##VIDEO ID:xkknu3y7ofo## let's start the meeting with the uh I think every Steve is not coming so I'm gonna mute everybody right now you just well I'll keep everybody up uh we'll do the pledge of allegion one second uh let's see what I got here oh that's not what I want I want to get where's our flag where' our flag go I beautiful flag setup there it is here it is there we go okay let's go pledge allegiance United States of America God indivisible okay thanks for that stop that okay thank you the no one second Jesse okay I'm gonna mute everybody and then you can open up your mic okay open your mic justess okay the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the commission clerk the dealing Commission meeting will be audio and videot taped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of Mammoth County on FiOS 28 alen Hurst I thought I I thought I saw him now Alan here president present gotcha Asbury Park no Asbury NOP deal Interlaken pres L aror here Neptune and ocean here tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting from July 25th 2024 some please so move Ocean second um all in favor I I opposed okay Bruce do you want to do the bill list yes I will happy to do so thank you very much all right so uh at the beginning of the month of August we had $3,664 18 on hand uh we had and I should say thanks to the Herculean and dogged efforts of our Intrepid and fearless leader Don brocco uh the state of New Jersey finally forked over the money they voted forever in the amount of $ 92,5 4925 and consequently you have a total available cash of $ 16,368 there were various dispersements uh and grants our balance at the end was $2,963 71 plus the balances being held in our uh accounts total on deposit $12,990 .71 and as the treasurer I want to thank Mr brockel for his uh impressive efforts in battling the bureaucracy of the state of New Jersey and I will give a call shout out V goal who did whatever he did he he did inquiry and they knew that somebody was looking over their shoulder so I thank any assembly ladies from now on we're going to have it saying Ving goow is our pow finally so we're back in business yes are back in bu someone please offer to approve the treasures report and pay bills I'll offer thank you and second inter Laken thank you alen Hurst yes Interlaken yes L orber yes and ocean yes okay okay Don take it away okie dokie um our new Grant uh we're working on now and we just got word from the D we need a few extra things the good news is interl is helping out with with sponsoring the delay commission for the joint Insurance Fund so in a couple weeks we'll have new insurance um liability not comprehensive um what is that general liability general liability general liability and we're going to have um some some property the in Contents of The Flume and and our storage facility some coverage there um and and some other coverage um for for doing you know projects maybe even paddle you know paddles yeah May will be covered for that cleanups will be covered um so that's that's and also the general um insurance for officers right for officers which is great yeah I thank intera for that and and the Mr C C Grandy Chuck C Grandy's we're working with so that was a great connection um the other piece of the the grant we have to get some information they're asking for little details I'm working with Matt Mariano on modifying some of the wording and um on the sage system we got to get Jesse's home address and Ricky's home address which I now have I have to give to to to Matt but Jesse if you could email Matt your home address that'll be one piece of it Y and there's some other little details but it seemed very easy and we can get rolling and according to the D we can continue um doing the work and and Peter this is where you come in I think we can continue with the final plans for the RFP I I think they told us no but um let's see how much how long it takes them to respond inter L meets Wednesday night they'll have a resolution for us the following day next week week today and we'll get it submitted and call there's a new email that says we're covered under the SE the 2023 letter so we can continue according to what I read today well they send us because we have money to pay the insurance bill so that's good yeah that that's good okay and and of course the old Grant we're still getting money back on that they're working that check should be cut so okay we should be on the road but we we got to work it quick because I think we got to get on the street by sometime in the fall right Pete we are I I rechecked the dates St and it was July of 2023 that we got the affirmative letter to proceed so we're really not a year and a half like I thought it's just a little over a year so we have three years to complete the project uh without asking for an extension so we have the better part of two years to proceed okay great we'll do it okay well thanks um the sh protection piece I'm not sure what's going on with that I know jeie was gonna be sending out flyers to the folks along on the lake I'm not sure if that happened yet but she she was working at um the goose and cart remediation no word back from the St I'm sure we'll get by September we usually get that information a letter I gotten anything yeah but we obviously we did good I I did see a lot more keys over Colonial terrorist so they they do have their geese literally walking down the street that was that was quite interesting there was a whole Army of them so and I I have found Neighbors in certain towns um that are feeding up still I mean we probably know who they are um but the town should try to enforce the no feeding of the animals right I think people are trying to feed deer deer and they're actually feeding the geese so or the geese and the deer who knows but it probably shouldn't have be done and I noticed it's actually being done on public property so just to let us Commissioners know that so look around your towns and look at your town halls and you might find some feed out there um the weed program no NE not necessary this year but I'm gonna ask Steve and we to start for next year and get a two-year or three-year agreement set up so we can get that going for next year now there's no sense to wait U but the lake looks in Terrace Pond there was there's really no weeds over there that could be because they have more carp eating the weeds I I don't know but that's that's another issue old business more old business um the reestablishment of joint meeting and there was Da commission um all towns all six towns are signed up asbury's the lone one out there uh we're still working at working with Asbury on getting that signed uh hopefully by mid-september we'll have that signed um and and we'll move on uh water testing clean ocean action Jesse did you mail that out yet to the oh you okay yeah we just got to get together in times are wasting so we're at least trying to get the um we had the wet wet happen so fast that's the problem um the dry is easy but the the in the rain sampling is what's tough so so um I'm away next week so I'm not sure we can coordinate anything but end of the month we might be able to coordinate something and get and and get some testing so we'll need some testers if people are out there willing to help um and we're going to probably call on MTH University to help out too those all their expert testers they got out there they got they got some great folks out there don don Lucy Lucy and I were both certified and we could use a little refresher but um okay could could help that's right yeah there there's we had about 10 people that were CER and and and they're still around so we can we can gather them up but I just have to coordinate with the doctor from Ocean clean ocean um and get that done um what else what else um oh so I think that's all the old business I have anybody else have old business I forgot about no new business we have one um I finally found out I got an email from clean the cleanup folks or the um the big event Mammoth University and they are their big event is November 9th um so our da cleanup is November 9th that's we all wait for that date and we finally got it so we can put that on our calendars and town calendars and all that good stuff but it's it's November 9th bundle up yeah what's that bundle up but well you know it's it's been good never know last year we got lucky um with that in that coordination with that we may have to lower a lake in September um do you want me to send out the lake lering permit I I think yes for that one well no yeah I guess we do or request yeah but we might have to send another one out I got to coordinate with the the valve guys they want to take a look at the valve um and determine what they have to do so whatever they have to do will be that November 9th okay and have to pick a day be a couple days before that maybe before a rainstorm and lower the lake and have them get in there so um I don't I think I don't need a permit for that I'll just wait for a good rainstorm coming up the coast and and we're lower the lake like we did the other day which is not has not recovered so that's the other new business the lake height um you know what what do you want me to put on the dates for the lake Lauren uh hold on let me look at the calendar Peter you got any ideas no I don't uh ninth is that I would say from the third I mean the we'll start on a Sunday night we'll slowly lower it I'm not gonna crazy um and we'll get it down okay you're talking about that um there was a lot of back and forth conversation on the past rainfall events and yeah Hurrican Debbie that came through uh you were very responsive to everyone and if we had listened to others I just want the commission to know if we had listened to others who were criticizing the way we maintain the Lake elevation free storm we would have had a fish kill a significant fish kill and Steve reported that what Don did is he lowered the lake for the first rainfall event and then when hurricane Debbie was forecast we waited and we waited because we didn't know the significant event that was going to occur and when it moved to the west and it it moved past us we didn't have the significant rain event which people were demanding we lowered the lake for so don should be complimented I'm sure he won't be but he should be complimented for holding our ground and uh doing what we need to do to keep the lake in the uh environmental conditioning see Peter you just stole my my commissioner's last word I won't take to I just added Josh Josh darer just just got on is he there I I don't see Jos hold on he's joining hold one second I gotta give him credit when he joins he just sent me a text he goes I'm waiting in the room hold on there's more people waiting Hold On A Min okay now he's going okay here he is where'd he go there he is so yeah Josh was uh heavily involved with that he was doing a lot of lowering we were doing a lot of phone calling and I was in Delaware um I was out of town for that the the Monday but the Monday we didn't we lowered it to top of dam beforehand because we had a couple we had a rainstorm before that that that raised the lake so we got it to top of dam and then we waited because it was still it was so damn hot the water was hot so we waited for the you know we we lowered it a little bit more and we had the rain and we kept on lowering it and it never got up over the the concrete wall in Asbury um so I was real happy with that and thank thanks Josh for for doing that and and Josh has been a uh the the new I'm sorry one second he's been the new muscle man on on The Flume he's been lifting logs out that uh I don't think the backo can lift out so thanks Josh I I saw one out there today I that's crazy no yesterday I I I took when the lake was low I was walking across Main Street Bridge looking East on the azra side and literally directly in the middle and there's some massive logs there great fishing spots they're they're not moving anywhere um but I know where they're at and I got my pole ready when the water comes back but uh yeah there's there's some blogs and they they float up they're coming from the back of the lake they're falling off trees I guess there's some construction Lumber that's floating there and other debris a lot of Lids to garbage cans um asra Park we have a we have a supply of recycling lids and trash Lids that we can get back to the town there's a there's a big limb jammed underneath the um the dock on Bridal Meir in inen oh well I'll leave that to the road department there right they can handle that so I have I have a question for Peter Peter made a statement that um if uh we had done the lake lowering as many thought we should when Debbie was on supposedly on her way that we would have had a significant fish kill and I I think it would be important for the public to know why we would have had a significant fish kill because there's so much misinformation regarding the lowering of the lake and what the protocols are and uh I would appreciate if Peter could just explain that so that the public will know uh that you know so many of the of the Judgment calls you make are can go either way and and and and it's great when things work out sometimes they don't we do the best we can Peter why would we have had a fish kill in this particular instance and I always defer to Steve because he's so knowledgeable about it but the way he explains it is uh the high ambient temperature and the high water temperature would cause issues if the water elev ation were lowered because the lake depth is then significantly less the the heat of the ambient temperature warms that water greater and when you have uh a rainfall event it fills it back up when you don't have a rainfall event it causes the Aquatic Life to be in that high temperature for too long a period of time and that's what causes the either exposure to um sand bars you know being caught in areas where there's no water or just the the shallow depth of the water causes the Aquatic Life to die that that was a CO if you remember it was a Monday was a cold front or Tuesday was a cold front that went by and it dumped three inches in a pretty quick period of time and and that was relatively cool water which was great it it stabilized the lake and we flushed out a lot of a lot of issues as as justos saw I I didn't see it I I was I was just coming back but it was it was a lot of stuff coming out of there um and then then we had the other the other rain with Debbie a very little bit we had the lake down about a foot um and we still haven't recovered we're still I think four in three inches on one side probably six inches it's it's noticeable the back reaches of the lake are empty if you got a motorboat in the back you can't use it so that's the only negative um of it so and I I tell you I got some I got a call from that lock Arbor mayor had a nice chat with him and about the situation he was concerned about Debbie and and we you know we we made sure it was low because it was a chance of getting you know three to five inches from Debbie um and and we w we didn't really know until I would say 12 hours prior that that we're okay but by that time we had a lower it so anyway that was that yeah I popped I popped down there today and it seems like it's come up a bit Dawn you know I went down there with a new grabber so it's pretty close to uh edge of dam now which is good see that's and there wasn't a big surgey there was some surge coming in from the ocean but not a lot so that's by the way if you look were in the ocean today the ocean looked dirtier than de late today so it was really it was really dirty but thanks Peter for that and you're well thank you too Don we're going to have to keep an eye out on this next uh storm coming up because they're calling for 5 to8 foot uh tital increases well I know one guy's very happy about that that's why we have uh this the knife gate in the in The Flume right right right yeah we'll be we need the water so bring it on in bring thank you for your Conant evaluations on that thank you okay yeah I think we're going offshore Monday the winds will be pushing hard offshore Monday and it's a long period ground swell so I don't think we're going to get tooo too much pushing in and and with the level that it's at now I think it'll actually should be nice to have some you know cooler water dumping in so it should be okay we'll keep an eye on it but I think it's actually going to be a positive thing what we have this weekend if I were to guess oh it's this a couple couple updates and and Bruce you want to talk about the one thing you know I've been on this commission a long time and it's only the past few years that we've been having this kind of difficulty with the storms uh maybe the past five years or so it's just uh infuriating when we hear all these uh politicians about uh uh getting rid of all these regulations that uh would would roll back our our our efforts to uh to to uh affect the climate and um I don't know everybody should just be aware that this is the this has got to be a result of climate change and here we are uh every every rainstorm worried about a million different things there's a number of variables and uh you know it's it's a selfless and uh a job that you have there done and making those calls and uh I just want to commend you because it does take a certain amount of guts to make those calls I mean we we're in touch with the OE you know we got Tom Ru ocean t I talk to and he's great you know I talk to Josh I talk to Peter's guys I mean and Steve we kind of have a network and we we pretty much make the the decent call and be get it but no matter how much information you have you still got to make that call and and and in the end when when it goes well nobody's saying O Don you get a great job it goes B you got we learned that last year on September 29th when I was a kid you might remember this Bruce because you might be a little older than me a little bit but the lake flooded the lake flooded all the time ha I'm about 10 years younger but do you remember that the lake flooded all the time all the time back in the and 70s I remember it over my dock all the time so well I lived on popular Brook and I remember floods on popular Brook where they actually tear the driveway away and there would be fish fish in the in the driveway after the after the floods but anyway I remember the flooding I also want to say that with the extended period of heat that we had I was out paddling around on Sunday and the fact that we haven't had like a a massive algae bloom it's pretty amazing it is remarkable you're right can you can you mention your paddle the other day I was good I was a good paddle you sent me some pictures you want to talk so yeah I was out I was out paddling around I you know I'm always skeptical when somebody does something to the lake you know so I was worried about the the bubblers at deal Barco and I was worried about the fountains in Allen her so I went to check them out of course and uh like I didn't know if I was going to like hit them when I rode over the the bubblers at Barco but they're kind of cool um there's there I think it I think it might actually be a good thing for the lake in terms of ariation especially at at this time of year and then we paddled over to the The Fountains by the park in Allenhurst and it was kind of cool uh it's it makes a nice splashy noise and you know of course I I didn't want to get wet because I don't like to get wet but I I I turned the paddle into the into the lake and swung the tail of the boat around and Lucy enjoyed the splash um but it it it was it looked it looked pretty nice so a green heron there you go really har wow yeah the uh Allen Hurst was nice they they they they talk the cost and they take the cost of the electric and they put three fountains out just north of the quarley avenue bridge so that's a nice touch and uh the only guidance I gave when they asked I said just make sure you comply with the state rules and and and Peter's guys I believe is are complying with me helping them comply with that so uh so be it so then they cut back the brush a little bit I know they want to have a fishing contest which is a great idea uh asbar fishing club is working with them on that and a couple of folks from that and my recommendation was to cut back the bushes a little bit but they're all full of poison ivy so they need to do some remediation to the poison iy before you get kids in there uh but yeah was they're trying they're really trying hard so it's great joh what's the update on this the study on the Corley Avenue Bridge nothing there's no right what's coming back back has to be the the the design the final design that's going to go out the bid we have not seen that okay there's like a big steel cable like dragging down in water on one side yeah I mean that's GNA it's goton to transform the whole area for sure so it's gonna be big change and there's also the battle over the power lines that go over the lake that people want under the bridge on underground instead of the big power line so I don't know where that is either Bruce do you know anything about that about the thing no I know there was a lot of discussion and resistance to the the big giant 4 foot diameter Tower right on Main streety that's right they were B the ble that um the other thing that was new business and it's something I didn't get to but there was a pile of the hotel in 35 supposedly trying to fill in their pool and they had a mass two massive pound or piles of dirt and they're gone now and they're not in the pool I think that stormed last week washed him into the into the lake so uh I haven't gone any further that with that because of the Tian Fest I was busy but I'm GNA ask the town to investigate that and see what they could find out but that that was observed and spoken to me uh the other day about that I don't know if you're familiar with that but it's on a southbound lane of 35 the Tower Motel you got it yep I think it's by Costco it's I'm Sorry by Wegman by wman yeah um any other new business Let's uh let's do commissioner last word uh Margot you got anything nothing um I um I do think we have an awful lot of garbage on our streets and our beach this summer and um I agree I agree with you on that I find it very disappointing so maybe with that relationship you could maybe speak to the mayor about that and also one of the things that I find surprising and I found surprising in past years is that the kids who work at the beach do not clean up Ocean Place and sort of around over by the lake there because there's quite a l a lot of time during the day where you can see them all just sitting there sure sure got it got it that's always my suggestion but yeah I I just another FL was it the krabbers um oh yes the krabbers are really trashing the as so much garbage along there I can't believe it yeah I'm gonna try to talk to EP and find out what's going on maybe we get some enforcement I mean I hate to do that to these guys but I've been after them I think Josh has been after them and it it was worse today Josh it was yeah they throw the little styrofoam pallets from the chicken so I'm I'm pulling those out every day and everything they keep is UND sized so maybe if anyone knows anyone in fishing game and they want to write a couple quick tickets to make quota send them down to that Lake and they'll have no problem chicken bones everywhere yeah all right um while we're at it Josh you got a last word other than Krabs no I'm good I I just took a look at I just took a second look at everything for this weekend the sw's coming out of the South so it's not going to hit the gate right away so I think we're we're going to be okay with the surge so I think um boring any crazy rain I think we're all set okay um let me see here who we got who we got Carol well Peter took my my first commission last word and Mario took my second I did go for a run today and I was trying to do like a mathematical equation in my head giving getting an average on how many feet I saw a piece of trash for you know the entire it came out it averaged out to about one every 10 feet which is quite astonishing doesn't it start to ruin your walk or your run like I'll go out my mood and then I'm like oh there much garbage I I pick it up when I'm walking my dog but when I'm on a run I I only got a little window to do it so I can't keep stopping and then the second thing was when I was paddling I I did talk to a gentleman fishing on the um the dock by 711 and I asked him what he was catching and he told me just little small things I was like but he was keeping them so yeah that Josh is right about that any how are the plastic bags are they basically gone around the lake yeah I don't see a lot of them yeah right now water bottles it's all comestible stuff from people eating food yeah yes okay um let's see Bruce Last Word yeah uh as far as the geese go I I do see them over um in the area of wanasa quite quite a number of them but there's there's almost none in Allenhurst so whatever they did over here they uh they kept them away which is which is great and I haven't seen from my perch anyway uh too many of those boers going by and flying uh through the lake and creating those wakes and everything else so I don't know if anything has been done to curtail that but uh it's it's been much less this summer than last well they're gonna be lot if they're boating this week and they're going fast they won't have engines at the end of the day that's that's I I saw somebody speeding out there on on H Saturday night I was on Deal Lake Tower at a party watching the fireworks for Italian Fest and I saw this boat going crazy out there and next day I saw repairs being done on a boat I think it was that boat so yeah well there you go you gotta watch you gotta watch no bad deed goes unpunished yeah we we did by the way put a note in the Facebook page about that so Lake was low anyway that's all I got okay um okay that's it I guess we open up for the public hearing okay a motion to open the meeting to the public so moved second all in favor I opposed okay okay anybody out there any public would like to speak I thought I saw someone type a question is the let me say let me say you're right you're right you're right it was in the chat yeah November 9th about to clean up in sep November 9th September did oh no it's November it's November 9th check clean up September did you say no check up the confusion the confusion probably came from the lake lowering discussion yeah yes yeah the we we we're talk we were talking about doing maybe a summer one U on a Sunday and we never got that rolling but maybe next year we'll be able to do that okay it would be nice there's some big chunks of you know foam out there and I saw but it's actually looking it looks pretty good Lake I mean between Josh getting the logs and and the chicken chicken scraps up it doesn't look bad from a distance but the behind you behind the scenes there's issues you know we always wait for the leaves to fall um or with Lake lower you get the bottom stuff and in the winter time the early Sprint late late spring late winter I'm sorry early spring late winter uh and the March cleanup we get we get the stuff around the shoreline so we seem to do pretty good job on that and the piles are less right okay anybody else out there okay I guess we can close a motion to close the public hearing so so moved no second second second all in favor I opposed a motion to before we close up did we forget [Music] anything seems like we forgot something okay until we get our insurance and everything going there's really no muchoney I I'm telling you the insurance thing has been the hardest thing I've worked on L I mean it's it's been wow are we do next month's meeting is it a hybrid or is it Zoom it's going to be hybrid we'll be in person interl right so um hybrid so if you want to zoom in you can if not got it okay yep okay everybody so long see you wait a motion to adjourn the meting SEC second second all in favor I I opposed thank you okay