##VIDEO ID:Ndo0A_q4asI## ready all right good evening everyone will call our work session to order can we please stand and salute the flag FL United States Jamie could you please read the sunshine statement and call the role be advised that proper notice has been given by the township Council in accordance with the Sunshine Law in the following manner notice advertis in the burlingon county times and cam carrier post on January 4th 2024 and post it on the bulletin board on the same date Mrs AO here Mr Smith here Mr Jenny Mr lion here Mr barell here thank you Jamie first up tonight we have a uh presentation from the tiger Dam uh programs we're going to turn it over to mayor cbone who uh will tea up our presentation great uh thank you council president so uh this evening we're going to uh see the results of quite a long search for uh some sort of a secondary uh temporary uh solution for the problem that we have down at Riverside Park uh what we've done uh we started with the we found them after the uh League of municipalities last year we did a a extensive search to see uh if they were exactly what we were looking for and uh this is a this is a uh a product that is uh Deployable uh quickly and it would be it would serve as a secondary barrier uh to go beyond uh what we have as protection from the burm uh this is not covering the worst case scenario if another Sandy comes up we you know we don't know this is simply to mitigate some of the issues that happen uh should we have a a flooding event um as we go there's there's some things that that it is not it is not a 12ft seaw wall we wouldn't want that and and it is not it is not I'm sorry almost there uh it is not uh anything more than potentially for nuisance flooding and for some of the storms that we get uh flooding in that area this would be uh we heard you loud and clear when the folks that from Riverside Park said okay it it took a long time to get the Army Core involved they're here and uh they're going to look at this but it's going to take some time what are you going to do in the meantime and uh we were in the process of looking at this company and this product and we're we're vetting it out so from the sewer plant perspective uh the goal is to protect it from being overcome in the case of a flood it is right up against the water line and it has infiltrated the plant on uh on numerous times uh but it hasn't gotten into the operation it just got on to the to the land surrounding it so we want we're going to uh suggest to the council uh that we put a a uh a long-term temporary uh arch in the back that covers maybe three or four feet high and would protect that back area with the possibility of looping uh the product around to in essence completely isolate the sewer department uh if the plan itself so uh that's something that is infrastructure that has to work and has to be protected so we also looked at okay so that's good for the sewer plant what about for the folks at Riverside Park so uh this product and Cheryl will be able to explain it to her she can't hear us now uh just because there'll be a horrible Echo as you heard uh but Cheryl will explain briefly uh the product and how it works and it it is Deployable in such a way that it it connects to it would connect to the sewer operation uh and run up River drive all the way as far as at least at this point a northchester Avenue so uh there's been a lot of engineering and a lot of back and forth and a lot of visiting and meetings uh to get to this point we're not we're not there where we're ready to go yet but we're we're working on getting pricing and um that was one of the factors that was involved so without any further Ado um bear with me because while I'm talking and she's connected you're going to hear an echo for a minute and I apologize to those folks that might be watching online but so right now as you can tell there's an echo but I have the director of sales and operations all away from Florida they are tiger dam is a vendor that the state of Florida and U Cher why don't you explain it because we have a bad accent here but it won't when you're speaking so right now Cher Cheryl you take it you take it from here awesome thanks can you guys hear me we can we can amazing um yeah as the mayor was saying I am right now in located in the state EOC in Florida we've got a hurricane Helen coming down the pipe she's actually probably going to make landfall um early Thursday so we are actively setting up tiger dams around the state as part of their interm flood Protection Program they use it all over the state um for those of you who are not familiar with tiger Dam let me fill you in a little bit uh you'll see in the video I'm playing in the background tiger dams are a modular flood protection barrier system so basically it's big tubes that interlock together you can run them seamlessly for miles and you can stack them to almost any height this makes them a very buildable system which allows you to use it in a bunch of different varieties so we've been around for about 20 years we manufacture distribute and support the system um this is a system that's simple enough to utilize that the township can do it themselves your your own team at home can be self-sufficient put it up when they need it take it down when they're done and uh it's easy to store very long lifespan on this system this is why the city of New York we work with the office of emergency management in the city of New York as well they've been using us for more than 10 years as part of their interm flood Protection Program while they're waiting for their permanent measures to be complete this is a big part of their hurricane protection and storm protection system so they like it because it is easy to use it's conformable to different surfaces so you can put a tiger Dam from a grass hilly Sur surface onto a concrete surface over some rocks over a hill it doesn't care it's going to conform to the surface you put it on the weight of the water itself these are water-filled barriers so the weight of the water itself is what helps it to conform to the ground so we get very very little seepage um and and it's uh it's intended to take Dynamic water so this gets anchored down you'll see here on the picture we're looking at now this is for Hurricane Nicole this is a 5 and a half foot tall barrier system um acting as a wave break to give the residents behind the system time to shore up their seaw walls after a hurricane um this is 3,000 fet stacked in a 21 configuration again that system is five and a half feet tall takes waves great um this is the most engineered and tested temporary system in the marketplace again we've been around for 20 years uh we've worked closely with the core of engineers to have our system tested and certified to platinum certification through FM approvals this is a company that is the global Watchdog for all flood protection devices interestingly um the protection standard is called an 2510 this is a protection standard that is adhered to internationally around the around the world the Dutch the Dutch everybody all of the hydro professionals around the globe follow these standards for efficacy in the US there's only seven companies that have been able to get this certification and if you know anything about flood protection you know there's hundreds maybe thousands of flood control products out there that have undergone testing and just haven't uh they haven't been able to adhere to these standards they haven't cut the mustard so what we Ed edate all of our clients on is there's a lot of options out there probably there's no one option to solve every problem but whatever you're doing you need to look at stuff that's certified internationally uh this is important this is your homes this is your community um engineering is a big thing so we're extremely proud to have that engineering badge and we're also proud of the other devices that have it as well um and yeah we're looking forward to the opportunity to talk further about protecting your town um Gary is there anything else you'd like me to add yeah I think it would be appropriate to talk about the interchangeability if we find that one section needs to be taller and another doesn't and also if you would uh talk about other uses while we have this on hand and then U the speed of deployment sure so we have a few different sizes now now the sizes we're looking at for Del Ran specifically are 24 in dams and possibly 36 in dams because it's a buildable system you'll see here they're building it in a 21 configuration so kind of like a pyramid they're putting it in a triangle they can use it as a single tube so if say we're using 24 inch dams we can put it up as a single tube and we get two feet of flood protection now as the grade changes and we need it a little higher we can put it in a pyramid two on the bottom one on top and now we have 3 foot6 now if we need it taller still we're just going to add to that triangle now it's a three on the bottom then two then one or maybe we jump up to a bigger size depending on what our deployment plan looks like now the big sizes and the smaller sizes can interlock together so you don't have to you don't have to spend more money to keep it all the same size so you're able to change with the grade of it um this is not only used as a uh addition to your Levy to add height to your Levy for flood cont uh flood protection it's also used around the nation for containment so if you have a sewage spill an issue with any of your treatment plants and you need to actually contain uh the liquid coming out and keep it from getting into a neighborhood and keep it from getting into your sewage systems and contaminating things you can do that that as well um it can be used to divert water you can keep it you can use it to keep roadways open we've got a lot of uh do clients around the country that actually use it to divert water off of the roadways they'll create Retention Ponds move water off of the highway into a retention Pond made out of a tiger Dam basically a big swimming pool um and that allows them to keep emergency vehicles and evacuation routes moving for longer during a disaster we actually have some clients that use it just to direct traffic when they've got big events going they'll direct traffic with a tiger Dam um all kinds of applications there's really no end any anywhere you guys would look at using um Jersey barriers sandbag like I don't know why You' ever use sandbags anymore they're terrible for the environment um or or Earth and BMS instead you can use this and then you can take it away when you're done you're leaving no environmental footprint no impact nobody has to look at it for the long term and you're back to your regular uh regular routine once it comes down um what did I miss mayor if if you would uh just give us a I we saw them connecting hoses I'm assuming they're fire hoses or hydrant hoses what's the speed uh to get these things it looks like a lot of water how long does it take to fill one of the you know a system up yeah so we're looking at primarily 24 inch uh by 50 foot sections each one of those sections folds about, 1300 gallons of water is and is going to fill in about nine minutes each one of those sections replaces 1500 sandbags and a small crew can put it up so you're going to fill these possibly from a fire hydrant if you have the capability and can also be filled right out of the river that's flooding you now if you wait long enough but I don't think you should do this you can fill it right from the flood waters that are flooding you but I'd like you to get ahead of it rather than doing do that that's a one of our our things we do a lot here in Florida is we let it we let it flood and then we pull from that water and uh fill up our tiger dams all over the state but I'd like you guys to be a little more proactive point is the tiger dams don't care so if you're not feeling from a hydrant or a freestanding water source you can pull in water trucks or fire trucks um pretty easy to fill so if you're doing a a long deployment that right there that's probably 1,000 feet that's something that will go up in half a day those are 30 uh 36 inch tiger dams so those ones hold a lot more but when we're looking at if we're doing a few th000 ft of the 24inch dams in that 21 configuration that's half a day's work and you're replacing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of tiger or of uh sandbags with a minimal crew I'm just going to start this again just I know it's so fascinating um so ease of deployment is key and truly that is why the New York City office of emergency management likes tiger Dam so much it's interchangeable they can change out their Crews they're training new Crews every year because they have so much turnover so they can easily train new people to set it up without disrupting their flow of disaster Services um they can change where they're going to use it that interfaces against walls so if they have a site that they don't want to completely Circle they stop and start it against a wall and it doesn't matter which site it's on as long as they have enough to do it so very easy they like that it last so long they've had their system for 10 years they've they're they're going to get another 10 years out of it like that's a that's a a real big deal when you're looking at fiscal responsibility for a uh for a city um do do you uh train our people do we have to get a special contractor how's that work that's a good question so either or this is easy enough I would love to see your own prus trained but while we're training you guys and we do we do on-site training it's utmost importance to us that your teams know how to use this properly and efficiently for their safety and also for a swift deployment um we're very careful to make sure tiger dams are only used in in situations that they're going to work we don't put them in situations where we don't think they're going to make a positive impact um but yeah training is Paramount they are very very easy to use but there's a specific protocol that has to be followed in order to make them um as efficient and effective as possible so we dial that in like I said this is city of New York right here that's South Street seport they had a mile of tiger Dam um in both single and stack configuration for Hurricane Isaiah a couple of years ago um but they train they train every year they do um they they have so many contractors they they use they do three trainings over a two-day period um I don't think you would need training like that you probably don't have the same kind of turnover um but training is Paramount yeah and we would love to train your city workers to do it and then as a backup bring in your preferred contractors and let's get them trained too if you need to use them it's better to have them available than not have them know how to do it excellent let me just open it up to council you have any questions question great great Cheryl thank you very much I know you uh are in the EOC and that I I can't believe we got you for this meeting so I thank you very much and we will be in touch we have further questions okay sounds great thanks so much guys for letting me tell you a little bit about tiger Dam and please any questions mayor send them over to me and I'll get them answered immediately thank you very much have a good one thank you mayor for the the presentation yeah good that's Council will digest that I know you may have some brochures and things they have you'll give it to us and we'll take a look and you know probably address it at another work session after we digest it proba about next step yeah know Joe's looking at financing and the engineers office is doing all the engineering stuff so um this was a good good first step in the right direction um a comment at the end no she's in Florida and they're bracing for a hurricane yeah so be worried about the right now and have Dro on good we will um go to our consent agenda council is there any objections to the items in the consent agenda all right seeing none I'll ask Jamie I'll ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda so move second's a second Jam Mrs theu I Mr Smith hi Mr lion hi Mr baral I I have the ice have it motion carries the consent agenda is approved with the items within next up is our reports our C of administrator Joseph Bina John thank you Mr President um the one topic I have for discussion or I guess a a noteworthy Point here is that the contract we just approved for the belt filter press Rehabilitation yes that's one of the most important pieces of the sewer uh process in in Delan Township the intake goes through and onto the belt filter press where the liquid where the product is liquefied as uh I mean the liquid separated as much as possible and it's treated before its discharge and then the solids are treated as well and you try to do is dry that as much as the product as you possibly can so that uh it lightens the weight load for this ultimate for its ultimate disposal but it's a very important piece of the of the equip of of of the system uh I think it was last modified about 10 years ago and it's this is just a normal uh rehab operation very very instrumental to safe and efficient sewage removal operation thank you Mr President great thanks J appreciate staying on top of that I know we have a lot of capital projects for the sewer it's important we stay on top of those keep them upgraded so sewer works next up is our clerk Jamie Ed Jamie anything no I have no report T make next up is our mayor mayor cerbone yes I just have uh one item I'd like to um just mention a you know a big thanks to um our staff and uh to certainly to councilwoman of peu and councilman Lyn Jenny our our Senior Expo um knockwood we were you know we were nervous that we weren't going to be able to get the word out as well uh but we apparently did we had over a hundred seniors sign in and uh i' just like to thank uh the various vendors who have all expressed an interest to come back uh the response from both Nikki and from uh councilman Jenny uh was that everybody seemed thrilled to be there the state provided uh anchor folks that really helped uh it's a little complicated if you have to make changes it's very complicated and the senior freeze they had people there that assisted with that county clerk came and helped out with with anything to do with the voter registration or vote by mail Board of election was there and they helped them with the new voting machines uh you know that all the folks there was a variety of vendors I won't go through the list but from the Sheriff's Office to our own police Fire EMS uh just did a great job I'd like you know like to thank Senator Singleton and his office for their help with getting the state to come down along with assemblyman Conway and uh assemblywoman Carol Murphy so uh thank you especially to our seniors for coming out and we will be repeating that event it was a great event that's my report great thanks next up is our solicitor right great thank you next from our Engineer's Office see the associates Ed di thank you council president um I'm just going to touch upon two projects right now uh first I'll touch upon the road program um we just completed Paving uh this week um we're in the process of making the contractor punch list for them to make corrective actions where were needed um and steuart Avenue from my understanding when I was there this this morning I my understanding is they completed the concrete this afternoon um so the next step on that where we actually start going through making the punch list ahead of the paving um in case there's any actions that need to be taken place by the contractor prior to that um and separately I'm waiting for a response from Verizon on when they will be removing the uh poles that they decided to uh install them on up so when I want to hear back on that I'm trying to set a meeting with them as to get out of there before uh so that's it Mr President one more thing on Stewart a few meetings ago there was a gentleman here elderly gentleman he came out and made an inquiry about the height of the gas meters off of the ground yeah because they were too low particularly in the flood prone areas so at our uh at our urging uh the power company or psng has begun the process of raising them high enough out of the danger Z that's great thanks for that appreciate that next up council members that councilman Nikki apped no report at is time great thank you next up Council Mar Smith H just a couple quick things council president um we are now officially in Fall as you can see we're losing daylight uh so uh in the next few weeks you'll see U some homecoming events so there'll be students that'll be out and about um out later in normal so just be uh mindful of that also wanted to remind uh all of our residents to come out and support the Del Bears uh all the sports all the fall Sports uh and for those that may not know the football team is undefeated they're four and0 so uh we have a game this Friday it's actually on the road of bur to Township but uh again we want to the support the Bears is off a great start for this football season and that's the end of my report great thank you next up is Vice President the council Tom line thank you council president um Ed had mentioned the road program not only here in town but other towns so uh just be mindful when you're driving around you might be in a hurry with these construction sites um it's dangerous out there for the workers um there's also uh police out there on the job sites so even though if you're in a hurry please take time uh beta speed limmit uh don't get yourself jammed up with something you can't take back so just be careful out there drive drive carefully and the other thing is just um you know sometimes we're the adults and my wife happened to see a young child on a tricycle while we're getting ready for dinner going down the road and there was no adult she was three years old so she went out there to check wanted he enough very very independent three-year-old had gotten out of the house and she was headed for the the playground so um my wife got her turned around say let's go find your house and sure enough by the time they turned around and started back up the road mom was out looking for her but um you know what it's easy just to ignore it but you know when you see a little kid out there no adult maybe you ask some questions uh that's my report y thanks Tom appreciate that uh I just want to congratulate everyone on a successful Senior Expo Nikki thank you for bringing it forward the idea and uh everyone the mayor's office administration's office help put it together so thank you next up I'll entertain a motions over the floor public comment so moved I'll second all in favor I who opposed motion carries or floor is open to public comment if you wish to speak please raise your hand we will be recognized at that time you'll have five minutes to speak all remarks are part of the record and cannot be redacted or retracted you're yeah you may approach the bench than spitch williamj 518 Brown Street Del Ran New Jersey how you doing I'm on Mr Mayor uh the financial disclosure forms uh that you have to file prior to the end of the year uh what is the status of them at the current time I the uh your financial disclosure statement that you must file with the state of New Jersey I think they're filed they not filed yeah they were required to be filed by April 30th each year and they've been filed isue right and they refer to the previous year all righty and how many corrective action plans have been filed during this administration's time and office that's an open question anybody on the what do you mean by corrective action to address the failure to file in a timely manner it's in the audit there's the audit has addressed I think it was the 2020 audit mentioned Jamie might he be talking about those who failed to submit the uh what what are you ask they would be they would be your financial disclosure form that you file the state of New Jersey okay and then you have to come back with some type of corrective action plan if you failed to f file said plan or said forms who says we need a corrective action plan who said yeah is that in the statute I believe that's in in in the protocol that you have to follow with the state of New Jersey okay all right moving on uh let me see could you site Mr Mayor could you site what aggressive Radio Road projects are currently in progress CH Mr Mr spitch um just talked about those maybe wow I I must have missed it you know what why don't you go over road by road again please including Stewart yep so um the 24 Road program uh we completed Tech Drive Paddock Way and Cooper kill the paving which is completed this week we're in the process of doing the punch list uh for for that project you're doing a punch list where sir on those Pro on those streets On what streets again those streets te Tech Drive Paddock Way and Cooper Hill okay and then we are doing a punch list prior to the paving commencing on Stuart Avenue let's do those are the active Paving Pro so they the active ones currently right now is that correct Paving projects and I think would be good here and you talking about when we do a road we just don't look at the road we we look at the drainage we we work with the water company the power company tell yeah so Stuart Avenue is probably the best example um so this probably goes back year and a half maybe two years may even longer than that so when we develop a list of Roads we communicate with our utility companies that who work in town and is placed on the Doan website probably not in that specific that's why we have a council meeting he's talking about it now with us okay so it's ever changing for the utilities the utilities and I can't speak to this specifically but the utilities get different funding sources that they you know tomorrow they can get a different funding source and be able to do a different SE very well sir see often times we'll we'll think about roads to do but then we have to somehow pivot and go to an area where the utility companies are yeah so that we don't do a road and they come in a couple years later and tear up our beautiful beautifully paved road so what we'll do is maybe put this certain neighborhood on hold for a year or two jump over to where they are ground Street be an example of that anyway all right moving on I only have another I only have another minute uh what is the current status of the cor of engineer project addressing the flooding on Stewart and River Drive after we what was that a $200,000 uh Bond or whatever it was with the core of engineers that we signed sure uh Mr spitch here's where we are on that we um we we executed our agreement with them uh over the summer months the funding from both sides is secure it's in place our portion the federal government's portion it's all in place what they're in the throws of doing right now is completing their work plan their time schedule uh on how long this Project's going to take and it looks like it's going to be a roll out of the prox two years which is what they have said from the very beginning so once the work plan is uh completed which should be on or about October 1st another week we hope uh then what they'll do is the first phase will be the Contracting phase and the Contracting phase is to retain the services of a a survey or engineer to survey the existing conditions along the stream along the uh the creek bed over there uh and that purchasing phase will probably take 60 90 days so right now our best guest where they're going to actually start the design work the survey work and what have you is probably onor about January 1st January 1st of 2025 of 2025 all right very well so that's pretty much where we are today and who is the point of contact in this Administration it would be the business administrator that would be you sir yes sir yes would be you Mr Bina all right and my final question Mr Mayor are you currently employed by the Division of Motor Vehicles I am thank you sir you are my questions oh beautiful thank you you got what you needed any uh other public comment anybody else seeing none I'll ask for motion to close the floor the public comment I make a motion second all in favor I I who opposed motion carries our floor is closed the public comment I'll now entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll second all in favor I I who opposed motion carries we are