##VIDEO ID:6MotuIvv9os## like to call this meeting the order at this time if we all could stand and salute the flag please I Al to the the United States of America the Jamie could you run read Sunshine statement please be advised that proper notice has been given by the township Council in accordance with the Sunshine Law in the following manner notice advertised in the Burlington County Times and Camden carrier post on December 27th 2024 and posted on the bulletin board on the same date all right this time we'd like to uh get with the oath of office and uh first up is uh councilman at large Tom Thomas Maro he's going to be sworn in by the distinguish Senator Troy Singleton please come forward with your family and feel free if you want to take pictures or whatever I State I th Mar youly swear youly swear I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution to the state of New Jersey faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the C and allegiance to the government the government esta in the united states in the United States and in the states and in the states under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I willay and that I will pray and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of counsel all the office of coun for the township of Del for the township of Del according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abil help me so help me thank you and uh now we'll move to councilman at large Lyn Jenny also being sworn in by distinguished Senator Singleton I will support the Constitution of the United States and theit of the state of newey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey will faith that will bear true faith and alleg to and alleg to the to the government and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will fa and I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of counsel of the office of counsil for the township ofan for the township ofan according to the best of my abil according to the best of my ability so help me so help me all right next up uh we're going to have the oath of office for Barnes hutchon being sworn in by the amazing Jamie Edgar [Music] turn I state your name I Harry do solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government to the government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of mayor for the township of Delan of mayor for the township of Delan according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability shall help be there okay ready all right Jamie could you call the roll call please Mr Maro here mrsu here here here here all right next on the agenda we're going to have nominations for president of council do I hear any nominations for president of council I uh respectfully like to submit the name of Tom lion for council president uh can we get a second please second Dam can you call the role are there any other nominations call the rooll Mr marrow yes Mrs AO hi Mr Smith I Mr Jenny Mr lion I thank you all right next on the agenda nominations for bright vice president of council and I would like to nominate Lyn Jenny for vice president of council is there a second please I'd like to second that any any other nominations can you call the rooll Please Mr marrow yes Mrs I I Mr Jenny hi Mr lion I congratulations all right next on the agenda mayor's appointments with advice and consent of council is there any questions of the on that consent agenda Jamie can you call call we need a we need a motion to approve the consent agenda motion second roll call please Mr marrow yes mrso I Mr Smith I Mr Jenny Mr lion I so the cons uh the mayor's appointments with the voice and consent of council has been approved I'd like to say uh congratulations to all the professionals that have been appointed and approved and at this time I'd like to ask uh Al Mar of Mara law to join today us as the township solicitor thank you all right next on the agenda we have council's appointments by resolutions do we have any uh questions or on the uh the consent that agenda the appointments all right can we get a a motion on Council appointments by resolution motion I'll second Jamie can you call the rooll Mr marrow yes Mrs Apu hi Mr Smith hi Mr Jenny Mr lion I so that is approved I'd like to once again say congratulations to the uh professionals that have been appointed uh to serve for the coming year we appreciate um your service uh next on the agenda we have a mayor's appointments um I would like to read those out please uh the first one is William lunaman to the planning board as a class two member for return to expire December 31st 2020 25 Joseph parento to the planning board as a class 4 member for a term to expire December 31st 2028 William speech hope I got that right to the planning board as a class 4 member for a term to expire December 31st 2028 and Ken Paris that a planning board as an alternate one for a term to expire December 31st 2025 next on the agenda mayor's appointments with advice and consent of council um we have James hatel to the rec the RAC for a turn to expire December 31st 27 and Alexandra Ed to the green team for a turn to expire December 31st 2027 can I get a motion on that motion I'll second all we have roll call please Mr Maro yes Mrs a i m hi Mr Den hi Mr hi uh next on the uh agenda is Council appointments um we have Thomas lion to the planning board as a class three member for term to expire December 31st 25 Mike morando to the zoning zoning board to return to expire December 31st 2028 Jack Moore to the zoning board for return to expire December 31st 2028 Brian Bay to the zoning board for a term to expire December 3 1st 2028 alarp to the Green Team turn to expire December 31st 2027 Paul Taylor to the green team for a ter to expire December 31st 2027 may I get a motion on that please motion I get a second I'll second Mr marrow yes Mrs U hi Mr Smith hi Mr Jenny hi Mr lion hi all moving along we have the consent agenda um any questions from Council on the consent agenda can I get a motion on the consent agenda please so move second roll call please Mr marrow yes Mrs AO I Mr Smith I Mr Jenny I Mr lion I uh next on the agenda we'll have comments from the de and I will start from my to my left um Al from law firm uh any comments this evening no just thank you for your confidence in our firm and I look forward to working with you guys the rest of the year we're ex we're excited to have you thank you very much um next up Joe bolina Administration no comments Mr President thank you thank you Joe Jamie no I have no comments thank you my show now your show Mr Mayor thank you I did prepare a little something if everybody can bear with me for just a second um first I would like to wholeheartedly thank everybody who made today possible everybody's done such an amazing job um we had an amazing team of hardworking people who worked tirelessly on the campaign and for that I'm truly grateful above all I know that I would not be here today without the love and support of my family and my lovely wife winning the election in November was one of the greatest honors of my life it is humbling to know that my friends family and neighbors believe in me and our vision for Del Ran as we all know this was a tough election year with so many important issues on the line so important that people came out in great numbers and waited in longer lines than ever before our voices were heard and now it's my job to deliver the Delan Community sent a clear message to myself and to all of us who have been elected to be the voice of our town I've reached out to our professionals experienced politicians and across the aisle to make sure that I can hit the ground running on day one first and for for most you have made it clear to me that you wish to be involved informed and most importantly heard when it comes to the decisions that are made in Del Ran I look forward to collaborating with Council to make the next four years the most transparent Administration Dale ran has ever had I will Begin by working on a new monthly newsletter newsletter that will include important tactical information like schedules for leaf pickup upcoming events and impactful projects like upcoming Road improvements this will allow us to provide more detailed information on the projects we are currently working on and outlines for any future proposed projects thereby giving the residents needed information and an opportunity to join us at Town meetings to discuss any impact on our neighborhood I will also be working hand inhand with our rec committee and challenging them to deliver the same level of events that they've expected over the years but I'm going to further challenge the rec committee and myself to do this while maintaining a budget that will use less resident tax money you've given me the honor of representing our town and it is my goal to exceed your expectations you voted for a change and it is my commitment from this point forward to fight for all of you our towns people once again I would like to sincerely say thank you all right moving to my far right uh councilman at large Tom Mara thank you Tom well first off um I had to give thanks my Lord and Savior god um for giving me the opportunity to be back up here again he gave us a little scare back in September but um his grace and his love has allowed me to continue onward also like to give thanks to my beautiful wife for encourag me to to continue on it's been 10 years since I've been up here and um she said go ahead and give it a shot I did and then finally I like not finally but thank the residents who came out supported me I waited in line for six hours we were one of the last to get out of here that night um so that's a commitment to the residents of State in line with me and my wife and son and we were one of the last to get out of here so thanks for them to give the confidence they have in me to come back after 10 years and serve as council at Large um which is um a great pleasure and an honor I'd like to thank Troy Singleton our state senator from the Seventh District not only he's a great friend he's a he lives in our community and he's a tremendous asset to the town of do and our asset and and to the commitment to help us out along the ways as we go and and when I reach out he's always there so thank you Troy for that going forward knocking on do a lot of things that me and Lynn heard from residents concerning speeding through through our neighborhoods protecting our neighborhoods watching the amount of rentals that we see popping up so quality of life is something I take very seriously not only with myself and my family but everybody else around me and that's important in our community to protect our neighborhoods the fabric of our neighborhoods so that's something that I will be working on with Council going forward working with the police department we have a great police department but the township has grown over the years population has grown they need more tools and I want to work with Council and the police department to make sure they have those tools to continue to provide to provide the community with the safety that we deserve and that they love giving to us so I want to make sure we continue with that and once again thank everybody for coming out tonight it's a great crowd I welcome the new mayor I I look forward to working with you I worked with two uh previous Mayors so I know how the work goes so you got your challenges ahead of you but we look forward to working with you and getting the community and on the right track and and staying for forward and going forward so thank you all thank you thank you next up councilwoman Nikki a all right first ID like to say happy New Year to everybody thank God we made it over this year happy New Year to the residents in the township congratulations mayor hutkins thank I'm looking forward to working with you thank you congratulations Mr marrow and counc man oh councilman marrow and councilman Lyn Jenny um I look forward to working with both of you gentlemen you know going forward I also like to make another promise to the township my goal is to bring information that we need I'll will continue to work with County Government Federal Government you know and mayor and counsel to bring stuff to the uh residents that we need so like last last year we had our Senior Expo we going to have that again looking forward to bring in the FCC going to reach out to Senators Singleton's office anything that we need that can make the resident lives better I will work with that my goal is bring information because information give people the tools they need to make life better an informed person is a productive person that's my opinion but anyway um congratulations to everybody um to my colleague over here thank you for working with me to our professionals welcome aboard and thank you have a good evening thank you next up counc Marlo Smith thank you very much just a couple quick items first and foremost Happy New Year to everyone uh glad everyone could make it through safely um just quick note uh just paying attention to the weather I know that there is winter weather it's supposed to come in early next week um you know for those that might have um older neighbors um please look out for them if they're out trying to shovel snow or you know clear their cars uh try to do that in my own neighborhood so it's always wise to do that and uh if you got some young teenagers around you know get them out and have them uh shovel up and snow because likely have either a school delay or maybe maybe have off so just want to make sure everyone's uh safe and healthy uh throughout this winter season and um again thanks uh congratulations I should say to the mayor uh and also to uh councilman Morrow councilman Jenny uh looking forward to working with Council and mayor uh as we got a lot of work to do in 2025 so um thanks everyone for coming out this evening and that's the end of my report thank [Applause] you next up vice president of the council ly Jen thank you president uh I just want to uh thank all the voters I appreciate very much being reelected I have great great satisfaction from serving our community and uh in that light I serve all of our community you know we have a election it was a good election and now we serve everyone all of our residents want to thank Senator single for being here this evening a great example of what elected officials do for their communities is uh sitting right there I want to thank uh my wife Sue and my daughter Robin and her husband Jesse for their support and for showing up tonight uh and uh you know we'll continue to do is work on the things that we've been working on I enjoy very much uh being a part of working with veterans and Veterans resources I gain a lot of satisfaction working with our Green Team uh just had an awesome uh event out at Lake Lonnie on New Year's Day we had about 60 people I believe and uh did a little hike uh our fire department made the wise choice of not having a bonfire uh because of the wind but we had a great event and I enjoy working with those two organizations particularly but I'll work with all of councel I congratulate our new mayor and I look forward to work with with you Barnes look forward to also working with Tom Mars Tom Maro who I've known a long time and of course uh you know Micki and uh and Marlo Smith here so thank you very much for everything and look forward to working for our community going forward thank you and my comments uh Echo thank you Senator Singleton for uh taking the time to come out and swear in some folks um it's a great human being we we appreciate that you're you're from Delan and you step up and do this for us we really do appreciate it also like to S say thank you to all the volunteers in town that are on boards and committees uh ones that um weren't re you know weren't had to be reappointed tonight and all the ones that were appointed this evening we really appreciate all the dedication and hard work they put in unpaid I might add and it really helps to make D ran what it is uh next I'd like to congratulate um Barnes on on your election and we look forward to working with you gotten opportunity to spend some time with them and and uh's he's a great guy really appreciate it congratulations Tom welcome back Lynn for your reelection and uh we're going to work all together to uh run the town uh as best we can for all the residents of the town and I think it's going to work out just fine uh there might be a bump or two here or there but we're going to work it out and we're going to get together and this must be really a special important night because even my wife showed up so so she kind of stays out of that Fray but it's good to good to see her here also and thank you for the professionals that were pointed tonight that that came out and showed up um we do appreciate everything you do and and you help us uh make our town what it is and happy new Year to everybody and with that that's the rest of my my comments and if we could right now um I'd like to uh I get a motion to go into public comments motion second all in favor I uh before we start the rules of the Quorum um if you wish to speak raise your hand and you will be recognized at that time you may approach the podium state your name and address for the record all remarks shall be through the council president and the individ idual speaker shall be alloted five minutes all statements are part of the public record both written and video recorded and cannot be redacted or there anybody wish for public comment please Senator excuse my back Troy Singleton uh n Harper Boulevard Del New Jersey um first and foremost to our new mayor congratulations sir um I I often say this at reorganizations I've had one or two that had been to In My Time um elections are often times about partisanship um but government is truly about partnership and no good government works when partnership is not intact and I know from hearing your comments how sincere that you are about your ability to want to govern on behalf of every resident of this community and I think that is the right disposition to have as someone who's had the honor and privilege of representing this community since 2011 I will tell you often times you will find it challenging at times to represent those who may have a difference of opinion with you the uniqueness that I think you will find is if you always govern yourself with the ability that whatever decision you make you know that credibly you made it in the best interest of this community then I think you'll never have a problem with this community understanding that and appreciating that sentiment um to my fellow members uh of council who I've had the privilege of knowing each and every one of them having seen them either run for office or swear a bunch of them in I know how important you take this responsibility as stewards of not just our tax dollars here but of the public trust and truly for each of you all six of you the public trust is one thing that we can never squander or give away so I encourage you to continue in your effort of working together to try and make theand the great community that is is lastly and foremost to my fellow residents and friends who are here today this is a pretty full room that we have here this evening often times this room is not as full when we have Council meetings I encourage you to come back to these meetings to hold each and every one of them here and all of us in public office accountable that is our responsibility to you to be held accountable and transparent to you but it only works if you hold us accountable to the things we say and the actions we take I think if you do that you will always be honored with good service by the men and women on this day and I have no doubt that our Township is in great hands with the six individuals who are up here God bless each and every one of you happy New Year and I hope you have an amazing year thank you anyone else at this time hello Samantha Hutchin Chester Avenue Del Ran I just wanted to say congratulations to my husband and congratulations to Tom marrow and ly Jenny on behalf of myself and my husband we're so excited that these next four years are finally going to come to fruition and we're excited to get to know all of you and work closely with each and every one of you I have full faith in my husband and every single one of you up here Troy your words were beautiful oh he's gone but they you're still lovely um but I do have full faith in my husband and he's a phenomenal leader and I'm excited for you all to get to know that part of him as well um so congratulations and congratulations thank you anyone else seeing no other hands can I get a motion to come out of public so move I'll second all in favor I any opposed motion accepted and I now need a motion from somebody else because I always do it uh for adjournment please motion got a second I'll second all in favor I I thank you for coming out