##VIDEO ID:PLbCWEATtyI## for e e for e e e e I spoke to Doug earlier about this and he said it's the Minimus issue and we could just update that in the final version and that's under section two commercial zoning districts um let's see C2 A5 that references perpendicularly or suspended attached signs 11017 B2 it references as a code reference in there it should be B1 what about the feather side the ordinance it had the draft ordinance that we prepared it says it needs to be it's not defined in the code frankly most of the signs aren't defined in the code as they are as a definition as a definition that's what they request yeah we have put in here let's see where did to go both under exemptions if I remember correctly five on page two any quote quote unquote feather flag type Banners are permitted but exempt from the other sign area limits as long as said quote unquote feather flag signs do not exceed one per business per Street Frontage that it is advertising so um so are you suggesting that we not take their recommendations and Chang the sign ordinance even though we got the signed ordinance from them originally I'm suggesting we take we update the one thing that does need correction the reference to one to two uh and adopted as submitted I mean somebody took a lot of time from The Joint land use board to give us these recommended changes right and burn and I SP a lot of time going through them and I know you I know I I I I understand that I just wonder if we shouldn't uh continue this hearing to incorporate those changes in our sign ordinance since someone from The Joint L use board took the time to even do a better job at submitting it I I I don't know I just I I just think that we should take their recommendations and change our ordinance to include them even though the ordinance we approved was language from them they took the time to reread it to make some changes and I appreciate the people on the board and when they make a recommendation like this I think we should take it into consideration and amend the ordinance to um to their recommendations they're recommending to go back to what we already had in the ordinance which you know it's saying that it's Provisions which the board and it's professional Consultants with problems that was their professional Consultants to begin with so I don't know that's my feeling on it I age I'm going to argue with it uh there seemed to be too many conflicts here and um too many I mean conflicts within as it's written right now um and don't think this is this is ready for prime time yet which conflicts well back in uh what you were referencing there that c let me back up here C2 five the bottom of the perpendicular or suspended attached signs uh bottom of the sign height shall be at least 7 ft above grade well B2 says it has to be 9 ft above grade so but it it's B1 though they're looking at the wrong section B1 it's referencing the size of the sign which is 10 Square ft right they're not reading it correctly no it's in section in paragraph two there that the height of it should be 9 ft above finished grade and that paragraph in section C5 says uh 7 feet above grade C5 it says seven at least 7 feet above grade and the top shall not exceed 9 ft above grade so it's 2T so so the bottom is seven and the top is nine right so a twoot twoot sign two foot sign is what it's saying that's the most you could have depending on what the square footage is it could be less than that too but just saying you can't exceed 9 ft and you can't go so can't be um less than seven foot but the other in B2 signs that projects over a driveway shall be at least 14 ft above finished grade and projects over a sidewalk shall be at least 9 ft above finished grade so that doesn't you know we're telling them in one say one part at seven the other's part it's nine um your perpendicular signs no it's hanging over projects over a sidewalk and on the feather signs yeah definition would help but I would also like to I think it uh I I think only think they should be displayed during business operating hours yeah I agree with that I thought we had discussed that it's kind of looks like a used car lot with all these signs out 247 that's a fair comment it would have been nice when we requested comments two months ago that that was given to us so we could incorporate it before it went to the Joint I why we discussed that prior to you guys taking it back I thought that was a recommendation that' be dur during business hours no not at all I do recall that I'm sorry if I didn't send it in again but I thought we took that into consideration we discussed it maybe it was informally so they'll have to go out every day and take their signs in yeah I don't think those signs should be out all the time if they're not because they they get they get weathered and they you know they get beat up and this way they'll be maintained I just you know what our code enforcement doesn't go out at night so how are we going to site them then well there's there's a thing that you know I think we don't expect Cod enforcement or police to you know write every ticket for someone you know rolling through a stop sign there's you know there are rules for a society to follow and that's what you do period um yeah I don't know if they I don't think I'm looking at this as to code enforcement I'm looking at to if a business has a sign out like let's just say Pi out coffee well you know there's some days they aren't even open so why should that sign be out I mean I think it's just a courtesy to the to the neighborhood I mean what if it wasn't a feather sign just a regular Monument sign it would be no different really oh I think there's a big difference in a feather sign to a monument sign there a feather sign just you know it's it's not as um is there a safety issue with the signage that is the problem no I just thought we discussed that and maybe that was something I did informally with um Carolyn or Matt I don't know but maybe I should going to put in in writing so you're just saying like aesthetically yeah it they just don't I mean look ride through some towns where they have them day and night they're all they're beat up they're there all the time and of course we have a couple that are starting to put them out and I think it's nice they can advertise their business but if their business isn't open why should they have it out there that to me is saying you know come here or I'm open I'm sorry not not when the business are are closed though I guess pardon I guess not when a business hours are closed I'm sorry not when the business is closed if it's exactly when they're open they should have the that feather flag not necessarily cuz someone can still drive by and see that there's a level of service being offered did they know tomorrow that's your opinion I'm expressing mine and I mean you don't have to act on it I'm just telling you I thought that that's what we were going to do business hours actually I remember telling um someone telling one of the businesses just put them out just make sure you take them in when you're closing business yeah a lot of these businesses have had the out for so that was that to me that to me was my understanding that we were going to include that but yeah the storage place Ro out there yeah I can't imagine they're going to go out at night and take them down that's up to you I just made a suggestion and I I I operating uh to my recollection those things just sit on the pole in the ground so the base and then it just either that or the they pull the whole base out it's just one I think it's just one piece if I remember correctly yeah I'm pretty sure it is yeah it looks like it's just one piece went out there and tested them the feather sign yeah yeah I think it's like a the steak in the ground and then you put it inside of that twist it lock lock it's you know it's not a difficult task no it's not to take it in at the end of the day or put it out in the morning so if we revise this does this need to go back to the Joint L use for another consistency review major changes if we adopt the changes they made or we don't adopt does it have to go back you have three options you can adopt as is tonight and then amend come back with another ordinance to incorporate to amend and incorporate the changes that you want to make just like you're doing with the Hulk Island resolution you adopted it now you have more things you want to add or change as a separate resolution to amend that you could let this what's uh like just die not adopt it and come back with a whole new ordinance incorporating those things that you already have and the new things that you want to add um you could amend this tonight these are substantive changes so you couldn't adopt tonight they would have to be republished and go back to the L use board that with the changes that you want to make tonight would have to would they be consistent um either way whatever option you choose they have to go back to the board because you're adding new subsid of language that they have to look at it from a master plan this was deemed consistent with the master plan with recommendations but anything any changes you would make that are substantive not just clarification or you know a typo change or things like that does have to go back to the board for an additional cons master plan consistency review so that's where you're at so other than the um the feather sign uh the temporary signs of the uh went from the 10 foot setbacks to a a 7 foot uh setback from the edge of the payment uh and the breaking down the the residential versus commercial as they recommended now going back to just a bunch of people for existing non performing if you do that change it from seven to 10 well that's just temporary real estate okay so then that's the only thing that's seven to 10 is temporary real estate size no we we changed a lot of stuff to seven well that's what I'm saying are you going to put people in nonconforming status that point they only called it out on the temporary signs we have the 7 foot at a in a bunch of different sections in here we try to do that to be consistent throughout so a real estate sign is let's just say a real estate sign is 10 foot and the the mechanic artisian foot would be 7 foot so there's one consistent standard of it's if it's a sign it's s foot back that's exactly what we tried to do which put it 7 ft from the street or the or the curve from the curb versus 10 ft from the curb uh I think seven fine it's because their reasoning is um it's safer to use the 10 foot setback to ensure the signs are out of the RightWay but some cases it still wouldn't be even at 10t because some rideways on some roads are 60t wide but they're only open let's it's called 40t wide depending on what street we're on or even narrower again these are temporary signs that have right uh I guess life expect expectancies of yeah I mean if you're find a real estate sign 10 ft it's like halfway in the LA some people's houses you're not going see sense no doesn't 7t at least it's pretty close to the sidewalk that's four feet curve Line's what 2 feet so a foot off the sidewalk and the um they don't understand why we're splitting the residential versus commercial besides the fact that it was in their recommendation it the commercial ones allow for a larger sign size those were somewhere in here uh the residential I think was just a regular by three where is it uh residential is 5 square foot commercial industrial 16 fot so a 4x4 versus a 18in x 24 kind of like the one out here in front of the 780 I think that clarifies you know uh our position on the difference between residential and commercial just you know leave it the way we have it so leave it the way we so leave it the way we submitted it without their recommendation it definitely you know there's because if you bundle everything together the residential and the commercial then the confusion of you know who's permitted to have what size sign on their property you so I'm in the residents I could put a 16 square foot sign on the on my property I think there's confusion there right and this here clearly lays it out that uh our residential signs are smaller than our commercial so can we adopt and then amend taking in more detail with you and fern to go back and look at their recommendations and maybe tweak a couple things think the same end result is going to be um as far as republishing going back to them no matter what we do um so it's say do like we're doing with the Hulk all adopted then just amend it but I as needed I'm seeing the amendment really just for to find what the feather feather signs right uh during business that's the only that's that's the only thing that I I thought of but it's I'm just one person on this board so it's it's up to you whether you want to consider that but I thought that was something we were considering it was informally I'm fine with that yeah I it it brings the attention to to the feather sign as far as it's light you know it's falling apart someone's going to be uh less prone to go ahead and put it out where right it's still in good shape yeah and if it like falls in the middle of the night nobody's there to pick it up so does anyone hear it business hours well let's uh let me to open the meeting to the public at uh the Public's feedback I'll open this hearing to the public for ordinance 202 24-20 if you have any questions or comments on this ordinance please approach the podium give your name and address for the record or not we'll close this uh hearing of 202 4-20 to the public uh uh Mrs L yes so with that one change uh having it having the feather signs during business hours we still need to go through that whole other the process well you they're asking for a definition of feather signs okay so we need a definition sign and then to regulate the feather signs that would go back to the to the planning board okay Little Feather on there Square sign apparently we need to Define everything you know I don't think you need to Define I don't think you need to a but um kind of common sense but that's just me yeah I'd like to see the whole thing get tabled and go back to the planning board and get the conflicts and definitions and the distances all in alignment uh and have a clean copy to work with rather than I'd like to see them align within themselves before they come to us because you know they gave that to us in 2021 and now they don't like what they gave us yeah it's just frankly they wasted our time on that because Fern and I think we had three meetings we drove to the town we spent plenty of time here going through it I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 20 second okay I'm sorry that was what was the motion Mrs to approve the ordinance to adopt it yes as is okay second by Mrs Patrick yes okay would that be with the correction I read previously with the number change letter change correct the letter change is is just a um that's just an editorial editorial that's fine that that's not that's not substantive no yes you can adopt with just that letter change all right there was a motion by Miss Seuss second by Miss Fitzpatrick uh roll call Miss Fitzpatrick yes Mr alette uh yes uh with uh the way it is even though we receiv received recommendations or suggestions from The Joint Lane use board uh the minor change of com coming up with the definition uh and the regulations for the be sign uh we can address that uh without going back to the Joint L use board or do that at future time uh the temporary signs for uh commercial and for residential again uh the way we have it separated out uh I don't see where that would be uh any changes would come back from The Joint Lane news board on that and then uh the I guess the uh perpendicular suspended uh attach signs uh the 7t 9t uh definition seems to be fairly clear the lower part of the sign the top part of the sign uh but then we have this other item of I think it was 14 ft uh for I thought it was a freestanding sign again it's a different type of sign so my vote is yes Miss zeuss yes Mr templon uh no um I'd just like to see a a clean copy without a bunch of Band-Aids on it it uh it's clear and understandable it's you know as has been mentioned this has taken a couple years to go through the Machinery here but um just nice to have one piece of paper with everything up to Snuff on it without uh continuing ambiguity and uh built-in U conflict no and Mr Bartlett yes okay mayor what was that letter change it may have been discussed while we were having a technical difficulty with the transmission we were working on that under Section 110 17 too many letters in this thing C C2 a bracketed five C I found C it's on page six of the uh yeah yes C2 bracketed five five perpendicular suspended attached sign the code reference to 11017 B2 yes should be 11017 B1 B1 got it which that talks about the sign area which shall not exceed uh wherever it went uh 10 square [Applause] feet thank you very much and that was just changed because when they deleted one section it just shifted everything up okay uh I would just like to make one more comment I'd like to thank Fern and Matt for going through the sign ordinance because believe me it was a mess it was painful and I appreciate I do appreciate what you did so thank you thank you Kate all right uh with that being said we will open the meeting to the public for comments and questions for anything else if you have any comments or questions please approach the podium give your name and address for the record and there will be another section later on this evening as well M St sh Stone 40 Swan SW 40 Swan yes I do not represent any organization club or committee okay so U my question is regarding um so we just got our new school board agenda out I on the website today could you speak up a littleit one so I was looking at the new school board meeting agenda and I know and checking the website and I noticed that we um there haven't been any changes yet regarding the two schools uh down to the one and I wanted to know um has there been any communication with the school board regarding crossing guard or crosswalks because the agenda says that the there's going to be some changes and I wanted to know um I'm a safety concern and an environmental concern with all the students going to one school um it's a Township prepared for all the children who are going to be converging on the spot all the parents who are going to be converging on that spot all the traffic on that street she she's looking at you lieutenant Warren I'm going to defer to you liutenant Warren safety officer um into the mic not they did not contact us um but we had already known previously that W Street was going to be closed we already made changes as far as the crossing guards were concerned so we already moved the crossing guard that was at Miss Nancy that was at walner Street in berlon Avenue she's now going to be at Hickory in Cooper to cross the children are coming from uh Ron Street as well as outside of town uh the crossing guard that was at the entrance to Duncan Donuts is now going to be moved to the entrance to Pearson squ so that the crossing guard that's at lilac in Burton Avenue he will continue to cross the children they may switch depending on the day but he'll cross the children across the street and then she'll cross them across the entrance to the parking lot so that cuz what he was doing was crossing the kids across burland Avenue then running over and cross them across the entrance we're not going to do that anymore um regards to the traffic pattern I spoke with the principal and the superintendent last year and gave him a couple ideas in regards to the Overflow for the parking obviously um in regards to how the parking lot is structured with entering in it that's going to take an architect to fix that part my suggestion was utilizing all that open space in front of the school as an overflow that would assist with parking um and also maybe encouraging some of the parents who live closer that children possibly be walked to school here and there um I didn't hear anything back from there until we found out that W Street was closing is there a deadline like is there a time limit no we're just going to for us we'll make sure that again as far as safety is concerned on that street there's no parking allowed in in the shoulder um officers are out there every morning I'm sure you've seen them um and they'll enforce accordingly but as far as on the school parking lot their property we have nothing to do with that unless they call us for something specific but as far as how they're going to govern that that's on the school board and they didn't give us anything but we gave us recommendations but what they're going to do with it I have no idea and how do we get another crosswalk another Crossing card I mean like the actual grid on the road where where um so my experience as a parent in this community taking my child to school I'm constantly um coming across a lady who lets who's teaching her little children to jwalk on this one corner across from of school so it's like four of them and she does it regularly so they're always running late and they're always walking on the street okay and so I have asked her to stop and she told me to mind my business but that's fine you know I'm not going to run I'm you run her or her kids over um but I don't want anybody else to either and I know that um it's going to be a lot of traffic there's going to be a lot of different things going on a lot of different parents a lot of different families and just something new that we're not used to with all these people converging on the spot so I was just wondering like how do you go about getting another cross walk where where are they where are they jaywalking um if it's burlton Avenue that's buring Avenue at the um I don't unfortunately I don't there's a beautiful house Magnolia Lane and there these kids they're you know they're crossing right here you know at this street and she she stands on the grass and they they run out all of them Billy mly you know and everybody's in the car so so for Burlington Avenue that's the county road that would be the county to do that um for Township roads I would have to say that'll be super for John fenmore I would imagine right joh and Harry would have to yeah so we can we get we could look into that you know but even that though I mean the one issue and sus and I were talking about this earlier our crossing guards right now historically they've been at Burlington and Edgewood the next crossing guard spot is not all the way until liila um all those streets are in between um when we had the crossing guard at Duncan Donuts um we still had the entrance to 7-Eleven nobody was there there's two entrances to the B the BP a gas station so it's so hectic as it already was um now again it's going to just be seeing how it goes those first couple weeks and then we can tweak it there but for the police we'll be out en Force as normal we'll enforce any all traffic violations but to get you know parents like I'm thankful that she's walking at least and so were you you know but that was would be encourag of school like you have so many people that live so close I've watched people drive off a side street and then stand and sit in a car in line for 20 minutes when they could have walked them over and been going about their day um but that's the right to do so you know but again like you said though it's going to be a lot of traffic but this the school they were they ured so no it'll be it'll be smooth so like I guess we're we're going to see but as far as for safety no we're still will en Force accordingly um and we'll go from there right now we're and we're still going to only go with the five tlon guards um and now if there was a if something has changes we we can maybe get some part time depending on how things go but right now we're going to go with the five thank you so much that's my only question but and to your answer I'm sorry I I didn't answer they did not contact us no they did thank you so much I appreciate that on the besides reaching out to the police department unless Mike knows anything as the Laya onto the school board we haven't heard from them on the committee level of anything committee level yeah thank you okay so just to clarify and maybe so the audience watching can understand understand the school board is uh well the superintendent is proposing to eliminate the bus that currently operates to the elementary school um past River's Edge development so all those streets up until Beverly West Avenue uh all those streets will now be walking so I think it's the parents that are going to be concerned about how far these little guys got to walk and may not have crosswalks there or sidewalks so um that's kind of what you were talking to the police department about and yet I don't even think the Schoolboard members knew until the agenda was posted that this was even being proposed so it's kind of upsetting and disappointing and the parents have every right to be upset about it so um hopefully they reach out to you guys and address any concerns sooner rather than later I know that at the last um meeting here we were discussing traffic and that there's a lot more traffic with a lot of things going on right AB especially in the morning they should consider alternating the times uh um the maybe an hour in between or something that one group stays an hour later the other group but they're saying right now that everybody's going to start their day at the same time I know yeah so I me that that is just going to be so k k five correct yep six through eight or eight rather excuse me k through eight all going to start at the same time they're all going to start at the same time and that that is like going to be horrendous it was proposed to uh do a 15-minute stagger start but unfortunately the teachers union voted no to that so they don't have a choice that's odd though I mean W Street School their start time was sest so right why would they not those those teachers that are where at walner Street are now going to be at Pearson I would imagine right right in W Street school started earlier than Pearson right I don't believe they did they didn't yeah they did I think they did a little ear was a little bit that's what I'm saying what would be the difference they starting minutes and they didn't wow wence my concern about the all the children and all the parents spot and you know for those parents who are going to encourage their children to walk I just want to make sure that it's safe you know I know that there was some conversations about sidewalks and County Roads and different things but I know as a community right that our children are absolutely important and whatever we can do and who we need to get in contact with to make sure that they get back and forth safely cuz nothing nothing we're going to have to look at possibly other crosswalks a Bott neck it's going to be a Bott neck be so then wor about traffic in the parking lot traffic in front of it right our crossing guards being overwhelmed and maybe spoken to in a disrespectful manner we're not having that of course not but we're not having that yeah we're not having that making a left out of there you have to hold your breath terms and then and then again when that happens we'll be handled Accord absolutely so much thank you thank you and hopefully we after they um okay I'm sorry you should yeah I wanted to ask U basil should we actually like review that when the school opens to see if maybe there should be another crosswalk around Magnolia and have the county P I'm thinking though not only there now if we're starting now at West AV yeah we may need to revisit but there's there's not a sidewalk in that one section where Creek um where um the creek side development is there's a section there where there's no sidewalk so if they're going to have another crosswalk it should be beyond that so there's it's those homes along there we tried to ask them if we could put a sidewalk in there and they declined they didn't want us it's right on Burlington Avenue right around the corner from Larchmont it's it's between Creekside there's like two homes there there's one on the corner of Larchmont and one that first faces Burlington Avenue on your way to Beverly on the right hand side okay there's no sidewalk there yeah so if we do another crosswalk it should be up further like maybe at delw or at Magnolia yeah there's one right at teamon Circle yeah I thought there was I think there is one at Team it needs to be repainted but there's yeah I didn't know I couldn't see that think there one a teaming right across the street from yeah sidewalk there yeah no and there's no sidewalk up further near joymart for that one stretch between joyart and um Princeton mm yeah I don't I think it's disgraceful that they did this two weeks before before school starts I haven't notified anybody haven't had any conversations with the police department and now everybody's expected to scramble to figure it out to make sure the kids are safe it's it's it's awful as a parent of poor management I'm sorry as a parent of a child who lives half the time with his mom who's right there in that area that will now not get a bus and we learned about it in the agenda two weeks before school starts I'm a little annoyed because now we have to try to scramble to figure out what we're doing and I know I'm certainly not going to be the only parent he's going to be needing to do that so yeah we'll figure it out but it's it's crappy yeah thank you Miss Stone uh any other comments from the public you'll have another opportunity later on as well I just want to note that I don't blame the board of education for this decision it came directly from the superintendent and the business administrator oh no I love the board members they're great yeah they are great all right uh I'll close this portion of the meeting to the public and we'll go to comments and reports uh see Township administrator Mr Schwab is off today so we will go to the department heads Lieutenant Warren back to you it's fast all right um first thing I want to let everyone know that Sergeant Eric hman officially be retired effectively September 1st um sorry B can just September 1st so um he's going to be having a retirement dinner in November some flowers will put out for that so uh he's excited obviously um we're sorry to lose him yeah absolutely absolutely as far as for the PD right now for this month um to this date we've had uh 602 calls to Service uh 16 motor vehicle violations were issued with 52 motor vehicle stops uh nine total police cases um we have a gentleman on our fto program just started his last phase so he's doing well um if everything goes well he'll continue and he'll complete that phase the second week in September so um very helpful because we've been needing you obviously the increasing our staffing so we're looking forward to him getting off fto and uh getting to the shift into the schedule um probably I'm getting ahead of myself but when we get to the agenda for haulk Island just want to let you know that as of this date there no calls for service to Hulk Island for anything so thankfully that that's a good thing okay um and that's for anything no complaints of noise nothing so we're doing do pretty good um I guess the residents are happy with how everything is out there if they're not calling in from I I believe so so we we'll take that's been all summer right all summer we have no calls service all summer so um must have been a mistake your last meeting on it yeah and and that's where you know Chief said that he had mentioned to them obviously there's an issue to to call us when it's happening but we've had no no no calls of service um the guys when they' patrolled the area there's there's nothing out there um a couple times there were instances out on the water and the state police responded and there was nothing criminal they allowed people to continue as they were so um I think the only other call in regards to noise was actually at hulke Island the marina um and again when the guys were responded there the people who were um supposed toly accused of it had already left but as far as just the to Hulk Island we haven't had anything so it's good thing and you figure we're two or three weeks from the season being over so hopefully they'll they'll stay the same end nice and quiet um other than that that's all I have for tonight we actually pretty light disappointed to hear that summer is over we brought that up disappointing I thought we already brought that up I didn't want to be redundant the PD par no you can talk about that wasn't brought up in the last meeting no you didn't bring it up I mean I have it on yeah carollyn and I were going to probably say something under wreck but yeah sure you can promotee promote everyone can talk so on September 14th we're going to have a PD night in the park in conjunction with the rec department uh where we'll have uh food trucks Kona Ice Truck uh face painting a bounce house um that'll go from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and then there'll be a movie uh if being shown um that'll be around 7:15 um so if you're available come on out and have a good time with us you're going to be in the bounce house right put a hole in that thing he's going to be he's going to be the D and then I I think the you have a police doall coming out too yeah I forgot about the can yeah we do have a Canon coming out too so it it be pretty cool I think people enjoy it be fun anyone have any other questions or comments sure Lieutenant um I guess over sometime over the summer there were some youngsters that were using these um uh faction guns or air guns Orbeez guns yes gel guns where do we as a Township committee uh and looking at the uh guidelines that they put on the packaging on these uh guns uh that uh adult supervision and then there's uh check with your local uh warning check local laws those those those are mandatory for consumerism that that there you notice Clarity states too that it's by State so for us I can only speak for New Jersey um they're not illegal number one but number two more importantly when they're being used in a manner of faction that's not deemed appropriate we charge accordingly so we had instances this past summer where juveniles were using them and not in the uh desired way they were charged accordingly for us what happens is excuse me when juveniles are charged with a a crime we just prepared the paperwork that get sent to the county everything after that is on a county level for all juvenile complaints outside of us doing something to where it's a Station House adjustment where we're going to do something here with them maybe have them write an essay or come in and maybe help clean up or a curbside warning but every time these were used in a manner that wasn't indeed appropriate criminal charges were oppressed on all those juveniles um but as far as what you see on the box I mean the same would be with a Nerf gun that has the darts to sty from um any recommendation on it is just out a recommendation we can't tell a parent that they have to make their child follow this cuz it's a toy sold in every store and it's funny we encountered a lot of the kids that were using these their parents weren't buying them for them they were buying them on Amazon and have them delivered parents had the kids have accounts and next thing you know cuz a couple times the parents I didn't even know he had that and the kid you know yeah well I got it on Amazon which your C so but the weapon itself the to it's a toy um it's it's they're little jail packs and you mix them with water and then the gel basically gets absorbed with the water and now you have the the projectile and that's what they're shooting at each other with and for the most part um it's actually been decent if you remember a couple meetings ago there about 30 kids were playing at Pearson Elementary School and we were advised of it the issue wasn't the use of the toy guns that they ran out the street so we had our officers go out there and they were playing with them you know appropriately and you know it was actually okay uh there been a few that obviously did not and again like I said they were charged quar and um the charges actually were uh aggravated assault assault um the UN lul use of a a weapon because in a manner that they used it because we're not going to tolerate that we then sent out a early in the summer through Facebook and next to letting the parents know hey if your children are using this inappropriately they will be charged so it's not like they didn't know you know we told them in some act like they were surprised but you know we told you and we meant it you know we're not going to have kids being hit or or abused you know because someone thinks they can do it so what is inappropriate use shooting at someone that's not playing with them we had children that weren't even involved being shot at with these things we had two weeks ago a gentleman walking down by the river shot at we had a female that was actually shot in the face in Riverside in from a moving vehicle so that's not what their attended purpose was of them and they were all they were charged accordingly yeah that's that's what they've been doing where again if they're having a it's it's equivalent to having a water a water gun fight instead of just water though it's this jail pack so when they're mutually engaging and having fun a good time that's okay but when you're just walking around shooting at people who are not involved we're not going to tolerate that and then they were again they were charged quarterly but when that goes to the county the county never lets us know what the end result is no don't don't don't let you know because I know that there were other instances in town where the juveniles were charged with something and they never let our Police Department know when the hearing was um I was never notified it was a few years ago they were doing some things at Gateway Park and um and I was told at the time that a lot of times the county just Pats them on the wrist and sends them on their way not necessarily true yeah and you got to remember what was the time frame cuz we're talking coming out of Co everything was different because they couldn't do certain things Co yeah then I I have no idea I wasn't there yeah I I know for me in my experience Chief tier as well for certain things we'll contact we have contacts there they'll let us know especially it's the severity and nature of it if it's something that's that's minor because again we still send things there that technically would be minor um they may not but stuff like this here no they absolutely will let us know and we have contacts there that will get back with us especially with uh detective lipid they'll contact him so so if we as a Township committee wanted to pass an ordinance Banning Gil Blaster guns obviously I don't know if that's legal we'd have to talk to our attorney I have no idea talk to the attorney we have to talk to the attorney I can tell you on on at least on Township property um I did put it I had Doug put it in the Hulk Island Amendment ordinance Amendment yeah where has it been happening at it's been uh the light roll station uh Pearson school yeah walner Street school private property you know um people's yards things of that nature yeah uh one that the BP I believe yep you know but again yeah that be for your attorneys to give you consultation on that and obviously if that's the case then we would enforce it sure I actually have him add very specific language regarding Firearms bows or the like are per are not permitted to be used on any town of property no hunting trapping is permitted State Property Shelby blah blah blah no painball guns or activities permitted no discharge of weapons or Firearms within pwn of properties permitted including but not limited to air guns gel Blaster guns of any kind bows arrows slingshots blank guns or any other weapon that is capable of injuring persons or wildlife and honestly I think that covers every type of weapon so that's on our at least you're not going to have legal jailing gight can't stupid but you not not to the only thing with that this is another issue for the five of you um as far as Hulk Island we still have no idea where property lines end and start but exception of entering the island so for the enforcement of this it'd be very difficult because we have no idea whose property we're on when we're back there we have that letter from our Council that says you can enforce anywhere on the island you can enforce anywhere on the island enforce on the island but clearly State Property is governed by state rules that's what it says that's what it says in here I'm not I'm just reading what it says I know but we have a letter and we have rules and regulations that are going to be posted and we are asking our police Department to enforce our rules and regulations out there regardless there's no boundary lines how there no boundary lines but State properties for like hunting for example the state is actually indicating that they don't own anything out there the only thing the state claims to own is Lake the lake the lake okay so so we're in control in the lake or within a few feet of the lake rest is up for grabs so we're going to be we're going to be covering it do you have a copy of the decision from do I'm sure Adam has it it's back in my office yeah the most the current one I think where he I thought he said that again it was checking and seeing what the state roles were no this was a couple months ago yeah so not can you give me out then can you me out me out please all right all right thank you lieutenant thank youen question completely different topic uh personal watercraft uh my understanding is there's um sunrise to sunset they can't be after on the water after after Sunset um if someone pulls out of the water can you or local police site that person if they pull out of the water pull out of the water at a boat ramp at that haulk Island Marina if they pull out after Sunset I'm not familiar with that law so so I honestly I can't answer that I don't know but is that a is that a enforcable by by local Municipal law enforcement or is that a marine police we would what we would do we would defer them so hypothetically if that happened what I've done in the past I would contact the Marine police through in brighten brington had them respond out and then that would defer them while we're there and get guidance from them and that's worked in the past yeah um just so we so cuz the whole thing would be obviously how often are we encountering that yeah so on a caution I always go and call them and say hey I just you know hear a lot of uh jet skis and so forth late at night and they seem to be down at the end of hulke Island and so forth and if anyone's you know coming out pulling out at uh you know over at in Delan or pulling out at hulke Island see the issue with that though would be hard for us to enforce that because obviously I can't get out on that water to get them back but if they're trailering you know they out of the water sometimes yeah I mean I I would check in I would follow up with with you and I'll let you know cuz honestly I'm not sure so I follow the Marine police are they still functioning I mean they get their funding cut cuz I really haven't seen them at all you're asking the wrong person cuz I don't work for state police the Marine police that's State Police I don't know last Saturday I saw him on the yeah they aren't out as often though I hardly ever see them have to do whole Rivera but I'm saying but for me though I I would have no idea how often they're patroling how many boats they have under water I have like no idea I do know recently in so many incidence um the sandb bar that's between like Oakford and Center um some young voters got caught up on that and yeah we State Police did come out for you we were out there right Cor in the lightning storm there you go so they're there but again how often they're patrolling I I don't know yeah I know it just seems a lot less than in years past you obviously mean you're you're there you're seeing more than me being on the river so okay I could check though and get back to you A lot of them don't put in in our area they put in in Pennsylvania yeah I see jet SK you know you and I have the same view of the river for the most part and I see them yeah 12:00 at night I have them on the on the rain COC I have there I was never there was any time frames yeah see honestly I I didn't know the time frame they don't have any lights they should be on the water okay all righty thank uh let see Mr fenmore is not here tonight Mrs lore yes just excuse me reminding everyone that the next meeting will be September 9th which is the second Monday because the first Monday of September September 2nd is Labor Day and that's all I have thank you thank you Janice uh Township committee I'll start with my far left this is this fits pck oh thank you uh let's see have a lot of things here um Del Riv uh they had a great meeting in July uh the full board was pres and I have to tell you it's impressing to see the work uh that they do as a cohesive group for the benefit of our youth uh the president uh saber rice has been certified through ruter to teach the safety course for coaches all coaches will be required to have the training and it will uh not only benefit them as a coach but also as a mentor and also dealing with parents uh Tri outs uh work continuing for the travel softball team but they may be done now are they done the riverdell riverdell rebels is their name I think that's really cute uh fall soccer registration was open until August 9th uh registration is ongoing for basketball for 2024 2025 uh the theme this year is Disney t-ball had a World Series and the kids had a great time with water balloons and sprinklers uh they had lots of treat and received medals uh the coaches vers versus coaches game was enjoyed by those who were brave enough to weather the rainstorm that was a muddy mess um they are planning a fundraiser uh kickball on September 15th at 11: a.m. at womsley uh with lots of activities and goodies and they Al They also hope to raise some funds with a night out at chickfila so if you want to know what's happening check out their Weekly Newsletter they're very informative they're doing a great job and their next meeting is August 27th here backyard hens um we have another Resident and is in the process of being approved I understand she's been approved now um another Resident so now we have five residents that have um backyard hands um I attended the O meeting on July 29th Robin Matt reported on the damages and assessments um with photos of the storms for January June and July Sarah Johnson a coordinator with the national weather bureau located in West ampton explained conditions and preparedness for upcoming tropical storms and hurricanes and it would be nice if OEM could send out some kind of an email blast to residents on what they should do to be prepared um in the event of the hurricane uh Recreation we met on August 7th usage of of the field was discussed and dates uh requested by Del Riv were approved uh Recreation will be hosting a movie night um after the um meet and greet with the police department on September 14th uh so they are having food trucks instead of a cookout this year and um updates on the ongoing project that we have going on Town Carolyn uh provided updates on that and she may uh give you some information on that cleanup day for haulk island is scheduled for Sen Sunday September 29th flyers and information will be distributed 200 Ash Street we met uh on August the 11th with members of recreation Carolyn and our planner um Scott Taylor uh to brainstorm on the plan for the park since we need to have a plan to submit to D prior to the approval for the cleanup um this will be an incredible park for all of Del Lano to enjoy I think it's it's not as big as the Field of Dreams but the purpose is will be a lot different it's going to be really nice uh and every if you're looking puzzled that's where the Fisher canvas building was on the ran coca Creek uh Sewer Authority met on August 13th the trunk line project the line portion is complete we're waiting for D to close out the project uh there's a slight delay uh with work at the pump station they're still working on the bypass system uh nothing new to report on stylex and 989 coopertown Road 401 Creek Road they currently have a septic system and we cannot obligate them to connect to our system so we're monitoring that process and checking with the joint land use boards engineer uh to make sure they're in compliance there was a dumpster fire next to the drawing beds uh at the plant and it is noticed by jet skare so there is a benefit to Jet scare I guess no real damage discussions are underway regarding raising the tanks at the plant due to flooding and the operator's report is on file fod maintenance Field of Dreams uh we met on the field on the 15th and uh I must say they're in pretty good shape right now uh there are issues that the key players will be working out Jim McHugh is to um connect with John B Bob and Ken to report issues Andor problems uh Bob crab Tre is going to take care of turf issues and Ken irrigation it was determined that prevention is better than dealing with issues after the fact so our budget will be reviewed in November to see if there will be funds available uh to deal with some of the prevention methods suggested by Jim mq Hulk Island um met with Carolyn and Janice we reviewed the ordinance made some additional changes that Carolyn admitted to our solicitor and we also reviewed the items for the signage and we have prepared a rough draft that um I forwarded to Adam today for his input history board I attended the open house uh sat uh Saturday here there are approximately seven or eight visitors in addition to the board members and Township committee members that were present so probably around 16 people um in addition to my grand father's um photos and decoy displays out in the lobby I brought a few books regarding the Waterman in Delano as well as along the Delaware River Jean Miller who grew up in Delano was here selling his book uh short stories for Middle School boys only because girls have cooties so uh some of his classmates were here to purchase the book um and that's all I have thank you thank you Kate and on your mention of OEM sending out something regarding the hurricane I was actually just communicating with Mr uh rder earlier today about doing that same exact thing because I think that would really be beneficial if we had a checklist of items that we should have prepared because you never know yeah we have a few things that come from FEMA and that and some other stuff that we have together and that should be out in the next few days good thank you thank you share your OEM stuff on Facebook too right yeah the Delo office of emergency management there's a Facebook page on that we also send out alerts uh via whatever that's called what do we use a Civic ready Civic ready yeah I appreciate it it's been a long week my brain is still down in Bermuda I don't think it just started all right yes it is okay to my far right Mr Templeton good evening evening let's see uh environmental Advisory Board we had a meeting behind some shovels and rakes uh two Sundays ago and dug out the where pad's going to be for a bench on the connector path to the uh Pennington Trail coming off of Newton Newton's Landing Boulevard so I was out there today uh seeing how it settled with the rain and added some more material and tamped that down so hopefully uh sometime this week uh uh Public Works and I will take a road trip up the road and get the concrete pads to uh put out there and hopefully by the end of the week we'll have a bench installed there um and then hopefully sometime later some trees to give it some shade uh shade tree commission had a meeting back on July 31st got a lot of complished I think there were 10 items that were uh taken care of and an updated list was circulated to Public Works and uh to the principal uh officials in the township uh let's see I did attend the sewage Authority meeting but um met with the uh DSA engineer and the Consulting engineer afterwards uh uh couple two months ago I had a webinar with the core of engineers that was put uh organized by a congressman Andy Kim's office and uh just wanted to apprise them of the core's interest or ability to um fund a project or different funding programs to look at uh uh the region as far as water treatment facilities sewage authorities and so forth that there's probably a half dozen or more uh or a lot or 10 or 12 or so uh along this stretch of the Delaware River that were all susceptible to the same flooding issues and storm issues and as far as the core doing a joint uh or Regional study of that but um anyway I planted that seed and see where that goes uh uh with the uh the Weller Brothers uh let's see there was a web weinar today D on public access um initiatives uh DS on this um um initiative right now to increase the public access across the state to tidal waters uh obviously that affects the Jersey Shore towns but uh our part of the Delaware and the ranus is obviously title so it was mostly a listening session from our end I think some other committee members were on the on the webinar as well um the thing that's a little um little concerning is that any permit that has anything to do with Waterfront development uh triggers a review by D of a community's uh Public Access uh plan if you have one or you need one and they would look at how much uh uh Public Access that your community provides to the Waterfront whether it's direct physical access or visual access um and uh evaluate uh as far as the permit of approval uh whether you should be uh required to provide more uh that would be either improvements on other uh access points uh provide parking for those access points or restrooms for those access points so um just from you know uh dealing with some of that for my time on committee I think Delano is in a very good position uh access to the waterways and and uh the scal benches along Delaware Avenue and the park improvements and the Pennington trail that went in a couple years ago so but um it's just another layer of bureaucracy uh we're coming off of uh the zerber seaw wall project and uh a long time we dealt with that getting a permit approval and it just uh it was just a a big sigh on my part hearing that oh this is another another box that D wants us to check so um the other thing that EP is rolling out is another set of regulations that uh uh resilient environments and Landscapes and it affects uh coastal zone management which is really the shoreline Jersey Shore uh freshwater metland wetlands storm water management uh flood Hazard area Control Act and so forth uh looking through it I don't think there's any immediate local impact there but again it's another set of rules and regulations that are trying to adjust uh building codes and buffer zones for potential areas that are potentially uh uh vulnerable to flooding uh in a time going forward climate change that uh we're getting heavier rainfall amounts we're getting uh uh higher higher high tides and so forth and lastly has been mentioned previously um the Board of Education agenda for for this coming Wednesday um hit the internet this afternoon and uh obviously some things that have caught uh summon the community's attention and hopefully will catch a lot of people's attention uh their meeting is this Wednesday night uh work session begins at 6: board meeting at 7: uh the buses bus availability or the walking for students uh to U Pearson school um and the position of the school librarian uh has been uh terminated U for whatever reason um is not given and apparently that's a surprise to uh unfortunately too many people right now uh so I encourage uh a turnout Wednesday night and ask some questions um I think that's all I have thank you thank you Mike uh first uh the history board uh this past uh Sunday or Saturday we had our open house here nice turnout and good interaction with folks and again learning a little bit more about the history of our our town and uh Town of Beverly or city of Beverly uh our next open house which would uh take place on see the September 21st Saturday is also our townwide guard sale I believe no 28 2 oh 28th white yard okay so we'll be here then on that date on the 21st and then we should be out at the townwide yard seale also and Bay Ruth day is the oh bay Ruth day is four seven the seventh seventh okay the seventh and uh that's from uh 10 10 a.m. to or I have from 10: a.m. to 2 uh over at the bay ruthfield and should have a good time until the players get tired until the players get tired uh and let's see Mike talked about the uh webcast today and I think on that I'll leave leave things alone all right thank you f Miss thank you mayor my microphone on July 25th I attended the historic Waterfront Park Zoom meeting with Scott Taylor our engineer Harry Richard and Janice to go over the plans more in detail and discuss uh the the fence guard rail that is needed um it was more of like a detailed conversation about what exactly needs to happen and um whenever the plan's more uh in detail we're going to have the contractor actually pour the foundation for the gazebo in concrete instead of doing pilings he's going to do a a what's called a monolithic B so we don't need any um pile driving footings there the concrete will be footings so it was a good meeting we determined just some detailed stuff that we needed to go over uh July 29th I also attended the OEM meeting it was my first one it was very informative uh I appreciated that the National Weather Service was there to give us a presentation July 30th I met with Lieutenant Warr and Eric Rogers to discuss their Community event that's on September 14th we came up with great ideas it's going to be an awesome event and then of course following that we have our family movie night um it's an animated movie for the kids it's the movie Up starts at 7:15 should be over about 9:30 and we will be giving out free popcorn um later that evening I attended the Public Works subcommittee meeting to finalizes the to finalize the changes to the department and discuss uh ongoing public Works matters August 6 uh joint land use board meeting the application for 401 Creek was postponed at the request of the uh criterion's attorney to review our professionals recommendations they needed more time there was uh a packed house here from residents at Newton's Landing to uh address some of their concerns um they were not happy that the meeting was postponed um but they did leave eventually and we told them it would be continued and we would let them know when that date was I'm not sure if it's going to be September October we don't know yet um no no rescheduled date the board did review the sign ordinance obviously they gave us the recommendations that we went over um Saturday August 10th uh my husband Al and I HK through hiked through Hulk Island there we go we spent about two hours out there in the middle of the day to observe the activity and note the conditions we only encountered one family having a picnic at the lake and another gentleman that was biking there was a lot of activity on the water that included boats and wave Runners anchored at the beach there were swimming grilling and people just hanging out playing music we did see the state police boat out on the on the water uh in the channel area and they had one boat stopped that they were inspecting we did observe a decent amount of trash along the beach uh some of it looks like it's just normal trash that washes up on a daily basis from the river um some did look like it may have been from the voters I did notice that Public Works installed five or so trash cans and they've been placed strategically along the trail from the start all the way down to the point um some trash was observed in the cans I couldn't also help but notice how many mature trees have fallen recently due to the storms I know Public Works uh cleared about 25 or so that were actually on the path out there so great job to them for getting them cleared so quickly um later that week Kate and I met with Janice to go over the ordinance and we designed the signage that we'll be putting up along the different are is um we will have signs in three different languages English Portuguese and Spanish and there's going to be different signs throughout we'll have some signs that are targeted more towards the boers some signs at the lake specifically to Target the lake issues um so Kate sent a draft over the weekend and as she mentioned we'll be sending it to the chief for his review so thank you Kate for getting that done so quickly um August 11th I met with Kate Scott Phil Al and Steve Lore at the park designed for 200 Ash um we'll be putting that together in the coming days obviously it's time sensitive August 16th I had the honor this past Friday of Performing my first wedding ceremony in the absence of Mayor Bartlett who was enjoying some time away in Bermuda before the hurricane they were a lovely couple and I wish them all the best in their new chapter in their lives um later in the day I did help Al install the park plan sign at waterf from Park and by assisted I mean I supervised thanks to alfa's hard work getting that up and for the community to see how awesome it is it's going to be fabulous that's it thank you Carolyn welcome and that's my turn now okay just making sure I don't want to skip over anyone um let's see I have continued to do my daily visits over at the seaw wall construction site uh just to take a look and see how it's coming and monitoring the progress and it's looking great the entire concrete cap is now on and looks like they're starting to clean things up there which I'm just so happy to see it's it took a long time to get to this point but I'm glad we're there um attended the Fire Commission meeting on July 23rd normal business uh as the others have mentioned we had the OEM meeting on July 29th and Sarah Johnson from the Weather Service was out there and talking about all the storms that we're going to expect to see this hurricane season we're ready up to to Hurricane Ernesto um so we'll hopefully we don't get to Hurricane Zulu uh because we don't want to have that many but we'll we'll deal with it uh we had our public work subcommittee meeting U Mr Schwab Mr Fenimore and Carolyn I was on July 30th to discuss some new roles and reorganization of the Public Works organization as it relates to our buildings grounds and Facilities maintenance which we're all very excited for and later that evening I attended our library subcomittee committee meeting with Mike to work on the agreement with the board of ed for the library August 8th I attended a zoom meeting with psng Mr Schwab and Harry Fox our engineer to discuss some upcoming gas main replacement work that's going to be getting uh completed in town later this year and early next year we're working to coordinate with them since we also have some Street repaving work that's going to get done in the same areas so we want to make sure G main work gets done before we we repay that obviously um finally this past Friday I wrote a detailed email to the shade tree commission after reading some meeting minutes um I don't was it forwarded to the committee I didn't get it I printed it out uh to see you guys have it I copied mic on it as Lis on to shade tree but um thank you it was in particular in regards to a tree on budwood Street um that during the storm on July 15th I responded out to the fire department it had a huge limb collapse blocking the entire Road and reading the minutes I learned that the shade tree commission has been keeping an eye on it since January of last year 2023 and found no issues with it and finally a week later after the storm they uh determined that there was an Undiscovered weak fork in the tree and my concern is what about all the other undiscovered issues with these trees that they deny removing uh since clearly after 18 months and multiple visits uh between their expert and the commission members nobody found any issues warranting removal even though the resident kept on asking for removal due to limbs that kept on falling and um really it just looks like they're looking at and saying looks good and without any data behind that so with all due respect to the shade tree commission members seems they're more concerned about shaving saving the tree than protecting the property and safety of the resident the that tree had blocked the entire roadway for close to 18 hours it was a huge tree it landed where cars normally park thankfully by the you know The Graces of God and the insurance companies that the cars weren't there it was wrapped up in wires and whatnot um and Mike you mentioned that the shade tree commission met on the 31st do you know if that was approved to get removed that tree yes it was okay I talked to John on Friday and he hasn't heard anything about it yet um there was I think it was actually let me pull that up again I don't have yeah I don't have my my log of what the result was yeah because the last minutes the agenda yeah the last minutes that b got was from June we didn't get July ones yet and when I S to on Friday he heard nothing about this I know Kev a high priority for no priority for trim yeah Kevin's review letter said it was a high priority for trim find that because Kevin has a has a high priority for removal on his uh review letter that he gave to the shat Tre commission and I wasn't aware that after Kevin's letter the meeting met in my email I referenced that the meeting was on the 24th but I guess the date changed to the 31st do you get copies of the shade tree reports yeah I I can't tell you how many times I've asked for a copy of that report as a member of the township committee and we we don't get it I really would like to see that report so we know um what's going on yeah there's another limb that's ready to come down on that tree right now right over the sidewalk so commission could kindly let Mr fenmore know or someone in his organization that would be great yeah the last one I've got uh is trim not removal that was priority June 30th yeah and then after that on the um Kevin's review letter where did I put there the 26th yeah July 26th is review letter said to remove the tree as a high priority all right and the month beforehand he said just trim it are there Street wires in there uh there was a uh just an air just a u service wire to the house which was right next to it yeah you're right it's like right here kind of the pole large branches kind of like wrapped next to it so it's not something public service has to do to remove no that was remove no not to cut the tree down anymore only the end of right yeah thankfully it didn't disconnect the service but yeah we were fire department was out there for a couple hours Public Works was because of this tree could have been you know addressed beforehand so oh you're right the uh Mr sabilia did recommend on this July 26th report for removal but as far as the Undiscovered you know weak spot I mean all the surveys are done at ground level there's you know the the ARB doesn't do any climbing um and he's very thorough and you know all the board members uh will'll get the list of uh trees on the agenda and visit those locations in the preceding week and so forth but you know as far as if if you want to you know budget those resources for more in-depth surveys of of trees in town I mean you're talking of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of trees uh that are Township and uh as far as you know we've got that tree ordinance we have to consider that does extend some degree of Township control to trees on private property that the state wants us to adopt um not as far as health and maintenance and so forth but if you wish to remove a tree you have an oblig or state requirement to replace uh X number of trees depending on the size of the tree was that was taken out we've not addressed that as yet uh but it's a it's a it's probably the most difficult volunteer job in the town on the shade tree commission and it's difficult because you're working Crossways you're trying to maintain a a tree canopy that does provide protection to homes but there is a risk side that uh for trees that do age out and do are damaged we had a a bit of a drought this summer trees have been stressed uh we're having hotter Summers longer hot Seasons so uh trees are getting stressed and uh there is you know subtle weaknesses that are developing that are unless you're you know starting to core a tree uh are going to be difficult to detect I mean it had the tree down at on Delaware Avenue in the July storm I mean that was a perfectly healthy tree that completely twisted and and cork screwed itself uh and came down so it's it's really um it's extremely difficult we've got volunteers that uh take their volunteer positions seriously on a shade tree and uh We've it's it's an expensive job to P you know take trees down as we all know seeing the bills and so forth we've allocated more more funding to shade tree and more funding to uh tree removals um and we've also got a significant State Grant to replace trees so it's it's uh it's definitely a pushpull situation that was I think the the difference between the one um referring to on Delaware and wut one that Twisted literally Twisted in that storm in this one you there was no evidence of any issue with that beforeand but with this particular one the resident's been asking for 18 months please remove it there tree branches it was never removal he had asked for the trimmed branches that were overhanging the house or touching the house now he asked for he as removal going all their well the you know the the Judgment of the shade tree commission Judgment of the arborist was it's a healthy tree we're not just going to well you can tell by looking at these pictures that it's not very healthy uh because down and uh and I mean you can just look at that that's a rotted tree yeah January 25th my eyes can tell you that last year they requested a removal Kevin said it didn't need removal July of 23 again requested removal they said it was so it wasn't just requesting a trim it was requesting a removal and they agreed to trim it yes but then then the last time in June when they requested removal he said trim it and then two weeks later the boom so and now they're saying yeah guess we need to remove it so yeah I I agree the Sher commission has a it's a very difficult job but but some of them when you're seeing this many requests you might want to look at it a little bit closer I'm not saying all of them but some of them we keep on when you have branches like I mean the July meeting there were I think 10 items on the agenda and I think the committee uh commission uh uh voted to have eight of eight trees removed not good that removing them but good that they're doing something that needs to be done yeah yeah they're very very proactive but yeah like I said I sent the email to them hopefully they'll respond as I asked uh what corrective actions they could do to under to make sure that we're not going to be having these issues again so we'll see if we get a reply and no that's all I got a little abbreviated report for me I was out of the country for a week so uh but happy to be back and continue moving things forward can I give my project management update sure okay thanks uh out of the Field of Dreams we have a sewage ejection system that the bathrooms utilize so when flush the toilet it goes into a holding tank it goes to a grinding pump grinds everything out shoots it into a 2in line that goes out to the street to the Sewer more than you wanted to know however when they installed the fence with their augur across the road apparently is where the sewer line goes down to the street oops they hit it um the light went off at the concession stand for emergencies call the nonemergency number the red lights flashing well guess what nobody in Township knows that's for but we figured it out the sewer pump had gone had issues so they went out the the pump was fine they disconnected everything everything was good well today John called me and there's a sinkhole where the fence post was installed because the sewage had been weing weaking so they are going out tomorrow morning to fix that uh I think we were going to have bathrooms and like porta potties installed in the meantime are they still coming two of them are out there okay um so that so that they can be the bathrooms can be utilized so um because it's a private system like we couldn't call one C to do any markings but Harry said he did put some kind of marking out there but lo and behold it's three feet down they had a very slim chance of hitting it and they did and they should play the lottery so that's going to be fixed tomorrow it's just a 2in line of hpvc so not a big deal the seaw wall you mentioned the concrete cap is complete um I spoke with Harry today asked him where the ES was for the fascia board and for the fence from our contractor he sent me the fascia board estimate uh it's I think 12 in fascia board uh let me see here and we can pick the color so it looks like that it's just like big kind of like decking boards it's nice yeah so that would be installed on the interior part of the seaw wall under the catch to um basically cover the spaces the dentations yeah so you don't have like stuff built up there like be nest and this way it covers it up and doesn't make it look as industrial or commercialized so that estimate for laboring materials is only $9,500 believe it or not so that's within our we're still within our budget yeah so um that's the estimate for that that fascia board and then we're still waiting on the estimate I think he's waiting on his manufacturer to get him the estimate for the customized fence because it's only a 19in rail most of it um over where the 45 is where the metal fence the metal um seaw wall is that's going to be a little higher just go of elevation so we're uh we supposed to get that to Harry tonight we'll see if he does but it should be under the 20% threshold so there's no issues there we don't need to do anything um I think that's it okay oh they did install at Bay brucefield they did install the um water valve out there so now we have water access at the Babu field to hook up a fence to spray it down to water any trees so that was fixed and um we're good to go co all righty uh on to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes does anyone have any questions on anything on the consent agenda or need anything pulled I need a clarification on one business license uh for I guess the uh service station up there at West AV and Burlington AB I'm not sure if their operating hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 900 p.m. uh and then Saturday it just says from 8:00 a.m to whatever ma talking yeah Ma is no that's 38 a.m. to 36 looks like something got cut off it's the first yeah you can't read it what you say pass what there was it six six could be wrong what you think r or sh the other one it says 800 a.m. to 7 7 Saturday 8 to 7 it says 8:00 a.m. to 7 Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 s that's a seven right here see 7 oh that's not m is that on your no that's 8 A.M 20 I think says seven it has that line through it I thought it was a t really yeah like the one this is a t this is 77 it says 4M on 4 P.M on their Google listing this one yeah this one is Saturday they close sometime four o00 four o00 Google says Google says four there go that's a four that's a four there you go that's a four mystery solved we go so 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. they're both fours I thought it was 7 I think see I think that's getting [Music] late zero the rest got cut off cut off I'm not all right they're going to close sometime they're that was the only clarification I needed all right I read them then okay ordinance 2024 D21 an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of Delano providing for and determining the rate of compensation of officers and employees to amend the current Year's rates for certain positions first reading by title only and set public hearing date for September 99th 2024 ordinance 2024-25 amending the township code at chapter 193 governing haulk Island first reading by title only and set public hearing date for September 9th 2024 ordinance 2024 d23 amending chapters 295 d4.5 and 35 governing permit parking areas in the vicinity of Hulk Island first reading by title only and set public hearing date for guest When September 9th 2024 going to be a busy night resolution 2024 d118 authorizing change order number one and final for accessible curb ramp project resolution 224-1900 d5.1 G permitting commercial use of food truck vendors for the upcoming police sponsored event at the Delano Field of Dreams resolution 2024-25 d121 resolution to refund tax overpayment due to Total veteran exemption pursuant to njsa 54 col 4-3 do30 a payment of bills current fund $29,400 And1 penny payroll $16,814.23 559 escrow trust $495 Housing Trust 8,615 approval of the use of Gateway Park for October 26 2024 Delano women's Civic Club 5K run approval of business licenses 2024 d23 -32 and -41 can I have a motion to approve the consent agenda please mayor just for clarification on those three ordinances 21 22 and 23 7 p.m. 7 p.m. for those meetings got thank you I'll make a move a motion to approve the consent agenda second motion By Carolyn second by Kate roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr alette yes Miss s yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartley yes uh correspondence Janis I have none thank you thank you all right meeting is now open to the public session number two if you have any comments or questions same as before Step Up name and address for the record meeting's now open to the public where's your partner in crime where's uh where's Ray hav you seen him okay everyone is B you want to come up come up sh Court I had a question I was looking for clarification what is the Rossy list what is the Rossy list the recreation and open space what's the I inventory inventory thank you Mike uh that is a list with um the New Jersey Department Environmental Protection the d The Green Acres Program any properties on the rosy list uh their Parkland they are restricted from any sort of development that's the the four dummies version of what that is yeah they're protected by the Green Acres regulations of the state and they are open y to the public that's thank you so much I know we've been talking a lot I hear a lot about oh is it on the Roxy list and I what is the Roxy list I wasn't sure if I was misspelling it cuz I'm pretty with the nothing to do with Shirley Rossy or anything like that like Shirley's making all the money here she does own a lot of properties in town but not our Parks thank you she anybody else going once going twice all right we will close this comment question session uh discussion items proposed ordinance uh amending chap 110 section 10 governing conditional uses we last time we talked about that we put it off till tonight we're going to put it off again because we have to meet the code enforcement and discuss something under that which is next week yeah next Thursday we're meeting with Ed on that those in regards to the uh vehicle parking commercial vehicle parer vehicle parking what we talked about so we should put something on be by the 9th yeah September 9th Carri that too JN pleas and let's see I don't think I highlighted one one piece of there uh dealing with uh home occupation in any zoning District uh where it says one person uh not a resident of the building may be employed on the premises at any time and I'd be looking to change that to two people but I guess we can have discussion about that okay just send us an email I yeah please send an email we'll talk ahead about that okay because I won't remember let's be honest I know going write it down all right and I don't think we need a resolution for executive session wants to stay late for some reason no okay no and I will just food for thought for the this trying to get a handle on the vehical constraints um for the Hulk island or the conditional the conditional uses uh I know we we had a little bit of a discussion on the weight and the gross volume weight restriction number and uh I would just suggest that we use like a National Standard classification for what vehicles are allowed you have a chart in pretty colors it looks like yeah uh it's it's got different different classes appropriate weight restrictions and kind of a silhouette of a representative style of vehicle can you follow that to me I mean yeah that'd be great you know in a town where we have a lot of residents that you know their work is their truck out front and of times they have their name on the side of their truck that uh you know there's we should be amendable and agreeable to to allow that in some cases whether it's an unusual vehicle or something that's a little bigger maybe that needs to to be tied to uh a lot size or something just something to consider so just tossing that out yeah iate all right uh that being said I'll entertain a motion to adjourn moved second Carolyn and Kate all in favor I thank you very much have a good night everybody see you