it's more of the when we get ready to submit stuff to D then then we could attach that to the in kind um form but everything's everything is on Facebook and on the website so yeah we got good a good tracking record we can go back and and revisit we have to yeah and I and I have just a b you know a simple spreadsheet that you know has worked in the past with d and I'll just I don't have to put actual names but as long as we have a head count and then if they do ask after for some other type of documentation we can be prepared to provide them with that documentation we got plenty of okay great than okay just as an aside regarding that we picked up another 12 people um that that are now on our email list from that I do have the sheets to give you Jean okay you have more name you have more names yeah so I'll scan them I haven't had time to scan them I'll get them over it's that way I know it's okay okay CLE ocean action um I think we have the we doing the action on that the testing of the up the up up up up land Waters uh stream and um tributaries that are coming into D so and we had a report Steve went through it we don't have all the details I I don't know if I send it to you guys did I send it to you guys okay I'll get it off to you it's it's it's not complicated to read the results basically are telling us we have we have issues Upstream uh Steve you want to address a little bit of that yep um yeah I you know there really isn't that much to you know to address I mean you know we had an issue was observed um I don't know there's really not that much to you know to say about it to be quite honest with you what what were the results showing well well I mean as we know you know there's some really elevated feal col form numbers that occur at times you know in in the Stream and so they you know that was all documented it was consistent with what we've seen in the past um how we go from that point to like actually identify a source I mean that's a lot more difficult but I think that you know at least we know where we're zeroing in we're zeroing in on on we went from Downstream to upstream and so we can now focus on the Storm the sewer systems that are up and most allic most so we're going to talk got a meeting with to and sit down with them between do action and I think that was I think that was the most important thing that I mean there was a couple of things that I mean have shown up in the past we've got both you know wet weather and non-wet weather elevated concentrations at times of you know of cola form bacteria and then with this additional round of sampling as Don pointed out was sort of like zeroing in on where that is but to say it's because of like an illegal connection or it's a break in a sewer line or a leak at a pump station that's something that we don't know but we are narrowing the focus as to where that Source may be it's Unique spots you know hary Brook you were the Little League Stadium B I mean some of them were sort of head scratchers you know but yeah but it could be a broken plate or it could be somebody you know pump stuff directly that wasn't connected to the sewer line we found that anyway more to do but clean oan AC we PID we just paid the bill for them we did a great job extremely organized um and and great work we were very happy to work with them um on the day we did a couple couple months ago um and I may add I want to give congratulations to clean ocean action they won the same award we got for storm water management right storm water management I think it was storm water management yeah it was Governor's Governor's Al um Excellence award I'm sorry right but it's the same I think it's the same patory we got yeah exactly right that was great to see and that's where the Red Bank area that they were mostly focused on but they do everything do obviously the ocean and obviously the de Lake too because we're we didn't put a lot of stuff into into the ocean I don't know if you've been down to flum lately um the water is pretty clean I mean it's extremely clean going out uh we had a lot of debris after that one stor after the this is very interesting after the clean up you know it was it was a drought period right and there was a lot of questions about whether it was we we were able to lower the lake and legally or whatever uh safely uh for the environment and D gave us the permit we had a special permit for that um but the one thing I noticed which I'm a head heads scratch you on is we had so much more debris after this cleanup when we had the storm afterwards raised it up quickly and things floated believe that the logs got dried got air inside and floated up you know a lot of structure for fish or whatever uh floated down to the ocean um it was a lot more steeve than we've had before we actually had the county um donate a dumpster and Nas part helped out with with scooping some stuff out plus you know we physically took stuff out but a lot of leaves a lot of debris sticks twigs and telephone po to ex was crazy yeah cut you know but 25 20 feet long 25 feet long big big sections of logs we knew we cut them over here in Asbury and they floated we couldn't believe the thing floated but a big chunk of wood floated down to the oceans so guess that's that lover Jack wood right Washington right so anyway but it all ended up in the flu it was jamming it out so that was a big concern right that we're going to damage the grave and block the flow water ground so we got we got it all cleaned up and about a week but it was it was quite a lot of debris so have you ever saw anything like that state before after a cleanup Lake lowering in another area did you ever see that before fell asleep Steve W no I think he knew I thought you were talking to Steve Merlin not me yeah I go by Stephen Ste okay I I mean honestly no because I I don't think any lakes that do you know an extensive cleanup as as does you know deal but I think it I think it's a good point I mean there's you know it was pretty dry during the whole summer so you probably had a lot of material that accumulated on the sides you know of of the uh of the streams and then when you get like you know one of these these flood events they just wash that all in and yeah a lot of it you know got got mobilized or transported or whatever and clogged up areas so I mean I think it's a good observation but U yeah remember we went from a drought condition to U getting some pretty pretty significant amount of rainfall in a short period of time okay thanks um we have a new resolution okay new business I'm sorry any old business we didn't new business this is just a resolution to pay the storage rental fees directly to ex Space Storage for the year for all our brakes shovels triers supplies with the cleanup and amount not to exceed $2,000 do that yeah someone please offer the payment of storage rental fees to Extra Space Storage at a not to exceed $2,000 deal second second in Alan yes yes you yes inter yes lock yes and ocean yes okay did everyone get to look at the budget oh go nothing let's go over that random question how is it allocated because is it based on the amount of land on the lake yeah it's a percentage the lake Frontage but it was something um Don and Steve and I actually talked about this recently because it was created I believe when the D commission was created I don't necessarily think much has changed it did change but it certainly is something we could look to evaluate this year but that's how it's supposed to be done over the years percentages by link Frontage yeah because I just doesn't make sense sometimes no I I yeah it's fine I'm yeah you know the portion is 3.5% of the total that's that's fine I said it it just was how was it done that's by Lake Frontage what is the Surplus Supply the Surplus the Surplus we take out of the the resid funds we have ah well we have we have extra F 79,000 I'm sorry what's the bu I don't care no we have about 93,000 right so we take some of that and we haven't used any of that we haven't used the 50,000 get close to use the money we actually get from the so we're spending more money getting closer amount we haven't had raises for any of the people in ages um so maybe you know down the road fees go up I don't know how possible depending on what scope you want the commission um but we we kind of live off of of grants that we get and that's how physically run um and that Surplus is there really for emergencies because we got lucky this year you know last year paying all those bills when the state wasn't paying us yeah and we almost ran out of money getting a little nervous there so [Music] the 2024 expenditure unexpected balances and they have the balance is really just spent on this last bill set so it got real close to 50,000 any other questions oh by the way one point in in the a park mayor one asked me to do this and I think uh we went we broke out the CFO clerk bills and the reason was they were together for years and decades was because one person did the same job so did two jobs so a CFO is now you know 7,800 and the the clerk is oh is that a million dollars did you put million $8,200 so that's insurance is going to be a strange one this year we're not sure exactly how that's going to work you we PID the insurance bill this year um for our directors insurance but we now have the new insurance the liability we don't know what the cost of that going to be we think it's going to be reasonable but they haven't given us a price but we are covered we were covered a couple started a couple months ago which is actually so ocean T thank you uh for working hard on that and I want to thank intera too because they did a lot of due diligence to try to get us in MTH correct and M just didn't like us and didn't accept us so oh even though we have four towns that are in the GIF that are on the lake we didn't get ocean ocean Group which is Jersey mid Jersey mid Jersey jff we want to compliment mid Jersey and thank them for allowing us to participate okay that's that a motion to approve the proposed budget and assessments for 2025 I thank you second Asbury Park seconders yes Asbury Park yes e yes in Lan yes l g yes and ocean yes I'll send out the budgets with the assessments to the towns I'll wait till after we have commission um okay um any other new business I got one thing I got I got a I have a gift for a gift for this a funny this is a funny gift so and you have to do little modification of it um this one give me that say please right don't break it that's okay so I I went into gizy gifts a couple couple months ago and I to see this this is the commissioner last word this is yeah this is by yeah commission's last correct use it for old business I'll make it my last I two things so I was in the gift shop and and they had in convention hall they have I don't know 40 50 of these these you know the cup holders are The Coasters sitting there down her deal and all yeah every and they didn't have deal l so I busted them I said hey come on he got so it comes in I'm looking at it I'm going latitude La you I put it in my I put it on my phone I think I found it I think it's in Maine put it up so by your camera so we can see it I can't see it I'll switch my camera pretty okay must have oh yeah yeah I've seen those kind of oh Ty well there's one the latitude is wrong there's one number it should be a zero oh so they they had them redone and the guy kept said keep them and and I went by the gift shop the other day and he said Don I got a present for you so I said I I'll share it with everybody so we just have to make one change you have to make change yeah it's 40 that will go with the coal there we go nice little gift right yes thank you um the other thing I just want to I want to thank everybody we had we had a tough year it wasn't it wasn't an easy year by far we didn't get any big awards no big Awards we had a lot of grief from the state uh you know it was the way interpretations and the girl is very very efficient and and and smart that's ront our grant um and we just nuances that we didn't know and they didn't recognize before so uh we're hopefully through that and uh we did real good work and and we a lot of great people on commission Genie I want to thank you for all your newsletters you're spectacular I just got a compliment on them the other day uh from a resident they said your newsletter is great and I said jeie told works very hard on that thank you I thank you for that thank you jie and Bruce br will not become Bruce brommer is our longest standing member here commissioner sit 15 or I thought was 90 years but 15 years I know he's always gonna be thinking of us being with us I can't help but I live on that throw rocks at us after but I'll throw some carp on your LA but I thank you for your service and and enjoy Florida this this this this win my privilege are we still on commissioner's last word or I am this is my last word my I'm sorry I just have something I wanted to say um I know forget it I I have nothing to say just happy with how things have been going the past year okay I I have a giggle factor that yielded its tree lighting at 3 in the afternoon nice when no one is around three right they're going to do the manora at night but they did the tree at tree lighting at 3 p p.m this afternoon but nicely had the priest come over and say were they offering food that's probably why nobody showed up no who's available with me in the after who is speak who's speaking is that represent from oh hi I well I don't think we've ever been introduced got you gota come in person you gotta come okay how about put the camera can you can you put the camera on her or oh don't ask Don to do that okay that was great represent Bruce Bruce your final ask word oh yeah so um I want to thank everybody putting up with me for all these years um it's been an honor it's been a privilege but uh just a a philosophical thought uh this commission is custodian and the stewards of the lake and uh there are times that where we are serving at the pleasure of our Municipal governments and sometimes we run into conflict positions with our industrial governments and even with neighbors trying to do things and engage in activities that we know are anathema to the health of the lake and I think we all got to keep in mind that no matter what the pressures are we we have to speak up because the the fact of the matter is we are the custodians we are the stewards and to be perfectly Frank with you as bad as this lake has been for all these years we are what stands between the life and death of this ecological wonder that we know is deal late and I think that uh hopefully everybody will continue to do that and I have to say you know in the in the years I've been here I think we started out where at first was we were meeting over at lock Arbor then we went over to Ocean t for a little while and then we we ended up here I think I've two or three other heads of the commission I don't think there's any question that we've seen that this commission Blossom between the with the support of of of of the the uh the avakian group and and Steve soua and and and the various grants that we've been able to to tap and all the little projects and the cleanups and everything this commission this is the best commission by far that I've served on in all the time I've been here and I think that uh I think everybody should be commended especially uh don brockel for all his hard work and his leadership and I just hope everything continues to move forward and Jet usen up into the future thank you we never CL that's f jie oers okay well um I just we're making end of the year statements is that it okay so I wasn't planning on that I was I I could say that um I too like Bruce I understand that um often there's conflict between uh at least I think we all feel it as Commissioners we we feel sometimes conflicted uh because we're getting pressure from our um Council or the people that appoint us to this commission to to uh Implement things and it we walk a a tight rope a lot of times when we when we do that because uh you know we we're trying to be contributing to the commission and supportive and and uh affirming the position of the commission and and then also um sometimes I feel it conflict with that so with with my own position here on the commission so it it is as Bruce says it's uh but what I keep telling myself is but it's for the good of the greater good you know was you have to do that when you're doing any sort of work for any public service and that's what we do we do public service and I I'm grateful that I've been able to um help uh distribute information um you know when I was at the cleanup recently a couple of people said oh you're the person that sends out that information I thought you never know who's reading it you know so it was good to get that kind of feedback and I like doing that um as a teacher that's something I really feel is important I know I say that a lot but I do I feel like we can't do what we do uh unless we have the buyin from the public so uh I'd like to see us continue with that into the next year um more education of the public let them know what we're doing and and ask for their help more often you know and from each others too each all of us have special skills all of us on the commission have skills that we can utilize so there's that and one thing I wanted to say before I was making my end of the year statement was just um I just want to remind us um to uh use the statement and Don said he will share it with you so that we can distribute that information for per itting for lakefront properties so that we're all on the same page we keep talking about it and I think at the last meeting we said we were going to write a letter to all of the towns asking them to include uh the phrase that Steve Don and I developed regarding late front property so that people go to the njd for permits before they proceed with any landscaping or construction projects I really feel as part of our it's part part of our duty to communicate that information because even though we think everybody should know they don't it's obvious some people are deliberately doing don't care they'll pay the fines and they don't care but I think we've all encountered people who just say oh I didn't know that and truthfully why would they you know so that's all we can look into that next year um obviously we use the paper use the paper as a source we could also mail out again to the Shoreline residents we could do another mailing that's not a problem not just to the new ones but to everyone right Josh has the to the address we you send the same letter you sent out and it was an excellent letter and and and hit them again early we got to hit them in April hit in ail yeah well there's there's a number of things we could do educationwise well I'll talk about that next year okay thanks Margo last but not least where is she I um um I second everything Bruce said um I want to wish everyone a Happy a h merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah and I really enjoy being on da commission um I feel like I've learned so much and um hopefully I am helping people in my Village of lck gbor learn that what they do at their house affects the lake and the ocean so um thank you and I did get approved for next year wasn't sure of that and I'll look forward to next year congratulations I think we're opened up to the the public sure motion to open the meeting to the public so move second second second as all in favor I opposed well public I don't think I see anybody else on Zoom hey Don there he is thank you you're up you're up to bat bud yeah just a quick note if anyone's looking up these days for the past couple weeks there's been bald eagles all over the lake they're down from um probably from the north as things get colder here they'll spend a month or about two months really end of January we'll still see them and they're they're breeding pairs you can see them together cartwheeling and calling to each other there's a couple immatures I've seen flying around and they're really heavy in the the wikip PCO where an ASB an ocean where it leads goes under the water to Colonial Terrace that's the deepest part Lake right now lot a lot of fish down there that's what eagles they only eat fish so the fact that we have Eagles in the lake is pretty amazing I've been here for 25 years now and we've got Eagles reliably they're here last year this time so it's just a wonderful thing kudos to the commission because it's if there was no fish they wouldn't they wouldn't be here so it's why they're here so thank you it's funny you should say that be bird there's also a couple swans not swans um Goose white Goose I foret the name snow goo snow they're swans they're mute swans that you're seeing they mute swans there's a couple of theming around there there was one hanging out between 71 and McDonald's yesterday believe it yeah they're pretty angry those guys are tough Yeah by first his cou he was looking for coup but there was another one over by Todd Rush's house on his backyard sat there for for almost a day sat in his backyard so there there's some interesting birds roaming around that we hadn't seen before yeah thanks Rob you're right I mean and that that's just also I think a a testament to the the fact that regulations really make a difference because we all know that at one time uh there weren't any eagles they were almost gone and because of the regulations um they got rid of DDT and there was a massive recovery after it's been slow now we're seeing the the fruits of that was on CBS Morning News they were talking about bald eagles the we don't have a national bird do you know that bald eagle is not a national bird so it's a national symbol but not national bird so there's know that there's a there's a there's a group a guy in the midwest that's that's pushing forward I think he's got enough votes in Congress now to make it happen so we have a state bird right yeah gold but they're now the B the national bir so just so maybe we'll have Bal we had bald before and they they left the area they ended up in Avon um on that Verizon pole whatever it was over by the river tracks and I think it was number 2 it was a number of and the pair stayed there um they did build the nest on over in West anur area but this pair is is is is one of Ming them yeah right around where you live Genie right in the area that's I've seen them I when I e my dinner I see them while I'm eating my dinner they're looking for theirs okay anyone else oh yeah I've got a questions questions I am a recent you know uh person to this area having come from Connecticut and I would I've I've participated right away I do the water testing and I would like to thank all of you for all that you do for deal Lake it uh it's been a pleasure to watch what's been happening and attend these meetings I have two quick questions on the day of the cleanup I did come and do some cleanup um up by the bridge and then I came home and my son came from upper New Jersey with his car because where I live in interl there is like huge branches and logs that have stopped the flow of the water from firemen's Pond and he actually dragged these logs some of which were like at least 18 inches in diameter out of the water with his car and uh now they're on my lawn and I'm and I know that you know the Asberry Park truck was there picking up logs that people found found up by the bridge and I'm just wondering if there's any solution for me what I'm looking at the solution right now I'm looking at Mr Merlin who's the inter L and representative to the DA commission today and uh could you could you talk to the town maybe they can run I'll talk to the town tomorrow to make sure they get the front end loader over there so yeah you know where house it's not easy to get to where these logs are on the S turn wiip yeah yeah I know wikip no what is what's your number it's uh it's on wikip Drive yeah what's your your house number it's number two number two it's sort of the the grayish blue house grayish uh it is gray yeah gray yeah yeah okay I'll I'll go down to to hle tomorrow and I'll talk to them see what they could do about pulling it out okay and so and the other thing is like a while back I got a letter from the uh njde about how they were taking sediment out of fireman's Pond um and I'm just you know always like there's this huge sediment here at this end of deal Lake which also obstructs the water flow because of uh erosion from a tank an oil tank that was was defective and oil was all over the lake down here so I was just curious about you know if they can take sediment out of fireman's Pond can they take siment out of D what well wait their focus is the fire it's fire con they they the town is is is paying investigating removal of siment from fireing pond so it's it's a it's a separate project it's not not tied into D Lake per se okay it's just like the township of ocean yeah yeah we're a little bit with various different things Peters so that that's something you know when the mammoth County Department of Public Works came over to the Asbury Avenue Bridge they did remove sediment they were there for two days taking sediment out of there and they he the that guy that I spoke to Dennis Walsh who I communicating with who's been kind of off the radar he said that that you can put requests in for that and we have an agreement with the uh Department of Public Work this this spot is really it's it's it's not close you can't put a backo in there from where you're at it's it's way it's on the other side of the property personal properties it's it's it's not easy to get to uhuh so it's it wouldn't be it wouldn't wouldn't be you in those cases you're talking about the guys went from the county road and scoop it out right right this you can't do can't get to so it's a little different even if they could go if people gave them permission from their property to do it do you think or not cannot remove sediment from GE l or any other water body without a dredging permit exact the supplemental uh evaluation studies sediment studies water quality studies Steve's done it probably over a 100 times and it takes a lot of time and it cost a lot of money yeah right I would love to see that letter though you got um could you share you know my email right P yeah I've got it right here I'll I'll send it to you I would love to see it because H that's great news actually that they're moving out yeah F yeah yeah they're moving forward with it yeah great thanks Pat okay thank you anybody out else out there Steve were you gonna say something about um removing sediment I me you know Peter you know he hit the nail right on the head I mean you know the thing is you in those situations there's a permit that's already been you know issued by DP so it's just not being done because somebody called it there you know they filed for the permit they did the sediment testing uh they you know jumped through all the hoops and over all the hurdles and um you know so as Peter pointed out I mean you need a permit how is it that the county does that how did how did how is it that that happened over at the bridge where they came and a stream it was a stream it wasn't a lake it was a stream right as their access and they removed the sediment when they removed their access to the lake and so they probably did it illegally they all go to jail I mean be honest with the way the somebody called the D they probably get in trouble for that so but they they could put it under the guise of of of danger because it was water being blocked and was it wash out the right and it and it prevented them from doing their work they were trying to that's right y that's right okay and so the Town of Ocean decided that fireman's Pond had some issues I don't know what they were there was no water left there's no depth left it's it's a critical part where Storm Water Management piece it's supposed to hold a lot of water it doesn't hold hold hardly any so well yeah and all that water comes down into our yard right and more sediment too so it's it's supposed to hold sediment as well as storm water okay I'm hoping it gets improved not only it gets dredged but it has storm water improvements I think I'm not sure on that looking at Peter okay um thank you thank you p and steeve will get to your logs I thought you were the one throwing the logs at and washing down to the ocean get that no they can't because there's all this sentiment there I'd like it anybody would you like to talk yeah go ahead go come up to the it facing oh I see up let's uh have to do this [Laughter] I just the hold it's see it's it's going that way camera now it's your connection again just turn off hold on hold on hold on your name oops oh Stephen Myer and I live on 49 Ocean Avenue New Jersey you I just wanted to briefly introduce myself I've lived here all my life in alur and just a week ago I graduated from the University of Vermont uh with a Bachelor of Science and environmental science and I have really been passionate about the waterways around us for a long time uh over the summer of 2023 I was with clean ocean action inting for their water quality Department under swor and Bo of krishon all about the idex method they use as well as you guys talked about both in the field and the lab did you do those tests yeah I did a lot of but it was a lot of fun I learned so much from it and I'd love to help out in any way possible in the future but did we get more involved with the the sewer authorities with the testing we'll try to get you involved yeah I be just leave your number I'll give you mine up gladly yeah I have a question for you man what is a catamount uh it is a pretty muches of okay never knew that which one they there you said it's complely extinct you got to watch out for the head of the commission all of a sudden he'll be advertised be adver got about all River we do have River ERS do have River we have OTS here River okay Stephen is there anything I'd like to ask you Stephen a question is there anything in particular that you were thinking about in terms of your expression of of interest in volunteering um well like you mentioned I could help in any way with sampling um any sort of lab processing uh if there needed to be any assistance with talking to clean ocean action I have talked to him a bit um really I'm open to helping with just about anything are you plan to stay in the area yeah I'm I'm hopefully looking for a job uh somewhere in New Jersey so I don't have to pay for rent move to my parents but check chair out yeah Commission I know with our last Grant we were always looking for for volunteers to help with the green um infrastructure projects I don't know if there's going to be anything like that with our next Grant is there St Peter should there should be I think there might be some other opportunities though but um Don could you share my contact information with uh with Steve there might be some other I you know um might be some other things that that uh you know we can tap into your skill set on I I'm thinking in terms of some of the uh invasive aquatic plants uh even monitoring Clarity of the lake you know this there's there's a variety of different things that that I I think we could tap into your skill set and then uh if you get if Don if you share my contact information then uh I'll put you in touch with somebody at Princeton Hydro that you could send a resume to oh thank you so much that' be amazing the job kiddo there you go how do you like that he's a big shot this guy I really appreciate it thank you okay very good Congratulations by graduation another app should you take my number 732 732 I don't think social security number XX XX XX um great okay motion to close the public I'll make a motion um you got a phone call or sitting oh there's a phone call somebody's uh wanting to speak on the phone oh okay to speak but I noticed they oh okay sorry Don no they don't want to speak take that back so we were in the middle of a motion I motion to close we got it we got it a motion to close the public hearing we have ASB Park and N all in favor I oppos and now a motion to adjourn hold on before we do that I want to wish everybody a happy holidays yep and happy New Year and again Bruce scener Pastor hope you and best of us for the rest of us yeah so anyway that's it Steve I want to send you a resume too [Laughter] I have a peculiar skill set I'll I'll make sure I make use of that I know your skill set and your bathroom hold on for a second second Happy New Year