training moved by Miss second by Mr dancer all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed obain motion carries we will go into executive session we are now out of executive session at 659 I'd like a motion to uh go into a 5 minute recess to public to come in and prepare for the meeting move by Mr Dancer seconded by m all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed abstain motion carries like to call this meeting of the Bano Township Board of Education order first a moment of silence thank you flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the rep stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all Mr mner AB Mr M Mr is absent Mr mcneel abent M Mr J Mr CER is absent and M Stone here five people we have a war notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given as follows advertising of The Courier Post on January 7th 2024 posting on school bulletin boards and main entrance stores on January 5th 2024 filing written notice with the clerk of Delano Township on January 3rd 2024 and posting the notice on the district website the on the 15th of July 2024 like a motion to approve the minutes of the June 19th regular meeting and June 19th executive session and say it be on your drives moved by Miss schiman second by Mr dancer are there any questions or comments on the approval of the June minutes okay all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed abstain motion carries Community liaison reports anybody here from Riverside High School okay theano PTO well Mr Bart the floor is yours oh thank you Mr M dce Recreation and Township committee Mr Bart thank you sir uh couple things going on the town right now as some of you have seen we have a lot of construction going on along the riverfront our new seaw wall is going in uh we hope to have construction actually on the seaw wall portion of it the majority it should be done in the next few weeks they're making remarkable progress even with this unbearable heat um they're continuing to work hard um whole project should be finished by the end of September then next spring we installing the park amenities such as a gazebo there's going to be some benches and other things that everybody is going to enjoy Also Field of Dreams is closed right now because we have some construction going on there as well we have our long awaited field lighting uh that we got via Grant from Senator Singleton mus is going to be doing the installation of those lighting structures over uh the next few weeks and actually the electricians doing their work the next few week and to at the end of AUST so the field will remain resting until then and it's looking nice and green thanks to our new well that we had installed and our strink so some good things happening in town our next Township committee meeting is this coming Monday night the 22nd it was supposed to be this past Monday night but by here we had three people out on vacation so we can't do any cor so it will be this coming Monday night at 7:00 at Town Hall and everybody is welcome be stream live on YouTube and also we have our summer concert series over at Island Marina I don't remember the next week I forgot to look it up but it's on Thursday nights at H Marina uh and it's going on even regardless of the heat so come out and enjoy con that's all I have thank you God bless all right I'd like to welcome this IMM V crowd that we have here tonight uh you're going to see on the agenda we have a a handful of things to uh get approved number one I want to welcome uh new IT guy in the back Mr Phil buer here it's a welcome knowledge we're glad to have him here in the district um we're going to be approving a new principal who's in attendance and I know was uh talking to some of the community members out there during our executive session Mr raon Santiago so I look forward to speaking with you welcoming you to uh to the district soon uh in addition to a handful of teachers that are on this agenda you'll notice a full-time music teacher and I I say fulltime with stress because that is something that has been missing desperately from this District we're continuing to rebuild this school district we're continuing to work on that Ro toward Financial stability um and we're assessing everything and how we can help this District improve on the right path and uh we're going to continue on that mission so at that point I'd like to open up the public uh open up the meeting for public comment on agenda items if anybody on the public has a comment on an agenda item Mr Bart thank you the only thing I have is I'm happy to see all these hirings on here I'm thrilled there going to be a a full-time music teacher and welcome to the district Mr s there anybody else in the public with a comment on an agenda just a question are uh Linda gu 600 Perkins Lane Delano uh is the music department going to be pushing in since we've taken over their room I think that's going to be something that's going to be discussed with Administration as as Mr Santiago comes in and helps finalize that scheduling process and and uh evaluates that merging process as well but that's something going toer to Dr Fitz and Mr sanago as he comes on is there anything on no any other public comments on agenda items seeing none I'm going to close public comment on agenda items and we're going to turn it over to Dr superintendent thank you very much Mr President and also to members of the Board of Education I really want to just talk a little bit with you this afternoon but I really wanted to do some on boarding here is that uh we are just so delighted uh having gone through the interviewing process uh during this period of time and we have come down now and we've identified the finest and the best candidate to join this Remar dist and the role of of a principal before I ask him to stand I want to also talk about all the others of you done we're just doing some remarkable work that's making this school district the kind of school district that it is is that Phil is with us Phil is in the back he's an IT guy uh Phil joined us recently and he walked into a situation and he started making changes correcting it immediately we're very fortunate to have uh Phil with us I'm very pleased at Phil that you're with us that you join the school district and you bringing broad Bas of experiences to the school district we have also our special education director she's not here tonight but Kathleen sex she has done remarkable work in aligning our special education program to meet the requirements for the state of getting approved and working collaboratively with the parents around issues of IEP and placement so you're looking more and more like a regular school district with a special education program that you can be proud of we are also bringing on other people who are not here tonight but what we are doing we are bringing on people to position this school district to look like a regular school district we basically will be bringing on business administrator by the name of brook the net when we bring on these people we're bringing them on to replace us these are like substitutes as we kind of move off the stage these people move toward roles that we that we're carrying out now so that will not be a gap and that will not be a break in services or in programs and activities so when you see this buing permanency into your educational program and into your school program without disrupting the flow of of of of of everything for the people who are here working if you look around the hallways here we have an incredible staff here that consists of students from Riverside and some Community people and Tim and they are stripping down this structure and cleaning and reassembling and getting ready for kids to come in September it is one of the most major overhaul programs that you could see as you see them do their work and they work so efficiently and so quietly why are we doing this we are doing this because we have a remarkable group of kids here okay these are some some amazing kids okay beautiful kids okay lovable kids we have some great parents who concerned about of high quality education for their kids but most of all what I have what we have here is an incredible State a remarkable State okay that we can be proud of okay and that we're going to work with and we'll get the results that we'd like to get over time right I would be the first to admit that my test scores are not at the level that I'd like for them to be at but I can get there my kids are not damaged I want you to know that okay and my teachers are capable and they're excellent and I have good support people out here I have a full comprehensive child study team I have School nurses too okay I have guidance counselors yes so I have a support for us to move forward and most importantly I have a good board that will stay with me in policy and support the things that I bring to them in terms of a request of asking for to help our district to move forward I will also now I'm going to get to you principal don't worry okay still on the dark all right but I want I just want to continue to talk to the Bo and to talk to my C to the citizens out here now I got some challenges here I'm working on this facility issue and this facility issue is causing me some problems I've got an air conditioning system not so much in the school it's it's it's in it's in the adjoining building uh to me okay and and because it's in an adjoining building it's a separate air conditioning unit okay it's an holder unit I can't get the free on for that unit but I can get it but it it's at an astronomical cost okay and so and it's it's it's going to need repair and my best estimate is somewhere around $50,000 okay that if I have to replace that unit that's what it's going to cost me to replace it it's not a unit that you can rebuil and that you can repair I'm just going to have to replace it we don't even know who the manufacturer of the unit is right now okay but I'm just I'm just saying that's a concern of of of of we're dealing with the paperwork uh to be submitted by our architect to get this refere going of other portions of the air conditioning for the roof of there we know that we got to repair this roof so working with the Architects to get all the paperwork in uh of that so we continue to work on all these challenges but we're making great progress we'll be there where we need to be for September I'm on schedule right now where where I need to be and what I want what we want to be doing let me now come to Raymond Santiago he's a principal who's coming to us he's coming from an adjoining Town not Heist town what's that town hayport hesport yes sir okay when we look through the credentials we look for looked at the preparation he stood out among all the rest and we want to welcome you to this school district at you we'll be joining just a a remarkable group of Staff members parents and children okay you have our full support to help you to be successful and to move this District forward to continue the progress that they are currently making please feel free to meet the board feel free to say a couple [Music] [Music] words so as Dr Fitz said um I come with 20 plus years this is my 23rd year in education um 10 years as an administrator I love what I do um parents will always say to me that um like a father figure to the kids because I believe in assistant every child there's no child who should be felt that they cannot learn we try to make do with what we can we try to find whatever we can to assist the community um I'm always involved I go to sports I go to any PTO events I mean you name it I was telling Dr Fitz that um Mr the pup and I we worked together in hesport and when Co had occurred I was just High So Co ended and the PTO came to me and they were like we haven't had a field trip we haven't had a dance we haven't done anything because of Co so Mr pupick and I looked at each other and we said well we have to do something for the kids we were there every single Friday night I kid you not we gave up all of our Friday nights and we did a dance we did activities with them we had a lot of fundraising we did so when we when I tell you I'm involved I'm involved I do not sit in an office you will see me in the hallways you will see me come into your classroom I am a former math teacher love math I've had some of my teachers at ha sport tell me you want to teach a lesson sure I just jump right in and teach a lesson you know but that's who I am I love education like I said 23 years that I've been doing this um a side hobby of mine is I've been doing 36 years as a martial arts instructor so when I tell you I've taught anybody from four years old to my oldest student being 65 range of of um experiences that I work with so I have an open door policy for my staff there's no hey check in with the SEC my do open you're more than welcome to do it I I've always belied in that unless I'm on the phone I'll let you know let me just finish doing and then you keep com in but that's why I don't like I said I'm invisible you'll see me in the cafeteria you see me on recess Duty you see me wherever I'm needing because I believe I'm part of the staff as well yes I like to lead but I also like to be involved so please anything you ever need my door is always open do not hesitate to come in there's a parent concern please email me we'll try and fix whatever we have to um Community uh concerns anything that you feel as though has to come through the school please feel free to reach out to me as well I'm looking forward to being here board thank you for giving me this opportunity and um rock and roll when I get in here thank you very much [Applause] you so I guess at that point a motion's requested to approve items uh 1 through three on super move by Mr Dancer seconding by Miss are there any questions or concerns on those three items there at the bottom of the superintendent report the introduction of the inbound School principal progress of W Street and the resolution to approve the emergency virtual remote construction plan exhibit that's for every school district that's going we it's going well I said we are prepared we are well prepared for new we relocated merchandise from moment to here all our room assignments have been confirmed and for teachers and quite dep we have not reached out for that but we've been in conversation with the police department about the traffic flow situation here at the school district but we have not reached out for new cross that yes that's that's to be done see no other questions this is a voice vote so all those in favor please signify by saying I I oppos abstain motion carries budget and finance a motion is requested to approve items one through 17 on the budget and finance section moved by Miss schim need a second second by Miss Stone are there any questions or comments on the budget and finance section 17 items in the budget and finance section I'll give a minute Mr it it resolution will approve upon recommendation of the superintendent the 2024 2025 uh tuition contract for three students with Kingsway for July through July the rate of 78,000 just over 78,000 per student plus extraordinary Services as required by the student's side invol students yeah these are um ex these are kids that um unfortunately we don't have the programs internally to provide what's required within their IEP so we do have to send them to talk a little about developmental issues not LS of intes I prefer not to talk about these issues in Open Session because it would be so specific that you could probably identify the kids I'm willing to talk about it in close session question these and for 21st cury is going to if if we are awarded this for all what does that mean um it's for extra Cal we get that had the sale of the school bus yeah that that old school bus is the one that we replaced with the new one that was purchase under Dan and so this is the old one would be regulations on us andile that obviously well under mileage but we're over on the use so another [Music] y they usually use right here and that's a continuation that are there any other questions on the budget and finance section Eric continuing with YMCA um it it's a it's a cost of $2,000 a month how much revenue do we call okay um Dr Fitz could you please give a little bit of um overview um I was in the WR SE I apologize just making for the Deno is that it's going down every Contra P going to probably the last one yes okay thank you right seeing no other questions or comments this is a roll call Mr Dan yes Mr yes M yes Mr Jess yes M yes motion pass make a motion to approve items A and B under operations and fave by Mr danc second by Miss schiman are there any questions or comments on the report on maintenance activities exhibit o and I think Dr Fitz you gave the update on rooftop air conditioning units just I guess in your opening um my question is that on that one you would mention it's in the joining building that I've seen the post about the library being closed because of air conditioning issues besides the library there any other area that that unit Services liary it's just that Library area is that unit make sure I'm asking is that unit original to when they did that expansion there um something have to talk we have some meetings coming up sounds like topic of concern um all right are there any questions or comments on the operation of facilities for number excuse me is this we also talk about upgrading aing is it too late toally add that the pl have gone to the only I resolution that's today I saw the resolution that was going to be my next question after Jo brought that is it too late to potentially consider that as part of something that's obviously something signant so going have to really explore funding options because obviously it's a handful ofs if it's needed but it's desperately needed those time frames I think we've all kind of felt the pain of these past couple wee everything heck my airer running on high still feels see no other questions or comments this is aoll says on here isn't this a voice this this one's a voice all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed abstain motion carries Le a um for Riverside I know they recently are just hired a new director of child study team from within at the meeting last week so we we'll have to make sure our child team introduces themselves to Mrs R and Mrs Administrative Assistant over there they're going be hiring for position which team students position she has special education experience so you hope works out construction is going well on their their referendum projects continues to to move forward njsba bcsp I sent out an update from Joanne Joanne I don't know if there's anything you want to highlight specifically you have questions email Jo about that update Township committee Mr mcneel is absent so going to go off Matt's uh Township committee update there and know that they're going to be meeting in the coming weeks Personnel we'd like a motion to approve items a through m in the person session I a blank through n in personel section move by Missin second by Miss St are there questions or comments on the Personnel section Dr TI under D could you give a little bit more detail of what end of the year closeout reports are and has the QC District plan um received okay we have re anything from the state department in reference to the Q act I I like to get ahead of the state department okay and so what I'm doing now is positioning myself and putting and asking them send me what you're asking us to do so that we can get to work on it we we're going to start working from what we know now and we're giving them ample time to send me the template and then I can move my data what I know I need to have done to to meet that requirement my goal is to get this done with the state as soon as possible I don't want that week to get too dry to show and to get communicated that we are not in staus that's all I'm trying to do okay I know I have some divis that must be addressed but I want to be moving oure of them on this process so I I have a person who will work with us and help us to do this while we continue to do all these other things that we have to do about how many hours a week or a month feel this probably somewhere in the neighborhood maybe of about 10 days maybe a month no no no no totally yeah totally about 10 days thank you any questions or comments on the personel have or we have to hire another school coun I I want to before I make a decision on that I want to talk with the with the new with the new principal to see what our needs are can it be addressed uh but I'm leaning and I must tell you openly I'm leaning in the direction that we need to hire another counselor we have some needy kids okay in terms of social emotional learning that uh karus did did some damage in this school Community to our kids okay and we got we' got to dig ourselves out from under this with our kids because they need some some counseling and some support services so I'm giving the princial a chance to get here uh but I'm leaning in the direction since look let's find a counselor let's find a psychologist we've got to work with these kids our little kids are struggle start those kids are in thir grade now kindergart during that shut down miss out on that development matical development um that's going to be an interesting case stud for some regarding especially schools how those how those Foundation skills have shap their particular educ journe that's but I any other questions or comments this is a roll call vote Mr Daner yes Mr M yes M yes Mr Jess yes M yes thank you old business we obviously met an executive session today with jsba who started us on our our goals um not just as a district but as a as a I'm going to be sending out a survey to uh all the board members as a a recommendation of what they were saying is where do we want to see ourselves in three years in five years and 10 years and create priorities for the board um and for the superintendent and be able to do that obviously before we start looking into as Dr Fitz said the permanency aspect of some of these positions um we want to continue as as a district to build the school district to continue to work toward that Financial stability Dr Fitz has helped stop that financial and our has helped to stop that identifying some of these contracts that we could be better utilizing our money bringing people ins St um to do so we want to continue to be able to do that as a district as support I want to write some stuff out um based my notes and have you suggest edits suggest changes to and really collaborate to come up with these um these goals and bring that for so I want to be able to do that for you guys they also talked about continuing potentially to work as a committee to hold due to the size of our board and the size of the district ver is doing um committees to ensure everybody's on the same page especially many are new and could potentially be newer with the uh election coming up if you're planning to run or if anybody in the public is planning to run the board election uh paperwork is due I Believe by the end of this month I think it's 209 I screenshot to some people today so make sure that that's uh make sure you go around get your petitions signed and turn County upon time if you do plan a run for one of those open regarding new business is or any new business old meeting is talking about the most recent test that we could schedule a uh you know kind of a presentation maybe that could be a collaboration between you and uh the new principal now that he's approved Mr Santiago to uh present kind of those prior test scores plans on that Improvement and I know some of that Improvement is going to come with the curriculum changes that we make and uh from from what I understand what you told me about Mr sanago he comes in with background in direct anything else on Old new business see no I'm just looking around I mean we're we're a a small group tonight right so that's why I moved everybody close so that we were uh all on the camera so that way we're good and if you if you get here when we get here um that sun is sh right in here it is it is tough that time move on the public comment on non-agenda items open it up for public comment on anything not on the agenda is there anything [Music] on seeing No Hands Dr Fitz did say you wanted a very brief executive session to discuss a personel matter okay so we're going to go into a very brief executive session what do you how long do you anticipate that discussion five minutes um so we're going to go into a brief executive session for about five minutes to discuss a Personnel matter and come out we'll actually be taken not formal no formal action is going to be taken after that right now no formal action will be taken at that time so I'd like a motion to go into a brief executive session for person move by Mr dancer second my all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed obain motion carries going into executive session 801 meeting is back in session I would like a motion to adjourn moved by Miss schin seconded by Mr Jazz all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed obain motion carries