##VIDEO ID:9GVmN-cs96A## i' like to call this meing of the Delo Board of Education to order but first a moment of silence thank you flag salute United States of America stand Nation God indivisible andice for all I have a roll call please Mr jamer pres M Gardner pres Mr VAR here M Lin here Mr J Mr C we have a form we can begin the meeting the notice of the me of this meeting pursu to the open public be acts has been given as follow advertising in the career post on July 7th 2024 posting on the school bulletin boards and main entrance doors on January 5th 2024 written notice to the clerk of Gango Township on January 3rd 2024 and posting uh the notice on the district websit on August 19th 204 I would now like a motion to approve the minutes by Mr dancer second by Mr Jaz roll call Mr dancer yes M Garder yes Mr yes M yes Mr J Mr M Stone all right community leades on report is there anyone here from mide high school to report tonight Delano PTL so uh hi everybody I hope you all had a really good summer my name is Nicole I see St few new faces I am the current PTO president uh just a couple quick updates from us the educ kits that were ordered at the end of the school year have been delivered um they are separated I don't have classes yet what whose teacher has who but they will all be delivered each kit that was ordered the teacher that that child's room is in will get two rings of paper per kit that's ordered um there's a total of 80 rings so that's super awesome it's a really good incentive um it was pretty successful and we would definitely like to continue to do it next year a couple of upcoming events that the PTO is hosting next week on the 28th from 4: to 6:00 p.m. we will be hosting some like concessions and things like that at the meet the principal event um we will have some PTO information about upcoming memberships and things like that at the table as well on Saturday September 7th we will also be hosting the concession stand at the bab Ruth Memorial game over at the bab Ruth field we're just going to do really basic stuff hamburgers hot dogs the whole nine yards so we will be hosting that uh also a reminder that uh the auction our annual auction is Friday December 6th um we are currently looking for a place we have been in contact with a couple different places Riverside High School did extend an offer for us to host it there um I would put it to the board we would need a copy of a certificate of insurance for that I don't know if that's something we can vote on tonight if it can be put on next month's agenda um SP will book up quickly so we just want to go over that with you guys I can just get question why um so normally is held at Walnut and we are unsure whether or not we're going to have access to Walnut School here we do not have the space we have such big numbers that come in we don't have enough seating and things like that um we have brainstorm yeah we brainstormed a couple different things to his main gym uh they have given us permission to look at both the auditorium and the gym and decide which is better for us so I've never been over there a couple of the other M okay perfect put that um membership information will be coming out um please if you haven't joined already feel free to visit our PTO Facebook page that's up all the updated information uh our spirit Weare store is open we have a lot of good stuff on there we partnered with dvo design and Palmyra um they would have done an amazing job with the store and it is open year round so if you want to get Grandma and Grandpa something for Christmas or anything like that um it it's open any time of the year which is fantastic and again um we are really looking to boost those membership numbers this year um so hopefully people can come out no amount of time is too small even just 5 minutes to hand out letters for the auction or anything help uh so we really appreciate it and you can reach out to us anytime if you have any questions on the Facebook page and that's all I have thank you da Recreation and Township committee do we have someone tonight Township leison for D which is now Del and Recreation uh deld for anyone who wants to really find out what's happening you should look into their newsletter that they post weekly it's a great amount of information regarding the sports program right now they are starting practicing for soccer they're taking registration for uh basketball for the season for 2024 and 25 the theme this year is Disney for basketball it's a great pram so if you have kids that interested in basket Recreation uh Recreation has two summer concerts left the 29th of August and also September the 12th at Marina we're also partnering with the police department for their Mee the officers at Field of Dreams it's going to be um uh let's see food trucks cone ice will be there and Recreation will have a movie night the same night so please try to attend that and um September 29th re is hosting at clean up of hul Island so I think it's be 10:00 in morning so if you want to help clean up the mess out there please thank you thank yes I believe on the 12th for the concert CTO are you guys still doing uh Refreshments I don't know if we're doing that one uh my crew who the one I'm unavailable to do so they held it down they would be the on uh that we can uh discuss with but I don't believe we res the last one that was he welcome visitors and um I am Kim Gardner I'm vice president today our president Eric is not here and he did did a statement that he would love me for me to read to you guys first of all apologize Marita verbatim I apologize that I cannot be present for tonight's meeting today I am moving my daughter a Delano graduate into college for a freshman year she wants me to pass along a huge thank you to her teachers who helped shake her after she decided to move here with me in part due to the guidance she received in delango she said she will be studying biochemistry and microbiology I've been in consistent communication with board members regarding my absence tonight tonight you will notice many positives on the agenda we are going to be able to staff our building with two counselors ensuring we are addressing the social and emotional needs of our students we are expanding our ESL program from 3 to 5 days ensuring compliance with state regulations we are also promoting from within an adding and assistant principal while I am wholly confident in our board and administration to address any concerns tonight I promise to follow up on those potential concerns and ensure administrative followup as well we are continuing to improve much work has been done much work still needs to be done both our board and our staff are committed to that continued Improvement thank you for your support thank you for your understanding and thank you for your passion thank you for being a partner in our continued Improvement I too would also like to welcome you here to our meeting tonight as you can see on the agenda we have several things that need to get approval we have facility issues still remaining outstanding School Board elections and with school starting in less than two weeks we need to be assured that final preparations for students are in place so they can return we have school and traffic and traffic Flo parking process to discuss and of course some agenda action to eliminate busing that our hot topic for tonight on the attend to eliminate busing for some of our elementary students all which is getting a lot of attention as a board member I confident in our board and administration to address these concerns tonight as a resident I too am very hopeful thank you for being here tonight going to turn the meeting over to our superintendent for our superintendent report oh I'm sorry I forgot I have to comments this is my second time doing this so bear with me public comment on agenda items only there you have to give your name and address we do have a 3 minute time limit Miss twinline will be monitoring time please be mindful of your time and of the the limits thank you so much Patrick 25 I just have a question it's actually about the agenda when you make so many changes to the agenda that we received online later in the day how can we receive that without knowing it I know at one time you used to have the agendas hereo Township always has the agendas available to any Resident or person who comes in is there some way that you can have them again because the agenda I printed is not the agenda you're using tonight so that's a general question regarding agenda it would be helpful if we had the Sameer that you're anyone else name and address please hi my name is 469 I minutes IED to say my com is regards the agenda item for the resolution to approve on the recommendation of the superintendent elimination for in student putting two or less miles te School I've lived in this district for just 6 years now but for all those years my kids have been provided with Transportation I'm well aware that the state statute is not mandated School provide transportation for students living within a 2.5 mile radius and I'm grateful that this criticis has been norm since I lived in Delo that is why I find it calling that the district superintended whoever it was as you should be aware although we are within the5 radius The Pedestrian walkways from West AB to F School are inadequate and unsafe especially for a 5-year-old child like mine who will be entering kindergarten in just two weeks putting forth this proposal just over two weeks before start of the school year is unacceptable and shows a complete lack of family that furthermore this decision was not made in coordination with the Delo Police Department who are in charge of Public Safety any sort of Professionals in subject matter expertise the public and most importantly the families there are not enough crosswalks from West AB to Pearson not crossing guards and the sections of the road do not have sidewalks with W wal merging into Pearson this will increase the amount of traffic along R and A and drop off further endangered students like mine who have their while they considered trans Trans in our part of town is in fact a necessity when a complete and full analis of situation EV not completed we have gotten no notification about this I will to see on Facebook post that someone read on the board of education we not I'm not sure if this has to do with funding none of that has been communicated is the lack of bus drivers I have a a daughter who goes to Riverside she's still getting bus so why can't that same bus come back had continue to do and pick up my elementary and middle school kids we're not going to do in the same build is the money Sav if that's the issue we have no insight into the actual amount or if that's even CA put and their lives in Jey do you think a 5-year-old should be walking from west to pearon without adequate safety measures in place everyone else who walks on the other side of town has pling crossing guards and and crosswalks for them to make sure that they can get the school safe would you allow your child to take that trip every morning and every afternoon can you good time to say you allow them to make that trip without fear worry or anxiety Rend the recommendation want desire single person superintendent in Cas to proceed the common I ask the board to proove this resolution and consider the safy and Welfare anyone elsea 471 West um comment to the busing dropping as well I want to know is there a plan in place for the children who live on the other side of town have you contacted the police department to put cross crossing crosswalks in um crossing guards are we putting a sidewalk in for my six-year-old to walk have you yourselves driven down there and walked from West Avenue and farther down to this school it is a 22m walk or 22 minute walk you going to do that every morning but you want a six-year-old to do that do you find that acceptable would you want your child your grandchildren to do that on a 40 mph Road what is the answer what is the plan and the railroad track and the railroad track do you want your six-year-old to trip on a railroad what happens who's who's going to help my child it's unacceptable I've lived here for 15 years you already took my bus away from my private school children now you're going to take it from my children who go to your districts and you will barely even giveing me a week and a half it's unacceptable mentioned in your work session that spoken with the police department today for the first time um and out of that meeting you have specifically requested additional crossing guards correct and that was specifically declined by the police department so what is the plan so who was in that meeting with that were it included five of us lieut Warren was there Tera was there marene was there myself Tim was there and ramal would you be willing to share with the room what exactly your specific requests were to the police department to address the concerns of the lack of additional crossing guards that are on that end of town and the crosswalks that are not is the county road that need to be addressed with the county could you just share with us kind of what your meeting entailed as far as your safety concerns the meeting talked about safety the need for additional resources to help us to address this issue in the event we cannot get contracted drivers to drive the bus our RS to get contracted Services okay with other school district all private vendors to go into a contract with us it's not the money it's not a reason to make a change it's because we could not and we have not been able to get contracted services to provide the services that we need but how are they still providing the service to the the high school school kids it's the same bus for years it's been the same bus and the same bus driver it will not be the It's Kind let me just tell you we are working on it even while we sit here okay of trying to find the answer to this problem to provide the services for our youngsters okay but we had to inform the board we have not successful to this point of getting new contractors in here nor have we been able to get drivers that we can hire with an endorsement to drive a school bus okay it's the unavailable where's the job posting for the bus driver SCH jobs and indeed and indeed we it hasn't been on the website so how was anybody supposed to even know know you were looking I I I can't explain that but we have been we have okay we've been advertising we continue to advertise we will continue to send out announcement we are trying I need your help if you know of any person who might be in possession of an Endor bus driver's license have them to get in touch with us why wait till now to ask our assistance why would just ask look this this is not new we if it wasn't new how come the families who are going to be affected were not formally informed in June so you've known for a while we if this has been an issue I have a week and a half to find out how my six-year-old is going to get to school have you yourself walked that walk but you're saying oh it be good for the children to get out and walk that was your direct comment please come back up and talk if you're going to talk let's just try to have this meeting not I think the parents are frustrated with the lack of communication and that beings before school that this is happening I'm not sure know when found out but found found out last week I just think they need a little bit more transparency and maybe some the cont maybe little morec we can all excuse me um not theing issue but I'm addressing the referendum um if you I don't know how many of you were here when we did the referendum for the for Peterson schol um it failed the first two referendums the third one it made it Garrison should tell you that Joe Miller went to every organization in town and proposed it for the third time I went with him as a member of the township committee to get the township committee support when we were here and Garrison gave the presentation he thought this was the gym that was installed this was not the installed then but anyway um I thought it was $2.1 Million then when he proposed now it's 3 something 3.5 we had to add ventilators in the classroom but I'm just telling you that you need to educate people on what you're doing uh every organization in town not just a couple communities he went to every board meeting in Town recreation PTO um history board every group that meets in town to let them know because it's just not going to pass by having a presentation here if it's really a necessity and I hope you deal with this issue on busing for these little children it's just not acceptable thank you any comments on the agenda am I going to be allowed to speak again and I am I getting answers to my questions or do I need to come up again okay once again Alicia being 471 West Avenue Dr F have you personally done that wall okay so for you to say these children who should come out and walk you've never even done the walk there is no sidewalk so what is your plan when did you find out about 3 weeks probably about 3 weeks ago when the when the contractor that we had was not going to renew the services our and why wasn't the families who were going to be infected formally notified because we were impact we were searching head up yeah a new contract to get new contracts in and it continued to go and we could not we were not getting any response so we said we need to inform the board this is where we are okay so you needed to inform we have like you're not understanding why weren't the family notified sooner we weren't even notified we were told by a Facebook post what would you do in our position I'd be very concerned just as you i' be very so we just have to kind of sit and wait what's the plan now that the police department can we're working on the problem with trying to find vendors trying to find drivers for our vehicles we just it's the unavailability of people out there for these jobs that that is so essential to the school district yeah it's just not like I don't understand like and for people to say oh it's only going to affect 10 kids is what you said we had about 10 to 15 kids riding the bus but that's whatever the number is we to Prov 10 15 there was more than that at the bus there there was a lot more I have eight kids on my street alone at least eight I could be missing some I don't want to is that County High School students no that is elementary students it should be elementary and middle school that's right Element no high school I didn't want when I said I I when I say Elementary run I should have said Elementary Middle School yeah no I knew what you meant no that's at least from what I know we've had a couple new families move in as well and I don't I'm not going to assume they're going to go to private or public or that that's not my job to figure out where they're going but so your number is very low this is going to affect a lot more than your 10 to 15 like when are we going to have an answer I will keep it and I can keep it daily basis as the results we daily basis when I found out a week and a half got it g 43 West I have walk that walk and it is dangerous the property the property owners don't keep there so I walked up my sister has fallen as she walked and I have a okay seveny old granddaughter that I cannot see her walking that way every day and coming home especially in the bad weather so and I do think that should been a little broader advertisement for the physan I you know and I think that people you know a lot of times word of mouth is better than D or whever you have that than posted but sometimes word mouth works also and um so I'm with the pents here that live on West AF that something better has to be planned and immediately your name your name [Music] know I have is there not some type of alternative toing isn't there some I could I recall something a few meetings ago a meeting last year where uh parents or other folks in be paid to transport the children rather than walking is there something like that out there as a state ini State ini and that's no avable children miles at 469 West I didn't see the job I don't know if you guys P it down or not but I think it would be helpful that she mentioned um to put the job posting up on the blo website because then it's advertised more more broadly I mean I know a lot of people who need jobs I could if you know anybody we didn't know so you know you don't know what you don't know to have the bu right understood so you're Out 3 weeks ago then that really isn't a long time you know to put a posting up and get it approved and and and try to get someone in so I think we still I must have got 10 resumes I've called them people from Willingboro they never call back yeah my um my next question is what happened what's the difference between the bus that is coming still to pick up the high school kids in the morning and that is a been open Tu so we don't know if high schools you're getting because I have a high school no I shouldn't middle school and spread over so it's I shouldn't say that I just um I've contacted another school district and they're supposed to let me know by Monday or Tuesday worse worse any more comments on agenda items thank you Linda uh 600 person L the van that's out there the melting person van what is that for the nine passenger van correct that was for special ed students is it only for special ed students it can't be used nine passenger I understand but at least you could pick up a bus load of them it's not safe to go with tracks it's not safe with no sidewalk you need a bus driver so no one's to drive the special ed kit they're a bus driver they can you're currently saying there's no bus driver for this special as well is that what you're saying the bus uh is out to bid and isn't that a state mandate that they get bused as well special children that's what we're bidding on a different service different service so they may get bust but not the rest of the kids right any more comments on agenda items we did have just since uh everything about the busing is done um I'll just step in here for a brief interlude I think I'm going to disappoint the uh our friends from the media here who uh are here for the spectacle who are but U my name is Mike m Neil 726 Pennsylvania Avenue I just wanted to speak very briefly tonight just to acknowledge uh my resignation uh from the board um you'll see that as an item uh in the agenda I just wanted to just take this opportunity acknowledge it um and just thank uh president MSA vice president Gardner and all the other members of the board uh for allowing me to serve with you um during this time um It's been a found honor and privilege to do so I know that this board and this Administration and I think that this is important for everybody to hear especially tonight uh is committed to doing what's best for our kids and yes it's not perfect and yes there are problems and there are issues uh but this board and this Administration are doing everything that's within their power um to do what's uh best for our kids and I'll continue to stand behind this board um and this Administration um as you continue your good work um just as a final note uh I think it's especially uh appropriate tonight just a little project I just want to comment on that I was hoping that we could have completed um during my time on the board um it's very important it's critical that this board and the district starts communicating with the public and utilizing the traditional or at least the the common modes of communication these days by that I mean social media the thing about social media is it's it's a wonderful tool for disseminating information um but it's also like it can be a very formidable enemy cuz it's it's very susceptible to misinformation um if if the board doesn't and the district I should say if the district doesn't start communicating um then unfortunately um irresponsible speculation and catastrophizing by members of the public and unfortunately uh by some Community officials are going to fill that vacuum I wish the district's silence was definite instead all I hear is this coffy of noise from the from the public yearning for information um but in instead all that does is serve to agitate the public as you know we can see here tonight so again um I just implore this board to uh look into that ASAP um again um I know that there are a million other things on the to-do list um I know you will get it done and um I'll be with you in the to the extent I can every step of the way so again thank you and uh good luck I need to acknowledge that there were some five or six items on the online Forum that address pretty much exct talked about uh the agenda items to eliminate the courtesy busing the short notice of the request lack of a proposal uh any concern a lot of concerns about the safety of our children uh especially our families living near West near or on West Avenue who have to cross burlon Avenue without a crossing guard because the sidewalks disappear near the daycare center near Perkins Lane each resident really Express their concern again about the safety of our children versus saving money um without the information the concerns were're focused on saving money anyway the residents also cited their concerns about pick up and drop up once our schools merge um mentioning that the car line is so long that it extends beyond the bo parking lot and the one resident is really concerned about how the children exit the gym and cross with you know cross over the crosswalks and vehicles um even after they notified the principal the behavior still continue they want to plan and plat to make sure that this information is discussed another Resident asked what how the library is going to be utilized during the upcoming year and this is a perfect time I guess to end that was the end of the uh public forum to move to our superintendent and his uh report thank you thank you very much and uh I'm pleased to report let me talk about the movement of your Des we've been extremely visit this number in terms of relocating our students from the W school to the Pearson School we've been successful at doing that uh we have relocated all of our staff we've relocated our materials and we are in a good position to receive our students come September but we've been working very busy on internal pieces of the organization that is putting together a rigorous curriculum we our curriculum consultant was in here as recently as today working with new teachers and we will be working with teachers on tomorrow we must strengthen our curriculum and all the subject matter here we've been working with our new principal that's arriving very shortly he's very busy putting together the schedule for students the schedule for teachers we we required the Centric staff for the operation of a comprehensive K prek School District that includes a principal a vice principal two guidance counsel counsels and all of our staff members in terms of School nurses and support staff we've taken a look at the kind program for extracurricular activities for our youngsters and we're putting that staff together and putting that program together for our students to be able to participate in we have not forgotten the safety concerns of all of our students and all of our staff and so yes we're working on that we will get there we talked about Transportation it was never our intent not to transport all our children to school and we will transport those kids to school we will find a contractor we I'm hopeful we will find drivers a driver to put on that bus to drive our kids to school we've been so focused that we have two buses literally on hold electric buses that we are entitled to get we filled out an application we submitted our application we're concerned about the carbage footprint okay so we we are in a good good position to transport but I got to get the drivers as a matter of fact I'm working with the Department of energy right now and they're asking me to say where can we get a Driving Academy for electric vehicles I'm very concerned about transportation for kids and I'll see that we get it okay and we will get we will get there so we've been working on internal structure we got we have some external things that we got to de de with I've got leaky roofs I got air conditioners that's going down ventilation is extremely critical to a school district for safe air and energy in a building and I must ensure that we meet that requirement and we're going to do that so your children and our children can remain healthy we have a competent staff of new people to replace people who departing or who have Departed they're competent we've bet them we've looked at their resumees we checked out their references and they are delighted to come to join our school district we have people who are now expressing an interest and doing things for this community and I want them to do that we have a donor that came in who's concerned at all of our children and a good diet and good food services and he is assured me that no child should go without a Le and to let him know and he will find other donors to subsidize children who are not eating so people are concerned about our children and concerned about this school and all of our staff is committed to doing the good work for the school I'm fortunate to be working with a good a great board I worked in many school district and this is a great School Board they're concerned about children they're concerned about the quality of Education here and we're going to we're going to provide that we have to look at our children through a lot of different lands we have some smart kids here very smart kids I've just passed along a notic P to the principal to say to take a look at a project next year that will take try to find an eighth grader to say I want you to be helped to develop the road map to Mars that's a charge I'm asking them to take on to do that okay we already have a relationship with the Navy department for here for a program in our Science Program it was started by about it was started by five little girls and I told this boy this is the beginning of my science programs for girls we must develop the talents and the gifts of our kids yes we got to do it I have a full music teacher coming to the school district now I want voice instruction to take place I want to see a marching band here in the school district we put together an athletic program that is align and tied to the New Jersey Association of Athletics to follow the guidelines of how we operate in our sports program so yes we want our kids to develop the skills of being a good player in whatever activity they we're on our way we have a lot of work to do this is nothing but a blip in the road nothing has changed we will get over it I'm optimistic I'm going to find a driver I'm going to contact the churches and I want you to contact some of those churches that transport children and ask about their drivers and send them way tell them to come to see me I have a job F so that we can get this driver and I can get them on that bus and I'm going to continue to work with our business office to reach out to contractors as far as Pennsylvania to say do you want to join me as Endeavor to come over to take a contract to drive the bus to transport our we're not at all discouraged about this we will find our solution I thank you for bringing it to our attention I've learned a lot we got to improve our communication we got to get the word out we got to keep you informed I got to develop a better website to get information up there where you can go up and get that information you can find that information and you can read about what we're doing and how we're doing it and what we're struggling with and you must raise your hand and say I can help you with this and so I ask for your continued assistance I ask for your help I ask for your endurance while we work through the challenges that are here questions or concerns about these items one through one and of the superintend report the resolution to approve Pro recommendation of superintendent elimination of the courtesy busing students students living that's miles from Pearson and number two Transportation will continue to be Prov for school students mil table so num three four five six and seven questions follow up what you were talking about is communication I was actually approached by a resident yesterday walk and I didn't realize has been a formal um notification of closing of I just I gu I assume there be emails so that has to be put on something ASAP too because everybody's not on Facebook or they may not have access to communication for minutes and so forth and so on so we have to be able to get that out as well through whatever the texting email system from I I want to thank you that's something that I just Overlook I forgot have been informed by the State Department of Education from in the Trent office and in the county office that they have accepted and we have officially closed the RO at school now I want to tell you there are some sacred items froma in that school we are not disturbing any of those items in the schools I believe they are paintings and they are wall decoration okay so none of that will be disturbed okay but the county and the state officially closed the school and the population now is a part of Pearson school I just want to thank you for reminding me of that um one one one question um this has there been any talking about schools and I don't know if you would you prefer me to go somewhere down this agenda question about the opening of school since it's um the final preparation has there been any further discussion on a stagger session or all children to report at the same time and are they going to enter at the same do will be reporing at the same time we not having stagger school schedule okay thank you are have families no are all children entering at the same location I believe that we that middle school kids will probably be entering at the mid door that's being worked out okay uh but I believe that I know we've discussed that the elementary kids will enter through the front door here at the front and the middle school kid will probably enter through this mid door between that bathroom and the uh the gy so just to reate because it's hard to hear you're tabling the issue about the busing right there's no we don't vote on that tonight correct exactly we'll vote on that tonight you guys don't mind speaking up a little bit here thank you so much my question is about preparation for If I Were a new member of this community and I did notun cling I at the website and I was going to so I wanted to back on this conversation about communication and updating we we could do that but I want to tell you that website is awful it is a for those of us are and those of us who are look toly that's the first place that agend tonight is on theb do that but that's one of the things that got to work we got to work [Music] questions report seeing no other questions this is a Voice vote all in favor say I no other questions this is a voice vote all in favor say I I oppose nay sustain motion carries right budget and finance a motion is requested to approve the following items one through 15 by the Bell System is to be installed sometime we to operational that's number 15 um can we have a bit of additional information on the deficit piece we get donations and if we didn't get those donations what are outstanding bills like for the deficit the deficit last year was over $8,000 so that was $8,000 worth of service that was not paid for bills bills we had a donation of um 7,000 for last year from the organization and we still have a deficit at the end of $800 which is why we had to increase lunch prices and that was mandated by the state the department of so with with an outstanding a deficit of $8,000 is there anything that par about um weekly yes the neutr Ser sends out weekly notices uh last year I know we had one student who had $200 charge never paid uh I I think this year we maybe should have uh one of the secretaries calling these parents to to fill out the fre lunch applications and we talked about that in the work session going to try to work that out with the Genesis system it's going to be posted online the application probably within the next I'm going to say the beginning of this couple we get Fin's with having the genis system where that has to be fill out addition I mean the way they do it need to acknowledge that yes or no going to it's more REM I me you have how do other is there any other way we could do something to get better participation in this application because this application affects fedal so the state is already started that process by making an online application they never had an online application so that online application is an effort for parents now to say oh wait I can open up my cell phone ENT my information a little bit easier than to have to fill out the form so that's enough Mr dancer yes M Garder yes Mr varg yes Mr yes Mr Jess yes Mr C yes start motion [Music] carries now Mr M is not here and we have to also look at a Township for the if we could I don't know be helpful the request was to submit a report earlier to get time maybe we could add this to the public the public pet so just for the public um under legislation uh s 2644 and assembly Bill 4303 um it's been has been signed by the governor that a working group on student literacy is to be established for every school district the purpose into making recommendations the purpose is to make recommendations to the Department of Education um it's also looking to investigate and expand professional training I just made a mistake that's State through a state Advisory board but following through that under the same bill districts will require required to conduct literacy screening at least twice a year for students Kate through thir District sh notify parents and guardians of test results within 30 days of the initial screening period the 20125 budget includes a$ 5.25 billion appropriation this initiative um under Senate Bill 2647 and assembly Bill 2288 there's going to be an establishment of the office of learning equality equity and academic recovery in a Department of Education to promote student literacy and advanced learning Equity through academic recovery practices I could not find any notation of the funding this so I reached out to our um School Board Association by email and phone and I haven't got the phone call back so I'll update everybody when I um the program is to begin in the next school yeary screening initiatives yes all right a motion is is requested to approve the Personnel section letters a through [Music] L second yes Mr J yes M gner yes Mr yes I'm so sorry what did you I apologize for that any questions or concerns about any items in the Personnel section I can't hear you I'd like to know if the counselors and the curriculum director and the new athletic director and all new people stff on the 28 on the night that we is that requ commun just be careful it's contractually they don't have to be so it's speak going put the the couple questions um when we were we were talking with the public um in our meetings about the consolidation into one school clearly there was teaching staff that noted the need for additional counselors so when when was there one was there one counselor here at Pearson and one at wut yes so we're going to keep the two we're going to have two for all children I don't want to lose um remembrance of the feedback we received in those discussions from our staff about the need for additional counseling services so when we talk about our committee as part of strategic I hope that that certainly was vocal on during the present um I I will piggy back off that from my understanding the appointment of Miss C who has a background in counseling means we have a third counselor that just because you're a PP does not mean you lose the Hat of counseling just like I never lost the Hat of teaching so I think that is going in the right direction I'm just happy to hear we made a move up and we hire a replacement instead under G with the um the school librar position being eliminated U respectfully we remain um I believe last test SC which I'm going to talk about in Old business again we have to figure out something that's going to Avil itself to reading for our children so we are fortunate to have the library attached to our school is there going to be um is there work or discussions happening where the teachers are going to be able to now access the library for their academic purposes this is under review as expressed ear it was brought to our attention by the county office so we we're trying to get all the details now to say what is it that we need to do okay to provide the services for our for our students so we just we just need a little bit more time well and fair is to follow through from the 6:00 work session this is this is coming from qac so along that line there's recommendations on how we are to do this okay are any questions or concerns and just a verifi from our work on G uh you mentioned the agenda says the elimination ofo r all right now there any more questions or concerns about these items anyone continue the V okay yes okay Mr yes M yes M Jess yes Mr Miss Stone old business for the P meetings we asked foration on the last stort and we' been told going to have that attending webinars from sorry School Board Association we learned that common practice on an annual basis that um there's nothing as far as old business goes uh as far as um committees we established our committees we have assigned our members of the Committees they were then to be discussed with Administration for what personnel on we have to move along with this so I'm just going to also add to this um I don't believe I'm not I don't think one meeting once a month is meeting the need especially when we don't have Commit we used to have the work session to prepare for the meeting and now we do that an hour before our meeting with all the changes I tried the best I can and of one L of a I cannot v through a and not that sometimes when I sit here I when I started be here a year next month that having two meetings we were better prepared we were able to be better communicators and we've establish these committees and we're doing nothing with it so I think we have to focus it on this start in the inter room really like to advoc keep going back to two meetings a month because the hour ahead of time we're not getting through the agenda and I can't keep personally I can't keep up with my notes we need the two meetings ath because these table can't wait days we didn't finish we have we we talked about the establishment of our go our board goals and objectives and we we haven't concluded those um we had a parking lot committee that was established uh last October and it might be a good idea to have that Comm resurrected and have ENT um Dr Fitz can can you provide an update on the three grants that were Ved in July that were applied for have you got noticed if if we reive funding on those three applications three grants that we appli for we got the one Grant funded in terms of the electric bus uh the uh the tuing grant is under you got some feedback about it what was the one they said1 21st Cur that's is that's kind of like somewhere like in a whole stage is that the writer is trying to contact the State Department to say what's the status of of this so we're hoping that he still active Okay what was the other well IG was approved and we don't we don't we don't have the space for okay because space is just not available and then my final question was an update on the Le of w another district has contact app right no space we we need space forace space soos one school and putting these two schools together there was a lot of conversation about space about grow and about being able to keep around a little bit longer were those of us not Eng diso to hear is a concern especially since part of the goal was for us to bring back students back to the district that we you know were sending to other districts for services that the goal was to bring those students back to recuit some of those funds to be able to use some of those funds to provide them with um a great education here in this district and in order to do so we need to close one schol bring the kids to this school replace the roof and the air conditioning on this school hire all the right people to work inside of this school and now we don't have enough space to accomodate prek so now that mean that the parents who want to we have eight classified students and we have four students that are pacity said that um based on Fe from one of the Reas to look at the certification of our so that sounds like more feedback from so have they given us are comfortable with giving us a report on what the areas of deficiency were I'm not comtable in giving your reports I don't have anything in writing from there okay is that they they you know as they making that departure they got say you got a lot of work to do here and I said okay I understand okay they got suggest wait until they've asked me not to do anything until I get a report from the state okay all right but I I I I I talked to my immediate staff here I want to do this and I'll tell you what I'd like to do I would like to say to the commissioner I would like to be the trial School District because they are thinking about revising this QC uh uh visit process I would like to take the school district to go through the process with the state because it's a lot to learn about qac and how to meet all of the standards okay that's what I'd like to do uh I don't know well I'll have time to do that but they have advised me not to do anything until I get the report report they don't have a one thing I'd like to mention we talked about it tonight the website and improving our social Med pres I remember when I first joined that was one of my we have a wonderful remember that and um again we still see that as a concern um very important I hear our community talks about how transparent we need to be um information is coming slow um I was away from our town for two months so I could hear a lot of information but when I got back I was barded and I was like wow you know we need more information really need more information very important so what do we do now tonight do we do we do we entertain a motion that we go back to I me or do we go to an executive sessions an ex session tonight any old bus anything else you like to discuss everyt Avenue some of you know I was the direct driver regular bus driver I was let out to go because you outsourced to moristown because you saved money by going to Mor toown and now you're back looking for a bus drive I have moved on I have G to cinam and to get a bus dri you need to advertise and you need to make it worthwhile because I was getting paid for 20 hours a week and that was it you need to make C A little better to make somebody and you make you have to give them more hours you have to either get give them benefits give a personal time give them something but she need your name what's your name Terry H my names are all in your paperwork I am I don't want to work every day I work I sub I but I thought you guys hired a driver I thought I saw your minute she backed out so she probably went on for bigger and better that's what I'm saying you have to you have to make the pot better she's she's retired everybody's retired go to cinnam I'm probably the youngest one there and I'm on stay with Y she's staying with I more money give up more tax than you got to pay people work for it's a big responsibility driving those kids every single day you got to know how that bus goes you got to get out here 6:30 in the morning get that bus going and if it's here you're the only person here and you got to hope that bus is going to start and if it doesn't Dennis Adams was always here I always call Dennis but you need you got to make it po that's all I'm thank you so much new business do you need as soon as I ER also gave some information new business um wants us to understand that Dr Fitz's contract is Du this school year and he think this a logical time frame for our search that we start to put out a survey to our staff Community regarding potential preferences and Leadership traits in November but also said we would then subsequently postp position in December so the board can begin to rank applicat and conduct interviews after reorganization in January you also would like to get approval to contact njsba regarding some sample survey questions and U pretty much that was it one um stemming from literally months uh and reports and sometimes deficiencies in reports I'm suggesting that we have a joint meeting between the school board and the township committee to to better coordinate to better collaborate to better share information talk about resources almost like a continual thing we are a part of this community um our budget exceeds the municip um we constantly for years and years and years have been talking about how we struggle and quite frankly I social media um is hurtful it's bothersome it can be accusatory and I just think we have a wonderful community and I don't know the possibilities with the public meetings act but I'm for that we have a collaboration with all board members and all Township committee [Music] members question all right I'd like to request a motion to go into executive session discuss a personel issue motion are you open meeting to the okay no I mean your agenda has comment before exective session I'm sorry I apologize just a couple things especially the website as as long as I've been coming to these meetings for a number of years um uh that's been an item that has been mentioned I is there any work in progress on it because transparency is so important I remember when I brought our budget to this meeting one time and handed a copy to every board member and every Resident was that was here to show you how the township and how transparent we are Joan if we can have a collaboration and meet together that would be an excellent tool but um we know like I didn't know your agenda change when I printed mine this morning and it changed and so how do you can you send an email class because I I didn't have all the items you were voting on tonight and I'd like to know that when I come to the meeting can you email blast the residents I mean Theo Township has an email blast if you sign up for it we send an email that I said on any anything that's new what's going on in Theo um anything so I think that's something you should also consider we do that I mean we I know we get emails from the district for different flyers or what have you meing notices but I don't think we agenda I don't it would be a challenge to email bless everybody because we only have access to the emails that are through Genesis Genesis speaks to blackard connect blackb connect shoots out the emails those emails are prepopulated for who we service which is the students as far as the public we have to give public knowledge which would be the website which would be the carer post which would be the newspaper now is it our mistake for not posting a upto-date agenda I don't know when the last one was posted but in a Traditional School District you have a live agenda the agenda stays on the website and it's the townships from my understand correctly I'm wrong the town responsibility as a taxpayer that they retrieve the J from the website we can't email bless quite frankly unless you have a student here mrra I I don't I don't have your email address right so we don't the camps didn't have my email address either but I signed up on their website to get it so if you're doing a new if you're doing a new website you can sign up one of our committees is communication that's that's it you can sign up I mean um I wouldn't know your but you may be on the L of Township Emil and that's something now that we switch technology switch it that we brought to their attention I just think also with our new principles we're expecting a change in communication uh a change in you know email blast what does social media look like I mean right now we I hate to say the word but we're a little in limbo because we don't you know we have a princip now leaving uh I mean now we have a new VP you know Miss KY might say oh well I understand that this is a social media part we can develop that being in one building helps out with the social media as well instead of counting on two people one from the likeo and one from elementary you know so I I I want to say it's a little early to make I won't say accusations but these assumptions our our communication is lacking the techn is lacking There Are Places put in there's pieces put in play but those people aren't here yet I mean as a Monday I know you've been discussing it for years I'm just wondering you're working you're it yes have to get and uh you can always check with u our Administration B Russell to find out what they do for our website to for an email GL or something how they how they work that out you're free to check with that because they are so knowledgeable and they keep our residents advised of everything that's going on in this town and it would be nice for the school board to do the same thing and if somebody signed up for it if I had a student I may get it but just because I don't have a student here I still sign up for so I like to have that thank Peg Harper 200 Lilac Lane I'm not I'm going to I I got to make a comment about the agenda again um when I read it I guess it was Monday and I saw letter G I wanted to throw up because one of our teachers that has been here a very long time her name was mentioned yeah and she was notified that but she was never told but it read that yeah it was no and to see her name in print so right away I'm talking to to Danielle I'm talking to all different people I um as a resident and I've been here 50 years um I I wanted to throw up that she didn't even was n notified uh that upset me and the whole thing about we're talking about I'm going to change cuz that's how anybody that knows me this is I teach very uh fast too um about the space as a resident because I'm not going to speak you know but it makes me ill that we have a teacher that has given a quarter of a century to this District and now he's on a car as our social studies teacher I I understand that that but I'm just saying I I find it I want I it makes me want to you know I I have an I have a science lab right but I just just a comment that it it upsets me greatly um my kids went here I went well I didn't go here I went to Walnut and it it just was very it's very dis heartening so it's just a com thank you second following up on that could you need to give some clarification as to why librarian was named that she's being terminated if that was a mistake that's a huge mistake I think she's an apology yes I mean I can't imagine my heart fall who it so just so you know it was me yes um nothing like looking at 3:00 on a Monday she job yeah a we was really was in the agenda I'm sorry don't so 209 there is you know if you give notice you tell people that you know in the next 3 months we're looking at some things you may not have a position that's one thing to find out at 3:00 on a Monday that not only do you not have a job give you 60 days sance well I guess that's the bonus right you get some pay I mean I live in town I would do anything for these children I went to school here I mean I'm I'm basically what you call lifer I mean I see such value in this town in this community and that's why I want to give back so passionately I also work for the public library I mean there is nothing I wouldn't do for them and to out you didn't have a job it was really rough I mean and I I give a lot of credit to Danel I appreciate all that you did for me in the last two days it was it was very helpful and anybody else who may have um worked along with that um it was really I mean and even now I'm still kind of on a roller coaster as to what's going on and what's going to happen to me but I mean and I know it's only a day and a half it's my total salary for the school year I wrote it down um with long that is $6,000 um $1 6,262 40 but man I mean I give whatever free time I have I just want to make a difference I want these kids to have resources um and as still as we still have a public library Any teacher any staff any student you need resources I am more than willing to get you what you need whether it's at our library or in the county system I I just it was a lot and I'm sorry for being so emotional I'm sorry for crying I really didn't want to have to do that but I for those who may not know what happened it was a whirlwind thank you mad vice president on beh of my organization we can't hear you okay Madame President on behalf of the organization that I'm responsible for I make a sincere apology for the bad wording that came out in this docu in this document it is no intention to bring hurt or calm to you please accept our apology because your services are needed and we like we want the services to be I think you were ready Street real quick can you move up to the front just cuz I can't hear you thank you de 605 de street I'm wondering when you get interest in the Walnut middle school and the um the field although that's supposed off to theable for now who is the person who was talking to the people who are interested in it who is our Point person uh for that who is that it's the real estate agency the real estate agency um who is that I'll pass it to pass it to okay and also um has there been I know someone asked for an update on the Middle School anything about the field because even though we said it's Z recreational it also wasn't totally it's included in the listing huh it's included in the listing the is included in right so even though it's Recreation it could be sold for what kind of it's not sold it's a Le sorry Le so it wouldn't be built on you're it you're not going to BU on okay so maybe the um person who was resigning from the board he used the word catastrophizing and um I sort of find that insulting I think catastrophe with our Middle School cloth that is a catastrophe to me so and we don't have board members we have all these empty board seats I um you know it's not a light thing and I do appreciate everyone's service here because I did for few years and I'm I'm better on the outside and I also like to thank you for finally putting us in compliance with their vulnerable population students and finally giving them Services every day of the week and said three days of the week I really appreciate that and that was not done for so long so I talked to the pastor of the um Church of the high population who was right across the street from me and I let him know so he could let his families know that we're concerned about them their children need to be in school every day and we care about them so I just want to that [Music] 65 Second Street first I want to thank you guys for being volunteers it's greatfully appreciated but when we did the merger for the schools it seemed like it was very rushed it just seems like the board is rushing everything looking at the agenda we're making so many changes to the agenda or putting wrong things in the agenda that could really affect somebody's life is there no way going over this and taking the time and taking a breath to see what we're doing is right or wrong are we just in a hurry that's the big problem we're having it's hurry up and stop you know we have big goals of what we want to do but we don't have a plan to get there I don't understand why this is very simple I mean I own my own business I go to work in the morning set up for everyone else go home at night just like everyone else does but I have a plan a plan is a very simple thing to do but for some reason we don't have one in this District I don't know why I have one more thing I I noticed that you're not going to have alternating attendance in other words those are attend school at the same time has it been looked into to alternate those times even if it were 15 minutes or or half hour it would be wouldn't it benefit the parking the driving issues and I don't I don't know I just want we we haven't got enough evidence and also there's a there could be a potential of some contractual issues okay all right okay so I mean it's something that we work pretty closely with the Department with the likeo you know Education Association we have to wait till one of their contracts and they just settled so we're talking it's like 3 years out so we have to see what's happening because it's a very fine line on start date and the end the start time and the end time and I it was one of the suggestions we brought up and to be completely understand 15 minutes was the like from the start I think it was Middle School start at 7:45 and Elementary start at 8 but there's contractual language it then affects a much larger group so it's something that is been on the table for conversation again they just settled is this we just completed one year yeah it's not up until so it's really something we won't start talking about until after this year which is good we'll have a year to look and see what we need to do again work out the plan of what we need to fix I'm correct uh but it's something that's on the you know twoyear plan threee plan thank you yep and thank you everyone for job I know it's a difficult one but I'd like to request the to begin the executive session I was just asking the status of the bond referendum for the project this agenda doesn't have it on it but there was a later agenda did oh act on only that's the board approving the wording for the vote in November that's on the agenda but you only approved items 1 through 15 and it's item 17 we approve the next probably not on their agenda either bring my attention I might not have fli the page I apologize I'm sorry no but can you talk about what what that project is explain the 35 million we yeah the state is funding 40% of the project what is the project the roof the roof just the roof the roof the air conditioning new ventilation in the classrooms and what new ventilation in the um I had asked a question about the referendum that why it was at one time 2.2 million and now it was 3.5 and um and did answer that question but they didn't vote on it no they said5 we just identifi made mistake do that the air conditioning and the classroom ventilation was added after the finicial St on the roof replacement because the units up there are 2ome years old and they also have to be um changed in the classrooms because just like you do in your home you have an outside unit or they don't match so because of the age of the units the life so that was added after the initial discuss of the so what's the proposed well the 3 million something ex 3.5 yeah and the state reimburses 40% so we pay 60% but when will that when you forecasting that job to be done next summer it'll be done next summer the vote passes in November those the will be going out to bid right away and then the work Con start the summer mner if I yes um when I the presentation for the roof the U engineer estimated the Bruce replacement would be about $1 million so are we estimating the hbac and ventilation would be $2.5 million if we actually get an estimate for that you know what you have to go now he was talking [Music] million you're going to have to go back and look at the at the um I think he was in April when he came here and he discussed the total project that no we didn't get now right how we left with us was he was going to look at the equipment to was worth saving or if it was going to be replaced he was waiting for an estimate for that is what the roofer said yeah he was he was LE official well he he knew he was going to have to replace the roof units when he contacted us I guess in March March we had a meeting with him and he says that it will not match what's currently in the classrooms so both units have to be replaced can can I make a suggestion we're going to ask this countship tax these countship taxers to pay $3.5 million we need a clear and concise plan outlining exactly what's going on and November's going to be here before we know it it's September we need to get our stuff together and really make this presentation if you want this F really we got get so at the meeting that I was with Mr jarrison did the presentation heated publicly that it was going to cost $950,000 to remove and approximately $2 million to put on and then at the next meeting we learn of a $661,000 estimate for what I'm going to call Miss H I don't know the terms properly so we we we have to do better but we added we from that presentation we added so to write something up that's very clear and concise and we have to get it out to the public need no he's coming back Mr Garrison will be coming back but but we have to ensure this right so we have to we have to contact Mr Harrison and we have to ensure this really specific what we need and we have to get public out thank you m I have a question about the agenda if I click on the website right now and go to the packet I because I I have access to the board I get the update everybody our community also yeah so there were five revisions to the agenda from M right but when I printed it the updates weren't on yet they weren't they until today they consistently from Monday this afternoon request motion to begin our exective session we approve it motion am am ition Amud it 17 I am sorry about that under yes yes J see I'd like to request a motion to begin I'd like to request a motion to come out of EX session 97 I'd like to request a motion to Appo M Sher KN as interim principal from September 3rd to October 3rd perum rate of $450 a day to fill with the gap for the principal Mr Santiago canot start until October [Music] motion [Music] carries Mr Daner yes M Garder yes Mr L yes Mr ja yes M Mr Seer yes M to let me just share with you the principal who was recently appointed is not able to get an immed Le from his school district his school district is holding him fulltime they will not relinquish him I feel the urgency to start the year call fully staffed for our children who are here to answer the concerns of staff to answer the concerns of parents and so I ask the board that they support us and getting us a retired principal in here for approximately 20 days to work with our assistant principal our guidance counselors our staff and all our staff our children and our families it's you don't understand how important it is to have a full staff to get your school started in September with the changes that we made we made some incredible changes here and this is not the time to start off understand understand and I thank this board for supporting this last minute recommendation to help us have a good questions concerns to make second second