##VIDEO ID:oqcnV40SZDI## yeah but apparently I like this sign take it to Sam oh good he saw me the other day and I said good may do a test test 1 2 3 do you hear me please repeat test 1 two 3 456 reping thank you I can count higher if you need me to Janice I got my education in New York there you go good evening welcome to the uh what is it September 23rd 2024 I almost said July I'd get another two months out of my pool uh Township committee meeting held at exactly 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building 770 Cooper Town Road here in Delano can I have a roll call please Janice Mr Mr Patrick here Mr here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bart here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mrs lore our municipal clerk and I think that's about everybody can you please rise for the flag salute I to of the United States of America and to the for it stands na indivisible the sunshine statement please Janice please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mail to the BR County Times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions and written notice as has been posted on the official Bolton Board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you thank you uh meeting is now open to the public for a any comments or questions this is session number one if you have any comments or questions please approach the podium and give your name and address for the record there will also be another session later on in the agenda meeting is now open to the public okay silence is golden meeting is now closed to the public uh go to comments and reports uh start with the township administrator Mr Schwab thank you um couple quick things report the annual Municipal best practices inventory has been issued by the state if you remember that requires that we answer yes no we're planning to na on about 80 questions and we need to get certain number of points in order to make sure that our state aid is not reduced so we just received this uh last week go through it I'm assuming we're not going to have a problem with it again any more than we have in Prior years but all all the uh the CFO and and the you know the clerk and Deputy clerk we'll all get together and and go through this and get back to you on it and then we'll schedule the time to review it with you um second as I sent you uh we had our audit exit conference with our auditor uh and he submitted with uh CFO on our finance Clerk and uh the clerk Deputy Clerk and I so we reviewed uh our Financial Health uh Financial Health is excellent uh with an increase in available uh funds uh for the uh uh for subsequent budgets the fund balance increased from 3.5 million to 4.1 through 20 this is the audit for 23 uh the audit report itself will be issued uh this week and so you'll be receiving that and you'll be asked to uh review it there's no um comments that require corrective action plan that's the most important thing to to look at and then once uh you're all satisfied with that uh for the next meeting we'll have a resolution to accept it on the next uh meeting agenda and then it's advertised the only thing we're really going to work on particularly with the new CFO is to update our grant accounting uh we have better ways we think to do it than we've been doing so we're up on we're on top of it at all times rather than when the audit takes place but uh we're very pleased with that um tomorrow I'm going to be sending out the annual memo for the 2025 budget it's hard to believe we're ready to do that and uh that'll be to be submitted to me by mid November for the Departments and by the end of December for the various organizations that are partially funded by the uh Township and then we'll set up our schedule for 2025 um just want to give a quick report on our Field of Dreams we had a interesting problem with our new irrigation system we have a brand new well it's been doing a wonderful job but all of a sudden week ago it stopped working and it appeared that it was electrical with the controls uh we were going to just replace it but the the vendor who installed it was able to get it fixed and so uh by last Friday we had it up and running uh we do have a 2-year warranty on it we actually haven't paid the vendor yet so uh we'll make sure that this is done correctly but I just want to let you know it did take longer than we expected was not very happy with that but we now have it up running the nice thing was that the system is was able to be switched over to the old pump so it wasn't as good but it was what it was before the new pump so we had something unfortunately this we're in the middle of a drought except for maybe this afternoon and this evening uh so hopefully it'll catch up by next week the other thing is I'm not I probably will not be at your next meeting October 7th I have some conflicts that night but uh we'll make sure that everything's ready for you for that meeting that's all I have unless you have any questions thank you have any questions for Richard all right uh Chief tiller and Lieutenant Warren are not here this evening but I did have a report emailed to me this is as of the middle of last week uh for the month of September 671 calls for service 125 motor vehicle stops 62 motor vehicle violations and various other uh types of incidents that were mixed in there for the year to date sit down buckle up 7,926 incidents in our little small town for this year they're very busy uh Sergeant epano attended a three-day active shooter training course uh the police department and the township wreck department co-hosted a community PD night in the park and movie night event that was attended by approximately 100 people I'm sure most of us will talk about that during our own reports uh Sergeant epiano attended the Glock armor course which enables him to inspect and repair the agency's Glock handguns Sergeant Dearing attended a Vine training session that's the victim information notification every day of course at the uh State Police Hamilton Barracks uh they work with Public Works to conduct markouts on Orchard Walter and Vine Street for the residential only no parking signs that are going to be po posted in the near future uh they started Communications with the John Deere dealer to begin the purchase of the midsize uh Gator and they have two spots reserved in the February basic course for police officers at the gler County Police Academy so that's my best impation of the chief for this evening and we'll go to Janice for your department yes thank you um actually have quite a bit I'm going to go over some upcoming events uh and flyers for these events are available on the table out in the lobby this Saturday is the townwide yard sale all townwide yard sale um and there will be a book sale and yard sale by the friends of Del Lano library and the firehouse will be having their Dale and the troop 19 Bo Scout will do their pork egg and cheese as always plus other Refreshments that's this Saturday the very next day Sunday September 29th is haulk Island cleanup day from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. gather at the Vine Street gate gloves bags snacks and water will be provided that is sponsored by the Delano Recreation Commission Saturday October 5th is community cleanup day from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. this is your opportunity to bring trash and recyclables Plastics tires a limit of four TVs and electronics uh to the public works garage that's Saturday October 5th from 7:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. also that day Saturday October 5th here at the municipal building parking lot parking lot from 8:00 a.m. to 12 a.m. is the Delano shredding event so um two things going on that day to help with your cleanup and then on Saturday October 12th is Delano's annual community day at the Delano firehouse and that's 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with lots of great activities um and uh I believe Phil that's correct Dela Recreation also co-sponsors that yes okay and a lot of neat stuff going on Delano's annual community day Saturday o October 12th 11:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the firehouse and October Saturday October 26th we have a flyer out in the lobby for the Delano River Run 5K sponsored by the Delano women's Civic Club always a great event more information is available on the flyer next I want to talk about elections a little bit um the county is in the process of mailing out vote by mail ballots so if you had signed up for a vote by mail used to be called um mailin ballot it's now called vote by mail those are out you may or some may people may already have theirs but they are in the process of being mailed out which means those ballot dropbox locations are throughout the county there is a um sheet out in the lobby on the one case as you're headed out of all the different locations that have the secure ballot dropbox location theano does not because we just do not meet the population criteria to have a drop box a secure uh drop box the closest ones to Delano of course they can be mailed in but if you prefer to drop them off the closest ones would be at the um Edgewater Park Municipal building right up the road 400 Delano Road Riverside has a secure ballot dropbox at the uh administrative office building on Pavilion uh so that is for the vote by mail ballots you can also again take that to the county office building which is now in Morristown or you can mail it back in or drop it into a secure vote by mail ballot drop box early voting I can interrupt you on that point uh just to clarify those uh drop boxes are clearly identified as the proper mail boxes County and the boxes that we have out front are not no I actually even have a sign on we actually take our larger box in um there's one on the medicine Dropbox CU it looks shapewise very similar as well as our small drive up um Dropbox signs that this is not an official ballot Dropbox um so early voting will be from October 26th till until November 3rd um at various locations through throughout the county for early voting so that's an option too if you'd like to get your voting done you're not doing vote by mail and you'd like to get your voting done before election day uh at the polls you can go to one of seven locations throughout the county uh that have early voting October 26th until November 3rd this information is also on the uh C display cabinet to the left as you're exiting the closest early voting location is to us is the Willingboro Public Library 220 Campbell Drive but interestingly with an early voting you can go to any location so if you happen to be up in for example Chesterfield um during early voting hours dates and hours you can stop at the Chesterfield Township Municipal Building even though you might be registered the line goo you can vote early voting in one of seven locations in the county that's all I have thank you very much all right thank you Janice for that wealth of information just one addition um also on the 26th is the trunk Retreat event for recreation and movie night now that flyer I don't have in the lobby so we can add that so trunk Retreat is SE is October 25th 26th yep 2 and is there a movie that night also it's the 26th not the 25th yeah 26 yeah yeah and then Beetle Juice will be the movie after that be so that's always a very very nice event for the children and families um again sponsored by deleno Recreation correct yes yes F the yes and if Recreation has a flower I can get those made and put those out in the lobby also yeah Aon has it okay Aaron has the fly yes okay I'll get that from Aaron all right very good okay reports from Township committee I'll start to my far left and Miss fit Patrick yes thank you um okay actually the board of ed has had two meetings since our last meeting but I did attend the August 21st meeting and so as so many residents did as well uh busing the children was a big issue but the board indicated that they were unsuccessful at that time to obtain a license approved driver um but since then they have and it's been resolved but that was at the end of that meeting that's how that um meeting on August the 21st Dr Fitz did apologize to the school librarian for what was published in the agenda it appears they will be revising her position for the new school year and the referendum for the new roof and air conditioning units is up to 3.5 million uh Garrison Architects will be presenting it at September 18th meeting which I was unable to attend uh the question will be on the ballot in November uh daisa Del Riv I attended their August 27th meeting uh the River Dell Rebels that's the traveling softball team um has three teams of uh 12 players each their schedules complete uh they they will be playing mostly evening games um the teams are doing their own fundraising to defer cost for tournaments and refs soccer has 171 registrations um this year year 34 minis opening day was September 7th uh and we did have our ribbon cutting at the Field of Dreams and I'll mention that later this report was prepared as the dates go um they are planning a fundraiser kickball the date is has been changed uh from September to 15th but the new dates to be determined and their next meeting is tomorrow night here at Town Hall Hulk Island uh we had a meeting to review the signage and and um enforcement issues regarding um property lines the signage has been approved and we're waiting for the cost and final approval Janice and um Carolyn and I worked as signage at and then we met with other members of the committee to approve it and the professionals uh Babe Ruth day I understand it was well attended sorry to have missed it the seniors met on September 10th uh was their first meeting at the firehouse it was well attended uh Mr Bill brought his therapy dog Roxy Who was a retired Greyhound racer she enjoyed visiting with everyone and he explained the different places they visit one of her favorite places is the schools because the children read to her so uh he said she really looks forward to that so the hunt for the alligator JR this has been going an ongoing project that Alice Carl Smith has been working on for the past 20 years uh we raised enough fun funds through a gofund mate um to have the marsh area scanned uh off the ran cookus Creek for the anomalies that have been detected in the past uh the group launched four different drone mags um at that were conducted by reew of Lancaster PA in the entire area and we're still anxiously awaiting the results um Sewer Authority met on September 10th theum line project there was an issue at one location does not appear to be related to our project however the contractor did note one issue and that has been addressed still waiting for D to close out the project there is a slight delay with the work at the pump station still working on the bypass system uh once we we receive the main control panel the work can be completed uh 989 Cooper Town Road in Styx there's nothing new to report 401 Creek Road uh they currently have a septic system we and we cannot obligate them to connect to our system so we are monitoring that process and checking with the joint Manu Sports engineer uh discussions are still underway regarding raising the tanks at the plant due to flooding uh the operator's report is on file and a letter was discussed and approved in the event of a project providing the resident with information if access to their our property is required uh Recreation we met on September 19th uh the meet and greet our officers was held on September uh with the Madison's food trunk and Kona Ice it was uh a great time it was so nice to see so many families and the children attend I did not stay for the movie but I know Carolyn did a great job making popcorn and assisting in setting up for the movie cleanup day for Hulk Island is scheduled for Sunday September 29th flyers and information uh to be distributed uh a shout out to Paul Newman who has been keeping me up to date on all the trash issues for making a map for the cleanup so we will have a map available that day uh Community Day as Janis mentioned was is scheduled for October 12th letters and emails were sent out to the businesses and organizations in town uh the conceptual plan for were um Ash Street uh we will show that to you later but it was approved by Recreation Trunk or Treat we've already know that it's September or October 26 followed by the movie uh the troll hagatha should be set up at the Vine Street Park this week I believe tomorrow yeah Carolyn may have more details on that and uh like the night was another dream come true on Friday Night senator Troy Singleton was was uh present at the Field of Dreams to assist in hitting the switch to light the night at the Field of Dreams it was absolutely incredible thank you to all who participated in making this dream come true for our Field of Dreams and uh re is very busy and we will keep you posted on the scheduled events for the remainder of the year as we come closer to those dates the history board I attended the open house uh yesterday at Town Hall there are only three visitors in addition to the board members present um we did have a visitor who came in to be uh to actually contact the police in town and uh we did provide that information for her but uh we also gave her some information regarding her homeowners association and um I contacted the fiser family to see about the statues at 721 Delware Avenue to see if maybe we could have at least one um donated to the township for uh our historic Waterfront Park and I spoke to uh Mr Fisher's son David and um I had written him a letter about how I knew Mr Fischer and the different things that transpired in town and they are very happy to know that we are interested in the statues and we can have more than one and we're going to look around town to see where we can place them at some of our other Parks so that's thank you very much Kate to my far right Mr Templeton mayor yes for the record I just want to let you know that the um record stopped the recording there is a dis failure oh so the meeting can continue but just for the record that there it is not being recorded at this time so Kate you need to repeat all of that please now I have so I send it I send it to B send yeah send your notes your report notes all right and our live stream should still be streaming in case you need that for reference later yes let me double check that got to love technology yes we are still all live stream okay something with at least something's working system here the software give it a little kick with your foot and hopefully we'll be good 8 all right Mike thank you good evening all uh let's see uh last week attended the monthly court session also the Schoolboard meeting is always very interesting uh been working the last couple weeks with Mr Schwab and now with Mr olette on combing through our um storm water ordinances and some of the conflicts that uh are we're discovering in some of the model ordinances the shell the the U the boilerplate versions The State uh gives us to to start with and so we're sorting that out with our Engineers our attorney and conflicts with our own existing code to see if we can just amend some small portion of it or remove replace and so forth so but it's um our stor we've actually got storm water in two different sections a chapter 100 and a chapter 249 and uh which is uh led to a dead end for for some folks looking up that regulation but uh under that storm water in 249 there's a whole raft of of ordinances that we have most of those uh look like they're in good shape and there aren't I mean they're very basic very simple ordinances um there's a yard waist a litter control uh wildlife feeding pet waste um fun fact I was looking up the pet pet waste one comparing that with the D model and uh looking at some other information APA study a Federal Environmental Protection Agency said 12% of our landfill is pet waste 12% of the material going into landfills is pet waste so um our budget we spend our budget for this year $225,000 for uh the Tipping fees disposal cost so that's $27,000 if that estimate that 12% holds true that uh is just pet waste um out of Delano so it's kind of kind of amazing fact there but anyway working our way through that and uh we're waiting some feedback from our Engineers we did get uh some comments from our solicitor today and uh we're still got a little bit of back and forth that I've had with the D representative um last night we found out that some uh uh some property some benches along the uh ran cookus Trail in the County Trail there were a a vandalized graffiti uh the environmental Advisory board has an informational sign out there and that was graffiti and spray paint it and uh so Mr Bartlett mayor Bartlett and I had some exchanges and I had last night via text and had some exchanges via somebody need to go somewhere not going to blow or anything all right and then I contacted some of the environmental board members just informed them of that so anyway today I went out and um cleaned up the two benches and took my trusty scrub brush and a little bit of goof off and so forth so it's um it's a little disappointing I mean a lot of people put a lot of work into uh the County Trail uh EAB Recreation and to have uh one person uh probably a young uh young boy immature uh decides that that uh they want to you know use that as their edes sketch and to face it with some obscenities or things like that and uh it's uh it kind of you know it's it knocks the wind out of you a little bit it uh but that's you know it's a one of and it's just one person and uh you know my my hourly rate is pretty close to zero U and our Public Works and the county park rangers and park maintenance folks have a lot better things to do with their time and their resources so um uh please as a general public uh when you're out and about in community in the Parks and somebody's uh uh doing something that's uh nefarious and uh um please call the police uh a lot of there's a lot of cameras that we have in our Parks a lot of uh uh buildings in town have residences have cameras and uh someday you know we'll find somebody we'll catch catch the person doing this or other thing so but um we move on and we'll continue to make our community better and build things and and improve so anyway that's uh that's what I got thank you all right and you'll be putting application into County Parks probably tomorrow I guess um as long as they let me keep my scrub brush very good thank you Mike Fern your turn Okay some of the stuff is ditto from Kate's report but uh let's see September 7th we had Babe Ruth day which was a nice event uh guided in just before uh we finished up right before the rain uh came in so that was a good thing uh the senior meeting again at the firehouse we had 48 uh folks there and uh and the presentation with the service dog was really uh wonderful uh and the story behind this particular service dog uh that gentleman had uh and fielded green uh lighting uh that was on the 20th uh again that was a nice event and it was nice to see the lights get turned on uh even though there was a power failure uh prior to I guess probably about a half uh so fortunately the main power came on so the switch could be turned on for the lights to go on uh history board uh this play end up taking uh going into discussion uh later on but uh the Lano history board has many artifacts and our chapter 29 uh with our ordinances uh does not seem to cover those artifacts and whose uh how they should be handled uh and whether it's the history board or the township committee uh so we need to take a look at the language in there so that um we're able to make sure that the artifacts are covered through insurance or they're handled uh there are procedures in place that when we bring in artifacts or things are given to us uh there's a process that uh Peter Fritz at this time and maybe a few of the other uh history board members go through and documenting and where they came from and uh so these items are put in our care but the language in our ordinance does not uh cover what we need to have happen there so uh I need to get back together with Peter Fritz maybe Richard or uh I know Kate was on the it's been part of the history board for many years uh maybe she could be part of the discussion also and looking at that particular ordinance and how it needs to be tweaked um let's see the um booklets that are being uh that are put out by the history board uh in our 2025 uh Grant application uh we're putting into uh for funds we have a 1856 map of Delano which was given to the history board uh and uh John Nardo and myself will be going over to Philadelphia to the uh Conservation Center for arts and historical artifacts uh this map that we have of blano uh is still rolled up and we're all scared to unroll un Ravel it without some professionals and so we're going to uh do that tomorrow uh but the other part of the grant is with the Waterfront Park or historical Waterfront Park uh out front of the Zer Mansion uh next year all the amenities should be there and and uh we'd like to request a box to be put there for the booklet that's being uh put together for the uh Waterfront uh we have one the walking tour uh booklet for the old section of town but there's also a uh tour that was given by Peter Fritz many years ago uh and he's going to put that to paper and a booklet and we'd like to have that in place somewhere uh towards the end of next summer if not sooner but uh to have that there when we open up the park because we're going to have many many visitors coming to see our park and again the history along our Waterfront there uh is phenomenal we have a lot of history so uh we'd like to share that but by getting the display box there so folks can take the booklet um so you're putting that into the 25 gr yes for the county well if we can put it in with the county or if we can uh T that box on uh with uh yeah only a few yeah yeah I was going to say just put it in with the county with the with our design because we can put it we can install when reinstall that Library box that shouldn't be an issue okay could put it right next to it yeah right so we'll go ahead and uh order that uh in advance um Scott included in the plan yep yeah it has to be in the plan have it be included in the plan you don't you don't order it'll be done with the park oh okay SE um yeah and then in 2026 we have our Centennial and again we'll have many folks coming in again the history of Delano and so we'd like to have that as part of that program that the County Commissioners uh at their last meeting uh author to make offer to purchase and execute an agreement with Rowan College at Burlington County Board of Trustees in the amount of a million dollars for the Rowan College at Burlington County Campus in peeron Township uh for the Department of Public Works division of engineering I don't have the rest of the resolution uh once their minutes are approved at their next meeting I should be able to get that and share uh any more details as far as what the plans are right there at the college uh and let's see and then there uh they approved 250,000 for uh with let's see authorized an amendment to agreement with Richard Alamo engineering company in the amount of 250,000 for the design and permitting of Landfield number three at the resource recovery complex for the Department of solid waste so um the it's projected that in 2035 the current Landfield that we're using will be full and capped out and so this money that they're spending to study and U put things together is for the next landfill and again once uh the minutes are approved then I'll be able to get more details on let's see I had a few residents reach out to me it seemed maybe it was coincidental but uh the streets s uh folks would like to know uh if there's a schedule similar to I guess our fall pick up up leaves uh where they go through town uh and uh pick up leaves whether there's anything like that that could be put out so they know that the street sweeper is going to be in their area uh you know whether they can move their cars ahead of time and uh so the front of their homes can be swept with the street sweeper uh we'll bring that up at our next meeting with the our Public Works committee War okay see and that's all I have sir all right thank you fa Miss Seuss yes thank you August 28th I attended the code enforcement and Hulk Island subcommittee meeting we discussed uh ongoing issues with code enforcement as well as some changes to our code regarding trucks um and that was also Sergeant Hoffman's luncheon for his retirement so that was very nice it was a busy day uh September 3rd uh we did not have a joint land use board meeting there was no applications uh instead we met with the circulation plan AKA traffic study subcommittee uh we met with the engineers uh to discuss where we would like to have the traffic counters and uh different stations throughout the town they can actually measure the type of vehicle the weight um how fast they're going so they're pretty detailed counts that they're going to be able to do and we identified where they're going to be placed as well as within town and as well on can't talk as well as on Route 130 where The Jug Handle is they're going to put one there as well uh September 5th Public Works subcommittee meeting we met with obviously John and myself Matt and Richard were you there I don't remember but either way we talked about the different public work things that are going on as well as the hiring of two additional employees I believe we are going to be making an offer to one soon and we have some applications for another one uh that later that afternoon I met with Scott and Harry um our engineer and our planner out at the cble to discuss the fence more in detail uh the mayor attended that as well um to literally be on site to go over exactly what needs to happen there come up with a detailed plan um to figure out the fence along the seaw wall that's still ongoing with Mr Fox I spoke to him earlier and uh we're still trying to figure that out the park will remain closed um until that fence is installed so uh that is a safety concern um just to remind everyone that Park is still closed anyone found walking in that Park is technically trespassing I know there's been some issues recently with kids in the park so hopefully the police can stay on top of that uh September 18th I uh put together a project management call with the mayor Mr Fox um Janice and Richard just to go over so we do uh like every every two weeks we do a call with them to go over the different projects when we when they're not at the meeting to kind of get an update with everything make sure everybody's staying on task and make sure the projects are um moving along properly uh I think it's very beneficial uh I think everyone is finding it to be a good a good call every month September 20th this past Friday we did have the light ceremony uh with daisa they had their so their soccer game out there with the 14U we gave away pretzels thanks to Recreation for putting that together um and it was great to see Senator Singleton out there um for that light ceremony we're so excited that the lights are finally on and working and it was great for the kids to play Under the lights they really felt special like they were VIPs that night so that was really great uh thanks to the committee members that did attend that I appreciate that um the 19th was the recreation meeting as Kate mentioned um we will be presenting the park plan shortly um for Ash Street so we can move forward with the D Grant I got an email from a resident uh regarding a New Jersey American Water uh grant that was available for a water refilling station that has the purification part of it um she had suggested that the town apply for it when I read further uh you had to apply as a nonprofit so I uh contacted daisa as I am on their board as a Treasurer and asked if daisa would um like to apply for it and they said that'd be great so I went ahead and uh contacted the plumber got the estimate and applied for that Grant I submitted it last night um to be installed at the Field of Dreams concession stand um coincidentally Recreation was going to install that anyway so it was nice to apply for the grant it's for $2,500 we got an estimate for $ 2750 so I think either way we'll we'll move forward with that um to have a nice purified water refilling station out there for residents and for people visiting the park and the county park tomorrow uh the troll will be installed that is a county project everyone remembers the big troll that was installed they kind of did like a subset of I think 20 other trolls that the towns could participate in um Liz Thomas said had come had come to Recreation as part of EAB to have Delano have a troll installed so this troll was like 4 feet tall made out of like recycled materials and monster mud and all sorts of fun stuff so we decided to install the troll at the vine tree Park in like a flower bed there so that is going to happen tomorrow um at 6:00 they're going to install the troll and it's going to be photographed and then they have a troll unveiling with all the county TR on Saturday um it's really it's really neat it's a really cool design it looks like something that belongs to my front yard right now though um so it's for Halloween yeah so um hagatha is the name of the troll um they it will be on display until December 31st uh after that uh we don't know if we're going to keep it or if the artist wants it back but we thought maybe it would be cool to install uh in the Dunes West Avenue dunes and kind of have like a little plaque somewhere on the trail about it so um I think that's all I have maybe we could put a Santa hat on it for Christmas time so it's basically an art installation it is it's an our installation it was $500 um and the contribution from the town was half of that so $250 and uh it's exciting we'll see how it goes tomorrow so if anybody's out there that's what start six o'clock in the in the evening I guess they have day J jobs you know artist Starving Artists right they got to have day job so everybody's welcome to come out and watch that installation if you're around tomorrow so it's kind of like the the big Rusty that's in handport a miniature version of B that's well that's what it's from it's from the big Rusty and it's a it's an offshoot of that so very good we'll look forward to seeing that uh my report I attended the fire company meeting on August 26th and the Fire Commission on August 27th we have normal business uh the fire company will be having its hogy sale this coming Saturday starting around 900 a.m. at the firehouse during the townwide yard sale make sure to come out and support us only $7 for a delicious hogy we'll be Italian turkey and American as always and don't forget the scouts will be selling their fabulous pork roll egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast as well that morning uh let's see a lot of the stuff I have on here is duplicate it's from what everyone else said what I get for going last I attended our project management meeting that carollyn mentioned on August 26th and September 18th uh August 28th we had the lunch in for Sergeant Hoffman who retired at the end of August for after 20 years of service to Delano and I attended his final radio call sign off the following evening uh August 28th we had our code enforcement subcommittee and I after that I attended the meet the principal event at the Pearson School uh with Mr Santiago the new principal was introduced and uh Dr Fitz gave me a tour of the complete facility uh with the merged middle school and Elementary School August 31st I performed a wedding here for a very nice couple and performed another one on September 15th uh August 31st uh Miss Seuss and I took a tour out at Hawke Island on the gator and mapped all the trails I have an app on my phone that will uh GPS log everything and we put together a map uh that we'll have distributed it's with our Professionals for review uh now so we know exactly what is where and how to get out and so people know where they're at on the trails which is always nice um I've continued to work on some ownership matters and research on the properties on Hulk Island including taking some trips over to the Burlington County and Camden County ccat office to blow the cobwebs off some old records they have there uh September 7th I attended the Babe Ruth day I I gave the opening welcome and reading of the resolution acknowledging the 100th anniversary of the Sultan of Swat playing here in Delano and I was also asked to throw out the first pitch which I happily and poorly obliged H yes it was an underhand pitch so I did somewhat good um September 14th I attended the PD at the park event at Field of Dreams followed by the movie on the event lawn and it was really really uh well attended and the police department and wreck get two thumbs up for the job that they did there September 18th I attended the Board of Ed meeting in the evening and as mentioned Garrison Architects dis discussed the bond referendum that would be on the ballot in November to replace the roof and various haa systems at Pearson and if it passes for the average taxpayer it would be an increase of $75 per year there's no doubt that it's needed especially with the roof being so old and having leaks throughout it so we we'll see how that turns out on Election Day and if I understand correctly the previous Bond referendum for the addition is falling off roughly the same time and that was around $50 is or so so really the net increase for the complete roof and HVAC and everything will be about 20 bucks 25 bucks or so and the county the county the state uh is putting in 40% uh which they'll get back over the course of the 20-year Bond so I know the school district has all the information on their website at blanco.com make sure you check it out and I know there'll be attending some events throughout town to discuss it more and answer any questions and that was $75 a year a year correct yeah five cups of Starbucks coffee yeah exactly all right uh that's all for Township committee report uh we have the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes anyone have any comments or questions on consent agenda items or need anything pulled no okay uh resolution 2024-25 authorizing change order number one and final for Township Paving project resolution 202 24-12 refund of lead paint DCA fees resolution 2024-25 providing for the insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget of any County or municipality pursuant to njs 4A 4- 87 chapter 159 public Lau 1985 resolution 2024-25 a Col 4- 87 ch59 Public Law 1985 resolution performance guarantee for Metropolis Delano LLC Life Storage block 2000 lot 13.14 payment of bills current fund $136,500 56121 Capital fund $3,754 45 unemployment fund $123.3 escrow Trust $ 4,974 68 Housing Trust $2,794 approval of business license 202 24-48 can I have a motion please for approval of the consent agenda so moved second motion by Miss Seuss second by Miss Fitzpatrick to approve the consent agenda can have a roll call please Janice yes Miss fatrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes motion passes uh correspondence please Janice yes mayor um we received a letter of resignation uh dated uh today from Amber perter um resigning from the Delena Recreation Commission effective immediately so for resignation um she was alternate number one for the Recreation Commission and that cat that vacancy with that term um vacant and expiring 12 um 3125 we received a letter um of interest in uh to for an appointment to with the Recreation Commission that was also received today uh from a Jennifer voine um requesting to be appointed to the recreation commission and that is the correspondence let me see didn't we have a letter for EAB as well uh there yes there is a letter for EAB for uh for I'm sorry a resignation no for appointment appointment for appointment yes we received the letter of interest from E for EAB also you were forwarded that earlier in the week this is what just came in to death got okay yeah okay so um I didn't pull EAB there may be um some openings on EAB but I I I but I think the roster might be full I'd have to double check that pardon it may it may be F environmental Advisory Board oh okay may not have any vacant positions but I'd have to I'd have to check that um can't recall we would like to do uh since Recreation has uh already interviewed uh Jennifer Bine and she's actually here tonight um she's admitted her application uh to wck at one of our meetings and uh re was very involved or Jennifer was very involved with uh daa and um we would like to appoint her to that open position since we have a lot of activities coming up and we certainly could use her help so um can we do a motion tonight to approve her appointment well miss um PE Mo's uh resignation she set effective immediately didn't give a a future date so if the talion committee were to um accept the resignation then um the vacancy exists and you can fill that at any point okay I think re has a ton of events coming up especially this year did Miss voine apply she applied last this year yeah okay so um so we would like to do a motion then to accept um Amber peut Davis's resignation from Recreation second need a roll call or an all in favor good an all in favor is fine may all in favor I I right with regrets I'd just like to add for Amber Perot continuing to serve as a volunteer on shade tree and the environmental board and uh her U her leadership and enthusiasm and volunteerism towards this community is uh is appreciated M I'd like to make another motion to appoint Jennifer Rosine as a replacement for Amber f m dates um unexpired term to 1231 2025 that's alternate number one position I believe that was Amber's yes yep Amber was alternate number one on Recreation okay I'll second the motion all right all in favor I'm sorry okay so that was Kate Fitz Patrick second Carolyn Seuss to appoint Jennifer voine to fill the unexpired term as alternate number one on the Delano Recreation Commission that term expiring 1231 2025 all in favor actually let's do a roll call on that vote all right that's your that's your turn that's an appointment that's an actual appointment all right okay Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes welcome aboard Jen I'm sorry okay um I didn't know this was happening tonight I didn't bring an oath of office with me but I can you remember it by heart I not by heart but I know enough if you'd like to take your or if you want to stop in the office hey Jen stop up Jen if if you if you work we can do a quick oath you still have to sign something I just didn't bring one with me okay so you want to take your oath right now that way you can actually start working we you they'll put you to work right away right Phil yeah absolutely all right is that okay C committee yeah good go ahead Jen come on up please it's okay we're not judging and then of the United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey and I will faithfully impartially and just perform all the duties of Recreation Commission to AB congratulations welcome welcome abor you can give Joe the bad news he's no longer eligible for best Halloween decorated house and Janice it's like you did one of I had a big plan it was my plan it's like you did one of those Oaths before once or twice you remember the whole thing good job legal you just can't vote on it that's all all right was there anything else for correspondence uh that is it okay all right uh meeting is now open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number two if you have any comments or questions Mr Weber or anyone else approach the podium and give your name and address for the record is now open to the public 22 ships question U dealing with our detention Bas trying to find out when they're going to be cutting the retention Bas first Frost what's that after the first Frost what happens if we don't want the frost climate change that's I mean what happens is the townships to be looking at trying to get the contract out there just in case set up home because that uh detention Bas has gotten a lot worse in the last uh with all the rain we had earlier on it's really grown it's got a lot higher we're getting all kinds of animals in there so that's all first for us that's what it's because of that that's no it's not with that that's that's one of the things there we got the problem because there's there's a lot of crap in there and everything else is V lot the animals get into there and they're using it as a home and it's going to get worse we don't do something about it because our Landscaping guys cut up to the edge of it like they've been doing along but now it's two foot high two 2 and 1/2t high the weeds and everything else growing in there or more and stuff so from the homeowners and so forth you just want to make sure that uh you know doesn't fall through the craps talk to yeah we'll talk to you John thank you anyone else have any comments or questions St St 4 Swan um I have a question about Community specifically at our last ho meeting a lot of the residents in the community were complaining that they have been ticketed for double parking in the driveways so I guess when the cars they're parking their cars in the driveway to cars back to that with their cards are on the sidewalk they are being ticket um so I don't have that problem we have but um my concerns was in the community just asking if they have been notified happen do they receive anything in W I believe that's law that you can't park over a side but there's people very upset about um sure they are but it's probably a question for the police which I could certainly bring up to them but yeah you that's anywhere in town not just River's Edge if you're parking over your sidewalk you're impeding the sidewalk people on you know wheelchairs pedestrians they need to be able to use the sidewalks to go through and I understand that parking is extremely challenging in River's Edge as most people don't use their garages for parking they have in the storage instead of using it as uh it's intended um but yeah that's I just suggest don't park over the sidewalk I agree is there an ordinance that says that people cannot live um in their garages town I believe that would just be part of the certificate of habitability Janice CER that certificate of occupancy yeah the certificate of occupancy would um prohibit garages as a um like a bedroom yeah because there has to be the appropriate for it to be a room it has to have the appropriate uh egresses that meet fire code right um have a closet yeah you have to have a closet of certain size I think yeah again that's something that um you know the uh construction official and the fire um official would have more information on right but uh garages have usually are not seed for occupancy for for residing right ma'am if I I may quickly could you just repeat your name and address sh Stone 4 Swan Court 40 Swan Court thank you and um I have recently been um tap to represent the SCH Bo this evening and I'm not sure what that entails speak here about what the comings and goings are do I is not and um support from the audience I raise my hand and say oh I want to ask what does that exactly that's really um what the school board asks you to do at these meetings if they have something you'd like to convey you can usually uh the previous uh reps uh Mr varer and Mr Martin really didn't bring anything to us here uh they brought information back from the township meetings to the school board meetings but if you have anything you would like to share here as a member of the public you're certainly most welcome to okay well uh two things number one this week we're having um this more of a PTO thing but I want to announce it anyway that this week we are having a book Elementary School and Friday night is family night so if you want to bring children grandchildren over to purchase um some new materials please come and do so great fundraiser for ours um secondly um last uh school board meeting um the superintendent mentioned um thre assessment teams I wanted to talk to the police that yeah the our police department will be more than happy to speak to the Board of Ed and um superintendent Fitz they have not heard from him at all this year yet so more than happy to speak on any sort of matters they could certainly reach out to him they um Dr Fitz has TI's number has a cell phone number so he can more than happy reach out uh talk about threat assessment or set up a meeting anything like that with the Board of Ed members Dr Fitz and his staff thank you thank you for the opp to speak thank you thank you good job yes all right any other members of the public all right seeing none we will close this portion of the meeting to the Public Public comment uh discussion items first item up for bid review of current code limitations for number of dog and cat pets well we briefly discussed this at our last meeting and uh our ordinance currently uh allows two dogs and two cats and um I think Matt you had checked with other municipalities and there was some municipality that that allowed up to six and didn't name whether it be a dog or a cat cuz I know a lot of residents have more than two dogs and more than two cats so um I think that's fair to increase it um after all these years and um but not label it as three dogs or three cats just label it up to six pets I don't know how anyone else on the board feels about that I'm fine with that I Comm yeah I think it makes sense I don't have so much of an issue with how many what type of animal it is for for you know two dogs two cats as opposed to a combination thereof really doesn't make a difference from Mike if you go down that road then again limiting it to four of whether it's cats or dogs um the ordinance is probably put place to uh for control of the pet populations uh and it must been an issue uh for the committee back then to um put the stipulation and uh limiting the number of uh cats and dogs uh folk you know cats have litters you know how many how many cats do they keep yeah um they put them up for adoption the same thing with dogs uh you know I think one of the reasons why the ordinance was put into effect so many years ago was um it was really a safety issue to have your dog or your cat licensed and also have them have their rabies shot and the license fee is based on whether the dog or cat has been neutered or spaced um it's $12 if they're spayed it's 15 if they're not so it was really to um let the town be aware that these animals exist number one they have rabies shots so they're so it's really it was really like a public health and safety issue if I'm not mistaken Janice that was part of it yes the um it's it's it's about making sure that uh your your pets your dogs and in dela we require cats also are properly vaccinated exactly um because there there are occurrences and instances of rabies right that does has never gone away and there was an instant where a dog was um was uh running loose and uh someone did was able to maintain them and I they he he had his Delano tag on but he didn't have a name tag so I was able to come to the municipal build building check in the book and find out who he belong to so it's really nice to have your animals register yeah so I think by um increasing it for the people who may have more than what is allowed I think it will encourage them to register their dog or cat and um and seek that license so I think it's a good thing uh because I mean to have to go to a homeowner and say you know you have three dolls and you're only allowed two you need to get rid of one I mean that I think that's beyond our capacity here I don't think we have the right to do that over if you put in four then somebody's going to have five if you put in six somebody's going to have seven just going to keep I I don't I would trust that someone is going to do the right thing so I don't know that's my suggestion it's it doesn't say that that's what you have to do but that's my suggestion up to six I second how many U how many folks I'm saying I second her opinion okay uh how many folks actually register their cats I think dogs U probably get registered more than uh cats do Curly's number one and he has been for 16 years so and my dog was number one too until she passed but yes uh I think uh I think if we advertise this and more people and post it out there and get an email blast out I think you'll see more and more people registering their animals and making sure they have their um vaccinations I think it's a good idea now in in the code you have two different sections 22315 and 202 12315 and 12323 uh 15 limits section 15 limits the number of dogs and 23 limits the number of cats so if we if if what you are deciding is to say you can have up to six or whatever number you go with of any configuration then we'll probably have to repeal these sections and create a new section saying that you know the number of dogs and cats may be up to x amount if you want to have all cats all dogs if that's the where you're going if you just want to say well you now can have three dogs you can now have three cats that's an easy amendment that I can put together ordinance amendment I think if we do anything it needs to be a mixture of them not breaken down by the breed by the species be or canine that's that's committee's decision but how you what you decide will determine how the code has to be amended right but in either way the code gets amended it will go through the normal process of ordinance reading what not yeah we have to do ordinance public hearing right yes so um how would you feel if we just did up to four do you think that's how do you feel four of anything yeah yeah four of anything instead of six I have no issue with that okay for any com okay then I will get with Doug on how to revamp because our code is currently do specific cats in a section for cats now you want to say in any combination yes so I'll get with Doug on and the best way to write that language does everybody think four is better for Delano rather than six I mean I just kind pick six because yeah mat read that I don't know how many people have six dogs but I think then you start to talk about kennels and yeah yeah run good yeah I think Delan they had no limitation on theirs which I think that's absolutely ridiculous yeah so how about up the four animals that that's better that's so whether you have three cats one dog four cats combination two two like a dog that identifies as a cat anything yeah now the other thing Shing his head you say pets and animals our code prohibits any other type of animal dogs and cats this dogs and cats go sheep no you you actually need a waiver by the township committee if you want to have a we've had actually people come before the township committee for the um Vietnamese uh pigs what if they have like a lizard or a guinea pig or they're technically not and allowed in our code question no we're just not going to about it then okay so I know we don't go there but forg SC of anything and we're good okay I'll get with d to the best way to reconfigure the code since we already have four good yeah all right next item well I just want to mention we were talking about the storm water and the pet waste thing and the numbers that I had stumbled across you know the 12% of our tipping fees are $27,000 out of our budget so if you're doubling the number of animals so that's what uh very broad estimate of $54,000 that's it's over a a penny on the budget so that's like running out $20 tax increase so we're keeping the same number of we had the same number of pets were're just taking away two dogs two cats so you still can have four we that's what our ordinance is they can have four but they can have two and two now they can have three and one just poting out the cost yep so um same percentage of poop we got not a crap y all right they have litter they have litter out now that you can actually um saw this yeah and they have it you can flush it down the toilet so well that sounds more like a topic for Sewer Authority uh how about we go to a place where the dogs and cats maybe could roam hopefully not uh the Ash Street Park concept SL design plan and uh yeah okay you're going to be presenting on your board down there for members of the public to see all right put it in the center here uh probably do it uh like right by those chairs there yeah and turn it so we don't need to see we have our but we have our copies turn turn it to the audience so they could see and anyone watching at home this will or may have been already uh posted on the website so you could if you can't see it on the camera at home you'll be able to see the PDF on the website all right so Ken Karen don't you just grab the wireless mic there yeah I didn't bring it I ordered one for it 200 as Street was the canvas shoe factory right yes we acquired that property demolished the building and now the ground needs to be remediated we got a grant from New Jersey D for about $290,000 to do that in order to finalize that Grant we had to put together a for formal Park plan so right now we're calling it Ash Street Park uh we met out there a few weeks ago with our planners and Recreation and our planners came back with this design we are going to essentially keep this open lawn concept what you see here is a sidewalk um these Circle items are Shrubbery these are some trees um some existing trees uh we have a existing boat launch that's out there now that we're going to turn into a kayak launch that's going to be cap accessible uh we have some benches along the water here we have a bulkhead reconstruction um kind of what we did at historic Waterfront Park down the road um this is a pavilion over here to overlook the creek um we do have some fishing I think that's going to be happening here as well uh interpretive sign to talk about the history um perimeter fence along the entire property line here um we are going to incorporate a parking lot so I'll let you talk about that side as soon as I'm done here um picnic tables we you know in encouraging the families to come down Sit along the water uh enjoy the view have a picnic obviously some trash receptacles and then we're going to propose some cornhole like permanent cornhole quarts um right now they have them over here that's kind of closer to the houses I think we propose maybe to move them farther away so they don't hear um the bags dropping as much so we also are going to install a grill station here near the uh picnic table a fishing line recycling station as well that's important um and you can kind of see here the proposed Shrubbery fencing and benches so Kate if you want to talk about sure thank you so we have I Carolyn did kind of point out that we do have some proposed sidewalks that are around there but also into the park there is um existing sidewalks this is ran cookus Avenue this is Ash Street this part of Ash Street we will be able to utilize for some parking as well um there will be an entry sign here uh and we will have some um brick pavers and there will be an information chios something like I'm sure we'll do some kind kind of booklet like the history board does um for this because I there may already be a booklet that he did on the Ridgeway because it was also the Ridgeway shoe factory and there'll be a pet uh waste Station uh and an entry sign crosswalks here will be uh all around here because of the this is ran cus and then there is Frank no Franklin Franklin Street yes so there's a lot of crosswalks here that's that are going to come into here and this that we'll have a bike rack so if you want to ride your bike and yes right along the the ran cookus Greenway bike trail uh walking bike trail and uh there's um existing trees there are some existing trees that we hope to keep there's a lot of underbrush and dead trees in there that have to come out and we're going to be doing that very soon and actually it's a conceptual plan and the purpose of it is so that we can move forward with the Grant from D so they can start the cleanup process so uh it was approved by wreck at our September 19th meeting and so uh we hope the township committee will move forward so this can be submitted to DP and we can get moving on that uh cleanup uh just wanted to point out over here we're calling this Creek Side Overlook we are going to have security uh down lights there so motion lights and cameras obviously to prevent any more damage uh vandalism like occurred out there at the ran cookus Trail um we're going to do a dedication plaque obviously to the park dedicating it um which involves uh since we're going to have cameras we're going to have to install that electrical service as well um initially we had proposed a a larger Pavilion here when we met out there um so you know that's still going to be talked about like Kate mentioned it's it's definitely a conceptual plan that will be tweaked uh as we discuss it further um there is an existing bio like a a basin that's there right now that we're going to utilize more since we are going to be taking away some impervious coverage there so that will um kind of be utilized uh as existing so less cost so um we don't have any price tag on this yet I'm sure that's your next question um this is just to move forward with the D plan and get that going so that's it thanks okay don't go away okay couple questions questions sorry okay I think uh the interpretive sign from history board I think you uh referred to that Kate I did y so that would be included or somewh course I mean we're not going to do any um any new parts that have history involved without having the history board involved I mean it's just kind of like understood right I don't know why anyone would think we would do it without them okay U and uh again from a history standpoint we have uh the sneakbox boat uh which I'm supposed to return to the tuckeron museum which actually belongs to Delano the boat but they're going to store it first and uh if it could be uh put under consideration that we uh put some type of small enclosure that we can put the sneak box in the uh in there uh on display and to be able to store it there uh the sneak box was built by the steel company or steel family Ste and they were located somewhere between I think it was uh poer and Ash Street somewhere in there is where uh the boat was actually built Fern we're presenting this as a conception plan just to get moved forward with d this is nowhere near the final so any of those suggestions would certainly be appreciated for what to add down the road I mean I can't see anything actually happening here for at least a year or more well again things can move very very quickly and uh but but yes definitely that would be something to consider it doesn't have to be anything humongous but something that uh yes but we're not going to change this plan now to get this to D okay and uh I take it the you already looked at the entrance there's a curve cut already there on rank ocus yes uh and whether that was taken into consideration we're just going to have parking lots there I I see the parking lot there right um so we'll just have the one entrance exit off of Ash Street based off the the plan here yeah yeah I think they were trying to limit the traffic you know there's houses right there so they wanted the traffic to go in off the a stre in and out but again conceptual conceptual just half the amount of parking on there if we want to but right now it's just something we got to get it's a nice yeah nice conceptual plan uh and you know having the trees again being able to utilize that Waterfront uh you know fishing and you know just yeah looks nice yeah it's great any other question th yeah you you mentioned the um the D Grant the I don't recall anything like that coming through it's mediation gr right is there more to say about that I mean we're we're a committee of five haven't seen that what are you talking about the to clean the gra clean the ground you said it got you said it got approved it did yes we haven't seen that not my department to tell you that why not it's up to your administrator to communicate that to you from Mr boxy to yeah theit know about it we we won't get the formal we have to submit this to get the formal order to get the formal staff staff has advised our engineer but but you mentioned you mentioned a number yeah reced it in our Township meeting yeah I don't I don't have it was like it was 75% of what we asked right it's like $28 something, all right it's it sound you the way you phrased it it sounded like it was already approved or something like that so they just had it's conditionally appr that's the word conditionally approved that's Bas on this and Harry did report that that's why we got this done as soon as we could to get that moving has has the ER engineering looked at this or had a piece of this he actually yes he was uh Prov doation for to do this yeah he gave PL whatever information no just because that you know a good part of that lot floods with with the high tide the tides are getting higher and about 20% of the left side of that is inside what's called A A administrative floodway which there cannot be any obstacles or anything uh in that zone so it's just something to consider going forward that that may be something D makes a point of so just so have that in the back of your head that you might have to change that front oh definitely portion there me it's just to get us where get get DP wants to make sure we're committed to make it a park rather than faking them out and getting their money and then putting a highrise there I mean that's frankly that's that's that's really what it's all about I'm sorry tell you they got to check their box oh yeah they really are going to do a park there they invested in a plan look at that it could be totally different when you do it we're not applying for a permit for a seat or anything right no permits this just to get the remediation money cleared once that's done then you make the next step exactly yeah all right great thank you he the only thing I had you mentioned it already is just moving those cornhole further away from the residences I think it's a nice looking plan why don't you somebody make a motion to accept the this is a uh conceptual plan to submit to D I make a motion to accept the Ash Street conceptual plan to submit to D second sorry water all in favor I I I any opposed five eyes all right thank you thank you make sure we get this going a note I know that uh again the history board was looking uh to call it the Ridgeway uh part versus the as Street Port we're just calling it a street because it's on a street we don't have a name yet but yeah for the purpose of D they don't want it it's not complicate things yeah let's not complicated let's we make it short and sweet and some until the remediation is done you really can't do anything else so let's stop let's get the money let's get the remediation done that'll take a while and then you can decide what you're actually going to do cuz remediation may affect the detail of that plan and then when the engineers get involved as Mike said so but right now this will get us the next step that we've been waiting for for a year and a half sounds good I don't even know if we put it in our capital budget for next year because we don't even have the cost so I think it's something well what's in the capital budget is remediation people we have to do our our share that's correct yeah the actual plan you can't do till you can't even price out something until after mediation is done and then you change the concept into something that's a lot closer yeah to reality it's more of a three to four year plan correct exact and we did save about 500 or more bricks to use for the sign of that Park remember for the as requested by the history board Peter actually picked them out yes so we're all very aware of the history behind it and of course would incorporate the history board and the part plan moving forward yep thank you don't get excited right uh thanks for moving us along is proposed ordinance for storm order regulation compliance F Mike you guys been working on this you want to take the lead on the discussion or is there anything discuss we don't have anything right now at this time well that was easy to report then okay yeah okay does anyone have anything else no all right uh do we see any reason for an executive session please say no no all right uh can I have a motion for adjournment please second okay motion by Fern second by Kate all in favor I thank you for coming everyone mat where's the feather sign oh jeez hold on oh I did get the recording going you yeah stop on that though oh yeah that's right I could find under the exemptions Street yeah there all right