##VIDEO ID:GJOXLuNJHmE## Delano Township committee meeting of September 9th 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delanco New Jersey all right let me know once there we are reporting reporting all right very good good evening welcome to the September 9th 2024 Township committee meeting held at the municipal building 77d Cooper Town Road here in Banco I of the rall fet j m b of course it Happ M Fitzpatrick here Mr olette here miss Seuss's abent Mr Templeton Mr Barty here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mr Fox our Township engineer Mr Raymond filling in for Mr heinold as our Township solicitor Mrs lore is absent Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk Mr fenmore superintendent of Public Works Lieutenant Warren filling in for chief tilder the police department and that is everybody could we please rise for the flag Sol United States the stands na [Music] indivisible these Sunshine statement please Beverly please be advised the proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Burlington County Times and courrier post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official bulon Board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting live stream statement this meeting of Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon formal Public Access under oont and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting and ACC court with the official notice all right that being said if you're watching from home and return sideways just turn your screen because uh it was acting a little funkier just turn your head uh we'll start off the evening with ordinance 2024 D21 an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of Delano providing for and determining the rate of compensation for officers and employees to amend the current Year's rates for certain positions second reading by title only and public hearing and we'll open the hearing to the public for ordinance 2024 D21 and 21 only any comments or questions step up to the podium for that seeing none we will close this ordinance uh hearing to the public and I'll ask for a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-21 on second reading Sam second motion by Miss Fitzpatrick second by Mr Templeton roll call please F Fitzpatrick yes Mr alette yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes all right uh next is ordinance 2024-25 amending the township code at chapter 1 19 3 governing Hawke Island second reading by title only and public hearing one second real quick before we open it to the public Steve and I I emailed this to Doug and janison Richard the other day under 1934 prohibited activity P it says the no fireworks Open Flame Etc without permission from the township committee and the fire Commissioners that should be the Fire official there's no issue with just no dictating that change yes we I I talked to dou about that that that is of this change there's no need to uh to reintroduce right then you can and vote on that ordinance as amended um without the all right great yeah cuz the fire Commissioners they don't approve anything that's up to the Fire official yes all right uh that being said I will open the hearing to the public for ordinance 2024 d22 any comments or questions Step Up and approach the podium and give your name and address for the record meeting's now open to the [Music] public almost hello my name is B moris I live at 101 wi Street to hawkward just had some questions sure have the police been able to get an TV yet for when this all really takes effect and as far as the parcels on H Island I know there's major confusion on who owns what has anything been done to solve that cuz the police don't know what property they're on when they go back there and they've had to go back there a couple times unless they don't know if the person that they're looking for is on Township property State Property so their hands are kind of tight and plus they can't go all the way back there in a car right uh to the question of the ATV you want to the process of doing that now so we looking at getting a John Deere Offroad vehicle so hopefully um within the next coup months we have that absolutely and something that some of us have noticed you kind of like get the C for the horse they shouldn't have the signage and everything been done ahead of time and the property issues Sol well we wouldn't order signs until we knew we had approval on an ordinance and really you can't put the car before the horse back the signs have been ordered uh so me knows I guess today where they finalizing the order we'll have the signs relatively shortly on that as far as the signs are for the rules the rules are still in effect just because the signs are not posted does not mean that the people do not who are going out there do not have to follow the rules you know all them mod right yeah y anywhere not yet we have we thoroughly reviewed the ordinance and we came up with the signs that would indicate um everything that they can't do it's not it's it's not as big as the ordinance obviously but um and they've been sent out for estimates right now three different languages English Spanish and Portuguese so um we're not advertising anything until the signs are here the permit parkings are issued and because someone stopped who was on Orchard when I was outside yesterday and um he said when is it open I said we're not advertising anything on it until we have the signs up and the parking issues but actually the ordinance has passed now we've added some more things tonight after this passes um but you have to do the ordinance before you can do anything else and that may seem backwards and that's how government works unfortunately so add over things what have you well that's what this ordinance is tonight we added the things that weren't in there the last time okay so we have covered every issue that the neighbors have brought up to us okay that all of you brought up in addition to some items that we felt necessary um so so I think you're going to be um satisfied with the signs at least I hope so because Carolyn and I worked really hard on making sure we covered all the issues and um the permit parking we're ordering those signs so those permits will be available through the police department we met with uh the chief and the lieutenant to go over those issue so it's it's a work in Pro progress but I think you're going to find that it's a good solution to the problem and instead of saying it's open From Dawn Till dust it's going to say close from Dust to Dawn so it's we we want to and and our solicitor suggested that purposely to show hey this is you know and then all the the do not so um I I I think you'll be satisfied I think what will happen is it will eliminate a lot of issues now of course Summer's almost over but it's good to get it started now so next year will be hopefully a quiet year okay my fingers crossed we've worked hard on it so I I hope it's to all of your advantage uh I hope to to and if I understand correctly over the last uh two three weeks since we last had our meeting it really has been no traffic out there whatsoever as far as as far as public I I've driven up no one called the police oh did you we we responded out but one of the the issues at times is either when the officers respond the persons who were called on were no longer there or there's no visual on them all the way back huh when we met I thought but the thing about it too but they you know the issue though is um the property now is allowed to be accessed sorry people are allowed go back there you guys are aware of that right but but see the problem with that though again there's no signage up yet so they don't know that that's why you know those who are up now myself Chief tier and Mr fenmore we went out last week did all the markouts for your signs that are going to be place on Vine and Walter as well as Orchard for uh the Varan for the park um they have the order though you know but I mean thankfully we're at the end of the season but we still have some activity on the weekends um but again lot lot of times it's just a matter of by the time the officers get there they're too far out and there's no visual on without you can't go back yeah so another question the permit parking you get three for the residents and then you get three for visitors you get them like all at once like three and three yeah when you just come to station they'll they'll be giv to you all one time yes man yeah and if you need more I mean if you have a party or something and you need more they're they're available it's not a problem is if they say for example the permit parking is in effect right now for all the streets um along the Delaware you've seen that you in town um say someone's having a large party on average long as we know we're not going to make every vehicle have to have a permanent sign we assume that that the house is at 815 Del Avenue these are the vehicles that are there um but again yeah when you come get them they'll be given to you and if you need more just let us know take okay all right all right I will add that the uh uh being a resident along Delaware that when we when the permit parking was instituted that really did knock down and virtually eliminate uh late night activity and noise and random uh vandalism that would occur at the street ends so it has been highly affected anyone else would comments on [Music] Up N A 105 Vine Street um yesterday was really the first day that there was wasn't any traffic there were some walkers but the weekend before the week before it's crazy you know the police were coming they leave were calm they had decoys out there they were going coolers they were there was a lot and I very upsetting to there was a family of probably about 10 that parked outside our house and they're loud and everything they've got little kids and I know there's nothing we can do about this but this one little kid who 3 or 4 years old gets out of his his uh was smacks greatly or knocks them over I wanted to go out and do something but I couldn't and I just I know that's happen anywhere I understand that but they don't you know they don't live there and we have to watch this abuse go on also you know it just it was very it was hard to watch so and then they go out in the woods they drag these kids out in the 90° weather you know for I know so many hours but I know nothing to be done about that I guess my my questions are so this hasn't only happen over summer I mean it will happen it happens you know unless it's rigid outside they're out there um so if we see someone that's parked illegally once the signs are up do we call yes ma' and then exactly what you and another car comes We call we just I mean we just keep calling and we're here 24 hours a day man so and are you going to have how they going to access is there going to be a gate working lot too you want to answer that we got to make a hole in the gate or we're just going to leave it and dig out behind it so it's not really you know you're going to have to like we're trying to stop bikes from going out there or quads so you got to make it just a little bit that you can get through but we're going to see both ways if not we're going got another opening right beside the gate so it's not open can see if you're on the street I guess my question is is something that I open and closed at no it's not going to be open no okay so it's going to just the way it is right now are you are do you mean ma'am are you asking if it's going to be ACC like when we say it's closed from Dust Till Dawn will it still be accessible cuz it will be I mean if it is the way it is now the signs never get anything so you know well no cuz cuz it'll it'll be similar to have you been down to the West AV nature trail all right the West AV nature tra has a has a large fence that closes off the entryway to get inside by vehicles but on both sides of it they're walking past they're still there we don't close them it's closed from Dust Till Dawn but those walking pads are still there Hulk Island going to be the same way because it's now going to be open for walking hiking that nature so we're not going to stop that access we want to make it small enough someone get a bike back there but not a quity you know a dir pipe but they'll still be able to access that you know typ the invting and my boyfriend he couldn't be here you know the told guy that was here last time he's not here he wanted to know about the containers um so are they going to be allowed to BR water bottles I mean how tight are you get with that because they can have a backpack and have containers in there they can walk in mean two two weeks ago they had every container imaginable and before so is that going to be little specific on the sun like no no drinking containers and we have listed no person shall bring on the Hulk Island any glass of any kind including bottles jars containers or the like because glass is an issue out there apparently broken glass and glass beer bottles Corona to these did you have on there no coolers oh yeah that's already on there we added we added this generators yeah there's so many so then if they if people do say drive or walk up and they go real far back with all this we call they already back there's nothing we can do right there if they're driving up and you see them unloading at Co we do they're back a grill they're not permitted it's going to be on the sign they're not permitted so uh and we just have to see how it works but believe me the police are going I don't know they told me when I met with them a week ago they hadn't received any calls they fast they did but the two minutes well they're hopefully they're going to have that ATV very soon and understand this too man' um saying we we have stop signs that people blow through or oneway signs when we encounter we're going to handle the Accord so say hypothetically you call someone's going back there with a uh a grill or you know right and we get there and they and they see that's on the side they still go back there then they're going to be number one told to leave but also they're going to be given an ordinance violation and they'll be in court and that's how we handle that I mean because everybody's not going to follow the rule fine but you'll be handled accordingly if you like a week ago see people come up Barbe yeah so that that's how we'll handle it so that's on the list and they stop so that'll be pretty enforcement for perspective to it if they don't buy by the rules then they'll be handled accordly it'll be War's violation will'll be in court yeah obviously someone's going back to with a bottle like this you know to drink while they're hiking we want that we don't want people getting dehydrated on the trail but if to the your point if they're going out there with a cooler with you know 10 of these and probably something stronger yeah that's the issue and I understand this too your question for our backpacks we can't search the their bags um it's illegal um it's unconstitutional so we're not going to do that they can't put the cool in the back they going back to the par it's possible the same way it look less to have or anywhere else you know but if we encountered them and they're engaging in those things and they have those items on them then I gu said we could handle I guess okay so here's another question so they're not going to be parking on the street so they're coming at after hours right during a day and then from 6 the we from 600 p.m. right so weekend will be 600 p.m. to Monday morning at 8:30 6 a.m. Monday morning right okay 600 p.m. Friday 6: a.m. Monday 6 p.m. so they come out and they're being little which you know occasionally they are and they're not leaving they're call down and and mind you you don't always say 911 if you want you can use the non-emergency number as well that's what we do and we have to explain for like 10 minutes and that's why I think you guys will have a call because it's like they don't know what we're talking about I don't know if it's go to a different dispatch it does yeah it does that's why because we have tol where's hawkey where we have to get into all this by the time the communication is through they're gone or they play back okay so still the noner well you don't have to I'm just saying you're sugges if you didn't want to use I call1 I mean unless rather emergency okay but if you feel I mean time wise we're still getting called we're still responding so and you guys a lot happy with that you guys are around appreciate that but every time every time we leave get you guys leave think it's like and and and the truck being there is not so much um like a decoy is just the fact that they know that we have a presence there and it work the first day and they started catching on the second they don't know they don't even though they still don't know if we're back there or not no one that's anything you know but they don't know if the officer's on foot back in there too Absol I they'll take the chance right and and that's what I'm saying so if they do and when want this even when the sign is up and they still want to take their chance and take things back they're illegal and then we'll deal them with court yeah but please continue to call please we don't want to discourage you guys from calling you see something call we're going to respond right hand best we can yes maam and if we need to we'll let the people at Central know exactly where CL island is if they're not familiar and why the upon like we have to explain like like we'll say there's trespassers you knowland then we have like we get like 10 questions and it's like it it's it's not just Hulk Island I think even if I call dispatch about an issue on my property right across the creek from me it takes a while to explain who are you where are you located and unfortunately finwise they have a a set of questions they're required to ask yeah as far as their protocol so they can't really deviate around it um unless it's more convered situation so it depends would it help at all if say all the signs are up and we see okay some people coming and they have a Pooler they got this and that do it help we take a picture for when you come is that would that be helpful for you at all or not if they're back there and it doesn't hurt I mean I we should have been taking pictur okay I mean enough and often it gives us well think about it when someone calls we're asking for a prescription you call out nonemergency number they're going to ask what are they wear so we have an idea what they look like um so the same thing we have now a picture to the description to give you so yeah I'll just be happy the car situation is going to be you know hopefully taken care of that's going be and then next spring in the summer when we have this ATV for the police department and where they schedule an officer to be out there riding around and checking on things yeah we're hoping to have an officer do different areas of the town on weekends especially where there's some issues so hopefully all of this and it it's going to take a little time because I know the problems we had at West Avenue but we don't have those problems anymore so it it will it will work out I know it's difficult and um you know I I know so many of you that live there and I've heard from many of you but I I really think that this is going to solve the issue at least you know like I said yesterday was wonderful I mean we had two blockers I don't know what they call that's okay you know I mean not bothering anybody just walking back so where is everybody it's great the weather was perfect yesterday for going out there first day and I was out there the Saturday before with Deputy Mayor Seuss we were out on the um the what's it called the your little vehicle thing um Gator the gator thank you uh just mapping the trails and we were there from probably 9:30 to maybe 11:30 12 not a soul out there the whole length of the island not one soul on a weekend yeah was it last Saturday last Saturday yeah not one Soul was out hiding maybe they were very scared of me I guess probably her but yeah but it it was I was pleasantly surprised we'll keep on working okay thank you you're welcome anyone else with comments or questions on ordinance 2024 [Music] d23 seeing none I'll close public comment2 sorry 22 22 I'll close 2024 d22 to the public any comments or questions from committee before we go for motion uh Mr temp made a comment about holidays as far as the times being open we have like Friday night Monday morning um with permit parking whether that's the next one for yeah that's on 23 okay that's on 23 yeah yeah all right thank you move second got it Kate and Mike uh okay that's for uh adopted 2024 22 on second reading can I have a roll call please miss fth Patrick yes Mr olette yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes motion passes long time coming right uh next item is and that goes along with that 202 24-23 amending chapter 295 D 4.5 and 35 governing permit parking areas in the cinity of haul Island second reading by title only and public hearing and we will open the hearing to the public for ordinance 2024-25 [Music] seeing none we will close the hearing for 202 24-23 comments or questions from committee and I'll ask for a motion please some move second Fern and Kate is time to adopt 202 24-23 on second reading uh roll call please Miss Fitzpatrick yes Mr olette yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes all right meeting is open to the public for comments and questions session one this is on anything and everything else besides those last ones uh have any comments or questions please approach the podium give your name and address for the record meetings open to the public seeing none we will close this uh portion of the meeting to the public there will be another one later on in the agenda we go to comments and reports from our professionals I'll start to my left with Mr Raymond Mr Mayor other than the item is reported on during executive we don't have anything before you at this time short and sweet thank you Steve uh Mr Fox thank you mayor projects the microphone here [Music] 202 Harry on on the 24 program you want the timetable we talk cuz PSG gas it's going to be a 2025 construction is that what the plan is that's correct yes we get the [Music] design [Music] get book sea wall uh Bic sees there irregularities um we will be addressing those but but feel free to let me know if you see something that we can miss so we see something looks like they did the rest of the sidewalks today and they replaced those pads that were broken today out there as well got that was good to see so the so so how's the fencing coming along the fencing I'm working with the contractors make sure that [Music] get contractor submission for supper to the effect and trying to make sure that it's suable um and you think it's a price World submitted we [Music] may so so everyone knows it's going to be face mount because you don't want people being able to stand up on the [Music] ledge so some Stand [Music] Up So to avoid that now defense B of the conrete which face the inside of the outside the inside face right so there won't be no ledge sticking out it stand so we will have to high so that's Tred to do it the other way with we haven't moved in so far because of distra too [Music] much Harry are these 8ft sections 10t sections they 6 there're 6ft sections so as part of the bid or doing this and we get one or two extra sections that Public Works can have so when there's Damage Done It looks like a fairly easy uh replacement type piece Po in po out we we can we can that there yeah find it 10 years later thing so that's that's that can be done thank you need any light what's that anybody needs light bulbs let me know clear those light bulbs we got room for the fence yeah see need to get rid of them Harry between you and Scott Taylor and the and who over fabricating this fence can we get an actual what it's going to look like on top of the seaw wall cap uh my fear is cuz Scott Taylor or yeah Scott's uh letter that he sent and this cut drawing show a 40in high railing and that's not what we're getting but I'd like that everyone us you the contractor uh who's ever going to install it who's ever going to make it we're all looking at the same thing we're all looking at the same piece of paper they don't want to buy a 40-in high fence and then have to cut it in half correct it has to be cut by to manufacturing not [Music] and specific show [Music] youa yeah with a photo so we know we can see what it's going to look like I canle okay yeah so we can visualize yeah it will be a plan and there are some SLE you can thank you um also so excuse me one of one of the things that was discussed is whether or not if the governing body is supportive of doing this whether we want to wait till next meeting authorize it or whether it give some parameters so we can get it ordered sooner if possible because the sooner you authorize sooner it's ordered uh or whether we you want to all get back together again before you approve it as long as the amount isn't over X number dollars the the 54 whatever that he proposed is much less than was budget so there is room for more so I don't know is are you interested in giving Harry some leeway to move forward or you want to wait for the next meeting to make a formal decision to order it I think as long as we get that um drawing that might individual I don't have anys should we give an amount up to like 60,000 or something what do you what do you suggest yeah for for the initial offense if he submitted was basically $55,000 um it will be a bit more resist face now shouldn't be that much more so I would say not c65 um that's okay budget um and when I what happen if change what you're doing this giv me verbalization to do a change order up to $65,000 and I will issue the change orderes it plan got two weeks our next meeting go up to well then at the next meeting the theory is that let's say he can make these Arrangements in the next 3 or 4 days yeah rather than wait till the 26th at your meeting on the 26th we'll have a resolution that will have the exact number and the exact stuff what you want to do is if you want to if he can get it done sooner then uh every day is that much later that we get the fence and we can open the Park yeah at least they would have the authority to go ahead and order it I I think we should uh do a motion to allow him to go up to $65,000 to get this tense order contingent on us getting and approving the drawing right yeah so if we get whatever drawing stuff we get will circulate if someone has any significant problems obviously then we'll have to come back and talk but assuming that everyone's going to be satisfied that's the goal right if everyone's satisfied then why wait till the 26th work right well how are you going to be satisfied that he's going to send us the information once he has it information has has in a visual and the exactly dra SLE photo and the sample photos were 40 in high rail you the photo that before the generic photo off website see real looks like right the actual draw our side um [Music] everyone's okay with that just let Richard know and yeah Richard yeah yeah yeah so I would make a motion [Music] to permit Harry to order the fencing once we receive the visual and the actual contract cost up to $65,000 and we approve of the yes yeah right everyone's on board if one person's unhappy with it then we have to the action but well we'd have to let Richard know and just reply to Richard I guess only to Rich yeah no right second that motion all in favor I I all righty what else we got um along with that we met with Scot on the site as well um there's Willow Street and is to of the great that's so we're going to work up some different options what to do with that that will be part of the park program um there's also what we going need to do is basically Love Actually buil some Gres and then Scott going to Tweet [Music] his [Music] also top priority not that top priority and Ash stre um doing because we can't get our funds from the state plan work on the Cal [Music] [Applause] [Music] plan and [Music] is yeah I I assume you just didn't realize was that Rush at that point I know but we just met with him a few weeks ago out there to show him so so how would he have known if we didn't go out there and he had to look to see what we but it's been hung up waiting for a plan for some time well we did meet with him so out out at 200 a we met with them it was just just a couple weeks ago was on a [Music] Sunday but that's that's what we discuss uh Park [Music] [Applause] improvements the as Trail par to the baseball field a little spin up to the skate park um and got [Music] space with that be doing the trail and S same contract for the one out in [Music] front parall the right that connect with the the county park correct start the county park and work our [Music] way and I'll do from that to [Music] see big priority to pay food to we have fun that have [Music] feel um dreams liting assuming most everyone knows that's the cont really good job on that light with sure some C people um really [Applause] good we have to pay for p really for anything could pop up and EST [Music] EST mus will also come out and do a check check check Dage [Music] make the cpbg [Music] 2024 ramps we discussed several times we are scheduled um to do the and same that is do the design this year and what budget next [Music] year the ms4 water per completed the application for plan um was required by state going to commun job this week to review that make sure he's good add to that and that can be submitted state so that actual mapping which is separate from that um field work is all done I saw a rough copy plan today some tweaking missed [Music] couple that'll be done by got and the state doesn't get a plan they just get dat so that's seate but we are preparing plan for the public works so the late person look at see [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what other communities everyone else kind of struggling with this yeah yeah we we have a lot of Concepts and [Music] doing um and another etty process because they're all get but Statewide this un that the state rolled out really perhaps a whole bunch of stuff that has to be done in a fairly short order yes that's the map is just one part of it the plan ordinances and everything else was just a whole truckload of stuff it is never time way the state's not really pushing it hard they realize that they send out letters [Music] and that's all I have all right anyone else have any comments or questions for Harry right uh Township administrator Richard thank you uh the first thing is kind of as a followup on the bab Ruth field uh and they Grant I sent you out the information about the basketball court resurfacing uh that uh uh Steve Lannon of uh Taylor design sent out and got three quotes our uh qpa our qualified our purchasing agent Paula reviewed them the low was 439 from Nicholas construction who is the local person who does most of the work here that's under the quote limit and meets all the specifications and so if unless somebody has any questions I'd like a just a a not a resolution but a motion to authorize uh issuing a purchased order neckless construction for 439 for the resurfacing of the basketball courts using the State Recreation Grant so move second all in favor I I okay thank you anybody all right so we got that done thank you I oh yeah sorry uh the other thing that I have is that uh we have an audit EX conference scheduled for next Tuesday the 17th at 3:00 Robin ver will have the audit report and it's usually the staff people do it'll be Julia the new CFO and Kate and with Bev and Janice and I but if any of you are interested in sitting in and listening you're welcome to be here Tuesday the 17th at 3:00 um I will not be here tomorrow I have to an unexpected funeral obviously in New York so I'll be going the day tomorrow that's why I came in early to try to get caught up but I'll be back on Wednesday uh I also want to report that the public works subcommittee and and John working with uh Kenny and Bobby on the facilities manager and stuff has finalized the job description for the labor one or two that we're supposed to that we authorized to hire and we starting to advertise that and as we get the stuff in we'll be reporting back but we're finally moving on that piece that was in that lengthy plan exactly what I sent you but we're now formally advertised we've got a chance to get together uh and do that the three of them John and Bobby and Kenny are going to the next meeting so that communication portion of that plan is uh uh making is doing very well the it will will really kick off we have the work order system that uh uh Aaron from uh on behalf of recck and with uh uh you know the rest of the Department of Jessica and so on are using to make sure that Public Works knows what is needed by the various departments and so the communication is improving significantly and uh they're running their heads off uh getting it done which is why we do need the people so hopefully we're moveing forward on that uh that's all I have thank you all right thank you Richard uh department heads tenant all right [Music] okay so for the month of August we had total of nine can you hear me not the H it too loud uh total of nine police cases for total for the year 151 we had U 16 motor vehicle violations issue for a year in total of 450 with 52 motor vehicle stops for August with a total for the year of 960 we had 602 calls to service for a year in total of 7,2 55 um this Saturday we have our community event conjunction with the rec department from 5: to 7:00 we'll have uh food trucks uh we'll be a bounce house for children cornhole we have a canine Officer come out with his with his dog then there'll be movie night following that also that's a face painting so it should be be a nice event looking forward to that very good other than that so I have the report have any questions or comments for lieutenant the Lieutenant's doing the face painting absolutely it's been your job you're artistic right yeah right always a surprise yeah see that maybe next time we'll get the dunk the dunk tank keep bring up he bringing his why me the dunk tank what's up with the dunk tank maybe in the summer warmer thank you lieutenant not a problem all right uh Mr fenmore well we finally got the soccer fields line after 3 days three guys uh it should be easier from here on out then I found out today that the two Fields inside the one field would like to have orange color so they can distinguish from the other P so now I got to find Orange pain for that home a 12 what's that Home Depot aisle 12 not not for the spray yeah but the sprayer worked really nice um good the guy came back out came out two times and showed us and um we had like three guys doing it so um we're going to keep training everybody so if somebody comes up you know they know how to operate it once we get the feel of it we'll be able to learn how to do other things with it uh we picked up 72 cubic yards of Chip brush uh we cut all the township properties four times um we put three new trash cans out at Hawke Island we removed two more Fallen trees at West Avenue Trails um we replace 11 Lids on recycling we go out at least once a month and send two guys out with lids and replace any of the lids that are broken so they don't get water and you know Sal and stuff [Music] um we had the county helped us out with the witchs which they usually do they took 32 TM Dum truck loots wow okay which is if we had to get rid of it I I wouldn't know what to do with it I mean we can mulch it but nobody's going to take that much mulch we're lucky that way I also had the other County the Public Works County they removed the tree that is probably it fell down probably a year ago it's one only the trail R back oh and finally had to get him to come out it went over both of the trailers came off and it actually pushed the jic trailer into the ground oh my God and that's how big it was but the John janison two guys over one of their tree Crews and he did a very nice job of getting it off of both of the trailers which was I had a couple prices I had price of 1,800 uh and 12200 so got that done um now my biggest obstacle is leaves and I know everybody has all these projects going on that is very difficult it takes at least 10 10 days when I start making all the leaves putting them in a pile so it's close to the screener so we can feed them through the screener then we got to haul them out wherever we Haul so that takes 10 days and usually I have Five Guys on that she with everything going on the fields Hawk Island and all I had to postpone that and now it's getting closer to Leaf seed so somewhere along the line I have to get this done and this week is not going to get done um I got well Bobby's still out I don't know what's going on with him and Kenny has got personal with his mother well he's going to be out three days so Larry's going to have his his wife's having an operation tomorrow he'll be back the next day so everything here is coming on here and and something's got to be put off so um be patient that's all I can say so Harry and Bryan will be working really really really hard what the next couple days is what you're saying yeah so it's a um the screening machine that's what takes the lus is because you're screening it not only do you have to take the good stuff out but you have trash and if you don't stay with the trash that's coming out it all piles up and goes under the machine so you have to have somebody taking care of that pushing the leaves and feeding the leaves and it's it's a big process I mean it's it's you know that takes about 3 or 4 days just to do that so hopefully we'll get it done got faith and then what do you do with the leaves is that when you somebody some goes to the county and some goes to the farm that's not did they come and pick them up did they pick them up or do we have to drive them okay yep we have to get rid of them it's about 8,000 cubic yards that's a lot that's three towns and I have three towns that help me each each guy whatever they can give me a dump truck or two that's how we do it you once we get running we might have five to seven dump trucks and that's the only way to do it you just once you start you got to get it going and get it done that's all I have thank you John be safe because it's the first time the new guys are seeing the Lea Leaf season right no this your second second mhm okay all right and and and also both of the young guys that we fired are doing an excellent job I should probably shouldn't say that but they are but they're they're they're very very conscious and that they do whatever you tell them to do and it's nice it's nice having some young blood that doesn't mind working you know what I mean I don't know maybe they're probably saying all kinds of things inside about me but that's I don't know how old Larry is but I can tell you he is one hell a worker excuse my language he does a super job too Larry is don't count him out he is one hard worker comes in he comes in 6:00 every morning opens all the gates if I'm using the loader he FS a load up I mean checks the checks everything because when he knows it's going out yeah and it's once he gets going he goes yeah I wish I had a quarter of the energy of those guys he good John uh for the environmental board I'd like to uh thank you and your crew um two weeks ago Ryan uh we took a field trip up to uh fieldsboro to pick up the concrete pads for the bench and Ken shedaker fashioned uh stainless steel brackets to mount it out there and it's on the connector Trail of the Newton's Landing Boulevard to the main Pennington Trail but um appreciate you hanging on to that bench for nearly a year well we we have quite a few things that aren't really ours but they kind of hang around John's attic yeah he's going to have room for that fence and and you know one one thing the last week uh how could we forget it took us probably two days to take them damn benches out okay for the soccer and we forgot to put them in put them back in but I don't know if we were going to put them in or not but now they don't have nothing to sit on and all the benches are sitting out there I don't know if we have to put a different bench in with without a back on it because I think that's what was hitting the irrigation right and now it's going to be you know I don't know what got a saw well cut the back off now you can't do that they got they need something to sit on so well I have to yeah I don't know and maybe coordinate with McHugh and Harry and they could take a look and see what the uh sprinker guy Jim yeah Jim M yeah we yeah I don't know take look at yeah tell the players to bring foldup chairs for now till we get that fixed don't don't don't put them on top of the new cond for the electric yeah please no all right thank you John uh B what we got from the clerk's office um we have a couple upcoming events the yard sale uh town wde yard sale will be Saturday September 28th the last day to call in your address to be on the map is Friday the 20th I believe it is um the week after that we'll be having our shredding event uh here in the municipal parking lot from 8:00 to noon and community cleanup day over at public works from 7: to 3: and then looking a little further into October bov Community Day at the firehouse on Saturday the 12th from 11 to 3 all right don't forget we'll be doing the hogies up the firehouse before the townwide yard sale come Gentlemen please I think the Boy Scouts are selling breakfast too right B they are yes yes name was pork R EG and cheese yes wel all right thank you B uh consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted in a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes get this license yeah that's part of the consent agenda I did want to bring one of them up um I if it's a question for Richard or Steve or Bev uh the business license for 951 Cooper town the new Warehouse um speaking with the fire inspector they have still yet to apply for any sort of fire inspection he's given them the applications and he's talked to them and they have yet to apply do we have to approve their license until or um or can we hold it until they apply um Mr Raymond is that um I'm not sure if that's anything that we can hold up we check the department heads but I I don't know how that would work as far as the as far as fire or do we just approve the license and if they don't have fire the fire it's not on the list yeah I don't see it on the list which I yeah we don't we don't normally because we're separate I I don't know the Chief Financial Officer didn't sign off on it either oh yeah so the Chief Financial Officer needs to sign time but is that is is it she she did I'm sorry you might not have you might have an older copy of this any ordinance for the fire is is it does the ordinance have a prerequisite of a fire approval before the issuance of the business license I don't I don't see anywhere from them they sign on the form but is that just an error in the form should it be or does is there nothing in the ordinance about um whether the file fire to sign first I would have to I'd have to look at that I don't I don't believe there is but I don't know if there's nothing in the ordinance then I I I don't know if there's any any reason to to not move forward again except for the fact you don't have fin Financial Officer we able to pull it till next meeting we could yeah but Matt I mean wouldn't they wouldn't the fire come in under the COO the fire inspector come in under the co because when we do when you have a CEO that's one of the most important issues is the fire inspector I think so well the the construction officials signed off as far as the COO but they didn't they don't have any they never got any fire I'm but I'm saying as part of the CEO right they need to have a fire inspection so when you have a house you have to have a fire inspection so why wouldn't a business too why why wouldn't that be they can't open their business until they get a c right Richard I think we're talking about something related to the this is just the license this has nothing to do with operating yeah mat what he didn't get was something related to the development not the an it's not an annual kind of thing here right this is just a I'm just looking at 205- approval by the governing body all licenses shall be approved by the governing body blah blah blah and shall be guided in making its determination by examining compant of the following standards so chapter 110 zoning the building code the sanitary code the fire prevention code so this is an something that in apply as an annual thing right yeah for the annual business license at section 205 but what he hasn't applied for is something that's an annual they've got to an annual inspection from they haven't applied for their initial one but there is an annual after it's not just a onetime thing right I couldn't tell you on that I I just know they haven't applied for their initial I would hold it you know I can't make a determination that they have compliance with the fire prevention code they failed to apply for their fire prevention [Music] inspection those codes [Music] that's under 205 d8 right yeah I'm moving at that right now so I think um well because because you don't have a signer from your your CFO anyway she did sign she did just copy said she did sign off I just [Music] I mean you do have in 2058 it does reference the fire protection code um so I think you you you you could you could sit on it um well just table it until until the next next meeting to get confirmation on that it would also seem though that I you know it should be you would think it should be part of your your the application to get the COO as well have that INSP yeah so maybe maybe check with the construction code official um to see what they've done as far as the fire inspection that maybe there been up again he signed off on the application so maybe there has been some inspection done if we're not aware all right so we'll pull license 2024 48 pending further information they apply for the inspections before the next meeting consider it that right and uh speak come across is well I'm unknowledgeable about this nature of business Logistics does that just mean a trucking outfit shipping receiving pulling stuff in and the detailed application shows there they're like a mid certain products come in and then go back out again that's what all these warehouses are that's that's all that is yep they have a particular type of Bui people that bring in on truck load of this then they break it down and resend it out they're like middle then they're not they're not in I don't think they deliver your house but there's in between thing if I recollect from the application cuz we had to do that for we had do administrative review for zoning to make sure they that the zoning that the joint line is board Pro I think if I remember correctly they get shipments in from overseas and they distribute it out to right local retailers yeah they're just like a hub kind of yeah yeah a hub for a particular type of product and they're usually only portion of building they're not using whole building so who's going to check with the the code enforcement official to see that um the uh fire inspections done is that something you do Richard or check do we require that I mean we do hundreds of these all the time so if we're supposed to have done that for all of them well I would think it's I don't I don't know that they this one yeah I know that's something we need to check and it may have to be amended but that would mean the Fire official would go out there every year and then they would that's a thing they charge a p so well the Fire official goes out there every year anyway for for every property right so but I think I I would think it would have been part of the co but if it wasn't somebody needs to check to make sure I I did check with the fire Spector just prior to this meeting and he said he isn't hard to keep from them since he gave them the forms that was months ago okay so you know just especially on the initial application for their business license I'm not comfortable with approving something in a warehouse the fire inspector hasn't seen yeah I know I know at our last Sewer Authority meeting we were waiting for them to be checked and it looks like um it was it was checked off okay so I guess be you could talk to Mike and then depending on what Mike says call the applicant let him know we're not approving it till he returns the fire inspector's application and gets his fire inspection done we'll do thank you all right anything else on the consent toen anyone needs a discussion on all right uh resolution 2024-25 resolution to cancel taxes and refund tax overpayment due to Total veteran exemption pursuant to njs sa 54 4-33 a alpha resolution 20242 4 resolution authorizing and endorsing an application to the Burlington County cultural and Heritage Affairs bcch history grant program resolution 2024-25 resolution certifying leans against certain properties for costs incurred by the Township in accordance with chapter 135 of the Township Code payment of bills current fund $852,000 70 payroll $194,700 $74 25 and escrow trust fund $634 approval of business licenses 202 24-20 I have a motion for approval of the consent agenda please so move second motion by Kate second by Mike uh to approve the consent agenda roll call please M Fitzpatrick yes Mr olette yes Mr Templeton Mr Bartlett yes uh correspondents you have one piece of Correspondence that was uh forwarded to each of you by email and it's in your packet um from a resident uh Tina rust who has asked that the township committee uh increase the number number of dogs that are allowed to be in one household she's interested she has one apparently and she's interested in adopting two [Music] more did see does anyone have any discussion on that at all yeah I have I have I know I know that there um several residents in town I'm sure that have more than two dogs two cats and um I think that you would find more people registering their animals if we allowed more and um I I think we should I mean it it's just it's the reality uh that people have them and I think in this particular case I thought that she was actually helping them adapt so they could be adopted I think she's trying to help these but anyway I think it should be increased only because what do you do you go to someone and say you know you're only allowed two dogs we we just found out you have three or four so you have to get rid of two now I don't know just sounds pick your two favorite yeah it just sounds inum it's it's not Humane I I think we should increase um the ordinance and I would bet that you would have more people registering in your animals um that's my opinion I think it's something we need to do we need to come up with the times because it it's what it's the reality and um um I mean you could see it on Facebook when people have pictures in their home and they're talking about their animals I mean they they exist so let's let's uh let's accept it and and move the three to maybe two there four it says Riverside S4 Delan No Limit I wouldn't want no limit right but I looked when I saw this uh come through over the weekend at um Edgewater Park they excuse me allow six total whether it's a mixture mixture of glovs and cats five glovs one cat or vice versa anywhere in the number was it adds up to six I didn't see what Beverly has cuz they don't have their ordinance online yeah I mean I think it's reasonable so maybe six is it but um I don't know could you do a mixture up to four I don't think four is enough you already allow four they're already allowing for two and two you going have two dogs and two cats so you have a mix up to up to four I I I don't think it's enough I think we need to get with the times no I think I think we I think six would be better a mixture of six would be more reasonable um what what is the issue what happened what M if you're not if nobody's complaining somebody has if somebody has three or four dogs and four cats and no one's complained about it why should we police just two and two I mean I don't understand that I I think we should increase it because there's no there's no issue right now well an absence of complaints doesn't mean that there's an issue uh every night I listen to a barking dog a block or two away uh it starts howling and stuff every day I clean up a pile of dog in front of my yard uh from people that don't pick up um you aren't the only person that deals with that I have a new neighbor that lives 5 ft from me that has a little dog one dog dog barks all day but it's you know it's it's you know there's it's it's another issue that comes up of people just flouting what the rules are and what you know what you have to do to follow the rules of the community um and you know how how you know we always need to bend on this and give you know we uh you know we have people operating or having uh you know illegal back backyard chicken coops and we went through all that and they're legal now and they're legal now because I work very hard for that I know you worked hard for that but you know again they didn't come in the front door and you know seek permission before they did it they just went and did it well there was one and broke the law just one family that there were three La there were three so I mean it's you know it's it's whatever the committee whatever the community wants but it's just another the thing you know where people just kind of do what they want and then you know they ask for okay we we're going to do this now um this one it seems like they're asking they're asking they're asking and I I think I think we should do something with it this brought up a good to me actually a a good thing to make a change in town because so many people have more than two dogs or two cats maybe some people have uh three dogs and one cat or you know but I mean families in town do have this and other towns have adapted to the increase of animals animals are a part of everyone's life now for heaven's sakes I mean uh and to have just one dog or two dogs or you know uh I don't know I I think we should consider it I think it should be changed if if more research needs to be done about the other committees about the other townships Matt's already looked I did a horrendous job on the um for the backyard hens I mean it was a lot of tremendous or horrendous said horrendous I said it was a horrendous job it was a lot of work tremendous well it was horrendous paperwork it was good no but it was a lot of work so I mean I think we should do it that's my opinion uh I think we ought to come in with the times I I don't have a dog in this race no pun intended um just got the one boooo he's enough I don't need more than him if anyone knows him so um but I I think you know since we just got this correspondence we all take a look and we Circle back put it under discussion for next meeting and go from there I see what you think the neighboring town want have how it would impact anyone that's just my thought on that okay the thing is is that this woman wants to try and help these animals out they're in uh dire need of attention we well we'd have to that would need a public hearing to change the ordinance anyway be good I know it's yeah be good by then I mean is there some way that we can make an exception for her to care for these in BL of our discussions and possible ordinance change is that permitted I not I you have ordinance on the books right now so you have toide by that okay to follow the laws all [Music] right right we were that was correspondents right yeah any other correspondents that be nope that is it all right you just notate that for the next agenda with it on during your uh discussion okay all right uh meeting is open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number two as before approach the podium and give your name and address for the record I see Ray is shaking his head no in the back nothing this time all right well good anything nope all right going once twice sold uh meeting is now Clos to the public and go to discussion items proposed ordinance for storm water regulation compliance item number one okay that is um I think that's what Carolyn submitted for um Tre this is what the Richard the state's requiring right for the ms4 yeah oh okay I thought we already discussed that with Harry this the the tree removal it's also part of it per do his job and you we got to do our job yeah the tree removal Carolyn had um Scott had suggested that we adopt the E pport and um it's it's pretty good actually there was one on on our um desk tonight that's very similar to hesport it's almost word for word uh I just saw this one tonight but I did read you the one from hesport and uh my question was do we need to prepare an ordinance and then forward it to shade tree or can we forward this to shade tree because apparently we've asked them to review it and I I don't think we've heard from them um but is that what we can do can we just send another you know a document to them to review and see if they agree with it then a an ordinance or should we adopt an ordinance first isn't this though for trees that are not Street trees so I'm not sure why shade tree would be review this is for like that's what Carolyn asked me look to to actually do when she submitted this she wanted to adopt this ordinance but she wanted uh it to also be forwarded to Shay Tre for approval the um this is not this is this one that's in your agenda you have that one the ordinance uh that's was a supplement that was on the desk when we came out here tonight is the model ordinance that came from D that's part of the bundle of storm water ms4 permit requirements the hesport ordinance has some significant differences that do not match up with what the D model ordinance uh out could you point them out the significant differences the significant differences are that the H the the D ordinance requires um a tree replacement if the diameter of the tree being removed exceeds 6 in the hesport ordinance moves that up to 12 in so it captures fewer trees the uh H sport ordinance adds some um other parameters as far far as a a clear area around any uh uh additions uh decks swimming pools around residential property and I think it has a 15 ft radius uh around any kind of a additions on a residential structure that would exempt any trees that were removed from this ordinance uh the other thing that was Troublesome in both or ordinances is under definitions uh a hazard tree is uh uh defined and a tree gets a hazard label if causing obvious damage to structures such as building foundations and sidewalks and that would apparently create some interesting issues um with this ordinance where a a tree that you know lifts a sidewalk or cracks it now that's a hazard tree now what do you do with it it's it kind of circumvents shade tree uh the tree sizes are inclusive of trees on private property all trees in town public and private and so that's uh in would potentially be a Troublesome uh area to enforce or manage um my opinion it's toly unenforceable we don't we don't have an inventory of private trees exactly right nor are we going to take one my question to shade tree last uh last week was is this something that uh a tree service when they come in to do a job are they going to ask for the homeowner to present here's my permit in the township that you can take down this tree um unknown Uh Kevin civilia the uh Municipal uh arborus Township arborus that works for Shay tree and works for the community um he's he's works for several several municipalities uh there's been a lot of questions about this uh there's actually a a a conference next month the New Jersey Shay Tre uh commissions and that's actually a topic of discussion at that conference U the email supplemental that uh copy was provided I POS some questions to the point of contact of the DP uh the response is kind of interesting that uh they say well the model ordinance is not required but we do want to see it to see that it complies with our Reg ulations but they don't tell us what regulations we're supposed to be complying with so are is this part of ms4 and do we have to have um an ordinance similar to their recommended ordinance if it even applies to our own property and not Township St so um so my question is does shade tree need to review this before we put it in ordinance form or do we so I don't think you need any any approval from from TR cha tree um when when you when you you know introduce your your ordinance it will have to go to um the language board for masteral plan consistency review but I don't think you need anything formal from from shade tree and just from from some experience in other municipalities that the the um the D again they have this model that's out there they are apparently allowing some you know townships to tailor it to you know specific circumstances of that particular Township so there is some uh some leway it's not some of the strict uh model that that have to be adopted with with with some so that you do have some some leway um but you know those those would be um policy driven Decisions by by by Council as far as you know specifics is as to what works for the yeah it said it's not it's not as a required model to adopt the me from D so but they are they do want these but they do want one but this but we don't have to adopt that one necessarily but something so um so I guess we need to so we don't have to send it to Shad that was what parol is concerned with we their shade tree was given this back in April and uh they were given it again a month or two ago and as to provide input and so forth so um I can continue my conversation with the contact of D on this and try to tease out what regulations we're supposed to meet and what the boundaries are on uh on what we should or should not include and bring that back um to me the hazard tree label uh in the definition is to me is the most problematic that uh would seem to create the most trouble yeah I think that's the best part yeah me too I think that's the best part of the ordinance commission won't protect our structures yes well and I think I think we need to protect and I think d uh is it in D CU I just got this I haven't had a chance to read it's the flip side of the yeah first page it's I'm interested in the response sent life it said we did not require the ordinances to be submitted to us and we are not approving the tree ordinances so whatever we come up with we're not going to approve continue reading yeah the department is allowing town to S their ordinance to review and yeah let them know if they comply with our regulations or not but if they're not approving the ordinances to begin with so we don't have to S sounds like a lot of State double talk yeah did I say that out loud Harry even said they're not requiring a actual you got to check some off and so you have it yes we have it okay so you're going to lie or not you know me basically you can dumb it down as much as you want y it checks if you had an ordinance you got an [Music] ordinance it seems to me that uh what AR has to submit is the most important thing these I it's hard to believe that all the municipalities have dealt with these ordinances for example on the salt storage one we want to do our our um survey find out who has such a thing passive ordinance to regulate something we know exists or doesn't exist is also pretty stupid um so we're looking to do that stuff the the hope is that the end of the month end of the week hopefully Harry submits what they require from the technical side they'll keep writing us and writing everybody and say well what about those ordinances that we're working on right seems to be at the League conference in November this ought to be a big topic I mean it's it is they're both very intrusive kinds of things out of the blue well hp's buness was just adopted this year so it's not like it's uh been on the books for a while so well they adopted it in response to in response to this correct the ms4 thing they decided to do so yeah they they made it very different than what the state's standards are some they're requiring their zoning officer you got to get a permit from the zoning officer yeah for Everything You Touch on your own property you'd be able to increase that's ridiculous maybe we could ask our neighboring towns what they've done or what they're planning on doing yeah we should do a little more research all right and use both of these but if anyone has a feeling as how you would want to do it you know get some input I mean you go 100 directions so how do we know which way to right I think someone should have control of their own property some unfunded mandates from the state that keeps on that getting larger and larger right more research yes um last item on here under discussion is proposed ordinances for cat Management Programs TNR and F yes um I had uh two um samples that I had uh Janice and B attach because I was trying to contact the County I had the the one that that's on theas uh is from the county I had this ordinance that they sent us back in 2020 uh Nicholas and Jimmy and um was asking the towns to consider it I tried to contact Nicholas scan Jimmy I left the email telephone messages what have you and today when I called the Freeholder office again uh I was told oh Nicholas Gan jeny no longer works here I said isn't that funny I've called for him but anyway so I was able to get their draft ordinance without draft written all over um so to me the County's proposal is something that I would prefer to work from because it includes just about everything you can think of and then I'll I'll work through it Carolyn agreed to work with me on it and we'll go through and um tweak it somewh but at least it's a document that's easier to work from the other two I just had they were the only two that I had without this draft written all over it um that I would rather have one nice document to work from where I don't have to retype everything like I did with the backyard hands so um I would like your input as to I have had several residents I'm surprised everyone's here tonight I told him that it would be a discussion item um that are trying to have this implemented I think it would be nice if we work with a rescue a particular rescue um and to decrease the population of cats by trap neuter in return because then they cannot have more kittens even if they are bur and um most towns are adopting ordinances now how having this program and I think it would work to our advantage and this is I guess in follow up to last year when U the county was here and Sue Willow forget her name get a unique name two of them yeah and Ann was also here I did I did email her and I yes and I emailed an too from that program um I sent her these two ordinances and asked if she had a reference or something that they would recommend um but this the County's ordinance actually covers everything and I would go in and totally review it and see what we can or cannot Implement in Delo but since you just got it today the one from the county the other two you had I don't know if you had a chance to even look through them um but I would like to move forward with this Carolyn did agree to work with me if um that's okay Richard do we need to set up a subcommittee or something on that up to Matt Matt if you want us to set up a subcommittee on that or we we'll just do it propose something to the township committee I got no you go through this uh I guess from a budget standpoint I was thinking the same thing because there is no monetary am now listed in here it um when Carolyn and I discussed it we actually even talked to Janice that we maybe we could put a stien in our budget to pay for some type of cost for a rescue but there is no amount in here it's it's usually you know there's nothing in here that tells us we have to I mean to have to take the cat to get this process oh yeah the there's there's a fee and everything involved and it's usually the caretaker who decides to take over her Colony they usually do the nonprofits are what the nonprofits and right but as a consideration it may be a budget line item that we will want maybe for $5,000 to assist the I'm just throwing that out to assist the rescue that we work with um um in paying their expenses because we can't give a donation it would have to be for a specific cost so it wouldn't be something that we would do through our Animal Control I don't think so no Animal Control Animal Control would only be involved if the cat happened to be sick or a nuisance or something like that um but Animal Control would not be doing the Trap noodling return no we don't call them and if they do if they do pick up a cat that's ear tipped they have to return it to the location we don't we don't call them enough for for cats at all for the dogs dogs only for dogs or you know raccoons or something now there was a cat that someone thought was sick and they need to be checked on I mean that could be typ a scenario but no just nothing yeah they don't yeah that's expensive so so it wouldn't it would be a charge to us if they picked up any cat actually that was sick and had to be euthanized Animal Control I think that that's that's different yeah that would be the only time because there was it's a public health issue God forbid that cat Scrat b a kid so but we never I even for deceased ones that hit by cars we handle that with Public Works well it it is in there Richard because it's just what would be the normal occurrence wouldn't it be if somebody complains about a cat wouldn't they contact the police or the uh there's no there's no way to contain no so we don't even with dogs for example we're not going to call AO Animal Control if that dog isn't contained depending on this situation it would only be if there's a if there's a sickness or something that'd be different but like this is normal call for service yeah um if we're able to contain that animal more often than not a dog is running at large someone calls and says I have a dog in my yard well ask hey can you contain a dog can you keep it for us if not if we're able to bring the dog back to the station we have a cenel inside depending on the time frame though but as far as cats no okay so I mean it needs to be reviewed and here put a yeah to come on it and make it something that we can live with what is it I'm going to ask a dumb question what's an ear tipped cat I know what that means there ears it's a paral cat that has been vaccinated and that's that okay yeah that's what it me I had no idea okay so the idea is that to get as many of these cats off the street get them sterilized and then they can go back because they then they they can't have more kittens or reproduce or whatever it is and it is and they and they get a RAB shot so it is better for the community because the more cats that are generated kittens that aren't ear tipped and sterilized they just keep R producing and so we you know we have a few people in town that do sort of do this but they they sort of need some help I thought for a while uh that the shelter were providing cat traps and then if we have them on their private property and if they do have cats in the Trap they can then take them for the shelter is that I can check and see if that's still you know and there are a couple people that do that they do trap and because they they find out that there's a cat in a certain area and they do that and they take them to be Sterling well no I mean for they if they can catch a cat and they'll take it to the shelter they can check and see if it's adoptable yeah and then they'll that's where a lot of them and then if they aren't adoptable they euthanize them and that's what the cat that's what this program is trying to eliminate euthanizing these cats because euthanizing a cat still doesn't stop the rest of the group from reproducing if you if you understand and if I will have uh the count I will have those come back into another pres do we have that much of an epidemic here in our town that it's that many well there's enough people out there that are concerned that we don't have this program but we do have a couple people that are working to do it at when they can and when they have the money it's it's a long ordinance N9 page ordinance some when I get down consider it yeah well I I think if it's if you don't mind to Carol and M put something together and submit it that's why I brought it up for um discussion I know mik is against it yeah the other side of this is it's it's really it's really cruel to the cat um you know you're really a feral cat in the wild it's It's a cruel life and they're you know uh they're a disease Vector they're not part of the natural environment um and it's just um you know it's just kind of unfortunate that things kind of get turned around like this um you know you you know you you spay the cat you give it vaccinated and then you send it back out in Wild again um that's not its natural habitat well and it's can I continue oh sure okay sure and you know it's out there with raccoons possums coyotes dog everything else uh and it's well documented you know they're killing birds uh kill other wildlife and it's just their disease Vector um it's just a cruel life for the cat that you're tossing out there the only person that feels good about it is the person that thinks they're doing the right thing um and it's just uh to me it's it's it's cruelty to animals actually it actually saves a lot of these cats because um by trapping them and taking them you'll find out that they really aren't fer I've actually saved two cats in my neighborhood uh that one was just left I I got her to a rescue she was pregnant I took a the of vet my own money here she was pregnant I got her to a rescue uh she had her kittens they were adopted out and she was ad do to now the other cat uh I got made arrangements to have him um sterilized and I told the person who took care of it I PID for it he is not a FAL cat I would put him in my home but my cat could not have anything to do with another cat and I asked her please don't return him to just out in the public and he's he got a home so there's two and that's that's that's not what you're proposing no but what I'm saying is what happens when this process occurs they realize that it's not feral and they can I mean their ears were still the one the one didn't she was she was taken by the rescue but the with the male Buster I had to name him before they um he he has a home but he did get his ear picked and uh uh because they took him to be sterilized and then he was able to to get a home so some of these cats are fortunate enough to find homes because let me tell you something here are people in Del lanko and every other town that leave their cats if they move they just I mean they don't usually leave a dog but they leave cats and um listen I have a cat because he moved in with me it wasn't my cat I would have never had a cat but he moved in with me he moved around the corner that's how every body ends up with their cat he belonged to Eddie Graham Eddie was a police officer in delango one time and uh he moved been with me he been with me 14 years so I I'm just saying that it is a better life with these cats rather than to constantly be reproducing reproducing and reproducing to limit the number of cats is an advantage to the neighborhood that's spere and I understand your position and we really do need to narrow this down this we'll all review and we'll put on for if you have any anything you want to add other than no way um let me know okay you can email me and and Carolyn as well so i' like any kind of um [Music] suggestions very good do anyone else have anything else uh for discussion this evening not on the agenda I did have one item and I don't know if we're going to bring it up about the I don't know if Phil knows about the the the lighting out at the Field of Dreams I was told there's going to be uh Friday night September 20th that um we're going to have an official ribbon cutting out there with Sen Singleton yeah they having a game I forget is it Friday 6:30 it's a Friday night it's a Friday I was told it was Friday night it's entirely possible the 20th so I just want to bring that up 645 here yeah Friday the 20th 645 yep ribbon cutting yeah 645 game that flip the switch um we'll just serve light Refreshments please forward to any parties as you seem so I I never got this but she sent it to you huh when they tested it man that thing that's amazing I well I'm glad you got it cuz I mean I just know because she told me she sent it to recck oh okay and I didn't get it from wck I mean I'm I'm there on but I didn't get [Music] it on the calendar but I do know about it so Fe February SE uh September the 20th got it yes September 20th please not in February all right yeah I don't think we have a need for another executive session that being said I will ask for a motion to get the heck out of here and adjourn anyone s b Mike thumbs up mik all right Kaden Michael in favor I hi thank you very much see you on the 20 23rd for our next meeting I believe right yep 23rd same that place same that ch