thanks for coming tonight to the uh December or November December da Commission meeting um and let's start with the the the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag flag of the United States of America and the Republic for stand one nation indivisible with Li and jce okay thanks yes see all yours the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 9th 2023 posting the notice where required and fining a copy of the notice with the commission clerk the da commission meeting will be audio and videotaped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of Mammoth County on FiOS 28 I'm G to take the Roll Call alen Hurst I saw Tony as asber Park yes deal inter Laken present l gber did I see where is she I don't see her she's coming okay I'll neun unmute Eric unmute Eric good good good and ocean here and oan how we doing done done hold I gotta send Margot a link one second but are you here I'm here I'm sorry [Music] okay you guys can start Jesse I'm sorry we we can start okay tonight we have resolution 2352 resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting October 19th 2023 Dean anden do not vote someone please offer the minutes to be approved I'll offer Asbury Park second second thank you all in favor of the minutes from October 19th 2023 be approved I opposed okay tonight we have Eric did you get the um Bill list or do you want me to read it want me to read it the resolution to approve you want me to do it go ahead yeah okay resol tonight we have Bill the treasures report and bills list for December 25st cash on hand is 78,000 receipts from interest of 76186 bringing the cash on hand to 79,2 361 we had dispersements of 518055 and Grant dispersements of 11, 8985 for total dispersements 67,5 2556 for cash on hand after the um dispersements at the end of the month we have 67,5 2556 someone offered to approve the treasures report and pay bills okay I'll offer asbery Park thanks Genie second motion Allen Hurst yes Asbury Park yes is Margo there now oh wait Steve inter Len yes l gber Neptune yes thank you and ocean getting a big ear and ocean Don yes yes okay all right you're up okay um one second okay I think I was muted before okay we're GNA go right into the 2017 Grant we're we're wrapping that up we got a bunch of loose ends we're trying to clean up and uh it looks like our our request for funding is is good the only problem is we're got a final report to give um so that's gonna that's going to be soon um I think Eric okay we got it there never mind um so Dave's here to to to go over a few things on on that Grant um on the wrap-up issues Dave you wantan to and Dave's with Peter vins group and has working Clos closely with us for years and uh he's done a great job in that 2017 grd with Matt Mariano so Dave all yours hanging in the background and and Jesse no ponytail what happened Engineers don't have ponytails my disappeared a long long time ago um uh all the the all the um construction is complete the we completed the last thing which was the filtera Box in Allen Hurst um I I submitted a a payment a final payment certificate I don't know if you if you've gotten that Jesse I think it was hand delivered the other day yesterday yeah it had a um obviously we never knew where the filter box was going until last minute and it had a it had a bunch oft work sidewalk um Landscaping it had to the the the structure had to be reconstructed to fit in the area we put in um wasn't a major change order but um so you got that also yeah oh that's was that the change order Jesse you were talking about that's one that I was speaking oh okay it was it wasn't the um the the um rainard it it was the filtera box that makes sense that Mak where is that located Dave where's the filtera Box do you know um where the Allenhurst gazebo is at the end of I think it's spear Avenue yes tracks it's right next you know a little bit north of that okay thank you I think I sent some pictures to well to whoever was in that the email earlier so uh I guess whoever has that Don can share it I think Don has picture what you Don I want to write about the the last St the last phase both garden and the yeah that that's it's not a a finished it's almost finished it doesn't have a tree in it yet right does have a tree okay no I don't believe I I thought I was under the impression that the filtera people um brought in a tree but I I don't know if they have to maybe we we we decide on our own type of tree but I'm I'm sure it requires some specific type of tree yeah I'm not you gotta tell you gotta tell Tony that's part of the contract I mean there's supposed to be something out of think typically they leave it up yeah I don't think we I don't think we actually plant the tree ourselves no I think they I think it comes I'm pretty sure it comes with the box it's just hasn't um hasn't gone in yet I I'll check with Tony okay um yeah I mean my my experience has been they allow you to select what goes in there because it doesn't necessarily have to be a tree it could be some type of flowering bush or whatever I mean you know we've Ed a variety of different types of plants yeah so maybe we have to specify with them I not I wasn't really clear on that so I was um I mean be honest with it's really whatever Allen Hurst wants to do be honest with well let me let me contact Phil te or you contact contact cont and um and and see what they you know what they recommend okay or or Steve can you know maybe Steve can do that yeah okay the the big thing that I think Steve and I think Chris is on the on the line too we have to finish up that our final report in a in in a short period of time because otherwise we're going to be they're going to hold payments back so for the state of New Jersey so we have I know Chris has got the M the ball on that one um Steve can help a little bit if he wants to but I think Chris has got the majority of that work and do you have enough information there Chris to to move on it I think so um you know I I gotta go back to what the original scope of work was and right you know I'm coming in at the tail end unfortunately um you know I think so that this the project success stories are like I was telling you on the phone they're basically glorified brochures for the state so right that's not a big deal yeah Chris if you need any assistance you can always call you got my email you got my phone number you can always call yep no I appreciate it Dave all right thanks guys I think that's it for the 2017 project any questions guys I just that could is filtera the brand name Dave or is that what you actually call is the pre-b Box it's called a filtera box but I believe that cont is the company that that actually you know provides it okay they're the ones that provide the the hey Genie when we're all done with that we'll send you the information on it okay we don't want to publish it before we get we want something in that box but we put all right yeah a tree first uh the next one Dave Dave's also up is the uh well I'll take that back no that's me no no Shoreline protection um still still working at is um not much from the state I got no response from the state on on the violations I have a nice big folder right now that I created uh for the violations and you know way the way the state Works they're not they're not too responsive and not too fast on on completing these violation notices so um hopefully we can get some resolution after the holidays at least on a couple of them I mean it would be advantageous to you know reach out and take advantage of their offer to meet with us again so that we don't lose too much traction because come springtime we're probably going see a of gen's got the email out there and uh I'll follow up the LA the last thing he said was he would get together once he had his team together but that's been a while so I'll reach out again with you let's do that Jenny thanks all right see if we can get some together with his new Team all right right on the goose the goose and Corp remediation on the goose uh great news right we had the I I sent the reports out on on the Gees the other day um it was great we we had I believe in 2023 we had 20 13 nests were found right which was excellent excellent I have a question about that um I noticed that in her um er what's not Erin um Nicole's uh report she says that she wants to know if we're going to continue and do we need to tell her that now or we can't vote on it right now until 2024 I'm told oh right we can tell we're we're probably gonna be doing it you know the bills by the way the bills have been sent out for with the treatment for 2023 um and you guys could follow up on the payments but Jesse has set those out separately there're separate bills as we discussed before and hopefully all the towns join in and it's kind of critical for the next phase if they don't pay up do we continue so that's a question for next month um so we could find that information out um that'd be excellent so I I I think you're right Don I think that each commissioner it would help if you just speak to whoever it is that you speak to about this to make sure they pay the bill and tell them that we want to continue with this but we you know this is was an initiative this year that we were really uh it and it's been successful so if each commiss commissioner could take that to their um Hometown and we we can do that Jenny let's let's move on okay everybody's got the Gest to that um 30 by the way 34 eggs were collected um and rounded up on that not collected but treated uh from that so that's 30 and it was a good savings a considerable Savings of money for us to do it that's correct as a group okay uh any questions that for any other Commissioners okay the restoration of the Lakes I I believe there's movement from oce to do the fireman's Pond and also some parts of of Terrace Pond I think there's some movement there's some survey markers out and there's been people walking around the area um I I don't Jesse you know any more than that no no okay Dave do you know any more of that I don't I don't know I don't know if is that is that something Greg is working on yeah oh yeah I think we've done the survey and I think we've done crosssections I I mean I've seen them in the office I'm not really involved in it but okay um so so I know if if that's what you're talking about we're working on it so we are working on it okay I'm not sure what the status is unfortunately the new DP Grant um Dave is gonna update us a little bit but I do have a note from from his office and and Matt Matt Matt's done a great job trying to prepare for you know get the paperwork together for the next phase and we're almost there um and you want to take it from there uh again I I have seen I've seen the plan I know we've done survey I know we've I've seen crosssections okay um I'm not sure um how you know where it's gone from that I didn't get a chance to talk to Greg um not Greg no not not on this one this is Matt's this is Matt's P oh oh you're talking about storm water storm water management Grant yeah correct you jumped into another one already um on design plans um are are being drafted as we speak I mean preliminary plans I think we should have preliminary Plans by the end of next week um Mass working on the design calculations um I believe we'll need to submit as far as I know two permits we'll need a freehold soil permit uh and a mammoth County permit um I think the the basic IDE uh idea is to um bring the basins at the mall into compliance with today's design standards yeah I'm I'm G to get a up in a second guys hold on hold on one second yeah we're also expanding the flood plane or re reclaiming the flood plane okay so it's it's this area I'm sorry hold on yeah it's right here it's it's this area right here so it's it's the Ring Road and you got the I believe yeah that's the East Mall so that's right there right there so this is going to be it's going to be tiered uh there'll be three section I believe he's even going out here and there's be three Bas I believe we're going to enlarge the basins um we're going to address you know volume I think the trees are going to be removed not all not all of them but a bunch of not all of them obviously but uh we'll hold back the water volume uh in the new BMS I think Matt said he was going to try and get the you know the he didn't think he could make it the the complete hundred-year storm but we're gonna we're going to make an attempt right yep so it's going to be as compliant as we can so it you know the issues we've had in the past with with major storms going that direction it's gonna definitely lessen the flow of water it'll be dramatic yeah we'll address total spended solid solids with some MTD devices um you know similar to the ones that we used at comto and Memorial Drive I know the comto one I mean I we did that years ago Don I know that one's always worked pretty well yeah yeah and I haven't I haven't heard from the other three you Haven I don't know if you've um I'm sure you've been checking the other three that were recently installed they're working great good yeah hey as far as has that UEI number been generated yet no okay that's still being worked okay so I spoke to while you were away we had our our New Jersey Plan uh meeting yeah and I spoke to the new representative from Greenwood Lake she called me and I you know we could de deal with this offline but she told me what she had to go through in order to get that UEI okay a lot right it was a lot and essentially boiled down to a one-page affidavit that consisted of what she referred to as proof of a legislative agreement and that had to be walked through the system by a legislative representative oh that's great so we have that right here we did it in July we did it in July so yeah anyhow I mean I you know you can call me later you know hey Steve can you send me here contact information because I'll give that to Ricky Rick's working it for us our CFO so yeah I'll send that I'll send you her contact info she said once they had that proof of legislative agreement in that onepage affid which is essentially like a onepage affidavit then at that point everything fell into place pretty quickly basically proof that they're entity that their their organization is an entity yeah it was basically proof that the Dake commission is a quasi governmental body which it is by and you know and and that it was formed by by the legislator that by the legis Yeah by legislation back in the 1980s so I mean 1970s 74 yeah yeah so in yeah so that's what we did that's exactly what we did back in July so we'll have to maybe we didn't get it in the right hands the right person that's that's ke yeah okay so what I'll what I will do then is send over I'll send over to you uh before the end of the you know I I'll send over to you contact information yeah I'll get it right over to Ricky tomorrow okay all right thanks thanks everybody good on the map we're good on G stop yeah okay thank you okay all right guys that's that's excellent that's excellent yeah the uh the plans are rolling along we want to get this rolling because supposedly and and I'm hearing Steve that the other groups are having the same problem with getting the the kickoff going right the getting the initial okay from the state is that are is that correct yeah well I mean Chris can also attest to that as well but I think as is typically the case to get those final um contracts in place it is it is a long haul I mean I'm doing one for Culver Lake and it took a year to finally get you know the um get that you know get the final agreement yeah signed and by you know by by De so just to let the Commissioners know we are spending money on this project where we don't we had kind of a go-ahead um but there's a risk that we have to eat it um some of the engineering supports so I just want to let everybody know that so that's gotta pass that on isn't there money in the grant for that do yeah the yeah but if they gave us to go ahead but the way the state's working who knows what's going to happen and you got to be careful because you can't you cannot back date stuff so you know that's something like to deal with hunt but you know it can be done but we just have to be careful with that we have the official authorization to move ahead correct we don't have the contract in place okay so we can only do so much work right so are we moving ahead at our own risk Don well technically yeah I mean yeah but that's okay we got to get it done we we're never we have a time a what's a Time ending I think it's end sometime in 25 it's got to be done yeah according to the state so okay all right let's that'll move on thanks thanks Dave any more on that Dave no I think that's that's pretty much it I mean okay you know I know Matt mentioned that we were gonna possibly do some some rain guards you know and removing some of the trees do rain Gardens yep um just to be in in compliance with the new standards right right and that's going to be we're going to have our friends from D Lake waterers Shad all Alliance help out with the rainu so it's going to be a really great team effort um yep and it's got to be honest with if you if you drive around that ring Road and look at the current devices they have there uh we're cutting a liability dramatically down for the uh the mall because right now they got some open pits with open covers that people could just drop 10 feet into people don't even know it's there it's so I know but if you're walking late at night oh yeah down the road you might end up in the drink so it's it's pretty pretty bad who's doing that anyway all we're gonna move on on new business any old business that I missed I'm sorry any old bus a new business uh Ken um Ken's gonna talk a little bit about our contact uh page and he would like to change it it sounded like a pretty good idea um he went over it a little bit with Jeanie and I before um Ken all yours okay so the main thing is um I think I talked about this previously that it would probably be better to have a domain based email for you know for the organization looks more professional um you know it's just all around better to deal with it that way one of the downsides I found with the contact form is that it seems that depending on your email service they that service may or may not accept email that comes in from a form so since we're you know since tget website is hosted with GoDaddy I contacted them to find out more about their email what they offer and um I think it's going to be a compromise between cost and convenience I guess you could say um to really do it right you literally have to have a an account per per entity for example if you had Commissioners you know a Conta it would be basically would be an account per per person that would end up being very expensive so what it looks like the best compromise would be would be to use one of their plans that basically has aliases that you can use so now all the all the entities will be aliases like all Commissioners that they would be in Alias web ad men would be in Alias so on so on so on basically what happens all that filters into a single account which then would have to be managed as far as you know spinning the stuff out as it comes in so stuff would have to be reforwarded to particular people um It's relatively inexpensive I think it's $299 per month for the first year I believe and then it it renews at a higher rate but I think even then I think it was something like under $100 a year so it's probably good to get started with that just to see how it all works um I figure that I would manage it just to see how all that works and if we have an interested party maybe down the road we could hand that off to an interested party to handle that management of that account um that's it basically for that the other thing is The Flume status um I've heard a lot going on with you know the upside the downside of different ways of doing it but it seems the best way is to have it in a centralized location where it is right now on the website at the upper upper left corner updates Flume status did you bring that up Ken um actually Don has it I think Don has shared it so it's up right now so everybody can see that well oh I'm sorry yes but it's on the front page it's on it's on the front page of the site right where you would expect it to be you go on the site you see it immediately so what H what what appears to have happen happened is after Twitter got Acquired and became you know X Twitter whatever you want to call it these days a few things got messed up where those updates are now no longer being pushed to our site so it looks like what's going to have to happen is a couple of things gonna I'm I'm probably going to have to be able to get into that account to look at what they're doing as far as how they push things and alter our sites so now we can start receiving those push those pushed um messages again okay so that we get the you know we get The Flume status on the site so that'll be a little bit of backend stuff on you know both the website and having to actually access the Dake Twitter SLX whatever they call it these days account to make that happen and know re reestablish that linkage there's some payment thing for isn't there some certific needed for Twitter or X now yeah I I don't you know it it changes it literally changes every day I I'm I'm kind of tired of the way that they've been doing things but you know in order for us to be able to do what we want we kind of have to go with the way that they do it okay get back to us on that get back to us on that you you need credentials for that right yeah so I'll I'll talk with you Don about you know how we're going to you know how we're going to interface with that so I can you know get in there and dig around and see what's going sure that's no problem yeah so that's pretty much it in a nutshell for both of those both of those Jesse can we can we get this moving on the um on on the on the contact piece Jesse um yeah the email email can we vote on that Jess can we get approval on that sure sure because we have to yeah so a motion to go ahead with the uh the contact page to to solidify that into one um how the domain domain based email yes okay domain based email address to use one perfect okay somebody second and how how much do it you want yeah the price right under under 100 a year yeah I believe it's under year have about let's go with 150 just to cover ourselves yeah you want to you probably W to you probably want to build a little bit into it just in case I would you think you think 200 maybe that's yeah I think 200 is a good place to probably start yeah okay and someone second I'll second motion Marl okay so we're not we're gonna go with the domain based email at an amount not to exceed $200 and if you want if you want I can also share that page so you can see it too so you can see annually get annually right yeah you want to show it yeah let me find that real quick so and while he's doing that I just want to say I'm I'm glad that we'll go back to using the Twitter feed because it is difficult to look at a Facebook page and scroll around looking for information and I've had TR trust me everybody finds it trust me all right if they have Twitter if they have Twitter they find it too so but this way you just go to the website and there it is and that is what most people do when they're looking for information about an organization is go to the website and we and we also and multiple ways and other ways yeah we also have a visual ever if the gates are open there's a green light on the building one or two depending on which gates open could be two could be one also you know they can actually go down and look at it if they wanted to definitely there's a visual visual okay tool that they can use that can go that can yeah so are you seeing the are you seeing the Microsoft 365 so it's the one on the left um basically there's there's 10 gigs of email storage Advanced security blah blah blah um I think it's also it's also useful because now we actually have in I guess I think part of what happens with this is it also archives the messages so it's a little bit you know from the perspective of you know if email has to be retained you know by you know as part of your you know as part of your laws your Charters whatever it has to be retained now you have a place for it to be retained so I think this is the way to go you can see that it RWS at 9588 on active mailboxes which would be one um yeah email archiving I believe that's part of it um and backup as well but I can look I can look into it further look into that to see what see what how that works out I think it's a good place to start we get four or five a month easy if not more so right and Ken thanks for uming doing the management of it because you know we were having discussion just before we got on about who was going to manage that but Ken has said he'll start he'll start it off yeah I mean the figure the traffic will be low pretty low so we're looking for a commissioner or an alternate commissioner to help out between you know Jeanie and I are got her hands full so I'd like should we take a vote on this sure go ahead okay so we started with you offord Steve seconded so Allen Hurst yes Asbury Park yes Interlaken Yes W gber she's there right is she there she here yes hi hi yes sorry Neptune was here I don't think he's here anymore oh I see it how about a thumbs up Eric I'm telling him to unmute there THS up Eric thumbs up Eric are you saying yes I love Jason I and in my opinion I do think it's the issue everybody black voted for Jason from what I've seen and I know I was late the only yes yes yes an ocean yes okay okay okay uh Next One support for a recycling bottle deposit uh you want to go to the renewal of the DLC agreement I'm sorry I'm sorry Mr yes yes yes um so this year is our renewal year every 10 years we have to renew we have to renew the [Music] agreement there we go uh we have to renew the agreement and this is going to be a big year for that so this is one of our goals to renew that that goal to renew this agreement so um the agreement the current one's on the website you guys can read it if you have any suggested changes um send them to everybody and uh we'll try to work it January February and hopefully we get it to each Town um by March and and start the process of signatures okay um and it's it's it's always a challenge there's always a lot of questions we may have to go to some Town meetings to get it done um but it's it's it's it's uh it's it's something that we have to do and revisit every 10 years so just want to mention that um dat on is there a due date on it end of the year that's it just this end we expire we expire in 20 and end of the year next year we expire okay 2024 yeah December thank you next hybrid meetings hybrid meetings for next year no the recycling bottle deposit sorry keep on missing uh recycling plan Jeff gold came sent an email to us um asking us for to support that and it it I believe it's uh for bottles um that are found along in in towns people can pick them up and and and and and collect money for them five cents a bottle like New York City I do not believe it's it's changing the way we do our current recycling it's in addition to um does anybody know any more about that I don't know if Jeff's on the call or not um but we we can hold that I'd like to have Jeff here to talk about that yeah do next month we we'll hold that off to next month okay be here but it sounds like it's it's a pretty good pretty good proposal but he's just looking for deal commission to maybe advertise a little bit and get the word out on it okay we got we got to know a little bit more okay um um now hybrid meeting so in 20 2024 I'd like to test out the Hy we tried we Tred to do it and this the 29 storm just threw a wrench in the whole works um there was just too much going on after that storm so I like to start that in in January a small basis couple Folks at inter L town hall and we'll give it a whir I'm not asking the professionals to come in we can we can beam you in um and I I got a pretty good concept maybe Mr Merl could help me out with the town hall situation and and we'll test it out well before we have the meeting we'll test it out make sure we have all the Kinks out of it and U so I just want to run that by everyone how we can I a show can I have a show of hands of people that are in favor of that I'm not could you I'm just asking I'm just show hands of people in favor of people in favor of that particular hybrid system I don't know what it is I mean I don't know what you're talking about doing hybrid system is that where some some folks are in face to face right at the inter L and town hall and we have a we have a zoom capability at that meeting we have the the images just like you see here we'll have a big TV with all the images so people that are there can PE can see everyone that's on the call there'll be a speaker system there'll be one camera that's set up um either with a iPhone or a laptop and uh we run the meeting as normal I I I do it at my church and it's it's pretty easy um it's it's not complicated and we'll record the meeting it'll be yeah that's the nice thing about it right the meeting is recorded um so I know some folks are asking for us to go to a a live a live only meeting I I I think the hybrid is the way to go because we get a lot of people we don't have to have professionals driving in um you know 50 miles 30 miles or even 2,000 miles that's Chris um for the meetings so uh it's it's a different world out there today so i' like to be able to use all our resources if we can so and and I go on travel everybody goes on travel so it's a nice tool to get come to the meetings so yeah just want to add to that Don um we in in terms of Asbury Park they told me we don't have to go to one or the other because we don't we don't you know the other the other groups like the shade tree commission they all have had to make a decision to either do H to either do online or in person but the deal commission does not have to do that so it's it's up to us to decide yeah I think it is I we're a separate entity right so we we we have to I'm only one vote you're only one vote and everybody's got one vote so got seven yeah so you know a test is is it show hands a test in January is that is that okay everybody yes okay all right that's good so we'll give it a shot and see who shows up I'm gonna lure Jesse over with dinner I think yeah I'll go all right let's let's keep moving um do you need to us to tell you whether you're gonna be in person or online before the meeting we'll figure it out well yeah no I don't I don't think we need now I mean well we we have to know who's going to show up I mean it doesn't matter you can show up show up you're not you're on Zoom so okay as long as you let us know still counts if you're not there you still count as as a representative of asby Park you'll just be on Zoom but right okay personally I kind of like face to face I mean you know it gets gets people together and it's nice to see people once in a while yeah I'm interested in seeing how the how this test goes down so let me know what you're G to do with that well we'll see we'll see if Steve and I are still talking to one another afterwards right all right um but we'll test it out before we have that meeting that's for sure and work the bugs out we have a problem we're gonna you we'll cancel it but I've said this but Ken does this for a living let him be there for the test let him know so he can help no I I can surely tell him sure sure sure sure I can do that okay but I'm trying to keep it so I don't want the APV in there and I don't you know I don't need a big production I think it's the way it's organizations are doing it's very simple with with the iPhone or a laptop and a camera so and I have both I have a extra camera right here mov it on um at least least at least a loan the deal with commission so you might have to buy something different and they're not expensive they run $40 I think it's a $50 camera I have at church that that picks up all the sound and and and all the images it's really pretty amazing um okay the master plan again again on the website we're going to have to do that that's our goals that's our list of goals um for the for for the lake for for years five I have a question where's it going to be posted where's the meeting going to be posted after you record it where we post them now what now it's being posted on APV 68 yeah but why why would that change why would anything change um I'll ask them about that I don't know why anything would change okay all right that's a good the same thing as whether we're zooming or we're still zooming we're just taking that Zoom feed and and handing it over giving it to a we're gonna continue to give it to APV then if that's how it happens Ken how does that happen that's how it happens okay let it keep keep on happening it's working um I guess the question would be um I guess the hand off would be I guess you're handing off a file so and I don't know if they're going to be doing the post I'm going to be doing the post we have to decide how that's going to happen yeah where do you have it where do you have it go now onto your computer Ken yeah basically what I do is I know Zoom the zoom meeting goes to my computer I take that file I do the editing and then I hand that off to I hand that off to Nate Mall okay okay um Can the zoom can still be done on your computer I think right it can but um we'll I guess we'll figure that out when we figure out how we're going to do the we do the be there you just have to hit you just have to record on your your computer right we'll figure we'll figure that out when we do the testing we'll figure out the worklow okay thanks thanks for that yeah that's um again back to the master plan Master plan's there uh we're gonna have a lot of things removed because we've done a lot U so that's a good news and CV MO is a Bigg e un the list so that'll probably be moved up to number one since that's the next project on the list but take a look at it and see what you think if we have to add things uh you know we got a couple months to work that but we should you that's going to be the first thing one of the first things we do in the new year is to work that master plan in coordination with the agreement how John how will we work on it where each individual it reads the do the document makes it makes comments to all of us we send them out to all of us we'll have a consol we'll have Vol have volunteer to consolidate those comments and right probably be me U or it could be Ed or somebody else or maybe Steve and and we can consolidate those comments it's it's the document is not going to change that much it's gonna be just slightly modify with maybe some additions it's it's a pretty nice document if you look at okay let's keep moving um goals for 2024 um I think jeie mentioned a couple of them to me but I think think you know just I I just wrote that in a couple real quickies um you know obviously the the the CV M plan and we got to get moving we got a close out 2017 project um we have we have the we have a great newsletter which is awesome and we we could add to that that's that's that's something we have um and we got to finish up the the clean ocean action uh effort with sewer Leakes so um that's a couple I had now if we all come up with with with goals for New Year and in Fe probably the February meeting uh we could put all those together for for a new list for 2024 so that's that's that's uh a nice idea right so yeah February's good um update on recent storms we had two relatively big storms um I think it's two weeks ago we had one with 4 inch almost four inch three and a half 4 inch storm um and I I thank Ed from azri Park alternate uh for helping out with that that was that was great and um and then last week's storm we had another another batch of storms but you know again people you know they read Facebook posts and things like that without looking out the window so I asked all the I asked all the neighbors before you saying you could check you could check Facebook you could check Twitter you could check at your window to see if the Lakes low if they if not low you can you most of most those folks know my phone number and email uh and contact me um and we have some additional assistance I'll go over in a couple minutes um but you know the storms you know we've been controlling them pretty well um the last storm was predicted to be two to four inches was only I only had 1 Point one7 uh I'm sorry 1.71 inches of rain um and I actually didn't we didn't open The Flume up after the the last tie tie at night we kept it closed woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning looked at looked on my screen and it was still a foot to go and and we had heavy rains after that which filled the lake up um just below the top of dam and and the normal you know Spring Water feed got back up to normal so um it's um I just asked the public to to to look these things up before they start throwing darts because uh it's it's it doesn't feel good with the darts in your head so we try our best we try our best and now the best is the Ocean Township oems and asur park oems were were were help they're helping us out I gave them keys to The Flume um if we have an emergency and if they need need to get in there if I can't get in or one of our other folks that can't get in there um they have some backup keys but they also give us Insight on weather which we concurred with already and everything's been everything all these other storms we've been pretty much all on the same appreci the music which is great uh and I want I want to I think Tom brw is on on on the message and we I just post I want to share my screen for a second um and go to Facebook and and show you if you haven't seen it yet it's pretty good um you're you're not on Facebook you don't see that you're on the D commission website no this is no this is Facebook I'm never mind you see it I mean I'm gonna turn it on second here's this a little I'm not going to play the whole thing but Tom did a nice little job here um I'll just move this forward a little bit we talk about what levels of the lake the operation of The Flume um and let me go back here a little bit talks work together to prepare the lake for heavy storm and monitor the progress during the event one way to know if the flum gate is open is to look at The Flume building there's a green light for each of the two gates there you go when the so that's that's oops hold let me stop that excellent thank you let me stop this hold on I gotta go now okay that's enough of Tom I love Tom Tom that's that's great but it's pretty good welcome I did it primarily just to I'm sorry I'm sitting here video taping the uh Board of meeting right now um that's why you hear the the chatter in the background yeah I run ocean TV as well so um yeah I did that just to keep my staff informed as to how The Flume works and then Don asked me if I could just take it and uh uh you know embellish it a little bit so it's better for the general public so that's what we did yeah no it's it's really nice Tom thank you for Genie if we can get that up on The Flume but button on the on the website that'd be great um and I think that'll help as the I was telling you I was kind of hitting the genie we had something or in my back pocket and that's it we have a perfect that's great yeah um you know it's a little bit off but still to do with the flooding and I know Don you know you've when you were speaking after the SE September 29th uh incident you mentioned um trying to get funding for what we need to to prevent more of this kind of flooding and Steve and I attended the clonet um meeting recently and that was really the discussion was of the recurring problem of all Coastal lakes with flooding and steps that communities can take now Jason adol raised the possibility of the clonet lake communities banding together to create a regional plan and he said that he felt that a regional protection plan would cover all the coastal lakes and it the njde likes the idea of a regional approach because it ends up being cost savings effective and efficient so good luck with that I I I I can't say I'm a big fan of that because we we are are very every Lake's pretty unique so I'm not sure how that's going to work but we we are pushing obviously with our C viiew project that's one big piece and the other piece was an alternate gate and and I think Wesley Lake and us are looking at that um and that's that's big money you're talking probably you know five to 10 million bucks to put an additional gate just an emergency gate nothing to do with fish or anything else the old gate would stay exactly the way it is um and I think we got to push that I personally don't want to wait for another Lake a body of 20 people to vote on something for each indiv you know for I don't think it happens I don't think I think it may sound like a great idea but when you get down to Brass nuts it's it's it's not going to get our Lake fixed any faster It's Gonna Take Time one thing that did come up that I was going to report on anyhow from that Coastal Lake you know Symposium was this potential funding through the Department of Defense that a couple of lakes have tapped into it's called Readiness and Environmental Protection integration program right okay and basically we are within the Watershed that DOD is you know focused on because of Earl and you know so in any event uh and they're concerned about flooding and not and so it's not so much flooding of the base but it's flooding of local roads that prevent Personnel from getting to the base right so this might be a good way to revisit that project that Peter and I had put in for to you know for like auxiliary pumps to basically help hump the lake down you know so that might be something that we should perhaps look at a little bit closer with Dave and you know and with Prince and hydro and figure out maybe there's opportunity for funding there there's no match I asked about that so could be a way to go yeah I did hear about that before um Dave I know Dave had some concerns on pumps I don't want to talk spend all night talking about this project but it definitely a pump or a another pipe is definitely uh necessary an emergency we'll never be able to meet anything over six seven inch storm in a short period of time we'll never meet that that outfall so no you'll never be able to do that right but you know it'd be more like the nuisance flooding things and you know three inches of rain which no but but if we had that additional pipe we could meet it I think we could one we can handle five in right we should be problem seven in rainfall is you're also getting a you know a title situation right and those two hit at the same time there you know that that's when the pumps would be better as as opposed to an outall but right you know other nature stuff right so Steve you're talking about the funding for that how would the delay commission what would be the first steps for that I don't know I mean something that we have to you know look into and you know you know with if you know the commission authorized itself or like you know alakan to you know to to proceed with looking into it we could at least look into it you know but I think it was um what was I I forget which lake now uh that secured funding and they were doing work let me see if I can find it here on my notes but well it's we we're gonna have to come up with a plan we have written things up for presentation to Congressman pone um that that's one Avenue there's obviously a state Avenue but the federal it's really Federal money we need this is what this is right it's Department it's a little different it's DOD but I don't know if it's that kind of money we're yeah this is big bucks and and so that yeah silven Lake but you know they're doing a whole bunch of work I mean a lot of it I can't remember is silven Lake and Avon right yeah an Avon correct yeah I can't believe that's going to protect early ammunition Depo but that's all another story God bless them got but I mean it's really to you know like they were ex what they were talking about is is dealing with localized flooding that prevents Personnel from getting to the base and you know the majority of the Personnel on base are civilians you know right right right but we're definitely within their Watershed oh yeah well is I'm gon to move on guys I'm not we're not GNA be here all night no no we're gonna move on we're gonna move but thanks for that and let's keep that in mind uh for next year let's let's let's keep moving um why don't you put that on the list of of goals for 2024 you could do that Genie for February you put that on your no but we have you know it's it's it's part of the master plan right yeah master plan is that extra pipe so I think I think it's on there already no but I mean we' need to authorize Steve or uh Peter to pursue that to look and into it for us for that yeah I mean we we've been already talk we we obviously been talking about we actually proposed it in 2016 we submitted a plan and we had the package ready to go I mean that was that was part of the submission we did to the state we did not get the grant but that package and the Water Analysis is all done complete okay so I guess I was misunderstanding what the first steps were would be I mean we actually have a plan in place to do the pumping system that we'd have to revisit that with Peter's team whether that's smart or not because there's other issues with with pumps and and backup generators and things like that soors and power yeah right yeah all right let me keep rolling guys let me keep rolling um we had a backyard collapse on the September 29th storm I'm not going to go into great detail but um hel owner lost the whole good chunk of the backyard and almost the house and uh and I guess it was a lot of water issues with the drains around the house uh that ended up water heading towards the lake and washing out the backyard it was uh it was quite dramatic and and hopefully uh we'll learn more about how the D works with these emergency situations so be emergency situation on the backyard next to the lake so why did it happen huh why did it happen I I think many years ago when they built the original house they they took a lot of trees down in the back I think that's one reason and they the the bulk Henning maybe wasn't as as good as it could have been but you know you talk in a house a house that's been there you know for 60 years or so 70 years so it looks brand new but I mean I think the property's been developed way way back then so um I also want to thank Jeanie and and Steve for going to the cloet meeting uh they did a great job I heard and uh both have made presentations I think um I think related to Da both gen was definitely da and Steve I think was to so I got great feedback from folks and uh thanks guys for that yeah we tag teamed on the deal Lake presentation and I did a separate one on 319 funding but I I got to tell you like deal L commission is you know Head and Shoulders ahead of all the other Coastal lakes in terms of you know what we're doing where we are how we've addressed Pro you know problems etc etc well that's you know that's kind of what I was thinking before you know we can help and Lead like we helped Wesley Lake and and sunset Lake um lead um you know part part of our environmental or water quality issues is sunset Lake I mean I really want to push as hard as we can to help Sunset Lake get dredged um because we got the mtds in there we got you know we got some floating wetlands and they they just really needed dredging so that would that would help them a lot and maybe even a new valve uh that could help them out and prevent water from backing up from deal Lake into Sunset Lake and I think that would be a big plus for them so may before we do the budget may I say something real quick sure this is the deal Lake commission got the New Jersey Governor's environmental excellent award Excellence award uh oh for 2022 watershed management and Water Resources a wow look at that it only took a year to get to us look at that it's a very nice award that's nice but we have a a nice letter addressed to you Don okay that in the storage facility hang it up in the storage facility Well hang it up in I'll put it in my office that's needs to be somewhere Steve's got one take a picture and put it on our website but they said say take a picture and send it please yes let's oh I can't I don't know what happened why I'm over here we hear you okay but it says um we at the New Jersey Department and Environmental Protection are so proud to acknowledge your outstanding environmental work to benefit our state your accomplishments are very impressive we l your pre- science in implementing storm water and watershed management and in Lake restoration projects at D Lake the projects use green infrastructure storm water techniques float floating Wetlands Shoreline restoration and subsurface treatment devices to significantly decrease nonpoint source pollutant loading to the lake once again please accept our sincere congratulations on this well-deserved recognition wow and they hope that we proudly display the trophy genie in your office wow go on the website but you need to hang it in your office I don't know who else is gonna have it I just read the the award winners I think it was the other day they had they listed the award winners for 2023 and I cringed because it was great winning it but holy cow was at a pressure to get a a thank you back to the governor um I think we it was a week we had to get a a video presentation under two and a half minutes or or something like that oh that's right yeah and D doesn't talk real you know no you don't no you don't we did a lot of cutting on that the first one was what what 25 minutes and I had to cut it back it was very frustrating it was anyway thank you thank you Jesse Jesse was holding that back for me I was holding it I wanted to do it tonight I don't know why I can't see any my I don't know what's going on here I can see we can see you you can see me okay all right so that's good any other new business guys I I I'd like to um remind everyone to remind their um municipalities to make sure they're appointed by our next meeting or if they're appointing new people by to let me know by for our January 18th meeting okay I already I also received a lake blowering permit for 2024 and our professionals like could you please send all your contracts to me for 2024 okay okay thank you oh jeie and I or Jesse and I got a violation those oh yeah you remember that yes you do the lake lowering for the the cleanup we got our hands slapped uh because we didn't call in on the lowering we didn't call in when we started the refilling which was jeie POS I think but the u i i it was so we were told years ago we didn't have to call even though it's written in there you don't have to call well the new Sheriff's in town and the new the sheriff didn't see a phone call from the da commission said we got the violation this um we don't we we don't have to do it on a normal emergency lowering for storms but we have to do it on these special events so we took note of that and we said we're sorry and they said okay no problem it'd be nice if they were so aggressive with respect to all the shoreline you know Des that's been occurring yeah right we're getting our permits reviewed in time instead taking a year to get permits yeah exactly Chris you want to add on come on pile on let's go no I've I've learned less is more sometimes right um okay so that's that's all I got just Jesse all yours um did you want to go over the budget yeah yeah that's I do you said if there there anything else I just need to know this we're going for the meeting next in January so it's going to be a link and an inperson that's what I'm going to distribute so people know they can come to the meeting I'll send I'll send you something Jeanie okay all right thank you okay I think we're gonna try it first right Dom we're gonna practice we're gonna practice first yeah we're practice so but that's an official meeting right no no no no no no we're just going to we're gonna do a fake meeting fake Mee oh okay I'll be at home and he'll be in in in L and Steve's gonna be there hold my hand all right so we don't know if we're meeting on the 19th we're still meeting on the 18th we're just not sure plan that we're gonna have a hybrid meeting on on that date wait the 18th or the 19th the 19th is a Thursday hold on January 18th is a Thursday oh I'm sorry I'm looking at 23 you're right January 18th is day so we are having a hybrid meeting for the Commissioners that's the goal yep okay goal all right and you're gonna let me know how to promote it to the public we have to advertise it right Jesse we have to yes my gut my gut feeling says the public can come yeah if they want you know it's it's up to that anybody can go Open Door PS no it has to be to the public um okay I'm looking for my bud Jesse you want to get the budget rolling discussion did everybody get to review the budget yes oh I'm sorry I'm not everybody it's it's pretty it's pretty it's basically what we do every year yeah so yeah do anyone have questions on because that way I can send out the bills too it's we haven't raised the um assessments I I'll make a motion to accept the the budget for 2024 somebody second I'll second second okay Allen Hurst yes Asbury Park yes Interlaken yes lock Arbor yes Neptune I don't get where Eric go the ear is gone he there I don't think he's there okay in Ocean yes okay I don't know what's going on with my computer I can't see anybody okay so okay commiss word oh you want do commissioner's last word I'm sorry yeah commissioner's last word um Eric's not here here unfortunately but ER Eric I I've been told is not coming back to the commission next year oh no he's there's gonna he's gonna theying he's got he's got he has a class on Thursday nights that he's teaching so he's not GNA be coming back and I'm not sure exactly who's the Neptune rep's GNA be I did recommend an alternate be assigned also for Neptune so we'll find out on the 18th so anyway he's you know I want to do something special with Eric we'll probably do something next next year and yeah get him some kind of certificate he's been with the commission at least eight years at least I can place a sticker over [Laughter] this yeah so anyway um but anyway I I survived my trip to Europe I I surprised my wife and took her to Europe for her first time in 40 years I went 40 years ago and I took her um to England and or Scotland England London and Paris um and I came back alive so it was it was wonderful wonderful trip it was it was great so I I encourage people save your funds and take a trip to Europe one of these days anyway but I came back lot a lot of Lake issues over there water issues over there too it's it's amazing the the temps was amazing how it how it the RO the tide Rose I was I was fist fact fascinated by that and then the the Shane was not a title but it was moving um tremendous amount of water in that um and Notre is on an island I didn't know that so that's I saw that in construction almost I guess it's got another year to go so that's all my words Jeanie oh um well I was just going to say that um I'm it's hopefully get a meeting with you know we've had a lot we're having a big changes in Asbury Park with the new city manager coming in and um but the just encouraging everybody to try and get that advisory on the permits for Lake Front work um if any I'll send it out and if you want to share it Don that that one um paragraph that we're we want to put contact the njde before undertaking any work projects you may need a permit with appropriate with the appropriate links that's all I'm just trying to move that little piece along will help if the uh if you know there's always so much confusion along Lakefront with and even within the officials as in terms of what people should be doing um with their construction project so if we one of the goals Jeannie I think is we we got to have the D have one person for D not five or seven people making decisions around the L because every town gets a different person that makes no sense to me they yeah easy to do a jurisdictional determination you know they can submit a a request for the DP to look at what they're doing and the DP will make a review it's very easy you submit some pictures a little documentation I don't believe there's a fee and you have to DP do I need a permit and they'll send you a letter back that says that's usually when they're doing it properly the lawyers are doing that they're sending it in cor correctly but it doesn't mean it's being reviewed by the exact same person we need a person that's knows D Lake and and and and understands the rules and regulations Steve Steve we talked to M multiple people gie I and Steve and we got different answers from different people so yeah well I I was just really in what I was talking about is a municipal issue that we're trying to get the message out both to the uh people that that give the issue the construction permits to people that are doing work along the lake and also to the homeowners just to let them know that if they are doing work they should contact the njde before they proceed and I'll send that to Don and yeah it's you you you know it's Asbury ocean Interlaken are the big ones in some deal I mean it's not that many and be honest with you the other smaller towns aren't aren't really affected much okay let's keep keep rolling um Anthony anything going on U any last word I just think we're uh I think we're since I first been on a commission I think we've really have a lot of progress and there's a lot of we have a lot of pokers in the fires and I think the way we're going now is this is fine you know we we're moving along we're keeping up with technology we're looking at new methods you know and I I think we've made good progress uh yeah over every I mean all overall and sorry to he see Eric go yeah he he really went very good Anthony Steve now being a lifelong resident um I've seen a lot of improvements in the lake and the water quality getting considerably better and um less litter and pollution in the lake so it's a very encouraging sign oh did I What's mar doing um we need two volunteers to do Lake testing if for anybody who's there listening okay yeah we need two volunteers I think we got one I think we got one on Peter used but we'll get to him in a minute Margo hi um the bulkhead was fixed oh uh um which is very exciting uh only took for forever um and not the September 29th storm my neighbors didn't move their car but speaking of progress my neighbors all did move their cars this last storm so finally people are paying attention and um I think this fall people did in my neighborhood actually learned more about how to how The Flume works and how to check the resources to find out rather than you know a lot of people like to call Paul say it's The Flume open but they can go online Marg I think you mentioned it we're g we're gonna try to have an open house down there one day I think that would be great no one understands better weather but we'll have an open house it's it's still a mess in there I'm trying to get a a cleaning company in there I I really don't want to do it uh but we have mud in there that has to get cleaned up so um I'm trying to get folks I think people just do not understand it and uh that green light that I'm GNA go watch that after we um end the meeting that was very interesting what you showed us on YouTube there so thank you and thank you so much thank because it is nerve-wracking living where I do live and knowing that we can flood at any time and I want to thank you so much because you always answer my questions and help me and explain things to me and I appreciate it walk you off the L walk you off yes yes you have done that thank you no problem okay who's who's that's it let's open up for the public please aemotion to open the meeting to the public that's all right if you want to leave it to it that's fine so move second second okay anybody anybody out there I see 908 number8 Mr use Pete okay wait nobody wants to talk nobody wants to talk I'm asking him to unmute I think there he is oh he's on hey Pete hey Don yeah I sent uh this is Peter Hughes I did send a h question uh I'm a new person on this uh total DLC uh website and meeting and and so I did throw out a question to you so I sent it to you on the meeting chat oh I got it okay can to read that or I yeah I got it the protocol uh State totally a question um is it it has it to do with the water testing Peter no it's CE cus u means some type of Co Del yeah it's a federal actually it's a federal code that we have to get it's it's a it's a code for the uh it's UEI I believe is a code should I repeat my question go ahead yes yeah okay all right don't know the protocol for how critical our state CEUs for the D commission but it means some type of qualifications for continued state but if if it means some type of qualification for continued State designation of some some type which which I don't know as a new person my suggestion might be requesting commitment by deal commission members at least on some monthly basis as available for those uh programs just a thought Steve know anything I don't know anything about that Steve you know yeah we're not we're not familiar with that Pete I'm not aware of that I only bring that up because as a former member of the shade tree Commission in Interlake and we have to meet ceu's requirements every year and that may involve and I only bring it up because I mentioned some people traveling uh on the D commission traveling to events in other cities or places in New Jersey whereas it can be done without cost online that's are you are you talking about continue education credits or something like that yes I am oh we don't need them I don't think we have we don't even go in that category we never I mean I I teach a bunch of those courses you know for ruers and you know so Peter I think Peter teaches courses down at the um League of municipalities yeah to get yeah you know continue education units we already have a lot of smart people on our teams the question is we rely on them well as I said working on the shade tree commission it's not about the people on the commission it's about does the commission qualify and get the necessary CEUs to gain State designation that's all we don't have not questioning anyone on this committee yeah please not at all no no no yeah no it's uh it's something we don't have to we don't have a requirement for we're a standalone commission that's pretty unique in the state um so you know our mission is very specific right well-being of the of the lake itself so okay fair enough hey did are you you want to be involved with clonet correct did you get in touch with with Genie yet I did okay that's great yep good Peter we'll we'll be talking on line okay I have your number all right thank you okay okay um I guess that's it no more from the public and uh any more Jesse let's close the a motion to close the public hearing so move second I'll second it all in favor I oppos a motion to adjourn the meeting and well yes I'll somebody second merry Christmas happy New Year happy H somebody second somebody second all [Music] favor