good all right good evening everybody we're going to call our public meeting to order it's January 23rd 2024 Jamie could you please read the sunshine St and call the rooll be advised that proper notice has been given by the township Council in accordance with the Sunshine Law in the following manner notice advertised in the brilliant County Times and K to carrier post on January 4th 2024 and posted on the bulletin board on the same date Mrs aadu here Mr Smith Mr Jenny here Mr lion here Mr barell here thank you Jamie um vice president Council Tom is joining us remotely on conference call for the vote this evening um just real quick we're going to hold off on our work session items and first go into our action items first up is ordinance 2024-25 chapter 340 Vehicles small unmanned aircraft in other words this is our drone ordinance I'll entertain a motion in a second please motion second mru I Mr Jenny I Mr lion hi Mr barell hi guys have it motion carries the ordinance is introduced next up we have items on our consent agenda most importantly Joe do you mind just clarifying the items on the consent agenda for the there are two items on the consent agenda that were added today and they both deal with the uh the repairs the emergency repairs that had to be made along Leon Avenue uh over the last couple of days one of them is a a purchasing uh resolution to authorize the emergency so we could really suspend normal purchasing procedure so we could engage the contractor to address the public Public Health crisis quickly the second one is a tempor is an amendment to our temporary budget to provide for the funding to pay for the work that was to be done that particular resolution uh requires the super majority of the governing body which is for members great thank you Joe with that thank you Joe with that is there any questions from Council we're all good all right I'll entertain a motion um to approve the consent agenda the items within motion second Jamie could you call the role please Mrs AO I Mr Jenny I Mr lion Mr barell I you guys have it motion carries the items are adopted in the consent agenda that concludes our action items at this time uh councilman or vice president Council lion is going to exit the meeting thank you Tom for being available in a quick pinch all right thank you safe travels Mr President if I may um since we're going out of water would you object to having solar ordinance presentation which is very brief to go first the the planner comes from quite a distance great so go ahead thank you thank you I'm just GNA hold it instead all right yeah sorry about that an engineer come on good evening Council uh good evening members of the public thank you uh for uh moving this uh in the front so very briefly I'm going to talk about what this ordinance is it's an update to your zoning ordinance which basically is uh providing solar solar energy system for lack of better words your rooftop solar systems as access accessory use to all your residential zones so people would be able to put it on top of their roofs on their residences um there are only two areas in which we allow commercial solar energy system which would be your industrial Zone where it could be used for commercial purposes uh and ground mounted the ordinance does provide very detailed requirements as to how that would be approved like the distances the setbacks the buffers all that is laid out in the ordinance and uh additionally for the accessory use you know where it can be located in the side yard on the roof uh all those details are provided in the ordinance so essentially it's approving solar energy system as accessory uses in your residential commercial zones and accessory and Commercial uses uh in your light industrial zones so that's about it great so if somebody wanted to add solar panels now to their house theyd have to go in front front of the zoning board right it's a it's a pretty in depth process I mean it it if they're all complying then it could go through the just the zoning permits they won't even have to come before the board with this yes because it would be an access reuse yeah okay anyone agree with that any questions we'll move this for introduction on our next meeting then yeah okay that's great thank you very much all right you're welate you work with that of course good to see you good to see you thank you all right next stop is our presentation we have representatives from PS with us regarding the substation we in COC substation that's moving forward so we're happy to hear some updates this even yes my name is Warren reel and I'm senior project manager with psng for this project uh Mr President Mr Mayor thank you for allowing us here today uh our I'll try to make this as fast as I can the current status what we call the outside plant work and that's the work that disturbs the residents and everyone pay passing through your your Township uh so let me go through that first and give you where we are currently our underground work on Hartford Road is complete uh so we won't be digging up Hartford Road anymore uh we'll be resurfacing that uh in the summer of 2024 our underground work uh at ran cookus Creek Crossing on Route 130 bridge that is that completed this winter as well and the underground civil work on bridgeboro road that's going to start in April of this year so that's our phase two and we'll be starting that at cek and bridgeboro Road in Beverly so it'll be working starting from uh north of the Rancocas Creek and coming down rout 130 then coming down Bridge Barrow Road uh so we'll be starting in April and we look to finish that in December of 202 24 the restoration of summerh Hill U the parking lot area and I'll explain why in a minute but uh we're going to be doing resurfacing I'm sorry re uh sealing striping uh of that parking lot area that we were utilizing uh we also um through not the contractor did a great job trying to protect the sidewalk but it inevitably did fail so so I'm here to tell you PNG recognizes that and that's part of our restoration as well but we'll be doing that the summer of this year uh the restoration of bridge brow Road we're going to December on excavations will be the spring of 25 when we do uh the mill and repave of that road ran ccus is First Circuit will be carried by the 230 KV transmission lines in May of this year uh the overhead Pole Line work on Hartford which is currently underway uh will continue on until October of this year and the overhead pole work on bridge Barrow though substantially complete uh will finish in October of 2025 so we have a lot of the pole line in and we're stringing a lot of it there's a couple spots that we have to come back and do because we need easements we need so those couple spots so we're not going to be continuously there it'll be intermittent from time to time uh underground cable installation will take place starting this spring and uh that's on Hartford Road and the underground cable installation on bridgeboro uh will be summer of 2025 uh again those are short bursts of work uh they're not real long in duration um and that's really going to uh I don't have an exact schedule for those only those General parameters because that comes into load analysis and when we can actually make those circuit changes uh for our inside plant work which is the property at 130 Hartford uh the station is on track it's on schedule uh we're PL proud to say over 50,000 manh hours have been expended on that project without an oosha incident and um the four monopoles for the 230 KV modifications those are already done the storm water system and utilities is within the station are complete all major equipment buildings and structures are complete the um AIS 75% of the AIS bus system that's air insulated bus that's just the shiny aluminum conductor that's on top of the structures uh 75% of that is complete 100% will be completed in February uh the station is currently under testing and commissioning and the fence and Landscaping planed to complete early summer of this year uh so that's what I did do um as well is I included what we presented at site plan for the different views of the station so that you can refresh yourself on well what does that Landscaping going to look like uh you know this is what we what we intend to provide I also when I spoke to you two years ago gave you a map of uh where we're working and gave you some time frames I gave you the same map kept the same colors um and then just uh updated the blocks you'll see it's not as it's uh more sparsely populated because more work is done uh but that way it was was easy for you to follow along uh you know if you wish to take a look at it but what's on that map is just what I walked you through in the uh lists I also included the site plan uh which showed the the the drawing that showed the U Landscaping as well so if somebody does want to follow along one of your constituents has a question you know you you have this and we can certainly um give you uh more detail on planning lists and so forth if it's needed the big thing um you know I was here in 22 and I want to thank the mayor and the president for all the work that your Township has done um you know the uh so you know with Joe uh helping us identify who in school districts uh in the school District Waste Management um the fire departments helping us identify those uh stakeholders those residents that are uh you know that we have to pay attention to when we're tearing up your road so we don't disrupt their lives uh you know we had that help we had the help with the police department reviewing our plans uh our traffic plans our management plans and helping suggest time frames and areas that we could work and it worked out well uh I have to admit it worked out well for PS because when things work out well it works out cost effective we believe it worked out well for the township and you know not everything I'm not we're not perfect I'm not perfect uh but I think with their help it was a you know we really appreciate it we think they did a great job and also the county uh the engineering office I can't really forget them because when we came back to them with recommendations from the township they were very receptive and very cooperative and actually let us work through a more moratorium on road work because they realized it would help us get out of Del Ran faster uh you know as far as disrupting your road work so uh I just wanted to mention the thank yous because it did go a long way on making this a success corly so thank you and that concludes my report Mr President thank you very much I got a quick question for you one for the residents at home the site plan and the map that you presented we put the mayor and I worked and Joe worked there's a website page we have a website page with all of that information on there good so it's out there for people but that leads to my second question or second point for this map right the colored one did these dates change at all like are you still on schedule to what the first one you with us surprising well surprisingly yes uh you know there are some variations uh just do the permitting and that sort sort of thing um and weather but now the project uh the outside work is holding to the original plan great uh and the inside work is definitely on track down to the day if you could just if you don't mind please send us this digitally so we'll update the website certain I'll do that tomorrow morning Joe may I send that to you yeah we'll get it to usine um thank you very much we appreci any Council mayor any questions Point all right and thank you for working with all of us and I know there like you said there's a lot of people that go in the so there is we appreciate all their help and you guys being you know good neighbors with us so we look forward to a long and a long relationship going anywhere now after this investment so we intend to be around a while thank you good good thank you guys for coming out we appreciate it um on the original agenda there was a presentation from the Green Team who will be with us scheduling conflict she'll be with us next meeting right next yes yes all right so finally we have our reports right first up is our Township administrator Joseph bolina Joe no report this evening Mr President okay great next up is our clerk Jamie aares Jamie I also have no report great thank you next is our mayor mayor cbone I do I just lost left report but I here I am so um as many of you know uh we had a tremendous catastrophic failure on the intersection of Fifth and Leon and I'm happy to report that the repair itself is complete that uh remarkably our emergency contractors have uh jumped in there and let me just explain quickly that that as it turns out it was an issue that was being investigated by the sewer department who did an amazing job we're we're looking at all the different manholes actually were a manhole or two away from the site that collapsed when it collapsed and I heard it so immediately responded uh contacted all the appropriate folks including our police who have been there literally Around the Clock uh at the repair it was it depending on the estimate that you hear it was approximately 35 ft uh long by 25 ft and about 15 ft deep uh it was a it was a major major collapse and um uh not W if anybody's superstitious uh we anticipate the high probability of asphalt arriving tomorrow and we will get our road back uh once that happens that's a temporary patch until obviously the weather turns and we can do a final coat but that will mean that that road will be passable means the police don't have to be there 24 hours a day it was it was frankly an amazing amazing pace and the work product that they produced was was was something to see uh I I need to thank the residents in the Cambridge section which is surrounding the collapsed area because they were wonderful even even the family that had a geyser of not pretty water in their basement um and and again I I uh can't thank the sewer department enough for uh being there helping them out without helping pump that out and frankly the residents all over town for those of you have seen all the social media and website posts and the Civic ready posts we we requested a voluntary conservation of water and uh it worked we had to shut down the Fifth Street Pump Station which handles 90% I would say give or take of the total flow that comes into the sewer plant and um that meant that you know not so much if you get a drink of water but if you wash your hands and the water's running or you're doing laundry or the dishwasher or flushing the toilet frankly uh all that created flow to that area and and they had to address all of that so uh because of the conservation literally townwide we've been able to to get that repair done quickly they installed a bypass they went in there dug it up the it was Heavy Equipment everywhere and I just wanted I I just feel the need to to thank our emergency contractors who were Mobil there in hour and mobilized by the very next morning uh they are Jay Fletcher Kramer and Sons and our Sewer Department that was there I I saw Joe Russell our superintendent U at 8 o'clock at night and again at 8 o'clock in the morning and he was still there uh those the the entire crew was tremendous uh from the sewer department obviously Public Works does everything that they always do tremendously police were there around the clock fire department was there periodically making sure everybody was safe EMS was on standby and the guy sitting to my left at your right who was coordinating all of that um uh and and helping me to understand what had to happen so we could get that out either through media or through social media the website is Joe Bina who who was uh calling me around the clock uh and not that I'm happy about you calling me around the clock but I'm happy that we were able to do that so everybody working together got this done it reminded me of the when they fixed the ramp on 95 in two days I said how is that possible that it's happened but we're getting that road back and it's probably going to be tomorrow weather permitting so thank you to all those concerned and thanks to the residents who helped uh by helping to conserve water for that period of time if that was necessary and that's my only report thank you council president great thank you mayor next up is our solicitor Robert Wright robt anything I have no report tonight thank you thank you next is from our Engineers office seei Associates Ed Danto I have no report as well great next is members of council first upop is councilman Nikki appu councilman yeah just briefly um since our last meeting it seems like everything went wrong in our area um river side park um I just want to say thank you to all who helped the residents to come the terms with what we're going through right now thanks to the resident for their patience with us to get things done um and that has to do with the uh flooding so um just to all the residents we have a town hall format meeting coming up on January 31st 2024 at the municipal building so we hope everybody's going to be here um we will give our flyers and we have um our friend over um Mr Cen to help give the Flyers out to neighbors so we know that going to be here to talk about what we need to fix in that area um second thing is I just want to thank the sewer team and everybody who helped to get that problem fixed within what less than a day or so so excellent word thank you to everybody our Police Department emergency teams the county all the volunteers that have been helping just thank you so much and we hope to get residents to get to be made made whole again um because it's devastating to see what's going on but you know we're strong from what I've seen in Del residents are resilient so thank you for your patience thank you than you next up oh I'm sorry and one I'm sorry I just forgot and also a big thank you to uh Calvary Church they actually were able to host um the emergency teams on short notice and want to thank them very much for the help thank you next up is uh councilman Jen councilman thank you council president I'll just keep it short I I Echo the mayor and councilwoman's uh comments and and con congratulations to all those teams that's my report great thank you uh from our report real quick uh mention everything everyone says with regards to the river um we have a special Town Hall format meeting as Nikki said we have some flyers here for those folks who want we invite everyone join us on the 31st it's here at 7 o'clock we'll have a presentation uh we've been working non-stop with the engineers office prepare for that you know get people information about what's going on down there so they can hear it from us instead of you know rumors and you know past down so we look forward to hearing people and talking about the issues um then and what options we have um second thing is you know as the mayor said we had that collapse the sewer issue and the collapse down on Leon um you know great work on getting that repaired very quickly I just wanted to make a point a couple people have reached out to me and you know how are we going to pay for this it's costly all the things you hear but you know on a part of Good Financial Management the reason we have a fund balance and things are for these type of situations right you have to have a rainy day fund and nothing is going to be perfect in municipal government because there's infrastructure involved it's constantly being used these things unfortunately happened um luckily you know there wasn't as much damage as it could have been but we've addressed it very rapidly and we have the you know the money and the where it's all the resources to get that repaired quickly um other towns unfortunately wouldn't be able to do that so um you know kudos to for Good Financial Management on that and um the third thing with all of these kind of crazy things that have gone on the last month since we've been here there's been a lot of people that have worked behind the scenes to make sure all this run smoothly down to the Riverside Park response and Leon response um the mayor hit on a bunch of them um Calvary Church our public works department Sewer Department fire OEM Police Department um the list goes on the administration everyone really put a lot of work into this for example I just know at the Riverside Park um Joey uh we you know young Joey um was our OEM coordinator think Che what was up for 31 hours or something like that in a period I mean there was people were away from their families to make sure other people were safe and that's what they you know they do and they do it you know with their head held high but I mean in uh Sewer Department we're up for 30 I mean you know it's been a very very busy couple weeks so I just want to take a moment on behalf of council and the township and thank everyone for going the extra extra mile um to make sure everything is runs smoothly as possible so with that we got no other reports we'll now entertain a motion to open the floor to the public comment motion second all in favor I I those opposed motion carries our floor is now open to public comment if you wish to speak please raise your hand you will be recognized at that time please take your name and address for the record all remarks are part of the record and cannot be redacted or retracted um and you have we five minutes five minutes of time good evening um good evening my name is Jen reper I live in Delan um so my question here is on this um it's actually yeah cut questions and statements on ordinance 242 creating chapter 340 vehicle small onand aircrafts I guess more commonly known as drones yes so my question is under what Authority is this ordinance 242 being brought up for consideration is it federal state county or the league of municipalities um well we have the that's brought under our own jurisdictional authority if you want to go back the legislature grants municipalities Authority it's called home rule and Dylan rule um technically New Jersey is a mixed state I mean I won't get into the legal ease of it but we're we're granted Authority by the legislature to enact all enact ordinances laws rules and regulation for the public welfare of the community and that's what this falls under so so it's called what home Ru I mean that's the the legal where could I research this because I like to read it up myself if I can talk to you afterwards about the legal I've studied a course on it but it's Dill enroll i l l o n and home rule municipalities are creatures of the legislature right so the legislature gives us authorities you know we actually the authority comes from the people under God natural law not the Constitution so that that's where your Authority comes from so that's where this is coming that's the truth okay but go ahead I I apologize for interrupting the answer is we have Authority Under the legislature it's a part of our it's the fuler ACT is the governing part of of the governing body but there's title I think it's 41 but anyway we have authority and that's what it's under so now we cannot regulate for example there's a certain height in the air that then the FDA takes over it's Federal Regulations so I can't tell you you can't fly you know Boeing 777 over us at 10,000 ft that's Federal you know airspace I understand that I'm just curious in our airspace this is what we just curious where this came from because I feel as though it's a it's a appears to be a a violation of the rights of the people so let me just State this this is a reminder that everyone who holds an office you took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution you can't make a law that goes against the Constitution and please don't Snicker this is this is real stuff I see you snickering and looking over at her I it's ridiculous when you violate the people's rights you may be held accountable so just just keep that in mind so I feel as though it's it's absolutely a right of a privacy of the people that you can have a drone and I read this maybe I'm unclear that the cops and the government could go around and put the Drone anywhere they want but I'm not allowed to have the Dr Drone here at the municipal building when this is my property this is public property We Own It We the People own this the government doesn't we are the government so you need you people need to understand all this fine yeah do you have any other questions or no that's it thank you for your time I appreciate that yeah I mean the the purpose of the Drone ordinance I want to make clear one we're not the first municipality in the state we're probably one of the last to do it um there's been model ordinances by the league of municipality um part of the reason we need to provide a safe space for our residents right and that's what we're doing here right there's instances on The Logical extreme I hate to use this example but there are people not in this town but that go around and use drones to stalk younger women they're looking at the bedrooms and things like that and there was without certain ordinances in place like the one presented here the police cannot do anything about that right so this allows the police and Regulators to be able to stop abusers right this is not really designed if little Joey is out back with his drone it's not really the police aren't going to be involved in that you know but if there's somebody who takes advantage of the airspace to for for harassment purposes and things of that nature yes that's going to be a problem and there's going to be rules and regulations they have to follow so little girls aren't being stalked by drones in their Windows that's if you want to speak you can come up to the you if you have time if you want to speak please we're not going to yell across the room that's fine but my point to you is the government I just want to say something the government likes to use all these fear tactics and say oh if you don't do this this is going to happen the vi the Constitution can never be violated it's it's it's it's it's that's what I'm saying so I'm going to look into this because I do believe that there's a violation so yes we say all day long like a guy's looking in a little girl's room yes that's bad but they always seems to say well we have to check the license plates because they're stolen cars so there's always some of going to the criminal element MH so that we so we can have our safety we lose our rights so I'm just standing up for the people in the town it's just a question that this stuff needs to be brought up here yeah that's all that's all so appr license plates it's well Supreme Court of the United States has said it's there's no expectation of priv I but I I believe it is the the violation of the Fourth Amendment so again just because but then I guess because you went to college doesn't mean you know more than with the Constitution states I'm just saying the that's all that's fine that's fine yeah I'm entitled to my oh you are and that's very American also by the way thank it is well we're not going to Lodge allegations and somehow we're violating the Constitution so I'm committed to the Constitution we have people out here in the world that take their time to to plan coups and and you know attack Congress but no one's concerned about that you know but anyway go ahead I I just just to expand just an information I attended a drone seminar at the league of municipalities conference and uh the people who ran it actually Park Rangers for the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey you cannot buy a drone in a state park period And there are a lot of other restrictions and I listen to other communities talk about their restrictions and restrictions are pretty well defined and they're there to protect like as as council president indicated protect the residents privacy we've already had a couple situations in town where we've had complaints about that so I understand your point well Pagan but just give you a little more information about background and you're welcome yeah that's that's well taken yeah this there's a lot of thought that went into this process actually we're going to pass this ordinance I think it was four or five months ago but we waited for the league of municipality because we wanted to send Lyn went volunteered to go down to learn more information about that so that's the steps we took this is not you know a halfhazard ordinance uh is there any other questions or comments from the public so raise your hand Miss yes hi Mary Janis um I live in Del Ran um now I'm going to just let you know what I know from an employee at the high school so before anybody says oh this is a Schoolboard issue it's it's really not I'll get to my question um and I'm just you know a concerned taxpayer of this town um we all know that there are a lot of illegals right here in Delan there was uh something I learned from an employee at the high school um there are well just in the high school for example there are 48 the um ESL students which is English second language students get um all kids get computers but all the students but the ESL students get um uh not um they get iPads so there have been 48 uh at least 48 iPads just for the high school that's not including the middle school I don't know about that so I can't speak to that but um so uh but they have to keep them at at the school and there was a high school student who left because uh he said he was leaving because they were going to be deported so he is an illegal they were going to be deported so he leaves school and he came back I don't know how long after um that I don't know so I can't speak to that um fact but um so he was this employee said Oh I thought you left what are you doing back here well he got an attorney his family got an attorney and he told this employee that um they they came across the border they paid someone to come across the border and um you know he said oh yeah we were given you know you know we were given free cell phones and Free Housing um so it's our tax dollars that are paying for our illegals who are here in Delan and he did state that um that apparently I mean Delan is a place that they are being told to come so I am sure um Mr Mayor you may know something about this you know you are the mayor of this town um but I want to know what is and I'm sure that there are many illegals living over in that housing over by Holy Cross um and my question is what is the incentivization for them coming to Delan I'd like to know because our tax do are paying to educate these illegals and house these illegals so I would like to know where the incentivization is coming from sure so so let me just be as clear as I can be this is 100% a Schoolboard issue we don't have any Authority whatsoever over the Schoolboard or their policies the only time we ever have any influence and frankly not even me is if their budget doesn't pass it comes to the council to review it everything else they do is either the the State Board of Education or their own rules and regulations it is not something that is paid for from our portion of the taxes we have zero control over that as the mayor you have zero control of you know who you know coming in here I mean I have control over the the sewer department and the police department and the tax department and the court I don't have any any jurisdiction whatsoever their self they tax and spend on their own that's the Board of Education I have no authority over none of us have any authority over the Board of Education okay so is this a matter that I'd have to go before the school board and to find out what the incentivization is for them coming to Delan absolutely and there's nothing you can't go to the school board and ask you know say that this came up at a meeting and uh tell not to give I pants no no not where's this incentivization coming from We're educating these illegals and housing them so I would like to know you know you how because apparently there's a lot of them coming into Delan I mean our town I'm really concerned about our town you know going to the dogs because it's not a couple things I I understand you know there's a lot of people I mean there's been a lot of people putting their houses up for sale for whatever reasons or downsizing and that's fine but and I have no problem with you know um and and I mean I'm not making this don't get me wrong I'm not trying to make this uh you know this is a you know worldwide problem but I have no problem with you know immigrants coming I mean people coming into our country and being vetted properly but I mean there's illegals coming in here and they're in Delan and I am very very um concerned and I'm concerned about you know our safety you know there's been you know I mean criminal activity and things like that you know so that's just I just before the board does anyone know anything about this I mean listen you know I I understand where you're going from this is I mean you can't turn on the TV now they're always debating about you know it's all over the immigration something people we need to talk about we need you know there needs to both sides out need to address it right and you know you're I understand what you're asking but you know because they're ESL students I don't know if that makes them illegal or Not Right But the bottom line the mayor is like we don't control the school board right so what what processes they have I know they hired a an ex police officer is you know employed by the township and he's like the truin officer I mean that's really not his position he does security over there he's in charge of a lot of things but part of the reason they hired that individual was to to go around and make sure people were hey do you live in town yes or no then you can come to the school so I think you're better suited addressing that person or that board right the board that governed that over because here we're just speculating I don't right you know I I don't like when I was in school we didn't have computers in every class right so now they are so trust me I know I'm saying I'm lucky we had typewriters so yeah but they would be able to give you questions about what how's the school policing that how's the school doing like we don't this not something we have any jurisdiction over right I mean I'm not trying to punt on it but we just don't right I mean it's there's a duly elected board you people elect the Board of Education members just like you elect us right and then they go and make policy and they make rules for the school district right yeah my concern was and and thank you for your um response it it is much appreciated um this wasn't illegal who told this employee um because they got an attorney and you know um you know that was that but um and that's then he was back in school but you know it was just my concern I'm like how are these illegals getting in and being housed and I would think somebody from our well I mean serves on the Township Board would be aware or no there's no one I can say this there was no one on this side who conspiring to bring illegal immigrants I'm not saying you're conspiring I know but there like a building somewhere that's just you know illegal immigrants that we're all turning a blind eye to right I mean you know that's just not happening right so yeah go ahead I was on a school board for 16 years president for six and uh we you know we had problems not with so much illegals but people from other towns bringing kids in and things like that whenever I mean people have to step up and say I know this is happening and they will investigate every time we had someone come in and complain about somebody who was always investigated okay so I think if you do go there you'll get some satisfaction but people do have to step up and say hey Lyn Jenny he's an alien from outter space and you know right he's taking tax money you know and we all agree I you know but uh yeah that's the school Point issue okay all right thank you so they'll be able to help you out all right all right thank you thank you any other uh public comment comments questions seeing none sure know hi it's Pam from Delan your Pam giri capital G lowercase e a r y um so in regards to that I think I think like I I get the school board thing and I was unaware of this but I guess it's more like um The Sanctuary state right this is where so we're a sanctuary State and I guess everybody knows what's happening in New York right so and I did see where they are shipping them to New Jersey so I know you know the governor you guys all just had a governor function or something so I guess the question more aside from the but aside from the honestly it it goes the governor and then the county and then the townships correct so somebody in here has to be communicating to know where these people people are going where the money's coming from to house them I think that's more like specific on what you're trying to get at like there's no way that these people are just coming in moving into Del R and say Hunters Glenn even and they're getting their rent paid and nobody here knows anything about it like it's got to go from the governor to the county to you guys like somebody has to be aware if if the housing is getting paid for by the taxpayer somebody has to know something no it's they don't call us every week can say here's so does the governor just cut them a check with our other tax money and they just go wherever they want like there's got to be some kind of I would direct your question up the ladder not down the ladder respectfully I mean I we don't have the answer right just like if you file for unemployment right and you get benefits from the state but you're legally Ena right like they don't tell us hey Tyler brell got you know unemployment benefit no I got you so would do I get Troy Singleton I guess that that maybe maybe start there and see see where we go from there what resources I know you guys get pressure from the county I'm aware of that this I am aware that we're down here I understand your question it's a valid question it makes sense you know I I think most of the time they sent from the reporting I've seen it's all going to North Jersey like the S the buses that you see on TV coming in and dropping off my understand is that that's not happened in our town I don't think it's really happen down here in this County it's all up North and then when that happens I believe there's crisis center set up and like the oem's office Emergency Management and they find temporary housing and things like that but I I I don't want to pontificate on it because I but there was communication to that we would be made aware of it correct correct never they don't call me to ask I'll go ask tell me update on on any movement or money that's going to anything unless it's a state Grant it would be the county level because yeah speaking of the Constitution harboring being a sanctuary state is actually the the biggest you know the governor should be in jail that's what I'm saying but um but you're all Democrats so I'm sure you're not going to not and I'm not Republican Democrat I'm just saying some of the issue that they P body doesn't get to decide of a sanctuary state or not right so I understand both sides I'm just saying but you you do run on that same platform so you would have to I mean if you're against it say it are you against being a sanctuary State I I have no influence one way or the other no okay so a lot you know what I mean because honestly it's the it's the the policies that they have like our governor is a Democrat I'm not stating anything crazy he is for Sanctuary states he is for paying them no but I'm just saying but then you guys run on the Democrat platform like I know you were just endorsed by them so I'm assuming that you guys agree with the same thing like I know we pay for abortions up to it's not funny there's a bill you're saying but you know we can this is not I I understand happy to talk to you afterwards we want to talk policy about stuff but let's stay focused here on what we can control what The Talented body but it kind of does matter like what your platform is if you're running our town that's all if I could just say we are here to to administer and and deal with Del Ran issues there is no Democratic way the street no no no I'm not saying that I'm just saying if you're if if somebody's running something for me I'd like to know where they stand on issues which is why they have different parties because the different parties stand for different issues that's all I'm saying so the issues that you're discussing are not something that we have any control over you you can ask us questions personally not in a governmental Forum we'll be happy to answer whatever but this is not the purpose of this meeting the meeting is if you have a if you have an issue that deals with Del R yeah yeah but that the immigration does have something to do with that in our town and if if you're for it then yes it it affects us that's all I'm saying got but I will go talk to Troy singon yes thank you it would be a good start yeah good start any other questions comments concerns none I'll ask for a motion to close the floor motion all in favor I those oppos I opposed motion carries or floor is now closed an N chain and motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I I those opposed motion carries