Delano Township committee meeting of May 20th 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New Jersey mayor wa okay not hearing this we are recording we are recording very good uh good evening welcome to the May 20th 2024 Township committee meeting held at 700 p.m. at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road we have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr alette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton Mr Bartlett here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mr uh who else is here Mrs lore our municipal clerk Mrs Russell Deputy municipal clerk and Mr tiller the police chief would you please rise for the flag salute I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation god indiv with liy and justice for all would you please read the sunshine statement please J please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meeting act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the bton county times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official bulleon Board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is dis is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice and thankfully with this new Wi-Fi we got it looks like the meeting is streaming so thank you be for getting that bug worked out today uh we will start off with ordinance 224-1 amending chapter 295 governing vehicles and parking handicap parking second reading by title only and public hearing uh hearing is now o uh open to the public for ordinance 2024 11 you have any comments or questions on this ordinance please uh Step Up come to the podium give your name and address for the record seeing none we will close this portion of the meeting to the public and I'll ask for a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-11 so second Carolyn and Mike roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes and next item is ordinance 2024-25 12 again come up to the podium name and address for the record and please make your question or comment again seeing no one we'll close this to the public and again I'll ask for a motion to adopt 202 24-12 so move second Kate and fern roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr elette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes and Mr Bartlett yes all right up next we have a special presentation for Eagle Scout project proposal from Mr Lucas Russell come on up Lucas good evening evening all right so my name is Russell I'm let out with and my e project I'm going to be replacing the flag po at G Park so over the past two years I've been the Memorial Day service and I've seen that the flags fallen into this repair so I met with Mr MC Fen and Sher to stuff option surface black so I went to ACO and I picked out the Serv series FL hole um it's 25t tall and 5 in in diameter it's an hole um we decided that would be the best go better than um the fire glass as it's more durable and um the a second FL is going to cost about um $2,600 my plan for fundraising is to go around to any interested parties and soled for donations and on top of that the Recreation Commission has already um sded that it will donate $11,000 plus whatever else I don't get from so most of the fundraising is I'm going to order materials and arrange for the um date when we're begin the project we'll probably have to do it on two separate days but I'm hoping to be done by mid June or okay any questions no I did review your project I missed the rec meeting when you were presenting it to Recreation but uh it's excellent uh project Lucas and it's definitely needed so thank you I appreciate it Lucas and the flag comes with the pole Right comes with the flag the $2,500 that includes the installation of the pole or is that just the material installation is to be done by the and any other okay Mike any questions great a light do we need a light on it is there a light on it will there be a light on it they have there's yeah we have nice we have good lighting we had the light replaced a couple years ago I think this is a great idea Lucas is you know we've all been out there we're all the memorial days and we see occasional the struggle with getting the mechanism to raise and lower the flag as we're doing the ceremony so I think this is a great idea and perfect time for that wish you luck for the project and I'll certainly make it uh my duty to be out there and hope you guys with as well just let me know when it is right the local urgent care thanks you because of all the thank you Lucas great idea yeah right uh meeting is now open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number one if you have any comments or questions come up to the podium and give your name and address for the record meeting is now open to the public hello [Music] raining to our meeting Police Department we like to thank all coming out was very informative few questions to come back welome the chief back that's take this opportunity thank you all thank you for having us there Ray Ray how was your trip it was fantastic good should we pull this down and do a slideshow for us one thing on there don't ask for a filly cheese steak in France no no kind of yeah I asked had it oh they actually had that on chees Ste was on a hot dog roll bun with a thin SCE of beef jalapeno one jalapeno pepper a little bit of onions and a little bit of cheese oh my you get french fries in the US so might as well try that there don't go there yeah I like going back and tell this ain't how you do [Music] it nice comment glad you're H back and I hope you had an enjoyable time any other members of the public if not there will be another session later on in the agenda right we'll close this uh session right now and we will go to comments and reports we'll start with Mr Schwab Township administrator thank you just want to comment on a couple items that are on the agenda uh we have the salary ordinance which I've mentioned before effective July 1st covers uh what's been budgeted and what's in the union contracts uh we also have a longevity policy changes for those that are not covered by collective bargaining contracts uh the last minute as you saw we added uh a lengthy flood haer ordinance I think uh you know I don't know if you want to ask uh Mike templon explain it more but uh the key thing is that the uh State and the feds have decided that after we change everything to their like a few years ago they need to change it again so it's taken several months to get to what fits our format and fits their needs uh it's very very technical stuff and so I don't know what kind of question the public hearing will be uh at your July 10th meeting we found out today that technically we have to forward it on to the Joint land use board because there is reference to site plan and subdivision procedures so technically they have to uh uh comment on whether or not it's uh in compliance with the master plan you also have the resolution to do a shared service agreement with hesport for a qualified purchasing agent we talked about before and then also mentioned that I notified you that I got an email from Senator Singleton's office that uh we will not be receiving any special State Grant this year particularly because we received one last year so that's my reports if there's any questions on those items that are on the consent agenda don't hesitate to uh ask before you get to that point unless you want to pull it off and de it it separately okay thank you Richard anyone have any comments on Richard okay uh now we go to department heads Chief uh good evening thank you I'll begin with our statistics up to this point in the month of May uh so far this month we've uh responded to 603 calls for service uh there were 44 motor vehicle stops conducted where 21 motor vehicle violations were issued initiated 10 police cases they've handled uh three motor vehicle accidents made three adult arrests and four uh fugitive contempt arrest um we had a couple officers attend some training uh last week specifically Sergeant Maloney attended a weeklong Delta training this is a advanced supervisor course it primarily deals with supervision and management um as I continue to State you know I'm really trying to put a lot of training into our uh our officers especially at the supervision level since we are a younger Department um he brought back some good uh information um and trends that are going along with the supervision uh Patrol M Gallagher as I stated previously he was in the crash course he completed it so the next step later in the year he'll be attending the crash 2 course uh and I know I believe that's scheduled I just don't know the exact date Lieutenant Warren informed me that he did uh get him registered for the course um as Mr Weber stated on uh the 9th we met with the resident um had some good questions there's open Flow communication uh it was nice to see uh the turnout they had along with the representative from the committee so it was a good good meeting overall um unfortunately our coffee with the cop had to be postponed which was supposed to be this past Saturday due to the weather I didn't want to take a chance uh for a poor turnout if it was you know inclement weather so uh we're working with the owner to reschedule and uh hopefully we'll be putting that information out this week sometime once we speak to her um we also hosted the uh Cub Scout meeting at our our Police Department Sergeant deing U met with the scouts and uh he said the event turned out well and that's all I have to report this evening very good thank you Chief good job as always any want have any questions for the chief chief I got um the case count that you uh you said so many new cases each month that you report what's the life cycle of a case how long before you know it gets initiated it to you can close it out and be done with it uh that all depends on the type of case it is I mean something as simple as somebody reporting a lost wallet probably can take an officer 30 30 45 minutes to you know initiate and close the case um if it's a Act of domestic violence where there's an arrest involved two to three and a half hours uh depending on the situation uh a warrant arrest probably 45 minutes to an hour and a half um it varies just depending on the type of case it is really and then there's obviously investigations which they get opened and they could you know last for weeks months depending on the closure if identifying suspects and have enough probable calls to charge so some of you dispose of fairly quickly and others just keep hanging on depending on yeah the big change in recent years has just been the amount of uh uh technology you know the advances in technology so uh the more things get Advanced that way More's put on the officers to kind of you know add more steps where when I started we'd have a piece of paper that was a investigation report and arrest report and uh you're pretty much in and out you know within uh you know so very few one and done not no more not what of eyes doted te's crossed and make sure everything's good for questions that come in the future the same way we have to do our reports at the firehouse and we had the squat same exact thing multi levels of supervision sign offs and so forth yeah y thank you Chief uh let's see Mr fenmore's not here let's go to Mrs lore um nothing at this time uh there will be correspondence that will be noted for the record and also before you get to your consent agenda just know in your packets you received a copy of the a letter from uh Harry Fox a project manager for the the seaw wall project you have a resolution on your consent to award that for the record just note that uh nine bids were received and uh for this project and that uh a recommendation has been made by the project manager of the township Engineers office uh and the rest of the stuff that I have is later on in the meeting thank very good thank you Janice all right now we'll go to uh Township committee comments I'll start to my far left Miss Patrick okay thank you um daa Del Riv uh I was unable to attend this meeting but I did read in the newsletter that registrations open for socer now and Carolyn can report on any other items of interest that may have taken place since I missed that meeting uh the yard sale hogies and breakfast well everybody was hopping around Delano for the yard sale and of course the firehouse has the best hogies and the Boy Scouts do a super job on breakfast I doo every year uh the cleanup and shredding event of course I always manage to have something to take the public works and I love the shredding event because it does give me an opportunity to uh conveniently uh get rid of some personal items uh Newton's Landing I did attend um their open for and um I always enjoy um I always enjoy meeting with the residents in the HOA and it's nice to know that um they feel they have that open communication with us and it does make things work nice and smoothly thanks Ray uh Recreation another meeting I was unable to attend my daughter V was here visiting uh for a long actually she was here for a week for Mother's Day and some uh clean up in the house and York so um the only thing that I can report on uh Recreation is that the parade is May 26 it is starting at West Avenue this year and uh I hope to see everybody out the seniors met on May 14th I did attend this one um they were entertained by Steve meritz and Jim Tracy with some folk songs and some people were actually able to sing along their uh last meeting until September is June 11th which is a luncheon at fatelli uh the Sewer Authority met on uh May 14th in person uh the trunk line project is almost complete the work at the pump station is moving along nicely uh 989 coopertown Road there's no new update uh stylex there's no new update we're waiting for DP to approve their discharge um and the operator's report is on file uh affordable housing Carolyn and I met with our professionals and Janice to see where we stand at this time it appears that we're in pretty good shape although we are not sure what the numbers are as of this date uh Mary Beth our planner for affordable housing uh did put together the timeline schedule and hopes to get some numbers to us soon she will be meeting with Janice to prepare the report on our trust account that is due prior to our next meeting which is scheduled for June the 26th and that's on all I have mayor great thank you very much Kate and I'll go to my far right next Mr Templeton good evening everyone thank you uh let's see uh as Mr Schwab alluded to uh we're be uh introducing a new flood ordinance uh the township adopted one back in 2017 when we got new FEMA flood maps and uh couple years ago the state uh from the state audit discovered that that ordinance was not in compliance with the national flood insurance program and the employ construction code of national U code so anyway uh two years ago the state d uh Department of Environmental Protection started circulating um or working their way around the state in uh adopting a model ordinance there are two versions a coastal version and a river rivering Riverfront version we've obviously got the river front version so um what you'd think would be a an easy process because the 31 pages of the document are a pretty much standard boiler plate and there's only a few areas that the municipality has input or can customize it mainly identifying the specific flood maps that are appropriate for tanco there's also a second set of state maps State studied Waters from 1978 and that was the thing that was kind of hard to wrap our brains around both uh I've been working with Mike lman our construction official uh Mr Fox or Township engineer and a colleague of Mr Fox at his firm Anthony Lopez and uh the state maps from 1978 U are basically pencil Maps but the state insists that we use them and uh we incorporate them as far as a reference in this new document this new ordinance um the other part that we had some difficulty over uh basic English language is that the paragraph that's really the operative paragraph in the whole 31-page document uh all four of us were looking at it and saying we're not sure what what answer you want us to come up with here um so through a lot of massaging a lot of emails a lot of phone calls and a zoom meeting that all of us participated in we got that sorted out so uh I think we've got some clarity on that um I compiled a what I hope is a good reference source uh it's on the Township's website under government far right side it's theme of flood map information and the top document has a bunch of links to uh the D website and a bunch of sources U the interesting thing the 1978 maps that the state provides um you can Google that for D under their website and you can't find it uh they don't exist but anyway so I've got a backd door way to find those uh for the most part home owners uh really don't have the need to have that kind of information that's something uh if you want to do something improve your property build up build something um that would obviously flow through a permitting process to the municipality and and our Engineers but um for Delano on the flood maps we have base flood elevations that are published on FEMA Maps of in some areas in town at 10 ft other areas of town are 11 11t BF base FL elevation uh the important thing to remember is these are best engineering guesses by the FEMA folks when they compile those Maps uh Mother Nature does not read Fe FEMA firm Maps so you know what happens happens and as we are experiencing in in recent times weather seems to be a little more intense a little angrier um we had some very unusual flooding back in January that exceeded uh Sandy levels and so forth so um uh sea level rise is a forecast to the average numbers are about another foot over the next 50 years or so so that obviously affects the tidal Delaware River that we live by so um but what this ordinance probably will end up giving or or requiring uh is a 3ot possibly 4T additive to that base FL elevation of 10 ft or 11 ft so the lowest floor of any substantial Improvement that you do or building a new property the lowest floor will have to have that elevation of something around 13 or 14 or 15 ft U to be eligible and for the actually for the township to be in compliance with the national flood insurance program so a little long-winded but U anyone's got questions ask me next now ask me later ask me next month so but it uh there it is thank you what was the second thing he said now yeah that's certainly a lot of information and uh yeah it is good work on that what do you got uh let's see uh back on April 30th uh I was invited to the homeowners association uh to meet with folks over there at the point uh and listen to uh part of their meeting and the input that they gave or that they were seeking uh possibly to come towards the uh to the township committee uh would be to uh dedic for us to accept their their streets uh and have them dedicated uh and I discussed with them or shared with them my knowledge of how their development uh came to came to be and that the streets uh the way they were designed I guess exceptions were made for the density of that development um and that uh the possibilities of the streets being accepted by the town uh would probably be a push but they were more more than welcome to come here to the township committee at a at a meeting and uh you know present their case uh and let's see then on May the the 9th I had the privilege of attending the uh Newton's Landing homeowners association meeting uh which believe was a first for me in many years and uh it was nice to see the number of folks that were at the meeting and uh the dialogue that we went back and forth on different topics uh so it was educational uh the pathways uh as far as the county uh and the progress that was being made there uh the county has or I guess the engineers have come out and uh that process is in the works and there's an approval piece that has to take place and then after that I think it's three or four weeks after that something the permits and then they can start the project uh I happen to see Mary Pat Robbie uh from the county yesterday out at Smithville Park and I shared that with her because she had asked you know where where does the project sit and uh so I fed that back to her and uh she was a little surprised by the comment of approval so I think she's going to go back and do a little bit more homework and possibly push some buttons there well she wouldn't prove it but it uh I think they um John went to um to Senator Singleton and he got the ball rolling because the county would not approve that would not we had a meeting here with the county and uh they said they would not take the responsibility because the development was not actually a gated community but they didn't want Public Access uh so uh so we met with the county here and they would not agree to do it but um Senator Singleton pushed some buttons and uh Joe Brickley stepped up and the county is going to do the repair work that needs to be done to make it handicap accessible and to improve the path well her I guess uh her reaction to having to wait for an approval she thought it was a done deal and everything was already uh in the works yeah right one thing way we know you are yesterday someone fell oh wow so that path need to be fixed and what happens B it out they lined it and from what I've been told it's supposed to be doing the uh after they finish over the Riverside they're coming over here yeah do good so yesterday out for someone all on that oh gosh strange thing about it was we had another call four four doors up at the same time that's so Police Department was very busy at day thanks for the update Ray uh let's see history board uh been very busy we had the meeting on May the 1st and then on Saturday we had our open house here from 1:00 to 3: uh on the leny uh Indians and the artifacts uh Mr John Burke whose Personal Collection of uh arroe heads and uh artifacts that are on our display cases out there now uh he was here and uh man's got a lot of knowledge uh ESP especially the experience of growing up along the ran cookus Creek Pennington uh where Pennington Park is and over where Olympia Lakes uh is uh and where he found a lot of the artifacts so it uh quite interesting and we had some residents stopped by and another gentleman brought in the artifacts that he had uh and they were able to dialogue back and forth on that so it that was uh that was really good uh and we have our open house coming up in June and uh that'll be set up again here in the lobby uh on the third Saturday from 1: to 3: and uh we'll have that you know the Waterman's display and I believe Kate uh has uh artifacts or uh things from her her my grandfather her grandfather decoy cling yeah uh so that'll be there and then yesterday at the Smithville Park uh the county had uh their events out there and uh few members from the history board we were there to represent uh the Lano and uh again were able to dialogue with folks that were coming through the tent uh let's see here uh attended a couple of the school board meetings uh over the last month or month and a half uh again dealing with the uh the closure of our Walnut Street School uh and this past meeting again there were some follow-up dialogue uh on things that uh the board the School Board needs to uh take care of as far as the closing Pro process uh and what the options are for that building and uh renting the building out to generate revenue and again the dialogue of the uh Walnut Street School building itself and the playground behind the school uh you know and where where does that sit and how do we protect that piece of property now there's I think part of it uh is open space and the other part is questionable but so as we as uh a Township we need to make sure that we're on top of that that we're able to preserve that open space uh to keep it open space whether it's for recreation uh for our children or if at some given point in time the Walnut Street School needs to be uh needs to reopen because of a need uh for space and uh to have that space there the open space again for our children uh and oh uh mayor Bartlett and I met uh as a subcommittee uh last week pertaining to our side ordinance and uh we took actually got in a car and we drove around town and looked at properties and uh looked at sign signage that's out there and uh what's already in place and you know what may need to be changed but uh I think our our biggest hiccup at the moment is when we got to the gas stations and regulations that are there for signage and what do we have and what's accept so I think we need to do a little bit more homework on that and look at some other communities and what their ordinances are uh pertaining to uh gas stations in the signage there and I believe that's all I have sir thank you f all right uh let's see no we're not don't even go there yeah I forgot Carolyn last time so busting her CH Carolyn what do you got thank you mayor Marlett I attended the dce meeting April 23rd um Miss fitchpatrick was correct Sofer registration is open till approximately mid August right now for our Recreation League uh so be sure to sign up quickly um soft phone baseball are underway concession stand are being opened when possible nothing really else going on there um Public Works subcommittee Matt and I met with Richard and John to discuss um the ongoing um processes that Public Works has addressed some concerns listen to them so it's it's a good uh meeting open dialogue it's we're progressing for sure Recreation meeting was on May 9th and I'll report because Kate was not there so she asked me to report on that um meline Malik did a free yoga did three yoga sessions at Zerg for the past two weeks I just ended um I know there was there was a lot of rain outs but from what I understand she did do those as much as possible every day there won't be yoga on the Delaware this summer um as the person who handled it before is not going to be in town and we also are going to have our construction anyway so it kind of works out that way so we did have our presentation for the Eagle Scout project and Recreation was very excited about it and did pledge the ,000 and any difference if you don't make up for it and um I know my husband is a co-chair Phil will'll be happy to be out there and give you any hand you need with construction of course Mr jff as well on uh Sunday we have the Memorial Day Parade uh starting at West Avenue this year from 1: to 4: Burlington Avenue will be closed I think starting at 12:30 so we look forward to that hopefully everybody can come out with the new route um we'll be able to serve all of our residents a little more towards the end of town summer concerts start on June 6th at the marina um we do have our first adult over 18 over 17 movie uh drive-in movie it's going to be Top Gun 2 on June 1st at the uh Field of Dreams event La so concessions will be served and um we're looking forward to having the adults come out before having a night out before school's out with how they're advertising it so that should be fun that's day of Freedom yeah so they're going to have um some corn some games and just you know have a nice little Community event for the adults and Summer Camp starts June 24th and runs until the end of July it's um 125 a week so get your kiddos signed up for that I attended the affordable housing Zoom as Kate mentioned on the 15th with our professionals and since this is my first affordable housing um class so to speak master class I learned a lot I listened to a lot and it looks like we're in a good place going forward so um we were excited for that thankfully due to the hard work that the committee and our professionals did in the the last round they put us in a good place for now so I look forward to continuing that work and hopefully by the end of summer we'll have some numbers and understand what our responsibilities will be uh I think that's it all right good I had a question on the parade will it be a shovel bus to take us from West Avenue down to the firehouse and so from there so we drive if you want to ride STP in the back with Carolyn and I if you want to RVE so if you get winded or something we'll be glad to pick you fire I'll be I'll be in a piece of fire apparatus this poty does not walk two miles or whatever it is I probably should but I think it's an extra what four blocks does it f long blocks approximately the same distance since when it used to go down but was downhill there I didn't walk it then either all right thank you very much you can hit your ride on that Siri that sir's electric SE get the gate around there and uh just backpedal for a second on what Carolyn was talking about with daisa and the concession stands I just want to give a hand to Joanne sitting up front there is like oh no not me she she's been volunteering her time every time I'm up there when Gavin has a baseball game I see her work in the concession she you don't have any kids in the program thank you you're welcome if if a and I said this when I was on the board if 10% of the parents registered the children's parents who have registered in the program showed up we would never have an issue with opening it just 10% so thank you for all the volun who don't even have any kids in the program so um let's see since my last report on back way back in the day on April 15th um I attended the Public Works subcommittee meeting with Carolyn Richard and Mr fenmore that we had those on April 17th and May 8th I attended the New Jersey emergency preparedness conference in Atlantic City on April 22nd through the 24th I took a class offered by the National Weather Service on various weather systems and how to spot them and I attended the public information officer class where I learned some good information on communicating with the public regarding ongoing incidents and disseminating information that was a three-day class unfortunately I didn't stay for days uh two and three as I picked up a terrible sinus infection mils down there that knocked me uh Square on my backside so I'll be working on getting those uh two days made up through an online offering that they'll be having shortly uh Delano OEM coordinator Rob Vick was also down there and he took a variety of classes of the four days and he'll report on them at our next OEM meeting overall it was a valuable experience with a lot of good offerings of classes for all the attendees and look forward to going back there in the future uh I attended the Board of Ed meeting on April 24th uh that we've discussed uh tonight from a couple other committee people and attended the Board of Ed meeting last week on May 22nd as well along with Carolyn and uh Fern the main item to note last week was that they authorized the rental listing agreement for Walnut Street school for school use purposes only I requested again a copy of the listing prior to it being listed um but they didn't respond to that request and they also did indicate that they want to discuss sharing various services with the Township in order to save on costs wherever possible and they'll reach out once they have something that they need to discuss uh a April 27th as uh Kate mentioned we had the hogy cell up at the firehouse I got up there brighten early and we made the 500 hogies and we sold out just as quickly and nice job by the scouts out there having their famous pork roll EG and cheeses you guys did good as well uh May 3rd I attended a tree planting ceremony at Pearson for Arbor Day bill manevich from the shade tree commission and I along with the first grade classes planted a tree in front of Pearson school near one of the one that was planted a few years ago so the kids will be watching that grow over time uh May 4th we had the cleanup day up here I brought some items to the dumpsters that they had out here nice job our entire public works department was out there and they filled up all those dumpsters so great job to our town cleaning up and making it look good uh May 7th I attended along with Mike uh a subcommittee meeting with the Board of Ed to discuss the library contract we'll be meeting with them next week week I attended the Newton's Landing meeting May 10th I met with bed we went over the hazard mitigation plan that the county prepared and we reviewed the final version to make sure all the comments were Incorporated and they mostly did kind of like the uh storm water ordinance that Mike was talking about it's a template form just really need to fill in the blanks correctly and all the blanks weren't filled in correctly so we're working through that and hopefully we'll then get that uh finalized and then later that day I met with Fern we drove the town looking at signs uh I attended the library board meeting last Tuesday and we discussed the library contract there as well I've never been to a library board meeting before but just for this one meeting I learned so much about the workings of the library and you could really tell about how passionate the board members are and of course uh Library director Mr radliff is about its offerings and the need for the library and finally last Wednesday before the Ed meeting before the Board of Ed meeting I attended a court security meeting with the town Administration and Court staff and judge ahart and a rep from the Judiciary and it sounds like we are in good shape here in Delano sometime between now and then I slept and went to work so uh a lot of stuff going on by all of us this finished your deck start almost finished my deck it's ongoing if it wasn't for this rain mayor when when you're done I do have something I need to report when you're ready about it I'm ready okay always ready J Bev Aaron mcfaden and I attended training at the new Burlington County election building in moristown for the new machines that will be rolled out for the primary on June 4th they are big they are real big matter of fact we had to go out and measure all the doors uh at all our polling locations CU they had to meet a certain width and we actually had the county bring out one of the new machines because they said we needed 36 in clearance and turn radius and the doors were at the firehouse were measuring like 34 a half so they did bring out a machine and we were we're thinking if this can't get in if these this new machine can't get into the um meeting area where what's the alternative but the machine squeezed through like by a tiny little bit now those that uh vote at the polls that don't vote uh vote by mail um will have the uh machines introduced for the the primary so Republicans and Democrats voting at the polls and is a new process it's a now additional step where before you you signed in got your voting Authority went to the Machine cast your vote hit vote cast and you were done exit the machine now you have to go in and anybody that has voted early voting has experienced these new machines they have them at early voting but at the polls you will go in get your voting Authority at your table you will go to the machine and vote and then your ballot will print out you will now take the printed ballot put it into a sleeve and have to go to a what we call a reader or an authenticator and feed that printed ballot into the machine for your vote to cast these new machines were by order of the Attorney General that we had that burad must replace its machines so I just want to let everyone know and we'll be announcing it and and talking about it and matter of fact we will we're going to be contacting the county superintendent of Elections they're offering to bring a new machine out to whatever function we feel would you know if we want to have one here and invite the public here one day if we want to have one at Community Day um or if there is an event that you might think of that's highly attended maybe at one of the senior meetings or something we could ask the county to they'll bring out a machine so everybody can get used to them because now they what we don't want is people getting their print out and leaving thinking oh I have a receipt on my ballot on how I voted because if you walk out with your print out printed ballot you didn't really vote yet now what this will allow you to do though is to print it out come out of that one area where you cast your vote and get the not cast the vote but uh make your selections get your printed ballot you can actually look at it and say you know what I changed my mind and get back in line and go vote again and and get a new ballot because your ballot isn't cast until you feed the ballot the printed ballot through the authenticator or the reader so I just wanted to bring that out uh that that is happening uh again they will be except for early voting they've been out at early voting but they will be used at the primary and then the general election which is going to be a hug huge huge turnout so we're thinking that after the primary but before the general maybe have an opportunity for the county to bring one of the machines here to Something in Delano and if people want to come up and see it and you know see how it works and everything and we'll be putting a lot of information out about um you know uh the the new type of machine because it is a change it's a big change hey Janice yeah yes maybe the county can do a video tutorial on post it do a quick way they can share it on their website there might be something I will double check into that I think there is it but I don't know if the tutorial is just for the board workers yeah and the and the municipal clerks to access I'm not sure if it's available to the general public it seems like the easiest way to show people how to do it yeah the important part is is for people not to leave somehow get past right and leave and thinking oh I have a receipt for my ballot is it's to make sure that they go go around to the uh the reader or the authenticator and put that in so that their vote counts truly counts will the poll workers be trained who usually take your you know the authority that you have to vote will they actually kind of leave they're going they're going to um there'll be at the table so when you go in there'll be the Chromebooks and everyone you get your vote you sign you sign in and get your voting Authority then you take the voting authority to the machine now here's the difference because there's usually a person there there will be people on the machine it's as PE the what they're anticipating is as people are coming out with their paper somebody's got to say no remember you got to go around and put it through the reader but then they have to reset the machine too so they're going to be the machine workers are going to be really really busy and maybe for the primary won't be that um busy um but all the pole workers have have had to have gone to new training so we're hoping that everything works out one thing they that the um the county said they were doing they were a new position will be at the door there will be a a board worker at the door of each polling place and I think one of the functions of that is to make sure they are looking to make sure nobody is walking out with that uh sleeve that that they're being asked to put the their ballot slip in and to say hey did you make sure you I I would hope that that's what they're at the door so that's something new um provisional voting is also has something new to it there will be a pole worker at a provisional table before you just took it back to where the voting Authority was issued there's going to be a provisional table not per District but per voting location so for example the Pearson school which has four districts will have one provisional table if you're voting provisional you will vote on the machine but when your ballot prints out you'll instead of taking it to the authenticator you'll take it to the provisional table so that's new what also is new is the person at the door to kind of help people as they're coming in and leaving looking for that person that's walking out with a sleeve try to catch them um another new thing is that Pearson school for example four districts and there'll be a table for each district one through four to sign in but then you can go to there's only going to be two machines each machine will have two places to make your selections so it doesn't matter which Mach once you get signed in at your District's table doesn't matter what machine you go to and what reader you use oh so that'll be a little bit different the long-term goal as the county said would be to where somebody you won't even know to need to go to your District table you can go to any table because the Chromebooks will have every single voter in the the town loaded up so you can there won't be District tables but right now yes you have to go to your District table but once you get that voting Authority there's only going to be two machines that you can go to and you can go to either machine now the Chromebooks need Wi-Fi H do the Chromebooks need Wi-Fi yeah that's a problem well well they've worked they have these very very strong um they're not they're called Nighthawks but they have even they have new ones coming out that are even stronger we've never we've we've had some connectivity issues but nothing that we didn't get resolved by the um opening up the polls we've been very very lucky very lucky so I just wanted to report on that so that the governing body is aware um and um should be very very interesting and I I think it would make sense to you see if they can get one of the machines back here for a show and tell and in fact if they can't get the machine out of the firehouse after the primary they just be there for Community Day luckily we didn't have to relocate um or or change out the I was hoping that if the machine this new these machines are big if it couldn't get through the door to get to the um to the meeting room then um then they could use a smaller machine but if that wasn't an option then we'd actually be relocating where at the firehouse and that means moving fire trucks and a whole B big thank you for not doing that yeah luckily they they fit luckily it just squeezed right through either that or we get a saw and we make the door jam Li well well it's you know but they they fit through so so we're in good shap we're we good shape and the school's doors while they're only 34 in the one one or two of the doors that Center Bar does come out so we've been working with Tim at the school on on that accessibility uh so he is prepared in case that the machine can't fit through his individual doors he can take one of the bars out and create a wider wider door very easily spray some WD40 on so I did I think that's really important to report um and so that people are aware I just also too wanted to ask Recreation if it was okay if we could email blast that the the route is now starting up at West Avenue just so that sure people who have never had the parade go past their houses before do that I think did have we email email blasted I don't think so I if not let's do it again yeah let's do it sure I think I think um you know maybe the the that is not reaching people because they're just used to used to not having the parade come past their house and I think that's a real treat for them yeah so I think let's get let's get the word out as best as we can it's that's it's that's okay perfect yes yes but whatever we can utilize to uh get the word out for people if that's okay every day so thank you for the extra time but I thought that the the new machines was very important to report on that we'll take that off your time for next meeting thank you no problem all right we will go to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes does anyone have any questions or need anything pulled from the consent agenda I have a question on 82 the 2006 Explorer that's being decommissioned is that what was used by code enforcement no uses his own vehicle what vehicle is that no that was that was the one the back that's Back 40 some oh sitting unfortunately I don't know if anybody else used it after us I see him in his video Yeah well that we have a lot of Explorer yeah but there a different one sitting back in public works and we were the top purchaser for explorers for some time in the county yeah so I think great all state of New Jersey has right thank you that's it guys good Mike burn anything good all right uh ordinance 20243 an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of Delano providing for and determining the rate of compensation of officers and employees first reading by title only and set public hearing date for June 10th 2024 and that will be 7 P.M that dropped off on both those ordinance okay ordinance 202 4-14 an ordinance by the township committee amending the Delano Township Code of ordinances to repeal chapter 65 flood damage prevention to adopt a new chapter 65 to adopt flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for severability and an effective date first reading by title only and set public hearing date for June 10th 2024 at 7 p.m. resolution resolution 2024-the a shared services agreement between the township of hesport and the township of Delano for a qualified purchasing agent resolution 2024-25 183 Award of bid and contract for the zurburg Waterfront seaw wall project never thought I would say that payment of bills current funds $3,492 181 payroll $10,600 $400 the dog fund $450 Housing Trust Fund $350 approval of minutes from March 4th March 12th and March 18th 2024 approval of business licenses 202 24-40 through 2024-25 approval of Department reports can I have a motion for approval of the consent agenda please move second Carolyn and Mike roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss zeuss yes Mr Templeton yes and Mr Bartlett yes correspondence Janice okay let's start with um correspondant it's in your packet from Tracy florenza the account manager for our Gip um just notifying us that our three-year membership with the burland County Municipal J Insurance Fund is up for Renewal effective January 1st 2025 they would like to set a representative out to an upcoming meeting and they would like to know if Monday July 15th 2024 is okay Monday July 15th it's not okay Township committee that night is that they want to come dur Township committe yeah during awn Township committee meeting I'm sorry yeah committee meeting [Music] and good as date as any I guess okay and how what a presentation they want to give they want to do a brief presentation brief okay so is that all right short okay I will let her know that um that is our one meeting date for the month of July the one meeting date for the month of July and she said she needs I she said she needed about 15 minutes yeah 15 minutes a presentation should take no longer than 15 minutes we give her 16 okay all right so I will confirm that with her and then the second piece of Correspondence is a letter from Jennifer hyros the division head of the Community Development housing um notifying the township that we are receiving a 2024 Community Development block grant for our handicap ramp barrier removal program so additional funding has been um coming from HUD so uh they were able to fund some more Grant applications so um as long as HUD approves the plan which will be submitted uh to it soon um we should be getting $75,000 to continue our hcap ramp barrier removal program in town good that's about double what we got last year I think we got 50,000 50,000 so now and this says 75,000 so that's good news very good thank you Janice and that's all the correspondents that I have thank you all right uh meeting is now open to the public for comments and questions this is session number two you didn't get a chance to yet or even if you did come on up give your name and address for the record meeting is now open to the public one time no see Ray long time no see my question is for Mike you stated the state is using a 1978 map for this flooding and that's like 46 years old come on guys what what's wrong with the state you me tell me they don't have anything to do that's a loaded question start do youc welcome to Jersey right look what the state did down 42 and 295 they used the map around the same time frame and guess what the Wall came down P this thing back from I'm you know where I'm coming from we all ask that same question okay and especially after looking at the maps because it looks like something that was faxed by Thomas Edison to Alexander granell I mean it's that kind of resolution the state New Jersey and their flood regulations which are some of the most stringent in the country add a 25% buffer the 25% buffer is calculated and it's on these 19 1978 maps by serendeputy that that level that number is equal to the current FEMA firm Maps 10 or 11t depending on where where where you're looking at so they got lucky 40 years later that it matches fem so I know I know we were all scratching and and and then they tell you we got to use these Maps you know where where are they that's I mean I'm looking at you yeah like 46y old M you know yeah things Chang half our town wasn't our town wasn't born yet a few of us were around what happens is it's I'm looking at going on here yeah and so I mean the state why don't they get into the 21st century when the 20th even at this point I think yeah there was a new the new flood Hazard Control Act was passed were adopted last July 16th I think and that's got some increased buffers the three three foot that I mentioned and uh so that that that brings it up but a lot of the other state information hasn't caught up to that and so part of what our confusion was and trying to basically game it is not game it that's a bad term work through okay what's the calculation what are the calculation steps going through this and you know just so it's understandable because Mr lman her construction official Mr Fox and Mr Lopez we're all looking at it and you know it's the old joke you know you ask four people and you get five answers I mean that's that's what was happening and uh back and forth with the and you know it just doesn't make sense they had a term in there as it's best available well that doesn't tell me anything is it okay if you want to keep your feet dry you use the highest if you want to save on construction cost you pick the lowest one you no that's best it's all relative so um I finally I finally won the point after three after three months of haggling with them um I said why don't you just put at the end of that paragraph whichever is highest and that's that I can I can retire happily now I got I got I got three words in there and it solves it now what the other 560 municipalities in the state did to fix that paragraph I don't know and how it got this far Fox about retention just want to make sure that you know I got whenever he respect or whatever back to me let me know what the outcome is just in case one is new responsibility the other two are the county SL Township responsibility and take so that's reason I'm just worried about the landing Stu that's I'm looking at this thing here flooding and stuff that's one of things oh yeah oh yeah and it's and you know you be even we have some homes in our government that have pay and theyve got some pumps a lot of towns got some pumps 247 every house in there yeah and you know we've got about I don't know varies year to year maybe 100 Poli holders that have flood insurance anybody can have flood insurance but it's required if you have a a federally backed mortgage um and you only it's only required if you're in the special flood Hazard area the 100-year flood zone 1% but the new FEMA maps changed a little bit of that it changed the 500e line a lot and so when you start looking at sea level rise and potential flooding and what usually happens it's not the name storm or the hurricane that comes up that gets us in trouble it's the storm we air after after the ground saturated they can't go anywhere and that's what we've experienced so um we were well anyway that's what it is thank you thank you Ray thank you Ray what you was those Maps Mike 76 7888 I'm vintage 78 PT yeah yeah big yeah any other members of the public have any comments or questions speak now or forever hold your peace at least for this this evening 78 cuz 79 all right we will now close this portion of comments to the public uh discussion items adoption of a social media policy based on Mike's comment about the state I understand the state wants to adopt a social media policy for Prodigy and comp serve and AOL perhaps what oh my God that was a bad joke since the state's doing stuff 40 years later right uh you want to hit that care oh sure okay it was on there I figured your it was your jam but well okay you brought it up first so so the social media subcommittee um kind of tweaked this a little bit we worked with our uh attorney um we basically took this from another Town's policy that was shared on the League's website and U made some tweaks to uh which made sense more for our town and customized it and added some things clarifi some things uh this way we can have the social media policy we have Township social media Pages now through the different organizations uh the police department has one as well um so we are hoping to get a Delano Township Facebook page activated and uh this way we can share pertinent information not only through email blast or through the bulletin boards but they can actually post the relative information on the Facebook page that will be done through the office um we're not looking to do anything else with Instagram or Twitter at this moment we do have the YouTube page set up so that would be governed by this policy as well um so Matt worked with Doug on this and I think it's great it's pretty comprehensive uh I didn't have anything to add as far as my two cents nether did Doug for that matter yeah Doug was really happy with it he said it was covered all the basis as he thought so um I guess I'll take my L degree now yeah so Matt did a nice job on it so thank you well we actually the one that I used as a template was the one that the league actually put out uh wof I believe it was yeah no it's wof wof like the Van Wick and the van white in New York but uh that's the one that the league put out we definitely made uh I say tweets tweets tweets tweets uh to it um and right now various members of the committee various members of the office all use their personal accounts to share pertinent Township stuff all of our neighboring towns they all have Township Pages where the township can post things it's it's basically just information sharing yeah it's just for information sharing it's not for comments it's not for people to you know request information it's not to debate anything it's not political it's literally just an information sharing tool um for for the residents so um I wanted to say something and it went one year out the other oh we are going to have um to be compliant with the open public meetings or not one of them records yes public record yes that okay we have to be compliant with that so we will be um Contracting with a archival company like the police department uses now to make sure all of that will be compliant all of our posts will be saved and uh be able to be accessed if necessary we're hoping to get all three or four pages that we have now on that contract Mike did you have a question um yeah a couple um in the purpose the second paragraph it says all per all Communications to the municipality so is it a two-way people can comment they can they can message they can message there's no way to turn off messaging so they can send a message and then we would just have something that says this is not being answered please direct your questions to the township the a telephone or website or website address we'll have a we'll have a disclaimer yeah that says that this is for informational purposes only it is not monitored for comments um and not responded to if you need additional information um please contact the township at you know whatever contact information we put so yes and that's done automatically once you send a message Facebook will automatically reply so there's no no one has to actually do that like an email send what out of office yeah right and the different departmental or or functional areas um they're all separate I mean it's right now yeah well the the police has its own Facebook um Recreation has its own Facebook and then so this will establish this uh so it's um they are separate Facebook accounts yes and OEM too and OEM has a separate one I think I think perhaps EAB does as well I didn't put they have a group I believe I'm not aware they do have a group because Amber sends out on a group library has a page not under no but it's just thinking of I can't talk to am yeah aware of any so is there a way to put all all these under one umbrella under for the arch you mean well all of them are going in the social media policy but not one person should have control no that you can you can see all all four or whatever at one time EAB page like started seven years ago no um you can't combine the township with the they all separate ones no they're all separate um you can share those on the township page right we could share their actually you have to know it's there there will be different administrators for each of these different um Facebook pages uh the chief is in charge of the Delano Police Department Facebook page um Recreation has its administrator so um and I think it's good to have separate administrators so you could actually put in your comments on the main page for recreation click this link for Blanco police click this link so you can share those profiles you them main page yes so who what's the qualification of the administrator or who who are these people for the than the chief I know who is we have we have a strict policy um the only people that have access access to ours uh as myself the administrative assistant and the four sergeants and we have criterias what each can actually put on the uh the site the page uh that's why I would not be comfortable combining it yeah right so Aon Aon proven on does wreck okay um who does OEM myself and Rob de and Rob and uh I guess Amber does the uh EAB which we were not aware that EAB because it's not included in this policy yeah because I only sold that yeah I wasn't aware either that they there was a uh official Facebook page for EAB I wouldn't call it official well that's that's why I said what we weren't aware that it was official so I who is the leaz on to E that's in danger of some of this stuff is that it it can be seen someone cing into it e this is this is like a group E what makes this look official that it's the Lang of Township and not some someone ghosting it or I think your disclaimer is important to have that information on there I mean people can do any type of hybrid Facebook page but we're not responsible for anything not it's aiv managed by Delano's environmental page it's a private group say it's a pride group it's on a page so yeah um it's it's very important though that if something is representative as a uh function of the of of the township or its sub parts meaning the EAB Recreation the police that the proper uh Records archival methods are are being followed because they are operable all content is operable and must be uh managed and archived accordingly uh under open and the um state is ProMag gating rules and regulations for the digital world and it's treating uh right now is treating anything we post on our official Facebook pages like a hard copy record so General General informational thing just is can be a three-year retention but once you start using that Facebook page for official notices or official policy or information regarding um it's say a master plan public hearing coming up um that may have as much as a 25y year retention wow so it it's they're not finished with prating the rules and rs yet but um they're pretty close so we have to be very careful and we have to um make sure that if any group that is a uh creature of the municipality is following the proper archival procedures um so that's something that's on my list uh to get with our it to get with each of the Departments to make sure now we know that police we've already met they are using archive social to for Content management And archiving um and you talked about a eight out of the 10 pounds that you talked to also use archive yes yeah I did uh reach out and sent out uh to my fellow U Municipal clerks in the county and had some pretty good responses and I would say the majority probably eight out of 12 are using archive social two other companies are being used um one wasn't aware you had to do it shall re name remain nameless and the other one is doing uh a a manual backup of like a cotton paste into a folder oh wow we not recommended not recommended so um well so the township website as it stands now the current website so that's the prime source and so saying that these Facebook pages links are advisory or nice to know stuff but the account's existing website is the prime source that that's that doesn't get us eliminate the archiving no no it doesn't no no it's treated as a a digital record we if we post something on Facebook whether it's police Recreation uh OEM you are creating a public record which has to meet the criteria under the the uh art um what's it called a retention schedule for records and um informational things uh appears it's going to be a three-year retention just like a piece of Correspondence a general piece of Correspondence has a three-year retention and is operable under that three years or until such time that it is approved for disposal by the state okay um I don't want to get you know too too technical on on records management but um the Facebook while it is it's another uh digital format upon which to disseminate information as soon as you create create a post you've created a record that's why it's very important to have I've included in your packet um when associate counselors for the league of municipalities did a piece on uh these digital uh social media formats um for a a social media policy which you're taking the right step there and also retention and having a and recommends a um you know an archive contract uh not just done through a cut and paste which could uh you know be a little bit tedious so it's unlike a private Facebook page where there's no presumption of a record Being retained or managed or you know accessible we're a public entity anything we create becomes a public record uh and and that that follows digital records so so with these different functional groups mhm there would be information probably a lot of information that they would have on these Facebook pages that if they wanted to put it all on the townships G would probably fill the whole I mean it's probably well that that that I could see what's what's going to happen I mean Rec could fill a whole Facebook page and all kinds of stuff it depends on how how much is posted um for example the if I may Chief talk about your uh your archive social uh social Arch soci archive contract that you have is for one um 1,500 posts or hits a month and that's a like a smiley face um share a share that all counts and then once you once if they were to go over that then it it's a very expensive per hit um cost same same like I on a copier we have a contract for so many black and white copies per month so many color copies per month and we that we go over the color Copy amount what may have been I'll say let maybe 10 cents a copy for a color copy now becomes $2.50 a copy if we go over that monl mail that's why Richard's always on to why would did you why did you make this in color because it could become very expensive done with the flood well there you go well there you go see the flood flood flood Ori 30 pages of copies right so it's important that we we just can't lump everything together because we have to be very careful yes that we if and the contract that we get doesn't isn't too little we don't want to pay for more than what we have to but we certainly don't want to go over our monthly contract limit so it's a little bit more involved than a private Facebook account but we we get there actually I'm quite excited that we'll have another digital format I want to reach people and get get information out to um you know the the the public the the residents and everything and not everybody uses email not everybody uses the website so uh if we can add another digital format uh to reach more people in town sure let's let's do it I think the chief can back me up when he when we when they share something on the police page like a missing dog or hey this crime happen look for this car or did you jump dump the brush and feel the dreams and you get all these tips and leads I don't even remember what life was like before Facebook honestly like how did we even know about this stuff we didn't and it took so much longer to solve crimes right yeah I agree it's very beneficial when we can utilize it you know and this is where I throw my budget hat on that's why I control what we put out uh I don't put every single thing out there on the page because I know that 1500 hits can go quick and once you go over that 1500 that's where you can go over your budget very easily so I try to control what what is disseminated you know and not Overkill with post something very relative that is really of importance road closures and and while 1500 hits per month for the police Facebook book page may be adequate Township we could probably chew that up in in no in no time so we certainly don't want to piggyback and and and join into the police contract um but so the township Facebook page um we'll have some growing pains and some a learning curve but that's the thing we will grow it's growing being able to reach more people in town we will get there and they've been talking like when I was down at the league municipalities convention in November there were probably about five different classes on leveraging social media for your uh Township and the same thing when I was down uh at the OEM conference a couple weeks back same thing was one big topic they were talking about is using social media for Emergency Management um you know when you have a storm coming through or the tornado that went up the river a year or two ago and you're not going to put that on the website and hope someone will check it you put it on social media it will come in your new seed you'll see what's going on same thing when uh we report on the road closures or if I ever have to do it again the bridge closed do the flooding in Riverside which I this week or next week or 80 times fix that um it's pertinent timely information as opposed to a website which is mostly static so yeah I think it's great I think the the hurdle that that that you know the one hoop that we have to do is the AR uh is the records um retention and And archiving to meet our requirements under the open public records act other than that I think it you know we have to keep moving forward and and uh and uh get it going we'll figure it out yeah absolutely can we get a vote to adopt the social media policy you need to do that or how that work um did you want to look into EAB first and then bring it back on June no just a group it's not a page private private okay now the only thing we didn't talk to Doug is if this had to be adopted by ordinance or resolution on again stop the we do next it's your call I mean if you do a resolution tonight if you do a resolution tonight and he says no it has to be done by ordinance then introduce it on the 10th right okay that's good if the resolution isn't the right mechanism to adopt it has to be done by ordinance then it's a policy it should needed an ordinance right well not a law I'm I'm not an attorney so I'm not going to answer that let's do the let you play one on TV the resolution a question so this is Township but like the history board which is a like of of us and how about the library board uh you know any those private organization Library okay and the history board that's they don't have a page they don't have a page they don't have a no they don't want a page now remember this is informational only and on the we on our website or even email blast we'll post information hey history board's got open house this weekend we can do that on Facebook too yep you know we we can what you know it's informational it's it's to reach more people with events and and and news and so we're just expanding our website and our email blast to another digital format to reach to reach people so you know if if there's a group an organization that has an event that is a public event you know uh we can certainly um put that on the Facebook P you know put that on Facebook anything that we would put on our website as far as upcoming events news and events we can certainly do that on the Facebook page too we wouldn't say well you're you're not Township so we can't post the libraries um you know um book sale coming up Ty type the whole Pur of information sharing sharing share stuff you've done that for yeah other organizations what we what we yeah what we will not that we will but what will be very difficult to do would be to have it as a two-way dialogue format great we just don't have the resources for something like that want that way and then people would if something was missed over the week hey you didn't get back to me and right we really don't want to go there with a a two-way dialogue Facebook that that's going to get a result yeah yeah so um I would say I mean we amend the Personnel policy by resolution yeah I I would say if you want to do it tonight and adopt it you could do a resolution I'll double check with Doug to make sure that a resolution was acceptable and if so fine you're done if he said no this had to be adopted by ordinance then I'll schedule it for first reading um on your June 10th meeting okay I'm comfortable with the resolution for right now I I don't yeah I don't think that's going to need an ordinance if you I don't think so but again we you know uh we double want to double check with the solicitor to make sure that we are technically correct in in in how we adopt and how the governing body adopts this and it would be number 84 probably 84 yep yes okay we have a motion to adopt resolution 2024 84 adoption of the social media policy as uh in the packets oh so move anyone second Carolyn and Kate uh you want a roll call or I think a roll call on this okay um roll call then please J okay Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes uh based on that this is uh informational information or providing a tool for information to go out to our residents so it's an informational tool Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton um well as long as we have our training wheels on yes and Mr Bartlett yes that's resolution 2024 84 adopting the social media media policy um thank you can you talk with Mr hindhold would you ask him what the status of this situation with the eab's private group thing if that's uh falls under this or is operable it's a very good question for you it's entangled in anything if it is we could just amend this the language here that yeah I'm not going amend it well and how would you know if somebody is creating a page that says I'm Del lank of Public Works and now does we get blamed for that I don't think John knows how to use Facebook anybody know anybody can come and do that but it's all about who's running it so they trace it back to if it's a Township authorized or not yeah when you set this up there has to be administrators named so um that's traceable back to the municipality right that's what I'm saying you know the situation with the a policy maybe he well we'll get with Doug on that speciically you want me to ask Doug I will ask I will reach out to the solicitor and um get some feedback on that Facebook can't even do thatb you know that all right uh number two on discussion items yep sure can you that link you found for the EAB page can you screenshot and send that to Janice so she can send that the dog and say is this good bad or needs to change yep I'll send that over to you J uh number 200 under discussion items New Jersey do fiscal year 2025 state aid grant program with a submission deadline of July 1st Richard you want to talk about it sure yeah you have H from har we had a discussion John and Carol and Harry and I uh on this every year we we go through this and point out at your next meeting you want to do a resolution uh making the application for 2025 so in order to make that decision you got to make sure you know where you are what the plan is for 24 and our local money plan uh Harry needs to update our 5year plan to take into account all the streets that were done by psse G by New Jersey American water which were not part of the original plan so he'll do that so right now we're looking at what we want to do for 24 and 25 you'll note that in 24 we received uh 240,000 in in state aid and it's for the roads around school and he points out what they have to do obviously is is submit their Professional Services proposal so we can get out to bids for that work which is chestnut from Union to Spruce Walnut from Burlington viory and Spruce from chest to Burlington they gave us less money than we asked for uh so he doesn't know that we can do all of it there may be a block of chest between walnut and Union we might not be able to do but as usually we go out there we have alternates the interesting thing is that for the past 10 years it's been recommended that we combine when we go out to bids the state aid funded streets with the local funded streets you get a better price obviously works out better and the state had no problem all of a sudden now the state has a problem with that uh prior to that 40 years prior to that they had a problem with that so that's why it doesn't surprise me they want us to do the state aid roads in a separate contract for the local roads which will probably end up costing a little bit more money and U moves things along differently but so the bottom line is that that that's what we're talking about for this year's uh Dot Money the local money that we have uh the next spots in the long-term plan would include Delaware Avenue from Walnut to Hazel and he's indicating that's 100,000 and then Second Street from oord to Maples another 100,000 that's we put 200,000 in the budget for that uh and so that's what he's proposing that we spend this year's money on we talked about a lot of streets back during budget time but this is what uh we all concluded is the best way to spend that money this year so if that makes sense to do question is what do we apply for for 2025 state aid when looking at the streets that had the worst ratings that hadn't been done and to get state aid money you want to show traffic volume which is why we got the around the schools because we did the traffic counts while school is in session uh so ra enjoy hearing this Landing Boulevard is one of the highest volume streets in town and it's also connects to a road and it is a major Gateway they State won't pay for us to do you back roads as it were so he's recommending that uh we for 2025 you uh including your resolution requesting 112,000 to Mill an overlay and install curb adjacent to the high point you know there was that issue back there while he's at it you threw that in there 112 and then we also asked for Edgewood from Burlington to Delaware Avenue for another 204,000 asking for 316 last year uh remember they gave us 239 so you ask for it you see what you're going to get but so that's what he's proposing that you have on your agenda for June 10th to apply he's suggesting that in 2025 assuming you appropriate another 200,000 approximately that the next streets to do are Union Avenue from Burlington to Delaware and Delaware from Union to Willow uh and so that's the the plan of action obviously he'll give us an update of the 5-year plan that you can look for for the local money at least for 25 but if this makes sense to everybody uh we're prepared for that resolution uh for the state aid grant for next meeting good makes sense to me yes with the um Delaware from Union to Willow with the zerber seaw wall getting done that whole park getting redone would it make more sense to swap uh anything from this year to next year and vice versa no we did it in 25 specifically to wait till to see what was done right when would when would we be doing the 24 Paving wouldn't probably be till October November again right the 24 the 25 Paving is the 24 Delware from to Hazel does not affect the seaw wall it's not near the seaw wall no yeah delare from Union to will he's talking the 25 that's 25 that would be done in the fall of 25 yeah right that's why I'm saying why done with SE w why not do 24 I'm everything done yeah you don't want that going on at the same time okay all right fair enough so we actually plan you're exactly right we planning when to do those pieces of Delaware and when seaw walls can be done yeah it actually worked out and we didn't plan it that way I know I know was like in every's Minds we're sitting looking rple 5e program actually had that slated job good timing everyone I mean obviously this is just projection the only thing you have to do the 24 money stuff we need to we're going to get out to bids we're going to Harry's got to give us this proposal we can get out to bids this summer so the stuff's done and then you got to apply for the 25 for Landing Boulevard and Edgewood if that makes sense I'm happy to see Delaware from Walnut to Hazel D cuz that street is a disaster it's literally cracked the entire Street So yeah thank for that that's red whereas the other piece of Delaware was orange on map so made more sense to do that one first that section of Delaware has the storm water issue too that they're trying to figure out whether a pipe's caved in or locked they're thinking they might have to excavate that they're still wait on um I think what Del Ran was going to go out there and try to you you talking about the pipe that's that's as he's sitting in the audience water pip that's CL yeah that's that's going out there no he'll do it when he gets a chance leave him alone what are you doing here Joe just go out there now take care you get done thank you sir he makes he doesn't he does promises he he keeps all his promises that's good we appreciate you yes all right so what do you think are we okay with this plan of action unless you see otherwise when the yeah plan comes out good plan all right we're ready to roll for J June 10th meeting git all right let's go for it now I got to push Harry to get his proposals in to do the 24 work okay okay very good I'm done anything else anybody have anything else for this evening put B on it all right I'll ask for a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I thank you very much hope everyone has a very safe Memorial Day weekend and hope to see everybody at the parade sh the shovel bus leaves West Avenue