##VIDEO ID:-HAuu7tWrx4## 6:58 p.m. I'd like to open the nominations for the remainder of the year which is a thre Monon non-expired term seat for the Delano Board of Education I'd like to First say thank you for all the applicants uh you guys are a great group I want to encourage all of you depending on who the uh recipient is to definitely run in the upcoming November as a right in do you guys ever need assistance with that just let us know about what those efforts look like but for my end I am nominating B hop do I have a second on nomination second by Mr jffs are there any other nominations at this confence seeing none close nominations and this is a gold Hall boot for ER yes Ryan Yes Joan St Jaz yes congratulations uh what the next steps are going to be is our business administrator's office we'll reach out to you regarding the uh next epis background check information to get you sworn in pretty thank you thank you and welcome Tok this time can we just move right in everybody good all right like to close the work session motion the close to work session moved by m SL seconded by Mr JZ all those in favor I opposed abstain motion carries and we will open up the regular meeting now i' like to call this meeting of the Delano Township Board of Education order first a moment of Silence thank you B please rise for flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all M roll call please here Ryan Jaz notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given as follows advertising in The Courier Post on January 7th 20124 posting on school bulletin boards in the main entrance stores of January 5th 2024 filing notice with the clerk of Toano Township on January 3rd 2024 and posting the notice on the district website delano.ca on September 16th 2024 I would like a motion for approval of the minutes on August 2020 August 21st 2024 regular meeting and executive session Mo moved by Mr vargan seconded by Miss schin are there questions or comments on the minutes I do I have some corre okay um correction um the minutes also gave opening statement she also she um under the the busting issue uh topic and I was the uh gatekeeper for a time so I had to write everybody that spoke uh Miss Branch is missing from speaking uh Mrs Miss Karen Gardner is missing and Miss Linda W is missing and Miss Stone was appointed uh to be our representative toship I just want to make sure my notes are correct uh from what you stated that we want to make sure that it's noted that Miss Gardner also read a statement at the beginning um um for her statement and public comments were also made by Miss Branch miss Karen G and I did not catch wise I just call Wise Linda w sdon e weih so sorry it's okay I spelled it wrong when I heard it thank you can you spell that one more time we i h thank Youk Miss Linda Y and that Miss Stone was appointed as the township committee lead okay so the Revis motion is now a motion to approve the August 2024 regular meeting and 2024 executive session minutes with the changes as no so I need a motion for that with the changes move by Miss schin seconded by Mr varo all those in favor say apologize ER yes Joan St ja motion passes same on reps do we have as on representative from Riverside High School C so I sent an email to Mr Adams the other day after the Riverside board meeting that I attended because For the first time in a while there was a student representative there I asked if he can provide them with our board meeting schedule and if she will be willing to speak at our meetings he said he would pass it forward and uh if not can we try to recruit and then I would ask if we can discuss later IDE or concept of AUD refal I'm open to that the rest of the I'm open to we could ask Mr D at BCIT possibly his okay see n Delano PTO hi Wendy hi Wendy Flanigan PTO um I just want everybody to know the book fair will be next week's classic book fair it will be held here in the cafeteria in the front corner here um we will have two family nights Thursday and Friday next week from 5:30 to 8:00 it's open to the public to come shop we'd love everybody to come in bring your friends family everything um last spring we had the biggest um sales that we've had in history of Del lanker schools we made up to $88,000 um um so we're hoping if hoping to uh break that for this time so invite everybody for next week thank you thank you daer Recreation and Township committee do you see Mr barley here I see Mr templon no comments Mr townwide yard sale is next Saturday and we'll be selling hovies at the firehouse as well starting at 9 a.m. What's the de get on the map uh like now you want to go on the map R can you put a post so what you're saying is I can't sell barbecue this you can see this won't be on the map and next Township committee meeting is Monday night I going to move my message to after Mr garison who's here but uh today we have our architect for the referendum project for the roof here Mr B Garrison uh I'd like to welcome him here uh there were a lot of questions from community members regarding this root project and I want to make sure Mr Garrison is able to present this to you he is the architect that came up with it he can explain literally everything in the timeline leading up to now and the timeline leading up to the election for you uh Bob would you like the microphone um yeah I could do that tell you what I have two different exhibits so if you just want to share those [Music] the the handouts that you have here will also be on the district website and I know that we have Town Council here so they could also have a link to Town Council if that is appropriate as well [Music] okay one of the good things that I do is I do architecture and not it so Bill do me make sure that I got going around here thank you so good evening ladies and gentlemen thanks for for coming out um during this busy time and and the start of the school year um as the board president said my name is Bob Garrison with Garrison Architects a little bit about me um second generation firm we're located in Belmar New Jersey my firm currently represents 60 school districts in South Jersey so New Jersey schools are what we do it's what we specialize in it's also great for me to be back here this evening because approximately 20 years ago 22 years ago I was part of the bond referendum back then to do the gym Edition uh just behind me uh the facility expansion here and some work over at wner Street I recall that process with the bond referend with one of the the great people that uh that I knew and education and his name was Joe Miller and he was a steward and he had conviction uh Mr Miller was a large presence he had a great mannerism around him my time spent around him was wonderful a caring person knowledgeable whatever but the most important thing is he had conviction in his idea because if you all remember 20 some years ago the bond referendum and remember let's talk about what a bond referendum is a bond referendum is a proposal that is voted on publicly during four special times of the year your board of education has chosen the general election so not to burden the district with an extra special election charge the special election charge was yesterday where you had districts like Collings wood and a few others pay their Freight in holding an election um on the third uh Tuesday of September so during that referendum in 2002 I think we started it failed went back out with the same program because he had conviction in the program he needed to build a gymnasium wanted the board offices moved there went out a second time failed again so I remember we're going into his office and I said after two failed attempts Joe we're going to do something different this time he said absolutely not it is my responsibility to get the message out for the importance of this particular project and what it will do for this particular community and he dug it his heels he worked harder and guess what on the third triy and it's only happened to me and I've been doing this for close to 30 years was that he was successful in a third tribe with an identical program because he believed in what what we're doing and what he was proposing so this board of education has asked me to come here tonight because they believe in this program and this program is designed to preserve the asset which is namely this building you see buildings don't belong to the Board of Education your buildings don't don't belong to Garrison Architects they belong to the community at large because last I chat these buildings were here before all of you moved here and I'm sure some of you have been here a long time I know because I raised my family in a neighboring community and the schools over there were there that somebody else paid for before I got there so one of the things one of the messages tonight is I'm sure there's a reason for a large crowd this evening and it's not here to see me speak about a referendum probably other things going on in the community but I ask for your patience understanding and tolerance in what the goal is with this Bond reference and the goal quite simply with this bond referend is to continue to preserve this asset this asset that belongs to this particular community so with that I'll go into the presentation so the first thing I want to talk about is the school district fund many of you were were very informed you come to regular meetings here you understand what the schools are about you may have students in the buildings themselves but so many of our taxpayers don't have that so as I started my comments tonight I said that this PowerPoint would be on the district website so that those that aren't here this evening can view this PowerPoint at their Leisure so we want to make sure that we give them that person all the information just like you're getting it this evening so the school district profile is designed very simply to tell you a little bit about the district and more importantly the age of the buildings that you have these programs are not meant to be a total burden to the taxpayer the Department of Education state government your dollar is up and trenen are there for the taking and so we got a commitment for this project from the Department of Education and I'm going to show you that and go through the funding options then we're going to talk about the specific projects here at Pearson most importantly the roof replacement reserving the asset and then hpac including indoor air quality and all those good things that we learned about 4 years ago and then finally what is the referendum schedule that's mandated dictated by the state of New Jersey so a little bit about your particular Community total students really what I want to focus on is the right hand side of the slide the original building section original building 1961 this building is served us well again it was here before many of us got here uh when we moved to this particular Community the gym addition that I was part of along with the other projects were in 2006 so that some up almost two decades ago then of course Walnut Street your oldest building that you have that's recently been changed so the state government under the educational facility construction financing act dating back to 2000 the original author of that bill was to fund the abot school districts the Abid school districts were the 31 poorest districts those are the districts again 100% their projects paid for not 40% of the projects paid for like your regular operating districts you folks here this evening and that money was exhausted it's been exhausted um and they they are fortunate in getting new high schools at 135 million in Camden City etc etc good for them um that's a whole different program but what that bill also had was a match for your regular operating districts and that's what your fa so the law says that in a regular operating District unlike an Abid that gets 100% of the projects paid for you get a minimum of 40% or whatever your District a percentage is that's what the DAP is so in your instance I think your District dat percentage is 28% or something like that you get 40% now the 40% is based on eligible costs well what what are eligible costs RS in an vac are highly eligible costs because they deal with reserving envelope reserving assets and increasing um student wellness areas and our air systems so under this program we submitted an application for this uh building and we submitted that application for hbac and roof and you got a commitment from the state of New Jersey for the 40% so all of your projects that we're talking about tonight are eligible for state aid and they are discounted at at 40% the projects themselves a little bit about piercing again I mentioned 1961 2006 it's a 53711 square foot facility and so the first thing that we're going to talk about is the exterior renovation starting with the outside and working our way in the 1961 classroom section that's this section and you'll see a graphic here in a second as 20 some thousand square ft of existing roof that roof and you'll see the pictures and you also see some exhibits other exhibits that are brought you can see the roof area there it's an EPDM membrane roof there was some work done for the restoration which is the white area that's that white coating that's kind of worn off over time it's been patched it's been repaired it's been coated it's at the end of its useful life ladies and gentlemen it needs to come off so with the roof replacement what we're talking about is also energy conservation because the new energy code tells us that we don't just put another roof on top of this cover up the SS that we take this roofing system all the way down to the de and we come back with increased insulation so increased insulation increases our envelope so that it keeps our heating and air conditioning inside of our building just like you would have in your home it provides more efficiencies while we do the roof replacement it also requires us to increase the pitch of the roof no longer can we do an eighth of an inch per per foot or dead flat roof we've got to use quter inch to get that water off of the roofing area so we're going to put new insulation down after we tear everything off we're going to do a modified roofing system we're a big believer in our firm of multiple layers of roofing because why we have a lot of mechanics up on our roofs we have janitorial staff up on our roofs getting balls about we have traffic on our roofs this is not the cherill mall when nobody goes up on the widespan roof areas these roofs are active and they have a lot of traffic so the modified roof gives us a little bit more durability during those and the protection from um any leaks perimeter metal new metal all the way around the outside of the roof will take care of the drains and the rising wall pads cuz as you see there and I'll show you also on the slide you've got different areas you've got power pits and so what we're going to do there is put metal on them so that we don't have leaking in those Rising wall areas and coming down through our roof so the lump sum cost for the roofing you see it there is a million dollar we then have Associated cost that are part of the eligible cost that are reimbursed at 40% by state government those are architect and Engineering fees those are construction contingency why do we need a contingency well the economy is out of control that's one of the reasons we need a contingency I've never ever used more of my contingency for unforeseen cost increases because of inflation that we have in the last four years since postco Transportation issue product shortages premiums on on fuel charges and whatnot that's what the contingency is there for it's also therefore if we open an area Roof that we can't see preconstruction when we're designing it and it's a bad roof section we need to have some money in the kitty with the authorization of board and oversight to use that money to repair a structural debt for instance that's bad or a drain so we have some of that money the other thing in a project like this is Garrison Architects is here weekly we're not here daily so we will recommend a construction management firm a full-time supervision firm looking at quality control every single day and keeping the peace with the principle and the deliveries that are coming during the summer when we do this work and having eyes on the taxpayers uh investment legal fees cost of election day is is although that's minimized because you're talking about the general election so when you add the 30% soft cost your Roofing portion is a million3 since we're talking about doing the roof on this building uh facilities and staff and administration said to us well we've got a lot of problems with the hbac equipment and if we're going to do the roof we've got a lot of hdac equipment on that roof it makes sense to marry the two projects together do them in unison so we've got 20 some rooftop fans exhaust fans we've got un ventilators uh along with condensing units those are the condensing units that little thing that sits outside of your your home um other rooftop units for the faculty main office and then in here the two rooftops for the cafeteria and the duck work so that's another million 7 with the soft cost another $2.2 million all of the HVAC as it says there with the asteris will be tied into your building automation building automation system is what Bas is so they'll be in unison tied in with the facility a little bit about hbac I mentioned that Co taught us a lot of lessons so the new HVAC systems come with murf 13 filters increase enhancements increase efficiencies increase quality of of air and all that technology will be installed and designed into your project in addition to that we would probably recommend Marine coating on the units because some of the pictures I want to show you the units are have degraded and rusted over time even though we're 60 mi from from the short community so some of the areas there that you can see we are located right here that's the entrance so this is the section we're talking about this was the gymnasium down here to my left the board office all the way down here this is the the back area of the school so we're talking about this front section so the rooftop units are shown here here here here the unit ventilators I'll show you that in the next slide they're scattered throughout the floor plan the exhaust fans are scattered all over this area so you can see the amount of equipment that that is on top of a roof wouldn't it be foolish to just do the roof try to do the roof without the HVAC equipment in unison when you have all that complication that's going on up there I don't know a picture of the classrooms but in the classrooms you have that box that's below the window that's a unit ventilator that's what provides your air system for your classroom it sits under the perimeter wall and that'll be replaced as part of this program and the condenser will be on the top so as I mentioned state governments are are partner in this it's no longer an estimated State share it's an actual State share because the business office has the letter pledging $1.4 million so the project total is 3,529 500 that's the number that you'll see on the ballot question okay they'll have a special bot question on your November uh sample ballot that you'll get and then ballot when you go in or vote by mail or however you vote um the then the local share will be 2.1 so you authorize the maximum spending let's talk about that maximum spending there a lot of talk about fiscal responsibility and public bodies and whatnot this board of education will be limited to 3,5 529 500 that's the maximum amount that can be spent because I explained earlier we have the continency money built in there and we have other costs already accounted for so there should be no reason to go over the 3529 500 that's a maximum so what we did getting that good news about the state sharing in the cost of this project is we gave it to the district's financial advisor so what would be the tax impact because everybody needs to know how it affects them so this balance then would be 4% over 20 years our roof is going to last 30 years we're going to borrow the money for 20 years cuz that's a responsible amount of time given the HVAC equipment uh life cycle the average assessed home in this community is 195 479 so for the average impact for this program $3.5 million program discounted by 1.4 million in state government funds your tax dollar up the traton a net of 21 it costs the assessed home $ 7723 per year let me say it one more time it's $723 per year not per month not per week not per quarter like your your taxes your water bill that's per year so it breaks down you can you can do the math it's 20 30 cents a day but whatever the math is on the 365 I'm driving over was talking to somebody that's a shop we said well it's 6 gallons of milk a year or something like that I don't know I I don't pretend to go shopp but uh you can relate that back to yourself the other thing that we're going to do on the district website is to make sure that we have a tax calculator on there a tax calculator because you're sitting here saying well wait a minute my assessed value on my tax bill might be $210,000 so I'm going to pay more than $77 or I sit here and I say my ass say value is $165 so I'm going to pay 60 and try to do the math we're going to do the math for you because we're going to have a tax calculator where you put your assess value on there and it's going to kick out exactly how it impacts you and your family okay to make it easy for everybody the important takeaway is this is an annual amount and this is based on your assessed value not what you think you could sell your house for not what's on Zillow on the real estate page and all that stuff it's the assessed value the schedule so we worked with the board of administration doing the program identifying the needs doing the due diligence the infrared scans and everything else we sent the the documents up to the Department of Education in June they came back in August with our preliminary eligible cost letters our money letters that we have on file and then the board holds a special election vote in September and we run it all the way down here to election day which is November 5th so there's a lot of different things that need to go on Publications the county sample ballots U etc etc so it's just like the general election you will get your ballots you'll get your sample information and then you've got to come out and vote on November 5th during uh 6:00 a.m. to to 8:00 p.m. it's very important uh to vote and to cast your vote yesterday in New Jersey there was 14 Bond referendums many of them were were defeated for a variety of reasons I lost one in Collingswood because of a lot of controversy in the community unrest in the community unsettled Community uh which was very concerning to me and and disturbing to me um just like here I worked in colleagu with almost three decades and they desperately need to do something but the the squabbling I'll call it in town caused them to to walk away from state aid so the takeaway is is the state of New Jersey is a big partner in this program this is a very very efficient and basic project but it's a much needed project if you think about this as a Community Asset as I said it has to be PR preserved one way or another the other important thing to remember is this every time the district spends money on patching the roof or fixing an HVAC equipment or doing something temporary or buying an HVAC equipment out of their own budget there's no state aid because the only way there's state aid is if there's a successful referendum go back to my financial Slide the only way districts get money is to incur debt that's the way the system set up nobody here in the administration yourself or on Council made that rule up that's New Jersey Law that's your legislative that's the way it is so we've got to have a successful referendum or else there's no 40% money and you continue to fund things and patch things out of your budget and you wonder to yourself how long can you patch it before you have a problem and I don't even want to go into that and what that would be so the program is there the applications were submitted it was very successful in that the state deemed the projects uh 100% approved the total authorization is 3.5 million and we look forward to uh everybody participating I will work with the administration getting this information up on the website as well as the tax calculator and get ready to uh to get the information campaign energized and out there the collage boards will have uh handouts like you have different types that you have here uh they'll be able to go home with the students etc etc BTO PT any way we can get it out the AEL with Town Council sports groups fire religious whatever it takes for for us for me to get the information out all we need to know is is a vehicle for you how to do that and so that's where you can help on that so with that uh do want me to take questions from the board first um sure do you want the board first yeah sure um thank you Mr Harrison I tried to do the best we all did in March when you had given our presentation the first time um I have three questions uh you had noted in the presentation that was an estimate of a 950,000 fee for a ter off and about um a 10% soft cost but what we never talked about was the need for the new hdac and our April right so and I'm I'm not the queen of budgets so I'm going to apologize now going through this where would I find the tear off cost so the the tear off cost is the billion dollars that's the tear off right thank you and then the soft cost are 30% on that so the roofing piece is a million3 and then the other piece is the HVAC thank you P what about the uh the 30% from the original 10% Fort cost can you just give it more detail unless I misunderstood by the way in March by so the 10% is part of that overall 30% but the the 10% is really the contingency so remember it had the 30% had a a lot of different parts let me run through them with you the 30% is made up of architect engineering fees the 10% for construction tendency construction management full size oversight legal accounting auditing and fees thank you all right thank you so much I can I that reminds me of one thing I didn't I didn't cover I can't go back to the well so once I went to on behalf of the board to state government for $3.5 million I can't be wrong so if it costs $3.6 million you don't get the 40% on the difference between the 352 and the 6 so if there is Surplus money if there's leftover money from the contingency or we don't use it it can be only used for tax relief I mentioned that it was a maximum amount to borrow and that's what it is so if we don't have any unforeseen conditions and we don't have an oil crisis and the world is completely stable we can buy roofing materials that are oilbased for for less than I thought we will be able to give money back to the taxpayer in tax relief we're not going to build a a a playground or a hot tub for the superintendent whatever so any other board members Jo did you have all yes I have all threee thank you so much because my only question would be the um the time frame you have to work with our it person and administration on getting the information on yeah so I sent over today okay uh a prototype outline of website you know just like I I did in in Collingwood and whatnot I mean it's what I do so I have it all teed up I just have to get the tax calculator I need the it to load this up on the district website I want to make sure that we have a special page that says referendum and if council is so kind we could have a link even to the Township's website so that every all the residents can get the information simultaneously between the two websites we can make any other [Music] Bo sure Council hi Caroline um question for you how old is the roof that you were placing you know beyond 25 25 years plus and how about the hbac units age most of them are 15 to 20 years which is expect to see of that um you mentioned metal wall panels that to be replaced is that like sheathing so the metal and I'm sorry I didn't I didn't have the pictures you'll see them you've got an area a rising area like this or Rising the wall as it interfaces to a different section of the building we're going to put a metal panel on that piece many times the water travels not the roof leak itself it'll travel down in the of wall and go in between the two connections so by putting metal panel there wrapping the whole thing it's one continuous warranty from the roof deck and any Rising vertical areas and just to clarify the 1.3 is the tear off and installation yes full installation removal full sheathing removal is a complete tear off put that on yes okay with a contingency for deck because it might have rusted deck that's what the isy which is pretty standard U my husband wrote notes down here for the hbac um they temperature control the rooftop fans do they go on automatically they'll be tied into the digital control system so yes the interface we will have Co sound like H phc so we'll have CO2 sensors so when the when the classroom empties right the units calibrate down when the students come back in per Ash have to bring in more fresh air so they will ramp up so I'll have the CO2 sensors in there we'll have the MB 13 filters in there we will have them tied into the uh BAS system the BAS system also tells us when maintenance is due when filter changes are due on those particular units uh same thing for the rooftop units I'm not a big believer in infrared and and a lot of some of that other stuff um so MV 13 is really where our our money is well spent hopefully with this um Bond refer we can purchase some ver 13 to keep them in stock so I know they're pretty expensive right so this way the district can happen for the next couple years when we so when we do a project we will have two-year warrant so we have the manufacturing warranty you probably know which is 5 years on a compressor well we will have let's say it's FASA mechanical that does a mechanical portion of this job we'll probably have one contractor because I want them to marry Roofing work with the hbac replacement that type of thing so in the bid specs we'll have a 2-year warranty and maintenance that means 2 years of cooling season heating season and filter changes for the first two years to ease the burden on facilities um for the first couple years um more financial question for the the tax impact so you're fully bonding for the 3.5 so the taxpayers are essentially over the 20 years going to pay the 3.5 in right that's correct okay they will get so it's maximum authorization to bar so what happens as you said we're going to Bar 35 the school district in their budget is going to get Debt Service Sav over the life of the loan but essentially taxers are still paying but the school district would get the reimbursement from right as part as part of their budget and that's the $77 for the average okay and you had mentioned there m left over there would be debt relief to the taxpayers how does that work that so we can't just spend it on something else so the money goes back to principal interest that they haven't paid yet to reduce the note that they marked okay think that's it thank you so much do you mind if I do Council first or mik um yeah follow question how is the state money paid back over 20 years so the borrowing term de service so we're being we're taking a yes 77 3 3.5 is the do borrow that but 1.4 is coming back from the state tax dollars that we already paid taxes on first time pay taxes on paid the first time are we borrowing from Economic Development story no you're bonding so it's going to go out to public bid for the bond right Wells Fargo whatever 1 1.4 back in the state we should only have the bond for 2.1 that's not the way the state government does it unfortunately that's what I mean we're being taxed twice there you're not being I don't understand how you're being taxed twice we're paying your the amortization schedule and we can share that with you from Phoenix advisers Cherry Tracy does it right she'll show you the principle the interest payment and then the state contribution here on her table and then you can see how much the net is we can share that document with you no it just doesn't make sense why we're paying for it twice you're not paying for it twice that's what I'm telling you when you see the amortization SCH no no no no the state money that's coming back to us we're paying who for that we're paying 1.4 actually you're going to go up to the state and get money that you you paid in it's coming we already paid taxes right and it's coming back to this community in the form of $1.4 million we're paying interest on the whole 3.5 mil when there's 1.4 that we've already given to the state that we should get back right when you see the amateurz schedule I think it'll make it clear to you you're not paying you're not paying interest on the the whole amount you're paying interest on on the N well that's what we said7 3.5 because you have only because you have to borrow the whole amount again this is cular conversation it's not a circular conversation for for 20 years I'm going to go more than that so in 1998 I think it was cign maybe changed the law so how many years is that so for 28 years school districts have been borrowing the entire amount they've been getting debt serviceing and then there's a net to the taxpayer and that's what I'm explaining here it's been the same for for decades so we'll provide the anization schedule to you to show you that you really are this community really is getting $1.4 million if you did nothing you get nothing you get no money but because you did an application and they gave you your preliminary eligible cost letter and final eligible cost letter you got about your debt service a and so when you get your debt service a it's part of the the school district's budget they can't use it for and sorry the business administrator is not here but she knows that she can't use it for any other purpose can't have books or supplies or a field trip or whatever I don't mean to point at you but principle you know for any educational things has to go to its facilities all right but I want you to see that because I want you to understand you know non suitcase salesman saying that you're getting million for and you're not okay so want to be transparent yeah so I have two questions um if the referendum passes I'm curious as to what the timeline is after that as far as um does it have to go out the bid when with the construction happen and then on the FP side of that if the referendum doesn't pass what is the recourse sure so let me take your second question first cuz that's an easy answer if you do not have a simple majority on this question and there have been ties and a tie is enough simple majority one more yes than than no the money goes back comes off the table you don't get it and as I explained before Joe Miller tried three times until he got the money right so first question so with a successful referendum my office goes to work with detailed drawings because just like the money that we're going to borrow has to be advertised and competitive because maybe we'll do better than 4% and maybe the impact of the taxpayers is less than 77 because Wells Fargo was lending money in 3.7 his interest rates just came down today right if that's the case we go and prepare the documents we then have a public bid so the public bid is going to be with pre-qualified contractors it's not people that my office chooses I don't work for them I represent the school district the construction manager is going to represent the school district so we go out to bid in a fair and open process hold a pre-bid meaning takes about a month to do that process they turn in their sealed bids at 3:00 on a Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever it is just can't do it on a Monday open the bids winner take all as long as they're pre-qualified and that winter would probably be we'll have to see a roofer with a mechanical or a mechanical with a roofer because they have to work in unisense on this project can't really have people tripping over each other so that process will occur as soon as possible the thing that we have to wait for is the election contest period so after the election happens on November 5th there is a 30-day weight period and then there's 60-day period to borrow the money so we're not going to have the money for 90 days but we can go out to bid but you've authorized the expenditure well we just can't sign a Construction contract so that puts us in the time frame November December January in February signing a contract which is perfect because contractors are looking for work coming out of the wintertime for 2025 It lines up great now is this construction that can happen while school is in session no or is this something that has to happen this building will be closed we are not Roofing over employees and we're non Roofing over students so that could adjust the school calendar come 25 26 school year well we'll be able to get it done in the 12 weeks of summer so we'll close the building we'll tear the roof off we'll have all the hbac equipment God willing supply chain um sitting in the park Lun cuz we can pay for things stored material and then we'll just crane it up on the roof and we'll get into the classroom for the unit ventilators where we need to be and we'll finish up in August for September o we see y hi have you made accommodations for the public library that's on the back end so that be able to access the parking lot Etc during those hours we will talk about that and have that as part of the construction manager and L Logistics part of the reason for the construction manager is we have to be organized organized when materials come to the job site organized with active library or ation issues summer programs etc etc so after it passes there's a lot of planning to be done and to be respectful of what's going on back there right because any closure affects our statistics which affect our state and local funding it's kind of a big deal we don't want to have to close for anyone time understand that yes I'm sorry we can't extend the school year sum so like weeks it's not so maybe we have to teach that program in the newer section okay of the building okay we just have to shift staff and whatnot the reason that we can't be here is because we're doing some active tearing we can't have cranes and devices on top of of folks okay and they can't be pick an hpac equipment up with cranes to drop you know it's too dangerous for that so this section will have to be closed and we'll have to work with library and also your program on the other end yes ma um so I was looking at the map is it am I correct that there isn't going to be any roof replacement in this section right here the back section right so where you see Ni not in contract okay okay so I have a couple questions about sure um is the roofing good standing in that section of the building yes okay my second question is the HVAC system that you are replacing will it then cuz I know there's a very old HVAC system in the back of that building so is it going to then that will we have new HVAC in that section not in the back section we're just dealing with the area that you see here that's a all right okay are youing the exting there replace yes yes ma'am um question for you about the uh for this the this minling had mentioned that the I guess the 20 2006 is going to be dropping off this year so essentially it's like $55 um per household and then this would basically replace that so that the taxpayers wouldn't really notice an increase or decrease in their taxes you as much yes as much so what happens is the financial adviser in that avation schedule when Sher did her analysis she did have the retiring debt but the new debt is coming on so I I'm not 100% familiar with the adiz schedule but I believe that this new project the the payments are larger that's why there's a slight increase so to your point if we were retiring $55 the total program would be $130 instead of 77 good question yeah I think it's important to point of unit take refrigerant of us uh huge question the new refrigerant so the rooftop units are going to have the new refrigerant we have a grace period for the unit ventilators with the DX so it's going to be new for the rooftops and then the older refrigerant probably for the DS because I called carrier Dyan and Johnson the factories aren't making the unit ventilators with the new refrigerant for what do they call them components so the word is component and system right so a system we're going to retool the factors but a component we're going to have a great spirit of a year in this country to implement that year I I'm not political I am political but I don't want I don't want to be political in this forum that's ludicrous okay it's ludicrous it's ludicrous to think that I can't order units can't order them because carrier doesn't make them right now in a classroom versus a rooftop unit two different refrigerants we got enough trouble in facilities maintain it one we got who thought that that's a good idea other than big government sorry yes the question was what size were the units and what type of refrigerant for the hbac thank you we have a green initiative in this country and it comes with challenges it's not all easy because nobody thinks about the implementation just sounds like a good idea I wanted to apologize ience I didn't itre I'm sorry why would you be sorry there's no question there is no question that is a a not of good question because somebody out there is thinking of those questions and the other thing that we're going to do but the other thing to do if we get a question you're going to be able to send a question to the administration and I'll have a Q&A on the district website so everybody can see answer that isn't here tonight got to be more thank you for answer that question um what else um it's really an opportunity um if the referendum fails you really start getting into a danger zone with being able to borrow the money do the plans doing the bid and implementing the construction right because you start moving further into the new year you got less time for procurement so November December and January we are we have our faults when it comes to communication and what we even see say sading the public for a proper V what's the best method we have 78 weeks to get this out from a board standpoint from a admin standpoint from a community standpoint what's the best effort on our end or practice to get this information out for a for a positive you've got to work with your parent groups you've got to work with your Township groups your senior groups you got to work with the groups I don't live here I can give you all the tools that I have all the exhibits all the fancy diagrams and whatnot but there's going to be a Grassroots campaign and there's going to be an Outreach to organizations and the Outreach to the organizations is simply the PowerPoint Pres presentation or the onepage flyer it's all there it's not not a complicated program right it's all one page so you got to be able to distribute the materials and refer people to this website which is why we got to get the website up and running sooner than later with the tax calculator and all the different things I also like to do is get Facebook you guys well we we have we have several demographics here where we need to probably do a little bit more of like a physical present so this is very similar to this presentation this is going along way versus other Community Day October 12 firehouse that's a huge opportunity take you take the poster board out and you have the hand out the yard the yard sale because everybody goes to the Firehouse for okay thank you very much Facebook social media it's all very very powerful you just can't tell folks to vote Yes okay this is an information please vote vote is important it counts whatever along those lines just know yes stuff think that's it yes I think you're good thank you so much I want to make sure everybody had their questions answer but obviously if there's further questions to come up I'll have them email to Administration and forward to you for a response yeah so let's set that up what email do you think you're going to use Eric so that people in the audience know I would have them email Dr Fitz okay because on the uh on the website how about this website Mr B since he's here we could set up like a Google account like referendum at delano.ca go to Dr Fitz go to arene T report it out if needed and go from there like that that would be the ideal situation referendum specific so get lost resp I'll help I got this I don't do curriculum I don't do a lot of other stuff but I I'll do this I can answer this ER that okay I get my hand and I start we just want yeah look yeah if there's no questions I definitely want to move for you know Bob thank you for coming in thank you Bob so your superintendent worked with my mother in a neighboring community the 80s go back long thank you for your time thank you thank you thank you we'll make copies of these if we could have these available the entrance scho when parents come in and everything we could give that out we can start that Grassroots Camp everything would be any all right moving on I moved my message to here so first off I'd like to welcome everybody to the meeting right well uh I certainly missed a heck of a lot when I moved my daughter into college in August H um let me stress again like I did in my statement last month we're continuing to improve much work has been done now 11 months into our current Administration we acknowledged it much more work still has to be done both our board our staff we're committed to that improv for example I received a handful of messages this month about how classes are structured lack of instructional aids for example frustrating families I replied to all of them while foring these messages to our Administration board as for our policies but please make no mistake I am unapologetically a parent first these are issues that are affecting my kindergarten age daughter who has an I I apologize to say you teach my daughter you're in the B oh I I'm too frustrated with these issues um they're not just negatively impacting our district they're negatively impacting districts throughout the state and we saw just last month when I wasn't the potential impact of a lack of bus drivers um the fact is before that meeting I personally know two people that I had retired that were retired recently from public schools apply for that position knowing it was part-time hopefully hoping that they would be able to take it but they would have made too much and it would have affected their pensions they couldn't take it um luckily our administration had the RFP posted and as you'll see on tonight's agenda for the first time in years two companies actually been on our routes and we have our routes out I'm big on Ops Ryan's mentioned the communication piece a lot I say to my team I I run an IT team in a district um all the time that behind the scenes improvements are great they absolutely need to happen but the Optics lie within the vision of the naked ey and the fact is we can make all the improvements in the world but if they're not clearly communicated that perception and the Optics that are within that vision of the naked eye become negative it's human nature that negativity always fills that void that's left with the lack of communication as a parent I've noticed an improvement in the last two months of communication through the Blackboard mass communication system I've asked for this in the past and I want to publicly ask on the administration to take the next steps create that Facebook page because this is a Facebook driven Community unfortunately the last one was created by former Administration cannot be recovered by us we need the creativ use it to post something positive deal post job openings that are out there so as community members can share it potentially attract more applicant and create ownership within our district celebrate staff achievements with things like a lesson of the week and celebrate their successes update the website with current information even if alternate Solutions are currently being researched these are small chaps they can have a huge impact on Optics and that public perception I also ask this of the public as I call the administration to do that I want to ask this to the public Mr sanago is now with us here fulltime we're excited that Miss K's just weeks into her assistant principal ship here with us and frankly I'm hearing already amazing things about it please give this building level Administration a chance to make that positive change please give this new building level Administration chance to respond to you hear your concerns give them a chance to help all of our staff students our parents our community members come together as that one delango I was honored when M mcpartland asked me and it was the first time I was ever asked to come and say a message to the staff at the beginning of the school year unfortunately I was running PD in my district I emailed out a message and and I see some of that happening but I want the Optics to be there and I want those Optics to be and I call on that communication change so um thank you for that point and this time I'd like to have the superintendent Report with Dr F thank you very much Mr President I want to do this report in two parts oh crap actually sorry I have to open up for public comment on agenda I I skip that part like to open up the meeting for public comment on agenda items there is one public comment on the online form which I'll read right now it's from Samuel James 321 Magnolia Elaine says District leadership team Boe members and community members I'm sorry that I could not attend tonight's meeting to express my feelings in person the reason for my comment is to voice my support for the proposed roof replacement project as it applies to the Pearson school I also support any recommended upgrades of replacement of the mechanical systems hbac % I know that there will be taxpayers who are against this and they have every right to express their opinion I would simply ask that we the community take into consideration something that most of us were taught at some point in our lives and that is once versus needs I think that we can all agree that the want for children in Delano was to get the best education they possibly can however we must recognize that in order for that to happen our schools needs need to be properly maintained let's take a moment to consider the reality of our current economy everything costs more than it did last year and we have no guarantee that it won't cost more next year if we know we need a new roof and our mechanical systems are either approaching or have already surpassed our life expectancy the most fiscally responsible thing would be to replace those things at today's prices in addition let's not forget the money that would be saved with today's more energy efficient systems as compared to the older units currently in place if we choose to wait we are RIS substantial cost increase in the cost of equipment materials and labor in closing I will again mention once versus needs by saying this previously the members of the school board were faced with a reality of what they needed to close Walnut Street School that they wanted to save our school district with that in mind we shouldn't once again trust with that in mind should once again trust that we are making the best decision for our school and most importantly our children respect samel James is there anybody else in the public that would like to make a comment on an agenda item only seeing none I close public comment on agenda items and now move over to Dos I apologize thank you very much Mr President let me start off by telling you about the positive things and then I'm going to move to those things that are challenging us and I'm going to talk about how we meeting challenge a little closer okay thank you very much we welcome approximately uh 367 students to the opening of school and that we open up school with a very smooth transition we've had a very positive response from our students from our parents and from the staff our drop off and pickup is Flowing traffic is no longer a problem we have adequate parking for our staff and for visitors that come to our school I've gotten a great response from the police department in terms of providing crossing guards for our students we are now beginning to explore the preschool expansion grant for 2526 we'll be looking at what our options are where we can find space for a program like that on the transportation side of our district we have hul transportation company providing the services for our youngsters we have courtesy busing over in the West Avenue area we have a bus a riding our bus for our outbound trips as well as our inbound trips that program is moving along very well during the time that we were advertising we got good response from the media they know where we are and they are invited to come to see the positive things that's taking place in our school district we have some wonderful things taking place in this school district starting with our staff our kids our kids are remarkable I am I feel so good when I get a chance to walk the hallways to see them in the hallways to see them in physical education and to see them out on the playground so we're in a good position let me tell you now about the challenges we've had to share some classrooms but we're making changes on that immediately I have found and located space where we will no longer have to have a shared classroom I'm dealing with rotor controls small rats are looking for a winter home and so that we have had to increase our contact with our Ro controls people to assure us that we can slow down the movement of them in our rooms okay so I need you to inform us and so that we can try to find the exact location social media we must move quickly and to become more involved and getting more messages out on the social Med media but I ask you to talk to your children about the social media because they have a they have a chance to stop some of the conflict that sometime get ignited because of the social Med I'm concerned about the safety of our youngsters I don't want to alarm the community or to alarm you in any way but I'm going to be activating a threat assessment team because we can take no chance on what we hear what is brought to our attention we must act quickly and we must act decisively and I must involve the police department in all allegations and information that come to me whether it's real or whether it's imagin I have to act with urgency uh with all of that so basically what I'm saying to you I want you to keep talking to us tell me about your observation tell me about your experiences that gives me the opportunity to address those issues that are brought to my attention I'd like to welcome our principal I like to welcome all the new staff because we have good staff for our children guidance counselors School nurses occupational therapists physical therapists School psychologists social workers I'm beginning to look like a little school a great school and I want to continue to do that [Music] this time I'd like to move item one on the superintendent's report resolution to approve the recommendation of the superintendent of the school district for the professional development plan and mentoring plan we need to move it first so move by m seconded by Mr vard now questions or comments who Dev these two plans who develop these two PLS which one the the meing and mentoring development that program came by because of BU okay and how many um so I'm anticipating I think we're anticipating that later on then we'll get an application for to to be doing Ming that's direct and what fun is that coming out of uh I don't think it's going to come out of funds it's proba going to come out of our regular budget okay how many new sta people I don't how many new sta people all together for purposes are on board this year teaching purpose okay I don't let me send that information out to you because I want to be I want to be precise as far as your behavioral for assessment um are you coming up with your own curriculum are you using the state for curriculum or do you want something shared from another District that already has I will I'm using the state divided one but I will also look at one for dist I would appreciate that uh with no other questions or comments so you're just doing we're just doing the number one resolution which is the only item to be voted on in there and the superintendence report which is the school district professional development plan and mentoring plan so questions regarding report regarding report superintend report oh if you have questions regarding the superintendent report you can ask that's in this part the only part that's being voted on is a resolution so from last month to this month we're 12 children difference and then in other correspondence we talk about increases in their um there's been the biggest decline is actually Middle School I always ask we have enough space our enrollment going the anticipation of jumping up and you already spoke about sping en with the in we're going to be challenged for space in specialized populations and specialized groups and it's showing up in the early childhood education groups is that something is happening for residents coming to this community with young children and so it's going to tax us okay I have a seat space uh in the in in in in the group in the uh in in the in in in the middle school but I am expiring with space in those Elementary School is there um any update on the lock the lockers are inbound I understand they are in root and will be installed sure Tim Shar when you talk about the preschool expansion Grant what what is that the preschool expansion Grant there are funds available through the State Department of Education uh to assist you in bringing on uh preschool prog pro programs okay right now we are at the maximum that we can provide for in this facility okay we are now thinking about can we share uh let's say a preschool program with another school district in the event they decide to uh rent the wal school so with the do you anticipate in another round of funding I do okay anticipate that that's probably going to happen within about the next 60 days for another round of that's right I they tell me that it's a high priority item up in the Department of Education I'm watching for announcements that will come out on the website Frid also and unfortunately we can't comment too much more on that situation that's unfolding in the public right now um with potentially negotiating with another school district for a shared program that could potentially be going in there it's in its infancy stages please don't get to ahead but we you know since it was mentioned I do want to address it we can't really discuss that any further because it's in intend um with the thank you for the um the positive response to our police we heard previously has there been expansion in Crossings not that I'm aware so still any add are there any other questions or comments on the superintendent I have a question mention develop at the number two was regarding World languages and I know World Language which was very great but I wanted to know what exactly is the curriculum for the world language program and I want to tie that into US waiting for a presentation from our curriculum director I wanted to know what does that look like that's a good question I can ask her to share that uh that response to you and then I have a question but I kind of it together so the 76 students that we have at BC students are no long you know in the board member so those students are no longer considered part of the district we don't we don't we do not count the 9 and 12 as part of our anymore no so we just count but not thank you are there any other questions or comments okay this is a voice vot on the item in uh the superintendent report so all those in favor please signify by saying I I oppose abstain motion carries a budget and finance section a motion is requested to approve items 1 through 20 in the budget and finance section and we need to move it before questions and comments Move Motion by Mr margan second second and by Miss slimon now questions or comments on the budget and finance I'd like to know how many ums has our wrer and we have she supplied for maybe 5 to seven Grands she's gotten funding on one out of the five or seven uh we have not received any money to offset any of these initiatives the one that we got funded on was about 163,000 for two electric buses so that's the only one yeah the come and present to the board um she is apply let us know what she's working on are you responsible for letting us know I will be happy to let you know it's because she she files that with us and she tells them these are the grads she she's working on are there any other questions or comments on the budget and finance section number four number four is line item trans there no ex one of them is it me see and then number for Dr fits for um seven8 and N of that you know of are they in school are they or all element I believe all of these are our kids elementary kids so now we're going to we're going to have if I just try to track we're going to now have four kids attending K okay um what is um Student First believe that's kids going up to those are first students is transporting the kids that must get from here up to the high school and the elementary and the elementary school I just I just I'm asking why do we have two providers is the number of one one is for the the high school kids that live more than the the alloted mile oh we were told we were told that that second yes you're talking about item number 10 that's just noting the bids those were the two bids we we only yeah hul was the winning bid you can see that plus that's out there to answer your question about the two exhibit eyes one is clearly labeled um in Sai September transfer report um so that would be what you would Pi as a exited G so if you can change that this to where it says exib I September um September transfer report that it is on that just the letter back to number Riv and number of children we had so much back and coups on that and then Ryan I have to if I were sitting next have asked I have to ask um for number 11 12 and 13 um is this into addition to what we approved in August so we we went over um expenditures for these entities and I'm just asking is this addition to what we appr in office this is this is the revision we had one firm that we were working with last year and this is a new firm that we have acquired to work with and it is a reduction in cost that's who's the new firm this is the learning well group we we had an approval last month ask it was for one month it was for a one month period in the previous agenda so while we were waiting for like bids and stuff than thank you all right seeing no other questions at this time this is a roll call group yes yes make a motion to approve item a in the operations and Facilities section it's listed as a voice so I'm going by it's there I see exibit C apologize but I need a motion to discuss it move by Mich one second bu Mr bar okay um it is on there it's for the month of September 2024 the special project activities we're replacing the AC coil unit in rt10 replacing the controller on rt5 uh chairman wsh is replacing AC coils in rt9 repairing group Le and Pearson took down for me boards and walnut reinstall the Pearson every classroom has a promethium board replenish playground mul and all playgrounds repaired rtv2 needed a new flame rail painted arrows across a parking lot of Pearson to help the traffic flow and change filters in UV and all Pi class the file information if that's the case I now get the administration if we get out the time maybe a group text message if something gets added so our attention gets brought to it so that are there any questions or comments on the operation and Facilities report okay this is The Voice vote so all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed abstain motion carries uh Riverside report I'm going to defer to next month because there's going to be a significant going on um at Riverside and the next month the biggest thing that they did recently was a security upgrade uh with a program called zero eyes which actively detects any sort of weapon or anything uh on anybody within the building no police and administration with immediate messages I was there for the testing it was actually really impress njsba bcba was uh emailed out by m Lin do you have anything in addition to what you emailed out okay uh Township committee it is blank but it is in fact M Stone so I Thee the last meeting there was a I got told to pass good evening I did attend um the most recent Township committee meeting they're always very informative thank you to the township for the warm welcome there was a um further discussion regarding um our Hawk Island um new laws about how we're going to keep that safe how we keep our community safe how our police are going to patrol it how we're going to make sure that that part of our community is open to not just the people who live in this community but the people who want to visit how we keep everybody safe there was a lot of conversation about animal control with the possibility of increasing the number of pets that we're allowed to have in our homes um there was a report from the police department as well about the number of calls we received uh they're doing a great job to community safe another meeting again next week Monday that's all I have um as I grow into this role um I will become more comfortable with what I can share what I can't I will continue to ask questions and it thank you for the opportunity moving on to the Personnel section I'd like a motion to approve items a through I and the Personnel section moved by Miss schin seconded by Mr Jaz are there questions or comments in the person [Music] Dr can you for purposes pleas I'm not questioning the need just trying to make sure everybody is clear on the need because there's increases for the can you talk about the justifications and the changes from your administrative team from going increasing the need for Munch advisors and playround please okay let me talk about that I'm talking about the balancing of staff for all activities we have to look at every activity and we have to ask the question what kind of Staff do we need playground you have a pretty large playground here I worked at playground there about three quadrants three sections in the playground you got the piece down here by the bus you got the piece up here on the hill behind the library and then you have a piece over here to the far left over here that's where kids gather and play so we have to have adequate supervision to cover those areas for the possibility of accidents and injuries that's why we have to have them so we have to have them out there at recess time okay and we use AIDS and we use a stipid teacher to support that activity I have to turn right around now and says I've got to feed the kids here in the cafeteria I designated about three feeding periods and those periods will bring about two sometime three groups together I have to have adequate Supervision in here during the time for fi which is about 23 minutes I I I believe we we going to you're going to see us doing this for everything we do what is the staff that we need for everyone of these activities to ensure the safety of the kids as well as to ensure that I have proper uh uh education for the youngsters some of our youngsters come to the district with IEPs that requires an additional Aid I have to put it in the classroom so you might see two AIDS in the classroom I have to I have some kids that need escort services through this building so you will see me you'll see us balancing the staff to says do we have the staff to to to provide the service it's it's constant but I have to keep looking at do I have balanced staff to support the needs of my youngsters in the school for educational initiatives as well as for social and physical activity initiatives I need a few more AIDS and I will be adver for additional AIDS and I have to cover people who are out because they you utilize their personal days uh their sick days but I still need about I need coverage for this I'm you're going to run about a 7% turnover of people using their time that you have given them they don't bank that time they use it and it's about 7% of your staff daily that's ABS going back to the lunch and the um for middle school as an example how many lunchi are for middle school for Middle School I think they uh it's about two perod I believe principle is that each have um half of one period is sixth grade but they're in a mingle with uh third due to the Staffing and then seventh grade and eighth grade had their 23 minutes so when seventh grade is up recess 8ighth grade is eating the vice versa so is there an increase in the number of children per session of lunch you have one grade level when it comes to the Middle School uh for seventh one for eth but it's the 20 it's 46 minutes one period it's split in the problem is the Staffing when you have to coordinate the recess and the playground that's where it gets you know fishing but it's four different people you mean for playground and recess yes you need you need minimum four okay so so if we need a minimum of four messed up last month if we have a minimum four we only approved two um um we only approved one position split last so is there a change standards or is this just something that over we approve Middle School um I'm going to use examples that I may um Mrs Harper and M salsburg was % so that was in August and now we have a revision in September and it's the same two ladies and then plus misso and this so I'm asking what you just said has there been a change regulations or guidance that have increases and that is just fall so the contract states that there's supposed to be one lunch and one recess person per on lunch recess so if you have let's say three lunch periods you're talking about six basically CU they're Hales so you need a minimum of 12 tying positions so that so actually the error is caught and it's being correct correct correct thank you so much you're welcome thank you thank are there any other questions on the Personnel section okay this is a roll call yes Ste okay thank you on to Old business um question for you that I just did not bring up during your superintendence report um you mentioned that there you know in response to the emails we got about that one shared classroom was being changed to an individual space what is the timeline on that change because I'm sure it doesn't happen at the stamp of a finger right so when is the timeline for that change because we want to make sure that happens quickly we would like to get that done as ear as M um you mentioned in an email to us that we are uh consistently enrolling especially the kindergarten area uh what what would to happen if we get the clro Cs if we get the CL get all right if we get maximum number I can put an aid in the classroom to assist us with accommodating new enroll leads okay but eventually I'm going to get to the I'm going to that could be I could max out I might have to say I can't take [Music] anym is it's about 22 I think it's around 22 24 per class and how many I think I'm around 21 right now each okay it's more than that how many 23 each right now 23 M well I'm getting close to 24 right so we're going to have to look in the solutions with that Creative Solutions here try to figure that out but I wanted to follow follow on that share classro aspect and I wanted to follow up on that as well because that needs to be a priority for this Administration okay um the other items I have on Old business are um two months ago we met with an njsba representative here and uh we were doing a workshop in regards to do we do board a hold do we do committees the njsba it recommended board a hold and speaking to the board members we are going go with the Committees um by tomorrow afternoon I will send out we already have the members of the Committees um Mr Hopkins if he's still here yes he is um I'm just going to put you on exactly where Mike was since you his chair um just for the remainder of this year and I will send out questions as to who wants to chair those particular committees so we can start those meetings with the administration and schedule that stuff out um I will also that they gave us two board and District goals I would like on the next agenda so I would like those on there as well um pretty upcoming the the district goals were that they gave us were to continue to uh work with the administration and rebuild the school district and to work toward Financial stability in the school district and the board goals were to evaluate best practices to District can approved and uh evaluate all contracts for upcoming negotiations are there any other items in Old business I had to go through Dr F you had talked about um The Lego being um model chesed I I talked I talked to the County Superintendent at the recent meeting that we had and that he said he would keep that in mind um suggest fure a joint and that talk about has not been talked about any further um that's something not it was a joint meeting but it was something that they suggested or you're talking about at the meeting last month yes to have a um that that's not something that was reported to me so I apologize for that um I don't think I don't believe that part was reported to me that they the township wanted to have a joint meeting is that the case I suggest collaborate it would have to be committee based but we you know to not have a quum right unless it's like an advertised meeting with x amount of notice and things along that nature um but we do have ongoing negotiations with the library contract under old business I know we I I will acknowledge that we are on receipt of um a proposal from the township I've requested uh you I'd like to I'll make available anytime you have available to go over that um Proposal with that to sit down with DAR on that as well I know Joanne said should make herself available at any time as well so we we'll do this anytime and our we um with that but if that's something that as those negotiations continue and as we start to go into the um posting of the superintendent position and surveys and things like that um we'll make sure that c obviously have have a SE table I don't know if that's exactly where that was going as far like that that continue change but we'll make sure stakeholder groups absolutely have SE of the tap is there any other old business we have no other business items um new business at this time new business all right have to open one sorry can we at some point with um I guess the representatives from the middle school as well as Administration about possibility foring student council in this District um um other than two districts that don't have a Middle School uh every school district has a student council something to bring the kids together with the community staing we talk about cenal projects we talk about things at Island Community Day Civics and with our sing school districts they have so our kids especially Riverside have experience so just something to think about I don't know we'll have Administration look into that obviously anything like that would be a negotiation with the the Union on potential sement and things like that if it's not already in the contract but it it's something pretty Administration to look at in so I'll defer to that any other items for new business at this time okay seeing none I have to open up for public comment on non-agenda items so we'll open it up for public comment on non-agenda items we do ask that you guys bring the uh information to the appropriate staff members and administration prior to it prior to it being brought to the board um note that the board may be hearing your concerns for the first time might not be able to address those concerns directly right here and now but we will obviously have Administration follow up and do everything that we can to have those concerns addressed so public comment on non-agenda I 230 Street come all the way up okay M no I'm good uh thank you for um bringing up the joint classroom um I am aware that that was a temporary situation uh that rectified temporarily moved into the principal's office so now that the principal is here what what are we doing I'm not sure what is the question what are they going to continue to learn in the principal's office oh no they not in the they're going to be moved out of the principal's office oh where are you putting them I'm putting them in a class space where because there was no classroom two weeks ago now all of a sudden I'm I'm Shuffling some people out of the Lev space and creating a classroom okay and I always have that done by okay so question for you we got an email the day of cour school from Mrs py that Mrs Almond's classro was moved to the Middle School Wing the kids would not be together they couldn't use the bathroom then I come to find out that my son who's in3 is in a classroom with two teachers teaching different things from fourth grade up to 8th grade I never got notified from the administration I'm still waiting for a reply from Administration about my email last week Eric did respond to me but I yes he from anyone can you send me a copy of that I'll I'll forward it to you um I'll I'll forward it to you but most of it in this particular sense is addressed with the um with the classroom shifting that is happening because that is a situation where those classes were together correct and yeah kids who obviously are in there for a reason and my kid comes home every day crying because he's behind the map because he can't concentrate there's too much going on in there I agree isue no that that's not but I I I understand you conern I hear that um wa I like you said I replied I got that email I S like 130 on a Friday I think I email when I got home like 445 but I followed up the next week I just wanted to make sure that that stuff was moving forward when I also did that I blind the board so they were aware as for policy no I appreciate you did you share this email with building level Administration oh Mr Fitz Dr Fitz was on there Mrs Cy was on there arene was on there Cathy from Child study team was on there okay respectfully yes building I reached out to them on Friday it's chain of command so we need to put the chain of command it's VP building level principle communication and should be customer service and that's yeah on Friday the only one with um my other issue is that um the state code requires us to have a parent specialized parent advisory group yes why don't we have one it's in the process well that's what I was told yesterday supervis get is that only because I brought it up and I brought it up with the state no that was an area that we would deficient in we two second it was noted it's it's it's in the process um I can tell you I'm part of the cpg in my district I yeah I um and as far as the the transition have you talked to the teachers about the transition personally I'm not allowed to no I know this is more address Dr because the feedback that I have been receiving from teachers from elementary and middle school is that the transition was not smooth it's still not smooth there's teachers that can't print can't copy like I'm not did you talk to any of them they I'm available to talk to them at any time anywhere you know I'm just what I and they can always request a meeting with me I'm up and down the hallways to theill I I think she's respectfully commenting on the superintendent report highlighted that a smoo transition that's that com that's that's are there any other public comments on agenda items sorry he's standing up in the back and no go ahead no really um would you remind you what the saving was to what exactly I'd have to look back but I believe it was somewhere in between $150 and $170,000 initially off the top of my head not including um income that would eventually be coming in from a rental in addition to potential cost savings if we were able to collaborate with another District on another prr the Q report that you keep referencing is that like a state auditing yeah that's like it will be available when it when the state releases it to us time so you my question I don't know your question but it is not I know that the state every District goes forus every District gets a report after they required to publish that report after it's given to them to my understanding we have not been given that report yet from the state when that report is given to us it is required to be published so it will be published but you've gotten some feedback this where your the Administration has gotten feedback on various items there was a change in the county superintendent um Ray Marini had to retired forgetting name Daryl darl Vincent darl Vincent is now the county superintendent he's finalizing that process kind of things came on r h kind of when he retired and had to but Dr and Le have gotten and that's why a lot of these changes and additional hiring are happening to that and some of the things that they were seeing before that if you remember in the past 11 months after uh Joe meringer left and we have AR Le and Dr Fitz come in there were a lot of things that were getting changed a lot of things that were getting fixed a lot of things that were getting brought back into compliance even just with BSL last month going through right um so there are changes that are being made um I wish it could be able to snap of a finger um but qac will highlight additional changes and they'll require an action they are going to have to come up is that year no no you you'll do it they usually come about every 3 years okay it really depends upon the staff that they have to do excuse activties you really shouldn't wait for them to do it the manual the process is very clear the state department of how to stay in compliance in terms of how to stay in compliance uh make sure that your staff all certified for the position that you have balanced instructional programs and we have we have a lot of issues that we still must address okay I've got to put I've got to get a gifted and talented program started in this school district so I'm asking the curriculum person now to start writing out the process so that next year can get the budget in for gifted and taligent teachers and we have an assessment process of how to assess the young for gifted Talent I've got to get a world language program a full comprehensive World language program I'm deficient in a lot of areas that I need to be proficient in for for our young stents okay and and that's all we're doing uh is working to to develop these programs put place and for the district to continue operating you know for the you had mentioned that you over a the thre assessment team is actually something that state required okay so every district has to have does it sense possibility of getting a school resource officer um full time within the school that everything I would have to be budgeted because in general I know within our district if we had have a school resource officer were required to pay I have to say the police department here is remarkable okay it's almost Mak me feel like I have a a you know a resource officer I have an office that they they drive up walk through out here periodically there's one police officer that is running a program here with the students yeah so I am very fortunate to have that relationship and to have that relationship with them they out there talking Vehicles directing traffic watching traffic observing traffic and see them just walk our hallways remark you mention Z yes is that something they got through a process or I believe they budged they did get million yes they okay um Dr P mentioned the bus bre we you elaborate more on the two buses that all right we we filled out the application we submitted the proposal and they awarded us 246 passenger buses we came to the conclusion that we didn't need those buses we got two buses out there already okay but we need a driver fund so we talked to the uh Department of uh energy and we said well look could we get a smaller vehicle and they said well what we do we try to get you a 23 passenger van electric van uh and we said well that would work well rather than getting these two buses so they are working for that to take Place St that comes with it it com comes with aete pack no estimated time of arrival I don't know I really don't know underst um the concerns with the overcrowd the classrooms obviously kinderg sounds like it's going Beed out you bring a trailer to add addition classroom space and have other districts do that very common I'm looking that's under discussion now is to think about what temporary uh relocates that we bring to the to to the district and what what the cost be either to use some of this office space I need what I need now is space for consultation a space for for kids to be able to have conferences uh with with the guidance counc okay evaluation spots uh for psychologist for the learning disability teaching consultant a place to take social histories and the list goes on so I need smaller space to accommodate these support people okay and then I need some space you know some additional space uh for for small group or shared in stru those aren't allowed to be permanent structs take Beverly for example my daughter was pre for haded um they're in temporary uh trailers that are out there but I believe they can only have those for a maximum years about years that's about the life the umram that mention I think I brought this couple times year so the funding that the state offers we weren't eligible to apply for that this year were eligible we didn't have any space to accommodate what does that mean we didn't have any we didn't have any we didn't have any wrong any any space here but we have a prepaid program yeah we have it so we're keeping it yes but the state offers funding so that we would have to pay tuition right we would have to we would have to have additional space to add so there like you have to have ex am spots open yep we're going to have space for it you know that number is let's have that let's have that Grant wrer look into that because prek is a big public it um it's going to be around for a while but you know even some of the more recent funding opportunities aren't for in District placements or for out of District placements um but if we can have that Grant r or get a report to us for next month to address some of these concerns I think it would be beneficial because our surrounding districts offer free P programs due to the state funding um and I know when we firsted that have and then when iif I guess you're saying that's du to the fact that we didn't have enough space we had to have um but yeah you can look into that it's definitely hot button we're not talking couple1 what 9, 8,795 thank you um that you know maybe these parents were planning on spending my husband down questions here um obviously the communication communication emails and being unanswered is still still happening um we can try to work on that it's really important Community um he also wants to know that janitor still has a positive using that for classro um and the building power washing are we still looking into that MERS kids in school ask about now online build we talked about that we talked about that as as recent as today we would have to go out for a commercial person commercial group to investigate it's very interesting that is not concrete up there that is basically what do they call styrofoam it's styrofoam stuck out and they say that you have to be so cautious about the amount of pressure that you apply up there because you'll start extracting it so if we're going to pursue it we've got to look seriously at getting up getting some commercial bids to say what would it cost us for you to do that job this is not a job for us to take on ourselves theis is no we're not reing the wheel professional power companies do this all day long we can get some estimates I think we would have to get estimates but then we would also have to frankly discuss this because depending on how much the estimates are is would we rather spend it on something like that or spend it on something that's going to directly affect the kids I personally rather spending on something that's directly affecting kids if I can bring my power washer here I would um but personally I think walk build how they feel about I mean we wall not once did my kid say that the building looks dirty roof that's apples and oranges out that's app and oranges we should wait for [Music] i000 I I mean we'll get the bid I have no problem getting the bids right Yeahs um I think that's all now you sure he's good go to New Jersey uh Carol basically asked my question was in reference to the prep program I think it's absurd that parents should be charged that amount of money for 3K and I want to know last year it was discussed you were going to go for the program this year now this year you shut the school down you were sure the residents that you have the proper amount of space to handle the children and now you're not doing 3K free instead you're charging $879 for a full day for prek do you think that's fair to a parent in Theo along with the taxes along with you know what you're wishing for here I I don't disagree with the comment but several people PID for preap several I can tell you Del isos to semester is a heck of a lot no no be correct because we went up for FID with Ron revon was 8200 who went out I believe it was St Charles St Charles was 87 00 tuition we went to another I think it was a the that was roughly 8400 we came up with a price no let me finish we came up with a price two years ago that was comparable to the local surrounding areas we did all that M I did hear what you said which was there's a program we got to go look we have to research as far as uh with the county that I believe state that he's doing but don't come up and say he had stated this year he was going to go for the gr and then he flip flop and said no we're not going to gr we don't have enough space you shut the school down because you assured teachers parents residents you had a sufficient amount of space now I listen to what Brandy has we're you're merging these KS together in different classroom because space so something's not right this is where it comes to transparency if we talk about transparency in reality if we didn't do the merger that we did then we would have had to have a reduction in force in the S but we did not want to do that we made the priority and we made the choice to not have that I did not want to do that so like I'll be honest different he did that you did I don't understand I don't understand can you elaborate on that you g you have the authority to shut the school down you no I'm one of eight okay one of nine and a full board hopefully and all day Ved yes we did we did in a public for with a public hearing that went until about 11:30 at night I know I was here so was I are there any other public comments on non-agenda items what one thing the Head Start program for prek did we ever reach out to them to talk to them about handling the prek I'm not aware of that but we can do that we can or we will we can or we will we will okay seeing no other hands I would close okay sorry go ahead I MERS we have been asking we have been talking my question task is after this meeting to address these things that our commun asking for that we're asking the administration I'll get i'll get person so saying that we we doing a deep job from a board of aded memb standpoint I'm hearing the transparency then we got to say here's the deadline the deadline for me would be October 4th we'll have some information sent to the board is that respectable October 4 yes that's two weeks to get us this information because all we're doing is going around one circle after a circle after a circle so by October 4th we should see a report to every board member stating this is what our prek program looks like this is what other conversations that are happening regarding wallnut and we're not really going to go into details by October Eric you have formed sub committees at the beginning and we had mentioned that in the uh new business item so we were um the the njsba rep actually recommended that we go Committee of the whole we discuss as a board we're going to stay with the Committees I'm sending out chair information and that's going to stay so you're going to start that great we will we have no periods justes go we just need to end it do we need to doils be transparent we just want know what's wrong with our kids we don't have to have our kids come home and tell us to double classrooms why AR we being notified of what's going on younger kids are with older kids this is one of my first questions asked are the older kids going to be with younger kids absolutely not I would lied to I guess Wast Li I think when it came down to it was a change in that should have been properly also told 8795 we we can't even take up 8795 we're not going for this is getting us nowhere you oh PR was there no room so when are the trailers come Trail down why don't we put and use that SP for our it's very simple solution thank you are there any other public comments on non-agenda items seeing none I will close public comment on non agenda items is there a reason for us to go into executive session um at the last meeting I'll say this before everything at the last meeting I had mentioned uh that we are coming up on doing a superintendent job posting I sent information out to the entire board and the superintendent and business administrator when I contacted njsba about their services for that uh with the price ranges that the njsba quoted us for performing that search I'd like a report um from our leene as to whether or not any of that is feasible um to have njsba involved if not then I can use the um I can send out copies of the survey that we used currently in our district because our district at this time is not using njsba for their search I can send a copy out of the community and staff survey that we used for board um input before it gets sent out um but what they what they're doing without SBA is having all the stuff go to an HR Director but we're a much larger District we don't have an HR Director here um where that stuff would then be uh sent to it to send out to uh the board members they would have to come in to view everything since everything's highly confidential we would be able to get it electronically at that point you have to come in view everything um we would rank the candidates and go from there but um njsda does a lot of that stuff for you it is at a cost um and we all know that we are you know you know not you know we're somebody or a district that has to worry about cost when it comes to something like that when it's extra um I'd like a report on to whether or not we can afford it but if we can afford it I think there's ways that we can deal with the data um and I I'd like to discuss that at the next meeting so we can get that going most postings happen in the January February timeline I would personally like to get the posting out at some point in time if possible by late November so that way we can start the interview process in January February you be ahead of the game after the board turns over at the next election I don't know if that was gone over when I was uh away the last meeting but I wanted to put it up I saw your face I didn't know if you had any okay all right seeing none then I'll have a motion to adour by m seconded by Mr J all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed obain motion