good evening it's 5 o'clock i' like to call the dear Elementary School school committee to order this meeting is being recorded um the first call to uh on our agenda this morning this evening is first to introduce our two School Comm members we have Amy s and William buuza J J thank you very good probably should have before we start all right welcome aboard so the first thing we do is with our new membership is to do a reorganization and so I lead that and so we'll see how it goes so first of all I'm looking for a nomination for chair I nominate Carrie yes first and second for Carrie any other nominations seeing none closing nominations all in favor for Carri be chair I V car it's your meeting thank you all right uh the next uh please we'll vote for a vice chair uh I would nominate any ctis Vice chair she any other nominations all in favor okay uh now the rest of the uh roles are appointed and what I'll do for new members and for every benefit uh just go through and give a brief intro on everything um and then we can see uh uh secretary uh this is a mostly a formality uh Annie has volunteered to continue doing minutes for this year so secretary doesn't do minutes it's mostly being available to very very occasionally sign something digitally would anyone like to do that yeah okay sorry this would be an easy thing I'm happy to do whatever you think is a good job for me any of that uh so Frontier representative the way the frontier school committee is structured is a combination of members who are voted in by the towns and members who are appointed by the Four elementary school committees uh it's one of the bigger roles because the Oren work on two committees uh Mary has been doing it for us for years and if she's willing to do it again okay weint Mary to that role uh Union 38 Representatives uh when we meet in joint committee and vote on something as A4 elementary school together we have three representatives to do that um this is something that is a good fit for anyone I think uh I would be happy to continue on doing it again this year any else any you've done in the pasted yeah okay and this is um I think this is f thing for um it's we meet typically schedu for one joint meeting a year and be participating at that joint meeting go to the meeting no matter what yeah only some yes we I'm happy to be included on the list of for those Representatives okay so I would appoint myself Annie and will for the UN Representatives um collaborative representative is one I have in mind as a breaket for newcomer um the collaborative for Education Services uh Services school school districts in Hampshire and Frankin counties the board that oversees it is made up of one representative from each member district uh so the commitment is they need six times month in the six times a year sorry six times a year in the evening for a couple hours uh it's a great opportunity to learn more about uh you get to meet people from other districts and talk about what issues are facing the districts um learn more about what uh the collaborative is doing uh working the town and they serve in our meetings which is a nice so the the two that I was going to suggest for our newcomers um one is the collaborative represent ative and the other is uh the policy Review Committee I would say the collab probably has slightly has a bigger time commitment they're both in the evenings I'm I would be interested in the policy Review Committee and looking at Capital Improvements committee I know that's outside the scope of what we speaking to now but either of those I would be happy to sit okay and I would be happy to be the collaborative representative okay all right thank you all which brings us to Capital Improvement committee uh so Capital Improvement committe uh school committe is represented to the town's Capital movements uh group uh and that meets it's several times a year but clustered around the town meetings um I've done this past year it was interesting if that's I'd be happy to continue on if could we continue on together and we could work simultaneously on that committee um so there's one appointment from the the school committee but they are just open spots available for anyone from the town who wased in serving I think because I would you have a much better understanding of those dinner workings but I could sit in and follow along and then learn that would be yeah yeah if you would like to join there that opens I think that's yeah I think that's I so okay so I will appoint myself at the schol Min WAP and then um you another uh the policy Review Committee uh this is uh one member from our committee along with a member from every other for elementary school in Frontier uh to review policy set by this coming from the state FR early uh I think there'll be a handful of meetings probably earlier in the year um so will like that y will for that all right the negotiations team uh primarily uh negotiates with the unions we are coming up on a negotiation contract year so it's um probably looking at several meetings um I would like to appoint any yeah great uh superintendency agreement committee we have a superintendency agreement in place so committee had leave this dissolved and we meting and a sickly thing uh so this is the school committee Prides two members who uh approved Sly Bank requests the structure of it might be changing it's one of the agenda items we be discussing tonight um the way it has worked in the past is it's a couple times a year five or 10 minute remot meetings it's not much of a is there anyone who someone else to continue not for now it has but okay I will Mar all right Amy or Annie Annie okay I think that might more okay now that you're reorganized uh I would like to start by saying last week is Teacher Appreciation Week I just want to take a moment to thank all the teacher and staff here at the um the people working in this building are what make this such a good school to being so thank you appreciate you okay we're going to uh review minutes um so for the new members uh you can vote on the minutes even if you did not attend the meeting voting is just acknowledging that you entering them into the record um so you can vote or you can choose to we're going to look at the minutes uh two meetings on March 6 and one meeting on March 26th 2022 6 March 6 second further discussion all in favor against any extensions the financial statement and okay uh let me get the warrant total for the record was uh 33 warrants were signed electronically totaling $268,800 12 um will or Amy if you have any trouble with any of that you can reach out to Michelle or me at any time I'm happy to give you a hand um you have questions just let us know send them our way you probably don't really know what you're looking at at this point when you see them come through but I'm happy to help um so the expense reports I just want to talk quickly about as we're wrapping up FY 24 so you can see on the last page of the report for the general fund uh we had about 6% of the budget remaining which is roughly 340,000 this is as of April 30th so that would be remaining funds to get us to the end of the school year I think in the last 10 business days we've already been working on spending that down supply lines curriculum lines textbook um facilities related like if we can stock up on codal things like that anything that we can buy um with this year's funds we do have some savings some of them are pretty significant which I think is positive for us because we've had many conversations about population shrinking means less opportunity for school choice enrollments which means our school choice balance will slowly diminish and we're going to talk about the front endway project and we have the playground coming up in the next couple years so I think that this is positive for us this year um couple of big things to note in case you were questioning um there's significant Savings in the assistant principal line because the structure of that position changed this year that ended up not being a fulltime rooll as it has in the past um we also have uh the subline is significantly under spent the staff has done an excellent job and Tina's done an excellent job of sort of backfilling with existing staff um rather than having so many outside Subs coming in so we have savings there um we had some Personnel changes that resulted in like different column or lower step placements so there's savings on the teacher lines and then one of the biggest ones is uh in the transportation line so we used some Esser money to cover Transportation originally we had talked last year about it covering a teacher but to save on a 9% um sear charge to mass teacher retirement we ended up paying Transportation instead of the teacher so we should have had a teacher overage but with all the Personnel changes and some unpaid leaves of absence we've been able to recoup that money so um that is a significant amount we'll have at least 50,000 in transportation that we can move over into school choice to save the future use I expect we're going to have a bit more money than we anticipated at year end which is positive for us this point given some of the big things that are coming up and we're also still working on you know that end of your wish list that we always bring into play at this time trying to see that we can take care of for staff and needs that are un budgeted expenses so we'll keep plugging away tomorrow's the deadline for spending so Tina and I will take another look yeah it's a little Cy you have questions that I didn't answer about particular lines I have a this is more of a you know a little naive about budget so there is a way to put Savings in a place where it can so what we will do is take something that we've already paid on school choice and we'll move it over to the general fund so it'll free up school thank you principal I don't have an official sens report most of what I would cover would be in the DS updates that if you are you receiving them now the dees updates that I sent out I'm GNA look into that because we just added a guest feature and I was told that you if you want to copy let me know um and then I'll round out the principles report when we have our Behavior committee update thank you have public comment not seeing any hands raised on okay next item of the ENT project budget and vot I just want to make a quick announcement about um not announcement but um I my father-in-law is the great administrator onject so recuse myself from um any discussion I'll be abstaining from any all right so um as you know we we boed massive Landscaping the fanry project we begin after um school lets out um and part of the um with the base bid which was to do the front entry way and then there was the something called the alternate one $35,000 the roadway the ring right up there the roadway going around they're going to have to go into it to replace the curving so then when they do that they're going to end up you're have to rip the asphalt out so unless you asphalt the whole thing over you are now going to have a very ugly turnabout which is also falling apart and if the handicap spots look out and look at them there's a huge um depressions it's starting to fall apart it's going to have to be done in the next five years anyways um so the add alt on that was 35 just over 35,000 and then we also have um some engineering fees that we still have to pay as well putting it all together the bid came $22,000 $23,000 over you have the $35,000 all then you have your engineering so this is about 990,000 oh I was going up I'm sorry 990,000 um you're short night sorry oh that's okay I didn't realize you were asking for that all right so around $90,000 we are sure um to the money that we have already set aside for this so I went to the town board meeting a few weeks ago and told them about our our issue and they was actually a month ago and then they discussed a few weeks ago again they look at chapter 90 money and that kind of thing can that be considered a roadway um and if they had any money put toward it through there um some of their funding they were able to come up with 35,000 um to offset that and so we are now about 45,000 uh we need 50,100 ,100 58 C um and we are recommending um tonight to pay for that at a school choice to not do this part of the project it's kind of was one of those things where um we add it as an ALT um because you can do it without it but you know you're you're really just causing another problem where a problem is going next to be if it's not all at once it's going to be cleaner the whole front of the building area will look nicer um we do have from this year savings and within field joice SCH rice money to pay for it um so that's our recommendation no I was just going to give numbers for the record if you want them of the total cost before any change orders or contingencies as it stands right now is 317,000 $549 and we had funding of you ready let me know yep Ready we had funding of so that's what jerus was saying it was about 90 short just short of 90,000 so we're on the line for another 50 as darus said 50,60 and we'll have to have further discussion about change orders and things that come up during Texas and continue to but the transportation savings alone from this year cover the shortfall that Pro so we'll be in the table even if we have to into school it seems reasonable to me if that has to be done at some point in the future anyway comments questions so are you looking for a vote just look into a motion to use 50, $168 to of school choice to do the alt one and um alt one and the engineering fees further discussion second oh okay all in favor post stain all right and that leads us to the playground project um so this is kind of more of discussion so we had already um so we're talking about our new members we're talking about doing the playground on the left hand side of the school it's the board of no it's the K to4 playground um and we have already um engaged with engineering to look at um what can be done but looking ahead um looking at this project the most likely Avenue of funding for it looking where the town's finances are and such and where our finances are going to be um is to go after CPA and go after the CPA Recreation line for that and you know within that it's going to be um it's going to be a lot of work of of attending those meetings and communicating with those groups and also communicating um with you know from Capital to um that CPA Group and then also working with what is our price point going to be with the architect while that does fall within our roles administrators I'm thinking that this might be something where we get a either subcommittee um playground committee from the school committee and and develop something where there's more hands and more voices involved um because I think it it'll get a better Community charge behind it rather than the top down kind of hey we want these three from like what are we choosing to be on the playground you know and a lot of the repairs and such to make it more accessible for all students right now it is very limiting for those Rec mobility issues um and yeah and there's also going to be issues with the fact that we are within the range of the bloody Brook and so we're going to do a conservation and so there just going to be a lot more things and it is going to be um a very busy year for administration with the negotiation year and so on and so forth so I'm trying to looking at I think it might be best that's my proposal to the school committee to consider you don't have to decide tonight but um I threw it on the agenda because it's um it's coming and right now we're waiting on the fure design is coming up with plans they're going to decisions from us um about what type of play structures and where they're going to go and that kind of thing um because you can expand and contract a project very quickly when play structures cost between 50 to 100,000 right so um yeah can you just for new folks who maybe weren't here for the original discussions around the playground tell them a little about like the drainage and what like why this came up obviously for be more inclusive of students who have Mobility challenges and other people in the community even but also the drainage yeah was huge issue absolutely so the uh last time the playground was done was it's been it's on the sign I just can't see it 2015 it was before yeah 2015 I think it was up so it was only it was only 10 years ago it was done as a community project where there were lots of volunteers and lots of donations um which was great um however if you go out there and I suggest you know even after the meeting if you have five minutes just to walk out maybe walk out that way but the poor imp play surfaces um have been the drainage from above has caused wash out underneath causing it to dip almost up to 8 to 10 in in areas um the idea that the and then you also have um wood product for you for falls on both sides which because the kids running back and forth constantly any kind of wheel access is barred from kind of going across it after a couple playgrounds be going um a couple of the play structures are I would call out a date meaning that we could put in structures that could house you know six to a dozen students rather than just two um and also on that is the preschool playground we want to look at what we can do there as well on the preschool playground most of their most of their you uh structures are um 30 years old or even so there's metal and wood and some are never even touched um because they're just um I I say they're dangerous but they're just not they're not inviting play compared to what's you know what we can be doing out there um I also for the public as Well's watching de doesn't have a playground so those people on the weekends are in vacations in the summer that playground is used quite a bit um by the public and used by the after school program as well we'll have to have discussions about public access to the playground and that kind of thing it's one of the um points that we discussing this did you talk about putting inclusive equipment out there as well so jump yeah so another big push push is to have some inclusive equipment so um kids are all playing together right now it's it's very limited we have that ramp so anybody that is in a wheelchair has mobility issues are just really going ramp but they can't really play with so that's a big push and it's a how use used all day long side note though the preschool playground has baby bunnies there's six of them Mary dancer actually saved one herself the other day the mom had put out so if you do go out take a look where it looks like caution tape like the playground at the preschool playground area may have fallen apart that's not true we just want the bunnies to be safe we just leave safety across the board on I'll that out when the update the things that interest me any kind of question so right so right now the engineering you know they came out they already did they did the site work at the same time to save money as they did the front entry way so that was great um and so they're going to come up with some Concepts and then we're we're right now at the phase where they're going to present Concepts we gave them kind of General ideas of what we wanted um and then from there um I imagine that the sub that we create would be doing um working with me to Anda and I would imagine being a sub committee even any staff members that want to get on board that kind of thing small enough that you can make decisions and not have to go through a lot of um those kind of things but largely enough though it's not just one person or two people so that people have to be absent or what not can still do things great so so thinking subcommittee with one or two school committee members representative from the school anyone who committee members that sort of thing yeah the more you reach out unless it's going get hard to get those kind of people but you can certainly make that an option um structurally how I would do it is I would um put up if you want to do that we can put out heers um not feelers but we could May set it up to do it in a June meeting to officially Point who the people are going to be but ask people to if they're interested in being on that committee um you can send it out in a one of team's newsletters if there's a parent get a parent involved I would say two School te members if you do three you got to post the meeting so I'd rather not do that um and then um if there's any staff [Music] members so so I guess just you're voting to um instruct the superintendent to out create an outline for a um subcommittee for the playground construction how's that do we need to vote on that or can I just instruct you yeah you not spend money know how to write that request you to look into for culture I heard say Amy next up we have an update from the culture and behavior committee yeah so um to give you to it's going to be a bringing you on board day a little background information um we came or I think I just presented to the school committee about our behavior and culture committee that we established back in the fall and it feels like a good time to come and share with you all the of the I and research that we've been doing um I'm just going to give you a little bit more information and then I want the group to introduce themselves and they are going to share some of the updates um too so this group came about late fall when collectively the Educators in here are really noticing through data that students are coming in with um evolving needs that are necessitating a shift in what we call in a school our tier one instruction that's what every student um gets and particularly around their self-regulation and social emotional support and so we um really focused this year on um researching how to make create a positive culture and focusing on on addressing those um and especially those behaviors that are accessing that are blocking or restructing the access to the curriculum and um and and we did that through the review of data um we used incident data deatha data we have a a screener for social emotional support that aligns with our curriculum and so that data was very very helpful but also staff and student survey data family datas um and we reflect on our current practices as a faculty so I'm going to have them introduce themselves and then we'll go into a little bit about what we're working on this is also just a representation I want you to know that there's about 12 um committee members so there you want to start and maybe talk about your Ro or just yeah dancer I'm an instruction assistant in um kindergarten and I work in kindergarten doing social thinking and in first grade J the superlex behavior interventionist I work with all students 36 um I do some along with Dr richson ands school justment counselor um yeah all over building I'm ination therapist here and work help kids learn about self regation TR to help kids have challenges be able to adapt do you want to talk a little bit what I say do you want [Laughter] to instru do you want to talk about how you kind of go into the classrooms and support tier one not necessarily throughout the entire building or a grade but where you see that Mary and I are marry younger grades to me as as the kids get a little bit older work students um and teachers on developing self-regulation strategies to help kids in the classroom um most of our classrooms have an area it's called the zones area it's I'm sure you guys are familiar with the zones of innovation it's been around long time it divides um it's divided into four zones Red Zone the mo Zone Zone and the green zone and there's different emotions and strategies that vote each of Z and our hope is to help kids learn self how to self regulate um or if they are disregulated using some of the tools that they um that we taught them that they to um stay regulated and POS experience scho relationships with their PE in class and this year I trying to think about so you may hear from your students like oh miss barasi was in and she was teaching us about oh GNA get this round yeah one of the things that we found is repetitive movement is really to kids right and and a lot of our kids are removers right the kids have some challenges with regulating um so that we use Val X and it uses these little um they're almost like hand balls hand balls different um movement patterns with the kids and we'll be presenting at we've already done one where the class has G on and with have a scho meeting and then we're going to even increase our ability so we're going to be presenting it the next one and the teachers carry over this and I'm not that's just an example of what tier one instruction if you're not familiar around tier one or tier two so tier one can change it's when we go in because of data is indicating that the entire class needs something it's not just a small population of students because we would pull them out and we call that tier two and then there's tier three supports um that just recreate um are divided up by dosage or intensity so that happens frequently here that you might Che one instruction change you might hear that went into the classroom and you know taught kids how to do different things that's that's what so that they're at the SP learning and also learning about themselves right sorry car um I'm lucky toble to this people if we that the need of support a and you could Implement all of this in yourass un everything Laura mostly so um I Carla do you want to begin with talking about some of things that we've been working on um so the first do Sur want to make sure that our supports solid and that we are using supports that are effective for all students especially as we're seeing the shift in um student need um so some of the things we've done is we have met with James Le from James Le Associates and Sarah R from the bright program and they were kind of instrumental kind of shaking us up a little bit and giving us that reminder that it's it's okay okay um and that we want to make sure like one of our focuses might really need to be to make sure we're actually identifying the issue being sureet what his words J like you don't want to fix something that's not the actual problem um so making sure that we are looking at all the data and making sure that we using supports that are going to be parted to what we actually our students are um and all of this kind of everything that they said really gave us some ideas of moving forward and giving kids who need help and self- regulation some really great strategies to help throughout the day you know one of the things about Cheer One supports is they're great for everybody so it doesn't have to be you know just because four kids over here might need help and selfregulation all of us can benefit from sex so how can we incorporate incorporate those into our classrooms basis um and also look at the things that we kind of already do and one of them was we have been working to you know create this responsible classroom culture uh we did have a consultant come in from the responsible classroom program earlier this week to kind of just take a temperature see where we are with that kind of thing um pretty good um they graded us stable which is good from the top tier of their ring systems they did give us a few little notes about things that could even push us forward a little bit but overall looks like those types of strategies are you know pushing Us in and some of the notes on what we could um maybe improve upon was thinking about having more student photographs student small easy things so another thing about the culture is um during all school meetings we' implemented the student Spotlight um an initiative where KS get recognized uh for having consistently demonstrating exceptional kindness and helpfulness in community and um I don't do um well honestly I was supposed to do around four but we ended up doing six and um just a small note on that that's relative um to where their Baseline I'm moving Target and most stud the information ised from the teachers asiv yeah I'm in the process of meeting with G gr level um group right now and talking about what modifications did they do what did they put in place what would they change so when we go Fully live with it next year that we're we're ready to hit the ground run a solid plan that supports everybody and be able to answer those questions and was just a side note I met with um preschool kindergarten in first grade already and I went in with a little bit of a bias that preschool wasn't going to be able to maybe answer these questions but with some of the supports that teachers were able to put in place with these visual visual icons and with categories of people and the kids were cutting them out and pasting them it was interesting that every student I believe I have to look back my data so I don't mean to miss speak but most students I'll just say were able to identify five in their life so was just interesting data I'm just looking for rest the team and do you want to talk about the Universal Design of what we're talking about for the desk visuals that aotr provide the students here not just um we have tons of visual right so that they can create an area Qui visuals walk around the building lot of visuals techniques that the kids can use and um some of the it's called some of the valids from that program some of the right left you know things that they can do to help them with motor planning that is um pling and fing yeah finger things to kind of help them reenter and yeah have sensory walks um my room um and kids to use the kids voices and what works for them right and the kids are really intuitive right they'll come to us and say you know this is this is something that's really help for me Susie um do you think that we could put this in Stones area um this is something that you think be of to bring home you know it's really nice to have that inut um we what I just wanted can I add that yeah um one of the other things that came out of some of the meetings that we have with great and J leine is um having those visuals that we sometimes put on the K the kids desk that really struggle but having those accessible to all the students in the classroom so that it's not Noti they're they preser the and they all use um no no no good one of the things that with for zones and for social thinking and for superlex and for second step is um helping the kids understand the size of the problem and there's also visuals that go with that but talking to like what is the size of the problem what should your reaction be to that um and so that is also very helpful for the kids to think about and um you know being use their words and use their grve words in kindergarten we say but um and be able to talk about tell somebody if they've done something that's upset them and sometimes they can't do that at least in the lower grades so asking for help and that is a huge thing for them to come and ask instead of having this big reaction so really just giving them the ability to communicate with each other and actually also listen to each other uh so that's that's also B communicating and size of the problem all those kinds of things one of the things that I'm really excited about this year listen to the students about um inclusive things in playground playground area and Tina was really generous in a lot of things kids have suggested that somebody somebody was but was very um generous in um providing us fo and we work together right um you know Cory talked to some students that with kids talk to me whever we could get information on things that we it's not always what I think is f to play with it's what they think is to play with right and so um we really Ed that responsive classrooms approach and bringing the things out to the playground um honor and I gory and other anybody else that has time to do that we'll bring it out bring them out there teach the kids how to play with them them and it's amazing how many kids come and play like Tina connect thing that they all come and it's so nice I mean it's just so joyful and H you know it's a great time for us to be able to go out there and see that um because the kids are all coming and playing and and they're all playing together and that's what we're trying to do is to develop the friendships and the cooperation and and and making kids feel that they are included right um and then getting the feedb was you know um and kids that you that have never played together they're playing together with some of these watch the G that it's rotating Blas and um it's four games and card games um for those kids that don't want to go outside Chang sign every week like was too for you to um but you know like what talking about it's kids that don't normally play together likeor and those relationship skills that we still last so purposes that in their education journey I think that's it in a nutshell of what we've been um working on this year I don't know if you have any questions for our committee but we're happy to answer where do you where do you take all of this so it sounds like this was kind of a pilot year of sorts and a lot of data collection and trying trial and error uh what's next for the program for the behavior committee or the program gos so what we're really really looking at um for on we are looking to put together a summer committee and we're going to be um putting together the visuals for the classroom desks um what were the three committee things that we had for the help me guys make sure everybody has own corers um we have three committees and I can't remember what the three things are for the Committees in the summer but um really to to just continue our work this is ongoing so this committee I also want to say this committee is new but the data collection and review is not new we meet as an internal team and I'm going to say internal team of like the counselors paper interventionists um the administrators and we constantly review data social emotional data attendance data deatha data um incident report data bullying information and bullying information really comes off of incident report information so um sometimes it might come in as a a bullying um incident and it really ends up being conflict and we solv that different levels but we are constantly survey data we survey how kids are coming in how they are transitioning into hallways and we're constantly monitoring that and shifting and sharing out with the community this group is put together to how we see changing needs evolving needs in our student base and we need to change what we're doing at in the classroom or what we're doing for every student differently because if we continue going the way we are we're not we're not we're not addressing the student needs and we're going to be using a lot more resources um because we'll be working with students on a onetoone basis or small group basis and um so we we just recognize that I probably we recognize it because we're running around trying to meet those students teachers are seeing it as well and so we knew that we needed to change something up um and that we put the team together to say okay so what is it that we need to change and what do we need to back up the classroom so we're really focusing on that selfregulation self-management social tion and I would say that um now you know what I'm not going to venture I will share data with you after around um how how we're making progress because I do believe we're making progress yeah do you want to share go ahead thank you um so as we about the sport for the being the desk Z corers things like that we're also going to be looking at how to roll all that out so that it is a school we are going to be looking trusted adults activity and make sure that that is buttoned up for next year and we're looking into a support system for I just a few questions I think Darius to answer some of them but um I appreciate that you brought uping and harassment I also as a th therapist I I love all of that because you're helping little people grow into big people who have skills that you know lots of adults don't necessarily things either I think it's wonderful um buing and harassment I think can be have a huge impact on feeling safe and regulated at school I also know it's not every kid's problem in terms of when they're coming in disregulated so I love that you brought that up with the James will be sort of bring it up like you want to fix but in terms of pulling and harass that is impacting a kid's ability to like really be present in school you know are there any sort of systemic curriculums around teaching kids about that maybe it's not called anti-bullying curriculum that we have two purchased resources and our we teach every day purchas year started we also we have a unit um this they talk about tou so we just my project right now and we no we're not thinking the standards areed by and um and so many decision so we have te um another question that I was just you know obviously parents play a role in all of this too it's not just all in the school to sort of be handling everything and managing a mental health price for young people on on your own um what sort of resource sharing with parents might seem appropriate to sort of follow up and provide families at home like with a continuity um I know some of that's already happening from my own experience but just to sort of I can start so um our second step curriculum comes with a family components when they teach the lessons home that family parent email Z the regulation has a family letter and often times I outline that in the parents sare updates um you'll see a family Corner update sometimes too with added information for families that's source and individual resources and connections um with the community um agencies or an individual um are made on an individual basis because you go back to some of the meetings if you need more support that's what we all can do without from the schools and are that this model social emotional confidence to the kids and our parents that are preschool students receive what to backpack connection series and they talk about the different par you know this one is on uh how to help your child recognize and understand sadness and on that and one on helping your student um dealing with that that when you're dealing with transitions you know little the little sometimes that's difficult when transition strategies and tips and what does that mean and so that we can have send and one side not is twice a year a family survey and ask them I ask them about the family Corner updates and what they would like to see for Content areas as well and if what I'm sending out in the content area is something that meets their needs um so I do use that information to share this is one CS CH we also nutrition offic they actually have some shortterm as to us so it's said did self regulation that's another way yeah I don't have a question I just wanted to thank you all for your commitment to social SEO learning um as we know the landscape of our students has shifted so dramatically postco and it we were thinking there would be a bounce back but it doesn't seem to be happening um uh and just you know using the udl lens and realizing that disregulated students are going to need different things um and truly honoring the students um and valuing who they are and what they bring to the table um and kind of normalizing need um from adults I think is something one of the many things that makes our school special so I just wanted to thank you for your commitment to that I just one more question for Darius I know I think you might be the person need to answer this but um but if anybody at home has questions about bullying and harassment policies in particular Darius was able to send me the direct link to the current one which might be changing because I know I'm going through handbooks over the next under it may be under reviewed but yeah but sub that it follows our policy follows state so the bullying law came out 15 years ago you had you know basically had regulations that you had to have certain things to meet certain requirements in without policy so that's within that we do state reporting and you know incident reports have to have um you can do your own but it has to have the uh the areas which the state says you have so we use the state and do teachers have training on that kind of stuff so through second step they they do um and but understanding that the teachers take it only so far before administrator takes it right so yeah mind if I that so um at the beginning of the year we hand out these to teachers you can have a copy of those not's gonna get second step okay Second Step has these um stand alone left that teachers can do on their own and I actually I'm going to ask car you put on the spot I think as you teach you actually learn along with the students too what the training is um here we we require Sur forms um you can hear from Cory jaelle or myself and anybody comes Mary and Carla can speak to this if somebody comes and say says to us hey we have this issue that came up we'll say Sur form build a surf form the surf is our social emotional referral form that's just our communication that's something that's coming up and then we track those and look the patterns and Trends we also track what our response is what the intervention is is it working who followed up who Ted the family or we didn't so um you know it's it's ongoing of course thought mentioned it so we've been working on our I am from H for recognition day and we brought up the pandemic and postco things like that and I think it's important like these sixth graders were second graders when uh the original shutdown happen and the had third grade REM and I'm lored by how much it is like they are able to some of their most impactful parts of are so to to you know as adult we might they is very I also just want to thank this um committee for being here tonight thank you I really appreciate getting the insight into all the work that's going on so thank youly B so um thank you um the SLE bank is so basically what happened is the uh the association contacted me about about um the current si le bank and the system itself um they like to see a change in it and this is something that's in the contract so um basically what I'm requesting you is to send it to the policy sub mean the negotiation subcommittee because it is something that should be negotiated and um while it is outside negotia cycle I would agree that the current SI B setup is kind of broken um and they they have a proposal within it and it really should go to a negotiation subcommittee to negotiate the different buying points of it um and how it fits into the bigger contract so but it's on the full committee things just to talk about that this is was a request to go and do that any anything that happens within the contract has to come back to the full committee for vote so you would sign to a sub commmittee to do the the work of um straing it out then comes back to the committee to be voted so so we our instruction to our subcommittee what's that so your negotiation subcommittee person is me so um as soon as we get all four together this is probably because of timing wise and and I communicated this with the association that really is going to be the beginning of next year um really the meetings would be probably be taking place um we also have two committees that um follow us or not but we the in Comm them have their Town meetings until Jan until June rather so they're not going to reorganize for their policy sub commmittee people until after June so really things are kind of on full I keep saying policy negotiation sub commmittee and policy sub commmittee is also on hold because of um their committees so um their real concern was not get done as fast as possible but they didn't want to go through a whole another school year they understand it's connected to the contract but they also were asking um so that's what that negotiation be will do they're going to make that decision um whether or not to straighten it out next year and with an MOA memorandum of understanding which affects the contract or um so have to wait through negotiations or not you know that kind of thing so I think is I think it's healthy to look at it so I do concur that it is not the best system show he's not in your ads um it's difficult to administrate from their perspective it is to from our perspective um so I think it's a it's a positive thing that can happen for I don't think there's any action right now right this was just uh right just you're going to send it it's going to go to the subcommittee I don't know if like a formal vote has to be made s to sub commmittee but um holding a subte meeting to and it takes time so it's like because again it's when spy what four because is not involved this um we get all four communities to be created and then enjoy summer okay so don't anything formal from up this point thank you all right next up we have report uh I would just like to say that uh there have been discussion among all the Committees that commit um that would be to provide more onboarding support for new members it's TR committee there's a huge learning curve um and we have a less common structure in our committee um so there's things like that that are um so just how we better support our mov uh so we have discussed uh assigning new members mentors from another Committee in districts uh so you can ask any questions without fear of any filing any of the meeting laws and just as a way of connecting with other uh We've also talked about having a informal training learning session for any newer members or anyone who wants to connect um that would be for the for elementary SCH been FR here probably looking to schedule late summer or that might beol so that is available for anyone Shelly at one point she would be willing to do a little inter budget that would be amazing that make sure we get your input on setting a date for that chance to for get to meet on other it's really uh so anyone who wants to be involved in that let me know and I'll incl you find date SU okay uh there's no report this month send out earlier this week um the highlights that I just kind of kind of run through it the the federal government did release new title 9 guidance um and and we are going to have a training the administ team is going to have a training with one of our attorneys next week to go over these these don't get enacted till August one but kind of getting ahead of it it's also a review overall and um she's also going over title um title seven which is civil rights as well while she's at it I did include the memo from the Massachusetts Association of school superintendant uh attorney Mike long he does I think he just does a great job I get many memos throughout the year when there's legal cases affecting education but he kind of breaks it down I think very uh I know from my perspective I thought it was nice way you don't get it from the news the way he breaks it down Pilots affecting schools and um kind of his commentary on the side kind just shows you that t n is a very cumbersome and broken um regulation that we have to navigate so um and just on top of that anytime we have a title n issue we we involve attorney from almost day T line coordinator is Karen barino um and Karen myself and and Sarah Mitchell had did a 4 day online training last summer so we up to date on all that and now it's all changing again so you up to date all the day changes um the next thing uh we're having done this summer is having our family handbooks gone through um I had consulting firm by David field who um basically right now are we have the online thing te did all the work so I had a conversation with her before I decided to revamp it but a lot of our links are not easy when you get into one thing that may be connected to laws or forms or that kind of all the links are not easily embedded um you can get lost in that and's really about trying to be more forward in presentations of we can B so easily so if you have a you we're just talking about bullying but if you have a looking at the bullying policy the link should be right there to submit a report or anous report or another report the you know the policy connected to the bullying within the school should be right there as well so um making it more Interactive and getting it up to speed and such um set work's going to be happening this summer your policy subcommittee we didn't have a per at the last meeting um and um so we're basically on hold until next fall we have a whole one more section to go through and a couple of the policies that are on the uh that we had put in the parking lot so to speak to come back to um most likely next month I mean will be next mon um the anti-racism equity committee met May 1st um we looked at a policy for the policy subcommittee because um we really felt that that was the group that should be looking at non-discrimination the basis of gender identity um they we looked at a lot of other policies our current policy in place covers us legally but it does not say does not going give much Direction about what we are doing to support students um in their gender identity so um we found some great um ones that other schools are doing we kind of put together a draft and then we wanted to get the students at Frontiers who has a GSA Club um that look at gender identity get their input in it as well kind of make it a learning experience for the community as well as soon as that's complete it'll go by legal council and it'll be back to school committee with adoption so that's what we're doing there um it was a great I I we were very happy about the uh the committee was about to get that and produce um we got our hands ready dirty and produce something so it's very good budget wise um the House and Senate budgets are forward I can you can kind of read through that right now I just kind of what we um kind say the frontier meeting of other night um what you really want to look at is the different parts Chapter 70 you're talking about whether or not um you know the price per pupil what that's going to be that has very little effect on on our school we're going to be looking at rural Aid will they be able to level fund that or even do a little bit more and I even put in with the current amendments are that are out there as of earlier this week that I got through um my Association just so you know that your senators are trying to increase those things just because they're there don't get too excited they do it every time in every budget cycle um and so forth but it looks like rural assistance is going to be put back to 15 million so um it's kind of funny how the games the emotional games they play like they take it away then you get it back we didn't get any more but we got it back um you know that kind of thing but that money is very important to us because without that our budget grows faster than um what they they um what the state is supporting us at and that all then goes back onto the towns so without those kind of those is offset it becomes a longer term um maybe grow at a faster speed than State helping so so so you read through that and have questions on that um it's it's just for you for the new members it's just to follow to have a general idea of what the state's doing because it can forecast us what we're what's going to happen in a budget cycle this is pretty stable it's not going to affect our budget to sh as well where it's Landing right now we should be in good shape for next year you know at the beginning of this budget cycle there's a lot of concerns that um because the revenues in the state of Massachusetts were down that they may do more cuts um those revenues have picked up a little bit and so there's less fear um that they're going to pass a budget that adequately supp really mean they give us more money would would meet our BU as we proposed that's it I think and then at the end there's a I just give a list of all the different projects capital projects um that are going on across um four five districts I appreciate the at the funding any other questions for Darius or motion to J all thank you very much