is is Stan joining us too I haven't heard from Stan he hasn't been up here um and Tim's on the phone with Chris Harris so I'm that's s way okay hello yeah Chris says he'll dial in shortly okay hi everyone he Tim do we um you've seen the agenda updating the capsule working history group update from Friends of Deerfield are there any other items that um don't fall under those rubrics all right seeing none we'll move on uh first item of business is to approve the minutes for the April 23rd meeting and I have a motion to approve or discussion I motion we approve the minutes I'll second that hly all favor hi calling hi Holly I approved all right okay next one up was the Time Capsule um a couple of brief updates I I think or perspectives uh I think I let it all of us on the many know that uh the Memorial Park for the uh was a definite out we weren't going to get an archaeological license and uh I started hitting things with a metal detector and I figured this is not going to work so anyway uh we picked the um a slot in the front of the church which I think is um works fine and um it's already been kind of laid out and when the uh I is added to the library it'll be a nice joint two buildings on the campus with a nice memorial seat there um what I just had a question is the excavation going to be I know I noticed the shrubs that were put there is the excavation going to be in front of the bench or behind the bench what's the deal that's the question I I don't know Holly um I haven't been on the intimate layout uh that's uh what Stan and and Kevin were were working on so if Stan can come on or maybe Chris can come on uh he can clarify that uh Chris I see you're on tonight yeah I'm sorry for the delay but um as best as I know because it's all been worked out locally and I'm not there the excavation for actually bearing the Time Capsule will be in front of the bench at the intersection of the two sidewalks in that in that area and I think it's mapped out with four flags and I told them I told them to put American flags so that nobody takes them down and so I don't I don't know if that's happened or not but um yeah so and the slab for the uh bench will go in this week and I hear you have good weather finally where they can do that and then the bench will sit on top of the slab facing the town comets and it will be oriented so that it's directly to the to town comets and and so I told them when they when they put the what do they call it the wood frame for pouring a slab I said put a lawn chair in the middle of it and make sure it's oriented to the town count that's how that's how they're going to do it when make when they make their final adjustments before pouring the cement it's neas and Taylor from up in Greenfield and they do a lot with the cemeteries now locally um so they're going to put the slab in and then bench they already had constructed and so so the between the sidewalks where the sidewalks intersect and the bench is where the Time Capsule will go down and we will manually dig that because we don't want to disrupt sidewalks we don't want a lot of disruption no matter what and you know galinsky I've talked to John galinsky about this they know how to dig these manual kind of grave sites it's kind of a grav sighted but it's mini one it's a half one and they know how to do it and without disrupting and having collapse and all that kind of stuff uh the the other thing i' just add to that Chris is on that orientation for the bench when the uh addition for the library is done if you were to do 180 degrees you're looking at the new edition for the library and the older Library too I it's really we thought we thought of that we thought of that somebody spins around on the bench and goes and looks the other way yeah no it should um well look let's just take a formal vote on having the site approval um somebody want to make a motion just so we get my motion we approve the site that F just mentioned I think it's a really good site myself brings it back to campus like you guys were looking for so exactly have a second yeah I'll second it okay all those in favor I hian hi good all right hi Peter okay um so Chris what did you and Tim work out we still on the same game plan here Chris go ahead okay yeah I mean so so um we expect it's going to be difficult to dig six feet down 5 by5 because of when they dug for the Shrubbery Etc um but we're good we're good and actually I just learned this earlier today the friends of Dearfield got another you know modest generous donation and so we're good we're good and if the DPW needs to help with any um construction debris removal we can arrange that through the transfer station that was the my part in this so um just trying to save us some money if we don't have to dispose of debris somewhere else so this will be a joint venture mostly it's gonna be John you know and Stan Adams and Alex her or will be working with him is that right Chris I don't know that absolutely absolutely and if they need if they find stuff you know they're just you know John golinsky is an expert at this he'll say oh we need this removed because we're not going to put it back over the capsule so anything that needs to be gotten rid of we can get rid of so we're good yeah I don't I don't see why I mean that's on that's totally within former Church property so there's never any been a private building or anything there yeah they f um be to be honest with you Peter when they buried the shrubs they started finding stuff well you're going to have some not anything major but it's just ashes and things like that you expected well there used to be a great big twostory apartment building right immediately adjacent to it so there's all that kind of surface Scout I I think some of that has come over to the church proper to be perfectly honest could Kevin from the highway department um get one of those metal plates over so once the hole is dug it can be properly covered so we don't have any accidental um issues over there before everything's done yeah absolutely and and by the way he'll coordinate with Kevin but John ginsky knows this issue of open holes and he does not want to dig that until two or three days in advance because he's concerned about collapse yeah but the weather it's weather dependent too yeah okay so the other uh just thinking about this this process um one of the things that we've not done is any press announcements so what I was thinking about we can put it up on the Deerfield 350 for sure Tim can you put it up on uh announcements up on the to uh web page um yeah I can get assistance from Pat croll and some you know to to make sure we put that up at the the little red banner okay top of the page um I was I I was thinking going to uh Chris larabe for that was my next thing after Memorial Day though I mean but but this week but after Memorial Day launching it and then will do social media and and deerfi now do you want to take care of that or I was going to do it if you don't want to no I'll take care of Chris okay because I'll give him I'll get I'll just give him a little bit of a history or flush out of it and I'll copy you on everything Peter okay yeah i' I've worked with Chris on a number of occasions too so okay so you'll take care of that and uh so Stan and Chris will coordinate with Kevin Scaro then in terms of management of the excavation and installation as best as I know they're gonna be on site actually when it happens yeah good okay can somebody contact Jonathan bosan oh I'm in contact with him he's gonna he's going to document everything excellent including including the digging of the hole and and the idea is the actual time capsule will be lowered before the ceremony okay and here's why because if you know anything about lowering caskets or boxes whatever things can go wrong so our idea is to have it lowered but exposed to everybody that visits on June 8th and then they can throw in a flower they can throw in some dirt they can do whatever they want on it but we don't want to go through the situation where something goes wrong and everybody sees it and they start panicking and and getting nervous about it but we're going to deal with Funeral Directors how we lower the Box okay and but it'll be open obviously and then they can throw in whatever they want um whatever I mean and then we'll have some flowers and stuff like that there too and then go to lunch and by the time they come back from lunch that thing will be covered and there'll be flowers sitting on top of all right that's that's that's our that's our kind of plan it's in quotes because we still if somebody has some input you can tell us to do it differently but I'm nervous about lowering it in front of a big group of people I think that's fine Chris I mean it just um it saves that anxiety and and um I'm sure it's going it'll go in the ground and be just fine U but nonetheless there's not any reason not to do it otherwise the only thing I would hand on uh H I talked to Holly just before this and apparently the beer company has a couple of cans some select stuff that they wanted to add to the capsule and I thought we had we had plenty of room in the capsule to add a couple more cans of beer so uh she's going to work with the the brewery to get the cans uh by the end of the week Holly is that that the deal yeah I I told him as soon as possible he's just checking with his Warehouse um I asked him for the 350 beer can um obviously for the 350th but he said um steel rail put them on the map in Deerfield and so he also would Andor depending upon what he can find he would like to have that included because it did really it was the beer that put them on the map here and I think that's a really a great thought no it's fantastic it's Fant stuff I contributed go back to the 1940s actually so so actually that's great May Holly maybe you could just ask him too to write a two or three liner just to say why this is included and we can put it in a a sealed envelope and a archival stable thing to go with the beer okay so what we've done um is everything that went in that was going to go into the Time Capsule is in acidfree sealed containers uh sleeves so I've reboxed some of that it's all packed and uh I think it's in good shape um the other thing I just wanted to let people know is I've gone through um and I've prepared a a bound volume it's not a great big notebook but to put up at pvma in the archives there's already a 300th AR year archive 300th anniversary archives so it's got all of the steering committee meetings uh it's got all the newspaper clippings that people have had and those are in archival sleeves and that sort of thing we we um and on asset free paper what we did is we scanned them all so they're all on assd free paper in these sleeves and there's other more paper memorabilia um that will go in there but that that will be up there so if anybody before the capsule Is Res you know exume 50 years from now wants to know what the heck we did there will be an archive up there that that covers that as well um Tim Tim has his hand up Peter what is that Tim has his hand up oh so oh sorry Tim I didn't know you could see that or not I'm a guest here interrupt it's hard to see yeah no no first I just wanted to thank all of you for all your hard work on this uh whole anniversary process and uh and secondly I want to say that if Gary can't find the special can I have one I I assume you want an empty can um so I can accommodate I haven't I saved it from the from the Gaya um but it's a beautiful can so um if if anyone just lets me know he can't find one when I can bring it down okay thank you Tim I don't I don't know if we're doing empty cans actually Tim because you know when you're five feet down you're fine you're insulated I mean I it'll last there's no pressure differentials it'll last for a long time I know I gave it away to the paratroopers from 1994 the can of beer it was a silent auction it was a very po popular item from Holland yeah well just let me know EI either way I can go [Laughter] in you take a STW I think I think we should try both types right empty and non-empty and it just we have to segregate it so it doesn't get any uh damage anything else that's all yeah all right all right um then moving on um the working history um uh group The I think I've sent you the link uh to the oral history uh program on deerfield's uh agricultural Heritage uh that's the way it was um it's up it's posted on Deerfield and um I'm very pleased that it's gotten a really warm reception both from the participants who were interviewed as well as for people that have already uh heard it so I think it was a good Venture as part of the 350th anniversary uh celebrations and this will live on so the other thing just to let you know is I'm intending to continue with this we have other interviews and I've got other people that I want to interview so we're going to move on with the oral history part of it uh and see if we can uh generate some uh other interviews uh that we can put out in the future Peter because I don't think anybody really pays attention to the 350 page anymore because the bulk of everything we did is completed or almost completed I would like to hope that on town of Deerfield there would be some place that we could have these Andor at the Tilton so people could have access to these um admittedly I've not made it all the way through but I'm halfway through um the um that's the way it is or was or however the title is and it's delightful um Peter and I sat down and and watched it and of course he knows more players than I did um from the earlier years but it's really wonderful to hear the voices and see the photos so thank you for being part of that well you're more than welcome it uh it it took a bit of doing but uh We've we got it all wrestled into shape I think I'm looking forward to doing some others and we have our star Diane revich Martin as well I I somehow haven't sat and listened and looked at it for some reason you you you like it you like it you like it it's absolutely first class although Peter did tell me he had to keep when I was originally interviewed I put my sentences so close together he had to keep working to get separate sentences and I guess that's just the way I talk that's what happens with oral you know oral interviews is that it's just people talking when you try and uh create a product that people want to listen to uh you don't need the ums and A's and oh I didn't mean that and you know this kind of thing so that it it takes a while to clean them up but I I think you know what you had to say was right on and and it was delightful it it was it was really good you're impressive Diane sorry thank you very much and uh Deerfield now I as soon as I saw it I shared it and I I just think it's amazing work and uh you got a career in front of you Peter sorry I had two careers already I don't need a third third times charm we're fortunate to have him here doing as much as he's been doing want to thank you Pete you've uh it's incredible what a resource you are and and and um and I will speak for the friends of deerfi on this subject I mean our mission is you know is is about um educating and entertaining the town of people Deerfield and surrounding community um and I think we've done a pretty good job so far at that but we're very interested in this type of history and oral history and documenting it so um when and if it's needed uh we'll get the money and it will help out great thanks Chris appreciate that um the last item on the agenda is the update for friend of Deerfield uh you want to have anything do you want to add or will we sign off on this I I want to thank you for all the effort that you put into this and everybody else friends of thefield for making this event happen well I'm 2,000 miles away so I haven't done much but I I think that just as a summary I think we're all lined up we're we're all aligned um we've asked uh Carolyn to um be kind of the Master of Ceremonies if you will even though this is more informal but she has been the select board person that was the point person on all the 350th events with the friends of Deerfield and and of course she was on your committee uh when she could be and so so I think we're pretty aligned in terms of of what we're going to do and so we've promised her after Memorial Day a schedule of events so it makes it a little easier iier for her to navigate both at the actual burial if you will and then at the lunch but there's not going to be a lot of talking there's not going to be um we're we're trying to simplify this just have people interact and enjoy the event we're we're not trying to make it too complex um but it'll be a fitting end of the 350th I guarantee you that based on everything they're telling me from the ground and so so the so you know we've sent out invitations to certain people that helped us along the way both the 350th committee and the friends of derville that helped us and they're some of them are associated with Town departments and things like that some of them are individuals from the town that really chipped in if you will um we didn't go to our donors in in large with that invitation we thank them and we've always thank them along way but it's the people that did the work you know what I mean to make things happen to facilitate the events and um and then we'll go to social media um after Memorial Day I think that's probably appropriate um and just announcing what we're doing and they're of course invited to the lunch and that follows it up so we have at 11:30 the way the plan is the little ceremony if you will in front of the 1821 Congregational Church which is the oldest church in Deerfield um and then migrate around noon time to the town hall and that's where the launching will be and we position this is a thank you launch um and so that's kind of all I have in terms of a major update and uh otherwise we're handling all the other details and you'll see it all happen the next week two weeks that's great terms of setup hey tin tell me if I'm out of line or with town but can we open the front doors of the church and ring the bell a few times as well I I I have an access to the to the church keys so sure definitely um I think I think it' be a fitting when we rang them found day and it be be nice to ring the bells as the bells go into the ground you have um you still have the the the Rope is still there right rope is still there that's all right okay well we'll add that to the ceremony how about that Chris yeah I leave that totally up to you I'm 2,000 miles away you guys are gonna well I just in terms of and uh you know i' I'd extend an invitation to all the committee members and Friends of Deerfield if you want to ring the bell just for the hell of it uh or to to sign off on this whole thing uh yeah we'll open the door and bring down the rope and you can bring to your hearts content I we don't have to make 350 at this time I think it's great I think that but leave it up to you can coordinate Peter with Carolyn but you know when you think about people throwing dirt in or flowers in then you ring the bell and you go to lunch and by the time you come back it's all done it's all done right my that's that's my sequencing in my head right now yeah I'm excited we're having the bench I think that's a great way to end and the whole celebration is just just a nice bench for people to sit and just relax on it's really nice y yeah and Isa across the away the old the woman from England uh is kind of an avid Gardener so she kind of looks after plants I think she'd be willing to go over and uh just make sure the plants near the bench and stuff as well as in front of the church are in good shape yep she she also helped us with the review stand um to do the decorating um with her husband yep he was involved with the parade as well so yep I can guarantee you that all the perennial and annual flowers near that bench for this ceremony are going to be perfectly done all right how about Kelly great great we we we know that the woman from across the street that Peter and um it's great she'll probably water things two days beforehand well that'll be good Kelly getting a fer wordss um no but it's been a pleasure with working with you all it has it's been a pleasure olly um well I have to say Peter you and I probably are the the longest stretch um five years out here and um I I think there's been hurdles along the way but we've also had a lot of fun um Diane and Kelly came along when I stood outside the town hall one day looking for volunteers and both immediately jumped on board and so um I think yep I had than both of you um and I think there's been good energy for the various things that we all were interested in and brought to the table so um yep so I thank you all great well I just want to thank all of you we've put a lot of time into this I think it was a great year of events uh I've enjoyed participating personally in talks and stuff like that but I think the whole uh ceremony I think we given the number of people involved we did one hell of a job when I look at the when I look at the material from the 350 and I find 60 or 70 people signed up for various committees and stuff um it it it's it's mindboggling but I'm I'm very very pleased so on that note I'll take a uh motion to adjourn so actually Peter before to be I'm interrupting you as a guest but what's happening with the 350s steering committee it's dissolving as of tonight stay away but don't you have to make a motion to do that no does that have to happen with the select for I don't understand that Dynamic no no but I once again just want to say thanks to everyone um I know uh a lot of work went into everything that happened last year so um Town's really grateful to everyone for all your efforts okay uh all right any motion I make a motion that we officially adjourn our last meeting I'll second in it so long everybody it's been fun all right so we got a second Helly Kelly you a seconded or and I'll I'll go along all right and there I vote too yeah so thank you everyone and uh we'll see you at the burial if not beforehand okay thank you all thanks as well thank you very much thank youan thanks very much