yeah we recording Janice I just we are recording mayor we are recording all right good evening everyone welcome to the Delano Township committee meeting for April 15th 2024 held here at 700 p.m at the municipal building uh can we have a roll call please Mrs Patrick here Mr ol here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bartlett here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator uh Mrs lore our municipal clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk and Mr Taylor our Township planner uh can you please rise for the flag salute I plance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please read the sunshine statement please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Bron County Times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions and written notice has been posted on the official bulletin board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice all right thank you for very much Janice you're welcome I've never felt so secure as I do this evening with uh all these officers and uh K9 puppy in here CU all dogs are puppies as my wife would say so uh first item up on the agenda speaking of these officers we have a special presentation uh on March 30th at our uh Easter egg hunt we had a situation that resulted in a very young special needs child running off and was missing for a significant amount of time uh I was out there as well as Miss Seuss uh Mr mcfaden and Mr gryba from Wreck was out there this was toward the end of the hunt and we ended up having a different hunt for the child and the fine officers you see here this evening were all a part of it and uh you know I've never worked well I worked side by side with the officers at fire calls and EMS calls but literally running through Woods trying to find a child I can't keep up with them so uh we have a special Proclamation uh this evening honoring the officers uh if you guys come stand right up here grab this here I don't want to block them this is a proclamation of the is this on all right this is a proclamation of the township of Delan Delano honoring police officers Robert daring Jack Gallagher Chad Haney Timothy Morano Aaron Martinez OAB aggar Charles zagler and of course K9 Echo whereas it was the desire of the township of Delano to recognize the aforementioned officers being patrolman Chad Haney and patrolman atab azuro I'm sorry if I just butchered that of the Edgewater Park Township Police Department patrolman Aaron Martinez and K9 Ekko of the Burlington City Police Department Sergeant Charles zler of the Beverly City Police Department trollman Timothy Morano of the Riverside Police Department and Sergeant Rob Dearing and Jack Gallagher of the Delano Township Police Department for their unwavering dedication and commitment to their own and all communities through their call to protect and serve and whereas their timely response and actions in answering the call for the search of a missing child and Delano Township on March 30th 2024 resulted in pretent preventing a potentially devastating and tragic ending ending now therefore be it proclaimed by the township of Delano of the township of Delano uh County of Burlington state of New Jersey on behalf of the citizens of the township of Delano that Robert daring Jack Gallagher Chad Haney Timothy Morano Aaron Martinez oav oggero Charles zagler and K9 Ekko are hereby recognized and commended for their dedication and contributions so unselfishly given by them and also wish to offer our sincere appreciation to those unfailing Heroes of our communities in witness whereof the mayor Deputy Mayor and committee persons have caused these present to be executed at the Seal of Township of Delano to fix this 15th day of April 2024 thank you very much guys for being out there that day and you know this was happened right next to a body of water the creek is right there we all saw what happened a few weeks beforehand in Delaware County Pennsylvania and that would have been very tragic that happened here and all you guys were being out there and finding this child quickly no small feet greatly appreciated I know the family does as well thank you very much and I have probations for each of you okay everyone give these guys a round don't want to see [Music] w [Music] yes than [Applause] [Music] getair padding right here is that great baby yeah I don't think I wanted to see if we could borrow the puppy he could just stay here throughout the meeting it would be nice good Arrow all right next item up on the agenda the 2024 Municipal budget public hearing and adoption so uh resolution 202 24-70 resolution authorizing Municipal budget reading by title only have a motion for that please so move second motion by Miss Seuss second by Mr olette to adopt resolution 20247 we have a roll call please Chan Mrs Patrick yes Mr allette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlet yes all right hearing is now open to the public for 2020 you want me to give a quick little thing for yeah sure number one I gave you each and there were out there the backup if you ever you want to read details about how we are where we are uh uh you know details on on uh how the revenues came in on the uh potential for the future the status of the Caps comparing the Appropriations and the Surplus uh over the years there's even in the third page the various tax rate implications depending on the assessed value uh and then the last page uh focuses on any major changes increases in Revenue increase and decreases in Appropriations uh the significant items for for detail my only comment you also have of course the budget message and and the uh spreadsheets that go along with it um the key thing that I wanted to point out for the record is that this is a a budget that focuses on Public Works Parks replacing uh retiring longtime employees uh maintaining our Police Department uh we're paying off debt while at the same time uh making sure we're moving forward on our capital projects and we're doing all that with a 2cent increase which is 1.81% a lot of that has to do with the fact that we've been able to build and retain uh Surplus fund balance that we are able to use uh to offset some costs and because we have increased in uh ratables assessed values with the new uh work for the last few years so that builds up to a certain point uh so that has helped in this particular budget and I think that uh it gets everything done that everybody wants to have done at a very very reasonable price so that's the quick and dirty if anyone has any other comments uh or if any public members have any questions uh Now's the Time otherwise then you can approve it just one thing to note that every third year we send it up to the state for review versus self- review this year it went up to the state there were a couple technical things that our auditor uh took care of but uh it's the fastest approval I've seen in 40 Years of doing this so I think we're in pretty good shape and if anyone has any questions uh any of us can help answer it otherwise you can move forward if there are none thank you very much Richard and you know great job keeping this uh budget as best as you could keeping that number down as much as we could we all did a good job with coming up with a very good budget for this Town um guess let's open the meeting to the public first and we can go through any questions anyone else has up here so uh meetings open to the public for the 2024 Municipal budget if you have any questions comments please come up to the podium and give your name and address for the record making an entrance Joanne Joan 316 I want to thank you very much it was my first time really going through a budget process at a municipal level Mr Schwab I understood everything the way that it was laid out I very much appreciated um the comaraderie and the preparedness when you met with your committees um a wonderful learning experience so thank you very much for the collaboration but most importantly being able to understand the process that budget is so easy to follow and compare to previous year so thank you so much thank you Jo thank you very much Joanne anyone else all right seeing none we will close this uh public session on the budget and there will be public sessions for everything besides the budget later on the meeting there'll be two of them all right uh committee you have any questions comments I just like to reiterate what Joanne said but I like to thank Richard because he has helped us to actually develop the budget that is so transparent that it's easy for anyone to understand and um he just does a super job we're very fortunate to have him on board thank you Richard thank you he does well with that red pen blue anything Caroline no I think it's a great budget and uh we're excited to have the funding to move forward with the projects that are on our Capital wish list and to not have a huge tax increase to the residents this year we're lucky to have that um hopefully there won't be any major tax implications with the school but that's not for our worry but um yeah we're happy we're happy with this budget and I'm grateful for everybody that worked on it uh thank the department heads uh and and Richard uh and his knowledge and experience over the years and guiding us through the process of our budget uh back in 2007 and8 I can't say the same thing uh where we were at um know was sort of being led in the dark back then and the transparency that occurs now is uh years apart uh so again thank you the organizations uh that in uh make things happen here in town again we the township committee uh set policy but the work is done by the employees and uh the organizations that are here in town to make Delano what it is thank you f thanik I think everything got covered there um but yeah command all the department heads Chief Mr fenom Moore you're not Mr fenom Moore but a little closer Mrs FL Mrs Russell all the as said the volunteer groups um the budget's not a snapshot it's more like a one frame of a movie that we look at where we've been we look at where we are and look at where we want to be couple years down the road so um this positions us it's just one step to position us to be financially healthy and solvent and doing the things we need to do and want to do in the future so well done for everybody to quote the famous words of fernet dito all right I like that one all right so we have resolution 20247 adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget can we have a motion please so move second motion by Miss Seuss second by Miss Patrick we have a roll call please Janice mpat yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr templon yes and Mr bar yes all right thank you very much everyone ordinance 2024 D5 adopting industrial Rehabilitation areas Redevelopment plan for Block 2100 Lot 4 401 Creek Road Block 2000 lot 13.01 450 Creek Road Block 2000 lot 13.04 500 Creek Road and block 1900 lot 1.01 740 Creek Road third reading by title only and continued public hearing mayor in in everyone's packet you'll see that there is a memo memo from the uh joint landuse board secretary and uh coordinator Miss Beverly Russell um that they have looked at this ordinance and have deemed it consistent with the master plan okay for the record I see that here thank you both or Jen thank you both all right uh open the hearing to the public for ordinance 202 24-5 to a summary so seeing no members of the public on 2 24-5 we'll close the hearing Scott you have anything you want to add as you know I love the sound of my own voice and I could go on at length but no I think I think the report of self-explanatory it advances the settlement agreement it's consistent with the master plan and consistent with the local Redevelopment and Housing law and if the township committee members have any questions I can answer those okay thank and thank you for the compliment of calling me John Fenimore the resemblance is uncanny see is still here in 60 years yeah yeah all right does anyone have any questions for Scott or good good all right good uh can we have a motion to approve resolution 2024-the this is yes Mr elect yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bart yes ordinance 202 24-6 amending chapter 234 governing rental property second reading by title only and public hearing have a good night Scott thank thank you Scott thanks for everything you said this evening we will open the hearing we from the hearing to the public for ordinance 20246 seeing none we'll close that hearing to the public anyone on committee have any questions no all right um can have a motion please to adopt 202 24-6 please T move second Kate and Carolyn roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr oette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bart yes all right 202 24-7 I wish I had a drink here to read this one of water an ordinance amending and supplementing a bond ordinance of the township of Delano originally adopted on December 20th 2021 as amended on August 1st 2022 entitled quote a bond ordinance of the township of Delano in the county of Burlington authorizing the construction of improvements and related work to install a new seaw wall and Emergency Services access along the Delaware River between Union Avenue and Willow Street appropriating the sum of $820,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $779,000 in bonds or notes of the township for financing such Appropriations and making such determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing end quote second reading by title only and public hearing the title was long enough we will open the hearing to the public for 20247 and seeing none we will close the hearing to the public any questions or comments from committee no okay can we have a motion to adopt 202 24-7 please so move to Second motion by Fern second by Mike roll call please Mrs pck yes Mr Alat yes M SE yes Mr Templeton yes Mr B yes all right ordinance 20 24-8 an ordinance authorizing the execution and filing of a deed of confirmation relating to Prior Municipal tax lean foreclosure and 15 trout Trail second reading by title only and public hearing open the hearing to the public for ordinance 202 24-8 seeing none we will close that hearing to the public questions or comments on committee no a motion to approve 202 24-8 please move second Carolyn and Kate uh roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr O yes Miss Zeus yes Mr Templeton yes Mr bar yes all right meeting is now open to the public for any other comments or questions this is session number one if you have a comment or question Ray you're just chomping at the bit to stand up I Know It please step forward and give your name and address for the record and there will be another session later on in this meeting 22 ship away I just want to thank the Township Police Department and the public work department uh on Sunday we had tree come down coun tree came down on new Boulevard I contacted emergency number they took down all my information and I passed it on also to John fenmore and they came out this morning 7:30 they pushed off to the side I just want to thank that's it that's it R you're welcome Ray we appreciate it thank you right we're done all right anyone else have any comments or questions again there'll be another session later on seeing no one at this time we will Co close this comment and question section of the meeting to the public and we will go to comments and reports starting with Mr Schwab Township administrator okay thank you um few things here let me get to it okay a lot of things came in over the weekend uh I'm going to mention briefly things that many cases I already passed on to you uh number one we got a reminder from D that uh they're asking us to submit a survey uh dealing with uh access to uh uh our water areas and and I'm not sure who's supposed to uh respond to that uh because everyone's got an opinion to ask for a single opinion from the municipality but you ask 50 people you probably have 50 different opinions to answer the question so I'm bringing that to your attention how you want to handle that survey uh I know Matt I think you were going to yeah I got one directly I guess it was a couple weeks ago and I responded kind of oh so you respond because they sent it again yeah I saw that it said second request so I don't know if they're exp so you you submitted already I submitted one I think everyone could submit one this the first email I got about it I guess it just went to Richard and myself then yeah I think I think originally when I came in again today I thought well maybe you know you hadn't so I thought I'd send it to everybody if anyone else got any uh you there's a thing you can click on if you want to fill out the survey and says you got to say who you are and what your more the view is and you want to be involved of course asks Delaware River and how how important it is to be connected and what things you have here guess I misread that I I I did that oh see you did it right I mean it all sounds so familiar but now yeah somebody recog I don't know what the plan what plan they were talking about but I I don't either so just want to make sure nobody can say they didn't get it uh because speaking of as as I forwarded to you we got a confirmation from uh Senator single's office about the budget requests and thanked us for compiling them and pointed out there's no guarantee we'll get any f funding and we just want to be prepared and uh we'll we're important to him and we may or may not hear from him so you receive that all we could do is try yep we received today uh the permit the DP issued to New Jersey American water for the pipe that uh secondary pipe they want to construct between Riv side and here and they'll have to come to us for an easement to have it tie in a but Buttonwood like PSG did with their uh gas so we move forward so that's The Next Step so we'll start talking with them uh we received a uh notice from Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission they're doing a traffic count on Burlington Avenue between Eagle Lane and what they call an unnamed road which I assume is the entrance to River's Edge so they're going to some point they're going to do some traffic count over there I don't know how long what they're doing it for or anything like that but we did receive such a notice so uh that's going to go on uh we talked about all the IT Tech stuff which is one of the things in the budget and uh you may have SE seen poor Danny's been working to do phase one which is switching over our email from ELO to Microsoft so that we actually can communicate with each other but while it's going on those that have been transferred over can communicate with each other but not with anyone who hasn't transferred so the internal communication is going to take a few days till everybody's on the same system everyone can email out to the world but not to each other uh till he gets it all done so he's in here working to get that going uh we're also uh uh starting to work with Comcast to bring in the fiber optic we got a notification of who's in charge of that and and he's working with them to make sure that they're happy with where they're going to bring the fiber optic into and we'll try to get a schedule on that so those are projects are moving in the meantime he's also going to wire up the building for Wi-Fi so it's not just the little one in the conference room it'll be a Wi-Fi for the entire building so he'll be once he gets the email portion done then he'll work on that next and then we'll wait for Comcast how long do you anticipate the email to take this week oh good yeah so once he gets all the building done and so on he'll be in touch with all you guys about switching your stuff over I think Dan's going to be sleeping in the building tonight he's borrow one of the beds in the jail cells he just told if you come out and see him not here that means he was successful he was trying to he got Janice's set up he was going to finish bevs while we're in here and uh you know we'll see he's already got three or four others set up so by the end of the week hopefully we'll be in good shape there he was here when I got when I was here this morning and he was here when I came back now so exactly long day for him exactly uh the other two things Mike I forgot to ask you do you want to report on the shade tree um those Bridge Commission trees or should I you were copied on that I I didn't know whether you were involved in that uh I'm not prepared to talk about that if you want to go yeah I will just I received a a not notice from The Bridge Commission that they have a tree giveaway program they do every year so I fored that on to uh the shade tree commission and usually they wait till their meeting and so on but uh Bill jumped on it right away and he requested eight crepe myrtles and two Red Buds for planting their small ones but they'll confirm that at their meeting but I just want to let you know that they're moving forward to get these 10 little trees to plant the appropriate places for free so that's what they're working on and Mike as Lea is on I'm sure he'll hear more about it at their meeting sorry Rich they're just giving us the trees there's no right keep alive guarantee for two years like the other Grant they plant them we plant them yeah they give every year okay every year they make these available to all the municipalities in the county so got to find a home for him yeah he will they will they'll do that um and the other thing to mention is that tomorrow morning um uh Harry's having the pre-bid meeting at the waterfront park for the seaw wall he says there's been at least a dozen companies that have expressed interest so we'll either see a lot of people there or not many people there or see where it's going but it's it'll be fascinating to listen to I remember the last time we had a lot of people when we did the demolition turned Ash that was fascinating to watch all those contractors roaming around and so on and and seeing how he dealt with each one individually and so on so so we'll stop out there and see how that's going supposed to be a nice morning for walk on a okay there was a group down there this afternoon looking I'm sure yeah if they are really interested they've been there before 4 and they'll stop in tomorrow just so they can ask legally asked questions together that's at 10:00 tomorrow right so it's just fascinated to walk around and see what's going on okay that's what I have thank you very much all right thank you Richard go to our department heads now Chief uh good evening I'd like to uh start I'd uh be remissed not to acknowledge uh the mayor kind of downplayed uh their role in locating that Miss child that the presentation was done while our officers did their job uh members of our community also really stepped up and they were the ones that actually found them including Al grabov I know the mayor the deputy mayor uh we're all instrumental in locating uh know the rec department involved so uh I just want to thank you it's uh really nice when our department and mutual Aid uh agencies uh are able to work with community members as well because that's what the you know that's the goal everybody working together to get a a job done so I want to thank you uh all for your assistance in that matter and let's not forget Mr mcfaden he was there and Phil and Phil and myself got attacked by a Vine that both hit us right in both on the left eye on each of us interestingly enough I do thank you all thank you Chief um I'll begin with our monthly statistics for April to date uh for the month so far we've initiated 15 police cases there were uh total of 70 motor vehicle stops conducted where 48 motor vehicle violations were issued uh we handled 472 calls for service uh they handled one motor vehicle crash uh there are four adult arrest and four fugitive warrant uh arrest uh today we were fortunate uh we sworn our newest officer uh Jacob gorby um officer gorby he's a uh resident of Riverside Township he graduated from Riverside High School and also graduated from Ruckers University with a criminal justice degree uh we were fortunate that Jacob uh started his career with us in 2019 as a Class 2 uh he then went on to uh get a full-time position in Lumberton Township and ultimately went back to uh Riverside uh as a full-time officer and uh we were able to get him through the lateral transfer program through civil service and uh we're very fortunate because uh he worked out very well for us when he was here and uh we look forward to him uh returning and and uh doing a a good job with us I'm I'm uh very confident of that so it was a really nice hire and uh you know we're looking forward to him uh coming back to our team uh this uh in the last two weeks our agency conducted our first of the of two uh agency trainings for firearms and uh the last topic I want to uh bring to the attention of uh of everyone is I would like to acknowledge two of our officers uh detective Adam lipik and uh Patman Ray kareah on April 1st uh because of their actions they uh saved the resident's life um they got a call uh for a cardiac a person in Cardiac Arrest full Cardiac Arrest uh because of their quick actions they were able to deploy an AED and initiate CPR and they they uh worked the subject until uh the EMS and paramedics got there who continued toh provide medical assistance uh prior to um the the prior to the um uh leaving by ambulance he regained cont ious and uh shortly thereafter I was told he was doing well so uh without their heroic actions uh you know that subject may not be here uh but I'd like to acknowledge also doran's EMS and and the paramedics as well as they were part of that team as well and uh that's all I have to report for this even thank you Chief yeah and I was out there with the fire company and it was really a great team effort you guys did a great job we've given high quality CPR and they 100% saved that gentleman and I think fire department as well I didn't realize yeah absolutely and yeah Delan and paramedics I've never seen something like that everything went as perfect as it could possibly have been good good Chief where do we stand with our recruit is he graduating this month uh may may yeah and then we have another one that'll be in the fall then yep uh now he'll be let's see I think have the date on off top of my head it's like June Jun that's a shorter Academy they Atlanta county is a longer Academy for some reason um but uh yeah we'll have officer ORF and uh recruit Kars is progressing well though so we anticipate him being part of the team shortly thereafter and that's glester County right yeah probably more intense maybe I don't know twice as hard none of them are easy put it that way yeah that's true I've heard that so thank you uh Chief uh the conversation with Lieutenant Warren a week or so ago or more and he mentioned that the state police was not going to be doing investigation for major traffic accidents uh fatal accidents that's correct we got notification um last year middle last year sometime and the last year and as a result we have uh we have an officer that's going through the uh trainings however they're lengthy there's four I believe four different courses that they have to go to to be certified uh but yeah the county and State Police uh you know kind of uh wipe their hands clean of actually coming out and doing the reconstruction another training requirement and certification and and retaining an individual that has that and it's lengthy I mean it's not an easy course I mean I was through the first part of it and uh you know we had another officer who's no longer here but he went through all four and I think it took us two years or better to get him fully fully uh trained because the courses aren't offered every day so so do you only do accident reconstruction if it's a fatality serious motor vehicle accident or fatality yeah I guess in the meanwhile we could use whatever Mutual Aid around here has that to correct C that's getting harder and harder as well sure yeah thank you you're welcome all righty so I guess it's the course isn't just a short online PowerPoint to watching but what is anymore all right thank you Chief thank you uh clerk's office Janice yes I attended the April 11th um meeting of the Community Development block grant um program the um budget has been submitted to HUD but it has not HUD has not given its allocation for funding yet so therefore there has been no word if any additional Pro U projects will be receiving funding other than what's been um planned for already so that's still um not settled and um that is it but I'll ask Mrs Russell if she has um wants to announce any upcoming um activities that we have for the town have a couple things coming up the yardale Saturday April 27 this Friday get your add onap well uh the week following that may Saturday May 4th we'll be doing our uh big event clean up event at Public Works where we'll have dumpsters for all sorts of things Electronics tires big things that you don't and Sh so good thank you very much B all right we'll go to the township committee I'll start to my left this time this it's pure well thank you um I did attend the Board of Ed meeting um in March uh there was a brief presentation by Garrison Architects uh regarding the replacement of the roof at Pearson uh it appears the project will be presented by way of referendum uh the total amount was to be determined uh there were a group of young ladies uh who uh represented the middle school at loed Martin for engineers week uh they were challenged and built a structure out of toothpicks and gumdrops that would support a lot of weight and our group won the challenge and we're recognized for their amazing accomplishment um the group acknowledged their science teacher Mrs Harper uh since their project was built in the form of triangle something they had learned in her class um questions were raised regarding the board's goals and strategic plan and hoping to receive that information at their next meeting uh April 24th at uh 7 p.m. uh I attended the luncheon uh the retirement luncheon here for Kitty Martin who worked for the township for 16 years uh she wore many hats in town uh but is mostly known for being the secretary to the Joint land use board uh I was honored to present her with a proclamation from the township committee on behalf of the residents we will miss her but she is starting off her retirement with the trip to Hawaii so everyone wished her aoha um daisa Del Riv uh of course the sports season is underway uh they had their opening day on April 13th which was Saturday and it was the first one that I have missed and I can't tell you how many years due to illness I was sick all last week uh but the season is starting off with um some good registrations baseball had 118 uh softball at 100 and T t-ball 44 so um that was really it's really great I think they will be offering a CPR and AED training uh and a certification when May the 11th Ray at 8:00 here at Town Hall um it's $100 per person uh there was a lengthy discussion regarding teams and placement of players um um saber is sending out a Weekly Newsletter that keeps everyone up to date on what's Happening uh naming a coach of the week and sharing action photos of the sports and season I I think it's really great thing what she's been doing with the association uh their next meeting is April 23rd at 7 pm here at Town Hall uh I did meet with the professionals and representatives from Dr Horton regarding the final stages of the development um for The Crossings um what work was needed to complete the project and also the escrow account so they seem to be moving forward and very anxious to get the job done so let's hope they do um beast egg hunt is always a fun event for the children of course we did have that uh unfortunate um I guess missing child event but it was all everything turned out good thanks to all the people in Delano that helped out including our police officers uh the seniors met on April the 9th um as I said I was sick so they had a guest speaker in a pizza party and uh even though I was unable to attend they delivered two pieces of pizza to me Fern was kind enough to deliver them and and the president made sure I got them I thought that was so sweet uh their next meeting is May 14th at uh at Dobbins and Steve moritz's band will be entertaining the group I was able to meet with the Sewer Authority because they met via zoom and uh the trunk line project has moved along nicely the balance of the work to be completed will be uh lining three remaining manholes and installing three filter inserts that should be completed in the next week or two uh there was a change order for manhole patching leak elimination for six um preast manholes uh the work at the pump station is also underway there was a change order for additional work due to the discovery of an unmarked underground utility that required a modification of the footing design 989 coopertown Road uh there's no new update and stylex there's no new update they're still waiting for D to approve their discharge uh the oper the operator's report is on file and uh the recent earthquake caus caused minor damage at an expansion joint in the concrete wall in casing one of the three trickle filters at the Beverly Waste Water Treatment Plant the damage was reported to De and the insurance company by the Beverly sewage Authority and the incident had no effect on the plant operations so uh Recreation the meeting was cancelled and um due to illness I had indicated that I I also missed the Library events they had um a couple nice events that I was sorry to miss so um the hen Advisory Board was notified that there were some chickens running loose in an area on Burlington Avenue so as there Le liaison I did um prepare a letter to be sent out to the residents to the resident and also the owner of the property so we'll see how that works and thank you be for your assistance with that and that's all I have thank you very much thank you very much Kate uh go to my far right Mr Templeton thank you good evening a couple items tonight uh let's see back on April 3rd there was a webinar uh it's the annual uh out of Congressman Kim's office the fiscal year 25 Community Project funding uh webinar due to the compression of the dates and due dates and everything for this this is basically Congressional earmarks for special projects uh that communities can can uh submit their U their application and and go into the barrel as far as uh uh hopefully getting some award money or some funding for that due to the problem the problem with this is that you basically need a shovel ready project the other side of that is that uh the money pipeline doesn't open up until well over a year year and and a half down the road uh projects that were authorized or approved back in FY 23 are stillwaiting the money to come through the pipe so um right now Township's got we've got things already moving and we bonded for them as we did tonight so uh there was really nothing that uh that we could fit into the current those current parameters but it's something for really long term and it probably requires a little bit of investment because of planning uh pre-planning engineering and so forth but if there's something down the road a community center or some other major project that we could start working towards um if you want to apply for this program and it's also through the Senators uh any New Jersey Senator's office too on the Senate side um it's something else you know but you kind of had to have a complete package uh uh EAB was cancelled uh and and we've been unable to uh uh the members are kind of over scheduled themselves for the the environmental Advisory board so we haven't been able to meet this month as yet uh the one thing they did want to do is the uh back on I think March 19th Mr Schwab had circulated an email from the county uh cultural Affairs department on they're trying to organize the county is trying to organize a troll treack uh for sponsorship of artist to make trolls to put in Municipal and County Parks uh the deadline is today I believe couple e EAB members were were U interested in that or thought the theano might want to play in that uh in this thing it's no commitment so uh a uh an application was submitted no cost no commitment and hopefully they can work with wreck and see if there's something uh that that's what they want to go forward on but uh there's no obligation and no commitment and no money out of pocket for that so it's like that big Rusty troll that's in h uh it's it's all part of that small it's a small but these are supposed to be a minimum height of four feet uh and it's it's kind of a two-part thing there has to be a local sponsor uh and some somebody that comes with that either a municipality or or an organization and then um the county has a list of artists or people that do things like this or would offer to do things like this and so it's uh it's kind of a three-way operation there so uh like I said a couple of the EAB members thought it might be interesting to part participate in that and given that the communication and cancelled meetings and so forth they just jumped on it fil the uh paperwork or the online form and they'll connect the dots this month uh let's see uh my current Albatross is the de uh flood ordinance uh we sent the draft up to D back in February our current flood ordinance is not in compliance U it's the flood ordinance that the EP gave us four years ago five years ago and it was found not to be in compliance with FEMA National flood insurance program and uccc code so the new ordinance is Now 37 Pages we sent that up our draft uh back in February and we just got it back I think last Thursday after a review at D in FEMA and we still have even though most of its boiler plate there's one or two or three nuts of bolts that are loose in the middle that we have input on um and we've been going back and forth I've been going back and forth uh Mr Fox uh Mike lunaman our Construction official and Anthony Lopez who's the uh flood play manager at the environmental resolutions Harry Fox's colleague there there's language in one paragraph that's it's amazing it's gotten through two years of working its way through all 560 mun uh New Jersey communities and it gives you two answers on elevations and it's we're kind of beating head against the wall with d because they're saying you're this thing's ambiguous and it doesn't it's not clear so we're hoping to have to clear clear this up in the next two weeks we have to adopt this thing by May 13th of this year so um I've had some correspondence over the last several months with the contact of the D along with the other people I've named so hopefully we can get this ironed out but it's uh um it's just frustrating it's really frustrating that uh it's got like this so we have adopt this by May 13th we that first read first meeting in May then yes right yep we'll put it together for the May 1st intro May 6th introduction yeah and lastly I've got a webinar this Thursday with uh Congressman Kim's office and D on how to streamline and make easier our interaction municipalities with and uh clarify communication so I'm looking forward to that one I think we all are y so yeah me too that's what I got tonight thank you was there a shade tree update shade tree meetings next week okay did you have the arborus go out and check the tree um on the burer front property I don't know if he's done it yet I'll find out next week if he's been there I have not heard from uh Mr cilia okay any idea if the um the Tre Grand trees are going to be handled anytime soon I haven't seen anything from Mr movich I know he contacted his point of contact so okay I know a lot of the trees aren't marked I saw some marked but I all the aror vities at Gateway Park and at the Vine Street Park I haven't seen any of them marked but I noticed the two at the Bap Ruth uh Monument have been marked so I'm assuming that's what he's doing marking them with a orange or red tag um so there's a lot more to be marked apparently yeah I know Steve Lon had recommended that we try to get the new ones in Middle April before it gets too warm so you could just follow yeah because they're going to have the same watering problem again yeah follow up on that be great mid April now it is very warm today yes thank you Mike and bur uh let's see I played out on uh let's see was it March 26 was a Tuesday at the OEM uh garage and we did uh trailer inventory and cleaning out of some of the OEM uh trailers out there for the county uh the GIF we had a gif breakfast on the 27th it was uh the safety breakfast and uh we were recognized for uh in three different areas I tried going back get the name of but we've done very very well we also received a letter uh and went to Adam liic uh the safety coordinator uh but uh it reads uh it's our pleasure to report that the Lan of Township has earned uh $2,850 as a result of your outstanding performance in the 2023 bur Co GIF safety incentive program this award includes a base award amount of 2,100 as well as an additional $750 uh in additional safety incentive Awards the incentive program is designed to Foster safety attitude among the burlo uh JF members and to promote the safety objectives of the fund uh the awards were announced at the annual safety breakf was held on March 27th 2024 you and your Municipal Employees should be very proud of your accomplishment during this past year your dedic ation to the core principles of safety and risk management and everything you do is the reason why burle GIF has been and will continue to be one of the most successful joint Insurance funds in the State uh to ensure that your elected officials are aware of your accomplishments by copy of this letter do do dot uh and there's a whole bunch more but just breaking down in different suggestions on where to uh could possibly uh use those funds again Delano was recognized at the breakfast uh let's see history board uh we met uh again we didn't have uh enough members there for the Quorum so there were discussions but no action could be taken uh and then this coming Saturday here at Town Hall from 1: to 3: we have our open house and uh we have a flyer out in the lobby I believe and also on uh flano Facebook page uh see uh the library met uh on the uh April the 9th and uh it was just normal business nothing uh outstanding that we needed to discuss there uh the Burling uh see on uh last Wednesday the 10th Burlington County Commissioners uh adopted uh their budget and uh probably the biggest thing that we have there is the open space uh let see we could go up to 4 cents but uh for many years I guess we were at two cents then we went to three this year we're going to three and a half cents for open space for the county they don't have to do a referendum for that right they already no they already have it so all along they could have been collecting uh they've been lowering the 4 cents but when I guess there were budget issues uh for the resent for we the residents in Burlington County uh and there were Financial uh tough times that we were going through they backed off on collecting that money uh but now they're working back up to it again uh and looking at it if they want to purchase something as opposed to going out the bonding uh for that money and I think last year uh we paid almost a million dollars in interest on the money that was bonded and so if we have uh the funds in our open space at the county level uh those are dollars that they can use to again purchase farm land and help to preserve land uh without hopefully going out and bonding more money F I always thought that the municipal um grants that they that they had for different municipalities through the years and probably until the last three years they haven't had it but I think that comes from their open space again as well yes it does so maybe that'll be an indicator that we'll be bringing it back who knows fingers be nice be nice to give us more right uh let's see and then uh uh this past Friday uh at the library uh we acknowledged a longtime member uh who had retired and I let met take that in on his report uh let's see and I think that's all I had right it's good news about the uh open space the county does a great job with their parks and I know many of our residents enjoy going to County Parks here in Delano Pennington Park as well as in our neighboring towns and throughout the county so if they could develop some more great Parks even better all right and let's see I attended the Board of Ed meeting on March 20th I'm sorry Carolyn I I completely forgot about you how can you thanks I apologize immensely go ahead please I'll be quick all right I attended the March Board of Education meeting where I continue to go monthly as my schedule permits to um keep up to date is what's going on with the schools um their finances um ask questions they had a presentation about the roof that's needed um minimum of a million dollars hopefully they get some funding there and they're going to redo the hbac but I encourage all residents to attend these meetings as well um including the April meeting where they're going to have a presentation about school consolidation so I hope everyone is able to attend that whether you have kids or not it's important um March 30th was the recreation egg hunt that went off really well um thanks to all the volunteers that were out there it was a good turnout um it was a week week later it was supposed to be the week before but because of weather we had to postpone it so it was the day before Easter so we had a little bit less than last year but it was still a good turnout and everybody had a good time uh April 2nd I attended the joint land use board meeting there was one application for Cambridge Properties located at 419 Delaware Avenue um this was just a [Music] reapprovals they're building on the vacant lot there at the end of Delaware Avenue they also have a three-car garage with some um attic space it's bigger than what our Township Code uh allows so they had to get a variance for that and it was just same thing nothing had changed but it had expire expires after a year I believe so they had to come in again and they do anticipate um starting construction soon I believe they delayed it because of covid they had a lot of issues like a lot of um Builders did um they also found as we mentioned the Redevelopment plan they found it consistent with the master plan so there was no issues there no questions really um that was it for that I attended the Del meeting as well in March um business as usual I am the treasur so I go to the meeting every month and can Kate liaison so we uh have our baseball season underway we'll be opening up soccer registration soon and they are are still looking for volunteers for the concession stands as of right now they can't open them um for fundraising or for the convenience um until they get some volunteers so if you go to their website Del you can sign up and help out you don't have to have a kid in a program if you have free time they would love volunteers on April 8th we had an impromptu Eclipse party at Field of Dreams about 40 residents came out and witness the eclipse listen to some music mus had some snacks and it was really a fun time thankfully the clouds cooperated enough that we could see the 90% for a couple minutes so I think that's it carollyn do you want to get this approved yes thank you um as I mentioned before with the Babe Ruth field Harry is going to be doing um Topo topographic survey of the field anyway because of the basketball court project that we have from the grant um and I am requesting and I spoke to him if he could do the whole entire complex to do a topography study of that so we could get the elevations to assist with maybe coming up with a plan for drainage how the field floods there how the Outfield floods how the whole complex floods basically um he came up with a quote not to exceed because we approved him submitting a quote not to exceed $600 um and that covers the entire field the basketball court areas and um part of the Improvement project for the grading and the drainage of the field so so I just wanted the committee's approval to go ahead and authorize that $600 I would make that motion to approve that um we move forward with that graphical survey I'll second that yeah I thought that was a very reasonable price thanks need to all in favor all in favor all in favor I I I that's a great price thank you Harry thank you yes thank you Harry so we'll look to get started on that I know Richard is working behind the scenes to get some quotes for the courts and get that grant money spent so thank you guys that's all I have go ahead Matt you're up oh thank you where where was I before I forgot you see I I attended the Board of Ed meeting on March 20th Kate and Carolyn already touched on that but like they said even if you're not a parent in the district come out to the meetings your tax dollars at work they all want to see you come out next meeting is uh next help me out here Mike Joan next Wednesday right 24th this whole month is blending together 24th all right on uh March 22nd I was invited to the Pearson school for a kindergarten Community Day they invited various helpers in the community to see what various people do in the community I was there along with Carolyn uh Sergeant Rob deing from our Police Department was there and mailman Dave rusted was there and the little kids really did have have some great questions for us all they told us what they thought we did and we told them what we actually did what did they think you do did they say I go to the moon or was that someone else uh I think they said you were Superman Superman that's right Superman super Sergeant deing goes to the moon I believe and uh what did you do Carol I don't remember but I know he said Sergeant deing loves Donuts yeah they did say that Sergeant Don to cap off the meeting they gave us Donuts that that was uh that was very fun to see those little kindergarteners and it just being in that classroom for an hour it reaffirmed I can never be a teacher and I give great compliments to what they do so thanks to miss arangio and miss kroer for inviting us there um on March 23rd I conducted a wedding ceremony here it was a very very rainy day that was supposed to be the Easter egg hunt day so that couple will most certainly have a lifetime of happiness as they say if it rains on your wedding day it was a downpour here H happy the bride the rain falls on yeah I attended the fire company meeting on March 25th and the commission on March 26th uh regular business occurred uh before the fire company meeting we had a dedication of two new benches in front of the building one was in memory of Frankie CARiD who we lost early last year and one in memory of Fred McQuade who we lost right around Christmas time uh so if you're in the area stop on by take a look look at our 911 memorial and you can do that as well when you come by our hogies at the hogi sale next weekend a cheap plug there during the townwide yard sale on the 27th come on down we'll start selling them around 9:00 or so that'll be turkey American and Italian plus sodas come buy it support it please they're good Bo Scout oh yeah the Boy Scouts will be there of course right be and they'll be having their pork roll egg and cheeses is the world famous par and cheeses and I can't wait to have one of of those as well uh let's see we talked about the Easter egg hunt uh nice job by our rec commission for putting that together I was there uh April 8th I attended the solar eclipse viewing at the Field of Dreams uh and she didn't give them enough credit Caroline and re they put this together at literally the last hours because we found out over the weekend on Saturday that the schools were going to do a um early dismissal for the eclipse so Sunday morning I think at 7:00 Carolyn texted me and said hey what do you think if wck did an eclipse viewing party there went from there and literally a day later it happened and uh good job jumping on that right away it was nice to have the community kids out there to see this event you instead of just going home from school and playing on their tablets and other video game systems so uh good job by all for that uh last Saturday April 12th I attended a luncheon at the library as Fern mentioned and presented a proclamation to Ron nayor who is retiring from the library board after 37 years of service including 19 years as the treasurer and I'm going to read the proclamation uh just so we have it on the record here and I did read it at uh that lunch in ton it's a proclamation to the of the township of Delano honoring Ronald Naylor whereas a community possesses no greater treasure than the dedicated service of its people and whereas Ronald Naylor has served the Delano public library for 37 years as a member of the Board of Trustees with 29 of those as treasure was it 29 or 19 I was 19 okay well this one has a 29 was it 29 okay wow even better wow and whereas Ronald Naylor has been instrumental in championing many fundraising and programing program activities for the Delano Library such as friends helping friends monthly book club and Civil War reenactments to just name a few and whereas Ronald Naylor has exemplified the highest level of commitment as a working partner and valued friend of the Delano public library and all of the residents in Delano in his positions with the library now therefore I Matthew barland mayor of the township of Delano on behalf of the members of of the township committee and all of the citizens of the township of Delano to hereby recognize and commend Ronald Naylor for his outstanding service as a Delano Library trustee and Treasurer and extend our best wishes to Ronald Naylor and that was given to him last Friday and he got another um certificate from the I guess it was from the library board if I'm not mistaken help me out here they had gotten him a gift yeah think he got some he he got a lot of stuff you know he for 37 years that's uh God bless him guess he started when I was in kindergarten but and uh you know that was a nice job uh and congrats to Ron um let's see where else earthquake I forgot what day what that was but I was out running around my role with office of emergency management making sure our town didn't have any damages we did get a call about a possible crack in a road I was out there along with uh Chief tiller and a few of his officers we looked at it and Public Service Gas was out there as it was near Gas shut off and no it was just a crack on the road that's been there but you know we all got out there we assess the rest of the town there was thankfully no reported damage uh just a lot of our nerves mentally as uh most of us have never experienced that before unless we've lived in California so it was a new experience for a lot of us and and uh finally this past Saturday I attended the Del Riv youth sports Spring baseball and softball opening day and I was honored to throw out the first pitch congrats to Austin murnik for being able to catch my very high and very outside uh pitch I've heard the Phillies are ready to recruit me for this season which is clearly a mistake if you saw the video so let's not give them any ideas because we do want a winning season but uh that was fun and it was great to see all the kids out there sor miss that M we we did miss you there Kate I'm sure you miss seeing that check what do we want to do oh yeah $500 check want that this yeah that now um we did receive a check and I believe we touched on it at the previous meeting from the Fountain of Life Church um they gave us a $500 check and they gave the fire department a $500 check and I would like can make a motion that we donate that back to the church um it's the right thing to do they need the money more than we do and you know they're nonprofit their church and we received it at the the police department and the fire department received it as well the fire department responded to the call and that's something we're going to be discussing at our next fire company meeting next week as well um so I I'd like to make that motion I'd like to ask for a second on that I would second that mayor no yes am I doing it wrong it's okay the last page of your packet yes is the resolution uh does it's not numbered but it actually because this has already been received and deposited um the proper way to refund that or send that donation back would be a resolution to refund that donation okay so we can give it if you'd like to add it to the consent agenda it would be resolution 2024 d75 refund of donation okay it's easy enough sounds good okay all right and that's all I have under my report and now we will go to the aention consent you're all good on that right yeah oh yeah everybody good y okay okay all right Chief thank you for your input on that also no problem we uh we really had little we had nothing to do with the assistance so it's not accept that money for even if we were there it's probably the right thing to do anyway so good appreciate that thank you you're welcome and we'll go to the affir affir menion consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes does anyone have any questions or need anything removed from the consent agenda no no okay ordinance 2024-25 governing vehicles and parking no u-turn first reading by title only and set public hearing date for May 6 2024 at 7 p.m. ordinance 2024-25 governing vehicles and parking no parking certain hours first reading by title only and set public hearing for May 6th 2024 at 700 p.m. resolution 24-72 refund of lead paint inspection fees resolution 202 24-72 resolution authorizing employment contract with the Delano municipal clerk Janice lore resolution 20247 resolution of the municipality of Delano Township County of Burlington state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Shan Gaskill as tax assessor resolution 2024 75u of donation payment of bills current fund $329,500 n capital fund $4,725 71 dog fund $625 escrow trust $1,843 75 approve approval of business licenses 20246 202 24-28 uh Janice I believe the next one should be- 29 I saw the package yeah I left the digit out yes 2024 28 and 2024 29 got that thank you uh as well as 2021 uh 202 24-31 202 24-33 through 202 24-40 inclusive uh approval of Department reports we have a motion for approval of the consent agenda you're going to add 202 24- 75 yep I read that it did okay did I was right second all right Carolyn and Kate roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr elect yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes uh correspondence actually I have none okay okay uh meeting is now open to the public for comments and questions this is session number two you have a comment or question do like Ray did before approach the podium give your name and address for the record and speak away yes you're you're now a example Ray come on up Ray I just want to know is that is that an original Green Eagle shirt or re or the reissue this is an original wow it's V it's vintage it's more information that I need to know right now faded I've kept it wrapped up yes that's what I'm thinking cuz it's not faded at all never worn until today um one other thing I want to bring out R 22 ships um as I mentioned two meetings ago I would like to invite the couple people from the township committee and please to come to our meeting on May 9th um I will not be available until the morning of May 9th because I will be in France oh good for you so I'm just letting you know if you try get touch with me I have no email no it's the best way to go on vacation have a great trip when are you leaving I'm going take going the riv up the same river very good that's I just want to let you guys know in get a to see you all right okay okay are you inviting her on the trip about something else that's going on okay okay that's about it thank you enjoy your trip Ray anyone else for any comments or questions all right we will close uh that comment and question of uh section of the meeting to the public uh discussion items affordable housing new state law regul and regulations related to round four yeah we put that on there the question was asked uh when the state adopted the new law maybe we thought Doug was going to be here so they could have discussion but the key thing is for you to decide process how you want to uh deal with this uh whether you want to invite our planner to come whether you want to have a special work session on it whether you want to have a subcommittee uh the the new State Law changes the process whether it changes the end result is another story but at least certainly changes the process and set some pretty tight deadlines right so that's why you can't say well we'll get to it when we get to it so the question is what methodology do you want to use as a committee of a whole in separate meetings subcommittee how do you want to do this so if we do a um work session everybody can be there right we just have to publicize it so I'd like to be a part of the process I know everybody else has experience with it so I'd like to be a part of the process so I would vote for a work session where we can invite the planner and anybody else that knows anything about it I think it's a good idea to have a work session too I mean I've been very involved in it over the years mainly because I've been up here for so many years but I think it would be a good idea for everyone and I think we should start off by inviting uh Mary Beth and Doug I think Doug should be here as well sure and janisan Richard so um do you want to do that as part of another meeting or should we set up like we did with budget and do it one afternoon at 3:30 or 4 uh how do you want to uh I 3:30 this would not rush that works that works so it's not tied to this I what do you think do we have any indication when guidelines from DCA will actually see the late of day that we can probably a week before you have to make a decision make that assumption don't even ask that question Mike you know better as far you know we can't file by we we can plan and wish and do all these things but until whatever comes out of the Sausage Factory that we can look at and say okay you know Doug and Mary Beth particular Mary Beth will be able to answer that question better anybody it's just a good idea to get a heads up on it and um to to be proactive because being proactive in the past has really helped alanko we were probably one of the first municipalities in the state to get our plan approved by the court the last plan for the third round and uh working with our planner she's excellent and she has helped us be proactive so that we aren't penalized and actually by doing that we we didn't have to do as many units as we thought we did so uh it really worked out to our best benefit so I would suggest we contact Mary Beth to set up a time that's available for her in the afternoon and um move forward Richard can you remind us of the deadlines again I think January well there there's multiple deadlines in here no I didn't uh October 20th is one of them the DCA must complete their calculations with the seven months of the Bill's signing which makes it October 20th right and then we we get their information Mike asked the question by October 20th and you have to have a binding resolution by January 31st so that gives you uh 3 months to be ready a binding resolution doesn't mean a decision amongst you but it means all the paperwork written and all the hearings etc etc so they've given pretty much three months now it could be that you know DCA gives you the the number earlier but yeah we know better well there's two parts of that DCA produces a number right and then the municipality can also come up with their own number to contest that February 28th if you disagree with their number yeah appears to be I but the current rules are the methodology is based on I believe a mercer or hun County Court decision which is if you want some good bedtime reading it's 217 pages long no that's it so um I've you got to read the flood you got to read the flood ordinance first I know I know before you read that stay awake through the flood ordinance then you can be on the affordable housing committee agreed but that that's it's going to take a while till DCA figures this out so well because they totally abolished the the right yeah well the Council on affordable housing has not been around for five or seven years that's been going that was abolished but this it formally did it it was done kind of by we were going through the systems after Co was uh and uh that worked very well actually going through the court system um but now they've changed everything it appears that you know the credits are going to be different they're not going to allow two credits for rentals and what have you and they were pushing them before so we'll try to set that up within the next 30 days we can if they recommend if they have enough information to have about it yeah if Mary Beth is and I think so you're looking at like a 3:30 on a Tuesday like you do your budget workshops it will need to be published so we'll need to um you know lock in a specific date and time right I guess let's see when Mary Beth is available first and then we could schedule that yeah that's what I would do yeah yeah and I think it's important that we do do it as a work session where everyone could be here and especially so the public could come and specifically any of our school board members and School administration that wants to come as this affordable housing directly directly impacts our school system right and we need to be fully transparent with what can come from the affordable housing obligations once we know what they are right so there's no surprises no no blame game right no blame everybody on the same page we'll we'll set it up at the table down here so that y absolutely there's many people who want to come and listen in and then you can of course invite participate that's up to you right it's not like you're sitting up here you're discussing and everyone's hearing try to squeeze into the room doesn't make any sense we can do it here like we did the budget stuff yeah sounds it should be full discussion with all all interested parties bringing their thoughts to it yes very good all right well we'll start working with Doug and Mary Beth and we'll get back we'll we'll run things through Matt for scheduling purposes okay thanks all right and next item on the agenda was the status of the Cannabis law permitted uses we were going to check out the status with Doug tonight on uh we authorized that number of months ago but Doug is not here he's out ill so we'll revisit this on a future agenda and I I would like to revisit on a future agenda the sign ordinance we had put that off till this year and I thought it' be a good idea I know Janice and I think Richard wanted to make some um changes in that editorial changes or something as well so I I'd like to see whatever they have come up with now that the budget's over we got to implement it I think we did have a subcommittee for that I think it was Kate not Kate uh carollyn and fern if I'm not mistaken for the sign yeah that'd be great then edol and so on I can stay out of you should spot on that she's so generous isn't she after stole her Thunder before um fine with that it's more your Forte signs thank you yeah is mat so it's going to be Matt that's a good idea you're so smart that was the smartest thing you ever got out of that was really we fit that I looked at it when to put my hair out it's a lot it's all it's a lot stick with eclipses and Recreation fun things all right all right all right let's get very good all right does anyone have anything else for this evening I have one comment and I don't want any men here to be offended by this but I had attended a um a group at Pennington when we were doing a party for the for the Youth during the summer and a little girl I was cutting a cake and I happened to be the mayor at that time and little girl came up to me and she said are you really the mayor and I said yes I'm the mayor she said oh she said because I always thought the mayor was a man and was old and I said now you know that the May can be young and a woman and when you were talking about what these kids said it's amazing what children think I thought it was really funny and I just wanted to add that to your comments as Mir and what have you I'll never forget that I think I remember what they said about me they said well they said about us that we saved the world one small one small ordinance at a time yeah I believe there used to be a show kids say the darnest are amazing yeah I I don't believe we need another or a executive session this evening so we'll bypass that and I will beg for a motion for adjournment so move second Carolyn and fern all in favor hi all right thank you very much thank you everybody for attending this evening from