##VIDEO ID:28P2yhltbBc## hereby certify the Aller buits of the open public meeting are met 1975 231 been met this meeing was now to the South Jersey THS SEL with daily J as well as most for fls FR towns the stand as I [Music] yes before we get to roll calls I'd like to introduce in our first night her official capacity our student representative to the Board of Education Jam Gibbs um we are so excited about what she is going to bring to us and how so uh the voice of our students throughout the year [Applause] welome Carly yes yesy yes es skes I am uh we have new staff introductions first I'll bring up high school principal Mrs jel Kasa hi everyone um I would like to say thank you to jam for being our board you know representative as well just to give you a little insight on her too she's our NHS president um she's in intera and she's in glamor gal so she's a very involved student for us at the high school but as far as new staff has start Alyssa would you mind coming on up we have with us tonight miss Alyssa Russo she's coming to us luckily from Pine Hill um she is teaching psych and so here with us at the high school um and we are very grateful to have her join our team like the same all right thank you that's all we have at the high school right now well we have Mr Dy but he'll be here in October okay thank you I have g m St of the Middle School to John M good evening everyone uh I would like to introduce John gavon ja one up John is joining us from Upper Township he'll be uh teaching both seventh and eth grade social studies for us uh at the middle school we're extremely ly to have him um as part of the interview process as well he had to leave a few minutes ear cuz he had to rescue turtles so um he's bringing a lot to the Middle School we're very appreciative to have them so super excited it's been a good first week thanks guys thank you so I I get the privilege this year of sharing our assessed results from the 2023 2024 school year I'll be sharing uh great sorry um the NOS that net were exceeded on the njsla in ela and math I'll share Trends from the past eight years our Advanced plac results and some recommendations all things we should be working on to do even best so language arts um with the exciting news not only do we have some nice Cobo brings going on but for the first time since 2019 we have a grade level eighth grade that is now at or above State average so as just a really nice get after a couple of years of you know some some bad results so I'm very excited about the future Springs in English language arts this is just the beginning so we have a consus of mon here matter of growth in eth and n9th grade it's our first grade level us first grade level blood State average what we started to find and and the detailed results just came out on Friday so I've been digging through all weekend um writing seems to be the area of largest efficiency so we've already been working on Shifting the instructional model to more of a writer Workshop small Lo instruction and writing and support uh we're combining this with our work to insute High Vex siiz instructional strategies leveraging different uh competitive Grant Monies to bring that instructional model to the district math some really really exciting news so uh I'm really excited that delce is creeping back up both in seventh grade in math 8 and really really nice in Algebra 1 in made 8ighth grade last year I told you that 46% of the students Mass this past assessment 86% that's almost double and when you saw the students and the teachers of middle school math show you what they're doing in their math class that is our big reason for optimism the collaborative problem solving the vertical whiteboarding it's really done a lot for us so these are boring so I I'm going to show you some Trends in a minute and I think that it's going to give you a sense of the story a little bit better than some of those numbers but we're experiencing consistent growth then e8th grade Al Brit's exceeding prior levels of achievement the number of students who were just below passing within two points of passing continues to be significant that is UN call for attention um it's it was so significant that we even inquired to the state about rescoring some of those assessments because when you're in in points Something's Happened right um but then they told us to have a test a single test score it was $500 each so we didn't have that kind of coin so I I had to live with the results uh but as you saw the building thinking classrooms work has made an immediate Inc I can't wait to show you the next few slides this one that's nice but this one is what I want you to see look at the the dip from the pandemic and the way every sub Grom is is rising back up same thing male and female same thing students with disabilities and economic disadvantage every single subgroup level is increasing across the district that's good news I can pick aart individual tests individual moments when all the trends are moving up this is a good story that means hard work is being done in our class students these These are going to be the math Trends look at this that is impressive so when I when that demonstration happened in the spring this is a result of what happens when we get students out of their seats engaging with math talking about math for over 30 minutes straight this is the result look at this the male and female numbers again a sharp incline students with disabilities economically disadvantaged another Sharp incl fing this is big news our advanced placement results what I really like about these numbers the total number of AP students is back up to prepandemic levels we had a significant drop in the number of students who were taking the a the advanced placement that number is backed up the number of exams being taken is backed up the number of students who are getting three and above is climbing back up uh we have more students taking the test this is great news I love the number down at the bottom in 2022 2023 42 students participated in dual credit getting college credit that number almost doubled to 80 students participating in dual credit that means direct opportunities for students and their future the more credits we can get them while they're here at delce the better off their outcomes can be because they're spending less money on expensive college courses they're getting those opportunities here uh I have the specific numbers of the Pass rates of the AP test according to subject um this list is longer than it was in years past we have more offerings again I love the fact that what we're really focusing on are opportunities for students more opportunities for students to earn credits more opportunities for students to pursue the POR that they want to take we also have numbers of students who are recognized as AP scholar AP scholar with honor and AP scholar with distinction those are impressive numbers that I I haven't been able to report with significance before so this is really great G so advanced placement notable post-pandemic recovery and here are our plans for improvement increased professional learning align to our new Ela and math materials middle school teams and the use of the win per to provide academic support DC one which I know students at the high school really appreciate that time to be able to reach out to their teachers meet get the the targeted support they needs uh our new tier three support team tring math streamlining our intervention and witheral services process uh so we can quickly address academic concerns not wait 3 four 5 weeks the next Martin period the next semester get interventions in place immediately so we can redirect kids get them M up on maze there's a lot of reasons to be optimistic and I've had to stand here the past 3 years and and did you little bright spots this year there are a lot of bright spots and I think it's because all the things we're trying to do for kids are beginning to work together uh M BR you brought up the the the food program absolutely we take care of kids and the Nutritional Health we take care of kids and their mental health we take care of their social emotional leads and we support them with high quality teachers in well-run classrooms the riseing tide will begin to lift all votes and my hope is that these Trends upward continue so are there any questions oh whatever go okay motion for the up please moved second second question all in favor I Opps all I signic okay citizens any ciens like to be H and stuff's see that have something first first you could pass [Laughter] up you're probably got enough to make it out of here but I appreciate that understand we're the past cell phone news a big thing tonight with the kids is that um uh allow in the school or what the so we have different cell phone policies Middle School compared to uh High to school um in high school there's a little bit more freedom to get to use it that you Middle School to get to use it uh you know thr Lun chard and things like that but in the Middle School the cell phones aren out there I use them at all during the day and that's I pr consistent I don't think there's been problems with that nothing you up to blush your Mr ber has been there in the high school it's a little more on individual teacher because they are a little bit older and there is a little more freedom most of the teachers are M the any of the teachers um use a system where uh students will turning their phone they put them on the wall there's a sort of like a little shoe racket that you have that they put their phones in as they go in and they'll have an now well as the teacher said it's okay get them out some other teachers have a you know out a sight policy if I see it it's a problem as long as I don't say it's in your bag and that's okay so we did a little bit to the individual teacher at die school there are also some times where a teacher may use do an answer lesson um and the sou the long no line students have their Crow books because they will do um so I would say those situations are a little more rare um the that c this but it's it's not a big problem we're consistent with our rules and uh as Mr D mentioned this earlier we as student to bring out their cell phone if they get a cell phone right up along with us uh talking about the infraction and how they don't commit the same infraction again there's also detentions that are assigned so for that 5 minutes or 2 minutes or 30 second to having to Sal on out do you want to serve two days at the tou and most kids kind of wait out and and make a reg cuz what happened today in Georgia I was wondering if any the kids had a cell phone to call for help I didn't hear that and that would have been U quite a hand so I'm I'm sure that there were Communications VI the cell phone probably that situation I can't speak through it directly but a lot of times in a situation like back and cell phones are going out having time to colle it goes out and so the few what St so we try and make sure the communications that our teres are active with and going to the right side a little bit double ined like welcome back the teachers and principl with back when we school here make motion to the following teach sire 2024 2025 school year as second second question go second yes second yes yes yes yes make a motion to approve the following n sta hires 2024 20125 school year as second second yes back yes ring yes BL yes Dy yes I am yes yes yes yes make a motion to approve the following recation as wased second a secondly question favor make a motion to approv fallowing leaves of abenes as second any questions fa states iide make motion to fruit Sol change in GRE status as SED thank secondly questions all favor I oppose exensions I sign I make a motion to approve the following staff for seven period statement in the amount of $5,000 2024 2025 school year as led we have question any questions onion on favor iose extension I out make a motion to approve 2023 2024 schedule B done athletic position is listening thank have secondly question iion I I make a motion to approve abigil challenge that substitute for obera of school and book binders and cre which approve previously approved R for 2024 2025 school year second questionss make a motion to remove Karen m m wigin as Master teacher 14 te member replace our Char too at previously approv gra second no secondly questions faion I side mtion to following St compensation for Su professional development at the rate of $110 the day as List have second any question Sor yes spe yes Ry yes Del yes d yes makes motion to approve 24 instructural impr Su that previously approved R there second questions all favor and make a motion to approve the one SE work affordance when State s put the money July and turn final war secetary certifies that no one item account has been ere exended in violation St statute has sufficient funds are available to the district's Financial antias the remainder this spe second second any questions favor statutes eyes I make a motion approve the treasury here board court State Statute from the month of July 20124 teras Court secretary cour by agreement the month of July and June final cour s b secondly question all in favor iOS exensions I I make to PR accordance with st SES certification of the SEC Bo secretary that words that there are no changes in top re comms sources check those secondly question all favor I exensions I and make a motion to approving board Education certification we to State s we certify that after you secetaries LLY byal reports that conation appropriate District officials that in best of our knowledge Noor C has been ending the violation of St s j and that sufficient violets are available to mean District Financial Obligations for the remainer of in the school year second question favor oppos exensions I I make approve this can report transfers of July and June final 2024 there secondly question don't go look started yes back yes yes yes yes yes yes I make a motion to approve the following bills as second question yes yes R is yes rece AIO t Mr chair person make a motion to approve the following think workshops as rested okay have second good question from the second V yes back yes yes yes n yes yes yes I take motion to approve Ro University student for clinical say SP as list that second question all favor I make a motion to Prem ring of the high school second secondly question favor iose I make a motion to approve the following graduate coursework as bo be ining no second course mentions I Nick Mo to approve the CC of the handbook for the 24 25 school year sign second fa I make a motion to approve submission of fiscal year 2324 perk fin no second any question faion I have make a motion to approve submission of the gifted in town Education Service report second those second any question iions I Simon I make a motion to approve the alternative school student emblems for 2425 school year thank yeah second any questions all favor iions I make a motion to approve an educational sign magnit terminer to Gloston County schal Services after school activities up to 25 hours $12 per hour full 24 25 school second any question for call yes spec yes R yes Lake yes B J yes St in yes yes chairman CH motion to approve the Staffing agreement for waterwise V Professional healthc Care Staffing in in 24 25 school year second question starting cast yes yes video yeah very kissed I make a motion to approve the continued partnership agreement with the F Bank of South Jersey to distribute shelf State stable bills for students who live in the area surround Deli Al frankal School District as second question I I any motion to accept two Grant Awards but Italian Department of stain in the following amounts as listed session Mo second any question favor exensions I make a motion to approv participation in Children's Hospital Philadelphia onw organization and thinking skills study at dely mle school back a second Le questions I have I make a motion to c one first reading the following P regulations as listed pass second any questions all in favor I I for make a motion to approve the B athletic position 2024 St year as test second question all fav I if the motion to approve the following second question all favor I make a motion to enter into inter interval agreement with Fu Regional School District to share Transportation Services St take questions all in favor SS I Sil and new love include the following 24 25 Transportation joint as listed back I all F I have I seem a fa did all have reant before then got done that I recommend the board approve the following special education tuition student placement as move second have a second any questions go Bary yes yesy yes yes yes server yes recommend the board approve the following fuel trips in accordance with our fee schedule and educational significance as listed sorry questions on all favs I and the district reports are there for your review just um welcomeing in I just at enironment Bas and vice principal was very we had on the first day to pretty much associations not only of bullying disciplinarian factions but also Dy culture in general in involing everybody maystead Mak a king SP that bu it and making sure that everyone is appreciative as well as knowing about does he want our and expectations as they come to the school as they try this from the Middle School to um and also learned more about different dress code changes different how they turn to the different B schedu that I aded to class and that has been very very beneficial attention to me because in my sen year I have classes from nor upstairs i l to the JY downstairs and the girl loer all the room and the the very last cor St cycle the ex has made me be able to get to my classes on time except the which I had a problem with question those are all the what Thea my site that be basic black board approv the GL Special Service schol District provide now public nursing services for the 2425 school year Mo any question a second all in favor I liouse old business a new business CZ the C like to be heard cles good are saf thank you oh it's m stake