##VIDEO ID:eBv67PTmPDg## delango Township committee meeting of October 21st 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New [Music] Jersey yeah that intersection is not a problem at all we are recording all right good evening welcome to the township committee meeting for October 21st held at 7:00 at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road can we have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr alette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bartlett here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator uh Mrs lore our municipal clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk and Mr tilder the police chief please rise for the flag SE aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all the sunshine statement please J please be advised the proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Maron County Times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official Bolton Board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you thank you and I must say to start the meeting sounds great in here we don't hear that Echo how's it sound out there can you guys hear us better than previously all right good good right uh now that the rooms put back together we'll start with ordinance 202 24-24 amending the township code at chapter 123 governing animals second reading by title only and public hearing hearing is open to the public for ordinance 2024-25 and give your name and address for the record I they didn't hear you because it's it sounds it's different it does sound different all right seeing none we'll close this portion of the meeting to the public and I'll ask for a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-24 on second reading so move second motion by Kate second by Fern roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr yes Miss Seuss yes Mr chapleton no Mr Bartlett yes and motion passes ordinance 2024-25 authorizing execution of a pilot agreement with RLS real estate of Delano NJ urban renewal entity LLC second reading by title only and public hearing hearing is open to the public for ordinance 2024-25 same rule of apply when any comments or questions approach the podium and give your name and address for the record please seeing none we will close this portion of the bean to the public and I'll ask for a motion for 2024-25 move second to approve that was motion by Caroline and second by Kate yes all right uh roll call please miss Patrick yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes I'm just a reminder this is a multiphase um pilot agreement that's been ongoing for several years and I believe this is Phase five of it Mr Chon no um i' never like pilot these p uh pay payment little taxes and tax abatements uh but this is laded off of an agreement goes back to 2017 I believe and I think I voted no on that one so just continuing um no okay and Mr Bartlett uh voting no for the same reason and motion passes 32 yes all right now meeting is open to the public for comments and questions session number one if you have any comments or questions please again come up to the podium give your name and address for the record meeting's open to the public and there'll be another one later on in the meeting as well let's all not rush up at once all right like I said there'll be another one later on we'll close this portion of the meeting to the public and we'll go to comments and reports so start my far left Township administrator Richard thank you um as we've uh received in the past from our joint Insurance Fund we are entitled to dividends because the fund success and our share is 15,646 for 2025 there's multiple choices as to how to use it uh as I've recommended each year we take it as a credit against our 2025 assessment uh by doing that if that's what everyone agrees the American Sign we send it in they form in and that's what'll happen I recommend that as consistent if we were getting significantly more or less we might do one of the Alternatives which is getting it in the form of a check before December 31st of this year or deposit as a future uh against our aggate excess loss contingency fund which we had issues with we've got them cleared or some split so uh does anyone have any objection to have the mayor sign to accept it as a dividend credit against 2025 no yeah okay all right so I'll ask the mayor do that uh we received from the speaking of shared service we are part of the New Jersey sustainable energy joint meeting uh and that is also hundreds of municipalities who buy electric and gas from uh on a group basis and we compare it against what we'd have to pay through psng uh they go out bids every x amount of years depending on schedule the most recent time it's very complicated in that business but the most recent time that going out to bids ends up being for Street lighting that's the only one they're recommending uh uh being part of uh the look at this number here so that there's about a 5% uh savings uh by using theirs the um contract price through approved energy is 7.25 7 uh versus the alternative which would be 7.86 7 so a 10% reduction off the Tariff price by going along with them uh we're part of that then unless we opt out as we're getting so it's a report rather than we don't make that decision the S makes the decision but I don't see any reason to opt out unless anybody else knows we've been doing this for a number of years and it's it's worked out the other thing is that as a followup to I think the report last year last meeting uh the DP approved a recommended approval of funding for mediation of 200 Ash Street uh the next step in that is the funding actually comes from the New Jersey uh Economic Development Authority so there's a form that I have filling out in your uh Bill list is a $500 check being authorized and so that's our application fee we'll fill out the forms to send that out hopefully within the not too distant future we'll get a formal approval for its $282,400 uh in the Grant and uh that's for 75% of the cost and our engineer will be working on the specs so I want to report that to you also want to report the follow up on the best state best practices inventory uh our group of the finance people and administrative people got together we went through the the questions uh we submitted the questions our Julie Edens and our finance officer submitted them on uh October 18th it's not due till the 21st uh we will discuss it in detail at your next meeting on November 18th uh we scored 41 points you needed 35 to not have anything negative it's equal or better percentage than we've had in the past the things that We Believe are correct so you'll get a memo from us with the details on it and it'll be on the agenda to discuss on the 18th um think let's see got that budgets are due in November just before Thanksgiving so any department heads are thinking about that's for departments the organizations have until the end of the year and I think that's what I have thank you all right anybody have any questions for Richard all right thank you uh the department heads start with the chief uh good evening thank you I'll begin with our statistics since our uh for the month of October uh during the month of October they've initiated 15 police cases uh there are 53 motor vehicle uh stops conducted where 45 uh violations were issued they handled 688 calls for service and there were three adult arrest uh so far this month we've been pretty busy with training um on October uh 7th and 8th I attended the FBI New Jersey chapters annual training conference uh this year's uh highlights basically were going over numerous uh incidents that have happened throughout the country with mass shootings and so forth and uh they did a nice job of uh you know showing the pros and cons of how each case was handled U it was good material material to bring back um on October 8th the department sergeants all took the lieutenant Civil Service examination on October 10th Lieutenant Warren sergeant epano and Sergeant daring attended a three-day Internal Affairs investigation course on uh October 12th patrolman Karns and I attended the Delano Township Community Day event at the Delano Township Fire Department it was a nice turnout on the 14th patrolman Malik attended a weeklong defensive tactics instructor course and he is now certified to teach our officers the tactics he learned from the course uh today detective lipic uh began a two-day course uh for background investigations uh and it's designed to assist our agency in conducting background investigations for new hires in accordance with the new state of uh New Jersey police training commission licensing uh and also to on today's date we also conducted uh Panic alarm testing here at the uh uh municipal buildings court and police departments uh we had uh also had zero calls for service on Hulk Island and that's all I have for tonight you said zero or 70 zero zero good uh Chief do you have any uh 308 310 Burlington I'm sorry 3 regarding 308 310 Burlington um Sergeant Maloney and that's next meeting um but they did I will commend them preliminarily here um uh unfortunately everybody's aware of the house fire that occurred uh I do also want to commend the Fire Department EMS and then our two officers Sergeant Maloney and patrolman lner upon their arrival the front of house was engulfed uh they were to locate one uh resident who was on the rear roof and they were able to uh assist her off of the roof uh and they kind of used the mcgyver skills where there's no ladder or anything available so Sergeant Maloney and uh Tran ler found a chair where they utilized the best they could Sergeant money stood on it and the uh the victim was able to stand on his shoulders and get off the roof that way but uh you know because their actions you know our resident is uh you know suffered uh minor uh wouldn't say injuries but uh damage from smoke but uh I do plan on awarding them both with Lifesaver Awards and I plan doing that for the next meeting for those who aren't aware uh Jack Maloney also did that at the Union Avenue fire from not mistake that is that is true as fast as the fire department gets out there Police Department gets there half a second faster and they we're about to give uh Jack Maloney a [Music] um application to join the Fire good all right thank you Chief uh John's not here Janice yes I have a few things um the first thing is um as you can see we have our acoustical panel installation is done and I would like to um say thank you to um Ken cheder of Public Works uh very helpful uh with the um facilities part of it working with the contractor and everything and also thanks to Beverly um Brandy of the sech and Carol uh with assisting getting this room put back together and all the Public Works guys that came over this morning this they were done Friday um the lift just got picked up this afternoon this room was in a shambles when we walked in this morning and it's put back together because of the help of um all these people Public Works Carol Bev and Brandy who um were vacuuming Bev brought her magnetic groller thing we were getting Staples picking up Staples and that you know you know they the cleaners couldn't I mean the contractors couldn't get everything and so uh and all the chairs were very dusty and uh so thank you to a lot of teamwork this morning to get this room back into shape um the next thing is we have um elections coming up on November 5th uh polls will be open from 6:00 a. to 8:00 p.m. but there are many ways to vote that um voters can take advantage of there's vote by mail if you've signed up for a vote by mail ballot you can get that done and back in the mail or you can drop it off at a u mailing ballot Dropbox we do not have one here in Delano because we don't have the population that requires us to have one the closest one would be Edgewater Park Riverside has one um for a vote by mail ballot also you can New Jersey has early voting you can vote early starting Saturday October 26th through November 3rd Sunday November 3rd and there U there sheets out in the lobby on the table with various early voting locations the closest one being the Willingboro public library and of course there's always in-person voting 6:00 AM to 8:00 pm I would encourage everyone to go early if you're going to do inperson at the um your polling place to go early because there are new machines that that were rolled out for the primary so you only had a very small percentage of people using them this election there's going to be a lot of people trying to vote in person with these brand new machines and they are very different than what you're used to so we are anticipating lines so if you want to vote early do early voting if you have vote by mail you can still get a vote by mail ballot uh I would I would um do it in person at the county at this point rather than using the mail but there is early voting um but if you're going to do iners at your polling place go early avoid and to uh make sure you have time to uh cast your vote and uh not maybe not have to wait in line as long that with what's anticipated for the evening hours as people start getting home from work and getting up to the polls um we have some events coming up actually uh we have the uh what's first we have a flu shot clinic this Friday October 255th from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. you're having trouble getting somewhere to get your flu shot it's it's not a free event if you have insurance bring your insurance card um or you can pay the uh cost and it is uh being provide run by paramont Pharmacy will be uh get uh doing the uh flu shots so um if you're having trouble getting to your doctor or getting somewhere else there is one here from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday October the 25th and Saturday November 2nd from 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m. at the Public Works garage um you start there it's actually a drive-thru rabies clinic for your pets dogs and cats um so if you you know your dog or your cat is due for a rabies clinic we have the drive-thru clinic on Saturday November 2nd from 11: from 9:00 am to 11 a.m. and you enter over on the Public Works garage side and come on drive through you traffic will be directed and um did you want me to say something about the Trunk or Treat in the movie we have uh Trunk or Treat this Saturday at the Field of Dreams um starting at 6: pm and then following the trunk Retreat is the outdoor movie uh starting at 8:15 do that without a sh so wellow um and any other events that I might not be remembering think for now okay you want you want to get that authorization for payment I'm do and I was going to say last but not least is on the Das and I had emailed everyone earlier um Friday afternoon we rece after the bill list and the bills were run we we received an invoice from the acoustical panel company um uh for the uh payment for the project and um since we don't meet again for almost like another month till November what is 18 18th our next meeting is the 18th of November because election day and then Veterans Day close for Veterans Day our next Township committee meeting is the 18th I would like Township committee to um authorize this for payment so we can get this company um paid and they don't have to wait a whole month uh to to get their um their payment for the for the project looks good to me yeah sounds good to me sounds good sounds we yeah we also have new microphones on order but they're not here yet and there'll be a longer neck and a better amp amplification quality they still are recording so hopefully that will also help with um the the sound issues for this room the same the chief is using that it's it's like the one that the the chief has which you can hear it has a much better amplification um properties to it than these other other uh gooseneck mics so um if you can just do a motion I'm also going to ask but that'll be later on so but this one specifically so our finance department can can go ahead and get this paid to this company I'll make a motion to approve the Fab track invoice dated October 18th for $ 38618 even I second that motion all right uh a roll call or all favor favor is fine all in favor I and then I would ask we as well just do it now that um there is on your agenda there are bill payments specific that have been run through a bill list but again since we only have one month uh we have a month before the next um meeting that you authorize any payment that may become due uh payable and do before the next meeting on um November 8th just like we did last yeah just like like school taxes have to be paid we get County taxes we can't that may become due and payable before your meeting on November 18th so is there a motion to authorize those payments second and all in favor is fine all right um Mike and Kate all in favor I I thank you very much and that's all I have B did you have anything okay that's it for our reports thank you thank you Jen all right uh start from the township committee report start to my far left and this Patrick okay thank you um uh first I'd like to um mention Delano's troll how many people here have visited the troll at the Vine Street Park um so Hagi was welcome to Delano on September 24th and she is stationed at the Vine Street Park which those of you who have visited um she was GRE greeted by the mayor the deputy mayor Phil mcfaden Al grao Liz matet Fern and myself um and uh the artist Jason Miller did the honors to have her securely placed at the park so check her out she's made out of recycled materials uh daisa Del Riv I attended their September 24th meeting uh the riverdell rebels all three uh traveling softball teams were particip ating in tournaments soccer games are in full swing I guess they may be winding up soon but uh they had up 183 registrations this year um at registrations for The Minis uh was open until the end of October they meet again tomorrow night so I'll have more to um more to report but they're very happy with the lights at the field of drinks uh the seniors I attended a meeting with living Springs on Friday setember 27th and provided them with information from um senior citizens united community service and updated them on our activities in town um shemica Stone uh was also present to talk about the position on the school board and what is happening in the school uh there was a question and answer period and uh snacks were served and as usual it's always an enjoyable evening spending time with the residents um the Delan seniors met on October 9th at the firehouse it was a great group the speaker was Anthony Williams from BGA Insurance Group he spoke about Medicare and the different plans available uh there was a brief question and answer period and he also agreed to um private conversations with any of this the seniors in attendance um the firehouse sales uh I enjoyed my breakfast sandwich from the bo Scout and also the Hogie from the uh fire department and I also managed to buy a half a dozen cupcakes from Randall's rescue so that was really nice I kind of enjoyed those sweets I ate them all myself too I can't believe that you're ad that I admit that um and I always find something to trash at the Public Works event and uh was able to deliver my uh documents for shredding and I also brought Jones for her so the Sewer Authority met on October 9th the town hall the trunk line project uh we're still waiting for D to close out uh the project there is a slight delay with the work at the pump station um we're still working on the bypass system once we received the main control panel uh that work should be completed the contractor has promised it on more than one occasion but hopefully my next meeting it will be done 989 coopertown Road there is a tenant in the building our engineer is still monitoring in the drain and Will Keep Us advised stylex nothing new to report 401 Creek Road uh they currently have a septic system but it appears they're interested in connecting to our system uh discussions are still underway regarding raising the tanks at the plant due to flooding the operator's report is on file and we did a um resolution to introduce our 2025 budget um oh I did for the PTO I did attend the Chick-fil-A event which is always tasty uh and I hope they I'm sure the PTO made out good that was pretty crowded uh Recreation we met on October 10th um all plans were discussed and finalized for Community Day trunk Retreat uh Janice had already indicated that's uh the 26 from 6: to 8 and the Moody the movie is Beetle Juice um the original one the original one I just watched that too long ago it's really funny so I'm sure the kids and families will enjoy that uh best decorated Halloween house judging is scheduled for Sunday October 27th uh Carriage rid are scheduled for December 14th uh Santa's visit and tree lighting is being held at Gateway Park on December 15th from 2: to 6:00 p.m. and there are two Eagle Scout projects in town uh replacing the flag pole at Gateway Park um um Lucas Russell and adding two little libraries one at Gateway Park and another one at the Field of Dreams uh Tommy Gul from Burlington um and um re decided to be uh to actually replace all the soccer nets this year Community Day it was a beautiful day and everyone seemed to enjoy the outside activities for the children as well as the groups and organizations the displays inside thank God we had some nice weather Living Springs uh their management team contacted me uh to do some community service in town so I referred them to John and he was going to have them go out to the compost site and pick up some of the trash that was blown around uh Administration Matt and I met with Janis Richard regarding uh some Administration and the possibility of upcoming retirements the library I attended the Enchanted Evening at the library learned some way of dealing with issues made a craft purchased some items and enjoyed visiting with uh friends and family uh and neighbors they they always have great events so check out their calendar I know they have a vendor event coming up in November I think it's the 14th is that it 14th um so they have several vendors there and uh it's a nice time to go there support the local vendors and uh get to see everyone and then many of you may have um read the article in the inquire regarding the hunt for the alligator Jr um well it looks like they did locate a large uh magnetic anomaly uh weighing from anywhere from 10 to two tons or from two to 10 tons and uh it could very well be the hull of the submarine that Alice Smith has been investigating for years so I do have that article if anybody wants a copy of it I'll be glad to send it to you and um that's all I have that's enough that's it exhaust I that's a lot of stuff but we all do we all do a lot so thanks kid we'll go to my far right Mr Templeton unless there's another Mr temple in here all right thank you good evening all uh trying to make this quick um let's see back on uh yeah September 25th Shay tree meeting uh as usual had a lot of uh actually not too many for that month I think there were four or five issues that were resolved and and next sh Tre meeting is next uh Wednesday environmental board back on October 3rd that was mostly community community day preparation uh I attended the planning board meeting on October first regarding 401 Creek so that was uh an interesting exercise to observe uh uh we've got a storm water new storm water ordinance that probably show up in the next meeting or two that we have to adopt uh there was a choice of uh like the Three Bears the simple one the medium one and the most difficult one so I think we're going with the simple one and uh said that should show up on the agenda shortly uh still wrestling with the uh uh there's a tree ordinance that the EP wants us to uh adopt that's part of our uh ms4 uh Municipal separate storm water system I got all the guesses in there anyway um U this was added to it uh the thing that's the hangup is that it's starts to involve the municipality in managing trees on private property and uh shet Tre commission has been wrestling with this administration's been wrestling with it and U so we're still trying to sort out a solution there that um uh has us adopt this ordinance that's part of the permit requirement per renewal requirement and yet keeps more more or less the status quo maybe that's going a little too far but uh we'll see how this works out uh fourth round affordable housing uh Mrs lur sent out an email forwarded an email with the uh some information from the state they release some numbers um there's timeline through next year 2025 as far as what the township there various Milestones that the township has to uh meet to enact that or uh comply with it but uh the initial document uh several Excel spreadsheets and basically personally going through it to Val try to validate some of the uh some of the assumptions and some of the numbers that they're using to arrive at that calculation uh this was something that I was concerned about a couple years ago when we were ganka was part one of 12 communities along the uh Riverfront on the Route 130 uh uh plan endorsement project uh that uh Mrs Martin and plan and the planning board was helping me with and uh working with Tom stany kind out of the the county at the Bridge Commission and as we were going through that inv validating uh looking at data that the the state had that was in various data bases the gis system and uh we found a lot of errors in what the paper said that the Lano had and what we knew what the Lano had so uh we were able to make some of those corrections but some of the those databases are beyond our reach and um so anyway I'm just trying to go through you know per kind of a personal mission to try to go through and validate some of that one of the things I'm looking at are just got a list from our tax assessor is uh one of the categories they look at is quote vacant land that's categorized in our tax roles um so going through that and just ver validating that uh they don't have our Parks categorized as vacant land or something uh property that business is on or home is on is classified as vacant land trying to catch errors like that whether it'll make a difference or not I don't know but um I think it's worth the look uh check that off riverline meeting uh tomorrow night down in Palmyra that's organized by Senator Singleton um attending that and there some other residents are going uh talk about issues with the riverline uh safety service levels um schedules maintaining schedules um connectivity down through uh um the Camden uh uh Junction with pacco and so forth so there's a lot of people concerned about that I was on a webinar back on October 3rd it was uh organized by the New Jersey League of municipalities Association that our town is part of uh regarding New Jersey reel which is State always comes up with these need acronyms resilient environment and Landscapes um hind science 2020 this is stuff that should have been done or you know 15 or 20 years ago but the state's New Jersey is actually very aggressive in trying to make adjustments to various regulations to accommodate for the weather we're experiencing and forecasting uh forecast of changes upcoming in the climate sea level rise uh Stronger storms flooding things like that so that's um the state D is proposing a new set of regulations thousand page thousand page regulation that'll affect uh uh Wetlands uh freshwater wetlands uh Coastal flood Hazard areas um let's see flood Hazard area Control Act stor and storm water um and uh so that's forecast or the D timeline is to have that adopted by next uh middle of next year 2025 and the comment period is until November 3rd uh but some big changes coming along there and uh uh they probably you know as always there'll be a big discussion about that because they they do want to increase the elevations on properties in high Hazard areas uh I think I've got about everything one point on hagath the uh uh item that the statue of the art piece that was put down at uh Bine Street Park Liz matet uh member of the community and she was the one that initiated that and spearheaded that so she was U deserved a lot of credit for uh bringing that into uh into the community and lastly I kind of uh jumped jumped the gun on regarding D fire at 810 uh the chief my apologies Chief no no worse um but uh I heard the you know the fire sirens and then you know normally you hear the sirens Fade Out as they cross the bridge and heading into some other community then you hear the sirens stop and and then I smelled smoke so so anyway I uh walked over to the fire scene you know about I don't know half whatever it was half hour 40 minutes after the initial call and so forth um the amazing thing is we had what Burlington Riverside brington City Bristol Edgewater Park Delan senson help me out here Terry C Bristol cyon company um Merchantville Willingboro there's more yeah but um yeah some volunte yeah cud us to to our officers first on the scene to to get the resident out of Harm's Way and so forth but I'm looking at that scene of all the the firefighters and EMTs and their bunker gear and everything and oxygen tanks and mask and and horrific situation and I'm looking at all these people and the vast majority are volunteers and a lot of people don't understand that uh the overwhelming majority of Fire companies in the country are volunteer services uh there are 714 Volunteer Fire companies in New Jersey Alone um unfortunately um those numbers those volunteer numbers are are declining and uh um it'll those those services will probably evolve over time into a paid service and get regionalized and so forth that's uh but uh it's just an amazing site to see all those people at 5 and 4:30 5 in the morning out there full turnout gear and um doing their thing and uh didn't go to work the next day yeah they're there for the duration it's it's an amazing site and it's something that uh U the community needs to be reminded of and uh that's all I got thank you thanks Mike and I I have the that list here just so everyone has it the two Beverly companies camenson two Delan companies Riverside River Riverton Willingboro Burlington Township West Hampton Township Mount Laurel Palmyra uh Burlington City the Third District Volunteer Fire Company that's Bristol Pennsylvania Merchantville um Delan EMS Willingboro EMS Mount Laurel EMS uh pyra cinnamon Riverton EMS and the virtue of paramedics they all there that cuz there was a two alarm fire yeah get next uh next level of the Grid in and uh yeah it was busy right thank you Mike Mr [Music] Durette the history board is BU busy this past month uh participated in the townwide yard sale community day uh on the 18th uh returned or uh steel manufactured sneak box back to tton uh Maritime Museum uh for winter storage uh we don't have a place here to store the boat so uh they're being gracious and storing the boat for us there and hopefully somewhere next year we'll be able to uh find a home for it here in Delano and be able to keep it here uh this past Saturday uh we had our open house here at Town Hall and Dorothy Robbins T re uh brought her dad's displays uh prosed uh arms and uh some of the archived items that she had available to share with the public here we had some probably about a dozen folks show up uh and Dr shaper's uh daughter and son also were here and they were friends uh with Dr robins and their family so they were able to share stories going back in for which was nice then there was another couple from Edgewater Park that came over made for a nice afternoon uh let's see the next uh event for the history board open house will be November 16th and uh it'll focus on Delano's many military veterans and that'll be from 1 to three here at Town Hall uh let's see Library here ye here ye uh library has some events going on and uh tomorrow at Boscovs uh if you bought a ticket or you stop by the library tomorrow get a ticket for $5 which gets donated to the library but that ticket or coupon take the BOS offs and get you 25% off your purchase there between the hours of I think they till 11:00 tomorrow night uh we have another uh event going on November 5th and 7th at 300 p.m. in the afternoon uh the Lego club for ages 6 to 10 and uh Thursday Kate already uh said this but November 14th uh their third annual vendor event from 5: to 8:00 p.m. uh to see all their activities go to Delano library.org and let's see I attended a uh webinar for the jip on some training there and then last week attended the JF meeting and on that note that's all I have sir all right thank you f s thank you mayor November 30th uh you and I attended the PS pre-conference meeting down 30th September 30 it's not Thanksgiving yet it's been a long day September 30th the precon meeting for the uh gas line replacement projects that we have going on learned some interesting stuff about that uh they're still down on Delaware Avenue they'll be there for another couple weeks and then move to to Walnut Street area they are doing um The Replacements in the ground and also meter Replacements if you have an indoor meter they're upgrading to an outdoor meter that's required uh October 1st was the joint L news board meeting for the 401 Creek Road application I did not attend I was unable to attend that but I think we all know how that turned out um October 10th was the recreation meeting cake pretty much covered everything um just adding on to the hag the project uh it was nice that Recreation was able to actually pay for that and be involved um thanks to Emperor Bano for handling kind of all that paperwork I know my husband was on that committee too kind of figuring out where to put it so I think where it is in Vine Street and the in the the flower bed there is really nice and I did actually buy some solar lights there's two solar lights on her now so she can be seen at night and all her blaze of glur uh October 12th by the way she'll be there till the end of the year here um and then we're going to uh probably put her on the trails on West Avenue have a little troll Trek out there with a little sign saying where she came from so that people can visit her as long as she is able to be seen October 12th was Community Day I uh hung out there got to see all the residents and talk with everyone What a Beautiful Day great weather no rain for the past month we've had great weather um October oober 15th I attended the it meeting here with the various departments to go over some ongoing projects uh that we have for upgrading technology in the township building in the police department getting some new computer servers and some other items um I kind of just joined that subcommittee myself know I was there instead of Matt so I I filled in for him that day Matt was working yes um October 16th I attended an all day training through recers for elected officials kind of learned what I'm really supposed to be doing as an elected official there just eye opening no it was it was very informative you know kind of learn exactly what goes on in government and uh where we fit into all that so uh that's all I have I'm sure there's been other stuff but nothing that really jumps out of me good thing you took that class now almost two years after being on the committee yeah no it was a refresher and then I learned all the things that I do that really not supposed to do but legally you can but legally we can but just go above and beyond yes as that squeaky as that squeaky wheel you know thank you Carolyn statue yeah all right uh let's see since our last meeting once we get down to the end here I'm just repeating what everyone else said for the most part but went to hagatha uh Fire Commission meeting we had on September 24 fourth noral business I attended the fire company's hogi sale on what was to be the townwide yard sale on September 28th but that got canceled due to the rain but we still held the hogy sale as well as the scouts um did their breakfast sandwiches we didn't do as good as always but we turned a profit right ter good I attended the Hawk Island cleanup on September 29th along with Fern and Carolyn and about dozen other members of the public and uh we easily got a truckload and a half of trash out of there yeah a dump truck a dump truck not just one of our pickups one of the Public Works dump trucks and then they went back to the next day and just the amazing sort of random things it was a whole spool of fence out there that someone dumped uh H what was that a head gasket from a car an engine that was in the river cylinder that was in the river um tires anything you can imagine was out there so many Corona bottles yeah so many I I actually one of the people who were cleaning out there told me that the nickname of the part on the river side the beach side that faces um Pennsylvania is called Corona Point apparently due to that reason I did not know that I don't know the truth to that but apparently that's what the locals call it so most of that trash is boers trash yeah they're pulling up there they're partying on the beach that we have no control over and then dumping all their bottles and trash for us to clean up so it's not the people that are going there to visit that are the problem it's the voters 100% uh I attended the precon with psng Carolyn mentioned uh held the town yard townwide yard sale and the cleanup on October 5th I dumped a lot of stuff over with the shredding uh event either as well as Kate did um I'm I'm guilty of being a paper hoarder of old bills and everything else throughout the years but it's it's gone now thankfully so uh thanks for administration for setting that up uh to for our residents to bring all their stuff to be shredded out uh I attended the county office of emergency management meeting on October 8th uh the 12th um like pretty much everyone else I spent up at the firehouse for Community Day great turnout by members of the public I am a little disappointed to see the small plantings that the environmental Advisory Board was giving out were sadly tossed out back in the uh lawn area behind the pole barn at the firehouse um by the teenagers who they probably shouldn't have been given them in the first place so hopefully a lesson learned for the EAB for next year but it it was a great thought um but sadly can't trust kids with plants um see last Tuesday as Kate mentioned we had 86 session planning meeting regarding retirements with the administration uh last Wednesday I attended the Board of Ed meeting they did a presentation on the njsla scores from the last school year and to be frank and as everybody knows they were abysmal with the majority of the students uh taking them not getting the meets expectations levels U much higher than the state's average and it was mentioned that each student affects the total per percentage by about 3% due to the low number of students compared to some of the bigger districts in the state um even more concerning is that the state as a whole roughly only half the students are meeting expectations so it really speaks to a much bigger issue across the state than just locally in Bano which is more prominent in Bano due to lower number of students but it's really a Statewide issue um and I would be remiss if I didn't mention again about the house fire that occurred a week ago today and we've already talked about what an amazing job that Sergeant Maloney and officer lner did with the rescue um and she's recovering she's a long road ahead of us um second repeat some of the comments awesome job by our fire department and all the mutual Aid departments that came and terrific job by our fire chief Scott hlin and deputy chief Lester Abrams for running command on that incident and I think third of all we need to thank God that it wasn't windy until later on because if that wind kicked up um when that fire was going I don't want to think of the devastation that could have occurred with the neighboring houses due to how close there are sure the fire department would have done a phenomenal job on protecting the exposures but that's a little too close for com uh comfort for me so thank God that it wasn't windy too much uh later and um finally thanks to all the residents that have actually been showing support to the two families uh that uh lost everything and between the clothing and other other material um donations and almost $20,000 raised between uh the two families on the two gundies that were posted um it really shows how much people can come together when it counts so that's all I have for my report this evening um just piggybacking off the that are you still collecting clothes or did they stop that another um there are two there a couple houses in town that are collecting for both families um the house right to the right of the house that burnt down um Mrs Morano she's collecting clothes and other Essentials for the resident at 310 that was that's the family uh that has the four children and um I let uh the house on the other side I use my address because they only had addresses out of town so 310 Burlington Avenue or 18002 Street for the house on the left they're still collecting and I hear a house on Second Street that does Halloween stuff is collecting canned goods out there as well yes so this weekend we collected probably four big like 20 by 20 boxes worth of food toiletries um household items like plates cuffs like stuff like that people really really put a lot of thought into it we're getting like shampoo and grazers and you know like toothbrushes and stuff that you know they lost everything so you figured try to go out through your day what do you use in your house so it's um it's really nice to see that and I have all that stuff for them and ongoing till the end of the month and and you know I could certainly appreciate that when I was 15 uh we were my family we were down camping in Tennessee and we got a call that our house burnt down so we came back to exactly what you see there on Burlington Avenue and had to start literally from scratch with not a darn thing so so it's great for the community to support however and wherever you can is that why you're firl well one of the reasons and Terry dragged me into the fire company and said hey why you come up here right Terry you volun told oh I was volun told all right uh we'll go to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will will be reflected in full in the minutes uh is there anything anyone needs further discussion on or wants pull to the content agenda no no that's good all right resolution 2024-the execution of the release of part of property from the Redevelopment agreement resolution 2024-25 Burlington County Hazard mitigation plan where resolution 20241 39 resolution to extend the solid waste collection contract with Seaside waste collection formerly South Jersey sanitation through the historic Riverfront neighborhood solid waste collection program payment of bills for the October 8th 2024 check run current fund $882,500 $196,500 a $87 and the Housing Trust Fund $140 for the October 18th check run current fund $6,6 5160 payroll $179,950 Capital fund $4,975 escrow trust 83752 and the Housing Trust $498 .75 approval of submitted Department reports can I have a motion for approval of the consent agenda please move second motion By Carolyn second by Kate roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes uh correspondence I have none thank you okay uh meeting is now open to the public for comments and questions this is session number two if you missed it before if you have any comments or questions come up give your name and address for the record meetings open to the public Carl terasi 55 Bennington Court oh it even sounds even better coming this way yeah that's great great as the committee knows uh I've been a member of the planning board adjustment and the shade tree Commission for many years uh I've been reappointed numerous times I look forward if it is the commission's pleasure to be reappointed as long as my mental health is there and my physical health is there and having said that uh I was absent last at your last meeting uh but I I and know that you probably know I was one of the three negative votes to four positive votes on 401 Greek grad and I am told that even though I was not present at last uh the last meeting that uh there was some discussion about the possibility of the Township buying GRE Road and uh I was just wondering if that is an accurate uh rendition of what happened and uh if that's still in process yes yes yes yes um do do we know who the owners of this 401 GR industrial LLC yeah we entered into the Redevelopment agreement with them so we know them quite well okay so uh I assume that they will not be given permits to start the construction until this discussion is further Advanced they certainly can apply for permits they certainly receive permits if they choose to apply for them but they do things how they'll do them we'll do things how we'll do them and we meet somewhere in the middle there and the resolution hasn't been adopted yet either you Haven adopted the resolution yet so thank you so much you're welcome thank you you're welcome Carl thank you thank you for all you do thank you anyone else going once going twice all right we'll close this open public meeting uh Open Session to the public I don't know why I can't speak and we don't need another executive session question uh go ahead traffic study I noticed that the park counting um equipment is out about uh any idea how long that's going to take two well they're out for two weeks they're set up for two week and then uh they'll have the report you know within by the end of the year are they going to be moving it or are they putting I only saw the one out here no there supposed to be four or six of them I haven't seen any but this one at all D everywhere there's there I don't know why that one's out there now but there's different locations and there's also like different types of counters too not right and I gave them I gave them quite a list of locations we actually had a subcommittee meeting right and they got they I'm sure they got my list CU I sent on all the majors long as that bridge is on the list all points yeah right at the end of the bridge there and it can actually measure type of vehicle the weight of the vehicle if it's a truck or not so it does actually um get down to the Mitty gritty uh just one side note there was one literally directly outside here in front of the resident's house and they contacted Mr fenmore who called me and said can we please have that move to kep them up all night cuz it was pretty loud when you drive over it so I had to move it in front of stylex immediately within the hour so that's a little better for them but yeah I haven't seen any other ones um they said they said mid October so I imagine it's on the because I'd like to see them I think you I'm a far from a traffic study expert they should probably be all out at the same time so you're collecting the same set of data yeah right in a certain area them yeah yeah I would that and they were putting something out there at Route 130 and The Jug Handle yes The Jug Handle there the bridge Cooper town There's there had to be at least 10 locations that I sent them it's like six different counters and then four different other types of study mechanism I forget exactly what it's called but it should capture everything on every end what we pay for it is better right yeah and uh along with the joint land use board we members of the township committee will uh be given to of course oh yeah they should actually present it to us I would imagine yeah it's part of circulation plan so we have to because it it'll have to be approved for the master plan because it's part of the master plan too that's another reason why it's being done not just for our needs and their needs but it's part of the master plan too thank you I just have one comment I'd like to thank Janis and Beth for finally getting this acoustic system done because we have been talking about this for so many years and it has has made such a difference in this room for everyone I can hear everyone up here in the audience and I'm sure the audience is appreciative of it and that you can tell the difference so thank you Janice from the bottom of my heart I know it's a lot of work I think the real tell will be when Harry's here though we'll see you're welcome you had something like well the good news bad news is we can't hear conversations in the back row of the room like we used to yeah can can you hear can you hear Township committee better you can do you want to hear town and one quick thing uh before we adjourn uh just to Circle back regarding the traffic and also kind of regarding the fire um when the fire was going on burington Avenue was closed and people forgot how to drive apparent apparently throughout town so when there is a road closure you don't drive through conbs you don't go around we're not doing it to make your life hell getting to work myself and Mr veric were at the intersection of Burlington burington yeah burington Avenue and Cooper town then we moved up to Union and people forgot all how to drive there are other ways out of town it might not be convenient but show some Grace and I'm not talking to the people in this room because I'm I know all the people in this room and you guys wouldn't be doing it but show some Grace people were living through the worst moments and people were complaining uh you know saying well I got to get to work okay well these people aren't going to have a house to go to let us do our jobs and put the fire out we were there from about 5:00 a.m. and we didn't get out of there till about 3:00 or 3:30 so it was a long day for everyone and trying to R run Robin myself over with your vehicle because you had to take five extra minutes and go out of the way uh I'm certainly not too happy with that and I I know Rob wasn't standing next to him there and behind you the BL yeah exactly 530 when you rolled up there after I woke you up well yes I kind of slept through the first part but yeah just just don't tell anyone about that just show some Grace and you know just respect uh yeah and thank you Mrs Hamlin for bringing everybody food um we were very hungry and thirsty out there um and by the way and I'm just going to bring this up only because it was said when they were passing me some one person said who wasn't happy that I redirected them I'll remember this in November if you want to not vote for me because I made you go out of the way don't vote for me thank you thank you with that motion to adjourn please she move anyone want to say I'll second that all in favor all right have a good night everyone