discussed this and my recommendation is from this meeting forward there are no more discussions with specifics other than if there is a violation they are to be referred to the appropriate person for them to handle outside of a Township committee meeting that's my suggestion because we're getting in areas that I'm uncomfortable with yeah and and listen this is for your folks benefit because like I had mentioned previously we don't want to mess up the process by having this all occur in public form and so I think you just need to appreciate that I understand your concern I really do and the timel you know that time is of the essence on this but we have to work within what Mr toriello said the time limits that we afford to all residents I agree with that I I absolutely agree agree with you Joe what you said the two issues one was the violation which this is the first I learned something was done about it other than something being said to DP so that was the first for me one that second something Jack brought up with respect to animal cruelity not the issue with the Lambs but the issue with the Pyrenees if you read the report from Murphy itself it says that he was going to go back and check with the vet he never did never went back go back and read that report rep if I'm wrong I will come back here and say I made an error he did not to the best of our knowledge as least as we've read the report did not go back check with the vet what he was told was a the dogs were sent to a vet somewhere in Lancaster County um okay and there was never any followup no paperwork that was provided that we're aware and we know this through another agency um who was also investigating this all right so I'm going to have a conversation with the chief and with officer Murphy and let's see if we can't find out exactly what happened in this particular instance and I'm obviously going to ask whether or not he wants to continue being the Animal control officer perhaps he doesn't want to do that any longer so I will find out I will investigate it and uh hopefully we can come to a resolution thank you thank you you're welcome M please mind short question not about that property nothing in particular um so the last me sorry your name oh sorry Ellen Le so at the last meeting the agricultural advisory committee was supposed to be going to give a review about the livestock head count ordinance but they didn't have their meeting so wer able talk about at the last meeting so I just wanted to know if anything you were going to follow up and find out if they had their meeting am I blowing anything up by talking about this I I I will I will say this um did they have a meeting yes yes okay yes yes we're we're we're waiting we're waiting I can't speak for their timeline when you say is it forthcoming but we had a conversation and I think it was a a productive productive discussion yes and uh had their meeting they understood the task at hand they considered it I have not heard what their ultimate resolution was on that yet that just happened the other evening so I'm waiting for a report from the chair and when that comes back if there's any further action by this committee that's suggested by the agricultural committee then we'll consider it here at the next meeting they were provided a draft we're waiting for their inut okay that's good and that might be told at the to the committee by the next I I hope so yeah absolutely perfect thank you you're welcome man I'm sorry King then you'll be next Val to resident I was at the meeting can I talk which meeting the the I were there I have a different impression of the meeting it's a whatever she stayed you were there is it you were there in the public yeah so whatever she says just want to make sure okay go ahead I'm sorry yeah no I I just would like to add my comments that my impression was a little different uh I think we were told at the end of the meeting both uh that you know that they were glad we came because I have a similar situation behind it where people wanted to do a petting zoit and so that was one of the reasons why I went and U I think they were given information I didn't have a great deal of um what shall I say promise that there might be some material or discussion coming in the future um I we had been told that they had met with you but there was no discussion of what you had said or what they had said so I felt it was sort of an open disappointing meeting i' also like to mention that since I have this petting suo problem behind me that our say Animal Control Officers there and when a llama got hit the people doing the petting zoo put a cover over the llama and basically he did it to the point that it died and our Animal control officer was not very helpful in that nor was he when the cow ran across 523 and somebody had to get the cow so you say you have no confence on the Animal control officer you haven't talked to the people who are trying I admit you know I do anything for an animal so I'm not going to be you know forer but I mean his idea is usually you know it's a f they can do whatever they want when the CL got loose we were told huh I said the fence isn't very good he said a farmer can put any kind of fence up if I would do a swimming pool I have to put a special Pence up so that's my impression thank you de also trustee for fock townstone Church yes uh I know that you've had some correspondence from our chairman Mark and spok with him um there's a number of requests that he's made to you um one particular that I would like to see if we can come to some Solution on as a matter of urgency is the Porta party so I will be addressing that uh in executive session okay so I'll be talking with the committee members about that right will you be back in touch with Mark I'll let him know I'll let him know I don't think it's going to be an issue but I I'll let them know okay we have a music series starting in May 4th monthly music series so okay having the PTY there U helps us out understood thanks thank you anybody else okay hearing none uh seeing could get a motion to close public comment please motion second all those in favor I I uh the one thing I just wanted to quickly address was the I don't know what happened at the agricultural meeting because I wasn't there nor I heard a report back from that but prior to the meeting it was my understanding from my conversation with the chairperson at the time is that there are state level regul ation that are very similar to the ones in which Mr toriel drafted in respect to the waste management associated with various farm animals um if we were to pass something it would be my guess it would just be a consent ordinance basically suggesting that we're going to abide whatever that the state Regulators are suggesting is the proper ways proper means by which to manage animal waste um so that that has two implications number one the first one is the county really has the ability to police this whole thing currently so I would suggest perhaps reaching out to the county to see if there's some way you could ask for them or their whoever is in charge of that particular policing that particular ordinance to take a look at the farm to make sure they're abiding by the proper rules in respect to that law County Board of Health County Board of Health the the second thing is what if we were to actually pass an an ordinance that is similar to the state then we have the ability to to utilize our own zoning officer to do that but I would think that going to the county would probably provide you with a lot more teeth against this particular uh issue at hand than our local or uh zoning officer so even if we pack something it would probably be more uh Optical Optics if you will of you know aging with with the county on on their uh par particular position but I think uh if I were a concerned resent I might go to the uh County on that front thank you you're welcome okay that was a recommendation that the a board had on on Monday oh okay go to the county okay and and like I mentioned I think they're going to have a lot more ability to to to get the result that you're looking for before then we will so um okay I am going to we're we're going to go I guess I actually did we close for public comment yeah yes yes thank you it's been a long okay um Township committee comments thank you nothing more I've talked enough tonight um I don't have any comments so uh thank you folks for coming really appreciate it and uh if I could have a motion to go to Executive session make that motion to discuss contracts personnel and potential litigation --------- discussed this and my recommendation is from this meeting forward there are no more discussions with specifics other than if there is a violation they are to be referred to the appropriate person for them to handle outside of a Township committee meeting that's my suggestion because we're getting in areas that I'm uncomfortable with yeah and and listen this is for your folks benefit because like I had mentioned previously we don't want to mess up the process by having this all occur in public form and so I think you just need to appreciate that I understand your concern I really do and the timel you know that time is of the essence on this but we have to work within what Mr toriello said the time limits that we afford to all residents I agree with that I I absolutely agree agree with you Joe what you said the two issues one was the violation which this is the first I learned something was done about it other than something being said to DP so that was the first for me one that second something Jack brought up with respect to animal cruelity not the issue with the Lambs but the issue with the Pyrenees if you read the report from Murphy itself it says that he was going to go back and check with the vet he never did never went back go back and read that report rep if I'm wrong I will come back here and say I made an error he did not to the best of our knowledge as least as we've read the report did not go back check with the vet what he was told was a the dogs were sent to a vet somewhere in Lancaster County um okay and there was never any followup no paperwork that was provided that we're aware and we know this through another agency um who was also investigating this all right so I'm going to have a conversation with the chief and with officer Murphy and let's see if we can't find out exactly what happened in this particular instance and I'm obviously going to ask whether or not he wants to continue being the Animal control officer perhaps he doesn't want to do that any longer so I will find out I will investigate it and uh hopefully we can come to a resolution thank you thank you you're welcome M please mind short question not about that property nothing in particular um so the last me sorry your name oh sorry Ellen Le so at the last meeting the agricultural advisory committee was supposed to be going to give a review about the livestock head count ordinance but they didn't have their meeting so wer able talk about at the last meeting so I just wanted to know if anything you were going to follow up and find out if they had their meeting am I blowing anything up by talking about this I I I will I will say this um did they have a meeting yes yes okay yes yes we're we're we're waiting we're waiting I can't speak for their timeline when you say is it forthcoming but we had a conversation and I think it was a a productive productive discussion yes and uh had their meeting they understood the task at hand they considered it I have not heard what their ultimate resolution was on that yet that just happened the other evening so I'm waiting for a report from the chair and when that comes back if there's any further action by this committee that's suggested by the agricultural committee then we'll consider it here at the next meeting they were provided a draft we're waiting for their inut okay that's good and that might be told at the to the committee by the next I I hope so yeah absolutely perfect thank you you're welcome man I'm sorry King then you'll be next Val to resident I was at the meeting can I talk which meeting the the I were there I have a different impression of the meeting it's a whatever she stayed you were there is it you were there in the public yeah so whatever she says just want to make sure okay go ahead I'm sorry yeah no I I just would like to add my comments that my impression was a little different uh I think we were told at the end of the meeting both uh that you know that they were glad we came because I have a similar situation behind it where people wanted to do a petting zoit and so that was one of the reasons why I went and U I think they were given information I didn't have a great deal of um what shall I say promise that there might be some material or discussion coming in the future um I we had been told that they had met with you but there was no discussion of what you had said or what they had said so I felt it was sort of an open disappointing meeting i' also like to mention that since I have this petting suo problem behind me that our say Animal Control Officers there and when a llama got hit the people doing the petting zoo put a cover over the llama and basically he did it to the point that it died and our Animal control officer was not very helpful on that nor was he when the cow ran across 523 and somebody had to get the cow so you say you have no confence on the Animal control officer you haven't talked to the people who are trying I admit you know I do anything for an animal so I'm not going to be you know forer but I mean his idea is usually you know it's a f they can do whatever they want when the CL got loose we were told huh I said the fence isn't very good he said a farmer can put any kind of fence up I would do a swimming pool I have to put a special Pence up so that's my impression thank you de also trustee for fock tostone Church yes uh I know that you've had some correspondence from our chairman Mark and spok with him um there's a number of requests that he's made to you um one particular that I would like to see if we can come to some Solution on as a matter of urgency is the Porta party so I will be addressing that uh in executive session okay so I'll be talking with the committee members about that right will you be back in touch with Mark I'll let him know I'll let him know I don't think it's going to be an issue but I I'll let them know okay we have a music series starting in May 4th monthly music series so okay having the portapotty there U helps us out understood thanks thank you anybody else okay hearing none uh seeing could get a motion to close public comment please motion second all those in favor I I uh the one thing I just wanted to quickly address was the I don't know what happened at the agricultural meeting because I wasn't there nor I heard a report back from that but prior to the meeting it was my understanding from my conversation with the chairperson at the time is that there are state level regul ation that are very similar to the ones in which Mr toriel drafted in respect to the waste management associated with various farm animals um if we were to pass something it would be my guess it would just be a consent ordinance basically suggesting that we're going to abide whatever that the state Regulators are suggesting is the proper ways proper means by which to manage animal waste um so that that has two implications number one the first one is the county really has the ability to police this whole thing currently so I would suggest perhaps reaching out to the county to see if there's some way you could ask for them or their whoever is in charge of that particular policing that particular ordinance to take a look at the farm to make sure they're abiding by the proper rules in respect of that law County Board of Health County Board of Health the the second thing is what if we were to actually pass an an ordinance that is similar to the state then we have the ability to to utilize our own zoning officer to do that but I would think that going to the county would probably provide you with a lot more teeth against this particular uh issue at hand than our local or uh zoning officer so even if we pack something it would probably be more uh Optical Optics if you will of you know aging with with the county on on their uh par particular position but I think uh if I were a concerned resident I might go to the uh County on that front thank you you're welcome okay that was a recommendation that the a board had on on Monday oh okay go to the county okay and and like I mentioned I think they're going to have a lot more ability to to to get the result that you're looking for before then we will so um okay I am going to we're we're going to go I guess I actually did we close for public comment yeah yes yes thank you it's been a long okay um Township committee comments thank you nothing nothing more I've talked enough tonight um I don't have any comments so uh thank you folks for coming really appreciate it and uh if I could have a motion to go to Executive session make that motion to discuss contracts personnel and potential litigation