um I can do a roll call this is uh 6 6:32 was the starting time and GN you're you're here yes PA's here dian's here I Holly do you know if I'm correct I think Kelly can't make the meetings now on Mondays is that right yeah I think she's got conflicts on Monday I know she said at least for this time it was work yeah yeah okay y Al righty and Stan you're here somewhere yeah are you're there yep uh Chris is working on the town report whether he'll dial in or not I'm not sure oh there he is right there all right oh Chris you we're both muted is Alex uh here no he's not all right sorry about Alex can't make the meeting today so uh Chris do you want to convene your meeting at all for yeah yeah I think I think just for technical reasons if we have to vote on anything I think that um as treasur I'll call the meeting to order for the friends of Deerfield and um um Stan we need two persons to agree to that okay I agree I vote Yes and I vote Yes 634 all right so um the before we begin with the actual agenda I was going to call for any motions to adopt or modify the agenda are there any other items I know Diane has some information about the bells so I'll add that to the list we'll do that into the new business yeah and um I was just going to report uh that I've been working with Pam in terms of the Town report so um I'll I'll add that to the agenda we'll get to it at some point in time uh what's that Pat you're working with Pat on the pat yeah yeah with the report yeah um all right what we need to do first the the last meeting that we had we did not have a quorum so I kept the meeting going just for informational purposes so I sent you out a copy of what we had done during that meeting but I did not post those minutes because we didn't have a formal uh meeting so one one of the things that we needed to do at that meeting however was to approve the minutes from January's meeting so I'd like to do that now and just get that done and out of the way and then we can move on to the other agenda items on here and make a motion that we accept the January 29th meeting minutes as presented okay I will second that Carolyn all those in favor any any discuss all those in favor okay hi Holly hi Carolyn hi Diane good so that's done um Time Capsule and the uh commemorative bench location that's still on our agenda I'm not sure we've moved forward we're getting to the point where everything basically we've dealt with the the bench and the idea is it's really the physical spot out there um Stan and I and Chris Chris are you there during the no I let you guys do it there was a number of you that we kind of went out and Diane was there we kind of went out in front of the building and it looked as though that grassy plot to the east of the police station towards the Senior Center uh in front of fronting the street was a reasonable location for both the Time Capsule and for the bench and and any additions that someone would want to do to the bench later on in terms of landscaping or or what have you I would propose that we just proceed with that as the general location and once we get work Crews and and the people out on Dig Safe to make sure we don't have any cables and all of that other things or talk to the town officials in terms of that location if everything seems clean I think it doesn't really matter whether we vote on it formally if we just vote on a general location and let the the minut the the macro or the micro decisions be made on in terms of the party that actually installs I think that sounds fine yeah okay so we'll we'll we'll approve providing there's no we don't find out any um impediments against it to use that General location for both the Time Capsule and the and the bench somebody want to S it that I'll second can it oh good d i' feel better any any further discussions no pending Dig Safe changes that seems to be fine in favor hi Holly hi Carol and me okay so we're and the only the only thing I would add to that Peter is um let's that General location let's stake it out that's what the Dig sa people want is they want to know where you want to be and so I don't know if between your committee or Stan or somebody can go out there and put posts in the ground that's what they want to see okay well I I don't mind getting together with Stan I've actually got some stakes in the garage we could Joe go put four corner Stakes out there and just so 4x4 five by five uh how long is this bench it's at least four but then you need the Time Capsule area which is bigger right I mean we'll we we'll figure that out right we could do a we're agreeable you know a 10 by 10 or a 15 by 15 foot area and just say both of them are going within within this area Stan are you good with that good with that yes yes thank oh when you uh Peter when you do go to do this could you um let Kevin scarb no because um we when we were doing the campus there was all kinds of buried stuff that Dig Safe didn't even know about the older stuff Kevin knew about it so this was like pre you know it it's not stuff that's being used but I I don't know Kevin knew knew a lot about because we were trying to put a tree box out here somewhere near the so I can talk to him maybe the thing to do Stan is we get together with Kevin and instead of doing something you know 10 by 10 or 15 by 15 we lay out a 30 by 30 foot block and if Dig Safe clears that size block then we know we're pretty good with anything I mean I hate to keep shifting this thing because we pick a spot that's too small and then we find out that the the very corner of it crosses a water line or something like that so let's if we go For Broke with a bigger space and that's been cleared [Music] then I I think we' be more comfortable we don't we won't have a problem when we put the backo on the ground that that's fine with me we'll get together Peter on that okay and and there's something else to remember too these situations um you can dig manually we do that in the historic cemeteries all the time yeah because if you don't know you don't know and you just do it one shovel at a time and then you figure out if you hit something without disturbing it and so so we have that reserved for us in terms of how we do this yeah well as an archaeologist I have a a slightly easier trick uh I actually have a soil core that I can core just punch it in the ground and it'll tell me whether anything's Disturbed underneath that but the other the other approach that you could even try in the cemetery Chris is get a a small bucket with no teeth on it clear the the duff or the plow zone or whatever that organic layer is above if you've got an intrusion you'll see it stick up plain as day because anytime you dig a hole the dirt doesn't go back in the same way and so the dirt is a mixture and it's also tends to be softer and so if you take that dark top soil off you can see that hole um that's what I used to do with homicide cases with buried bodies okay God so we're covered we're covered we have enough e expertise we can solve this problem no matter what okay um Peter I was going to suggest if Kevin meets with you maybe you ask him about a metal plate so if the hole is dug ahead of time if you know if he would be able to provide some kind of like they do on construction on the road to protect it so nobody would accidentally trip into it well that's a good idea when you excavate the hole Yeah Yeah because it'll probably be done a day or so before just to be ready yeah I think Kevin does have those plates because he does have stuff for when we have yeah yeah when there's a you know something in progress in the in the road yeah okay that's a good idea good idea thank you all right next item on the agenda is the request from the recreation Department had a little more uh back and forth with Sue on that uh but the original budget proposal was for $7,200 and I sent you a copy each of you a copy of that earlier on um this is for a full event it included tables chairs bouncy houses face painting bands and so what I asked her I I told her that I didn't think we might be able to come up with that much money was there some alternative um in which case you wrote back and she said well I could uh you know reduce the number of bouncy houses but uh you know that's about it did she say I can just have the blow up games and cut that back to only free nothing else so on the basis of that since there were no figures attached to it I wrote her back and I said well I'm assuming then that or you need to clarify is what you're saying that for the bouncy houses the budget estimate was $2,500 and you're saying well if we can't come up with that we you know but that's are we talking about the bouncy houses are we talking about the whole uh the whole the whole project um and the way I read this is well I could cut some of the money in 2500 but I want the all the rest and so basically she she would be asking for something between $5,500 and $7,000 if she cuts a bouncy house out it still isn't clear to me um but Peter but Peter I have a question is doesn't this relate to everything we had to postpone from last June when it was very rainy or something well that was the that was the reason that she gave me initially for coming to the steering commit so yeah we cancelled everything for one day or so yeah though I mean there was a an afternoon time between the fireworks and the parade when we were going to have the the open houses and or the activities at the school yeah yeah that was exactly we I remember being on the phone literally at Deerfield Academy on the phone we were deciding what to do for safety reasons and practical reasons and we just cancelled a lot of stuff um the friends of Deerfield did and and the town did at that point because of safety concerns and practicality purposes so this is kind of redoing that from the 350s my recollection was that it was cancelled ahead of time um and not by the steering committee um absolutely not it was can it canell by it was cancelled by the select board and the friends of Deerfield board okay well I'm I'm just saying as far as the steering committee I don't believe we we were involved in it because my recollection is the wreck department was handling that piece of it out of their budget with additional support for I believe Chris the food part of it that was going to be from FR deerfields because I'm I'm trying to piece it together but I don't think we ever authorized any money from our committee for that piece of time I think it was money coming out of the wreck department budget it was not money coming out of the rec department budget I agree withy on that yes it it was from your department Holly it was not from the direct Department budget at all and it was canceled because of rain because of safety issues being on the bounce with the bounce houses and not letting the kids go on there and slip and slide all over the place the money was coming from Friends of Deerfield and the 350 is committee that was going to be the big to do for the kids that day and it was cancelled because of the rain and then I was told it would we would be able to do it in October when they had whatever they did up in Old Deerfield and then we weren't included in that at all I don't know why I asked and I didn't get an answer but I know we weren't included because we were that's what I was told that we were going to have it on that day instead and that was you know shushed under the rug too so this was just this is just coming back and basically doing what we were supposed to do in the first place for the kids in town Su do you have a budget I know you hold this family fund fair or kid fund Fair every year do you have a budget for that we have a budget of like $1,500 but but the uh bounce houses have gone up incredibly let Susie did you not have to pay the you had to pay or or partially pay for some of the vendors that we cancelled like the Balloon Man wasn't no I didn't I didn't have to pay for anybody but okay I got a lot of unhappy people yeah I I got yelled at by a couple people but there was really nothing much I could do about it Peter do you told I told them that we were going to have it in October and then we didn't have it in in October either Peter do you recall if we actually had done a vote on funding because I don't recall that I don't think there was any Appropriations for that event out of the steering commit there was that's my recollection too and I know Carolyn you had said a few times that the wreck department could handle that piece of it well generally Su Susie runs her home days um herself you know no there's no money coming out of the rec department for that event at all I don't have that kind of money in the rec department most of all my money I get from you know my sports programs and it goes back into my sports programs and anything extra I do is extra that I'm pretty much taking away from my sports programs how much is in the revolving fund right now Susie is like $8,000 or something like that but I have to pay I you know I have all my summer concerts which I don't get any that comes out of there too and those are getting very expensive so where was this money to come from that's what that's what I'm going around in my head right now I mean I remember talking pickup and all sorts of how do we what would go where the food we we change the location because of the lighting several times and all of that but I don't recall any specific program at the school and involved a budget I thought I thought I had a budget of $88,000 I thought that's what and I thought it was coming from um the 3 50th committee and I think the friends were going to pay for the food and the and there was going to be a DJ and the friends were going to pay for that and I do believe the steering committee was going to pick up the um cost for the trash cans and the tables and Etc like that I remember submitting a bill to you an estimate Peter um of what it was going to cost and you told us at that time no problem well it probably wasn't at that time but did we ever vote on it did we ever actually formally do it okay so so okay let's get practical here how much money that was allocated for the 350th is still left over at the 350th steering committee level uh none from the initial budgets and what's left is that final appro part of that final appropriation that we got which we said we'd return whatever we didn't spend and what is that and it's about 23,000 okay so you have that the friends of deer Ville have 3,800 in the bank that's the true without going out and trying to raise any more money our idea is if we do this June 8th event in collaboration with the rec committee that we would provide all the food all the beverages Etc and we actually engage we have a target of three organizations to give in kind like for juices you know chips and sodas and that kind of stuff um so that we don't totally deplete everything um and so you know that's where we're at I mean and so I don't know it's it's like this was a 350th event that was planned I don't exactly know the details of who said what in terms of funding um but we're gonna take care of our part of it and I think it'll be up to $2,000 or $2500 of food because we're planning for 500 persons but maybe that's a discussion we have to have maybe the friends of Deerfield are off base here and thinking you're going to get 500 persons for this kids day plus the Time Capsule bearing we might be totally wrong I don't think you'll get 500 um when I have concerts I have about three and when I do the fund day for the kids I have about a hundred kids but then we have to add the say the 100 or so they'll come for the um for the burial the time capsu so we're already so there's already 400 people right there so 400 500 same Ballfield Park well if you take out the band you reduce the amount of people coming by a lot we won't we won't nobody will come for the burial watching a a box in the ground without the without something to draw their attention we everybody knows that I think the I think the concept is we all collaborate and make it one final event it's a big event for the town and we try to get maximum participation but I'm going to I see Diane's hand is up I don't know who's managing the meeting but she needs to talk I need to talk I found my notes on April 26 meeting 2023 um we voted uh the the 350 committee we voted on uh $4,000 for the Post uh postp parade events slks all right I don't know if what if it went to fireworks or what it went to now one of the things to clarify I guess Chris is you're you're talking about providing food and one of the items in a fairly good siiz item in this budget uh from Sue is a cookout so now we've got two different uh food menu so what's no I think I I think I think what Sue is referring to and and Stan and Sue collaborate on this is we need some grills and some gas tanks I think that's the Practical and you rent those usually so I think that's the Practical aspect of this estimate Beyond bounce houses and other other other other venue items but you know we're going to use Kathleen Thomas KY again because we always have she's liable and she's certified and we just have had no problems whatsoever and her estimate for um for 500 persons but you can tell me that we're totally wrong on estimating that way is north of $2,000 and again that's food at Cost today's prices and no management overhead fees whatsoever so sue how does that affect your budget at all or your proposal that $22,000 when I talked to Stanley that was going to be for for tables and chairs and the grills and all that that was the number that was given so that's not for the food then no no not for the food no not for the food and the food staff if you will management of it remember we have a postco guidelines on how we have to do this I no I where where was this going to be uh 500 people is a lot of people behind Town Hall uh has anyone talked to John Bor no but we've have you know we've we've done that we've have that you know three the 300 people over 300 people 350 people for the concert and it's never been a problem okay but I mean if the um 350 steering committee wants to you know dial back the estimate on the number of people that'll come fine we'll adjust our estimates but the friends of Deerfield and we can vote out it right now is willing to support the food and beverages associated with 500 persons ATT I'm I'm just not sure the only other complication I'm not trying to confuse things but um the library as far as I know the library project will be started by then and I wonder what that does to the general area available well I can tell you when people park for the concert no they Park uh there's a lot of people that Park right by this the senior center there and they Park out on the street there's there's really a lot of parking around town hall when you when you really get into it um they can park over in the Savings Bank and you know and and on the north North Main Street and I I'm out there directing people and I've really never had a problem with that many many people okay so for this event between friends of field and what's on this budget we're looking for a $10,000 3-hour event it's two hours it's a two hour event oh two hours so I'd like to respond to Chris's comment that there's money left over and what we were allocated um because I I disagree that we have left over money we were allocated money in case we needed it but the presumption was always that we would have help with funding things we would keep the budget down for our town and I feel already we have exceeded what we were kind of implying we would be at and having an additional $7,000 is dollar of expense for a two-hour event um I I I find it hard to justify to be responsible with the town's money is it a two-hour event or I I don't really understand that timetable one to three that's what's on the propos budget proposal ban bounce house painting cookout one to three on Tuesday on June 8th and why is it one to three maybe maybe elaborate on that I don't really understand that that's what that's what Sue proposed that's what I put on that's how long you know they usually do a bounce house it's for a couple hours at a time or any any of the kids events are usually about two hours oh just because it's kind of peak for the kids and they they lose interest and walk away crazy I understand that but I don't think the whole afternoon event is to two hours terms of when you have a band when we do the on capsule bearing I don't think that's just two hours I think that spans a whole afternoon I think that was the idea Sue how much did you get the band quoted for for how long two hours so if it's more than two hours they're going to increase their budget line I can talk to them about that who who are you talking to for a band Rock 2011 what is it Rock 2011 but I mean I think that all this stuff is working because it's sequencing too I mean if you think about it it's a sequencing because people that want to listen to the band don't want to be bearing a time capsule you you know what I mean it's like and and you know the kids have a certain time and when people want to eat there's a certain time I think all this can be seen but I feel like it's a I don't know a one to four or five in the afternoon EV that I think it's a big event for the town weather providing of course uh in in lie of you know because we don't know exactly what the weather is going to be um and I agree with Holly about fiscally being fiscally responsible I I'm not sure if I want to use our money for bounce houses because you you can if there's if it's at all drizzly or rainy or anything like that you know these the bounce houses get really dangerous and I I mean I feel like they're dangerous anyway and why are you depriving the children of the Town something that we offered to them at one point and now you are rejecting the children of this town your grandchildren my grandchildren my great grandchildren I mean we said we were gonna do it and now you are neglecting on this I'm sorry okay so to stand point we did make a commitment when we made cancellation decisions last mid June we did make a commitment to redo it okay this is the redo I will tell you that we've already voted as the friends of Deerfield board that if the redo can't happen on June 8th because of the weather or whatever we're giving up we're not doing it again we're it's just done I mean because we we've tried to do this twice and I don't want three strikes we out you know type thing and so you know so so Carol to your point is we could have inclement weather and we could have to cancel it and everything like that but I think at that point we come up with another creative solution for some sort of event that might be indoors and it might be more protected from all these weather events I don't know what else to say I know but I I I guess I just from a liability point of view I've never liked the bounced houses and I you know we clarifi the time Caroline I know I know but a lot of people it's just and I don't like the mounts houses and I never have and I know that we don't aren't responsible for the insurance they have their own insurance but um I know from liability uh being on the M the mass inter interlocal Insurance Advisory board for the state that bounce houses is one of your biggest exposures for communities and I I'm just like I just hate that that's all but remember Carolyn also so we won't have a bounce house why don't we get something like the slippery slide they have those oh those where the kids run through and like like a little Mouse through different things it's more than just bounce houses yeah no I would prefer something different just no a liability point of view there are there are different things on there there's a you know there's a bounce house there's a double slide there's obstacle course and then there's a little bounce house for the for the toddler kids that's what's on that's what's on there that's what my gut a bid for so I mean so all I can share with you because really I don't have kids grandkids to be perfectly honest everyone knows that but it's like well what works I mean what works to engage the community engage families and to have a event and we wanted to overlap that event with the bearing of the Time Capsule I don't I don't know what works exactly it's like well let's come up with a creative solution to this to your concerns Carolyn I mean your concerns I I well know them because I talked to all the Brokers the insurance brokers Etc but it's like there's an alternative it's a good alternative let's just get creative and but I don't think that precludes us from committing you your your um um 350 steering committee and our friends of Deerfield nonprofit from committing to supporting some sort of event that has a general concept and then and then we can iron out the details for the next meeting doesn't have to does it have to be a cookout can we scale down the food menu keep the activities scatter the B have the band St start differently than the kid activities and uh scale back the food items without a cookout do more of an ice cream ice cream social type of thing like you did or is it you still want to do the cookout no no we'll do whatever you want but I'm just trying to figure how we can modify this and uh but but Diane our understand our understanding was that it would span a few hours and people want to eat you know so that's why we did that this is uh totally an addition to anything we ever had planned it it was never on our budget or our plans or whatever but we're committed to to the bearing of the Time Capsule and to collaborating with this event and you know and making whatever Refreshments need to be available that's all I'll say for the friends of Dearfield because I think the board and I have discussed this in extensively and we're committed to that but look what how successful the founders day was with um ice cream we could have ice cream and we could have you know soda and chips and which is cheaper then you wouldn't have to rent um grills um we could we could have face painting we could have balloon man we could have those kind of things that and the band you know um that's and and we're totally committed to that if that's but but re but please realize that we're collaborating with the rec ation committee and the 350 steering committee we want your direction on that yeah we're we're just we're just trying to help we're like a partner but we're a minority partner and so in you know what I mean by that but um and so you know just if you have a different definition of how the day should go we'll do it but the one thing I will tell you for the friends of Deerfield if things get rained out again we're tired of that rain outs we're really tired totally understandable I think we're all tired of rain guys I mean the other thing too is our budget's going to close anyway if it if it goes beyond that we're not going to have a budget to deal with yeah we can't I me the 350th budget's over with it yeah and we were we were due to close it out in May so I'm this is another you know thing that we we're going to have to address with the with with Brenda but I I I'm just back to this I guess the cookout and the and the grills if Chris if you're providing the food or or Thomas is then what do we need grills for well there's on limited infrastructure that Caterers have for this type of thing and if they think they're going to deal with 500 people they need multiple grills they need to be flipping that's too big that's too but okay so well we I guess we had a vision that by combining we'd actually get more people out oh I think the vision is fine you're telling you're on the ground in the town if you're telling us that people won't show up they won't want food then we can scale back that expectation but we were planning for a f finale that would be actually pretty well attended a just an idea of how it would go Sue would have the uh activities for the children starting as that winds down you offer them the ice cream they stroll around to the front of the building and the capsule is buried and the band can play on I I I I think but instead of the food that's that's that's a big project in itself having food for that many people you know we are open to anything we just pledge support because that was the original vision from June of 2023 I mean if you want to do any alternative plan we're going to support it and we're going to we're going to fund it but and it even it saves money then we have something else for another project in Deerfield maybe later in the year that has nothing to do with the 350 well what can we offer Peter Carolyn Holly what do what can we offer near they can iron out the details but what is where where are we G to um how we helping make it happen well I'm just trying to figure out what do we actually need if we're not if there isn't a separate barbecue I mean do we need tables and chairs for 500 people is this what we're looking at on here I mean that's B that's too big yeah well you don't need that if you're not eating yeah well um normally Susie when she has her band Susie right you just ask people to bring a chair they bring chairs right yeah people bring their own chairs yeah people bring their own food too lots of times yeah well and then and we can say we're GNA have ice cream and and some soda you know Soda you know drinks having drinks and and ice cream and um you know light snacks rather than barbecue I mean barbecue is another whole level good of stuff I there's a whole lot of volunteerism that goes in to put something like this together some set up okay so so so would you still have the kids stuff that's that's a key question would you still have the kids I I I mean I feel like having painting face painting and won man and that kind of stuff is is is really sub is is enough I mean kids are coming in and they have ice cream and snacks and and balloons and face painting that's pretty good I mean that's enough to draw that's very sparse Carolyn for kids to come just going to have your face painting and get a balloon how many kids are gon to remember the Bounce House Event when they're five years old going forward that's a fleeting event they they in it for 15 minutes they have fun are they going to carry that with them for the rest of their life as a memory I mean I think that's really pushing it okay so so I have a suggestion and it has some flexibility built into it I think didn't someone in your committee say that there was $4,000 somewhere along the line allocated this I did yeah for I found it on yes I found it that's fine we can believe it okay so there was $4,000 upper limit estimate okay that General event so I suggest I suggest to you guys and it's your decision that you say okay we'll organize this kind of a scale down or a refined event that's $4,000 from the 35th is steering commit the friends of Deerfield have already voted to allocate 2,000 or 2500 I don't know the meeting minutes towards you know Refreshments Etc and based on what you're saying is you don't want a fullscale food thing you want more ice cream and stuff like that so we've already allocated that money I mean if we have to subsidize something else on the other side to help you out if if something is a little more expensive than we expected we'll do it I mean I I I I think we just need to be flexible here and say between the two of us you know we've got $6,500 and we're going to make it happen should work so I don't know maybe there's a vote that you have to remake on your on your committee and there's a vote that we have to remake on our committee well there's definitely a vote I think we have to remake I mean that was for an event last fall and or last summer and it didn't happen but that's also not voting a flat amount is going in that's an upper limit and that's that's what we figured when we started talking about hey taes and chairs and garbage cans and and everything else so I I think we need to start back but I agree with you that you know we made a commitment for that kind of event that it's in I really don't personally have any problem with following through with that idea and I think the notion of combining that event with the with the the capsule burying the capsule is a really good idea I think that that turns it in more to a family occasion and then back to something that Diane and I were talking about earlier today we'll get through it in a minute but the kids said well we going to get our Bells back which means to me that creating those bells had a significance for those kids and when you look at the bells you realize that and going to Founders Day and seeing their Bells hung up there really is going to affect their memories for the future future that's why my comment for the bouncy house in turns this stand I'm sorry that's it's something that they created is important to them and that's what they'll remember something that's given to them ah it's like everything else that's given to them so I'm thinking we can still give them something but we don't need to get quite as elaborate but by having the joint if the kids are going to attend the capsule burial one of the things that we were talking about is putting their time bells in the capsule so they part and carry through with a significant event 350th event by participating in that capsule barrial and I like I like that that's the that's the continuity and that's where the kids have a link to the burial itself it's not going to be two things where the kids are going over here to play in the bouncy houses just so their parents can come and watch the Time Capsule burier that's really another event and Diane was talking about it at that event where she's talking about well why are we doing this what do these bells symbolize and we can do the same kind of thing at the Time Capsule barrier what are we doing this for and so I really like the the notion that we're putting these two events together I think personally if we could tone down or cut some of the money out of this budget and go to $4,000 since we made the original commitment I I I can see doing that yeah when it comes to when it comes to the the the Bells from fer day I have to defer to Diane and the people that work closely with these students and with these teachers um yeah maybe some of them want him for a souvenir but some of them might put them in the time cap we we'll get to that and in fact that's under discussion right now but but you know what I'm you know we're totally flexible how you guys manage that situation and we'll accommodate it in any way and if we have to give certificates or something like that whatever we friends of Deerfield will do the certificates and stuff like that I'm just saying I like the linkage Chris I like the linkage well I'm just saying that's a linkage that's simple that's simple but you guys are running that show in that respect so Sue how are we doing we moving forward I have to go back to the committee and I I know what the committee wants um and it might not work on this day I guess because you know we were going to we were just going to have you know all those blowup things and it seems like you guys don't want to have that so maybe we should just not participate in this day I guess you name a whole bunch of of options like the obstacle course Andel and things like that thought it sounds like you guys don't want to do any of that that's not how we came apart across we're we we're mulling it but we're not disc you know saying no on anything other than bouncy houses get scary for Town liability that's about it but uh the other ones were very much uh options look into it we definitely want to support you and we want to be part of this with you all right so I uh that's why I'm asking how it's working towards you as far as the finances and even us cutting down from a cookout to a less actually and the ice cream would be less at labor intensive people bring your own chairs and uh get a strolling crowd that's they work for Founders Day it should be able to work U for the Time Capsule and children's funding well you could also go the food truck route too that's an option if you choose to have that know sure that's something that that's doable of that thr that out there because that's something we always uh friends of Darfield if you still want to uh do the ice cream well you you I mean again again I I have to admit I'm 2,000 miles away and I haven't been there for a lot of these events and but I understand founders day turned out okay however however you guys organized it I mean fantastic yeah flexible we're flexible Kathy Kathleen Thomas catering you know company is is flexible in what we have to do and we just want to make sure it's safe for anyone I mean that that that is why friends of derville we have a few philosophies and one of them is all of our fruit serving will be safe and the other is that we want to make it affordable and accessible to everyone those are our strategies so whatever you guys want to do we can Flex we can Flex we can we can I mean you did it on the ground I never was there and you did a great job so do you have uh volunteer type Crews that can set up and do all the things that you're you're planning to do um the blowup things they come and set them up themselves and I just have people from the committee supervise at each at each um event okay yeah so that that's that's not a that's not a cost or or a concern no it's really the physical costs what's the issue at the moment money what are we what are we pondering I think well I'm I'm going back to the minutes and the minutes were Sue had arranged for um a couple of things and the figures provided was 2820 and we approved up to 4,000 okay okay but not approved 4,000 and um I I was trying to remember um you know how how this came to be because and then I looked back and I wasn't at that meeting so no wonder it was nothing I had in my notes um so you know given that a band that's 1,200 $ right now for two hours and if we'd want them longer than two hours it's going to go up um I'm just concerned that this is just going to get you know much higher than anticipated um to try to have activities for the kids which I think you do have to have some um so I don't I don't know where you draw the line on that well well of the most expensive things on here is generators just the generators cost $500 the the amount of the fees have gone up a lot since last June um and I don't so I don't know if anybody has a generator a couple we need a like two generators we could use I don't know if there's anybody who could I don't know of anyone but I don't know if anybody has you know you can find a couple generators that cuts the cost down a lot for for what uh Susie what are the you need gener because you can't um if you have a band I need the electric that comes off the Butler Building for the band and so I need generators to blow up the blowups That's What blows up the blows up blowups has the generators so the company doesn't Supply their own generators yeah but they're F they do but they're $500 that's what I'm say sorry oh okay I'm sorry that's a big that's a big expense right there for two generators that we'd have to have so I don't know okay that's a lot of the expense right there so we're talking about dollars here and there but actually I actually am gonna pose this question to Carolyn because I mean she represents the select board what do you want this afternoon to be well we want to be a f family afternoon because it's really the younger kids that will remember like Founders Day what I mean it's it's generational founders day was generational but we are trying to gear towards the younger kids so they will have memories when the Time Capsule is unburied um I think in my mind it it is um but it it's also to bring in the generations because it is a you know Community celebration I want to make sure that it's CommunityWide so you're definitely attract attracting multiple multiple age persons but I think if you get a band like Susie's talking about you have some kid activities you have some food then we're pretty well covered because you know you're attracting I mean people it's all free people don't have to pay and if it's a lovely day like founders day then it'll be magnificent I just I'm just hesitant myself be based on my experience and background um with bouncy houses and stuff like that I don't especially if it's at all inclement it's terrible so I don't I'm that's that's where I'm coming from that's and that's personal that's because I don't want the town exposed for some somebody getting hurt I mean it's just a awful if someone gets hurt so um I mean not you're looking at it from a money point of view but it is awful if somebody gets hurt so I would rather have us not have those kind of activities and we can I mean we didn't have those activities for founders day and we had lots of kids lots of kids it was so thrilling um so I I don't feel that we have to do that kind of stuff to attract kids because it's distracting from the main event the main event is celebration of the community's 350th like like Peter said come and bury your Bell so you can dig it up in 50 years I mean that's that's pretty cute but if if kids are at bouncy houses they're not going to come and see their Bell buried but I mean that's just my personal experience as as a mother and a grandmother with kids you want you want some attraction but you want them to focus a little bit I think if we look at two events too I mean the burial is not going to take much more than about a half an hour well I mean yes but getting the crowd there having some talks burying the thing it's a short event so you I see these these two events as being sequential and at the same time drawing people earlier on to see the burial and then to have fun in terms of a day of of of aband and food and and whatever um so I think I think Peter I mean based on what I've heard from all of your committee um needs to be a little bit of scale back on the Bounce House aspect specifically but not necessarily the other activities for the children yeah and and you know and so you still can have that going um scale back on the uh from the friends of Deerfield side on exactly what we provide for you know Refreshments or food and um so I think that I think that you know resurrecting that $44,000 allocation is not a bad idea and leave it up to experts like Susie to negotiate with people to get all the things you want with the reduced liability that Carolyn referred to is not a not a bad idea at all and um and I'm fine to uh have my board um you know reconfirm that will put you know $2,255 200 into this event even if it isn't in ice cream and something else I the timing of it is after lunch if you know most people have fed their kids and then it's before dinner so I don't I don't you know having an actual cookout food you know like hamburgers and it just complicates it and so if if the timing if we're keeping that timing having more ice cream kind of kind of thing makes sense brownies and cookies and things like that yeah how whatever you want but I would definitely say ice cream because ice cream is always a hit if it's hot hot weather and hopefully we're going to have a nice day the the other thing too is you're going to have people coming and going this isn't going to be a crowd that's 500 people and they just sit there and soak it up I mean you you may have 500 overall so things with ice cream or other you know light Refreshments they can be available throughout the event as people come in or or whatever like to give them a chance to shovel the dirt back and Poe for pictures for their family as as each shovel goes in one shovel at a time you know and just even have a table where uh people can come and say which was harder to pick cucumbers or tobacco you know and put that and the result of that question put into the Time Capsule because all the kids that are now adults and older people that pick cucumbers and tobacco that that doesn't happen anymore so you know having that part of the Time Capsule you know kind of thing too I mean make that more more of a community kind of thing I don't know something like that I mean people that do last minute drops into the time caps yeah I mean yeah you can we could do a few of those yeah yeah I have a question and then somebody could say you know Joe Smith it was much harder to pick you know cucumbers than tobacco and and then so you sign up have people sign up which side is you know which was harder because none of those that just doesn't happen even now so in 50 years somebody can pull that out and say oh my gosh they're talking about cucumbers tobacco because of course the most almost every kid did for a while just so everyone knows country kids did but we down my way never did any of that tobacco or cucumber picking maybe I came from half the city I'm sorry average people don't have other I can tell you that multiple times I can but um but but just so everyone knows there's an inner stainless steel Time Capsule that will be welded shut and then there's an outer portion and mainly uh friends of deerfi are populating that because it's inside a plastic encasement from Pelican so we can drop things in last more moment seal that and drop it down right we could just have a a roll of paper and just have people sign their names which was you know which did you think was the who attended the or just a sign in you were here just like like Diane had kept her book who rang the bells I mean I I think spur the moment two is kind of good but we can do that because of the two different aspects of right the inner capsule and the outer capsule right and if you had a table of a couple sign in kind of things and people would want to sign in if they knew it was going to get buried that day I I mean I so that I mean that in itself is kind of an event and and like I said I you know I was I'm half joking about the idea C the cucumbers and tobacco but that happened and you know people older people remember that and kid most kids teenagers up here remember picking as part of you that's what you look I worked at Oxford Factory that was my first management job at 17 years old and they gave me this trophy of a a pickle and I found it in February when I was back in Massachusetts and all the storage stuff and they took it to pbma they thought it was an artif well I couldn't believe it I was ready to throw it away I just took a picture of it and I was fine but but all the employees gave it that yeah well but see that's the kind of stuff that I think that we should be thinking about it doesn't cost anything but it it made people just like signing Diane's book for ringing the bell that that meant something so I I don't know I mean we just need to Fig figure out a few things like that okay but let's get back to Peter you're running this show here this meeting because it's your meeting but I think we do need to you do do need to get consensus amongst your committee how much would you put towards this day and then I'll Stan and I will do the same thing for our friends of Deerfield so we know what we're working with and then then we collaborate and get creative and figure it out um can I ask quick question how much do we have in our budget at the moment Peter the the total remaining I think about 23,000 so we can't even allocate allocate uh for because we don't have it no you have 23 not 2300 23,00 and whatever we don't use for this last time capsule will be going back to the town correct correct that's in we voted we voted remember at last town meeting we voted in case Holly um because the parade Holly's parade was before July 1 um so we allocated more money in case Holly had problems and she didn't I make a motion that we allocate $4,000 for the Time Capsule recck committee um parah on June 8th am I wording it right is it before you vote can I say one more thing don't you think that maybe Susie and her committee and um the friends should get together and come up with a new game plan and a new estimate before you vote 4,000 what if it's 5,000 or what if it's 3,000 so that we come up with a new well if you want toate are you game for that I think what you can do is you can vote an upper limit authorization but it's it's got to be followed up by okay now the reason for putting a budget on its stand is you know what your limit is and you then you've got a limit to work within if you if you go and say okay we're not going to set any kind of limit today and uh go come up with a new scheme and it turns out to be 5,000 and that's not going to maybe the upper limit should be 5,000 what maybe the upper limit should be 5,000 I would like the 5,000 because with inflation and everything I'm sure whatever happens the blue man or the or the clarabel the clown or whatever their prices have all gone up hly um I think that again going back to the fiscal responsibility I didn't know we had voted this because honestly I wasn't at the meeting I didn't recall it um I think we should stand with what we originally allocated and that is based on Sue's presented estimate of $2,820 we authorized up to $4,000 and so I would like to make a motion that we rein State our original offer up to $4,000 and nothing more from the town of Deerfield well that's the motion you have on the table that that's that's the motion that Diane made basically it no Diane said authorize 4,000 I'm saying up to as we did originally okay no that's okay and that way Sue can actually get some people signed in to know what whether or not it's you know I I think Sue really needs to work with her committee to to say okay uh this is what we can get from the steering committee up to this amount uh what can we alter and drop the bouncy houses and what can we do to get the best bang for our buck or best Buck for our or whatever it is um and you know Chris too if if friends at the Airfield if they were looking at put putting a fairly high-end amount of money into food and we can drop that down then perhaps you've got money left in your budget to increase or you know provide some funding for some of this other thing that's in Sue's budget right now so it won't be just four it could be five or um if you're balancing on your end but I think I mean I don't okay so let me just make a motion right now in our board meeting that we are authorizing at this point $2,000 towards this June 8th event and because we discussed that seen cost estimates Etc they're probably conservative but we are willing to do that so that's my motion Stan you have to second it and we have to approve it all right I how second will that we will spend up up to $2,000 for this event and I'm good with that all right so we got a motion on the floor uh from Diane or from Holly both up to $4,000 I'll second Hol okay who second Holly second she can make the motion I don't know if I set up to or not but I is there any further discussion no that way time for boat um Ian I yes yeah hly you up for yep yep all right we're good the only thing from an accounting point of view um we need to let Brenda know uh no really no later than end of April so if um from expense point of view how you know our money that we're spending the 350th we really have got to get the bills um you know if we can prepay them for um I mean because June 8th is too late to get the bills into Brenda afterwards yeah she has to clean the book you know clear the books so um but what I did with the parade is um for like the bands that were booked she cut the checks ahead and she got them to me a few days before the parade so at the completion of the parade um the uh volunteer that was at that location handed the checks to the bands that participated that was perfect and and she was Brenda was wonderful to work with yeah it's really tough for her to be doing stuff in right and and if we can get this you know sorted out this next month in April so that she can cut the checks and clean the books up that's good because it it really is it's awful last minute yeah well I have one question on that Carolyn can she cut the checks before this event because I know sometimes when we dealt with her in the past we she would not pay like for some of these rental things until the day of and this is after well it's because they they they have to um they have for in a rental situation that's but if Susie's booking a band say she's you know if we can write the check for the band before you know the event that kind of thing because it um you know it's just hard for her it's a lot of work to you know because it's the entire Town expenditures across the entire town yeah and and what the agreement we had was again for a responsible perspective was if everything went kaput I just would turn the checks back in yeah um and then she could void them but she did have them prepared ahead um and that did help a lot yeah good obviously you wouldn't if if if the band didn't show up Susie wouldn't give the check to the band but the idea is that you could you knew what your expenses were going to be like Holly said up yeah I'm I'm just saying Caroline more if we got rained out for the whole day well then okay then you know we may have some cost of having somebody's equipment held for us or something but it would be another settling up after excellent hopefully WEA hopefully sus so do you uh can you take that then back to your committees and and see what you can come up with in terms of a scheme for the and you know get back to us as soon as you can because we've we've basically got one meeting before we're encroaching on danger uh TimeWise for this budget yeah I'll I'll go we'll have a meeting and see what they want to do they want to go this or they want to go off on their own all right um moving on then um can I make one comment um on the um proposal from Sue it indicated that the burial of the Time Capsule would be at 2:30 between the 1 and 3 I'm just thinking like if it's only going to be one to three then maybe we don't disrupt that and then bury it you know if it's going to be three hours well then in the middle of it would be okay but it almost seems like you'd be drawing people away from activities that they don't want to be drawn away from if it's only a two-hour event yeah I think you know we can we can work with Sue and and come up with a joint plan of of action I mean I think you know I'd be willing to sit down with Sue and and and Diane or and Stan or whatever just get it get both both parties together in a small group and just see if we can sort out a program and spefic how to get how to get a carrot in front of the crowd you know it really is you know how do you get to everybody participating in both events and that's the you know that's the key I think having two events is a big draw but you know it was it's sort of like founders day I mean I thought it was a great day but people came and went it was a it was a c flid and there were you know there was ice cream there and and yeah a band there but the biggest attraction I think for what Drew people there was actually the bell ringing yeah I agree you know and that they won't forget yeah watching the kids get lifted by the Bell string that's that's why I'm thinking the the Time Capsule may be the same thing I think dian's you know having a log book and allowing people then who who came to the barial to actually sign that I participated in this event to the 350th and then put that book in the Time Capsule yeah at the end of the day y you didn't like my cucumbers or tobacco Choice oh that I like that idea Carolyn I think it's great one of the things that I I could do is uh create another one of these scavenger heart kind of things of where is this in Deerfield I we never find and if you don't if you can't do it then you don't get your ice cream I just think we could that's an idea though is having puzzles of some sort yeah good but you gotta come up with pencils I just think it's really we need to remember that kids most kids pick tobacco or pick cucumbers or had something to do with that kind of thing you know so because it's not anymore it's already not more and don't have that many kids involved and so I don't know it was thought it was just a thought it seemed like a fun thing and it was a good good way to draw in older people mhm I like it I think it's a great idea yeah just like we were trying to draw in kids you know and then it would be buried it would be buried in there and and you need to live stream this you need to live stream it because there's a lot of people around the country that know deerfi that would want to be part of this watch this yes yeah I mean so we have to set that all up but friends of dear can figure that out with all the technical people don't worry about that anyway soe I think our next meeting is April 29th you want to mark down 29th 28th 29th yeah 29th like I said okay just so uh you can work on your plan and come back to us but I don't think we're meeting that night that's annual town meeting yeah that's okay we're gonna have to do it earlier but um I also think that that's a good good reason to meet earlier is because so that we could solidify what's happening at as an event to do at the 25th 22nd on the week before yeah yeah we're gonna have to do the week be well um week before yeah at least because but I'm I'm wondering if we should do it uh a little bit earlier I'm wondering if we should um do it like the 15th just because we don't have a solid game plan yet for this the 15th is a holiday oh the 15th is a holiday oh shootting I'm not available on Mondays um in April other than how about is every everyone would everyone be available for like the 16th April 16th I am not oh okay uh Holly when could you meet on that week week of the 15th when what day could I I'm away I can't wa anytime that week uh gosh two weeks is kind of soon if we did the eth yeah but you know what Carolyn it's the issues that you guys have as a committee is pretty simple at this point just res you're gon to resolve them in the next week all right so is that enough time for you Carolyn is the town meeting on the 29th yes it is could we meet the week before other than the Monday yeah um we could beet the 23rd maybe I'm fine Tuesday the 23rd yeah Pat you don't think if there's anything uh you don't have a calendar but I don't think I don't have anything in my book right now for the 23rd so I think we could um do a zoom meeting without any issues I I can I can try okay I I I just can't promise okay so let's let's do it the 23rd then because 6:30 yeah yeah and um sue if you could send your proposal to us even a day or so ahead of time that way even like Holly can take a look at if she has if she can't make it she can add some input and we can get an idea what's going on I don't see Sue anymore left she left she's gone all righty okay she's off doing her plans good for her yeah she got the okay so off she goes right just the the next item on the agenda is a time capsule and it's just a quick question I think to Holly is can you just give us uh where are we with that and is um hey I've not heard I've not heard from other than Peter any of our committee with any of the stuff so I have what Rocky has I have what I have and I have what Peter said is going in but that's all I have and I shared that spreadsheet with everybody but also I was hoping like Dian what you're adding do I bring it to you or bring no you don't have to bring it you were supposed just let me know to add it to the list so we could review the list and Carolyn I don't know from town hall perspective if there's anything um you want put in there maybe from your board because you saw us through the whole celebration year um well I think Pat um by then we we Pat when would the town report be done it'll be done for the the meeting right yeah so we'll have the town report but um I probably won't get the report back from the printer until the 26th depending on when I send it to them okay well when when do we have to have it sealed have what sealex school it'll be sealed at the end of May it doesn't have to be sealed before the okay well then we can put a town report in there for sure okay that would be the one thing Holly because um we would want that I I'd have to ask what what the other members are thinking of but in my mind for sure would be the town report would be the one thing that we would want um okay so Holly for for like the a couple of things that I have I should just hang on to them until roughly the the event time and then I can we'll have a a collection at that point so Rocky's not collecting things for yeah he hasn't continued to collect because nothing's been offered to him yeah and because I thought it was kind of redundant for you or I to just bring things to him to then get them back um I was thinking if other people in Town gave him things he would continue to collect but um I don't know I mean I'm not a a social media person I mean Diane do do we ask do we not ask oh the community I can certainly mention it at select board meeting on selectman's comments you know that we are still um accepting things for the um Time Capsule okay yeah I think that's a good idea yeah maybe maybe Carol you can ask uh Trevor to put up something on Deerfield now just an announcement yeah Trevor would be a good one to do it through I know Stan you've collected a few unusual things from the 300 that people have been giving you stuff but that's on the outside okay everything that you have so far on that list that I haven't seen um will it fit in the Time Capsule or is it some things that are too big and is everything going to be sealed in plastic the the stuff we've got right now stand would fill half of the time capsule oh okay overcrowded everything has to be put in sealed bags you know plastic bags according to the building inspector building inspector the building building yeah well I mean it's like okay so there's like these technical aspects of water intrusion things like that and so but the good news is we're going to well shut the interior Time Capsule that is the official time capsule right yeah that'll be welded shut yeah I don't think anything's going to get into that but on the exterior side that's that plastic ENC casement it's a pelic but but it's pelic it's pelican is proba better than Ste to be totally honest and so we we different things that we're collecting we will put it in zip locks and things protect it in its own way and and drop it into the perimeter of of that I mean it's maybe a little over but you know what I'm gonna be dead and gone so I don't really care if we over engineer it they're gonna go is this what a Ziploc looks like like wow I've got at least 25 of them should we reuse them by then they won't allow guarantee you they won't exist any well anyway well well I'll just announce it and we can figure out how we're gonna pack it um we get to see what people bring forward how's that yes that yeah have Trevor do it that's a a good way to we're fine Bring It Up but that's a good idea okay uh Diane why don't you report out on what you told me earlier just so everybody knows well um Friday I received a email from Kathleen R relle if I'm pronouncing it right who's the art teacher from the grammar school and it sort of caught me off guard because it was hey the kids have been wondering when they're getting their Bells back I don't know what to tell them have they are they being being displayed some somewhere what should I tell them and I sat on that for a while because it caught me off guard and I realized we never really did talk to the kids about keeping their bills it was a whole big project at school and they were very enthusiastic but we never had the forethought to think of where they were going and in our enthusiasm we decided the bells were going to be our bells and we were going to put them in the time capsule so this morning very early I wrote back to Katherine that we hadn't given it thought and it wouldn't be fair and she said yeah I don't want to appear like a liar because I had thought the kids were getting the bells back so uh we went back and forth and um I said I was going to attempt to get the bells today or get permission to have the bells she replied that she would ask the students which ones wanted to claim their Bells back because they did mean something as Peter said these bells really did mean something to them or find out if anybody wanted to put their Bell in the Time Capsule and then I added um to Catherine that could she ask the children to do in any format a letter to the Future that we could put in the time capsule and it would be a letter to themselves I'm not sure she's going to work on it um I hope they do into to some capacity um but what I'm doing is to humbly ask can we have the bells back so I can bring them back to the children is that I mean we like them I have them on zip Drive Pat has them on zip Drive Peter has them on a zip drive or or whatever those sticks are called they have them on those little STI and I've sent them so anyways um without any objection could we claim the bells back to give back to the students but I think you know I I really like that option giving the kids a choice yeah she said you know and and I think a number of them are going to put them in the Time Capsule I know how they'll find them did you see how many belts that's that's my God trying to find them what I have an idea back I have an idea I have an idea you just go for five that you want in a time capsule and I don't know how you do that by lottery or whatever I'm sure she'll find she'll find a few but just find five of them a reasonable then they can then they can write also why they wanted it to go in the Time Capsule something what what was their rationale for wanting to donated to the Time Capsule and you C couple that with the actual B s and you only go for five less is more in this Cas we'll see what we get are we okay with me flaming them back and who has them at the moment Stanley or you know who has them you have them I have them in my basement in a already in a plastic to ready to be put in the time capsu you're gonna have to pull out that tub and U I think it' be I I we wouldn't want the kids have hard feelings as I said we never really set our intentions but we enthusiastically just wanted them because they were so cool well I think we're basically I think I think you make this decision a bigger issue and get them to write something down why they made that decision yeah oh yeah I would like more as I said as I said something to uh to Katherine um that I would like a letter a letter to self which could be about the bells or whatever but I definitely want them to have some form of contribution and um we'll go I will tell you not to change the subject I will tell you that the my grandson's class in third grade um Memorial Day week that week of Memorial Day is sort of a downtime in school they are going to be doing a project for something to go into the Time Capsule oh good good they're think they're forward thinking they're Forward Thinking the gentleman who's in charge the teacher the Mr I forgot what his name is whatever his name is and he's he's gonna do it with the kids oh great I'm so excited about that Stan that's the kind of thing that you want to happen I mean that me is so is is that okay if I get the bills give them back to the kids we'll purs come on down the grammar school I'd like to contribution in some format or other and uh the only thing I'm going to say right now I do want my grandsons and it's gonna go in the CH cap so well okay but get him get them to write why it's going in the for you I'll you slack on that one the only thing I'm thinking is Katherine may have put them up by by class so she if she has a string and says oh this is the fifth grade she may have an easier chance oh I'll let Kyle carish know that it's that this Papa has it and he's gonna go in in the Time Capsule okay so I will get in touch with you Stan and uh I will uh I want my my granddaughters in the Time Capsule too how's that we're all making decisions for these poor kids wait a minute you're the bells in the Time Capsule you just say your granddaughter's in the Time Capsule and I'm there like yeah I know I want her Bell that's not happening the Bell is really cute Bell those bells were adorable I have to admit those I was so happy the way Dees uh went into this Full Tilt you know the ban the whole thing I just did it was so sweet yeah if you really looked at those bells those bells were pretty amazing so anyway I'm put in the town report there back was hoping to put them all in the Time Capsule anyway yeah I got pictures we can take pictures put the pictures in the report that goes in the Caps there are pictures in the report of the of the Bells yeah well I I sent you all did you all get it I sent you A draft copy of the of the the report the report was done so nicely Peter I I'm so impressed with the magnitude of what is in there and there's so many nice touches from the the bells and Diane what you did on Founders Day weekend and the postage um postmarks um just there's so many good things I'm really pleased it it shows that we did a lot more happens yeah we did a lot of stuff over the years you know I mean it was a really busy year actually and Peter Peter knows that I'm literally it's open on my computer on another screenshot um just adding a few things that you wanted to add to it from the frenzy dearit standpoint and when will I get that Chris uh by tomorrow okay that's relax I'm there I'm like I'm totally distracted by certain things going on but I told Peter that I was delayed today crack the whip he's got few still light where he is two things I forgot already so yeah I can work all night long don't worry about that so we've got some pictures to put in additional pictures to put in their pattern some to swap out but Holly do you have any of the parade that you think are really warranted above what's in there I I believe Kelly gave a whole bunch to Pat so I thought Pat was inserting the pictures and too but he did such a fine job with this 24 page report that I took out all the pictures that I had already inserted because I wanted like I gave you the uh parade work group and I I know Kelly gave you a whole bunch um let me look back through it to see if there's a few token ones we want to make sure we include I I really this is just my preference but you know at the at the tail end of the parade Larry lar yeah that absolutely has to be ABS that would be lovely I believe it was I think I in there it's it's in there when when I did the report that I gave Peter um it closes with um Larry being such an intrical part of the parade and we're so happy he participated yeah that's what I was trying to do is kind of coordinate some of those pictures with your text yep that was the only one because you know yeah it was there I read what she wrote okay perfect it was one of the things that I was wondering about is it where it doesn't matter a great deal whether it's with a particular text I mean each one of the events got some pictures so they sort of belong there but if you're really concerned about uh cost we could have pages of text with combined sets of pictures for different events we only have 1 350 as Peter okay thank I don't I don't want change it what is your strategy is your is your strategy to put it all in the town report or to have a a separate I think they did this for the 300 to have a separate little booklet both but part of the 350th we we already we budgeted extra money so that it could be we would have yeah and we had plenty of pictures and we had how many copies are you expecting that we're going to make up this year of the report I don't know Pat because we have gone over the years we went from 500 to 400 to 300 to 250 we made last year we still have an extra reports but I would I would say well let's just get the cost estimate we this because it's 350th I would think we'd want to do extra this year I you know I know we have from normal towns reports we have extra left over but um this is not this is a 350 if people will want this as a collector item a certain number of people will so let's let's see what we can get Pat and we'll make that decision okay and start selling start selling it well there's another way to do it too to the to come to the town you can pick one up for free compet to sign them outside of town meeting we can have it as a digital document Standalone yes justst theage people can download the copy of the of the report yeah yeah for5 let's get money into the town retir funden much trouble already it's it's a breach of Ethics oh I shouldn't say that we're being recorded yikes no I didn't hear you heard it for me you heard it for me nothing is free nothing is Pat works it out pretty good so we we'll see what Pat can come up with thank you well I I continue to work with Pat and if but if any of you have photographs that you particularly want to identify we may I mean I I don't all the pictures that are in there right now I took yeah anything else so uh I don't mind replacing pictures that I took I just was trying to find you know for the parade I was sitting here on the street and the floats went by and the different people went by and I took a picture and I wasn't very far away and I thought they came out reasonably well droing out some of those pictures either yeah I thought they were the ones from Kelly so I'll just go back and look over them with Kelly to see if we want to do any trades yeah yeah but you but but Holly you have video footage and any of that video video footage can be turned into still photos if you want to put it in yeah no we're we don't need to get that complicated we've got plenty of pictures okay okay okay and Peter I have a few like just a handful that came in from different sources and I'm digesting all that overnight yeah well just just send it on when you get it done you know it's but it's just a handful I just have a glass Apple Jack after this and after that I won't care I wanted to ask about the flag that I saw Stanley holding do we have any pictures of the Deerfield flag I have one picture of Stanley holding it do we have any pictures without somebody holding it do you know what flag I'm talking about one on the flag pole in town the one on it has the town seal on it yeah those are the flags we had friends around the com I mean all we have is the proof of it we have the proof we don't have a picture of the actual flag you should take pict who's got it I have it can picture of it no I don't no I can't take a picture of it I will I'll come over tomorrow and take a picture of you come on over take a picture remind me y I write it down I got my list here take picture and Pat has made it clear that she doesn't want to stand holding it so you're just going to have to tack it up on the walls I just thought it would be better than I mean I think you were stand I don't remember where you were standing but the whole picture everything around you takes away from the actual flag I think that was in the town hall I think Alex took that picture we can lay it on a table and crop it nicely well Diane that's your job so it's like f the flag is off kilter yeah part of you do want people in there and so I you know having stand in there is nice I don't want to be a party pooper but I'm fading so are we done with business okay we getting silly um I think my finance you kept me long enough I don't have to go back to finance all right you're welcome okay so the added things were Town report and disposition of the bells and we've already covered that so I will take a motion to adjourn if anybody's up for it I'd like to motion us to adjourn I will second okay it is now 8:19 I make a motion to journ the Friends of Deerfield board meeting yeah second everybody thank wait to hear from you tomorrow Chris