Delo Township committee meeting of June 24th 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New [Music] Jersey mayor we're good we are recording all right good evening everybody Welcome to the June 24th 2024 Township committee meeting held at 7:00 p.m. here at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr olette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bartlett here also present uh Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mrs lore our municipal clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk Lieutenant Warren filling in for the chief and Mr Taylor Our Town planner please rise for the flag seep I to the of the United States of America and the it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all i' like to ask for a moment of silence in remembrance of orelio Karo who we love lost last Thursday thank you ilio was only 55 years old he passed away after a 5-year Battle of cancer which he fought with Grace and humility ILO arrived in America at the age of 19 from Kini which is in Sicily and dedicated over 30 years as the owner of Vinnie's pizza right here in Delano but he was so much more who was a devoted family man and his children were the light of his life and we send our prayers to his wife Maria and his children Marcia and David personally I'm going to miss walking in there and hearing him yell at me hey baletto kadish apparently that means how you doing um in the 20 years I've known him whenever I saw him he'd always say hey when are you going to be the mayor that was like decades before I even uh decided to run for office so I'm certainly going to miss that he was a guy who definitely should have been the mayor he knew virtually everybody in this town and virtually everybody knew and loved and will still love him uh services are going to be Wednesday morning at good sheeper church in Beverly if anybody wants to attend it's going to be at 10 o00 um with that Janice can you the sunshine statement please please be advised that proper noce notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the burington county times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions and written notice has been posted on the official BS and board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you thank you now that the gang is all back together again after some vacations everybody's hopefully all rested we'll start with the first item on the agenda ordinance 2024-the the installation of various Capital Improvements in and for the township of Delano County of Burlington New Jersey appropriating the sum of $225,000 therefore from the capital Improvement fund and $239,300 reading by title only and public hearing I will now open the hearing to the public for ordinance 2024 -15 if anyone has any questions or comments specifically to this ordinance please approach the podium and give your name and address for the record seeing no one will'll close this portion uh to the public and I'll request is there any comments or questions on the ordinance in committee no no good good all right then I'll ask for a motion uh to adopt ordinance 202 24-15 so move second wow that was a three-way tie I think we'll give it to Kate for this one Carolyn and Kate and roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick yes Mr elette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes all right ordinance 202 24-16 with officially the longest title on the agenda it is a bond ordinance of the township of Delano in the county of Burlington authorizing the purchase and installation of Technology improvements in the municipal building the installation SL repacement of storm drainage pipes on Hickory Street and along Delaware Avenue improvements to Recreation facilities at various parks and the purchase of equipment for the police department appropriating the total sum of $588,500 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $558,000 $790 bonds or notes of the township for financing such Appropriations and making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing second reading by title only and public hearing and I'll now open this ordinance public hearing to the public again if you have any comments or questions on this one approach and give your name and address for the record seeing none we'll close this uh public hearing and any comments or questions on the motion we on the uh ordinance then I will ask for a motion please so move Kate second and fern roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr elette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton Mr Bartlett yes all right ordinance 202 24-17 an ordinance authorizing the grant of real property license with respect to 309 Burlington Avenue at block 1401 lot 6 second reading by title only and public hearing I'll open this public uh ordinance for public hearing to the public you have any comments or questions approach the podium name and address for the record seeing none we'll close this on to the public any comments or questions on the ordinance I'll ask for a motion move second Carolyn and Kate roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr alette yes Miss Zeus yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes all right next item up for bid discussion item conceptual plan for the historic Waterfront Park design and with us is our special guest star this evening from Taylor Design Group Scott Taylor our Township planner sound like a game thank you right come on down we should around yeah you go Scott do you have a wireless mic up there do I need a wireless mic no only well to pick you up on the recording and so the uh home audience can hear you for us here you certainly have a loud enough voice I warned you should not thank you um so I'm going to try to not block everybody's View and just for anybody watching at home we'll po we'll post a photo of this on the website just so everyone could see uh it's kind of positioned here so the inperson audience can say so just by way of reference and this is a concept plan overlaying on an aerial photograph in black and white so on the left side of the screen is Willow Street we have Delaware AB running through the middle we have Union on the far right hand side to the top is the river obviously and then zurburg Mansion is here um on the bottom part of the sketch basically as all of you know you've authorized the seaw walls under construction uh we're in that process the next step in that is the creation of the park so part of uh the seaw wall project includes some concrete sidewalks along the walkway we've coordinated with ER some of those areas are not being constructed currently because we knew there were going to be some improvements that were coming in after the facts that we have been trying to coordinate through that process overall um from a a main standpoint we looked at creating and this is similar to Concepts that we had presented in 2016 and I think even more recently maybe 2019 or 20 where we're we are embracing the prior location of the Pavilion structure uh recreating that brick side wall that connects to that The Priory in the seaw wall actually reflects that location so we're showing a new in that area con sidewalk that will have some R sidewalk underneath uh we're looking at a structure that it was such a unique wooden structure tring recreate that would really be difficult and an enormous maintenance problem so what we're doing is trying to do sort of a modern interpretation of that something that we need current uh codes for wind loading uh Etc and have some and draw upon some of those details um for the pilion we're also anticipating having interpretive signage um in a couple of isses through the site one of those stories we do want to tell obviously is about the history of the Zer man but also the Pavilion um the f a number of things so we will along the prom have U some dedication plat and also interpretive signs to tell part of that story we see this and I'm drawing here u in the section on the right hand side you can see moving from left to right in this project section we are showing some lighting through the central portion to create a wash of Lights along the promod but also use those same lights to light Del it's really sort of a dark area now and we're confident that one row light to the center it's just enough of blow these will be fully recessed full cut off dark sky compliant lights that will be 3000° Kelvin so we're not creating that bluish flare intense light while still provided some safe uh lighting levels throughout we are also along the strong C AIS of the Zer Mansion we're showing the potential for a mid block crosswalk that does require some uh specific signage that's something we need coordinate with C Year's office but we know folks are using that now considerably um and we're showing a connection there to a couple of benches and again dedication PL and lower look here we designed and let me jump back to the Pavilion for a second we designed the 16 by 16 for building have a movable table in there that may have an inlaid chest board and then also two permanent benches in that location we've laid it out and sized it so there could be a small am there there could be a small wedding prom photographs uh anything like that we see this being a great spot for prom photos overlooking uh Delaware in this location we'll probably do some hanging signage so when someone's under there they are going to those photo spots there's a little bit of a sign doesn't like they post it everywhere people go that is so beautiful what town is that everyone know we are showing benches in a number of locations they all have accessible um companion wheelchair seating next to them along promon accessible picnic tables in a number of locations uh we're also and we've been coordinating with trying to preserve I have not been out there recently but preserving as much as possible of the existing uh brick walls uh to try to incorporate those into the design we have bik racks litter and recycling receptacles we also have fishing line recycling systems at both of the street ends the initial plan is to not have fishing along this section of promade because of that high level of pedestrian use can often conflict with fishing so fishing is still you know be happening at the uh Street ends um so doing some fishing line retrieval there also was stations I think that's the bical racks and TR in the bottom right hand corner you can see we were looking to replace relocate the existing benches that sort of and piic able to have a bit of a modern feel to them is something that we thought was more of appropriate and uh to the historic nature of the site so we were looking at uh black benches with reticles like racks and also rail um Ben rail that would go along the top of the wall for the prop um showing a few noes of some low maintenance ground cover and also a couple of additional trees to be planted on the site we have the pass and Trigger noodles in conjunction with the wall construction so to mitigate that we're looking at um showing two trees in here and again some Lo planting interpreter signs SE wall benches Headway stations we're also relocating right now the little Free Library it's actually cared back in the lawn a little bit it's not handicap accessible so we're suggesting to shift that up closer to the sidewalk here on so that accessible uh as well well B at both ends did you write all she's not even a sonographer um so that's the short version I can any question it's great yeah it's awesome yeah it's really awesome just two quick things do you have a light in the actual Pavilion that's going to be a motion sensor light we do thank you whenever we do things like this we generally um recess the light in there so the park is closed after hours if someone goes in there the light goes on neighbors Poli everyone know hey somebody's in there draws a little bit of attention to it usually that light turning on is enough to set F elsewhere right we'd also like to have some surveillance cameras on the light post as well to protect the area [Music] there is so there's a a SE that runs along and that sea wall um is it elevation 10 so it sits several up for resiliency resiliency and then there will be a a 5 wide sidewalk so sort of a river front along the river so the sidewalk is an elevation 8 the top of the wall is 2 ft higher that's an elevation okay the wall is concrete so the wall is actually a final uh sheet pile system that has like you see at some of the street ends and then there is a a cord concrete cap so the top of that there will be I want to say it's 15 in deep at about 16 or 18 in wide so will be and Scott the fence will be on the wall itself yeah so um the fence so the guard requirement under the item is 42 in our sorry so the the wall itself is about 2 ft High and the g needs to be a total of 42 in or 3 and 1/2 ft so the rail itself this is about 13 in the rail itself will only be about 18 in high on top of that wall so it will be wall for 2T and then 18 in of that you know sort of fencing guide rail good it's important that we nail this down because we need to have the fence installed as soon as the seaw wall is completed very shortly after um the park we'd like to have him go out to bid in December and a ward in January and then start the construction in March to have it finished by may but the fence needs to be done now um and what I mean now as soon as the sea wall is finished for safety reasons we can't leave it exposed all winter so well uh as you mentioned winter uh with the uh ice during the winter uh that we experience out there on the Delaware where ice backs up and uh I've been to a couple parts where they've had taller fences uh rot iron where they end up getting bent and uh destroy uh and then you end up with a maintenance issue um so with the fencing do the rods have to can it be more like a um split rail uh with metal versus the up and down so the IC Code requires a fence with B such that a 4 in sphere cannot F through any location okay so even if we were putting like a a 10 by 10 deck in the middle of the W area if that was raised 30 in above the surrounding raids we would have to do sort of that typical de railing where you see those wood BS every 4 in on Center so that it can't pass through that not to similar to what you see around around the swimming pool swimming pool has a similar parameter um and that 4 in really has to do with two things one a child not being able to slip through there fall out um but secondarily not being able there's also trap and jerking issue that goes beyond that so when you go a little wider than that child can actually get their head in there and then it create [Music] issues yeah because aesthetically obviously and it makes sense to do it that way but unfortunately with he was explaining in our meeting we can't do it in the public parks private obviously they can but yeah so we're trying to keep the profile of that feature as as low profile as possible the part the code it does have to be a firm railing um the code actually requires I believe it's lb of leral pressure on that so that somebody does the GRE on it push it over and then we have somebody I think the fall is anywhere from 6 think maybe 10 at the highest point that's no it's wa 60 yeah um so that if somebody was standing about the exit sign is that's a little over 6 that's probably 69 or 610 okay but we don't want to create something that's now a new attraction for someone to climb up and sit on and if there's a feature you describe this and you know down the shore I've never seen a fence like this on any public bulkhead uh a whole Jersey City Waterfront yeah if you go anywhere in Jersey City if you go anywhere in New York City in those instances and what we had hoped for initially was that the top of the seaw wall will be flat right at elevation 10 and the rest of the park would be flat at elevation 10 and then you have a 42 in high bar on top of that to try to preserve and save all the trees that were out there the existing site we work the power this because we know how important the preservation of the trees were the trees were saved by keeping the park elevation around what it is existing now around elevation a but to get that flood resiliency the wall itself had to go to Elevation 10 I know cuz I insisted on that right so so what we would do um so right now we have a wall these shars are probably 20 22 in high seating heght perfect heght for a kid to jump up and walk on or people to sit on what we would do is in that area we would cheat this fence to actually be as close as structurally possible to the park side of that so there isn't room for anybody to even sit there um and and trying to avoid even enough room for somebody to be able to walk so we we want to get that as close as possible to that edge to make it as safe as possible you're you're unbelievably optimistic on the capabilities of people to climb on things up on this they will clim over it they may jump off of it I Le two of them myself so all do the best we can I mean I've had people trespass on my property and walk a toddler on the top of my sea wall and it's you know you what people just don't think and that's my private property that people are doing that on um yeah whatever is selected uh this material has to be bombproof uh not you know corrosion resistant stainless steel whatever uh we we don't need and some maintenance item that we're going to to pull it out 5 years from now and replace mounts and screws and everything else uh the same with the Pavilion as was mentioned previously I mean that Shoreline just gets the crap kicked out of it and you know debris I mean I find logs after big storms in my front yard um the table you mentioned some mechanism you said a movable table something that that bolts that down that it could be taken out but but something that uh uh it can be fixed as as a permanent or semi-permanent feature because you know as we saw yesterday uh the the wind just will take things uh and a private gazebo was destroyed yesterday um hanging flapping signs uh that'll be that would be AIG C that will be in Willingboro we've actually used the same uh manufactur adalon andalon has EPA 120 mph we have several structures down there one was constructed in 2004 so it has been hurricanes and Sandy and it is number so understood on that point this is this will be a huge durable and fully Cod comp based on that EA for this SP it is a spot and it's a steel structure this the roof is steel and also has a Copa at the top to allow so you don't have that uplifting like an umbrella the wind gets under it and takes it so it actually will have an opening so that the wind can get through to prevent some of that uplifting that probably happens to the Gazebo that fell don't be bashful and bu the strongest thing you can get um do we know weally yeah spending 10% more on a project on the materials can actually make stuff lasts twice as long and that's just that's just good math so much of the cost of these goes into the labor so using a little bit better material really doesn't have a huge impact on overall has a huge on maintenance the safety yeah this is an in-depth conversation we had last week um about the material of the fence whether it should be aluminum stainless steel and I know you're working with some vendors get some quotes and we have to move pretty quickly on this like literally in the next week or two to figure out the design nail down design make sure the engineer is okay with it and we're not going to skimp on it for sure because it's a super important piece that needs to make sure it's going to listand the winds and the logs and the ice and everything down there so we're definitely cognizant of that as well yeah mentioned the ice flows if we have a condition where ice flows come up and come over that bulkhead we can't design a fch or a rail to withstand that kind of force the amount of force that is applied by is Monument so we're going to do something that will work for 99.9% of the time um if we get that kind a nice low just going to have to abandon ship yeah I mean there's always going to be some kind of Maintenance down there right but but the um you know I I live on the ranus creek and the ice flow is not as high as my first wall I have two walls and so it's usually a little bit below it and uh I don't think it's any higher on the Delaware um I mean it builds up but i' I've never seen it where it would go over to that wall to the new wall and I think with our increase PL I I'm hopeful we don't see nice work right um yeah Mr Fox and I went over that we were looking at the climate change the sea level rise forecast and kept on pumping up from his initial plans so we're trying to get something that's uh workable for the next 50 to 75 years yeah so are we thinking public question yeah we'll yeah go ahead have at it sorry no have it you're good okay okay just just just for the record just give your name and address for the record just so we have it okay what point are you now in the construction started are you now building SE wall or are you just getting ready through so it's it's a two sort of a two-phase project one is under construction now is the actual seaw wall okay itself and that will be happening over the next three basically three months and prob we finishing September and October okay and there's some sidewalk associated with that now September October now that of the entire project so so the SE wall and the sidewalk will be finish this September me new October okay the second phase of the project will be all these parking imprs the lighting The Bu receptacle um as committee woman who mentioned we're looking to out to bid in probably December for that that contract awarded early next year so we can do a very early spr construction and W up okay all right thank you so we're going to pull the fence out of the park aspect of it and include that in the seaw wall now since we have to do that now um but does anybody else have have questions well if the fence gets delayed or whatever I mean you can always put a temporary construction fence barrier to keep people off that for the next you know until everything else follows on in the spring so it's it's not uh we've seen how well that's worked in the last week of these storms I'll get something it's real fence the fence should not be put off it should be done as Harry's doing the construction because it's going to be I'm I'm just I'm just saying if you get delayed you get hung up on materials or a contractor or any aspect of that right I think if that's a concern to to close that section of the park uh cuz it's still you know it's going to be mud and dirt out there anyhow and it is a custom rail that we have to have done they're talking six to 10 weeks probably too so yeah and and as you know the bidding process so I was actually emailing and sketching yesterday to the office to try to get this thing as quickly as possible once you get quotes along a couple different styles and you make that fin determination Harry's going to have to put this out a so we're going to have resolutions in your normal public process and then once a contractor is on board for that submitt construction so that that does take a little bit of time um but we're we're going to move through that as as viously as possible okay good good nice work yeah nicec well we it's been a long time does anyone else on committee have any questions for Scott it would be nice if we could get a copy of that at that size to put it on a piece of big plywood and put it down there outside the construction zone so people know what we're doing and what we're spending all this money on and what the results going to be so what I can do is um I can share this with Richard or someone um you can actually FedEx and some of the sign makers they make a corrugated plastic almost like C well now we're not we're not making the railing out of that a couple a piece of FL we can attach that the last for yeah nice you know Municipal Community projects you usually have some kind of sign board that says hey right across the top do coming soon and then folks kind of see that it's kind of fun so we can share that with uh with Richard that way you can get first generation of this on the website too if you can choose and um get great yeah good as long as it doesn't have one of those your tax dollars at work like you see on I95 for the last 15 years but this is a no that's a good idea Mike um does anyone from the audience have any further comments or questions for Mr Taylor on this particular item if so Joan sure just go go to the mic 316 for the fencing is that similar to what's at the Burlington City promin height wise no l lower lower and and why is it lower code requires 42 in okay I and it's been years since I've been up there yeah I believe that that is probably 42 in okay but the actual fence is 42 it's all fence great yeah between the wall and our fence is 42 total okay yeah because their wall is street is is ground level okay and then their fence is up from that at least the last time I was there yeah I'm just looking here at a photo of that uh on about you know in there and where you it comes to you that's all that's going to be lower it'll be 42 in total so the wall be the same 24 in and then the fence yeah but the actual fence will only be yes yeah give or take 4 48 you're wel thank you Joan all right Mr Fritz yeset prin uh 303 Union Avenue and I'm uh representing the blano history board uh uh I I think we were um a little surprised that we didn't see any of this plan before Saturday um and so we had some questions and there are some things that we've been doing that aren't connecting with what's happening here so far and uh so I did have a couple of questions one of them is uh I understand that there was a survey that was done the his hisorical survey of the property was was that done yes okay was it done to the same extent as one that was done on the server property when they did phase two yes okay who has that uh that survey we do you Township does okay specifically is there a way of getting a copy of that or it's SP the Oprah form and you can get I don't have it here I the engineer would have that the engineer has the engineer has a copy y uh and uh part of that was a historical survey not just it was an archaological survey there were several test pits that were dug I think two dozen test pits that was one part of it uh as we found out later from uh the state historic preservation office they wanted photo documentation of the site as it currently is we did that and that was completed in the last month so we complied with the spose uh State historic requirements okay uh as we have been talking about U A lot of times I guess everybody knows the name of James venore Cooper and uh we have been told that his parents William and Elizabeth Cooper had a home that was right here and I'd be interested to find out if there was some testing that was done to see if they could find Foundation or any help us to locate that we have some documentation from some newspaper articles and that kind of thing and we'd be very interested in you know whether it was there and it should probably be mention all the other things yeah it didn't turn up that it would be a real get for the L yeah it didn't turn up in the historic research okay um and as you folks know we operating under a grant for this year to do interpret signage and one of the interpret signs that we have already designed uh was for this property now ours is focused on the uh the Parson's Warf which was the steamboat war was wasn't a fairy Bo it was a steamboat service from Philadelphia to Trenton and it used to stop at Parson's work which is on the end here and uh so I think a lot of our focus at the time was for Parson's work and the steamboat service and the steamboats that that visited um so if there's going to be something recognizing zerber mansion and the Other Mansions that were here before the zerver Manion and there were four here at one time um that I guess somebody else is going to be responsible for that or at least we to coordinate that maybe we have two signs my my hope would be well I I don't know where you guys are in terms of the design um in terms of that sign and also sort of future OB sign I at town we want to get get some of that research and sort of coordinate with you guys that way I'm not doing the light but having the ability for the signs and the design layout for all of those I think be very nice so whatever sort of bottom of signos nice those colors we we produced five five signs last year as phase one of our gr sequence and four of them were on Union Avenue in front of the Presbyterian Church on your way out of town you went the Stop and take a look at I think they were pretty well there is one of them that is at the meeting of um camp meeting camp meeting thank you and and we tried very hard to tie all of those together and going into phe two what we're trying to do is design our phase two to match our phase one so that's about it just would be a good idea I think if we were involved with this stuff the process we Peter we we fully intended on working with the history board to do the history signs this is just the plan so once we get down to that we'll definitely work with you course I don't see any anything that's going to disrupt what what you've already planned here but just make sure that we're Abol and and Peter Peter to that same extent of making sure on the same page since this is a town park property and any other Park Properties you're planning on putting signs on that should be communicated with Recreation while you're in the planning phases of what signs you're doing all of the placement was was approved before we submitted the grant last August so and we can make an adaptation certainly we had planed to put our sign closer to where the old warp was adjacent to the sidewalk right sort of the put of Union and I see that the placement for your side is Central facing out across the river it's to the it's to the right there's one all the way to the right yeah so we were we were showing one down in this location we were showing another one sort of Central so there would be maybe two could certainly that that that would be good and as far as the Gazebo goes um we've been discussing this gazebo for years um the Gazebo that was there was not the a zero gazebo it was designed to match a house that's now third Willow and pictures and it had read I think you actually Shar some I yeah so so when you're when you're talking about doing a more Moder ass that what we're trying to match is Noto which if he had lived the with got Place time but it should def the ACT design of of ger and and what we're trying to do is strike that balance of trying to do a full custom structure in 16 by can be mon expensive so what we're trying to do is do sort of a a a structure that has some additional detailing and at the bottom that has a that has a little bit more vertical than just sort of this structure so we're trying to to draw a little bit on that in as um sort of financially responsible way as possible from a maintenance standpoint but to your point being able to tell that story with those photographs of several structures including there okay so just one you know we're we are surprising more of the of the township so we're understand help any research that needs to be done that be very to take a look at the the history survey what we found I've got a copy of it and you're actually mentioned in it so you're published I don't think we history he saying find anything as far as I know we find anything an email I for thank you Peter okay Peter uh one last thing on the historic signs just the gel something to think about um we've got this long name for this this park now but uh um a lot of stuff occurred on the river and a lot of stuff is visible from this location on the river you got the the Estates on the Pennsylvania side uh that have a long history the bidle estate at Andalusia and so forth uh actually up River invisible from that from from the park is dunks Ferry and that's where CAD Waller's Brigade crossed with General Washington to attack Trenton but they didn't make it across due to the ice that Mr allette has has arranged for and so they went back to the tavern and didn't quite help out uh General George so anyway there are things like that that are out in front that people are always asking well what's that building what's that house and what's that so just something to as part of our our heritage project which is to examine the older buildings in town to deter what act and get gu very good thanks pet thank you Peter thank you with the Mike with your interpretation of History you might want to apply for a teaching job at Delano I the kids the kids love that interpretation Cliff CL no Cliff claven the purveyor of useless knowledge so very good all right um any that any other questions for Mr Taylor we'll so back to Carolyn do we need to do a motion or anything yeah we're going to do a motion that's going to ask for it all okay did you what a surprise thank you do a motion to approve I'd like a motion to approve the plan as presented verbally and pictorially by Mr Taylor this evening so moves second I I heard a whisper by Fern first the second papiss yeah yeah Kate's family grew up we need a roll call on that or just all in favor favor all right and um what Richard said we need a motion to approve not a motion we need a request Professional Services proposal okay so we know the dollars that'll cost to make that reality and then they will then approve that consider that your request Scott please right he's going to keep working on the fence aspect though time sensitive he keep work he keeps working on it but before he finishes and sends the bill to make sure that we have could you just let us know before you whack us ahe he knows what I'm saying okay all right you are dismissed or go back and start working on it now no overtime so did we Scott so did we oh wow that long right yeah right not touching that with a 10ft pole thank you thank you thank you good job St my 71 or Dunkin Don get a cup of coffee take a look at that sign on absolutely will it's a good excuse to thank you all right uh with that we will open the meeting to the public for comments or questions for anything else or that s um this is be session number one you have any comments or questions please approach the podium and give your name and address for the record and there will be another session later on this evening good night Scott seeing none we'll close this portion to the public and there'll be one a little later on and we'll start with comments and reports comments from our Township administrator Mr Schwab thank you doing it early so I can stay awake for this um first thing to note you all have that that uh we're talking about our retirement of our chief finance officer uh but Nell's finishing up this week uh he's a hard man to replace particularly uh what he can get done for the dollars and the hours that are involved we're making changes we might we aren't ready yet to make a full-time a regular change so uh I recommended that uh you appoint me to be the temporary CFO which you can do for up a year per statute jams put that in there and when we have someone who is a certified Municipal finance officer I used to be but haven't been since I retired but that we keep things going until we have the appropriate person and at that point time that person will replace me in that formal role in the meantime all those Finance operations are being handled uh in part by our new Finance Clerk and uh the office and then I can fill in as needed so that's in your consent agenda also want to report that one of the last uh jobs that Bob did was to uh receive bids for Bond anticipation note and award that that's the purview of the uh Chief finance officer uh each year we take the amount that's outstanding in in notes we pay off as much as we can afford in our budget generally 4 500,000 but in order to do projects such as you talk about here it needs new borrowing we did a bond ordinance tonight for the projects that were in this year's budget most of them there's still a couple out there and so that we have to then add those and then we consolidate those notes we pay off the old ones reduce it by the amount you budget and then have to go out to bids for new one-year Bond anticipation notes uh the amount this year was $2,469 uh we received only one bid bids are crazy they go up and down we've been as little as under 1% and now it's between 4 and 5% for the one year if you went on permanent financing which would be for 10 or 15 year notes you'd be paying these numbers so it's not a good time it's like with mortgages you don't want to do a 20-year mortgage at at these rates so you just do the one year and the best price we got was a net price of 4.58% uh the way it interestingly works it was 47.5% they pay a premium that comes in in the 24 budget so in effect we're paying 4.75% in our 25 budget when these notes become due it's about $5,600 more than what we had budgeted we assume to be 4% but ends up being 475 so it's a $5,000 more and uh it's going to be you know over $100,000 in interest in our 25 budget for the 2, $146,000 outstanding that's all the debt we actually have we have no long-term debt so that we used to have millions in that that's that's gone so uh you're very low in terms of overall debt particularly with the uh cess value that we have in the community uh we can go to 3% and we're at less than 1 12 1% uh for the municipality so that is something that is awarded and the mayor and the clerk signed the documents that the finance officer puts together working with our bond counsel um the other thing to note is that you you pointed to Shan solivan is the deputy assessor at your last meeting to work with Sean gasal who was the assessor and he's starting you will see him in the office in the next this week he's getting started doing that so while Sean gas is not here solvent's here vice versa so you get to see both of them at various times during the day and the evenings when they're here um the the other thing that I have is that uh uh the uh public work subcommittee uh had first of what will be uh monthly followups with the engineer on all these various projects we had a meeting so that we don't have to wait a full month to have things done one of the things that uh the engineer was able to do that we've talked about is get pricing for repair and or replacement of uh the uh pipe that crosses 719 Delaware Avenue that would have an easement that pipe is all blocked up it's uh not able to function there are two options one is to replace three large sections and the others to replace the entire length between the curb back of the curb line and the private seaw wall there's a sleeve through that seaw wall so that stays so it's 75 ft versus 24 ft of replacement interestingly we got quotes and uh the lowest quote is Thor who's done a lot of work for us and it was $9,600 for the repair and 14,5 for the replacement his price for replacement is really low uh Pioneer pipe which also does a lot of work for us was 113 for the repair and almost 40,000 for the replacement so that has to do with how they how they operate but uh we're very comfortable and Harry's very comfortable with Thor yeah and it makes with that kind of pricing it makes sense to replace uh the existing concrete pipe and it's being replaced 15-in pipe with ads solid pipe and it' be SED over the top we of course work with the property owner but there was an easement for that so in order to move that along also in your bond ordinance that you approved tonight you may notice that for the storm seore work it didn't just say Hickory as we had talked about before but it also said Delaware which is this project we had no idea at the time we'd be able to get the away with such a low number I thought it'd be more in the $40,000 range but the bottom line is this funding is now available we can get the project done when we're ready to do hickory if in fact the estimate or the costs are higher than what's left in that then you'll have to do a supplement or do a smaller project but now is the time to get this thing done because the impact of that plug pipe has been very negative and we know how to solve it very quickly and very inexpensively so I'd ask for a motion to authorize uh the replacement of that pipe for 14,550 per Thor's proposal some up second motion by Mike second by Kate fa all in favor I I thank you very much uh there's a number of other things that uh we talked about that that uh the engineer is is working on to try to move things along uh we're going to be working with the uh qpa to get our numbers and the process for the bab Ruth field for the basketball court area for the pathways both there and Field of Dreams um you have the award for the installation of field lighting at Field of Dreams uh that Harry has sent you a lot of information on um and the other thing uh we've been negotiating the road program costs I have been negotiating with with Harry for er's cost I believe that we the numbers that originally gave us uh was more than what we had planned and therefore we're making him relook at those numbers we thought we'd have that ready for tonight but that didn't more important things came up so at your meeting with 15 you should have that ready so I'll be able to send that out it should be within our budget the other thing that he'll do is he'll give us he promised today to also give us a proposal do the CVG curb cut project the next group The $75,000 next group that jam got for us not just fixing last year's that has to be completed so we can get our money back but so we can move quickly on the project cdbg is not a lot of fun they set an end deadline but they wait till the last minute to let you do it so if we're not ready to go then we have a chance of not getting the job done in time so we're trying to move that kind of stuff along he said he's still working with the contractor to fix those ramps too right we have a deadline on that yeah there is yeah yeah we have to we have to pay the contract factor in full that has to be done by September 1st and you can't do that if they haven't fix finish the work so you know it's conundrum the federal government through Hub sets these rules that county has to follow and they're the ones that you know where the money comes through uh but if the contractor hasn't finished the work you don't want to pay them so they're we may have to try to get an extension if there's a problem the hope is that he's beting with them this week and they'll try to get those things done that need to get done so that that project can get done we can get our money reimbursed escrow it or something I don't know you know when you're dealing with HUD yeah logic doesn't make a lot of sense uh it doesn't work so ramps were terrible like any other level of government I mean it it's just a question of if you got a contract is not getting the job done you don't want to pay him right no but if you don't pay them the county by such and such a date says when you do pay them you won't get reimbursed even though we promised to reimburse him so we're between a you know and a har place so we have to uh figure that out and he's also going to try to close out we still have to close out the contract with the uh Street end uh seaw wall people and get that done right so we can close that up and we now have a contract who can we can then assign that work to our current contractor who's working at the waterfront park and but pay it out of that so we're we're going to try to close that out very short and use whatever funds are available for for example the boat rent I'm sure K I'll talk about it another point but so we're working on a lot of things trying to make our money go as far as it can and get things done because we have good pricing um also I should probably mentioned the speaking of good pricing you'll be awarding the Field of Dreams uh lighting and the pricing there was very good for that that allows for uh change order to do some additional elri work that we thought was going to have to be done separately and with other funds so we can get ahead of that project so Harry's analyzing that he'll make a recommendation and we'll be talking about that on the 15th okay all right so that's what I'm up to and I won I'm still on vacation for the next couple weeks but trying to keep in touch with everybody the best they can okay very good any have any questions for Richard no I just want to thank Richard for the good work on coordinating uh the transition with the tax assessor I know in these days it's hard to get two tax assessors with the same first name so it's yeah it makes it easier for the public when they call in they said oh I talked to Sean yeah I thought that was a negative but I'm glad you turned into positive always on the bright side Richard go home get some sleep yeah well finish the meeting and then go home some sleep Richard was stuck on the uh airport tarmac till what 2: a.m. last night something like that and uh half an hour of sleep and here he is right thank you Richard right uh department heads start with Lieutenant Warren hello everyone couple good things we uh we had a coffee with a cop uh last weekend at pot out um with our civilian clerk uh Eric Rogers retired sergeant from mortown and um officers responded out there and he said it was a good turnout um people came out and ask questions get to meet some of the younger guys so it was a success we're looking at you know doing that again in the future hopefully before the end of the year um we had a recruit graduate from the academy last Thursday Ryan kerms so he's going to start his F training on Wednesday morning um looking forward to him I think he's going to do well um patrolman Chris ORF who graduated in May is actually in the second phase rep to he's doing very well so um go be finishing up which right now towards the end of July we'll be on the road so he looking really good we were able to give a conditional offer to another gentleman named tandre gumas he's in his uh process now he has to get a physical still but anything else is complete so we're just waiting to hear back from the state and from our psychologist but um he did very well uh at the PTC mandated physical training test for cl Police Academy we did very well so with him passing um the requirements don't see him having a problem with the academy so that'll start uh August 5th B use the mic talk more to the mic so she gets I don't want to yell too much yeah it work but that starts August 5th and that'll go until December 12th down at GLA County um as far as numbers for this past month as of to dat uh we had 125 motor vehicle stops with 66 motor vehicle summonses issued 10 police cases and we had 769 cost of service which gives us a total for 5,216 for the year um guys's been busy um understatement they've been busy um but uh doing well so glad we're going to be uh finally staffed up with all these yeah recruits in the academy just out of the academy keep busy very good for the Department do you want to mention Adam's directive on Hulk Island yeah I was wondering what happened or not it's not really Adam's directive yeah um I have a question so here so here here's the thing we we obviously know that as far as enforcement for trespassing we cannot um people aren't partying on the island they're utilizing the island to get to the water so they're on the beach and then they're meeting people who are already out on boats who are are Township residents as well as people come from Philadelphia so they're utilizing just to get the access to the sh area um and with that again we can't stop it from doing it um and from what John I haven't been do in a lot but from what John said there's a they're doing the best they can with trying to clean up out there but for the trails but there's really no space out there to really even engage anything it's just falling the breed trees um but again they're using that trail just to get access to the beach front and they're in a tight of water so that's where they're hanging out and so we understood people come out I guess it was yesterday or Saturday Saturday yeah yeah but obviously we've been getting call for that for years now normally in the past when we were told that it was proper property obviously yeah we enforce it gave summons when we could or we just gave them warnings um because obviously a lot of residents walk the dogs back there um we even go back to fish as well uh but we had a lot of people from out town they come and park on Vine and access to water as well again they're meeting people who already have boats at so people literally take their boat as Dr Hulk Island go around point and then they'll anchor there and then utilize the beach area and the boat to hang out on Saturday so as long as they're doing that we're fine but the issue to with as far as John Fenimore obviously is the trash so the trash is dis I mean I get photos from Paul Newman all the time of trash and there was one that was like uh like this huge with just Corona bottles uh so Corona must be a favorite and then someone was cutting down trees the Burks trees back there so there there is there are people on the island too that are doing this I don't think somebody's taking their trash some of them from the boats are taking it up there but there are people back there that are trashing it no they they're they're doing it but no I'm agree with you like they're they're out on the beach and they'll have a good old time and leave their Trasher absolutely yeah but they're taking it up on the island and disposing of it right instead of leaving it there or one the water up yeah and they'll stop it there then continue to walk out so that's where for a while John was leaving bags back there for him to put the stuff in BS I I I don't know I have to talk to the committee cuz I had there was supposed to be something done on June 10th and I don't know fig okay I don't know what was I wasn't at that meeting so I don't know what was discussed but we were just told I mean from from Chief's perspective again as far as the enforcement we can enforce the law anywhere we want obiously if we see something that's wrong um but as far as stopping the access to the hour we cannot they're allowed to access it not yet I'm just telling you what I was told from Chief right so his email said he was going to have some of the Blake officers go back there I talk with not I don't know if that's possible to S no that's why he didn't think about that part again like I said it's not even really that accessible you can get to one point there's a Fallen Tree now he's got to turn around walk all the way back yeah um our thing would be you know what we normally would do we would just walk out there we driving a little bit and walk it down and make sure you know but even the other issue is um working in t with the state police because the state police allows more once we're they're out in the water as long as they not operating and boat they'll allow people to drink they this is they're checking more credentials for the operation the vehicles do the other registration things of that nature um but again as far as what we're talk I from the attorney we can enforce the law yes but as far as restricting access no not yet yeah well right now woman we cannot if you're saying to I said not yet yeah but right now as of today everyone here if you access Hulk you can access hwk right um until something else happens right do things don't do illegal things right I I have a question for you too um as someone had mentioned to me that there were cars parking on the sidewalk on Pennsylvania and Burlington Avenue and I said well why don't you report it on the sidewalk the cars are jetting out they're actually on the sidewalk so people have to walk around them in the street and I said well you know contact the police and they said well the police were there right there and saw it and nothing was done so would you where where was that at Pennsylvania Avenue and Burlington the corners I guess Pennsylvania Avenue they both run the same way Pennsylvania and Burlington R parallel Pennsylvania r street kirkin lane and bur and Burling and Burlington Avenue then oh talking about Delano autoo perin it must be Perkins Lane and uh yeah I must have misunderstood what they said it must be Perkins Lane so if they have a vehicle that's parked on the sidewalk the residents have to walk around would you do something about that because that is illegal yeah yeah of course it would pardon I said of course yeah because they said the police were right there and they weren't doing anything it's a memo today oh okay I have no idea what you're talking I'm just reporting what was told to me so I'm asking for some assistance well but so you got to you're being vague so you're saying the the auto shop there had a vehicle that they were do to work on was on their apron to their property I'm saying that the vehicle was was blocking the sidewalk and the resident had to walk in the street in order to get across Burlington Avenue and the police were there yeah police were there doing something else but didn't me mention that to them but I would ask that the police take a look at it and keep an eye on it okay because it's dangerous M okay anything else good thank you good to go thank you lieutenant thank you thank thank you all right and let's see Mr fenmore is out this evening Mrs lore yeah yes um everyone was given a copy of a um quote that we received for the installation of acoustical panels for this room um we now have a qpa so we can and the under with a qpa the uh State bid threshold is 44,000 so we can use quotes for this um this particular company um is providing uh approximately 1,800 square fet of acoustical panels from the ceiling the the various walls um for a total of it's actually would be $38,600 color included in the 37,000 um is a black panel or a white panel and I figure you would probably want something in the Tans creams light Browns um well but it is Township committee's decision as far as color they don't have swatches because the rep said that they can do any color that we want and um if you want to give them say we want um you know bare paint color you know sage green tropical forest or whatever number 101 they can do that so um that's why they don't have swatches because it's whatever color you want so um if you want to go with a a white acoustical panel or a black acoustical panel it's 37618 but I fig you'd probably want something more conducive to the the cream color or a uh you know in the brown tan area so um I will be talking which is one of the things with the qpa tomorrow she's coming in just going over the different um quotes that I've received and um making sure that everything is is proper under the um state public bidding laws uh that we could award uh this quote to actually get the work started there'll be a six week lead to order the panels in the color that you want and be ready to start and then approximately one week at least for the actual installation in this room they've done the sound measurements or acoustical measurements or whatnot to make sure that what they're yes this would um actually um most of the vendors that came out said we're at about a 3.5 to 3.8 reverberation um and the goal is to bring it down to at least one and a quarter reverberation I'm not sure I'm now a professional sound engineer by the way so um you know and they've all all said that now I've had all different um you know from everywhere as low as you know 400 square feet of panels that's all you need from to one vendor said walked in and said doesn't matter how many acoustical panels you have put in here you've got to lower those speakers you know um that's not part of this the scope of this I figure we can do the acoustical panels and um we can always lower the speakers later reposition them if needed that was there was only one vendor that said that but um some are were only putting them you know um on the walls on the walls very you know saying that because the sound has to be controlled where people sit to no no no you need panels coming down from the ceiling and you know the cloud panels and and this and that so um this this particular quote I think it's within the the new bid threshold and it gives us approximately 1,800 feet of acoustical panels um and so uh I would ask the town's committee if if if you're not you know to either just um authorize the work condition upon approval of the uh qpa review um if you need more time to think about the color that you would like um you know it's up up to you but our next meeting is July 15th you know you can either approve it tonight condition with the condition of the qpa review and approve or we can uh hold it off until the July 15th meeting but I think that we are ready to to move now that we have a qpa on board since our walls are cream and our dice is brown that we do something on a lighter brown color that something that's not going to be too loud that kind of Blends in with the walls but not too light to where it's going to show dust and dirt I have no comment on the color whatsoever as I have so you agree with me yeah what she said I should be closer to Green well it's one color darker I think it should be a little bit darker than the color of our walls but not for try to blend it in as much as they could and I would make a motion that we approve this Janice please upon the qpa approving it I will make the motion I'll second yeah because the other the other um quote requests they um were uh either non-responsive or did not meet specification yeah I know you've been working on this for like a year now yeah it's it's been a long time March 202 yeah it was revised so um you know again color-wise just like a a a cream tan creamy color yeah try to match the wall but a little bit darker a little bit a little bit darker ceiling panels on this and you don't want a chocolate bar on the ceiling if you want white yeah you want a color very similar to what we have yep it's close Okay well I can see if they the white I can see if they can just do the white up for the ceiling so that it's you know doesn't no no white you don't want white on the ceiling you can't clean it yeah you want like the color of you want to kind of match to be [Music] hanging match is the best oh I said that no color is Township committee's decision motion pH Jersey their Sunday cream color something like that something like color we have a motion on the floor motion by Kate and second By Carolyn any questions on the motion uh roll call or all in favor all in favor all in favor I all right eyes have it what else you got Jan uh unless beev has anything as far as upcoming events or anything kind of getting into summer mode we're you know we're not you know really having a lot of events uh except the wonderful summer concerts that recck has at the marina I I don't think we have anything really you know we do have a new Facebook page we will mention that um where we not only we posting information via um our website Delano and email blast if you've signed up for the email but we also have an official um Facebook page for um Delano Township news and events it is a uh it's not monitored it's not a chat Facebook page it's just for informational purposes so thank you Miss Seuss for um getting that going and starting and doing all the leg work to get that going and up and running for it it's Bano Township New Jersey Spilled Out yeah it's not the residents of Delano page I know there are several of private Pages this is um new governmental page that is for informational purposes so that's another way of getting information out to Residents so that's it thank you all right thank you very much and we will go to uh Township committee reports I'll start on my far left with M Fitzpatrick no thank you um before I give my report I do have a question that I'd like to ask and that's regarding the Sha tree Grant um I believe the first year the contractor was supposed to be watering the trees and now we're in that second uh year and I know Bill Matt lit has been out there watering them himself and uh I don't think his Health should allow him to or allows him to do that but he is and I wonder what we can do what the township committee can do through public works or the fire department or something to help watering some of these plants because they're going to these trees are going to die this summer and then I don't know how DP is going to handle if we're responsible for watering this second year I don't I I'm not sure I understand that but somehow we need to do something about it I know that they were standing in water the I actually emailed them last week and told them there was another 14 trees that died out there um and the contractor said he was sending a water truck out there today um and I actually talked to Scott about this and he said it's actually more cost effective for the contractor to let the trees die and just plant new ones than to keep sending watering trucks up here oh um so uh Bill had volunteered to water on this weekend which was awful so hot out there to see them out there with a bucket and just watering um so the the fire department is not willing to water we ask them on on Saturday or Friday they just don't have the time or the resources to do that did you want to add something Phil I recommended to build that he reach out the township to see if Public Works would reach out to the county and have the county bring out their go remember when we first did the uh addition of the want the county brought out one of their wheel Bo that would go around the property and spray order we have the two in h hook up at the softball field to allow for that to work the whole system Not only would it the tree would also probably bring back the vent the ventil yeah um and another suggestion was that those bags be put on all the trees the water bags they weren't put on all the trees and I don't know who would do that but I mean if if it's cheaper if the contractor wants to let them all die I just don't think Bill mat Levitz should be out there watering these trees I'm sorry that's not his job and uh and I think we need to take some responsibility here somehow either if we're going to let them die and the contractor's going to replace them next year fine as long as we're within what we can do under that Grant because if D does not approve that Grant the township is out that money and that's $220,000 that I don't want to see come out of our pocket2 I thought it was 120 no the whole Grant was 220 I want to see a dollar come out of a par 100 Grand or 200 Grand yeah I thought it was 220 you know obviously we can't stop bill from doing that if he wants to do it but you know the the shade tree commission sh Tre hasn't even gotten involved with him and I don't know why he hasn't reached out to them but Chri should submitted this grant um and they should be responsible for making sure he Bill mam RIT submitted this grant wasn't it on behalf of shade tree no he didn't it wasn't on behalf of the township I know that no he he did it and I don't think shade tree was actually involved initially at all uh I just want to make sure that we are aware of what he's doing that he shouldn't be doing it and that if that's what the contractor said somebody needs to maybe I'll reach out to Bill and say this is what we were told I don't want you the township doesn't want you out there watering them or whatever the contractor his name's Fred he was out here a couple weeks ago and he removed all the dead and we had come up with a plan and he's working with Steve lenon to relocate some of the trees change a different species and he's going to plant and fall well he's going to have about 20 to 25 more trees to add to that list now because there's a bunch out there right but yeah honestly it's more cost effective to let them die than keep pay for labor and to know that bill needs to know that the contractor and Steve lennin made this decision because he doesn't apparently CU someone he was on the email with the rest of them so he he took it upon himself and nobody said don't do it but you know if somebody wants to reach out and say I will yeah I'll reach out to him okay all right just wanted to get that all right so let's see um daa Del Riv let's see baseball t-ball and softball are winding down play will begin shortly I don't know if they've done that since this last meeting I attended this was in may they um they reported that our Fields were in good shape uh fall soccer uh signups are ongoing fall travel softball tryouts and signups opened on June 1st Riverside Township is contributing $55,000 to Del Riv as as well as one half of our insurance cost which will be paid directly to the Township uh basketball was discussed and letters requesting the gym will be sent out a letter will also be submitted to Delano Township Board of Ed and Dr Fitz regarding the Walnut Street Gym as it has been used for practices for the program um they're always a need of someone to work the concessions please check out the website and sign up if you're available uh and if you want to know what is happening be sure to check out their Weekly Newsletter they really do keep us in uh up to date on what's going on uh their next meeting is tomorrow night uh at 7:30 here uh the Memorial Day Parade the parade was a bit hot for some Marchers and caused several delays uh the route may be changed next year I don't know if that was decided at Rex since I did miss that meeting uh the service at Gateway Park is always solemn but enjoyed by all who attend and it's nice to have the scouts participate and a thank you to all the organizations in town uh who show their Respect by placing wreaths and or flowers at The Monuments seniors I did visit with the seniors at Living Springs and provided them with some upcoming events uh for them and uh offered um that were offered through the Sheriff's Office and also rcbc I also provided them with voting applications as well as vote by mail uh we had a pizza party and it's always nice visiting with them uh the Delano seniors had their spring luncheon at forelli on June 11th with 40 members enjoying a wonderful luncheon um they will not be meeting again until September 10th and they will be moving their meeting place to the Firehouse beginning in the fall I was unable to attend for telly since I was on a cruise to Alaska with my daughter great time uh history board I worked with Peter Fritz on Sunday June 2nd in setting up the Waterman display out in the lobby uh as you will note many of the items on display are my possessions they were my grandfathers Tommy fatrick who's a um an avid Hunter and a decoy Carver he lived in a house Bo on the Delaware River that he built that was dry on Stockton's property uh I have several books of interest that he's in and that I I had hoped to be here on the 15th but when I returned from my trip I was sick so I didn't make it uh but it is my hope that some of you take a look at the display because uh I'm very proud of the work that my grandfather did he h handcarved everything from the wood that drifted along the water and he made his own tools and uh he's very well known um and and some of his decoys are quite expensive today uh the fod maintenance meeting several members of w m met with the professionals and contractors to make sure the new pump station was working properly it appears our new contractor Jim mchu is following up on the issues and concerns and is our hope that all the problems are worked out so our fields are usable and looking good for soccer sewage Authority they met on uh June the 11th unable to attend but the chairman did send me um an update uh trunk line project the pipelining has been completed and ER is working with a contractor to complete the final paperwork uh this should be done by sewers next meeting which will be July uh 989 Cooper Town Road uh it appears they're showing some activity and the chairman requested ER to make some arrangements to check out the drain situation building drain should not empty into our sanitary sewer system so uh I'm sure they're going to be looking in into that uh the work at the pump station is progressing uh the emergency backup pump and the submersible pumps have been delivered we're waiting for the contractor to provide an updated work schedule uh Styx has no update and The Operators report is on bio and the Waterfront Historic Park which you've just seen this wonderful presentation tonight several members of wreck uh Carolyn Al St lore um Matt has been working on it myself went available and Scott they we did meet U via Zoom to go over the latest details so this presentation could be completed and um that's all I have to say thank you thank you Kate welcome back thank you right go to my far right Mr Templeton good evening uh I'll try to make this quick so Mr Schwab get out of here and get some sleep tonight uh let's see uh just to touch on uh What uh M Patrick you mentioned the Memorial Day Parade uh maybe we should consider having that on a different day that we're not backed into a Sunday afternoon with hot days and so forth so um we had a parade on the weekend like we just experienced that's not going to be a good thing for the public or the Marchers so uh maybe we need to consider uh having it on the could you speak up Mike I can't hear you uh just suggesting the a relook at what day to have the Memorial Day Parade instead of the Sunday afternoon since uh our summer day seem to be getting hotter and so forth that uh uh maybe look at Saturday morning or or the Monday morning for the holiday I can't do it Monday CU it's Riverside's for well it's something you know it's not morning even Sunday morning maybe suay morning just something to get away from the afternoon heat just a suggestion uh let's see uh attended a webinar a couple back on May 30th uh organized by Congressman C's office with the core of engineers uh it's basically an introduction to the different funding programs that the core has um you're talking about a bureaucracy that would drive you nuts the court of Engineers can provide that but um uh one of the things I suggested or asked about at the end of it was uh this was this meeting was actually generated by out of Del Ran due to the flooding that they had back in January and the core has authorized some funding to study it over the next couple years the difficulties that one neighborhood along the ran cookus has and uh one of the things after the various people from the Philadelphia district office talked about um I said well what about uh some kind of funding study for uh the various water authorities uh sewage treatment plants in our communities Beverly that we partner with Willingboro um the Delan sentiments and Riverton and so forth we're all subject they're all you know Waterfront facilities they're all subject to the same hazards and risk climate change and so forth and uh what I mentioned was you know if hurricane Sandy had tracked 60 or 80 mil farther south the flooding that occurred in North Jersey and New York City would have occurred in Philadelphia in the Delaware Bay and up the river so um it's something that uh actually it got a a fair number of good responses from various Mayors and people that were on that webinar so maybe something uh that'll be the start of something that we can look at hardening the infrastructure or some kind of uh uh various funding or studies to elevate some of the hardware that these plants or dkes or things like that if we've got six uh sewage treatment plants and 100,000 people that can't flush the toilet for a week that's that's a problem so uh but obviously a long range effort uh let's see uh Board of aded Library committee I've been working with Mr Bartlett we've had two very productive meetings with the Schoolboard subcommittee on establish in or renewing the uh the agreements with the use of the library or the shared the jointure use the Antiquated term um that the partnership with the school district and the township established back in 1987 so we're moving forward of that uh as a general framework we're looking at two agreements one that establishes the long-term residency of the public and school library at Pearson school and a shorter term of agreement would uh accommodate the financial uh and Equitable and fair uh uh uh accounting of costs and expenses both to the school and to the township to maintain this important resource for the community so uh You' like to add something when during your comments as well uh the lead G graduation law enforcement against drugs uh that Sergeant Dearing had back last week on the 14th uh great presentation by the kids in the fifth grade uh some great uh essays that they wrote on on and a credit to Sergeant deing he's been doing that for several years and really does a good job has a great report of the kids but it's it's a pedal ble gymnastics here we're we're talking to kids about the uh U steering clear of U you know drugs and addiction issues and things like that and yet on the other side we've got a state by referendum and municipalities and and with with cannabis and municipalities looking at the various levels of cannabis uh uh sales from retail and so forth and it's just kind of a a little bit of a head Snapper that uh we're telling kids one thing and yet walking out the door uh someone's walking down the street pushing a baby stroll or smoking and uh whatever so uh it's something our society is not quite just seems in conflict with each other so uh let's see got that got that got that uh the monthly court session um let's see been going to the school board meetings and so forth uh there I really encourage people whether you've got kids in school or not tell attend our uh Schoolboard meetings our school district uh is trying to overcome a lot of um difficulties uh financial and academic and uh U it's it's imperative that the public our community be informed as to uh their their State of Affairs and what uh what needs to be done to uh straighten things out so it's um I would hope well more questions need to be asked more questions need to be answered and uh people just uh this is important for for our kids uh young people in our community and this is one of the uh the important things the community does is provide a a safe environment and quality education for our young people and uh that's U fallen short in the last uh decade or so so uh and uh yesterday we had pretty violent storm that blew through town 6:00 6:30 yesterday uh credit to Public Works to the police department fire police uh fire department getting out there and make making things safe um I will say this and mayor Bartley can certainly add in um after a storm it's not it's it's it's not Pirates of the Caribbean is not the time to take a tour around town and see what's uh what trees got blown down blown down or what got damaged uh it was just a parade of cars everywhere you know I looked and I was out helping neighbors clearing trees and so forth from the roadways and getting them off you know rooftops but people just gawking and driving around and getting in the way of emergency response or utilities or things like that um you know yeah get out check your house help your neighbors but don't get in your car and start driving around and clogging up the streets and there's wire down wires down there are branches that are still falling and you don't need to add to something else that our Emergency Services need to respond to so I asked uh I I I keep going back to the Deets and Watson fire and uh was out there uh and people pulled up and it was like Disneyland and someone pulled up and right in front of a fire hydrant and blocked it and got out and stood there and watched the fire uh while the fire truck drove by looking for a hydrant so um just common sense please and makes it safe for emergency response thank you thank you Mike turn your turn let's see um H the highlights here uh the history board uh meeting uh this coming uh July on the 3 Saturday will not be here at uh Town Hall uh to have their open house uh the members will be out at the uh Farm Fair out in Columbus for that week and uh we'll have the uh the sneak box boat uh that was built by the steel company here in Delano uh they'll have that on display at the uh in the history uh tent out there at the farm Fair it'll be the central focal point uh so we have that honor uh to have that boat on display in the at it the farm Fair uh see um mayor bartand and I have been working on the sign ordinance which we'll have discussion about this evening uh or JF and Insurance uh will be coming up for Renewal and I believe at July's uh Township committee meeting there'll be a presentation U by our uh GIF Representatives uh about us continuing with the GIF Insurance uh it's great organization that we're a part of saves our community probably tens of thousands of dollars uh in uh tax dollars um so uh look forward to their presentation and uh hopefully uh unless there's a better mouse trap out there that we continue uh to be associated with the uh Gip insurance and let's see uh and the rest is non it's all minor stuff so on that note I'll pass to time all right thank you f seus thank you for remembering me yes never would forget except that last time yep all yours I attended the joint land use board no I didn't I did not attend the joint land use board meeting there was uh no applications that evening I was at the miracle for moi event that is for a young lady in our town battling red syndrome we go every year it's a great event that fundraises for the Cure of rat syndrome I was part of the Public Works subcommittee meeting on June 6 with Mr Bartlett uh Mr Schwab and Mr Fenimore we meet every six seven weeks uh to just kind of touch base see what's going on in town discuss our concerns John kind of tells us what his plans are and uh I think it's a great great thing that we do to keep in touch with our Public Works on June 12th that was our cfo's retirement lunch in I was uh filling in for the mayor and was able to read uh the proclamation to Bob and thank him for his many years of service uh that evening I attended the crossings HOA meeting and was accompanied by mayor Bartlet um Sergeant deing uh Mr mcfaden was there Cindy had graciously invited us to come out and speak with the residents um address some of their concerns that they had and some ongoing issues that they continue to have with their developer uh we had a couple takeaways some questions and I think we were able to get some answers for some of them and things seem to be progressing fingers crossed uh the seaw wall preconstruction meeting I attended that was on the 11th we met with the contractor a few of us on the committee here um to meet with them to go over what the plans are for the seaw wall um kind of what our expectations are there's a whole plan it was my first actual preconstruction meeting it was a cool process to see how that goes down um contractors really anxious they seem to be working out there already clearing the lot and they will begin their actual pile driving the Monday after 4th of July so if you don't see any activity down there that's why um let's see what else Recreations meeting was on June 13th um standard business the concerts are ongoing right now till midt they did approve the historic Waterfront Park plan and did officially rename it to Historic Waterfront Park they also are going to have another movie night they're going to have their own movie set up now outdoor movie screen with a projector instead of hiring a company and going through that rigoll so September 14th they're going to have another family movie night and they actually are going to pair with the police department and host cookout with a cop so um the Delano police force will be out there so make sure you mark that on your calendar come out meet with the officers have some good food and then stay for movie night okay June 19th was our code enforcement subcommittee meeting that we have every few months with our code enforcement uh eron mcfaden and the mayor as well as well as Richard or Janice um we go over all the outstanding violations kind of tell us where things are what process they're in if they're going to court um we talk about our concerns so that the code enforcement can address that and that's been a very productive uh subcommittee meeting as well try to keep our town looking nice and get all the violations kind of taken care of else do I have here uh this past Friday I met with Scott via zoom and um Miss fitchpatrick and Steven lore to discuss the park plans more in detail figure out exactly what specs we needed and that was productive so we seem to be moving right along with that I had a meeting with Harry today as Richard and Janice were on as well as Matt was invited but he was on another call just to go over every meeting that Harry's not here we're going to as part of the Public Works subcommittee meeting meet with him discuss the projects he can give us an update on where things stand we can address our concerns if we have anything it's just a status with everything that's Ono right now we just want to make sure we're on our dead our timelines and that things are progressing um because there are a lot of things happening right now in town which is a good thing of course um the boat ramp plans I asked Harry today if we actually had Bo plans because Mike had mentioned that was at our rec meeting that was the next project that we were going to move along with as far as SE law and he said there was some preliminary plans but he was going to get us a cost estimate with his fees and actually start moving forward to get those plans moving along so we can get that boat ramp um done finally get it dug out and repaved and have the emergency access only for that so he is working on that I think that's all I have here oh he is also going to take care of the permit for the water from Park structure Harry is going to do that um we can't have the Gazebo there without a permit he says it's a very easy permitting process it just needs to be uh submitted for a structure it's not a big deal at all so I think that's all I have hope Jinx right there no he he assured me it was fine the fence at the Field of Dreams that's going to go along this the street is ordered and will be installed in mid to late July it's just a little I think twot fence that just prevents people from parking on the event lawn and then it's going to jut out at the softball field about 20 ft in so people can actually park there for overflow parking they can park on the lawn so that fence will be installed mid to late July that's all I have good all right good job let's see it's been a busy month M uh let's see since uh the last update on May 20th I attended um at Pearson school they had a flag dedication ceremony Mike was there for that as well a new flag donated by Senator Singleton and Congressman Kim that was back on May 23rd we had the Memorial Day parades we participated in I was Delano and riversides with the fire company on the 25th and 26th had Fire Commission meeting on May 28th we had normal business I attended the drama club's play at Walnut Street School that was on May 30th the kids were absolutely wonderful and uh especially my son I have to throw that out there but all all the kids did a great job um and can't say anything uh bad about the show everyone loved it I attended our public work subcommittee on June 6th uh met with Fern on the 7th we went through the sign ordinance that's later on the agenda tonight uh attended the precon for the zerber seaw wall the historic Waterfront Park at seaw wall on the 11th and the library subcommittee with Mike that evening uh then we attended the library board meeting afterwards so it was a fun-filled day I attended the retirement luncheon for Bob hudnell uh he spent I think it was almost what 30 years with us so 26 hard 26 all right yeah don't want to give him too much there but uh he's done great for our town I forget who I said this to but um you know he's always in his office back there we don't need to say hey Bob what's going on with this it just gets done you know you never have to double check what Bob's doing it just gets done so and he served our town great for the last 26 years don't even know he's here he you don't even know he's here until he wanders out to use the copier or something there he is hey Bob but um congrats to him uh later that evening I attended the crossings HOA meeting that we were invited to I attended the fifth grade lead graduation at Pearson School uh as Mike mentioned uh Sergeant daring he does really a really good job of those kids they look up up to him they respect him and you know nowadays you need kids to start respecting the law enforcement before they get into Old older teenagers and young adults uh because we see how that works out otherwise in this program here that Rob does with these students it's can't speak highly enough with him uh I attended the Delano history board's open house on June 15th I attended our code enforcement subcommittee meeting on the 19th then the Board of Ed meeting later that evening and as Mike said even if you don't have any kids in the district get your butts out go to the board of ed meeting know what's going on in this community in our schools uh every meeting it's normally the same people there which is great that everyone who normally goes there is there but it would be even better if more people go learn what's going on in your school district same thing here and I love that everybody's here it's usually the same cast of characters who come to watch our Township committee meeting except we have some new guests from the front row this evening thank you for coming but uh you know we'd love people come out to our meetings as well just to to learn what's going on in your community I know we have open access now on YouTube so you could watch it if you can't attend but it's always great to attend so you could ask the questions in person same at our school boards uh where else then finally last night we had had the big storm run through town and so did I uh doing the preliminary damage assessment for our office of emergency management uh we had a lot of down trees a lot of wires down we had a resident who lost C gazebo on the Delaware River which is a shame um so there was definitely a lot through town I spent a good portion of today on the phone with Public Service trying to get them out there to address the issue on Delaware Avenue over by Cedar and Willow streets with some primary lines that went down last night that I Babys sat for an hour while uh we got that poned off so it was was a busy day trying to uh get the town back in one piece we had our Public Works guys out they were out last night uh every one of them came into to work uh thank you to Mr fenmore for getting that taken care of last night to just try to pick up all that brush and tree limbs and everything else that got blown down last night and again about 400 p.m. today with the wind that came through for them to pick up again tomorrow so that was my month in a nutshell uh one more thing before we get back to the agenda we have a proclamation we were going to read this at the history board open house for Babe Ruth day however due to the uh we forgot that's the reason we didn't so I'm going to read this now this is the um tach Bano Proclamation 100th anniversary which is July 1st 2024 gab Ruth day whereas July 1st 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of that famous day in Bano history when baseball star Babe Ruth made his Mark for all time on our town and whereas 5,000 Spectators which is just about the number of residents we have in this town right now came from far and wide to the little town of Delano the night of July 1st 19 1924 to see George Herman Ruth the babe the mightiest Slugger of all time and whereas their hearts tripped hammered in the height of Joy when the Bambino clouted the horse hiide into the realm of space beyond who wrot beyond the top of the dam good good job Beth whereas Ruth was responsible for all of Delano's runs and whereas the Babe hit two hits a double and a homer scored two runs into the crowd's Delight pilford third base and whereas it was on his third trip to the the plate that the sulan of SWAT did his stuff and whereas pitcher Sweeney worked the Babe into three and two count the next pitch was a little high but it was in bab's Groove as he socked it into a terrific thump I felt like I was here right at that game reading this and the pellet sailed Far and Away over the fence in the right field for the first time in history of the Delano Park and whereas the Bambinos Homer wins for Delano over the Burlington County Stars 4 to2 whereas this historic day in Delano ended with a dinner in honor of bab Ruth by the athletic association accompanied by trainer Woods of the Yankees whereby a lad named the by the name of Hecker Wilson appeared at the dinner table in quest of Ruth's signature on the Home Run ball and as usual was successful whereas big days will come and go in the lives of Burlington County sports fans but Babe Ruth delay day in Delano on July 1st 1924 will never be forgotten by those who were there now for now therefore be it proclaimed that I Matthew Bartlet mayor of the township of Delano and County of Burlington and state of New Jersey do hereby Proclaim July 1st 20124 as the 100th anniversary celebration of Delano Babe Ruth day so this historic sporting event will live on in the memory of one of delank Delano's Finest Hours for all to great job writing this Bev okay I think we used every I think we used every name no she threw it at bth I threw no I was just being factious actually historically um yes Babe Ruth did play a ball game a baseball game here in Delano but actually with some minor edits over the years this Proclamation has been utilized for many many years it original author if I may please was Richard Mueller yes dick mu yeah he was he was a recreation chairman at the time I think oh yeah when we had the first bab Ruth day here I think I was on Recreation then way back when Phil were you on then when Dick Mueller was the chairman just be right I think dick was considered Mr Recreation he started tennis leagues and all bowling league all kinds of things and actually that's the Pavilion out at Field of Dreams is named in his honor so uh that is to give credit where credit is due um Mr Mueller dick Mueller is um you know uh responsible for the uh writing of that responsible in a good way yes absolutely sure to use every name possible you could use everything Bambino salt and the SWAT and his full name theab yeah a lot of history in that Proclamation well great job gent Matt because I felt like I was there watching the game Take Me Out to the Ball Game and there will be a Babe Ruth G Babe Ruth Day game this year it's September the I something like that September 7th yeah we we'll go for that and uh will be the 100th anniversary of the game so we look forward to seeing everybody out there yep uh mayor I got one item I for forgot sure uh this is uh the power of one phone call um back on May 22nd I had uh composed a letter I was going to send to the County Commissioners and various uh uh legislators uh and mayors of the river towns about the the loud noise that comes from Philadelphia from these boom car parties and stuff mainly down at Pleasant Hill Park on lynon Avenue Philadelphia public uh park down there and uh anyway wrote this letter and uh thought this would be a a good time uh we seem to have a mayor in in Philadelphia mayor charell Parker that's very aggressive and focusing on quality of life issues and you know uh trying to direct the limited resources of her City into various things clean up or addressing the ATV trail bikes uh and all kinds of issues that uh her city is dealing with now but I thought this was a good opportunity if we could get a a coalition of our legislators and County and Mayors together and and um approach the Philadelphia mayor with us anyway I wasn't quite sure what to do with it after I wrote the letter and I called the senator of Singleton's office uh chief of staff is Jennifer aian uh who I've dealt with for many years and U she sees as to talk to and always you know straight shooter and anyway out lied that what I had written and and I thought it was a good idea and so forth and she said well you know let me think about it so um uh this past week uh June 18th uh Senator Singleton put out a press release uh and there was a joint letter that had uh the County Commissioners and Senator Singleton and assembly men Conway and assembly woman Murphy and so forth all a joint letter to Mayor Parker uh citing the issue with this loud noise that affects all the river towns and all the way deep into Mount Laurel and Morristown even um and um you know she forwarded that press release to me and I think that got distributed and so forth and then the next day the 19th we were the big that was the big story on Action News it was a front page uh item there so um uh and I got a thank you note later from uh Jennifer for for the idea there but uh sometimes a phone call helps so anyway hopefully something will be addressed in uh mayor Parker in Philadelphia can uh you know it's just like a an officer uh pulling someone over for speeding it tends to have a much greater impact than that individual citation that people see uh someone gets nabbed or gets a citation uh or not but you see that a cop's pulled over and the lights are flashing said I'm going to slow down there and I'll probably do that next week too so anyway anyway just wanted to toss that out and that's U I certainly hope there is a some light to the end of this tunnel because uh sentiment in Chief Rich calibrii has attempted to get this taken care of with uh the Philadelphia Police Department five years yeah at least reti I said retired Cali yeah just reti he just retired last month it's beenal all day people from call the 15th all day long I call I I've called I can't tell you how many times but they have reported it in the inquire the letter that was sent and uh the mayor have received it so I mean they're working on it let's see what let's see if they do success they have I think it's hopefully a good thing all right you know what you throwing one more thing in reminding the ey of one more thing um we've been dealing with this bridge flooding for God knows how long now uh I noticed during my drive over the weekend that uh the county just started installing Road flooded signs in Riverside wait for it Mike right in front of the watch case building just before you get to the flooded Road and they also just put the posts up in Delano the signs aren't on it yet it's the same posts um right at The Crossing At L Deli and right at the bend by the flashy light behind so basically yeah behind a tree can't see it basically they put it where it doesn't need to go it should be back by the traffic light to divert traffic down Cooper Town Road Cooper Street so you don't go to the bridge and go through the residential neighborhood but apparent you guys about that you didn't know about it right Chief met I don't we didn't know he may have I don't it was no I spoke to the chief on Friday he didn't know about they want basically the county just helped us out by yeah doing what they do best so I wrote an email to uh Joe Brickley the county Engineers office today to see if they could put it where it actually should belong uh in the area of the BP gas station each direction to send cars either up Burlington Avenue or down Hooper street so we'll see where that goes so were they doing it today I saw them on Burlington Avenue today the uh I didn't see them out they had the posts up on I saw them on burington Avenue today and I wondered what they were doing there's been a lot of people in Bur public county county it was the county I haven't uh driven down that part today it was Burlington Avenue I've lived on Delaware Avenue today so so literally can't see it until you come up on it behind the road flooded yeah Road flooded one flashing or something right yeah Road flooded one flashing so when you get to get to the bridge it's going to be closed you'll know it's because the road was flooded and then you have to turn at loose real quick or you have to turn at R purose right so yeah made no sense you'll know by the time you get there because you'll see the cones anyway yeah so it should have been way back so yeah we'll see if we can get this fixed Common Sense more so common all right uh concept agenda items consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item required ing discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes does anyone have any questions or need anything pulled from the consent agenda no no very short tonight all right excuse me uh resolution 20249864 40a 91403 at seek resolution 20241 100 Award of bid and contract for the installation of sports field lighting at the Field of Dreams in Delano Township resolution 2024 101 authorizing extension of the third quarter taxes pursuant to njsa 54466 3 ulet D payment of bills current fund 2,295 66952 payroll $3,745 the dog trust fund $690 escro trust $478 55 Housing Trust $380 approval of minutes from the April 15th May 6th and May 20th meetings and approval of Department reports can I have a motion please for approval of the consent agenda so much second Carolyn and second by Mike roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr elette yes M SE yes Mr Templeton yes Mr bar yes uh correspondence please Janice I actually see have I have none for this meeting thank you all right thank you have any baseball box scores to report on no how about PHS doing not today all right meeting is now open to the public for comments and questions this is session number two as before if you have any comments or questions please approach the podium and give your name and address for the record meetings now open to the public not a comment 71 that's very good news thank you Mr MC 7 to one top of the eight oh World Series here we count in the old days we would have said enough thank you Mike now we have confidence Casey at the all right we will close this public session um and discussion items one item on the agenda tonight is proposed amendments to the sign ordinance and this has been something that um it's been in place since I'm going to say 21 when um tele Design Group and the planning board came up with these revised uh sign ordinance sign ordinance revisions uh we have a sign ordinance subcommittee which has been Mr olette and myself and as we mentioned at the last meeting we drove through town looked at a variety of different types of signage through town looked at what currently complies with our sign ordinance what doesn't comply with our sign ordinance what our sign ordinance should encompass and what it should not Encompass um I think we did a pretty good job of coming up with some suggested revisions you want to add in there as we drove around uh and looking at the signage uh and looking at the ordinance uh we tried to take a realistic approach uh to where signage is uh the one that comes to mind uh that uh something as simple as uh we're not supposed to talk talk politics but we have political signs that come out at election day or in election time and how we handle those uh you know was a 10- foot setback and then uh different setbacks for different signage uh as we went through the ordinance we tried to streamline everything to 7 feet uh and uh you know number of signs you know what makes sense what doesn't make sense uh so as we went through uh the revisions that uh we have in the ordinance and now we're asking the rest of the committee to take a look at this and uh to the revisions that we've made give some read through it give us some thought come back to us and uh what we may have missed or maybe we overstepped our our bounds I'm going to I'm going to have to send you the ver I'll send everybody the version that's in color probably be easier to read look like the Black and Whites were sent out um but yeah cuz Taylor had some revisions originally and ones that are ones got the oh you have it great yeah that was that's the that's the original one that's the agenda in the agenda packet that was color the agenda and you have the the ones with the yellow highlights yeah I don't have I I I didn't have it in color okay yeah you do have that all right hard to read 7t 7 ft off the curve length from the curve line yeah curve line oh okay have to check that out cuz that think could be my P so it's like the 3T between the curve and the sidewalk sidewalk so I don't have that right um and in some cases it was previously it was 10 ft yeah so uh but we put in there maybe five yeah we put in there if the distance between the edge of the scet paving and the edge of the dwelling or building or the structure is less than a 7 ft the sign shall be permitted at a lesser distance as may be required and that's not just for political signs that's anything like house for sale sign things like that and I only remember that because when I had a house for sale in budwood Street back in 2005 it um houses on bwood street are right on the sidewalk and the code enforcement officer at the time took my sign because it was where it could be right between the curb and the sidewalk cuz there was nowhere you may remember that you were on committee there was no place to put the sign at the time so we took it cuz it violated the ordinance but there was literally nowhere to put it without the sign being in my living room so that was just one of the idioc secrecies of the ordinance that were're trying to fix so things like that don't happen yeah we did yep we had the feather signs in there I looked for it I couldn't find it somewhere yeah I couldn't find that yeah there there was a section we took a look feathered signs um was come up underneath awnings oh was that considered under the awning it's not an awning no it's in uh yeah I could find no number five the uh exemption the end of B little numeral five if you're on the papers that are in the packet it's the back side of the first page of the right the last sentence up there oh okay what's the paragraph reference uh 1107b the new one is [Music] five uh yeah five the end of five right there right at the end of it highlighting the it says do not one per business do not exceed we Fern mentioned that earlier we missed a word and if there in a corner situation couldn't they have one on each yep that's what it says there one per business per Street Frontage okay now I understand yeah I'm fine with this works better with the word exceeded yeah it does yeah yeah I I read through EST we have oh my God nightmare yes so it's like 2 and2 by 2 and A2 2 by3 2 by6 uh 2 something like that we measured um actual real estate signs and the four square ft that's currently in there doesn't exist for a standard real estate sign so five seem to be the happy medium of all the standards that are out there okay not that I think anyone is going out there measuring a real estate sign but we should close we should be as close as possible and you know do things that are actual real world as opposed to something that just is an arbitrary number okay same yeah give or take yeah well one thing on the commercial industrial real estate signs uh real estate signs should not exceed 16 Square fet on each side so 4x4 sign sheet apply like the one that's half sheeta but 16 square ft on the side doesn't make sense where are we here what number under paragraph let's see 12d commercial industrial real estate [Music] okay that was the language that Taylor came up with yeah should not exceed an area of 16 ft not 16 square ft on the side oh yeah not exceed an area of 16 square ft right and there's a similar similar language in the take this side paragraph above it residential 5 Square ft on each side 5 squ ft in area and area yeah yeah we we fixed there was a couple other things like that in the ordinance uh where a unit of measure was left out yeah and I would suggest I don't like feather flag banners but anyway it's here but I would put that under under a separate paragraph because I'll take that back and then just so you're aware the numbering of the new paragraph numbers I just couldn't get into edit in word it's the like for example the uh the no sign other than Street traffic that it's not seven it's little six you had trouble editing in word with the automatic numbering yes really is aesome it'll be perfected in the final version I get my head all right we'll look at it and forward our comments very good and just for um procedural wise once we have it in uh procedure wise he tried to say uh once it's in final form uh Janice we would refer it to the uh joint land use board for consistency correct or send it back to them that are as since it originated from them well the consistency review is after you introduce the ordinance officially inter uh and it's uh would go for um if it qualifies it uh for master plan consistency review so um but if you wanted them to review it before you introduce it you can just send it back to them in formally yeah or um for that you know they did this they came fix it so what you would do if you didn't want to do that you would when you're ready to introduce this has to be put in the um ordinance form ordinance form you would introduce it on first reading by title only set a public hearing date and then what provision one to so you are yes it would have to go the um joint language board for a consistency review right and that would have to happen prior to the second reading and public hearing and then adoption we'll work on the timing of that and thir July meeting's canel so okay have this yeah so maybe if we um to get our comments back to Fern and myself this week we could get this on uh July agenda for first read if you if we get it into ordinance form right and then um I believe the July meeting well the June 20 7th meeting is cancelled what is the next meeting that um we can get on August be August ju the August 6th so we do it July 15th you introduce it on July 15th and then it goes to them to August there was there used to be a calendar right here okay okay we'll figure out the time but if everyone get their comments back to us and we'll work with yeah Janice and Doug and uh get this done yeah so if you introduce the 15th it will be refer to the planning board for August 6th meeting and then you could adopt on the 19th of August okay public hearing and we can shoot for that and we'll see how we uh make out very good thank you very much Richard St Richard s does anyone have anything else before we uh send Richard to Camp some Sheep No all right I will I don't think we need an executive session I'll ask for a motion to adjourn so moved second second oh thank God someone second that all in favor I I all right thank you very much wait you didn't have I didn't realize you were here here tonight you don't have anything he just he just melted into the Chip have a good night everybody