##VIDEO ID:MJO9DY5tRP0## okay so welcome to the town of Deerfield um select board Board of Health sewer Commissioners meeting for October 30th 2024 it is 3:30 p.m. uh this is a hybrid meeting zoom and in the main meeting room at 8 Conway Street South Deerfield Mass this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting or hearing will not be sused terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in person in the main meeting room of the dear municipal offices in accordance with the Mass General Law chapter 30A anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to a clerk uh Blake Gilmore and provide their name and address for the record uh the meeting uh the dialing number there's a toll-free number if you'd like to call in it's 83354 18276 the meeting ID is 911 6041 1580 and the passcode should you need it is 5712 um on the town of Deerfield website under the our calendar you'll see a zoom link for the meeting which you could click on and attend too meeting attendees should mute their phones star six for landline unless asking questions or commenting all attendees should wait to speak until other participants are finished so call the meeting to order um we've suspended public uh comment for the purposes of discussion uh will'll resume at the next meeting which will be just shortly we've got a couple meetings to go here this meeting is intended to um sign vote and sign the Deerfield Wastewater bonds and the ban for the for the library project so um I will Begin by reading and asking for votes on maybe nine articles and then once those are voted I'll pass it over to the clerk Blake who who read the certifications of those votes should they pass so um let's see I'll move that the sale of uh 5,950 th000 General obligation Wastewater bonds of the town of Deerfield uh dated November 6 2024 the bonds to Stone X Financial Inc at the price of 6,487 641 and AC crude interest if any is hereby approved and confirm the bond shall be paid shall be payable on December 15th of the years and in the principal amounts and bare interest at the respective rates as follows there is a rate uh starts at 5% in 2025 in 2033 it drops to 4% and the last two years of 2048 2049 it's 4 8% so I'll take a second second second any further discussion all those in favor mikil I Trevor McDaniel I Tim hel I you um I move to approve the sale of 9,46 th000 uh 4% uh General obligation Bond anticipation notes uh of the town of dated November 6 2024 and payable November 6 2025 the notes to uh trust Securities Inc at uh par and acred interest if any plus a premium of $88,200 16 second you any further discussion any questions all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Trevor McDaniel I SG uh further voted uh that in connection make a motion that in connection with the marketing and sale of bonds the preparation and distribution of a notice of sale in primary preliminary official statement dated October 16 2024 and an official state official statement dated October 23rd 2024 the official statement each in such forms uh form as be uh as may be provided by the town Treasurer B and hereby are ratif ratified confirmed approved and adopted second second second all those in favor Blake Gilmore I tror mcel I Tim Hy I um I also move that uh in connection with the marketing and sale the notes preparation and distribution of notice of sale and preliminary official statement dated October 16 2024 and a final official statement dated October 23rd 20124 each in such form as may be approved by the town Treasurer be hereby and are ratified confirmed approved and adopted second all those in favor Blake Gilmore I McDaniel I Tim mil I uh let's see I also move that the bonds uh shall be subject uh to Redemption uh at the option of the Town upon such terms and conditions as set forth in the official statement second any further discussion all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Trevor McDaniel I Tim El I thank you um and I move that the town uh treasure and select board B and hereby are authorized to execute and deliver a A continuing and significant events disclosure undertakings in compliance with SEC rule 15c 2-12 in such forms as may be approved uh by Bond Council to the town which undertaking uh which shall shall be uh Incorporated by reference in the bonds and notes as applicable for the benefit of the holders of the bonds and notes uh from time to time have a second second any further discussion all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Trevor McDaniel I Tim milg and I move that we uh that we authorize and direct the town Treasurer to establish post Insurance federal tax compliance procedures and continuing disclosure uh procedures in such forms as the town treasur and bond Council deem sufficient or if such procedures are currently in place to review and update set procedures in order to Monitor and maintain the tax exempt status of the bonds and notes and to comply with relevant Securities Law second any further discussion all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Trevor McDaniel I Tel I thank you and I move that uh any certificates or documents related to the bonds and the notes collectively uh the documents may be executed in several counterparts Each of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute one in the same document delivered of an executed counterpart of a signature page to a document by electronic mail in a PDF file or by other electronic transmission shall be effective as delivered of a manual executed counterpart signature page to such document and electronic signatures on any of the documents shall be deemed original signatures for the purpose of documents and all matters related there too having the same legal effect as original signatures second any further discussion all those in favor Blake Gilmore I CH McDaniel I Tim Hy I and lastly uh that I move that each member of the select board that the Town Clerk and the town Treasurer B and hereby are authorized to take any and all such actions and execute and deliver such certificates receipts and other documents as may be determined by them or any of them or uh to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes second any further discussion all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Trevor McDaniel I thank you Tim H I thank you Tim um I'll pass it over to uh our clerk to read the certification of the votes and the last page I the clerk of the select Board of the town of Deerfield Massachusetts the town certified that a at a meeting on the board held October 30th 2024 of which meeting all members of the board were duly notified and at which a quorum was present the following votes were unanimously passed all of which appear upon the official record of the board in my custody thank you and then uh I further certify that the votes were taken at a meeting open to the public and no vote was taken by secret ballot that that a notice stating the place date time and agenda for the meeting which agenda included the adoption of the above votes was filed with the Town Clerk and a copy thereof posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building that the office of the town clerk is located or if applicable in accordance with an alternative method of notice prescribed or approved by the Attorney General as set forth in 940 CMR 29.3 2B at least 48 Hours not including Saturdays Sundays and legal holidays prior to the time of the meeting and remain posted at the time of the meeting that no deliberations or decisions in connection with the sale of the bonds or the notes were taken in executive session all in accordance with General Law chapter 30A section 18-25 as amended I'll second that certification any further discussion all those in favor Blake Gil morai cever McDaniel I Tim Hil I okay thank you very much now it's just a matter of signing 1500 times like we're buying a house uh because we are so do we are we um going to just continue in this Zoom or you gonna close close no there will be a second Zoom same link but a second second meeting yeah sign will will'll close out and be in recess until uh 4M Eastern Time that right y okay good all right so you have to sign sign these documents in a meeting I was just curious legally I don't know but I thought we would just to get it done okay well let's fine I'll I'll zoom into the next meeting okay sounds good Tim thank you all right thank you