##VIDEO ID:rPxeUCCsTSY## good evening and welcome to the select board Board of Health Serv Commissioners meeting of November 13 2024 it's now 6 PM this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both iners pendant and participation please note that while an option for remote attendant Andor participation is being provided as courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrup the virtual broadcast AR us otherwise required by law members of the public particular interested in any specific item on this agenda to make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in the person in the main meeting room of municipal offices in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 30A anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to the CL Blake Gilmore and provide their name and address for the record call me to order and before um we go into the uh public comment phase i' just like to ask everyone to um observe a moment of silence for Mary starski uh and reflect on her service to the community thank you for that um at this point uh if there's anybody who wishes to make a public comment about anything that's on the agenda please uh either online or in person please raise your hand seeing no one who's interested in making a comment I would uh welcome welcome here how are you welcome back thank you uh Pete lankowski Stage Road South darf Hill uh with winter coming and we all know what happens it is going to come uh we're going to have some snow sooner or later now have we since uh Mr Skyball has gone are we in the process of getting someone to replace him I know it's been probably four months or so that's something I'm going to talk about later in the meeting oh well I can wait yeah definitely have but we oh I understand that Chris is doing a good job uh but you know we're always short-handed in the winter so I was just curious if we're going to have more hands on deck that's all yeah thank you um anyone [Music] else I just want to remind people please speak into the microphone I've got a cold my head's blocked and I can't hear Sor speak thank you all right anyone else am I can you hear me now thank you um all right so we will uh take up a hearing that's uh a change of manager hearing we would ask the representative be here to come up and identify yourselves welcome well thank you for having us um I'm Laura marowski I the vice president for finance and administration at Historic Deerfield hello my name is Kyle gutowski and I am the interim inkeeper at the Deerfield in and champ news restaurant Tavern welcome thank you so Christopher can you basically give us a quick overview why okay well we don't we don't process very many of these so I I bet you guys could probably inform us uh better on the subject than we could so surely happy happy to do so um we are here to request a change in manager which is essentially the named person on the liquor license held by Historic Deerfield for the Deerfield in and champanes restaurant and Tavern the former manager um is no longer with the organization and Kyle will be named going forward and then so generally uh last few times we've done this um we we really just like who's going to be the manager and then um make sure you had tips training and you have experience know we we discussed EV earlier you did so yes yes I do I brought my certifications with me so I've been tip certified for over 20 years I have my manager level Serve Safe kitchen management as well um I have my CPR and first aid um course in certification with me I have an anti-discrimination um class that I've taken so I feel I'm very qualified thank you um um I have an amazing staff um who is also very well qualified we um ask our serving and bartending staff to be tip certified as well we have probably about a 95% compliance at at the very moment um and um actively looking to make that 100% compliance at the time so our restaurant manager is in the process of making sure everyone has their tip certification um do any other questions I know that um the Dearfield Dei always taking this very seriously and um town our bartenders are are are lovely and they they do poor tests I just want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable that um our bartenders are safe and um with what they are serving to the public as well I just want you to clear up one thing from me yes sir you said the inter are you going to be the manager that is to be determined uh Laur can answer more of that on moment the position has not yet been posted for hire um I have been the assistant inkeeper for the past three years so I have been with the organization for five years the restaurant manager for two was promoted to the assistant in keeper for that position for 3 years I work over 50 hours a week I am I'm there all the time um especially on those Friday Saturday nights that are very busy so I feel like I'm I'm I'm there quite often thank you question I would just say the only thing I would add is that you have the abcc application in your your packet and that's a pretty extensive background check on on them so just to mention that report as well yep um so at this point Christopher and or Greg um other than a motion to approve this is the paperwork to be signed as I don't know yeah typic something to sign off I would think there is but I didn't we will find that you want a motion to close the hearing and then we I make a motion to close the hearing unless there any other any questions from the public maybe the bottom discuss approve the manager change second further discussion all those in favor Mel iore I thank you so much thank you for your time whatever we need yeah it's it's it's it's unclear on this application yeah y all right so the next up is Select board reports um um I think uh I could just give a quick update on we had a um meeting of the South County Board of oversight for senior center today just looking at um you was a progress meeting of the feasibility study um looking at two um specific areas we we have a feasibility study to see where and what the needs are for a senior center where could it be put um based on the availability properties we currently have um one entity in suin was um was removed from the study just because of the distance uh to the community and where people couldn't get anybody to really want to travel that far towards amers to to go to it so um we're looking at um uh probably in wle the wle town hall current wle town hall and um a property in Deerfield we first looked at the church and then kind of transition once the 1888 building uh was moving forward uh to look at this space and um so we had a meeting today to look at you know what what those sketches look like parking is always difficult um and then looking at the need so we're just kind of in the middle of kind of still looking at uh what are the needs and then what can the communities afford will be kind of down the road I think the Fe ability is kind of saying what does the what do the three communities need what kind of square footage do they need what kind of space um will fill the programs now into the future and then uh once that is complete we to look at uh can we can we fit there'll be some schematics of what it would look like either at 15,000 square ft or at 10 or somewhere in between at these two locations and we can then start moving forward on searching for br where the appetite from the town you know it's been a long long ha for the seniors they have been broken up in multiple different places and really need a home um and we need a lot of advocacy and and uh work to uh to try and find funding and make something happen in the future but we just want to report that we had a you know progress meeting today and we'll have more information later than also just started um we started negotiations for the uh teachers contracts if you guys will talk about what you're working on but we we had initial ground uh ground Rules meeting a couple weeks ago and uh another one coming up this week or next week so so yeah getting all that started so yeah we did the same thing with the police department this afternoon CH so we again good first meeting we're going to meet again another week okay so the third the third real on this is um we will be working on the vpw contracts which are also the same situation have to figure out with Christopher gun's assistance who's going to you know which SES of the I will be the select board member for that discussion um I also wanted to announce um to save people uh from having to come out uh during the holiday seasons we realigned the selp schedule for the next two months um so that we won't B against the next G more Christmas and years so um you can basically check the calendars but uh December for instance um we will be meeting on on the uh the 4th and the 18th so be relaxed and enjoy the holidays um we will also we got some uh preliminary to the contract discussion we met with um Chris buar who's the head of the states chapter 90 um painting uh department and uh he's a former DPW Chief in various communities to ask him for that inovations about um whether the BPW is focused on the right tasks and what if any adjustments we should be making he's given us some preliminary information which U was just turned over to Christopher D this morning um we'll be looking at that we will also be discussing um what needs to be done to put out um a job description and post U for applicants to fill the position um so hopefully in the next month we'll have Clarity on when that process will begin um we are uh also in the final stages of doing have administrator um interviews we will be interviewing the finalist identified by the screen committee on Thursday and hopefully we'll have um a candidate rest of to and be able to negotiations to hire that person um and even though it's a Board of Health thing I just mention um the Valley Health Regional collaborative which we were a part of with Greenfield and several other towns has filled a position for um a health inspector so so in the the instance where our newly hired health inspector needs to be away for vacation or training or whatever um we can call on that resource uh if necessary to help us out with restaurant inspections Etc time five sewer inspections setic system inspections and so forth and I think that's that's it anything else next up is the r I'll make a motion to approve the May 8 2024 for minutes second any further discussion all those in favor McDaniel I blore I Tim I I'll make a motion to approve the June 5th 2024 select minutes second further discussion he none all those in favor I r i I'll make a motion to approve the uh June 8th 2024 select Bo minutes second all any further discussion hear all those in favor chman gel I Gilmore I Tim I I make a motion to approve to June 12 2024 select orines second any further discussion hear onone all those in favor Dan I make a motion to approve the June 26th 24 select for minutes second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor government Daniel I I'll make a motion to approve the July 10th 2024 minutes second forther discussion hearing onone all those in favor I Tim and finally I make a motion to approve to July 24th 2024 so I Bo minutes second further discussion hear none all those in favor extended thank you very much to everyone who put that together no P did a bunch and I'm sure others work on them so very very thankful for that get caught up yeah good to review what you done yeah all right um so next up we're going to uh put a hold on um reviewing a grant agreement with the CPC regarding the building just so I think there's another document that needs to be prepared prepared so yeah I'll just mention real quick so the CPC itself is meeting tonight uh I sent a copy that's slightly revised over to Kathy Sylvester this morning uh so they're going to take a look at it if they have any questions they'll come back to us if they're ready to sign um they can just send us a sign a copy to counter sign next week at our regular slight board meeting in the CPC um I have been inadequate getting together some information on our comment um you know we're at the point where we either need to withdraw or ask for an extension which I think we have until June 30th to do that um I need to meet with CPC just happen to have meeting tonight um but we really you know I I really want to you know so many people have put so many nights and time out of their schedule to come up with an idea and a plan to remodel the common and we have been just hamstrung by do and um you know first it was complete streets we couldn't do it because part of the streets were owned by the state and then you know they you we want to just update the crosswalks and the pathways and then you know the know got to have all these extensions and you know bigger bump outs and and that all looks nice but it's not our road and we don't have half a million to to or a million to do all of that work we just want to upgrade the common and we don't really want to put the pass on there until you know where the crosswalks are going to be so it's been extremely frustrating process so I still feel like we can do something and I so I'd like an extension or work over the next couple of months here to maybe you know at least get some you know just a safe pathway and I think we really know where the crosswalks are going to go and if do wants to upgrade them or we eventually take over the streets we'll do that later but we need to move on some some of it you know I know we've been tied up L lot we working on the the Elm Street you know study as well and I think between all of that the other part is like you didn't really want to do it without kind of doing a complete downtown plan and not knowing what's happening with Tes and people wared to buy that it's just it's so centrally located that it affects everything and you just need to spend good money after bad so as frustrating that as as it has been it makes sense not to waste money of the taxpayers and to do it right when it all pulls together so we're still working on it I have to talk with who should get together just talk about a plan going forward yeah and Kathy had mentioned that so yeah we'll we'll find a time to discuss it and get back to her that great thank you yeah I think U you know with with Chris's work on the 8 compliance and complete streets for Elm Street in that corner of um North Main intersection that maybe that could be a time to at least do a partially yeah you know tie that all together in the Comm get Le F across the street safely y y okay all right next up is a couple of one day liquor license requests for G candle okay so I make a motion to approve the one day liquor license for uh G CLE Village on um Friday November 15th um the annual Tree Lighting Event the tree lighting event will start at 5:00 p.m. will be open late until 8:00 p.m. uh festivities will be outside in the courtyard second um all the paperwork is in order so if there's no further discussion all those in favor I Gilmore I Tim Hil I the same thing separate it's on the back side oh oh here it is yep got it so make a motion to approve the Yankee kandle Village one day with the license for Thursday um December 5th 2024 for the girls night out event which is good event every year after our shopping event from uh 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the CLE Village uh selling beer and wine candle Emporium and the home store area second any further discussion no all those in favor I I all right next item is um relating to the municipal vulnerability preparedness uh contracts that we were going to look at but we're going to put that on hold just because MP has asked us to you know consider some options so recent develop and um next up is uh discussion of reviewing the scan's lieutenant position I believe that Chief Sparks is here to talk about [Music] this hi there hi there Joshua Sparks chief of VMS of South County so please uh tell us what you're considering doing and why recently we've posted for two promotion to EMS Lieutenant positions uh at our agency um this is to give broader supervisory coverage during the hours when I am not there um to hopefully get towards a place where we have 24 hours supervisory coverage uh we've met with the Personnel Board um the South County Board of oversight um to discuss uh these proposals and uh one of the issues we ran into is how do we pay these positions so uh I believe you have in your packets you should have the job description themselves for the EMS lieutenant and then the second part of that is a proposed uh Amendment to the pay scale if we could move to the job description first um this is pretty straightforward uh it's an entry-level management position uh with limited supervisory ability uh uh part of this extraordinary group of folks have really gone out of their way to uh During the period um of interim leadership to take on different responsibilities and and divvy up those roles between them but they weren't there was no long-term plan for compensation um so uh it's really important of course if people are going to do work that they are compensated for that and that uh it's actually built into their job description as being empowered to do that work um so this does follow the Deerfield format for job descriptions um much of this is lifted right from the existing paramedic job description uh so you'll see uh a lot of very similar language in there um the bigger section um and is under essential functions is really the big change so I'm looking to uh again we've already met with uh the Personnel Board who has had no issues and has recommended this and board of overate as well the board of oversight yep yep um so I'm looking to uh finalize that here tonight would be outstanding and just this has been discussed but you looked at the finance impact of this and talked the Bo and Bo of oversight yeah for sure yeah for sure so I can speak to that very briefly um this these two positions were um budgeted for uh for half of the year for this fiscal year um I think we probably won't see these positions filled by the first six months of the year so U we're in a good place for it the second part of this is a proposed Compensation Plan so uh this is a little different in that if you look at the existing townwide classification Compensation Plan uh it's grade e is paramedic and that then jumps to grade f for the deputy chief of EMS and it doesn't really leave any room for positions in between uh currently South County EMS does not have a deputy chief position uh nor is there an intention to um hire so where are we going to put these lieutenants um the idea that they are placed into a uh grade instead of a stipend is useful for retirement pension overtime all of these things right I think it you know it it better compensates them versus a stien so the idea here is I've added an additional grade what this effectively does uh is removes South County EMS from the townwide classification Compensation Plan and allows us to have a department specific Compensation Plan uh this came about after the changes to the Personnel Board and the Personnel bylaws at the last town meeting so this table that you see in front of you basically is the townwide class comp um the numbers are no different with the exception of the nonexistent grade F uh which I've included um in the na right so uh if you can just read along with this uh the grades in parentheses are the existing class comp um grades and then next to it I've just Rel lettered them for South County EMS just for simplicity's sake there's an EMS Lieutenant position there's an EMS captain and a deputy chief of EMS position again there's no Deputy Chief of EMS position currently M the EMS Captain does not exist outside of my own mind right now uh this is essentially a placeholder there's no job description written uh again no intention to fill uh to post or fill any of these positions um there's some question about um how we um I don't want this to sound gloomy it's not meant to be at all uh what is our department going to look like in three five 10 years down the road so I I really like the idea of why we're going through and doing the heavy lifting of all of this and meeting with multiple Committees of putting those placeholders uh inserted in here um so this would effectively change uh this would add EMS Lieutenant to what is the current grade f um and then this would leave it to the South County EMS board of oversight uh and myself to propose to uh the various member towns uh at Town meetings to be approved or not our own pay schedule um compared to being lumped into the class comp just not off I've always taken the position if the board of oversight um has has evaluated you know we have a lot of heavy you know um representation on that board and if the board feels that this is the right move for South County EMS I I you know get Defence to board of oversight and and your leadership you've been there bit now and been able to see what you see and take the experience from where you've been and um if if you if you feel you know I'm always concerned with cost it's always my thing so if you're if you're uh but but in saying that you also need to retain your your staff which is the like the heart of any organization whether it be EMS or a business or a town staff is important thing and they need to be compensated um correctly um or else you're just chasing that empty position all the time so I'm in favor if you guys evaluated you guys are all for I think there was a question I should have asked the other night is when we take you out of the Town compensation how is there any other way that that affects you other than just um as far as fa there's the potential for it sure uh with the changes to the Personnel bylaws um any part of uh a specific Department's Personnel policies are up for review uh if needed uh so uh you know this was done I know that Casey Warren uh prior to leaving had brought this on and part of the um part of a big impetus for doing this was being able to recruit and retain different positions in the town and if everybody was placed in the idea of a classification Compensation Plan is that people do substantially equivalent work and that makes a lot of sense um that we can put people into certain categories and we can distribute Fair uh compensation among the um um if you look at the existing class comp schedule um a paramedic um is paid identical to the senior center director to the recreation director to the assistant town clerk um all of those are wonderfully important jobs all with their unique requirements and pach for sure they're not substantially equivalent um you know speaking just to our own EMTs and paramedics um they have a very demanding schedule uh they work 24-hour shifts um they often go without sleep um you know nothing against anybody it's just a very unique situation um so you know when you ask that yes it absolutely does uh you know I have ideas uh not related to compensation but uh related to the use of ear time um because of illness if somebody gets sick and has to miss one day of work well that's 24 hours of sick time used right so uh you know there are some unique situations where we may want to look at uh additional items in our Personnel rules for sure um hours for sure right now we're just talking about really getting the lieutenants inserted into the pay scale um a couple of placeholder positions um I know again we talked about this briefly I don't really plan to hire um captains and a deputy chief position so uh really this you know the idea is that in the future it's probably going to very closely look like the townwide class comp but it gives us some Flex exibility so anys just this class comp will get approved at any town meeting just like every other class compensation schedule so that's correct and did you say you spoke with our account about it you had any discussions with other Town accounts I spoke with Brenda in passing about it we haven't had any deep discussions about it I did speak with the Personnel Board about this um and they gave it their recommendation yeah I mean from my perspective and and obviously we'll have a motion on this in a minute but um the only thing I would suggest is that uh you know we ask them to just to take a close look at this and and tease out because the finance commit is going to one another an too he's out you know are there any hidden surprises in here and we are only talking about T and what's the implication for the budget in next uh budget discussions so no I don't you this is a first read for me a no for me I wouldn't mind a week to think about it the same table yeah we can bring this to either the next meeting or the the one the first one of December so think about it thinking about how to structure and how to compensate and I will say that the the the board of oversight you know understand the logic behind um you know treating paramedics and people with life and death you know uh emergency decision making in their hands to you know have them in their own structure of you know in the trauma that they all right so um let's table this until the next next next meeting or the following one the first one in December um but the idea is uh definitely sading appreciate your doing bringing it to us and again I I just I just want to make sure there Clarity and everything that we're doing here and then we don't run into a problem down the road because of what we did here tonight in the next couple of minutes I just want to make sure everybody's aware of it so it's not it's more housekeeping than anything else yeah for sure um oversight is great so thank you all right thank you I appreciate apprciate time okay so the next item is um South Field fire certifi your cash you want to just Qui speak that yeah so it is the time of year when we get uh free cach and excess and deficiency uh reporting from all the different um you know Municipal entities that are out there um so this is just a certification from South Deerfield uh fire district um and uh the amount was uh roughly [Music] $130,000 and we do all of them sure I'm happy to just go down the line yep yep so uh from Franklin County Technical School their excess and deficiency which you know essentially equivalent of free cash um was 650,000 and then Greg I think you had in front of you the uh yeah actually you might you might uh it came in at the last minute do you guys have it in there or no uh for for Franklin Regional is it the next page the Franklin no Frontier region I mean Frontier sorry Frontier getting late yeah over the 5% yeah if you if you just announce that it literally came in this afterno so yeah the amount is $72,400 um it's an excess of you know 5% of the budget of 26,000 67560 um I don't have you know a lot of times you can request that but I don't have any issues knowing what they had done for us this budget by taking on all that debt from the track and just wiping all that out they they did a lot last year for the capital we have a lot of capital to go um at the at the um you parking lots still you know we did a section the RO that allowed other other Capital to do to go there so I'm not I'm not concerned that it's over a tab with all the help that's given the town that last uh budget so um just for reading this um I see I don't see the the 72 top of Frontier okay it very yep and got reports are not terribly well organized yeah so that was the uh undesignated the undesignated uh fund balance and then you had some other items in there kind of told out um right so I mean is is there is it the 651 th000 we're talking about that's well 651 is is 5% of their operating budget so anything over that the town could request or or a small portion would come to each Community um each 2,000 right right it's a little over what they would normally have but um knowing what they've done for us in the budget last year and all the things that they're working on and what they have to spend coming up I'm not concerned at all about this and so what we need to do tonight CHR you don't need to do anything rece rece it looks like um and the Bron Tech uh is yeah is under yeah okay good okay um the next item is to give a small amount of American Rescue plan act money left that has to be designated for uh specific use before the end of the year M um we are where is the Depot Road project that we approved is it the works as far as I know it's still in the works so on Friday I had a standing meeting with our DPW um and Diane provided a couple invoices from that work I haven't heard anything from the chief about it being concluded I know the sort of related D consent decree work has been completed and it's wrapped up and D has signed off on that do we know how much is left in buled um my understanding is that there's 85,000 well if you take the Depot Road and until it's actually expended we don't know how much the Depot Road Project is going to cost to be 15,000 to the 16,000 um I was hoping that we could at least consider um designating the remain whatever's left over road that we designated to the 188 building project um there are a couple of small items that um we're going to decide whether the town should do them before the project starts um one of which would be Geotech Waring project that is approximately $30,000 and then a hazardous mitigation study review um that could be approximately 8,000 slightly up to $10,000 I believe um we were trying to figure out and then it just get a buffer in case this is a project we don't want to borrow yeah yeah I I was thinking that too that we put toward 188 building the only the only thing I was thinking about was the you know the library project and where that's at and is there um you know are there things like furniture or things that were going to need you know I don't know where that budget is I a little um so there at the moment the Project's been moving forward based on um not using the the additional 471000 that we got from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners after you know that months of negotiation so the the building advisory Comm is looking at expending a portion of that money there would be sign significant amount left over for FF and okay um we haven't had any change orders that have resulted in a negative impact on the project I think Denise is looking at me and saying you know um as far as I know all the change ERS have resulted in a credit to the project rather than um anything against the project so do we see anything coming up from those meetings like they're like oh electrical is way up you come [Music] up I'm in that committee too we don't have any change orders but there is um the what what is it called the overhang which is in question this is one of the things that out of the 471000 there was um the first alternate was um um and essentially it's it's a canopy canopy yeah canopy thank you so yeah um and that's one we're exploring putting back into the property that would be the first time we use money from the ,000 right FF was below 300,000 before so um the can was approximately 125,000 okay so um and believe that um the LM and Sol discussion about um you know the impact of adding that back in because all the drawings were done and the metal was still exposed so that decision should be made quickly but I would kind recom do that any overh yeah I think the big concern is you know during Co the library was you know had to figure out how to you know dispense books so we thought that would be perfect plus if they want to have any kind of entertainment they can use that as well so we thought that that was really important to put back in St cement way just such a huge so okay okay thank you okay you're welcome great um so yeah in that case um I was just wasn't sure where all that you know the final stuff was where it's going to be at um so I'm I'm moving into the 1888 building too again will stuff we that to get with there so I'm going to make a motion to uh reserve the balance of the remaining ARA funds after Theo Road Project is paid for should be designated towards the at do project second motion discuss but it's it's it's money that's just there we can use for any we have to allocate it by the end of of December and it has to be allocated towards a project so yeah so it's it's just a matter of is there another project is more you know needs to be done right away it's been nice to be able to to not have to go to taxpayers for a lot of different things we've done with that ARA money that affected the majority of the residents um and this is kind of a last uh last pit that's kind of left over and we finished up Depot Road and then whatever from that would go towards that 7,000 69,000 the other advantage of this is that we spend the AR money and we we have a balance at the end of the 228 building project we can send it back to CPC um which is one My Hope right now everything the building advisory committee has two members from the Comm preservation committee uh we under current um current thinking we are going to um be slightly under $7 million for construction that's subject of course as as we move forward in the design process that number could change but uh so give us the best opportunity to funds after we spend the Federal Branch and uh to return funds to the CPC so that's another reason why in favor of it okay next Advance it in the St so motion been made and seconded there's no further discussion all those in favor TR I thank you okay we don't have to talk about um okay so next up U Christopher can you just take us into this uh note letter from our attorney sure so uh board members may recall there was a a complaint about a nuisance dog on uh 5 and 10 uh up closer to Old Deerfield um since the original complaint back in the summer uh the complaint and has actually moved away there was initially a a hearing that was going to be scheduled for November 6th um both parties agreed to delay that hearing until December um and since then it's been confirmed that the U you know the complaintant is moved out of the the imediate vicinity of the dog um so the lawyer for uh the gentleman who owns Theo the dog um is requesting that we uh look at vacating the underlying order of the board as issued on June 27th 2024 um I would just add that they've in their correspondence said they're doing what they can to um you know keep the noise levels down and and make sure the dog is behaving we haven't seen any other um complaint to the police department or anything else I know the dog is still just tendency to the fight is still under that order um did the did our attorney kind of recommend I think he kind of said hey this is the letter so we can either do nothing at all just leave it I know that they're challenging it in court right the the order so it's a matter of do we want to just drop it not deal with the issue going to court and fing it or um or make some other um revision to the order um or just terminated I think know we can always begin again if there's another issue but seem well I think is basically you know that the dog's owner did what be asked in in view of putting up screening um to try and work with the complainant and now that the complainant's gone um and we haven't heard any new issues um we could save ourselves attorney Spees for not having our attorney after going aost to do this here and I think our our order was that the dog was in at certain times um and not left out unattended to 2 a.m. on um and somewhat worry that that will you know just begin again uh but I just trust that they understand how difficult it was for the resident and I hope hope that others um don't don't have to deal with that too I mean I think your clients aware that there's there's been an issue hopefully addressing as best they can so I'm I'm fine to um I guess what we're looking for is whether we want to vacate that particular it doesn't affect the dangerous correct which we have [Music] noing but that's or modify modify I don't really have any way would modify I think we did what was appropriate based on the evidence we had and the fact that was a and um apparently the I don't know if somebody's reoccupied the home but if they have nobody is complaining all right we've got no reports from an from police depart nothing no there's been no other incident since then there was only one complaint at the time y not that there weren't others that just they had had responded so I mean I I don't have a strong feeling about this so my stated opinion is that we can avoid continuation leg will to it um and it's I don't think that attorney F mentioned that uh the court can say well if there's no complainant then right then there's no complaint I I would make a motion to vacate the order at this time second any further discussion um hearing none all those in favor ofing the uh the order M thank you thank you'll send [Music] a all right and next up is the discussion about um the what we call decarbonization road map assistance so I think the energy commit folks are here you want to come up and just briefly discuss [Music] welcome thank you my name is ma Swedeland I'm on the energy committee with David um David Gilbert Keith the energy committee um we have an opportunity uh to apply for a decarbonization road Mar map assistance um the application has to be in no November 29th which is fairly soon Allison Gage has said that she will draft it for us um all we need from you all is approval to apply uh and uh this is an opportunity to get Grant assistance for for uh a for something that several of our committees uh finance committee and Capital Improvements committee have been talking about which is long range planning for um Municipal facility condition assessment which is what they will do they'll come they send it uh the state do will send uh a technical assistant in who will walk through our municipal buildings and um provide us with that uh assessment um and and then uh we will and and they're going to basically what they do is they're going to tell us give a schedule of when of each building when things need will come due will be so we'll know be able to do long range planning rather than having an emergency oh my gosh we need to replace this immediately they will up and so this is um uh the town doesn't none of the the town doesn't have to write any grants they don't have to write any Grant reports they um they don't have to manage Any Grant money so there's not there's not a burden on Town employees um for this um and the technical assistant will assist the this is the energy committee will work with them and we come up with a road map the road map will talk about um decarbonization goals for the town for 20 2030 and 2050 so we'll have all of that information on the buildings which hopefully will assist the work that the finance committee and the Capital Improvements committee that information will be um and bu I'm sorry building advis yes yeah interested in this information what the requirements the requirements what are they asking from us to to do this are they requiring us to do something set some sort of goal it it's part of the C the um climate leadership but it's not an obligation in other words we if we do this it's one step if we end up apply be trying to become a a climate leader Community but if we don't it doesn't matter we still have all the benefits of this and um uh so I think I think the fact that it doesn't obligate us to anything is another important part of this whole thing I think it's all beneficial and as far as I can tell not no downside to it okay I just want to make sure yeah sure we had to do NOP no quck Pro quote and one of the things that's particularly interesting in light of U the South County the senior center search uh study um it would give us an opportunity to get a good look at this existing building and you know what it's um I think we have a dual fuel boiler um we have a steam system here uh a lot of these things are Antiquated and so give us a good opportunity to provide insul information if this moves forward in that discussion at least is Senior Center location yeah I think it also you know you you aren't looking at one building at a time you have you have a whole picture as a result of this um and and so you as as you're planning uh you can say well we we're this is going to be coming up it it it it's real help and prioritizing well and you would help even to replace the equipment that's there if you if you chose not to decarbonize but you would know that that boiler is going to be obsolete at this year and that might be a good time to think of a better kind of heat but you would know okay and this would also Encompass I think the ppw with the fire department sou South Fire District building all all Municipal all municipal buildings are included I think if I'm not mistaken um it has to be 75% of your energy use build the buildings your municipal use so so you can't just pick one building and and just include that in it I think they want they want a broad yeah so but I can see the 1888 building would be silly to put in for instance it's going to get Chang yeah okay and that's just the municipal buildings do not just municipal buildings would this be the start of another plan as far as uh coming up and doing a review of the homeowners and some of the other buildings and town businesses and that sort of thing no it's not connected all this is just Municipal builds thank you you were looking for a letter support we are we are looking for just if you would vote to approve us to apply for the grant is all all it would take would be that approval tonight and then we'll get in touch with Allison what's the time frame the I know you got to get it inv by you know 29th but then um what are they looking at like a year from now I don't I don't know but it should be fairly soon okay I know I know I have I didn't a I didn't ask that question of Chris Mason but I could get that information for you if you want it but they may not know what the time frame is yes okay so I make a motion to support the application s any further discussion none all those in favor fa thank you so much excellent all right um so we've got various um board committee applications to consider and recommendations for appointments do you want to just go through them for me Christoper sure so uh we have Emily badell has applied to be a member of the recreation committee uh I believe Emily works for Eagle Brook School um and she was uh certainly highly recommended by Sue antonell is the the chair of that um that body wonderful I I'm so grateful she stepped up to to serve on that committee very smart and uh know to help and that's great we you you all got the motion to approve em Emily Vell to the recreation department second in discussion I just I wasn't sure he said there was somebody who was stepping down I didn't know I just want to thank them for their time but I didn't know who that was was stepping away and M but I'm not sure if that was um yeah I didn't I didn't receive a and hopefully we'll get a letter from them too want to make but yes I'm all in favor of this okay so we made a motion all those in favor Mel iil I I great and thank Emily for her interest in serving yes all right and the next uh group is for the the historical commiss yeah we've got two applications for that uh body uh anal both ke and also Lee Easton uh Anna Le is with us on Zoom tonight so if we have questions for her those can be directed that way um and then I believe uh in your packets there's some additional information regarding both uh applicants yeah there's historical commission minutes where uh both of these members were proposed and approved for um recommendation to the select board so ad make a motion to approve W and me e to the hisorical committee second any further discussion he all those in favor Daniel I Gilmore I jtim I thank you so much for will to serve right and um the next thing is I believe is do we just have one yes police officer oh well yes four police there's one other and we actually have an additional one that came in late today a resignation yeah through those yeah sure um yeah so uh want me to handle Personnel Board and you can do the other one sorry well I'll start with um so we have a resignation from a full-time Police Officer James Fitzgerald uh there should be a letter in your packet toview as well um and then open space committee Susan half uh also informed us that she's um going to need to step away from the committee at this time as well and then lastly it's not in your packets but uh Cassie Drome uh from our Police Department let us know that you know she's currently the the elected by the other employees of the town as the employee representative on the Personnel Board um unfortunately she's not going to be able to continue in those duties as well uh so those are the resignations is she staying on as as an employe oh yes yes yeah yeah sorry I didn't mean to give you a heart attack there no she's just she just said I can't make those meetings though yeah um I understand this process forward there was one other candidate that was supported by that so discuss that yes so uh there were two candidates for that um that role as employee representative and the other one was Tim drum from uh scams um I spoke with Tim this afternoon just to make sure he was still interested as the you know the second place candidate um and he and he said he was um so I think if if the the board wants to appoint him to basically fill out the remainder of her term I think that would be appropriate I I would make a motion to fill out turn for that was the personel committee elected by the employees yeah it's the employee representative yep second discussion here none all those in favor Trev Daniel iil Tim I that's pretty and I guess there is one other right open space committee reservation and I just want to thank um Cassie I want to thank Cassie for sure for her time and I'm glad she's sticking around um and and then I just I also just want um to thank James B Jo for um representing the town here for this police officer and it looks let me be willing to remain on as a part-time which is fantastic really hard to find part a parttime police officer so very very pleased for that that's it and then there's um a resignation from the yeah open space uh Susan who's um helping revitalizing the open space Comm okay a motion to regretfully accept her designation I'll second that motion thank her for her service yes they did a lot of great work this past year so yeah so thank you so motion made and seconded all those in favor m i i i don't know it's always asked always asked so we have not done the trown G [Music] advisory well I discussed that come process so we can make sure we need to read advertise I know we have a couple of candidates that are maybe previous members yes and um I need to get five candidates I know we need to get moving we don't have much time so yeah advertise get it out there and we'll so we get it done by the next meeting yeah we need to I know we need to get moving on it needs to be oh okay I don't know what's there's no dead deadline except we just need to get on it yeah I think I'm plan to to negotiate a negotiation is that set up as a again a tri Town it is a I believe there's yeah there's a Dearfield representative on the tri Town cable advisory committee I assume it's yes wait sunfield this was the cable advisory committee right yeah yeah have you done it I've done it yeah I mean the the cable advisor your committee is it looks at things like uh you know your cable buildout if you have any left uh you look at things like your peg access um revenues uh and you go into usually another 10year contract um and you know it's it it's good to have a representative from the town you know I've I've only sat on it in another town not as a part of a TR toown uh so you know I'm not sure what your representation looks like but um you know I would say it's it's good to have someone in there and looking after you know what your needs are as a town in terms of uh cable access it can be you know Peg access it can be cable buildout there are two questions I have one is you talked about appointing our cable advisory committee now is that a multi- I thought that was a dear field committee May two right that sounds like it's possibly correct but in this case we're talking about the tri Town able advisory committee so we we need to just have one representative to yes okay and and really when Collins was here Peg access was really on the chopping block and before he passed it [Music] wasint somebody at the next meeting to be the vehic representative and then I right I don't know what what you know would interest me is to look yeah I'm new to the town so is maybe you had a committee for your own town and uh and discussed the issues that were pressing in your own town and then had your your rep yeah push one of your your reps forward I was told that the the tri Town committee at more clout or whatever it was when they were negotiating that's why they joined for that would make sense they had a big population that sort of thing so leverage your power a little bit yeah and as to our cable advisory committee all we have is a draft charge on the website we don't have a any members as far as I can telled was in so just I guess I would like clarity about are we appointing one person who was trying to committee and and so um I'm happy to pick from the two people who appli for the cable committee and one of them's got a lot of experience in this I certainly have done right so one of the things I would recommend is uh whoever you you know whoever you appoint that they're aware of what's going on with MBI because MBI sometimes is doing one thing and your negotiations are doing another and they don't always me and so you want to make sure that you're looking at both whether it's happening on the state level and within your own negotiations because I personally ran into that problem when I sat on the cable advisory committee so it's it's really important to that they're up to speed on the MBI as well that's another story [Music] I mean I I can help out in that area because I I I was on the I was on the yeah I I was immersed in that for a while y so um just to recap and we we'll contact the two people that we know volunteer for ours and post yeah so unless one of you two want to be on this I've done nothing on my enough too but I do I do feel it's extremely important it is I mean Comcast is and and just and just so that that seems like a plan just to um clarify those so I know one of the candidates for the cable advisory committee do we have another one we're willing to put the name out there right now it was Jack okay that's right y okay yep yep I'm happy happy to reach out to [Music] them okay so we have any letters of support not at this time though tell us about this contast check yeah this is just uh Peg access Revenue so um just again similar to the excess and deficiency and preash just wanted to notify the board that we received that that figure 22,43 .96 okay and does that go into own account yep okay okay um oh yeah we we received a request from fog um to to comment on the petition for discontinuance of a portion of riceberry Road um this is a portion uh that's essentially only a paper Road it's between River Road and the Connecticut River um so the portion that would have gone down to the ferry when when it was there um we have another issue before council with this road and so at this time I'm recommending that we do not um issue any kind of uh opinion on the discontinuance that sounds reasonable to me I know that it's always better to um let the do the situation be resolved before but anybody else have any thoughts on that I just assume old this oh Chris and I talk about that and I agree with you that okay all right so we won't do anything on that for C invitation um so now over to you and assistant reports sure uh so the the headline is uh L lot ribbon cutting this Friday uh so it'll be held at 11:00 a.m. uh in the very parking lot uh that we're celebrating the the opening of um we're going to have uh representatives from our state senator and State Rep uh from fhwa uh a couple other federal agencies um as well as our OPM Masta will be in attendance as well um so encourage everyone to come uh there's only so many speaking slots I know are Tim hilchie will be speaking at the event um but it should be brief and at 12:00 noon we'll open the parking lot for use um so the EV Chargers are installed at this point uh and are going to be fully operational so encourage everyone to attend oh that's a good point and I yeah I would and Greg thank you for reminding me um it was also brought up we might uh do kind of a second event in the spring more promotional around the the presence of the level three charger um Booker Design Group has also recommended um potentially doing a a utility cabinet painting um so that's kind of a fun Community thing you can do obviously we got to work with eversource on that one but as you can see in ammeron Northampton they occasionally let you do that so um exactly yep yep um so that's great I I would love to I did was thinking it was Saturday and then I know Pi got moves so and I can't be there on Friday so I but thank you are we are they still doing like the checklist or I think the um the entrances to both end of the park parking lot have they been finished yeah you know I haven't been over there since uh Tuesday U which was yesterday it feels like longer ago but uh so it's it's striped obviously pay D um but yeah that I I think there's still a little portion that needs to be finished up tomorrow yeah basically all the ls a and he will be in attendance so he's we're going to get a chance to recognize him in person for all his work on that which is stupendous that y also Chris helped us identify um you know rivermore who help us get the CFI grant that paid for the whole project with the exception of the AR money we had already designated for this so again it's a project that's almost 28 years in the making I think that the town uh town meeting in 1996 approved this project purchasing the land for for at a part parking lot and lo the whole 28 years later [Music] it's Trevor you got another 20 years before let about the taken over 20 years now Trevor I was just going to mention though that the spring the spring uh hopefully it will be more of a local celebration to get our you know be it was just very short notice on this one so uh hopefully we'll get you know businesses in there and I I'd also just put a plug in for this guy over here because an incredibly comp complicated project with a lot of moving parts and I don't know how he keeps it all organized in his brain but he does and he does a great job [Music] so departure the person who been 10 or 12 months and then to have the actual execution of two months land on really very great pleased that you did it with such a well happy to do it thank you yeah um and another it I just want to give the board an update on Is Still Water Bridge uh so I'm going to be meeting with Lisa and mot next week um so mot finally um it's extremely technical engineering stuff but they basically figured out how much ground underneath the river uh is article 97 uh so they now have an actual square footage to give us um that the town would need to replace basically um and initially what it's looking like is something like only 4,000 square ft of land is in article 97 so given um what the open space and Rec committee did with identifying some of those other Parcels that are eligible for article 97 I don't think we're going to have two two challenging a time uh making that swap so as far as the takings and stuff yep and I and and those are are within um the range that I think was discussed maybe back in the spring with the town um after the meeting on Tuesday I'll have some updates for the board about you know what exactly those take look like they're all quite quite minor though okay good yeah thanks for that excellent and I just wanted to any other updates uh Town Projects the board was looking for updates on notless there's something you know maybe just hitting on the sidewalks a little bit we you know I know we did you North Main um and a little bit from the PO Club kind of area and I wondered was there any funds left over from that and then should we start I we should start planning others you know we have stuff in Old Deerfield we have I we obviously have more here once this is done but I didn't know if there were any other things we wanted to hit on keep it keep going yeah uh so there unfortunately there weren't funds left over from the North Main sidewalk project um obviously we've got an application out there for complete streets for Street um so that would you know take care of those sidewalks in conjunction with some Ada money we applied for there um in terms of the sidewalks uh around the campus I think in kind of that section of North Main um you know there's a yeah there's there's a couple potential ways we could approach that one is if the senior housing project moves forward there's what's called Housing Works money that's specifically slated for infrastructure around you know housing projects so so that's that's a possibility but um certainly that's going to be going to have to be focused because um you know we've got essentially just sidewalk and then asphalt and and really nothing to soak up any of the the the you know the water that we have here so yeah y we do have a couple of sections in Old feel like they are missing and you knows we have it's where a lot of people walk as well too so um we should really kind of get a plan together for yeah we we started talking with mani and um about and and John Davis from Historic Deerfield about you know which sidewalks and could we do something like the DPW did the removal so a shared expense um those discussions need to be finalized um and my thought on on that end of town it would be nice to do something that was I has to be but I think of like um hard he St or some color so it looks like an old kind of dirt path but it's you know it's not just so like uh 20204 it kind of looks more dated um just as a design element to that maybe it's not available but yeah historic actually got an estimate for stamped colored as yeah very expensive but not as expensive as cement but we need to yeah finalize a discussion and see what the shared expenses would be yeah because I think da and historic expressed you know an interest in Sharing cost I I think going forward if we're looking at Oldfield you know one possible way to look at it is to say okay what's the ownership of the the the street Frontage and so you know entity X has 70% of Street Frontage entity y has 10% and the town has the remainder yeah um you know a cost sharing because obviously it's a great tourist draw fori um you know it's a safety issue you know and as is as is Elm Street El stre a very big saf and so I thought like the you know the chip ceiling we do you know we p and then we chip seal and Chip seal with like a blonde colored you know Keystone or something like that it might look a little nicer I just a thought we should discussed yeah I was a waiting you know um some some feedback from that yeah CH again sounds good that's all I got um thank you for doing great job all right we got anything for or you no said I'll be playing for the uh for the for the Tilton Library trustees I believe oh nice doing a little cello for them at some point so and we're definitely gonna get him for the spring lir lot event yes can always I think there's a think there's a Joanie Mitchell song that might fit the [Music] occasion you know where I'm going yeah all right well there other business did you want to talk to you want to talk to me this is Valerie I got a I'm sorry I got late I got out to 6:30 and you guys were already in full mode that's right did you have any thank you thank you so I just give you a brief update uh Ned started yesterday um he seems to be acclimated very well um we uh we went over Basics basic things uh door um the key fob he got one of those where to park how to do his time sheet where things were where who the people were in town we did a brief ride around showing them um The Still Water properties yeah um yeah so we had an issue um we had a question regarding the Still Water properties regarding um the contractors wearing tick suits so I did find out that the contractors were wearing tyback suits because of the smell yeah and and and the filth of the place but it's pretty much it's pretty much cleaned up I mean they're still working there I know that you had gone to the uh to the meet to the uh the hearing I did I did I attended the court um um I think it was 11 no it was uh 4th or something that Friday last Friday and um uh everything seems in order uh they decided they're not you know they're just looking to um to you know clean up the area recently they were looking to you know work on the properties but I think until the errors are sorted out I can't remember when the next I think it's December is the next meeting um I think it's I think it's December 9th December 9th yes yeah yeah and I did write it on the calendar and I let Ned know so he may go to that that's great rather than me he can take over that yep he's done quite a few housing um complaints in Westfield when he was down there and he's great with food I let all the food vendors know that he's going to be taking over uh the the food trucks the people at treehouse Etc um so he seems to be working out well um of course you he only worked out one day but he will be in our Friday afternoon because there's a a tree lighting ceremony at Yankee Candle with a food truck there so he'll be there and he's going to also inspect uh Johnny figs which is only open at 5:00 okay so he because he'll be there in the afternoon he'll do that as well okay good so yeah so so that'll work out he is in that conference um in Springfield today and tomorrow but um the conference was supposed to be paid for by the public health Excellence Grant and we were assured that that would would be taken care of but when he got there they didn't not have any record of him being there okay so that's I'll sort that out tomorrow I'll I'll be in town tomorrow because I have Title Five to do okay to witness and um Richard is pretty much I believe he's done um he may pop in once or twice more but he uh as far as doing any any outside work uh that's going to be up to Ned Ned will be doing all that that' be great I'd love to thank him for all these years of service I Haven seen them for a while y okay so you guys have any questions about the Board of Health stuff no don't feel pretty good um I think where I just guess where we at on um Fair Street oh okay yeah right on the PPA my my last my last communication with the proprietor of that place was in the middle of October okay and and I have not heard anything I did go by yesterday to check it out and it's it's still as is okay I I I see no activity I've had no correspondence I've had no communication with him or or his family and I really don't know what's going on all right well you may have already done this but if you wouldn't mind just writing a couple of paragraphs and for record Christopher and Greg that would be great just so yep I'll I'll take care of that yep just so you have it have documented that that'd be fine all right okay thank you so much Valerie I'm glad you spoke up I didn't see sorry about that usually I look for you but I just didn't didn't see it yeah well I was a little bit late getting on I didn't get on till like 6:30 and you guys were already full steam ahead with with things I didn't want to interrupt no anytime any I so yeah yeah thanks for helping us find that and getting them on board yeah you've been wonderful B just so grateful okay you helped us so much all right so okay and and should there be a need should he um he asked me if I would stick around I don't need to to go into the office but if he should go on vacation or something like that or he's out sick or you have an emergency you can certainly call me that's what's wonderful thank you so I guess that's all I have okay thank you have a wonderful night look forward to talking to you soon okay okay you too bye bye all right so we have a motion on the table y second all those in favor Mel I Lake dmore I timg thank you thank you all have a good night everyone