##VIDEO ID:NTiIr1unyp8## okay welcome to the planning board meeting August 12th 2024 at 6:29 p.m. and Emily would you read there would love to really thank you this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance and or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems up the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in person in the main meeting room here we are of Dearfield municipal offices in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 30A anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to the clerk and provide their name and address for the record right thanks Emily and so welcome I appreciate your enthusias all right okay all right call to order um the agenda guidelines for business meeting please speak one at a time follow Dearfield code of conduct be respectful considerate courteous concise and recognized by the chair that's me identify board members um and Buchanan I heard you okay Andre lebson here okay Andy Canon is there here y Emily Gaylord Emily Gaylord here satu Zer satu Zer here Rachel Blaine Rachel blae here and Denise Mason here excellent okay review the minutes uh 513 2024 has everyone had a chance to review them are there any additions Corrections if not do I hear a motion so we're going to do one at a time yeah yeah I'll do uh so I move that we um approve the 13th of May minutes and I'm sorry who's speaking that's Rachel blae thank you Rachel we here a second second all right all in favor Andre leapson i m Cen I Rachel blae Rachel blae I Emily Gaylord Emily Gaylord I satu Zer statu Zer I and Denise Mason I and then the second minutes uh from 78 2024 any additions Corrections no and I move that we accept the minutes as presented Rachel blae for uh the seventh the 8th of July right do hear a second I'm going to abstain because I was absent second all right okay um Andrea lebson hi am Canan hi Rachel Blaine I want to vote twice because I actually came here to that remote meeting you were in the car yeah I thought it was so I was actually here I I okay Denise Mason I so Emily Gaylord and Sater were absent all right thank you and new business let's see the next next amp landfill solar request for extension of site plan review decision all right I mean this is just pretty basic does anyone want to speak to that any hi I'm Melinda Castello with Weston and Samson civil engineer um working with nexamp on this project Henry um Barrett with nexamp is on as well um like you mentioned we're just requesting a um extension to the existing sfe plan approval for the project it's a solar PV development located at the town of Deerfield um existing landfill um and if you have any questions um we would be happy to answer them but it's just an extension to the existing permit I think excuse me I think I heard most of what you said our sound system is not the best here right excuse me so just to paraphrase if people have not heard it's extending the request for the site plan review uh there are just a couple issues because they had to uh work with eversource um they anticipate a final resolution Within the next one to two months and will'll then be able to start construction shortly thereafter doesn't seem to be a a time like an EXT right that was my question this is Andrea how long are we extending it for until November 20 oh I see I don't think it's on here anyway that's all I'm wondering yeah there's no not a huge issue but it sounds like you're moving along it would be good just to have a date so that we were we were sure not to to check back once you'd started construction I hi this is Henry Barrett with with next Sam um I think in our original request that we had submitted um we were just requesting another oneyear extension to the to the original oneye um just to I think give us some some buffer so we don't need to come back like you said again if if if we haven't strained everything out on with with the town you know the next one to two months as we said you know I think we are in track to do that um but I think just in in case we were asking for for an initial one year and that goes till what date please so the original sorry the original hold on was November 2023 so are you asking for November 2024 or 2025 uh it would have been in um 2025 because I think we were approved in in August of 23 and then the um I think the appeal period expired in October of 23 yeah I mean yeah it was basically November I think by the time the decision was written so yeah so that would have gone to 2024 and now yeah you're asking for the extension to 2025 is that November 1 then or November 30th I mean I'm looking for a date I don't have the um I don't have the decision in front of me I could find it I don't know the exact date of the decision I have the decision right here um so it was filed with the town clerk on October 25th and that was before the appeals period started um so the appeals period would have been mid November yep yeah add 20 days to that um I'm just looking at my calendar give me one minute one two four um so November 22nd 2025 thank you all right um anybody else have question concern no all right so I'll take a vote on do you want to will we move I move that we um approve an extension for for um next amp for the uh Deerfield Landfield solar project uh side plan review um extending it from November 2024 to November 22nd 2025 that's Rachel bla Emily Gord second all right take a vote Andre leapson Andre leapson I can be Canon I Rachel bla Rachel bla I Emily Gaylord Emily G Lord I satu Zer satu Zer I and Denise Mason I so you're all set and we look forward to seeing some action over at the transfer station us too thank you very much thank you thanks Henry appreciate it okay great all right hopefully that will help reduce the cost to our municipal buildings so to the electricity all right uh so now we have our 225 Greenfield Road spr notice is hereby given that the deral planning board will hold a public hearing on Monday August 12th 2024 at 6:30 pm on a site plan review application filed by Richard thank you Richard strike okay all right for the property located on 225 Greenfield Road identified in the Assessor's Records as map 123 lot 23 to construct a new 1,792 ft building comprised of office space and a 2bay garage pursuant to zoning bylaws chapter 179 application documents available for review and foyer of municipal offices or online at www. Dearfield mass. Us in the calendar event all right would you like to come up to the microphone and briefly talk about why let's see it's been what 13 years since the initial yeah building yeah okay uh JD Ross JDR Builders I'm Richard can you just I mean you gotta really speak yeah you have to really speak into it it's very hard to hear no that's try the other one try the other one try the other one are you supposed to yeah and hopefully that's hello hello JD Ross JDR Builders and I'm Richard's Builder and this is Richard stri cars of Walters propane great welcome okay would you like to briefly explain what yes so back in 2013 Richard pursued this property 225 Greenfield Road um EX extensive permanent required for this conservation um C plan riew zoning board and there was a 60x60 building on this paral that was approved back in 2013 he did everything on that plan except build the building so all of the storm water management all of the grading parking everything has been done except whatting the building up and now his business has grown to the point where he needs to get his office out of his house and have a small office for um his clerical worker so this building will have a an office for billing and so forth um he'll have a handicap bathroom a lunchroom for him and uh the worker and a couple of drivers that he has seasonally and then have a storage garage so to speak but he can't put any propane trucks in the garage it's not allowed um so it's like a personal vehicle in the propane supplies like an bags and regulators and things like that um there's maybe I would say 10 or 12 at the most vehicle trips from the public um dropping off a check there's no there's no nothing for sale at this building there's no retail aspect of it just dropping off a payment that's the only thing they could do there the building has to be built to meet Ada so it'll have uh it'll be an accessible building so have a handicap access handicapped accessible front door and 8 bathroom inside of it in case he had an employee that was handicapped um other than that there's no change to the property there's and there's there's no grading changes there's no parking changes there's no lighting changes and Mr striar has done an exceptional job maintaining the Bey of the property it's very very well maintained and very well very well kept do you have any questions for us I have one question you've decided to make it a smaller building just haven't needed a bigger building is that the yeah congratulations on a successful business too that's awesome and I was on the board for this that's great congratulations that's awesome nice to get it kind of in that spot my yeah my yeah it's beautiful [Laughter] all right um questions Emily satu and Andrea wow no questions um yeah we're not open yet um yeah and you did have a peer review back in 2013 so that's good too because oftentimes we do ask for peer review if we have questions because we personally aren't are not experts on all this so we do um ask to do that let's see and yes um some of the high points are no hazardous materials um office regular car so yeah it seems pretty straightforward um let's see so at this point I think I will okay no other questions I will open it up to public comment and if you would be so kind as to come up or you know you can go s you can sit over here and speak very clearly into the microphone as I said the system is a little problematic so my back no no no you have to speak right and please state your name tell me who your name is Valerie thank you I live at 12 Evans Lane so my my yard is just adjacent to your business and um well so do I understand that there people won't be driving into to order propane um and I think my only other concern is nighttime lighting what you see is what you get now there not GNA which I think is just the um I think you have a a motion detector I do yeah so that that it'll remain that yeah okay okay you won't need any for police or anything yeah can can you please speak for since no there's no change in the lighting on the building um we might put a little LED down light in the sofit to eluminate the front just for security but there's nothing there's nothing Illuminating the park or anything nothing up a if anything have a soft it just shining down on the front of it um a little down light um and there's no it's windy it goes on oh the windy oh I'm not sure I mean he does have security there because it's a retail it's a commercial property he has ret I mean he has security for his things well this the one thinking right I think so it's it's down the road yeah it's down near me yeah the new building that that'll go away we believe and they do go on with the wind yes I know exactly going which is no big deal because when it's that windy I'm not gonna out there very often anyway build be right there's no Services open to the public in this building other than coming to drop off a check there's no they can't come in and buy propane they can't come get a tank filled they can't it's not a store open for business it's literally just Dr probably I mean so I see a truck parked along the road there occasionally and I'm wondering is that who you you want the garage for or is that is that the auto shop up there that's Greg's property I believe say I'm sorry I can't hear the second speaker at all we're talking that's all right it's it's just okay I okay um so no I I see a truck parked from my window and it's halfway between your business and the top of the hill where the auto body shop is so I I so is that what it's a it's a d it's a um oh the dump trucks are on the other side no this is I think it's just a personal truck I'm guessing it's somebody that comes into work it's a pickup truck I don't know actually I mean yes but what you're asking is is that going to be the truck I guess I'm wondering if that's who the employee is that you wanted the garage that you're building the garage for no the the garage is for his own personal vehicle and supp you don't park there right now no I mean he I mean he's running a business out of the facil so he does have employees that come in to do stuff and it's an allowed use in the commercial Zone have employees they park on the property but they go home at the end of the day and um he's hiring an office manager to come in to get them out of his house so that he can you know I'm doing the same thing my business propane trucks there's not gonna be any different it's gonna be what has been there there's no change in the number of propane trucks there's no change in vehicle trips other than maybe a handful of people are going to drop off a payment once a usually drop them off my house Sun going so there you go yeah there's no change well I can ask a question and it's probably moot because I think it's on Greg's property but there's a light that's on every night that's really powerful I have the light that illuminates the cage I have a yeah no no this light is up at the top of the road if you you know you go across the bridge and then you go up the road goes all the way up to Greg's Auto Body and into has a light there that parking lot that's is that his I yes there's two lights that would be his yes okay okay yeah that might be best to have a conversation with Greg okay about that I think that would be good yeah great okay well only thing I had it was more decorative fairy lights on the bridge did you see those I don't know yeah I have noticed those for more I did do that no that's okay actually you've been a fine neighbor I appreciate that yeah no been no okay thank you thank you all set yeah great thank you all right um are there any other no other public I don't see anybody else so at this point I'll close the public hearing and we will deliberate y do does the applicant have a copy of his proposed condition does the have a proposed do have a copy Amy was working on them the other day but she didn't give it to me oh you've got it good thanks yeah thank you I'm on the weightly planning boards this is pretty standard to me excuse me I'm on the weightly planning boards this is pretty standard to me although you're prob more more technologically advanced than we are in wle oh well we have Amy we have an yeah and nice and nice chairs we have to get here early for these yeah I mean basically you know when I'm looking at the conditions a lot of them are you know basic conditions that um oops there you go um I think one of them that Amy did I mean you know some of these are with the building inspector you can read that we sorry we have already been the Conservation Commission and cleared that so they have all the information right there no issues you don't have to uh meet with the fire commissioner the fire chief because you're not going to destroy Anye the building is small enough that it doesn't require that's not big enough of a square footage for the fire department I have been to visit them to discuss what we're doing there okay so there's no issues good good good and I think there just the other thing is that you would put a sign up saying that there's no propane stored so people don't get upset did they did they want to do that because I was with Bob Walden the other day and he said that he didn't want to put I offered that to the fire department and they didn't care about it so Bob didn't want to put it in because they didn't require it okay but if you would like a little sign I'll gladly put one in I mean I I sign but there's no propane on site there's no propane in the building in the building no so they house infinity propane before so you're just doing it office so why would okay I mean there is propane on site don't bring propane tank inside right right right right all right I think that's what it is I think that's what exactly I think that's what the concern is thank you appreciate it okay all right so number 10 about giving you $5,000 is being waved is that the case in order to enable to pay we are not asking these are standard conditions I you know I should have looked at this well I don't think this one needs to be here okay well I'm sorry did I leave something in that shouldn't be in there Amy are you looking at number 10 the condition I don't think it's necessary because we're not asking for peer review um oh yeah sorry if I looked that in there by accident certainly you can take that out you can also take out the sign I didn't realize that that Bob you know that's up to you guys as the planning board I just since it had been mentioned i' put it in there that's to do it then we'll take out the peer review stuff is it all of 10 though it's all of 10 yes just want to put that meeing minutes that we struck 10 yeah when we no there's there's no reason to do that I'm not asking peer review so you can just scratch that one off let's just make sure that that's documented in the minutes why we're omitting 10 just in case there's any clarification later yeah when the fire department comes through if they feel more strongly I don't object to putting it in okay okay which one I'm sorry regarding the sign oh if the if they feel more strongly they change their mind that they want it there's no objection on our part Bob didn't want to muddy it up so if they didn't mandate it we didn't have to do it but I see see something changes and I have to put a sign up I'll do it it doesn't matter to me all right so at this point okay you won't put a sign up but if you need to you will correct thank you all right so I mean those are all the conditions um do you are there any questions about them any [Music] issues Rachel is there anything we should know from your last from my last I I can barely remember 13 days ago 13 weeks ago would be a stretch 13 years H I was on the board for this yep I'll have confessions later on that one I was just new on the board I had just joined the board at that point so I was asking a lot of really um of the new new child question new new child small child questions at the time very important questions Rachel okay all right so I mean if if there any um questions about the conditions then you can other than that number 10 other than number 10 yeah so if I um make a motion all right so I'm going to make a motion that we um approve now what are we doing we are approving a site plan review application okay yeah may I ask do we need to close the public hearing first I'm sorry oh we close the public hearing we need to vote on no you Clos the comment you didn't close the hearing I think I move that we close the public hearing second all right Andrew Leon hi MD Canon hi richel bla hi Emily Gaylord hi Su solar I Denise Mason I public hearing is closed all right all right so now I'm going to or deliberation and now I'm going to um make a motion that we approve the sign plan review application filled by Richard strikar for the property located at 225 Greenfield Road identified um in the assessor records as map 123 Lot 23 to construct a new 1,792 square foot building comprised of office baates to Bay garage pursuant to zoning by by laws 179 and we are um including the proposed conditions that the applicant has in front of him with the exception of number 10 which um we ask to to strike in this case so it's the one that we've proposed um that that should I read them all that what should I read them all no um there the applicant has applicant has them and has agreed to um them minus number 10 which is um um a site plan site right perw sorry review engaging right to engage the assistance of outside Consultants which we do not see as important in this case necessary we don't see as necessary in this case I hear second necessary just for the minutes we don't think it's necessary because it was already done yes correct okay and I was here when it was done it was a lot not because we just not because we don't think it's important we think it's important but they did it all right I hear second second all right so that was that was um Andrew Leon Andrew Leon I am Canon am Canon and I Rachel bla richel bla I Emily Gaylord Emily G Lord I Sater saer I Denise Mason I you're all set you're welcome we'll do a little drive by to check you so much for coming to talk to us yeah yes and thank you yes well everything's closed you're welcome to right now yeah but I know and it'll be good in the end in the end you'll take it down and it will look beautiful it yes it will be but it will be ugly for a little while I do get that all right thank you well thanks thank you all for coming inner I convergence of water would you like to come out and maybe might we go out there sometime and I would love to do that actually that would that would be really good because I mean at this point the public hearing is closed everything is closed so you know you can and that makes for good neighbors so I appreciate that to be St it's it's independent what we're doing it's not in our work area where we're so existing conditions are what they are we're not proposed to change there we're just working on the area that was the plan literally we're building we're going to on the plan that's BR marking lot right now we're going to dig maybe a foot bigger fo the building in and grade back firm management any changing it it doesn't change from what it is yeah okay not all right thanks for coming in and good luck with the project thank you all right so any other business may I ask what this is Andrea why are um is information from cha and the bridge the still Water Bridge included in tonight's packet is there something we should know about that to discuss tonight Amy Amy included that go ahead Amy yeah it's it's mail that was received okay so if you want to discuss it you know there was a lot of ma okay thank you Amy I didn't understand y okay great okay any other business not reasonably anticipated 48 hours before no okay any reports from any committees this is Andrea can just speak very loud and clear this is Andrea from the open space committee uh the open space committee met again with f with um Eric Malloy of Eaglebrook School so we did that and we had a meeting uh on the 5th last week and um we are pursuing again article 97 uh protection of land and discovered that two of the pieces of land we were concerned about are already covered by article 97 for uh the Town Council so that's really good we're still waiting to hear about a few more parcels and we continue to um work and meet and we are very gungho about submitting a mass Trails Grant in the next cycle which uh would be due February 1st great thank you that's encouraging see anything else um I was at a select boarding meeting last week and I think there are architectural plans that look really good for the 1880 1888 building which is the former Senior Center um I think they're going to be having some public meetings to show the plans over the course of the summer and then eventually I think that's coming up at our um special town meeting and also I don't know if you you get the Greenfield Recorder um there was an article about the MVP Municipal vulnerability projects and the grant funding and we got I think $179,000 to do a study on um I think can't remember the exact bloody Brook and the water infiltration so um we've been working on that on the MVP committee so um considering that we've had so much flooding in the past couple years and we'll probably continue to get you know have more flooding so that's that is really important I so that's one of the project objects that we chose um that we thought was the most important you know prioritize you know flooding since that's such an issue and trying to think anything else I know that and I haven't been down town much but I know the Larry lot has started construction that's exciting the library is cooking going you know moving along um I think everything is great in the temporary Library building and um I think that's about it so a lot of things are happening and um trying to think yep that's about it that's all I have and I think everyone got the town hearing notices and decisions it's quite a quite a few and our next meeting is September 9th 20 when's the special town meeting special town meeting will be October 7th 6 o'clock at Frontier I think it starts at 6 6 630 yeah yeah so there will be there will be a number of things on the warrant I think open space has something on the warrant the energy committee has a couple things on the warrant I'm not really clear what else I think for the 1888 building um that'll be on there as well what does the open space have on for that we are going to ask for some money because the grant that we are um applying for requires some matching funds from the town and you'd have to have them in place before February 1st and so it would be before the next regular town meeting yeah it's not a lot of money but it's some yep all right um so do I you hear a motion I make a motion that we uh journ oh I'll second that motion oh sorry who made the motion that would be Rachel thank you and Emily second that Emily all right um Andrea leapson I'm happy to adjourn yes Amy Canon I richel blae I Emily Gaylord i s Zer I Denise Mason I so meeting is adjourned thank you Amy thanks Amy thanks Andrea fun welcome hi thanks okay