##VIDEO ID:wNdarhtKpEw## Delano Township committee meeting of October 7th 2024 beginning at 7.m at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New Jersey doing an update of course it is why wouldn't it be going to help we'll wait for you that's right coming through we got to get lighter brighter lights lighter what do you mean like so it's like it's like incandescent lights in here now bright the cool white does it say how long War then we're putting them on the ceiling too but we're making them put the other side fabric make it white gosh can't have that color on the ceiling yeah that's big everything has they all that's coming they have to it show through but but I'm I'm going to have instead of this fabric is white on the other side and itn't turn it over rather than this which is supposed to be like a tan color like green it looks very different in person and on the sample yeah but I think we good to go Janice we are recording mayor very good good evening welcome to the October 7th uh 2024 Township committee meeting held at 700 p.m. at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road in Delano we have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr alette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bartlet here also present Mr Fox our Township engineer Mr heinold our solicitor Mrs lure our municipal clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk Mr Fenimore our superint superintendent of Public Works and Lieutenant Warren from the police department uh can you please rise for the flag salute [Music] to flag of the United States of America stand na God indivisible with liy and justice for all with the sunshine statement please chance please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the baron County Times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions and written notice has been posted on the official Bolton Board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you Janice before we start you can see we have some remodeling going in here we had hoped it' be done by now but we're finally getting the sound panels in here so once the these are installed the Echo and all the sound issues in this room would be so much better but as you can see we told them to clean it up we have company coming so they got it the room back in order uh for tonight's meeting and before the next meeting God willing this will be uh finished so with that we will open up the meeting for any public comment and questions this is session number one there'll be another one later in the meeting if you have any comments or questions please approach the podium give your name and address for the record meeting is now open to the public sir good evening my name is Joseph 37 I'll try to be brief I have a couple questions and comment and i' like to address the issue of the U Redevelopment approval made 401 PR our property backs out we're in a line site will be in line S of the trailers the uh repair building the uh retention basins back to put up for firms landscaping and sell regardless it's in the line sight and it changes the nature of the water property and Aesthetics and last week uh joins Bo here was approximately 4 and half hours which group was in attendance and the seniors in opposition to many of them spoke are 10 or a dozen I was one of them but as the night went on um the attorney Ard gave it very concise summarization as to was before the board and her comments included though by way now here it was 60 70 80y old residents attended at meeting and it was after 11:00 for which you find out your in was for not and and that was reprehensible like you know here is people coming out getting involved in the process and the only reason why we were there in the process is was originally we were given uh notification of the August 6 hearing for which the applicant provided notice to us now it's my understanding her was a title for 55d 621 any changes to the zoning characteristics the boundaries or anything the joining property owners are to be notified we were notified by the township initially with the I from last July no notification of the change for the redevelopments um I think that's theault in the whole process because we weren't given adequate notice by the implied Camp of committee and their professionals as they were uh reviewing the master plan and the development I feel that Justice was done to everyone who as a result of the unintended consequences coun to limit Warehouse large warehouses now we we we had lawsuits and5 for which planning is done in the back room settling with the terms and uh criterian attorney which that they had to seate meetings with C Representatives you know all along the rest of us are in the dark as far as what is going to take place when he a join conf I think it's wrong I think it should be corrected um I'd like to ask whether or not can confirm whether or not notices were sent to the joined Property Owners well I'll defer to dou the ir3 is not a Zone there's a Redevelopment plan and I'll defer to Doug uh I do were not uh notices to individual property owners for the Redevelopment plan so let me let me just address the the points of Law and then I I'll talk more generally because we I I do want to announce that we had executive session discussion tonight and this property was the subject of that discussion in part uh just sure I'll do my best somebody seems to have how's that okay um the the section of the statute that you refer to is for a zoning change um in the traditional zoning change sense where you're amending the zoning under the master plan that is not the section that's followed in the Redevelopment so there's a separate process under the Redevelopment law that requires notice to the properties that are impacted by the Redevelopment plan meaning those actual properties not the two not a 200 foot list Within um I understand your comments and and concerns but that's what the law requires on the Redevelopment front um in terms of the I wasn't at the obviously at the the board proceeding and what was said in terms of bught or not I I I usually only refer to things as bught when when it's a straightforward subdivision that meets the requirements and no variances are required this was still a site plan applic so I don't think that the applicant enjoys the same status as quote unquote by right um it is a site plan approval they just have to comply with what the Zone called for but there can still be comments from the public which the board May impose conditions based upon provided they're reasonable um the governing body met tonight and discussed a number of privilege and confidential pending a those sorts of things one of the discussion items that took the most of time was 401 Creek Road um the committee is unanimous in that they are concerned about the impact of uh the residents and the and the concerns that were expressed at the meeting um based upon that informally they asked me to reach out to the developer to discuss the potential of whether the developer would be willing to negotiate with the township on potential sale of the property we cannot make any promises this is very much in the early stages it obviously is a significant uh dollar value wherever it falls they purchased the property for $2 million in the beginning of or end of 2021 uh there have been improvements in terms of approvals related to the properties that impact value um but we are going to in good faith reach out to them and have uh discussions about that to see if it's a possibility uh they before tonight um to see if it was even a potential in their mind they agreed that they would meet with us and discuss the potential so we have a lot of due diligence and discussion in terms of financial impact to look at but the township committee does want to explore that fully to see if it is feasible thank you was going to ask that question um discussion was there any um conference or anything with the county whether space fund of the county so um to my knowledge there has been individual Outreach to the county the county as you know has already invested a lot of money in Delano they did in the process leading up to the meeting indicate that they are moving forward with uh the property that is behind Field of Dreams and on the creek so that's another investment that they're looking to make in Delano the indication I understand it even up to today is that they're not in position to invest additional funds in Delano it doesn't mean we can't go back and have further conversation with them but to date we have not looked to them for [Music] resources a former assessor the prop is not that use it's an alternative use in fact I I try to figure out the economics buy it for 2 mil put in propy number four and they have multiple facilities one across the street that's vacant two and don't work I don't see how the economics work but how they want to spend their money it's their business but it's not the highest and best use I think in Joe can I can I just interrupt you for a second there on that because I want to pick your brain a little bit and we can do this offline if you want do you have an idea on highest and best use I do a couple different okay scenarios you want to just talk to me tomorrow yeah yeah yeah um I think you one my concerns and I appreciate your insiration would committee support the petition dro of the residents as further support negotiations I think I don't know that it's going to impact I mean I'll defer to the committee but I don't know that that's going to impact the position of the township positively um we're going to be in a position if we are able to proceed we're going to be negotiating with them on price yeah and Ju Just from negotiating contracts professionally I think a petition could actually harm the negotiations whereas they're seeing um hey the residents want them to purchase this let's jack up the price yeah I I could certainly see the harm in in actually a petition we're well aware of what the residents want I don't think petitioning Criterion would help at all and and if the purpose of a petition is to convince the committee the committee's already convinced committee wased hour so You' heard us app yeah appreciate it thank you thank you and just real quickly for the benefits of the audience um here and the audience at home just a quick history on how this all came about um before the township changed the Zoning for 401 Creek Road and other Parcels to the I3 Zone it was Z owned i1 light industrial and it's been historically that before Newton's landing and other uh sections of town were developed and i1 allowed for warehouse construction as well as the type of facility that Criterion received approval for from The Joint land use board and in 2023 when we saw all these warehouses getting built everywhere uh we took action to not allow for the development of more warehouses in these zones and we had a subcommittee formed to review all of the ordinances is and decide what properties should be removed from the i1 zone and this began as early as March of 23 and we received a lot of public input and concern on the increased in Warehouse U per Warehouse usage and um and um Creation in such a short period of time not just in Delano but throughout the entire state of New Jersey and then in July of 2023 we introduced an ordinance uh for the change to the I3 Zone uh we held a public hearing on July 5th in which numerous members of the public attended all of them lived in edgeart park except for you Mr Robinson you were the only one in Delano that attended that meeting um and everyone seemed to support the ordinance to prevent more development of warehouses and the owners of these industrial properties they sent their attorneys of course to object to the change so the township was doing its job to protect our residents from Warehouse development and before the public hearing uh we sent as required by the um by law we sent the proposed ordinance to the Joint land use board for consistency review with the master plan and they found it consistent with the master plan subject to some minor comments and then we had some minor revisions to the ordinance and held another public Hearing in August of 23 and which no members of the public attended and then August 18th that's when the attorneys uh for the affected properties uh they filed a suit against the Township in the superior court of the state of New Jersey so I'm not going to get into the negotiations of the settlement um to get rid of the suit which would cost our taxpayers a lot of money but in short the settlement provided we would declare 401 property as an area in need of Redevelopment or Rehabilitation and they'd be able to file for the truck repair facility as permitted without the use variances and just the site plan approval so not really in as right but they would still need the site plan approval um and the truck repair facility was a permitted use before making any changes to the zone so in the i1 zone if we didn't touch the ordinance at all they still would be able to have the facility that they um went to the land use board for site plan and the current building has been there since 1972 uh we discussed a settlement at township committee meetings in the beginning of 24 we had a resolution on the agenda in February this year to authorize a settlement and the introduction of the ordinance and then we had a public hearing on the ordinance for the rehabilitation plan on April 1st which again no members of the public came out to spoke on to speak on that and obviously we then passed that ordinance and that's where we're here today where they had their hearing last week and got approved so that's just a little history it's not like we just came out and did this and there was no feedback we had a lot of public hearings on this there's been a lot of discussions at all of the township committee meetings on this um that's really that on that uh anyone else have any comments or questions now one last yeah just come to the mic um my recollection is the vote was five a recollection was that three of the members who voted yes referred back to the right statement so they we're relying only that your hands are yeah and again maybe it's a a difference in I don't know that the ml says by right in it right I think it's just a phrase that people throw around lose an excellent uh land use attorney um I don't mean to to undercut that in any way I just didn't want you to feel like doing public comment is for not because I I do think it's always taken into account by the board and to the extent they can imp Implement any improvements or have the ability to they try to thank you sir you want a comment just come on up just give your name and address for the record please Don excuse me 17 U concerning the meeting from last week I'm just bringing up a few points that a lot of the residents have concerns with the way the meeting is handled uh it kept Haring on the fact that this was is going to be a repair facility mhm but yet they're expanding the parking lot and they're going to allow they conceded the board conceded to then double stacking the trailers and how are you repairing a trailer when your double stack to me that sounds like storage double stack I think the double stacking the parking meaning one truck one trailer in back of the other in the parking space not not hike wise back up you believe they St in in terms of the application I'm almost positive was double stack meaning the parking back to back yeah that's a parking term yeah yeah yeah I I'd agree with you if it was vertically that would seem impossible yeah I would certainly agree with that that's not repairing okay and um we have concerns about run off from the expanded part getting because a repair facility going to be leaking a lot of M and um the another point is that they had a special for traffic and they said that they would with of coming in they can come in both ways F but he didn't take in account the liberties for pars at least they didn't mention now if you ever set for an oil change if your local garage you see one or two cars coming in from Advanced aut Parts deliver an oil filter bu what do you think it's going to come in for trucks while they're working on trailer you mean an accident it's not going to be delivered in a car and it's going to be more traffic on fre and I hope of the public gave that to the land use board last week that would be the appropriate place to you give all these comments the sound was hard but we asked twice for them to use their microphones they made they made an effort that last maybe two or 3 minutes and then we were all doing this the comments from the people when we left were I picked up onethird of what was hopefully these sound panels we're putting in here now will help for that in the future that doesn't amplify that records that's for recording sorry have your headphones on right again it's coming through a little bit but it is recording but that's the the enarm part is the trailer something cleared that up there they conceive to five fo puffer for that poor property owner that's right next to them uh I believe that the current uh zoning is 20t buffer now there's only 5T between the administration building and the next door neighbor I'm pretty sure that's what's there now yeah it is they don't need to comply with the current zones when they change the own so you would that they would need to knock down the building and move it then I think the whole purpose was to reuse the existing building yeah okay yeah as I understand we're we're very concerned about prop in the real estate business m I've been doing it for 18 years now and I've seen what property values go in in developments when the commercial properties built next to this has been standing here I understand it's been there before was land but they're changing what the what the facility is right but it's also the same permitted use which was been permitted for decades it it's you know like you said the facility has been there it's been there since 1972 is and that use it's permitted that had nothing to do with the the land use change from the i1 to I3 that's always been allowed so any change to your property value it would have been Incorporated when you purchased a property next to an industrial Zone when they when an appraiser looks at does an appraisal they're looking at all the permitted uses to see what exactly could possibly be built next to your house when they're taking into consideration of a value so that I completely understand your point but it's something that's it's been pre-existing nothing has changed as far as that's concerned we feel that they're overdevelop making changes that proba going overdevelop that's our concerns thank you I understand thank you sir thank you 18 ping Court you guys do a great job that's the best going have sitting my pie Saturday got my bag got my uh my lights I get a paper pick up out your dog babies and storm War one of the issues that came up with this application last Tuesday was they're going to pave the whole lot that's only going to run one place they can have all the basins they want but it's going to migrate in into the creek how Burlington County or the state D is allowing them to expand what is currently there is beyond me I I you can't cut a branch on a tree that is technically part of this town you can't P you can't put leaves in the drain because there's ordinances against that but yet the industrial plan it just wipes all that clean the other thing um there application is for 12 hours from 700 a.m. to 700 p.m. but they also went on farther to say if any of you had been here that it could be 247 because trucks break down all the time they're going to be towed in they're going to have to sit there they're going to be picked up they're going to be dropped off there's going to be constant traffic in and out of there in the winter time for those of you that don't have diesel history or whatever they will run in the cold you can't you can't run a truck in or out of anywhere if it's totally cold so the Diesel's going to be there I also understand they're going to clear the woods all the way to the planing field so not only will the residents be bothered but then the schoolyards the Field of Dreams is going to be uh going to see that smell that see that the whole mess I was going down Creek down to the WWA intersection and as I approached it there was a very large tractor trailer two cars and in front of them and it turned right it was going to 130 and it had a load of wood on it a very long flat a load of wood I don't know where it came doesn't matter the road's narrow but then it goes into two lanes if you going to turn right or turn left so the track trailer has its light on and turn right and a Truck tried and but yet it was edging over to the left lane right so somebody tried to come up to the side and he moved over caps his right turn signal on and turned to left on 130 the truck is the only vehicle that got got through on that traffic and then one was able to sneak in and get off before the traffic came through another one another driver I don't know I'm not sure he was coming out of DMV uh or one of the other yards this afternoon uh it was just the tractor not the trailer just the tractor he came out halfway in the road and stopped I think he was going to turn right which I'm not sure why it came out so far so he backed up I watched him in my rearview mirror and he turned left to go back down towards 130 the traffic analyst or whatever traffic engineer that was here um i' like to try his Kool-Aid because what he was saying the amount of impact that the traffic is going to have there but compounded when everything else you know it might be one and A2 year but you add another one and a/2 year one one all of a sudden you've got a lot more traffic coming through it's bad as it is is backed up that's not that you know it's it's hey if you live in town and your Bridge goes out you're going to come come out here too and that's going to increase the traffic that much more and I understand when it floods on the new Resident I understand when it plugs that bridge can be closed so that means the buses that means the cars that means deliveries in and out or whatever going go in and and even you know Emergency Equipment have to go through the same thing that's all going to be problem it's all going to increase substantially glad to hear some points made but uh I really think for the benefit of the town everything needs everything is possible and if we need I mean I have no problem I really I would like to call out d uh D and say what were you thinking I mean the pollution Rong they're going to be washing trucks they're going to be changing diesel F uh to be that close to the creek I I don't understand how they pested unless there was some way they got around it it's a shame the uh the planner that was here um I get it for planning I get it for tax dollars but there's good planning and there's bad planning and when I listened to him as a state planner or whatever I thought well that's why we have a lot of the problems we have in New Jersey now and that's not good for all of us so hopefully hopefully something good from that I you know I would like to comment on the traffic issue um a couple months ago we actually did uh pass um a resolution for the joint land use board to do a traffic study that they have tried to get past for some time now and that traffic study will give us some teeth to oppose some of the applicants that are coming before the joint land use board and also address the county with the issues that we feel currently exist with two warehouses that are vacant we I have personally address the county on several occasions and encourage this traffic study and I am so glad that the full Township committee finally approved it because we need to prove to the state for The Jug Handle this I'm working with the state on The Jug Handle issue I've been working on that for three years um they keep coming up with different ideas but they're not helping they're not resolving the issue and money is always a question but this traffic study will actually help the township and the joint land use board de with some applicants that are coming in with more truck we don't need more trucks in town obviously but I just wanted you to know that that they're working on that we have addressed the areas that we want them to make sure that they're reviewing Jug Handle uh Creek Road Cooper Town Road eventually there's going to have to be a light there I'm sure uh I would like to even see some of the truck traffic stop on Burlington Avenue but we can uh I think our hands are tied there but I just want you to know that we're working on these issues because we're we're well aware of them give us a call because when the engineer says well we we were out at the rush hour in the morning and the rush hour in the afternoon no you need to be there with DMV you need to be there when carvana lets out you know you're and that can happen all day long exactly and there's no specific time point because they were sitting over here okay Y and and you know if if if that's what you're saying you can you can package it the way you want it deliver and that's what they did and and it's like that's what they did but we're doing it for Delano Township and that's going to be packaged for what's really happening for this town and it needs to be tempered so I just want you to know that we are working on that we're aware of it you can't use their traffic study that they did the the lawyers sir you have to come um just what just while you while you mentioned that with with Kate mentioned the traffic study and you mentioned with the bridge and that's one thing we've been pushing on yes I've been trying to deal with that for the last year and a half with the issues with that bridge closing we've contacted the county so many times Harry has contacted the county I've contact contacted the county Templeton did and so did I so many of us have and as one of the people who actually operate the emergency apparatus and as the deputy Emergency Management coordinator for Town and Mr ver back there as the Emergency Management coordinator for the town that's one thing we're terribly concerned about is that bridge closing and emergency vehicles police fire ambulances not being able to get back and forth because we all provide Mutual Aid to Riverside Delano Beverly all all three of us and it's a big issue and when we have to go all the way around over the river and through the woods to get out to the highway to come back where would have took 2 minutes it takes 10 that's a big concern and now the other comment hopefully when your sound is done now the this week the attorney here we could hear her because she spoke into her microphone but and it was mentioned earlier the the engineer was had an accident nobody could really understand him and to say third didn't understand whatever I would say more than that you could not hear what he was saying and the microphones just don't do it and even the board members that were there you couldn't hear any of their comments it's almost like pardon me but my fres but what the hell are we doing here because we're the public we're the taxpayers we're interested in this but nobody wants to hear us and we could not really hear what they were saying other than we got you know other than the attorney wrapping it up at the end her microphone worked and we could hear but at that point it's kind of too late so thank you for listening thank thank you I'm sorry no worries my name's John um two things you can't use their traffic study because it sounded pretty good to me it said something like close to 4,000 cars a day ago through there and only 2% are trucks which I can believe that but that's right that's that's not the issue the issue is the traffic up there and even 2% trucks right are making a terrible de we we want our own traffic study that will actually maybe be against what they're saying it would be instead of making it easy for them to have their application passed we don't have our own traffic study and that's why the joint land use Board needs that needs to become a part of the master plan it's it's it's a whole it's it's circulation it's it's a really a quite a job but it will help them because the applicant brings the traffic study and how can we rebut it so I can actually com more on this I had a meeting with the um traffic study company and the joint land use board subcommittee I'm on the joint land use as the liaison um there's going to be I think seven or eight different points throughout town on the different County Roads that will be uh collecting the data how many cars how fast they're going how many um are actually trucks what that truck weight is so it's actually pretty extensive um and I think it's important to do the entire town which is why we passed the traffic circulation study um which we did last year we budgeted for it but they weren't able to get it done so we were able to allocate the funds again this year so to do every entrance throughout Town it'll be a more uh a bigger picture of exactly what's coming in from everywhere not just on Creek Road coming in and out so we we take those traffic studies with a great assault to be honest with you with these applicants because it's only a small snippet um another question um when they get approved which they're going to get approved they they had all the things lined up okay um number one um do you guys have the power to at least if it's going to get done to make them build a 12T I got to look at a wall and a parking lot full of tractor trailers and track not just a truck but trailers i' rather look at the wall for these people in pen can do you have the power to do that the application was approved already it was approved last week so let me just say that I think the initial effort is going to be to see if we can acquire the property um if that fails for some reason we can certainly talk to them about whether they'd be willing to negotiate something increase there but it's going to require something from the Township in turn at this point in other words we'd have to offer offer them some incentive uh because it's going to be a cost outlay for them I have no idea whether they'd be willing to do it but I think the first goal is to see run down this issue of whether they're willing to sell okay okay and um just another question um if if they are approved okay and they put those basins in and of course all the runoffs going to go into the Basin do I as a concerned citizen am I allowed going to that Basin with drop dig down a foot take out six say I take out 16 o of of dirt long as I put 16 o of dirt back in make it look like no one ever dug there and have that analyzed by a private laboratory am I allowed to do that I'm not an attorney but I think there's one word for that it's called trespassing trespassing that's trespassing that's that's it's private property is there a way that the township can hold their feet to the fire that way and get testing done I mean how much the township that's all the joint luse board and the joint L use board approved the application last week so it's not like they're coming back for more approvals they got their approval last week yeah yeah is there any way to test that get that tested because you know it's going to happen that's all that all the trucks you knowel Road believe the joint land use board as a wasn't there what I understand they had a condition of the approval that they have to submit their phase one environmental study which would show the current uh environmental condition of the property okay but how about when they're there for a year two years 3 years I would imagine there would and um not an environmental expert by any stretch of the imagination but I would imagine there would need to be a complaint to the D about any proposed or any possible concerns and the D would have to enforce that doues correct me if I'm wrong and I think I was not so I don't usually get involved into the level of this in Delano I do board work elsewhere and typically what I see are conditions that require um them to ensure that they're not you know creating discharges that run right into the grates and right out to the to the water the areas where they're actually going to be doing any work have measures put in place to intercept that before it gets to that point yeah [Music] traps if you're a member there'll be another session later on thank you you're welcome sir stepen 28 New Jersey um didn't plan on speaking tonight but um I wanted to speak uh I'm of the Recreation Commission I'll be surprised to hear H's comments regarding the property um as it was stated the county and Township have made significant Investments ino in the recreational facilities his property is right next to one of those facilities and I Echo a lot of the concerns that g had regards traffic we've lost substantial amount of property to commercial development the last couple years dve 1990 wearing all the trees that are blowing and also the amount of traffic that we now have so I just want to say that there are other members of commission L I won't speak for them I speak for myself I fully endorse the township committee's Pursuit and looking into this and um please let us know if there's anything we can do to support your efforts and and the rest of the committee thank you very much and I hope successful and we can you know hopefully get a hold of this cop I think there's a lot of opportunity here from a recreational perspective also prot so thank you for being of action thank you thank you thank you just remember come on up since you're put things up to make sound better I I was going to call um the American with Disabilities Act they're located in Somerville New Jersey for the state of New Jersey you guys have to provide you got to be able to hear the meeting that's a fact um since you're doing this I'm going to wait and if we come in after this is all done and we still can't hear I was sitting up here the other night and no one would speak up like that gentleman or this lady these ladies or that lady down there none of them would speak they wouldn't pull the microphone close to them they were pretty contemptuous of us some of them not all and I think you guys them is that true the join Lan yes okay so I'm going to wait on that but I'm going to start tending and if we can't hear I'm want to file a complaint and I'm going to get a few other guys and people back here file compl also I just want to let you know because it did say in there that I'd have to inform you of that first so I would make sure maybe get some more speakers got to be able to hear what you guys said Can can everybody hear me or no just maybe you can't I don't know these don't seem to work these are for recording yeah got to be able to hear back there I can he you know got to speak up yes and um one more thing if that place does get approved okay it's again it's been approved definitely approved well it's going to happen so it's not going to happen it it was approved last week it was approved it's not an if anymore okay well if the noise or is so bad are these people allowed to call the police yes sir Y and absolutely okay Mak fin complt yes sir 100% thank you very much everybody hear me ju but just to reiterate make sure they can hear me we are trying to purchase the property so that this does not happen can everyone hear me loud and clear did you catch what she said she said just so you understand they're attempting to purchase that property yeah but she she's reiterating that though happen you know well I think you need to have a little faith in us give us a shot yeah it's literally been four days please have some faith in us yeah Scott again uh and that that was really own a contention was the that the land use I don't know whether they were cornered into it l i don't understand it but yes it was approved but there were like 100 reasons why it should not have been approved there were a lot of things that they promised to do who's going to know whether they do them or not I just I felt as though the land use brought their your I mean I don't feel I don't feel except for two or three members that really pushed back and ended up voting no that the others really uh either it was predetermined to be passed and voted maybe it was because of the legalities but the gut feeling is that everybody from Newton's Landing that was here felt it was a done deal and almost as I had said earlier why did we bother coming if they were going to do what they did because they really didn't they didn't question they didn't tackle them on everything anything the attorney just read off all their appes and they're going to do it but I mean how do you pass it on proces well it's part of the written resolution and they have to meet all the requirements of the resolution before they could occupy the facility dug on yeah our professionals do the board professionals and and it's it's very common particularly on site plan approvals to have what's called conditional approval meaning there are it's a resolution of approval but there's a host of conditions get attached to it um I I I hear what you're saying and it can be a frustrating process especially if you're coming into it at that point you know you're right there is a lot that has happened that is already sort of governing that site and what can and can't happen there and they're just meeting a requirement that says yeah what we're proposing is consistent with what's permitted there and we're going to do ABC and D down the line all that has to be addressed before they can open up when they move back to be closer to the is that a reement the I'm talking about the requirement of the plans I don't I think there was a variance that was uh called out that might not have been correct but again I you know this governing body I don't go to the board meetings because it's their jurisdiction we don't want to be sitting in the back row sort of with our arms crossed saying what are you guys going to do tonight right yeah so I just want to take a step back for a second and just impress upon the residents this across the board this governing body cares you know I know they stay up at night and worry about these things we do and the the if you look at the history of how we got here that that the mayor laid out what we were trying to do was you know the it's funny I've been here for a lot of years at this point um and some of these gray hairs are D Delano hairs but the the reality is is that for years we were trying to look for or the governing body and rightly so everybody was trying to look for how do we bring in ratables to benefit the taxpayers right what what ended up happening was warehousing changed not just in Delano across the state of New Jersey across the country the intensity of the trucking the frequency of the trucking really became impactful and to this governing body's credit they didn't just sit back and say well this is the way it is they um went forward and tried to try to make revisions so the I3 Zone was an attempt to improve the resident's life overall including your neighborhood um the settlement that they wanted initially was we want to be rezone back to i1 that was their first request and the answer from the governing body was no uh that could have entailed a warehouse so you know I I I want you to know that the movement on that property has always been with an eye towards the better and the residence I know now that there's you know this approval and their direct changes are going to happen it's concerning and the governing body is concerned about it too um it's a unique situation where everything on that side of the road developed not consistent with the original Zone changed over time and that this piece 401 Creek got left sort of in the in the midpoint there um we're doing what we can to try and see if we can cure that but I I hope you guys understand that every step that the committee took was trying to make the resident's life better you will let people back in the development know your efforts thank you thank [Applause] do we have any other comments or questions at this time and again there will be another session later on the meeting Mike yeah um as the mayor has outlined this project this property had a long torturous history and uh uh uh sometimes when you get to the end of the road there uh there's there aren't usually there isn't usually a there isn't a clean good choice it's usually a bad choice and a really bad choice the least worst option yes and that's that's kind of where things ended up through history uh yeah it'd be nice to turn the calendar back you know 6 8 10 years and uh and go at it again uh we wear a lot of hats up here and we spend a lot of time up here as uh volunteers for this community um and we put in a lot of time uh and we depend we depend on you we depend on the public um to talk to us um here or walk in the street or whatever uh we're not all seeing all knowing uh big things and small uh 20 22 years ago there was a land land use issue two of them that came up that residents uh became aware of either at a meeting or talking with people or you know it's a small town things news travels and uh they got together and they did some research and they came to the committee or came to committee members and said hey this this this is an issue and this is a problem and and you know like you to point that out and here's some some things I dug up at the at the library and and uh see what you can do with it um and those two things diverge quite dramatically from the 401 situation but they uh deflected those those two land use issues um completely uh so we depend on you and we need your help and uh to you know look over the fence or look down the street and say Hey you know what's going on over here or you know here's something that's a Code Enforcement issue or something that the police uh need to get into um but it's uh like I said sometimes we're we're not left with the best choices we're always trying to balance uh the tax load on you uh we're trying to work with our budget uh I've been up here for quite some time Miss Fitz Baxter's been here for quite some time along with Mr allette we've seen the ups and downs of the finances and the economy for this community uh right now the economy is good or finances are good this job is a $50,000 job U we didn't have a lot of loose change to do something like this and this room's been a pain in the ass for 20 years and that's uh that's been regrettable it's taken this long but uh we're we're getting to projects Mr fenmore needs a new pole barn and we have to buy a new fuel farm system out there and storm water system and to the gentleman's point on the D they do have an 800 number for spills it's usually for larger uh major spills but you can start there uh toh call attention to something that you think might be going on so I just uh want to illuminate a couple points there so thank you thanks Mike all right uh with that we'll close this uh public comments session and we'll go to comments and reports so start with professionals Mr heinold um the only other thing I want to report at this time is just to bring up again uh the state has adopted fourth round affordable housing regulations uh Delano sits in a very good position because of all of the compliance efforts that were made particularly in round three uh we have a an excellent affordable housing planner Mary Beth Lan who is working on projecting out what Our obligation will be in the fourth round and in in light of that um we think we're going to be in a position where we have to do very little in terms of significant impact in in major development impacting Delano uh so I just want to reference that again we will report as we know more but the initial indications from Mary Beth are that we are in a strong position uh which is hard to do in affordable housing so it's good good track record for the governing body thank you Doug Harry Harry please pull the microphone directly to your mouth yes can you hear me you can hear you now no louder I'll try speak up um pretend Karen's yelling at you and that's when I'll be quiet first off um with regard to the Basin um out there I haven't even seen the plans that's all done through the land use board um but once it starts under construction comes under the jurisdiction of C committee and and their engineer so we will be periodically expecting new bases even if it's all built um we don't typically look for contaminants but if we see something out there that draws our eye to it we'll investigate it um mainly what we're looking for is make sure the Bas function properly for storms so so they are look at that might give you a little confident um with regard to my report uh the 2024 uh Road programs we have the surveys done the design plary design is done for Delaware and and and of course Second Street um sent those plans to the sh Street for their comments um and and they had some comments but we waai for some more official work from them to to to review our plans uh the plan is for those to have the designset this year decid want to got to bid this year and Construction in the spring or just hold on to that and we'll have the plant ready to to bid in the spring but um be happen in this spring summer of next year uh the Z seaw wall uh that project is basically basically complete um we I will be doing a punch list this week saying that to the contractor um I'm working on the the grass is coming up pretty nicely now so it looks looks great looks nice um I am obtaining prices for installing a fence a railing on top of the seaw wall for safety reasons um I contacted the manufacturer um and we're working out ways to to get it done properly and and most economic way of doing it um but that's we're really shooting have that done by by the Hol that that fence on the top and then in part can be opened up with the committee like the Thanksgiving holiday which holiday we talking about Halloween or the Christmas holidays oh okay of July as long as it's not like uh Easter yeah I'm confident we get it done uh the pipe repair on 719 Delaware that was completed um the resident had some issues with a ramp contct came out and ped that also installed the side um so he's 100% done with his respons on Project Bru Park and dream pay I contacted three contractors uh for places to do that we if we get it under the big special we can just go out to keep proposals our meeting was one on Wednesday um I suppose One On th again today last week and then again today um they're both going to supply places the third person uh has not gotten back me yet but we we're working on that to get that done this fall um and for the audience that's it's going to be an asphalt path it'll go along the Field of Dreams where the fence is it's going to parallel the fence um and actually if we have enough fund it'll go all the way up to the property that we're talking 41 um the other portion of is on the big root field and that's going to go from the parking lot and get things got access to the fees um and skate par area so do we have like a deadline like are we expecting everything by Friday I have definitely one by Friday um I'm sure you I had at least two but okay yes and they they can probably get that done this month yeah I all them I told them it's a rush and doing my proposal so get out there and they're all perfect thanks Harry I I guess you don't have anything to do with the the courts or do you I don't that okay because I noticed that they're done but are they usable yet no they just painted lines today yeah and they I noticed they have to go back and still doing still doing okay when do we know secure for a period of time yeah so so yeah by the end of the week okay good and just on U with the with the paths and how from the handicap parking spaces that's just another thing we're doing just to Echo his comment before about ADA uh compliance and making things accessible that's just one more thing we're doing we're doing all of these Ada curb ramps as well just to bring everything make everything as accessible as possible because that that is important to us uh the 200 Street the hsrf grant um as you know Scott ked the ccept plan I sent that to de waiting for their comments um that's just the technicality so they're not going to have comments on that and I ask them to give you a a guess when they'll be getting back to funding itself so we'll wait to hear from them and then when's the next step to do we have to go out to bid for that remediation yeah there's two agencies that have to approve the grant then we can go out and once they get approve um we spend money and the money will be reimbursed and that's for remediating time soil and what the plan is on this there's two methods of of remediation one is you can just get it below certain standard you still contaminate it and and basically cap it um and that it's the T have to pay a fee to the state year every year for attorney um if you do that method if you completely clean it up and get it below tighter standards you take it off that list and you don't face St any more money it's a clean site and it's notri there's no issues with it the the plan is to remove that SCE so it'll be excavated will be excavated and clean so will be brought in in its place and it'll be a clean site now when you say contaminated it's contaminated because it's historic fill not because there was oil there or anything hazardous in that capacity yeah 99% of it was historic fil and what that means is if if Phil was placed in an area um called Phil and that's considered theam material in certain cases you don't know the source if you don't know the source correct um that's what that there it's just old field that somebody brought up in a barge and put in there no idea went like if it came from Pennsylvania it's considered contaminated because it wasn't tested and they don't know where it came from it could have been pania anywhere yeah that's what I'm saying like New Jersey soil has to be tested now so now back then yeah the entire can bu right so basically there could be out a drop of any sort of chemical in there it's still considered contaminated because it's a storic yep right yep um the ms4 storm water permit the um stpp storm pollution prevention uh plan is completed it's on the website um we did make a couple Visions today to it so there may be revision on the site tomorrow division but but that is for that requirement the ms4 permit um weing have that submitted with the next couple days a couple more evisions John on and we'll have that what's going on with the um pump at Field of Dreams are we're waiting on a cage or something yes uh if you see it at the fence safety fence plastic safety fence R the part of our punch was to that contractor he for the original plan he was supposed to be a accessible cage meaning it had to be hinged and and lock so and he would could maintain it lift it up and he stole without hinges it it you had to unfold it have two men pick it up um so as part of before we made any final payment to them we had a f of pain for them reiring them to put Hing cover they took that cover off they took it back to their machine shop and fixing it I don't know how they're doing it but they're that hanges to it a lot um once that's done they'll bring it back and so long they're satisfied thater that out that's the last thing holding did you see the email from Jim mq about the boxes in the ground I did go out there and look they are getting chipped up already I don't I mean they're not that far up but I guess it's enough that they are just running them over yeah I did see that and I was going to take a walk out there um and look at myself but I I can have the electrician that that's the electrical boxes from yeah the access panel in the ground yeah each each pole has a box box on the B of it the ground um and apparently at least you thinks they're too high and they're scratches andak maybe they're just mowing the lawn too low bring the blades up they like it what happens all the time is especially if it's on a hill and those are because the the lights are on the outside that in s so they on it till so the mower ones over it it's pretty common that that they hit um but but great thanks Harry and that's all I have all right anyone have anything else for Harry all right uh see Township administrator is not here this evening we'll go to department heads Lieutenant wared okay hello everyone give the any numbers for the month of September uh we had excuse me uh 21 police cases for a total of 173 for the year uh there were 9 7 motor vehicle violations issued with a total of 527 for the year 185 motor vehicle stops with a total of 1,159 for the year our officers responded to 1,69 Total call for service for the month of September uh with an year in total as of to date 8,562 as see been been a little busy um tomorrow uh evening our state uh please police training commission we're offering the lieutenant test so our three sergeants will be taking a test tomorrow Sergeant daring uh Maloney and epifano um the test will be tomorrow but the results obvious won't be out until um probably spring give or take of 2025 um other than that it's all half all right every time I hear those numbers about the number of incidents each month I'm like really that all over a thousand instance in our little tiny town coling consant but that's what we want I mean we want um we encourage people to call you know 911 or the not emergency number like you said yes if you hear something or is an issue please call rather you call and not be something and then not call and it had been something so please 100% please take thank you lieutenant uh on tonight's AG can you put the microphone up to your mouth please on tonight's agenda we have uh the John Deere uh I was going to wait do you want to address that now or we go over that okay well it's up to you the consent agenda so you might as well address that now gotta that's where I was okay um the two questions I have which I'm sure uh you folks in the police department already looked at these things but uh I don't know that so I don't want to make that assumption uh the vehicle uh will you be able to put uh I guess a wench attachment to it FR end two question originally you had was as far as the Polaris originally so just so you know what I did excuse me we actually started this process actually over a year ago so the originally we went from looking at getting the quad to then going to the off-road vehicle which we felt would be more beneficial um more means to utilize it so when we looked at the plowers first um the what we're getting at now is the John Deere XUV it's equivalent the Polaris Ranger um one of the problems number one the base price for it is almost $3,000 more than what we got for our quote for the John Deere with all the add-ons to it um the John Deere SUV we have the capability to have a winch to it we didn't get it for right now but we're able to do add-ons as need be um one of the other issues too with the Polaris Ranger um it's more uh recreational and his turn rate eye is less so what we need for Hulk Island we need to be able to better Aces the trails with the John Deere will have more ability to do that and do it safely so and on the safety issue uh is this a two-seater a four-seater four actually she's a four-seater and have a back um compartment we can carry um some equipment it's going to have um once we puras it cuz that's the thing too once we get it then going be taken to Winter Ford and Cherry Hill and have emergency lights fixed to it as well as uh our department name things of that nature but yeah have to sa the features that was my concern was that if you're out if an officer is out there and that they have the tools to deal with an emergency and you know how you end up responding to that so yes what we'll do like all our vehicles have an emergency EMS bag um a AED as well for this here um it'll have an emergeny bag with it as well um it's compartment with a uh plastic for the windows are for the side and the front um but the goal was just be able to have something where we can access Hawke Island quickly there's an issue obviously all the officers still going to respond accordingly and then we'll go from there for wherever else we need so thank you okay all right John yes good evening um had final brush pickup before carollyn yells at you into the microphone please speak into the microphone you hear me little bit Clos a pull in right up there is that better that's better treat it like a covid test still put in your notes picked up 60 60 cubic yards of brush for our final pass which uh some people um don't know when the final pass is so not sure you will be back out again and uh pick it up we put a half a ton of asphalt out we lined the soccer field six times we tried three different kinds of paint one color and uh everything doesn't seem to be working so we've think it might be the fields getting cut too short and it's taking in lines away the uh colored paint that we used to separate the main field one of the main Fields where they have two fields in one field uh it hardly last at all I I I don't know why but we've tried three different companies for paint and it's you know so there is a little bit of a problem there and we're spending a lot of money on paint just what about the yellow paint today did he did Ryan test it yeah well we we bought the five gallon eron bought a five gallon and we tried it and it looked like it went on great but then you know like two or three days later it fades out real quick so are we getting fluorescent or is it just regular just regular you saw my email to Jim right yeah and he said he's going to try to cut in the beginning of the week and maybe so I don't know he's aware of it he's doing a good really good job out there and uh I know uh we've had grubs there every year um I don't think it's usually when you see a lot of birds on the field then you know you got grubs so um I haven't seen that but there is some like around the burm I did notice there's a lot of weeds um from like the where the BM is to the street to the parking lot there seems a lot of weeds in there and it looks like I don't ever remember the sprinkler not hitting that but uh apparently it didn't but next time you're out there just take a look at that and I'm I'm going to tell Jim about that too uh we made our final pass through the whole town for cutting all the Township fields uh we finally finished screening and Hauling the compost out it takes almost two weeks of constant uh messing with the leaves that's the only way I can put it we hauled out 157 lws so that's pretty pretty much comp it was nice compost too for a change um we started to sweep in the streets again at Bobby out with the sweeper and uh as far as picking leaves up it does fantastic I I I for a sweeper sweeper shouldn't be picking leaves up but uh I don't know if you noticed all the leaves on brington Avenue around the bend we made you I don't know if you saw all the leaves out there he made a pass down there and and got them all and really surprising um we had to clean up of Hulk Island and we made a um a dump truck load of trash we had the township cleanup we had the two 30 yard dumpsters we had a pressure treat treated dumpster but we had hardly anything in that and we had a 40 yard metal dumpster for t s and metal and that was probably about half full so we had a pretty good cleanup uh we had this year was We only made one truckload of tires generally we have two truck loads and it's in the 60s in the 70s which we picked up 37 tires this time so and that's pretty good we finally got to one of the Leaning trees at Newton Landing we took that down and hopefully we'll be starting leaves which looks like we were probably going to have a an early fall this year so we're we're scheduled probably the end of October sometime if we need to go out sooner we will and that's all I have John did they tell you about the two truck tires out of Hulk Island no they're on the path they're big big truck tires right along the side remember seeing them yeah they're about I think they were just before the pond yeah I I'll have to show you where where they are but you need the front end loader to get them out cuz they're big not a priority just wanted to let you know okay yeah well I I wish you would have told me before we run the tires to the landfill yeah we run the tires to the land the spring we're supposed to tell you yeah um and you have a new guy starting on the 21st yes we'll be having a new guy start yep and I so you guys put the uh pull the yard sale signs down put the Community Day ones up it looks like um those signs are permitted I'd like to show everyone signs that are not permitted I pulled three of these down over in front of the 7-Eleven today we buy cars on the backside French bulldog puppies for sale so and they're all throughout the town so if your guys see them out there tell them to feel free to pull them or any of these other ones down I've been I guess could you hold that up again please sure a point St right there it it's it's absolutely absurd and we and Fern and I spent so much time on this sign ordinance this year and then and this is a company in Willingboro the the toe company the junkyard company but apparently this goes to the same place so yeah it's absolutely ridiculous if you guys see these didn't have room on We Buy Houses too yeah right yeah yeah right sign I think like the last two and a half years I've been The Unofficial sign collector in the town whenever I see these go up I pull them down and there's one over at the corner right AC diagonally acrossing the BP it's probably 15t up how the hell they get that up there I have no idea but you know you guys are out there with the ladder or the um um front end loader and can carefully get to it to rip that down cuz you know sign proliferation everywhere it it makes the town look like crap it really does and that's one reason I hate the election season you have all the campaign signs up it's necessary evil um but for the other um 10 and 1 12 months of the year we really don't need all this garbage around the town and that's exactly what this is garbage so is the next meeting my turn for show in tell because Mike brought the scrub rush you got the sign you're setting the bar really high what am I bringing next meeting bring that tire from there you go all about the visual you get really the effect you're in charge of the tire from Hulk Island Al get out there or you have to helper all right uh who was it that was John now we have last but certainly not least Janice fig we you're bring I know thank you um all right I'll start on your consent agenda you're going you have a resolution certifying the receipt of the audit for the 2023 fiscal year and part of that process of uh that resolution is for all of you to sign the affidavit group affidavit form basically saying that you have at the minimum reviewed the uh recommendation comments and recommendations section and that will go up to the state with the resolution that you'll be passing tonight certifying your seat of audit and since the administrator is here I will say that we had our uh audit conference um there were no um recommendations or comments um uh everyone all the Departments are doing an excellent job or the fiduciary responsibilities and are meeting all the statutory requirements for um the financial um functions of the town so I'll pass this these down if you could sign two of them Township committee um uh before you leave tonight and that way I'll have that to process with the resolution on to fun stuff we have some events coming up this Saturday at the firehouse is the the uh community Community Day Delano uh fire company and our Recreation Commission will be providing a funfilled day of activities at the firhouse for all ages and that is from 11 to 11:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. this Saturday Delano Firehouse we have the history board we'll be having hosting a um open house open house I'm trying to find the date on this oh it's Saturday October 19th 1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. I believe that's here and the next exhibition and display will be our local Waterman um Kate if you'd like to say any more about that uh actually the Waterman display has been taken down and Dy uh Robins taliva will be having the art of different um hands that her father who was an orthopedic surgeon Dr Rob for many of you from Delano may remember Dr Robins he made his own uh yeah he did and it was uh incredible what this man achieved uh after this terrible should this flyer be well when Peter sent that out he still left my grandfather's picture on it but it's really he said uh it's funny and for the three months that he was out here he didn't send that one out so he's kind of uh a little confused but I did take the Waterman's display down which was all my grandfather's uh decoys and things the collection that I have uh but he did put in an email today that Dorothy has approved and she will be here with her with her father so and she has a few books that she wrote so very interesting uh but yeah the Waterman's display was up for actually four months and um that's gone back in my house so that but that other display or that other presentation will be Saturday October 19th yes at 1 p.m. here at the municipal building just while you're talking about that one of the books uh she wrote the was The Life and Times of a one armed surgeon I actually purchased that a few years ago and it's a really interesting read uh just to give her a plug it's available on Amazon uh so check it out if you need a new book for your collection and I think one was his Memoirs that she had published I only got through the first one Dr Robins Memoirs he was an incredible man and then on Friday October 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 11: at a.m. not p.m. the flyer is wrong 2 hours uh 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. here at the municipal building uh we will uh be having a Paramount Drug coming in to do flu shots it is it is for um employees as well as open to the public so anyone that um wants to stop by on October 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 11: a.m. to get their flu shot they can do that um it is not a free flu shot clinic if you have your insurance card bring that if not uh payment information is on the flyer uh so that um Friday October 25th next we have lot of busy things the Delano women's Civic Club will be hosting the 5K run on Saturday October 26th registration is at 8:00 a.m. and the race begins at 900 a.m. rain or shine and I believe that starts at the uh Gateway Park correct yes thank you we have also on Saturday October 26th very busy day we have trunk or treat and movie night at the uh Field of Dreams on Creek Road so uh 6:00 to 8:00 P.M is the Trunk or Treat event and 8:15 is the movie and last activity that I have is Delano free this drive up rabies clinic Saturday November 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 11: a.m. at the Public Works garage right next door and there's more information online about that so if you these flyers are available in the lobby if you do pick up the one about the um flu Clinic it is not 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. so they are going to be taken out and corrected it is 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. a lot of flu shots lot of flu shots that's a long time to be open and then I will turn it over to beev who has a report on our shredding event as well as and I think I did the flu Clinic uh we had the shredding event and um that has a report the pre shredding event was held here in the parking lot this gu Saturday from 8 to noon 67 households participated which is about the same number as in the spring um that it remains consistent it's very popular with with the residents we also disposed 26 boxes of documents and two computer hard drives for the township that were authorized um for disposal through the state record management um program so all it's a great way to provide that shredding for our residents while we're doing our normal you know twice a year shredding of documents that are no longer needed so and we had the townwide yard sale set this past Saturday because of the rain the previous week I think there was a lot of activity as well as the community cleanup day I know that in between we had the yard yard sale but in between we were able to get an old TV down to the public works garage and an old battery old big battery so uh was busy busy weekend and a lot more events coming up I actually really like sorry the artl day and community cleanup day cuz then when I didn't sell it my yard sale I just brought right over and threw out so it kind of just made sense to to have it at the same time so you can do that yes indeed so it's something to consider yeah I'm a terrible paper ho I had files at home that I brought down uh on Saturday I brought two big big boxes and thanks to Jess and uh eron for um Ellen for taking care of that the event this weekend apparently I don't need uh the purchase documents from a car I bought 15 years ago and have got three cars since and just other things like that so it's a great event to get rid of your old papers from the house and uh and it's nice because you don't have to drive all the way out to the county it's very close very local but if you miss the Shredding Events we will have another one in the spring as well as the county also runs shredding events but you would need to take that out to the uh resource recovering complex out towards um Mansfield Town Columbus Florence Road but um we'll have another shading it in the spring for our residents and I did have a few questions from uh the public on what the fire department was doing during the yard sale on Burlington Avenue actually had some public come up and asking us if that's where we were doing the hogi sale we actually had no we responded to an incident and um for the Public's knowledge it was the apartment building there they had one of those hoverboards um that runs on a a lithium ion battery and there was an explosion of the battery that was charging overnight uh on the second floor uh apartment in the apartment building so I I was one of the first I was yard sailing as a matter of fact on Walnut Street right when my pager went off I literally just drove around the corner and you could smell it in the air just the battery that the hoverboard can't be bigger than the size of this you know two two of these papers next to each other and just the smell and the um amount of smoke that came out of that we had to have the County Hazmat unit come out there to properly dispose of the battery uh from West Hampton fire department they the County Hazmat Squad so we were out there for two and a half hours I actually had someone come up and ask if we were doing the hogi sale right there the middle of the road and no that was the week before but uh that was the um activity and the action that was going on Burlington Avenue for those wow who were interested so um all that for hoverboard yeah and it you know thankfully the um occupant was able to get the fire out but now think of that on a larger scale with these electric vehicles and how much water it takes to put those out so thankfully you don't have the electric vehicle in your apartment but be careful for any devices you have charging make sure if you feel it getting hot time to unplug it and don't charge it overnight yeah they always say that and I don't leave the house if I've got something charging I always unplug it run out for an errand or come back good point very good all righty um where are we we're at the consent agenda now cor me from along please uh consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes is there anything uh anyone wants pulled from the consent agenda or have further questions on no good all right ordinance 224-2427 governing animals first reading by title only and set public hearing date for October 21st 2024 at 7:00 p.m. ordinance 2024-25 authorizing the execution of a pilot agreement with RLS real estate of Delano New Jersey urban renewal entity LLC first reading by title only and public hearing date for October 21st 2024 7:00 p.m. resolution 2024-25 resolution certifying the receipt of the audit resolution 20241 34 authorizing the disposal of out of service office equipment resolution 2024-25 authorizing the purchase of a utility terrain vehicle UTV for the Delano Police Department under Educational Services Commission of MJ purchasing Cooperative contracts uh is there a resolution number for the payment authorization no that's just um part of the consent approval uh authorizing the payment of bills that may become due and payable before the October 21st 2024 Township committee meeting one second mayor um regarding ordinance 24-25 Mr Hino could you just give a brief explanation to the public as to what that is so it's literally going to be the next thing I was doing so thank you for reading my mind sure um this gets back in again to the history of um 20 plus years ago and and putting uh incentives out for redevelopment of uh property in Delano uh at that time a uh pilot program was instituted uh that has carried on um the as everybody knows Deon Watson burn down RLS uh is the front portion of that property now Cold Storage they are doing a second phase this payment and low of taxes is associated with that there is a master Redevelopment agreement that has been in place for several years that affords them a pilot um I will say that there was also language that required a review of updates to values after a certain period of time which has now kicked in that is to the municipality's benefit so the uh the pilot um payments are increased will be at a higher rate and uh originally anticipated under this phase uh because of the timing so it is a um when Redevelopment works well it is a win-win for the municipality and uh the redeveloper and in this case RLS has been a good corporate citizen um you know adding additional ratables and incentives to the township is a positive for the residents and uh should have minimal impact in terms of what they do out there thank you thank you Doug uh can I have a motion for approval of the consent agenda so moved second motion By Carolyn second by Kate roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes uh approval of the minutes from July 22nd 2024 so move second motion by kage second By Carolyn uh someone not eligible to vote on these because they were out that night I have to abstain was Mr Chon was absent all right all right uh roll call Mrs Patrick yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton Mr Bartlett yes and uh thanks Mike for just bringing that up about uh unplugging Chargers I just remembered I left the wax candle thing on in my office this afternoon the melter I just texted my wife to shut it off so that's a good reminder to shut all those things off when you're not home shame on me uh correspondence ganis yes a couple items the first one is um we received today and it was emailed over to you there will be a uh riverline public meeting on Tuesday October 22nd from 6: p.m. to 8:00 pm at the palara community center um for uh the meeting will focus on service reliability and public and pedestrian safety there will be um Senator Singleton will be uh there and representatives from New Jersey Transit and uh there is a flyer out there I believe you know um you can pick that up if anyone's interested in that riverline public meeting and we also received today our subg granty agreement from Community Development block grant for um our next uh phase of handicap rep uh ramp replacement projects the 7 $5,000 so uh now that we have received that subgrantee agreement uh we can move forward with the the um preparation of the specs and getting that out to Bid And so awesome sign in your box and I believe uh committee has already done the resolution for the engineering authorizing uh the engineering for that and that's all the correspondence that I have thank you thank you Janice all right uh meeting is now open to the public for any comments and questions this is session number two if you have any comments or questions or remember anything from before you didn't ask feel free to approach the podium give your name and address for the record two things with regard to the pilot Mr ferate um number of minties for abil to a grant program to Fire District school districts and so so the Special Districts it would apply to the township for funding specific projects and just fur that out there that perhaps commit take that under consideration um you know that share some of that pilot some of the districts School District fire district yeah we have we have shared some of the funds um two years in a row to the school for some extracurricular activities um yeah and we did reach out again this year but didn't hear anything back yeah we did reach out so we have done that Joe um I've known a lot of these with I've work a lot of different Cs and I believe you're committed to the best interest of Citi and take take it Gally into heart but if you say you want to look to do something for us um thank you thank you Joe thank you anyone else go thank very muchis that guy there if he starts yelling at me I'll start crying me too thank you all very much Mr good night yeah good night that's nice anyone else comments I'm not sure that's he just did a mic drop though um I just have one brief announcement um specifically um thank you to the township for the allowing us to have a community day uh delal school board will be participating I want to just thank Mr ja for for set that up um and our next meeting um is Wednesday the 16th at 7 p.m. pleas don't more mons left quite a few things and I def follow with sha were you able to get the Flyers over to the township [Music] perfect yes we feel that that's awesome thank you for doing and we'll see you next week absolutely yeah thank you as well mline any more members of the public any comments or questions before we close this session seeing none all right we'll close this uh portion of the Mee to the public and go to discussion items uh ordinance to permit certain classes SL categories of cannabis uses we did start talking about this a number of months ago uh we wanted to wait till all the committee was finally back from all their summer vacations and everyone else um was here so we could have all of us here for this uh discussion on this matter and there was uh Doug had did let me try to speak it's too late Doug had Doug had sent um draft ordinances out that had to be June Doug it's been a few months I think it was the beginning of Summer yeah yeah that's should be in everyone's packet I don't know if it was also included but there's a June of 23 Memo from Taylor design that um was part of that process as well and for those uh who hasn't been who have not been here yet in the audience uh over the last couple years we had a subcommittee to review the various uh classes of cannabis use that the uh state permitted back in going to see 20 2020 2021 February 21 um for uh different types of cannabis licenses which are the cultivator licenses manufacturer wholesale distributor retailer and uh delivery as well I believe there's the testing um facility as well and we had a subcommittee made up of various members of the township committee as well as uh members of the public to review those items and um which sort of uses would be best for the township and we had in here let me just see here yeah we had classes 2 three and four uh subject to the certain conditions in the ordinance which was the manufacturer wholesaler and distributor as conditionally permitted uses in the i1 light industrial and I2 um General industrial zones and there was a draft ordinance in here to allow that and there was a uh a supplement to that ordinance for the uh Doug help me hear the finance side of that and yeah it's basically the uh tax Financial structure on taxes that the state permits per per Ed category that was it's toward the end of the packet that was done in October of 2023 the tax percentage that s us yeah the ordinance that was much later that was ago yeah that was yeah the recommendation yeah this is the this is the Fe structure here just before that there you go oh okay yeah right the first step is the first step yeah is to you know determine how you want to proceed on this and then if we are proceeding then the next step would be to address that I think the subcommittee also recommended testing Labs you can't regulate testing yeah that's just permitted it's just okay yeah that's one thing you can't I know it it's in the list that and the delivery services you can't uh you can't reg right correct the the Uber for weed as some have called it uh we decided that having a retailer license would not be appropriate for this town basically allowing a cannabis store as there there's so many on Route 130 uh there's one that just opened in downtown Riverside there really wasn't a good place for it in our town we we only really have one main retail Center the uh the camp meeting grounds and that's the amount of traffic and whatnot that would not be appropriate for our little town um yeah dispensary thank you not a it's not officially called a weed store um but I guess we go around the the uh no laughing Lieutenant I guess let's go uh across the day ask for any comments questions yeah I have a list all right check it twice it's almost the time of year I think you should also mention that our planner actually did a a great presentation on the ordinance as well as the uses corre um and um maybe we need to bring him back to refresh especially for the residents maybe who didn't attend but and then the governor signed something just recently uh that regulated it that I printed out today so there have been a few changes but go ahead F just you know you want to have your question uh so pertaining to the ordinance number five uh for class three uh Canabis wholesaler and class 4 cannabis distributor uh to me they should have uh their own directives as they have different definitions and functions uh right now we have have uh for class 4 cannabis uh distrib uh well for cannabis for uh cannabis distributor license for a bu business involved in transporting cannabis plants uh in bulk from one licensed cultivator to another licensed cultivator or cannabis items in bulk from any type of license Canabis business to another uh so they have uh different uh functions uh we have number six the nuisance orders odors uh you know what's the exact penalties on those uh with number eight uh with regards to class 2 Canabis manufacturing only uh we have it listed that it shouldn't be located any closer than 250 ft from a residential use for residential district uh and not be located any closer not yeah shall be located no closer right correct uh in there I think we should include uh that it shouldn't be any closer to schools and public parks parks and playgrounds are an extension of our residential homes uh and the term site meaning property lines versus uh the build uh the building itself and trying to get CL ification on that I think Scott clarified that last time you yeah did and these wouldn't they're limited to the industrial zones on Creek and Cooper town and that would be outside of anything you just mentioned well uh in 250 ft from the property line again looking at our public parks as being part of residential uh units we have Pennington Park we have the Field of Dreams uh and then uh if you look at pull those in that's going to eliminate Creek Road as far as any cannabis uh being permitted there uh again developers come in they want higher density of homes or and uh you know where the folks supposed to go and enjoy uh outside air and we have parks for that and uh so to me our parks are extension of our folks or our residential homes uh and number nine with regards to class four again uh Distributors uh because of the transportation of cannabis plants in the bulk and their limited 72 hours of storage depending on the facility and the operations they could possibly be moving plants 7 days a week you know if you got only 72 hours that you're supposed to have this product there on on their site they've got to move it somewhere uh and because of Delano's uniqueness uh we need to consider that these cannabis plants could be delivered to the Cannabis Distributors and or cannabis manufacturers not only by trucks but maybe down the road by uh freight train uh so we need to keep that in mind uh and then I took offense to this and this is personal or you know u in my opinion as a member of the Town blano Township committee uh in the statement where it says uh Township committee and of the township of Delano finds the Amendments uh to the code to be the best interest and health safety and Welfare of residents of the town ship uh I don't see where permitting candidas Class 2 and class 4 facilities are in the best interest of our residents and that's my opinion uh in my opinion you probably have more than they get effect we talk about more traffic uh coming in off the highway and again looking at these functions uh I think we'd have more that would have a a negative impact on the traffic it's really no different than any other business having traffic it's not like we're bringing in a retail store it's just it would be a facility just like any other facility would have the normal traffic that would be permitted an industrial Zone that may be but again my opinion that it would have a negative effect on there also have a negative effect on our neighbors you know uh over in on Perkins Lane you we need to take those folks into consideration uh and the other thing that was not addressed in our ordinance is U micro businesses as far as cannabis is there any documentation on the state level of complaints and other towns that have had these facilities I know I personally haven't read anything about any I haven't seen the CRC webs they post everything about everything I haven't seen anything on there so what I've seen early on was buildings that were not built for grow and then undertook grow um did sometimes result in uh odor complaints to the surrounding areas um sitting uh at the board level in other places I've sat through more more testimony about the improvements on Odor Control in cannabis than I care to remember um so there's been great strides on that um and there are things that the state does at regulatory level to impose that we are not proposing as the recommendation out of the subcommittee and what's before you does not propose any grow facility in terms of other uses um I have not heard of any uh complaints um you know about uses that are related to the Cannabis itself thank you lieutenant yes the we have surrounding towns that have cannabis they have retail yes ma'am um Riverside I think has two Edge Park I believe has two Delan I think has two right across has a bunch they have a cation site as well right so um as an officer you know in dealing with other officers and other communities have you had any complaints or any issues that have come up with some of these facilities and other communities no we handle everything accordingly I mean for um the offices on our car stops obviously you know they're looking at if they're stopping a vehicle for an equipment violation or um if there's an issue with how the vehicle being operated and they come upon that vehicle and now they smell the odor of of marijuana emanating from the vehicle by state law as long as they're not currently smoking we can't enforce anything cuz it's legal um the difference would be obviously if uh for alcohol that's different you can't have any alcohol beverages in your vehicle um but we're still looking at sobriety so yes you're allowed to smoke but you can cannot do it where you're inated to the point where you can't functionally operate that vehicle so that's what we're looking at but as far as any like major problems or issues no we haven't um our neighboring towns that have those facilities they're being operated in accordance with their own rules and regulations as well as state and um yeah we haven't had any issues or concerns nor have we had to respond to those agents those facilities to assist and Aid them um I believe both of Ed orders they have armed security that are actually on premise so that actually helps them they're not being pulled from other calls for service to have to respond there um unless it's absolutely know necessary but uh no we haven't had any issues okay thank you this is New Jersey we know how many regulations the state has they have really done their due diligence to make sure this is regulated and monitored and they have a lot of very strict guidelines so I I don't think we need to overthink this anymore I just would like to okay what about the financial picture we're looking at 1 or 2% of income from these facilities uh I know that or my understanding of the retailers uh there's a lot of tax dollars that seem to be going uh to those towns currently um but I'm sure as competition uh increases uh those dollars are going to be spread across different towns and not uh the uh in a you know in the central location but with the wholesale and could you repeat that because I didn't understand go to the town that they're in understand so Ed like Edgewater Park okay uh the dollars that came into them uh was sub has been substantial and they've been doing very well with that but as other towns come on board oh I see what you're saying they're going to have less going in there and you know it's going to go to Del Ran or willing B you for district yeah they they have retail they have they cultivation yeah right so the problem in New Jersey right now is there's not enough being produced supply and demand there's way more retailers than there is cultivators and people growing this and Manufacturing it so there actually is a need for we proposing obviously not growing it but it's not like there all these facilities are popping up like retail so you really can't compare they're not the same that was my question you uh how much revenues being generated there and then again I look at our small 3 square mile town and you know you start putting the the 250 ft away from residential or from our Parks uh that narrows down the scope to uh what warehouses will be available uh for this type of business uh and then the other part is how much is it going to cost us on the administrative side to do the followup to get to go running after our money and these these places deal with cash they're not dealing with checks um and I'm sure there's uh way think that's a retailer I can't imagine that a manufacturer or a wholesaler they wouldn't be dealing with cash and that's a retailer okay so what about the money coming to the town well well they there is a methodology of reporting for that and their license continuation of a license hinges upon that so if they are not reporting accurately they're going to lose their their license in their business at the state level I'm sure they're too I think and and I don't think I was here for Scott's maybe I was but there the the way I read that memo is is for a lot of what is proposed under this you know we have existing space in town that once it's put to a use we have no idea whether liquor is being brought in and out in boxes whether oxycotton is being brought in and out and I don't mean illegally I mean legally um the cannabis grow facility once it leaves a grow facility the um potential for odor drops considerably and the uh control over that substance is substantial the by the time it gets to the retail end of it it's all sealed up and remains under seal through point of purchase so you know I think New Jersey was late enough in the Cannabis game to understand from other states mistakes um and as was pointed out New Jersey has propensity be to be on the highest end of regulation so I do think the state has done quite a bit at the you know the the CRC level to heavily regulate the actual process on this the security is substantial but I think the way I see the approach of the subcommittee and the recommendation is a lot of what comes in and out of the town we have no idea what the product is and if it's happens to be a cannabis product we might benefit from the tax associated with that um and really have no appreciable impact on whether you know it's Widgets or cannabis coming in and out of the town in those processes um the these issues though are you know I mean there's no shortage of personal opinion relative to what what whether this is good in the first place across the board for the state of New Jersey so um but I think that that is the way I read the subcommittee's recommendation is they tried to pick the areas where there's the least potential for impact on surrounding property owners and in many cases um it's going to be equal to what may have shipped in or shipped out otherwise thank you Mike um yeah I'm I've never been a supporter of this um Mr olette highlights many of the issues I have it with it uh makes some very good points and he's done a lot of late work and on um the 250 ft radius and uh including wanting to add the uh uh restricting the proximity to parks and so forth I think that's important there's nothing worse than being out in the park or actually being at your house and having the stink of a skunk walked over you and it's the person walking down the sidewalk or driving by that's token uh token something uh I just think it's it's um it's a disgusting business and um I think we're chasing a false idol in in the tax revenue um it's an evolving Pro commercial process there's going to be you know some economic Darwinism some are going to fail some are going to survive there's a lot of big money that's in this industry if you want to call it that uh I look at a lot of the experience of some other states that are a couple years ahead of us uh and you see things where the Cannabis industry goes back to those respective legislator and asks for a reduction in in the um U uh tax uh percentage that's taken because they can't compete with the illegal Market um and I think it's just uh I think we're chasing a false uh we're chasing the money and that's what the you know the legislature handed us this um we were given a opt-in or opt out Choice a couple years ago uh with virtually no regulations on the books uh from the legislature um and uh looking at some data on the league of municipalities website the association of New Jersey communities um about a third have uh of Jersey municipalities have decided to go forward with it uh permitting whatever classes from retail to cultivator or so forth and interestingly the overwhelming majority of communities along the Jersey Shore have not allowed any cannabis businesses uh warehousing you know whatever uh and it it's that's an interesting fact there that uh most of what's approved is in urbanized areas uh uh but uh the a lot of the Jersey Shore towns chose not to partake in this so but I agree with Mr elet's points on getting a you know buffer zone around the parks and so forth and uh uh it's uh I think it's an unfortunate situation that the legislature is left us with and uh um I think we can do better I mean there there's a lot of science data that's coming out uh there was a very large article in the National newspaper a couple three days ago on what medical re you know what uh the medical community is seeing on increased use of cannabis amongst young people uh mental health issues psychosis uh physical U ailments that are that are coming up and it's it's it's just it's morally bankrupt this business and U I mean those are the facts that's what's going on so I don't uh I think we can do other things to make our community attractive to business and make it a community community that uh uh that's good for families and good for people to raise their raise their families here so that's my three sents thanks Mike on the point about uh chasing the money I I think there's only one real word to that it's obviously that's the only reason why else would we approve this it's for the tax revenue which you know I would intend the tax revenue be split equally with our Board of Ed that needs the tax tax revenue from something like this and you know there's no other reason we would approve anything like this why else would the state come up with this uh and allow this um taxation on these products if it wasn't to incentivize the townships to allow these facilities otherwise we would just say no you know we the township opted out of all this back in 2020 or 20 I'm sorry 2021 without doing any sort of studies on this we had a whole subcommittee that reviewed this uh for over the course of two years um so yeah of course that's the only reason we would approve this is you know for the tax revenue otherwise there is no good reason to do this and the tax revenue can be substantial and the state of New Jersey has seen that because that's why they came up with us regarding the shore towns the shore towns are only really open 3 and a half months of the year they would rather sell the space than develop it and get the revenue that way to to residential and most of them are in a flood zone so you don't see a lot of industrial happening down there anyway so I mean if I was on committee down there I probably would have said no it just doesn't make sense for that area um we're in a little bit of a different uni situation here so well yeah I have a little one of Fern's concerns is you know the Field of Dreams and uh the residential section if we didn't allow anything on Creek Road the only only Road available would be Cooper Town up to a certain point where there is a h house across the street from us yeah and some others so um I don't know limiting to like five sites at that yeah there's only yeah so it's not like there's a big area in town that this would even be viable um I have mixed feelings about it I would love to see the extra Revenue come in and split it with the school but I know like dist distribut says there's no tax for distribution uh which so manufacturers 2% wholesalers 1% dist distributor is no tax uh delivery no tax so um yeah I do uh the distributor usually goes along with one of those other ones right right but um yeah and the um delivery that we don't regulate at all anyway no exactly and just like the testing but you still have to set that out in your ordinance if you're going to allow testing you still have to set that out um I don't know I have mixed feelings uh I'm not I'm not ready to vote Yes or no at this point I think um I I think I'd like to to research it a little more I know the governor just signed a new um Bill actually um 3235 it was just he just signed it establishes a regulated market for intoxicating hemp products and prohibits the sale of these products by unauthorized sellers into individuals under 21 years of age so this is this is something that's just coming out now so apparently it's an issue somewhere in order for him to sign this so I don't know hi does that have anything to do with the Cannabis the CRC well it it came through under cannabis yeah it came through I just got it today in my email or yesterday it's what HB 3235 orb sen a biller House s cail 3235 I probably filed it under my canus file but it just came through New Jersey regulation yeah um it it was yesterday or today so I I'm not ready to vote on it if we're going to take an official vote tonight or if we're going to try to sum up what we want to put in the ordinance um is there anything you'd like to change any any recommendations well I kind of agree with just having coopertown road and N Creek Road um coopertown Road could be a little better regulated with the truck traffic um if when we get our study which also I realize that it does include other areas in town it includes the school includes um the bridge there's a lot of areas that we put on that list for that traffic study but [Music] um I don't know I'm not convinced that it's good for Delano at this point other than the financial part I like that that hemp bill is temporarily Banning the selling the hemp products with an Canabis without a Canabis license um the issue said that there were some retailers using legal loopholes to sell to miners different products that had it and it so it's compounding that not so much a distribution issue so they had to do with retail and ret specifically um drinks that contained it things of that nature so they were taking these drinks in knowing that they had the products in them but they didn't have a license to sell oh okay and like a very small milligram but still have LIC the percentage of it because it's still in the product but something where like a CBD store is able to sell certain products we have one here in town but 7-Eleven can't sell their products right I know that when they did the survey um that it was like the percentage was more in favor of this 70% 70% in favor in town in town in our in Delano so um I mean Jersey residents they spoke when they voted I mean the issue is the law so we find ways to make sure that you know they are B and by and they're not we hand them accordingly you know but it's it's here and doesn't seem to be going anywhere yeah yeah the the only thing I would suggest to to follow up on that is that if there is some discussion about um you know within within distance of parks when we talk about that in language it gets to be really difficult to see how that's actually going to play out in terms of what gets taken out as permitted and what gets included um I would want you know we've gone this far with Scott's involvement and I would want that planner input before we say because you it may turn out like okay we apply these rules and it sounds good and you effectively have not really zoned it for almost anywhere in town so I think that's the kind of thing we got to we got to really double check with Scott careful spot zoning and that's what I was just going to say spot zoning and I don't yeah so I think when we talked about this previously we actually can spot Zone this though well we we can I think as long as there's a rational basis as we're how approaching this so my point I guess is only that when we talk about Parks you know there's different types of parks uh in town how how are we going to Define that right distance are we going to put from that and then I think you know I've actually seen the planners when they get the information they do the the the circles around the areas and then show you what's left yeah and that's kind of what this is this is what put together this is this year or last year it's a map showing I believe I gave this to everybody last year this year an overlay showing where it would it would be um outside of 200 50 foot from residential zones and I'll hold it up for the public to see and you have uh Cooper Town Road here both sides of Cooper Town Road and you have Creek Road running down here with Field of Dreams um and you know that's really the industrial district so it's not affecting the residential section of town along the river along the creek um you have news Landing right here uh is the industrial sections of town but then we have our neighbors on Perkins Lane right we yeah we took out 250 qu from that as well oh okay yeah this map does that well I guess we're tbling it tonight to it down the road again okay what's next I think that was all we had on the agenda this evening Y is anybody from the public want to comment on that I'd be interested if anybody wanted to comment on that the meeting to the public for anyone wants to comment on that on the Cannabis anybody have any comments I know Heather was on the subcommittee Matt was on the subcommittee um I was supposed to be but because there were someone else from the township committee I had to resign from it uh I started it initially um the subcommittee but do any have any comments yeah Micha I have to agree with Mr I think going after something that down Road thank you thank you just give your name and address of the record if you could have I something um and it's a very diffult decision for me personally um I don't really support um any of the cist things I mean I know it passed in the township 70% of the people agreed to um to zoom cannabis legally and that's what they agree to I don't know how the community feels as far as having businesses and things in town related to it um um you know one one and 2% you're talking about 3% of your tax money if you're talking million approximately $30,000 so if you split that with a school that's $15,000 has it's more money than you had before but you have to look at the whole picture I mean and I'm not saying I'm going support or not support um I know we have a lot of um presentations and we asked a lot of really good questions and so of those things as far as I'm you I'm glad we're really kind of trying to take retail off the table because I think that was the hardest thing for me personally um and I you know growing it doesn't bul support of that either manufacturing distribution those kinds of things um again to that point which we did have in our meeting you know if you're if you're transporting alcohol liquor in a warehouse you're not really aware of what's really being transported they're just doing their jobs um I think environmentally was an issue for us how if there was growing and and things and how that would affect the environment which we kind of took down off the table um the idea of um the um traffic and things that's related to any warehouse which we've already kind of talked about earlier tonight so that's not really a cannabis directed issue um um and the idea that if some operation is operating 24 hours a day then you have ordinances that would limit the time so yeah you're it's kind of a there it's not a Clear Choice it's not a clear decision about you really have to kind of you know think about long-term impacts I mean I see it in other states because right now we can't cost state lines to transport anything so if you have a buttton if you end up with excess you could end up having it in a warehouse and it would just sit there and then it's no good for anybody so there's a lot of other things in addition to just well let's allow it let's not allow it and I think we kind of were at that point um I take the presentation that that we had T design and had another company come in or another town talk about how they chose what they chose and where they chose um and we asked questions so I mean it was well thought out about what we voted on and agreed to kind of present to you as a committee um where we felt were the most logical to at least Advance or look into more and research for you to research and feel whether or not we should try to improve them or you should try to improve them at the township level so um not really much help at this point but I'm just kind of rehashing how we kind of came to what we presented to you as a whole committee um it was not it was not a unanimous you know there were points in different categories that we felt okay well the majority felt that we couldn't pursue that or the majority felt that you know maybe that's not the best place for us to be in right now or that it didn't really have fit for our town like retail because of the other towns in our area that had that so I don't think it's a cotton dry and I think it you know some of it is you know you're kind of thinking of it personally and reflectively how it may impact the town ultimately we don't have CST of walls and we can't really say so um you know that's why we kind of we start out maybe with one area and see how that works and or or you know that's why we didn't go full hog and jump in and we didn't allow everything because we can't take it back once you agree to it so you know I think I know it seems like we're still talking about this two years later but it doesn't hurt to really become very informed and make a conscious decision and you know hopefully it's it's something that's better overall I mean is it better to have something in in the warehouses as opposed to it being empty I would say yes um just depending on what they're doing if they're running a 24 operation well I think this the one thing that I got out of what you were saying was the money the impact uh it's just it's a very small percentage and uh I don't know I don't know if you if so that's the other thing will you be making five six s 10 million you know what really will the impact you're saying it's 1% for this class or 2% for this class I mean that's not it's not a lot of money I I I think just from a business sense Financial sense um thank you heather for the comments um a business isn't going to operate out of one of these warehouses for to just make a million dollars that's any of these businesses here for the amount of rent that they're paying you're looking tens of millions of dollars that of their revenue they make a million dollars a week yeah they could make that with their eyes Clos so you're looking you're looking substantial yeah I think just any any sort of business they would never go in here just to make a million dollars and that's a cannabis business or anything else who's going to be renting one of these warehouses like the um the warehouse uh Blue Water just moved into down the road there I I could only imagine I know what they're asking for that property for the dollar per square so you know they're making money hand buer fist they have to be in order to substantiate a business to pay that rent so when you take whatever they're storing in that warehouse which I have no idea what it is all I know they get stuff shipped in from overseas and they distribute it to Walmart and Target whatever that is who knows but if you have that amount of Warehouse build a portion of cannabis just a little bit even that's substantial money that's just me as a businessman knowing business that's just my opinion on 105 but uh all right since I do not believe anybody wants to put a vote on this this evening so we'll continue to discuss this at coming meetings is there any other one else in the public who wants to make a comment on this no oh yeah sorry half tired all right uh close that to the public and is there anything else anyone has for this evening I'll take a motion toour please move second Carolyn and I heard Fern first so all in favor I I I right thank you very much for coming out this yeah