hey welcome to the CCI meeting April 4th 2024 at 6:34 p.m and leely do you want to read the I would be delighted I'd like to share with you all that certain meanss normally help Municipal officer being held with adequate alterntive means of public access and we requireed public partip participation provided in accordance with house bill number 58 of the 193rd General Court which extended the governor's March 12 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law Mass General law chapter 30A section 20 until March 31st 2025 and our recorded meetings can be found on YouTube and ways to join us are listed the zoom connections are all in the agenda excellent thanks Lely okay I sent a letter saying that we have to have continue to have hybrid meetings to to h both of our legislators uh yes thank you all right okay so meeting guidelines please speak one at a time and I'm going to call you out if you don't uh follow Deerfield code of conduct be respectful considerate courteous concise non-repetitive and I'm going to take roll call Jim cambias here uh Julie not yet leely Dwight present Tim hilchie here Andre leapson here nce Mason I'm here Trevor not here Annie Curtis never here Carolyn Carolyn here ma here and Pete lock excuse me oh I didn't hear you and Christopher Dunn is here so cool all right hey you know what before we start I just want to remind I just want did you get Tim yes yeah I did I did okay okay all right before we start I just want to remind people at every planning board meeting we do because most of us are on different committees so we usually do a report you know very brief report at our planning board meeting about what's going on and obviously we do this at CCI so I'm sort of hoping that whatever meetings you have not to a long drawn out report but please report on the highlights from CCI that we keep reporting and whoever is watching knows what's going on in town okay and I'm going to be monitoring all your YouTube videos to check to make sure you're doing that okay all right Okie do all right so the next order business is approve the minutes from February 22nd so everyone had a chance to look okay I second all right thank you any revisions any corrections additions I was absent that that time so I'm not going to vote okay so all right uh so if I know Corrections or additions how about approve the minutes hi Carolyn Tim hi Em yes Jim hi Andrea rusing yep ruse and Christopher all right and Denise ey okay minutes are approved all right and if anybody does come on we do a public comment I got major cutting out um can you mute if there's noise going on in the background okay all right we're gonna go okay we're gonna go into committee updates and I'm going to start with Jim okay well we had a library meeting just yesterday uh the last meeting that the library board is going to hold in the current building because they're moving U that's the big news April 15th is moving day um they've got cly movers lined up they're gonna they're gonna load everything on a truck and drive it next door and unload it because apparently the movers don't want to have to drag everything across the lawn whatever they're professionals um and um so yeah the um they have bids in um let me find the director's report the the bid is [Music] 12 one no 12 yeah to stay on on in the budget um with the contract bid they uh had to um make a few changes to the to the project so um they're leaving a couple of things off at least for now um like a wood panel ceiling in one area and the um canopy in front um and I believe the uh they're eliminating the position of a site manager distinct from the project manager so the project manager will also act as site manager um and we're probably going to have to get our own Furnishings but um today is the last day uh for the library um be closed after this so if you have any books out keep them um they'll be packing up and prepping to move moving is the 15th uh at some point we're going to have a groundbreaking ceremony which will obviously be just a complete you know symbolic gesture that won't be it'll be well before the actual construction equipment shows up um uh I believe the goal is to have one of the larger um individual donors who is uh of quite Advanced age be the person to turn the first shovel full um and uh yeah that's I mean that should be enough right we're starting a new building that's the news that's great really about how's the fundraising going oh I'm glad you asked that so we are now at $1.1 million um da raised their pledge from 30 to 100,000 I think the consensus was they were you know might have caught them at a bad time the first time around because 100,000 is a bit more what you'd expect from them um the public crowdfunding campaign got 50,000 which is good um we're all looking forward to the wine raffle Tim is still willing to do that um and you know they're sending out letter to foundations with I believe Chris's help and um you know just continuing the process of trying to shake in the Tin Cup great thanks Jim well it's pretty exciting I didn't realize that you know it's funny because at the lab Library building committee I didn't think that anything was going to be decided about you know taking taking uh you know reducing things and this was what Candice reported to us there may be some ways that these can be salvaged um okay maybe Tim has response this part of it is like they can't renegotiate they can't haggle over the contract until it's signed which seems kind of backwards to me yeah that's that's what Dan had said oh Tim go ahead so what happened was we approved the base bid only there were alternates to it which was like the wood ceiling canopy and I think there was a third one the adjustments we made before we awarded the contract was uh a reduction in the architect's fee and a reduction in the opm's fee um of course those are the first things that the OPM is H hoping to put back in whereas you know I'd be fine if it was an actual reduction um but that's just me uh because I think I think Architects are going to face a thing like real estate agents this thing where you get eight or 10% of the total cost of the project is probably going to get Revisited at some point because it's it's kind of like the same thing right but don't tell the architect I said that um so maybe we'll get some of those things back in okay all right canop kind of important yeah yeah the canopy would be nice yeah okay great well thanks Jim okay let's see is not here um Lely 's got her hand up oh sorry I'm have to leave this my my reception is just yeah so I'm gonna say goodbye and uh I apologize just four rooms in the house and none of it works so byebye em if I was going to say if there's anything that you want to report just put it in the chat okay if not that's okay okay all right great thanks okay all right leely okay so I'm going to be reporting on the CPC and Senior Housing and all of this is in the U reports that I put in my committee reports every single time unlike anybody else anyway um let's start with the CPC so we are not moving any applications forward to town meeting we did hold a public hearing on a uh historic preservation application for the TAC painting and the applicant requested a vote rather than tabling it to fall toown meeting and and it was denied for lack of a public accessible site upon completion the um 1888 building application has been tabled until fall town meeting and we have scheduled um our next meeting for August 14th at 6:15 to begin the review of that process um and I know that there will be a lot of public uh meetings or hearings I'm not sure what we call them anymore I know they're different um on the 1888 building so um maybe the CPC will be able to partner with the select board um as as part of that process rather than have multiple public hearings on it um we I want to tell everybody here and please bring it to your committees is the CPC the deadline has been changed to November 1st it is no longer March 1 or whatever is November 1st and the decision date um like the final deciding meeting is going to be like March 14th or something so that we can actually get warrant articles in um not just in the last 24 hours um the CPC is going to be um doing a an informational hearing as required by law and it's going to be on September 11th at 6:30 pending availability so it'll be a hybrid uh Town Hall uh thing and the purpose of that is to inform the community about about what the CPC is and then to hear from the community what their priorities are for the allocation of CPC funds and following that we will develop a CPC plan for the year and the plan helps guide the recommendations of the committee um specifically in the event that there are competing applications for a limited pool of money so just that so that is the way it's um supposed to go and that is the way under Kathy's leadership we're going to be making it go so you'll be hearing a little more from the CPC okay um senior housing we had um so our focus is strictly on the St James uh property right now um we are oh that's the old one no no hang on so we held an open house and we had really impressive turnout with a a lot of strong support for senior housing and um interestingly there were a very vocal uh comments about saving the church but a number of members of the committee had people come up to them after the meeting and say they didn't care about the church they just want senior housing and and we had given given people index cards so they could write stuff down without having to say it in public and um and yet still people were not that comfortable uh voicing that but but there's still I mean people but one thing everybody's really interested in preserving sort of the streetcape okay um the geothermal assessment component of our contract has been moved to the heat Grant and I'm working with Christopher on um realign what services we're going to get from birkshire design and we're shooting to get a cost estimate for infrastructure so that the town has a sense of what we're going to have to do for this and um hoping we'll have even enough money left over to do a traffic study but we got to see what they come in at with first and um I we've discussed this with the community preservation committee and they approved it as part of the funds that had been approved for the um development of this property the so the we're going to be working on the RFP with the support of furog um using Sunderland as a model um however we need to make some changes because there have been there's been a a lawsuit um in hoio that has clarified the process a little bit more so we'll be changing some stuff next steps um we're going to be doing geot technical borings then these I've been educated to learn are uh borings to determine the nature of the soil and the stability to put buildings on so that's not the same as geothermal but is a Geotech boring um we're working on we're going to work on the RFP and Christine Mador of uh Mass housing Partners who worked with us in the complete neighborhoods has offered to review our our FP which would be really excellent and to help us in any way possible and I like that attitude I think it bodess well she's very impressed with what we're doing with the whole Municipal campus and that can't be bad um we do need to um I want to work with Christopher a bit and um understand what of the fur cogs RFP process um we were originally retaining them to review our um RFP but maybe we just need them to manage the process and that might lower the um cost and it's we're s looking at getting our RFP out hopefully in early July and that in a shell of nuts is US Tim just want to you're you're putting out an RFP for the Geotech G no no no sorry the RFP is for senior housing corre right so what just just curious what happens when the 18888 building goes forward and we decide that we're going to tear down the town hall the Old Town Hall hey we have enough people who would move into senior housing in a heartbeat that you know that what is that five years out you know give or take that we could but also less because you know we got a $4 million Grant and we got to spend it within probably sooner than five years excellent well but we still got to take the old one down but but the other thing is we need Workforce housing in town we've got to have um demonstrated as a town that we support uh affordable housing in the real meaning of the word not not um so that that's an important thing that's something else we could do Carol car um when when I spoke to Joe Comerford about trying to get help for us on our seor senior housing she suggested that we bring out the Secretary of Housing and have him talk to us with our plan for the campus because um you know the new housing Bond bill um is is um is going through and we would she suggests that we volunteer as a pilot which of course we would and um I but as leely said we have plenty of seniors that would move into additional housing so the whole idea of taking down the town hall is then put up another complex um for seniors uh that would be subsidized and that's that's how we're going to get affordable housing because you turn over the houses in your community to younger families because our seniors are overhouse so our in the next within the next couple weeks we we're going to send an invitation the select board will send an invitation I was going to figure out how we wanted to bring it up in our next senior housing meeting but we're we need to send that invitation out so that we have a visible project shovel ready because most of the communities are pushing back and so he's looking for someone that is willing to have something built and we're ready to have something built right now so we have an opportunity and I don't want to pass that up that's great so keep us informed when that's happening so we can do our stock presentation done before yeah cool great well thanks L gosh there's a lot going on that's that's amazing all right so let's see who's next how about Andrea what's happening with open space open space has welcomed Chris Curtis to our ranks um no I've just lost her name H uh we had a a a resignation of someone who's been ill she served on the on the I'm so bad with names she served on the committee for many years and um and so she's she's gone and Chris Curtis is there as a result since he seems to be gainfully employed still unlike the rest of the retired board we have moved our meetings they're going to be on Monday early evenings and um we're going to make sure we don't um clash with the planning board so that's one bit of news the other is that three of us attended a mass Land Trust conference which was held at U uh UMass uh on March 23rd I believe and that was quite interesting in part that we think there's a an interesting way to map trails in town that would cost us nothing um would be available to um to town residents and would um so would not require us to um necessarily print um print Maps uh so we would be able to um send people toward this app which was the 2023 uh app best app app according ording to Apple Store um so anyway that so that was interesting is that all Trails Andrea it is all Trails um they have a system whereby um you can apply to be a like an administrator of a trail system and then you suggest trails and then they have a system whereby they approve or don't approve them and the nice thing about all Trails I am to told um by people who use it uh often is that it's got people uh interact with it so they would be able to say uh it's very muddy in this section you know make sure you wear your boots when you when you come here so anyway the so we looked we talked with uh the gentleman who's from all Trails he showed us how it worked and um Julie Caswell our chair who has used all Trails all over the world was really excited about it because she knows the capability of this and I believe it would cost nothing or maybe $40 a year I so very a very low a very low price um she did meet with the Conservation Commission uh again I was um I was out of town to talk about the permanent protection of certain pieces of town-owned land I haven't our T our meeting is next week so I don't know the result of that meeting uh that she had but we are continuing to try to move forward on permanently protecting these um pieces of land and the last little bit is that uh we've talked a little about um carbon sequestration and the amount of land that we have is just too small the the forests that we have in town would need to be partnered with other forests and other towns uh nearby to actually make any um real impact Lely you got a question for me I do um I think sent this to you or maybe I sent it to Ma and Ma is not here oh sort of here um that there's this neighborhood um carbon sequestration article is did you yeah but again it's just it's it's not enough land it's got to be thousands of acres and we have hundreds so that's part of that that's part of the issue and it may even have to be tens of thousands of acres and it's my understanding that the whole getting paid for sequestration has really um proven to be a reduced impact for towns or there's very little money uh to come from it so that is that good for everybody no that's great Andre hey I'm just sort of curious so at our planning board meeting the other ly Rose Lyn Rose is the name of bubbled up uh who who who who resigned I'm sorry go ahead no that's okay I was just gonna say at a planning board meeting we had public hearing on adding 20 feet of the antenna and what was interesting is that the fire chief came you know in in um saying yeah you know they're all for it because most of them have phones and have AT&T and it doesn't work really well so it's really good news that we'll get that because that's my concern is like all Trails that's great but what happens you're up on the trail and you don't have service so it sounds like this would be really helpful now that we're raising the antenna so yeah I agree so so in fact um using all trails we could see that there are trails that exist but they are not um um what's the right word uh they're not official Trails they're not official trails and this would put people on official Trails so that you'd be able to know do go here please don't go over there even though there's a trail that's on someone's private property so we would be able to designate Trails um very specifically and we would have this someone apparently uh it who has Massachusetts as their territory would look at what we are suggesting and approve or or not approve them so there's um it's not just us going out willy-nilly doing things there has to be um some oversight by all Trails okay well that's that's pretty exciting thanks yeah will be interesting all right um Carolyn um well uh the c cipc um had its public hearing we're going to do um uh less than what we thought even uh so it's a little over 100,000 we're going to move the school flooring till next year um and but we are going to support the air conditioning the town server and a couple other things um the scems and the um man management asset plans are going to be paid for by both the um South you know the Wastewater um Enterprise fund and the scams Enterprise fund so we're only bringing forward a little over a 100,000 which is um pretty lean but as you know we don't have a lot of money this year so um but we are working we're going to we agreed all agreed to work um beyond the town meeting this year and um uh come up with a 15-year plan because our Five-Year Plan is really has been not adequate and with a 15-year plan we can put the roads that we have left to repair on them which are really in 26 to 29 and Beyond um just because funding is an issue for the roads that we have left to repair um and we're not sure uh when we'll be getting to River Road hopefully it's all stable but we want to do a hydrology study of the Ridge and what uh where water is coming from which is really different than three or four years ago and that sort of Segways into what MVP has been doing um MVP committee uh did hung in there Tim you me car big time for that one I know I owe everybody it was horrendous but we did um six hours of training in March three Tuesdays in a row and we had good group participation so we um and Ma thank you Ma was another one that hung in there we participated we made an impression on Andrew he's writing off on our plan he said that it was good good thoughts oh gosh anyway so we're moving on 2.0 and that means we can get some uh hopefully some more money for other projects all right before you continue can you guys open up your meeting you know what I forgot I don't okay we're not posted tonight so we're just reporting you're always posted tonight it's always posted CCI oh I I guess all right tonight at 6:02 PM Tim Tim Tim is a little uh 702 Carolyn is it 702 y oh 702 yeah I sorry I looked at the wrong clock that's okay you're making me feel better every minute here okay Tim got a lot of time zones in that place I know I know um so anyway uh we're we're working on the MVP moving forward on that 2.0 and we're hoping to get certified so we'll be eligible for more money next thing to just side little side on that is part of MVP is we really think the Village area around the campus all that area is our most vulnerable population and most susceptible so flooding so um Christopher very graciously walked around with Nick Miller of field geology um this past uh Thursday um spent few hours and poor thing kept them late but and then I spent a couple hours extra too so he was here until after 6 o'clock um he I think he was only anticipating a couple hours but uh there's complex issues and he has agreed that uh hydrology study is probably the best thing to do but he's going to do it in phases there's certainly different issues in the north end of town and ptic ridge um and then of course uh we need a hydrology model for the bloody Brook on how we're going to work that and what are the choold culverts that we want to replace through through them through the um MVP program and you know some of the other ones that are going to be available shortly so um poor Christopher has a lot of work going forward loves it Carolyn uh for Grants but um I'm really excited because we actually really do need to address um how we're going to handle flooding uh it's predicted the new predictions for Noah came out today I was on a webinar on that and um for for the hurricane season and you know we just we have so much water we've got a and that was the thing that Nick he says this is more complicated than he thought you know from my description and the description that we wrote for the small grant that we got through the Conservation District to hire them and um so he's he's going to pull in uh support because they're a pretty small shop and he feels like this is uh going to be a couple years of phase projects and um hopefully we'll get it funded through the Conservation District MVP program um so that people can see the value of this and um we'll have some real Direction uh as to what to do and respond uh for these you know just it's seemingly regular rain events that we're having I mean it is climate change oh uh and I'm just reporting normally I don't report for the mosquito District but um we're in for a little Grant to do some extra surveillance um that I'm hoping we're going to get for the Asian tiger mosquito that carries that has potential to carry a lot more disease load and it is here so um and that hopefully will be then trigger some more grants for us to work on Bloody Brook because when we have drought like we did in 22 it was very stagnant so the whole point is to have some kind of plan when we have drought periods of drought um so we don't have um a mosquito you know breeding ground we have dragonfly habitat that is beautiful and that you know uh we'll eat mosquitoes but also we'll have some kind of treatment program that will handle uh the droughts and then we'll be able to handle the flooding as well okay well that's a lot well thanks Caro anybody have any questions if not I'm going to move on to Christopher I I have a quick one we're anything up with the 350th Carol oh yes yes oh I'm sorry I completely forgot yes the 350th the last event for the 350th is going to be June 8th it's going to be a home day um I'm hoping actually that we'll have an MVP table that day to do some more Outreach and education this will be also opportunity for senior housing um it's going to be uh like one to three kids events um free food balloons face painting that kind of thing and it will be the burying of the Time Capsule the bench that goes over the Time Capsule and it's sort of off to the side to the of the police station you know when you go in the entrance it's in in that general area all right Tim question just wanted to did you say June 8th June 8th yes because um there's also the dees Pride going on on June 8th from one to oh man well that's what sus an telis told us was the date so there's enough to change it yeah oh gee okay well just to be aware there will you just proved the worth of CC in that I know right um there will be one more event of bearing the Time Capsule and so it will be happening probably now though it sounds like you're burying it next to a structure that's about to be demolished no no not the uh the police station will remain Jim um we can't afford uh right the upgrade of a um you know public SA safety building no I understand what we can do we can convert with the the plan the long-term plan is that it's easy to convert the garage that is there to additional space that will make us compliant and then we can add on um a garage Bay for pretty cheap right but I mean the police station adjoins the town offices so there're two separate buildings there are two It's Gonna Be by the front door it's going to be in potentially a construction zone as is that a problem no it's going to be off to the side you know when you walk into the front door um it would be on your right where the arbor V bushes are you know where they put the little reindeer out at light up at Christmas time so if you're looking your word for it if you're looking at the police station Jim there's there's a marble um sign and the arbor body are over between the police station and the um the parking lot in the 1888 building all right so it'll all be on that side okay yeah I I had I thought you meant it was going to be by the entrance uh it's it's really a not a a big area we're talking the bench is 4 by8 I believe the base is just a little bit bigger than that and the whole Space is like not very big thank you for clarifying that yes all right no panics okay now I'm gonna move on to Christopher thanks Denise uh so I'm going to run through a bunch of things really quickly and then you know I'm sure there will be questions so uh first town common project um so we've had some conversations with Mast do um because they came to us and said hey we'd actually like to remove parking on Sugarloaf and Park Street since those are technically State Highway um you know not really a huge issue given that the L lot is planned so there will be plenty parking still um but we were just trying to coordinate with them as to where crosswalks would be located from the common um so not no total Clarity on that just yet but we're working with uh Jeff Squire at ber design to to get that out to bid uh you know finally after years and years and years so fingers crossed we'll be able to do that this spring um terms of Municipal campus stuff uh the senior center feasibility study um so we got seven proposals back for that um just as a reminder this was an RFQ we put out with furog to look at the 1821 Church the Oxford building in Sunderland and then a third site TBD as a permanent location for the senior center um we had a little informal meeting with a couple folks from weightly Sunderland um and of course uh Jen from the senior center today and so we've got kind of an idea of you know what firms we want to move forward with but we're still trying to figure out exactly what the next step is so more to come on that uh 1888 Tim I think you already spoke to that right I will or you will that's right um just going down my list uh Elm Street um so I reached out to Ty and bond about uh complete streets because that is one of our priority projects on our lists is you know redoing sidewalks and Etc on Elm between Maine and the railroad um they got back to me today actually with some draft crosssection so I'm going to be talking with the selectboard about that next week um and we'll figure out what the next step is there's two opportunities to apply for construction funding one as soon as May which I think might be a little bit aggressive and then another opportunity in the fall so we'll talk about that with the select board uh let's see bloody Brook car already covered that geothermal uh so the heat Grant um so we had a kickoff meeting with all the different communities that got heat grants Denise I believe tuned in for that so did Tim that was another fun one Christoper yeah yeah yeah well lots of lots of information certainly um so yeah so um we've got a firm identified who could do the feasibility study um we're actually trying to figure out and it's a question that a few communities have um what the procurement rules are on this it's a little bit Uncharted Territory because geothermal and network geothermal are so new um in some sense so just trying to figure that out but one way or another we have we're g to have a firm who's going to be able to do the feasibility study um feasibility study will look at you know Network geothermal at the campus um and potentially connecting to BBC and other major employers and institutions uh in South Deerfield so could be really good and we just got to find out which firm it's going to be if it's not this one so uh let's see then beyond that mil Village uh so the intersection with route five and North M um so we had a meeting with Mast do I think that was back in February actually so I may have already updated this group um Maybe not maybe it was March you know what it was March yeah um so yeah we had a meeting with mot um they are very open to addressing the problems at that intersection um they they had a couple different ideas that they put out there they have a whole process they have to go through um so on our end the select board just submitted a letter basically saying hey we're really excited you guys want to do something about this dangerous intersection um and uh you know by the way we're here we'll be supportive of what you guys recommend and here are some letters from our residents as well so the residents I think um Wayne Manley and Patricia Taylor tayor Taylor thank you I I believe they're they're going to be out at the transfer station collecting signatures on a little petition to say hey do something about this intersection so that'll be good info for mot to get when they're making their decision yeah they did they did that last Saturday oh great okay perfect uh and I think the last big thing um shared streets and sidewalks so uh um Denise was it a year ago or two years ago when did we get this grant yeah two years ago it shared streets and spaces because we didn't have sidewalks included in that yeah it's been a long time yeah so so I'll get to that so the shared streets and spaces uh is for a couple crosswalks to be restriped along North Main um and also have uh beacons added um you know flashing beacons basically on either side of the street so that when people are crossing it's really obvious um so that's uh we've got an an invitation for bids ready for that uh that's going to go out hopefully next week and then simultaneously um Kevin's long awaited North M sidewalk project is also ready to go out to bid um so we are coordinating with fcog on getting that out as well so the hope is we'll be able to do one mandatory site visit for any contractors interested in those projects and they can coordinate and we may even get the same same contractor on both projects we'll see Tim so just a question about the North Main Street sidewalks I haven't seen anything saying what they're going to do so if this is just um a partial North Main Street or is it actually getting to the center of town because one I would support the other one I wouldn't support unless I see some actual sophisticated drawings returning Green Space to the center of town um right now we've got huge w North Main Street where you know people Park up in front of their houses and it's just a big asphalt jungle there so have any actual concrete information uh I can certainly forward you the draft ifb but let me also just pull up really quick because I have an image that kind of shows uh where where both projects would take place so give one second sure thank you I I agree with Tim we haven't seen anything proposed at this point yet we've been certainly waiting for it to happen but um we haven't seen the actual plans yeah give me one moment I'm just gonna show up here ah here we go give me one one second okay sorry for the the delay there uh can you see that okay y I might need to zoom out right yeah so um the map on the left hand side here shows kind of the project limits for the sidewalk effort um so the pink is just the west side of the street and the Orange is the proposed east side of the street um the way the bid was set up by Kevin is to just do as many linear feet as they could um in those areas and I believe for the most part that this portion of North Maine um you know it already has that Green Tree Lawn or buffer or whatever you want to call it right um so that's that's where his Focus was um and then the kind of zoomed in part here is where the shared streets project would take place so that's really right in front of Frontier um you see the multiple crosswalks that would be restriped um and then we also um given that the the park on North M hasn't worked out so far um I think we're gonna also be able to add uh this crosswalk and beacons down at Pleasant Street um so right in front of the G ski property so those are the two projects and their limits I don't know if that lines up with your expectations Tim or well it it clarifies I mean it it I need to refresh my memory about where this uh where galinsky is in relation to getting further down where there's this hu you know where the North Main is really wide it may may be fine and my understanding is um Kevin was talking about um using asphalt is that right yeah for the well for the existing asphalt sidewalks yeah in this section uh yes I believe that is the plan and the the purple the purple um is um where does it stop again right across from galinsky uh so yeah so it's from Pleasant Street um North to basically you can see it on the smaller map here it goes right up to where the driveway for the school is yeah okay and is that a different material or um I would have to check uh the ifb and and see what included in there okay yeah well this seems okay it's the downtown part that I was concerned about so this reflects the downtown yeah yeah the downtown obviously right on you know right in front of the campus there is obviously there's just way too much asphalt and it would be fantastic to do something that makes it just a more inviting pedestrian uh experience for sure um but I think this was I I believe this is where Kevin landed after discussions with the S board last year I think it does reflect what we talked about so that's that's a little that's encouraging okay well and there we can um maybe do a more dep discussion at the S board meeting next week um so I was going to be at that one anyway so yeah let's plan on that thank you Christopher absolutely uh and then I think that's it for the moment there's a couple potential One-Stop grants um but uh so far most of them are private developers so the the cbies I think we' talked about before um the hel brothers are still looking at uh redeveloping that so we're going to see what we can do to be supportive of them and then uh Phil Nash up at the rail yard has uh he has big Ideas up there as well so we'll see how we can be supportive of him uh in addition to the hellers so let me know if anyone has any questions yeah I do Christopher when you were talking about um your meeting with do and parking on Sugarloaf you know I think parking on Sugarloaf especially when what is it what which church is that oh God what's the Catholic church that they park on the street Holy Holy Family Holy Family so you know there's a huge parking lot out back I don't know why they've got to park on the street but they do all the time because when I'm on my bike on a Sunday it's like I've got to navigate past all the cars or whether it's F you know Friday night or whenever people go to mass I don't know but so I'm sort of wondering what are they going to do send send out the do police to police that section what so so they were just referring to the marked spots uh further up closer to Main Street um and I I think somebody at the meeting did bring up the church and and they kind of said well that's a police matter so we'll we'll let them deal with it basically so yeah yeah okay all right wow that's a lot of good stuff um did are we still considering with the shared streets and spaces we were talking about a temporary speed bump or something is that still in the picture so so we had been talking about that and then we realized there was this opportunity at the Pleasant Street crosswalk um and so I think it it ended up with just kind of being easier to say hey let's actually just do the restriping and the beacons there as well instead of doing the temporary stuff okay they're already I thought there was already a beacon at Pleasant Street there's uh there's a beacon I think think I don't know even a beacon there's a ra there's a radar sign is what there is there's a speed feedback radar sign so it'll tell you how fast you're going but nothing that the kids can press and that'll flash to let drivers know hey I'm trying to cross the street so that's what we're trying to do there great wow thanks that's a lot of good lot of good stuff happening okay I'm gonna move on I think ma said that she can talk now so give us your report yes I mov down into my seller and uh the reception seems to be better and it's sticking with me right now so uh the uh energy committee um is continuing we we have a the green community's Grant is they just came out with the with the date for applications it's it's May 10th um we continue are continuing to try and get from oner um to finish up the documentation they need to do in order to um be part of that Grant the grant we're going to apply for will do a building management uh systems upgrading um both um the elementary school and Frontier which will also there will also be some air sealing um that we can get major fun funding from uh ever source and uh so excuse me so we're a lot both schools have put in um uh um Mini Splits but they're only using them for air conditioning and so this this will make it will con interconnect that so they can use them for heat also and reduce the amount of fossil fuels they're using and um so if we can squeak in Frontier gets us their information soon enough and we can get the grant done front uh furog is helping us with that get a grant done uh application in by um May 10th then hopefully all of that will happen over the summer or at least into the fall or whenever we get at usually you get the money uh the beginning of the uh fiscal year so that's exciting and then the other thing that we're looking at um which we talked to the selectman a little bit about is um what's called Green communities 2.0 um which is coming out of doer and uh you you need to um qualify for it and there's a some hoops that we have to jump through but it will mean a a funding for solar and geothermal and things like that that doar will now pick up on because it's this this one has a different Focus Than Just Energy Efficiency but really reduction in fossil fuels so um we're really hoping to be able to do that um and we will be doing presentations to the select board and public hearings on on the the different things that we have to do in order to there's some vehicle policy there's um a new stretch code uh an optional I think it's called optional stretch code anyhow higher grade stretch code etc etc so you will be hearing more about that as time goes on great thanks Tim do you have a timeline on when we might hear about this is it months away well when we talked to you all the um and Mason was there we were talking about um maybe trying to get uh the fall you know at the fall town meeting um that's what we would love because then we'll be as Carolyn has pointed out if you're in the early stages of these grants you get more money and so we'd like to be um you know one of the early applicants uh for for this program and um so I talked to uh Chris Mason just the other day and I I told them that as soon as town meeting was over and the select board had the ability to think about something other than all the things that are lined up for town meeting uh we would do a h presentation for the select board on the um optim optim optimized stretch code uh which I think is going to be the more the most difficult part we also have to we haven't heard that we've gotten the grant for the uh road map which it which we have applied for so those are things that are coming in uh it would be great if we could do it by the Fall town meeting uh if we can't we'll try for spring so ma um going back and I can't I don't think you talked about that you know we've been talking about putting solar on the library roof do you have any leads as to any kind of grants for solar to put on the roof not not yet um all of all everybody's talking about it uh I went and heard um uh chairman Roy who's part who's the chair who's the house chair for the um telecommunication TC T te te the at the house committee on communication and and Telecom Telecom yeah that one and he he spoke at the Sunderland Library along with Natalie blle Natalie set up for him to come out and he's very enthusiastic about beefing up solar um parking lots on uh you know getting you know and on roofs and really optimizing that and they want to have money for it uh what passes the legislature is still up in the air uh T the TCU reported out I think 42 different bills and um and they've got a an Omnibus a climate Omnibus budget that's I mean a bill that's coming out who knows you know maybe by the sometime in the middle of July when they actually get a budget we might know what that some good stuff is coming to fund solar right now everybody's talking nothing's happening okay is anybody on your committee doing aside from that doing any other research looking for Grants anything that's available okay yes and you sent me that um website and I haven't looked at it yet oh okay well that's your homework yes I know oh my God okay that's great all right um yeah Pete sent me some since Pete law couldn't be on tonight he just sent me his reports so I'll just let you know what's going on with that he said he's continuing to work with Chief Bor work and DPW on storm related issues recently they signed off an emergency certificate for Hawks and Foxtown roads and repairs are well underway let's see additional sites throughout town were reviewed discussed several sites visit to ensure proper sediment and erosion control devices were properly installed namely the anelis farm and the sunny days campus that's good to know um further discussions were held with constituents for Cumberland Farms relative to the requirements during the upcoming detention Pond oh maintenance activities yeah so um they're just going to wait until we have some dry weather if that ever happens hopefully and let's see initial discussions were held between the kcom and outdoor space and wreck committee regarding kcom potential role in protecting four Parcels of town-owned land K okay primarily on the PUK Ridge so yeah that's interesting okay air I can speak to that if that if you're if you're interested that's the four Parcels of land that we've been working that been working on forever there we had hoped to get um conservation restrictions on those four pieces of land and that uh Franklin Land Trust would hold those conservation restrictions because the town cannot hold them because they own the land right and Franken the land trust said no yeah and and said but there is another means by which the land can be protected and it's called article H want to say it's either 79 or 92 um and it involves I'm sorry 79 97 97 OH Close uh 97 uh and it it it requires kcom to accept the land and that's what the discussion was about so that's what I don't know what the result was the the article 97 says the kcom will do this and unfortunately um our kcom doesn't have bylaws yet and so they sort of react to things um through this list of options that they have but they don't have bylaws that say that they can accept so we're in this weird limbo of you know the state says you should have to do this and then say h we don't know how to do that so that's that's where we are well that you know that's something you know if other other towns have bylaws K come can look at that we can do it and vote on it at special town meeting if they got you know got with it caring um I just got a question do any of those Parcels have the uh H Beaver Dam on it Andrea do know so it's steam Mill Forest it's the pine Nook Forest Forest it's um uh a piece of land it's called wood it's up on the Eastern it's close to the um Stage Road and what's the fourth one I think the fourth one is also on Pine Nook road so I don't know they certainly have vernal pools on them we know I don't know about a de Beaver Pond they they don't have beavers okay they're up on the mountains so yeah it's way up yeah they're all way up no that's good this is this is um directly sort of by John uh sters if you go from John sters property and look up okay we we need to we need to be aware of that Beaver Pond because that has is holding back a lot of water and at some point we need to be doing something with it from a public health point of view it it could let go at some time and it would be awful but relocation project yes adopt a pet I don't know so just two things two things really quick on the article 97 so one I believe uh Julie had a question into our Town Council about you know what are some other ways we can make sure these are article 97 worthy um and then the other the other thing to be aware of is that um with the Stillwater Bridge Project um the town May well end up having to um do some kind kind of article 97 land swap potentially depending on where the the the reconstructed Bridge Falls um so there might be an opportunity here to you know kind of kill two birds with one stone yeah bundle it all together yeah yeah something just something to be aware of yeah I want I do want to say that um Franklin Land Trust helped us understand this article 97 so even though they declined to hold the Sears they are still continuing to help us that's great Caroline I uh just to follow up from what Christopher said about the Stillwater Bridge we um are moving forward to start that process and the reason why I was pushing so hard for it is because the property on the Southeast side of the bridge is um DCR property and it is in conservation so what he's talking about is doing a flip if it goes through the legislature usually you have to do it you know more and double sometimes so this would be a really good project to be one of those things if it's if the land is considered good enough and um oh take a rock yeah I someone should report on this because this is huge it's you know it's our bridge but the state um is finally working on it it's $23 million project that I've been you know shepherding for like 15 years so but we we just found out you know last in about a few months ago that we have to take care of this the property where the bridge is going to be um expanding so the we have to deal with the hydro companies that own the West Side both north and south and plus a a private resident so we're we're the plans were just this past week approved so we are starting that process and hopefully we'll have some information I would think some basic information you know in by the summer good great thank you all right uh last but not least Tim so I'm going to go quickly um just to say it on recording April of the annual town meeting April 29th at 6 PM front here be there uh 1888 walkthrough second walkthrough is taking place on Friday at 1 o'clock um for any interested designers um some additional information will be shared with the whole everyone who's visited or does visit on Friday Christopher Dunn has talked about the possibility for looking at whether we can get a a grant of up to 200,000 for an elevator is that right Chris oh yeah the uh Municipal Ada program uh Improvement program so that would be you know at some point next year looking at that but yep that's definitely on the radar okay um the 1821 Building kitchen flooring as Carolyn mentioned has gone in the applian has arrived um the cabinets have been ordered and they should be here in four weeks um the sinks and faucets are waiting to be installed um we have a carpenter lined up to um be the lead on assembling the cabinets when they arrive and I'm going to be his dog's body um the ly lot contract apparently is getting closer to being in our hands um and we're optimistic that an RFP can go out within the next four to six weeks is that what you're hearing from Chris Nolan Christopher it is yep and uh so they it's still just kind of waiting on the feds um you know I I think they're talking about whether or not they can go out to actually procure construction um and then just wait to sign the contracts after they you know Square everything away with the the US government so rightest I I went and met uh Congressman McGovern who came to the senior center on Wednesday and I talked with Kobe Gardner LaVine his aid from the North Hampton office and he explained a little bit about they're trying to intercede on our behalf with the uh government agency that's holding up the contract so hopefully you know that will write itself um as you heard sunny days is actually doing work now so when you drive along um Ro Greenfield Road um past Treehouse going south you'll see a big bunch of trees that have been removed and you'll see the erosion controls that uh Pete was talking about hay bales and um fencing and the last thing is that uh although we don't usually talk about this um last year we tried to get a human rights advisory committee over the finish line and we thought we had done that but um couple of people backed out of the process so I'm going to try and work with Kate laws who had been one of the people who are hoping to chair the thing um to try and finish up the process and then look for volunteers to serve on a committee and that's it well so getting back to the 1821 building who installed the floor Tim yes yes Tim did a big hand to Tim for doing that it looks amazing oh my God the whole place looks amazing I know it does and it's so exciting once the kitchen is in there we're hoping to arrange some Senior Center tours for people so they can go and about oh this would be nice to move in here so perect a lot of the work's been done so the feasibility study should have a better place to look at yeah oh the final thing I wanted to mention is we have awarded a contract to fix the the roof of the church the relish project as we call it and uh um it it was more expensive than we thought it would be from the two year ago estimate but probably there's a lot of work involved and um I think company that we hired has got its bonding in place and now I don't know if the contract is in process of being signed do you have any update on that Christopher no Carolyn oh sorry we approved the uh contract for um also the bracing of the balcony so a relish repair two relishes and that was why it was a little bit more than what we estimated because we had originally thought there was only one relish that was rotting out and slipping but there's two and then also the the alternate of the bracing for the balcony so the wood I mean the it wouldn't put more stress on the relishes that are repaired and then we can start working on the sanctuary it's so exciting I have to say Tim has done an amazing job um that is great thank you yeah yeah yay all right I'm trying to think what else if there's anything else just a couple things I know that Christopher I don't know I guess um business West magazine came out and so this this is when I was on vacation in Mexico and Christopher so we had we had a three-way conversation about the campus and I did plug senior housing for whatever that worth you know on business West but thanks Christopher that was that was a nice article but that was fun I was on the beach talking before my margarita of course but anyway that was fun and let's see what else oh there's also I think Tim I think you attended that there's there was a Melissa Hofer Zoom there's a series on climate change climate issues I think through the MMA and so uh the first speaker was Melissa Hoff who is just amazing I mean she just I just I can't believe how how amazing she she's so smart and she's such a great speaker so it was really good and I'm not sure who's who's the next one but I think I just signed up for that one so that was really good um what else don't you have an MMA thing this weekend on Saturday no no that's April 27th that's the 27th yeah yeah that's at hotel Northampton that's it MSA rural conference right okay Carolyn I just want to just follow up on that uh the next the next uh climate you know chat fireside chat or whatever they're calling it is um uh going to be on actual implementation so um I I did talk to Melissa about uh the ewp program that we use the emergency Watershed protection program that we use here in Town successfully and so she's whoever's going to be talking about it is one of the things they're going to be um so I mean they may reference Deerfield who knows but we've had she did she Melissa referenced Deerfield I think first when she was talking about different towns so that was that was sort of cool but she's she is great um we're having her speak just in case anyone is interested Massachusetts is hosting the um New England and the National Association of conservation districts meeting this uh this summer in Boston I happen to be president of the mass Association of conservation districts and Melissa it will be speaking and um so it's August um uh 12th 13th in case anyone is interested excellent on the sea port so it's pretty nice nice yeah all right so if there's uh we need to set another meeting or next meeting and obviously after town meeting at this point right let's see it's April I don't know do you want it wait town meeting is 29th 29th and there's Town election on the 6 so I don't know what do people think yeah well is Christopher when is the 604b and the um 319s do that's like in the middle of the month right want to say that the 604b is May 8th but let me just double check my calendar the only reason I'm thinking is we should we should wait until we have um some input you know know some concrete input from some of the grants that we're intending to apply for maybe I don't know just because poor Chris will be out straight anyway so you want to do it after May 8th yeah I was thinking of the week of the 13th or the 20th something like that so that we have something to report because we can planning board meeting is May 13th um and maybe ma will have more info on the um you know the Green community stuff too right okay yeah it's May 16th I know that's a senior housing night it seems to Thursday seem to be I know but you guys meet every week yes so that we can I'm sure that my committee would be delighted to no pressure Le no pressure I don't know you know it seems Wednesdays are problematic it seems like the other days are Thursday's fine but Thursday May 16th May 16th is that good for people yeah that's fine yeah okay I will be at a meline Peru concert at the bomic center oh so will I oh well that's we I'm totally jealous what what I need to talk to you about that okay so I mean okay so two people can't attend so yeah we need May 23rd maybe y That's yeah that's fine should because the other thing is maybe we'll get um Julie chalant back because school will be out you know colleges will be out well yeah and I mean right now it's busy I I did see her the other night and I said hey CC but you know they have finance committee meetings it's like you know she's 247 yeah definitely putting in a lot of work on that outside of meetings to yeah I mean it's it's crazy time of year so so is May 23rd better yes works for me yes yeah okay wanted to remind everyone who's a Deerfield resident that um there is an election on May 6 and you can sign up or if you've signed up for or need to get a a ballot in advance you should contact the town and find out the process and otherwise turn out and vote on May 6 uh yeah definitely okay what time do we meet is it 6:30 6:30 we've got Thursday May 23rd at 6:30 okay all right so if there is no other business that was anticipated do I hear a motion well the does the select board have to close their meeting first I make a motion to close the select board meeting second all those in favor MLG Andi do I hear a motion to close CCI okay take a vote Lely hi Jim hi Christopher hi Em EMT hi Tim hi Andrea hi Carolyn yes Denise yes okay thanks everyone good meeting