##VIDEO ID:fDGTy1IgWG0## let me know when you're ready Janice mayor we're recording all right very good good evening welcome to the August 5th 2024 Township committee meeting held at 7:00 or thereabouts at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road in Delano can I have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr alette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton and Mr Bartlett here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mr Fox our Township engineer Mr heinold our Township solicitor Mrs lore our municipal clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk Mr fenmore the superintendent of Public Works and Mr T tiller the police chief please rise for the flag United States of America and to the na indivisible and justice for all the sunshine statement please Janice please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Bron County Times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official Bolton Board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you mayor thank you Janice uh we will start off tonight with ordinance 202 24-18 an ordinance amending chapter 250 of the code of the township of Delano governing streets and Roads at article 3 governing driveways second reading by title only and public hearing hearing is now open to the public for ordinance 202 24-18 and 18 only seeing no members of the public coming forward for ordinance we will close that uh hearing to the public and I'll ask for a motion to approve ordinance 20248 so second motion by Miss Seuss second by Miss fatrick to adopt 2024 d8 roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr elette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes ordinance amending the township code at chapter 1 193 governing Hawke Island second reading by title only and public hearing uh for those here originally in 1978 the township committee decided to enact an ordinance that closed Hulk Island from 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and it also prevented possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages at any time on Hulk Island reading through the M the meeting minutes of the township committee from 1979 there were notes that people were removing dirt from haulk Island and trucks were tearing up the streets and a month later they determined that it was a construction company taking dirt out so a month after that they decided just to close Hulk Island as the response to uh people taking dirt out there so the response was simply close the island off to everybody at all times and then uh the Township Code governing Fulk Island was then adopted which is still here to this date that simply States the entrance ways to attractive ground located in the township of Delano known and designated as haulk Island which is owned by the township of Delano is hereby closed to ACC closed to access to or from Hulk Island and the police department of the township of Delano is hereby directed to post appropriate signs on the property in question and to treat any persons using or attempting to use the ground as trespassing subject to the penalties as provided under the trespass law under the state of New Jersey now not only is some of the existing code factually incorrect regardless of what is actually in the code Hulk island has continued to be used illegally by the public the majority of which are simply wanted to take in its beauty of its natural preserved lands the goal of this updated ordinance is to thoroughly update the code in order to not have our residents be treated as criminals for simply taking a hike on the man-made Trail but also to be specifically clear on what is and is not acceptable as opposed to something generic such as no trespassing which has been in the ordinance for the last 45 years and virtually ignored late last year the township committee passed an ordinance authorizing the placement of deed restrictions on Hawke Island on the township owned lands to place it on the Green Acres Rosy list that's the recreation and open space inventory in order to prevent its disposal or any development of these properties and it's our goal that these properties be preserved as it is truly one of the treasures here in town and I signed that deed earlier this year and it was recorded at the county so culk Island can and will never be developed and this ordinance here tonight is to make sure for our residents it's never destroyed by the people visiting it and we have already coordinated with our public works department on cleaning up the trash and the police are going to be patrolling out there so this is done for the residents so now we will open the hearing to the public for ordinance 2024 d19 and-9 only if you have any comments or questions please approach the podium I'll I'll grab you hold on uh please approach the I'll go in order that I'm seeing hands raised or at least I'll try to if you have any comments or questions I believe you were the first one up just come to the podium give your name and address for the record I'm sorry I was pointing to he was not first Lane thank you're in that little section kind of there you can't get it's not on Del problem I know what you're talking about my concern is two things if it's open to the public which is great I would like to go back to myself where are people going to park who want to come you know who you know are not within walking distance okay um I mean you know where are they going to park they going to end up all you know coming back behind my house and you know parking there um and also um how's this going to be enforced as far as um ATVs and stuff like I rode dirt bikes when I was a kid too and I don't have a problem with people doing it during the day but they're out there at like 2 or 3:00 in the morning and you know wake me up and stuff like that and I know that the U gentleman from works department looking back there with back out they'll you know destroy the area where they used to get up within hours they're back up there again so that's my question thank you and I'll leave the question as far as the um enforcement to Chief tiller but as far as the parking we're not doing anything as far as allowing extra people to come in there everything is remaining status quo we're the people are going back there right now the people are parking where they're parking we're not we're not creating more for them to do they're already going back there we're not opening this up as a park we're just we're trying to police what's going on now but I mean what I'm saying what I'm hearing with what you just said though it's been closed and everybody pretty much knows that it's closed correct now during certain hours what is it during a day or is it 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or something like that it's going to be over and the word's going to get out it's going to be like hey you know let's let's go back there you know what I mean I always wanted to go back there and see what's going on so I think you're it's inevitable you're going to trct the people you know what I mean that's what my concern is are they just want to park up down Bine Street a lot of people have garages you know they have to park on the street and that's going to create a problem and I'm just thinking that I already see some people coming you know you know but like you said because it's Clos you know a man comes and walks his dog I see to the truck all the time is that going to end up being more and people are just going to look and you know that's what I want to know yeah let the chief go as far I agree um that's going to be a uphill battle we're going to deal with I agree with you use Mic excuse me use the microphone so I I agree I think it's going to be a problem that we're going to be dealing with uh because it is a public they are public streets people are allowed to Park on public streets there's going to be congestion if if the word gets out it it does start getting used you know more heavily yeah I think it's you know when you talk about techniques for combating the the enforcement part uh we're looking into purchasing an ATV uh I'm also looking into now uh you getting up with the times and looking into the purchase of a drone I'm just in infancy stages of of trying to get uh you know some prices on approved equipment that would also be able to assist us because obviously you know the island we can't get back to all the locations there uh so we're going to have to start thinking outside the box to really combat these problems if if they do you know show their face okay well I just wanted to that's those are those are my concerns because I me I live right there live there for a long I I like I've grown accustom to the nice quiet piece back there yeah thanks thanks sir most of the the gestation of this of this ordinance is really to give law enforcement some teeth and some clarity on the status of the various Parcels out there uh the township the township has about 50% of the land out there uh there's a large State parcel there's two other Parcels that uh Mr Bartlett has done basically a a detailed title search that there's some ambiguity there and underlying all that land uh the state has an underlying tide lands claim to probably 70 to 80% of what's dry land out there so but really this is this was an incremental step to try to get some clarity for law enforcement just to try to get a handle on some some of the behavior out there that's uh truly destructive and despoiling uh a treasure to this region so that's where we are right now we're not putting up a sign that it's going to be a park or advertised um and uh it's really the to give law enforcement uh uh some maneuvering room go give your name and address for the record Vincent gami I'll spell that that's G is in George i r o l a m i 105 Vine Street to lanco New Jersey uh I have a written statement and addressing ordinance 20249 the amending of Township Code chapter 197 governing buul Island sub chapter 197 uh as we have in tic 97-1 to purpose it seems the township committee by this ordinance wishes to deregulate haulk Island area and access there to most if not all of the and then next week they get site cited again and next week so hopefully hopefully get it people get excited will cause the negative to say hey you know what maybe we shouldn't go out to HW and Delano cuz we're getting a $2,000 fine and I think the ordinance says are up to 90 days in jail time so you would hope people would have some common sense yes and I know what they're saying is I know I'm I'm putting too much faith in people yep somewhere in the 1890s Mark D made a statement the least common thing around these parts seems to be common sense so it's been true for a 100 years and more it's going to be true for another 100 years and more anyway thank you I I do appreciate your comments read my statement thank you very much thank you thank you hello hello just name and address of the record right across the street from Lely H Island they've been dealing with this C for5 years you probably know me I call so much I do yes um he covered a lot of what I I was going to talk about um like the trash what he was saying and um I don't think John and his guys should be responsible for cleaning that up I mean that's not great you know uh you know take it in bring it out that not going to happen um someone that I know went up there to um check out to see what was going on because there were so many voters going on to the little beach out there not at the point there was tons of people out there he came across a woman taking number two right in the walkway right right in the walkway and then they had a pile to the to the left that's full of dirty diapers it's disgusting why should he have to clean that up um and then another thing nobody's addressed the lake up there I mean who's going to be responsible when someone drowns unfortunately dring unfortunately the lake that is owned by the state of New Jersey that's not owned by the township that's not owned by any of the private individuals yeah that's not going to stop people from trying to sue you you know that that's not going to stop them right now either yeah but anyway that's just another problem and like like he was saying the people that come from from out of state and I had somebody parked in front of my house and had a beer bottle on their roof right in front of my house I said oh that looks real good you know and so I I this was this was a few years ago and then um when the cops came and they didn't do anything it was when Eddie was was Chief um a while ago and um when they when they went away she threatened me the guy threatened me you know I'll be back um but that doesn't scare me because when I get my fire up you know go ahead come back um but um and then couple years ago um some people came off the island they late at night and they were changing their clothes in the middle of the street you know getting naked changing into dry clothes and then the next day when Anthony went outside there's old drug paraphernalia in in the middle of the street needles and stuff and that's what goes on up there it's horrible the answer is get these guys some quads right we're working we're working and the uh the committee's doing a good job working with us so they can you know it as far as the walking and the hiking and the running and the biking what the heck's Pennington parked for you know and I don't care if somebody like that goes up there the fishermen have you been down there and seen all their crap L laying there all their empty bait containers their lines and their their Hooks and they hanging you know and I've been woken up so many times the dirt bikers and all you think they're going to say they go up there now they don't care trespassing I asked that to have the Spanish sign so they can't say oh no speaking English well you know what they they can read it they go right by it and I don't know how I haven't got the people who can read English go right by it as well so I don't think the language we we could put French German and Russian up there they'll still ignore it I I mean I would that doesn't bother me but this trash and the the dir whes and you know the toilet stuff and the the the loud music oh my God it sounds like it's right in my my family room I I live right there right at the dirt road you know and um all this stuff is a joke to me it's a joke I mean I can understand you're trying to do something good it's not working people are ignorant they have no respect we haven't done anything yet we haven't not to work we haven't operated under these rules yet going to work you know but is the answer to do nothing is the answer to do nothing like understand all your concerns but what do we do do you guys have a better option for us this is the only option we have he said you open it up you think that's not going to get a closed that's your option it's closed now it's closed now it's not working for you is it you open it up it's going to be 10 times but at least the police can then have the authority to do something right now they don't because they don't easy one at a time please you're going to change your one at a time this evening we can't we have to this but why can't you change it to where it helps us you know how would you like to have a bunch of people parked around your house and coming off the island you don't know what time of night they're coming off yes sir please you everybody will have their chance we're going to do this in a civil manner this is this is how we get we get so riled up and I understand that but we're going to respect ourselves act in a good manner in here and each take our turn we're all adults in this room thank you but um yeah so that's you know that's my thing I'm concerned about the leag I'm concerned there's nobody going to be up there telling them not to go in the leg I'm scared to death that little one's going to ground you know and like that gentleman said and then I'll be done is um it was like three summers ago and then when the police make a presence uh it seems to calm down you know when they actually go up there and and it it seems to calm down for a while but the one like three summers ago I had a call the cops and I watched when the policeman went up there I watched I counted them 50 people 50 and most of them were from Pennsylvania you know join a pool you know and swimming in that filthy water it's wonder they don't blow at night but um yeah these guys they have it rough you know and I I completely agree John and his guys should have to go out there and clean people's crap out they also shouldn't have to uh clean people's crap off Burlington Avenue and coopertown Road and everywhere else that we do not just Hulk island people are litterers people are ignorant 100% yeah they are two years ago we were out uh we had the town cleanup day Miss Holland sitting in the back there she ran that with the I guess environmental Advisory Board and we were out there for I guess 3 4 hours the amount of trash that we brought just from a couple block radius around um the Hickory Street Ballfield I mean we were in the let's just say we were in the train station area the amount of stuff we pulled from within the tracks alone people are ignorant yeah John shouldn't have to clean that up people should throw their own stuff away but unfortunately in a modern society we have to do that you're paying taxes you expect the town to be clean I I and as much as we have a million other things for John to do storm cleanup and everything else yeah his guys have to do trash pickup as well I'd say keep the keep the signs up no trespassing and if the Walkers and Hiers want to go up there don't you know don't tile then we have to enforce it on everybody but yeah I appreciate your comments okay thank you thank you thank you Jennifer I just I would just like to make a comment as well because I know I've received complaints through the years and Jennifer is a dear friend of mine from way back when so um I I think what we are trying to accomplish and maybe the residents aren't seeing that is that this will give our police the right to go up there and keep people off of there after dawn dusk I mean so right now they don't have that because this ordinance that's on the books is just it's not even legal so between it was way it done before I was born it was so between our attorney and our police we're trying to be able to enforce rules up there to have people leave at a decent time to have them take their trash out whether or not that's going to happen we don't know but we do have a fellow who is patrolling out there we've put some trash cans out there now John has been out there I know but we I get pictures from what's going on out there on a weekly basis and it's disgusting it is disgusting but this may help us stop it because the police right now according to the ordinance we have they don't really have the authority we're giving them the authority to go up there we're going to purchase the vehicle that they need to go up there and I would think that when it's dark and if you hear something call the police let them know so that they can start patrolling and people the where will get out and I really think that if Delano starts to patrol after dusk that these people will realize this is not their party area anymore yeah and and I I think that's that's the intent that's the intent of this ordinance the intent is not to have it flooded by Outsiders it's actually to try and enforce what we want to go on up there so that at a certain time time they're out and if they're disobeying it at least the officers have the teeth that they need to to summons them to give them and up I'm just if you could just go by the microphone just only only so Bev doesn't freak out when she does the minutes years ago yeah and uh somebody was up there on a a quad and they just making all kinds of Racket and it went on and on and on and like 1:00 1:30 in the morning I called for the police and you know I know that's not a priority they're busy doing other stuff so it took them a little while to get there so I walked up to the I walked up to the the top of that where the gate is I walked up to the top it was more open then and I picked up a big rock and um I'm standing there like this with my rock and the police officer uh Finly comes he says man ma' what are you doing I said I'm going to Chuck this rock at this guy when he rides by me he's like no no don't do that we'll take but but that's how you get you know I'm done thank you very much thank you thank you Jennifer Chief not to put not to put you on the spot do you get how many calls would you say on average do you get it varies each year but summertime always increases obviously um but it's steady and over the years like I said it's always been that gray area it's always been difficult for us cuz we've never had the real uh rights to know you know right the zones and also the enforcement abilities thank you Chief thank your name 101 Vine Street Donna m r r i my predecessors have pretty much covered everything the suggestion I have don't let a cooler go back there because there's alcohol going back there constantly I can go carry a whole case back under their arm some of the people that go back there are are very trashy obviously and I don't know if they have the wrong upbringing because I walked out my back door one day and here is a gentleman standing in the right way taking a Wi on the Le not cool about 30 ft away from me you know a lot of people that go back there don't follow rules even Common Sense rules how are you going to enfor the rules then they're not even going to understand what the rules are most of them I mean we to post well I know we're run going to run you guys right honestly that's all right that's what we're here for um you know there's going to be signage that we're talking about as well as we're going to take a really proactive approach you know once this is in code um you know my officers will be detailed out there um you know and they're going to be told you know Zero Tolerance policy on the enforcement of of a lot of these or these regulations um because without us actually using the power to enforce it and citing them obviously nothing's going to change okay thank you thank you but we're going to need your help too I mean you see someone pulling up and getting the case AC getting the well getting the the case of Corona out of the back of the car call the police your where else are they going [Music] 105 B Street 105 did you got name give you name one more time fora street so if you decide to open this up not for vehicles but just for walk-ins and a lot of people come and I know the streets are public property anyone can park but then we have to deal with just car after car after car after car blocking our driveways blocking the fire hydrant and people just parting all up and down our street which is what we've been dealing with and I think that's going to become even a bigger problem when you decide because they're not coming by walking they're coming by cars and they're taking up you know everyone's streets which I understand they're entitled to do that but we have driveways we have fire hydr yeah they're not entitled to block your driveways they're not entitled to block fire we're nervous sometimes when we see them we're in our backyard they're out front we have to watch and make sure they're not hitting our car CU they're out there with their coolers they got their you know their pickup trucks and and the backs down they're sitting there we have to watch and we don't want to say anything because we don't want retribution so it's you know it's a little scary as far as parking in front of driveways blocking driveways blocking hydrants if someone is doing that call you call the non- emergency number 4611 1515 or 911 it's easier to remember we've called quite a times and they'll go out there and they'll site them we actually had a police officer come out and saw a car was to in like 15 minutes well we're looking for that guy exactly you know and so you don't know you know what their agendas are you know I mean some of them be very nice people and some of them just they don't care about your property and that's my biggest concern yeah I have concerns they're doing back there but what they're doing on our streets also and that's and once the word gets out this is not where you want to trespass you don't want to go on Hulk Island and do these things that are outlined as illegal you're that problem's going to go away that's the that's the hope and also now and we can't do anything about them now you know you can always call anonymously too you don't have to get you don't have to give your name when you call that number call we've been here three years and we' de but if you're worried about any you retaliation or anything we have a peach tree and they come up take the you know the peaches off the trees you know and it's you know it's big deal to us you know um my neighbor we were sitting there one day and this one guy comes out decid to sit under her tree CU it was hot she hadn't got can you please get off my property we had to deal with this all the time and one respect or another I've been saying this too much lately you can't fix stupid so I'm afraid that with what you proposed to do now we're going to have a bigger problem and calling the police constantly because these people are on our streets and they're you know wreaking havoc thank you thank you Mark it yes yellow oh the curb you're talking about John got that and uh which one was your house I'm sorry uh [Music] 10 what address what was your address the fire hyra fire Hy 101 Vine get the right 101 Walter Avenue I just had two questions since you're planning to control more is the plan to increase the police force to be able to accommodate that extra patrolling we've actually been increasing the police force we have another member in the academy uh just swarm in last week today he started the academy swarm in last week yeah and and is the only entrance to Hawke Island going to be at the gates of one of you know at the end ofine Street correct so they're not going to be allowed to access next to my property on 101 w like to be able to go up that hill and cut through my lawn yeah the only access is the one at the end of Vine Street with the gate is corre Curly all thank you you know Maran if they're accessing your property you should put a sign up private property because there are trespasses work very well doesn't it Mr I mean it's worth it I mean because there are trespasses basically trespassing now and they don't I've had another Resident who lives and they go they walk right through her property and even the hunters walk right through her property with their guns and um so I mean even if they see the sign and if you see them call call the police but but I would put a put a sign up because that's one more deterrent and if they just stick their nose up to it then feel free to call the police and say they're entering through my property and post Post-it signage is easier to um handle in court y um it's next Carn and Matt said something tonight that I'm thinking I first asked you I'm sure you'll be one answer step a little closer one answer who knows you said that this orience came out to be able to enforce better okay so why can't you do what's in this ordinance but still keep all I closed Doug well I don't think I mean unless I misunderstand and what the overall issue is the issue isn't just about trying to correct the negative activity out there but it's also about trying to understand that we have residents who are accessing that property in a positive way and doing no harm and that is my second question I was going to ask that from what you mention so if you're concerned about the residents being addressed for trespassing why not create a beach tag a tag that we give to the residents so you can distinguish between who has a beat I said who has a tag and you know that there are residents and then that don't have to tag you do that for parking down to the Del River you know I can't I'm not allowed to park out after hours but the people that live around there are so if you're concerned about a resident being arrested for or summoned for trespass right then why don't we give residents the option of going up getting a tithe and you say make it residents only is what resid only then you have the ability to determine I don't think that would I mean it's it's an option whether it's a viable option I don't can you do that since it's on the Rossy no we me yeah no I mean we we don't have the ability to exclude non-residents uh under that scenario there's no there's no beach tag type mechanism that I'm aware of even Beach tag have to offer to is that because of RI or that for a different because you do have parking permits I'm a resident but I still can't park down near the river unest I know someone or I I I go get perit a parking permit on the park there I don't necessarily agree with that either but that was done before I was on committee so and then if if that's not an option how about the people that are concerned about parking give them a uh a parking permit that no one else is allow but I'm afraid when that happens we'll just keep moving down you know Street yeah but you have a couple options that I haven't heard tonight whether or not they're viable I don't know yeah I mean this is not an easy issue as indicated by the comments and I think it's something that the community there is a benefit to positive Public Access and I think that's part of what the committee is recognizing good people who go back and just take a walk see things that we might not see otherwise um we've seen that in other parts of the town where there is Public Access we want that public access to not be punishable um but this is an ordinance to try to take a first step and it doesn't mean that it has to be the last step that we take on this so I think there's a openness and a malleability to try and say look let's try and do something here to address the problems nobody wants hulke Island to be filled with trash nobody wants people to be woken up in the middle of the night because of partyers out there um we're trying to give the police an Avenue to do that and I think if we find out that where there are secondary issues that come from this passage of ordinance we're going to be back here again trying to get it right um but it's not it's not an easy issue thank you I to add on to what Mr heinold said I think we we had good success uh up at the West Avenue Parks uh uh the dunes that was kind of a wild west area a lot of litter uh trail bikes ATV a lot of destruction of the uh the landscape up there and we opened that up we kept that as a natural area and I think people just having regular traffic through there uh same rules apply uh dawn to dusk and you know yeah you're still going to have you know the people that uh don't don't read the signs don't don't abide by the the the being a good citizen but uh it's not it's not worth it to shut out a a beautiful area to the rest of the community for the bad behavior of a few so hopefully this as I said it gives it gives our law enforcement some clarity and we can address the area um it's it's it's like a stop sign you know a cop Flags somebody for running a stop sign it slows traffic down people stop some people get rung up for riding the trail bike back there or uh having a picnic and not cleaning up or taking a case of beer back there they get rung up get a citation the word will get out and we were not going to put up with that crap that's our intent yeah um so of everything that they have said I wholeheartly agree sometimes we come out they're parked so close to our driveways that you really have to maneuver to get your car out so they may not be right in front of it but they're right at that Tippy Edge and I swear they know it so they're changing their children's diapers probably taking a swimmy diaper off and putting a regular pamper or diaper on before they put them in the car and just leaving your dirty diapers out there in the street yeah left for us to clean up we're not going to leave it out are is really nice and clean we all take pride in it and my only other issue is there's a homeless couple living back there so will something be done to assist that couple to help maybe get them off the island they've been back there for a while at least the summer so far they trash pick they take you know cushions back there broken couches whatever we know they're living back there and they're not the only ones that have been back there in the past there's been other couples or people back there but right now it is a young hle okay that that I'm glad you brought that up because I haven't heard this and over the years obviously yes we've dealt hope that something would done to maybe help them not just give them a ticket or something they need some help yeah but at least we're aware of it we can make contact with them and you know give me a call or email me and I can get more specifics from you off you know when we're out out of here yeah our police force is always really good about helping people and giving them the resources that they need the Community Resources and the Outreach they're always really good with that so I'm sure they just want to kick them off and without any help so yeah it's the first time hearing about that none of us knew about that let us they not the only there's been in the past since we lived there I tell you how many people have lived back there they end up passing away most of them to say but it does happen Okay thank you m else sir hello my name's Stinger I live at 410 I'm so tired of picking up your cans I put a can out by my shed where I go in and I do a little little work since I'm retired and uh my trash can's always filled with their trash so whose house should i d on that I'm tired of doing it I really am I've been here 20 years now and I've seen it progressively get worse and worse and worse I've had a couple things that I had laying outside by my shed disappear on the weekend the weekend is the biggest problem I want people to go back there but our biggest thing is parking enforcement which you guys do a great job know hands down thank you hands down but you're real you know if you want to pass the ordinance to give him teeth you got to hores and like I said the trash is unbelievable everybody in or everybody that lives near that land's got to pick up their trash and and like all my neighbors said they go in there with coolers and barbecue grows and beach chairs and come out empty-handed where's all that stuff it's all laying back there and as one neighbor said they changed their dirty diapers right there on the street drop it on the street and keep going who's going to pick it up not our great Township people the neighbors got to pick it up and we're really tired of it so I hope you listening thank you thank you Mr s Miss Holland Christine Holland 319 speaking on this side of the mic louder um 319 Delaware Avenue Christine Holland um I just wanted to thank you guys for your work this I live right there and from the day that I moved into this town the fact that I haven't been able to use Hawk Island legally um has been crazy to me that we do have this gem here that I see Amico Island and West uh West and you can't use this and it's been a shame and the times that I have knowingly trespassed back there and encountered people with loose dogs I'm breaking the law too so there was nothing I could say I don't have a leg to stand on right so I think that's the Doug said it best when you have positive people back there positive people noticing that someone walked in with a six-pack and walked out empty-handed you know that's on us now as the residents who can legally go back there and be part of the self- policing and hold people accountable don't be worried about being called to Ken just do your part and make sure you know we've had uh litter cleanups at West where there's virtually no litter now it didn't used to be that way so I think that overall the net gain from having access to the park it's going to outlay I know I'm spoiled in that little cold act that I live in that parking is probably not going to affect me not like it will on Walter and and Vine I'm sorry for what you guys are very likely going to be encountering but I think a lot of the traffic through there once we get a handle on you know policing and making sure this isn't party central anymore it's going to be the local residence I mean I feel one I I walk hundreds of miles through this town every week I mean that's going to be my route now and I go in with a trash can a trash bag and I'll come back out with a full trash bag until it's not a problem anymore so I don't know I thank you for all the hard work on this this was something that I would have loved to accomplish uh during my time but I'm so glad that you guys did this and kayak access on Union app with the goals so mission accomplish guys I hope thanks thank you Christine thank you Mr dancer Rob dancer 106 Hickory Street uh Christine just stole my thunder because that's almost exactly what I was going to say I've been considering coming up to these meetings several times to ask why we don't have access to H Island so it's great that we're actually working towards that that's fantastic I walk all around town myself and I would love to walk back but when the police years ago put out that threat to find people I was like I'm not going back there but um I hope there can be some kind of solution with all the people that you know do leave the trash that's not good but it is public property I've been amazed that we haven't been out back there yet I had no idea why nobody was ever very clear on that so I just want to say thank you for addressing it thank you ra thank you ra anyone else once Mr Stinger off oh yeah open out yes 100% yep not we need search warrants for certain things but if we have them with the open alcohol if we get there and it's open [Music] I don't know if it says no coolers in here let's take a look real quick it doesn't say no coolers but it does say no alcohol drugs we can absolutely amend the ordinance to include M burer com hello Ken my name is 130 kenue New Jersey owner if anybody's impacted by this it's us um we on weekends deal with um unlawful parking in our parking lots where they uh we'll have one jet skate going in with 30 cars and 50 people this weekend were kicked out um they parked and they're like no no no we have a friend that paid for the jet ski but we're walking out and they go their sterners ready they bought a portable generator and now they're taking crockpots out so we seen that I get impacted because they use my dumpster i' rather them use my dumpster than dumping out there but dump all the side with dumpster dirty diapers beer bottles um we did put up a sign we put up a gate that's locked cut um we're adding in Spanish because the majority of the people we encounter um do not speak English or pla they don't speak English so if any signs need to be put up there needs to be both in English and in Spanish and Portuguese yes um the other thing I had was under 197.4 how it says the um visitors shall not use the property as Bo kayak launch prohibit swimming from Delaware River and R streek how are we going to re how you going to enforce that if they're in the water pwn doesn't that property 73 how's that and that's where the majority of people are coming they're coming from Lyon Avenue too um I have pictures of I a Bo and a jet scheme we'll try buying others yes T out there on Saturday and um five or six PS at a time and they're coming from Pennsylvania too L Pennsylvania tyes along with J so I don't know how you're going to reinforce them drinking and party but they are coming on property they standing in the water I don't know how far down from the M tide we can go and reinforce that's a major issue we've been dealing with for years yes I've been of because they lot of them take jet skis from over over the boat ramp in p sleep Philadelphia come over go on the beach uh we've been in you know we've worked with the state police and and uh you know it's that's a that's a really tough area for us because we can't do anything yeah so that's the majority what's going on back here so I don't know how that's going and then there was the other thing about the I was going to addess like the parking passes why can't the residents like w turn VES get a a parking pass a weekend parking pass in front of their hes to deter uh the we get problem with parking I think that's something the committee can definitely look into um yeah we did that we did do that on the side streets uh for Delaware Avenue since there's no parking on Delaware for uh the people that live on Delaware if they're having a a party or something where they have more people visiting and they need parking we do have we issue permits for them them like a summertime permit it's something we could definitely be something we can look into people get yeah permit parking definitely something be looked at yeah you know say permit parking only Friday at 5:00 till Sunday or till Monday at 7 or something we we we may be able to do that I don't know do you there is we have a handful yeah we may be able to do that like private part you know and and issue that permit paring parking parking this is this ordinance is definitely a great starting point we wanted to get on the books as soon as possible so we could at least police it part of the summer yeah I I know it has me sure since the day I got on committee this was something that I wanted to address and I've Liv her for 11 years now and I you know like Christine said always wanted to wonder why we didn't have access step we're going to take all of your you know comments into consideration if there's things we can perfect and add like the coolers or the parking passes it's an ongoing conversation this isn't a one and done we have a subcommittee to address this so it's going to we're going to continue the talks and if we can improve it we will are we going to beion problem we we do but as you're aware the burington the burington station [Music] responsible for the sci that say take trash I'm responsible for the gallon bags hanging in it impacts it comes to my property so it goes into the water and I was part of the clean up with and we went from having a trailer trash to dance can bringing out dumpsters that's how bad it's got trash and they're beer bottles and if you're walking up here you're going to step on them and they throw water I know a lot of these you know parks and Open Spaces in the area have these friends of Hawke Island organizations where it's residents that you know come together and do the cleanups and they do monitoring and stuff so maybe that's something the residents would want to look into forming some kind of are there going to be trash recy cans out there there there are trash cans now at four different points yeah John put them out over I guess the last month or so once a week we one can out of four was full the rest no the others had a little bit in and one had full yeah they just put four out there last week okay webly we used to do cleanups out there there's some of the ladies here with qy citizens united to save Hulk Island and uh we did one usually around Halloween uh after the summer and uh we had a bunch of kids come out the Boy Scouts the Girl Scouts the town would come out and it was very successful so that could be something that we could start up again just another group uh I know Recreation Phil didn't you Recreation do a clean up like six or seven years ago yeah normally we do it once a year we we didn't do it last year and I believe we're be doing it this year yeah maybe a couple times a year especially in the summer some Recreation can consider again yeah and we would obviously let the town residents know if they want to come out of course to get the community involved I mean nobody wants to clean up anybody else's trash but it takes a village right yep thank you for your comments Miss burger and uh for anyone who don't know the burgers they do a great job running haulk Marina they do a lot for the township um we have all Recreations concerts out there which hopefully everyone goes to I think there's another one this Thursday night Phil yes Sor they said just say yes wedn and they allow us to to use that and um our fire department has our boat docked out there and they when we had the emergency Squad they allowed the emergency Squad to have their boat out there so thank you to John and Karen burer for all they do for the community with owning Hulk Island any more one more [Music] comment kind of people we would love to have out there the that comes down there that's you know what we're really getting upset about we hear that loud we hear that loud and clear and if you think that would be AIG we would have all people coming they can't you have people walking that live Town back there to a great into that that would solve it would make a think we think we could definitely do that right on up there only because they record this this piece of property have to be open now knowing all these problems everybody's having back here has the committee taken this into consideration I think that's what we've been discussing for the last hour on why we're doing this in order to fix all these issues I'm sorry I've only been here two years two and a half years M and knowing the individuals who I have have met living back there uh this has been going on for quite a while it's been open it's been closed am my right last time it was opened was in 1978 now you want to open it again and we have our problems with um it being closed not open and that's why we're trying to put laws on the books as have you considered maybe putting a parking lot in the in the facility we've considered a lot of things there a lot of a lot of things we considering I would like to see this table I meet again find more about what's going on maybe solve some of these problems but thank you very much thank you Mr yep just come on up I no Kate I heard you say that maybe there was a subcommittee a committee and then a subcommittee is anybody any of the residents like from oral area or an area on the committee that could help bring ideas or bring stuff back to the rest of the group like we didn't even know this was going on until um Mr bouette was kind enough to you know let us know that there's a meeting coming up well I I would fully encourage residents to start attending these meetings and I'm not saying that frequently committee meetings yeah our regular Township committee meetings we've been discussing Hulk Island for the better part of the last year or so and and like the couple that's live in R the island now they don't have social media as far as I know they don't have any kind of social media so how would you kind of reach out to them would it just be trial and error if you catch them back there then you'll speak to them well now it's brought to our attention you know I'll let the Patrol Division know and obviously you know like I said forward me any information and we can have a better chance of making contact with them it sounds like the residents knew there were people out there but no one has let any of us know so there we don't know how do we know what to do like we just we like Running Blind here we had no idea we Talk Amongst ourselves but that's it yeah you have yeah you have to you you actually either have to call the police or contact one of us us uh but but you know as everyone has said here and Rob and uh and Christine have uh have also added that this is this is our start to correct the problem and I know you think it's not because it says closed but by opening it we can have rules and regulations to control it but until we do that our ordinance that's on the books just stops US and the police the police cannot police it the way it is right now but with these rules and regulations we will be able to control them and if we can do the parking permit on the weekends that would help and if we can amend the uh ordinance down the road to stop um uh coolers we may be able to do that as well so and so if as you come up with different ideas or different thoughts or things happen please keep it open let us know don't hesitate I mean I know most of you uh that have spoke tonight and uh and I my phone is always open my email whatever and the police so we we do want to correct the issues and this is the beginning and it doesn't seem like that but believe me it really is the beginning it it's not like we're against it we just want to make sure that it's done correctly and we're protected yes our homes our areas are protected that's what we're concerned about I understand that de so the the Township Code it's a living and breathing document yes you know the town was enacted we're coming up in our our Centennial in two years 1926 you know the Township Code has been amended changed numerous times for various reasons throughout the last 100 years and when we see something that need to change like the last time this section was looked at was almost 46 years ago and I'm come we're hear from residents who've been out there who have been seeing these sort of things right and we're trying to we're trying to address these issues that have been festering for the last 45 years you know since it's been closed it hasn't helped it's been getting worse Mr Stinger you had another like Orchard Ken knows I've been a voter I was a boter for about 30 years and yeah I I R my boat up on the beach out there and had a good old time but if police call the state police and they go out there and police that beach part it might put them end to some we we've over the years we have definitely been in communication State Police AIT of Burlington Barracks they have a large large area to cover and well they go I would have skied out in that River for 30 years and I they do not work for they do not work for me and we can we can we can ask for the assistance it's been done it's done myself call done you're going to get a lot more action and that's been done and we've we've and the same with the lake too the Lake's not owned by us it's owned by the state why can't you call the State Police and have them and we have two two years ago I think it was 2 three years don't quote me on the years but we had we worked with them on a detail because we were having such a large problem come coming from Philadelphia with people actually having a service where they were charging people money in Philadelphia to come over to hulke Island so I mean we have worked with them it's it's not that we haven't it's just you know it's a problem and we have to get a hold of it and be proactive with it I'm sure you have that my point was that you know your authori is a lot stronger than sure sure we have a relationship we have a relationship with them but it's at the same time in the summertime obviously it's busy everywhere for them as well and so I we will continue to make those all the best out there thank you f do you have anything to add since SP to the residents and you have anything I appreciate folks coming out and sharing uh your life experiences there yes V and another thing come on up it it seems to me that this is pretty much already something that you're going to vote positive for if this if this is passed and rules are enacted how long does the township plan to continue on this course before there's a realization or some incident that says you know what we thought this was going to work we hoped it was going to work but the evidence has proven that it just didn't work and we we went the wrong way we need to do something else how much time would you give this experiment to come to that conclusion where we have to do something else I don't know if any of us is prepared to say how long I hate I hate to use the old saying Rome wasn't built in a day yeah I I mean we don't know what's going to happen and and again this is a malleable situation this governing body is trying to take action to address known issues the hope is that we're going to find success right that's The Hope right we don't know everything that may flow from this and we've heard some good ideas about adding a band to coolers my recommendation is to move forward and to revisit the ordinance with an amendment to ban coolers um to look at the parking issues so we're going to keep looking at these things but you know you got to try and do some things and see how it works it the the realm of possibility out there is endless so that's why I say if we were in court I'd objected to the question I don't know what what's going to happen What and how long it's going to take but all you got to do is pick up the phone if you're having issues and say we're having issues or come back to a meeting we're we're still experiencing problems or we're experiencing new problems or change problems that's what you know we're trying to solve the problem not create one well it it almost seems like the district attorney in San Francisco who said that we're not going to prosecute any body as long as you shoplift less than $950 I don't know how it seems like that sir I don't know how it seems like that let's give it a try and see and your comments need to continue to come to the township committee or to the police so that we do know what's going on out there if we're not there and it once the rules are once it's in place and the rules are posted then we can enforce it then Adam and his uh Department can enforce these laws right now we can't enforce it that's what we're trying to do to be able to enforce it I hope you get sick of me calling because I am going to call I have I've called multiple multiple times and continue doing so thank stop after while I am telling you to continue to call you try to have the permanent thing in order before you open this up because that would make a big difference well by opening this up by by this ordinance they're not going to be able to be back there past dusk we have on our street okay so if we had permit at least we know it's just our neighbors something we can I think we could easily get what we're doing is we could mirror what we did on Delaware Avenue put an ordinance in effect within what 30 days yeah we can because at least then we the cars that M of State won be there and if they are what happens we call you and you come tow them because they'll be out there for hours they'll be issued to summons yeah and then they won't come how long would that take us 30 days you just just a couple of blocks from our house down on Cedar Avenue there you know there there's resident parking only from Ducks Till Dawn but do have an ordinance that's similar to what we're asking yeah it's permit parking right right at the foot of Delaware Avenue you're talking about yeah it's and and that was to address late night problems along the riverfront there imate streets abut so um we could have Doug start that process but we don't want to hold this up for that we want to at least because this isn't this is going to be a month before it's totally opened uh anyway so if we can start that and maybe at our next meeting yeah we have to order sign uh anyway we're going to we're going to do something we're going to help your Park issue so just uh it's not just the parking it's just you know like I said they property and make themselves at home and pick peaches off yeah really all right we've heard all this yep all right all right thank thank you very much did you have a you're good okay all right seeing that we will were you providing quter potties it's not a park it's not a parkd it's not a park just come if you have a question come on up Chang all right thank you everyone for your comments we will close this public hearing for ordinance 20249 the uh comments from the committee I'll start to my far left okay uh well I'll tell you you know I've lived in Delano most of my life and I know most of the people here and I've heard your your complaints I talked to many of you sitting right in that section and um I really truly believe that this ordinance will help us to enforce the issues that you have to deal with if we don't do this we're not we cannot enforce what you're asking us to do that's why we've decided to do this and it will benefit you we will work on the parking and we can probably have that done Doug can look into that and we should be able to have that done than 30 days with the working with uh with the chief and and his department so I am in favor of it to see how we can enforce the issues and to hope that we just move forward for a better place for Delano to enjoy haulk Island I would love to be able to walk back there myself we'll keep you advised well I would suggest that you maybe leave your name and number we have we have the list we have we have the list for uh the residents and we also have a social media post that we can [Music] just well Delano Township has a follow Delano Township page we'll post something there and you can sign up for our email blast we have a website everything is posted on WE bombard the information out there it's out there yeah we a Delano Township Delano township.com and there's a sign up link right on there you get all of our emails you get all our emails everything if the trash truck is laid or if uh there's tree pickup this week or whatever it is there okay there yes Janice we have on our website okay Delan township.com there's a tab for ordinances public hearing that you can go on and you can you know you don't have to physically come to the building they're have to be posted on the bull board out there but you can we post them on the Lango Township web site we don't email blast ordinances but on the website once that ordinance is introduced uh which means it's just it's introduced by title and the public hearing like tonight's public hearing is set and the whole body of the ordinance is on the website under ordinances public hearing tab so you would know way in advance before the public hearing you know and have access to that ordinance what she said Mike any anything going around the room oh all right um I've been been in town 24 years and um I think since shortly after I moved into town I heard about hulke Island and a lot of people have spent a lot of time uh over the years over the decades uh realizing knowing what a great area that is and what it could be and trying to prevent bad things from happening to it um people couple sitting over there laori benander Mor Dan Martin uh Debbie riten U Joan hankle Kate's been involved in that for a long time um part of the murkiness of solving Hulk island is as what's come out in bits and pieces here it's under several different owners several different questionable owners and uh that's kind of made it difficult and uh this this uh ordinance tonight uh it's kind of been mischaracterized as we're opening it um if you want to call it we're opening it to the people that follow the rules uh but really we're taking the handcuffs off our law enforcement and defining the things and where they can they can uh uh do what they're supposed to do or what they can do so U I like this it's been a long time coming it's not the end of it it's uh it's it's a a step and one of many steps over the last several decades that a lot of people have had a hand in so um this is their success too thank mik the ordinance that's being presented as I mentioned to many of you is gives the police teeth to be able to enforce the laws and uh having it open to the public mainly hopefully most of the residents in town will take advantage of Hawke Island and start uh walking out there and doing the good things of litter cleanup and enjoying uh the island uh if we don't do anything and we just continue what we're doing the issues never go away you know it's like the I guess the definition of insanity where we just keep doing the same thing and by putting in the ordinance that is being presented again uh with our police department and we're relying on them and the residents as they walk out there and see things pick up the phone and call uh most of you know where I live come knock on the door uh K Fitzpatrick again we live in the neighborhood okay and we're concerned about what goes on over there you know we heard about the gunshots at night and the four-wheelers and uh the dirt bikes and the Miss carrying on uh I hadn't been out to Hawke Island probably about a year and a half and this past week walking out there uh the trash on the point where the folks party you know they have boats and uh jet skis and the amount of trash uh I think it was vodka bottles at the one uh trail that uh we walked down to go down to the beach there were four four or five bottles of empty vodka uh the one Trail we were going to come back up the hill there was so much trash uh trash bags that were there we had to turn around and go back to go a different route to get back up uh but having people who care about our natural resource out there we help get that cleaned up and I can make a commitment uh because I'm on committee for at least two more years that you know at the end of the two years that if it doesn't work then we you know I would come back to the committee here and say it's not working you know we haven't been able to make an impact a positive impact that it's time to just close up the island and you know not allow anyone back back there but to me that you know we won't have to go down that road uh We've increased our Police Department we have more police officers and uh initially I I think in uh beginning of May in June if we have a a good police presence out there to discourage the folks and you know that are doing bad things out there that they're going to go find someplace else to go uh it was mentioned about Amo Island and West daav and how those parks that are open to the public uh have cleaned up uh Miss Holland mentioned about the cleanup days you know uh the last time we did a clean out out there that I was part of I had a trash bag I picked up two pieces of trash you know at West wow and you know so that was a good thing where before you know you pick up three or four trash bags full of stuff so good things can happen out of this and we just have to think positive the parking that c uh parking permit that came out of the discussion this evening that was mentioned uh by the residents here is a great idea and move on that you know uh that should help the parking situation out front of your homes will it eliminate the litter it'll probably ctail it somewhat you know can't guarantee nobody's going to go over and pick up pick a peach off your tree but uh you know positive things are going to happen and when we make the change to you know to the ordinances I'll share the ordinance you know I'm not opposed to making copies and for the folks that AB but their properties a but to uh Hawke Island to share that with you uh you the subcommittee that uh it thank you you're welcome uh the subcommittee for uh Hawke Island uh and the rules and regulations uh next time they go to meet there's someone from uh the neighborhood that wants to be part of that you know let us know you can be included you folks are a close-knit two blocks of residents and you know each other and you care about each other that you know uh maybe you have a spokesperson that says you know we can bring this forward or again come here to the township meetings and don't hesitate to to share so I'm in favor of moving forward with this thank you for I kind of said my piece and I Echo what everyone else has set up here I I think it's a good starting point where we need to be as far as getting the police back there and trying to curtail these issues we all know the issues are there and they're not going to stop until we do something um we understand there's additional concerns and and we're going to be addressing them it's an ongoing process and we appreciate everybody's comments and um Mr vla thank you for your work on this I know you did a lot of research as figuring out who owns what um and trying to get this all together so we appreciate that as well thank you Carolyn I I don't want to Bel labor at the point I Echo what my fellow Committee of people have said up here um we can't just sit on our hands and do nothing we have to try to reain this In from from 1979 to now the last 45 years I I I'm originally from New York I've been out here 20 years now I've seen what happens when you sit on your hands and do nothing and we can't allow we we just can't allow that to continue the bad behavior like I said before you can't fix stupid well we can certainly try so um before we move to vote on this one we take a five minute recess and then we'll come right back five minutes back at back at 45 thank you guys hey you could hang out wait for us to vote that's entirely up to you we I just want to thank the work people and our police department they do great job they sure do good good to see you she was [Applause] [Music] C understand hear [Music] right a couple years [Applause] Estates discovered 7% rest of [Music] [Music] it so we could just say there couple other things [Music] Parkland next mate ask for permission for many years I know so far so [Music] [Music] good and we you know working with the county kind of it was on the front burner for the county and then all right yeah this understood we not going to get out of here till 10 all you ready J good okay all right we're going to put the meeting back in session please it's like you're meant to be a teacher all right let get this right um and I have a motion on uh to adopt ordinance 202 24-19 on second read so moved second motion by Mr Templeton second by Miss Fitzpatrick roll call please Jen Miss Fitzpatrick yes Mr alette yes M Seuss yes Mr templon yes Mr Bartlet yes and with that I'm going to direct Mr heinold if he could start working on that no parking ordinance I will do that and I understand you also want to amend the amendment for the coolers and the barbecues y i I will get that to you right away and then we'll get that on the next agenda all right meeting is now open to the public for comments or questions and generators and generators and anything else out there that doesn't involve your feet or your bike so while we were sitting here I did some research on uh Beach ordinances where they've had party problems so I'll I'll circulate it you guys can give me your feedback great perfect thank you D all right meeting's open to the public for comments or questions session number one if you have any comments or questions on anything else we haven't discussed tonight so far or you want to discuss what we've already discussed come up give your name and address for the record this is meeting's open to the public you're making an entrance Miss sh line I don't I'm sorry I don't session one or two but I had a question it's okay on resolution 204-12 name add oh so sorry j16 112 okay what is um is this for the grant to be submitted Jan can you give him a I was making what what was the resolution 112 the um question on content the lot Grant the governor's Council on alcohol and drug that's a required resolution to participate in that program um it's gone through different names Casa Municipal Alliance um to be able to participate U um in and receive funding and uh for that Grant has the has the um the RFP been released and is the proposal been written for these funds so is this resolution approving a proposal to be submitted it's not the prop it's the participate and we participate with Riverside who's the lead agency right so um and I believe that those funds that Delan reive is for our um our lead program our lead program is that correct yes yes thank you thank you very much thank you you're welcome thank you Jo nope you're good bill good evening M 11 Force Center Avenue member of the shade Tre commission I wondering if there's a place where I can plant oak SE I Haven got 20 of them in the CL my house what kind of seedlings Oaks Oaks oh no I no no comment hey John do you have any that we could use Oaks what are they I want a place where I can line out a bunch of Oak seeds they get bigger oh maybe West out maybe West out oh we can find some spots it's your with John to find a home at West AV West would we lost so many trees at Island to be where where does it have to be water yeah I I have to put them up on the road up about West Avenue we can put them okay yeah the last number of storms we lost a tremendous amount of trees I'm sure I don't need to tell you yeah these ones are from U meeting grounds okay this work sign oh good good very good great thank you Bill thank you Bill and any anybody else has any comments or questions now there will be another session later on in the agenda before the discussion items Mr Martin good evening Dan Martin 628 Pennsylvania Avenue uh I understand that there is going to be discussion on the traffic study uh done by the Jo Boards of engineering and I have some comments on I've been a resident here for three decades um I've driven around the all time for three decades with the exception of a new road stub a Creek in coopertown there's been no new development of roads for travel I have served on the Del planning board until this year in recent years I have voted against applications uh some applications including some of the warehouses that have been constructed because I didn't believe that their traffic STS accurately reflected what was happening uh I think because of my obstinance planning board had included has included a traffic engineer that get a chance to look at the applications not only a civil engineer um I asked one applicant Delano Delano application why didn't they study a specif intersection uh b r cus and Cooper in their traffic study their response was because the County engineer didn't ask for asked anybody our Professionals in the joint language board what areas do you want us to study that in the section has impact to theine uh I'm asking attention committee to consider funding the traffic study that we need um there's been a large increase of large trucks on Creek Ro I don't use Creek Ro anymore I probably twice in the last six months I avoid it because of the truns and the issues I never used the jug hand if I have to go south 195 or on 140 I'll go into rivon take Fair View uh where bridgeburg works it's slower but I know I can do it uh on Cooper T there are many trucks are leaving fully loaded leaving fully loaded they do maybe 30 m an hour your two stop signs getting to about 130 we're going to about 295 we only do about 40 mes an hour limit is for uh coming into Delanco when the trucks are lost I try to guess how soon it will be that they're doing 20 mil an hour uh this morning I was going that I even town that direction uh a truck left sty uh location when I was not even at the uh Town Hall I was called up to him very soon uh something happened in the township I don't know if it was Township or County and they decided to make a new passage over both all Coop both all Creek so you have a truck doing 20 miles hour what happens you're stuck there uh I've had people pass me illegally the police were not there and the issues on CER Town don't include the three empty warehouses that the L have and the one empty Warehouse that they Park I am talking about evaluating outside of the township but it is affecting the quality of life of Township residents so therefore shy looked at and it should be part of any decision that the joint language board makes on an application uh also in the traffic study not talked about a lot there are many pedestrians utilizing this warehouse but working at these warehouses that come from the Train unsafe areas I would like the traffic study to evaluate that and come up with recommendations uh the other one which is a little personal PE if you remember when the river line was first they told us that the train will move no faster than the adjacent roadway that's grown out uh on Pennsylvania Avenue it's moving and a River Road is moving over 60 M hour it's going between sson River 10 um it's just not right but so therefore that is part of our traffic St how the train thank you very much Dan all these things uh you're suggesting um that go in the traffic studies for the warehouses out of town the is that reflected in uh Mr D's proposal I doubt that the train was and I doubt The Pedestrian on I think most of was a concern yeah okay most of it again most of quality of life issues deal with vehicle traffic but there are other things that should be looked at as part of any application on the as well as guing Town committee for atten actually Mr doery indicated that if we had specifics that we should let him know and they would be glad to include them in the traffic study yeah I think it was including just a certain like a infinite number of locations it wasn't yeah unlimited I don't remember the number but the locations outside of the which is a for municipality to but we can't leave the township without going it to the Delware River with the guys partying we got put a we not going in there Dan thank you sir thanks for being obstinate Dan yes Mr Mr Martin has opened the issue that's uh later on your agenda the circulation report I'm sorry Carl just give your name and address for the record Carl kosi 65 P repard thanks sir I am a member of the uh joint land use board also a member of the shade tree commission I am not here tonight representing either of those groups I am here tonight speaking for myself and to encourage you to uh spend the money although it will have a negative effect on my taxes I realized that but perhaps Mr schw will find a way to work it into the budget Tod right Mr SCH agreed to a salary decrease thanks and to do so i' I'd like to just quote one small paragraph after out of uh H Do's letter of August second to all of you and that is this due to an anticipated increase in infill infill development throughout the township where vacant and underutilized land will be developed and redeveloped for residential and Commercial purposes understanding the roadway systems will become much more critical and certainly I try to do my best in making decisions that benefit the town but the more information I have to assist me in that is of benefit to everyone and therefore I encourage this board uh when it comes to the discussion of the traffic study to consider the benefits that it will for all of us thank you thank you car your turn in she's jice will get you I've been on the board very long time and one of the things that happen is that when you start training something things change so you look at what was the crossings originally that was going to be little shops with apartments on top then it was going to be Town Homes then it was going to be single family nonage restricted and then it ended up being age restricted when you have no idea what our warehouses could be in 5 to 10 years a little bit of vac land we have now is going to be and the warehous that are occupied those uses potentially change we don't have this Baseline study for hamstr so that when we get an application the only we can look at is the traffic set that they present to us which only reflects the immediate roads with town and we cannot be the best for the town if we don't get this stuff done because a go to County State give them re to getal Dollars to help state to help to do nothing because this is something we need a while let's Prive and thank you thank you an anyone else Lor all right we will close this portion of the public comment mayor I'm not sure whether uh the folks are staying uh I think we should discussing for the discussion part U and add a respect for the folks if they're not going to be here I have some uh questions and some comments uh pertaining to the uh doing the traffic study move the discuss yeah why don't we move the discussion for the traffic study to now as soon I closed the public comment already right okay so why don't we move the discussion on the traffic study to now and then we'll do the comments and reports after that okay everyone that's good getting late it's past our bedtime too don't um if you don't mind I'll open up with the things that I have um so the traffic study we're just looking for car counts and truck counts on certain roads if and uh so what I have and going through the papers uh so we I have a composite map a land use map a zoning map a rankokus Creek Greenway map a route 130 concept plan map uh Burlington County River route Corridor study which encompasses Route 130 at bridgeboro Road Edgewater Park uh Burlington Avenue County Road route 543 uh coopertown Road County Road number 624 Creek Road uh again County Road number 625 uh and I also have Burlington County master plan reexamination report which includes Edgewater Park Riverside Willingboro and Beverly so out of all those reports I guess my question is why do we need uh someone to come in and do a uh a traffic study um you know can't we just request from the county the counts uh their last study or their last part counts for the county roads that lead into the lout please L I think um why don't you just give your name and address for the record oh sure Lor Van gendan 38 Blanco I I think there's a little bit of confusion about what this is actually going to be and I wish Hugh and Spencer were here to talk about it as they were at the last meeting but I'll try to and we keep calling a traffic study it's really a circulation element to our master plan it's bigger than just a traffic study um we do have a circulation plan element now but it certainly needs to be enhanced and um one of the um issues that or one of the tasks that penon is going to perform in in presenting this is they are going to do car counts um and truck counts um they had said it you know they would talk to you guys about where the need is in particular to study certain intersections and perform those counts but the other thing that they're going to do is to glean all that information from past applications that we've had um when applicants have done their own traffic studies and they're going to look at that and they're going to pull all that information into this document um so there's a lot of plans out there as you're saying but um and we even had a board member Chris cla a former member who um did some some work on his own but the fact that he was a lay person and not a professional it really didn't hold as much weight U but it was no less warranted than penon study will be um and as Ann said when we're sitting up there on the board in firm you're a prior member Matt you are Carolyn you're on there now Mike you come to all our meetings Kate you know what we do um you're sitting there listening to someone give you an application and I have yet in my 20 plus years of sitting on that board for an applicant's engineer or traffic expert to tell me that their development is going to negatively impact our Township and we all know that that's not true one of the things that you're supposed to consider is is it going to lower the level of service at an intersection well guess what the intersection at Creek Road is already a level of service F you can't get any lower but we have no recourse we can't say to them you know you're going to make this worse the what's we all see what happens out there at 3:00 or 3:30 you're backed up on that road past to Pennington park right um and it takes several cycles of Lights to get there um would it benefit to have a right-and turn lane there you know things like that that this circulation uh plan element looking at pedestrian we've all seen the people walking from the train in the morning to the developments that are out on Cooper Street Cooper Town Road um what can be done to alleviate some of those things that's what we're looking for something that is specifically looking at Delano and the issues that we're having and yes we can pull in some of that other information the more the better um and and I would love for it to be a very comprehensive document um and I have confidence that Pon is going to do a really good job with it but as an said we need to have that Baseline we we need to have that to be able to to rely on or to refute when traffic experts come in from applicants and say this isn't going to affect the town it's not going to have any negative impact we need to have something where we say well wait a minute this is what we've got what are you going to do to to alleviate putting any more of a stressor onto these roadways and these intersections so that's what we're looking for something specific to our town that's a part of our master plan not necessarily a standalone document it's going to be a part of the master plan that will rely on you know planning that's what we're supposed to be doing planning and this is long over two long over two I'm going to come across and I guess being The Devil's Advocate again because I have these reports or these Maps you know we have a sidewalk plan addressing that we're working on from the train station to the industrial section okay there's a bike path uh plan that's in here uh that was put together for traffic coming through town uh for bikes uh you know the bridge you know going all the way across we have the Pennington uh to Moo Island trail that came through uh so we have all these pieces or all these tools already and so we're going to give this to the engineer uh the traffic study engineer and he's just going to take our our information put together and do a traffic account and then come back with what information that's yeah he's going to look at all that information and they are going to to make suggestions on how we can improve things okay so we don't have that now and so a lot of our impact is from surrounding communities from Riverside Edgewater Park and Beverly and we have no jurisdiction into those communities think more than that it's all the county road count roads and the state right so if you want if you want to see those things improved we need to have a tool that we can take to the powers that are in charge of those or oversee those intersections the county the state whoever it be and say Here's the proof this is what we're experiencing what are you going to do about at this point I mean for those of you who have been here for a lot of years you know 10 15 years ago Mark Rema the County's Economic Development Committee came in and said you know we want we want you we want you to embrace business we want to be business friendly you know we want to revitalize the riverfront Corridor and this is how we're going to do it you need to to uh revise your ordinances to allow for growth and Business Development we've done that right and they said they were going to make certain improvements one of being The Jug Handle out Atek 1:30 right that was a 10 or 15E Horizon well we're well past that now and nothing has been done and if we just keep ignoring it nothing will ever get but this is their plan yeah and that's the improvements that they made the improvements that they made uh worsen the drive through to Delano Edgewater Park in Beverly and uh actually I have been working with New Jersey do regarding that handle but I I've been doing this it's been probably my third year now working on that joke handle if I had that traffic study I could just send it to them because these entities take forever to deal with us including the county but if we have our own package and we can say here Joe and here Senator this is what's happening in Del Lano now here it is in black and white not just my word not just my letter not just my email this is it help us correct it it needs to be corrected because Lori is absolutely right I sat on here on this committee for a number of years and I went through Mark remza with the plans and the last plan they gave us and he was here people came here and said what do you want Here There and Everywhere and uh we made a list and of course nobody listened to our list but one of them was The Jug Handle big deal Mark said and they had a plan to change it they were going to enlarge they were going to put a Jug Handle at cramps yep and we were never told that deal went through because Edward Park didn't want it the only way I found out was complaining about The Jug Handle that's how I found out because Mark said that would take I said well how long he said about 8 years and that was probably 15 or 20 years ago I don't know for sure but to me this is the tool that Delano needs for Delano for our residents to make sure that whatever future development or changes are made that we control some of the issues that's my Spiel so I think the best way to put it is we have to be our own Advocate right we can't rely on the county coming in here to do anything it's the best way to put it is the squeaky will gets the grease right that's what Richard likes to call me um yeah this we supposed to this so you have to be your own Advocate you have to advocate for yourself and for the county roads that are in our town because if we never say anything what's to give them any incentive to come here and do anything they're not just going to say hey let's look at the lovers whoever makes a loudest noise is going to get the the results and look what Del Ran's getting through their Route 130 Corridor they're getting the The Pedestrian pathway and some improvements you know going there probably because they made noise about it not because the state or the county figured it out on the room you know so and that's the dumbest thing ever we're going to put pedestrians on Route 13 I I send my I did send a letter about that I was really like shocked but yeah to the government they'll help does anyone else have any comments about this because I and just come don't trip yourself it's not it's not just the roads within our borders is that thetical numbers that are to be able to back the look at what impr could be made if it count going to have funded um if we get a change inuse any of these is not a reason why the county could not ask for some sort of develop contribution and we've got recommendations in the report again we've got something to go back to the county and say you the ability to do this you need to do this Matt what was your comment I know we were talking earlier and you had brought up something that you wanted to say as far as the traffic study okay I think I can remember what I thought we talked about earlier but the one thing coming to my mind right now yeah is if if we're doing this are they going to include in the traffic study the fact that our bridge is closed which seems like half of the time because the county won't fix the flooding in Riverside on County Road 543 thus exacerbating the traffic on Creek Road Cooper Town Road The Jug Handle the traffic light by Wawa well I would doubt that penon is aware of that so we certainly can make them aware of that and they can include that study over because that's one of the biggest issues playing this town right now and the fact that we have told the County engineer about it I've told the County engineer Mr F yeah Harry's still there he's been quiet tonight Harry has talk told the County engineer about this numerous times we sent photos we sent videos and they yeah and that's what we get they don't think there's a problem we all did Mike did I did don't forget they put signs up for us oh yeah they're putting the signs up behind trees it said the Ros flooded well after well after you're in that area already yeah leave it to government they any specific concerns that you have certainly you know make them known to Hugh and Spencer and I'm sure they can address them those things have to be in there I wouldn't I wouldn't even consider this yeah the um the Golden Triangle of what I can see on construction over there they're they're going to build over in riversides they're going to build those houses over there before they do anything with the watch case because I think the watch case just became a money pit and nobody's making money over there so they want to get the housing built so they whoever can get some money to do whatever own two different owners different owners two different owners yeah watch cases on by I think developers in Cherry Hill now after the uh slimy guy from New York who did the fraud right um and I don't but that's going to have an impact on sure because they're not improving that intersection there right before the bridge that's going to be the entrance in the main development so when that floods and that roads Clos the only way in and out of that property is behind the watch case on an access road there yeah they're going to give them an access road yeah yeah and how the hell that got through the excuse my friends got through the County planning board do anything on a county road has to go to the County planning board how that got approved it's beyond me a culation study right but again that's going to have an impact sure on on us our community mhm yeah so um so do we have have to discuss this any further or can we um I think Mike did you have anything Mike um yeah I'll it's it's interesting how this has evolved uh because I don't have other things to do on Tuesday nights of the first first Tuesdays of the month I usually hang out here at the planning board and talk to talk talk to the members and and this is evolved it's gone back and forth some have said some of the things that it wasn't going to make a difference and you know it will help and yes it will no it won't but it's nice that it's all come to a consensus that this is the best thing um just as uh something to point out and know Mr erl let's done some great research and and pulled up all these reports uh a couple years ago when uh Kitty Martin planning board administrator and I were working on the Route 130 plan for Toano component of that and going through the initial U document that was prepared by the the county planners Tom stany conness there was a lot of bad information a lot of bad data and it was old stuff it was 10 years old 20 years old um and it had the imprint of something new something fresh and something current and accurate and that as we were Mrs Martin and I were pulling our hair out for a year and a half or so trying to get this thing to some subance of reality uh and it never got there um so I think a a a dedicated personalized study for Delano covering the outer sphere of what impacts Delano uh environmental as well that that's that's the best accurate snapshot that we'll be able to get because there's a lot of bad data out there that's there's a lot of information but it's just hard to keep up with it and stuff's there's some old stuff out there that bad decisions are being based on it yes Carl tooski again and I wanted to uh respond to Mr olette um I have great respect for all of the members of the board uh and this is not an argument and I'm not again speaking for the groups which I am members uh member but I am speaking for myself and I would like to say that I appreciate all that information you acquired but you acquired all that information of the towns around us I don't sit on any of the boards of those towns I need information specifically about the Lano to help me do what I think is best for this time thank you thank you want to respond to this I would uh so where I got the uh circulation map was from our master plan okay um specifically the Delano Township master plan then we've got the uh composite map the land use map and the zoning map uh all those part of the master plan correct attached to our master plan and this would also be a component of the master plan so it would so for the upcoming master plan or no we would just update that circulation plan element to the current master plan okay that that would be with this is yeah because we do updates within that time period of when we do the whole master plan so correct like adding ordinances kind of correct so the information that I have was not just from the surrounding but specifically for Delano and the and that would be that would be augmented by what the proposal The Proposal yeah okay thank you motion yeah do we need a motion I would like to make a motion or do we need a resolution no motion is fine it's in the budget already it's already in the budget just question do you want to use that particular proposal except that proposal yeah I would like to make a motion that we approve the proposal from penon dated on November 2st 2023 revised December 27th 2023 and include his letter of August the 2nd 2024 for a circulation plan element of the master plan for the Lano Township and the amount of $225,000 I'll second I'll third it we doing those now huh all right motion by Kate second By Carolyn and third for the hell of it by Fern uh roll call Jen Mrs Patrick yes Mr I say yes and I thank you for the discussion I appreciate it m d yes Mr Templeton uh yes as and include the um there were two items that we were going to add to it right the Bridge Approach bridge and there was something else yeah we're going to add uh penon said for us to give them the information that we want in there so we will add that didn't want the door to close behind us there yeah yes Mr barar yes subject to them including that bridge yes you guys can go class dismiss you can stay you feel free to stay please I dinner Lori is 9:30 you're making breakfast at 10:30 well we'll be here so feel free to drop some off it's a way to my heart thank you thank you good night thanks all right um it's late for comments and reports but but uh we'll go to our professionals I think we have a couple of them here Mr Fox wake up good morning Harry All Right microphone Harry yep I got it he's not talking yet there it is okay I'll try and be brief reader digest um the uh I'll bring up to date on our projects the uh Zub seaw wall all the pile driving has been completed um the the the round piles as well as the seat piles they're going to be pouring portion of the concrete cap tomorrow and they're going to be working on that in in the next several days after that they're going to be installing the underd drains or the drain uh the drains um and then they'll move on to grading and and the sidewalk so so they're they're moving along quite well um no real no real issues and uh in good shape the just so everyone knows as well the vibration monitoring has ceased because we're not driving any more piles and there was no vibrations above2 Ines per second um and allowable is 05 for historic and it's actually a two for a regular house so there's there's been no vibration issues out there good and Harry the um contractors working on the estimate for the fence right right correct uh he was hoping to have it to me today and I still don't have it in yet um but uh yes he's going to give us estimate for installing the fence uh on the top of the concrete cap as well as he's proposing a a vinyl fa on the front face of it I thought keep the price that and then you can decide if you want to do it now or do it later or how you want to handle that it'll make it look a lot more not Industrial exactly yeah he's done that before so he's pretty familiar with he he has done it before um and it it it works out nicer even with a sidewalk buting it there's a lot of good reasons to do it maintenance um but but we want to get he's going to send me a sample as well as a price great what I'm impressed by the quality of work they're doing out there they moved along at a great speed I haven't heard one complaint from many residents regarding any of the work going on out there they've been Cooperative kind to the the neighbors out there they have been they've been they've been very professional very FL to anyone who's been out there and um yeah I'm happy with their their work the only negative we got was from the um Kevin cilia about the trees yeah and uh maybe doing some kind of injection at the end of the project yeah and and and I'm not a tree expert and I told him that as well I if that's going to help the tree I think that's great idea um as far as the compaction over the roots there's really not much you can do out there I mean you've all seen equipment and what they had to do it is what it is um the area they wanted fenced off you wouldn't be able to work and put that section of the seawall in you you couldn't you'd have to back each time you went in you'd have to back up and over the curb and and it just not really feasible right um but yeah if if if there is a a fertilizer injection it will help you know that's what else we got um the uh the Newton landing and River's Edge striping um that is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday this week however the weather coming in again it's probably going to get delayed but there nothing to do about that um but we'll keep you post it because we've been sending out emails every time it gets updated so um I know the chief is been involved and and also the River's Edge cond Association change I think this week is bound to be a wash yeah I think so yeah sadly literally literally yeah and that also includes do AC crosswalk in front of town hall here and anything involving paint that doesn't turn to watercolors that's correct um the uh Field of Dreams uh lighting Athletic Field lighting the as I'm sure you all know the foundations are in um the conduit is all complete they're going to be pulling wires probably next week again with it weather happening this week um they were out there today and grade it and Seed it there trench areas they didn't so in case anybody notices this and wonders why they didn't do around the poles themselves because they're going to be working on around there so but they did do their actual trenches um for the conduit when the rain coming that should be good timing another job well done by another one of our contractors did a good job out there too they they did did a very good job um and we we are we did receive proposals for the service um they they came in with really good numbers um got we received two quotes um from the contract was at now electric and uh Morris Chuck Morris who does a lot of our electric work in town and and both quotes came in really really favorable um and there was only $600 part and that's just from The Wire so that's the additional panel that we did not put in this project it was an additional service that was needed yes correct yep it's it's additional service that it's going to feed basically just the lights um they it's it's pigtailing off of the service we have now going to the well box go to the well box corre right it will be its own panel um it will be still in the same meter but it will have its own panel and it'll service the the lights just getting a sub panel from the the uh yep well box and that was because musco and doesn't recommend that we have something that initiates a lot of draw at the beginning like the pump they can actually cause the lights to flicker so it was recommended to install that sub panel cor great still under bu yes under the ground yeah the pump works on a VAR spe Drive um frequency drive and when that kicks on it messes with the frequencies of the electric current and the lights can flicker but the pump shouldn't be coming on while the lights are on generally or if anybody's out there playing I hope notum should be coming on right right so but we've got such a good quote to do it because we were able to use that exterior pan that it just made sense to do it now yeah yeah all that Stu isolated protection there there's sucker protectors yeah um the last thing I have is a discussion if you want to do that tonight or or wait I don't know the timing on the cdbg handicap ramps you got to move on that now otherwise we won't get a d time you going to he sent them to us you did yep yeah good the list of yeah I sent them to Richard who then sent to yeah to shame on me I never seen that it was on August 1st I believe I agreed with all of them so I just tell them the locations here yeah please the locations are um and and what we did was we took our old list that we had from the past couple of years and where there are no handicap ramps existing or if there ramps that are really really unsafe um and and all them their left there are two areas Delaware and Hazel that we're going to be doing on their Road program this year and also it's boosted Chestnut so piing them off the list we can get everything else that on that list completed um which is West Avenue and Goucher four the intersection there will be four ramps Memorial ab and gouter there's two ramps there uh malberry and Union there four ramps West Avenue and Colgate there's two ramps that need to be done and popular Street in Franklin are two ramps um and then what we always like to do in these we like to make alternates because if the bid comes in high overly amount we can still W it right but if it's under we can just the alternate so so we have an alternate one is Third Street and Cedar um it's it's where your familiar St comes around it turns into Cedar and goes into buy yep um and there's there's actually three ramps on that intersection so we have a total of 15 ramps um we could probably add another one or two as alternates if anybody has any areas that they have concerns with the only ones we didn't that don't have them ramps now is Pennsylvania Avenue up in the north side which next to John's house that there yep um so when John retires and he's using a cane he'll be up there the views and the views and opinions expressed I'm not done yet not done yet I haven't talked yet hit you over the head with that Kane Harry yeah I know he will um so we could add those to up there as alternates um if anybody else has any that they know I think the third and seat are as good as alter those are walked a lot so should we make a a motion or something to approve that list correct yeah you want to approve that list then later on the consent agenda you're going to prove his you know the engineering cost proposal to get the job done so yeah if that list is acceptable I would do a motion to accept that list all right I'll make that motion to approve Harry's list of the 2023 cdbg Grant or 2024 excuse me2 I'll second that doing all in favor I guess we can then I got it thank you and I found your email Harry it was buried between between all the ones we were talking about with that gas pipe last week so my fault it's there no problem okay that's all I have all right where do we stand with the Public Works building with it's a little lower it's a little lower on our our list Caroline I'm sorry we got to get these other things done first yeah yeah yeah no wer we doing something with the gas tank yeah that's we'll get there okay we'll get there just doesn't have the same priority as some of this other stuff you're you're a priority in my book John I just want you to know and Harry's going to add Harry's going to add the boat ramp to this list so we can yeah please that that boat ramp got destroyed during the construction so that we need that it isn't and they're they're going to um I spoke to them a couple days ago um they're going to backfill that with some Stone and DGA okay um for now but it will be improved further in the future when we get that yeah we we did another water rescue drill out there uh last weekend and we had to lift the boat off the trailer and bring it down yeah I'm going to talk to him again tomorrow because it is it's it's getting worse um and and a lot of it was caused or at least made worse um by them driving equipment over it right so they're they're responsible to bring it back to where it was before but we'll make it nice I'm sure not to Bel laborless when they put the new one in what they just bring a preformed one in and float it in I'd imagine no well they could do pre-formed or we can use a high early concrete um because there's a plenty of time between the tides oh they could do that okay yeah um and and we're going to use buried gaban to go further out that's that's the plan if arm cor lets us do it um but it will just be concrete for I believe 30 ft okay then going to BU ging so be stable Rock area that you be a dve out on side yeah we were talking about this at the O meeting last week so what are they going to do about the pilings that that are out there the ones from that are way out there from the old yeah here that's just going to stay there we can't touch those I'd leave it I mean it's something that's kind of holding it is actually kind of holding the kind of holding then the only thing I was thinking is the boats that's all well pull those spikes out there just you know railroad spikes to kind of drive it down and pull it out we can take a look at that see if any sticking out but yeah the core is not going to let us touch those and I wouldn't recommend it anyway because that is that's acting as a jetty type and they're historic so you're just barking up the wrong tree at that point I can make a comment on a couple projects related to this you see the bab Ruth Park improvements we we've authorized uh uh Taylor design to send out to get the quotes for the paving the resurfacing of the basketball court for that grant our qpa authorized that so we're going to go out on that and it's also to make note thanks to the qpa we could do the uh electric service for the field of Dream Lights separately she was very helpful to find the legal way we did that uh also um on the uh Ash Street uh we are going to be asking uh in order to get the next step to get a grant for the environmental cleanup we have to do a park master plan for that area for them so uh we'll be asking uh ER and Taylor design to give us proposals to do that piece of the work so we're going to have to get start moving on that in order to uh make sure we get the state grant for the cleanup and then I don't know that you you're not on this time but saw this whole thing about the gas Bane issues with PSG that you and Harry are going to have to deal with so I don't know if you want to mention that or not I had that on my list yeah we got uh an email last week uh through someone I worked with at BS and they're going to be doing it their next phase of gas name replacement it's going to be in the uh section of town by Buttonwood Ash that area as well as um the other side that walterine have the specific I that map to Harry we're going to set up a meeting with them but that's going to be mid 2025 and we'd like to try to align that with the road paving program so we're not uh doubling the work and we get some Paving done by PS exactly I don't think any of those were on our list yeah actually I think delare wasw was yeah delare was that's the one that we're proposing but we we do have moratorium on four or five other streets if they were oh for sure so we can deal with them get the best we can p yeah I'm trying to get a meeting set up with them ASAP we get coordinate that actually said can they do it this Thursday so I'm waiting for a response back go from there does the water company do anything at the same time that would make sense sense the comp yeah yeah the Water Company's trying to do the um bring that main across from that we talked about last year across theek we haven heard a from them we might want to follow up with them again otherwise we're telling them they're going to be on the moratorium they're not going to be able to do it yeah chasing them I don't know yeah yeah if we do that work on Buttonwood deal with our own issues okay thank you I just want to bring those to your attention all right and the uh the um I think you Harry the storm water pollution prevention the plan too many words of this late at night where are we at with that yeah that's being prepared um we're getting some documents from the township um that has to be included in it okay then it's ready to go was overdue oh yeah okay and of course we got to look at all those those two wonderful ordinances have that discussed at some point another night for that uh yeah not tonight just all right bringing up adds to our priority list very good somebody else sets priorities for it yes all right thank you Harry uh Mr hin hold up we'll go to our last professional this evening no further comment sir he still here this just got a raise all right thank you Doug Richard I have nothing new that I hasn't brought up for Al I won't be here next time Best Thing I F not that you won't be here that thank you we'll have it all done for the 19th I don't have to be your board department heads Chief good evening thanks I'll I'll be quick our uh July statistics for uh for the end of the month ended ups with uh 22 police cases originated uh there were 11 1,153 calls for Service I looked at the stats that's 400 more this year than we were at last year um there was 160 motor vehicle stops conducted 40 motor vehicle violations issued and seven arrests um on the first we had our newest officer SW sworn in tanw GIS and he began the Glaser County Police Academy today it'll be in training for the next 20 weeks and uh we anticipate uh he completes the training and joins us um patrolman Christopher ORF just completed our field training program I'm happy to report so he's now able to work in us in a so capacity and help out the uh the rest of the Patrol Division uh patrolman Ryan Kerns began his second phase of the field training program and he is now assigned to Sergeant Maloney um the NJ new J's Department of Correction conducted their DET detention area inspection uh which is conducted every two years uh last week and we will be be meeting with their staff again tomorrow for the final inspection of our recently renovated detention area uh we also completed our seis audit last week which we learned quite new quite a few of new things that we'll be working on and we have a supervisor meeting scheduled for tomorrow evening and that's all I have the report Chief question for you yeah is there a way to extrapolate the data for the calls of service to the Hulk Island area uh yeah we yes would you be able to do that on ongoing um basis and then report that monthly by monthly yes just so we have an idea yes I can thank you just the island or surrounding I mean so I would say that whole area if it's related to the island that'll be a little tougher but yes do the best you can yeah yeah that' be that' be awesome thanks thank you Chief and I see uh officer Kerns out there was driving around on Sunday looking for that big explosion that we had the Transformer exploding I saw him and Sergeant M out there was good to finally meet him even though I live walk away from him you never met him I never met him yeah nice all right thank you uh Mr fenmore yes uh we still picking up brush we picked up 72 cubic yards of brush uh we cut the township properties four times we replaced two stop signs we removed one tree unfortunately at West Avenue Trail we cleaned out two storm drains down there on Delaware the two that we were clogged and I'm going to have Doug Weller go in there with the Jetter and he's going to Jet them out to get them out clean on on the the pipe that goes out we're probably going to have to figure a way that we're going to have to replace that pipe because the pipe is what 419 yeah it's like a it's that's that's that big yes it's it's like a 12 in pipe yeah it always fills up uh the County's been helping us out for the wood chips which we are very fortunate that they do 27 truck loads that's tanm that's tanm truck loads okay um I'm going to meet with Kevin I don't know one day ail one of my problems is trying to put this list together is tree trimming I've gotten an entirely different prices from one contractor to the other explaining what to do so if I don't know exactly what the resident wants done it's very hard to CH what you want the tree cleaned out they'll go in there'll be two dead branches and he can take it out and he can charge whatever he wants so it's it's a little so I got to get Kevin to you know to try to figure this out with me um and then that way I can tell the contractor you know what to do um also the the new fencing out there is that going to get anything put down on it or is that just going to be grass parking it's grass oh that okay well what we're going to have to do we're going to have to fill in right where the new road meets the dirt because there's a lip about that big and the people backing in and out is going to crack all that roadway sure as hell so it's going to have to be filled in with something I mean I have millings yeah well we can do it but I just I didn't know if it was going to get filled in with any material it's just like the other parking if you want to put some millings down to ramp it that'd be awesome okay I'll get that done and that's all I happen all right John with the upcoming tropical storm I guess you guys will be out cleaning storm drains and preparing for all that we do that all the time yep anytime rain we one of the big things we did Okay aw good and Al also we started I started piling all the leaves up getting ready for the screening machine in September um the leaves have broken down really good this year I mean really good so hopefully we can get them out by the end of August instead of waiting till the end of September when everything starts to happen did you guys order the um speed limit signs for the fod road the what's that the 15 M hour signs were you guys able to order them uh I think Kenny might have did yeah I think he did and Harry you marked out where they need to go right I did that was couple weeks ago okay John whenever you guys are going to do that just let Harry know so he can go out the day before and Mark it I guess yeah okay I know you've been busy with all the storm stuff so thank you John uh John um I talked to Steve Moritz today and he wanted to thank you for cleaning up that area do you know if that's Township owned or is that an e it's awful you know every year I do it and the reason I do it is because it's all poison ivy nobody wants to do it I put one of my guys on it they catch poison ivy they're out you know unfortunately I you know just like the glob out here is all poison I and I got to do it but they have no problem taking care of where the tree stops all the way to the back of the O but they have trouble with that little bit of area and I I I don't understand but I know I know why because of a poison ivy well do you know if we own it or if they own it no I need a survey I asked Steve he's going to look for a survey but he he said he would if it was his if it definitely is owned by him he'll do it but he doesn't know that it's his I checked in the archives I didn't we didn't have any survey I mean does he own on the other side of the sidewalk out front of the house he cuts that right then he cuts the side from his gate all the way out to the curb but that's just that little bit between that little section there that's along it's actually along the road yeah doesn't have curve have you guys been out to Hulk island with the trash yeah it's pretty out of control yeah they uh they had that was I think he said the guy said there three half cans and one full can yeah they're not putting it on all the it's just they litter scattered about I mean is it bad what's that is there litter scattered about like yeah they didn't say I put the young guys on there there's litter out there I mean Paul Newman sent me pictures last week John at uh where the boers are on uh out by the point on the Riverside right there's probably four or five black plastic uh trash bags they all busted up and there's beer bottles and cans and uh you almost need need a a back to be able to scoop that stuff out of there yeah then what I doing it it's a shame yeah it is it it's a shame um we've been dealing that for a long time and just doesn't seem to be getting any better and you can't please everybody and it's a shame because it it is a beautiful piece of property out there you know majority of that trash to was voters who don't want to put it back on their boats right they want yeah they want to take it back well they know they can get away with it so not anymore not anymore all right thank you John I guess if they try to take it back with them and they get stopped out on the river uh I guess they open botles open can can I ask the question um sure is is there an entrance to the marina to Haw Island does anybody know that yeah yeah there is yeah it's that second Trail when you're going in the gate stay open or does it St that gate goes into their property though right into the marina property yes yeah so that's owned by the marina goes from their okay so when that gate's open then then anybody can go back there right mhm I think they just walk around it yeah yeah they just it's just a cattle gate to be continued it's an ongoing plan Jenis nothing at this time thank you Jan do we have a install date on the panels no we're actually going to receive a um sample panel that'll um of the color that was chosen um that'll be first and then as soon as we give the okay then it's like a six to eight week lead on getting the panels so we don't have a specific install date at this time okay you let us know when the sample comes in I guess yep we'll do for those uh not following the bouncing bow of the panels we're talking about our sound attenuation panels so you don't hear this terrible echo echo in this room make it easier and better to hear us right go to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes does anybody need anything pull and separately discussed from the consent agenda nope I'm good bur Mike you guys good yep all right roll resolution 2024-25 resolution of the township of Delano adopting the Emergency Operations plan of deleno Township resolution 20241 one4 authorizing one handicap parking space on popper Street for 430 a Alpha poer Street resolution 2024-the Professional Services for 2024 locally funded Road program resolution 2024-the Professional Services for 2024 NJ do Municipal Aid Grant Road program resolution 20241 117 resolution authorizing Professional Services for the 2024 handicap ramp uh replacement project the cdbg grant program payment of bills current fund 1,375 18429 payroll $16,839.23 the dog fund to $561 the escrow trust $830 can I have a motion for approval of the consent agenda second all right Carolyn and Mike roll call please Mr dispatcher yes Mr yes yes Mr yes Mr yes uh approval of minutes from June 10th 2024 who needs to abstain on that me and myself and fern all right and a motion please please move second all right roll call please mck abstain Mr abstained Miss yes Mr temp yes Mr bartl yes correspondents I have none thank you all right uh meeting is open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number two if you have any comments or questions on anything uh please step up give your name and address add for the record and speak away being's open to the public we are I guess we've discussed enough tonight on everything under the sun all right we'll close this uh portion of the meeting to the public uh discussion items we talked about the traffic study uh we're tabling uh chapter 110 section 10 governing conditional uses to a further meeting to be announced and we're going to take a the Cannabis ordinance for tonight simply because it's 10:00 already and we'd like to have a fresh mind yeah like we're not on cannabis to be able to discuss this appropriately um until um to a specific meeting or until uh call it the whatever meeting Doug is here next SE September here we this September meeting I believe so yeah okay yeah the September the first meeting of September which is that sounds about right September no I don't have that on my calendar the N we have a meeting that night I won't be here know I don't know why I don't have September the 9th I have yes the nth that's odd I don't have any September meetings on my calendar I'm going to have to fix that so we're going to go for September 9th which is the second Monday second yeah all right um I hope we don't have a need for another executive session no no okay can I have a motion for a German pretty pleased move second all right uh we're going to call that carollyn and Fern and K get the third on that all in favor I I thank you very much for coming out everyone sign [Music]