##VIDEO ID:5YO3wVTHGmI## Delano Township committee meeting of February 3rd 2025 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New Jersey mayor s we are recording thank you good evening welcome to February 3rd 2025 Township committee meeting 7 p.m. Municipal Building at 770 coopertown Road in Delano roll call please just one moment Mr Bartlett here Miss Fitzpatrick is absent Mr mcfaden here Mr ol here miss Seuss here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mr Fox our Township engineer Mr heinold our Township solicitor Mrs lur is absent U Mrs Russell our Deputy Min clerk Mr Fenimore superintendent of Public Works Mr our acting police chief and miss mcfaden our Administrative Assistant please rise for the flag salute II to the FL flag the United States of America and to the repblic stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Sunshine statement please please be advised the proper notice of this meeting has has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Burlington County Times and carrier post and published in the December 30th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official bulletin board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting live stream statement this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official official notice thank you first meeting uh first item on the agenda tonight we have ordinance 2025 D1 calendar year 2025 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank njsa 44-454 this is the second reading by title only and public hearing hearing is open to the public for ordinance 2025-the so moved second motion by m second by Fern roll call please Mr Bartlett yes Mr mcfaden yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes next we have ordinance 2025-the Commissioners this is the second reading by title only and public hearing the hearing is now open to the public for only ordinance make a motion motion by Phil second by second Matt roll call please Mr Bartlett yes Mr mcfaden yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes thank you okay we have two special presentations tonight um we're going to have the Delan EMS go first please um they are going to come up and discuss the 2024 statistics and kind of give us the year end review good evening chief of Del emgen Squad uh thank you for the invite tonight to come and share this information with you guys we do this monthly with the Del rant Township so we' love to do it with you guys also guys would like to do um just like to provide 20124 what we did um Del we had 368 home calls for service especially the County Central County Central Communications does not include any of the special events or standbys that we've done with the football games and you know Del Day stuff like that um and I believe we did a few events here in Tano out of the 30 3,681 584 this dispatches were uh in Delo it can about 16% of our volume out of that 584 we did transport 309 to the hospital and 77 of those patients did refuse to transport which is unusual which is usual you know for people I feel like they need to call that one just get you know help them up if they fall down take the full pressure make sure that they're good we did see an increase in volume about 12% towards the second half of the month um our second half of the year and that's because we were actually helping out wedge water for the months of November and December uh they were resorted back to their other contractor that is providing here now so um they're there our average response time into Delano is about 8 minutes our standard is about 10 so we that standard um entire time for the call is dispatched the time we have the patient at the hospital available is about 48 minutes that's about student for everything that we're doing within this area that's pretty good we did have an opportunity to train all the uh uh police officers in CPR we have take a hybrid approach to it let them do the online course they came in verify their skills and we got them all done before the end of the year so got that accomplished for you guys um our EMTs we continue to uh embrace the expand scope of practice our EMTs can go ahead and place CPAP on patients we're going to be able to check blood suers uh in the coming month we also uh due to our 2024 donation drive we are able to buy two dness devices which are mechanical CPR so in addition to the uh advancements that we did in 2023 with the advanced aeds we now have cardiac compression devices also so it's allowing us to R better care so very happy to see that moving forward um just real quick you we do uh build for services through third party insurance companies uh if a resident Wass to call and complain that they don't have insurance or anything like that we do not put them into collections we don't do any collections at all we got to work with them um if they have insurance we work with them if they're notti Advocate we direct them to charity care or how to take care of the bills because they have a bill from Delan Mar I'm sure there's a bill from the hospital also so virtual I know other places have those programs in place so we help provide the guidance to they call our office they call our office and they provide something hard some be ready to call off but deal um obviously uh through our contracts we did write off $ 46,8 um in total uh Global forgiveness for residents that includes Del and delo uh we have better reporting tools as of the Fall so we will be able to break out specifically how much of charges are and how much were off specifically for the L residents so we're very excited about that um we spent our 21575 career hours we spent 396 hours for volunteers and we also did 38 hours of continue education so we're very excited that we're able to do that um but yeah so that's where we're want to make sure you guys understood what we're doing and if there's any questions or problems we're always available for you guys and we provide monthly reports to you know the S manager and thank you very much question sure uh you said 60% of your calls come to to Lano no 16 okay thank you thanks for that clarification wow here 584 of the 3600 so 16% yeah thank you and and 584 that's about the when Delano EMS was operating so that's right around the number that we were doing each year usually was between 550 and 600 so that checks out Matt do you need them to come every month or you think once a quarter might be more um I mean what do you think I talk the Chuck as needed I think it' be nice uh wouldbe once a quarter you can come to Township committee uh meetings and give an update but we get our monthly reports they get sent to the administrator I review them as well and there uh beev has them for the records in here okay yeah defitely you guys have any issues please let me know I love uh to get compliments and we know people get complaints but I love to also here do the good things it do definitely I know we're we're very happy with the service we're receiving and we appreciate you guys very much appreciate your service thank you so much okay uh our next special presentation is going to be by the friends of Burlington County Animal Shelter um regarding the Trap neuter and vaccine release program for cats so if you like to come on up thank you I actually spoke here a couple years ago I noticed their names kind of look familiar I know you guys were very receptive to an ordinance um and I know we all get busy so I kind of wanted to Circle back as we go town to town um just to refresh you my name is an I live in Lumberton um I work in Burlington County as a CPA at locky Martin for the last 30 years and I'm part of the leadership team of our organization um we support the county animal shelter and we devote our time and all the funds raised to address animal homelessness overpopulation and abandonment um thank you for letting me speak tonight I really do appreciate it um we have many programs that we fund but the one I wanted to speak um tonight is about um humanely reducing Community cats through our TNR program um so just hard to read that sorry it was better lights I don't want to put everybody in the dark but um if anybody wants to read it but I can just I don't I'm not looking to take up a ton of your time um but I just want to say um you know we are a 501c3 nonprofit We are all volunteers and we partner with the county animal Shel to care for all the shelter pets and help place them into adopted homes and we also work with the community to try to um reduce the number of homeless pets we started in November of 2010 we have over 500 volunteers on record we provide the equivalent over $1 million of Free Labor annually last year we raised over 600,000 from local residents and businesses so there's a lot of people that care about homeless animals and we're so happy about that uh we pay for all the advanced Medical Care at the shelter the county does not we pay for all the broken legs the bad teeth the broken Tails animals hit by cars they all used to be euthanized before our organization came to be we also run and and I'm not this is no dis at the shelter staff they work extremely hard and we love partnering with them they really care about the animals there as well um but it is a never ending battle to keep up with them but so we run the cat and dog foster programs for them we pull adoptable timestamp dogs into private count that we pay for we've been keeping the dog save rate over 90% for years which is really good considering there's probably 110 kennels full of pitbull mixes um but we've kept that number at a no kill status for years now we also run a shelter diversion program to try to keep animals out of the shelter we by providing pet food to Oaks food pantry for people that you know can't afford to feed their pets we also have our own cat adoption center in Mount Holly now which has adopted over 300 cats in its first year uh the Miller family donated the old Ran cookus uh veterinary office in Mount Hol on old uh M Street to us which was a game changer for us we also partner with um best friends if anyone's heard of best friends it's kind of like the mothership of animal rescue they're out in canab Utah and they're all across the nation trying to get all shelters to a no kill status um so one of our largest programs why I'm here today is the tnvr program um we were trying to work with all Burlington County towns to adopt an ordinance that works best for you uh we received hundreds of emails every year from residents looking to help Community cats in their neighborhoods um we have cats you know I have cats in my yard the neighborhood has cats them feeding astray you know it never ends um we can barely you know we really have trouble keeping up but we try um so we provide lowcost Fay neuter Services um for over 2,000 Community cats a year last year we spent $997,000 fixing these CS uh we also support Community caregivers and residents by lending traps or trapping for them if they physically can we help with the recovery of these cats at our adoption center and we help with the releasing uh we also support medical care for injured Community cats um we spent 21,000 last year on that and the 300 cats we adopted of out of our building which is affectionately known as The hisy Hut if you ever drive by it you'll see the sign these are all abandoned cats that we caught during our trapping to while helping residents mostly abandoned pets the ones that were chipped no one called us back or they said well we didn't want it anymore so luckily they found us um so for statistics in 2024 231 Community cats were euthanized at the shelter versus 243 in 2023 which is a slight decrease year-over-year um the live exit rate last year for cats was 78% um prior to us coming to be in 2010 the live exit rate for all cats was only 27% so it's really gone up with the Foster program TNR um luckily Delano had zero cats euthanized at the Sher last year which was excellent and in 2023 there was only five so we're not talking big numbers out of your town um so for Community cat Youth and Asia rates going back to 2019 it was over 500 it starts to decline and we've been kind of holding steady at 230 3240 the last few years so TNR has really helped with stopping all these kittens from being born um let's see oh my cat oh my I have a cat reproduction chart here and apparently it doesn't show on this slide for some reason when you're in screen mode but anyway it just showed how many cats if you have two cats in your yard in about five years you're going to have 75 cats in your yard just to show that how quickly they multiply um cat cats can have kittens at age four months and they can be nursing and having more kittens that can be pregnant so it's it's a Non-Stop battle um so obviously you guys are doing something good because you are not flooding the shelter like other towns are with their Community CS so the reason we need an ordinance is one we're trying to get Burlington County to become a no kill County we want to follow the model of Kate May County Mammoth County um you know the Camden County is getting there you know we really want to be one of those towns that or counties that can say we're a no kill County um so the ordinance would just allow existing authorities whether it's Animal Control the police whoever um and the shelter to use T TNR for Community cat control in your town it wouldn't be any charge if a cat goes in it gets fixed for free and brought back to its out to home and we're only talking about cats that look like they're doing okay somebody's feeding them and somebody's caring for them um removing the current restrictions and all the municipalities will eliminate that horrible 7-Day stray hold every time a community C comes in it's held for 7 Days in a cage it's never been in a cage and then they're ultimately euthanized we try to get them into Barn programs but there really aren't that many um it also allows shelter resources rather than having to take care of a snarling feral cat um in some cases you know to free them up to do other things that they're you know rather be doing rather than um doing that so it also reduces the potential for spreading diseases you know you bring these cats in from the outside if they have if they're sick or have an upper respiratory you know that can flood through the whole shelter even to the adoptable cats and it also reduces compassion fatigue we know many staff that really are exhausted from having to kill perfectly healthy animals so um anyway enforcement of local ordinances would still be under your preview everything your animal control your police um but any assistance for TNR would be provided by us um and it's really the only effective way to to um do community C management you know many over 600 cities and towns Across America have been doing it um catch and kill has proven not to work um and it's also you know the more Humane choice for the reasons I discussed previously um so that's really it we I just wanted to um we're going town to town to try to get towns and like I said you know the the highest town probably has 70 cats that were euthanized at the shelter you know you obviously zero and last year you had five so you're not a a big hitter but it would be great if we could get all the towns to just be on the same page and have an ordinance and it'll allow us to uh be called and come in and take care of your you know any issues you have um luckily I guess you haven't had any do you guys use ACO or do you have um yeah yeah ACO okay I guess yeah I guess he hasn't have to track much so that's that's great news or maybe we I know we get calls from residents probably in Delano every town calls us and when sometimes we're just doing it without you guys even you know having to be involved which is great and that's that's kind of what we're hoping for too so thank you for listening and appreciate your time and uh I guess I'll just reach out from the old email Trail and see I know I sent a sample ordinance that you guys you know can take a look at it also has a nuisance of baitman clause so any Resident confrontations you know can be worked out so thank you very much thank you so much thank you do we want to keep the lights off in here tonight it's very romantic thank you thank you we can see the audience [Music] again I have the chief inves getting that banging noise cuz it's really bothering me yeah sounds like the heater turning does it does yeah okay um do we want to move the discussion up to right now so we can have the discussion now while everybody's still here I'll have to wait anybody have any comments [Music] questions I guess we would take this ordinance and kind of put it into the format that we would need um Mr heinold yes I would need to get the ordinance and review it adopt it so it's in a format that fits into our code okay yeah if you could if you could look into doing that that would be great I'll coordinate with um Miss Fitzpatrick who was kind of coordinating this um she's ill tonight so she apologizes she couldn't be here um yeah she wanted to be here and and then be part of it because she is a big big supporter of the program so of course any um comments from the committee do we want to open it up to the public for any comments if you'd like to come up state your name and address hi hiy good evening I live at 39 just move that mic towards your face there you go thanks and I was also here um couple years ago and I want to thank you for pointing that out for our town having no cat I've been doing a lot of TNR on my own independent as you all know and a lot of people I wish I had a poster board with all the cats and their pictures that I've teed oned in our town but I don't but these papers each one of these represents a cat that I in Delano this is just Delano cats now there's like 40 of them here allets oh yes yes I use All Pets um so we don't have we do have a cat issue but it isn't out of control like other towns I've seen willing bar has a big problem yeah they have a big issue but um we do you know have have a cat problem and I have been doing it on my own and so this would be a big help to have an ordinance in place yeah so that's all I just wanted to say Wendy thank you so much for your work that you do for the town and we appreciate you sharing the pictures on the Facebook page so the residents can see the cats and um thank you for keeping them under control yes oh and that's not to mention the 30 plus kittens that I've taken off the streets of Delano that we don't have running around cuz they all have homes now yes so they get adopted yes that's awesome thank you so yeah thank you we appreciate you Wendy thank you so much thank you okay so I guess the next step would be to get that um ordinance and the informant that we need and we can put it on the agenda for um a meeting later this month or in March and we can um discuss it more then when Miss Fitzpatrick is back anybody else wishing to speak at this time okay I'll close this portion of the presentation to the public and then I'm going to open the meeting up to the public for uh General comments and questions this is Session One um if you'd like to come up to the podium speak about anything please state your name and address this is session one is now open to the [Music] public seeing no one I will close this meeting to the public we are going to go to comments and reports comments to the professionals Mr heinold I'll just report again that um for those people who've been attending the meetings this is going to sound a bit redundant but we are in the fourth round of affordable housing in the state of New Jersey um there was a deadline of January 31st at our last meeting we adopted a resolution to uh accept the designated number through the process and because of the extensive uh work that the committee has done in the past uh we are in a position to be able to not only not build additional units but be able to uh likely extend existing units uh restrictions to buy future conformant um going forward I just talked to Mary Beth Lan our our planner again tonight um we will be uh following up on those discussions but I think the import from the general public standpoint is that Delano has been in compliance up to this deadline we filed timely to remaining compliance and under protection meaning no developer can come in and say we think Delano should change in this way and we we'll put the units where we say we want them to put it um we have the ability to control our own destiny relative to this issue and again because of past uh projects and approvals we are in very good uh shape in that regard um so we'll keep you updated as we move through the process but as far as affordable housing news goes in the state of New Jersey this is as good as it gets what no awesome thank you very much Mr Fox thank you man um mying but U up to date on our projects um the do gr Ro project which is Walnut Street and Chestnut Street um that has beened to the state preliminary review um the plans inspect are complete we get their comments uh and also we're going to review those with the subcommittee uh public work subcommittee if they have any changes we can make those changes that time as well the uh T program which is one block Del Avenue and one block of Second Street those plans are done as well and we're going to that for the sub um and once we go over we have that subcommittee meeting my our next our next report is the next meeting um that I'm attending I can give you all the dates of when we went to award um the project when they would start and and when construction will be in space completed I'll add that to my project board yeah your timeline I didn't see that yet oh it's there um did John get back to you about Thursday uh no I haven't heard from anyone but yes and Richard and yeah anytime between 10: and 3 what time works for you on Thursday 3 yeah is that is that work a little earlier 3 is good 2:30 be good 3:30 230 2:30 2:30 2:30 okay 2:30 Thursday it's a date than you and along with that we also have the Community Development block grant uh project which is replacing the hand sucessful ramps throughout Town several locations we'll review that as well um again I'll have dates for everyone at our next [Music] meeting plans are pretty close to be to finish um I did my report rep to to you um I'm going to revise those dates we ran through a little stag so everything's being pushed back in two weeks when those dates there um so we're going to advertise on the 17th February 17th we'll receive the bids on March 13th uh can award on the 17th March 17th meeting uh and we would expect construction start around the 14th 15th of um April still there's no issue um with having the construction compl by the 27 June 27th have complete I don't see any issu with that all because of as you know how we doing Gazo that's bring the my state contract and that was what was going to be a long lead time we needed a long contract time for that we don't need that anymore so compl confident that we'll have enough time to complete the project um and just actually two we chance to start the eyes andoss the who would start first would did the general contractor start prep the site and then they would install the Pavilion yeah the general contractor would come in to the site set up and then they would work together with the Gazebo contractor um but yes General the GC would start first to get all safy fening up store measures all that kind of stuff uh probably start some rough gring and then and when was the preon meeting you think um I there wouldn't be a preon meeting we we W know that until we would contract and see that is then we'll determine the free time me perfect Harry is that being put on a slab or on Footers it's it's going to be put on on footings and underneath the Gazebo are are P um but the actual Zebo is being done with footings footings and then the slab and then the pavers will be on top of the slab yeah slab is just you don't put papers on the ground it's like a little would would be a rat slab I guess okay thank you that's all I have to [Music] okay um where do we stand with the boat ramp I know you were talking about maybe at the end of this month uh having something together for that yeah um by by the next uh next couple weeks I should be able to give people on that um putting all PES into the par yeah I I know I just general that's fine y it's it's in work we're definitely focusing on the waterr park so I get it all good okay department heads Beverly thank you mayor um as you all know animal licensing mon was in January um all dogs and cats uh by state and local statute needed to be licensed by January 31st so any that um that we know of that are on our books that were not um will'll send out late notices um there is a late fee of $3 uh per month $3 per pet per month so we um we kind of soft en forc and continue to send out late notices to Residents um to try to get them on board and um ascertain if any of their pets have passed or they theyve moved away um we do have some upcoming events some dates I want to share with you the townwide yard sale will be the last Saturday in April April 26th and the shredding event that we hold here every um spring and every fall and the community clean updates would be the following Saturday of May 3rd um and then um if the governing body would like to consider authorizing the finance department to pay any bills that may come due um as our next meeting isn't until February 24th um if there are any bills that they um need to pay that would incur interest um if you would be interested in considering that is everybody okay with that yes yeah okay c a motion to uh approve the bills to be paid yes please so moved second motion by Matt second by Fern all in favor I I I thank you very much mayor Mr Fenimore yes um we snowplow and saled uh and put out 30 ton of salt uh we picked up 15 cubic yards of brush mostly Christmas trees uh picked up track along Creek Road Cooper Town Ballfield and West Avenue uh we fixed 13 recycling Lids uh cleaned all the storm drains off removed one tree at West Avenue all storm damage um and we cleaned the sidewalks off for the snow removal which was uh little feet and then cuz everything got frozen but we finally got everything cleaned off and then finally we got all our wood chips picked up the county picked them up and we're not we don't know how lucky we are they do that that's all I have thank you no compost report yeah no it's it's settling okay I I turned it last month and it's resting okay thank you for the update Chief short turnaround from last Monday so nothing to report okay thank you all right we're going to move to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minute does anyone have anything they'd like to remove or discuss uh 20 25-37 please okay we will remove that Okay resolution 20253 disposal of unclaimed bikes propy resolution 25-39 resolution authorizing Burlington County division of mosquito control to conduct aerial larvel adult mosquito controls activities and authorizing execu tion of Municipal agreement form resolution 25-40 resolution authorizing Professional Services of bidding engineering environmental oversight and contract Administration for environmental remediation work at the 200 as Street Park site resolution 25-41 a resolution authorizing the township of Delano through the township of Delano Police Department to participate in the defense Logistics agency law enforcement Support Office 1033 program to enable the township of Delano Police Department to request and acquire excess Department of Defense equipment 25-42 renewal of contract for fod Turf maintenance we have the payment of bills current fund 6575 18997 payroll $ 67,341 195 Capital fund $2,619 32 escro Trust $427 $8 approval of business license 2024 49 approval of consent agenda can I get a motion please some moved second motion by Matt second by Fern roll call Mr Bartlett yes Mr mcfaden yes Mr allette yes Miss Seuss yes thank you uh circling back to resolution 20253 that's the um authorizing execution of agreement of sale for purchase of of 401 Creek Road uh we could give the public a I guess a reader digest version of the agreement Mr please sure I'll do what I can the uh for those of you who are following the U uh 401 Creek transaction we authorize by ordinance the acquisition this resolution is the result of negotiation now between Criterion and the township as to the actual terms of the acquisition uh the basics are it's a $3.5 million purchase price um there are some requirements relative uh to uh the pre- purchase process that are standard for commercial transactions uh a little bit longer than usual because we are a public and um we need time to take action at public meetings so we have 120 days for our due diligence period uh we have 60 days for our title review period and assuming the governing body acts favorably on this uh agreement I will coordinate with uh Council for the other uh party for the seller and we will put together together a time frame that basically gets us from agreement execution to to the closing table that will include all the due diligence that we have to do on our side um the title work uh and um the bond ordinance process which is a I'm sure you've sat through Bond ordinance adoption but it's an ordinance process where we have to uh send um notices and ultimately once that board Bond ordinance is approved we have to issue Bond anticipation notes um that is the nutshell of sort of where we are in the process we did negotiate fairly lengthy uh back and forth with the sellers Council um we have you know I do Municipal work I've been doing it for 25 years my sister is a commercial uh real estate attorney who's also by law partner uh so we've had a lot of eyes on this document I'm comfortable recommending it to the governing body for the purposes of what we're trying to accomplish here thank you could you just elaborate what is involved in due diligence period what will happen then sure I mean the biggest issue in the due diligence process is to um pull in Harry and his office environmental environmental resolutions they've got experts in the environmental Fields who will have already started the process of reviewing what is in place Criterion and just bought this property in 22 uh so um they provideed documents to us relative to their due diligence process uh but we can uh certainly expand upon that and revisit things as ER recommends and then um again once we get through tonight I'll be in contact with Harry immediately to start talking about what those items are what the time frame is and ensure that you know we've dotted our eyes and crossed our tees and make sure that we're getting what we negotiated for which is a commercial problem property without any um unknown environmental issues that would cost us money down the line to address so it's really just kind of the inspection period on the commercial end what it's called due diligence there are buildings on the property there has been review by uh Township officials I'm not that's not really the point what we're acquiring this for we do have the ability to inspect one key element that was a bit of a negotiation back and forth is they've got to take all the personal property off this um which uh they didn't want to do but they're doing so um I think that makes perfect sense because we don't want to again buy something we don't know it's not really what the deals about and it's a lot cheaper for a private entity to to undertake that work than for a public entity to do so and that's the township does not want to be a landlord so that's why the tenant is being asked to leave yeah we did look at that issue um quite frankly again there's not sign significant enough Revenue to justify uh the likelihood that it would change the financing elements under the public uh financing laws so um we are accepting the property tenant free and they have notified their tenants there are no issues in that regard and the um there is an an expectation that they will be vacant um based upon those Communications and as a requirement of closing thank you anything else sir no thank you very much sir yeah thanks for asking uh Phil or Matt anything no I'm good with this okay um I would ask for a motion to approve resolution 20253 authorizing execution of agreement of sale for purchase of 401 Creek Road I'll make a motion um second motion by Phil second by Matt roll call please Mr Bartlett yes Mr mcfaden yes Mr alette the resolution that's before us this evening uh the township committee prior to this had approved the purchase of uh 401 Creek Road and then going through the resolution that we have on our uh agenda this evening uh for the purchase uh Gone through it um pleased that our uh the environmental piece is going to be handled by uh er uh and that we're not totally counting on the report that was submitted by Criterion uh so I have confidence there and I also have confidence in Mr heinle and uh the work that his firm put into uh drawing up the agreement so I vote Yes Miss Seuss yes thank you to Doug uh for his hard work and getting this done with all the language that protects us moving forward thank you to all of you and uh and I will specifically note that both uh the mayor and uh former mayor um were helpful in that process as well thank you thank you uh any correspondence B yes one piece uh we received notice from the board of chosen freeholders the division of mosquito control um requesting our approval um for their FAA um permit that they do annually to allow them to do uh aerial spraying of mosquitoes doesn't mean that they're going to it just gives them the ability to do that if they needed and that was your resolution 39 this evening was giving them that Authority and that's it thank you meeting is now open to the public this is session two for comments and questions please come up to the podium and state your name and address Ray did you come late where were you changing around huh keep you on your toes give me the curveball okay yes uh question for you is the name and address oh sorry raywe 22 ships way thank you thank you um is the county looking into helping out with any purchase of that property because there is some Wetlands on there as well as there's uh backs onto the county P I would think they' be W to preserve it uh the county is not helping with the purchase but they are aware of the wetlands and discussions uh have commenced regarding that yeah D and so forth would with the county with the county I don't know where it's gone from that okay all right um the other thing then too is um there's been a number of problems with Gees and I know they're endangered species they're protect they're protected and I know the along the cek there there seem to be coming in quite a bit and well as uh we've had a number of residents complain about them I told them dur dangered species or protected species or whatever you want call call it um is there any other problems in any other areas within the township and any solutions that the township may have come up with they're everywhere come look at the side door of the building we Ste over tonight what to the SE to the field of dream can't walk yeah same thing okay Bru field same thing seaw wall I just want to if we want to spend thousands of dollars a month for geese the geese people to come out is that what it was to do whatever they do geese Chasers yeah geese would be $1,000 yeah per site yeah yeah so unfortunately we just have to with their funkiness and yeah and U just a reminder that February 13th invited it's on the calendar thank you I appreciate it thank you and Ray I'll have an answer for you what we talked about for your system over there tomorrow okay good I was promis that tonight great thank yep anyone else going once going twice session two is now closed to the public discussion items uh recreational facility fee structure update uh in your packet you have a proposed fee structure um that's been prepared by Recreation to update the field usage fees which hadn't been done in a while uh to be more uh in line with today's expenses now that the lights are there now that we have more Turf maintenance um so I would ask for you to look that over and uh see if you have any questions or wanted to add about it they did have a subcommittee on this they went back and forth with uh members of recreation Township leaon and Aron uh proano Mr MCB yes uh you were part of the recreation uh committee before any input or thoughts uh we we did take a lot of time to review this and uh along with me there was is the new current chairperson of the Recreation Commission and um Steven lure was also available for this and this is what we had came up on based on what we could charge per facility with the Green Acres guidelines restriction M that they put on us so this is the this is what we felt was comfortable for all parties involved it's still affordable um very much so and um they wanted to get this to the uh different groups in the begin beginning of the year while they do their budget so they don't not um you know don't have any unexpected fees um I think a monthly fee of $300 per you know as a base fee and then you have a a shed rental fee and then a monthly restroom fee because we are now providing um someone to to utilize and clean the the restrooms uh which before it was on the different organizations to do that and our volunteers and it just became too much um so I think the fees are very reasonable and uh they are Phil correct me if I'm wrong they put in a separate account and they have to be utilized for that's for daisa right only when it involves Del Riv yeah so Del R's fees are put in a separate line item account and they can only be used for field um field fees like field maintenance and improvements so so these other fees would be for outside M cor groups yes Del R is listed as our official Town sponsored whatever it's called we have an income service agreement with that right so this is outside organizations not from Delano thank you is the light fees built into this yes okay we did look at the um usage and the uh psng bills month over month while the lights were being utilized and it was very minimal they are pretty energy efficient and they are on an app they're controlled by an app so they're not on every night uh when it's raining and a certain person remembers that it's raining to turn them off they get turned off um and uh yeah so they work with the organizations so only have the lights on when they need them looks like this the uh field usage schedule hasn't been updated since 2012 right yes yeah it seems to be much more in line with still very much affordable anyone else have any questions or comments can we get a motion to approve the uh field usage revisions I'll make a motion I'll I'll second it just a question this has been adopted by the rec board Rec commission yes okay we're basically just agreeing to what they've already it has to be yes approved by us okay so that was a motion by Phil second and by me roll call I guess or all in favor doesn't matter all in favor um maybe a roll call since this a resolution okay Mr Bartlett yes Mr mcfaden yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes thank you and this was 2025 d33 yes yes thank you okay um there's no need for an executive session so can I get a motion to adjourn so moved thankk God motion by Matt second by Fern all in favor thank you good night we'll see you at our next meeting on the 24th