##VIDEO ID:BBH52f9uczc## the possibility of uh a Township green master plan that would be me thank you you're welcome Ruth mummy on behalf of friends of Del Township it had come to our attention in our group that we're getting different requests for memorials and so when we get those requests they may be in a park they may be at DS and we need to uh where our thinking is there should be some kind of guidelines because every time we get these request we will have to come to you as the committee to help us make the decision or you make the decision as to what is good for the tangable what is accessible what it what should be done in that vein I called John Morgan Thomas and I don't know how many people know who he is he lives in Delaware Township he is a wellknown and renowned landscape planner and designer he works with many M municipalities as well as private residences but he's long established and he has volunteered to do a plan for the green across the street now this plan would then be presented to the committee and voted upon and criticized or critiqued accepted or whatever change is made but before I go ahead and say to him gee that's great that's wonderful is the township committee interested in having him do such a plan that then would would give us guidelines as to how to proceed where lighting should go where the walkway should be where trees should be planted or benches should be planted in other words just a general overall guideline as a recommendation thank you I think it's a wonderful idea I think the uh price is certainly right and I would assume that whatever plan is brought for the committee if you know we don't like certain aspects of the plan we can pay our Park planner or Colliers engineering to make any minor changes that might be necessary depending upon the the whims of the committee so um did any of the other committee members have a a question for Mrs money or comment I mean John's great he is okay the only thing he requests is that he get I will get this exactly some form of the survey that he can work with sure and I'll communicate with I'll get that as long as the committee's okay with it so um if I could have a motion to allow us to provide the uh the plan to to ruse so that she can forward that along to uh John Morgan palas for his ideas and submit something back for our consideration thank you all those in favor I I can I just ask I mean is there anything that we I do we have any preferences right now or anything that we want him to know I mean sort of when we started the big Park plan obviously there were certain Concepts that people thought were important to incorporate and I just was wondering if there's anything I mean are there any limits to what where whatever so my understanding and and full disclosure I'm a member of friends of delare Township so so this very uh question came up we have existing memorials down there for three individuals the two park benches that are immediately adjacent to the sidewalk and then we have Josh's which is immediately in front of the uh Christmas tree that we utilize um we obviously have the um School evacuation sidewalk that goes to the firehouse that's a necessary uh for the safety of the children and then I know that the wreck committee is currently trying to get an AT&T or I'm sorry um T-Mobile Grant for a possible prola there um the only sort of limitations I would think that we have to worry about is there is an a cemetery that is located I believe on the in the back left corner if you're you know looking from this direction so obviously that would have to be done in the proper form uh make sure we continue the me proper memorialization of those folks um perhaps even a cleanup of that graveyard um and then beyond that we just want to make sure that we had the proper overflow parking for some of the events that occur at the fire station so okay so I mean that's why I'm saying I mean I don't know how plugged in John is to all of the above so I think that would be communicated uh with him and yeah many I will just make a list of what you just stated uh and you and I can can talk about it and then frankly I could ask the committee members if you know after consideration if there's some other things that you would like to add into that list you know I think it's a great idea and again in a a mini version of the concerns we had at the park which I think is what Bru's point is too people just come to you and then you're trying to figure out you know and then we're just like putting things down which are wonderful but there needs to be a plan everything's everything's Peace So I think that's a really good idea and so I I guess the only other suggestion I have is obviously things are out there already came the tree but I me I mean there may be things that he he he did mention that he had of course he's a resident in Township he's ridden by and he said there may have to be a few alterations but well I said we'll cross thatd we come to it right great um the other thing is the cemetery I know Barb had worked before where she previously lived with uh having a cemetery cleaned up but that's that's step two so we'll come back to you on that with any do some research on how that should be handled and John Mor and Thomas also spoke to me about cemeteries and cleanups and things like that so he has more information I saw one one time in a completely different typ of a project but there was a cemetery actually yes and this other project when they started the project they didn't even know there was a cemetery and then they discovered it when they were doing their surveying and found it survey corners and they found cemetery and what they ended up doing there and again is probably similar because the cemetery that was located in this other case was histor so they did end up cleaning it up um they put a little fence around it and they like a historic marker to talk about time that Cemetery did have a little stone wall around it it still does and uh I know part of it's broken down but there are very my husband and I went back in there 20 years ago and we know there are a lot of headstones that have fallen on the ground and we assume like most because I got involved in Ohio with my dad who was a veteran and we would go two cemeteries and we would um check to make sure there was any veterans in that cemetery and then the veterans group would come in and help clean it up help restore the the headstones and make sure that on Memorial days there would be Flags out so I assume just given the age of it there may be a veteran fact there too could could you give your name for I'm sorry I'm I'm Barbara Mills thank you and John John Thomas did mention also in working with other municipalities that he has addressed cemeteries in his planning so he has all sorts of information on how they should be handled that's great good thank you um to point about you guys want to discuss if you guidance and Ruth said something about like memorial benches there's been times when people have come here wanted to put a bench and there were discussions about pre picking out a style of a Bene so that there's consistency I don't know I I don't recall whether you reach that but that might be something that you would want to include in terms of a recommendation that moving forward if somebody wants to do that this is the Delaware Township bench in terms of yes and I I actually brought that up at our last meeting so we're we're we're C we the same so thank you so uh you had a motion we vote on this I can't yes you did you V you did the roll call it was all approved and then proved that the guy's a professional he lived in Township so let's do something but let him let him come up with the plan we we approved it a little while ago I I just got lost in sorry I'll try to be more efficient okay uh public comment so this uh public comment is on agenda I only will be 3 minutes per person when recognized please speak from the podium and provide your name anyone yes hello Judy Allen I've actually got comments on two different agenda items first of all in terms of the T screen master plan the Recreation Commission is working on this already so they really have to work together okay before you hire a planner and proceed not hire volunteer planner sorry uh we're waiting for the results of the survey because we have this T-Mobile Grant as you mentioned yes you know in the work so before you know anybody jumps ahead there has to be some communication I speaking with Tim Sal probably on a daily basis concerning this whole thing so and I have so maybe John Thomas should took the Recreation Commission meeting and kind of talk about it too because we have ideas Y and you have ideas that be wonderful and uh also in terms of the benches is uh the Recreation Commission made a recommendation a number of years ago on the style of benches that follow the county bench design so just to keep it the back other comment question rather is about um I know it's an introduction ordinance not a second reading but the property maintenance ordinance how does this differ from the one that was discussed this summer there was some clarification with the verbage of site and to make sure that applied to the site triangles as opposed to Lots correct okay correct very good that was what your input was so that's and to me it's a substantive enough change that we have to do it over again so that's why we're do it in first reading excellent thank you you're welcome thank you anyone else okay seeing none we will move forward uh to Township community Lon report so sue do you have anything um the next newsletter deadline is October 25th um newsletter committee members will be reaching out here and there to get some info um the storm water committee is still wondering about the um letter that they had wanted to send in support of Stockton to the uh nrcs for a plan for storm water we we just had a meeting with um Aaron from Stockton literally 30 minutes ago and we're going to go ahead sign that letter okay they were asking me if they needed to come to like another meeting somewhere but that's super that letter or did you amend it not allowed to amend so I think we're actually going to have to go to vote on that because um I know the the previous time we discussed that you had some issues because there was an eminent domain clause in there we we got some clarification on that where the letter that we're signing would not subject the township nor its residents to eminent domain immediately doesn't subject us to anything it's a it's a solicitation for information and suggestions now the devil's in the details for round two they might depending upon what they recommend we might have to have a different conversation but at this point there's no reason not to send the letter to get the process started wonderful thank you for doing that because they've been sort of asking us for that for no I I know we were just concerned about you should you should do a motion to authorize the mayor to sign the letter and send it I'll make a motion authorize the May to sign the letter to support stockt B's study of the watered on Route 523 that runs right into second okay uh do I need all in all in favor I thank you um yeah that's a good one um the uh environmental commission will be working with the um on the litter March this weekend march on March on lter that Saturday morning um they're always looking for a volunteers um and I think I don't the agenda I heard I I missed the shade tree meeting but I heard that um the shade tree commission has some trees that they had wanted to plant they were thinking on again the DPW Police Department property and they were told that they had to get the township committee's approval to do that okay we're going to talk about that on your new business okay so we can hold on that sh think that's everything open space committee um met the coordinator that's assigned from from the conservation whatever conserv I forget the name anyway they met her and and she is working on um an Outreach postcard working with open space Comm to get the language right to do an outage postcard and I'm not sure at this point exactly how many people they intend to send that to but to support that effort as well the newsletter will probably carry the same information okay in the next Edition so great so I think that's everything okay thank you sue uh Joe do you have anything um no I don't thank you Dave nothing I just want to compliment our DPW supervisor there he they're doing a wonderful job down there yes they are and they've made a lot of progress since he's been here and uh just he can make his do a report I just wanted to say good job thank thanks Dave okay uh I just have a couple things uh first off a post office update yeah um so the our our the the old fire chief is really the one that's been leading the or spearheading the whole uh project and he's been in contact with the real estate agent that uh represents the post office he also has spoken with the contractor that is slated to do all the work inside the post office um he kept hearing that the project would start within a few months as you're aware from two meetings ago a postcard went out and I'm sure all the residents sld the postcard essentially asking for public comment um why that went out apparently is just something that they normally do but unfortunately I think the window for you to provide comment and feedback to them was 30 to 60 days so that put 45 days 45 days so right in between um anyway that delayed it 45 days so there was hope that they would begin after the the conclusion of the period the latest conversation that um uh Chief fluming had with his contact was they're planning to get going but unfortunately hurricane Helena Milton has resulted in over one the loss of 100 post offices and those various locations and obviously the SWA of Destruction was so large that it's not as if you know here we were able to move our post office to Stockon and of course it's out of the way somewhat for us but we're still able to get our man there's plenty of people in North Carolina um Tennessee Georgia Florida they don't have that option because all those post offices are gone so unfortunately that is for us but fortunately for those folks um they're the top priority currently so I don't know um there was no timeline given um the one thing that we are going to try to accomplish is obviously the firehouse in anticipation of the work being completed has not been able to sign up any events there and hence there's a tremendous loss of Revenue um he is hopeful that through the real estate agent that he's able to negotiate some sort of monthly rent if you will until the construction starts so that not only would the uh Fire Company generate some Revenue uh to make up for the loss of the revenue from the events but also hold the post office folks feet to the fire s the longer that they're paying that rent and ultimately you know government hates losing money on on projects like that hopefully it would speed up the process so whether or not he's able to entice them to to sign that contract or a real estate agreement we shall say uh but at least it's something that might happen um and I wish I had better news for everyone in respect to that um second piece uh GC pnl uh Justin and I and the uh Emergency Management police officer Sergeant Sergeant illis met with uh our represent representative from jcpnl and apparently they have uh before the BPU board a utility rate increase another one another one uh that so before everyone gets upset I think you're going to like what they're trying to accomplish here um the utility rate increase and I probably shouldn't be saying this on public record but apparently will will substantially benefit our area and our area over and above all the other townships that they cover in that there's going to be significant infrastructure upgrades including new poles new lines and also what they call Smart switching where if one house or one subline goes out it's smart enough to know that it can turn on the remainder of the circuit and sort of isolate the one house that is out they told us likeo they they they did but they didn't have the money to accomplish it so they are hopeful that this is the BPU increase would allow them to begin this project work and if it is uh if it is voted or or approved by the BPU apparently that work would begin as soon as spring or next summer they they first of all last year mhm this time they had a rate increase mhm last year at this time because it was pre-election and I didn't wanted to get into the politics of anything you know I sent a letter personally and said any rate increase should be tied to an improvement in service which we have never gotten so here we are again another year later another increase and another promise of nothing another promise um unfortunately and I keep saying this they're Monopoly of course I um our only means by which to hold their feet to the fire is the BPU so if you would like and it's certainly up to this committee I could write a letter to the BPU to only authorize the in this Township would only like the authorization of the increase to be directly tied to improvements um but we can't specify you know to Township or what not uh simply because we don't look like we're acting under favoritism but um I could certainly do that as I said I have a letter that I drafted and sent personally no wonder because I wasn't authorized to do it for us right I'm happy to share that if you want to send it under we can reauthorize it under the township if if the committee so wishes I have no problem signing just so you know that smart technology that's been at least 20 years ago oh I know that and they did we did get it some of it in some parts of the township I I think it all comes down to density right unfortunately we aren't New York City we're Delaware Township so they have to utilize they they spend on the infrastructure where they're getting the most um you know monthly bills from folks utilizing the energy it's just the fact of life um losing energy in Delaware Township is uh one of the best parts of living here so um it's going to happen so but if the committee wants me to write that letter I'm more than happy to do that so do I have a motion for that sign yeah I mean is that a motion Joe I'll second the motion as I said I I had a letter that I drafted a year ago it set out Point by point you are certainly welcome to take it and modify it as see you think it's appropriate but I think that's what I said it was like you know if you're doing another rate increase or you shouldn't allow them to have a rate increase unless they promise to do these things understood I I don't disagree with you edit it any way so if you could forward that to me so all those in favor I I okay thank you another jcpnl bline item but this one isn't as painful I promise um they're doing Highwire Line work so they're going to be utilizing a a helicopter that will be taking off and landing near the 202 Bridge which is still within Delaware Township um you're obviously going to see a helicopter flying back and forth uh probably mostly in District 5 because I think that's where a majority of these lines are uh but don't be scared and don't think uh you know we're under attack or anything like that and you're put that on our website as I can I certainly can good idea uh did you did you see the chief's note from that about that yes I think I already put it on thank you we've done it in the I'll check there's other C so okay okay that's all that's all I had um so uh let's move forward with uh the administrator's reportan please I have a couple of things um the post office did submit plans for the construction to our construction official okay and he approved them so ready to go um also um the engineer is going to start surveying the park on Thursday for the park plan okay um so the park will be closed from 8:00 a.m. on Thursday until 5:00 p.m. on Friday they're going to um use drones and put markers out um so Thursday night the mar will be there and Friday they'll remove them so it's important to close it nobody touches the markers okay um and then I just wanted to comment on um oh do we need I apologize do we need to reach out to the chief to make sure that the gates are closed on the park Etc the chief knows Public Works know great we're all working together on that um I want to comment on the introduction of the ordinance for the taxation it's um veteran property tax yes so the ordinance just states that um when someone is given the disabled veteran um property tax exemption the Retro refund is limited to the current year of the submission okay it's a policy we' always followed but we wanted to do a formal ordinance okay thank you Diane uh we'll move forward with the DTW report Jon all right uh some of the tree work we did in town we responded to 10 down trees in town uh we hauled out our cardboard dumpsters uh mix recyclable cut grass at dilts as well as Town Hall DTS and various other locations continued our roadside mowing around uh Township roads uh mowed and removed brush on the White Oak Trail path we picked up brush along Township roads also the high winds uh installed new signs at Town Hall changing the traffic pattern in front of the farmer table here and also the General Store water are the trees on Lower Creek Road and plants at the police station we also installed a new information sign at our recycling center and Public Works facility uh just to give residents an idea of like where they can drop off things at the County as well as Shredder days and other things uh roads and drainage work we did we painted the parking lines out here in town hall and also at the police station pave various locations throughout Town Clean Catch Bas and tops uh continued our storm water upgrades per the TR storm water regulations and we also did a drainage job on graft and road we installed 140 ft of pipe um and a catch Basin to prevent future flooding in that area can I ask um so we're putting together the newsletter which will cover December January February okay if you have anything okay um you can send it to me or or Diana or just but um yes so that we can get it in there so s here yeah definitely that's perfect yeah okay there's a couple things in there so that's perfect okay nice thank you thank you thank you J problem just one question just cuz someone has recently asked me about Ron and you're right here yeah is is that like the is that like the end of the work or is there more cuz I know there so if you go down Grafton from 523 where the S turn is there we installed the pipe that goes across the road and we also installed the pipe where two driveways have constantly just washed out yeah um so we're trying to Red Direct the water in both directions because previously the water was just going One Direction it was just constantly washing out of the driveway yeah so we're trying to just push push the water to two different areas and not wash out their driveway that's why we install the catch Bas to there too cat water all right so just curious go thank you y you're welcome hey D did you have any questions for Justin no okay thank you Justin thank you for your report great job by the way thank you okay we're going to move on to the introduction of ordinances uh so our first one is ordinance 202 24-14 an ordinance to amend the code of the T of Del in County state of New Jersey chapter 326 thereof entitled taxation to add article 3 disabled veteran property tax exemption can I get a motion to introduce please so moved second all those in favor no oh that's right roll call please David V Chad bow Susan L yes Joseph Boi yes may W yes so we will have a public hearing on ordinance 202 24-14 on the 12th of November of this year uh next one is ordinance 202 24-15 an ordinance to amend the code of Township of Del of Delaware County of hun state of New Jersey amending chapter 268 Property Maintenance uh could I have a motion to introduced please so move second okay roll call please David B yeah can I ask a question Property Maintenance what are you talking about people don't keep the property up or that's the sight line yeah that's sight line so in other words if there's if there's any growth or any type of debris that obstructs a sight line that the safety issue okay it can be cleaned it also in other areas not involving the sight line if there's dead ash trees for example on property that pose a a a health and safety issue they can be asked to remove it under the ordinance things like thank you yes I approve the motion thank you okay CH Susan Lo yes josephi yes and mayor yes okay public hearing will be held on the 12th of November 2024 okay uh we're going to public hearing adoption of ordinance ordinance 202 24-13 an ordinance to amend the code of town the code of Township of Delaware County of Hunter state of New Jersey chapter 56 thereof entitled officers and employees to add a new article providing for the position of P purchasing agent uh if I could have a motion to open the public hearing so move second second can R do I voice vote Voice vote okay uh all those in favor I okay public hearing on uh ordinance 24-13 anyone have any questions or comments seeing no could I seeing none could I have a motion to close uh public hearing second all those all those in favor I I okay any uh comment from the committee members so remind me I mean we already have a purchasing agent that we just not have it okay what I thought okay just check it any other questions from the committee members okay uh could I have a roll call please motion to motion to approve okay could I have a motion to adopt ordinates 20243 so move second roll call please David B yes Chad bow Susan lwood yes Joseph B yes mayor W yes okay uh consent agenda uh res so these consent agenda consists of resolution 24174 authorizing dtmua membership change resolution 24- 175 authorizing refund of per witness fe uh second day of block 25 lot 7 resolution resolution 24176 supporting bill sc-81 1 ACR -58 aimed at increasing the New Jersey Veterans property tax deduction to two $2500 and finally resolution 24177 extending hours at DS park for the meteor watch event uh do any committee members uh require any of these particular uh resolutions to be pulled for further discussion okay uh I could get a motion the consent agenda as is I make that motion approve the consent agenda as is okay second okay uh roll call please David B yes Chad bow Susan L yes josephi yes may yes thank you uh resolution 24178 authorizing payment of Municipal obligation in the amount of 1, 15664 665 uh could I have a motion the resolution second okay roll call please David yes Chad B Susan Lockwood yes josephi yes yes okay no new oh I'm sorry no old business we'll now move forward with new business uh we're going to acknowledge the receipt of DTM mua audit uh this is for the years ending January 31st 2024 and 2023 and know if anyone had any comments or questions in respect to the audit or if our uh CFO had any comments that you'd like to point out to us they had um there were no areas or anything for them to address no it what I would expect to be described was a clean audit Dian did you have any uh comments in respect to the um dtmua audit no it's just um we we need to as a committee acknowledge that they did their audit okay so if I could uh I guess we'll need a motion to recognize the fact that DTM no motion okay okay thank you okay uh we're going to uh now acknowledge the resignation of our zoning officer Mike Mullen uh Mike was with us for how many years fairly long time at least 10 12 15 years somewhere like that um obviously we thank Mike for all of his hard work and dedication to the township um unfortunately Mike took another position uh that would not allow him to be here in the building on Wednesday evening and all the residents are used to being able to come here on Wednesday evening meet with the zoning officer meet with the construction Department um he was available on Tuesday night but we all thought that um splitting it up into two evenings would probably be too detrimental and time tuning for the res um obviously we wish uh Mike all the best and uh good luck to all his future endeavors and thank you for service here the attention uh next we have solicitor license ordinance uh whether we want to take a look at this to either repeal it or revise it now this sorry I think you skipped the application for oh I'm sorry uh so we have an application for projects on Township property and I believe Justin this was B under your suggestion that we that we put something like this in into effect and the reason being is we have a lot of um Eagle Scout projects Girl Scout projects Etc that are done in in in at DS or I guess technically any of the township own properties they could occur um it'd be nice for Justin to take a look and for the committee to understand exactly what the projects about and whether or not it provides any you know additional work or whatnot that would be required from our uh Department of Public Works to maintain those projects um so we obviously want to take that under consideration as a committee before we approve them so this form would essentially require them to fill out that information uh in order for the committee to review it and ultimately you know have Justin input uh what the commitment if any would be by by the DPW and whether or not they could actually do it uh to the standards that that would be required and therefore we can make an informed decision as to whether or not we should approve the project is in your and it is in the uh the packet for your is this what you were thinking was for the tree planting the storm water not storm water Tre storm water wanted to plant trees too but we didn't have any so no I mean I think it's important because location is key and um you know I know um Shad we had requested by the police station um but I mean I think like should be talked about amongst everybody to see what the best location would be go from there well I think the issue right now is because we don't want to do anything in the park because so they have trees that they need to go somewhere and maybe I'm not sure that they knew that as I said the storm water committee for a long time has been thinking there was a good area to try and um sort of restore some like there's Wetland area back there and whatever so I don't specifically where shade tree was aiming for but there might be an area again that you know other than starting them you know early on trees need water and after that hopefully they're sustainable on their own or else you PL the place so I don't know really what they had in mind but I'm guessing that they you know they had the money available and they have the trees and they just were looking for good location they could encumber it for next year anyway if you approve this we can get it out to the recission all the different because there's a lot of people asking to do various projects within Town Book boxes and trees and benches all this stuff I just think it should be voted amongst you guys you know location wise because if we do anything out here I think you know some people somebody wanted to put a a book box out here also so I mean I think it's should talk about or just everybody put stuff wherever oh no I mean I agree with you completely that's why we were trying to have plans for various places the trees are kind of a little different should we make need a motion or anything to adopt this form okay get a motion motion for the uh approve the township anden application mov all those in favor I okay thank you thank you can you table the next item for executive session please sir the pad line yeah okay uh request for camping at DS by the Boy Scouts Oran 20 uh ordinance 2008-13 States camping is only allowed by special permit from the township committee and I think the problem is we don't have that special permit well I mean there right we'd have to create one but also what's the criteria for determining it and you know safety concerns I think we probably need to ask Chief Kane his input on this he could be but we could take this offline we can have I could work with Diana and Diane and the chief okay get some ideas together I I think that makes sense now was there any specific time that the The Voice SC wanted well it came up but it wasn't going to be in time for us to meet anyway so I told them that I would bring the topic up because they want to revisit it were they trying to get this done this fall or are we talking last weekend okay got it okay they were going to be there during the day they oh it's a shame if we can get it done but we want to make sure we get it done properly and everyone's safe and Township isn't under any sort of liability so so great uh and then hopefully we'll get whatever we need for the next meeting and we can discuss so thank you okay uh we're now to the open for public comment section so this is uh once again 3 minutes per person uh one recognize if you could please speak from the podium and provide your name the mic is to open sir in the back sure thank you uh Charlie IR resident sorry I wasn't at your August or September meeting so this is my first I kind of caught up on the Weber files and um and your minutes to find out what happened about the Parkland um and also what's gone on recently I'm asking the township committee to publicly fact check candidates and their Advocates who are campaigning and misrepresenting um to at seniors meetings and door too the approved Park plans contrary to their messaging the park plans seem to indicate that a large portion of the improvements will benefit residents of all ages not just children accessible parking and trails safer playing fields and an updated Snack Shack and bathrooms are all things that need to be added and updated especially when they're be being used for and by the public park improvements ultimately increase the value of all properties in the township because assessments of property values are directly connected with good schools good roads and Recreation facili and programs those who oppose the park plan are also noted at this meeting and going door too for saying that this is not what Sarah D would have wed for the park and my question is how in the world do they know that Sarah DS died 30 years ago and unless they they've uncovered her long lost diary or have the best Ouija board in the world that they're fundraisers they're just making it up to scare residents they went to a senior's meeting and told told seniors that and it's been said at this meeting as well that Sarah DW won it and I think it's a the height of insult to the residents of our communities to try and say what Sarah bills would want and here's the thing it doesn't matter what you would want because whether it's made up or it's real her feelings wouldn't be relevant to the municipality's obligation right now to have safe facilities that meet current standards that's your job not the wishes of somebody who's who donated the land 30 years ago one member of the township committee voted no for the park and improvements and I don't understand how a person who has voted yes to give themselves a raise year after year for 20 years could in good conscious vote no for handicapped parking accessible playgrounds trails and safer Playing Fields how can you play politics with your vote and turn your back on safety improvements in order to get a cheap Round of Applause from an audience of your donors it's a s slap in the face to the people who are paying your salary and patting your pension after 3 years of discussion you have yet to offer an alternative plan your vote was a no to seniors having a safer trail system to use no to a playground that children of all abilities could enjoy no to parking spaces with for those with disabilities and no to sections of native plantings to cut down on mowing areas and improve storm water management not to safer Crossing points for small children just know with only the satisfaction of making your donors happy I'm hoping the committee condemns the committee members and candidates for office who are playing Petty politics with the safety of our residents and accessibility of our part It's just irresponsible thank you anyone else okay I just have two things to come in on um the book A book box was mentioned I think that's it and the one that's out there which I love is I love books uh looks great but it leaks so all the books get moldy and I just don't know like we even my husband and I even thought about us fixing but it's not wors I just don't know who to like direct that to or to volunteer to you know try to like fix it so it doesn't lean because that's the whole point of a book box is you know wet books sure so I don't know it be glad to help if that's okay and then what I should have read in my presentation is the five principles for responsible outdoor lighting which I can do in like two minutes here so number one is that they're useful use light only if it's needed and all the light has a clear purpose okay um targeted so the light only Falls where it is needing needed using like shielding and careful aiming of the target beam so it points downward does not spill where it's not needed low level lowest light required you know again like our parking lot was like the opposite of that so that was a long time ago hopefully um use a motion controls like timers or motion detectors when possible turn off when not needed so it's controlled and warm C so that kind of sums it up and um and I don't know if you got a copy of any of these did did you send it because he's going to be in charge of a lot of the actual projects actually have a spare copy for for him I can email you a copy too get a copy so yeah did I say I'm Karen Peters resident so yes thank you thank you anybody else sir um good evening my name is Joe VY resident at lamber Road um may we you were received communication from Nicole Bo who's an attorney representing um some folks who live on 523 next to a former junkyard um this is probably something you should bring up I just want to make sure the committee is aware that there's been a request that the committee follow up on a letter that you authorize the mayor to sign back in early February uh requesting that the DP complete a a an investigation of all potential contaminants that could have come from that junkyard there's a a well that's already been contaminated nearby Mrs Herman's property and they tested for lead and they found lead of course there were a lot of batteries removed but there a lot of other things that could come from the junle so your letter back in February asked the DP to do a complete investigation just as a private person any private person would have to do if they reported a spill of these kinds of things or a town would have to do in this case because it's the D they don't want to spend the money it appear so they're sort of going slow so uh the recommendation is to send another letter to an office of locals the DP but I would also suggest that you add the commissioner hopefully the commissioner looks at the mail sometimes and we really should get a response to the February letter thank you any other comments okay uh seeing n I'm going to close uh public comment um and I just wanted to uh Mr Wy I just wanted to indicate I I plan on having the discussion with the township attorney and executive session toer possible next steps and we forward committee with whatever committee decides to so thank you for bringing that up um I'm going to uh go with the township committee comments next so um Su any comments yeah I just want to say that one of our newsletter members Alison wer who actually has been on the newsletter for 15 years um they sold their house and they're moving away so um she's been well we're looking for volunteers but just should be thanking her because I said she's been on the committee for 15 years and um I said if you enjoy the little puzzles and stuff that you find there she does the church Corner she does the puzzles that in there she actually became our storm water person so anytime there was a storm water article she did that for us as well um and she as I said new she's actually trying to help us with the final newsletter okay um even though she's leaving by the end of this month so anyway I just wanted everyone to at least know that she's been um a really a great ass ab and a good Community member yep so that's all I have thank you thank you sir no comment okay I I don't have any additional comments either um so uh we are now going to go into executive sessions uh session for the approval of resolution 24179 uh I'm sorry we're going to approve resolution 24179 to enter into executive for the purpose of discussing personal Personnel matters contract negotiation and subjects falling under the attorney client privilege the discussion is expected to take approximately 30 minutes action will be taken thank you everyone oh could I get a motion executive session I make a motion to go into executive session second all those in favor thank you everyone for coming this evening enjoy the baseball game Yanke y are are they what's the score what's three nothing nice --------- ##VIDEO ID:EXE1pPXd4RM## the possibility of uh a Township green master plan that would be me thank you you're welcome Ruth mummy on behalf of friends of Del Township it had come to our attention in our group that we're getting different requests for memorials and so when we get those requests they may be in a park they may be at DS and we need to uh where our thinking is there should be some kind of guidelines because every time we get these request we will have to come to you as the committee to help us make the decision or you make the decision as to what is good for the tangable what is accessible what it what should be done in that vein I called John Morgan Thomas and I don't know how many people know who he is he lives in Delaware Township he is a wellknown and renowned landscape planner and designer he works with many M municipalities as well as private residences but he's long established and he has volunteered to do a plan for the green across the street now this plan would then be presented to the committee and voted upon and criticized or critiqued accepted or whatever change is made but before I go ahead and say to him gee that's great that's wonderful is the township committee interested in having him do such a plan that then would would give us guidelines as to how to proceed where lighting should go where the walkway should be where trees should be planted or benches should be planted in other words just a general overall guideline as a recommendation thank you I think it's a wonderful idea I think the uh price is certainly right and I would assume that whatever plan is brought for the committee if you know we don't like certain aspects of the plan we can pay our Park planner or Colliers engineering to make any minor changes that might be necessary depending upon the the whims of the committee so um did any of the other committee members have a a question for Mrs money or comment I mean John's great he is okay the only thing he requests is that he get I will get this exactly some form of the survey that he can work with sure and I'll communicate with I'll get that as long as the committee's okay with it so um if I could have a motion to allow us to provide the uh the plan to to ruse so that she can forward that along to uh John Morgan palas for his ideas and submit something back for our consideration thank you all those in favor I I can I just ask I mean is there anything that we I do we have any preferences right now or anything that we want him to know I mean sort of when we started the big Park plan obviously there were certain Concepts that people thought were important to incorporate and I just was wondering if there's anything I mean are there any limits to what where whatever so my understanding and and full disclosure I'm a member of friends of delare Township so so this very uh question came up we have existing memorials down there for three individuals the two park benches that are immediately adjacent to the sidewalk and then we have Josh's which is immediately in front of the uh Christmas tree that we utilize um we obviously have the um School evacuation sidewalk that goes to the firehouse that's a necessary uh for the safety of the children and then I know that the wreck committee is currently trying to get an AT&T or I'm sorry um T-Mobile Grant for a possible prola there um the only sort of limitations I would think that we have to worry about is there is an a cemetery that is located I believe on the in the back left corner if you're you know looking from this direction so obviously that would have to be done in the proper form uh make sure we continue the me proper memorialization of those folks um perhaps even a cleanup of that graveyard um and then beyond that we just want to make sure that we had the proper overflow parking for some of the events that occur at the fire station so okay so I mean that's why I'm saying I mean I don't know how plugged in John is to all of the above so I think that would be communicated uh with him and yeah many I will just make a list of what you just stated uh and you and I can can talk about it and then frankly I could ask the committee members if you know after consideration if there's some other things that you would like to add into that list you know I think it's a great idea and again in a a mini version of the concerns we had at the park which I think is what Bru's point is too people just come to you and then you're trying to figure out you know and then we're just like putting things down which are wonderful but there needs to be a plan everything's everything's Peace So I think that's a really good idea and so I I guess the only other suggestion I have is obviously things are out there already came the tree but I me I mean there may be things that he he he did mention that he had of course he's a resident in Township he's ridden by and he said there may have to be a few alterations but well I said we'll cross thatd we come to it right great um the other thing is the cemetery I know Barb had worked before where she previously lived with uh having a cemetery cleaned up but that's that's step two so we'll come back to you on that with any do some research on how that should be handled and John Mor and Thomas also spoke to me about cemeteries and cleanups and things like that so he has more information I saw one one time in a completely different typ of a project but there was a cemetery actually yes and this other project when they started the project they didn't even know there was a cemetery and then they discovered it when they were doing their surveying and found it survey corners and they found cemetery and what they ended up doing there and again is probably similar because the cemetery that was located in this other case was histor so they did end up cleaning it up um they put a little fence around it and they like a historic marker to talk about time that Cemetery did have a little stone wall around it it still does and uh I know part of it's broken down but there are very my husband and I went back in there 20 years ago and we know there are a lot of headstones that have fallen on the ground and we assume like most because I got involved in Ohio with my dad who was a veteran and we would go two cemeteries and we would um check to make sure there was any veterans in that cemetery and then the veterans group would come in and help clean it up help restore the the headstones and make sure that on Memorial days there would be Flags out so I assume just given the age of it there may be a veteran fact there too could could you give your name for I'm sorry I'm I'm Barbara Mills thank you and John John Thomas did mention also in working with other municipalities that he has addressed cemeteries in his planning so he has all sorts of information on how they should be handled that's great good thank you um to point about you guys want to discuss if you guidance and Ruth said something about like memorial benches there's been times when people have come here wanted to put a bench and there were discussions about pre picking out a style of a Bene so that there's consistency I don't know I I don't recall whether you reach that but that might be something that you would want to include in terms of a recommendation that moving forward if somebody wants to do that this is the Delaware Township bench in terms of yes and I I actually brought that up at our last meeting so we're we're we're C we the same so thank you so uh you had a motion we vote on this I can't yes you did you V you did the roll call it was all approved and then proved that the guy's a professional he lived in Township so let's do something but let him let him come up with the plan we we approved it a little while ago I I just got lost in sorry I'll try to be more efficient okay uh public comment so this uh public comment is on agenda I only will be 3 minutes per person when recognized please speak from the podium and provide your name anyone yes hello Judy Allen I've actually got comments on two different agenda items first of all in terms of the T screen master plan the Recreation Commission is working on this already so they really have to work together okay before you hire a planner and proceed not hire volunteer planner sorry uh we're waiting for the results of the survey because we have this T-Mobile Grant as you mentioned yes you know in the work so before you know anybody jumps ahead there has to be some communication I speaking with Tim Sal probably on a daily basis concerning this whole thing so and I have so maybe John Thomas should took the Recreation Commission meeting and kind of talk about it too because we have ideas Y and you have ideas that be wonderful and uh also in terms of the benches is uh the Recreation Commission made a recommendation a number of years ago on the style of benches that follow the county bench design so just to keep it the back other comment question rather is about um I know it's an introduction ordinance not a second reading but the property maintenance ordinance how does this differ from the one that was discussed this summer there was some clarification with the verbage of site and to make sure that applied to the site triangles as opposed to Lots correct okay correct very good that was what your input was so that's and to me it's a substantive enough change that we have to do it over again so that's why we're do it in first reading excellent thank you you're welcome thank you anyone else okay seeing none we will move forward uh to Township community Lon report so sue do you have anything um the next newsletter deadline is October 25th um newsletter committee members will be reaching out here and there to get some info um the storm water committee is still wondering about the um letter that they had wanted to send in support of Stockton to the uh nrcs for a plan for storm water we we just had a meeting with um Aaron from Stockton literally 30 minutes ago and we're going to go ahead sign that letter okay they were asking me if they needed to come to like another meeting somewhere but that's super that letter or did you amend it not allowed to amend so I think we're actually going to have to go to vote on that because um I know the the previous time we discussed that you had some issues because there was an eminent domain clause in there we we got some clarification on that where the letter that we're signing would not subject the township nor its residents to eminent domain immediately doesn't subject us to anything it's a it's a solicitation for information and suggestions now the devil's in the details for round two they might depending upon what they recommend we might have to have a different conversation but at this point there's no reason not to send the letter to get the process started wonderful thank you for doing that because they've been sort of asking us for that for no I I know we were just concerned about you should you should do a motion to authorize the mayor to sign the letter and send it I'll make a motion authorize the May to sign the letter to support stockt B's study of the watered on Route 523 that runs right into second okay uh do I need all in all in favor I thank you um yeah that's a good one um the uh environmental commission will be working with the um on the litter March this weekend march on March on lter that Saturday morning um they're always looking for a volunteers um and I think I don't the agenda I heard I I missed the shade tree meeting but I heard that um the shade tree commission has some trees that they had wanted to plant they were thinking on again the DPW Police Department property and they were told that they had to get the township committee's approval to do that okay we're going to talk about that on your new business okay so we can hold on that sh think that's everything open space committee um met the coordinator that's assigned from from the conservation whatever conserv I forget the name anyway they met her and and she is working on um an Outreach postcard working with open space Comm to get the language right to do an outage postcard and I'm not sure at this point exactly how many people they intend to send that to but to support that effort as well the newsletter will probably carry the same information okay in the next Edition so great so I think that's everything okay thank you sue uh Joe do you have anything um no I don't thank you Dave nothing I just want to compliment our DPW supervisor there he they're doing a wonderful job down there yes they are and they've made a lot of progress since he's been here and uh just he can make his do a report I just wanted to say good job thank thanks Dave okay uh I just have a couple things uh first off a post office update yeah um so the our our the the old fire chief is really the one that's been leading the or spearheading the whole uh project and he's been in contact with the real estate agent that uh represents the post office he also has spoken with the contractor that is slated to do all the work inside the post office um he kept hearing that the project would start within a few months as you're aware from two meetings ago a postcard went out and I'm sure all the residents sld the postcard essentially asking for public comment um why that went out apparently is just something that they normally do but unfortunately I think the window for you to provide comment and feedback to them was 30 to 60 days so that put 45 days 45 days so right in between um anyway that delayed it 45 days so there was hope that they would begin after the the conclusion of the period the latest conversation that um uh Chief fluming had with his contact was they're planning to get going but unfortunately hurricane Helena Milton has resulted in over one the loss of 100 post offices and those various locations and obviously the SWA of Destruction was so large that it's not as if you know here we were able to move our post office to Stockon and of course it's out of the way somewhat for us but we're still able to get our man there's plenty of people in North Carolina um Tennessee Georgia Florida they don't have that option because all those post offices are gone so unfortunately that is for us but fortunately for those folks um they're the top priority currently so I don't know um there was no timeline given um the one thing that we are going to try to accomplish is obviously the firehouse in anticipation of the work being completed has not been able to sign up any events there and hence there's a tremendous loss of Revenue um he is hopeful that through the real estate agent that he's able to negotiate some sort of monthly rent if you will until the construction starts so that not only would the uh Fire Company generate some Revenue uh to make up for the loss of the revenue from the events but also hold the post office folks feet to the fire s the longer that they're paying that rent and ultimately you know government hates losing money on on projects like that hopefully it would speed up the process so whether or not he's able to entice them to to sign that contract or a real estate agreement we shall say uh but at least it's something that might happen um and I wish I had better news for everyone in respect to that um second piece uh GC pnl uh Justin and I and the uh Emergency Management police officer Sergeant Sergeant illis met with uh our represent representative from jcpnl and apparently they have uh before the BPU board a utility rate increase another one another one uh that so before everyone gets upset I think you're going to like what they're trying to accomplish here um the utility rate increase and I probably shouldn't be saying this on public record but apparently will will substantially benefit our area and our area over and above all the other townships that they cover in that there's going to be significant infrastructure upgrades including new poles new lines and also what they call Smart switching where if one house or one subline goes out it's smart enough to know that it can turn on the remainder of the circuit and sort of isolate the one house that is out they told us likeo they they they did but they didn't have the money to accomplish it so they are hopeful that this is the BPU increase would allow them to begin this project work and if it is uh if it is voted or or approved by the BPU apparently that work would begin as soon as spring or next summer they they first of all last year mhm this time they had a rate increase mhm last year at this time because it was pre-election and I didn't wanted to get into the politics of anything you know I sent a letter personally and said any rate increase should be tied to an improvement in service which we have never gotten so here we are again another year later another increase and another promise of nothing another promise um unfortunately and I keep saying this they're Monopoly of course I um our only means by which to hold their feet to the fire is the BPU so if you would like and it's certainly up to this committee I could write a letter to the BPU to only authorize the in this Township would only like the authorization of the increase to be directly tied to improvements um but we can't specify you know to Township or what not uh simply because we don't look like we're acting under favoritism but um I could certainly do that as I said I have a letter that I drafted and sent personally no wonder because I wasn't authorized to do it for us right I'm happy to share that if you want to send it under we can reauthorize it under the township if if the committee so wishes I have no problem signing just so you know that smart technology that's been at least 20 years ago oh I know that and they did we did get it some of it in some parts of the township I I think it all comes down to density right unfortunately we aren't New York City we're Delaware Township so they have to utilize they they spend on the infrastructure where they're getting the most um you know monthly bills from folks utilizing the energy it's just the fact of life um losing energy in Delaware Township is uh one of the best parts of living here so um it's going to happen so but if the committee wants me to write that letter I'm more than happy to do that so do I have a motion for that sign yeah I mean is that a motion Joe I'll second the motion as I said I I had a letter that I drafted a year ago it set out Point by point you are certainly welcome to take it and modify it as see you think it's appropriate but I think that's what I said it was like you know if you're doing another rate increase or you shouldn't allow them to have a rate increase unless they promise to do these things understood I I don't disagree with you edit it any way so if you could forward that to me so all those in favor I I okay thank you another jcpnl bline item but this one isn't as painful I promise um they're doing Highwire Line work so they're going to be utilizing a a helicopter that will be taking off and landing near the 202 Bridge which is still within Delaware Township um you're obviously going to see a helicopter flying back and forth uh probably mostly in District 5 because I think that's where a majority of these lines are uh but don't be scared and don't think uh you know we're under attack or anything like that and you're put that on our website as I can I certainly can good idea uh did you did you see the chief's note from that about that yes I think I already put it on thank you we've done it in the I'll check there's other C so okay okay that's all that's all I had um so uh let's move forward with uh the administrator's reportan please I have a couple of things um the post office did submit plans for the construction to our construction official okay and he approved them so ready to go um also um the engineer is going to start surveying the park on Thursday for the park plan okay um so the park will be closed from 8:00 a.m. on Thursday until 5:00 p.m. on Friday they're going to um use drones and put markers out um so Thursday night the mar will be there and Friday they'll remove them so it's important to close it nobody touches the markers okay um and then I just wanted to comment on um oh do we need I apologize do we need to reach out to the chief to make sure that the gates are closed on the park Etc the chief knows Public Works know great we're all working together on that um I want to comment on the introduction of the ordinance for the taxation it's um veteran property tax yes so the ordinance just states that um when someone is given the disabled veteran um property tax exemption the Retro refund is limited to the current year of the submission okay it's a policy we' always followed but we wanted to do a formal ordinance okay thank you Diane uh we'll move forward with the DTW report Jon all right uh some of the tree work we did in town we responded to 10 down trees in town uh we hauled out our cardboard dumpsters uh mix recyclable cut grass at dilts as well as Town Hall DTS and various other locations continued our roadside mowing around uh Township roads uh mowed and removed brush on the White Oak Trail path we picked up brush along Township roads also the high winds uh installed new signs at Town Hall changing the traffic pattern in front of the farmer table here and also the General Store water are the trees on Lower Creek Road and plants at the police station we also installed a new information sign at our recycling center and Public Works facility uh just to give residents an idea of like where they can drop off things at the County as well as Shredder days and other things uh roads and drainage work we did we painted the parking lines out here in town hall and also at the police station pave various locations throughout Town Clean Catch Bas and tops uh continued our storm water upgrades per the TR storm water regulations and we also did a drainage job on graft and road we installed 140 ft of pipe um and a catch Basin to prevent future flooding in that area can I ask um so we're putting together the newsletter which will cover December January February okay if you have anything okay um you can send it to me or or Diana or just but um yes so that we can get it in there so s here yeah definitely that's perfect yeah okay there's a couple things in there so that's perfect okay nice thank you thank you thank you J problem just one question just cuz someone has recently asked me about Ron and you're right here yeah is is that like the is that like the end of the work or is there more cuz I know there so if you go down Grafton from 523 where the S turn is there we installed the pipe that goes across the road and we also installed the pipe where two driveways have constantly just washed out yeah um so we're trying to Red Direct the water in both directions because previously the water was just going One Direction it was just constantly washing out of the driveway yeah so we're trying to just push push the water to two different areas and not wash out their driveway that's why we install the catch Bas to there too cat water all right so just curious go thank you y you're welcome hey D did you have any questions for Justin no okay thank you Justin thank you for your report great job by the way thank you okay we're going to move on to the introduction of ordinances uh so our first one is ordinance 202 24-14 an ordinance to amend the code of the T of Del in County state of New Jersey chapter 326 thereof entitled taxation to add article 3 disabled veteran property tax exemption can I get a motion to introduce please so moved second all those in favor no oh that's right roll call please David V Chad bow Susan L yes Joseph Boi yes may W yes so we will have a public hearing on ordinance 202 24-14 on the 12th of November of this year uh next one is ordinance 202 24-15 an ordinance to amend the code of Township of Del of Delaware County of hun state of New Jersey amending chapter 268 Property Maintenance uh could I have a motion to introduced please so move second okay roll call please David B yeah can I ask a question Property Maintenance what are you talking about people don't keep the property up or that's the sight line yeah that's sight line so in other words if there's if there's any growth or any type of debris that obstructs a sight line that the safety issue okay it can be cleaned it also in other areas not involving the sight line if there's dead ash trees for example on property that pose a a a health and safety issue they can be asked to remove it under the ordinance things like thank you yes I approve the motion thank you okay CH Susan Lo yes josephi yes and mayor yes okay public hearing will be held on the 12th of November 2024 okay uh we're going to public hearing adoption of ordinance ordinance 202 24-13 an ordinance to amend the code of town the code of Township of Delaware County of Hunter state of New Jersey chapter 56 thereof entitled officers and employees to add a new article providing for the position of P purchasing agent uh if I could have a motion to open the public hearing so move second second can R do I voice vote Voice vote okay uh all those in favor I okay public hearing on uh ordinance 24-13 anyone have any questions or comments seeing no could I seeing none could I have a motion to close uh public hearing second all those all those in favor I I okay any uh comment from the committee members so remind me I mean we already have a purchasing agent that we just not have it okay what I thought okay just check it any other questions from the committee members okay uh could I have a roll call please motion to motion to approve okay could I have a motion to adopt ordinates 20243 so move second roll call please David B yes Chad bow Susan lwood yes Joseph B yes mayor W yes okay uh consent agenda uh res so these consent agenda consists of resolution 24174 authorizing dtmua membership change resolution 24- 175 authorizing refund of per witness fe uh second day of block 25 lot 7 resolution resolution 24176 supporting bill sc-81 1 ACR -58 aimed at increasing the New Jersey Veterans property tax deduction to two $2500 and finally resolution 24177 extending hours at DS park for the meteor watch event uh do any committee members uh require any of these particular uh resolutions to be pulled for further discussion okay uh I could get a motion the consent agenda as is I make that motion approve the consent agenda as is okay second okay uh roll call please David B yes Chad bow Susan L yes josephi yes may yes thank you uh resolution 24178 authorizing payment of Municipal obligation in the amount of 1, 15664 665 uh could I have a motion the resolution second okay roll call please David yes Chad B Susan Lockwood yes josephi yes yes okay no new oh I'm sorry no old business we'll now move forward with new business uh we're going to acknowledge the receipt of DTM mua audit uh this is for the years ending January 31st 2024 and 2023 and know if anyone had any comments or questions in respect to the audit or if our uh CFO had any comments that you'd like to point out to us they had um there were no areas or anything for them to address no it what I would expect to be described was a clean audit Dian did you have any uh comments in respect to the um dtmua audit no it's just um we we need to as a committee acknowledge that they did their audit okay so if I could uh I guess we'll need a motion to recognize the fact that DTM no motion okay okay thank you okay uh we're going to uh now acknowledge the resignation of our zoning officer Mike Mullen uh Mike was with us for how many years fairly long time at least 10 12 15 years somewhere like that um obviously we thank Mike for all of his hard work and dedication to the township um unfortunately Mike took another position uh that would not allow him to be here in the building on Wednesday evening and all the residents are used to being able to come here on Wednesday evening meet with the zoning officer meet with the construction Department um he was available on Tuesday night but we all thought that um splitting it up into two evenings would probably be too detrimental and time tuning for the res um obviously we wish uh Mike all the best and uh good luck to all his future endeavors and thank you for service here the attention uh next we have solicitor license ordinance uh whether we want to take a look at this to either repeal it or revise it now this sorry I think you skipped the application for oh I'm sorry uh so we have an application for projects on Township property and I believe Justin this was B under your suggestion that we that we put something like this in into effect and the reason being is we have a lot of um Eagle Scout projects Girl Scout projects Etc that are done in in in at DS or I guess technically any of the township own properties they could occur um it'd be nice for Justin to take a look and for the committee to understand exactly what the projects about and whether or not it provides any you know additional work or whatnot that would be required from our uh Department of Public Works to maintain those projects um so we obviously want to take that under consideration as a committee before we approve them so this form would essentially require them to fill out that information uh in order for the committee to review it and ultimately you know have Justin input uh what the commitment if any would be by by the DPW and whether or not they could actually do it uh to the standards that that would be required and therefore we can make an informed decision as to whether or not we should approve the project is in your and it is in the uh the packet for your is this what you were thinking was for the tree planting the storm water not storm water Tre storm water wanted to plant trees too but we didn't have any so no I mean I think it's important because location is key and um you know I know um Shad we had requested by the police station um but I mean I think like should be talked about amongst everybody to see what the best location would be go from there well I think the issue right now is because we don't want to do anything in the park because so they have trees that they need to go somewhere and maybe I'm not sure that they knew that as I said the storm water committee for a long time has been thinking there was a good area to try and um sort of restore some like there's Wetland area back there and whatever so I don't specifically where shade tree was aiming for but there might be an area again that you know other than starting them you know early on trees need water and after that hopefully they're sustainable on their own or else you PL the place so I don't know really what they had in mind but I'm guessing that they you know they had the money available and they have the trees and they just were looking for good location they could encumber it for next year anyway if you approve this we can get it out to the recission all the different because there's a lot of people asking to do various projects within Town Book boxes and trees and benches all this stuff I just think it should be voted amongst you guys you know location wise because if we do anything out here I think you know some people somebody wanted to put a a book box out here also so I mean I think it's should talk about or just everybody put stuff wherever oh no I mean I agree with you completely that's why we were trying to have plans for various places the trees are kind of a little different should we make need a motion or anything to adopt this [Music] form okay get a motion motion for the uh approve the township anden application mov all those in favor I okay thank you thank you can you table the next item for executive session please sir the pad line yeah okay uh request for camping at DS by the Boy Scouts Oran 20 uh ordinance 2008-13 States camping is only allowed by special permit from the township committee and I think the problem is we don't have that special permit well I mean there right we'd have to create one but also what's the criteria for determining it and you know safety concerns I think we probably need to ask Chief Kane his input on this he could be but we could take this offline we can have I could work with Diana and Diane and the chief okay get some ideas together I I think that makes sense now was there any specific time that the The Voice SC wanted well it came up but it wasn't going to be in time for us to meet anyway so I told them that I would bring the topic up because they want to revisit it were they trying to get this done this fall or are we talking last weekend okay got it okay they were going to be there during the day they oh it's a shame if we can get it done but we want to make sure we get it done properly and everyone's safe and Township isn't under any sort of liability so so great uh and then hopefully we'll get whatever we need for the next meeting and we can discuss so thank you okay uh we're now to the open for public comment section so this is uh once again 3 minutes per person uh one recognize if you could please speak from the podium and provide your name the mic is to open sir in the back sure thank you uh Charlie IR resident sorry I wasn't at your August or September meeting so this is my first I kind of caught up on the Weber files and um and your minutes to find out what happened about the Parkland um and also what's gone on recently I'm asking the township committee to publicly fact check candidates and their Advocates who are campaigning and misrepresenting um to at seniors meetings and door too the approved Park plans contrary to their messaging the park plans seem to indicate that a large portion of the improvements will benefit residents of all ages not just children accessible parking and trails safer playing fields and an updated Snack Shack and bathrooms are all things that need to be added and updated especially when they're be being used for and by the public park improvements ultimately increase the value of all properties in the township because assessments of property values are directly connected with good schools good roads and Recreation facili and programs those who oppose the park plan are also noted at this meeting and going door too for saying that this is not what Sarah D would have wed for the park and my question is how in the world do they know that Sarah DS died 30 years ago and unless they they've uncovered her long lost diary or have the best Ouija board in the world that they're fundraisers they're just making it up to scare residents they went to a senior's meeting and told told seniors that and it's been said at this meeting as well that Sarah DW won it and I think it's a the height of insult to the residents of our communities to try and say what Sarah bills would want and here's the thing it doesn't matter what you would want because whether it's made up or it's real her feelings wouldn't be relevant to the municipality's obligation right now to have safe facilities that meet current standards that's your job not the wishes of somebody who's who donated the land 30 years ago one member of the township committee voted no for the park and improvements and I don't understand how a person who has voted yes to give themselves a raise year after year for 20 years could in good conscious vote no for handicapped parking accessible playgrounds trails and safer Playing Fields how can you play politics with your vote and turn your back on safety improvements in order to get a cheap Round of Applause from an audience of your donors it's a s slap in the face to the people who are paying your salary and patting your pension after 3 years of discussion you have yet to offer an alternative plan your vote was a no to seniors having a safer trail system to use no to a playground that children of all abilities could enjoy no to parking spaces with for those with disabilities and no to sections of native plantings to cut down on mowing areas and improve storm water management not to safer Crossing points for small children just know with only the satisfaction of making your donors happy I'm hoping the committee condemns the committee members and candidates for office who are playing Petty politics with the safety of our residents and accessibility of our part It's just irresponsible thank you anyone else okay I just have two things to come in on um the book A book box was mentioned I think that's it and the one that's out there which I love is I love books uh looks great but it leaks so all the books get moldy and I just don't know like we even my husband and I even thought about us fixing but it's not wors I just don't know who to like direct that to or to volunteer to you know try to like fix it so it doesn't lean because that's the whole point of a book box is you know wet books sure so I don't know it be glad to help if that's okay and then what I should have read in my presentation is the five principles for responsible outdoor lighting which I can do in like two minutes here so number one is that they're useful use light only if it's needed and all the light has a clear purpose okay um targeted so the light only Falls where it is needing needed using like shielding and careful aiming of the target beam so it points downward does not spill where it's not needed low level lowest light required you know again like our parking lot was like the opposite of that so that was a long time ago hopefully um use a motion controls like timers or motion detectors when possible turn off when not needed so it's controlled and warm C so that kind of sums it up and um and I don't know if you got a copy of any of these did did you send it because he's going to be in charge of a lot of the actual projects actually have a spare copy for for him I can email you a copy too get a copy so yeah did I say I'm Karen Peters resident so yes thank you thank you anybody else sir um good evening my name is Joe VY resident at lamber Road um may we you were received communication from Nicole Bo who's an attorney representing um some folks who live on 523 next to a former junkyard um this is probably something you should bring up I just want to make sure the committee is aware that there's been a request that the committee follow up on a letter that you authorize the mayor to sign back in early February uh requesting that the DP complete a a an investigation of all potential contaminants that could have come from that junkyard there's a a well that's already been contaminated nearby Mrs Herman's property and they tested for lead and they found lead of course there were a lot of batteries removed but there a lot of other things that could come from the junle so your letter back in February asked the DP to do a complete investigation just as a private person any private person would have to do if they reported a spill of these kinds of things or a town would have to do in this case because it's the D they don't want to spend the money it appear so they're sort of going slow so uh the recommendation is to send another letter to an office of locals the DP but I would also suggest that you add the commissioner hopefully the commissioner looks at the mail sometimes and we really should get a response to the February letter thank you any other comments okay uh seeing n I'm going to close uh public comment um and I just wanted to uh Mr Wy I just wanted to indicate I I plan on having the discussion with the township attorney and executive session toer possible next steps and we forward committee with whatever committee decides to so thank you for bringing that up um I'm going to uh go with the township committee comments next so um Su any comments yeah I just want to say that one of our newsletter members Alison wer who actually has been on the newsletter for 15 years um they sold their house and they're moving away so um she's been well we're looking for volunteers but just should be thanking her because I said she's been on the committee for 15 years and um I said if you enjoy the little puzzles and stuff that you find there she does the church Corner she does the puzzles that in there she actually became our storm water person so anytime there was a storm water article she did that for us as well um and she as I said new she's actually trying to help us with the final newsletter okay um even though she's leaving by the end of this month so anyway I just wanted everyone to at least know that she's been um a really a great ass ab and a good Community member yep so that's all I have thank you thank you sir no comment okay I I don't have any additional comments either um so uh we are now going to go into executive sessions uh session for the approval of resolution 24179 uh I'm sorry we're going to approve resolution 24179 to enter into executive for the purpose of discussing personal Personnel matters contract negotiation and subjects falling under the attorney client privilege the discussion is expected to take approximately 30 minutes action will be taken thank you everyone oh could I get a motion executive session I make a motion to go into executive session second all those in favor thank you everyone for coming this evening enjoy the baseball game Yanke y are are they what's the score what's three nothing nice