##VIDEO ID:O-WMYO4FOb4## we ready jice all right very good good evening welcome to the November 18th 2024 Township committee meeting held at 7:00 p.m. at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road in Delano can we have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr alette here M here Mr CH Mr B here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mr Fox our Township engineer uh Mr Raymond filling in for Mr heinold our solicitor Mrs lore our municipal clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk Mr fenmore our superintendent of Public Works Mr tiller the police chief and I feel like a host of others would everyone please rise for the flag salute to the flag of the United States America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all mo have the sunshine statement please Janice please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Bing County Times and C post and published in the January 4th 2024 Editions notice has been posted on the official bulletin board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting and Accord with the official notice thank you Janice uh first it item tonight on the agenda the announcement and introduction of the Delano school student election winners from the 8th grade class and I see the adviser Mr Tom Shields hiding in the back of the room there uh why don't we have all of the eighth grade winners stand up at the front we'll come down and swear you in to office going down announce them yeah I guess we should announce them too huh yeah I think you should announce them all right do that would you like to do that Kate go ahead um my name is Kate Fitzpatrick I first before I bring the students forward I'd like to let you know a little bit about this program the Delano Women's Club established this program back in 2006 put the micone and um it was with um Joan hle one of our founding uh members of the Women's Club started this program and she was on the township committee at that time and also the liaison from the Women's Club and when she retired from the township committee uh she handed that job over to me and I have enjoyed doing this with Mr Shields for a number of years uh we did uh have to stop during the uh pandemic and then we were having some construction here and still some sickness so we put it off another year or two but we're glad to have it back so um with that end I would like to introduce the winners of the election we have a mayor Stephanie auso I probably messed that up Stephanie did I okay could you stand up and tell us could you say your name for us okay good come forward you have to come forward stand on up Deputy May May Kendall Gardner committee members Ariana Alexander Benny [Applause] Bento and Naomi J gay Flor Committee Member all right Janice please swear them in well before you can take your seat on the den as a Committee Member you have to take an oath of office okay so if you open up your um certificate so you'll have an oath of office and then later on you can uh sign that and you'll get to take that home with you but right now I want you to raise your right hand and repeat after me I and state your name I great do swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theit of the state of New Jers I do further swear I do further swear that I will impartially that I will and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of and state your office committee you're doing great on this 18th day of November 2024 2024 according to the best of my ability according to the best of well congratulations you can let's say we have Ariana's here here Stephan here Stephanie right here to here you go right Kate Carolyn Mike Fern we're going to dunies we're leaving this Sol to them all right you guys are in charge okay before uh the mayor starts the balance of the meeting I'd like to read a couple things from the speeches that these students um presented to their class so mayor Stephanie one of this is something that she had uh indicated I'm committed to working hard to find Solutions representing our wonderful community and bringing better factories and stores to this town my vision for our town includes improving local infrastructure supporting small businesses education and Public Safety I want to make sure every resident feels valued and safe I'm dedicated to fairness and accountability to making decisions that benefit the entire Community One goal of mine will be if elected will be Public Safety um myself and my staff will be working closely with the police and the fire department to ensure they have the resources to protect the community competently so that is some of Mayor Stephanie's speech Deputy Mayor Kendall I want every resident young and old to feel that they have a voice together we can create a community where ideas thrive and every citizen has the opportunity to make a difference one big responsibility I would focus on is land use this means helping decide how we use the land in our town like where Parks buildings or new spaces should go to ensure they benefit everyone I believe we should keep areas green and open and we have plenty of plac is to relax and enjoy nature I also want to represent our library libraries aren't just for books they're places to learn meet new friends and try new things I'd work to make sure our library has programs for everyone whether it's fun events for kids or resources for adults uh committee woman Ariana I would be representing Animal Control Recreation teams and environmental advisory I promise to make sure that the animal control services have enough staff and equipment to pick up animals in a safe manner I will help promote environmental advisory we need someone that will keep the town Litter free trees and plants healthy and our air clean and we have Naomi uh committee woman Naomi let's see another engaging event could be a tree planting day where residents can learn about the importance of growth and environmental stewardship families are welcome to join and will ensure that children are entertained with music face painting and fun activities another thing I would help to improve is the emergency Squad and the fire company representative as my focus it would be ensuring the safety and well-being of our community it's crucial that we support our dedicated First Responders and the resources and training they need to effectively serve Us by advocating for increased funding for equipment upgrades and training programs we can enhance their capabilities and responsiveness and committee committeemen Benny one of my goals is to improve the all overall well-being of our community by promoting cleanliness and safety as well as increasing the green spaces and nurturing more trees I want to make sure local businesses are supp orded because they are vital to Our community's Success I want to create opportunities for growth and help our Town's economy Thrive I will make sure that we have open lines of communications I will keep the community informed about decisions upcoming projects and I will always be open to feedback and suggestions so this is the township committee elected by their eighth grade students so let's go on a round of applause good job thank you mayor all right thank you committee woman Fitzpatrick and congratulations again to all of our eighth graders and it sounds like based on uh their uh written speeches there we're in pretty good hands here in Delano after we're all done on this committee so um thank you all all right our next item on the agenda we have a special life saving award presentation from police chief Adam tiller Chief good evening everyone and Welcome to our Township committee meeting tonight uh we're here tonight on behalf of the police department to honor two of our officers uh Sergeant Jack Maloney and Tran Jacob ler on October 14th at approximately 4:45 a.m. in the morning uh there were dispatched to a report of a house fire upon arrival officer was first on scene and observed that the uh front of the house was fully engulfed within minutes he was able to respond to the rear of the property and locate a victim who was on top of the rear of the roof uh moments later Sergeant Maloney arrived on location working together quickly they came up with a plan since there was no ladder available they found a chair in the rear of the property and they utilize that where Sergeant money uh stepped on the chair and uh was able to get the victim to come forward soon um wasn't an easy task cuz obviously the ladder was only a chair it wasn't a ladder so they were able to get the victim down and ultimately get her U away from the fire in the D the threat of danger uh they they brought her to the Medics and the EMS for medical attention and due to their heroic actions and thinking they they potentially saved the victim's life uh so I want to honor uh Sergeant Maloney and officer luer I asked that you step forward so I can present you with a certificate for a life saving award as well as up [Applause] uh our our officers I can't be more proud of them um you know it's time after time that these guys do heroic things and don't get acknowledged but uh you know this this was a job that went above and beyond so U you know we want to thank you and uh god well done uh stay here because the mayor doation as well and uh prior to the the mayor taking uh taking my place here I also want to acknowledge our Fire Department EMS uh also an incredible job uh without their quick response they saved uh multiple other dwellings from also catching on fire that evening so thank [Applause] you thank you Chief all right uh we also have on the agenda tonight uh resolution 2024 141 honoring Sergeant John Maloney Jacob lner and I'll read it here whereas those who dedicate their lives and skills to help others are among the most valued members of the community and shall not go unrecognized and where Sergeant John Maloney and patrolman Jacob lner of the Delano Township Police Department have exemplified dedication and professionalism through the call to protect and serve the residents of the township of Delano and whereas their Ely response and actions answering the call in morning early morning hours of October 14th 2024 to a dwelling fire at the 300 block of Burlington Avenue did save the lives of the resident traed by the fire now therefore being proclaimed by the members of the township Committee of the township of Delano County of Burlington and the state of New Jersey on behalf of the citizens to hereby recognize the dedication and heroic actions so unselfishly given to our community by Sergeant John Maloney and patrolman Jacob lner officers of the Delano Township Police Department and wish to offer our sincere appreciation for their unfailing service to the community have these for you guys and I must say this this isn't uh Sergeant Malone's first time doing this during a house fire in 20 help me out here Scott 2017 2018 not that you remember the date um Jack did the same exact thing victim trapped and he went up and rescued so thank you Ser Maloney thank you offic lner for everything [Applause] here she was the victim that was trapped in the fire you wanted to say anything God he to come and help one of the officers he was so commanding that he made me come to him he told me now he told me your feet on shoulder now which one was which one you gave me did what you said I to very much I than all firen from all I think the ambulance tenant who knew they were doing when they sa in thek you God bless you all thank you thank you fire department and to come for NE I'll just come over corner so we also have a resolution resolution 20442 honoring the lanco fire company and other Mutual Aid respond companies where is it is the desire of the township committee to recognize fire compy and a long of other Beverly City fire department Burlington City fire department Burlington Township Fire Department hon fire department Department Merv Department Department Riverside fire comp fire compy Third District fire company from Bristol Pennsylvania Weston Fire Department fire department em for uning dation and to their own and all communities protect and serve and whereas in the early morning hours of October 14 2024 compies dispatching fireal fully Chief Scott H and the's kindly response and actioning result in theing of neighboring houses and all firefighters returned by of Burlington state of New Jersey on of all the ciens of fire and companies reced anded for their dedication and contri also our app [Applause] we also have here the EMS from emergency Squad Chief Chu Sweeney and em I don't name Sam Samantha in case you here before you heard all the fire go by the fire comp also responding to another Wildlife fire right now in thank you very much guys for coming out here this evening [Applause] you could quiz on some invoices while you you quiz some invoices while she was yeah right that's some good family sorry all right to those who are staying thank you very much and we'll continue at this time actually we're going to need um a motion to approve resolutions 224-1 141 and 142 honoring the members that we just honored motion by Mr olette I'll second second by Miss Seuss uh roll call please M yes Mr olette yes Miss yes and thank you everyone for your service Mr and Mr Bart yes all right uh next item on the agenda is a special a special presentation the 2025 local Recreation Improvement grant grant proposal for the Vine Street Park from the Delano Recreation Commission this is face the camera a child friend right now Mr mcfaden Mr lore filming p 4 10 map you can take the mic off there if you want whatever's easier so we can hear just you want me cl that yeah I think Al's getting that there we go there you go as you know uh we did a design for Vine Street Park probably six months seven months ago uh put the other we know you can so John don't trip there be okay uh again Phil mcfaden 410 Maple a Delan New Jersey and I'm here as the chairperson of the Recreation Commission in town about six to seven months ago we did uh approve and Supply uh design that we had our designer do for the Vine Street street/c Centennial Park uh the cost that came in was a little unsettling for us so we did some revisions on our plan and at this point I'm going to turn it over to Mr Steven lore Steve Lore 2800 Colgate Avenue as a member of the Delan Recreation Commission as Phil was saying we did a presentation to the township committee uh several months ago it was uh headed up by the township planner uh Scott Taylor um we are proposing now that the township has acquired the additional property next to the Vine Street pocket park we were uh proposing a complete redesign of that Park that kind of makes you know use of the additional space in that area of the Town um there are Grand opportunities that come up from the state and um we thought this would be an excellent project for your consideration to submit for one of those grants recreational grants and as Phil said uh he made the presentation with the initial design after looking at the cost estimate and getting feedback from several members of the township committee um we went back to the subcommittee and we did a redesign of the park I believe that in the packets tonight you were given a design redesign for alternate plan alternate one and plan alternate 2 the recreation commission met last uh earlier this month we looked at the designs uh we have endorsed alternate plan number two uh which kind of eliminates the covered Gazo area and leaves it more of an open sitting area um there are there is a some new table areas along the one side and also there's some new trees that have been added to the design I would probably say the only the only major change to the design is the sitting area um it's no longer a covered uh Pavilion which personally I do think it's a better better plan uh because of the sycamore tree that is there you won't have the wear and tear on the gazabo and you won't have the upkeep or the maintenance um the cost estimate is also included with the plan there is a 10% contingency and uh we would like to submit that alternate to for your consideration uh to be approved tonight and then submitted for the next round of grant funding with the state um I will say just want to uh note that this space is a focal point in town um it's Vine Street pocket park um there's not a lot of open areas in that end of town There's Gateway of course um but there's really no other Parks you have zerber down by the river you have all the street ends you have West Avenue up by uh up by May um so this and with the addition of that uh property next to it there this is an opportunity to really make that area of town uh really nice and create something special for the local residents and also that's a main entrance to the town you come over the Delan Riverside Bridge you see Gateway and then right as you make that bend you see the park so this is uh I think an opportunity to really create a really nice space in that area and um you know continue our project in our efforts to help beautify the town and and increase the quality of life for our residents so if there's any questions Phill and I are here to answer them thank you Stephen sorry Kate I just wanted to add real quickly the arbor VY that were existing there that we planted with the tree Grant um program on the top on the top there on the left along that fence line many of them died because of the surface roots of the Sycamore and it's shaded so um the the ones that died will actually be replanted on the right hand side there um and there is going to be uh it's like a promissary note from the landscaper he's going to hold off on planting them until this park design um moves forward hopefully in the springtime corre um our hope as Recreation I think recreation's hope is that we can apply for the local Recreation Improvement Grant uh that is due by January 31st there's about $100,000 in funding that the government the state is actually offering for that um I think it makes sense for this park Design toy submitted for that last year we submitted the place playground at the Field of Dreams and we were denied that so I don't think it makes sense to resubmit that um considering we have this park plan ready uh I think it would be advantageous of us to take advantage of that and submit since it is ready to go and um we were hoping to have the stun for the Centennial which is in 2026 so construction would need to take place next year um and I think it's great that we remove that that large Pavilion there it just didn't make sense to have that in that small area and not to have the pity area there um with that little focal point in the center is a nice um nice design so thank you problem thank you and uh we continue to appreciate the committee support and the Recreation Commission you guys have really over the years have supported several of our projects and without your support these projects couldn't come you know couldn't happen so we thank you for that and for the benefit of the public and other folks uh Mr lure this was this Eagle project back in 2008 2009 2008 yep okay and uh the one section that was uh originally I guess just on Bine Street and the corner of Burlington not with the added uh property that we currently have uh and they had beautified that section of the park coming around the vend so I'm glad to see that into the next phase for us appreciate it thank you my pleas I just like to Echo what Carolyn said and um I don't have any questions I just think that maybe um the township committee Matt may want to do a motion to approve this conceptual plan so that they can apply for the grant in time yep thank you Kate um Mike do you have anything what are the uh the three red circles and corners or trees and how much was the Gazebo uh what was that kind of cost that deleted I guess for cost savings the original Gazo cost I believe it was 65 or 70,000 about 65,000 that and just for that one piece yeah just that area gets a lot of bright sun and I know when you brief brief this last spring um probably won't make it across the street or into the park with your ice cream home you know to get the shade in time so just open for a little more shade there well we'll say that the the sycamore tree does provide a lot of shade in that Park when it is in bloom there is going to be a table that is placed somewhat under the tree to give it to give it shade um and and the nice thing about this is is that you know down the road many you know years you know from now you just said that we don't put a gazebo it may not be a square one but you know could be a gazebo something like that we have a Gateway I think back in the spring uh during that discussion there was talk of off fence along the Burlington Avenue side is that still in that's still in the plane it's a it's a it's a low fence but there is a we did discuss that and we did think it was important to keep that barrier in kind of keep I mean this park I know it was mentioned at the last presentation that you know it would be nice to see kids kick a soccer ball around I just want to reiterate that was never our intent to propose that for this park was to you know have active Recreation you know kids kicking a ball around right off Burlington Avenue I mean not saying you won't have that but that was not the intention for this property at all um but nonetheless you know kids will be kids this is one of the few Open Spaces in the town and in case they do want to go a ball around we did think it was important to have a barrier at the front so there is that fencing is still proposed that fence does does wrap around the curve up Arlington Avenue there or is that it's along the front it doesn't wrap around and go along the curve area it's more along the front on on the West Side the left side of of the park right right here starts here it starts at the corner of Vine Street in Burlington and continues to about where the where the side offends and goes towards the 7eleven we could always extend that if we found it necessary or great yeah yeah all right the telephone poll stays as of right now yes good that's a safety feature to keep the trucks from turning too tight around if we were going to move it we were talking about was it ballards we were talking about that but you know now it's going P already provides a nice baller so yep exct exactly all right I will um I just want to also mention in the park the the clock is still in the uh in the design and also the Time Capsule which we're hoping to have in place by the year 2026 which as all of you know coincides with the Centennial Centennial obviously we're proposing the name sentennial Park um Del lanker's namesake 1926 was renamed to deler Township so we're hoping to have that time capsule in place uh so that you know Community can you know put stuff in it to open up in 100 years you know we'll definitely be working with the local organizations the township committee you know and uh getting everyone's in the community's input as to what should go into the Time Capsule but that's going to be I think a really nice project um in addition to this park that that's you know a nice feature I think that this park has and any know looking forward to that more than anything these young kids could open it at 100 years from now yeah that's right 100 years all right uh thank you very much does anyone have any other questions for them any questions all right uh with that I'll ask for a motion to approve the recreation committee uh to submit for the 2025 local Recreation Improvement Grant with the proposal as presented for alternative number one on the plan prepared by T Design Group two number two sorry I'll make that motion second it right motion By Carolyn second by Kate uh all in favor I I well we'll just last thing I'll say always got to add that no we will ask the township plan to create a revised display board to put out in the lobby so that members of the public can come in and take a look at it great we can get that on the website as well as well thank you very much thank you Stephen thank you pH May at your next one one future meeting we'll actually do a formal application resolution this so you have to that'll be with all the state wording on the resolution so we'll have that on a future agenda application and also to um as you can see in the information this has to be submitted through the sage portal so who who do you plan on having um so Taylor design is getting their estimate to us and they should be handling it all right tayor design thank you all right thank you very much Phil can you open that door I think everyone's just cleared from out there now yeah just uh something in consideration uh down at the zerber waterc park there's the uh the placards the signed the construction of of that that project and maybe some version of that for this project could be mounted at Vine Street just as it's not a bad idea it it helps you know everybody knows what's going on and can see where what it is and where it's going right Al get the postle Digger out and start building take care of that Mr greyb so I just want to make sure that the committee is on board with whether we get this grain or not we should move forward with this park designed in 25 so we can put in our capital budget are we all good with that this way I don't want to put the sign up unless we're going to do it one way or the other yeah I'm in agreement with that because it is going to be named Centennial Park and we do hope to have everything done for our Centennial in 2026 so whether or not we get the grant we do need to move forward with this property so we're looking at 200,000 2252 with with the 10% 229 no 22 yeah or if the grant does not come through adapting what's there to accommodate the Centennial activity that's not what I proposed I proposed we do this park design that was my proposal otherwise you're spending thousands of dollars more to scale it down with the designer again so let's just pull the trigger on it do we want to do a vote on that I'll make a motion if you want Matt that we Mo Kate the mic we're not hearing now oh I'm sorry uh I would make a motion that we um that tonight we do approve this concept Park as well as um approved to fund it in the event that we are not um receiving the grant that may not be worded properly but is there a second yes I'll second okay roll call please Jen okay I'm sorry who was the second I uh Carolyn car thank you Mrs Patrick yes Mr alette I'm going to abstain Miss Ze yes Mr Templeton no Mr Bartlett yes does carry all right thank you Recreation yeah all right uh meeting is now open to the public for any comments and questions this is session number one if you have any comments or questions please approach the podium give your name and address for the record meeting is now open to the public and there will be another session later on in the agenda in case you think of something to say later Mr greyb 605 Second Street uh I just want to thank you being a part of recreation for help push that through certain people don't want to see anything this town be nice but I do appreciate the people that voted yes for that thank you thank you Al anybody else all right uh this portion of the meeting is open to the public as mentioned there'll be another session later on uh comments and reports with our Prof start with our professionals and let's go Mr Fox oh no it's gonna have to come way closer yeah I know keep keep it coming we got those new mics just for you Harry that works thank you um I'll start off with the uh the road programs uh the 20 24 Road program is completed but we still need the contractor to work on the the Imp ponding on third and Union um when he when he fixes that then it will be complete the 2025 uh local Aid in your correspondence you'll see that we received a grant from dot local Aid uh that Grant was for 233 420 um we applied for 334 336 um so we didn't get the full amount we were asking for but we got basically what what the towns are getting um for for local Aid that was for doing Newton's Landing Boulevard um and on that included putting curb along the the entrance area where there's no curb on the right hand side um there's Belgium Block on on the island nothing on the other side so we will be installing curb on that section and and milling and overlaying Newton Landing Boulevard also included was Edgewood Avenue um from brington Avenue to Delaware um we'll have to work that out with Richard and and the Public Works committee um because again we didn't get the full amount to do both streets so we'll have to look and see how we're going to work this out with our local Road program what did we apply for Harry I missed that first part three something 334 336 um so we're a little bit short so we'll have to work that out on how we're going to handle that the uh Zub Brook seaw wall uh the contractor has the punch list I spoke with him late last week and he indicated he's going to be out there sometime this week um at least his his men will be out there um to start working on the punch list items we also uh discussed the the the the rail on top of the seaw wall um it's not looking like it it it's doable at this point um because of the the bidding laws and and trying to get the materials under one quote get the installation under another quote it just wasn't working out uh and and we at this point do not really want to do a change order to the contractor um for reasons as I think most of you know um so we discussed it um and we're going to include the the railing in the park project so so that'll go up during the park project and the timeline on the park project is we're hoping to go out the bids at the beginning of the year and have construction start in March correct so the park will fence will remain the fence that's there now the temporary fence we're we're renting that from capella that's going to be moved to the sidewalk that's along the seaw wall itself and then um soon the park will be opened to the the public because they're going to be using it for the carriage rights so Public Works is going to move it uh towards the end of the month okay great uh the got that John he knows now he knows the um Also if anyone else knows besides the mayor but um on that Windstorm we had it def fence did blow over uh and the contractor did come out and put additional sandbags on there and to to stabilize it I say we're should be in good shape now uh the Babe Ruth uh and field of dream paths asphalt paths have been complet it um they included the we overlaid the bab Ruth parking lot we installed a 6ot wide asphalt path um that's handicap accessible up around the uh behind the basketball courts over to the stands and also connecting into the skate park um and we also have we installed a another pad on the other side of the field um so John can put the the bleaches there and there will be less maintenance once bleaches put there you want have to worry about meling or cleaning under the bleachers um on Field of Dreams we installed a path that's at the Crossing of the driveway U where the where the stripe crosswalk is it it picks up there and goes to the stands uh on the on the left field side and there's an area there uh that'll be reserved for handicap um accessibility as well uh and that is actually on your agenda for tonight um approving that that contract it was it was already approved but it's formality tonight of going through approving that and you're satisfied with everything yeah he he I am now he came back and and did restoration his initial work um I don't know what happened I don't know if the crew was tired or they left earlier what happened but uh the restoration was not very good U but they did come back actually on Saturday and and per the restoration and and took the excess material over to the public works sh John met them and and let them in the uh West Avenue field area um and John and his team will finish as far as adding additional top soil and Seed um whatever that's makes sense because right now it doesn't to me make sense to plant any grass if we can't water it so yeah exactly and and it's it'll give time for the the fields they put in to settle a little bit and then we can come in with some of the the good soil that John has and get some grass going in the spring perfect want to do to field the dreams too yeah right we'll be doing that uh the uh 2024 cdbg Grant um that is for the handicap rant replacement project um we we have the survey done for that there's um 15 ramps that we we have surveyed uh I feel that we should be able to get those all done on on this grant um we're going to we're planning on going out to bid on that um either the first first of the year first month of the year or maybe sooner we'll have it ready for December but we can got to bid that way we can get prices in we'll know what the budget number is and the contractor can start as soon as weather permits in the spring to knock those ramps out the um 20 uh or 200 Ash Street um we applied as you know for ssrf funds um we were approved through D then the next step is they send it to uh the um agency n njdea um who has to approve it as well to to a lot the funds they're the ones that actually give out the funds D approves it recommends it to them they they they Supply the funds so that's where we're at at this point is um we're waiting for that approval for the funds um to move on with with with that in addition um the we will be giving a proposal for doing the remediation work um as well as a a cost estimate on what it'll cost to actually remediate the area and as as I believe you know what the remediation consists of is is we're going to actually excavate the historic fill out of the area and back fill it with clean fill um so what that does is it takes it off of right now it's on a list you you you're paying a monthly fee every year to D um because it's technically a hazardous site but it's it's not it's not Hazard it's not it's not above the the uh residential site standards but what the does is they charge you a fee because it because it is there um once we do this work you won't have to pay that fee anymore to to the EP so my understanding now bear with me because I don't know a lot about government um the soil because they don't know where it came from they automatically classify it as contaminated historic Fields considered contaminated so they recommend that you remediate that otherwise you do have to pay that fee but it's not necessarily contaminated it's just they don't know the origin so they're just going to consider it contaminated is that right that's that's correct um but but we we did do a phase one and phase two that did come up with some areas that were if you average them out you're okay but there were some areas that were hot that that's going to be removed um but but you're right as far as the historic fill it's just because it was filled in nobody knows what it was so they consider that automatically contaminated that's a New Jersey thing right yes yeah Harry on on the does D give Eda an estimate to those two different levels of remediation or does Eda have a number I mean they have to have a number to come back with that they're going to reimburse us for correct yes they they they uh approved us 200 270 some thousand um and that what they pay is they actually pay 75% of the cost 25% is by by the township the own but 75% comes out to the 273,000 change but they must have an idea of what yeah what what actual work is going to be required Yeah we actually gave them that estimate we worked out that estimate for what soil had to be removed and how much soil would have to come in and and that's what they base it on make make it contact with no restriction correct that's what I seem to recall but as you were going through it again I was starting to doubt myself yep that's that's correct was the DEA that second Grant we applied for it was like 35,000 because we applied for two different grants right um one was 35 and one was 22 something yeah the the it was the 273 was the srf I they I don't know that we I think we did apply for another 35 I think you're correct on another one but we did not hear on that okay so we're still waiting on that one yes okay um the ms4 storm water map is complete um I'm going to pass it over to John we have a meeting on Thursday um so he can hang it up on his wall and do what he wants with that um the gis portion of it is what the state is looking for that's been submitted to the state we have not received any comments back from them um but that's it it it's just a bunch of coordinates and it's only something really the state knows what they're looking at on that John's map will show every Inlet every manhole every pipe uh flow direction of flow and app Falls um so we we'll be delivered that on Thursday and if you give me a copy of that so we could have that for the fire department's records the uh that map and the shape thought that'd be great sure sure we'll make a it's it's a they're fullsize sheets and there's just the PDF seven eight sheets but we can send you the PDF PDF is fine don't want paper okay okay and what El you have the boat ramp on here that's the last thing on your list har yep the uh boat ramp is uh we're applying for that is as well um to the Army Corps and we're hoping to get that over to them by the end of the year um and get their comments on it and we'll move on from that all right make sure you get Richard your cost to do that so he doesn't have a stroke when you send a bill if you could just in advance of that please yeah I owe Richard a few proposals so yes we're going to get together thank you Harry this is the boat ramp at the end of Union correct okay on the Delaware on the Delaware thank you yeah it'll be uh what we're looking at at doing is is what we're we're applying for I don't know what the arm cor is going to come back with but we're going to extend the where the asphalt is out 30 ft with concrete and then uh past that about another 100 ft with buried gabian baskets which are the stone wrapped in in in steel mesh and they'll be sunk in dug in to the to the uh to the to the uh to the bottom of the floor of the of the river there um so it'll support you know the the boats to drive down there quite a ways into the the river they they won't let us go all the way out to low tide so at low tide you know do what you're going to have to do but uh that's just not feasible and for the public the boat ramp is strictly for emergency vehicles and not uh pleasure boats if the uh Fire Company we do have numerous rescue boats that do go out there uh for various res water rescues on the river and we do use the Union Avenue boat WRA and right now it's a little sketchy at best for sure all right thank you Harry does anyone else have any questions for Harry I had asked you family and to contact neighboring communities who you unfortunately on occasion have to use that for rescues for River rescues to provide letters of support and okay them on to you so I you can send a reminder to them just to circulate that and get that in your file for whatever uh questions come up from PP or the court yeah our biggest hurdle is endangered species they every time we do something there they keep insisting we check out the freshwater muscles that we know aren't there but every project we do we just have to go jump through those hoops right thank you Harry m let's see uh Mr Raymond um I know uh Doug was here for the executive and he reported on a number of items that was appropriate for the for the executive session uh the only thing that I have to add at this point is the uh Brett sickler Municipal appeal was heard that's the um Municipal appeal involving the Vantage to towing truck that was being parked at a resident uh the Mr sichler did not appear so the uh appeal was dismissed for lack of prosecution I understand that that that the um Mr Rana was out there he remains to that that veh the vehicle still remain parked there I believe he's been cited again uh but at this point um you know the township can move forward with whatever revisions to um to the parking ordinance that you you know whatever you guys see fit to do at this point but the the municipal appeal is is done and um you're free to do whatever you're going to do all right that's all I have thank you Steve anyone have any questions for him nope all right uh go to reports from our Township administrator Mr Schwab okay just comment the uh 2025 budget proposals are due next week I have a few of them in so anyone who's not completed should uh make sure they do that so we can get started working on it be working with the new CFO and finance clerk to put that together this year so it'll look a little different but uh we're looking forward to get moving on that as Harry mentioned in one area but and as I advised you there's there's three uh resolutions for warding bids these are for items that uh we moved forward to get the job done because it's been over a month since the last meeting and uh we're asking these be approved uh retroactively they're within the budget they're as we've been reporting every single meeting for uh new computers under State contract we have the asphalt walkways that uh Harry talked about we have state Grant covering that uh two years ago is Recreation Grant and uh we have the uh the work also part of the state Grant which is coding the basketball courts of the bab Ruth field so uh those are all part of that plus you have the budget transfers which are a little unusual this year uh we needed to uh make make sure that we have the professional Serv services to get these projects done which is why uh uh Caroline pointed out how important it is that we know in advance what those costs are going to be so if there's any questions in those areas and then as part of the discussion area we'll talk about the best practices uh submission and see if there's any questions after we go through that quickly that's all I have right thank you and the storm water stuff I have I have information on that been a little busy all right uh go to the department heads start with police chief tiller uh good evening thankk you I'll begin with our November uh statistics to date uh so far they've uh the officers initiated eight cases uh they've conducted 77 motor vehicle stops issued 26 motor vehicle violations they've handled 518 calls for service which for the year brings up uh the calls of service for 9,99 and there were four arrests made so far um since our last meeting we've been pretty busy with the officers having uh go to trainings uh November 1st detective lipic attended a child abduction response team training uh November 11th uh the police department in conjunction with the fire department did a uh joint security walkthrough assessment at FedEx on the 12th detective lipic uh attended Advanced narcotics investigation training on the 13th Sergeant up F and patrolman M attended the Bron County prosecutor's office mandatory and service training uh today Lieutenant Warren began a two-day uh course on open public record act and U two weeks ago I publicly announced that uh I'll be retiring at the end of this year and with that being said Lieutenant Warren is scheduled to take the state of New Jersey civil service commission's Chief of Police examination on December 4th and results are usually out by March or April so um that'll be the time frame where you'll find out the results of his exam and that's all I have tonight all right thank you Chief anyone have any questions or comments for the chief no other than I guess we can't reject your retirement right and make you stay forever lock the doors though can't yeah lock the doors the keeps reminding us about it too smart not that he's counting the days left or anything I think he is I think he's counting the days I saw him at Vin earlier couldn't remember how many left but uh we'll go with that thank you seems too far away yes all right uh Public Works go to our superintendent Mr um we finally I think we finally got all the signage up for Hulk Island I don't know if everybody saw it the gate was installed and uh everything looks pretty good there's a lot of signings down there now so um somebody should see it anyway um it's a nice to we removed one tree um we're and as usual we're working on the leaf season and it's uh all the years that I've been here I've never seen the leaves so dry it's just like when you go to try to uh put them in a pile they just just Falls like snow you can hardly even push them in because they are not wet plus the residents are getting drenched with the chipped up Lea when we go by but uh this year we've doing something that uh I think is the best thing that we can do we got a street sweeper and we've been cleaning up right behind it where ordinarily all that debris would be washing down into the storm drains and right to the creek or the river so uh so far we' picked up 880 cubic yards of leaves um we're we made one pass and we're on our second pass so I saw the truck smoking today uh down the block from my house when it went by I almost thought it was on fire it was just the the dust from all those leaves it they so dry when you uh take your pants off it's everywhere I can assure you that everywhere thank you for that everywhere thanks for the visual John everywhere well you know you gotta uh know the guys dress up they they they're breathing this stuff in they wear scarfs or whatever and and I mean it just goes all over mhm and it's just like snow coming down that's how uh it's so dry out we need rain so bad it's just unbelievable the firefighters working on that fire right now would tend to agree well that's I don't want to say nothing but I that's one thing that I worry about zip it John no no jinxing us yeah John I have a question for you so brush pickup is no longer I think we ended that in October right so people have like bunch of of sticks and stuff is there somewhere they can take that yeah they can bring it to the garage um generally what we do uh before Christmas we'll send the chipper out you know for the people we do send letters out uh to certain residents that put brush out we're just not picking it up and then what happens the leaves get all in them and then it really makes look bad so uh we'll usually make a final pass in December okay but you can bring it to the garage thanks great thank you John and our municipal clerk Mrs lore I just want to report um we had the annual rabies clinic on Saturday November 2nd we had a good showing we did a total of 77 vaccinations of dogs and cats and then uh I'd like for um Mrs Russell to report on some upcoming events okay Recreation has quite a few things planned in December uh Saturday December 14th will be the carriage rides at uh the park in front of the zuberg Mansion tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Brown jewers on Sunday December 15th Santa will arrive at Gateway Park for the tree lighting gingerbread will be distributed at 2 p.m. and sign ups for that are also on the website the best decorated House contest will be judged on December 21st um to register your address um please do so by December 20th on the website so there are flyers in the lobby and there's information on the website and I believe f is also being sent home um through the school to for all the um parents to did you mention the Christmas Village yes she did my report too yeah s's coming in okay all right thank you Bev uh Township committee reports I'll start to my far left with Miss Fitzpatrick thank you um and last month I did mention about hagatha Delano's troll so there's a great article on The Beverly be on our hagatha and I think Carolyn did you write that article oh no Oh I thought maybe you did but anyway I think um Liz man might have okay it's a great article so uh pick up a be and read about our troll it's at the Vine Street park if you haven't seen her yet uh daa Del Riv uh their soccer program is winding down uh basketball just finished their free clinics games are starting in January they're having elections on December 3rd for the vice president secretary director of fundraising and director of participation and retention and their next meeting is November 26th I already explained about the mock election the 5K run walk that was on behalf of the Delano Women's Club I would like to thank all who participated it was a beautiful day for run or walk and it was a successful event for our club um retirement I attended the retirement dinner at the marry and caters for sergeant Eric Hoffman who served our residence for 20 years as an officer it was a nice event and Eric served Alano well and well he's already missed I did attend the rabies clinic um this is another service that Delano offers its residents it was a busy day so thank you to the ladies and the Public Works employees who assisted and uh made sure it went smoothly uh 401 Creek Road Carolyn and I met uh with a professional and Criterion uh on a zoom conference regarding the intent to purchase the property uh we're continuing to pursue that purchase and we'll keep you advised on the pro progress actually we have something on the agenda tonight uh Recreation we met on November 8th best decorated Halloween houses were announced first place was 615 malberry Street Bob Campbell second place 14 team in circle the folley and third place 211 Union Street Amanda sty uh and as Bev said the carriage rides are scheduled um John Browns is the only place you can purchase those tickets uh Santa and Mrs Claus will be visiting Delano at our tree lighting ceremony on December 15th at Gateway Park from 2: to 6:00 p.m. uh vendors will be on site uh so you can do some shopping and refreshments will be available Bev already mentioned that the uh Holiday House registration is open but not required for the best decorated house uh the board approved the revised plan which we saw tonight for Vine Street Park which will be Centennial Park um the basketball courts as Harry indicated have been resurfaced and the pathway completed very disappointing to see that the new courts were already egged and marked up with graffiti uh Lucas Russell uh made his goal for fundraising on his Eagle Scout project and he will be installing a new flag pole at Gateway Park um seniors the Delano seniors met on November 12th at the firehouse it was a great group uh the speaker was Melanie Hai uh from the new Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs and her presentation focused on senior fraud and protection she spoke about the latest frauds and scams against seniors uh there was a lengthy question and answer period and many members present shared experiences with dealing with fraud and other suggestions and uh protections there was um actually um the resident was here at the meeting but she left already but anyway she came up to me after the meeting and actually uh commended um Carolyn and Matt for posting what they post on Facebook to keep the residents advised of what's going on so I thought that was very nice I wanted to share that with you thank you uh Sewer Authority we met on November 12th uh the trunk line project there's still some open issues with d for the final paperwork but it should be submitted hopefully by the end of the year uh the pump station is a work in progress um the main control panel is in and they're still working on the bypass system 989 coper Town Road the testing has not been completed we're following up stylex there's nothing new to report 41 Creek Road there's no new information uh discussions are still underway regarding raising the tanks at the plant due to flooding uh the operator's report is on file surface airators were purchased and installed in the secondary tanks to help increase the dissolved oxygen level of the fluent and a resolution was adopted to revise the connection fees uh they're now $2,412 two cents actually $286 less than the uh and that amount is determined as a result of a study uh conducted by the Authority's appointed auditor Administration Matt and I met with janison Richard regarding uh Administration and possibility of upcoming retirements and uh we have more information on that to follow I did talk with Jersey professional management team about um new hires uh Library I attended the vendor event at the library on November 14th was a great time to do some early Christmas shopping I purchased some items and enjoyed visiting with friends and Neighbors they always have great events so check check their schedule check out their calendar and the history board I attended the open house at Town Hall uh this past Saturday from 1: to 3: it was salute to Veterans there were no visitors on just the three board members and myself and that was the last one for this year uh hunt for the alligator Jr some of that's been uh floating around Delano for some time Alice Smith will be presenting her program on on the hunt for the alligator Jr at the Riverside Historical Society meeting on November 20th at the American Legion Hall and um as John indicated the Hawk Island the permit parking signs have been installed for the residents and the new fence and gate were installed uh with our rules and regulations for recreation and it uh looks great John thank you very much and um mayor that's it for me all right thank you Kate I'll go to my far right Mr Templeton thank you uh let's see I'll try to make this brief things along here uh back on October 22nd there was a uh public forum hosted by or organized by Senator Troy Singleton it was held down in pimar regarding riverline uh safety and following the two accidents two fatal accidents uh the River Line back in October so there were many comments on the trains mostly rivert Riverton and amyra on the speed of the train between those stations and so forth and u a lot of public comment for gosh little hour and a half um so um hopefully Transit officials were there U several several layers of management endday Transit and uh discussed issues that they've had with reliability of the service uh due to the uniqueness of the riverline cars that they're diesel electrics so unavailability of pars and so forth since the production line for manufacturing those those Vehicles U stopped and so it's they' had some difficulty getting replacement parts uh back on the 29th there was a Department of Environmental Protection webinar Zoom meeting on the renewal of the coastal zone management uh U plan and that's a 5year renewal and that's actually through the national oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration uh kind of a bureaucratic uh operation but there was a survey that was uh disseminated and as far as participation in different different areas of the coastal plan Wetlands development um storm hazards and so forth so I completed that based on our experience here in Delano and that was all in online format uh Shader commission met on the 30th I was a busy week there um and handled a handful of actions and got that taken care of I would like to recognize Wendy Flanigan a longtime shade tree commission secretary and handled the agendas and minutes and administrative functions U ended her U um at the resign and uh like to extend uh my thanks and appreciation uh for her service to the community and hope that uh she can come back and uh she was really did did a nice job in that position so uh environmental board and also the sh during the shade tree meeting um Extended discussions by both of those groups on the uh regarding the um the state is requiring us as far as renewal of our storm water permit uh to adopt a u a tree removal replacement ordinance that extends into private property um we've had we have in the township amongst several entities shade tree EAB code enforcement uh and administration all have uh uh serious issues and reservations about this ordinance and uh actually there's a uh bill that's uh in the assembly right now that would uh basically eliminate that requirment at the EP requirement so U I'm going to pass this on to Senator Singleton and our assembly people and hopefully get this deflected and uh not have to deal with this so uh that's the end of my report but I'd like to is there an opportunity now or can I have my my avatar over here they gonna they have a right after us they have their uh session number five all right thank you Mike thank you uh Mr olette I guess the beauty of going in this position I can pretty much say Dido to most things other than the uh and you have before uh the County Commissioners meeting that I attended last week uh the hot topic was the election and the voting process and there were comments made by the public that were there and uh the investigation and the folks that are going to be uh put in charge of uh looking into the issue of not having enough machines uh for us to vote in a timely fashion and that I'll leave do do they have an audio or video recording of that on the internet at all because I would love to watch that just to be a fly on the room Unfortunately they don't the request has been made but I am sure and uh I'll reserve my comment until I hear that thank you Fern Miss seus oh that's it okay thanks you were done rer I am okay yes yes I heard a lot of ditos in there so I just wanted to I didn't want to stop yet no ditos here okay uh October 21st we had our project management um Zoom meeting that we do every two weeks when Harry's not here we uh meet again in two weeks just for pro project management update uh with the mayor U Mr Schwab and Mrs lure so Harry thanks for that continued uh meeting it's very beneficial to stay on track with everything since there's so much going on the following day we met with John uh to talk about public works and how that's going how we can improve our processes we do that I think every other month now October 29th was the joint land use board meeting it was about a 15-minute meeting just to approve the resolution for the 401 Creek Road application from the previous month um November first I had the pleasure of attending Sergeant Hoffman's retirement party at the Maran um with a few other Township committee members so we wish him well in his retirement was a very nice evening um as Miss Fitzpatrick mentioned on November 7th we did have the 401 Creek Road uh Zoom meeting with Criterion and the continued efforts to purchase that property and the following day we had our monthly Recreation meeting uh early to accommodate some scheduling conflicts so uh that was a productive meeting we do have our Public Works liaison now reporting with what's going on in our facilities so I think that's super helpful and that's going really well in his new position so we thank you guys for that and uh Kate said everything about Recreation so that's all I have so you had a ditto there ditto got it all right um on October 22nd I attended the 8th grade students mock election here at the municipal building and as discussed the winners are up here with us tonight and that evening I attended the Fire Commission meeting normal business occurred October 26th I attended the 5K Run/Walk and congrats to all of the participants it was a great morning and thankfully great weather um then later that night I attended the trunk Retreat event at Field of Dreams uh we had a great turnout by our residents and all the kids seem to enjoy themselves as did us adults who are out there as well more than other yes some of us more than others uh nice job by the Recreation Commission on setting this event up and keeping it going especially when some of the area towns cancelled theirs uh the movie on the field had to be canceled due to the heavy winds but that was a good call by Recreation uh because just to keep everybody safe uh October 28th I attended the fire company meeting normal business occurred October 30th I attended a meeting with Del Ran EMS and Mr Schwab to discuss a renewal of the contract since the first two-year term is coming to an end uh November 1 first as Miss Seuss mentioned uh the pleasure of attending the retirement dinner for sergeant Hoffman I've continued to work on various items in regards to haulk Island on the properties out there and just when John thought he was done with signage we're working on the trail signage for out there so we um have some feelers out for some pricing on that and we'll get it ordered and hopefully put in before the ground freezes if it ever freezes the way this weather going you only have to install it Matt did all the leg work don't worry you could do it in between Leaf runs yeah um and then let's see this week got numerous meetings on other topics and most important is the Board of Ed meeting this Wednesday night 700 p.m at Pearson school and hope to see everybody there mayor yes thank you for going above and beyond always with your role um especially with Hulk Island taking the time to map everything out and doing the deed work and uh all the leg work that's going on with that property I know it's hours and hours of time that we' usually have to spend paying someone doing that so thank you so much for all your hard work with that you're quite welcome thank you Carolyn right uh next item on the agenda and it freaked the students out a little bit because they probably didn't know it's the the lco school students will give their reports and we could start all the way to my far right since Mr Templeton offered her up first and you anything you have to say at all you don't have to say anything thing you could say as much as you want oh go ahead it's okay all right that's fine some some of us when you get us up here you can't shut us up so it's perfectly fine not to want to say anything and we'll just work our way down this way uh Benny you got anything to say you just pull that microphone closer de there you go I would like to share that um I really like the idea of the park over there um right next to the ice cream bar I really like how you did that because as the years go by like two years ago kids really stop playing outside like they it really started dying so I feel like that really helped the kids come outside more I to say Thank you Mr Bento the mayor goes last we'll get to you don't worry we'll go all the way to my left go ahead you just if you have anything to say just push that microphone to our Caroline um what did you think about your experience tonight I don't I don't know it was scary we're not bad I said that my first time up here too right little inting it's a lot yeah it's a lot to learn maybe one day you'll run for office probably not that right I don't know you got plenty of time that's it well at least you got to experience it and you see kind of what we do soar a little bit right Deputy Mayor do you have anything um not really but this is a good experience glad you like that yeah and mayor um I didn't really prepare to say anything but I just wanted to talk about the school year so far cuz like during September we started field hockey and soccer it was a good season it was like going to be our last time playing for school so it's actually really good and now basketball started so I really hope we can see you guys come to the gym to support us as we play against other districts thank you absolutely thank you very much to all of our students and as you can see we do and as you heard from all of our reports we all it's more than just attending these meetings twice a month and that's how they lured me in initially Mr JZ said to me Matt it's just one or two meetings a month there's nothing really to do as you could see we we actually we do a lot and we all hold or held full-time job jobs before retiring or still are holding full-time jobs so it's just stuff we do as a labor of love on top of everything we do um so thank you students for coming out this evening I know you all have school tomorrow and I think Mr Shield is holding his eyes open with toothpicks back there so you guys are dismissed and thank you for coming this evening congratulations on your wins take your name and take your name t and your and students take your tag up there don't forget to take your name take your name plate it's a congratulatory letter from the Women's Club and there's a GI card in there your that your name tag right there Ben yeah can name tag in the name cool thank you bye good luck to see you up here in about 10 years we'll see you all at graduation in June June June yeah I'm sure we'll see you sooner but we'll definitely see you there and mayor um when Mrs Russell and I were setting up for election day um Monday the day before election day the eighth graders were coming in and we recognized many of them and they recognized us and it was interesting to note that many of them will be voting in the next presidential election many of them are were already 14 years old that's exciting and scary at the same time yes but many of their eighth grade students um will be voting in the next next Presidential so that was very interesting hopefully they don't have to wait four hours next time maybe they'll have that figured out by then hopefully they will all right one of them left their things up here oh uh mayor out there Phil can you run this out to her Chief thank you and of course thank you to our US history and government teacher extraordinaire Mr Tom shields for wrangling them all up here this evening uh he's one of our Treasures that we have at uh the school so thank you Tom all right uh we will go to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes I would like to have ordinance 20 24-26 and ordinance 20 24-27 uh removed from the consent agenda please all right all right they'll be removed they get discussed and voted on separately anybody have anything else nope all right uh resolution 2024 d143 authorizing the purchase of computers and related equipment and software from Dell Technologies and CDW under State and other Cooperative contracts resolution 2024-25 Award of bid and contract for asphalt walkways and parking rot parking lot repairs at Township parks resolution 202 24-14 Award of bid and contract for Babe Ruth Park basketball court repairs and recoding resolution 202 24-14 donation of out ofservice police equipment resolution 202 24-14 7 2024 budget appropriation transfers payment of bills current fund 1, 15227 6385 payroll $255,600 the puppy fund or the dog fund as it's officially called $800 unemployment fund $556 120 escrow trust $3,129 Housing Trust $9,250 approval of minutes from August 5th August 19th and September 23rd 2024 approval of business license 202 24- 49 can I have a motion please for approval of the consent agenda so moved second motion by Miss Seuss second by Mr Templeton can I have a roll call please Janice M yes Mr yes Miss Seuss yes Mr temp yes Mr yes I have a question Harry the basketball courts when are they going to be finished as far as the gate and the enclosure for the portapotty we'll have uh I'll get Steve Lennon work with our contractors to do that separately okay so that wasn't in the bid for the courts no because it was in the bid with courts would have I got you okay so we'll have that done specifically for example talk to the contractor did the fencing work at Hawke Island understood to do that fencing work and we'll get somebody to do the other items is individual projects okay we had to finish this first yeah I just I thought it was in that contract because he had talked about what he was going to do no the paving contractor so I thought it was in that yeah that was okay never would have made it and frankly we the the everything else being done is done on our dime the funds for the grant are paid for what's been done yeah there are no funds left so all the rest of it is done as our M fund you authorized additional funds in in the capital budget to finish project for anything that wasn't covered by the grant got it thanks that's next okay and we have approval of minutes from September 9th 2024 can I have a motion so moved second motion By Carolyn second by Kate uh roll call please M Patrick yes Mr alette yes M Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes was there a reason that one was done separately yeah I I believe someone was absent from that that meeting so it should have been exension doesn't change anybody know who wasn't here who was let me see September 9th I I think Miss Seuss was absent abstain all right motion still passes okay sorry all righty um going back back to the items that were uh pulled from the consent agenda ordinance 2024-25 authorizing acquisition of property at 401 Creek Road Block 2100 lot 11 within the township of Delano first reading by title only and set public hearing date for December 16th 2024 discussion uh yes on both these ordinances uh and looking at spending $3.5 million uh I'm not prepared to uh approve this uh the topic of purchasing the land at 401 Creek Road came up about 40 days ago uh here at a public meeting and uh we as the township committee looked into it have subcommittee that uh did some research but in getting information uh as far as the financing uh I got a little piece of it at the tail end of last week and then this evening in executive I got some more information but for me to want to move forward and spend $3.5 million of your tax dollars uh I need to do more homework and uh government normally works a little slow this is moving at lightning speed and I'm not prepared to to uh approve this uh and uh just as I like the idea of the PO park or the uh Vine Street park or Centennial Park of spending the uh money for that Park uh getting Grant dollars to do that that's one thing but here you know another 200,000 here 3.5 here we just approved or the voters approved 3.5 million for uh improvements to the school that's got to have an impact across every household in our town and for me I may be a slow processor but my pockets aren't that deep so uh this is where I sit with uh the both these ordinances uh I still have a lot more homework to do on it and that's why I asked them to be pulled so I could explain sure how I feel that right anyone else have any other comments um well I I would comment in that um we decided to purchase this property because it uh the property is located between our Field of Dreams and the Newton's Landing um development and um what was proposed for that property was not uh a use that the residents in that area cared to have and so we did some research regarding the value of the property and the property is actually valued over $4 million and so we made an offer of 3.5 they uh Criterion accept it accepted it and we're prepared to move forward with that purchase to save that land so that we can utilize it for the township or something different in the future even if we rezone it for residential so that there wouldn't be any Trucking or any um Warehouse or any kind of business activity there we may utilize part of it for our public works but it is something that we can't sit on because Criterion was approved for their use they they did receive their approvals and the residents um raised a lot of concern and that's why we're moving forward we do listen to you and there are uh a number of ways for financing this so that it's not going to um be such a tax burden to the residents but in the long run when we saw how the residents felt it made sense for us to do what was best for the bettermen of this town and I agree with that and I will agree to vote for this ordinance uh for first reading only and for the public hearing to be on December the 16th and for clarification nothing is getting approved this evening except the first reading and the public hearing on December 16th the authorization to even move forward correct yeah I we're elected to this office to uh be a voice for the taxpayers and we heard the taxpayers from Newton's Landing I've talked to other taxpayers in this town and I told them you know we're going to purchase the 11 acres so that a truck repair facility is not there and all those trees are not taken down next to a park next to our Creek along a trail and to preserve the quality of life and everyone is excited about it I understand it's a big purchase but but we're big people and we need to do what's right for this town and we need to do what's right in the long run you have a piece of industrial property that should have been bought out years ago that's next to a park and next to a home and backs up to a residential senior citizen development should not be an industrial piece of property there and I think we have an obligation to these homeowners to preserve that land and their quality of life right [Applause] okay anybody Mike you have anything um repeating some of the things or I won't repeat some of the things Mr allette said uh uh said some 40 days ago came on the horizon and uh our last joint meeting of the committee this was something that was going to have a much longer timeline uh there was a subcommittee of Miss Seuss and Miss Patrick due to uh open public meetings restrictions uh limitations of their conversations with the current land owner and that discussion U was stayed within those two and some of the financial uh price of 3.5 million and the uh some of the financing or mechanisms uh we only learned about Mr let and I only learned learned about an hour before we walked in the room this evening um I tend to get into details I tend to be look a little have a forward-looking approach to things and I'd like to know what I'm voting for uh granted it's a ke Keystone piece of property uh but let's uh do our due diligence and financially not uh put the Township in a Hole uh initial look at is a tax increase just for this acquisition alone for the Newton's Landing properties is something on the order of $ 160 $180 to $200 just for that just a tax increase for that acquisition there's some other financing and different um budgetary methods U but that was got nothing on paper to explain that to me so there was paper provided to you there was a no there wasn't there was a schedule there was a schedule was a schedule of what it's going to cost these people yeah but no me no no information came to Mr leton I on different financing mechanisms or how we're going to pay for this um we didn't have that either I had verbal conversations with our for I'm sorry just for clarification the three of us not just Mr olet and I yeah this is um this is well let's let's vote on it I mean let's let's move but you have to realize that this this ordinance is um to be for title only the public hearing is December 16th so by all means the public needs to come out so that you know what we plan to do and believe me um we this Township is in a very good financial position we are we do not go out and do things that would cause harm to the residents taxwise there are other means of paying for some of this but I can tell you that this is a wise decision for Delano Township and even if we have to sell a portion of it down the road or something we can at least rezone it so that it would not be an industrial piece of property uh rezone it for residential or something so it is it is to me it's my responsibility to purchase this property to protect to protect our land I mean and not only that but do we want to tear more trees down do we I mean no I think we need those BMS we need that Evergreen there I I and I think that this is for the betterment of our town and the betterment of our residents I truly believe that or I would not I've been on this Township committee for 22 years and I can tell you I do not make decisions that I don't feel are for the betterment of this town and most of you know me and you know how I vote and I vote Yes for this because it is good it's a good thing for us to do I just want to point out that I have a financial background I own a business and I'm also a real estate agent I like to spend money but I don't spend money stupidly and I took the time and hours and hours of my life the past six weeks speaking with Mr Schwab speaking with our attorney speaking with our CFO going over the different Financial aspects on how the the implications can be less to the taxpayers can we take money out of surplus should we do short-term financing for nine years should we do long-term financing yes I cannot share that with Mike due to or anyone else except Kate due to the the open public meetings records act but any one of you could have went to the CFO or to the administrator and gotten that information once you knew last week that we were moving forward or even before that um had those conversations because that's what I did I went on my own time and spent hours talking to them about that and did research about how this whole process is done so just want to point that out and as I said an executive I hate spending money just in general I don't want a tax increase at the same time when I saw these numbers it means a couple less Starbucks a week it's like a dollar a day it it yeah less than that and to preserve something that should have been as Kate said preserved long ago but again we're not approving it tonight we're just setting the public hearing date for next month um so with that I'm going to ask for a motion uh to authorize acquisition of the property at 401 Creek Road Block 2100 lot 11 within the township of Delano for the first reading by title only and set the public hearing date for December 16th 2024 I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 202 24-26 second motion By Carolyn second by Kate uh roll call please Janice and that's 7 PM 7 P.M yes thank you thank you okay Mrs Patrick yes Mr alette no this process is moving too quickly Miss yes Mr Templeton obain for the reason stated Mr Bart yes all right uh ordinance 2024-25 adopting First Amendment to quote industrial Rehabilitation areas Redevelopment plan unquote specific to block 2000 lot 13.04 500 Creek Road first reading by title only and set public hearing date for December 16th 2024 at 7 p.m. the second motion By Carolyn second by Kate any discussion on the motion right uh roll call please JN Mrs pck yes Mr alot no because this ordinance is tied to uh the acquisition of 401 Creek Road and uh they're tied together so no Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton abstain for the reasons previously stated and this uh extends Redevelopment uh uh Provisions into other properties uh that were previously granted by the uh bing board State Mr Bartlett yes and ordinance 202 24-27 will be referred to the U PL joint land use board planning board as required by law all right thank you Janice uh correspondents yes the first piece of Correspondence is uh a letter from the New Jersey Department of Transportation just uh they have their uh annual uh do local Freight impact fund Grant we normally do not apply for that it has to do more with the larger roads and you know uh Trucking and so we we don't have that issue at this time but the second second letter of Correspondence um previously mentioned from the New Jersey Department of Transportation that New Jersey has been selected to re receive funding uh for the 2025 Municipal aid program Blanco Township roadway Improvement project for Newton's Landing Boulevard and Edgewood Avenue in the amount of $233,400 all right and that is the correspondence that I have thank you thank you Janice all right uh meeting is open to the public for comments and questions this is session number two as is as in before if you have any comments or questions please come up approach the podium and give your name and address into the microphone for the record Mr Weber Rond Weber 22 ships question for the township sir why is the Field of Dreams sprinkler system running 11:00 this morning when I rode by those sprinkers were going like crazy it's it's well water and there's a treatment for grubs that had to be watered down today so but it is well water it is well water yeah I thought well water wasn't allowed either in state sure it is yeah to be to be used because of the water table going down well we had to water it today because of the grub treatment yeah they had a special treatment out there but they're being blown and closed so um in reference to 202 24-26 and 2024 d27 I was wondering if I could get a copy of them I think my email you PDF or whatever yeah I think they're posted on the website also aren't they under ordinances under uh yeah after since they've been introduced they will be on the website but there you go you can have mine if you want I just came M okay okay thank you do you still want them electronically would you please yeah sure because our homeowners are very interested in that those ordinances sure especially 26 um now with that 26 I know I was here at the when the company made their presentation along with a number of other homeowners with the trees and stuff you're going to have tractor trailers parked right next to the ball field what's that going to look like for the kids that's the other thing too I worry about the kids you got a tractor shower sitting there that doesn't look right the trees we've got wild turkeys red foxes all kinds of other small animals Hawks deer you name it running through those woods and some of those trees are 3ot in diameter you don't want to lose them because we are here to protect our environment not to just become a concrete jungle and that's what this country is coming into to be a concrete jungle Delano's got to look at trying to eliminate some of that you've got a property right across the street from Newton's Landing Boulevard on Creek there there's not too many properties left in this Township that are where we have Woods or whatever we've got to try to save some of those properties there's other grants out there from the state from the federal government I've been out looking online go out and look it might not 100% apply to it but we can get it that's the type of thing you got to do you got to go out looking for money that's what Newton's landing's doing we're going out looking for money so we can help keep our cost down as well as having the res do some of the work so I'm asking that the committee and the solicitor and and the administrator and so forth go out and look to see if you can find some of this monies because the state's got money out there you just got to go out looking for it they're not going to hand it to you you got to go look it that's all I have to say thank you thank you R thank you R good luck thank you yeah hi I'm Melinda Robinson 37 Pennington Court I just want to my property of bucks right at the you know the block and lot in question I invite any one of you to come walk my property and see what our concerns are it will affect my house greatly you know so I just would appreciate if you would physically take a tour of my property I've been back there twice already so well then you see my house and you can understand my concerns I've been there as well yep 18 Pennington Court Mr olette Mr Templeton I've kind of recommended to the board and to the land use that they go over to the property behind the 7-Eleven across the street from OOTS that is owned by Criterion the same people that are trying to push through here I was at that hearing so I heard St and when I said something about how messy it was the planner got up and told me how wrong I was that they're cleaning it up please go over and look at it it is ay show okay it is a mess true uh I brought up at the last planning youth meeting and I don't know the G name who does the recommend you know the legal stuff and that I had talked to someone in Delan where I lived for 34 years and got real defensive because she's on both boards and criterion's already in over there so um I think it's kind of obvious that uh they know exactly how to approach Tano and um you got to wonder I mean you just got to wonder but you need to go over there and take a look at it if that's what you really wanted to Lano over there you don't you missed the point we're looking for a process to understand the financing Mr uh I'll let myself and the mayor because of open public meeting act requirements we did not have any of that information I'm not going to spend three and a half million dollars and obligate everyone here to some unknown tax burden I would understand that that's why I'm up here okay all right well and I too am paying a fair amount of taxes for for a a lower cost home here in Delano and I'm not complaining about it for the services that I get okay and and to the comment that was made this never should have happened is absolutely 100% that that property all on the creek should have been kept green right years ago and and and and I went to the shade tree Commission meeting too and you've got to hear about the certain trees and you got to have 10 ft back from the drain and you can't let the leaves go in there and yet you're talking about a pollution Heyday going in there so get Troy Singleton's Putt in here get anybody from the county in here and from the state in here we pay for Green Space on our taxes all the time don't we get that money in here get help get relief that's and exactly as Ray said find the money it's out there it's just the squeaky wheel gets the greas well and different land acquisition funding Cycles from different entities come around at different times Green Acres basically the SP got turned off a couple years ago the county SP for space acquisition got turned off a couple years ago Green Acres just opened up again applications have to be filed by I think February 25th 2025 so that comes and goes as far as funding uh we've done some some Acquisitions out of pocket and had some properties fall into our lap from dormant Estates and so forth so we we get what we can one we C and also it just seems as though that um the land use just kind of like allowed Criterion everything they wanted they basically waved and allowed them to give it and and even as the original original application says from 7 in the morning and 7: night but it's going to be a 247 repair facility so I heard what you heard and and and I'm looking into Criterion up in Estoria New York and you go on their site and you see what they have um I'm doing my homework that's all I have to say thank you thank you Mr bu anybody else this will be the last call for this meeting me change the subject 44 penting Court I received an email today from the township about Street trees that have been removed because of some blight um and they wanted to know whether we want the trees put back anybody aware of this email that came out no no who did it come from ja that was from the association we have a member of the association working with the shade tree commission to see if people wanted those trees replaced when the shade tree commission would apply for a possible Grant so the question was sent to those residents where the trees were moved the township Council about that that was your that thank you for the clarification that explains a lot um but again we Now understand that those trees between the sidewalks and curbs will be our responsibility even though they are still in the right way of the of of the street correct no no no the sidewalk sidewalks yours but not the tree Tre responsibility sidewalk if a tree got replanted that was the question that was asked with the understanding that if that tree that is planed ra is the sidewalk you were responsible for because that's an ordinance that was passed before what she said yes yes fine um then thank you sir thank you anybody else sir come on up no no you could go sir and then I we go after you're good hi hi my name is Tim kishler 12 haris court and Newton's Landing um this is the first meeting that I I've attended the entire meeting I was here at the meeting a couple of times ago where the people didn't failed to show up and most of the residents left and then I couldn't attend the last one where it seemed like things just turned you know just completely 180 oh the land use board meting the land use board meeting yeah land use different board so I'm not really sure what when you talk about what usually I tell these things to Ray and Ray will tell you everything Ray Ray comes here but well welcome but I'm going to start coming uh first I just want to say I'm here in support of my neighbors that live on Pennington Court I'm over on Harris and it's not affecting me personally but I don't want to wait until it does um you know as people have mentioned you know different Alternatives and and different reasons I just want to reiterate what someone said about the trucks there right next to a park that's not really a good look and I don't think you want truck drivers there with 12 hours on their hands with with kids around and also in addition to losing the trees it's going to be a tremendous amount of noise and pollution and light probably extending way past you want light blaring in your back door and and I'm sure you know not only will it affect the people's appr you know um enjoy enjoyment of their homes but down the line's going to affect their their Pro you know the the uh the value of their homes it may be mine but I'm coming here now anyway thank you for that um the other thing um there's a there's a problem with people speeding into into Newton's landing and I I leave out at emry way and Newton's Landing there's a stop sign there I look left I look right I look left I look right and I start to go and somebody's coming right right at me for a while there was a speed limit sign telling people what their speed limit was but it didn't from what I understand it didn't record the speed so you didn't really know you don't have the Manpower with the police department to have somebody sit there I don't know if somebody proposed having a stop sign another stop sign put at Newton's Landing in Emory but that would be a great thing but short of that maybe you could just move that 25 M hour sign this J moves song Right a little a little closer you know so that it's not stuck there half right to where you know to where I'm waiting and maybe they'd see it sooner and you know we can't control the speed of the you know the the people that are taking driving lessons and the the guy pizza and everything like that but you know if at least if they see it sooner for people who would be inclined to you know to obey it uh it might be a good idea so thank you for your time thank you sir make sure we address more patrols too though and and I think I could probably I'm not going to speak for the chief but I could probably speak for the chief the the moment you have an officer out there they're not going to speed they're going to slow down so it's it's really about Behavior correction I think but if I can be honest when we were doing Zero Tolerance majority of the violators were residents of Newton's Landing so when when I tell the officers to go out and enforce expect neighbors and to be getting tickets as well uh not that we want to do that but to address an issue but to address an issue we have to do it that way all right thank you sir Chief maybe we that speed liit sign you look into that speed limit sign to see if it's the right location or you we move it around as requested was he talking about I thought you were talking about the the fixed speed limit sign that's there that oh he's talking about the sign sign move too permanent the regular you had a temporary there yeah the sign with the throw another one up there right we'll take a look at that put them every 10 feet speed bumps next yeah speed bumps next all right thank you um unless anyone has anything else Al you were coming up before weren't you 605 Second Street I appreciate everything Mr Temp and Mr doing over taking your time and seeing what we can do as far as funds for 401 Creek Road problem with it is the acquisition is not going to wait for us it can move forward and we can lose out on that so my understanding is we want to save trees in the town you going to lose 700 trees if you lose this acquisition the home owners newon Landing are here and they speaking on behalf of other homeowners from newon Landing they would really like this acquisition to go through for Delano as Recreation remember we try to do everything we can to keep everybody happy and you guys were elected to do the same you men and women were elected to do the same thing for us this is an acquisition that really really should go through it's not just for us it's for wildlife it's for trees it's for so much other things that are so much more needed within a town past Township Comm many miners have dropped the ball as you can see we have these concrete structures out here they're still out there nobody's in them took up corn fields took up trees took up more roads we had to put in more pollution is going to be coming through nobody cared about that then but now we're worried about one acquisition that's going to save 700 trees and stop a truck yard from going in there and dumping oil and everything else on the black top gravel whatever they plan on putting down there so I appreciate you want to take your time I only ask if you can move fast this acquisition if we lose this acquisition it's going to be detrimental to the town not to mention the voters of the Town take that in consideration when you guys are up for reelection that's all I have to say thank you thank you Al okay anyone else going once twice all right we will close this portion of the meeting to the public you have something for I'd like to make a comment or a follow-up comment uh as far as uh when I found out that we were moving on this I did go out to the site went out twice uh once a day and then last week uh and I did go over to Newton's Landing I went down the pathway off of Pennington I didn't go by behind your homes uh I didn't think that was proper of me to go uh I guess trespass trespassing U and then from the other side of the property and then I came back here to the township building and I looked at the plans that joint Lane use board had approved for that site uh and the buffer zones and the wetlands uh the 700 trees Al this is the first I'm hearing of 700 trees okay uh I don't attend the joint Lane news boards meeting so maybe I'm at fault for not doing that U but again these pieces of information that are shared here from the public help but again the finance part I just need to get answers and to totally understand the full picture not only of the 3.5 there the 200 for the other part the school you know how's that all bundled together what what's the impact and uh so I will do my due diligence and uh thank you thank you f and just to the comment about going out back there and looking at the property I've only been out back there once and uh that was during the Easter egg hunt when we were doing the search for the missing child and even while running back there I was um surprised to see just how close that is you could look at a map we look at aerial photos look at plans all day long and could try to get it some idea of what it is to scale but when you're actually out there and see exactly what this is and how close these facilities are to the actual backyards I I was literally I think it was behind your house when I was running past you there looking for the kid and you're right on top of there there there's hardly any backyard until you get right behind that building and that property so um I I definitely understand where you're coming from with that I just want to share something you can laugh at me if you want never um my husband and I visited the property right after the joint land news Ford meeting and we pulled in and we were looking at the warehouse and we looked we were going to turn around and we uh saw two deer literally at the trees where the pavement was and I looked at them and I said I'm going to try to save your home and and there we're not going to laugh at you for that we've seen the movie Bambi um it's important Wildlife is important and there are a lot of deer out there you know the the night when we were coming back from uh Sergeant Hoffman's retirement party from the Marin I was driving on uh Creek Road there passing right past 401 Creek Road and there was a deer standing right in the middle of Creek Road and you've heard the saying a deer in the headlights just standing there didn't care to move didn't care that I was there I stopped I waited a good 10 seconds and eventually ad meandered back into the property so there's definitely a lot of wildlife there and you know someone who lives up against the woods and sees deer Fox raccoon every Eagle everything under the sun I definitely want to preserve as much as that as I can um but there'll be more than that on December 16th at the public hearing uh discussion items 2024 cdbg Grant project and application who's heading up that discussion J I'll I'll Preamble it all right the next round for the community B block grant uh applications is due December 15th according to the timeline that's a Sunday so it's either going to be before that or a little bit after that so if the committee wishes to continue with the architectural barrier removals I.E handicap ramps I think we there's still some more that needs to be done um we would have to have a public hearing and a resolution on your December 2nd meeting and then you would be um authorizing the TP engineer Mr Fox to move ahead with that application and with that I'll turn it over to Mr Fox so he can comment on what's left and because of the um what Delano qualifies for as far as we don't have any census track areas that qualify uh for Community Development so we have to do um projects um under HUD regulations um that would qualify and one of those is the architectural barrier removals uh handicap ramps um where you don't need a qualifying census tract so I'll turn it over to Mr Fox so he can talk more about what's left with um for our handicap rep uh ramp replacement program do we have like 70 left or something total with the ones we have to redo yeah last last year we the microphone Grant um for for 75,000 and there were at we applied for 37 ramps right um we couldn't do 37 we we can basically do 15 um with that money so we already have the ramps delineated which ones which Corners don't have any ramps at all and which Corners are are unsafe with ramps um we also have a numerous amount of ramps that in town that don't meet the Ada standards there are ramps there and they're usable but they don't technically meet the standards um so so what I recommended us to continue on with the the plan that we had with the the original 37 we do doing 15 of them in the spring and then we can do another 15 of those ramps under this grant uh and we'll sit down with the public works subcommittee um and and show exactly what ramps we talking about and at we can we can uh have the resolution ready for the December second meeting it's nice when we do the the paving the the ramps get done then under the paving contract but when PSG does the roads they don't have to do the ramps right that's correct when PSG paves they don't have to do the ramps when we when we pave a road we have to do do the ramps now that's that's some some of the planning we need to do with the roads that we're going to be doing because we would like to do the ramps when we do the road um as opposed to replacing a ramp then we come in we have to regrade the road and the ramp doesn't work right um so so we'll look at that and uh come up with a list of of ramps that we would recommend uh to be to be replaced so maybe meeting the first week in December does that make sense yeah we well we have a meeting coming up this this week I believe um yeah do you want to do it this week we can do it this week yeah yeah I'd like to get it sooner than later Thursday is good um so we I I I'll be prepared to to go over what ramps are still out there that we need to do and then we can decide then we might have to make it earlier a little earlier because I think we only have an hour carved out and then we have a 3:00 so we'll try and move it out whatever whatever I'm available y right that everything on that one Harry that's everything on that uh yes yeah uh it's it's it's the same grant that we've been getting you know past year so we've been very good with that program very successful so anyone have anything everyone's good all right so so so then we will plan for the agenda for December 2nd to have the public hearing which has to be published and uh the resolution authorizing the Grant application y yep thank you thank you uh right next item 2025 Township committee reorganization and annual meeting schedule and in everybody's packet there's the schedule that uh Janice had included yeah I thought you did a nice job on the dates I already put them in my calendar yeah I'm good with the date for reorg and then um what's it January 6 and 27 27 yeah yeah I think everything's cool yeah and then the the next meeting it'll be back on and um we can finish uh you know talk about it more uh work in the work the budget workshop dates um and keep that moving forward and the reorganization meeting I believe has been um discussed and will be on on Thursday is it January 2nd January 2nd 7 p.m. yes so I will let the um all the boarding uh secretaries know that date so they can plan their first meetings uh for the year accordingly sounds good okay thank you can't believe it's 2025 and less than about a month month and a half and come soon enough yep all right 2024 best practices inventory review and discussion Richard okay uh as I explained many times and as I went through in detail uh with what I sent you the state has set up this pro pro process where they believe that uh they know the best things to do and they then challenge municipalities to whether or not they're doing it their way in many cases it's simply here's what the law is are we meeting the law and in some cases it's what they consider best practice which may or may not be what somebody else might consider best practice but because they've attached it to the state annual state aid if you don't get enough points you don't get all your state aid we've been fortunate we've not had a problem with that I don't believe have a problem with it here uh Janice and and uh Bev and and uh Julia the new CFO and Kate and I met we went through this whole thing you have all the details on it so the requirement is that this be sent by us staff people but presented to you so you have the public information so it's on your agenda and uh you can ask questions on it what I pointed out is there are 52 scored questions worth 46 and a half points we scored 41 points with only seven no answers uh we only we needed 35 points to qualify for no reduction state aid so our 41 is is plenty with that and uh the uh things on here that have that we answered no to One deals with whether we should establish storm recovery Reserve we haven't felt the need for it but our CFO feels there no reason not to set it up but doesn't mean we have to put tons of money in so that's something we may discuss during this budget we have a similar kind of thing with accumulated absences for example example the budget only puts $100 in it but if we feel we need more we have that mechanism so the idea is just to have the mechanism so that say one year we budget 10,000 for snow removal and we have no snow instead of having that go back into the general Surplus do we want to put a piece of that in there so let's say the next year we budget 10,000 we need 20,000 so instead of need need to transfer from other areas or do an emergency resolution you have that to come from the biggest negative is once you put it in there you can't take it out so that's money that could accumulate we have a couple trust funds unemployment thank goodness we haven't needed to use it a lot but it's got a lot of money and we can't use it for anything else there money we have to keep putting in and we we can't use it so you know you have to decide on flexibility versus backup stuff so that's something to discuss um we talk about public they talk about public electric vehicle charging stations every year they say have you put any in there and that's not something that this community represented by you said hey we really need this charging station we hav heard there's a demand for it to uh you know have that as a public session the new developers have to put in the electric Ford at all their various things but are we going to put one here at the municipal building or public works or or downtown or something like that so that's a just because they ask that for a point doesn't mean you should spend $100,000 or something's not needed in order to get a point for this item uh they want to know whether we've submitted our shared service contracts we have not they're very few and we do it informally so to spend the time the legal money to create agreements for things that we've been doing with a handshake for all these years in order to get a point we've not taking our time and money to do that excuse me Richard yeah does the street sweeper fall under that category well that's the only one that does so because we now from now on we're doing that so yes we would send that problem is if I send that they'll say we are all the other ones but that's another okay well then that's not shared until they pay us exactly that's why I put it in there I did say that at the end once Beverly City complies the agreement we have on record then we can send it in exactly uh we have to uh submit our labor agreements uh but they also require that there's a summary uh cost form which is very difficult for to fill out they won't accept without the other Julia is going to a seminar on it this has brought it up Statewide this is an issue for many municipalities the state is asking us to report information to them that requires tremendous amount of effort to do and provides no good information so they the state likes to get this stuff so that they can do a Statewide summary of something so we have to put it in their format so there's a there's a group of Finance officers are working on that and Julia is going to go to that session and maybe she'll be able to put that together she has the same issue with the other towns she's a CFO for um they also uh there's pay-to-play rules uh Steve and and Doug will have to get us an ordinance to fix our code which needed to be amended last year because the state changed the rules and we didn't do our ordinance change the rules dealing with pay to- play has no impact on us but it's it's probably a couple paragraphs in our code that need to be deleted or amended in order to be able to say yes for that so we're going to do that last year we didn't so we should do it in 25 so work on that um the other things deal with uh application background checks we have to change our applications so we're not so we're making sure that uh nobody applying uh is disqualified for public employment due to criminal convictions uh we have now changed our posting to to a monthly basis instead of less than that with our previous CFO uh the lead inspection payments uh we did do all the paperwork on it it's just in 2024 we didn't have any to pass on to the state state wants its money and we get it to in 25 but we didn't have it in 24 uh we had to check that our vendors were not disqualified and so we're not doing that we're checking that and uh one of the interesting things we have Redevelopment resolutions we'll have to check as to whether not the ones that have been adopted have been filed with the state there's a process my guess is we probably have but we weren't able to say yes because that was before I was born so and any of the new stuff we're doing now we make sure that that uh our solicitor on planer make sure they get it up for them for them to have and just put on a shelf somewhere do nothing with and then the state asks all sorts of questions about things that they don't give points scoring for they want to know what's going on they take advantage of the fact we don't give them this information it's as if we didn't file if we don't file we don't get any we get state aid reduced so they want to know all about our affordable housing broadband internet service state mated lead inspection program shared services special Improvement districts which we don't have and transparency and most of them we say no we don't have no we don't have but the other stuff that we have we give them the information so this is the report to you we have to comply so we get credit for replying and if anyone's got a question let me know I ready I read through it uh when to to take a nap the other day it helped me go to sleep but it was uh it was interesting my fun job of the a all right anyone have any questions for Richard on that no no just thank you Richard yeah you're welcome every year been coming here I've been even before I was on committee I heard you read all them and uh I think even before you were here when Steve was uh the administrator still he read them I think that was one of the first committee meetings I came to and I'm like oh my god do they do this at every meeting no thankfully no once a year thank you for going through that sending us that nice summary with the packet and last but not least the proposed storm water ordinances yeah if I can uh and Mike and I can talk about this a little bit sure um as Harry pointed out the uh State uh in order to give us a permit to allow us to empty rainwater that falls on our our streets and empty them into the rivers and streams that are under the authority of the state and we didn't produce the water we didn't produce the streams but we have pipes going there uh we have to have a permit for that and as a condition of the permit they can make us do almost anything and over the years they've added a number of things Harry reported on the technical engineering but we've done over the years a number of ordinances everything from wildlife feeding and and litter cleanup things they don't want in those r rivers and streams that's the whole point and so one of the things that don't want the rivers and streams is salt road salt uh we have enough rules dealing with we do with public works but they're saying well what about businesses or even residences that have a pile of salt sitting there that they use to deice and when it rains on that pile that chemical ends up in the rivers so I mean we cover it so on we have our rules but what about you know Dolan's place or anybody else so they were required to adopt an ordinance uh that controls how that's done and allows us to issue citations for people who don't store their deicing materials properly they gave us a um sample model which I dare anyone to have read it and understood it at all so you know working with uh Ed and and Janice so we looked at and we kind of rewrote it so I think that it's uh something that's reasonable and we came up with a plan to have it enforcable through our uh business license process chance is added to the annual application do you have this if you don't have piles of salt anywhere then we don't have to worry about let's say there's a couple three that those are the ones we'll go look at so the goal is is to do that and uh I think we made it a little cleaner and clearer so that uh you know we can make this work so that's one issue if you're interested in pursuing that you could authorize the introduction of that at this meeting we have public hearing at the next meeting uh or you can discuss that further and or you can say we're going to wait till next year uh this what the state does they have people who spend their day looking at Municipal websites and clicking on ordinances and they're looking to see who has adopted and who is not and what it says and then we get an email saying we didn't see it on your thing so at some point I got to get back to them and say we've done things it's possible maybe if we do this they'll leave us alone a little bit because the second ordinance is the one that Mike talked about and our recommendation is is that hopefully the state legislature will pass the law that'll make it so we don't have to do something that is kind of beyond what municipalities ought to be doing and uh the third one is the storm waterer management plan they made us four years ago adopt a whole 253 pager well they made a few changes so they want us to reopt it but on top of that or better they finally came up with a miniature version of it because most of the stuff we adopt is already in state regulations so instead they say you can reopt it and just reference the state regulations so as they change which they have in the last four years it's updated automatic so we don't have to redo that we have two other things that we have to do is that we reference that if somebody a developer comes in there and says I don't want to have to comply with this stuff but instead I'm going to do something else for you that's equal in cost such as you know uh fix uh some of our drainage issues uh and we did a report a number of years ago and that's inserted in our code all those things well they might not be what we want to have anymore so they so if you adopt it as is you're still stuck with those as Alternatives it's number one and number two this our storm Water Co ordinance is in our subdivision code so somebody makes a site plan application a major site plan application it doesn't appear to be but they have to comply so it doesn't belong in that spot so I mean that's the easy part we can figure out where else you go so we need to take a little bit more time to get that thing done uh and uh so we'll do that so those are the three things the salt one the dicing one's ready to go if you're ready to go with it the tree one I would just kind of ignore it and the other one will work with the engineer and the solicitor to try to finish that so the ice one we need to do to do that we can just do it you can authoriz the introduction of the deing one that I sent you well we 16th right we can't do it for the right for the second no got to be the 16th well only it would be nice to have it on the 16th give the other two numerically or okay you all right I was trying to avoid doing that but okay you didn't you didn't want that because it's all the same time but no let's just get it done let's do it on the 16th I I think so the okay all right everybody up here good with that yeah I second it all right uh so motion By Carolyn second by Kate so that we are legal we have to have ordinance 2024 D28 an ordinance by the township committee amending the Delano code of ordinances to add chapter 249 storm order management a new article 8 to regulate storage of DIC materials on private property and pro and providing for severability and an effective date this is first reading by title only and set public hearing date for December 16 2024 7 p.m. now you can go what she said so we had a motion By Carolyn a second by Kate is that still good okay uh roll call please Mr Patrick yes Mr alette yes M Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes m Mr bartl yes thank you all right does anybody else have anything else for this evening is everybody out here happy with the sound now that we have these new microphones new uh sound walls you could hear us good out there I think we still need new speakers all right very good in that case I will ask for a motion to adjourn so move everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving yes have a Happy Thanksgiving motion by Fern second by myself all in favor have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody and don't fry turkeys in the house please