##VIDEO ID:-dNy2Fy7dYg## good evening everyone welcome to the delation meeting Mr belli you do the honor of pledge of Alle please I Alle to FL the United States of America and to the it stands one nation under God indivisible Justice for yeah vice president of dely Regional High School District Board of Education here hereby certified that all provisions of the open public meeting law PL 1975 chapter 231 have been met notice of this meeting was mailed to sou Jersey Times The Sentinel The Daily Journal as well as the municipal Clerks of elk and Franklin Township roll call Mrs Dy here Mrs Beck here Mr Bley here Mr Li foot here Mr Dy here Mr Deo here Mrs gagon here I'm here Mr it's will not be here this evening and jilia here okay we have two presentations this two presentations this evening ssds reports um Dr nimi from the middle school and jessella from high school good evening good evening so at the middle school over the past year we've identified several key areas where our students have faced some challenges that are reflected in our school discipline report looking from 2022 2023 school year to last year 2324 we've seen a reduction in the J dooe reportable incidences by 41% we believe this is a direct correlation to our proactive approach in addressing behavior and supporting student well-being so at this point to this end we've enhanced our behavioral mtss framework by incorporating restorative culture practices which focus on relationship building and on conflict resolution we've also strengthened our counseling services to provide more tailored support for students who may be struggling additionally we've also introduced a reflection program which allows us to gain deeper insight into our student perspective helping us address the root causes of behavior more effectively the teaming design that we have at the middle school has positively impacted the connectedness among students and staff within the building and through these measures we're confident that we can continue to create a more supportive and responsive environment for all of our students in the high school we're off to a good start our numbers are actually on Target and actually decreasing from our pre and post pandemic our reportable offenses have actually been been cut basically in half from 2022 to 2023 and our uh total incidences has been a decrease of almost 25% likely due to our data analysis and our adjusting of our code of conduct we're using dc1 better and we're also impling more restorative practices and basically our overall School culture and our teachers have been really great does anybody have any questions on either of those reports thank you very much we have second presentation I'll bring up Miss P High School principal uh we have one new staff introduction um that could be so um I'm going to bring up Kurt D Woody up here to front and center come on up here Kurt Kurt you know obviously we know Kurt graduated here from dely we're very happy to have him here he's here to help rebuild our physics program um you know as it's dwindled after you Mr McCully has left who left a long leg Legacy here at dsce um an impressionable Mark so we have Kurt with us um who is going to be an active coach for us and he is made his way feeling right at home there anything you'd like to say k that's it I uh I appreciate to be home and that's all so we're happy to have him here so you got be simple and I have a motion to approve minutes of the Reg second we have all those in favor opposed so carried motion to approve the executive session minutes second we have a second any questions on the Motions all in favor oppos so Carri Communications okay at this time any citizens that would like to address the board please feel free to do so come on how are you good here again all right uh my name's Teresa 6 um I am just wondering why the homecoming and bringing an outside guest was changed with such short notice it wasn't even 30 days and you have kids who have gone to school the past 3 years and seen people bring guests it's their senior year and now they're choosing not to go to the homecoming because of the rule change so I'll answer uh in years past as the popularity of the dance has grown which is a great problem to have there have been years where our own delce students have been shut out of being able to get a ticket to the dance uh we've gone as far as moving the food out of the gym and into the um and you're familiar with the school the The West Wing hallway uh we've actually moved tables into the lobby to create more space for students um so at that at this point this year there was a meeting between members of the administration and members of the student Advisory Group um and I might have the exact name of of that group wrong but it's the student advisory uh uh group and it was decided that this was the best way to U be able to saf theel first so kids still aren't going to be able to go there's still not enough tickets why haven't we looked at a different Beno so we're paying how much are the tickets $30 $30 for chicken fingers in our gym where we could have it at a different venue and accommodate everybody not I mean the venue that would accommodate the numbers that we have would be an enormous venue number one because we're in the area six and I'm qu the exact number but somewhere near 600 students um it would have to be a very specific venue and it would be a significant amount of money it would be like another another prom okay and why didn't they tell the kids this September the first day of school they waited 30 days student input before that happen well I think that the communication to especially the seniors was poor like my son already asked a date she went and bought a dress it's non- returnable and now he's not going because she can't go with him it's his senior year everything's the last and he's missing it because of this decision I just I don't think the communication was presented to the children like it should have been I'll take that all right thank you thank you very much anyone else I just in relation to the same subject matter because I know that there's been a lot of contention about this I'm a retired school counselor my name's Lisa Draper I'm sorry retired high school counselor um a few years now but I saw on the township page I you know there was a lot of scuttlebutt about this I would just like to say it from my perspective thank you for making a decision that was based on the safety of the kids and allowing them to even have a dance because many schools don't allow outside guests at all for safety sake um where I worked at Timber Creek High School We There were years when they were not permitted to bring outside students uh and there were always situations where you know that it would have to be approved by both party both both schools if it was an outside school but um there were often issues and I'm not saying this would have been anyone who you know was going to be or presumed to be in attendance but there were often issues with having students from outside the district and then there there's no accountability there's no recourse with going back to the other district for being able to discipline students and whatnot so I when I read that I was like well I the homecoming dance really should just be for the for the delce students it should just be for in in District students so I just want to thank you for I thought that was I will also tell you along with what you said I know Miss Pasqual talked in her principal group and it's split there there are some schools that allow them and some schools that don't it's not like this was an outlier it's a tough decision it really is but when you know you have you know your students you know who's permitted to attend another school could sign off on a on a child attending delie homecoming or prom or whatever but that really does not hold a lot of weight in in some cases and with the climate that we're working in or teachers are working in these days space or otherwise in my opinion it was it was a wise decision thank you so thank you hi I'm Colleen Benin um I had a son graduate Dela and a son currently at delsa um there's been a lot of tension um from what I understand in the community with um girl soccer um apparently those parents didn't show up who were supposed to but I'm going to speak on behalf of coach cortiz I'm GNA try not to cry um coach try to uncatch your name Colleen van Alin um coach cortiz has been an invaluable asset to our school community and has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication leadership and commitment to the well-being of our students and athletes coach cz's ability to create a positive and supportive environment is evident in the enthusiasm and dedication of our students he not only teaches the technical aspects of the sports but also instills important L lessons such as teamwork perseverance and sportsmanship Beyond his coaching abilities coach Cortez is a role model for our students his positive attitude integrity and commitment to Excellence are inspiring he has a unique ability to connect with students on a personal level fostering strong relationships and providing guidance both on and off the field I can personally say this for what he has done for my children I have a son at the Coast Guard Academy who he consistently reaches out to make sure that he is okay and that his well-being is intact and what he did for my son his years in high school is exceptional um so I wholeheartedly endorsed coach cortiz as a coach at delsy high school his contributions to our school Community are immeasurable and I'm confident that he will continue to have the positive impact on the lives of our students thank Youk you hi good evening I'm Christy shabi I am here also in support of the concerns that have been addressed by um for Christian cortiz High School sports embody the essence of Excellence teamwork and personal growth one of the best in New Jersey Del Del's athletic department commands programs that provide a supportive environment where students can strive for excellence learn the values of hard work discipline and resilience as a parent that closely observed coach cortiz from 2020 to 2024 I would like to firmly express my unwavering support and attest to his dedication to those athletic values for my son personally he was a pivotal role model in shaping my son Tyler's well-being uh well-rounded motivated and resilient athletic athlete and human he consistently went above and beyond to create a positive environment fostering a culture where hard work dedication and respect are the cornerstones his impact transcends the field shaping the lives of not just the starting lineup but even when the students are not the star athletes he encouraged my son and stayed motivated and engaged my son graduated in June but this past month my father Tyler's grandfather passed away Coach cortiz called my son not because he had to but because of his character character that extends far beyond the baseball game itself in conclusion I stand firmly with Christian Cortez and I am confident in his integrity and commitment to all his athletes his dedication ensures that all students not only Excel athletically but also carry forward in valuable life lessons and into their Futures thank you thank you thank you hi my name is Stephanie star um I have been a varsity coach here at DSA for the past 28 years but tonight I'm here as a parent I do have a statement that I'm also going to read because like Mrs Van alins sometimes I get emotional I have three kids that graduated from our schools and a son who is in 10th Grade currently I'm thankful for everything my kids received in their years at delie on and off the field I truly believe we are the best in the nation I'd like to tell you a quick story about my son George he's The Graduate of a the class of 2024 and is currently attending Goldie beacom college on a baseball scholarship George was a starter on the varsity baseball team here at dsce he played the infield and was a right-handed pitcher who reached multiple miles stones of the mound it was also graci graciously pointed out to my husband and I at the end of his high school career that statistically George is arguably one of the best pitchers to ever come through delce I'm very proud of that but I have a reason that I'm telling you this and it has to do with one of his coaches Christian Cortez Christian was more than a coach to George he was his teacher too but more importantly he was a mentor a trusted safe space an honest voice that cut through all the noise this past spring as many of you know the delsa high school baseball team won the South Jersey group 3 championship and advanced to the state level championship game the team had a magical run playing every single game possible during their season but the last two games of that season including the state championship game that would be the last of georg's high school career my son did not start he didn't just not pitch in either of those games he didn't start in the field either he was in The Dugout as good as George is on the mound and in the field he struggles as a hitter and everyone knew that including George but the other fielder who was infielder who is just as good as George does hit so he started that other player was a freshman in the end the coaching staff including Christian Cortez made the decision that was best for the team the Freshman started and the 4-year senior Captain did not and Christian was the coach who went to George to personally explain the decision that had been made he cut through all the noise for his player and do you know who George complained to no one and we as parents we never said a word it was a nonissue playing time isn't a discussion that is warrant Ed a team has to have a we not me mentality otherwise they will not be successful last year dely saw multiple teams make it to the respective state level Championship tournaments football won their state championship wrestling won their state championship boys basketball made it to the playoffs track and field made it to the state championship as did the baseball team many of you in this room tonight were at those tournaments games matches and meets to support our athletes those teams did not get to their championships without making the sometimes tough decisions and putting the best players on the field even when the players who have to sit out are the upper classman leaders of the team Christian cortiz is the type of Coach we want here at delce he's at every event held in this District he supports every activity here and he even announces for the teams he doesn't coach for he gives back every year at the senior Sunday with a scholarship in his grandmother's name he is the culture and climate we all work so hard to create here the issues recently brought to your attention should have never gotten to this level the athletic director should have his decisions supported that is why his job his job is an administrated level position because when coaches are supported by their administrators and you the Board of Education in the district they just might end up staying in that District to do their part to make a difference in the lives of young adults for 28 years and longer and that I know from firsthand experience thank you anyone else that would like to address the board good evening my name's uh Frank master and I have I'm here to support uh coach cortiz as well I have a unique uh perspective as I had uh twins that graduated in June a boy and a girl so my played soccer for four years for coach cortiz and the other staff and my son played baseball as well and I can't say anything but positive things for coach cortiz and what he gives back my son also played basketball he was there cheering them on or announcing the games with enthusiasm and support for all the kids and uh I'm not sure what the noise is but when I heard this I felt I had to come out and say things uh in support of him uh there's one little story um I'd like to tell about him my son achieved a significant milestone in baseball at the beginning of the season and uh before that game coach cortiz said to me he goes today's the day he pulled something out of his bag a ball that was signed by the team the year before cuz he thought that the Milestone was going to be achieved early he carried that ball for a year and presented to him after achieve that Milestone that's the kind of person coach Cortez is he doesn't forget the little things or the big things and um you know it's it's amazing the education my four kids have gotten here the experiences they've had in the Athletics and in other curricular activities and I just hate to see um good young coaches and teachers just not get uh opportunities or choose not to do something uh because of maybe a small few so uh I just wanted to come out and express my support for Coach CZ thank you for your apprciate anyone else would like to address Bo okay com to committees Mrs V was kind enough to take my committee for this evening the little committee you had yeah and then mine's right after I make a motion to approve the following transfer for the 2025 2024 school year as we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve the following non- teing staff hirers for the 2425 school year as listed second we have a second we have roll call vote on this Mrs Dy yes Mrs Beck yes Mr belli yes Mr lefoot yes Mr Dempsey yes Mr dearo yes and chair vot yes I make a motion to approve the following resignation as listed second all those in favor oppos so Carri I make a motion to approve following leaves of absent as listed any questions on a motion all those in favor I opposed motion Carri I make a motion to approve the following employees as substitutes for the 2425 school year and a previously previously approved r as listed we have a second all those in favor iOS motion carried I make a motion to approve the 2425 schedule will the non-athletic positions as listed okay we have a second any questions on motion all those in favor oppos motion Carri I make a motion to approve the creation of Middle School Writers Workshop organization volunteer advisor and yourest we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion Carri I make a motion to approve C this right as a home instructor for the 24 25 school year second second any any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve the following power of professionals to support students the IEPs during extracurricular activities at a previously approved rate for the 24 25 school year as listed we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve abil Jones as a as the non-scheduled B Middle School drama club choreographer for a five with a $500 stif funds coming from production ticket Sal we have a second roll call vote any questions on the motion first of all roll call vote Mrs Dy yes Mrs Beck yes Mr belli yes Mr L yes Mr Dempsey yes Mr dematio yes chair votes yes motion approved I make a motion to approve Robert say last say change en title to facility supervisor salary increase of $12,500 we have a second any questions on motion roll call vote Mrs Dy yep Mrs Beck yes Mr burelli yes Mr lot yes Mr Dempsey yes Mr dematio yes chair vote Yes motion carried so it concludes your report thank you appreciate it any I make a motion to approve the board secretary report accordance with State statutes for the month of August the board secretary certifies that no line item account has been overexpanded in violation of State Statute and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve the treasures report according to the state statutes for the month of August 2024 treas report and secretary's report are in agreement for the month of August 2024 we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve in accordance with State Statute the certification of the board secretary that there are no changes in anticipated Revenue amounts or Revenue sources thank you we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion Carri I make a motion to approve the Board of Education certification pursuance of State statue uh we certify that after review of the secretary's monthly financial report and upon consultation with the appropriate District officials that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of State Statute and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial o obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve the trans the report of transfers from 2000 for August 201 24 okay we have a second roll call vote Mrs Dy yes Mrs Beck yes Mr belli yes Mr lot yes Mr Dy yes Mr deao yes and chair votes yes motion carried make a motion to approve the following bills as listed have a second any questions on a motion roll call vote Mrs Dy yes Mrs Beck yes Mr barelli yes Mr Lightfoot yes Mr Mr Dempsey yes Mr dematio yes and chair vote Yes motion Carri thank you education Mr burelli thank you Mr chair I make a motion to approve the following clinics workshops as listed okay any questions on the motion roll call vote Mrs Dy yes Mrs Beck yes Mr barelli yes Mr bloot yes Mr dempy yes Mr dematio yes chair V yet motion Carri I make a motion to approve a maximum of 3 4our Community vaccine cling storing the 2425 year facilitated through D partnership with je Jefferson hill we have a second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion Carri I make a motion to approve the submission of the fiscal year 24 Essa final expenditure report any questions on a motion all those in favor opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve the title one School parent compact for middle school and high school any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion Carri make a motion to approve receipt of the 24 graduation pathway Pathways results second any questions on a motion all those in favor oppos motion Carri I make a motion to approve amendment to 24 perin application to include additional Award of $194 any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion carried cludes my report thank you Mr Mr D uh policy uh make a motion to approve the first reading of the following policies and regulations as listed any questions on a motion all those in favor I opposed motion carried that's all I have tonight thank you very much for your Mr whitefoot I make a motion to approve the following athletic positions for for the 2024 2025 school year as listed thank you any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion carried I make a motion to approve the following homeschool students to try out for delc sports as listed any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion Carri make a motion to approve the overnight stage for the following things as listed any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion Carri and ground Mr a motion to approve the following facility request ad second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion carried Transportation Mr Dy make a motion to approve the following 2425 transportation joint chair as listed any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion carried and we'll go to superintendent report recommend the board approve the following special education tuition student placements as listed so move second any questions on the motion R call do Mrs D yes Mrs Beck yes Mr B yes Mr liot yes Mr Dempsey yes Mr deao yes chair votes yes motion Carri recommend the board approve the following field trips in accordance with our fee schedule and educational significance as listed moved second any questions on a motion all those in favor I I opposed motion Carri recommend the board acknowledg the receipt of the September 2024 High School Middle School hit report as presented moved second any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion carried recommend the board approve the district nursing service plan for the 2024 2025 school year any questions on the motion all those in favor I opposed motion Carri and the district reports are there for your review okay student board member report Miss Gibbs hello guys I'm J Gibbs and I'm just wanted to talk about first homecoming so with the homecoming for me I saw the moood to make it for gy students only as beneficial not only for our students but for our staffs because because I know that last year there was some difficulty with outside guests at homecoming as well as I know personally that a lot of my friends didn't get a chance to go to homecoming because of outside guest and that was a problem for me my sophomore year I didn't get to go because there were too many tickets sold for people without out of out of District gu so I I agree with the decision to allow for only CL students um I also like this year how we're implementing more Interactive Learning groups and processes such as building learning thinking classrooms which is basically like interactive um problem solving on whiteboards as well as well as um we do community Circle groups in class and basically instead of looking at each other's backs well in class we get a front-facing view of each other and are able to actually communicate with one another which I appreciate and it's different from instead of feeling isolated feeling more like a community in the classroom as well as smart pass um it is easier to create passes as well as have access to passes and you don't only need a teachers Reliance to make a pass a lot of it is independent and it's easier so you make sure you're going to the right GRS and that's all I have to say thank you very much appreciate a lot of good things to say executive board report um we all have the blink doc have nothing to add to busness administrator report recommend the board approve the shared service agreement with Franklin Township Boe for facilities manager Services moov second any questions on the motion all those in favor opposed motion Carri thank you any old business come before the board any new business at this time um we have 3 minutes per group or individual if anyone wants to address the board at this time no okay thank you I make a motion to enter into executive session to discuss matters as listed not to be made public at this time second all those in favor okay motion carried we'll go into exective session yeah 5 minute break then we'll go into second thank you thank you session second second all those in favor motion approve time this we back to public back public okay motion I make a motion to present the feasibility study for consolidation of el Del I'm sorry elf delce and Franklin Township Board of Education to public V all those in favor question I'm sorry questions on the motion questions yes uh Mr President I I think before we move forward I think we' be helpful from the public forum we had on Monday there were some questions the public had asked um and if we could help try to answer some of his questions provide some additional information I think that may be helpful going forward good okay the the administration in and the collaboration with the Rome group will look to answer uh the questions that were uh brought up on Monday and look to a public forum in between the decision to put this on the ballot and uh going to the ballot sometime early next year thank you any further questions all those in favor I opposed motion carries to motion to ad all those in favor